Golang Kinesis Consumer
Kinesis consumer applications written in Go. This library is intended to be a lightweight wrapper around the Kinesis API to read records, save checkpoints (with swappable backends), and gracefully recover from service timeouts/errors.
Alternate serverless options:
Get the package source:
$ go get github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer
The consumer leverages a handler func that accepts a Kinesis record. The Scan
method will consume all shards concurrently and call the callback func as it receives records from the stream.
Important: The default Log, Counter, and Checkpoint are no-op which means no logs, counts, or checkpoints will be emitted when scanning the stream. See the options below to override these defaults.
// ...
consumer "github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer"
func main() {
var stream = flag.String("stream", "", "Stream name")
// consumer
c, err := consumer.New(*stream)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("consumer error: %v", err)
// start scan
err = c.Scan(context.TODO(), func(r *consumer.Record) consumer.ScanStatus {
return consumer.ScanStatus{
StopScan: false, // true to stop scan
SkipCheckpoint: false, // true to skip checkpoint
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("scan error: %v", err)
// Note: If you need to aggregate based on a specific shard the `ScanShard`
// method should be leverged instead.
Scan status
The scan func returns a consumer.ScanStatus
the struct allows some basic flow control.
// continue scanning
return consumer.ScanStatus{}
// continue scanning, skip saving checkpoint
return consumer.ScanStatus{SkipCheckpoint: true}
// stop scanning, return nil
return consumer.ScanStatus{StopScan: true}
// stop scanning, return error
return consumer.ScanStatus{Error: err}
To record the progress of the consumer in the stream we use a checkpoint to store the last sequence number the consumer has read from a particular shard. The boolean value SkipCheckpoint of consumer.ScanError determines if checkpoint will be activated. ScanError is returned by the record processing callback.
This will allow consumers to re-launch and pick up at the position in the stream where they left off.
The uniq identifier for a consumer is [appName, streamName, shardID]
Note: The default checkpoint is no-op. Which means the scan will not persist any state and the consumer will start from the beginning of the stream each time it is re-started.
To persist scan progress choose one of the following checkpoints:
Redis Checkpoint
The Redis checkpoint requries App Name, and Stream Name:
import checkpoint "github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer/checkpoint/redis"
// redis checkpoint
ck, err := checkpoint.New(appName)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("new checkpoint error: %v", err)
DynamoDB Checkpoint
The DynamoDB checkpoint requires Table Name, App Name, and Stream Name:
import checkpoint "github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer/checkpoint/ddb"
// ddb checkpoint
ck, err := checkpoint.New(appName, tableName)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("new checkpoint error: %v", err)
// Override the Kinesis if any needs on session (e.g. assume role)
myDynamoDbClient := dynamodb.New(session.New(aws.NewConfig()))
// For versions of AWS sdk that fixed config being picked up properly, the example of
// setting region should work.
// myDynamoDbClient := dynamodb.New(session.New(aws.NewConfig()), &aws.Config{
// Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
// })
ck, err := checkpoint.New(*app, *table, checkpoint.WithDynamoClient(myDynamoDbClient))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("new checkpoint error: %v", err)
// Or we can provide your own Retryer to customize what triggers a retry inside checkpoint
// See code in examples
// ck, err := checkpoint.New(*app, *table, checkpoint.WithDynamoClient(myDynamoDbClient), checkpoint.WithRetryer(&MyRetryer{}))
To leverage the DDB checkpoint we'll also need to create a table:
Partition key: namespace
Sort key: shard_id
Postgres Checkpoint
The Postgres checkpoint requires Table Name, App Name, Stream Name and ConnectionString:
import checkpoint "github.com/harlow/kinesis-consumer/checkpoint/postgres"
// postgres checkpoint
ck, err := checkpoint.New(app, table, connStr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("new checkpoint error: %v", err)
To leverage the Postgres checkpoint we'll also need to create a table:
CREATE TABLE kinesis_consumer (
namespace text NOT NULL,
shard_id text NOT NULL,
sequence_number numeric NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT kinesis_consumer_pk PRIMARY KEY (namespace, shard_id)
The table name has to be the same that you specify when creating the checkpoint. The primary key composed by namespace and shard_id is mandatory in order to the checkpoint run without issues and also to ensure data integrity.
The consumer allows the following optional overrides.
Kinesis Client
Override the Kinesis client if there is any special config needed:
// client
client := kinesis.New(session.New(aws.NewConfig()))
// consumer
c, err := consumer.New(streamName, consumer.WithClient(client))
Add optional counter for exposing counts for checkpoints and records processed:
// counter
counter := expvar.NewMap("counters")
// consumer
c, err := consumer.New(streamName, consumer.WithCounter(counter))
The expvar package will display consumer counts:
"counters": {
"checkpoints": 3,
"records": 13005
Logging supports the basic built-in logging library or use thrid party external one, so long as
it implements the Logger interface.
For example, to use the builtin logging package, we wrap it with myLogger structure.
// A myLogger provides a minimalistic logger satisfying the Logger interface.
type myLogger struct {
logger *log.Logger
// Log logs the parameters to the stdlib logger. See log.Println.
func (l *myLogger) Log(args ...interface{}) {
The package defaults to ioutil.Discard
so swallow all logs. This can be customized with the preferred logging strategy:
// logger
log := &myLogger{
logger: log.New(os.Stdout, "consumer-example: ", log.LstdFlags)
// consumer
c, err := consumer.New(streamName, consumer.WithLogger(logger))
To use a more complicated logging library, e.g. apex log
type myLogger struct {
logger *log.Logger
func (l *myLogger) Log(args ...interface{}) {
l.logger.Infof("producer", args...)
func main() {
log := &myLogger{
logger: alog.Logger{
Handler: text.New(os.Stderr),
Level: alog.DebugLevel,
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Copyright (c) 2015 Harlow Ward. It is free software, and may
be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
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