
v1.0.14 Latest Latest

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Published: May 30, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 37 Imported by: 0


GoCryptoTrader package Poloniex

Build Status Software License GoDoc Coverage Status Go Report Card

This poloniex package is part of the GoCryptoTrader codebase.

This is still in active development

You can track ideas, planned features and what's in progress on this Trello board: https://trello.com/b/ZAhMhpOy/gocryptotrader.

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Poloniex Exchange

Current Features
  • REST Support
  • Websocket Support
How to enable
	// Exchanges will be abstracted out in further updates and examples will be
	// supplied then
How to do REST public/private calls
  • If enabled via "configuration".json file the exchange will be added to the IBotExchange array in the go var bot Bot and you will only be able to use the wrapper interface functions for accessing exchange data. View routines.go for an example of integration usage with GoCryptoTrader. Rudimentary example below:


var p exchange.IBotExchange

for i := range bot.Exchanges {
	if bot.Exchanges[i].GetName() == "Poloniex" {
		y = bot.Exchanges[i]

// Public calls - wrapper functions

// Fetches current ticker information
tick, err := p.FetchTicker()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

// Fetches current orderbook information
ob, err := p.FetchOrderbook()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

// Private calls - wrapper functions - make sure your APIKEY and APISECRET are
// set and AuthenticatedAPISupport is set to true

// Fetches current account information
accountInfo, err := p.GetAccountInfo()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error
  • If enabled via individually importing package, rudimentary example below:
// Public calls

// Fetches current ticker information
ticker, err := p.GetTicker()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

// Fetches current orderbook information
ob, err := p.GetOrderbook()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

// Private calls - make sure your APIKEY and APISECRET are set and
// AuthenticatedAPISupport is set to true

// Cancels current account order
accountInfo, err := p.CancelOrder()
if err != nil {
	// Handle error

// Submits an order and the exchange and returns its tradeID
tradeID, err := p.PlaceOrder(...)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error
How to do Websocket public/private calls
	// Exchanges will be abstracted out in further updates and examples will be
	// supplied then
Please click GoDocs chevron above to view current GoDoc information for this package


Please feel free to submit any pull requests or suggest any desired features to be added.

When submitting a PR, please abide by our coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
  • Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
  • Code must adhere to our coding style.
  • Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the master branch.


If this framework helped you in any way, or you would like to support the developers working on it, please donate Bitcoin to:





This section is empty.


View Source
var WithdrawalFees = map[currency.Code]float64{
	currency.ZRX:   5,
	currency.ARDR:  2,
	currency.REP:   0.1,
	currency.BTC:   0.0005,
	currency.BCH:   0.0001,
	currency.XBC:   0.0001,
	currency.BTCD:  0.01,
	currency.BTM:   0.01,
	currency.BTS:   5,
	currency.BURST: 1,
	currency.BCN:   1,
	currency.CVC:   1,
	currency.CLAM:  0.001,
	currency.XCP:   1,
	currency.DASH:  0.01,
	currency.DCR:   0.1,
	currency.DGB:   0.1,
	currency.DOGE:  5,
	currency.EMC2:  0.01,
	currency.EOS:   0,
	currency.ETH:   0.01,
	currency.ETC:   0.01,
	currency.EXP:   0.01,
	currency.FCT:   0.01,
	currency.GAME:  0.01,
	currency.GAS:   0,
	currency.GNO:   0.015,
	currency.GNT:   1,
	currency.GRC:   0.01,
	currency.HUC:   0.01,
	currency.LBC:   0.05,
	currency.LSK:   0.1,
	currency.LTC:   0.001,
	currency.MAID:  10,
	currency.XMR:   0.015,
	currency.NMC:   0.01,
	currency.NAV:   0.01,
	currency.XEM:   15,
	currency.NEOS:  0.0001,
	currency.NXT:   1,
	currency.OMG:   0.3,
	currency.OMNI:  0.1,
	currency.PASC:  0.01,
	currency.PPC:   0.01,
	currency.POT:   0.01,
	currency.XPM:   0.01,
	currency.XRP:   0.15,
	currency.SC:    10,
	currency.STEEM: 0.01,
	currency.SBD:   0.01,
	currency.XLM:   0.00001,
	currency.STORJ: 1,
	currency.STRAT: 0.01,
	currency.AMP:   5,
	currency.SYS:   0.01,
	currency.USDT:  10,
	currency.VRC:   0.01,
	currency.VTC:   0.001,
	currency.VIA:   0.01,
	currency.ZEC:   0.001,

WithdrawalFees the large list of predefined withdrawal fees Prone to change, using highest value


This section is empty.


type ActiveLoans

type ActiveLoans struct {
	Provided []LoanOffer `json:"provided"`
	Used     []LoanOffer `json:"used"`

ActiveLoans shows the full active loans on the exchange

type AuthenticatedTradeHistory

type AuthenticatedTradeHistory struct {
	GlobalTradeID string  `json:"globalTradeID"`
	TradeID       string  `json:"tradeID"`
	Date          string  `json:"date"`
	Rate          float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total         float64 `json:"total,string"`
	Fee           float64 `json:"fee,string"`
	OrderNumber   int64   `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Type          string  `json:"type"`
	Category      string  `json:"category"`

AuthenticatedTradeHistory holds client trade history information

type AuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll

type AuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll struct {
	Data map[string][]AuthenticatedTradeHistory

AuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll holds the full client trade history

type AuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse

type AuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse struct {
	Data []AuthenticatedTradeHistory

AuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse is a response type for trade history

type Balance

type Balance struct {
	Currency map[string]float64

Balance holds data for a range of currencies

type CancelOrdersResponse

type CancelOrdersResponse struct {
	OrderID       string `json:"orderId"`
	ClientOrderID string `json:"clientOrderId"`
	State         string `json:"state"`
	Code          int64  `json:"code"`
	Message       string `json:"message"`

CancelOrdersResponse holds cancelled order info

type ChartData

type ChartData struct {
	Date            int64   `json:"date,string"`
	High            float64 `json:"high,string"`
	Low             float64 `json:"low,string"`
	Open            float64 `json:"open,string"`
	Close           float64 `json:"close,string"`
	Volume          float64 `json:"volume,string"`
	QuoteVolume     float64 `json:"quoteVolume,string"`
	WeightedAverage float64 `json:"weightedAverage,string"`
	Error           string  `json:"error"`

ChartData holds kline data

type CodeSummaryInfo

type CodeSummaryInfo struct {
	Currency                  currency.Code
	WithdrawalTXFee           float64
	MinimumConfirmations      int64
	DepositAddress            string
	WithdrawalDepositDisabled bool
	Frozen                    bool

CodeSummaryInfo defines currency information

type CompleteBalance

type CompleteBalance struct {
	Available float64 `json:"available,string"`
	OnOrders  float64 `json:"onOrders,string"`
	BTCValue  float64 `json:"btcValue,string"`

CompleteBalance contains the complete balance with a btcvalue

type CompleteBalances

type CompleteBalances map[string]CompleteBalance

CompleteBalances holds the full balance data

type Currencies

type Currencies struct {
	ID                        float64  `json:"id"`
	Name                      string   `json:"name"`
	HumanType                 string   `json:"humanType"`
	CurrencyType              string   `json:"currencyType"`
	TxFee                     float64  `json:"txFee,string"`
	MinConfirmations          int64    `json:"minConf"`
	DepositAddress            string   `json:"depositAddress"`
	WithdrawalDepositDisabled uint8    `json:"disabled"`
	Frozen                    uint8    `json:"frozen"`
	HexColour                 string   `json:"hexColor"`
	Blockchain                string   `json:"blockchain"`
	Delisted                  uint8    `json:"delisted"`
	ParentChain               string   `json:"parentChain"`
	IsMultiChain              uint8    `json:"isMultiChain"`
	IsChildChain              uint8    `json:"isChildChain"`
	ChildChains               []string `json:"childChains"`
	IsGeofenced               uint8    `json:"isGeofenced"`

Currencies contains currency information

type CurrencyDetails

type CurrencyDetails struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CurrencyDetails stores a map of currencies associated with their ID

func (*CurrencyDetails) GetCode

func (w *CurrencyDetails) GetCode(id float64) (currency.Code, error)

GetCode returns a currency code by its ID

func (*CurrencyDetails) GetDepositAddress

func (w *CurrencyDetails) GetDepositAddress(c currency.Code) (string, error)

GetDepositAddress returns the public deposit address details for the currency

func (*CurrencyDetails) GetPair

func (w *CurrencyDetails) GetPair(id float64) (currency.Pair, error)

GetPair returns a currency pair by its ID

func (*CurrencyDetails) GetWithdrawalTXFee

func (w *CurrencyDetails) GetWithdrawalTXFee(c currency.Code) (float64, error)

GetWithdrawalTXFee returns withdrawal transaction fee for the currency

func (*CurrencyDetails) IsPostOnlyForPair

func (w *CurrencyDetails) IsPostOnlyForPair(pair currency.Pair) (bool, error)

IsPostOnlyForPair returns if an order is allowed to take liquidity from the books or reduce positions

func (*CurrencyDetails) IsTradingEnabledForCurrency

func (w *CurrencyDetails) IsTradingEnabledForCurrency(c currency.Code) (bool, error)

IsTradingEnabledForCurrency returns if the currency is allowed to be traded

func (*CurrencyDetails) IsTradingEnabledForPair

func (w *CurrencyDetails) IsTradingEnabledForPair(pair currency.Pair) (bool, error)

IsTradingEnabledForPair returns if the currency pair is allowed to be traded

func (*CurrencyDetails) IsWithdrawAndDepositsEnabled

func (w *CurrencyDetails) IsWithdrawAndDepositsEnabled(c currency.Code) (bool, error)

IsWithdrawAndDepositsEnabled returns if withdrawals or deposits are enabled

type DepositAddresses

type DepositAddresses struct {
	Addresses map[string]string

DepositAddresses holds the full address per crypto-currency

type DepositsWithdrawals

type DepositsWithdrawals struct {
	Deposits []struct {
		Currency      string  `json:"currency"`
		Address       string  `json:"address"`
		Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
		Confirmations int64   `json:"confirmations"`
		TransactionID string  `json:"txid"`
		Timestamp     int64   `json:"timestamp"`
		Status        string  `json:"status"`
	} `json:"deposits"`
	Withdrawals []struct {
		WithdrawalNumber int64   `json:"withdrawalNumber"`
		Currency         string  `json:"currency"`
		Address          string  `json:"address"`
		Amount           float64 `json:"amount,string"`
		Confirmations    int64   `json:"confirmations"`
		TransactionID    string  `json:"txid"`
		Timestamp        int64   `json:"timestamp"`
		Status           string  `json:"status"`
		IPAddress        string  `json:"ipAddress"`
	} `json:"withdrawals"`

DepositsWithdrawals holds withdrawal information

type Fee

type Fee struct {
	MakerFee        float64 `json:"makerFee,string"`
	TakerFee        float64 `json:"takerFee,string"`
	ThirtyDayVolume float64 `json:"thirtyDayVolume,string"`

Fee holds fees for specific trades

type GenericResponse

type GenericResponse struct {
	Success int64  `json:"success"`
	Error   string `json:"error"`

GenericResponse is a response type for exchange generic responses

type LendingHistory

type LendingHistory struct {
	ID       int64   `json:"id"`
	Currency string  `json:"currency"`
	Rate     float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount   float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Duration float64 `json:"duration,string"`
	Interest float64 `json:"interest,string"`
	Fee      float64 `json:"fee,string"`
	Earned   float64 `json:"earned,string"`
	Open     string  `json:"open"`
	Close    string  `json:"close"`

LendingHistory holds the full lending history data

type LoanOffer

type LoanOffer struct {
	ID        int64   `json:"id"`
	Rate      float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount    float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Duration  int64   `json:"duration"`
	AutoRenew bool    `json:"autoRenew"`
	Date      string  `json:"date"`

LoanOffer holds loan offer information

type LoanOrder

type LoanOrder struct {
	Rate     float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount   float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	RangeMin int64   `json:"rangeMin"`
	RangeMax int64   `json:"rangeMax"`

LoanOrder holds loan order information

type LoanOrders

type LoanOrders struct {
	Offers  []LoanOrder `json:"offers"`
	Demands []LoanOrder `json:"demands"`

LoanOrders holds loan order information range

type Margin

type Margin struct {
	TotalValue    float64 `json:"totalValue,string"`
	ProfitLoss    float64 `json:"pl,string"`
	LendingFees   float64 `json:"lendingFees,string"`
	NetValue      float64 `json:"netValue,string"`
	BorrowedValue float64 `json:"totalBorrowedValue,string"`
	CurrentMargin float64 `json:"currentMargin,string"`

Margin holds margin information

type MarginPosition

type MarginPosition struct {
	Amount           float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total            float64 `json:"total,string"`
	BasePrice        float64 `json:"basePrice,string"`
	LiquidationPrice float64 `json:"liquidationPrice"`
	ProfitLoss       float64 `json:"pl,string"`
	LendingFees      float64 `json:"lendingFees,string"`
	Type             string  `json:"type"`

MarginPosition holds margin positional information

type MoveOrderResponse

type MoveOrderResponse struct {
	Success     int64                        `json:"success"`
	Error       string                       `json:"error"`
	OrderNumber int64                        `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Trades      map[string][]ResultingTrades `json:"resultingTrades"`

MoveOrderResponse is a response type for move order trades

type OpenOrdersResponse

type OpenOrdersResponse struct {
	Data []Order

OpenOrdersResponse holds open response orders

type OpenOrdersResponseAll

type OpenOrdersResponseAll struct {
	Data map[string][]Order

OpenOrdersResponseAll holds all open order responses

type Order

type Order struct {
	OrderNumber int64   `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Type        string  `json:"type"`
	Rate        float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount      float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total       float64 `json:"total,string"`
	Date        string  `json:"date"`
	Margin      float64 `json:"margin"`

Order hold order information

type OrderResponse

type OrderResponse struct {
	OrderNumber int64             `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Trades      []ResultingTrades `json:"resultingTrades"`

OrderResponse is a response type of trades

type OrderStatus

type OrderStatus struct {
	Result  json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
	Success int64           `json:"success"`

OrderStatus holds order status data

type OrderStatusData

type OrderStatusData struct {
	Pair           string  `json:"currencyPair"`
	Rate           float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount         float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total          float64 `json:"total,string"`
	StartingAmount float64 `json:"startingAmount,string"`
	Type           string  `json:"type"`
	Status         string  `json:"status"`
	Date           string  `json:"date"`
	Fee            float64 `json:"fee,string"`

OrderStatusData defines order status details

type OrderTrade

type OrderTrade struct {
	Status        string  `json:"status"`
	GlobalTradeID string  `json:"globalTradeID"`
	TradeID       string  `json:"tradeID"`
	CurrencyPair  string  `json:"currencyPair"`
	Type          string  `json:"type"`
	Rate          float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total         float64 `json:"total,string"`
	Fee           float64 `json:"fee,string"`
	Date          string  `json:"date"`

OrderTrade holds order trade data

type Orderbook

type Orderbook struct {
	Asks []OrderbookItem `json:"asks"`
	Bids []OrderbookItem `json:"bids"`

Orderbook is a generic type golding orderbook information

type OrderbookAll

type OrderbookAll struct {
	Data map[string]Orderbook

OrderbookAll contains the full range of orderbooks

type OrderbookItem

type OrderbookItem struct {
	Price  float64
	Amount float64

OrderbookItem holds data on an individual item

type OrderbookResponse

type OrderbookResponse struct {
	Asks     [][]interface{} `json:"asks"`
	Bids     [][]interface{} `json:"bids"`
	IsFrozen string          `json:"isFrozen"`
	Error    string          `json:"error"`
	Seq      int64           `json:"seq"`

OrderbookResponse is a sub-type for orderbooks

type OrderbookResponseAll

type OrderbookResponseAll struct {
	Data map[string]OrderbookResponse

OrderbookResponseAll holds the full response type orderbook

type PairSummaryInfo

type PairSummaryInfo struct {
	Pair     currency.Pair
	IsFrozen bool
	PostOnly bool

PairSummaryInfo defines currency pair information

type Poloniex

type Poloniex struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Poloniex is the overarching type across the poloniex package

func (*Poloniex) CancelAllOrders

func (p *Poloniex) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, _ *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)

CancelAllOrders cancels all orders associated with a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) CancelBatchOrders

func (p *Poloniex) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (*order.CancelBatchResponse, error)

CancelBatchOrders cancels an orders by their corresponding ID numbers

func (*Poloniex) CancelExistingOrder

func (p *Poloniex) CancelExistingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID int64) error

CancelExistingOrder cancels and order by orderID

func (*Poloniex) CancelLoanOffer

func (p *Poloniex) CancelLoanOffer(ctx context.Context, orderNumber int64) (bool, error)

CancelLoanOffer cancels a loan offer order

func (*Poloniex) CancelMultipleOrdersByIDs

func (p *Poloniex) CancelMultipleOrdersByIDs(ctx context.Context, orderIDs, clientOrderIDs []string) ([]CancelOrdersResponse, error)

CancelMultipleOrdersByIDs Batch cancel one or many smart orders in an account by IDs.

func (*Poloniex) CancelOrder

func (p *Poloniex) CancelOrder(ctx context.Context, o *order.Cancel) error

CancelOrder cancels an order by its corresponding ID number

func (*Poloniex) CloseMarginPosition

func (p *Poloniex) CloseMarginPosition(ctx context.Context, currency string) (bool, error)

CloseMarginPosition closes a current margin position

func (*Poloniex) CreateLoanOffer

func (p *Poloniex) CreateLoanOffer(ctx context.Context, currency string, amount, rate float64, duration int, autoRenew bool) (int64, error)

CreateLoanOffer places a loan offer on the exchange

func (*Poloniex) FetchAccountInfo

func (p *Poloniex) FetchAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)

FetchAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies

func (*Poloniex) FetchOrderbook

func (p *Poloniex) FetchOrderbook(ctx context.Context, currencyPair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)

FetchOrderbook returns orderbook base on the currency pair

func (*Poloniex) FetchTicker

func (p *Poloniex) FetchTicker(ctx context.Context, currencyPair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)

FetchTicker returns the ticker for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) FetchTradablePairs

func (p *Poloniex) FetchTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, _ asset.Item) (currency.Pairs, error)

FetchTradablePairs returns a list of the exchanges tradable pairs

func (*Poloniex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions

func (p *Poloniex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions() ([]subscription.Subscription, error)

GenerateDefaultSubscriptions Adds default subscriptions to websocket to be handled by ManageSubscriptions()

func (*Poloniex) GenerateNewAddress

func (p *Poloniex) GenerateNewAddress(ctx context.Context, curr string) (string, error)

GenerateNewAddress generates a new address for a currency

func (*Poloniex) GetAccountFundingHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetAccountFundingHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]exchange.FundingHistory, error)

GetAccountFundingHistory returns funding history, deposits and withdrawals

func (*Poloniex) GetActiveLoans

func (p *Poloniex) GetActiveLoans(ctx context.Context) (ActiveLoans, error)

GetActiveLoans returns active loans

func (*Poloniex) GetActiveOrders

func (p *Poloniex) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)

GetActiveOrders retrieves any orders that are active/open

func (*Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedOrderStatus

func (p *Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedOrderStatus(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (o OrderStatusData, err error)

GetAuthenticatedOrderStatus returns the status of a given orderId.

func (*Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedOrderTrades

func (p *Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedOrderTrades(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (o []OrderTrade, err error)

GetAuthenticatedOrderTrades returns all trades involving a given orderId.

func (*Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, start, end, limit int64) (AuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll, error)

GetAuthenticatedTradeHistory returns account trade history

func (*Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistoryForCurrency

func (p *Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistoryForCurrency(ctx context.Context, currency string, start, end, limit int64) (AuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse, error)

GetAuthenticatedTradeHistoryForCurrency returns account trade history

func (*Poloniex) GetAvailableTransferChains

func (p *Poloniex) GetAvailableTransferChains(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code) ([]string, error)

GetAvailableTransferChains returns the available transfer blockchains for the specific cryptocurrency

func (*Poloniex) GetBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetBalances(ctx context.Context) (Balance, error)

GetBalances returns balances for your account.

func (*Poloniex) GetChartData

func (p *Poloniex) GetChartData(ctx context.Context, currencyPair string, start, end time.Time, period string) ([]ChartData, error)

GetChartData returns chart data for a specific currency pair

func (*Poloniex) GetCompleteBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetCompleteBalances(ctx context.Context) (CompleteBalances, error)

GetCompleteBalances returns complete balances from your account.

func (*Poloniex) GetCurrencies

func (p *Poloniex) GetCurrencies(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Currencies, error)

GetCurrencies returns information about currencies

func (*Poloniex) GetCurrencyTradeURL

func (p *Poloniex) GetCurrencyTradeURL(_ context.Context, a asset.Item, cp currency.Pair) (string, error)

GetCurrencyTradeURL returns the URL to the exchange's trade page for the given asset and currency pair

func (*Poloniex) GetDepositAddress

func (p *Poloniex) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code, _, chain string) (*deposit.Address, error)

GetDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a specified currency

func (*Poloniex) GetDepositAddresses

func (p *Poloniex) GetDepositAddresses(ctx context.Context) (DepositAddresses, error)

GetDepositAddresses returns deposit addresses for all enabled cryptos.

func (*Poloniex) GetDepositsWithdrawals

func (p *Poloniex) GetDepositsWithdrawals(ctx context.Context, start, end string) (DepositsWithdrawals, error)

GetDepositsWithdrawals returns a list of deposits and withdrawals

func (*Poloniex) GetFee

func (p *Poloniex) GetFee(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)

GetFee returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction

func (*Poloniex) GetFeeByType

func (p *Poloniex) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)

GetFeeByType returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction

func (*Poloniex) GetFeeInfo

func (p *Poloniex) GetFeeInfo(ctx context.Context) (Fee, error)

GetFeeInfo returns fee information

func (*Poloniex) GetFuturesContractDetails

func (p *Poloniex) GetFuturesContractDetails(context.Context, asset.Item) ([]futures.Contract, error)

GetFuturesContractDetails returns all contracts from the exchange by asset type

func (*Poloniex) GetHistoricCandles

func (p *Poloniex) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)

GetHistoricCandles returns candles between a time period for a set time interval

func (*Poloniex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended

func (p *Poloniex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)

GetHistoricCandlesExtended returns candles between a time period for a set time interval

func (*Poloniex) GetHistoricTrades

func (p *Poloniex) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, timestampStart, timestampEnd time.Time) ([]trade.Data, error)

GetHistoricTrades returns historic trade data within the timeframe provided

func (*Poloniex) GetLatestFundingRates

GetLatestFundingRates returns the latest funding rates data

func (*Poloniex) GetLendingHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetLendingHistory(ctx context.Context, start, end string) ([]LendingHistory, error)

GetLendingHistory returns lending history for the account

func (*Poloniex) GetLoanOrders

func (p *Poloniex) GetLoanOrders(ctx context.Context, currency string) (LoanOrders, error)

GetLoanOrders returns the list of loan offers and demands for a given currency, specified by the "currency" GET parameter.

func (*Poloniex) GetMarginAccountSummary

func (p *Poloniex) GetMarginAccountSummary(ctx context.Context) (Margin, error)

GetMarginAccountSummary returns a summary on your margin accounts

func (*Poloniex) GetMarginPosition

func (p *Poloniex) GetMarginPosition(ctx context.Context, currency string) (interface{}, error)

GetMarginPosition returns a position on a margin order

func (*Poloniex) GetOpenLoanOffers

func (p *Poloniex) GetOpenLoanOffers(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]LoanOffer, error)

GetOpenLoanOffers returns all open loan offers

func (*Poloniex) GetOpenOrders

func (p *Poloniex) GetOpenOrders(ctx context.Context, currency string) (OpenOrdersResponse, error)

GetOpenOrders returns current unfilled opened orders

func (*Poloniex) GetOpenOrdersForAllCurrencies

func (p *Poloniex) GetOpenOrdersForAllCurrencies(ctx context.Context) (OpenOrdersResponseAll, error)

GetOpenOrdersForAllCurrencies returns all open orders

func (*Poloniex) GetOrderHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)

GetOrderHistory retrieves account order information Can Limit response to specific order status

func (*Poloniex) GetOrderInfo

func (p *Poloniex) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, _ asset.Item) (*order.Detail, error)

GetOrderInfo returns order information based on order ID

func (*Poloniex) GetOrderbook

func (p *Poloniex) GetOrderbook(ctx context.Context, currencyPair string, depth int) (OrderbookAll, error)

GetOrderbook returns the full orderbook from poloniex

func (*Poloniex) GetRecentTrades

func (p *Poloniex) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)

GetRecentTrades returns the most recent trades for a currency and asset

func (*Poloniex) GetServerTime

func (p *Poloniex) GetServerTime(ctx context.Context, _ asset.Item) (time.Time, error)

GetServerTime returns the current exchange server time.

func (*Poloniex) GetTicker

func (p *Poloniex) GetTicker(ctx context.Context) (map[string]Ticker, error)

GetTicker returns current ticker information

func (*Poloniex) GetTimestamp

func (p *Poloniex) GetTimestamp(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)

GetTimestamp returns server time

func (*Poloniex) GetTradableBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetTradableBalances(ctx context.Context) (map[string]map[string]float64, error)

GetTradableBalances returns tradable balances

func (*Poloniex) GetTradeHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, currencyPair string, start, end int64) ([]TradeHistory, error)

GetTradeHistory returns trades history from poloniex

func (*Poloniex) GetVolume

func (p *Poloniex) GetVolume(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)

GetVolume returns a list of currencies with associated volume

func (*Poloniex) GetWithdrawalsHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, _ asset.Item) ([]exchange.WithdrawalHistory, error)

GetWithdrawalsHistory returns previous withdrawals data

func (*Poloniex) ModifyOrder

func (p *Poloniex) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (*order.ModifyResponse, error)

ModifyOrder will allow of changing orderbook placement and limit to market conversion

func (*Poloniex) MoveOrder

func (p *Poloniex) MoveOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID int64, rate, amount float64, postOnly, immediateOrCancel bool) (MoveOrderResponse, error)

MoveOrder moves an order

func (*Poloniex) PlaceMarginOrder

func (p *Poloniex) PlaceMarginOrder(ctx context.Context, currency string, rate, amount, lendingRate float64, buy bool) (OrderResponse, error)

PlaceMarginOrder places a margin order

func (*Poloniex) PlaceOrder

func (p *Poloniex) PlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, currency string, rate, amount float64, immediate, fillOrKill, buy bool) (OrderResponse, error)

PlaceOrder places a new order on the exchange

func (*Poloniex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest

func (p *Poloniex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, method, endpoint string, values url.Values, result interface{}) error

SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest sends an authenticated HTTP request

func (*Poloniex) SendHTTPRequest

func (p *Poloniex) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, path string, result interface{}) error

SendHTTPRequest sends an unauthenticated HTTP request

func (*Poloniex) SetDefaults

func (p *Poloniex) SetDefaults()

SetDefaults sets default settings for poloniex

func (*Poloniex) Setup

func (p *Poloniex) Setup(exch *config.Exchange) error

Setup sets user exchange configuration settings

func (*Poloniex) SubmitOrder

func (p *Poloniex) SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, s *order.Submit) (*order.SubmitResponse, error)

SubmitOrder submits a new order

func (*Poloniex) SubmitOrders added in v1.0.7

func (p *Poloniex) SubmitOrders(ctx context.Context, ss ...*order.Submit) ([]*order.SubmitResponse, error)

func (*Poloniex) Subscribe

func (p *Poloniex) Subscribe(sub []subscription.Subscription) error

Subscribe sends a websocket message to receive data from the channel

func (*Poloniex) ToggleAutoRenew

func (p *Poloniex) ToggleAutoRenew(ctx context.Context, orderNumber int64) (bool, error)

ToggleAutoRenew allows for the autorenew of a contract

func (*Poloniex) TransferBalance

func (p *Poloniex) TransferBalance(ctx context.Context, currency, from, to string, amount float64) (bool, error)

TransferBalance transfers balances between your accounts

func (*Poloniex) Unsubscribe

func (p *Poloniex) Unsubscribe(unsub []subscription.Subscription) error

Unsubscribe sends a websocket message to stop receiving data from the channel

func (*Poloniex) UpdateAccountInfo

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)

UpdateAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies for the Poloniex exchange

func (*Poloniex) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits(_ context.Context, _ asset.Item) error

UpdateOrderExecutionLimits updates order execution limits

func (*Poloniex) UpdateOrderbook

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)

UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) UpdateTicker

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, currencyPair currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)

UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) UpdateTickers

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateTickers(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) error

UpdateTickers updates the ticker for all currency pairs of a given asset type

func (*Poloniex) UpdateTradablePairs

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, forceUpgrade bool) error

UpdateTradablePairs updates the exchanges available pairs and stores them in the exchanges config

func (*Poloniex) ValidateAPICredentials

func (p *Poloniex) ValidateAPICredentials(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error

ValidateAPICredentials validates current credentials used for wrapper functionality

func (*Poloniex) WalletActivity

func (p *Poloniex) WalletActivity(ctx context.Context, start, end time.Time, activityType string) (*WalletActivityResponse, error)

WalletActivity returns the wallet activity between set start and end time

func (*Poloniex) Withdraw

func (p *Poloniex) Withdraw(ctx context.Context, currency, address string, amount float64) (*Withdraw, error)

Withdraw withdraws a currency to a specific delegated address. For currencies where there are multiple networks to choose from (like USDT or BTC), you can specify the chain by setting the "currency" parameter to be a multiChain currency name, like USDTTRON, USDTETH, or BTCTRON

func (*Poloniex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds

func (p *Poloniex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)

WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted

func (*Poloniex) WithdrawFiatFunds

func (p *Poloniex) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)

WithdrawFiatFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted

func (*Poloniex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank

func (p *Poloniex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)

WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted

func (*Poloniex) WsConnect

func (p *Poloniex) WsConnect() error

WsConnect initiates a websocket connection

func (*Poloniex) WsProcessOrderbookSnapshot

func (p *Poloniex) WsProcessOrderbookSnapshot(data []interface{}) error

WsProcessOrderbookSnapshot processes a new orderbook snapshot into a local of orderbooks

func (*Poloniex) WsProcessOrderbookUpdate

func (p *Poloniex) WsProcessOrderbookUpdate(sequenceNumber float64, data []interface{}, pair currency.Pair) error

WsProcessOrderbookUpdate processes new orderbook updates

type RateLimit

type RateLimit struct {
	Auth   *rate.Limiter
	UnAuth *rate.Limiter

RateLimit implements the request.Limiter interface

func SetRateLimit

func SetRateLimit() *RateLimit

SetRateLimit returns the rate limit for the exchange If your account's volume is over $5 million in 30 day volume, you may be eligible for an API rate limit increase. Please email poloniex@circle.com. As per https://docs.poloniex.com/#http-api

func (*RateLimit) Limit

Limit limits outbound calls

type ResultingTrades

type ResultingTrades struct {
	Amount  float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Date    string  `json:"date"`
	Rate    float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Total   float64 `json:"total,string"`
	TradeID int64   `json:"tradeID,string"`
	Type    string  `json:"type"`

ResultingTrades holds resultant trade information

type Ticker

type Ticker struct {
	ID            float64 `json:"id"`
	Last          float64 `json:"last,string"`
	LowestAsk     float64 `json:"lowestAsk,string"`
	HighestBid    float64 `json:"highestBid,string"`
	PercentChange float64 `json:"percentChange,string"`
	BaseVolume    float64 `json:"baseVolume,string"`
	QuoteVolume   float64 `json:"quoteVolume,string"`
	High24Hr      float64 `json:"high24hr,string"`
	Low24Hr       float64 `json:"low24hr,string"`
	IsFrozen      uint8   `json:"isFrozen,string"`
	PostOnly      uint8   `json:"postOnly,string"`

Ticker holds ticker data

type TimeStampResponse

type TimeStampResponse struct {
	ServerTime int64 `json:"serverTime"`

TimeStampResponse returns the time

type TradeHistory

type TradeHistory struct {
	GlobalTradeID string  `json:"globalTradeID"`
	TradeID       string  `json:"tradeID"`
	Date          string  `json:"date"`
	Type          string  `json:"type"`
	Rate          float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total         float64 `json:"total,string"`

TradeHistory holds trade history data

type WalletActivityResponse

type WalletActivityResponse struct {
	Deposits    []WalletDeposits    `json:"deposits"`
	Withdrawals []WalletWithdrawals `json:"withdrawals"`

WalletActivityResponse holds wallet activity info

type WalletDeposits

type WalletDeposits struct {
	DepositNumber int64         `json:"depositNumber"`
	Currency      currency.Code `json:"currency"`
	Address       string        `json:"address"`
	Amount        float64       `json:"amount,string"`
	Confirmations int64         `json:"confirmations"`
	TransactionID string        `json:"txid"`
	Timestamp     int64         `json:"timestamp"`
	Status        string        `json:"status"`

WalletDeposits holds wallet deposit info

type WalletWithdrawals

type WalletWithdrawals struct {
	WithdrawalRequestsID int64         `json:"withdrawalRequestsId"`
	Currency             currency.Code `json:"currency"`
	Address              string        `json:"address"`
	Amount               float64       `json:"amount,string"`
	Fee                  float64       `json:"fee,string"`
	Timestamp            int64         `json:"timestamp"`
	Status               string        `json:"status"`
	TransactionID        string        `json:"txid"`
	IPAddress            string        `json:"ipAddress"`
	PaymentID            string        `json:"paymentID"`

WalletWithdrawals holds wallet withdrawal info

type WebsocketTicker

type WebsocketTicker struct {
	CurrencyPair  string
	Last          float64
	LowestAsk     float64
	HighestBid    float64
	PercentChange float64
	BaseVolume    float64
	QuoteVolume   float64
	IsFrozen      bool
	High          float64
	Low           float64

WebsocketTicker holds ticker data for the websocket

type WebsocketTrollboxMessage

type WebsocketTrollboxMessage struct {
	MessageNumber float64
	Username      string
	Message       string
	Reputation    float64

WebsocketTrollboxMessage holds trollbox messages and information for websocket

type Withdraw

type Withdraw struct {
	Response string `json:"response"`
	Error    string `json:"error"`

Withdraw holds withdraw information

type WsAuthorisationRequest

type WsAuthorisationRequest struct {
	Command string `json:"command"`
	Channel int64  `json:"channel"`
	Sign    string `json:"sign"`
	Key     string `json:"key"`
	Payload string `json:"payload"`

WsAuthorisationRequest Authenticated Ws Account data request

type WsCommand

type WsCommand struct {
	Command string      `json:"command"`
	Channel interface{} `json:"channel"`
	APIKey  string      `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Payload string      `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	Sign    string      `json:"sign,omitempty"`

WsCommand defines the request params after a websocket connection has been established

type WsOrderUpdateResponse

type WsOrderUpdateResponse struct {
	OrderNumber float64
	NewAmount   string

WsOrderUpdateResponse Authenticated Ws Account data

type WsTicker

type WsTicker struct {
	LastPrice              float64
	LowestAsk              float64
	HighestBid             float64
	PercentageChange       float64
	BaseCurrencyVolume24H  float64
	QuoteCurrencyVolume24H float64
	IsFrozen               bool
	HighestTradeIn24H      float64
	LowestTradePrice24H    float64

WsTicker defines the websocket ticker response

type WsTrade

type WsTrade struct {
	Symbol    string
	TradeID   int64
	Side      string
	Volume    float64
	Price     float64
	Timestamp int64

WsTrade defines the websocket trade response

type WsTradeNotificationResponse

type WsTradeNotificationResponse struct {
	TradeID       float64
	Rate          float64
	Amount        float64
	FeeMultiplier float64
	FundingType   float64
	OrderNumber   float64
	TotalFee      float64
	Date          time.Time

WsTradeNotificationResponse Authenticated Ws Account data

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