Telegram bot for managing webcams and receiving alerts from then.
Add Widmaker repo ans install windmaker-security-cam-bot:
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb focal main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install windmaker-security-cam-bot
Allowed actions
For the time being, webcams can be rebooted only.
This bot uses a config file which folder location is defined by environment variable SECURITY_CAM_BOT_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION, inside this folder it must exists a file called config.toml.
token = "token"
name = "Alice"
id = 12
name = "Bob"
id = 13
name= "cam1"
ip = ""
user = "user"
password = "pass"
name= "cam2"
ip = ""
user = "user"
password = "pass"
host = "localhost"
port = 5672
user = "guest"
password = "guest"
name = "sendsnapshotjobs"
name = "snapshots"
Config files must include the following sections:
Defines telegram bot config:
- token -> bot token
- allowed_senders -> list of telegram users allowed to interact with this bot.
- id -> user ID
- name -> user name
Webcams to manage must be set in this section.
- name -> Name for identifying the webcam
- ip -> Webcam IP
- user -> Webcam user
- password -> Webcam password
Snapshot jobs are sended to WebCamSnapshotWorker through Rabbitmq queues.
- host -> Rabbitmq host
- port -> Rabbitmq port
- user -> Rabbitmq user
- password -> User's password
This bots requires tew queues for the time being, each queue needs a name.
- send_sanpshot_commands -> Queue for sending snapshot jobs.
- receive_sanpshot -> Queue for receiving finnished snapshot jobs from WebCamSnapshotWorker
Systemd service setup
After saving config in /etc/windmaker-security-cam-bot/config.toml systemd service can be enabled:
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable windmaker-security-cam-bot
sudo /bin/systemctl start windmaker-security-cam-bot
This bot writes logs to syslog:
Dec 5 15:51:29 metatron security-cam-bot[8220]: Blocked message received from sender 112897183.
Dec 5 15:56:40 metatron security-cam-bot[8962]: /hello received from sender Bob.