[Under developing] Azure Resource Verifier with Resource Graph
Table of Contents
You can verify if there is a difference between your desired properties and actual with this CLI.
This CLI read your desired properties as JSON files, and query to Azure Resource Graph API, then check the difference.
Azure Resource Graph table and resource type reference
Getting Started
- Go 1.16 or later (if you will build)
- Azure Resource Graph permissions
go install github.com/ToruMakabe/azverify@latest
Or download binary
azverify [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
match Matching check the difference between desired and actual
version Display the version
--cert-password string cert file password
--cert-path string PKCS12 (.pfx) cert file path
--client-id string Azure AD service principal App ID
--client-secret string Azure AD service principal App secret
--config string config file path (default "$HOME/.azverify/config.toml")
--env-prefix string env prefix (default "AZV")
--environment string Azure environment ([public]/usgovernment/german/china)
-h, --help help for azverify
--log-level string log level (DEBUG/[INFO]/ERROR)
--subscription-id string Azure subscription ID
--tenant-id string Azure AD tenant ID
Config options and the evaluation order
Each item takes precedence over the item below it.
- flag
- env. var
- default prefix is "AZV_". e.g. AZV_TENANT_ID
- config file
Auth methods and the evaluation order
It is determined by elements set with flags, env variables and config file.
- Service Principal Client Certificate
- tenant-id, subscription-id, cert-path, cert-password
- Service Principal Client Secret
- tenant-id, subscription-id, client-id, client-secret
- Managed Identiy
- --use-msi flag in subcommand
- Azure CLI token
- just run without auth options on the machine has valid Azure CLI token
subcommand [match]
azverify match [flags]
-f, --file string path(glob) of the file(s) where the desired resources are written
-h, --help help for match
--use-msi flag for using Managed Identity to auth (defalut: false)
You have to prepare your "desired" resources as JSON(array) file. "id" is mandatry to identify target resource, but do not have to describe all keys/values. You can write only keys/values you want to verify. Sample is in testdata.
Then, run match command.
azverify match -f ./desired.json
If the result of matching desired resources against to the actual returns from Resource Graph API is SupersetMatch or FullMatch, result of the match command will be successful. On the other hand, if there was any other matching result, exits with status code 1. If all matching(s) was successful, exit code is 0.
- Currently do not have a subcommand to generate template of desired resource by resource types. Investigating the feasibility.