delegates request to grpc-server-fahrenheit
displays service health status
Return codes:
- OK (200) is returned if service DB is working properly
- FailedDependency (424) is returned otherwise
- InternalServerError (500) is returned in case of general errors.
returnes a body containing celsius/fahrenheit pair
Path parameter with number of degrees celsius
Return codes:
- OK (200) is returned when ran successfully, with the body containing celsius/fahrenheit pair.
- NotAcceptable (406) if path parameter can't be parsed to a float64
- FailedDependency (424) if gRPC dependancy returned error
- InternalServerError (500) is returned in case of general errors.
returnes a body containing celsius/fahrenheit pair
Path parameter with number of degrees fahrenheit
Return codes:
- OK (200) is returned when ran successfully, with the body containing celsius/fahrenheit pair.
- NotAcceptable (406) if path parameter can't be parsed to a float64
- FailedDependency (424) if gRPC dependancy returned error
- InternalServerError (500) is returned in case of general errors.
- standard Docker installation
- standard gRPC installation
- run 'source ./env'
- run 'make'
- run grpc-server-fahrenheit
- 'make run' from terminal
Unit tests
'make test' from terminal for unit tests
Integration tests
If not ran already, run steps for build and run.
In another terminal, navigate to directory containing Makefile, then 'source ./env', then 'make integration'