Go package to parse posts from the California Landscapes bot and create new JPEG images with embedded EXIF data derived from those posts.
I love the California Landscapes bot and I wanted to have an archive of images that I especially liked.
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/fetch cmd/fetch/main.go
$> ./bin/fetch -h
Fetch one or more posts from the California Landscapes bot and create a new JPEG image with EXIF data derived from the post.
./bin/fetch [options] url(N) url(N)
If url(N) is "-" then the list of URLs to fetch is read from STDIN. Valid options are:
-destination string
The destination folder where images should be written. Default is the current working directory. (default ".")
Enable verbose (debug) logging.
For example:
$> ./bin/fetch -verbose https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085
2024/08/31 12:34:20 DEBUG Verbose logging enabled
2024/08/31 12:34:20 DEBUG Fetch URL url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Unknown or unsupported property url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085 property=og:site_name
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Unknown or unsupported property url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085 property=og:type
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Unknown or unsupported property url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085 property=og:title
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Unknown or unsupported property url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085 property=profile:username
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Parse description string values latitude=35.2743 longitude=-118.2364 altitude=5446
2024/08/31 12:34:23 DEBUG Fetch URL url=https://files.botsin.space/media_attachments/files/112/950/413/693/134/762/original/d8a1f00c51e4acb9.jpeg
2024/08/31 12:34:25 INFO Successfully fetched image url=https://botsin.space/users/CALandscapeBot/statuses/112950415212901085 path=/usr/local/src/go-california-landscapes/112950415212901085.jpg
And then:
$> exiv2 -pa ./112950415212901085.jpg
Exif.Image.GPSTag Long 1 138
Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude Rational 3 35 deg 16' 27"
Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef Ascii 2 North
Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude Rational 3 118 deg 14' 11"
Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef Ascii 2 West
Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude Rational 1 1659 m
Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal Ascii 20 2024:08:12 18:16:00
Exif.Image.ImageID Ascii 56 https://botsin.space/@CALandscapeBot/112950415212901085
Exif.Image.ExifTag Long 1 260
Exif.Photo.ImageUniqueID Ascii 106 https://files.botsin.space/media_attachments/files/112/950/413/693/134/762/original/d8a1f00c51e4acb9.jpeg
Of, if you upload the image to Flickr and you have both the settings to read EXIF data and automatically geotag your photos enabled you'll see something like this:
To do
The following tasks are on my "to do" list in no particular order and with no expected timeline. Any help or pull requests are welcome:
Make it possible to run this as a AWS Lambda function.
Use the gocloud.dev/blob abstraction layer to write files to both the local file system and remote storage platforms.
Add the ability to post images directly to Flickr.
Figure out what value(s) I need to pass to the dsoprea/go-exif package in order to write GPSAltitudeRef
See also