This is a Redis client library for k6,
implemented as an extension using the xk6 system.
❗ This is a proof of concept, isn't supported by the k6 team, and may break in the future. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! |
Note that there is already a k6 Redis extension
that uses a different Go library and slightly different API. The extension in this
current repo served as an example for an xk6 tutorial article,
but using one or the other is up to the user. :)
To build a k6
binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites:
- Install
go get -u github.com/k6io/xk6/cmd/xk6
- Build the binary:
xk6 build v0.29.0 --with github.com/k6io/xk6-redis
Example test script
// test.js
import redis from 'k6/x/redis';
const client = new redis.Client({
addr: 'localhost:6379',
password: '',
db: 0,
export default function () {
client.set('mykey', 'myvalue', 0);
console.log(`mykey => ${client.get('mykey')}`);
Result output:
$ ./k6 run test.js
/\ |‾‾| /‾‾/ /‾‾/
/\ / \ | |/ / / /
/ \/ \ | ( / ‾‾\
/ \ | |\ \ | (‾) |
/ __________ \ |__| \__\ \_____/ .io
execution: local
script: test.js
output: -
scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 1 max VUs, 10m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop):
* default: 1 iterations for each of 1 VUs (maxDuration: 10m0s, gracefulStop: 30s)
INFO[0000] mykey => myvalue source=console
running (00m00.0s), 0/1 VUs, 1 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
default ✓ [======================================] 1 VUs 00m00.0s/10m0s 1/1 iters, 1 per VU
data_received........: 0 B 0 B/s
data_sent............: 0 B 0 B/s
iteration_duration...: avg=834.68µs min=834.68µs med=834.68µs max=834.68µs p(90)=834.68µs p(95)=834.68µs
iterations...........: 1 54.622575/s