Go package providing opinionated HTTP middleware for web-based map tiles.
This is work in progress. Documentation is incomplete.
Until then have a look at app/server/server.go, templates/html/map.html and static/javascript/aaronland.map.init.js for an example of working code.
An example HTTP server demonstrating the use of the go-http-maps
> ./bin/server -h
-initial-latitude float
The starting latitude to position the map at. (default 37.61799)
-initial-longitude float
The start longitude to position the map at. (default -122.370943)
-initial-zoom int
The starting zoom level to position the map at. (default 12)
An optional boolean flag to indicate that JavaScript resources (<script> tags) should be appended to the end of the HTML output.
Enable the Leaflet.Draw plugin.
Enable the Leaflet.Fullscreen plugin.
Enable the Leaflet.Hash plugin. (default true)
-leaflet-tile-url string
A valid Leaflet 'tileLayer' layer URL. Only necessary if -map-provider is "leaflet".
-map-prefix string
-map-provider string
The name of the map provider to use. Valid options are: leaflet, null, protomaps
-protomaps-bucket-uri string
The gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where Protomaps tiles are stored. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
-protomaps-caches-size int
The size of the internal Protomaps cache if serving tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true. (default 64)
-protomaps-database string
The name of the Protomaps database to serve tiles from. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
-protomaps-label-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
// An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps label rules.
-protomaps-paint-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
// An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps paint rules.
A boolean flag signaling whether to serve Protomaps tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps".
-protomaps-tile-url string
A valid Protomaps .pmtiles URL for loading map tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps". (default "/tiles/")
An optional boolean flag to indicate that multiple JavaScript and CSS assets should be minified and combined in to single files.
-server-uri string
A valid aaronland/go-http-server URI (default "http://localhost:8080")

go run -mod vendor cmd/server/main.go \
-map-provider protomaps \
-protomaps-serve-tiles \
-protomaps-bucket-uri file:///{PATH_TO}/go-http-maps/fixtures
-protomaps-database sfo

go run -mod vendor cmd/server/main.go \
-map-provider leaflet
-leaflet-tile-url https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
See also