
v3.13.0+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 28, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


type ArtifactsFile

type ArtifactsFile struct {
	Filename string `json:"filename"`
	Size     string `json:"size"`

ArtifactsFile contains all of the GitLab artifact information

type Assignee

type Assignee struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	Username  string `json:"username"`
	AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`

Assignee contains all of the GitLab assignee information

type Author

type Author struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Email string `json:"email"`

Author contains all of the GitLab author information

type Build

type Build struct {
	ID            int64         `json:"id"`
	Stage         string        `json:"stage"`
	Name          string        `json:"name"`
	Status        string        `json:"status"`
	CreatedAt     customTime    `json:"created_at"`
	StartedAt     customTime    `json:"started_at"`
	FinishedAt    customTime    `json:"finished_at"`
	When          string        `json:"when"`
	Manual        bool          `json:"manual"`
	User          User          `json:"user"`
	Runner        string        `json:"runner"`
	ArtifactsFile ArtifactsFile `json:"artifactsfile"`

Build contains all of the GitLab build information

type BuildCommit

type BuildCommit struct {
	ID          int64      `json:"id"`
	SHA         string     `json:"sha"`
	Message     string     `json:"message"`
	AuthorName  string     `json:"auuthor_name"`
	AuthorEmail string     `json:"author_email"`
	Status      string     `json:"status"`
	Duration    int64      `json:"duration"`
	StartedAt   customTime `json:"started_at"`
	FinishedAt  customTime `json:"finished_at"`

BuildCommit contains all of the GitLab build commit information

type BuildEventPayload

type BuildEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind        string      `json:"object_kind"`
	Ref               string      `json:"ref"`
	Tag               bool        `json:"tag"`
	BeforeSHA         string      `json:"before_sha"`
	SHA               string      `json:"sha"`
	BuildID           int64       `json:"build_id"`
	BuildName         string      `json:"build_name"`
	BuildStage        string      `json:"build_stage"`
	BuildStatus       string      `json:"build_status"`
	BuildStartedAt    customTime  `json:"build_started_at"`
	BuildFinishedAt   customTime  `json:"build_finished_at"`
	BuildDuration     int64       `json:"build_duration"`
	BuildAllowFailure bool        `json:"build_allow_failure"`
	ProjectID         int64       `json:"project_id"`
	ProjectName       string      `json:"project_name"`
	User              User        `json:"user"`
	Commit            BuildCommit `json:"commit"`
	Repository        Repository  `json:"repository"`

BuildEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's build status change event

type Changes

type Changes struct {
	LabelChanges LabelChanges `json:"labels"`

Changes contains all changes associated with a GitLab issue or MR

type CommentEventPayload

type CommentEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind       string           `json:"object_kind"`
	User             User             `json:"user"`
	ProjectID        int64            `json:"project_id"`
	Project          Project          `json:"project"`
	Repository       Repository       `json:"repository"`
	ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes `json:"object_attributes"`
	MergeRequest     MergeRequest     `json:"merge_request"`
	Commit           Commit           `json:"commit"`
	Issue            Issue            `json:"issue"`
	Snippet          Snippet          `json:"snippet"`

CommentEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's comment event

type Commit

type Commit struct {
	ID        string     `json:"id"`
	Message   string     `json:"message"`
	Timestamp customTime `json:"timestamp"`
	URL       string     `json:"url"`
	Author    Author     `json:"author"`
	Added     []string   `json:"added"`
	Modified  []string   `json:"modified"`
	Removed   []string   `json:"removed"`

Commit contains all of the GitLab commit information

type ConfidentialIssueEventPayload

type ConfidentialIssueEventPayload struct {
	// The data for confidential issues is currently the same as normal issues,
	// so we can just embed the normal issue payload type here.

ConfidentialIssueEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's confidential issue event

type Config

type Config struct {
	Secret string

Config defines the configuration to create a new GitHub Webhook instance

type Event

type Event string

Event defines a GitHub hook event type

const (
	PushEvents               Event = "Push Hook"
	TagEvents                Event = "Tag Push Hook"
	IssuesEvents             Event = "Issue Hook"
	ConfidentialIssuesEvents Event = "Confidential Issue Hook"
	CommentEvents            Event = "Note Hook"
	MergeRequestEvents       Event = "Merge Request Hook"
	WikiPageEvents           Event = "Wiki Page Hook"
	PipelineEvents           Event = "Pipeline Hook"
	BuildEvents              Event = "Build Hook"

GitLab hook types

type Issue

type Issue struct {
	ID          int64      `json:"id"`
	Title       string     `json:"title"`
	AssigneeID  int64      `json:"assignee_id"`
	AuthorID    int64      `json:"author_id"`
	ProjectID   int64      `json:"project_id"`
	CreatedAt   customTime `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   customTime `json:"updated_at"`
	Position    int64      `json:"position"`
	BranchName  string     `json:"branch_name"`
	Description string     `json:"description"`
	MilestoneID int64      `json:"milestone_id"`
	State       string     `json:"state"`
	IID         int64      `json:"iid"`

Issue contains all of the GitLab issue information

type IssueEventPayload

type IssueEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind       string           `json:"object_kind"`
	User             User             `json:"user"`
	Project          Project          `json:"project"`
	Repository       Repository       `json:"repository"`
	ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes `json:"object_attributes"`
	Assignee         Assignee         `json:"assignee"`
	Changes          Changes          `json:"changes"`

IssueEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's issue event

type Label

type Label struct {
	Id          int64      `json:"id"`
	Title       string     `json:"title"`
	Color       string     `json:"color"`
	ProjectId   int64      `json:"project_id"`
	CreatedAt   customTime `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   customTime `json:"updated_at"`
	Template    bool       `json:"template"`
	Description string     `json:"description"`
	Type        string     `json:"type"`
	GroupId     int64      `json:"group_id"`

Label contains all of the GitLab label information

type LabelChanges

type LabelChanges struct {
	Previous []Label `json:"previous"`
	Current  []Label `json:"current"`

LabelChanges contains changes in labels assocatiated with a GitLab issue or MR

type LastCommit

type LastCommit struct {
	ID        string     `json:"id"`
	Message   string     `json:"message"`
	Timestamp customTime `json:"timestamp"`
	URL       string     `json:"url"`
	Author    Author     `json:"author"`

LastCommit contains all of the GitLab last commit information

type MergeRequest

type MergeRequest struct {
	ID              int64      `json:"id"`
	TargetBranch    string     `json:"target_branch"`
	SourceBranch    string     `json:"source_branch"`
	SourceProjectID int64      `json:"source_project_id"`
	AssigneeID      int64      `json:"assignee_id"`
	AuthorID        int64      `json:"author_id"`
	Title           string     `json:"title"`
	CreatedAt       customTime `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       customTime `json:"updated_at"`
	MilestoneID     int64      `json:"milestone_id"`
	State           string     `json:"state"`
	MergeStatus     string     `json:"merge_status"`
	TargetProjectID int64      `json:"target_project_id"`
	IID             int64      `json:"iid"`
	Description     string     `json:"description"`
	Position        int64      `json:"position"`
	LockedAt        customTime `json:"locked_at"`
	Source          Source     `json:"source"`
	Target          Target     `json:"target"`
	LastCommit      LastCommit `json:"last_commit"`
	WorkInProgress  bool       `json:"work_in_progress"`
	Assignee        Assignee   `json:"assignee"`

MergeRequest contains all of the GitLab merge request information

type MergeRequestEventPayload

type MergeRequestEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind       string           `json:"object_kind"`
	User             User             `json:"user"`
	ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes `json:"object_attributes"`
	Changes          Changes          `json:"changes"`
	Project          Project          `json:"project"`
	Repository       Repository       `json:"repository"`

MergeRequestEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's merge request event

type ObjectAttributes

type ObjectAttributes struct {
	ID              int64      `json:"id"`
	Title           string     `json:"title"`
	AssigneeID      int64      `json:"assignee_id"`
	AuthorID        int64      `json:"author_id"`
	ProjectID       int64      `json:"project_id"`
	CreatedAt       customTime `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       customTime `json:"updated_at"`
	Position        int64      `json:"position"`
	BranchName      string     `json:"branch_name"`
	Description     string     `json:"description"`
	MilestoneID     int64      `json:"milestone_id"`
	State           string     `json:"state"`
	IID             int64      `json:"iid"`
	URL             string     `json:"url"`
	Action          string     `json:"action"`
	TargetBranch    string     `json:"target_branch"`
	SourceBranch    string     `json:"source_branch"`
	SourceProjectID int64      `json:"source_project_id"`
	TargetProjectID int64      `json:"target_project_id"`
	StCommits       string     `json:"st_commits"`
	MergeStatus     string     `json:"merge_status"`
	Content         string     `json:"content"`
	Format          string     `json:"format"`
	Message         string     `json:"message"`
	Slug            string     `json:"slug"`
	Ref             string     `json:"ref"`
	Tag             bool       `json:"tag"`
	SHA             string     `json:"sha"`
	BeforeSHA       string     `json:"before_sha"`
	Status          string     `json:"status"`
	Stages          []string   `json:"stages"`
	Duration        int64      `json:"duration"`
	Note            string     `json:"note"`
	NotebookType    string     `json:"noteable_type"`
	At              customTime `json:"attachment"`
	LineCode        string     `json:"line_code"`
	CommitID        string     `json:"commit_id"`
	NoteableID      int64      `json:"noteable_id"`
	System          bool       `json:"system"`
	WorkInProgress  bool       `json:"work_in_progress"`
	StDiffs         []StDiff   `json:"st_diffs"`
	Source          Source     `json:"source"`
	Target          Target     `json:"target"`
	LastCommit      LastCommit `json:"last_commit"`
	Assignee        Assignee   `json:"assignee"`

ObjectAttributes contains all of the GitLab object attributes information

type PipelineEventPayload

type PipelineEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind       string           `json:"object_kind"`
	User             User             `json:"user"`
	Project          Project          `json:"project"`
	Commit           Commit           `json:"commit"`
	ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes `json:"object_attributes"`
	Builds           []Build          `json:"builds"`

PipelineEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's pipeline status change event

type Project

type Project struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Description       string `json:"description"`
	WebURL            string `json:"web_url"`
	AvatarURL         string `json:"avatar_url"`
	GitSSSHURL        string `json:"git_ssh_url"`
	GitHTTPURL        string `json:"git_http_url"`
	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
	VisibilityLevel   int64  `json:"visibility_level"`
	PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"`
	DefaultBranch     string `json:"default_branch"`
	Homepage          string `json:"homepage"`
	URL               string `json:"url"`
	SSHURL            string `json:"ssh_url"`
	HTTPURL           string `json:"http_url"`

Project contains all of the GitLab project information

type PushEventPayload

type PushEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind        string     `json:"object_kind"`
	Before            string     `json:"before"`
	After             string     `json:"after"`
	Ref               string     `json:"ref"`
	CheckoutSHA       string     `json:"checkout_sha"`
	UserID            int64      `json:"user_id"`
	UserName          string     `json:"user_name"`
	UserEmail         string     `json:"user_email"`
	UserAvatar        string     `json:"user_avatar"`
	ProjectID         int64      `json:"project_id"`
	Project           Project    `json:"Project"`
	Repository        Repository `json:"repository"`
	Commits           []Commit   `json:"commits"`
	TotalCommitsCount int64      `json:"total_commits_count"`

PushEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's push event

type Repository

type Repository struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	URL         string `json:"url"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Homepage    string `json:"homepage"`

Repository contains all of the GitLab repository information

type Snippet

type Snippet struct {
	ID              int64      `json:"id"`
	Title           string     `json:"title"`
	Content         string     `json:"content"`
	AuthorID        int64      `json:"author_id"`
	ProjectID       int64      `json:"project_id"`
	CreatedAt       customTime `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       customTime `json:"updated_at"`
	FileName        string     `json:"file_name"`
	ExpiresAt       customTime `json:"expires_at"`
	Type            string     `json:"type"`
	VisibilityLevel int64      `json:"visibility_level"`

Snippet contains all of the GitLab snippet information

type Source

type Source struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Description       string `json:"description"`
	WebURL            string `json:"web_url"`
	AvatarURL         string `json:"avatar_url"`
	GitSSHURL         string `json:"git_ssh_url"`
	GitHTTPURL        string `json:"git_http_url"`
	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
	VisibilityLevel   int64  `json:"visibility_level"`
	PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"`
	DefaultBranch     string `json:"default_branch"`
	Homepage          string `json:"homepage"`
	URL               string `json:"url"`
	SSHURL            string `json:"ssh_url"`
	HTTPURL           string `json:"http_url"`

Source contains all of the GitLab source information

type StDiff

type StDiff struct {
	Diff        string `json:"diff"`
	NewPath     string `json:"new_path"`
	OldPath     string `json:"old_path"`
	AMode       string `json:"a_mode"`
	BMode       string `json:"b_mode"`
	NewFile     bool   `json:"new_file"`
	RenamedFile bool   `json:"renamed_file"`
	DeletedFile bool   `json:"deleted_file"`

StDiff contains all of the GitLab diff information

type TagEventPayload

type TagEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind        string     `json:"object_kind"`
	Before            string     `json:"before"`
	After             string     `json:"after"`
	Ref               string     `json:"ref"`
	CheckoutSHA       string     `json:"checkout_sha"`
	UserID            int64      `json:"user_id"`
	UserName          string     `json:"user_name"`
	UserAvatar        string     `json:"user_avatar"`
	ProjectID         int64      `json:"project_id"`
	Project           Project    `json:"Project"`
	Repository        Repository `json:"repository"`
	Commits           []Commit   `json:"commits"`
	TotalCommitsCount int64      `json:"total_commits_count"`

TagEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's tag push event

type Target

type Target struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Description       string `json:"description"`
	WebURL            string `json:"web_url"`
	AvatarURL         string `json:"avatar_url"`
	GitSSHURL         string `json:"git_ssh_url"`
	GitHTTPURL        string `json:"git_http_url"`
	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
	VisibilityLevel   int64  `json:"visibility_level"`
	PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"`
	DefaultBranch     string `json:"default_branch"`
	Homepage          string `json:"homepage"`
	URL               string `json:"url"`
	SSHURL            string `json:"ssh_url"`
	HTTPURL           string `json:"http_url"`

Target contains all of the GitLab target information

type User

type User struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	UserName  string `json:"username"`
	AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`

User contains all of the GitLab user information

type Webhook

type Webhook struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Webhook instance contains all methods needed to process events

func New

func New(config *Config) *Webhook

New creates and returns a WebHook instance denoted by the Provider type

func (Webhook) ParsePayload

func (hook Webhook) ParsePayload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

ParsePayload parses and verifies the payload and fires off the mapped function, if it exists.

func (Webhook) Provider

func (hook Webhook) Provider() webhooks.Provider

Provider returns the current hooks provider ID

func (Webhook) RegisterEvents

func (hook Webhook) RegisterEvents(fn webhooks.ProcessPayloadFunc, events ...Event)

RegisterEvents registers the function to call when the specified event(s) are encountered

type Wiki

type Wiki struct {
	WebURL            string `json:"web_url"`
	GitSSHURL         string `json:"git_ssh_url"`
	GitHTTPURL        string `json:"git_http_url"`
	PathWithNamespace string `json:"path_with_namespace"`
	DefaultBranch     string `json:"default_branch"`

Wiki contains all of the GitLab wiki information

type WikiPageEventPayload

type WikiPageEventPayload struct {
	ObjectKind       string           `json:"object_kind"`
	User             User             `json:"user"`
	Project          Project          `json:"project"`
	Wiki             Wiki             `json:"wiki"`
	ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes `json:"object_attributes"`

WikiPageEventPayload contains the information for GitLab's wiki created/updated event

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