Log load client
This project is a golang application to generate logs and send them to various output destinations in various formats. The app runs as a single executable. If more load is needed, scale the app horizontally.
$ ./logger
goloader seq - hostname.example.com - 0000000000 - infinite loop succeeded in less than 3 seconds
goloader seq - hostname.example.com - 0000000001 - Don’t use beef stew as a computer password. It’s not stroganoff.
goloader seq - hostname.example.com - 0000000002 - cannot over-write a locked variable.
goloader seq - hostname.example.com - 0000000003 - failed to get an error message
The following flags are available:
$ ./logger --help
Usage of ./logger:
--command string Overwrite to control if logs are generated or queried. Allowed values: generate, query. (default "generate")
--destination string Overwrite to control where logs are queried or written to. Allowed values: loki, elasticsearch, stdout, file. (default "stdout")
--disable-security-check Disable security check in HTTPS client.
--file string The name of the file to write logs to. Only available for "File" destinations. (default "output.txt")
--label-type string Overwrite to control what labels are included in Loki logs. Allowed values: none, client, client-host (default "none")
--log-format string Overwrite to control the format of logs generated. Allowed values: default, crio (mimic CRIO output), csv, json (default "default"), raw
--log-level string Overwrite to control the level of logs emitted. Allowed values: debug, info, warning, error (default "error")
--log-type string Overwrite to control the type of logs generated. Allowed values: application, audit, simple, synthetic. (default "simple")
--logs-per-second int The rate to generate logs. This rate may not always be achievable. (default 1)
--queries-per-minute int The rate to generate queries. This rate may not always be achievable. (default 1)
--query string Query to use to get logs from storage.
--query-range string Duration of time period to query for logs (Loki only). (default "1s")
--synthetic-payload-size int Overwrite to control size of synthetic log line. (default 100)
--tenant string Loki tenant ID for writing logs. (default "test")
--url string URL of Promtail, LogCLI, or Elasticsearch client.
--use-random-hostname Ensures that the hostname field is unique by adding a random integer to the end.
Docker Image
podman run --rm -it quay.io/openshift-logging/cluster-logging-load-client:latest
From Source
# Build binary ("logger")
$ make build
# Default configuration
$ ./logger
# Increased log rate
$ ./logger --logs-per-second=500
# Push logs directly to Loki
$ ./logger --destination=loki --uri=http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push
# Build the binary
$ make build
# Build the Docker image
$ make build-image