Overview ¶
+build darwin
Package netlink provides a simple library for netlink. Netlink is the interface a user-space program in linux uses to communicate with the kernel. It can be used to add and remove interfaces, set up ip addresses and routes, and confiugre ipsec. Netlink communication requires elevated privileges, so in most cases this code needs to be run as root. The low level primitives for netlink are contained in the nl subpackage. This package attempts to provide a high-level interface that is loosly modeled on the iproute2 cli.
+build darwin
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddrAdd(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func AddrDel(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func AddrReplace(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func AddrSubscribe(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}) error
- func AddrSubscribeAt(ns netns.NsHandle, ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}) error
- func AddrSubscribeWithOptions(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}, options AddrSubscribeOptions) error
- func ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter *ConntrackFilter) (uint, error)
- func ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error
- func FouAdd(f Fou) error
- func FouDel(f Fou) error
- func GetNetNsIdByFd(fd int) (int, error)
- func GetNetNsIdByPid(pid int) (int, error)
- func HandleStr(handle uint32) string
- func LinkAdd(link Link) error
- func LinkDel(link Link) error
- func LinkSetARPOff(link Link) error
- func LinkSetARPOn(link Link) error
- func LinkSetAlias(link Link, name string) error
- func LinkSetDown(link Link) error
- func LinkSetFastLeave(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetFlood(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetGuard(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetHairpin(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetHardwareAddr(link Link, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
- func LinkSetLearning(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetMTU(link Link, mtu int) error
- func LinkSetMaster(link Link, master *Bridge) error
- func LinkSetMasterByIndex(link Link, masterIndex int) error
- func LinkSetName(link Link, name string) error
- func LinkSetNoMaster(link Link) error
- func LinkSetNsFd(link Link, fd int) error
- func LinkSetNsPid(link Link, nspid int) error
- func LinkSetRootBlock(link Link, mode bool) error
- func LinkSetTxQLen(link Link, qlen int) error
- func LinkSetUp(link Link) error
- func LinkSetVfHardwareAddr(link Link, vf int, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
- func LinkSetVfRate(link Link, vf, minRate, maxRate int) error
- func LinkSetVfTxRate(link Link, vf, rate int) error
- func LinkSetVfVlan(link Link, vf, vlan int) error
- func LinkSetVfVlanQos(link Link, vf, vlan, qos int) error
- func LinkSetXdpFd(link Link, fd int) error
- func LinkSetXdpFdWithFlags(link Link, fd, flags int) error
- func MajorMinor(handle uint32) (uint16, uint16)
- func MakeHandle(major, minor uint16) uint32
- func NeighAdd(neigh *Neigh) error
- func NeighAppend(neigh *Neigh) error
- func NeighDel(neigh *Neigh) error
- func NeighSet(neigh *Neigh) error
- func NewIPNet(ip net.IP) *net.IPNet
- func ParseIPNet(s string) (*net.IPNet, error)
- func Percentage2u32(percentage float32) uint32
- func RouteAdd(route *Route) error
- func RouteDel(route *Route) error
- func SetFastLeave(link Link, mode bool) error
- func SetFlood(link Link, mode bool) error
- func SetGuard(link Link, mode bool) error
- func SetHairpin(link Link, mode bool) error
- func SetLearning(link Link, mode bool) error
- func SetNetNsIdByFd(fd, nsid int) error
- func SetNetNsIdByPid(pid, nsid int) error
- func SetRootBlock(link Link, mode bool) error
- func XfrmPolicyAdd(policy *XfrmPolicy) error
- func XfrmPolicyDel(policy *XfrmPolicy) error
- func XfrmStateAdd(policy *XfrmState) error
- func XfrmStateDel(policy *XfrmState) error
- type Action
- type ActionAttrs
- type Addr
- type AddrSubscribeOptions
- type AddrUpdate
- type Bond
- type BondAdInfo
- type BondAdSelect
- type BondArpAllTargets
- type BondArpValidate
- type BondFailOverMac
- type BondLacpRate
- type BondMode
- type BondPrimaryReselect
- type BondSlave
- type BondSlaveMiiStatus
- type BondSlaveState
- type BondXmitHashPolicy
- type BpfAction
- type BpfFilter
- type Bridge
- type Class
- type ClassAttrs
- type ClassStatistics
- type ConnmarkAction
- type ConntrackFilter
- type ConntrackFlow
- type ConntrackTableType
- type Destination
- type Device
- type Dir
- type Dummy
- type Encap
- type EncapType
- type Filter
- type FilterAttrs
- type FilterFwAttrs
- type Fou
- type Fq
- type FqCodel
- type GTP
- type GenericAction
- type GenericClass
- type GenericFilter
- type GenericLink
- type GenericQdisc
- type GenlFamily
- type GenlMulticastGroup
- type GenlOp
- type GnetStatsBasic
- type GnetStatsQueue
- type GnetStatsRateEst
- type GnetStatsRateEst64
- type Gretap
- type Gretun
- type Handle
- func (h *Handle) AddrAdd(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func (h *Handle) AddrDel(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func (h *Handle) AddrList(link Link, family int) ([]Addr, error)
- func (h *Handle) AddrReplace(link Link, addr *Addr) error
- func (h *Handle) ClassAdd(class Class) error
- func (h *Handle) ClassChange(class Class) error
- func (h *Handle) ClassDel(class Class) error
- func (h *Handle) ClassList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Class, error)
- func (h *Handle) ClassReplace(class Class) error
- func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter *ConntrackFilter) (uint, error)
- func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error
- func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error)
- func (h *Handle) Delete()
- func (h *Handle) FilterAdd(filter Filter) error
- func (h *Handle) FilterDel(filter Filter) error
- func (h *Handle) FilterList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Filter, error)
- func (h *Handle) GenlFamilyGet(name string) (*GenlFamily, error)
- func (h *Handle) GenlFamilyList() ([]*GenlFamily, error)
- func (h *Handle) LinkAdd(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkByAlias(alias string) (Link, error)
- func (h *Handle) LinkByIndex(index int) (Link, error)
- func (h *Handle) LinkByName(name string) (Link, error)
- func (h *Handle) LinkDel(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkList() ([]Link, error)
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetAlias(link Link, name string) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetDown(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetFastLeave(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetFlood(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetGroup(link Link, group int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetGuard(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetHairpin(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetHardwareAddr(link Link, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetLearning(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetMTU(link Link, mtu int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetMaster(link Link, master *Bridge) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetMasterByIndex(link Link, masterIndex int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetName(link Link, name string) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetNoMaster(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetNsFd(link Link, fd int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetNsPid(link Link, nspid int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetRootBlock(link Link, mode bool) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetTxQLen(link Link, qlen int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetUp(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetVfHardwareAddr(link Link, vf int, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetVfRate(link Link, vf, minRate, maxRate int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetVfTxRate(link Link, vf, rate int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetVfVlan(link Link, vf, vlan int) error
- func (h *Handle) LinkSetVfVlanQos(link Link, vf, vlan, qos int) error
- func (h *Handle) NeighAdd(neigh *Neigh) error
- func (h *Handle) NeighAppend(neigh *Neigh) error
- func (h *Handle) NeighDel(neigh *Neigh) error
- func (h *Handle) NeighList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error)
- func (h *Handle) NeighProxyList(linkIndex, family int) ([]Neigh, error)
- func (h *Handle) NeighSet(neigh *Neigh) error
- func (h *Handle) RouteAdd(route *Route) error
- func (h *Handle) RouteDel(route *Route) error
- func (h *Handle) RouteGet(destination net.IP) ([]Route, error)
- func (h *Handle) RouteList(link Link, family int) ([]Route, error)
- func (h *Handle) RouteListFiltered(family int, filter *Route, filterMask uint64) ([]Route, error)
- func (h *Handle) RouteReplace(route *Route) error
- func (h *Handle) RuleAdd(rule *Rule) error
- func (h *Handle) RuleDel(rule *Rule) error
- func (h *Handle) RuleList(family int) ([]Rule, error)
- func (h *Handle) SetPromiscOff(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) SetPromiscOn(link Link) error
- func (h *Handle) SetSocketTimeout(to time.Duration) error
- func (h *Handle) SupportsNetlinkFamily(nlFamily int) bool
- type Hfsc
- type HfscClass
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) Attrs() *ClassAttrs
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetFsc(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetLS(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetRsc(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetSC(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetUL(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) SetUsc(m1 uint32, d uint32, m2 uint32)
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) String() string
- func (hfsc *HfscClass) Type() string
- type Htb
- type HtbClass
- type HtbClassAttrs
- type IPVlan
- type IPVlanFlag
- type IPVlanMode
- type IPoIB
- type IPoIBMode
- type Ifb
- type InetFamily
- type Ingress
- type Ip6tnl
- type Iptun
- type Link
- type LinkAttrs
- type LinkNotFoundError
- type LinkOperState
- type LinkSlave
- type LinkStatistics
- type LinkStatistics32
- type LinkStatistics64
- type LinkXdp
- type Macvlan
- type MacvlanMode
- type Macvtap
- type MatchAll
- type MirredAct
- type MirredAction
- type Mode
- type Neigh
- type NeighUpdate
- type Netem
- type NetemQdiscAttrs
- type NextHopFlag
- type NexthopInfo
- type NsFd
- type NsPid
- type PfifoFast
- type PolicyAction
- type Prio
- type Protinfo
- type Proto
- type Qdisc
- type QdiscAttrs
- type Route
- type RouteUpdate
- type Rule
- type RulePortRange
- type Scope
- type ServiceCurve
- type Sittun
- type SkbEditAction
- type Socket
- type SocketID
- type Tbf
- type TcAct
- type TcPolAct
- type TunnelKeyAct
- type TunnelKeyAction
- type Tuntap
- type TuntapFlag
- type TuntapMode
- type Veth
- type VfInfo
- type Vlan
- type VlanProtocol
- type Vrf
- type Vti
- type Vxlan
- type Wireguard
- type XfrmMark
- type XfrmPolicy
- type XfrmPolicyTmpl
- type XfrmState
- type XfrmStateAlgo
- type XfrmStateEncap
- type XfrmStateLimits
- type XfrmStateStats
- type Xfrmi
Constants ¶
const ( OperUnknown = iota // Status can't be determined. OperNotPresent // Some component is missing. OperDown // Down. OperLowerLayerDown // Down due to state of lower layer. OperTesting // In some test mode. OperDormant // Not up but pending an external event. OperUp // Up, ready to send packets. )
Flag mask for bond options. Bond.Flagmask must be set to on for option to work.
const ( BondStateActive = iota // Link is active. BondStateBackup // Link is backup. )
const ( BondLinkUp = iota // link is up and running. BondLinkFail // link has just gone down. BondLinkDown // link has been down for too long time. BondLinkBack // link is going back. )
Family type definitions
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrAttrHeaderTruncated is returned when a netlink attribute's header is // truncated. ErrAttrHeaderTruncated = errors.New("attribute header truncated") // ErrAttrBodyTruncated is returned when a netlink attribute's body is // truncated. ErrAttrBodyTruncated = errors.New("attribute body truncated") )
var ( // ErrNotImplemented is returned when a requested feature is not implemented. ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented") )
var StringToBondLacpRateMap = map[string]BondLacpRate{ "slow": BOND_LACP_RATE_SLOW, "fast": BOND_LACP_RATE_FAST, }
var StringToBondModeMap = map[string]BondMode{ "balance-rr": BOND_MODE_BALANCE_RR, "active-backup": BOND_MODE_ACTIVE_BACKUP, "balance-xor": BOND_MODE_BALANCE_XOR, "broadcast": BOND_MODE_BROADCAST, "802.3ad": BOND_MODE_802_3AD, "balance-tlb": BOND_MODE_BALANCE_TLB, "balance-alb": BOND_MODE_BALANCE_ALB, }
var StringToBondXmitHashPolicyMap = map[string]BondXmitHashPolicy{ "layer2": BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY_LAYER2, "layer3+4": BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY_LAYER3_4, "layer2+3": BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY_LAYER2_3, "encap2+3": BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY_ENCAP2_3, "encap3+4": BOND_XMIT_HASH_POLICY_ENCAP3_4, }
var StringToIPoIBMode = map[string]IPoIBMode{ "datagram": IPOIB_MODE_DATAGRAM, "connected": IPOIB_MODE_CONNECTED, }
var StringToVlanProtocolMap = map[string]VlanProtocol{ "802.1q": VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021Q, "802.1ad": VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021AD, }
var VlanProtocolToString = map[VlanProtocol]string{ VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021Q: "802.1q", VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021AD: "802.1ad", }
Functions ¶
func AddrAdd ¶
AddrAdd will add an IP address to a link device.
Equivalent to: `ip addr add $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrDel ¶
AddrDel will delete an IP address from a link device.
Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrReplace ¶ added in v1.2.1
AddrReplace will replace (or, if not present, add) an IP address on a link device.
Equivalent to: `ip addr replace $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func AddrSubscribe ¶ added in v1.2.2
func AddrSubscribe(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}) error
AddrSubscribe takes a chan down which notifications will be sent when addresses change. Close the 'done' chan to stop subscription.
func AddrSubscribeAt ¶ added in v1.2.2
func AddrSubscribeAt(ns netns.NsHandle, ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}) error
AddrSubscribeAt works like AddrSubscribe plus it allows the caller to choose the network namespace in which to subscribe (ns).
func AddrSubscribeWithOptions ¶ added in v1.2.2
func AddrSubscribeWithOptions(ch chan<- AddrUpdate, done <-chan struct{}, options AddrSubscribeOptions) error
AddrSubscribeWithOptions work like AddrSubscribe but enable to provide additional options to modify the behavior. Currently, the namespace can be provided as well as an error callback.
func ConntrackDeleteFilter ¶
func ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter *ConntrackFilter) (uint, error)
ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter conntrack -D [table] parameters Delete conntrack or expectation
func ConntrackTableFlush ¶
func ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error
ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table conntrack -F [table] Flush table The flush operation applies to all the family types
func GetNetNsIdByFd ¶ added in v1.2.1
func GetNetNsIdByPid ¶ added in v1.2.1
func LinkSetARPOff ¶
func LinkSetARPOn ¶
func LinkSetAlias ¶
func LinkSetDown ¶
func LinkSetFastLeave ¶
func LinkSetFlood ¶
func LinkSetGuard ¶
func LinkSetHairpin ¶
func LinkSetHardwareAddr ¶
func LinkSetHardwareAddr(link Link, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
func LinkSetLearning ¶
func LinkSetMTU ¶
func LinkSetMaster ¶
func LinkSetMasterByIndex ¶
func LinkSetName ¶
func LinkSetNoMaster ¶
func LinkSetNsFd ¶
func LinkSetNsPid ¶
func LinkSetRootBlock ¶
func LinkSetTxQLen ¶
func LinkSetVfHardwareAddr ¶
func LinkSetVfHardwareAddr(link Link, vf int, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
func LinkSetVfRate ¶ added in v1.2.1
func LinkSetVfTxRate ¶
func LinkSetVfVlan ¶
func LinkSetVfVlanQos ¶ added in v1.2.1
func LinkSetXdpFd ¶
func LinkSetXdpFdWithFlags ¶ added in v1.2.1
func MajorMinor ¶
func MakeHandle ¶
func NeighAppend ¶
func ParseIPNet ¶
ParseIPNet parses a string in ip/net format and returns a net.IPNet. This is valuable because addresses in netlink are often IPNets and ParseCIDR returns an IPNet with the IP part set to the base IP of the range.
func Percentage2u32 ¶
func SetFastLeave ¶
func SetHairpin ¶
func SetLearning ¶
func SetNetNsIdByFd ¶ added in v1.2.1
func SetNetNsIdByPid ¶ added in v1.2.1
func SetRootBlock ¶
func XfrmPolicyAdd ¶
func XfrmPolicyAdd(policy *XfrmPolicy) error
func XfrmPolicyDel ¶
func XfrmPolicyDel(policy *XfrmPolicy) error
func XfrmStateAdd ¶
func XfrmStateDel ¶
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Action interface { Attrs() *ActionAttrs Type() string }
Action represents an action in any supported filter.
type ActionAttrs ¶
func (ActionAttrs) String ¶
func (q ActionAttrs) String() string
type Addr ¶
type Addr struct { *net.IPNet Label string Flags int Scope int Peer *net.IPNet Broadcast net.IP PreferedLft int ValidLft int LinkIndex int }
Addr represents an IP address from netlink. Netlink ip addresses include a mask, so it stores the address as a net.IPNet.
func AddrList ¶
AddrList gets a list of IP addresses in the system. Equivalent to: `ip addr show`. The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func ParseAddr ¶
ParseAddr parses the string representation of an address in the form $ip/$netmask $label. The label portion is optional
type AddrSubscribeOptions ¶ added in v1.2.2
type AddrSubscribeOptions struct { Namespace *netns.NsHandle ErrorCallback func(error) ListExisting bool ReceiveBufferSize int }
AddrSubscribeOptions contains a set of options to use with AddrSubscribeWithOptions.
type AddrUpdate ¶ added in v1.2.2
type Bond ¶
type Bond struct { LinkAttrs Mode BondMode ActiveSlave int Miimon int UpDelay int DownDelay int UseCarrier int ArpInterval int ArpIpTargets []net.IP ArpValidate BondArpValidate ArpAllTargets BondArpAllTargets Primary int PrimaryReselect BondPrimaryReselect FailOverMac BondFailOverMac XmitHashPolicy BondXmitHashPolicy ResendIgmp int NumPeerNotif int AllSlavesActive int MinLinks int LpInterval int PackersPerSlave int LacpRate BondLacpRate AdSelect BondAdSelect // looking at iproute tool AdInfo can only be retrived. It can't be set. AdInfo *BondAdInfo AdActorSysPrio int AdUserPortKey int AdActorSystem net.HardwareAddr TlbDynamicLb int }
Bond representation
func NewLinkBond ¶
type BondAdInfo ¶
type BondAdInfo struct { AggregatorId int NumPorts int ActorKey int PartnerKey int PartnerMac net.HardwareAddr }
BondAdInfo represents ad info for bond
type BondAdSelect ¶
type BondAdSelect int
BondAdSelect type
Possible BondAdSelect value
type BondArpAllTargets ¶
type BondArpAllTargets int
BondArpAllTargets type
Possible BondArpAllTargets value
type BondArpValidate ¶
type BondArpValidate int
BondArpValidate type
Possible BondArpValidate value
type BondFailOverMac ¶
type BondFailOverMac int
BondFailOverMac type
Possible BondFailOverMac value
type BondLacpRate ¶
type BondLacpRate int
BondLacpRate type
Possible BondLacpRate value
func StringToBondLacpRate ¶
func StringToBondLacpRate(s string) BondLacpRate
StringToBondLacpRate returns bond lacp arte, or unknown is the s is invalid.
func (BondLacpRate) String ¶
func (b BondLacpRate) String() string
type BondMode ¶
type BondMode int
BondMode type
Possible BondMode
func StringToBondMode ¶
StringToBondMode returns bond mode, or unknown is the s is invalid.
type BondPrimaryReselect ¶
type BondPrimaryReselect int
BondPrimaryReselect type
Possible BondPrimaryReselect value
type BondSlave ¶ added in v1.2.1
type BondSlave struct { State BondSlaveState MiiStatus BondSlaveMiiStatus LinkFailureCount uint32 PermHardwareAddr net.HardwareAddr QueueId uint16 AggregatorId uint16 AdActorOperPortState uint8 AdPartnerOperPortState uint16 }
type BondSlaveMiiStatus ¶ added in v1.2.1
type BondSlaveMiiStatus uint8
BondSlaveState represents the values of the IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_MII_STATUS bond slave attribute, which contains the status of MII link monitoring
func (BondSlaveMiiStatus) String ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s BondSlaveMiiStatus) String() string
type BondSlaveState ¶ added in v1.2.1
type BondSlaveState uint8
BondSlaveState represents the values of the IFLA_BOND_SLAVE_STATE bond slave attribute, which contains the state of the bond slave.
func (BondSlaveState) String ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s BondSlaveState) String() string
type BondXmitHashPolicy ¶
type BondXmitHashPolicy int
BondXmitHashPolicy type
Possible BondXmitHashPolicy value
func StringToBondXmitHashPolicy ¶
func StringToBondXmitHashPolicy(s string) BondXmitHashPolicy
StringToBondXmitHashPolicy returns bond lacp arte, or unknown is the s is invalid.
func (BondXmitHashPolicy) String ¶
func (b BondXmitHashPolicy) String() string
type BpfAction ¶
type BpfAction struct { ActionAttrs Fd int Name string }
func (*BpfAction) Attrs ¶
func (action *BpfAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
type BpfFilter ¶
type BpfFilter struct { FilterAttrs ClassId uint32 Fd int Name string DirectAction bool Id int Tag string }
func (*BpfFilter) Attrs ¶
func (filter *BpfFilter) Attrs() *FilterAttrs
type Class ¶
type Class interface { Attrs() *ClassAttrs Type() string }
Class interfaces for all classes
type ClassAttrs ¶
type ClassAttrs struct { LinkIndex int Handle uint32 Parent uint32 Leaf uint32 Statistics *ClassStatistics }
ClassAttrs represents a netlink class. A filter is associated with a link, has a handle and a parent. The root filter of a device should have a parent == HANDLE_ROOT.
func (ClassAttrs) String ¶
func (q ClassAttrs) String() string
type ClassStatistics ¶ added in v1.2.1
type ClassStatistics struct { Basic *GnetStatsBasic Queue *GnetStatsQueue RateEst *GnetStatsRateEst }
ClassStatistics representation based on generic networking statistics for netlink. See Documentation/networking/gen_stats.txt in Linux source code for more details.
func NewClassStatistics ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewClassStatistics() *ClassStatistics
NewClassStatistics Construct a ClassStatistics struct which fields are all initialized by 0.
type ConnmarkAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
type ConnmarkAction struct { ActionAttrs Zone uint16 }
func NewConnmarkAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewConnmarkAction() *ConnmarkAction
func (*ConnmarkAction) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *ConnmarkAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
func (*ConnmarkAction) Type ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *ConnmarkAction) Type() string
type ConntrackFlow ¶
type ConntrackFlow struct{}
ConntrackFlow placeholder
func ConntrackTableList ¶
func ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error)
ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family conntrack -L [table] [options] List conntrack or expectation table
type ConntrackTableType ¶
type ConntrackTableType uint8
ConntrackTableType Conntrack table for the netlink operation
type Destination ¶
type Device ¶
type Device struct {
Device links cannot be created via netlink. These links are links created by udev like 'lo' and 'etho0'
type EncapType ¶
type EncapType uint8
EncapType is an enum representing the optional packet encapsulation.
type Filter ¶
type Filter interface { Attrs() *FilterAttrs Type() string }
type FilterAttrs ¶
type FilterAttrs struct { LinkIndex int Handle uint32 Parent uint32 Priority uint16 // lower is higher priority Protocol uint16 // unix.ETH_P_* }
FilterAttrs represents a netlink filter. A filter is associated with a link, has a handle and a parent. The root filter of a device should have a parent == HANDLE_ROOT.
func (FilterAttrs) String ¶
func (q FilterAttrs) String() string
type FilterFwAttrs ¶
type Fq ¶
type Fq struct { QdiscAttrs PacketLimit uint32 FlowPacketLimit uint32 // In bytes Quantum uint32 InitialQuantum uint32 // called RateEnable under the hood Pacing uint32 FlowDefaultRate uint32 FlowMaxRate uint32 // called BucketsLog under the hood Buckets uint32 FlowRefillDelay uint32 LowRateThreshold uint32 }
Fq is a classless packet scheduler meant to be mostly used for locally generated traffic.
func NewFq ¶
func NewFq(attrs QdiscAttrs) *Fq
func (*Fq) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Fq) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type FqCodel ¶
type FqCodel struct { QdiscAttrs Target uint32 Limit uint32 Interval uint32 ECN uint32 Flows uint32 Quantum uint32 }
FQ_Codel (Fair Queuing Controlled Delay) is queuing discipline that combines Fair Queuing with the CoDel AQM scheme.
func NewFqCodel ¶
func NewFqCodel(attrs QdiscAttrs) *FqCodel
func (*FqCodel) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *FqCodel) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type GenericAction ¶
type GenericAction struct {
func (*GenericAction) Attrs ¶
func (action *GenericAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
func (*GenericAction) Type ¶
func (action *GenericAction) Type() string
type GenericClass ¶
type GenericClass struct { ClassAttrs ClassType string }
GenericClass classes represent types that are not currently understood by this netlink library.
func (*GenericClass) Attrs ¶
func (class *GenericClass) Attrs() *ClassAttrs
Attrs return the class attributes
type GenericFilter ¶
type GenericFilter struct { FilterAttrs FilterType string }
GenericFilter filters represent types that are not currently understood by this netlink library.
func (*GenericFilter) Attrs ¶
func (filter *GenericFilter) Attrs() *FilterAttrs
func (*GenericFilter) Type ¶
func (filter *GenericFilter) Type() string
type GenericLink ¶
GenericLink links represent types that are not currently understood by this netlink library.
func (*GenericLink) Attrs ¶
func (generic *GenericLink) Attrs() *LinkAttrs
func (*GenericLink) Type ¶
func (generic *GenericLink) Type() string
type GenericQdisc ¶
type GenericQdisc struct { QdiscAttrs QdiscType string }
GenericQdisc qdiscs represent types that are not currently understood by this netlink library.
func (*GenericQdisc) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *GenericQdisc) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
func (*GenericQdisc) Type ¶
func (qdisc *GenericQdisc) Type() string
type GenlFamily ¶
type GenlFamily struct{}
func GenlFamilyGet ¶
func GenlFamilyGet(name string) (*GenlFamily, error)
func GenlFamilyList ¶
func GenlFamilyList() ([]*GenlFamily, error)
type GenlMulticastGroup ¶
type GenlMulticastGroup struct{}
type GnetStatsBasic ¶ added in v1.2.1
type GnetStatsBasic struct { Bytes uint64 // number of seen bytes Packets uint32 // number of seen packets }
GnetStatsBasic Ref: struct gnet_stats_basic { ... }
type GnetStatsQueue ¶ added in v1.2.1
type GnetStatsQueue struct { Qlen uint32 // queue length Backlog uint32 // backlog size of queue Drops uint32 // number of dropped packets Requeues uint32 // number of requues Overlimits uint32 // number of enqueues over the limit }
GnetStatsQueue Ref: struct gnet_stats_queue { ... }
type GnetStatsRateEst ¶ added in v1.2.1
GnetStatsRateEst Ref: struct gnet_stats_rate_est { ... }
type GnetStatsRateEst64 ¶ added in v1.2.1
type GnetStatsRateEst64 struct { Bps uint64 // current byte rate Pps uint64 // current packet rate }
GnetStatsRateEst64 Ref: struct gnet_stats_rate_est64 { ... }
type Gretap ¶
type Gretap struct { LinkAttrs IKey uint32 OKey uint32 EncapSport uint16 EncapDport uint16 Local net.IP Remote net.IP IFlags uint16 OFlags uint16 PMtuDisc uint8 Ttl uint8 Tos uint8 EncapType uint16 EncapFlags uint16 Link uint32 FlowBased bool }
Gretap devices must specify LocalIP and RemoteIP on create
type Gretun ¶
type Handle ¶
type Handle struct{}
func (*Handle) AddrAdd ¶
AddrAdd will add an IP address to a link device.
Equivalent to: `ip addr add $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (*Handle) AddrDel ¶
AddrDel will delete an IP address from a link device. Equivalent to: `ip addr del $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (*Handle) AddrList ¶
AddrList gets a list of IP addresses in the system. Equivalent to: `ip addr show`. The list can be filtered by link and ip family.
func (*Handle) AddrReplace ¶ added in v1.2.2
AddrReplace will replace (or, if not present, add) an IP address on a link device.
Equivalent to: `ip addr replace $addr dev $link`
If `addr` is an IPv4 address and the broadcast address is not given, it will be automatically computed based on the IP mask if /30 or larger.
func (*Handle) ClassChange ¶
func (*Handle) ClassReplace ¶
func (*Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilter ¶
func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter *ConntrackFilter) (uint, error)
ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter using the netlink handle passed conntrack -D [table] parameters Delete conntrack or expectation
func (*Handle) ConntrackTableFlush ¶
func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error
ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table using the netlink handle passed conntrack -F [table] Flush table The flush operation applies to all the family types
func (*Handle) ConntrackTableList ¶
func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error)
ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family using the netlink handle passed conntrack -L [table] [options] List conntrack or expectation table
func (*Handle) GenlFamilyGet ¶
func (h *Handle) GenlFamilyGet(name string) (*GenlFamily, error)
func (*Handle) GenlFamilyList ¶
func (h *Handle) GenlFamilyList() ([]*GenlFamily, error)
func (*Handle) LinkSetDown ¶
func (*Handle) LinkSetGroup ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (*Handle) LinkSetHardwareAddr ¶
func (h *Handle) LinkSetHardwareAddr(link Link, hwaddr net.HardwareAddr) error
func (*Handle) LinkSetMasterByIndex ¶
func (*Handle) LinkSetNoMaster ¶
func (*Handle) LinkSetVfHardwareAddr ¶
func (*Handle) LinkSetVfRate ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (*Handle) LinkSetVfVlanQos ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (*Handle) NeighAppend ¶
func (*Handle) NeighProxyList ¶
func (*Handle) RouteListFiltered ¶
func (*Handle) RouteReplace ¶
func (*Handle) SetPromiscOff ¶
func (*Handle) SetPromiscOn ¶
func (*Handle) SupportsNetlinkFamily ¶
type Hfsc ¶ added in v1.2.1
type Hfsc struct { QdiscAttrs Defcls uint16 }
func NewHfsc ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewHfsc(attrs QdiscAttrs) *Hfsc
func (*Hfsc) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (hfsc *Hfsc) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type HfscClass ¶ added in v1.2.1
type HfscClass struct { ClassAttrs Rsc ServiceCurve Fsc ServiceCurve Usc ServiceCurve }
HfscClass is a representation of the HFSC class
func NewHfscClass ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewHfscClass(attrs ClassAttrs) *HfscClass
NewHfscClass returns a new HFSC struct with the set parameters
func (*HfscClass) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (hfsc *HfscClass) Attrs() *ClassAttrs
Attrs return the Hfsc parameters
func (*HfscClass) SetFsc ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetFsc sets the Fsc curve. The bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in seconds.
func (*HfscClass) SetLS ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetLS implements the LS from the `tc` CLI. This function behaves the same as if one would set the USC through the `tc` command-line tool. This means bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in ms.
func (*HfscClass) SetRsc ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetRsc sets the Rsc curve. The bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in seconds.
func (*HfscClass) SetSC ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetSC implements the SC from the `tc` CLI. This function behaves the same as if one would set the USC through the `tc` command-line tool. This means bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in ms.
func (*HfscClass) SetUL ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetUL implements the UL from the `tc` CLI. This function behaves the same as if one would set the USC through the `tc` command-line tool. This means bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in ms.
func (*HfscClass) SetUsc ¶ added in v1.2.1
SetUsc sets the USC curve. The bandwidth (m1 and m2) is specified in bits and the delay in seconds.
type Htb ¶
type Htb struct { QdiscAttrs Version uint32 Rate2Quantum uint32 Defcls uint32 Debug uint32 DirectPkts uint32 }
Htb is a classful qdisc that rate limits based on tokens
func NewHtb ¶
func NewHtb(attrs QdiscAttrs) *Htb
func (*Htb) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Htb) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type HtbClass ¶
type HtbClass struct { ClassAttrs Rate uint64 Ceil uint64 Buffer uint32 Cbuffer uint32 Quantum uint32 Level uint32 Prio uint32 }
HtbClass represents an Htb class
type HtbClassAttrs ¶
type HtbClassAttrs struct { // TODO handle all attributes Rate uint64 Ceil uint64 Buffer uint32 Cbuffer uint32 Quantum uint32 Level uint32 Prio uint32 }
HtbClassAttrs stores the attributes of HTB class
func (HtbClassAttrs) String ¶
func (q HtbClassAttrs) String() string
type IPVlan ¶
type IPVlan struct { LinkAttrs Mode IPVlanMode Flag IPVlanFlag }
type IPVlanFlag ¶ added in v1.2.1
type IPVlanFlag uint16
type IPVlanMode ¶
type IPVlanMode uint16
type Ingress ¶
type Ingress struct {
Ingress is a qdisc for adding ingress filters
func (*Ingress) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Ingress) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type Ip6tnl ¶ added in v1.2.1
type Iptun ¶
type Link ¶
Link represents a link device from netlink. Shared link attributes like name may be retrieved using the Attrs() method. Unique data can be retrieved by casting the object to the proper type.
func LinkByAlias ¶
func LinkByIndex ¶
func LinkByName ¶
type LinkAttrs ¶
type LinkAttrs struct { Index int MTU int TxQLen int // Transmit Queue Length Name string HardwareAddr net.HardwareAddr Flags net.Flags RawFlags uint32 ParentIndex int // index of the parent link device MasterIndex int // must be the index of a bridge Namespace interface{} // nil | NsPid | NsFd Alias string Statistics *LinkStatistics Promisc int Xdp *LinkXdp EncapType string Protinfo *Protinfo OperState LinkOperState NetNsID int NumTxQueues int NumRxQueues int GSOMaxSize uint32 GSOMaxSegs uint32 Vfs []VfInfo // virtual functions available on link Group uint32 Slave LinkSlave }
LinkAttrs represents data shared by most link types
func NewLinkAttrs ¶
func NewLinkAttrs() LinkAttrs
NewLinkAttrs returns LinkAttrs structure filled with default values
type LinkNotFoundError ¶
type LinkNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LinkNotFoundError wraps the various not found errors when getting/reading links. This is intended for better error handling by dependent code so that "not found error" can be distinguished from other errors
type LinkOperState ¶
type LinkOperState uint8
LinkOperState represents the values of the IFLA_OPERSTATE link attribute, which contains the RFC2863 state of the interface.
func (LinkOperState) String ¶
func (s LinkOperState) String() string
type LinkSlave ¶ added in v1.2.1
type LinkSlave interface {
SlaveType() string
LinkSlave represents a slave device.
type LinkStatistics ¶
type LinkStatistics LinkStatistics64
type LinkStatistics32 ¶
type LinkStatistics32 struct { RxPackets uint32 TxPackets uint32 RxBytes uint32 TxBytes uint32 RxErrors uint32 TxErrors uint32 RxDropped uint32 TxDropped uint32 Multicast uint32 Collisions uint32 RxLengthErrors uint32 RxOverErrors uint32 RxCrcErrors uint32 RxFrameErrors uint32 RxFifoErrors uint32 RxMissedErrors uint32 TxAbortedErrors uint32 TxCarrierErrors uint32 TxFifoErrors uint32 TxHeartbeatErrors uint32 TxWindowErrors uint32 RxCompressed uint32 TxCompressed uint32 }
Ref: struct rtnl_link_stats {...}
type LinkStatistics64 ¶
type LinkStatistics64 struct { RxPackets uint64 TxPackets uint64 RxBytes uint64 TxBytes uint64 RxErrors uint64 TxErrors uint64 RxDropped uint64 TxDropped uint64 Multicast uint64 Collisions uint64 RxLengthErrors uint64 RxOverErrors uint64 RxCrcErrors uint64 RxFrameErrors uint64 RxFifoErrors uint64 RxMissedErrors uint64 TxAbortedErrors uint64 TxCarrierErrors uint64 TxFifoErrors uint64 TxHeartbeatErrors uint64 TxWindowErrors uint64 RxCompressed uint64 TxCompressed uint64 }
Ref: struct rtnl_link_stats64 {...}
type Macvlan ¶
type Macvlan struct { LinkAttrs Mode MacvlanMode // MACAddrs is only populated for Macvlan SOURCE links MACAddrs []net.HardwareAddr }
Macvlan links have ParentIndex set in their Attrs()
type MacvlanMode ¶
type MacvlanMode uint16
type Macvtap ¶
type Macvtap struct {
Macvtap - macvtap is a virtual interfaces based on macvlan
type MatchAll ¶
type MatchAll struct { FilterAttrs ClassId uint32 Actions []Action }
MatchAll filters match all packets
func (*MatchAll) Attrs ¶
func (filter *MatchAll) Attrs() *FilterAttrs
type MirredAction ¶
type MirredAction struct { ActionAttrs MirredAction MirredAct Ifindex int }
func NewMirredAction ¶
func NewMirredAction(redirIndex int) *MirredAction
func (*MirredAction) Attrs ¶
func (action *MirredAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
func (*MirredAction) Type ¶
func (action *MirredAction) Type() string
type Neigh ¶
type Neigh struct { LinkIndex int Family int State int Type int Flags int IP net.IP HardwareAddr net.HardwareAddr LLIPAddr net.IP //Used in the case of NHRP Vlan int VNI int MasterIndex int }
Neigh represents a link layer neighbor from netlink.
func NeighDeserialize ¶
type NeighUpdate ¶ added in v1.2.1
NeighUpdate is sent when a neighbor changes - type is RTM_NEWNEIGH or RTM_DELNEIGH.
type Netem ¶
type Netem struct { QdiscAttrs Latency uint32 DelayCorr uint32 Limit uint32 Loss uint32 LossCorr uint32 Gap uint32 Duplicate uint32 DuplicateCorr uint32 Jitter uint32 ReorderProb uint32 ReorderCorr uint32 CorruptProb uint32 CorruptCorr uint32 }
func (*Netem) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Netem) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type NetemQdiscAttrs ¶
type NetemQdiscAttrs struct { Latency uint32 // in us DelayCorr float32 // in % Limit uint32 Loss float32 // in % LossCorr float32 // in % Gap uint32 Duplicate float32 // in % DuplicateCorr float32 // in % Jitter uint32 // in us ReorderProb float32 // in % ReorderCorr float32 // in % CorruptProb float32 // in % CorruptCorr float32 // in % }
func (NetemQdiscAttrs) String ¶
func (q NetemQdiscAttrs) String() string
type NextHopFlag ¶
type NextHopFlag int
type NexthopInfo ¶
type NexthopInfo struct { LinkIndex int Hops int Gw net.IP Flags int NewDst Destination Encap Encap }
func (NexthopInfo) Equal ¶
func (n NexthopInfo) Equal(x NexthopInfo) bool
func (*NexthopInfo) ListFlags ¶
func (n *NexthopInfo) ListFlags() []string
func (*NexthopInfo) String ¶
func (n *NexthopInfo) String() string
type PfifoFast ¶
type PfifoFast struct { QdiscAttrs Bands uint8 PriorityMap [PRIORITY_MAP_LEN]uint8 }
PfifoFast is the default qdisc created by the kernel if one has not been defined for the interface
func (*PfifoFast) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *PfifoFast) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type PolicyAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
type PolicyAction uint8
PolicyAction is an enum representing an ipsec policy action.
const ( XFRM_POLICY_ALLOW PolicyAction = 0 XFRM_POLICY_BLOCK PolicyAction = 1 )
func (PolicyAction) String ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (a PolicyAction) String() string
type Prio ¶
type Prio struct { QdiscAttrs Bands uint8 PriorityMap [PRIORITY_MAP_LEN]uint8 }
Prio is a basic qdisc that works just like PfifoFast
func NewPrio ¶
func NewPrio(attrs QdiscAttrs) *Prio
func (*Prio) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Prio) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type Protinfo ¶
type Protinfo struct { Hairpin bool Guard bool FastLeave bool RootBlock bool Learning bool Flood bool ProxyArp bool ProxyArpWiFi bool }
Protinfo represents bridge flags from netlink.
type Proto ¶
type Proto uint8
Proto is an enum representing an ipsec protocol.
type Qdisc ¶
type Qdisc interface { Attrs() *QdiscAttrs Type() string }
type QdiscAttrs ¶
QdiscAttrs represents a netlink qdisc. A qdisc is associated with a link, has a handle, a parent and a refcnt. The root qdisc of a device should have parent == HANDLE_ROOT.
func (QdiscAttrs) String ¶
func (q QdiscAttrs) String() string
type Route ¶
type Route struct { LinkIndex int ILinkIndex int Scope Scope Dst *net.IPNet Src net.IP Gw net.IP MultiPath []*NexthopInfo Protocol int Priority int Table int Type int Tos int Flags int MPLSDst *int NewDst Destination Encap Encap MTU int AdvMSS int Hoplimit int }
Route represents a netlink route.
func (*Route) ClearFlag ¶
func (r *Route) ClearFlag(flag NextHopFlag)
func (*Route) SetFlag ¶
func (r *Route) SetFlag(flag NextHopFlag)
type RouteUpdate ¶
RouteUpdate is sent when a route changes - type is RTM_NEWROUTE or RTM_DELROUTE
type Rule ¶
type Rule struct { Priority int Family int Table int Mark int Mask int Tos uint TunID uint Goto int Src *net.IPNet Dst *net.IPNet Flow int IifName string OifName string SuppressIfgroup int SuppressPrefixlen int Invert bool Dport *RulePortRange Sport *RulePortRange }
Rule represents a netlink rule.
type RulePortRange ¶ added in v1.2.1
RulePortRange represents rule sport/dport range.
func NewRulePortRange ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewRulePortRange(start, end uint16) *RulePortRange
NewRulePortRange creates rule sport/dport range.
type ServiceCurve ¶ added in v1.2.1
type ServiceCurve struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceCurve is a nondecreasing function of some time unit, returning the amount of service (an allowed or allocated amount of bandwidth) at some specific point in time. The purpose of it should be subconsciously obvious: if a class was allowed to transfer not less than the amount specified by its service curve, then the service curve is not violated.
func (*ServiceCurve) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (c *ServiceCurve) Attrs() (uint32, uint32, uint32)
Attrs return the parameters of the service curve
func (*ServiceCurve) Burst ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (c *ServiceCurve) Burst() uint32
Burst returns the burst rate (m1) of the curve
func (*ServiceCurve) Delay ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (c *ServiceCurve) Delay() uint32
Delay return the delay (d) of the curve
func (*ServiceCurve) Rate ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (c *ServiceCurve) Rate() uint32
Rate returns the rate (m2) of the curve
type Sittun ¶
type SkbEditAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
type SkbEditAction struct { ActionAttrs QueueMapping *uint16 PType *uint16 Priority *uint32 Mark *uint32 }
func NewSkbEditAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewSkbEditAction() *SkbEditAction
func (*SkbEditAction) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *SkbEditAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
func (*SkbEditAction) Type ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *SkbEditAction) Type() string
type Socket ¶
type Socket struct { Family uint8 State uint8 Timer uint8 Retrans uint8 ID SocketID Expires uint32 RQueue uint32 WQueue uint32 UID uint32 INode uint32 }
Socket represents a netlink socket.
type SocketID ¶
type SocketID struct { SourcePort uint16 DestinationPort uint16 Source net.IP Destination net.IP Interface uint32 Cookie [2]uint32 }
SocketID identifies a single socket.
type Tbf ¶
type Tbf struct { QdiscAttrs Rate uint64 Limit uint32 Buffer uint32 Peakrate uint64 Minburst uint32 }
Tbf is a classless qdisc that rate limits based on tokens
func (*Tbf) Attrs ¶
func (qdisc *Tbf) Attrs() *QdiscAttrs
type TcPolAct ¶
type TcPolAct int32
type TunnelKeyAct ¶ added in v1.2.1
type TunnelKeyAct int8
const ( TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_SET TunnelKeyAct = 1 // set tunnel key TCA_TUNNEL_KEY_UNSET TunnelKeyAct = 2 // unset tunnel key )
type TunnelKeyAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
type TunnelKeyAction struct { ActionAttrs Action TunnelKeyAct SrcAddr net.IP DstAddr net.IP KeyID uint32 }
func NewTunnelKeyAction ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewTunnelKeyAction() *TunnelKeyAction
func (*TunnelKeyAction) Attrs ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *TunnelKeyAction) Attrs() *ActionAttrs
func (*TunnelKeyAction) Type ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (action *TunnelKeyAction) Type() string
type Tuntap ¶
type Tuntap struct { LinkAttrs Mode TuntapMode Flags TuntapFlag NonPersist bool Queues int Fds []*os.File Owner uint32 Group uint32 }
Tuntap links created via /dev/tun/tap, but can be destroyed via netlink
type TuntapFlag ¶
type TuntapFlag uint16
type TuntapMode ¶
type TuntapMode uint16
type Veth ¶
type Veth struct { LinkAttrs PeerName string // veth on create only PeerHardwareAddr net.HardwareAddr }
Veth devices must specify PeerName on create
type VfInfo ¶ added in v1.2.1
type VfInfo struct { ID int Mac net.HardwareAddr Vlan int Qos int TxRate int // IFLA_VF_TX_RATE Max TxRate Spoofchk bool LinkState uint32 MaxTxRate uint32 // IFLA_VF_RATE Max TxRate MinTxRate uint32 // IFLA_VF_RATE Min TxRate }
VfInfo represents configuration of virtual function
type Vlan ¶
type Vlan struct { LinkAttrs VlanId int VlanProtocol VlanProtocol }
Vlan links have ParentIndex set in their Attrs()
type VlanProtocol ¶ added in v1.2.1
type VlanProtocol int
VlanProtocol type
const ( VLAN_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN VlanProtocol = 0 VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021Q VlanProtocol = 0x8100 VLAN_PROTOCOL_8021AD VlanProtocol = 0x88A8 )
VlanProtocol possible values
func StringToVlanProtocol ¶ added in v1.2.1
func StringToVlanProtocol(s string) VlanProtocol
StringToVlanProtocol returns vlan protocol, or unknown is the s is invalid.
func (VlanProtocol) String ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (p VlanProtocol) String() string
type Vxlan ¶
type Vxlan struct { LinkAttrs VxlanId int VtepDevIndex int SrcAddr net.IP Group net.IP TTL int TOS int Learning bool Proxy bool RSC bool L2miss bool L3miss bool UDPCSum bool UDP6ZeroCSumTx bool UDP6ZeroCSumRx bool NoAge bool GBP bool FlowBased bool Age int Limit int Port int PortLow int PortHigh int }
type Wireguard ¶ added in v1.2.1
type Wireguard struct {
Wireguard represent links of type "wireguard", see
type XfrmPolicy ¶
type XfrmPolicy struct { Dst *net.IPNet Src *net.IPNet Proto Proto DstPort int SrcPort int Dir Dir Priority int Index int Action PolicyAction Ifindex int Ifid int Mark *XfrmMark Tmpls []XfrmPolicyTmpl }
XfrmPolicy represents an ipsec policy. It represents the overlay network and has a list of XfrmPolicyTmpls representing the base addresses of the policy.
func XfrmPolicyList ¶
func XfrmPolicyList(family int) ([]XfrmPolicy, error)
func (XfrmPolicy) String ¶
func (p XfrmPolicy) String() string
type XfrmPolicyTmpl ¶
XfrmPolicyTmpl encapsulates a rule for the base addresses of an ipsec policy. These rules are matched with XfrmState to determine encryption and authentication algorithms.
func (XfrmPolicyTmpl) String ¶
func (t XfrmPolicyTmpl) String() string
type XfrmState ¶
type XfrmState struct { Dst net.IP Src net.IP Proto Proto Mode Mode Spi int Reqid int ReplayWindow int Limits XfrmStateLimits Statistics XfrmStateStats Mark *XfrmMark OutputMark int Ifid int Auth *XfrmStateAlgo Crypt *XfrmStateAlgo Aead *XfrmStateAlgo Encap *XfrmStateEncap ESN bool }
XfrmState represents the state of an ipsec policy. It optionally contains an XfrmStateAlgo for encryption and one for authentication.
func XfrmStateList ¶
type XfrmStateAlgo ¶
type XfrmStateAlgo struct { Name string Key []byte TruncateLen int // Auth only ICVLen int // AEAD only }
XfrmStateAlgo represents the algorithm to use for the ipsec encryption.
func (XfrmStateAlgo) String ¶
func (a XfrmStateAlgo) String() string
type XfrmStateEncap ¶
XfrmStateEncap represents the encapsulation to use for the ipsec encryption.
func (XfrmStateEncap) String ¶
func (e XfrmStateEncap) String() string
type XfrmStateLimits ¶
type XfrmStateLimits struct { ByteSoft uint64 ByteHard uint64 PacketSoft uint64 PacketHard uint64 TimeSoft uint64 TimeHard uint64 TimeUseSoft uint64 TimeUseHard uint64 }
XfrmStateLimits represents the configured limits for the state.
type XfrmStateStats ¶
type XfrmStateStats struct { ReplayWindow uint32 Replay uint32 Failed uint32 Bytes uint64 Packets uint64 AddTime uint64 UseTime uint64 }
XfrmStateStats represents the current number of bytes/packets processed by this State, the State's installation and first use time and the replay window counters.
Source Files
- addr.go
- addr_macos.go
- class.go
- conntrack_unspecified.go
- filter.go
- fou.go
- fou_unspecified.go
- genetlink_unspecified.go
- handle_unspecified.go
- link.go
- neigh.go
- netlink.go
- netlink_macos.go
- netlink_unspecified.go
- netns_unspecified.go
- order.go
- protinfo.go
- qdisc.go
- route.go
- route_unspecified.go
- rule.go
- socket.go
- xfrm.go
- xfrm_policy.go
- xfrm_state.go