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const ( // Fired when start pull new image in docker MsgDebugDockerAPIPullNewImage = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker pull new image: " // Fired when image was finish download with success MsgDebugDockerAPIDownloadWithSuccess = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker download new image with success: " // Fired when container will be created MsgDebugDockerAPIContainerCreated = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker create new container: " // Fired when wait container start analysis of the project MsgDebugDockerAPIContainerWait = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker wait container up..." // Fired when read container output of the analysis MsgDebugDockerAPIContainerRead = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker read container output: " // Fired when analysis is finished and return success MsgDebugDockerAPIFinishedSuccess = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker Finished analysis with SUCCESS: " // Fired when analysis is finished and return error MsgDebugDockerAPIFinishedError = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Docker Finished analysis with ERROR: " // Fired when tool start an analysis MsgDebugToolStartAnalysis = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Running {{0}} in analysisID: " // Fired when tool finish an analysis MsgDebugToolFinishAnalysis = "{HORUSEC_CLI} {{0}} is finished in analysisID: " // Fired when output of the analysis was run in docker is empty MsgDebugOutputEmpty = "{HORUSEC_CLI} When format Output it's Empty!" MsgDebugConfigFileRunningOnPath = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Config file running on path: " MsgDebugConfigFileNotFoundOnPath = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Config file not found" // Fired when occurs of ignore folder or file to send horusec analysis MsgDebugFolderOrFileIgnored = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The file ou folder was ignored to send analysis:" // Fired when configs already validate and before start analysis MsgDebugShowConfigs = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The current configuration for this analysis are:" MsgDebugShowWorkdir = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The workdir setup for run in path:" MsgDebugToolIgnored = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The tool was ignored for run in this analysis: " MsgDebugVulnHashToFix = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Vulnerability Hash expected to be FIXED: " )
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const ( // Fired when occurs timeout on wait analysis Finish MsgErrorTimeoutOccurs = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Some analysis was not completed due to the timeout, " + "increase the time with -t flag and try again." // USED IN USE CASES: Fired when the project path is invalid MsgErrorProjectPathNotValid = "project path is invalid: " // USED IN USE CASES: Fired when an path of json is not valid in configs MsgErrorJSONOutputFilePathNotValid = "JSON File path is required or is invalid: " // USED IN USE CASES: Fired when an severity is not allowed in configs MsgErrorSeverityNotValid = "Type of severity not valid: " // USED IN USE CASES: Fired when an false positive is not allowed in configs MsgErrorFalsePositiveNotValid = "False positive is not valid because is duplicated in risk accept: " // USED IN USE CASES: Fired when an risk accept is not allowed in configs MsgErrorRiskAcceptNotValid = "Risk Accept is not valid because is duplicated in false positive: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when check if the requirements it's ok MsgErrorWhenCheckRequirements = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when check if requirements it's ok!" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when check if the docker is running MsgErrorWhenCheckDockerRunnnig = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when check if docker is running in requirements, " // Fired when docker is running in lower version MsgErrorWhenDockerIsLowerVersion = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Your docker version is below of: " // Fired when git is running in lower version MsgErrorWhenGitIsLowerVersion = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Your git version is below of: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when asking if the project directory is correct MsgErrorWhenAskDirToRun = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when ask if can run prompt question" // Fired when user-provided settings are invalid MsgErrorInvalidConfigs = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Errors on validate configuration: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try remove analysis folder MsgErrorRemoveAnalysisFolder = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when remove analysis project inside .horusec" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try detect languages of the project MsgErrorDetectLanguage = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when detect language" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try copy project analysis to .horusec folder MsgErrorCopyProjectToHorusecAnalysis = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when copy project to .horusec folder" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try generate files json MsgErrorGenerateJSONFile = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when try parse horusec analysis to output" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try pull image in the docker MsgErrorDockerPullImage = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when pull new image: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try pull list images in the docker MsgErrorDockerListImages = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when list all images enable: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try create container of analysis in the docker MsgErrorDockerCreateContainer = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when create container of analysis: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try start container of analysis in the docker MsgErrorDockerStartContainer = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when start container of analysis: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try list all containers of analysis in the docker MsgErrorDockerListAllContainers = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when list all containers of analysis: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try remove container of analysis in the docker MsgErrorDockerRemoveContainer = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when remove container of analysis: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try execute command to extract commit authors of an vulnerability MsgErrorGitCommitAuthorsExecute = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when execute commit author command: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when try parse output commit authors to struct CommitAuthors MsgErrorGitCommitAuthorsParseOutput = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when to parse output to commit author struct: " // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when read spotbugs output // and return missing classes or found errors in analysis MsgSpotBugsMissingClassesOrErrors = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error spotbugs has risen because of [{{0}}] " + "missing classes and [{{1}}] errors while analyzing" // Fired when an unexpected error occurs when run tool in docker MsgErrorRunToolInDocker = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Something error went wrong in {{0}} tool " + "| analysisID -> {{1}} | output -> {{2}}" // Fired when to be parse string of the WorkDir Entity and return error MsgErrorParseStringToWorkDir = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when try parse workdir string to entity. Returning default values" // Fired when to be parse string of the WorkDir Entity and return error MsgErrorParseStringToToolsConfig = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when try parse tools config string to entity." + " Returning default values" // Fired when finish analysis and send to print results and exists errors in analysis MsgErrorFoundErrorsInAnalysis = "{HORUSEC_CLI} During execution we found some problems:" MsgErrorNotFoundRequirementsTxt = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error The file requirements.txt " + "not found in python project to start analysis" MsgErrorPacketJSONNotFound = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error It looks like your project " + "doesn't have a package-lock.json file. " + "If you use NPM to handle your dependencies, " + "it would be a good idea to commit it so horusec can check for vulnerabilities" MsgErrorYarnLockNotFound = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error It looks like your project doesn't have a yarn.lock file. " + "If you use Yarn to handle your dependencies, " + "it would be a good idea to commit it so horusec can check for vulnerabilities" MsgErrorYarnProcess = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error Yarn returned an error: " MsgErrorDeferFileClose = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error defer file close: " MsgErrorGetCurrentPath = "{HORUSEC-CLI} Error on get current path" MsgErrorSetHeadersOnConfig = "{HORUSEC-CLI} Error on set headers on configurations" MsgErrorReplayWrong = "{HORUSEC-CLI} Error on set reply, Please type Y or N. Your current response was: " )
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const ( // Fired when is necessary show how to install docker MsgInfoHowToInstallDocker = `{HORUSEC_CLI} If your docker is not installed check in docs of how to install in: ` // Fired when is necessary show how to install git MsgInfoHowToInstallGit = `{HORUSEC_CLI} If your git is not installed check in docs of how to install in: ` // Fired when the user passed a configuration file and we must show where it is located MsgInfoConfigFilePath = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Using config file: " // Fired when is setup to the output is sonarqube MsgInfoStartGenerateSonarQubeFile = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Generating SonarQube output..." // Fired when is setup to the output is sonarqube MsgInfoStartWriteFile = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Writing output JSON to file in the path: " // Fired when monitor log timeout MsgInfoMonitorTimeoutIn = "Hold on! Horusec still analysis your code. Timeout in: " // Fired in print results service when analysis is finished MsgAnalysisFoundVulns = "[HORUSEC] %d VULNERABILITIES WERE FOUND IN YOUR CODE SENT TO HORUSEC, " + "TO SEE MORE DETAILS USE THE LOG LEVEL AS DEBUG AND TRY AGAIN" // Fired in print results service when analysis is finished MsgAnalysisFinishedWithoutVulns = "YOUR ANALYSIS HAD FINISHED WITHOUT ANY VULNERABILITY!" // Occurs when o docker is lower version than recommend MsgDockerLowerVersion = "{HORUSEC_CLI} We recommend version 19.03 or higher of the docker." + " Versions prior to this may have problems during execution" )
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const ( // Fired when starting horusec does not have all the necessary settings to proceed MsgPanicDockerRequirementsToRunHorusec = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Missing required DOCKER in min. version 19.03 to start" // Fired when starting horusec does not have all the necessary settings to proceed MsgPanicGitRequirementsToRunHorusec = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Missing required GIT in min. version 2.01 to start" // Fired when horusec failed to acquire $HOME directory on user's machine MsgPanicGetFlagValue = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error on getting flag value, check and try again: " // Fired when is necessary connect in docker MsgPanicNotConnectDocker = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Error when try connect in docker." MsgPanicGetConfigFilePath = "{HORUSEC-CLI} Error on get config file path." )
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const ( // Fired when not found authorization token MsgWarnAuthorizationNotFound = "{HORUSEC_CLI} No authorization token was found, " + "your code it is not going to be sent to horusec. " + "Please enter a token with the -a flag to configure and save your analysis" // Fired when return success in copy project to .horusec folder MsgWarnDontRemoveHorusecFolder = "{HORUSEC_CLI} PLEASE DON'T REMOVE \".horusec\" FOLDER BEFORE THE ANALYSIS FINISH!" + " Don’t worry, we’ll remove it after the analysis ends automatically! Project sent to folder in location: " // Fired when bandit found vulnerability but is not really an vulnerability and yes an informative assert detected MsgWarnBanditFoundInformative = "{HORUSEC_CLI} CAUTION! In your project was found {{0}} details of type: " // Fired when occurs of ignore folder or file to send horusec analysis MsgWarnTotalFolderOrFileWasIgnored = "{HORUSEC_CLI} When starting the analysis WE SKIP A TOTAL OF {{0}} FILES " + "that are not considered to be analyzed. To see more details use flag --log-level=debug" MsgWarnGitHistoryEnable = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Starting the analysis with git history enabled. " + "ATTENTION the waiting time can be longer when this option is enabled!" MsgWarnNetCoreDeprecated = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The 'netcore' key will be removed in the next release after 23 dec 2020," + " please use csharp key in workdir" MsgWarnToolsToIgnoreDeprecated = "{HORUSEC_CLI} The option 'tools to ignore' key will be removed in the next release" + " after 16 jan 2021, please use tools config option" MsgWarnHashNotExistOnAnalysis = "{HORUSEC_CLI} Hash not found in the list of vulnerabilities pointed out by Horusec: " )
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const (
// Fired when found language in file to start analysis
MsgTraceLanguageFound = "{HORUSEC_CLI} When start analysis we found the file in path with the language: "
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