Index ¶
- Variables
- func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time
- func PtrBool(v bool) *bool
- func PtrFloat32(v float32) *float32
- func PtrFloat64(v float64) *float64
- func PtrInt(v int) *int
- func PtrInt32(v int32) *int32
- func PtrInt64(v int64) *int64
- func PtrString(v string) *string
- func PtrTime(v time.Time) *time.Time
- type APIClient
- type APIKey
- type APIResponse
- type ApiGetAccountRequest
- type ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest
- type ApiGetClientConfigRequest
- type ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest
- type ApiRegisterRequest
- type ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest
- type ApiUpdateAccountRequest
- type ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
- type ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
- type BasicAuth
- type Configuration
- type DefaultApiService
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetAccount(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiGetAccountRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetAccountExecute(r ApiGetAccountRequest) (GetAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevices(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevicesExecute(r ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest) ([]GetBoundDevices200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetClientConfig(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string) ApiGetClientConfigRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetClientConfigExecute(r ApiGetClientConfigRequest) (GetClientConfig200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetSourceDevice(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string, sourceDeviceId string) ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) GetSourceDeviceExecute(r ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest) (GetSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) Register(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string) ApiRegisterRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) RegisterExecute(r ApiRegisterRequest) (Register200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicense(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicenseExecute(r ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest) (ResetAccountLicense200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateAccount(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiUpdateAccountRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateAccountExecute(r ApiUpdateAccountRequest) (UpdateAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDevice(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string, ...) ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDeviceExecute(r ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) ([]UpdateBoundDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDevice(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string, sourceDeviceId string) ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
- func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDeviceExecute(r ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) (UpdateSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type GenericOpenAPIError
- type GetAccount200Response
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetAccountType() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetLicense() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumData() float32
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetQuota() float32
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCount() float32
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetRole() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus() bool
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o GetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetAccountType(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetLicense(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetPremiumData(v float32)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetQuota(v float32)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetReferralCount(v float32)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
- type GetBoundDevices200Response
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivated() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActive() bool
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModel() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetName() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRole() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetType() string
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) HasName() bool
- func (o GetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActivated(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActive(v bool)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetName(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetType(v string)
- type GetClientConfig200Response
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortal() []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortalOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylist() []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylistOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytes() float32
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytesOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytes() float32
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytesOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o GetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetCaptivePortal(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetDenylist(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetPremiumDataBytes(v float32)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetReferralRewardBytes(v float32)
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetName() string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworks() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworksOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks, bool)
- func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetName(v string)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetNetworks(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks)
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackages() []string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackagesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetName() string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworks() GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworksOk() (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisible() bool
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisibleOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasAndroidPackages() bool
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasNetworks() bool
- func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetAndroidPackages(v []string)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetName(v string)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetNetworks(v GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetVisible(v bool)
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4Ok() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6Ok() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6, bool)
- func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV4(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV6(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6)
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddress() string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmask() string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmaskOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetAddress(v string)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetNetmask(v string)
- type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddress() string
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefix() float32
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefixOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetAddress(v string)
- func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetPrefix(v float32)
- type GetSourceDevice200Response
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount() GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled() bool
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKey() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModel() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetName() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTos() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetType() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetTos(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsage() float32
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsageOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus() bool
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUsage(v float32)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientId() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterface() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterfaceOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeers() []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeersOk() (*[]GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServices() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServicesOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetClientId(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetInterface(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetPeers(v []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetServices(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHost() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4Ok() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6Ok() (*string, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetHost(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV4(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV6(v string)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddresses() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddressesOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) SetAddresses(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4Ok() (*string, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6Ok() (*string, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV4(v string)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV6(v string)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpoint() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpointOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint, bool)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKey() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetEndpoint(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetPublicKey(v string)
- type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxy() string
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) SetHttpProxy(v string)
- type NullableBool
- type NullableFloat32
- type NullableFloat64
- type NullableGetAccount200Response
- func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) Get() *GetAccount200Response
- func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) Set(val *GetAccount200Response)
- func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) Unset()
- type NullableGetBoundDevices200Response
- func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Get() *GetBoundDevices200Response
- func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Set(val *GetBoundDevices200Response)
- func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200Response
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Get() *GetClientConfig200Response
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Set(val *GetClientConfig200Response)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Unset()
- type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Get() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6)
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200Response
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Get() *GetSourceDevice200Response
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200Response)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Unset()
- type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) Get() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices)
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) Unset()
- type NullableInt
- type NullableInt32
- type NullableInt64
- type NullableRegister200Response
- func (v NullableRegister200Response) Get() *Register200Response
- func (v NullableRegister200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRegister200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRegister200Response) Set(val *Register200Response)
- func (v *NullableRegister200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRegister200Response) Unset()
- type NullableRegisterRequest
- func (v NullableRegisterRequest) Get() *RegisterRequest
- func (v NullableRegisterRequest) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRegisterRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) Set(val *RegisterRequest)
- func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) Unset()
- type NullableResetAccountLicense200Response
- func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Get() *ResetAccountLicense200Response
- func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Set(val *ResetAccountLicense200Response)
- func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Unset()
- type NullableString
- type NullableTime
- type NullableUpdateAccount200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Get() *UpdateAccount200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Set(val *UpdateAccount200Response)
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateAccountRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Get() *UpdateAccountRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Set(val *UpdateAccountRequest)
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Get() *UpdateBoundDevice200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Set(val *UpdateBoundDevice200Response)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Get() *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Set(val *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest)
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Get() *UpdateSourceDevice200Response
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Set(val *UpdateSourceDevice200Response)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Get() *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set(val *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Get() *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Set(val *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest)
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Unset()
- type Register200Response
- func (o *Register200Response) GetAccount() GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (o *Register200Response) GetAccountOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (o *Register200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetEnabled() bool
- func (o *Register200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetFcmToken() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetInstallId() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetKey() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetLocale() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetModel() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetName() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetPlace() float32
- func (o *Register200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetToken() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetTos() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetType() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *Register200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
- func (o *Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
- func (o *Register200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o Register200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetAccount(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetLocale(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetName(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetToken(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetTos(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetType(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *Register200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
- type RegisterRequest
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetFcmToken() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetInstallId() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetKey() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetLocale() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetModel() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTos() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetType() string
- func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o RegisterRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetFcmToken(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetInstallId(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetLocale(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetTos(v string)
- func (o *RegisterRequest) SetType(v string)
- type ResetAccountLicense200Response
- type ServerConfiguration
- type ServerConfigurations
- type ServerVariable
- type UpdateAccount200Response
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumData() float32
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuota() float32
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCount() float32
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetRole() string
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus() bool
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o UpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetPremiumData(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetQuota(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralCount(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
- type UpdateAccountRequest
- type UpdateBoundDevice200Response
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivated() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActive() bool
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModel() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetName() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRole() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetType() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) HasName() bool
- func (o UpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActivated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActive(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
- type UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActive() bool
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetName() string
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasActive() bool
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasName() bool
- func (o UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetActive(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetName(v string)
- type UpdateSourceDevice200Response
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount() UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk() (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled() bool
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetId() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKey() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModel() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetName() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace() float32
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTos() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetType() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o UpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount(v UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetTos(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
- type UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData() float32
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota() float32
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount() float32
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated() string
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus() bool
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated(v string)
- func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
- type UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request. ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token") // ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request. ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic") // ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request. ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken") // ContextAPIKeys takes a string apikey as authentication for the request ContextAPIKeys = contextKey("apiKeys") // ContextHttpSignatureAuth takes HttpSignatureAuth as authentication for the request. ContextHttpSignatureAuth = contextKey("httpsignature") // ContextServerIndex uses a server configuration from the index. ContextServerIndex = contextKey("serverIndex") // ContextOperationServerIndices uses a server configuration from the index mapping. ContextOperationServerIndices = contextKey("serverOperationIndices") // ContextServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables. ContextServerVariables = contextKey("serverVariables") // ContextOperationServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables using operation specific values. ContextOperationServerVariables = contextKey("serverOperationVariables") )
Functions ¶
func CacheExpires ¶
CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func PtrFloat32 ¶
PtrFloat32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
func PtrFloat64 ¶
PtrFloat64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
Types ¶
type APIClient ¶
type APIClient struct { DefaultApi *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
APIClient manages communication with the untitled API API v536 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
func NewAPIClient ¶
func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient
NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.
func (*APIClient) GetConfig ¶
func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration
Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior
type APIKey ¶
APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey
type APIResponse ¶
type APIResponse struct { *http.Response `json:"-"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation. Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the // embedded *http.Response is nil. RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method is the HTTP method used for the request. This value is always // available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty). // This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already // been drained. Payload []byte `json:"-"` }
APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.
func NewAPIResponse ¶
func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResonse object.
func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶
func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.
type ApiGetAccountRequest ¶
type ApiGetAccountRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiGetAccountRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetAccountRequest) Execute() (GetAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest ¶
type ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest) Execute() ([]GetBoundDevices200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ApiGetClientConfigRequest ¶
type ApiGetClientConfigRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiGetClientConfigRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetClientConfigRequest) Execute() (GetClientConfig200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest ¶
type ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest) Execute() (GetSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ApiRegisterRequest ¶
type ApiRegisterRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiRegisterRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiRegisterRequest) Execute() (Register200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ApiRegisterRequest) RegisterRequest ¶
func (r ApiRegisterRequest) RegisterRequest(registerRequest RegisterRequest) ApiRegisterRequest
type ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest ¶
type ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest) Execute() (ResetAccountLicense200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ApiUpdateAccountRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateAccountRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiUpdateAccountRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateAccountRequest) Execute() (UpdateAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ApiUpdateAccountRequest) UpdateAccountRequest ¶
func (r ApiUpdateAccountRequest) UpdateAccountRequest(updateAccountRequest UpdateAccountRequest) ApiUpdateAccountRequest
type ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Execute() ([]UpdateBoundDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) UpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
func (r ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) UpdateBoundDeviceRequest(updateBoundDeviceRequest UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
type ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
type ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest struct { ApiService *DefaultApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Execute() (UpdateSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) UpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
func (r ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) UpdateSourceDeviceRequest(updateSourceDeviceRequest UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
type BasicAuth ¶
type BasicAuth struct { UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty"` DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"` UserAgent string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Servers ServerConfigurations OperationServers map[string]ServerConfigurations HTTPClient *http.Client }
Configuration stores the configuration of the API client
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object
func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader ¶
func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)
AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request
func (*Configuration) ServerURLWithContext ¶
ServerURLWithContext returns a new server URL given an endpoint
type DefaultApiService ¶
type DefaultApiService service
DefaultApiService DefaultApi service
func (*DefaultApiService) GetAccount ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetAccount(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiGetAccountRequest
* GetAccount GetAccount * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param sourceDeviceId * @param apiVersion * @return ApiGetAccountRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) GetAccountExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetAccountExecute(r ApiGetAccountRequest) (GetAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return GetAccount200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevices ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevices(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest
* GetBoundDevices GetBoundDevices * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param sourceDeviceId * @param apiVersion * @return ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevicesExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetBoundDevicesExecute(r ApiGetBoundDevicesRequest) ([]GetBoundDevices200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return []GetBoundDevices200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) GetClientConfig ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetClientConfig(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string) ApiGetClientConfigRequest
* GetClientConfig GetClientConfig * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param apiVersion * @return ApiGetClientConfigRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) GetClientConfigExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetClientConfigExecute(r ApiGetClientConfigRequest) (GetClientConfig200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return GetClientConfig200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) GetSourceDevice ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetSourceDevice(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string, sourceDeviceId string) ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest
* GetSourceDevice GetSourceDevice * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param apiVersion * @param sourceDeviceId * @return ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) GetSourceDeviceExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) GetSourceDeviceExecute(r ApiGetSourceDeviceRequest) (GetSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return GetSourceDevice200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) Register ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) Register(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string) ApiRegisterRequest
* Register Register * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param apiVersion * @return ApiRegisterRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) RegisterExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) RegisterExecute(r ApiRegisterRequest) (Register200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return Register200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicense ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicense(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest
* ResetAccountLicense ResetAccountLicense * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param sourceDeviceId * @param apiVersion * @return ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicenseExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) ResetAccountLicenseExecute(r ApiResetAccountLicenseRequest) (ResetAccountLicense200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return ResetAccountLicense200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateAccount ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateAccount(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string) ApiUpdateAccountRequest
* UpdateAccount UpdateAccount * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param sourceDeviceId * @param apiVersion * @return ApiUpdateAccountRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateAccountExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateAccountExecute(r ApiUpdateAccountRequest) (UpdateAccount200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return UpdateAccount200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDevice ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDevice(ctx _context.Context, sourceDeviceId string, apiVersion string, boundDeviceId string) ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
* UpdateBoundDevice UpdateBoundDevice * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param sourceDeviceId * @param apiVersion * @param boundDeviceId * @return ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDeviceExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateBoundDeviceExecute(r ApiUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) ([]UpdateBoundDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return []UpdateBoundDevice200Response
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDevice ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDevice(ctx _context.Context, apiVersion string, sourceDeviceId string) ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
* UpdateSourceDevice UpdateSourceDevice * @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). * @param apiVersion * @param sourceDeviceId * @return ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
func (*DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDeviceExecute ¶
func (a *DefaultApiService) UpdateSourceDeviceExecute(r ApiUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) (UpdateSourceDevice200Response, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* Execute executes the request * @return UpdateSourceDevice200Response
type GenericOpenAPIError ¶
type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte
Body returns the raw bytes of the response
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string
Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}
Model returns the unpacked model of the error
type GetAccount200Response ¶
type GetAccount200Response struct { AccountType string `json:"account_type"` Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` License string `json:"license"` PremiumData float32 `json:"premium_data"` Quota float32 `json:"quota"` ReferralCount float32 `json:"referral_count"` ReferralRenewalCountdown float32 `json:"referral_renewal_countdown"` Role string `json:"role"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WarpPlus bool `json:"warp_plus"` }
GetAccount200Response struct for GetAccount200Response
func NewGetAccount200Response ¶
func NewGetAccount200Response(accountType string, created string, id string, license string, premiumData float32, quota float32, referralCount float32, referralRenewalCountdown float32, role string, updated string, warpPlus bool) *GetAccount200Response
NewGetAccount200Response instantiates a new GetAccount200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetAccount200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetAccount200ResponseWithDefaults() *GetAccount200Response
NewGetAccount200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetAccount200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetAccountType ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetAccountType() string
GetAccountType returns the AccountType field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetAccountTypeOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetAccountTypeOk returns a tuple with the AccountType field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetLicense ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetLicense() string
GetLicense returns the License field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetLicenseOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
GetLicenseOk returns a tuple with the License field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumData ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumData() float32
GetPremiumData returns the PremiumData field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPremiumDataOk returns a tuple with the PremiumData field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetQuota ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetQuota() float32
GetQuota returns the Quota field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
GetQuotaOk returns a tuple with the Quota field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCount ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCount() float32
GetReferralCount returns the ReferralCount field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralCountOk returns a tuple with the ReferralCount field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
GetReferralRenewalCountdown returns the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk returns a tuple with the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetRole ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus() bool
GetWarpPlus returns the WarpPlus field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpPlusOk returns a tuple with the WarpPlus field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetAccountType ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetAccountType(v string)
SetAccountType sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetLicense ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetLicense(v string)
SetLicense sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetPremiumData ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetPremiumData(v float32)
SetPremiumData sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetQuota ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetQuota(v float32)
SetQuota sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetReferralCount ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetReferralCount(v float32)
SetReferralCount sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
SetReferralRenewalCountdown sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetRole ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*GetAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *GetAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
SetWarpPlus sets field value
type GetBoundDevices200Response ¶
type GetBoundDevices200Response struct { Activated string `json:"activated"` Active bool `json:"active"` Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` Model string `json:"model"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Role string `json:"role"` Type string `json:"type"` }
GetBoundDevices200Response struct for GetBoundDevices200Response
func NewGetBoundDevices200Response ¶
func NewGetBoundDevices200Response(activated string, active bool, created string, id string, model string, role string, type_ string) *GetBoundDevices200Response
NewGetBoundDevices200Response instantiates a new GetBoundDevices200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetBoundDevices200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetBoundDevices200ResponseWithDefaults() *GetBoundDevices200Response
NewGetBoundDevices200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetBoundDevices200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivated ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivated() string
GetActivated returns the Activated field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivatedOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActivatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetActivatedOk returns a tuple with the Activated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActive ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActiveOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
GetActiveOk returns a tuple with the Active field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModel ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetName ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRole ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetType ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) HasName ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (GetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActivated ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActivated(v string)
SetActivated sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActive ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetActive(v bool)
SetActive sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetModel ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetName ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetRole ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*GetBoundDevices200Response) SetType ¶
func (o *GetBoundDevices200Response) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
type GetClientConfig200Response ¶
type GetClientConfig200Response struct { CaptivePortal []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal `json:"captive_portal"` Denylist []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist `json:"denylist"` PremiumDataBytes float32 `json:"premium_data_bytes"` ReferralRewardBytes float32 `json:"referral_reward_bytes"` }
GetClientConfig200Response struct for GetClientConfig200Response
func NewGetClientConfig200Response ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200Response(captivePortal []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal, denylist []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist, premiumDataBytes float32, referralRewardBytes float32) *GetClientConfig200Response
NewGetClientConfig200Response instantiates a new GetClientConfig200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseWithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200Response
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortal ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortal() []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
GetCaptivePortal returns the CaptivePortal field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortalOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetCaptivePortalOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal, bool)
GetCaptivePortalOk returns a tuple with the CaptivePortal field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylist ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylist() []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
GetDenylist returns the Denylist field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylistOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetDenylistOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist, bool)
GetDenylistOk returns a tuple with the Denylist field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytes ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytes() float32
GetPremiumDataBytes returns the PremiumDataBytes field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytesOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetPremiumDataBytesOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPremiumDataBytesOk returns a tuple with the PremiumDataBytes field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytes ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytes() float32
GetReferralRewardBytes returns the ReferralRewardBytes field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytesOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) GetReferralRewardBytesOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralRewardBytesOk returns a tuple with the ReferralRewardBytes field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) SetCaptivePortal ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetCaptivePortal(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal)
SetCaptivePortal sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) SetDenylist ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetDenylist(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist)
SetDenylist sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) SetPremiumDataBytes ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetPremiumDataBytes(v float32)
SetPremiumDataBytes sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200Response) SetReferralRewardBytes ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200Response) SetReferralRewardBytes(v float32)
SetReferralRewardBytes sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal struct { Name string `json:"name"` Networks []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks `json:"networks"` }
GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal(name string, networks []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortalWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortalWithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortalWithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetName ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworks ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworks() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
GetNetworks returns the Networks field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworksOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) GetNetworksOk() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks, bool)
GetNetworksOk returns a tuple with the Networks field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetName ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetName(v string)
SetName sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetNetworks ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) SetNetworks(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks)
SetNetworks sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist struct { AndroidPackages *[]string `json:"android-packages,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Networks *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 `json:"networks,omitempty"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` }
GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist(name string, visible bool) *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylistWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylistWithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylistWithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackages ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackages() []string
GetAndroidPackages returns the AndroidPackages field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackagesOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetAndroidPackagesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetAndroidPackagesOk returns a tuple with the AndroidPackages field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetName ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworks ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworks() GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
GetNetworks returns the Networks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworksOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetNetworksOk() (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1, bool)
GetNetworksOk returns a tuple with the Networks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisible ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisible() bool
GetVisible returns the Visible field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisibleOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) GetVisibleOk() (*bool, bool)
GetVisibleOk returns a tuple with the Visible field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasAndroidPackages ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasAndroidPackages() bool
HasAndroidPackages returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasNetworks ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) HasNetworks() bool
HasNetworks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetAndroidPackages ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetAndroidPackages(v []string)
SetAndroidPackages gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the AndroidPackages field.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetName ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetName(v string)
SetName sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetNetworks ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetNetworks(v GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1)
SetNetworks gets a reference to the given GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 and assigns it to the Networks field.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetVisible ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) SetVisible(v bool)
SetVisible sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks(address string) *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworksWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworksWithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworksWithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) GetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) GetAddress() string
GetAddress returns the Address field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) GetAddressOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool)
GetAddressOk returns a tuple with the Address field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) SetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) SetAddress(v string)
SetAddress sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 struct { V4 []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 `json:"v4"` V6 []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 `json:"v6"` }
GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1(v4 []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4, v6 []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1WithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1WithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1WithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4 ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
GetV4 returns the V4 field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4Ok ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV4Ok() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4, bool)
GetV4Ok returns a tuple with the V4 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6 ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6() []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
GetV6 returns the V6 field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6Ok ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) GetV6Ok() (*[]GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6, bool)
GetV6Ok returns a tuple with the V6 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV4 ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV4(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4)
SetV4 sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV6 ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) SetV6(v []GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6)
SetV6 sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 struct { Address string `json:"address"` Netmask string `json:"netmask"` }
GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4(address string, netmask string) *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4WithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4WithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4WithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddress() string
GetAddress returns the Address field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddressOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool)
GetAddressOk returns a tuple with the Address field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmask ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmask() string
GetNetmask returns the Netmask field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmaskOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) GetNetmaskOk() (*string, bool)
GetNetmaskOk returns a tuple with the Netmask field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetAddress(v string)
SetAddress sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetNetmask ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) SetNetmask(v string)
SetNetmask sets field value
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 ¶
type GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 struct { Address string `json:"address"` Prefix float32 `json:"prefix"` }
GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 struct for GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6(address string, prefix float32) *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6WithDefaults ¶
func NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6WithDefaults() *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
NewGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6WithDefaults instantiates a new GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddress() string
GetAddress returns the Address field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddressOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetAddressOk() (*string, bool)
GetAddressOk returns a tuple with the Address field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefix ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefix() float32
GetPrefix returns the Prefix field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefixOk ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) GetPrefixOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPrefixOk returns a tuple with the Prefix field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetAddress ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetAddress(v string)
SetAddress sets field value
func (*GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetPrefix ¶
func (o *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) SetPrefix(v float32)
SetPrefix sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200Response ¶
type GetSourceDevice200Response struct { Account GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount `json:"account"` Config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig `json:"config"` Created string `json:"created"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FcmToken string `json:"fcm_token"` Id string `json:"id"` InstallId string `json:"install_id"` Key string `json:"key"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Model string `json:"model"` Name string `json:"name"` Place float32 `json:"place"` Tos string `json:"tos"` Type string `json:"type"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WaitlistEnabled bool `json:"waitlist_enabled"` WarpEnabled bool `json:"warp_enabled"` }
GetSourceDevice200Response struct for GetSourceDevice200Response
func NewGetSourceDevice200Response ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200Response(account GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, created string, enabled bool, fcmToken string, id string, installId string, key string, locale string, model string, name string, place float32, tos string, type_ string, updated string, waitlistEnabled bool, warpEnabled bool) *GetSourceDevice200Response
NewGetSourceDevice200Response instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200Response
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount() GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
GetAccount returns the Account field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
GetAccountOk returns a tuple with the Account field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
GetConfig returns the Config field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
GetConfigOk returns a tuple with the Config field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken() string
GetFcmToken returns the FcmToken field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetFcmTokenOk returns a tuple with the FcmToken field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId() string
GetInstallId returns the InstallId field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstallIdOk returns a tuple with the InstallId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKey ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale() string
GetLocale returns the Locale field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
GetLocaleOk returns a tuple with the Locale field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModel ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetName ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace() float32
GetPlace returns the Place field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPlaceOk returns a tuple with the Place field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTos ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTos() string
GetTos returns the Tos field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
GetTosOk returns a tuple with the Tos field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetType ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
GetWaitlistEnabled returns the WaitlistEnabled field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWaitlistEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WaitlistEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
GetWarpEnabled returns the WarpEnabled field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WarpEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
SetAccount sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
SetConfig sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
SetEnabled sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
SetFcmToken sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
SetInstallId sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetKey ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetKey(v string)
SetKey sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale(v string)
SetLocale sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetModel ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetName ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
SetName sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
SetPlace sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetTos ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetTos(v string)
SetTos sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetType ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
SetWaitlistEnabled sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
SetWarpEnabled sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct { AccountType string `json:"account_type"` Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` License string `json:"license"` PremiumData float32 `json:"premium_data"` Quota float32 `json:"quota"` ReferralCount float32 `json:"referral_count"` ReferralRenewalCountdown float32 `json:"referral_renewal_countdown"` Role string `json:"role"` Updated string `json:"updated"` Usage float32 `json:"usage"` WarpPlus bool `json:"warp_plus"` }
GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount(accountType string, created string, id string, license string, premiumData float32, quota float32, referralCount float32, referralRenewalCountdown float32, role string, updated string, usage float32, warpPlus bool) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType() string
GetAccountType returns the AccountType field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetAccountTypeOk returns a tuple with the AccountType field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense() string
GetLicense returns the License field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
GetLicenseOk returns a tuple with the License field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData() float32
GetPremiumData returns the PremiumData field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPremiumDataOk returns a tuple with the PremiumData field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota() float32
GetQuota returns the Quota field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
GetQuotaOk returns a tuple with the Quota field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount() float32
GetReferralCount returns the ReferralCount field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralCountOk returns a tuple with the ReferralCount field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
GetReferralRenewalCountdown returns the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk returns a tuple with the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsage ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsage() float32
GetUsage returns the Usage field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsageOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUsageOk() (*float32, bool)
GetUsageOk returns a tuple with the Usage field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus() bool
GetWarpPlus returns the WarpPlus field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpPlusOk returns a tuple with the WarpPlus field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType(v string)
SetAccountType sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense(v string)
SetLicense sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData(v float32)
SetPremiumData sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota(v float32)
SetQuota sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount(v float32)
SetReferralCount sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
SetReferralRenewalCountdown sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUsage ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUsage(v float32)
SetUsage sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
SetWarpPlus sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig struct { ClientId string `json:"client_id"` Interface GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface `json:"interface"` Peers []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers `json:"peers"` Services GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices `json:"services"` }
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig(clientId string, interface_ GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface, peers []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers, services GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientId() string
GetClientId returns the ClientId field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientIdOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetClientIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetClientIdOk returns a tuple with the ClientId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterface ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterface() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
GetInterface returns the Interface field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterfaceOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetInterfaceOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface, bool)
GetInterfaceOk returns a tuple with the Interface field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeers ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeers() []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
GetPeers returns the Peers field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeersOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetPeersOk() (*[]GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers, bool)
GetPeersOk returns a tuple with the Peers field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServices ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServices() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
GetServices returns the Services field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServicesOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) GetServicesOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices, bool)
GetServicesOk returns a tuple with the Services field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetClientId ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetClientId(v string)
SetClientId sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetInterface ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetInterface(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface)
SetInterface sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetPeers ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetPeers(v []GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers)
SetPeers sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetServices ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) SetServices(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices)
SetServices sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint struct { Host string `json:"host"` V4 string `json:"v4"` V6 string `json:"v6"` }
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint(host string, v4 string, v6 string) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpointWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpointWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpointWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHost ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHost() string
GetHost returns the Host field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHostOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
GetHostOk returns a tuple with the Host field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4() string
GetV4 returns the V4 field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4Ok ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV4Ok() (*string, bool)
GetV4Ok returns a tuple with the V4 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6() string
GetV6 returns the V6 field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6Ok ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) GetV6Ok() (*string, bool)
GetV6Ok returns a tuple with the V6 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetHost ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetHost(v string)
SetHost sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV4 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV4(v string)
SetV4 sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV6 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) SetV6(v string)
SetV6 sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface struct {
Addresses GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses `json:"addresses"`
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface(addresses GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddresses ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddresses() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
GetAddresses returns the Addresses field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddressesOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) GetAddressesOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses, bool)
GetAddressesOk returns a tuple with the Addresses field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) SetAddresses ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) SetAddresses(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses)
SetAddresses sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses struct { V4 string `json:"v4"` V6 string `json:"v6"` }
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses(v4 string, v6 string) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddressesWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddressesWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddressesWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4() string
GetV4 returns the V4 field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4Ok ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV4Ok() (*string, bool)
GetV4Ok returns a tuple with the V4 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6() string
GetV6 returns the V6 field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6Ok ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) GetV6Ok() (*string, bool)
GetV6Ok returns a tuple with the V6 field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV4 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV4(v string)
SetV4 sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV6 ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) SetV6(v string)
SetV6 sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers struct { Endpoint GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint `json:"endpoint"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` }
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers(endpoint GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint, publicKey string) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeersWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeersWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeersWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpoint ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpoint() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
GetEndpoint returns the Endpoint field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpointOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetEndpointOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint, bool)
GetEndpointOk returns a tuple with the Endpoint field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKey ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKey() string
GetPublicKey returns the PublicKey field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKeyOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) GetPublicKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetPublicKeyOk returns a tuple with the PublicKey field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetEndpoint ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetEndpoint(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint)
SetEndpoint sets field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetPublicKey ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) SetPublicKey(v string)
SetPublicKey sets field value
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices ¶
type GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices struct {
HttpProxy string `json:"http_proxy"`
GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices struct for GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices(httpProxy string) *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServicesWithDefaults ¶
func NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServicesWithDefaults() *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
NewGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServicesWithDefaults instantiates a new GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxy ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxy() string
GetHttpProxy returns the HttpProxy field value
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxyOk ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) GetHttpProxyOk() (*string, bool)
GetHttpProxyOk returns a tuple with the HttpProxy field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) SetHttpProxy ¶
func (o *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) SetHttpProxy(v string)
SetHttpProxy sets field value
type NullableBool ¶
type NullableBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBool ¶
func NewNullableBool(val *bool) *NullableBool
func (NullableBool) Get ¶
func (v NullableBool) Get() *bool
func (NullableBool) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableBool) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBool) Set ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Set(val *bool)
func (*NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBool) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Unset()
type NullableFloat32 ¶
type NullableFloat32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat32 ¶
func NewNullableFloat32(val *float32) *NullableFloat32
func (NullableFloat32) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) Get() *float32
func (NullableFloat32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Set(val *float32)
func (*NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Unset()
type NullableFloat64 ¶
type NullableFloat64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat64 ¶
func NewNullableFloat64(val *float64) *NullableFloat64
func (NullableFloat64) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) Get() *float64
func (NullableFloat64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Set(val *float64)
func (*NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Unset()
type NullableGetAccount200Response ¶
type NullableGetAccount200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetAccount200Response ¶
func NewNullableGetAccount200Response(val *GetAccount200Response) *NullableGetAccount200Response
func (NullableGetAccount200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) Get() *GetAccount200Response
func (NullableGetAccount200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetAccount200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) Set(val *GetAccount200Response)
func (*NullableGetAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetAccount200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetAccount200Response) Unset()
type NullableGetBoundDevices200Response ¶
type NullableGetBoundDevices200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetBoundDevices200Response ¶
func NewNullableGetBoundDevices200Response(val *GetBoundDevices200Response) *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response
func (NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Get() *GetBoundDevices200Response
func (NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Set(val *GetBoundDevices200Response)
func (*NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetBoundDevices200Response) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200Response ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200Response ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200Response(val *GetClientConfig200Response) *NullableGetClientConfig200Response
func (NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Get() *GetClientConfig200Response
func (NullableGetClientConfig200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Set(val *GetClientConfig200Response)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200Response) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseCaptivePortal) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseDenylist) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1 ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4 ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V4) Unset()
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 ¶
type NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6 ¶
func NewNullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Set(val *GetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6)
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetClientConfig200ResponseNetworks1V6) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200Response ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200Response ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200Response(val *GetSourceDevice200Response) *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Get() *GetSourceDevice200Response
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200Response)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200Response) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigEndpoint) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterface) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigInterfaceAddresses) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Set ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Set(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigPeers) Unset()
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices ¶
type NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices ¶
func NewNullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices(val *GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) IsSet() bool
func (NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableGetSourceDevice200ResponseConfigServices) Unset()
type NullableInt ¶
type NullableInt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt ¶
func NewNullableInt(val *int) *NullableInt
func (NullableInt) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt) Get() *int
func (NullableInt) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Set(val *int)
func (*NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Unset()
type NullableInt32 ¶
type NullableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt32 ¶
func NewNullableInt32(val *int32) *NullableInt32
func (NullableInt32) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt32) Get() *int32
func (NullableInt32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Set(val *int32)
func (*NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Unset()
type NullableInt64 ¶
type NullableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt64 ¶
func NewNullableInt64(val *int64) *NullableInt64
func (NullableInt64) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt64) Get() *int64
func (NullableInt64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Set(val *int64)
func (*NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Unset()
type NullableRegister200Response ¶
type NullableRegister200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRegister200Response ¶
func NewNullableRegister200Response(val *Register200Response) *NullableRegister200Response
func (NullableRegister200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableRegister200Response) Get() *Register200Response
func (NullableRegister200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRegister200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRegister200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRegister200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRegister200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRegister200Response) Set(val *Register200Response)
func (*NullableRegister200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRegister200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRegister200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRegister200Response) Unset()
type NullableRegisterRequest ¶
type NullableRegisterRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRegisterRequest ¶
func NewNullableRegisterRequest(val *RegisterRequest) *NullableRegisterRequest
func (NullableRegisterRequest) Get ¶
func (v NullableRegisterRequest) Get() *RegisterRequest
func (NullableRegisterRequest) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRegisterRequest) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRegisterRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRegisterRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRegisterRequest) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) Set(val *RegisterRequest)
func (*NullableRegisterRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRegisterRequest) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRegisterRequest) Unset()
type NullableResetAccountLicense200Response ¶
type NullableResetAccountLicense200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableResetAccountLicense200Response ¶
func NewNullableResetAccountLicense200Response(val *ResetAccountLicense200Response) *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response
func (NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Get() *ResetAccountLicense200Response
func (NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Set(val *ResetAccountLicense200Response)
func (*NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableResetAccountLicense200Response) Unset()
type NullableString ¶
type NullableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableString ¶
func NewNullableString(val *string) *NullableString
func (NullableString) Get ¶
func (v NullableString) Get() *string
func (NullableString) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableString) IsSet() bool
func (NullableString) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableString) Set ¶
func (v *NullableString) Set(val *string)
func (*NullableString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableString) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableString) Unset()
type NullableTime ¶
type NullableTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTime ¶
func NewNullableTime(val *time.Time) *NullableTime
func (NullableTime) Get ¶
func (v NullableTime) Get() *time.Time
func (NullableTime) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTime) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTime) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTime) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Set(val *time.Time)
func (*NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTime) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Unset()
type NullableUpdateAccount200Response ¶
type NullableUpdateAccount200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateAccount200Response ¶
func NewNullableUpdateAccount200Response(val *UpdateAccount200Response) *NullableUpdateAccount200Response
func (NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Get() *UpdateAccount200Response
func (NullableUpdateAccount200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Set(val *UpdateAccount200Response)
func (*NullableUpdateAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccount200Response) Unset()
type NullableUpdateAccountRequest ¶
type NullableUpdateAccountRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateAccountRequest ¶
func NewNullableUpdateAccountRequest(val *UpdateAccountRequest) *NullableUpdateAccountRequest
func (NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Get() *UpdateAccountRequest
func (NullableUpdateAccountRequest) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateAccountRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateAccountRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Set(val *UpdateAccountRequest)
func (*NullableUpdateAccountRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateAccountRequest) Unset()
type NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response ¶
type NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response ¶
func NewNullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response(val *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response
func (NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Get() *UpdateBoundDevice200Response
func (NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Set(val *UpdateBoundDevice200Response)
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDevice200Response) Unset()
type NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
type NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
func NewNullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest(val *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest
func (NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Get() *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
func (NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Set(val *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest)
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateBoundDeviceRequest) Unset()
type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response ¶
type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response ¶
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response(val *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response
func (NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Get() *UpdateSourceDevice200Response
func (NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Set(val *UpdateSourceDevice200Response)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200Response) Unset()
type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
type NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount(val *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
func (NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Set(val *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) Unset()
type NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
type NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
func NewNullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest(val *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest
func (NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Get() *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
func (NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Set(val *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest)
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateSourceDeviceRequest) Unset()
type Register200Response ¶
type Register200Response struct { Account GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount `json:"account"` Config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig `json:"config"` Created string `json:"created"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FcmToken string `json:"fcm_token"` Id string `json:"id"` InstallId string `json:"install_id"` Key string `json:"key"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Model string `json:"model"` Name string `json:"name"` Place float32 `json:"place"` Token string `json:"token"` Tos string `json:"tos"` Type string `json:"type"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WaitlistEnabled bool `json:"waitlist_enabled"` WarpEnabled bool `json:"warp_enabled"` }
Register200Response struct for Register200Response
func NewRegister200Response ¶
func NewRegister200Response(account GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, created string, enabled bool, fcmToken string, id string, installId string, key string, locale string, model string, name string, place float32, token string, tos string, type_ string, updated string, waitlistEnabled bool, warpEnabled bool) *Register200Response
NewRegister200Response instantiates a new Register200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRegister200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewRegister200ResponseWithDefaults() *Register200Response
NewRegister200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new Register200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Register200Response) GetAccount ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetAccount() GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
GetAccount returns the Account field value
func (*Register200Response) GetAccountOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetAccountOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
GetAccountOk returns a tuple with the Account field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetConfig ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
GetConfig returns the Config field value
func (*Register200Response) GetConfigOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
GetConfigOk returns a tuple with the Config field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*Register200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value
func (*Register200Response) GetEnabledOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetFcmToken ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetFcmToken() string
GetFcmToken returns the FcmToken field value
func (*Register200Response) GetFcmTokenOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetFcmTokenOk returns a tuple with the FcmToken field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*Register200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetInstallId ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetInstallId() string
GetInstallId returns the InstallId field value
func (*Register200Response) GetInstallIdOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstallIdOk returns a tuple with the InstallId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetKey ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value
func (*Register200Response) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetLocale ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetLocale() string
GetLocale returns the Locale field value
func (*Register200Response) GetLocaleOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
GetLocaleOk returns a tuple with the Locale field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetModel ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*Register200Response) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetName ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*Register200Response) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetPlace ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetPlace() float32
GetPlace returns the Place field value
func (*Register200Response) GetPlaceOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPlaceOk returns a tuple with the Place field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetToken ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetToken() string
GetToken returns the Token field value
func (*Register200Response) GetTokenOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetTokenOk returns a tuple with the Token field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetTos ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetTos() string
GetTos returns the Tos field value
func (*Register200Response) GetTosOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
GetTosOk returns a tuple with the Tos field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetType ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*Register200Response) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*Register200Response) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
GetWaitlistEnabled returns the WaitlistEnabled field value
func (*Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWaitlistEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WaitlistEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Register200Response) GetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
GetWarpEnabled returns the WarpEnabled field value
func (*Register200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk ¶
func (o *Register200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WarpEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (Register200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o Register200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Register200Response) SetAccount ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetAccount(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
SetAccount sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetConfig ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
SetConfig sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
SetEnabled sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetFcmToken ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
SetFcmToken sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetInstallId ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
SetInstallId sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetKey ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetKey(v string)
SetKey sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetLocale ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetLocale(v string)
SetLocale sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetModel ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetName ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetName(v string)
SetName sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetPlace ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
SetPlace sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetToken ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetToken(v string)
SetToken sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetTos ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetTos(v string)
SetTos sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetType ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
SetWaitlistEnabled sets field value
func (*Register200Response) SetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *Register200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
SetWarpEnabled sets field value
type RegisterRequest ¶
type RegisterRequest struct { FcmToken string `json:"fcm_token"` InstallId string `json:"install_id"` Key string `json:"key"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Model string `json:"model"` Tos string `json:"tos"` Type string `json:"type"` }
RegisterRequest struct for RegisterRequest
func NewRegisterRequest ¶
func NewRegisterRequest(fcmToken string, installId string, key string, locale string, model string, tos string, type_ string) *RegisterRequest
NewRegisterRequest instantiates a new RegisterRequest object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRegisterRequestWithDefaults ¶
func NewRegisterRequestWithDefaults() *RegisterRequest
NewRegisterRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new RegisterRequest object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RegisterRequest) GetFcmToken ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetFcmToken() string
GetFcmToken returns the FcmToken field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetFcmTokenOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetFcmTokenOk returns a tuple with the FcmToken field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetInstallId ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetInstallId() string
GetInstallId returns the InstallId field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetInstallIdOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstallIdOk returns a tuple with the InstallId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetKey ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetLocale ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetLocale() string
GetLocale returns the Locale field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetLocaleOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
GetLocaleOk returns a tuple with the Locale field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetModel ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetTos ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTos() string
GetTos returns the Tos field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetTosOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
GetTosOk returns a tuple with the Tos field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RegisterRequest) GetType ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*RegisterRequest) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (RegisterRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RegisterRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RegisterRequest) SetFcmToken ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) SetFcmToken(v string)
SetFcmToken sets field value
func (*RegisterRequest) SetInstallId ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) SetInstallId(v string)
SetInstallId sets field value
func (*RegisterRequest) SetLocale ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) SetLocale(v string)
SetLocale sets field value
func (*RegisterRequest) SetModel ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*RegisterRequest) SetType ¶
func (o *RegisterRequest) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
type ResetAccountLicense200Response ¶
type ResetAccountLicense200Response struct {
License string `json:"license"`
ResetAccountLicense200Response struct for ResetAccountLicense200Response
func NewResetAccountLicense200Response ¶
func NewResetAccountLicense200Response(license string) *ResetAccountLicense200Response
NewResetAccountLicense200Response instantiates a new ResetAccountLicense200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewResetAccountLicense200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewResetAccountLicense200ResponseWithDefaults() *ResetAccountLicense200Response
NewResetAccountLicense200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new ResetAccountLicense200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ResetAccountLicense200Response) GetLicense ¶
func (o *ResetAccountLicense200Response) GetLicense() string
GetLicense returns the License field value
func (*ResetAccountLicense200Response) GetLicenseOk ¶
func (o *ResetAccountLicense200Response) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
GetLicenseOk returns a tuple with the License field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (ResetAccountLicense200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ResetAccountLicense200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ResetAccountLicense200Response) SetLicense ¶
func (o *ResetAccountLicense200Response) SetLicense(v string)
SetLicense sets field value
type ServerConfiguration ¶
type ServerConfiguration struct { URL string Description string Variables map[string]ServerVariable }
ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server
type ServerConfigurations ¶
type ServerConfigurations []ServerConfiguration
ServerConfigurations stores multiple ServerConfiguration items
type ServerVariable ¶
ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable
type UpdateAccount200Response ¶
type UpdateAccount200Response struct { Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` PremiumData float32 `json:"premium_data"` Quota float32 `json:"quota"` ReferralCount float32 `json:"referral_count"` ReferralRenewalCountdown float32 `json:"referral_renewal_countdown"` Role string `json:"role"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WarpPlus bool `json:"warp_plus"` }
UpdateAccount200Response struct for UpdateAccount200Response
func NewUpdateAccount200Response ¶
func NewUpdateAccount200Response(created string, id string, premiumData float32, quota float32, referralCount float32, referralRenewalCountdown float32, role string, updated string, warpPlus bool) *UpdateAccount200Response
NewUpdateAccount200Response instantiates a new UpdateAccount200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateAccount200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateAccount200ResponseWithDefaults() *UpdateAccount200Response
NewUpdateAccount200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateAccount200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumData ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumData() float32
GetPremiumData returns the PremiumData field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPremiumDataOk returns a tuple with the PremiumData field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuota ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuota() float32
GetQuota returns the Quota field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
GetQuotaOk returns a tuple with the Quota field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCount ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCount() float32
GetReferralCount returns the ReferralCount field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralCountOk returns a tuple with the ReferralCount field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
GetReferralRenewalCountdown returns the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk returns a tuple with the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlus() bool
GetWarpPlus returns the WarpPlus field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpPlusOk returns a tuple with the WarpPlus field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateAccount200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetPremiumData ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetPremiumData(v float32)
SetPremiumData sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetQuota ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetQuota(v float32)
SetQuota sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralCount ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralCount(v float32)
SetReferralCount sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
SetReferralRenewalCountdown sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*UpdateAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *UpdateAccount200Response) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
SetWarpPlus sets field value
type UpdateAccountRequest ¶
type UpdateAccountRequest struct {
License string `json:"license"`
UpdateAccountRequest struct for UpdateAccountRequest
func NewUpdateAccountRequest ¶
func NewUpdateAccountRequest(license string) *UpdateAccountRequest
NewUpdateAccountRequest instantiates a new UpdateAccountRequest object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateAccountRequestWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateAccountRequestWithDefaults() *UpdateAccountRequest
NewUpdateAccountRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateAccountRequest object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateAccountRequest) GetLicense ¶
func (o *UpdateAccountRequest) GetLicense() string
GetLicense returns the License field value
func (*UpdateAccountRequest) GetLicenseOk ¶
func (o *UpdateAccountRequest) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
GetLicenseOk returns a tuple with the License field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpdateAccountRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateAccountRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateAccountRequest) SetLicense ¶
func (o *UpdateAccountRequest) SetLicense(v string)
SetLicense sets field value
type UpdateBoundDevice200Response ¶
type UpdateBoundDevice200Response struct { Activated string `json:"activated"` Active bool `json:"active"` Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` Model string `json:"model"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Role string `json:"role"` Type string `json:"type"` }
UpdateBoundDevice200Response struct for UpdateBoundDevice200Response
func NewUpdateBoundDevice200Response ¶
func NewUpdateBoundDevice200Response(activated string, active bool, created string, id string, model string, role string, type_ string) *UpdateBoundDevice200Response
NewUpdateBoundDevice200Response instantiates a new UpdateBoundDevice200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateBoundDevice200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateBoundDevice200ResponseWithDefaults() *UpdateBoundDevice200Response
NewUpdateBoundDevice200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateBoundDevice200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivated ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivated() string
GetActivated returns the Activated field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActivatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetActivatedOk returns a tuple with the Activated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActive ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActiveOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
GetActiveOk returns a tuple with the Active field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModel ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetType ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) HasName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateBoundDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActivated ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActivated(v string)
SetActivated sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActive ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetActive(v bool)
SetActive sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetModel ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetType ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
type UpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
type UpdateBoundDeviceRequest struct { Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
UpdateBoundDeviceRequest struct for UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
func NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequest ¶
func NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequest() *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequest instantiates a new UpdateBoundDeviceRequest object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequestWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequestWithDefaults() *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest
NewUpdateBoundDeviceRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateBoundDeviceRequest object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActive ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActiveOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
GetActiveOk returns a tuple with the Active field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasActive ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasActive() bool
HasActive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetActive ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetActive(v bool)
SetActive gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Active field.
func (*UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetName ¶
func (o *UpdateBoundDeviceRequest) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
type UpdateSourceDevice200Response ¶
type UpdateSourceDevice200Response struct { Account UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount `json:"account"` Config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig `json:"config"` Created string `json:"created"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FcmToken string `json:"fcm_token"` Id string `json:"id"` InstallId string `json:"install_id"` Key string `json:"key"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Model string `json:"model"` Name string `json:"name"` Place float32 `json:"place"` Tos string `json:"tos"` Type string `json:"type"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WaitlistEnabled bool `json:"waitlist_enabled"` WarpEnabled bool `json:"warp_enabled"` }
UpdateSourceDevice200Response struct for UpdateSourceDevice200Response
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200Response ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200Response(account UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, config GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, created string, enabled bool, fcmToken string, id string, installId string, key string, locale string, model string, name string, place float32, tos string, type_ string, updated string, waitlistEnabled bool, warpEnabled bool) *UpdateSourceDevice200Response
NewUpdateSourceDevice200Response instantiates a new UpdateSourceDevice200Response object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults() *UpdateSourceDevice200Response
NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateSourceDevice200Response object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccount() UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
GetAccount returns the Account field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetAccountOk() (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount, bool)
GetAccountOk returns a tuple with the Account field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfig() GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig
GetConfig returns the Config field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetConfigOk() (*GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig, bool)
GetConfigOk returns a tuple with the Config field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmToken() string
GetFcmToken returns the FcmToken field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetFcmTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetFcmTokenOk returns a tuple with the FcmToken field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallId() string
GetInstallId returns the InstallId field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetInstallIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetInstallIdOk returns a tuple with the InstallId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKey ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocale() string
GetLocale returns the Locale field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetLocaleOk() (*string, bool)
GetLocaleOk returns a tuple with the Locale field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModel ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModel() string
GetModel returns the Model field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetModelOk() (*string, bool)
GetModelOk returns a tuple with the Model field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlace() float32
GetPlace returns the Place field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetPlaceOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPlaceOk returns a tuple with the Place field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTos ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTos() string
GetTos returns the Tos field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTosOk() (*string, bool)
GetTosOk returns a tuple with the Tos field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetType ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabled() bool
GetWaitlistEnabled returns the WaitlistEnabled field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWaitlistEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWaitlistEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WaitlistEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabled() bool
GetWarpEnabled returns the WarpEnabled field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) GetWarpEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpEnabledOk returns a tuple with the WarpEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateSourceDevice200Response) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetAccount(v UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount)
SetAccount sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetConfig(v GetSourceDevice200ResponseConfig)
SetConfig sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetEnabled(v bool)
SetEnabled sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetFcmToken(v string)
SetFcmToken sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetInstallId(v string)
SetInstallId sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetKey ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetKey(v string)
SetKey sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetLocale(v string)
SetLocale sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetModel ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetModel(v string)
SetModel sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetName ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetName(v string)
SetName sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetPlace(v float32)
SetPlace sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetTos ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetTos(v string)
SetTos sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetType ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWaitlistEnabled(v bool)
SetWaitlistEnabled sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200Response) SetWarpEnabled(v bool)
SetWarpEnabled sets field value
type UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
type UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct { AccountType string `json:"account_type"` Created string `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` License string `json:"license"` PremiumData float32 `json:"premium_data"` Quota float32 `json:"quota"` ReferralCount float32 `json:"referral_count"` ReferralRenewalCountdown float32 `json:"referral_renewal_countdown"` Role string `json:"role"` Updated string `json:"updated"` WarpPlus bool `json:"warp_plus"` }
UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount struct for UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount(accountType string, created string, id string, license string, premiumData float32, quota float32, referralCount float32, referralRenewalCountdown float32, role string, updated string, warpPlus bool) *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount instantiates a new UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults() *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount
NewUpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccountWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountType() string
GetAccountType returns the AccountType field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetAccountTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetAccountTypeOk returns a tuple with the AccountType field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreated() string
GetCreated returns the Created field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetCreatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOk returns a tuple with the Created field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetId() string
GetId returns the Id field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicense() string
GetLicense returns the License field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetLicenseOk() (*string, bool)
GetLicenseOk returns a tuple with the License field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumData() float32
GetPremiumData returns the PremiumData field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetPremiumDataOk() (*float32, bool)
GetPremiumDataOk returns a tuple with the PremiumData field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuota() float32
GetQuota returns the Quota field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetQuotaOk() (*float32, bool)
GetQuotaOk returns a tuple with the Quota field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCount() float32
GetReferralCount returns the ReferralCount field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralCountOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralCountOk returns a tuple with the ReferralCount field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdown() float32
GetReferralRenewalCountdown returns the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk() (*float32, bool)
GetReferralRenewalCountdownOk returns a tuple with the ReferralRenewalCountdown field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetRoleOk() (*string, bool)
GetRoleOk returns a tuple with the Role field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdated() string
GetUpdated returns the Updated field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetUpdatedOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedOk returns a tuple with the Updated field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlus() bool
GetWarpPlus returns the WarpPlus field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) GetWarpPlusOk() (*bool, bool)
GetWarpPlusOk returns a tuple with the WarpPlus field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetAccountType(v string)
SetAccountType sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetCreated(v string)
SetCreated sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetId(v string)
SetId sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetLicense(v string)
SetLicense sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetPremiumData(v float32)
SetPremiumData sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetQuota(v float32)
SetQuota sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralCount(v float32)
SetReferralCount sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetReferralRenewalCountdown(v float32)
SetReferralRenewalCountdown sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetRole(v string)
SetRole sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetUpdated(v string)
SetUpdated sets field value
func (*UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDevice200ResponseAccount) SetWarpPlus(v bool)
SetWarpPlus sets field value
type UpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
type UpdateSourceDeviceRequest struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
UpdateSourceDeviceRequest struct for UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
func NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequest ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequest(key string) *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequest instantiates a new UpdateSourceDeviceRequest object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequestWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequestWithDefaults() *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest
NewUpdateSourceDeviceRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateSourceDeviceRequest object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) GetKey ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value
func (*UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) SetKey ¶
func (o *UpdateSourceDeviceRequest) SetKey(v string)
SetKey sets field value
Source Files
- api_default.go
- client.go
- configuration.go
- model_get_account_200_response.go
- model_get_bound_devices_200_response.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_captive_portal.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_denylist.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_networks.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_networks_1.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_networks_1_v4.go
- model_get_client_config_200_response_networks_1_v6.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_account.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config_endpoint.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config_interface.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config_interface_addresses.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config_peers.go
- model_get_source_device_200_response_config_services.go
- model_register_200_response.go
- model_register_request.go
- model_reset_account_license_200_response.go
- model_update_account_200_response.go
- model_update_account_request.go
- model_update_bound_device_200_response.go
- model_update_bound_device_request.go
- model_update_source_device_200_response.go
- model_update_source_device_200_response_account.go
- model_update_source_device_request.go
- response.go
- utils.go