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type FPDFAnnot_SetBorder ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetBorder struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetColor ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetColor struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetFlags ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetFlags struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetFocusableSubtypes ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetFocusableSubtypes struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetRect ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetRect struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetStringValue ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetStringValue struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_SetURI ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetURI struct{}
type FPDFAnnot_UpdateObject ¶
type FPDFAnnot_UpdateObject struct{}
type FPDFAttachment_GetFile ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetFile struct {
Contents []byte // nil when not found.
type FPDFAttachment_GetName ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetName struct {
Name string
type FPDFAttachment_GetValueType ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetValueType struct { Key string ValueType enums.FPDF_OBJECT_TYPE }
type FPDFAttachment_HasKey ¶
type FPDFAttachment_SetFile ¶
type FPDFAttachment_SetFile struct{}
type FPDFAvail_Create ¶
type FPDFAvail_Create struct {
AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL
type FPDFAvail_Destroy ¶
type FPDFAvail_Destroy struct{}
type FPDFAvail_GetDocument ¶
type FPDFAvail_GetDocument struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFAvail_GetFirstPageNum ¶
type FPDFAvail_GetFirstPageNum struct {
FirstPageNum int
type FPDFAvail_IsDocAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsDocAvail struct {
type FPDFAvail_IsFormAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsFormAvail struct {
type FPDFAvail_IsLinearized ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsLinearized struct {
type FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail struct {
type FPDFBitmap_Create ¶
type FPDFBitmap_Create struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_CreateEx ¶
type FPDFBitmap_CreateEx struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_Destroy ¶
type FPDFBitmap_Destroy struct{}
type FPDFBitmap_FillRect ¶
type FPDFBitmap_FillRect struct{}
type FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer struct {
Buffer []byte
type FPDFBitmap_GetFormat ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetFormat struct {
type FPDFBitmap_GetHeight ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetHeight struct {
Height int
type FPDFBitmap_GetStride ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetStride struct {
Stride int
type FPDFBitmap_GetWidth ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetWidth struct {
Width int
type FPDFBookmark_Find ¶
type FPDFBookmark_Find struct {
Bookmark *references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the found bookmark. nil if the title can't be found.
type FPDFBookmark_GetAction ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetAction struct {
Action *references.FPDF_ACTION // Reference to the bookmark action. nil if not found.
type FPDFBookmark_GetCount ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetCount struct { // A signed integer that represents the number of sub-items the given // bookmark has. If the value is positive, child items shall be shown by default // (open state). If the value is negative, child items shall be hidden by // default (closed state). Please refer to PDF 32000-1:2008, Table 153. // Returns 0 if the bookmark has no children or is invalid. Count int }
type FPDFBookmark_GetDest ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetDest struct {
Dest *references.FPDF_DEST // Reference to the bookmark dest. nil if not found.
type FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild struct {
Bookmark *references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the first child or top level bookmark item. nil if no child or top level bookmark found.
type FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling struct {
Bookmark *references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the next bookmark item at the same level. nil if this is the last bookmark at this level.
type FPDFBookmark_GetTitle ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetTitle struct {
Title string // The title of the bookmark.
type FPDFCatalog_IsTagged ¶
type FPDFCatalog_IsTagged struct {
IsTagged bool
type FPDFCatalog_SetLanguage ¶
type FPDFCatalog_SetLanguage struct{}
type FPDFClipPath_CountPathSegments ¶
type FPDFClipPath_CountPathSegments struct {
Count int
type FPDFClipPath_CountPaths ¶
type FPDFClipPath_CountPaths struct {
Count int
type FPDFClipPath_GetPathSegment ¶
type FPDFClipPath_GetPathSegment struct {
PathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment ¶
type FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment struct{}
type FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment ¶
type FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment struct {
FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE
type FPDFDest_GetDestPageIndex ¶
type FPDFDest_GetDestPageIndex struct {
Index int
type FPDFDest_GetView ¶
type FPDFDest_GetView struct { DestView enums.FPDF_PDFDEST_VIEW Params []float32 }
type FPDFDoc_AddAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_AddAttachment struct {
Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT
type FPDFDoc_CloseJavaScriptAction ¶
type FPDFDoc_CloseJavaScriptAction struct{}
type FPDFDoc_DeleteAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_DeleteAttachment struct {
Index int
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachment struct { Index int Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT }
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachmentCount ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachmentCount struct {
AttachmentCount int
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptAction ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptAction struct { Index int JavaScriptAction references.FPDF_JAVASCRIPT_ACTION }
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptActionCount ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptActionCount struct {
JavaScriptActionCount int
type FPDFDoc_GetPageMode ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetPageMode struct {
PageMode FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode // The document's page mode, which describes how the document should be displayed when opened.
type FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode int
const ( FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUnknown FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = -1 // Page mode: unknown. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUseNone FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 0 // Page mode: use none, which means neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUseOutlines FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 1 // Page mode: document outline visible. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUseThumbs FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 2 // Page mode: thumbnail images visible. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeFullScreen FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 3 // Page mode: full screen - with no menu bar, no windows controls and no any other windows visible. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUseOC FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 4 // Page mode: optional content group panel visible. FPDFDoc_GetPageModeModeUseAttachments FPDFDoc_GetPageModeMode = 5 // Page mode: attachments panel visible. )
type FPDFFont_Close ¶
type FPDFFont_Close struct{}
type FPDFFont_GetAscent ¶
type FPDFFont_GetAscent struct {
Ascent float32
type FPDFFont_GetBaseFontName ¶
type FPDFFont_GetBaseFontName struct {
BaseFontName string
type FPDFFont_GetDescent ¶
type FPDFFont_GetDescent struct {
Descent float32
type FPDFFont_GetFamilyName ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFamilyName struct {
FamilyName string
type FPDFFont_GetFlags ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFlags struct { Flags uint32 FixedPitch bool // Whether all glyphs have the same width (as opposed to proportional or variable-pitch fonts, which have different widths). Serif bool // Whether glyphs have serifs, which are short strokes drawn at an angle on the top and bottom of glyph stems. (Sans serif fonts do not have serifs.) Symbolic bool // Whether the font contains glyphs outside the Adobe standard Latin character set. This flag and the Nonsymbolic flag shall not both be set or both be clear. Script bool // Whether the glyphs resemble cursive handwriting. Nonsymbolic bool // Whether the font uses the Adobe standard Latin character set or a subset of it. Italic bool // Whether the glyphs have dominant vertical strokes that are slanted. AllCap bool // Whether the font contains no lowercase letters; typically used for display purposes, such as for titles or headlines. SmallCap bool // Whether the font contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. The uppercase letters are similar to those in the regular version of the same typeface family. The glyphs for the lowercase letters have the same shapes as the corresponding uppercase letters, but they are sized and their proportions adjusted so that they have the same size and stroke weight as lowercase glyphs in the same typeface family. ForceBold bool // Whether bold glyphs shall be painted with extra pixels even at very small text sizes by a conforming reader. If the ForceBold flag is set, features of bold glyphs may be thickened at small text sizes. }
type FPDFFont_GetFontData ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFontData struct { // The uncompressed font data. i.e. the raw font data after // having all stream filters applied, when the data is embedded. // If the font is not embedded, then this API will instead return the data for // the substitution font it is using. FontData []byte }
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphPath ¶
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphPath struct {
GlyphPath references.FPDF_GLYPHPATH
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphWidth ¶
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphWidth struct {
GlyphWidth float32
type FPDFFont_GetIsEmbedded ¶
type FPDFFont_GetIsEmbedded struct {
IsEmbedded bool // Whether the font is embedded or not.
type FPDFFont_GetItalicAngle ¶
type FPDFFont_GetItalicAngle struct {
ItalicAngle int
type FPDFFont_GetWeight ¶
type FPDFFont_GetWeight struct {
Weight int
type FPDFFormObj_CountObjects ¶
type FPDFFormObj_CountObjects struct {
Count int
type FPDFFormObj_GetObject ¶
type FPDFFormObj_GetObject struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFGlyphPath_CountGlyphSegments ¶
type FPDFGlyphPath_CountGlyphSegments struct {
Count int
type FPDFGlyphPath_GetGlyphPathSegment ¶
type FPDFGlyphPath_GetGlyphPathSegment struct {
GlyphPathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFImageObj_GetIccProfileDataDecoded ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetIccProfileDataDecoded struct {
Data []byte // Can be nil if the given page object is not an image or has no ICC profile.
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded struct {
Data []byte
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw struct {
Data []byte
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter struct {
ImageFilter string
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount struct {
Count int
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata struct {
ImageMetadata structs.FPDF_IMAGEOBJ_METADATA
type FPDFImageObj_GetRenderedBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetRenderedBitmap struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFile ¶
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFile struct{}
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline ¶
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline struct{}
type FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap struct{}
type FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix ¶
type FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix struct{}
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetName ¶
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetName struct {
Name string
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetScript ¶
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetScript struct {
Script string
type FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks struct{}
type FPDFLink_CountQuadPoints ¶
type FPDFLink_CountQuadPoints struct {
Count int
type FPDFLink_CountRects ¶
type FPDFLink_CountWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_CountWebLinks struct {
Count int
type FPDFLink_Enumerate ¶
type FPDFLink_Enumerate struct { NextStartPos *int Link *references.FPDF_LINK }
type FPDFLink_GetAction ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAction struct { // Action is a handle to the action associated to a link, or nil if no action. Action *references.FPDF_ACTION }
type FPDFLink_GetAnnot ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAnnot struct {
Annotation *references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFLink_GetAnnotRect ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAnnotRect struct {
Rect *structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF // The rectangle for the link.
type FPDFLink_GetDest ¶
type FPDFLink_GetDest struct { // Dest is a handle to the destination, or nil if there is no destination // associated with the link. In this case, you should call FPDFLink_GetAction() // to retrieve the action associated with a link. Dest *references.FPDF_DEST }
type FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint ¶
type FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint struct {
Link *references.FPDF_LINK // Reference to the found link. nil if not found.
type FPDFLink_GetLinkZOrderAtPoint ¶
type FPDFLink_GetLinkZOrderAtPoint struct {
ZOrder int // the Z-order of the link, or -1 if no link found at the given point. Larger Z-order numbers are closer to the front.
type FPDFLink_GetQuadPoints ¶
type FPDFLink_GetQuadPoints struct {
type FPDFLink_GetRect ¶
type FPDFLink_GetTextRange ¶
type FPDFLink_GetURL ¶
type FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks struct {
PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK
type FPDFPageObjMark_CountParams ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_CountParams struct {
Count int
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetName ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetName struct {
Name string
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamBlobValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamBlobValue struct {
Value []byte
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamIntValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamIntValue struct {
Value int
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamKey ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamKey struct {
Key string
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamStringValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamStringValue struct {
Value string
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamValueType ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamValueType struct {
ValueType enums.FPDF_OBJECT_TYPE
type FPDFPageObjMark_RemoveParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_RemoveParam struct{}
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetBlobParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetBlobParam struct{}
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetIntParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetIntParam struct{}
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetStringParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetStringParam struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_AddMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_AddMark struct {
type FPDFPageObj_CountMarks ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CountMarks struct {
Count int
type FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_Destroy ¶
type FPDFPageObj_Destroy struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_GetBounds ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetClipPath ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetClipPath struct {
ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashArray ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashArray struct {
DashArray []float32
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashCount ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashCount struct {
DashCount int
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashPhase ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashPhase struct {
DashPhase float32
type FPDFPageObj_GetFillColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetFillColor struct {
FillColor structs.FPDF_COLOR
type FPDFPageObj_GetIsActive ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetIsActive struct {
Active bool
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineCap ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineCap struct {
LineCap enums.FPDF_LINECAP
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineJoin ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineJoin struct {
LineJoin enums.FPDF_LINEJOIN
type FPDFPageObj_GetMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetMark struct {
type FPDFPageObj_GetMarkedContentID ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetMarkedContentID struct {
MarkedContentID int
type FPDFPageObj_GetMatrix ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetMatrix struct {
Matrix structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX
type FPDFPageObj_GetRotatedBounds ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetRotatedBounds struct {
QuadPoints structs.FPDF_FS_QUADPOINTSF
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeColor struct {
StrokeColor structs.FPDF_COLOR
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeWidth ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeWidth struct {
StrokeWidth float32
type FPDFPageObj_GetType ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetType struct {
type FPDFPageObj_HasTransparency ¶
type FPDFPageObj_HasTransparency struct {
HasTransparency bool
type FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_RemoveMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_RemoveMark struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashArray ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashArray struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashPhase ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashPhase struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetFillColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetFillColor struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetIsActive ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetIsActive struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineCap ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineCap struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineJoin ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineJoin struct { }
type FPDFPageObj_SetMatrix ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetMatrix struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeColor struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeWidth ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeWidth struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_Transform ¶
type FPDFPageObj_Transform struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_TransformClipPath ¶
type FPDFPageObj_TransformClipPath struct{}
type FPDFPageObj_TransformF ¶
type FPDFPageObj_TransformF struct{}
type FPDFPage_CloseAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_CloseAnnot struct{}
type FPDFPage_CountObjects ¶
type FPDFPage_CountObjects struct {
Count int
type FPDFPage_CreateAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_CreateAnnot struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFPage_Delete ¶
type FPDFPage_Delete struct{}
type FPDFPage_Flatten ¶
type FPDFPage_Flatten struct { Page int // The page number (0-index based). Result FPDFPage_FlattenResult // The result of the flatten. }
type FPDFPage_FlattenResult ¶
type FPDFPage_FlattenResult int
const ( FPDFPage_FlattenResultFail FPDFPage_FlattenResult = 0 // Flatten operation failed. FPDFPage_FlattenResultSuccess FPDFPage_FlattenResult = 1 // Flatten operation succeed. FPDFPage_FlattenResultNothingToDo FPDFPage_FlattenResult = 2 // There is nothing can be flatten. )
type FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint ¶
type FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint struct {
ZOrder int // The z-order of the form field; -1 indicates no field. Higher numbers are closer to the front.
type FPDFPage_GenerateContent ¶
type FPDFPage_GenerateContent struct{}
type FPDFPage_GetAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnot struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotCount ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotCount struct {
Count int
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotIndex ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotIndex struct {
Index int
type FPDFPage_GetArtBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetBleedBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetCropBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetDecodedThumbnailData ¶
type FPDFPage_GetDecodedThumbnailData struct {
Thumbnail []byte // The thumbnail data, nil when it doesn't exist.
type FPDFPage_GetMediaBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetObject ¶
type FPDFPage_GetObject struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPage_GetRawThumbnailData ¶
type FPDFPage_GetRawThumbnailData struct {
RawThumbnail []byte // The raw thumbnail data, nil when it doesn't exist.
type FPDFPage_GetRotation ¶
type FPDFPage_GetRotation struct { Page int // The page number (0-index based). PageRotation enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // The page rotation. }
type FPDFPage_GetThumbnailAsBitmap ¶
type FPDFPage_GetThumbnailAsBitmap struct {
Bitmap *references.FPDF_BITMAP // The thumbnail as bitmap, nil if it doesn't exist.
type FPDFPage_GetTrimBox ¶
type FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint ¶
type FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint struct {
FieldType enums.FPDF_FORMFIELD // The type of the form field; -1 indicates no field.
type FPDFPage_InsertClipPath ¶
type FPDFPage_InsertClipPath struct{}
type FPDFPage_InsertObject ¶
type FPDFPage_InsertObject struct{}
type FPDFPage_New ¶
type FPDFPage_New struct {
Page references.FPDF_PAGE
type FPDFPage_RemoveAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_RemoveAnnot struct{}
type FPDFPage_RemoveObject ¶
type FPDFPage_RemoveObject struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetArtBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetArtBox struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetBleedBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetBleedBox struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetCropBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetCropBox struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetMediaBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetMediaBox struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetRotation ¶
type FPDFPage_SetRotation struct{}
type FPDFPage_SetTrimBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetTrimBox struct{}
type FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip ¶
type FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip struct{}
type FPDFPage_TransformAnnots ¶
type FPDFPage_TransformAnnots struct{}
type FPDFPathSegment_GetClose ¶
type FPDFPathSegment_GetClose struct {
IsClose bool
type FPDFPathSegment_GetType ¶
type FPDFPathSegment_GetType struct {
type FPDFPath_BezierTo ¶
type FPDFPath_BezierTo struct{}
type FPDFPath_Close ¶
type FPDFPath_Close struct{}
type FPDFPath_CountSegments ¶
type FPDFPath_CountSegments struct {
Count int
type FPDFPath_GetDrawMode ¶
type FPDFPath_GetDrawMode struct { FillMode enums.FPDF_FILLMODE Stroke bool }
type FPDFPath_GetPathSegment ¶
type FPDFPath_GetPathSegment struct {
PathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFPath_LineTo ¶
type FPDFPath_LineTo struct{}
type FPDFPath_MoveTo ¶
type FPDFPath_MoveTo struct{}
type FPDFPath_SetDrawMode ¶
type FPDFPath_SetDrawMode struct{}
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetByteRange ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetByteRange struct {
ByteRange []int // ByteRange is an array of pairs of integers (starting byte offset, length in bytes) that describes the exact byte range for the digest calculation. nil when no byte range.
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetContents ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetContents struct {
Contents []byte // For public-key signatures, Contents is either a DER-encoded PKCS#1 binary or a DER-encoded PKCS#7 binary. nil when no content.
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetDocMDPPermission ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetDocMDPPermission struct {
DocMDPPermission int
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetReason ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetReason struct {
Reason *string // The reason (comment) of the signature object. nil when no reason.
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetSubFilter ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetSubFilter struct {
SubFilter *string // The encoding of the value of a signature object. nil when no sub filter.
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetTime ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetTime struct {
Time *string // The time of signing of a signature object. The format of time is expected to be D:YYYYMMDDHHMMSS+XX'YY', i.e. it's precision is seconds, with timezone information. This value should be used only when the time of signing is not available in the (PKCS#7 binary) signature. nil when no time.
type FPDFTextObj_GetFont ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetFont struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFTextObj_GetFontSize ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetFontSize struct {
FontSize float32 // The font size of the text object, measured in points (about 1/72 inch)
type FPDFTextObj_GetRenderedBitmap ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetRenderedBitmap struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFTextObj_GetText ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetText struct {
Text string
type FPDFTextObj_GetTextRenderMode ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetTextRenderMode struct {
type FPDFTextObj_SetTextRenderMode ¶
type FPDFTextObj_SetTextRenderMode struct{}
type FPDFText_ClosePage ¶
type FPDFText_ClosePage struct{}
type FPDFText_CountChars ¶
type FPDFText_CountChars struct {
Count int //Number of characters in the page. Generated characters, like additional space characters, new line characters, are also counted.
type FPDFText_CountRects ¶
type FPDFText_CountRects struct {
Count int // Number of rectangles, 0 if TextPage is null, or -1 on bad StartIndex.
type FPDFText_FindClose ¶
type FPDFText_FindClose struct{}
type FPDFText_FindNext ¶
type FPDFText_FindNext struct {
GotMatch bool
type FPDFText_FindPrev ¶
type FPDFText_FindPrev struct {
GotMatch bool
type FPDFText_FindStart ¶
type FPDFText_FindStart struct {
Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_GetBoundedText ¶
type FPDFText_GetBoundedText struct {
Text string
type FPDFText_GetCharAngle ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharBox ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexAtPos ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexAtPos struct {
CharIndex int // -1 when not found
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexFromTextIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexFromTextIndex struct {
CharIndex int
type FPDFText_GetCharOrigin ¶
type FPDFText_GetFillColor ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontInfo ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontSize ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontWeight ¶
type FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox ¶
type FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox struct { Index int Rect structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF }
type FPDFText_GetMatrix ¶
type FPDFText_GetMatrix struct { Index int Matrix structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX }
type FPDFText_GetRect ¶
type FPDFText_GetSchCount ¶
type FPDFText_GetSchCount struct {
Count int
type FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex struct {
Index int
type FPDFText_GetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFText_GetText ¶
type FPDFText_GetText struct {
Text string
type FPDFText_GetTextIndexFromCharIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetTextIndexFromCharIndex struct {
TextIndex int
type FPDFText_GetTextObject ¶
type FPDFText_GetTextObject struct { Index int TextObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT // The associated text object for the character. }
type FPDFText_GetUnicode ¶
type FPDFText_IsGenerated ¶
type FPDFText_IsHyphen ¶
type FPDFText_LoadCidType2Font ¶
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Font references.FPDF_FONT
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Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFText_LoadPage ¶
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TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE
type FPDFText_LoadStandardFont ¶
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Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFText_SetCharcodes ¶
type FPDFText_SetCharcodes struct{}
type FPDFText_SetText ¶
type FPDFText_SetText struct{}
type FPDF_CloseDocument ¶
type FPDF_CloseDocument struct{}
type FPDF_ClosePage ¶
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type FPDF_CopyViewerPreferences ¶
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type FPDF_CountNamedDests ¶
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Count uint64
type FPDF_CreateClipPath ¶
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ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH
type FPDF_CreateNewDocument ¶
type FPDF_CreateNewDocument struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_DestroyClipPath ¶
type FPDF_DestroyClipPath struct{}
type FPDF_DeviceToPage ¶
type FPDF_DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable ¶
type FPDF_DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable struct {
DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable bool
type FPDF_FFLDraw ¶
type FPDF_FFLDraw struct{}
type FPDF_GetDocPermissions ¶
type FPDF_GetDocPermissions struct { DocPermissions uint32 // A 32-bit integer which indicates the permission flags. Please refer to "TABLE 3.20 User access permissions" in PDF Reference 1.7 P123 for detailed description. If the document is not protected, 0xffffffff (4294967295) will be returned. PrintDocument bool // Bit position 3: (Security handlers of revision 2) Print the document, (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document (possibly not at the highest quality level, depending on whether PrintDocumentAsFaithfulDigitalCopy (bit 12) is also set). ModifyContents bool // Bit position 4: Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by AddOrModifyTextAnnotations (bit 6), FillInExistingInteractiveFormFields (bit 9), and AssembleDocument (bit 11). CopyOrExtractText bool // Bit position 5: (Security handlers of revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by ExtractTextAndGraphics (bit 10). AddOrModifyTextAnnotations bool // Bit position 6: Add or modify text annotations FillInInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 6: fill in interactive form fields CreateOrModifyInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 6 & 4: create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields). FillInExistingInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 9: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if FillInInteractiveFormFields (bit 6) is clear. ExtractTextAndGraphics bool // Bit position 10: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). AssembleDocument bool // Bit position 11: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if ModifyContents (bit 4) is clear. PrintDocumentAsFaithfulDigitalCopy bool // Bit position 12: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear (and PrintDocument (bit 3) is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality. }
type FPDF_GetDocUserPermissions ¶
type FPDF_GetDocUserPermissions struct { DocUserPermissions uint32 // A 32-bit integer which indicates the permission flags. Please refer to "TABLE 3.20 User access permissions" in PDF Reference 1.7 P123 for detailed description. If the document is not protected, 0xffffffff (4294967295) will be returned. PrintDocument bool // Bit position 3: (Security handlers of revision 2) Print the document, (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document (possibly not at the highest quality level, depending on whether PrintDocumentAsFaithfulDigitalCopy (bit 12) is also set). ModifyContents bool // Bit position 4: Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by AddOrModifyTextAnnotations (bit 6), FillInExistingInteractiveFormFields (bit 9), and AssembleDocument (bit 11). CopyOrExtractText bool // Bit position 5: (Security handlers of revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by ExtractTextAndGraphics (bit 10). AddOrModifyTextAnnotations bool // Bit position 6: Add or modify text annotations FillInInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 6: fill in interactive form fields CreateOrModifyInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 6 & 4: create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields). FillInExistingInteractiveFormFields bool // Bit position 9: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if FillInInteractiveFormFields (bit 6) is clear. ExtractTextAndGraphics bool // Bit position 10: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). AssembleDocument bool // Bit position 11: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if ModifyContents (bit 4) is clear. PrintDocumentAsFaithfulDigitalCopy bool // Bit position 12: (Security handlers of revision 3 or greater) Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear (and PrintDocument (bit 3) is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality. }
type FPDF_GetFileIdentifier ¶
type FPDF_GetFileIdentifier struct { FileIdType enums.FPDF_FILEIDTYPE Identifier []byte // Can be nil if no identifier was found }
type FPDF_GetFileVersion ¶
type FPDF_GetFileVersion struct {
FileVersion int // The numeric version of the file: 14 for 1.4, 15 for 1.5, ...
type FPDF_GetFormType ¶
type FPDF_GetFormType struct {
FormType enums.FPDF_FORMTYPE
type FPDF_GetLastError ¶
type FPDF_GetLastError struct {
Error FPDF_GetLastErrorError
type FPDF_GetLastErrorError ¶
type FPDF_GetLastErrorError int
const ( FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorSuccess FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 0 // Error code: Success, which means no error. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorUnknown FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 1 // Error code: Unknown error. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorFile FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 2 // Error code: File access error, which means file cannot be found or be opened. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorFormat FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 3 // Error code: Data format error. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorPassword FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 4 // Error code: Incorrect password error. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorSecurity FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 5 // Error code: Unsupported security scheme error. FPDF_GetLastErrorErrorInvalidLicense FPDF_GetLastErrorError = 6 // Error code: License authorization error. )
type FPDF_GetMetaText ¶
type FPDF_GetNamedDest ¶
type FPDF_GetNamedDest struct { Dest references.FPDF_DEST Name string }
type FPDF_GetNamedDestByName ¶
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Dest references.FPDF_DEST
type FPDF_GetPageAAction ¶
type FPDF_GetPageAAction struct { AAType *enums.FPDF_PAGE_AACTION Action *references.FPDF_ACTION }
type FPDF_GetPageBoundingBox ¶
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Rect structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF
type FPDF_GetPageCount ¶
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PageCount int // The amount of pages of the document.
type FPDF_GetPageHeight ¶
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PageHeight float32
type FPDF_GetPageLabel ¶
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Size structs.FPDF_FS_SIZEF
type FPDF_GetPageWidth ¶
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PageWidth float32
type FPDF_GetSecurityHandlerRevision ¶
type FPDF_GetSecurityHandlerRevision struct {
SecurityHandlerRevision int // The revision number of security handler. Please refer to key "R" in "TABLE 3.19 Additional encryption dictionary entries for the standard security handler" in PDF Reference 1.7 P122 for detailed description. If the document is not protected, -1 will be returned.
type FPDF_GetSignatureCount ¶
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Count int
type FPDF_GetSignatureObject ¶
type FPDF_GetSignatureObject struct { Index int Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE }
type FPDF_GetTrailerEnds ¶
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TrailerEnds []int
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketCount ¶
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Count int
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type FPDF_ImportNPagesToOne ¶
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
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type FPDF_LoadCustomDocument ¶
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_LoadDocument ¶
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_LoadPage ¶
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Page references.FPDF_PAGE
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type FPDF_MovePages ¶
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type FPDF_NewFormObjectFromXObject ¶
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PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
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XObject references.FPDF_XOBJECT
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RenderStatus enums.FPDF_RENDER_STATUS
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RenderStatus enums.FPDF_RENDER_STATUS
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RenderStatus enums.FPDF_RENDER_STATUS
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Count int
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetBlobValue ¶
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Value []byte
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Value bool
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StructElementAttributeValue references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR_VALUE
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Count int
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Name string
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Value float32
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Value string
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ObjectType enums.FPDF_OBJECT_TYPE
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetValue ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetValue struct {
StructElementAttributeValue references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR_VALUE
type FPDF_StructElement_CountChildren ¶
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Count int
type FPDF_StructElement_GetActualText ¶
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Actualtext string
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AltText string
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeAtIndex ¶
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StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeCount ¶
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Count int
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildAtIndex ¶
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StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildMarkedContentID ¶
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ChildMarkedContentID int // The marked content ID of the child. If no ID exists, return an error.
type FPDF_StructElement_GetID ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetID struct {
ID string
type FPDF_StructElement_GetLang ¶
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Lang string // The case-insensitive IETF BCP 47 language code for an element.
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentID ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentID struct {
MarkedContentID int // The marked content ID of the element. If no ID exists, returns -1.
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdAtIndex struct {
MarkedContentID int
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdCount ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdCount struct {
Count int
type FPDF_StructElement_GetObjType ¶
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ObjType string
type FPDF_StructElement_GetParent ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetParent struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetTitle ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetTitle struct {
Title string
type FPDF_StructElement_GetType ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetType struct {
Type string
type FPDF_StructTree_Close ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_Close struct{}
type FPDF_StructTree_CountChildren ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_CountChildren struct {
Count int
type FPDF_StructTree_GetChildAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_GetChildAtIndex struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructTree_GetForPage ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_GetForPage struct {
StructTree references.FPDF_STRUCTTREE
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex struct {
DuplexType enums.FPDF_DUPLEXTYPE
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetName struct {
Value string
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetNumCopies ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetNumCopies struct {
NumCopies int
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRange ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRange struct {
PageRange references.FPDF_PAGERANGE
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeCount ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeCount struct {
Count uint64
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeElement ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeElement struct {
Value int
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling struct {
PreferPrintScaling bool
type FSDK_SetLocaltimeFunction ¶
type FSDK_SetLocaltimeFunction struct { }
type FSDK_SetTimeFunction ¶
type FSDK_SetTimeFunction struct { }
type FSDK_SetUnSpObjProcessHandler ¶
type FSDK_SetUnSpObjProcessHandler struct { }
type FontInformation ¶
type FontInformation struct { Size float64 // Font size in points (also known as em). SizeInPixels *int // Font size in pixels, only available when PixelPositions is used. Weight int // The weight of the font, can be negative for spaces and newlines. Will only be filled when compiled with experimental support. Name string // The name of the font, can be empty for spaces and newlines. Will only be filled when compiled with experimental support. Flags int // Font flags, should be interpreted per PDF spec 1.7, Section 5.7.1 Font Descriptor Flags. Will only be filled when compiled with experimental support. }
type GetActionInfo ¶
type GetActionInfo struct {
ActionInfo ActionInfo
type GetAttachments ¶
type GetAttachments struct {
Attachments []Attachment
type GetBookmarks ¶
type GetBookmarks struct {
Bookmarks []GetBookmarksBookmark
type GetBookmarksBookmark ¶
type GetBookmarksBookmark struct { Title string Reference references.FPDF_BOOKMARK ActionInfo *ActionInfo DestInfo *DestInfo Children []GetBookmarksBookmark }
type GetDestInfo ¶
type GetDestInfo struct {
DestInfo DestInfo
type GetJavaScriptActions ¶
type GetJavaScriptActions struct {
JavaScriptActions []JavaScriptAction
type GetMetaData ¶
type GetMetaData struct {
Tags []GetMetaDataTag
type GetMetaDataTag ¶
type GetPageSize ¶
type GetPageSizeInPixels ¶
type GetPageSizeInPixels struct { Page int // The page this size came from (0-index based). Width int // The width of the page in pixels. Height int // The height of the page in pixels. PointToPixelRatio float64 // The point to pixel ratio for the rendered image. How many points is 1 pixel in this image. }
type GetPageText ¶
type GetPageTextStructured ¶
type GetPageTextStructured struct { Page int // The page structured this text came from (0-index based). Chars []*GetPageTextStructuredChar // A list of chars in a page. When Mode is GetPageTextStructuredModeChars or GetPageTextStructuredModeBoth. Rects []*GetPageTextStructuredRect // A list of rects in a page. When Mode is GetPageTextStructuredModeRects or GetPageTextStructuredModeBoth. PointToPixelRatio float64 // The point to pixel ratio for the calculated positions. }
type GetPageTextStructuredChar ¶
type GetPageTextStructuredChar struct { Text string // The text of this char. Angle float64 // The angle this char is in. PointPosition CharPosition // The position of this char in points. PixelPosition *CharPosition // The position of this char in pixels. When PixelPositions are requested. FontInformation *FontInformation // The font information of this char. When CollectFontInformation is enabled. }
type GetPageTextStructuredRect ¶
type GetPageTextStructuredRect struct { Text string // The text of this rect. PointPosition CharPosition // The position of this rect in points. PixelPosition *CharPosition // The position of this rect in pixels. When PixelPositions are requested. FontInformation *FontInformation // The font information of this rect. When CollectFontInformation is enabled. }
type JavaScriptAction ¶
type NewPage ¶
type NewPage struct {
Page references.FPDF_PAGE
type OpenDocument ¶
type OpenDocument struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type RenderPage ¶
type RenderPage struct { Page int // The rendered page number (0-index based). PointToPixelRatio float64 // The point to pixel ratio for the rendered image. How many points is 1 pixel in this image. Image *image.RGBA // The rendered image. Width int // The width of the rendered image. Height int // The height of the rendered image. HasTransparency bool // Whether the page has transparency. }
type RenderPageInDPI ¶
type RenderPageInDPI struct { Result RenderPage CleanupFunc func() // In WebAssembly you MUST call Cleanup() when you are done with the image object to release resources. }
func (*RenderPageInDPI) Cleanup ¶
func (r *RenderPageInDPI) Cleanup()
Cleanup should be called when using the WebAssembly runtime and when you're done with the Image object to release resources.
type RenderPageInPixels ¶
type RenderPageInPixels struct { Result RenderPage CleanupFunc func() // In WebAssembly you MUST call Cleanup() when you are done with the image object to release resources. }
func (*RenderPageInPixels) Cleanup ¶
func (r *RenderPageInPixels) Cleanup()
Cleanup should be called when using the WebAssembly runtime and when you're done with the Image object to release resources.
type RenderPages ¶
type RenderPages struct { Pages []RenderPagesPage // Information about the rendered pages inside this image. Image *image.RGBA // The rendered image. Width int // The width of the rendered image. Height int // The height of the rendered image. }
type RenderPagesInDPI ¶
type RenderPagesInDPI struct { Result RenderPages CleanupFunc func() // In WebAssembly you MUST call Cleanup() when you are done with the image object to release resources. }
func (*RenderPagesInDPI) Cleanup ¶
func (r *RenderPagesInDPI) Cleanup()
Cleanup should be called when using the WebAssembly runtime and when you're done with the Image object to release resources.
type RenderPagesInPixels ¶
type RenderPagesInPixels struct { Result RenderPages CleanupFunc func() // In WebAssembly you MUST call Cleanup() when you are done with the image object to release resources. }
func (*RenderPagesInPixels) Cleanup ¶
func (r *RenderPagesInPixels) Cleanup()
Cleanup should be called when using the WebAssembly runtime and when you're done with the Image object to release resources.
type RenderPagesPage ¶
type RenderPagesPage struct { Page int // The rendered page number (0-index based). PointToPixelRatio float64 // The point to pixel ratio for the rendered image. How many points is 1 pixel for this page in this image. Width int // The width of the rendered page inside the image. Height int // The height of the rendered page inside the image. X int // The X start position of this page inside the image. Y int // The Y start position of this page inside the image. HasTransparency bool // Whether the page has transparency. }
type RenderToFile ¶
type RenderToFile struct { Pages []RenderPagesPage // Information about the rendered pages inside this image. ImageBytes *[]byte // The byte array of the rendered file when OutputTarget is RenderToFileOutputTargetBytes. ImagePath string // The file path when OutputTarget is RenderToFileOutputTargetFile, is a tmp path when TargetFilePath was empty in the request. Width int // The width of the rendered image. Height int // The height of the rendered image. PointToPixelRatio float64 // The point to pixel ratio for the rendered image. How many points is 1 pixel in this image. Only set when rendering one page. }
Source Files
- action.go
- attachment.go
- bookmark.go
- dest.go
- fpdf_annot.go
- fpdf_attachment.go
- fpdf_catalog.go
- fpdf_dataavail.go
- fpdf_doc.go
- fpdf_edit.go
- fpdf_ext.go
- fpdf_flatten.go
- fpdf_formfill.go
- fpdf_javascript.go
- fpdf_ppo.go
- fpdf_progressive.go
- fpdf_save.go
- fpdf_searchex.go
- fpdf_signature.go
- fpdf_structtree.go
- fpdf_text.go
- fpdf_thumbnail.go
- fpdf_transformpage.go
- fpdfview.go
- javascript_action.go
- metadata.go
- render.go
- responses.go
- text.go
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