I'm coding this project!
now this GoWeber cannot be used!
A free GoLang framework for build a website, a simple frameword, quickly build your own website.
How to use?
Step one: Download the framework.
go get -u -v github.com/ZhuShaoQiang/GoWeber
then you can find the GoWeber in
but there is a tip: put GoWeber in your $GOPATH/src/ directory, so you can run this project like this:
go run $GOPATH/src/GoWeber/main/main.go
Step tow: Do some changes!
by default, this web will run at, if you want to change it, you can find route.go in package route,
then change the function: StartHTTPServer().
but if you wanna run it at, you must have a permission of root, like
sudo go run ...