DB ![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/micro/go-os?status.svg)
DB is a high level pluggable abstraction for CRUD via RPC.
The motivation is to create a DBaaS layer that
allows RPC based proxying so that we can leverage go-micro and all the plugins. This allows auth,
rate limiting, tracing and all the other things to be used. What we lose in database drivers we gain
in not having to write CRUD a thousand times over.
Initial thoughts lie around a CRUD interface. The number of times
one has to write CRUD on top of database libraries, having to think
through schema and data modelling based on different databases is a
pain. Going lower level than this doesn't pose any value.
Event sourcing can be tackled in a separate package.
type DB interface {
Close() error
Init(...Option) error
Options() Options
Read(id string) (Record, error)
Create(r Record) error
Update(r Record) error
Delete(id string) error
Search(...SearchOption) ([]Record, error)
String() string
type Option func(*Options)
type Metadata map[string]interface{}
type Record interface {
Id() string
Created() int64
Updated() int64
Metadata() Metadata
Bytes() []byte
Scan(v interface{}) error
func NewDB(opts ...Option) DB {
return newOS(opts...)
func NewRecord(id string, md Metadata, data interface{}) Record {
return newRecord(id, md, data)
## Supported Backends
DB builds on go-micro/client and a backend RPC based db service that manages multiple backends like mysql, elasticsearch, etc.
Doing this means go-micro/client wrappers can be used for rate limiting, auth, etc.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create database instance
database := db.NewDB(
// Create Thing type
type Thing struct {
Name string
// Create a new record
record := db.NewRecord(
// record id
// record metadata
db.Metadata{"key": "value"},
// record value
fmt.Printf("Creating record: id: %s metadata: %+v bytes: %+v\n", record.Id(), record.Metadata(), string(record.Bytes()))
// Create the record
if err := database.Create(record); err != nil {
// Read the record back
rec, err := database.Read(record.Id())
if err != nil {
thing := new(Thing)
// Scan into type Thing
if err := rec.Scan(&thing); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error scanning read record", err)
fmt.Printf("Read record: id: %s metadata: %+v bytes: %+v\n", rec.Id(), rec.Metadata(), thing)
fmt.Println("Searching for metadata key:value")
// Search using metadata
records, err := database.Search(
db.WithMetadata(db.Metadata{"key": "value"}),
if err != nil {
for _, record := range records {
thing := new(Thing)
if err := record.Scan(&thing); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error scanning record", record.Id(), err)
fmt.Printf("Record: id: %s metadata: %+v bytes: %+v\n", record.Id(), record.Metadata(), thing)
fmt.Println("Deleting", record.Id())
// Delete the record
if err := database.Delete(record.Id()); err != nil {