Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DeleteDb(dbName string)
- func ReplaceSQL(old, searchPattern string) string
- type DBContrItem
- type DBContract
- type DBCorpNames
- type DBJob
- type DBJournal
- type DBJournalLink
- type DBKAttacker
- type DBKItem
- type DBKMTable
- type DBKVictim
- type DBKillTable
- type DBKillmail
- type DBMarketItem
- type DBMiningData
- type DBMiningObserver
- type DBNotification
- type DBOrder
- type DBTable
- type DBTransaction
- type DBUniverseName
- type DBallyInfo
- type DBcharacter
- type DBcontractTable
- type DBcorpInfo
- type DBcorpMember
- type DBpap
- type DBpapTable
- type DBresult
- type DBstructureInfo
- type DBstructureName
- type DBstructureService
- type Model
- func (obj *Model) ADashAuthExists(corpId int) bool
- func (obj *Model) AddAllyInfoEntry(allyInfo *DBallyInfo) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddCharEntry(entry *DBcharacter)
- func (obj *Model) AddContrItemEntry(contrItem *DBContrItem) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddContractEntry(contract *DBContract) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddCorpADashEntry(pap *DBpap) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddCorpInfoEntry(corpInfo *DBcorpInfo) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddCorpMemberEntry(member *DBcorpMember) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddDebounceEntry(url string)
- func (obj *Model) AddJobEntry(jobItem *DBJob) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddJournalEntry(jouItem *DBJournal) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddJournalLinkEntry(jLnkItem *DBJournalLink) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddKAttackerEntry(att *DBKAttacker) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddKItemEntry(item *DBKItem) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddKVictimEntry(victim *DBKVictim) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddKillmailEntry(km *DBKillmail) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddMarketItems(mItems []DBMarketItem)
- func (obj *Model) AddMarketItemsBatch(mItems []DBMarketItem)
- func (obj *Model) AddMiningDataEntry(item *DBMiningData) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddMiningObsEntry(item *DBMiningObserver) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddNameEntry(UNitem *DBUniverseName) (retval DBresult)
- func (obj *Model) AddNotificationEntry(notiItem *DBNotification) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddOrderEntry(order *DBOrder) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddStringEntry(entryString string) (stringhash int64)
- func (obj *Model) AddStructureInfoEntry(structureInfo *DBstructureInfo) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddStructureNameEntry(structureName *DBstructureName) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddStructureServiceEntry(svc *DBstructureService) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddTransactionEntry(trItem *DBTransaction) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) AddWalletEntry(character_id int, corporation_id int, division int, balance float64)
- func (obj *Model) CheckCharExists(entry *DBcharacter) bool
- func (obj *Model) CheckNPCKill(kmid int) bool
- func (obj *Model) CloseDB()
- func (obj *Model) ContrItemsExist(contrID int) bool
- func (obj *Model) ContractAvailInt2Str(avail int) (retval string)
- func (obj *Model) ContractAvailStr2Int(avail string) int
- func (obj *Model) ContractStatusInt2Str(status int) (retval string)
- func (obj *Model) ContractStatusStr2Int(status string) int
- func (obj *Model) ContractTypeStr2Int(cntrType string) int
- func (obj *Model) DebounceEntryExists(url string) bool
- func (obj *Model) DeleteCorpCache()
- func (obj *Model) DeleteMarketItems()
- func (obj *Model) DeleteStructureInfoEntries(structureID int64) (result bool)
- func (obj *Model) DeleteStructureNameEntries(structureID int64) (result bool)
- func (obj *Model) DeleteStructureServiceEntries(structureID int64) (result bool)
- func (obj *Model) DeleteStructureServiceEntry(structureID int64, serviceName int64) (result bool)
- func (obj *Model) GetAllyInfoEntry(allyID int) (retval *DBallyInfo, result DBresult)
- func (obj *Model) GetAllyNames(allyID int) (ticker string, name string)
- func (obj *Model) GetAltMap(corpId int) (alt2main map[string]string)
- func (obj *Model) GetAuth(corpId int) (email string, pw string, success bool)
- func (obj *Model) GetBalanceOverTime(charId int, corpId int, corp bool, days int) (balance float64)
- func (obj *Model) GetBounties(corpId int) []*DBTable
- func (obj *Model) GetBountyTable(corpId int) *MonthlyTable
- func (obj *Model) GetCachedCorpNames(corpID int) (result DBCorpNames)
- func (obj *Model) GetCharEntry(Character_id int) *DBcharacter
- func (obj *Model) GetCharNotifications(charID int) (retval []*DBNotification)
- func (obj *Model) GetContrItems(contrID int) []*DBContrItem
- func (obj *Model) GetContractById(ContractID int64) (result *DBContract)
- func (obj *Model) GetContractsByIssuerId(id int, corp bool) []*DBContract
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpContracts(id int) []*DBContract
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpInfoEntry(corpId int) (retval *DBcorpInfo, result DBresult)
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpMemberIdMap(corpId int) map[int]int
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpMemberList(corpId int) []int
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpMemberNames(corpId int) []string
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpMiningData(corpID int) (list []*ViewMiningData)
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpNames(corpID int) *DBCorpNames
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpObserverMap() (result map[int]int)
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpObservers(corpId int) (result []int)
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpStructures(corpID int) (retval []*DBstructureInfo)
- func (obj *Model) GetCorpTicker(corpID int) string
- func (obj *Model) GetCurrentPaps(corpId int) int
- func (obj *Model) GetDBCorpMember(charID int) *DBcorpMember
- func (obj *Model) GetDBCorpMembers(corpId int) []*DBcorpMember
- func (obj *Model) GetDBPapTable(corpId int) []*DBTable
- func (obj *Model) GetExtMiningData(corpID int, obsId int) (list []*ViewMiningData)
- func (obj *Model) GetIndustryJob(jobId int64) (result *DBJob)
- func (obj *Model) GetIndustryJobs(entityId int, corp bool) []*DBJob
- func (obj *Model) GetItemID(itemName string) int
- func (obj *Model) GetItemValue(typeID int) (retval float64)
- func (obj *Model) GetJournal(charId int, corpId int, corp bool) []*DBJournal
- func (obj *Model) GetJournalForContract(ctrID int) (result *DBJournal)
- func (obj *Model) GetKillTable(corpId int, maxMonth int, losses bool) *MonthlyTable
- func (obj *Model) GetKillValue(killMailId int) float64
- func (obj *Model) GetKillsCurrentMonth(corpId int, losses bool) int
- func (obj *Model) GetKillsDB(corpId int, losses bool) []*DBTable
- func (obj *Model) GetKillsMail(kmId int) *DBKillmail
- func (obj *Model) GetKillsMails() []*DBKillmail
- func (obj *Model) GetLatestWallets(character_id int, corporation_id int, division int) (balance float64)
- func (obj *Model) GetListOfServiceEntries(structureId int64) []int64
- func (obj *Model) GetMarketItem(typeID int) (retval *DBMarketItem)
- func (obj *Model) GetMarketItems() (retval []*DBMarketItem)
- func (obj *Model) GetMiningByCop(corpId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) (list []*ViewMiningData)
- func (obj *Model) GetMiningCharMap() (result map[int]int)
- func (obj *Model) GetMiningCorpMap() (result map[int]int)
- func (obj *Model) GetMiningFiltered(corpId int, mainId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) (list []*ViewMiningData)
- func (obj *Model) GetMiningFilteredExt(mainId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) (list []*ViewMiningData)
- func (obj *Model) GetMonthlyTable(corpId int, inputTable []*DBTable, maxMonth int) *MonthlyTable
- func (obj *Model) GetNameByID(eve_id int) (name string)
- func (obj *Model) GetNameEntry(eve_id int) (UNitem *DBUniverseName)
- func (obj *Model) GetNextJobEndTimeStamp(charId int) (timestamp int64)
- func (obj *Model) GetNextPendingJob(entityId int, corp bool) (retval *DBJob, overdueCount int)
- func (obj *Model) GetOrdersByIssuerId(id int, corp bool) []*DBOrder
- func (obj *Model) GetPapTable(corpId int) *MonthlyTable
- func (obj *Model) GetSdePropsByID(ID int) (result *SdeTypeProps)
- func (obj *Model) GetSdePropsByName(name string) (result *SdeTypeProps)
- func (obj *Model) GetServiceEntries(structureId int64) []*DBstructureService
- func (obj *Model) GetStringEntry(id int64) (retStr string, result bool)
- func (obj *Model) GetStructureInfo(structureId int64) (retval *DBstructureInfo)
- func (obj *Model) GetStructureName(structureId int64) (retval *DBstructureName)
- func (obj *Model) GetStructureNameStr(structureId int64) (retval string)
- func (obj *Model) GetStructureStatus(structureId int64) (retval string)
- func (obj *Model) GetTransactionEntry(JournalRefID int64) *DBTransaction
- func (obj *Model) GetTypeString(ID int) string
- func (obj *Model) GetVictimData(corpId int, mainId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) []*DBKMTable
- func (obj *Model) ImportBounties() (retval bool)
- func (obj *Model) JobActivityId2Str(activityID int) (jobActivity string)
- func (obj *Model) JobItemExist(contrID int) bool
- func (obj *Model) JobStatusId2Str(statusID int) (jobStatus string)
- func (obj *Model) KillMailExists(killmailID int32) bool
- func (obj *Model) LoadEtag(Etag string) (bodybytes []byte)
- func (obj *Model) NameExists(eve_id int) bool
- func (obj *Model) OrderRangeInt2Str(rangeID int) (retval string)
- func (obj *Model) OrderRangeStr2Int(rangeStr string) int
- func (obj *Model) PapLinkExists(papLink string) bool
- func (obj *Model) RemoveCorpMemberEntry(charId int, corpId int) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) SetAuth(corpId int, email string, pw string)
- func (obj *Model) SetDBCorpMembers(memberList []*DBcorpMember)
- func (obj *Model) StoreEtag(newEtag string, oldEtag string, bodybytes []byte) (retval bool)
- func (obj *Model) StrucStatID2Str(state int) string
- func (obj *Model) UpdateMemberCount(memberCount int, corpId int) DBresult
- func (obj *Model) WalletEntryExists(character_id int, corporation_id int, division int) bool
- type MonthlyTable
- type SdeTypeMatsList
- type SdeTypeMatsStruct
- type SdeTypeProps
- type ViewMiningData
- type ZkStatus
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( Ctnr_Avail_Public = 0 Ctnr_Avail_Personal = 1 Ctnr_Avail_Corp = 2 Ctnr_Avail_Alli = 3 )
View Source
const ( Cntr_Stat_outstanding = 0 Cntr_Stat_in_progress = 1 Cntr_Stat_finished_issuer = 2 Cntr_Stat_finished_contractor = 3 Cntr_Stat_finished = 4 Cntr_Stat_cancelled = 5 Cntr_Stat_rejected = 6 Cntr_Stat_failed = 7 Cntr_Stat_deleted = 8 Cntr_Stat_reversed = 9 )
View Source
const ( Cntr_Type_unknown = 0 Cntr_Type_item_exchange = 1 Cntr_Type_auction = 2 Cntr_Type_courier = 3 Cntr_Type_loan = 4 )
View Source
const ( Job_Stat_active = 0 Job_Stat_cancelled = 1 Job_Stat_delivered = 2 Job_Stat_paused = 3 Job_Stat_ready = 4 Job_Stat_reverted = 5 )
View Source
const ( Job_Act_Manufacturing = 1 Job_Act_ResearchingTechnology = 2 Job_Act_ResearchingTimeProductivity = 3 Job_Act_ResearchingMaterialProductivity = 4 Job_Act_Copying = 5 Job_Act_Duplicating = 6 Job_Act_ReverseEngineering = 7 Job_Act_Invention = 8 )
View Source
const ( Journal_market_transaction = 2 Journal_market_escrow = 42 )
View Source
const ( AppName = "omip" DbName = "omip.db" DbNameModelTest = "omipModelTest.db" DbNameCtrlTest = "omipCtrlTest.db" LogFileName = "omip.log" LogFileNameTest = "omipTest.log" DebounceTimeSec = 60 * 5 LogBufferSIze = 5000 )
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const ( NotiSndTyp_character = iota NotiSndTyp_corporation NotiSndTyp_alliance NotiSndTyp_faction NotiSndTyp_other )
View Source
const ( NotiMsgTyp_AcceptedAlly = iota NotiMsgTyp_AcceptedSurrender NotiMsgTyp_AgentRetiredTrigravian NotiMsgTyp_AllAnchoringMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllMaintenanceBillMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllStrucInvulnerableMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllStructVulnerableMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllWarCorpJoinedAllianceMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllWarDeclaredMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllWarInvalidatedMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllWarRetractedMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllWarSurrenderMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllianceCapitalChanged NotiMsgTyp_AllianceWarDeclaredV2 NotiMsgTyp_AllyContractCancelled NotiMsgTyp_AllyJoinedWarAggressorMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllyJoinedWarAllyMsg NotiMsgTyp_AllyJoinedWarDefenderMsg NotiMsgTyp_BattlePunishFriendlyFire NotiMsgTyp_BillOutOfMoneyMsg NotiMsgTyp_BillPaidCorpAllMsg NotiMsgTyp_BountyClaimMsg NotiMsgTyp_BountyESSTaken NotiMsgTyp_BountyPlacedAlliance NotiMsgTyp_BountyPlacedChar NotiMsgTyp_BountyPlacedCorp NotiMsgTyp_BountyYourBountyClaimed NotiMsgTyp_BuddyConnectContactAdd NotiMsgTyp_CharAppAcceptMsg NotiMsgTyp_CharAppRejectMsg NotiMsgTyp_CharAppWithdrawMsg NotiMsgTyp_CharLeftCorpMsg NotiMsgTyp_CharMedalMsg NotiMsgTyp_CharTerminationMsg NotiMsgTyp_CloneActivationMsg NotiMsgTyp_CloneActivationMsg2 NotiMsgTyp_CloneMovedMsg NotiMsgTyp_CloneRevokedMsg1 NotiMsgTyp_CloneRevokedMsg2 NotiMsgTyp_CombatOperationFinished NotiMsgTyp_ContactAdd NotiMsgTyp_ContactEdit NotiMsgTyp_ContainerPasswordMsg NotiMsgTyp_ContractRegionChangedToPochven NotiMsgTyp_CorpAllBillMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpAppAcceptMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpAppInvitedMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpAppNewMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpAppRejectCustomMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpAppRejectMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpBecameWarEligible NotiMsgTyp_CorpDividendMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpFriendlyFireDisableTimerCompleted NotiMsgTyp_CorpFriendlyFireDisableTimerStarted NotiMsgTyp_CorpFriendlyFireEnableTimerCompleted NotiMsgTyp_CorpFriendlyFireEnableTimerStarted NotiMsgTyp_CorpKicked NotiMsgTyp_CorpLiquidationMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpNewCEOMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpNewsMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpNoLongerWarEligible NotiMsgTyp_CorpOfficeExpirationMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpStructLostMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpTaxChangeMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpVoteCEORevokedMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpVoteMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarDeclaredMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarDeclaredV2 NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarFightingLegalMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarInvalidatedMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarRetractedMsg NotiMsgTyp_CorpWarSurrenderMsg NotiMsgTyp_CustomsMsg NotiMsgTyp_DeclareWar NotiMsgTyp_DistrictAttacked NotiMsgTyp_DustAppAcceptedMsg NotiMsgTyp_ESSMainBankLink NotiMsgTyp_EntosisCaptureStarted NotiMsgTyp_FWAllianceKickMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWAllianceWarningMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCharKickMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCharRankGainMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCharRankLossMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCharWarningMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCorpJoinMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCorpKickMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCorpLeaveMsg NotiMsgTyp_FWCorpWarningMsg NotiMsgTyp_FacWarCorpJoinRequestMsg NotiMsgTyp_FacWarCorpJoinWithdrawMsg NotiMsgTyp_FacWarCorpLeaveRequestMsg NotiMsgTyp_FacWarCorpLeaveWithdrawMsg NotiMsgTyp_FacWarLPDisqualifiedEvent NotiMsgTyp_FacWarLPDisqualifiedKill NotiMsgTyp_FacWarLPPayoutEvent NotiMsgTyp_FacWarLPPayoutKill NotiMsgTyp_GameTimeAdded NotiMsgTyp_GameTimeReceived NotiMsgTyp_GameTimeSent NotiMsgTyp_GiftReceived NotiMsgTyp_IHubDestroyedByBillFailure NotiMsgTyp_IncursionCompletedMsg NotiMsgTyp_IndustryOperationFinished NotiMsgTyp_IndustryTeamAuctionLost NotiMsgTyp_IndustryTeamAuctionWon NotiMsgTyp_InfrastructureHubBillAboutToExpire NotiMsgTyp_InsuranceExpirationMsg NotiMsgTyp_InsuranceFirstShipMsg NotiMsgTyp_InsuranceInvalidatedMsg NotiMsgTyp_InsuranceIssuedMsg NotiMsgTyp_InsurancePayoutMsg NotiMsgTyp_InvasionCompletedMsg NotiMsgTyp_InvasionSystemLogin NotiMsgTyp_InvasionSystemStart NotiMsgTyp_JumpCloneDeletedMsg1 NotiMsgTyp_JumpCloneDeletedMsg2 NotiMsgTyp_KillReportFinalBlow NotiMsgTyp_KillReportVictim NotiMsgTyp_KillRightAvailable NotiMsgTyp_KillRightAvailableOpen NotiMsgTyp_KillRightEarned NotiMsgTyp_KillRightUsed NotiMsgTyp_LocateCharMsg NotiMsgTyp_MadeWarMutual NotiMsgTyp_MercOfferRetractedMsg NotiMsgTyp_MercOfferedNegotiationMsg NotiMsgTyp_MissionCanceledTriglavian NotiMsgTyp_MissionOfferExpirationMsg NotiMsgTyp_MissionTimeoutMsg NotiMsgTyp_MoonminingAutomaticFracture NotiMsgTyp_MoonminingExtractionCancelled NotiMsgTyp_MoonminingExtractionFinished NotiMsgTyp_MoonminingExtractionStarted NotiMsgTyp_MoonminingLaserFired NotiMsgTyp_MutualWarExpired NotiMsgTyp_MutualWarInviteAccepted NotiMsgTyp_MutualWarInviteRejected NotiMsgTyp_MutualWarInviteSent NotiMsgTyp_NPCStandingsGained NotiMsgTyp_NPCStandingsLost NotiMsgTyp_OfferToAllyRetracted NotiMsgTyp_OfferedSurrender NotiMsgTyp_OfferedToAlly NotiMsgTyp_OfficeLeaseCanceledInsufficientStandings NotiMsgTyp_OldLscMessages NotiMsgTyp_OperationFinished NotiMsgTyp_OrbitalAttacked NotiMsgTyp_OrbitalReinforced NotiMsgTyp_OwnershipTransferred NotiMsgTyp_RaffleCreated NotiMsgTyp_RaffleExpired NotiMsgTyp_RaffleFinished NotiMsgTyp_ReimbursementMsg NotiMsgTyp_ResearchMissionAvailableMsg NotiMsgTyp_RetractsWar NotiMsgTyp_SeasonalChallengeCompleted NotiMsgTyp_SovAllClaimAquiredMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovAllClaimLostMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovCommandNodeEventStarted NotiMsgTyp_SovCorpBillLateMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovCorpClaimFailMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovDisruptorMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovStationEnteredFreeport NotiMsgTyp_SovStructureDestroyed NotiMsgTyp_SovStructureReinforced NotiMsgTyp_SovStructureSelfDestructCancel NotiMsgTyp_SovStructureSelfDestructFinished NotiMsgTyp_SovStructureSelfDestructRequested NotiMsgTyp_SovereigntyIHDamageMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovereigntySBUDamageMsg NotiMsgTyp_SovereigntyTCUDamageMsg NotiMsgTyp_StationAggressionMsg1 NotiMsgTyp_StationAggressionMsg2 NotiMsgTyp_StationConquerMsg NotiMsgTyp_StationServiceDisabled NotiMsgTyp_StationServiceEnabled NotiMsgTyp_StationStateChangeMsg NotiMsgTyp_StoryLineMissionAvailableMsg NotiMsgTyp_StructureAnchoring NotiMsgTyp_StructureCourierContractChanged NotiMsgTyp_StructureDestroyed NotiMsgTyp_StructureFuelAlert NotiMsgTyp_StructureImpendingAbandonmentAssetsAtRisk NotiMsgTyp_StructureItemsDelivered NotiMsgTyp_StructureItemsMovedToSafety NotiMsgTyp_StructureLostArmor NotiMsgTyp_StructureLostShields NotiMsgTyp_StructureOnline NotiMsgTyp_StructureServicesOffline NotiMsgTyp_StructureUnanchoring NotiMsgTyp_StructureUnderAttack NotiMsgTyp_StructureWentHighPower NotiMsgTyp_StructureWentLowPower NotiMsgTyp_StructuresJobsCancelled NotiMsgTyp_StructuresJobsPaused NotiMsgTyp_StructuresReinforcementChanged NotiMsgTyp_TowerAlertMsg NotiMsgTyp_TowerResourceAlertMsg NotiMsgTyp_TransactionReversalMsg NotiMsgTyp_TutorialMsg NotiMsgTyp_WarAdopted NotiMsgTyp_WarAllyInherited NotiMsgTyp_WarAllyOfferDeclinedMsg NotiMsgTyp_WarConcordInvalidates NotiMsgTyp_WarDeclared NotiMsgTyp_WarEndedHqSecurityDrop NotiMsgTyp_WarHQRemovedFromSpace NotiMsgTyp_WarInherited NotiMsgTyp_WarInvalid NotiMsgTyp_WarRetracted NotiMsgTyp_WarRetractedByConcord NotiMsgTyp_WarSurrenderDeclinedMsg NotiMsgTyp_WarSurrenderOfferMsg )
View Source
const ( Order_Range_1 = 0 Order_Range_10 = 1 Order_Range_2 = 2 Order_Range_20 = 3 Order_Range_3 = 4 Order_Range_30 = 5 Order_Range_4 = 6 Order_Range_40 = 7 Order_Range_5 = 8 Order_Range_region = 9 Order_Range_solarsystem = 10 Order_Range_station = 11 )
View Source
const ( StructState_new = 0 StructState_anchor_vulnerable = 1 StructState_anchoring = 2 StructState_armor_reinforce = 3 StructState_armor_vulnerable = 4 StructState_deploy_vulnerable = 5 StructState_fitting_invulnerable = 6 StructState_hull_reinforce = 7 StructState_hull_vulnerable = 8 StructState_online_deprecated = 9 StructState_onlining_vulnerable = 10 StructState_shield_vulnerable = 11 StructState_unanchored = 12 StructState_unknown = 13 )
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const (
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const KMEXampleData1 = `` /* 4653-byte string literal not displayed */
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const KMEXampleData2 = `` /* 3268-byte string literal not displayed */
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const MarketPrices = `` /* 1313772-byte string literal not displayed */
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const SdeData = `` /* 2219721-byte string literal not displayed */
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const SdeDate = "2024-02-11"
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const SdeTypeMats = `` /* 41250-byte string literal not displayed */
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const SdeUrl = ""
Variables ¶
View Source
var JobActivity = map[string]int{ "Manufacturing": Job_Act_Manufacturing, "Tech": Job_Act_ResearchingTechnology, "Time Efficiency": Job_Act_ResearchingTimeProductivity, "Mat Efficiency": Job_Act_ResearchingMaterialProductivity, "Copying": Job_Act_Copying, "Duplicating": Job_Act_Duplicating, "Reverse Eng": Job_Act_ReverseEngineering, "Invention": Job_Act_Invention, }
View Source
var JobStatus = map[string]int{ "active": Job_Stat_active, "cancelled": Job_Stat_cancelled, "delivered": Job_Stat_delivered, "paused": Job_Stat_paused, "ready": Job_Stat_ready, "reverted": Job_Stat_reverted, }
View Source
var JournalContextIdType = map[string]int{
"structure_id": 1,
"station_id": 2,
"market_transaction_id": 3,
"character_id": 4,
"corporation_id": 5,
"alliance_id": 6,
"eve_system": 7,
"industry_job_id": 8,
"contract_id": 9,
"planet_id": 10,
"system_id": 11,
"type_id": 12,
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var JournalRefType = map[string]int{}/* 122 elements not displayed */
list taken from
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var NotiMsgTyp = map[string]int{}/* 216 elements not displayed */
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var NotiSndTyp = map[string]int{ "character": NotiSndTyp_character, "corporation": NotiSndTyp_corporation, "alliance": NotiSndTyp_alliance, "faction": NotiSndTyp_faction, "other": NotiSndTyp_other, }
View Source
var StructureStatus = map[string]int{ "new_structure": StructState_new, "anchor_vulnerable": StructState_anchor_vulnerable, "anchoring": StructState_anchoring, "armor_reinforce": StructState_armor_reinforce, "armor_vulnerable": StructState_armor_vulnerable, "deploy_vulnerable": StructState_deploy_vulnerable, "fitting_invulnerable": StructState_fitting_invulnerable, "hull_reinforce": StructState_hull_reinforce, "hull_vulnerable": StructState_hull_vulnerable, "online_deprecated": StructState_online_deprecated, "onlining_vulnerable": StructState_onlining_vulnerable, "shield_vulnerable": StructState_shield_vulnerable, "unanchored": StructState_unanchored, "unknown": StructState_unknown, }
Functions ¶
func ReplaceSQL ¶
Types ¶
type DBContrItem ¶
type DBContract ¶
type DBContract struct { Acceptor_id int Assignee_id int Availability int Buyout float64 Collateral float64 Contract_id int Date_accepted int64 Date_completed int64 Date_expired int64 Date_issued int64 Days_to_complete int End_location_id int64 For_corporation bool Issuer_corporation_id int Issuer_id int Price float64 Reward float64 Start_location_id int64 Status int Title int64 Type int Volume float64 }
type DBCorpNames ¶ added in v1.0.11
type DBJob ¶
type DBJob struct { CharId int CorpId int IsCorp int ActivityId int BlueprintId int64 BlueprintLocationId int64 BlueprintTypeId int CompletedCharacterId int CompletedDate int64 Cost float64 Duration int EndDate int64 FacilityId int64 InstallerId int JobId int LicensedRuns int OutputLocationId int64 PauseDate int64 Probability float64 ProductTypeId int Runs int StartDate int64 StationId int64 Status int SuccessfulRuns int }
type DBJournalLink ¶
type DBKAttacker ¶
type DBKillTable ¶
type DBKillmail ¶
type DBMarketItem ¶
type DBMiningData ¶ added in v1.0.11
type DBMiningObserver ¶ added in v1.0.11
type DBNotification ¶
type DBTransaction ¶
type DBUniverseName ¶
type DBallyInfo ¶ added in v1.0.11
type DBcharacter ¶
type DBcontractTable ¶
type DBcorpInfo ¶
type DBcorpMember ¶
type DBpapTable ¶
type DBstructureInfo ¶
type DBstructureInfo struct { CorpId int FuelExpires int64 NextReinforceApply int64 NextReinforceHour int NextReinforceWeekday int ProfileId int ReinForceHour int ReinforceWeekday int State int StateTimerEnd int64 StateTimerStart int64 StructureID int64 SystemID int TypeID int UnanchorsAt int64 NameRef int64 }
type DBstructureName ¶
type DBstructureService ¶
type Model ¶
type Model struct { LocalDir string LocalLogFile string LocalImgDir string LocalEtagCache string LocalSqlDb string LocalTypIDsFile string DB *sql.DB LogObj *log.Logger LogFileHandle *os.File ItemIDs map[int]string ItemNames map[string]int ItemAvgPrice map[int]float64 ItemMats SdeTypeMatsList DebugFlag bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Model) ADashAuthExists ¶
func (*Model) AddAllyInfoEntry ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) AddAllyInfoEntry(allyInfo *DBallyInfo) DBresult
func (*Model) AddCharEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddCharEntry(entry *DBcharacter)
func (*Model) AddContrItemEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddContrItemEntry(contrItem *DBContrItem) DBresult
func (*Model) AddContractEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddContractEntry(contract *DBContract) DBresult
func (*Model) AddCorpADashEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddCorpInfoEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddCorpInfoEntry(corpInfo *DBcorpInfo) DBresult
func (*Model) AddCorpMemberEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddCorpMemberEntry(member *DBcorpMember) DBresult
func (*Model) AddDebounceEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddJobEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddJournalEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddJournalLinkEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddJournalLinkEntry(jLnkItem *DBJournalLink) DBresult
func (*Model) AddKAttackerEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddKAttackerEntry(att *DBKAttacker) DBresult
func (*Model) AddKItemEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddKVictimEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddKillmailEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddKillmailEntry(km *DBKillmail) DBresult
func (*Model) AddMarketItems ¶
func (obj *Model) AddMarketItems(mItems []DBMarketItem)
func (*Model) AddMarketItemsBatch ¶
func (obj *Model) AddMarketItemsBatch(mItems []DBMarketItem)
func (*Model) AddMiningDataEntry ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) AddMiningDataEntry(item *DBMiningData) DBresult
func (*Model) AddMiningObsEntry ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) AddMiningObsEntry(item *DBMiningObserver) DBresult
func (*Model) AddNameEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddNameEntry(UNitem *DBUniverseName) (retval DBresult)
func (*Model) AddNotificationEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddNotificationEntry(notiItem *DBNotification) DBresult
func (*Model) AddOrderEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddStringEntry ¶
func (*Model) AddStructureInfoEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddStructureInfoEntry(structureInfo *DBstructureInfo) DBresult
func (*Model) AddStructureNameEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddStructureNameEntry(structureName *DBstructureName) DBresult
func (*Model) AddStructureServiceEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddStructureServiceEntry(svc *DBstructureService) DBresult
func (*Model) AddTransactionEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) AddTransactionEntry(trItem *DBTransaction) DBresult
func (*Model) AddWalletEntry ¶
func (*Model) CheckCharExists ¶
func (obj *Model) CheckCharExists(entry *DBcharacter) bool
func (*Model) CheckNPCKill ¶
func (*Model) ContrItemsExist ¶
func (*Model) ContractAvailInt2Str ¶
func (*Model) ContractAvailStr2Int ¶
func (*Model) ContractStatusInt2Str ¶
func (*Model) ContractStatusStr2Int ¶
func (*Model) ContractTypeStr2Int ¶
func (*Model) DebounceEntryExists ¶
func (*Model) DeleteCorpCache ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) DeleteCorpCache()
func (*Model) DeleteMarketItems ¶
func (obj *Model) DeleteMarketItems()
func (*Model) DeleteStructureInfoEntries ¶
func (*Model) DeleteStructureNameEntries ¶
func (*Model) DeleteStructureServiceEntries ¶
func (*Model) DeleteStructureServiceEntry ¶
func (*Model) GetAllyInfoEntry ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetAllyInfoEntry(allyID int) (retval *DBallyInfo, result DBresult)
func (*Model) GetAllyNames ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetBalanceOverTime ¶
func (*Model) GetBounties ¶
func (*Model) GetBountyTable ¶
func (obj *Model) GetBountyTable(corpId int) *MonthlyTable
func (*Model) GetCachedCorpNames ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetCachedCorpNames(corpID int) (result DBCorpNames)
func (*Model) GetCharEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) GetCharEntry(Character_id int) *DBcharacter
func (*Model) GetCharNotifications ¶
func (obj *Model) GetCharNotifications(charID int) (retval []*DBNotification)
func (*Model) GetContrItems ¶
func (obj *Model) GetContrItems(contrID int) []*DBContrItem
func (*Model) GetContractById ¶
func (obj *Model) GetContractById(ContractID int64) (result *DBContract)
func (*Model) GetContractsByIssuerId ¶
func (obj *Model) GetContractsByIssuerId(id int, corp bool) []*DBContract
func (*Model) GetCorpContracts ¶
func (obj *Model) GetCorpContracts(id int) []*DBContract
func (*Model) GetCorpInfoEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) GetCorpInfoEntry(corpId int) (retval *DBcorpInfo, result DBresult)
func (*Model) GetCorpMemberIdMap ¶
GetCorpMemberIdMap returns map[characterID]=1 this map is for probing if characterID is member of this corp
func (*Model) GetCorpMemberList ¶
func (*Model) GetCorpMemberNames ¶
func (*Model) GetCorpMiningData ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetCorpMiningData(corpID int) (list []*ViewMiningData)
func (*Model) GetCorpNames ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetCorpNames(corpID int) *DBCorpNames
func (*Model) GetCorpObserverMap ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetCorpObservers ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetCorpStructures ¶
func (obj *Model) GetCorpStructures(corpID int) (retval []*DBstructureInfo)
func (*Model) GetCorpTicker ¶
func (*Model) GetCurrentPaps ¶
func (*Model) GetDBCorpMember ¶
func (obj *Model) GetDBCorpMember(charID int) *DBcorpMember
func (*Model) GetDBCorpMembers ¶
func (obj *Model) GetDBCorpMembers(corpId int) []*DBcorpMember
func (*Model) GetDBPapTable ¶
func (*Model) GetExtMiningData ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetExtMiningData(corpID int, obsId int) (list []*ViewMiningData)
func (*Model) GetIndustryJob ¶
func (*Model) GetItemValue ¶
func (*Model) GetJournal ¶
func (*Model) GetJournalForContract ¶
func (*Model) GetKillTable ¶
func (obj *Model) GetKillTable(corpId int, maxMonth int, losses bool) *MonthlyTable
func (*Model) GetKillValue ¶
func (*Model) GetKillsCurrentMonth ¶
func (*Model) GetKillsMail ¶
func (obj *Model) GetKillsMail(kmId int) *DBKillmail
func (*Model) GetKillsMails ¶
func (obj *Model) GetKillsMails() []*DBKillmail
func (*Model) GetLatestWallets ¶
func (*Model) GetListOfServiceEntries ¶
func (*Model) GetMarketItem ¶
func (obj *Model) GetMarketItem(typeID int) (retval *DBMarketItem)
func (*Model) GetMarketItems ¶
func (obj *Model) GetMarketItems() (retval []*DBMarketItem)
func (*Model) GetMiningByCop ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetMiningByCop(corpId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) (list []*ViewMiningData)
func (*Model) GetMiningCharMap ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetMiningCorpMap ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetMiningFiltered ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (*Model) GetMiningFilteredExt ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetMiningFilteredExt(mainId int, startTS int64, endTS int64) (list []*ViewMiningData)
func (*Model) GetMonthlyTable ¶
func (obj *Model) GetMonthlyTable(corpId int, inputTable []*DBTable, maxMonth int) *MonthlyTable
func (*Model) GetNameByID ¶
func (*Model) GetNameEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) GetNameEntry(eve_id int) (UNitem *DBUniverseName)
func (*Model) GetNextJobEndTimeStamp ¶
func (*Model) GetNextPendingJob ¶
func (*Model) GetOrdersByIssuerId ¶
func (*Model) GetPapTable ¶
func (obj *Model) GetPapTable(corpId int) *MonthlyTable
func (*Model) GetSdePropsByID ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetSdePropsByID(ID int) (result *SdeTypeProps)
func (*Model) GetSdePropsByName ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *Model) GetSdePropsByName(name string) (result *SdeTypeProps)
func (*Model) GetServiceEntries ¶
func (obj *Model) GetServiceEntries(structureId int64) []*DBstructureService
func (*Model) GetStringEntry ¶
func (*Model) GetStructureInfo ¶
func (obj *Model) GetStructureInfo(structureId int64) (retval *DBstructureInfo)
func (*Model) GetStructureName ¶
func (obj *Model) GetStructureName(structureId int64) (retval *DBstructureName)
func (*Model) GetStructureNameStr ¶
func (*Model) GetStructureStatus ¶
func (*Model) GetTransactionEntry ¶
func (obj *Model) GetTransactionEntry(JournalRefID int64) *DBTransaction
func (*Model) GetTypeString ¶
func (*Model) GetVictimData ¶
func (*Model) ImportBounties ¶
func (*Model) JobActivityId2Str ¶
func (*Model) JobItemExist ¶
func (*Model) JobStatusId2Str ¶
func (*Model) KillMailExists ¶
func (*Model) NameExists ¶
func (*Model) OrderRangeInt2Str ¶
func (*Model) OrderRangeStr2Int ¶
func (*Model) PapLinkExists ¶
func (*Model) RemoveCorpMemberEntry ¶
func (*Model) SetDBCorpMembers ¶
func (obj *Model) SetDBCorpMembers(memberList []*DBcorpMember)
func (*Model) StrucStatID2Str ¶
func (*Model) UpdateMemberCount ¶
type MonthlyTable ¶
type MonthlyTable struct { // ValCharPerMon --> map[characterName]map[year-month]float64 // example ValCharPerMon["Wilm0rien"][21-06]=150000 ValCharPerMon map[string]map[string]float64 // MaxInMonth --> map[year-month]float64 // example MaxInMonth["21-06"] = 3000000 MaxInMonth map[string]float64 SumInMonth map[string]float64 MaxAllTime float64 }
type SdeTypeMatsList ¶ added in v1.0.11
type SdeTypeMatsList map[int]SdeTypeProps
type SdeTypeMatsStruct ¶ added in v1.0.11
type SdeTypeProps ¶ added in v1.0.11
type SdeTypeProps struct { Volume string `json:"volume"` Materials []*SdeTypeMatsStruct `json:"materials"` }
func (*SdeTypeProps) GetVolume ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (obj *SdeTypeProps) GetVolume() (result float64)
type ViewMiningData ¶ added in v1.0.11
type ViewMiningData struct { MainID int MainName string AltName string N DBCorpNames DBMiningData }
Source Files
- model_aDash.go
- model_ally.go
- model_char.go
- model_contract.go
- model_corp.go
- model_industry.go
- model_journal.go
- model_kill_mails.go
- model_main.go
- model_market.go
- model_mining.go
- model_notifications.go
- model_orders.go
- model_string.go
- model_structure.go
- model_transactions.go
- model_type_ids.go
- model_type_mats.go
- model_univ.go
- model_wallet.go
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