Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BigIntForRLP(i *big.Int) *big.Int
- func Bytes2Hex(d []byte) string
- func BytesForRLP(bs []byte) []byte
- func BytesIntersection(a, b [][]byte) [][]byte
- func BytesIntersectionMap(a map[string]struct{}, b [][]byte) [][]byte
- func BytesSliceEqual(a, b [][]byte) bool
- func CipherHash256(pro HashProvider, in ...[]byte) []byte
- func CloneByteSlice(bytes []byte) []byte
- func CompareSlices(a, b interface{}, objComparer func(x, y interface{}) int) int
- func ConcatenateBytes(bss [][]byte) []byte
- func CopyBytes(b []byte) (copiedBytes []byte)
- func CopyBytesSlice(in [][]byte) [][]byte
- func DatabasePath(basePath string, id ChainID) string
- func DecodeHex(h string) ([]byte, error)
- func EncodeAndHash(o interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func ForPrint(v interface{}, poss []byte
- func ForPrintSlice(s []byte, startPos int, endPos int) []byte
- func ForPrintSliceString(v interface{}, maxSize string
- func ForPrintValue(val reflect.Value, startPos, endPos int) []byte
- func FormalizeBasePath(path string) string
- func FromHex(s string) []byte
- func HasHexPrefix(str string) bool
- func Hash256NoError(in ...[]byte) []byte
- func Hash256s(in ...[]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func HashEquals(h1, h2 *Hash) bool
- func HashLess(a, b Hash) bool
- func HashObject(o interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func HashPair(a []byte, b []byte) []byte
- func HashPairOrder(order bool, a, b []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func HashRipemd160(data []byte) []byte
- func HashSliceEquals(h1, h2 []byte) bool
- func HashsEquals(hs1, hs2 []Hash) bool
- func HeaderIndexHash(posBuffer [13]byte, index byte) []byte
- func Hex2Bytes(str string) []byte
- func Hex2BytesFixed(str string, flen int) []byte
- func HomeDir() string
- func InitShareObject(sopath string) *plugin.Plugin
- func InitSharedObjectWithError(sopath string) (*plugin.Plugin, error)
- func InvalidHash(bs []byte) bool
- func IsHex(str string) bool
- func IsHexAddress(s string) bool
- func IsHexCharacter(c byte) bool
- func IsNilHash(bs []byte) bool
- func IsNodeIDIn(nidhs []Hash, nid NodeID) bool
- func KeyCount() map[string]int
- func LeftPadBytes(slice []byte, l int) []byte
- func MerkleHash(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (root []byte, err error)
- func MerkleHashComplete(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)
- func MerkleHashCompleteOld(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)
- func PackNodeIdsToBytes(nodeIds []NodeID) []byte
- func ParseBytesToNodeIdBytes(s []byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func PointerCompare(a, b interface{}) (cmp int, needCompare bool)
- func PointerSliceLess(slice interface{}, i, j int) (less bool, needCompare bool)
- func PrintBytesSlice(bss [][]byte, length int) string
- func RandomByteSlices(count, size int) [][]byte
- func RandomBytes(length int) []byte
- func RegisterNoCheckAddress(addrs ...Address)
- func RegisterReservedAddress(addrs ...Address)
- func RegisterSystemContract(noGas bool, addrs ...Address)
- func ReverseBytes(bs []byte) []byte
- func RightPadBytes(slice []byte, l int) []byte
- func ShiftBits(b0, b1 byte, shifts uint8, length ...uint8) byte
- func SlicesMerkleHash(values [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
- func SlicesMerkleHashComplete(values [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
- func SlicesToHashs(bss [][]byte) [][]byte
- func SplitBytes(bs []byte, size int) ([][]byte, error)
- func SubBytes(bs []byte, from, size int) ([]byte, error)
- func SystemHash256(in ...[]byte) []byte
- func ToHeaderPosHashBuffer(id ChainID, height Height) [13]byte
- func ValuesMerkleHash(values interface{}, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
- func ValuesMerkleTreeHash(values interface{}, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
- func ValuesToHashs(values interface{}) ([][]byte, error)
- func Watch(tp int)
- func WatchDelta(ovfl bool)
- func WatchHeight(id ChainID, height Height)
- type AbstractService
- type AccountSharding
- func (as AccountSharding) AllIDs() []ChainID
- func (as AccountSharding) Clone() ShardInfo
- func (as AccountSharding) GetMaskBits() uint
- func (as AccountSharding) LocalID() ChainID
- func (as AccountSharding) Number() int
- func (as AccountSharding) ParentID() ChainID
- func (as AccountSharding) Pos(id ChainID) int
- func (as AccountSharding) ShardTo(v interface{}) ChainID
- func (as *AccountSharding) String() string
- type AccountShards
- type Address
- func AddressFromPubSlice(pub []byte) (Address, error)
- func BigToAddress(b *big.Int) Address
- func BytesToAddress(b []byte) Address
- func BytesToAddressP(b []byte) *Address
- func CreateAddress(b Address, nonce uint64) Address
- func CreateAddress2(b Address, salt [32]byte, inithash []byte) Address
- func HexToAddress(s string) Address
- func StringsToAddresses(strings []string) []Address
- func (a Address) Big() *big.Int
- func (a Address) Bytes() []byte
- func (a *Address) Clone() *Address
- func (a *Address) Cmp(o *Address) int
- func (a Address) Copy() *Address
- func (a *Address) Equal(o *Address) bool
- func (a *Address) ForRLP() *Address
- func (a *Address) FromRLP() *Address
- func (a *Address) Generate() error
- func (a Address) Hash() Hash
- func (a Address) Hex() string
- func (a Address) IsNoGas() bool
- func (a Address) IsReserved() bool
- func (a Address) IsSystemContract() bool
- func (a Address) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (a Address) NoCheck() bool
- func (a *Address) SetBytes(b []byte)
- func (a *Address) Slice() []byte
- func (a Address) String() string
- func (a *Address) ToString() string
- func (a *Address) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
- func (a *Address) UnmarshalText(input []byte) error
- func (a *Address) Value() Address
- type AddressShard
- type Addresser
- type BitIndex
- type Bits
- type BlockNum
- type BootNode
- type ChainAttr
- type ChainAttrs
- func (a *ChainAttrs) Add(attrs ...ChainAttr) error
- func (a *ChainAttrs) AddByName(names ...string) error
- func (a ChainAttrs) Clone() ChainAttrs
- func (a ChainAttrs) Contains(attr ChainAttr) bool
- func (a ChainAttrs) FromMap(m map[ChainAttr]struct{}) ChainAttrs
- func (a ChainAttrs) Len() int
- func (a ChainAttrs) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (a ChainAttrs) Swap(i, j int)
- func (a ChainAttrs) ToMap() map[ChainAttr]struct{}
- func (a ChainAttrs) ToStringSlice() []string
- type ChainID
- func (id ChainID) Bytes() []byte
- func (id ChainID) Compare(o ChainID) int
- func (id ChainID) Formalize() []byte
- func (id ChainID) FromBig(bi *big.Int) (cid ChainID, ok bool)
- func (id ChainID) FromFormalize(bs []byte) ChainID
- func (id ChainID) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (id ChainID) IsMain() bool
- func (id ChainID) IsNil() bool
- func (id ChainID) IsReserved() bool
- func (id ChainID) IsSub() bool
- func (id ChainID) IsUserDefined() bool
- func (id ChainID) String() string
- type ChainIDs
- type ChainInfos
- func (c *ChainInfos) AddBootNode(bootNode Dataserver) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) AddDataNode(node NodeID) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) AddrIsAdmin(addr Address) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) Clone() *ChainInfos
- func (c *ChainInfos) GetAuditorIds() NodeIDs
- func (c *ChainInfos) GetAuditorMap() map[NodeID]struct{}
- func (c *ChainInfos) GetDataNodes() []NodeID
- func (c *ChainInfos) HasAttribute(attr ChainAttr) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) HasDataNode(nid NodeID) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ChainInfos) Index(nid NodeID) int
- func (c *ChainInfos) IsGenesisDataNode(nid NodeID) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) IsMainChain() bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) IsPocChain() bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) IsRewardChain() bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) Key() []byte
- func (c *ChainInfos) PubIsAdmin(pub []byte) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) RemoveBootNode(node NodeID) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) RemoveDataNode(node NodeID) bool
- func (c *ChainInfos) ReportTo() ChainID
- func (c *ChainInfos) Sort()
- func (c *ChainInfos) String() string
- type ChainInfosShouldBe
- type ChainMode
- type ChainStruct
- type Cipherer
- type CoinID
- type CommID
- type DataNode
- type DataNodes
- type Dataserver
- func (d *Dataserver) Clone() *Dataserver
- func (d Dataserver) Compare(o Dataserver) int
- func (d Dataserver) GetNodeID() (*NodeID, error)
- func (d *Dataserver) GetRpcAddr() string
- func (d *Dataserver) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (d Dataserver) String() string
- func (d Dataserver) Validation() error
- type DvppError
- type ElectionType
- type Endpoint
- type EpochNum
- func (en EpochNum) Bytes() []byte
- func (en *EpochNum) Clone() *EpochNum
- func (en *EpochNum) Cmp(o *EpochNum) int
- func (en EpochNum) Compare(o EpochNum) int
- func (en EpochNum) Diff(o EpochNum) (diff uint64, cmpRet int)
- func (en EpochNum) FirstHeight() Height
- func (en EpochNum) IsNil() bool
- func (en EpochNum) LastHeight() Height
- func (en EpochNum) String() string
- func (en *EpochNum) ToString() string
- type EraNum
- func (e EraNum) Bytes() []byte
- func (e *EraNum) Clone() *EraNum
- func (e *EraNum) Cmp(o *EraNum) int
- func (e EraNum) Compare(o EraNum) int
- func (e *EraNum) Equal(o *EraNum) bool
- func (e *EraNum) Hash() Hash
- func (e EraNum) IsNil() bool
- func (e *EraNum) Slice() []byte
- func (e *EraNum) String() string
- func (e *EraNum) Value() EraNum
- type GasPool
- type Hash
- func BigToHash(b *big.Int) Hash
- func BytesToHash(b []byte) Hash
- func BytesToHashP(b []byte) *Hash
- func CopyHashs(hs []Hash) []Hash
- func EncodeHash(v interface{}) Hash
- func Hash256(v ...[]byte) Hash
- func Hash256WithError(v ...[]byte) (Hash, error)
- func Hash256p(v ...[]byte) *Hash
- func HexToHash(s string) Hash
- func NewHash(b []byte) *Hash
- func (h Hash) Big() *big.Int
- func (h Hash) Bytes() []byte
- func (h *Hash) Clone() *Hash
- func (h *Hash) Equal(v *Hash) bool
- func (h *Hash) ForRLP() *Hash
- func (h *Hash) FromRLP() *Hash
- func (h Hash) Generate(rand *mrand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value
- func (h Hash) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (h Hash) Hex() string
- func (h Hash) Invalid() bool
- func (h Hash) IsEmpty() bool
- func (h Hash) IsEmptyNode() bool
- func (h Hash) IsNil() bool
- func (h Hash) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (h *Hash) PrintString() string
- func (h *Hash) SetBytes(b []byte)
- func (h *Hash) Slice() []byte
- func (h *Hash) SliceEqual(val []byte) bool
- func (h Hash) String() string
- func (h Hash) TerminalString() string
- func (h *Hash) UnmarshalText(input []byte) error
- type HashItem
- type HashProvider
- type Hasher
- type Height
- func (h Height) BlockNum() BlockNum
- func (h Height) Bytes() []byte
- func (h *Height) Clone() *Height
- func (h Height) Compare(o Height) int
- func (h Height) Diff(o Height) (diff uint64, cmpRet int)
- func (h Height) EpochNum() EpochNum
- func (h *Height) Equal(o *Height) bool
- func (h Height) EraNum() EraNum
- func (h Height) FromBig(bi *big.Int) (height Height, ok bool)
- func (h *Height) Hash() Hash
- func (h Height) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (h Height) IsFirstOfEpoch() bool
- func (h Height) IsLastOfEpoch() bool
- func (h Height) IsNil() bool
- func (h Height) RemoveRemainder(n Height) Height
- func (h *Height) Slice() []byte
- func (h Height) Split() (epochNum EpochNum, blockNum BlockNum)
- func (h *Height) String() string
- func (h Height) UsefulBlock() BlockNum
- func (h Height) UsefulEpoch() EpochNum
- type Identifier
- type IndentLevel
- type Infoer
- type LastBlockMap
- type LruMap
- type MerkleProofs
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Append(h Hash, order bool)
- func (p *MerkleProofs) BigKey(bigKey *big.Int, startAt int) int
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Clone() *MerkleProofs
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Equal(o *MerkleProofs) bool
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Get(fullIndex int) (h Hash, order bool, err error)
- func (p *MerkleProofs) InfoString(level IndentLevel) string
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Iterate(hashCallback func(val []byte, order bool) error) error
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Len() int
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Order(i int) bool
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Proof(toBeProof Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Serialization(w io.Writer) error
- func (p MerkleProofs) String() string
- func (p *MerkleProofs) Summary() string
- func (p *MerkleProofs) ToItems() ([]HashItem, error)
- type MoreTime
- type MoreTimes
- func (ms MoreTimes) Append(index int) MoreTimes
- func (ms MoreTimes) Clone() MoreTimes
- func (ms MoreTimes) Count() int
- func (ms MoreTimes) Equal(os MoreTimes) bool
- func (ms MoreTimes) Find(index int) (times int, exist bool)
- func (ms MoreTimes) GetHashsIndex(fullIndex int) int
- func (ms MoreTimes) IsValid() bool
- type NetInfo
- type NetType
- type NodeID
- func BytesToNodeID(b []byte) NodeID
- func BytesToNodeIDP(b []byte) *NodeID
- func GenerateNodeID() *NodeID
- func ParseBytesToNodeIds(s []byte) ([]NodeID, error)
- func ParseNodeID(nodeString string) (*NodeID, error)
- func ParseNodeIDBytes(nodeBytes []byte) (*NodeID, error)
- func StringsToNodeIDs(strings []string) ([]NodeID, error)
- func (nid *NodeID) Bytes() []byte
- func (nid *NodeID) Clone() *NodeID
- func (nid *NodeID) Compare(to *NodeID) int
- func (nid *NodeID) Generate() error
- func (nid NodeID) Hash() Hash
- func (nid *NodeID) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
- func (nid NodeID) InfoString(_ IndentLevel) string
- func (nid NodeID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (nid NodeID) New() *NodeID
- func (nid *NodeID) SetBytes(b []byte)
- func (nid NodeID) String() string
- func (nid *NodeID) UnmarshalText(input []byte) error
- type NodeIDSet
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Delete(id *NodeID)
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Get(i int) (*NodeID, bool)
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) GetIndex(id *NodeID) (int, bool)
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) GetNodeIDs(chainid ChainID) NodeIDs
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Len() int
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Put(id *NodeID) bool
- func (ns *NodeIDSet) Swap(i, j int)
- type NodeIDs
- func (ns *NodeIDs) AppendByHex(nidHex string) error
- func (ns NodeIDs) Clone() NodeIDs
- func (ns NodeIDs) Contains(nid NodeID) bool
- func (ns NodeIDs) Equal(os NodeIDs) bool
- func (ns NodeIDs) InfoString(level IndentLevel) string
- func (ns NodeIDs) IsIn(nid NodeID) bool
- func (ns NodeIDs) Len() int
- func (ns NodeIDs) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (ns NodeIDs) Remove(os NodeIDs) NodeIDs
- func (ns NodeIDs) Swap(i, j int)
- func (ns NodeIDs) ToBytesSlice() [][]byte
- func (ns NodeIDs) ToMap() map[NodeID]struct{}
- func (ns NodeIDs) Union(os NodeIDs) NodeIDs
- type NodeIdentifier
- type NodeType
- type RoutinePool
- type Seed
- func (s *Seed) Byte() []byte
- func (s *Seed) Clone() *Seed
- func (s *Seed) Equal(o *Seed) bool
- func (s *Seed) Equals(v interface{}) bool
- func (s *Seed) Generate() error
- func (s *Seed) Hash() Hash
- func (s *Seed) IsZero() bool
- func (s *Seed) SetBytes(b []byte) *Seed
- func (s *Seed) Slice() []byte
- func (s *Seed) String() string
- type Service
- type ServiceStateChanger
- type ServiceStatus
- type ShardInfo
- type Version
- type WorkerFunc
Constants ¶
const ( ETNone ElectionType = 0 ETVrf ElectionType = 1 ETManagedCommittee ElectionType = 4 // Deprecated ETFixedCommittee ElectionType = 2 // Deprecated ETFixedSpectator ElectionType = 3 NilEpoch = EpochNum(math.MaxUint64) NilEra = EraNum(math.MaxUint64) NilHeight = Height(math.MaxUint64) NilBlock = BlockNum(math.MaxUint32) )
- The consensus nodes in this chain will not participate in the election of other chains until the nodes quit from the consensus of this chain
- This type of chain no longer reports reward request, that is, there is no reward
- The start time of the election in this chain is the same as that in VRF, but the election request is broadcast directly on the basic network of main chain without packaging in a block
- Nodes that can participate in the election on thi chain will be stored under the key (models.AddressOfChainSettings, models.ManagedCommNodeIdsName) in this chain in the form of nodeid list. The byte slice value formed by the end to end connection of multiple values. By modifying this value, we can control the list of candidates who can run in the next election.
- When receiving the election request, all nodes will judge whether their nodeid is in the candidate list. If it is, they can join the basic network and the next consensus network of the chain, wait for the synchronization information, and then send the election results (Registration). The process here is same with VRF election, but the registration message type is different
- There's no lower limit for committee.size, and same upper limit with VRF election. The committee is composed of registered and legal candidates, sorted by nodeid from small to large, packaged and broadcast to the network. The process here is same with VRF election, but the election algorithm is different.
- 在此链中共识的节点不再参与其他链的选举,直到节点退出此链的共识
- 此类型链不再上报奖励请求,即无奖励
- 此链的选举开始时间与VRF一致,但选举请求不经过打包直接在0链基础网络上广播
- 可以参与选举的节点,会以NodeID列表的方式存储在本链models.AddressOfChainSettings的 models.ManagedCommNodeIdsName为名的键值中,多个值首尾相接形成的byte slice值。通过修改这 个值,来控制下次可以参选的候选人名单。
- 所有节点收到选举请求时,会判断自身NodeID是否在候选人名单中,如果在,就可以加入该链基础网络和下 届共识网络等待同步信息后再发送选举结果(报名),此处流程与VRF选举一致,不过报名消息类型不同
- 选举不再控制committee.size的下限,上限与VRF选举一致,Committee由报名的且合法的候选人,按 NodeID由小到大排序组成,并打包广播到本链网络中,除选举算法与VRF不同,流程完全一致
const ( // default configuration DefaultP2PPort1 = 31000 DefaultP2pPort2 = 31050 DefaultRpcAddress = "" DefaultEthRpcAddress = "" DefaultCompatible = true // chain id related ReservedMaxChainID uint32 = 1 << 20 MainChainID = ChainID(0) NilChainID = ChainID(ReservedMaxChainID) // length of types NodeIDBits = 512 NodeIDBytes = NodeIDBits / 8 HashLength = 32 AddressLength = 20 SeedLength = 20 ChainBytesLength = 4 // chain id HeightBytesLength = 8 // height // upper limit of shards:<= 2^MaxExponentOfShards MaxExponentOfShards = 8 )
const ( // event type of monitoring P2P = iota Event Block )
const ( // 0: origin // 1: add Version/Auditors ChainInfoVersion = 1 )
Variables ¶
var ( TypeOfAddress = reflect.TypeOf((*Address)(nil)).Elem() TypeOfHash = reflect.TypeOf((*Hash)(nil)).Elem() EmptyNodeID = NodeID{} EmptyAddress = Address{} SystemNodeID NodeID // NodeID of current node, which is initialized from the configuration file when the system starts TxCount uint64 NetDelay []int // range of system network delay [NetDelay[0]-NetDelay[1]] WaitingTime time.Duration // Waiting time for consensus state switching, waiting for other nodes LastMsgTime int64 // Timestamp of the last P2P message in the system LastEventTime int64 // Timestamp of the last consensus event processed LastBlockTime int64 // Timestamp of the last Block time LastBlocks = LastBlockMap{M: make(map[ChainID]Height)} // The height of the last block processed by each chain PkgedBlocks = LastBlockMap{M: make(map[ChainID]Height)} // Record the last block that each chain has been packaged by main chain Overflow bool // delta pool overflowed? NdType *NodeType ForChain *ChainID FullData bool StandAlone bool // if startup in standalone mode (one chain mode) )
var ( MainChainStruct = ChainStruct{ ID: MainChainID, ParentID: NilChainID, Mode: Root, } // TypeOfChainStructPtr = reflect.TypeOf((*ChainStruct)(nil)) TypeOfChainInfosPtr = reflect.TypeOf((*ChainInfos)(nil)) )
var ( DefaultStarterPK = "" /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ BlocksInEpoch uint64 = 1000 EpochsInEra uint64 = 36 // base chainid for ethereum compatible BigChainIDBaseV2 uint64 = 100007 BigChainIDBase uint64 = 70000 )
var ( DefaultRpcEndpoint = Endpoint{NetType: "tcp", Address: DefaultRpcAddress} DefaultEthRpcEndpoint = Endpoint{NetType: "tcp", Address: DefaultEthRpcAddress} )
var ( EmptyPlaceHolder struct{} = struct{}{} EmptyByteSliceHolder []byte = make([]byte, 0) BytesBufferPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) }, } BigIntPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return new(big.Int) }, } ErrAlreadyInitialized = errors.New("already initialized") ErrAlreadyStarted = errors.New("already started") ErrAlreadyStopped = errors.New("already stopped") ErrNeedInitialization = errors.New("need initialization") ErrNotStarted = errors.New("not started yet") ErrIllegalStatus = errors.New("illegal status") ErrNoAdapter = errors.New("no adapter") ErrInsufficientLength = errors.New("insufficient length") ErrLength = errors.New("length error") ErrNil = errors.New("nil value") ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found") ErrDuplicated = errors.New("duplicated") ErrIllegalParams = errors.New("illegal parameters") ErrUnsupported = errors.New("unsupported") ErrUnknown = errors.New("unknown error") ErrAlreadyDone = errors.New("already done, operation ignored") ErrReservedAddress = errors.New("reserved address") ErrMissMatch = errors.New("miss match") ErrInsufficientBalance = errors.New("insufficient balance for transfer") EmptyHash = Hash{} NilHashSlice = []byte(nil) NilHash = BytesToHash(NilHashSlice) EmptyNodeHashSlice []byte EmptyNodeHash Hash )
var ErrGasLimitReached = errors.New("gas limit reached")
Functions ¶
func BytesForRLP ¶ added in v1.5.0
func BytesIntersection ¶
func BytesIntersectionMap ¶
func BytesSliceEqual ¶ added in v1.4.0
func CipherHash256 ¶
func CipherHash256(pro HashProvider, in ...[]byte) []byte
func CloneByteSlice ¶
func CompareSlices ¶ added in v1.3.6
func ConcatenateBytes ¶
Join the slice array of the parameter to return a slice. Nil and empty are allowed. The returned slice is not nil
func CopyBytesSlice ¶
func DatabasePath ¶
func EncodeAndHash ¶
Hash calculation after serializing objects
func ForPrintSliceString ¶
func FormalizeBasePath ¶
func FromHex ¶
FromHex returns the bytes represented by the hexadecimal string s. s may be prefixed with "0x".
func HasHexPrefix ¶
hasHexPrefix validates str begins with '0x' or '0X'.
func Hash256NoError ¶
func HashEquals ¶
func HashObject ¶
If the object implements common.Hasher Interface, the HashValue() method is directly used to generate the hash value. Otherwise, hash will be performed after serializing the object
func HashRipemd160 ¶
func HashSliceEquals ¶
func HashsEquals ¶
func HeaderIndexHash ¶
func Hex2BytesFixed ¶
Hex2BytesFixed returns bytes of a specified fixed length flen.
func InitShareObject ¶
func InitSharedObjectWithError ¶ added in v1.3.0
func InvalidHash ¶ added in v1.3.26
func IsHexAddress ¶
IsHexAddress verifies whether a string can represent a valid hex-encoded Ethereum address or not.
func IsHexCharacter ¶
isHexCharacter returns bool of c being a valid hexadecimal.
func IsNodeIDIn ¶
func LeftPadBytes ¶
LeftPadBytes zero-pads slice to the left up to length l.
func MerkleHash ¶
func MerkleHash(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (root []byte, err error)
depth: If it is a positive number, it is the depth of the specified merkle tree. At this time, if the number of leaves of the complete binary tree specified by the depth is greater than len(hashList), at most one NilHashSlice is supplemented per layer
func MerkleHashComplete ¶
func MerkleHashComplete(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)
func MerkleHashCompleteOld ¶ added in v1.3.46
func MerkleHashCompleteOld(hashList [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)
MerkleHash Calculate merkle tree root hash with hashlist parameter according to fixed algorithm. If proofs is not nil, put the merkle tree proof of the value of hashList[tobeproof] into proofs in order Return error is not nil if there's an error, []byte is meaningless. Proofs DOES NOT GUARANTEE no change at this time toBeProof is the index of the object to be proved in the hashlist array
func PackNodeIdsToBytes ¶
func ParseBytesToNodeIdBytes ¶
func PointerCompare ¶ added in v1.3.29
func PointerSliceLess ¶
When sorting a pointer type object slice, the Less method needs to be written. The first part is to determine whether the object indicated by the i and j is nil. Nil is considered to be the smallest. If both are nil, they are considered to be equal. Only when both of them are not nil, the subsequent comparison is needed, and there is no need to check nil at this time. When needCompare returns false, the Less method can directly return the returned less value; otherwise, the comparison of the indexed objects needs to continue
func PrintBytesSlice ¶
func RandomByteSlices ¶ added in v1.3.46
func RandomBytes ¶
func RegisterNoCheckAddress ¶
func RegisterNoCheckAddress(addrs ...Address)
func RegisterReservedAddress ¶
func RegisterReservedAddress(addrs ...Address)
func RegisterSystemContract ¶
func ReverseBytes ¶
func RightPadBytes ¶
RightPadBytes zero-pads slice to the right up to length l.
func ShiftBits ¶ added in v1.3.37
let b0.bit(0~7) and b1.bit(0~7) be bit(0~15), and returns bit(shifts, shifts+length) 0 <= shifts <= 7; 1<= length <= 8 default:8 ShiftBytes(0xf0, 0xf, 3, 7) would be 0x7e ShiftBytes(0xf0, 0xf, 3) would be 0xfe
func SlicesMerkleHash ¶ added in v1.4.0
func SlicesMerkleHash(values [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
func SlicesMerkleHashComplete ¶ added in v1.4.0
func SlicesMerkleHashComplete(values [][]byte, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
func SlicesToHashs ¶ added in v1.4.0
func SplitBytes ¶
Divide bs into slices according to size, and each slice length is size
func SystemHash256 ¶
func ToHeaderPosHashBuffer ¶
func ValuesMerkleHash ¶ added in v1.3.26
func ValuesMerkleHash(values interface{}, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
func ValuesMerkleTreeHash ¶
func ValuesMerkleTreeHash(values interface{}, toBeProof int, proofs *MerkleProofs) (rootHash []byte, err error)
func ValuesToHashs ¶ added in v1.3.25
Types ¶
type AbstractService ¶
type AbstractService struct { InitFunc func() error StartFunc func() error CloseFunc func() error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AbstractService) Close ¶
func (s *AbstractService) Close() error
func (AbstractService) Copy ¶
func (s AbstractService) Copy() AbstractService
func (*AbstractService) Init ¶
func (s *AbstractService) Init() error
func (*AbstractService) SetChanger ¶
func (s *AbstractService) SetChanger(changer ServiceStateChanger)
func (*AbstractService) Start ¶
func (s *AbstractService) Start() error
type AccountSharding ¶
type AccountSharding struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (AccountSharding) AllIDs ¶
func (as AccountSharding) AllIDs() []ChainID
func (AccountSharding) Clone ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (as AccountSharding) Clone() ShardInfo
func (AccountSharding) GetMaskBits ¶
func (as AccountSharding) GetMaskBits() uint
func (AccountSharding) LocalID ¶
func (as AccountSharding) LocalID() ChainID
func (AccountSharding) Number ¶
func (as AccountSharding) Number() int
func (AccountSharding) ParentID ¶
func (as AccountSharding) ParentID() ChainID
func (AccountSharding) Pos ¶
func (as AccountSharding) Pos(id ChainID) int
Returns the location of ID in shard
func (AccountSharding) ShardTo ¶
func (as AccountSharding) ShardTo(v interface{}) ChainID
func (*AccountSharding) String ¶
func (as *AccountSharding) String() string
type AccountShards ¶
type AccountShards struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAccountShards ¶
func NewAccountShards(parent ChainStruct, chains []ChainID) AccountShards
func (AccountShards) Clone ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (s AccountShards) Clone() AccountShards
func (AccountShards) GetMaskBits ¶
func (s AccountShards) GetMaskBits() uint
type Address ¶
type Address [AddressLength]byte
func AddressFromPubSlice ¶
func BigToAddress ¶
BigToAddress returns Address with byte values of b. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func BytesToAddress ¶
BytesToAddress returns Address with value b. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func BytesToAddressP ¶
func CreateAddress ¶
CreateAddress creates an ethereum address given the bytes and the nonce
func CreateAddress2 ¶ added in v1.0.1
func HexToAddress ¶
HexToAddress returns Address with byte values of s. If s is larger than len(h), s will be cropped from the left.
func StringsToAddresses ¶
func (Address) IsReserved ¶
func (Address) IsSystemContract ¶
func (Address) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText returns the hex representation of a.
func (*Address) SetBytes ¶
SetBytes sets the address to the value of b. If b is larger than len(a) it will panic.
func (*Address) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.4
UnmarshalJSON parses a hash in hex syntax.
func (*Address) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText parses a hash in hex syntax.
type AddressShard ¶
type AddressShard struct { Index BitIndex // The index of the last bit (starting from 0), note that it is not the bit length (starting from 1) Value Bits }
func (*AddressShard) IsIn ¶
func (s *AddressShard) IsIn(addr Address) bool
func (*AddressShard) IsValid ¶
func (s *AddressShard) IsValid() bool
type BitIndex ¶
type BitIndex int
type Bits ¶
type Bits []byte
type BlockNum ¶
type BlockNum uint32 // block number in one epoch
func (BlockNum) IsFirstOfEpoch ¶ added in v1.3.29
func (BlockNum) IsLastOfEpoch ¶
Is it the last block in an epoch
type BootNode ¶
type BootNode struct { NodeID NodeID `yaml:"nodeID" json:"nodeID"` // ID of Node IP string `yaml:"ip" json:"ip"` // BasicPort uint16 `yaml:"bNetPort" json:"bNetPort"` // port for basic net ConsensusPort0 uint16 `yaml:"cNetPort0" json:"cNetPort0"` // port for consensus net 0 ConsensusPort1 uint16 `yaml:"cNetPort1" json:"cNetPort1"` // port for consensus net 1 DataPort uint16 `yaml:"dNetPort" json:"dNetPort"` // The data network is only used when transferring data between shard chains, and it uses the DataPort of the parent chain }
Network entry: only supports network discovery, if it is only BootNode, there is no need to establish a TCP link (otherwise data forwarding is required, and the algorithm will fail in a structured network) BootNode must be a data node, and the data node may not be a BootNode, otherwise it cannot be judged and punished. Therefore, bootnode will still establish a tcp link
type ChainAttr ¶
type ChainAttr string // Indicate the type, capacity, characteristics, etc. of the chain
type ChainAttrs ¶
type ChainAttrs []ChainAttr // Multiple Attributes that the chain may have
func (*ChainAttrs) Add ¶
func (a *ChainAttrs) Add(attrs ...ChainAttr) error
Because the length is not large, de-duplication runs in rotation
func (*ChainAttrs) AddByName ¶
func (a *ChainAttrs) AddByName(names ...string) error
func (ChainAttrs) Clone ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) Clone() ChainAttrs
func (ChainAttrs) Contains ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) Contains(attr ChainAttr) bool
func (ChainAttrs) FromMap ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) FromMap(m map[ChainAttr]struct{}) ChainAttrs
func (ChainAttrs) Len ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) Len() int
func (ChainAttrs) Less ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ChainAttrs) Swap ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) Swap(i, j int)
func (ChainAttrs) ToMap ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) ToMap() map[ChainAttr]struct{}
func (ChainAttrs) ToStringSlice ¶
func (a ChainAttrs) ToStringSlice() []string
type ChainID ¶
type ChainID uint32 // ID of chain
func BytesToChainID ¶
func (ChainID) FromFormalize ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (ChainID) IsReserved ¶
func (ChainID) IsUserDefined ¶
type ChainInfos ¶
type ChainInfos struct { ChainStruct `json:"chain"` SecondCoinId CoinID // ID of the local currency of this chain, 0 is the basic currency, indicating that the chain does not have a local currency SecondCoinName string // If there is a local currency, it is the display name of the currency, otherwise it is "" HaveSecondCoin bool // not in use, but should be !SecondCoinId.IsSovereign() AdminPubs [][]byte // Administrators' public key list GenesisCommIds NodeIDs // Members of the genesis committee (orderly, only the genesis chain has a genesis committee, and the first committees of other chains are elected through the creation process) BootNodes []Dataserver // BootNodes information Election ElectionType // The election type of chain consensus committee ChainVersion string // not in use Syncblock bool // not in use GenesisDatas NodeIDs // Genesis data nodes Datas NodeIDs `json:"datanodes"` // Current data nodes, including all the genesis data nodes Attributes ChainAttrs // chain attributes Auditors NodeIDs // auditor ids (Auditors+GenesisDatas+Datas=AllAuditors) Version uint16 // version, 1: add Version/Auditors }
TODO: v1.3.6,Currently BootNode and DataNode can be set separately, but DataRpcPort should
be in DataNode instead of BootNode. Two new attributes can be added: GenesisDataInfos and DataInfos, which are used to save the ID/IP and RPC port number of the data node. In order to be compatible with the old version, when the new field is empty, the hash is not calculated, and the chain structure can only be modified through the system contract. Only then will all the values of GenesisDatas/Datas be filled with RPC information and put into GenesisDataInfos/DataInfos.
TODO: v1.5.0,The DataPort should also be in the DataNode settings; at the same time, the
sharding information needs to be added, because the current sharding prefix is determined according to the number of shards under the same parent chain, but our chain can only do one-to-two splits. That is to say, the prefixes of the shards under the same parent chain are likely to be inconsistent in length. For example, there are 5 shards under chain 1 and their prefixes are: 00, 01, 100, 101, 11, where 100 and 101 are split by 10. Then, this information can only be recorded in the chain structure, and it has an effect when generating ShardInfo.
TODO: v1.3.6,目前BootNode和DataNode可以分开设置,但DataRpcPort应该在DataNode中,而不是BootNode。
可以新增两个属性:GenesisDataInfos和DataInfos,用来保存数据节点的ID/IP以及RPC端口号,为了兼容旧版本, 当新增字段为空时不计算Hash,并只有在通过系统合约修改链结构时才会将所有GenesisDatas/Datas的值补上RPC信 息放到GenesisDataInfos/DataInfos中。
TODO: v1.5.0,DataPort也应该在DataNode的设置中;同时需要增加分片信息,因为目前的分片前缀是根据在同一
父链下分片的个数确定的,但我们的链只能做一分二的动作,也就是说同一父链下的分片前缀很有可能长度不一致,如1链 下有5个分片他们的前缀分别为:00,01,100,101,11,其中100和101是由10分裂而来的,这个信息只能记录在链结 构中,在生成ShardInfo时产生效果。
func (*ChainInfos) AddBootNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) AddBootNode(bootNode Dataserver) bool
func (*ChainInfos) AddDataNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) AddDataNode(node NodeID) bool
func (*ChainInfos) AddrIsAdmin ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) AddrIsAdmin(addr Address) bool
func (*ChainInfos) Clone ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) Clone() *ChainInfos
func (*ChainInfos) GetAuditorIds ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (c *ChainInfos) GetAuditorIds() NodeIDs
func (*ChainInfos) GetAuditorMap ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (c *ChainInfos) GetAuditorMap() map[NodeID]struct{}
func (*ChainInfos) GetDataNodes ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) GetDataNodes() []NodeID
func (*ChainInfos) HasAttribute ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) HasAttribute(attr ChainAttr) bool
func (*ChainInfos) HasDataNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) HasDataNode(nid NodeID) bool
func (*ChainInfos) HashValue ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (c *ChainInfos) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainInfos) Index ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) Index(nid NodeID) int
func (*ChainInfos) IsGenesisDataNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) IsGenesisDataNode(nid NodeID) bool
func (*ChainInfos) IsMainChain ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) IsMainChain() bool
func (*ChainInfos) IsPocChain ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) IsPocChain() bool
func (*ChainInfos) IsRewardChain ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) IsRewardChain() bool
func (*ChainInfos) Key ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) Key() []byte
func (*ChainInfos) PubIsAdmin ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) PubIsAdmin(pub []byte) bool
func (*ChainInfos) RemoveBootNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) RemoveBootNode(node NodeID) bool
func (*ChainInfos) RemoveDataNode ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) RemoveDataNode(node NodeID) bool
func (*ChainInfos) ReportTo ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) ReportTo() ChainID
The target chain which the current chain reports to, It's not necessary consistent with ParentID
func (*ChainInfos) Sort ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) Sort()
func (*ChainInfos) String ¶
func (c *ChainInfos) String() string
type ChainInfosShouldBe ¶
type ChainInfosShouldBe struct { ChainStruct ReportTo ChainID // Record the destination chain when this chain reports the Header (not necessarily the same as the parent chain, such as: child chain shards are reported to the main chain shard or main chain 0) Attributes ChainAttrs // Chain attributes (PoC/Reward/NoGas, etc.) LocalCurrencyID CoinID // ID of the local currency of this chain, 0 is the basic currency, indicating that the chain does not have a local currency LocalCurrencyName string // If there is a local currency, it is the display name of the currency, otherwise it is "" AdminPubs [][]byte // Administrators' public key list GenesisCommIds NodeIDs // Members of the genesis committee (orderly, only the genesis chain has a genesis committee, and the first committees of other chains are elected through the creation process) BootNodes []BootNode // Entrance of the chain, no less than N (N=1) Election ElectionType // The election type of chain consensus committee DataNodes DataNodes // Chain data node. There is no more genesis and non-genesis, but the number of data nodes should not be less than M (M=3). If there is no data node, it can be considered as a virtual chain Extra string // Extra information }
type ChainStruct ¶
type ChainStruct struct { ID ChainID `json:"id"` ParentID ChainID `json:"parentid"` Mode ChainMode `json:"mode"` }
TODO v1.5.0 The chain ID and the parent chain ID form a logical chain ID tree with chain
0 as the root. 1. main chain (chainid=0) as root of the tree,responsible for maintaining chain structure and generating global seed 2. shards of main chain:There may be a second layer. When the number of sub chains reaches a certain level, the main chain can also be partitioned. The parentid of each main chain shard is the main chain 0. These main chain shards are mainly responsible for receiving, verifying and packaging the block hashs reported by each sub chain (including sub chain shards). 3. sub chain:All the business chains which parentids are the main chain. If the sub chain is not partitioned, the chain is an entity chain, and it needs to report the block to the superior regularly (when the main chain is not partitioned: to main chain 0; when the main chain is partitioned: the calculated main chain shard according to the attribute setting of the shard). Because it is an entity chain, the transaction is performed on the chain. 4. shards of sub chain:When there are too many sub chain accounts or too many transactions, the sub chain can be divided into two shards (each shard can continue to be divided, which means that the users on the old shard are divided into new shards, and the parentid of all shards is same with each other: sub chain ID). When a sub chain is partitioned, the sub chain becomes a virtual chain. The virtual chain does not need consensus. All the shards only need the dataport in the bootnode of the sub chain to build the data network. All transactions take place on the corresponding shard. The parentid of the sharding chain is the subchain ID. The shard regularly reports the block information to the superior (the main chain, which is same as the subchain).
TODO v1.5.0 链ID及父链ID组成了一颗以0链为根的逻辑链ID树。
主链的分片:可能存在的第二层,当子链达到一定数量时主链也可以分片,每个主链分片的ParentID都是0号主链, 这些主链分片主要负责接收、验证及打包各子链(包括子链的分片)上报的块头。
子链:所有业务的链,ParentID为0号主链。如果子链没有分片,则此链为实体链,需要定期向上级(主链无分片 时:向0号主链,主链有分片时:根据主链分片的属性设定计算得到的主链分片)上报块头。因为是实体链,链上完成 相应交易。
子链的分片:当子链账户过多或交易过大时,子链可以分裂为2个分片(每个分片还可以继续分裂,分片分裂仅代表 其用户段被分割到新的分片中,所有分片的ParentID都是相同的:子链ID)。当一个子链有了分片,该子链就成为虚拟 链,该虚拟链无需共识,所有分片仅需要该子链BootNode中的DataPort来组建数据网络。所有交易都发生在对应的分 片上。分片链的ParentID为子链ID,定期向上级(主链)汇报块头信息(同子链)。
Generation of shards (sketch): one existing chain A
Create two new chains, A1 and A2, one shard account prefix Bit:0, one prefix Bit:1
Stop chain A and make data unchangeable
Copy the data of chain A to A1 and A2 (more simply, divide half of the data nodes of chain A to A1 and the other half to A2, but how to ensure that the operation of chain A is not affected? )
Start elections for the committees of A1 and A2
After the two chain elections are all successful, start A1 / A2
将链A数据复制给A1, A2(更简单一些,将链A的数据节点分一半给A1,另一半给A2,但是如何保证链A运行不受影响?)
func NewChainStruct ¶
func NewChainStruct(id, parentId ChainID) (cs *ChainStruct, err error)
func (ChainStruct) Clone ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (s ChainStruct) Clone() ChainStruct
func (ChainStruct) String ¶
func (s ChainStruct) String() string
func (ChainStruct) Validate ¶
func (s ChainStruct) Validate() error
type CoinID ¶
type CoinID uint16 // ID of currency,TKM=0
func (CoinID) IsSovereign ¶
return true if it is basic currency, false if it is other currencies (the local currency of each chain)
type CommID ¶
type CommID int
func (CommID) ShouldPropose ¶ added in v1.3.30
should proposed blocks number in one epoch
type DataNode ¶
type DataNode struct { NodeID NodeID // ID of node IsGenesis bool // Whether it is a genesis data node, it is only a flag RpcAddress string // The RPC address and port of the data node (in order to resist attacks, the address of the cluster application can be used to proxy a group of full nodes) }
data node for chain
type Dataserver ¶
type Dataserver struct { ChainID uint32 `yaml:"chainID" json:"chainID"` NodeIDString string `yaml:"nodeID" json:"nodeID"` IP string `yaml:"ip" json:"ip"` BasicPort uint16 `yaml:"bNetPort" json:"bNetPort"` ConsensusPort0 uint16 `yaml:"cNetPort0" json:"cNetPort0"` ConsensusPort1 uint16 `yaml:"cNetPort1" json:"cNetPort1"` DataPort0 uint16 `yaml:"dNetPort0" json:"dNetPort0"` DataPort1 uint16 `yaml:"dNetPort1" json:"dNetPort1"` DataRpcPort uint16 `yaml:"dataRpcPort" json:"dataRpcPort"` }
func (*Dataserver) Clone ¶
func (d *Dataserver) Clone() *Dataserver
func (Dataserver) Compare ¶
func (d Dataserver) Compare(o Dataserver) int
func (Dataserver) GetNodeID ¶
func (d Dataserver) GetNodeID() (*NodeID, error)
func (*Dataserver) GetRpcAddr ¶
func (d *Dataserver) GetRpcAddr() string
func (*Dataserver) HashValue ¶
func (d *Dataserver) HashValue() ([]byte, error)
func (Dataserver) String ¶
func (d Dataserver) String() string
func (Dataserver) Validation ¶
func (d Dataserver) Validation() error
type DvppError ¶
func NewDvppError ¶
type ElectionType ¶
type ElectionType byte
func StringToElectionType ¶
func StringToElectionType(name string) (ElectionType, bool)
String to ElectionType, invalid string bool returns false
func (ElectionType) Exclusiveness ¶
func (t ElectionType) Exclusiveness() bool
func (ElectionType) IsManaged ¶
func (t ElectionType) IsManaged() bool
func (ElectionType) IsValid ¶
func (t ElectionType) IsValid() bool
func (ElectionType) IsVrf ¶
func (t ElectionType) IsVrf() bool
func (ElectionType) Name ¶
func (t ElectionType) Name() string
Returns the name of an electiontype that is valid in the chain structure configuration
func (ElectionType) RewardNeeded ¶
func (t ElectionType) RewardNeeded() bool
func (ElectionType) String ¶
func (t ElectionType) String() string
type Endpoint ¶
type EpochNum ¶
type EpochNum uint64 // cycle for one committee consensus
func (EpochNum) FirstHeight ¶ added in v1.3.29
func (EpochNum) LastHeight ¶ added in v1.3.26
type GasPool ¶
type GasPool uint64
GasPool tracks the amount of gas available during execution of the transactions in a block. The zero value is a pool with zero gas available.
type Hash ¶
type Hash [HashLength]byte
func BigToHash ¶
BigToHash sets byte representation of b to hash. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func BytesToHash ¶
BytesToHash sets b to hash. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func BytesToHashP ¶
func EncodeHash ¶
func EncodeHash(v interface{}) Hash
Call the HashObject method and turn the result into a hash object. If there is an error, all 0 Hash object will be returned
func Hash256WithError ¶
func HexToHash ¶
HexToHash sets byte representation of s to hash. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func (Hash) IsEmptyNode ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (Hash) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText returns the hex representation of h.
func (*Hash) PrintString ¶
func (*Hash) SetBytes ¶
SetBytes sets the hash to the value of b. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func (*Hash) SliceEqual ¶
func (Hash) String ¶
String implements the stringer interface and is used also by the logger when doing full logging into a file.
func (Hash) TerminalString ¶
TerminalString implements log.TerminalStringer, formatting a string for console output during logging.
func (*Hash) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText parses a hash in hex syntax.
type HashProvider ¶ added in v1.6.0
var SystemHashProvider HashProvider = systemHasher{}
type Height ¶
type Height uint64 // block height
func BytesToHeight ¶
func (Height) IsFirstOfEpoch ¶ added in v1.3.29
func (Height) RemoveRemainder ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (Height) UsefulBlock ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (Height) UsefulEpoch ¶ added in v1.3.7
type Identifier ¶
type IndentLevel ¶ added in v1.3.6
type IndentLevel int
func (IndentLevel) DoubleByteSlice ¶ added in v1.3.40
func (l IndentLevel) DoubleByteSlice(slices [][]byte) string
func (IndentLevel) IndentString ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (l IndentLevel) IndentString() string
func (IndentLevel) InfoString ¶ added in v1.3.14
func (l IndentLevel) InfoString(o interface{}) string
type Infoer ¶ added in v1.3.14
type Infoer interface {
InfoString(level IndentLevel) string
type LastBlockMap ¶
func (*LastBlockMap) CAS ¶
func (m *LastBlockMap) CAS(key ChainID, value Height) bool
When the value is greater than the currently saved value, replace it and return true. Otherwise, return false
func (*LastBlockMap) CopyMap ¶
func (m *LastBlockMap) CopyMap() map[ChainID]Height
func (*LastBlockMap) Set ¶
func (m *LastBlockMap) Set(key ChainID, value Height)
type MerkleProofs ¶
type MerkleProofs struct { // Use ToBeProof to calculate the Hash list of Hash with index starting from 0 in order Hashs []Hash `json:"hashs"` // Bit operands. The bit corresponding to the index of hashs indicates that the corresponding // hash value is placed left (1) or right (0) during hash operation, and the order is exactly // the binary value of the proved object Paths *big.Int `json:"paths"` // To save storage it is used to shrink consecutive identical hash values. Each MoreTime means // MerkleProofs.Hashs[MoreTime.Index] repeats MoreTime.Times times more than itself Repeats MoreTimes `json:"repeats"` }
Since 16 bit counting is used in serialization, the maximum supported proof height cannot exceed 65535
func NewMerkleProofs ¶
func NewMerkleProofs() *MerkleProofs
func (*MerkleProofs) Append ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Append(h Hash, order bool)
h: a point on the proofing path order: Is this point on the left side (true) or the right side (false) of the proof path
func (*MerkleProofs) BigKey ¶ added in v1.3.19
func (p *MerkleProofs) BigKey(bigKey *big.Int, startAt int) int
func (*MerkleProofs) Clone ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Clone() *MerkleProofs
func (*MerkleProofs) Deserialization ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)
func (*MerkleProofs) Equal ¶ added in v1.3.26
func (p *MerkleProofs) Equal(o *MerkleProofs) bool
func (*MerkleProofs) Get ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Get(fullIndex int) (h Hash, order bool, err error)
Gets the hash value corresponding with index (starting from 0) on the proof path and its order. If order is true, the hash value returned should be placed in the left, otherwise, right
func (*MerkleProofs) InfoString ¶ added in v1.3.19
func (p *MerkleProofs) InfoString(level IndentLevel) string
func (*MerkleProofs) Iterate ¶ added in v1.3.24
func (p *MerkleProofs) Iterate(hashCallback func(val []byte, order bool) error) error
func (*MerkleProofs) Len ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Len() int
func (*MerkleProofs) Order ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Order(i int) bool
Whether the corresponding hash value should be placed left (true) or right (false) when calculating the upper level hash
func (*MerkleProofs) Proof ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Proof(toBeProof Hash) ([]byte, error)
According to the input, calculate the hash according to the proof, and return the result. If the proof is empty, the input is returned
func (*MerkleProofs) Serialization ¶
func (p *MerkleProofs) Serialization(w io.Writer) error
p==nil: 1 byte (common.NilOrFalse)
p!=nil && len(p.Repeats)==0 1 byte (common.NotNilOrTrue) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(len(Hashs)) + Hashs[0] + ... + Hashs[len(Hashs)-1] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(len(Paths.Bytes())) + Paths.Bytes()
p!=nil && len(p.Repeats)>0 1 byte (common.Version0) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(len(Hashs)) + Hashs[0] + ... + Hashs[len(Hashs)-1] + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(len(Paths.Bytes())) + Paths.Bytes() + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(len(Repeats)) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(Repeats[0].Index) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(Repeats[0].Times) + ... + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(Repeats[len(Repeats)-1].Index) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(Repeats[len(Repeats)-1].Times)
func (MerkleProofs) String ¶
func (p MerkleProofs) String() string
func (*MerkleProofs) Summary ¶ added in v1.3.29
func (p *MerkleProofs) Summary() string
func (*MerkleProofs) ToItems ¶ added in v1.3.37
func (p *MerkleProofs) ToItems() ([]HashItem, error)
type MoreTime ¶ added in v1.3.37
type MoreTimes ¶ added in v1.3.37
type MoreTimes []MoreTime
func (MoreTimes) GetHashsIndex ¶ added in v1.3.37
get index of MerkleProofs.Hashs by the index of the expanded full hash list
type NetInfo ¶
type NetInfo struct { NodeID *NodeID // ID of node // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewNetInfo ¶
type NodeID ¶
type NodeID [NodeIDBytes]byte
func BytesToNodeID ¶
func BytesToNodeIDP ¶ added in v1.3.6
func GenerateNodeID ¶
func GenerateNodeID() *NodeID
func ParseBytesToNodeIds ¶
func ParseNodeID ¶
func ParseNodeIDBytes ¶
func StringsToNodeIDs ¶
func (NodeID) InfoString ¶ added in v1.3.20
func (nid NodeID) InfoString(_ IndentLevel) string
func (NodeID) MarshalText ¶
func (*NodeID) UnmarshalText ¶
type NodeIDSet ¶
type NodeIDSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNodeIDSet ¶
func (*NodeIDSet) GetNodeIDs ¶
type NodeIDs ¶
type NodeIDs []NodeID
func ByteSlicesToNodeIDs ¶
func IdentifiersToNodeIDs ¶
func IdentifiersToNodeIDs(nis []NodeIdentifier) NodeIDs
func (*NodeIDs) AppendByHex ¶
func (NodeIDs) InfoString ¶ added in v1.3.20
func (ns NodeIDs) InfoString(level IndentLevel) string
func (NodeIDs) ToBytesSlice ¶
type NodeIdentifier ¶
type RoutinePool ¶
type RoutinePool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRoutinePool ¶
func NewRoutinePool(name string, routineSize int, queueSize int, workFunc WorkerFunc, keyGetter func(interface{}) string) *RoutinePool
func (*RoutinePool) HigherLen ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (p *RoutinePool) HigherLen() int
returns the number of objects in the queue with higher priority
func (*RoutinePool) LowerLen ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (p *RoutinePool) LowerLen() int
returns the number of objects in the queue with lower priority
func (*RoutinePool) PostHigher ¶
func (p *RoutinePool) PostHigher(v interface{})
func (*RoutinePool) PostLower ¶
func (p *RoutinePool) PostLower(v interface{})
func (*RoutinePool) Start ¶
func (p *RoutinePool) Start()
func (*RoutinePool) Stop ¶
func (p *RoutinePool) Stop()
func (*RoutinePool) String ¶ added in v1.3.7
func (p *RoutinePool) String() string
type ServiceStateChanger ¶
type ServiceStatus ¶
type ServiceStatus byte
const ( // state of system services SSCreated ServiceStatus = iota SSInitialized SSStarted SSStopped )
func (*ServiceStatus) CheckInit ¶
func (ss *ServiceStatus) CheckInit() error
func (*ServiceStatus) CheckStart ¶
func (ss *ServiceStatus) CheckStart() error
func (*ServiceStatus) CheckStop ¶
func (ss *ServiceStatus) CheckStop() error
type ShardInfo ¶
type ShardInfo interface { GetMaskBits() uint // How many digits are used to calculate the shard location LocalID() ChainID // LocalID returns current chain/shard chainID AllIDs() []ChainID // AllOthers returns all chainID besides local chainID ShardTo(interface{}) ChainID // ShardTo returns a shard chainID according to the parameter. Pos(id ChainID) int // The index in the shard group of the incoming chainid Clone() ShardInfo }
func NewShardInfo ¶
func NewShardInfo(parent ChainStruct, currentChain ChainID, shards []ChainID) ShardInfo
type WorkerFunc ¶
type WorkerFunc func(workerName string, event interface{})
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface).
Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface). |
Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix.
Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix. |
Package math provides integer math utilities.
Package math provides integer math utilities. |
Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format.
Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format. |
Package rlpstruct implements struct processing for RLP encoding/decoding.
Package rlpstruct implements struct processing for RLP encoding/decoding. |