Simple Go Task list application , running with a local db (sqlite) and can be run by an adjoining shell script. Please read the How To Section to download and run the application.
The architecture is generally like the Model View Controller without the view or the Model Service Controller Pattern.
Model Contains the Blueprint of how the data element is stored , used, viewed and manipulated. Models can be found in the model folder
Controller here is in the main go file gotasklistcontroller.go
. Controller controls the flow of every request that comes in to the server through the port.
Service is the part which actually perform the task . Here you can find service source codes in handlers folder
which in turn call the endpoints folder
. All the GET,POST,PUT,DELETE request get catered through these folders and packages.
Misc parts of Architecture
The middleware folder contains source code which implements the middleware layer for the request . Panic and error conditions are handled through the middleware in this project.
utilities folder contain multiple codes which are reused in various places adn thus stored in a common package to be consumed.
Parent link - http://localhost:3000
This will get you the Homepage , which briefly lists all the endpoints.
add the tailing part if required
In Head of the Request Add Content-Type : application/json .
In Body of the Request in json format provide :
Note :
- DueDate should always be in YYYY-MM-DD formatted string.
- TaskDone when first creating should always be false.
- all : This gets all the tasks in the Database
- alltodo : This gets all the tasks that have not been completed yet
- today : This gives you the list of tasks which are due today
- overdue : This gives you the list of tasks which are past their due date.
- : Provide a task title directly and this will return the task entity with that title
POST (Create)
: send it along with the body to create a task.
PUT (Update)
: send it along with the body to update a task.
: send it along with the body to delete the task.
Unit Test
Unit test suite has been written for handlers and utilities package only as there lies the main functionality .
To run these test suite , after cloning / downloading please traverse to the required folder and run
go test -v
Logging is an important part for every application , so keeping that in mind when the application and the CLI is run , logs are maintained for both seperately in the same folder location.
server.logs maintains the server side logs
and shell-logs folder contains logs accumulated date wise for the CLI.
Please find all the information on how to download and run the application here.
If you want to look at the code please clone the repo and go :p ahead!
Download the Executables
In the above Repository , please find the go_task_list_executables
folder .This contains both windows and linux executables. Please get the required OS specific folder to a location of your comfort.
Run the Application
For now , Linux specific shellscript tasklist.sh has been created as a Command line Interface. In Future similar .psh will be created for Windows OS.
Please make sure appropriate permissions are provided to the folder entirely and file manipulation is in purview.
-> Please make sure you do go get github.com/sirupsen/logrus
before running the application.
To Start the Application , Please open two terminals and traverse to the folder where you have the downloaded executable folder
Run ./go-task-list
and that is it , you will see Verbose logging on this screen for requests , errors and handled panics.
USE Shell Script CLI :
Run ./tasklist.sh {Options}
:: Options ::
- add - To create a Task
- list (Make choice when provided)
- All Tasks
- All Todo Tasks
- Tasks Due Today
- Tasks Overdue
- Task By Title
- done : Mark a Task Done
- updateduedate : Update tasks due date
- delete : Delete a Task
Exit Code Documentation for CLI