There is no documentation for this package.
Source Files
- actions.go
- card.go
- cardClue.go
- character.go
- chat.go
- chatCommand.go
- chatDiscord.go
- chatGeneral.go
- chatHelp.go
- chatLobby.go
- chatTable.go
- colors.go
- command.go
- commandAction.go
- commandChat.go
- commandChatPM.go
- commandChatRead.go
- commandChatTyping.go
- commandGetName.go
- commandHello.go
- commandHistoryGet.go
- commandHistoryGetDeals.go
- commandInactive.go
- commandNote.go
- commandPause.go
- commandReady.go
- commandReplayAction.go
- commandReplayCreate.go
- commandSetting.go
- commandTableCreate.go
- commandTableJoin.go
- commandTableLeave.go
- commandTableReattend.go
- commandTableRestart.go
- commandTableSpectate.go
- commandTableStart.go
- commandTableTerminate.go
- commandTableUnattend.go
- constants.go
- debug.go
- discord.go
- game.go
- gameDeck.go
- gameEnd.go
- gamePlayer.go
- history.go
- http.go
- httpExport.go
- httpGoogleAnalytics.go
- httpHistory.go
- httpLocalhost.go
- httpLogin.go
- httpMain.go
- httpScores.go
- httpStats.go
- httpVariant.go
- httpVideos.go
- httpWS.go
- logger.go
- main.go
- misc.go
- modelUserSettings.go
- modelUserStats.go
- modelUsers.go
- modelVariantStats.go
- models.go
- modelsBannedIPs.go
- modelsChatLog.go
- modelsChatLogPM.go
- modelsDiscordMetadata.go
- modelsDiscordWaiters.go
- modelsGameActions.go
- modelsGameParticipantNotes.go
- modelsGameParticipants.go
- modelsGames.go
- modelsMutedIPs.go
- notifyAll.go
- notifyTable.go
- options.go
- player.go
- restart.go
- sentry.go
- session.go
- sessionNotify.go
- spectator.go
- speedrun.go
- suits.go
- table.go
- variantUpOrDown.go
- variants.go
- waitingList.go
- websocket.go
- websocketConnect.go
- websocketDisconnect.go
- websocketMessage.go
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