Opinionated Go package for running WASI binaries in Go (using the tetratelabs/wazero
This package is meant to be a simple wrapper to invoke a WASM (WASI) binary with zero or more string arguments returning the output of that binary as a []byte
It is as much to help me understand the boundaries of what is or isn't possible with Go and WASM (WASI) right now. Under the hood it relies on the tetratelabs/wazero package for doing all the heavy lifting.
In order to compile WASI binaries derived from Go code you will need to install and build tinygo and you should consider that there is still quite a lot of the standard Go programming language that tinygo does not support yet.
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
path_wasm := flag.String("wasm", "", "...")
args := flag.Args()
wasm_r, _ := os.Open(*path_wasm)
result, _ := wasi.Run(ctx, wasm_r, args...)
Error handling omitted for the sake of brevity.
$> go run cmd/reverse/main.go foo bar baz
baz bar foo
$> tinygo build -no-debug -o wasm/reverse.wasm -target wasi ./cmd/reverse/main.go
$> wasmtime wasm/reverse.wasm foo bar baz
baz bar foo
$> go run cmd/run/main.go -wasm ./wasm/reverse.wasm foo bar baz
baz bar foo
See also