Kubernetes diagrams
k8s-diagrams creates diagrams from your kubernetes clusters.
You just have to provide a namespace (or not), and you get a picture from the current state of your cluster. For now it only suppports namespaces, deployments, replicaSets, daemonSets, statefulSets, pods, services and ingresses. I may add other k8s API objects in the future...
How do I build it?
$ make build
$ ./k8s-diagrams --help ✔
k8s-diagrams - Create diagram from the Kubernetes API.
k8s-diagrams [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--namespace value, -n value The namespace we want to draw. (default: "default") [$KUBECTL_NAMESPACE]
--kubeconfig value, -c value The path to your kube config file. [$KUBECONFIG]
--outputFilename value, -o value The output filename. (default: "k8s")
--outputDirectory value, -d value The output directory. (default: "diagrams")
--label value, -l value The diagram label. (default: "Kubernetes")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Usage example
$ ./k8s-diagrams -n mynamespace -d diagrams -o k8s
$ cd diagrams
$ dot -Tpng k8s.dot > k8s.png
Render example