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Prometheus is an open-source monitor-alarm system and time series database (TSDB) developed by SoundCloud. It is an open-source version of the Google BorgMon monitoring system in Go language.
The Prometheus Monitoring Plugin consists of several components: Prometheus Server
, Consul
, Alert Manager
, and Monitoring Applications
Open-Monitor encapsulates the functionality of Prometheus without intrusion and provides better alarm management and graphic dashboard, as well as interaction with other systems.
System Architecture
The overall architecture diagram is as follows:
WeCube monitors, alerts resources and applications through monitoring plugins.
The plugin is based on Prometheus. The upper layer Monitor
encapsulates the configuration management and chart display of Prometheus. The Monitor
backend technology is written by Go + Gin + Xorm, and the front-end technology is written by Vue + ECharts.
Monitor has the following features:
Endpoint Management
The monitor supplies register and de-register endpoint functions. It synchronizes endpoint from CMDB when it connects to CMDB. It supports group management of endpoints and customization of the the alarm configuration.
Friendly Dashboard
The monitor supports mainstream monitoring types, including the host, MySQL, Redis, Tomcat, etc.
It also supports Prometheus' native PromQL
query and its metric configuration.
The dashboard customization is friendly, too.
Alarm Management
It provides the persistence and the distribution of Prometheus alert rules, and it also supports the manifestation of un-recovered alarm panels and historical alarms.
User can customize endpoint alarm configuration, group alert configuration and receiver management of alarms.
Main Features
- Endpoint Management: register, start and stop functions.
- Data Management: data collection configuration and data query functions.
- Alarm Management: threshold configuration, log monitoring, alarm triggering functions.
- Dashboard Management: graphical configuration and custom dashboard functions.
Quick Start
Open-Monitor is deployed in a docker container.
Please refer to the Open-Monitor_Compiling_Guide on how to compile Open-Monitor.
Please refer to the Open-Monitor_Deployment_Guide on how to install Open-Monitor.
User Manuals
Please refer to Open-Monitor User Guide for usage and operations
Developer Guide
Develop Open-Monitor in Normal Mode
Please refer to the Open-Monitor Develop Doc for setting up local environment quickly.
Open-Monitor is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 , please refer to the license for details.
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