Go package implementing the aaronland/go-broadcaster
interfaces for broadcasting messages to Mastodon.
Documentation is incomplete at this time.
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/broadcast cmd/broadcast/main.go
$> ./bin/broadcast -h
-body string
The body of the message to broadcast.
-broadcaster value
One or more aaronland/go-broadcast URIs.
-image value
Zero or more paths to images to include with the message to broadcast.
-title string
The title of the message to broadcast.
Enable verbose (debug) logging.
For example:
$> ./bin/broadcast \
-body 'This is a test' \
-image test.jpg \
-title 'this is a test' \
-broadcaster 'mastodon://?credentials={CREDENTIALS}' \
2024/08/27 22:42:49 DEBUG Verbose logging enabled
2024/08/27 22:42:50 DEBUG Upload media for post
2024/08/27 22:42:57 DEBUG Successfully uploaded media id=113038050966671435
2024/08/27 22:42:57 INFO Mastodon post "status ID"=113038051095769392
is a URL-escaped sfomuseum/runtimevar URI string. For example:
is the actual URI string required to create a go-mastodon-api client and the constant://?val=
is the runtimevar
This setup is more convoluted than I would like but the "runtimevar" URIs is to allow for tools that post to Mastodon and that required sensitive tokens to be deployed in environments where the management of those tokens can be done in a secure manner. For example, a centralized credentials vault with layered ACLs or even just files on disk with limited permissions.
There is still some work to be done to make it all a bit easier though because URL-escaped strings are always a bit of a nuisance.
See also