dCheck : distributed URL checker
This is a sample golang app to demonstrate the power of zookeeper and how it can be used to implement a service like, distributed URL health checker.
: This is a sample app. No code snippet to be used in production without reviewing
Running the app
Get the code
go get github.com/Abhishekvrshny/dcheck
Install the dependencies
go get github.com/samuel/go-zookeeper/zk
Install zookeeper
Install zookeeper
and make sure it's listening on port 2181
On mac
brew install zookeeper
Run the code
worker with id = 1
go run cmd/main.go --id=1
worker with id = 2
go run cmd/main.go --id=2
to add a URL from zkcli
create /dcheck/urls/bing.com ""
to delete a URL from zkcli
delete /dcheck/urls/bing.com
sample output
➜ dCheck git:(master) go run cmd/main.go --id=1
2019/09/05 22:15:50 Connected to [::1]:2181
2019/09/05 22:15:51 authenticated: id=72085958353616964, timeout=5000
2019/09/05 22:15:51 re-submitting `0` credentials after reconnect
LEADER : I am the Leader
LEADER : list of urls : [razorpay.com bing.com]
LEADER : list of workers : [1]
LEADER : updating data for worker : 1 : [razorpay.com bing.com]
WORKER : got updated payload : [razorpay.com bing.com]
WORKER : ID 1 : GOROUTINE 2 : checking URL bing.com
WORKER : ID 1 : GOROUTINE 1 : checking URL razorpay.com
WORKER : ID 1 : GOROUTINE 2 : checking URL bing.com
WORKER : ID 1 : GOROUTINE 1 : checking URL razorpay.com