Tqla - (Template Query Language Agnostic)
Mas sql templating!!
import "github.com/VauntDev/tqla"
Tqla is a small lightweight text parser that wraps the golang text/template
standard library. The primary purpose of tqla is to parse a text template and replace any variable with a placeholder. Variables that are replaced with placeholders are added to an args slice that can be passed to the standard db driver.
Similar libraries are exposed to sql injection, as they use the text/template library to do a simple text replacement. Tqla prevents sql injection by leveraging DB placeholders as described here.
Currently, tqla does not attempt to do any sql validation, this may change in the future.
Below is a simple example on how it can be used:
package main
import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
type todo struct {
Id int
Title string
Description string
Completed bool
const db = "example.db"
const todoSchema = `create table if not exists todos (
id integer primary key,
title text not null,
description text not null,
completed boolean default 0
func main() {
log.Println("connecting to db... ")
db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", db)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
log.Println("creating table is it does not exist... ")
if _, err := db.Exec(todoSchema); err != nil {
todos := []*todo{
{Id: 1, Title: "todo 1", Description: "first todo", Completed: false},
{Id: 2, Title: "todo 2", Description: "second todo", Completed: false},
{Id: 3, Title: "todo 3", Description: "third todo", Completed: false},
{Id: 4, Title: "todo 4", Description: "fourth todo", Completed: false},
{Id: 5, Title: "todo 5", Description: "fith todo", Completed: false},
t, err := tqla.New(tqla.WithPlaceHolder(tqla.Dollar))
if err != nil {
log.Println("adding todos...")
insertStmt, insertArgs, err := t.Compile(`
{{ $len := 4 -}}
INSERT INTO 'todos' ('id', 'title', 'description', 'completed')
VALUES {{ range $i, $v := . }}
( {{$v.Id}}, {{$v.Title}}, {{$v.Description}}, {{ $v.Completed }} ){{if lt $i $len}},{{else}};{{end -}}
`, todos)
if err != nil {
if _, err := db.Exec(insertStmt, insertArgs...); err != nil {
log.Println("looking up todo...")
selectStmt, selectArgs, err := t.Compile(`select * from todos where id={{ . }}`, 5)
if err != nil {
todo := &todo{}
row := db.QueryRow(selectStmt, selectArgs...)
if err := row.Scan(&todo.Id, &todo.Title, &todo.Description, &todo.Completed); err != nil {
log.Println("found: ", todo)
The test files also include examples of what can be done with tqla.
Text Templating Basics
Tqla leverages golang text templating framework. Similar to the html/template package, tqla is a wrapper around text/templating that replaces values with db placeholders.
Below are a few common examples to get you started with Golang's text templating. More information can be found at text/templating.
Actions represent data evaluations, functions, conditions, and control loops. Actions are represented by {{ <action> }}
conditionals are supported in templates.
Below is an example:
{{ if .Value }}
The value is {{ . Value }}
{{ end }}
or more complex uses:
{{ if (gt .Value 0) }}
The value, {{.Value}}, is great than 0
{{ else }}
the value, {{.Value}}, is less than 0
{{ end }}
The range
function is supported in templates.
below are a few examples
// slice
{{range .}}
{{range $key, $val := .}}
{{$key}} , {{$val}}
Go's text templating has several built-in functions outlined here. Tqla also supports additional functions defined by the user.
Here is an example of adding and calling a custom function within a template:
funcs := template.FuncMap{
"add": func(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
tqla, err := New(WithFuncMap(funcs))
s, a, err := tqla.Compile(`select * from table where v = {{ add . . }}`, 10)
if err != nil {
Refer to the go doc for text/templating for a deeper dive into custom functions.
Sql Templates
A complete sql template may look something like the following:
{{ define "nested_select" }}
select count(*) as count_v
from d.table as t
join d.table_2 as t2 on t.c1 = t2.c2
where t.c3 ilike {{ .FirstName }} and t.c4 = 'value'
{{ $maxLimit := 100 }}
select c1,
({{ template "nested_select" . }})
from d.table as t
where c1 ilike ({{ .FirstName }})
{{ if .LastName }}
and c2 = {{ .LastName }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Page }}
and (c3,c4) > ({{ .Page.Id }}, {{ .Page.Dttm }})
{{ end }}
{{ if gt .Page.Limit $maxLimit }}
LIMIT {{ $maxLimit }}
{{ else }}
LIMIT {{ .Page.Limit }}
{{ end }}`
Contributor Guide
See our Contributing.md file for guidance on how to contribute to tqla!
Available Awards
Name |
Icon |
Description |
Mas Tqla! |
uno mas, dba..., one more, mas tqla! |
Tqla Worm |
not all bugs are bad! |
Tqla Sunrise |
a shining example of your contribution to tqla! |
Tqla Honey Bee |
We bee-lieve in you! This achievement celebrates your first bug report, helping make Tqla sweeter than ever. |
Mojito Tqla |
Your enhancement's a delight! Thanks for making Tqla even brighter than night. |