NOTE: I wrote these libraries for learning purposes. It may not be completely thought out and error free. Use at Your Own Risk.
This repository contains a port scanner Go package and a CLI tool that uses it, plus a ping Go package.
- UDP scan
- TCP scan
- SYN scan(requires root)
- Ping (dgram/raw sockets)
- More tests
- IPv4 support
- IPv6 support
Using scanner package
Note: syn scanning requires raw-packet privileges
simple scan:
scan one host and one or multiple ports
import "github.com/Wa4h1h/port-scanner/pkg/scanner"
func main (){
cfg := scanner.Config{
TCP: true,
UDP: true,
SYN: true,
Timeout: 1, // in seconds
BackoffLimit: 5,
Ping: true, // before each scan, the host is pinged
privileged:=false // If true, a raw socket is used to perform the ping, otherwise a simple Dgram socket is used
s := scanner.NewScanExecutor(&cfg, privileged)
scanResults, stats, errs = s.Scan(host, ports)
sweep scan:
scan multiple host and only one port
import "github.com/Wa4h1h/port-scanner/pkg/scanner"
func main (){
cfg := scanner.Config{
TCP: true,
UDP: true,
SYN: true,
Timeout: 1, // in seconds
BackoffLimit: 5,
Ping: true, // before each scan, the host is pinged
privileged:=false // If true, a raw socket is used to perform the ping, otherwise a simple Dgram socket is used
s := scanner.NewScanExecutor(&cfg, privileged)
sweepScanResults, rtt := s.SweepScan(hosts, port)
vanilla scan:
scan one host and all the iana ports (0-65535)
import "github.com/Wa4h1h/port-scanner/pkg/scanner"
func main (){
cfg := scanner.Config{
TCP: true,
UDP: true,
SYN: true,
Timeout: 1, // in seconds
BackoffLimit: 5,
Ping: true, // before each scan, the host is pinged
privileged:=false // If true, a raw socket is used to perform the ping, otherwise a simple Dgram socket is used
s := scanner.NewScanExecutor(&cfg, privileged)
scanResults, stats, errs = s.VanillaScan(host)
go install github.com/Wa4h1h/port-scanner/cmd/scanner@latest
Usage: scanner [options]
Use scanner -h or --help for more information.
-T run tcp scan (default true)
-U run udp scan
-hosts string
hosts/ips to scan
-p string
ports to scan
ping before scanning
set pv(privileged) to true which allows using ping with raw socket type instead of dgram socket type
-sr int
number of scan retires before the scan is considered filtered (default 3)
enable tcp syn scan
-tS int
port scan timeout in seconds (default 1)
-v scan all 65535 ports
Example Syn range scan with ping enabled
sudo scanner -U=false -T=false -syn=true -hosts=scanme.nmap.org -pg=true -p=22-27
-----ping scanme.nmap.org( stats----- is Up: 0.49s
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.00 packet loss
round-trip avg = 0.49s
-----scanning scanme.nmap.org(
rDNS: scanme.nmap.org.
22/tcp open ssh
23/tcp closed telnet
24/tcp closed 24/tcp
25/tcp closed smtp
26/tcp closed 26/tcp
27/tcp closed nsw-fe
done scanning 6 host(s) in 1.02s
Using ping package
Note: ping package can be used in two modes privileged(raw-sockets)
and unprivileged(dgram-sockets):
import "github.com/Wa4h1h/port-scanner/pkg/ping"
func main() {
cfg := ping.Config{
Timeout: 1, // insecond
PingNum: 3, // number of pings to perform
Privileged: false,
BackoffLimit: 5,
Cping: 3, // number of concurrent pings
DelayRetry: 15, // in milliseconds
p := ping.NewPinger(&cfg)
stats, err := p.Ping("google.com")