= Distillation
:toc: preamble
:toclevels: 5
:distro-link: https://github.com/a-clap/distillation-distro
Linux distillation process component.
== Abandoned
WARNING: This repo is abandoned in favor of a monorepo, which lives https://github.com/a-clap/distillation-project[here].
== What is this?
This repo contains software components, which aim is to handle distillation process ;)
== Hardware
Components are designed to run on https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-M2_ZERO[BananaPi Zero] and {distro-link}[distillation distro].
== Distillation
This pkg was mainly developed to configure Embedded endpoint properly and handle distillation process.
So what it does is:
* communicates with embedded endpoint with gRPC or REST
* simplifies usage of embedded (omitting unnecessary values etc.),
* handling distillation process in 'soft' realtime manner,
* serves as endpoint for GUI via REST or gRPC,
Take a look at cmd/distillation to get a brief view how to use it.
=== REST clients
Take a look at example, how to create appropriate rest clients:
[source, go]
package clients
import (
func restClients() {
const addr = "http://localhost:50002"
const timeout = time.Second
heaterClient := distillation.NewHeaterClient(addr, timeout)
gpioClient := distillation.NewGPIOClient(addr, timeout)
dsClient := distillation.NewDSClient(addr, timeout)
ptClient := distillation.NewPTClient(addr, timeout)
processClient := distillation.NewProcessClient(addr, timeout)
=== gRPC clients
Take a look at example, how to create appropriate rest clients:
[source, go]
package clients
import (
func rpcClients() {
const addr = "localhost:50002"
const timeout = time.Second
heaterClient, err := distillation.NewHeaterRPCCLient(addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
gpioClient, err := distillation.NewGPIORPCClient(addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
dsClient, err := distillation.NewDSRPCClient(addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
ptClient, err := distillation.NewPTRPCClient(addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
processClient, err := distillation.NewProcessRPCClient(addr, timeout)
if err != nil {