Soft Mocks for Go!
This is Soft Mocks analogue ( ) for Golang. The main difference from is in that there is no "assembler hackery": we just rewrite all GOROOT and GOPATH files and inject a bit of code at the beginning of each function so that it can be mocked. It allows for it to be cross-platform and to work with any build options. This is an example of how it works:
$ go get
$ export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ cat
#!/bin/sh -e
go install
$GOPATH/bin/soft go run cmd/example/main.go
$GOPATH/bin/soft go test ./cmd/example/example_test.go
$ ./ # rewrites everything in GOPATH and GOROOT to a separate directory
File is going to be closed: /dev/null
Hello, world: <nil>!
ok command-line-arguments 0.006s
Usage ("soft" command)
You install soft
command by running
$ go get
In order to run something under soft mocks (e.g. a test) you prefix your command with $GOPATH/bin/soft
or just soft
if you have $GOPATH/bin
in your PATH:
$ $GOPATH/bin/soft go test example_test.go
It will rewrite all contents of GOROOT and GOPATH and then run your command with different GOROOT and GOPATH.
Usage (methods)
There are several functions in "soft" package:
soft.Mock(src, dst func)
Replace implementation of src
to dst
. You can specify both functions and methods.
soft.CallOriginal(f func, args ...interface{}) []interface{}
Calls the original function with specified arguments.
soft.Reset(f func(...) ...)
Resets mock for function f. Function is restored to its original state.
Resets all mocks. Designed to be used in either setUp or tearDown of a test suite.
func TestExample(t *testing.T) {
soft.Mock(os.Open, func(filename string) (*os.File, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot open files!")
if _, err := os.Open(os.DevNull); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Must be error opening dev null!")
fp, err := os.Open(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Must be no errors opening dev null!")
defer fp.Close()
// You cannot use fp.Close because we do not support replacing functions only for a specific receiver.
closeFunc := (*os.File).Close
soft.Mock(closeFunc, func(f *os.File) error {
log.Printf("File is going to be closed: %s", f.Name())
res, _ := soft.CallOriginal(closeFunc, f)[0].(error)
return res
Currently some packages cannot be rewritten because it would otherwise cause cyclic imports (these packages are used by soft mocks themselves):
- sync/atomic
- sync
- reflect
- soft
- runtime
- math
- unsafe
- strconv
- internal
- errors
- unicode/utf8
You wouldn't probably need to mock these packages anyway because they mostly contain pure functions.
Upgrading and uninstalling
Soft Mocks creates cache in $GOPATH/soft directory. So if you want to uninstall it or upgrade to a new version, run
$ rm -rf $GOPATH/soft