
docker-compose deploy API
curl -O
chmod +x deploy
- PROJECT_NAME Name of your compose project
- DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE Path to your compose file (default: docker-compose.yml in current dir)
Golang API
You can execute the deploy
script through HTTP API.
curl -X POST http://localhost:1080/[project_name]/ --data-binary @docker-compose.yml
We recommend putting an Authorization
in front of your server (e.g. reverse-proxy, nginx, etc) if you plan to expose it to the internet.
If something goes wrong during the deploy process, the uploaded docker-compose.yml
is kept in order to manually retry or debug what's going on. Otherwise, the file is deleted.
CLI of HTTP Server
Usage of deploy:
-address string
[http] Listen address {DEPLOY_ADDRESS}
-annotationPass string
[annotation] Pass {DEPLOY_ANNOTATION_PASS}
-annotationURL string
[annotation] URL of Annotation server (e.g. {DEPLOY_ANNOTATION_URL}
-annotationUser string
[annotation] User {DEPLOY_ANNOTATION_USER}
-apiNotification string
[api] Email notificiation when deploy ends (possibles values ares 'never', 'onError', 'all') {DEPLOY_API_NOTIFICATION} (default "onError")
-apiNotificationEmail string
[api] Email address to notify {DEPLOY_API_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL}
-apiTempFolder string
[api] Temp folder for uploading files {DEPLOY_API_TEMP_FOLDER} (default "/tmp")
-cert string
[http] Certificate file {DEPLOY_CERT}
-csp string
[owasp] Content-Security-Policy {DEPLOY_CSP} (default "default-src 'self'; base-uri 'self'")
-frameOptions string
[owasp] X-Frame-Options {DEPLOY_FRAME_OPTIONS} (default "deny")
-graceDuration string
[http] Grace duration when SIGTERM received {DEPLOY_GRACE_DURATION} (default "30s")
[owasp] Indicate Strict Transport Security {DEPLOY_HSTS} (default true)
-idleTimeout string
[http] Idle Timeout {DEPLOY_IDLE_TIMEOUT} (default "2m")
-key string
[http] Key file {DEPLOY_KEY}
[logger] Log format as JSON {DEPLOY_LOGGER_JSON}
-loggerLevel string
[logger] Logger level {DEPLOY_LOGGER_LEVEL} (default "INFO")
-loggerLevelKey string
[logger] Key for level in JSON {DEPLOY_LOGGER_LEVEL_KEY} (default "level")
-loggerMessageKey string
[logger] Key for message in JSON {DEPLOY_LOGGER_MESSAGE_KEY} (default "message")
-loggerTimeKey string
[logger] Key for timestamp in JSON {DEPLOY_LOGGER_TIME_KEY} (default "time")
-mailerPass string
[mailer] Pass {DEPLOY_MAILER_PASS}
-mailerURL string
[mailer] URL (an instance of {DEPLOY_MAILER_URL}
-mailerUser string
[mailer] User {DEPLOY_MAILER_USER}
-okStatus int
[http] Healthy HTTP Status code {DEPLOY_OK_STATUS} (default 204)
-port uint
[http] Listen port {DEPLOY_PORT} (default 1080)
-prometheusIgnore string
[prometheus] Ignored path prefixes for metrics, comma separated {DEPLOY_PROMETHEUS_IGNORE}
-prometheusPath string
[prometheus] Path for exposing metrics {DEPLOY_PROMETHEUS_PATH} (default "/metrics")
-readTimeout string
[http] Read Timeout {DEPLOY_READ_TIMEOUT} (default "5s")
-shutdownTimeout string
[http] Shutdown Timeout {DEPLOY_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT} (default "10s")
-url string
[alcotest] URL to check {DEPLOY_URL}
-userAgent string
[alcotest] User-Agent for check {DEPLOY_USER_AGENT} (default "Alcotest")
-writeTimeout string
[http] Write Timeout {DEPLOY_WRITE_TIMEOUT} (default "2m")