Garden Minder
A garden monitoring system. Automatically water, plan, and provide data for further actions needed for a living, green garden!
Built with Go using CoAP for system communication. Gorm/sqlite for storage and client side web stack for its user interface. Including an extended api for interfacing with other automation.
This respiratory contains the hub/server designed for an embedded linux system. For the other half of this project see Garden-Device
A work in progress.
Installation & Running
# Install With:
go get
Before starting up the server, you should create an '.env' file inside the config folder for you specific environment. See .envExample
# rename and use as .env | should not be commited
# Build and Run
cd garden-server
go build
System Overview: Diagram
Full Documentation: Still in development
A tool to aid in device setup and debugging is provided in /tools/garden-cli. See the garden-cli README for more info.
To do
- Logging system
- Routes for CoAP
- Routes for Http
- Add auth to CoAP and HTTP
- Command system for water timer
- Front end
- CLI for device setup/control/debug
- Failsafe systems
- Scheduling System