Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func AESDecrypt(key string, ciphertext []byte) (string, error)
- func AESDecryptBytes(key []byte, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func AESDecryptBytesCBC(key []byte, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func AESDecryptCBC(key string, ciphertext []byte) (string, error)
- func AESEncrypt(key string, plaintext string) ([]byte, error)
- func AESEncryptCBC(key string, plaintext string) ([]byte, error)
- func ASCII2Hex(s string) []byte
- func ASCII2HexRev(s string) []byte
- func AbsInt(i int) int
- func AbsInt64(i int64) int64
- func AddByte(one []byte, two byte) []byte
- func AddPrivateKeys(one, two string) *big.Int
- func AddPrivateKeysReturnString(one, two string) string
- func AddPublicKeys(one, two string) (*big.Int, *big.Int)
- func AddPublicKeysReturnString(one, two string) string
- func AreHexesEqual(one, two []byte) bool
- func AreStringsEqual(one, two string) bool
- func Base582Hex(b string) []byte
- func Base582HexStr(b string) string
- func Base582HexString(b string) string
- func Base58LetterToInt(letter string) int
- func Base642Hex(s string) []byte
- func Base64URLDecode(s string) string
- func Base64URLEncode(s string) string
- func Big2Hex(b *big.Int) []byte
- func Big2HexPadded(b *big.Int, paddingSize int) []byte
- func Big2HexRev(b *big.Int) []byte
- func Big2HexWithMinimumLength(b *big.Int, length int) []byte
- func Bits2Difficulty(bits uint32) (float64, error)
- func Bits2Target(bits uint32) *big.Int
- func Bits2TargetHex(bits uint32) []byte
- func Bits2TargetHexRev(bits uint32) []byte
- func BitsRev2TargetHexRev(bits uint32) []byte
- func BitsString2TargetHexRev(bits string) []byte
- func Byte2String(b []byte) string
- func CalculateBitMidstate(data []byte) []byte
- func CalculateBountyForLavishnessAndComplexity(lavishness float64, complexity float64) float64
- func CalculateLavishness(bounty float64, complexity float64) float64
- func CanPatternBeSolvedInNet(pattern string, netByte byte) bool
- func CheckAddressStringValidity(addr string) bool
- func CheckAddressStringValidityWithNetByte(addr string, netByte byte) bool
- func CheckAddressValidity(addr Base58) bool
- func CheckAddressValidityWithNetByte(addr Base58, netByte byte) bool
- func CheckRippleAddressValidity(address string) bool
- func CheckRippleSecretValidity(secret string, address string) bool
- func CheckSolutionAddCompressed(pubKey, solution, pattern string, netByte byte) (string, string)
- func CheckSolutionAddUncompressed(pubKey, solution, pattern string, netByte byte) (string, string)
- func CheckSolutionMultCompressed(pubKey, solution, pattern string, netByte byte) (string, string)
- func CheckSolutionMultUncompressed(pubKey, solution, pattern string, netByte byte) (string, string)
- func Coin2Satoshi(coin float64) int64
- func ComparePrivateKeys(a string, b string) int
- func ConcatBytes(list ...[]byte) []byte
- func Contains(s string, sub string) bool
- func DecodeJSON(data []byte, v interface{}) error
- func DecodeJSONString(data string, v interface{}) error
- func DoesPatternHaveRightPrefix(pattern string, netByte byte) bool
- func DoesStringContain(s string, substring string) bool
- func DoesStringStartWith(s string, prefix string) bool
- func DoubleDoubleSHA(a []byte, b []byte) []byte
- func DoubleSHA(b []byte) []byte
- func DoubleSHAPair(a []byte, b []byte) []byte
- func DoubleSHAPairRev(a []byte, b []byte) []byte
- func DoubleSHARev(b []byte) []byte
- func EncodeJSON(data interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func EncodeJSONString(data interface{}) (string, error)
- func FactorToPercentageString(factor *inf.Dec) string
- func Float2CurrencyStr(f float64) string
- func Float2CurrencyString(f float64) string
- func Float2Int(f float64) int64
- func Float2Str(f float64) string
- func Float2String(f float64) string
- func Float642Int64(f float64) int64
- func Float642Str(f float64) string
- func Float642String(f float64) string
- func Float64ToDec(f float64) *inf.Dec
- func GenerateBase58CheckString(baseHex string, leadingByte string) string
- func GenerateMerkleRoot(leafs [][]byte) []byte
- func GenerateMerkleTree(leafs [][]byte) [][]byte
- func GenerateMerkleTreeFromString(leafs []string) []string
- func GenerateProofOfBurnAddress(addressRoot string, padding byte) (string, error)
- func HMACSHA512(key, data []byte) []byte
- func Hex2ASCII(b []byte) string
- func Hex2Base58Str(val []byte) string
- func Hex2Base58String(val []byte) string
- func Hex2Base64(b []byte) string
- func Hex2Big(b []byte) *big.Int
- func Hex2Int(b []byte) int
- func Hex2Int64(b []byte) int64
- func Hex2Str(b []byte) string
- func Hex2String(b []byte) string
- func Hex2Uint32(b []byte) uint32
- func Hex2Uint64(b []byte) uint64
- func HexIntStr2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
- func HexIntString2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
- func HexRev2Big(rev []byte) *big.Int
- func HexRev2Str(b []byte) string
- func HexRev2String(b []byte) string
- func HexRev2Uint32(b []byte) uint32
- func HexRev2Uint64(b []byte) uint64
- func HexString2Int64(s string) int64
- func Int2BitHex(i int) []byte
- func Int2Float(i int64) float64
- func Int2Hex(i int) []byte
- func Int2Str(i int) string
- func Int2String(i int) string
- func Int642Float64(i int64) float64
- func Int642Hex(i64 int64) []byte
- func Int642HexString(i int64) string
- func Int642Str(i int64) string
- func Int642String(i int64) string
- func IsBase58StringValid(toCheck string) bool
- func IsPrivateKeyOnCurve(privateKey string) bool
- func IsPublicKeyValid(pubKey string) bool
- func IsStringAValidEmailAddress(s string) bool
- func MD5(b []byte) []byte
- func MD5String(s string) string
- func Makesecp256k1()
- func MapStringInt64ToString(m map[string]int64) string
- func MaxAddressForNetByte(netByte byte) string
- func MaxInt() int
- func MaxInt64() int64
- func MinAddressForNetByte(netByte byte) string
- func MultiplyPrivateAndPublicKeyReturnString(private, public string) string
- func MultiplyPrivateKeys(one, two string) *big.Int
- func MultiplyPrivateKeysReturnString(one, two string) string
- func NewRandomPrivateKey() string
- func OneByte2String(b byte) string
- func PadCBC(b []byte) []byte
- func PadHexToLength(hex []byte, length int) []byte
- func PointCoordinatesToPublicKey(x, y *big.Int) string
- func PrivateKeyToCompressedAddress(net string, privateKey string) string
- func PrivateKeyToCompressedAddressBytes(net byte, privateKey []byte) string
- func PrivateKeyToCompressedPublicKey(privateKey string) string
- func PrivateKeyToUncompressedAddress(net string, privateKey string) string
- func PrivateKeyToUncompressedAddressBytes(net byte, privateKey []byte) string
- func PrivateKeyToUncompressedPublicKey(privateKey string) string
- func PrivateKeyToWIF(key string) string
- func PrivateKeyToWIFWithPrefixByte(key string, prefix byte) string
- func PublicKeyToAddress(net string, key string) string
- func PublicKeyToPointCoordinates(pubKey string) (*big.Int, *big.Int)
- func RandFloat64() float64
- func RandFloat64Between(min float64, max float64) float64
- func RandInt() int
- func RandInt64() int64
- func RandInt64Between(min int64, max int64) int64
- func RandInt64Positive() int64
- func RandIntBetween(min int, max int) int
- func RandIntPositive() int
- func RandomAlphabetString(length int, alphabet string) string
- func RandomHex(length int) []byte
- func RandomHexString(length int) string
- func Randuint64() []byte
- func Randuint64Rev() []byte
- func Rev(b []byte) []byte
- func RevTest() bool
- func RevWords(b []byte) []byte
- func RevWords2(b []byte) []byte
- func RevWords2Str(b string) string
- func RevWordsStr(b string) string
- func ReverseByteOrder(b []byte) []byte
- func Ripemd(b []byte) []byte
- func RipemdRev(b []byte) []byte
- func RippleAddressToStandardAddress(address string) string
- func RoundFloatUpToXSignificantDigits(f float64, digits int) float64
- func SHA256(b []byte) []byte
- func SHA256ASCIIString(s string) string
- func SHA256HexString(s string) string
- func SHA512(b []byte) []byte
- func SHA512Half(b []byte) []byte
- func SHA512HalfString(s string) string
- func SHA512String(s string) string
- func SHARipemd(b []byte) []byte
- func SHARipemdRev(b []byte) []byte
- func Satoshi2Coin(satoshi int64) float64
- func SeedHexToSeed(hex string) string
- func SeedToSeedHex(seed string) []byte
- func SeedToSeedHexString(seed string) string
- func SignStringMessageWithPrivateKey(message string, key string) string
- func SingleSHA(b []byte) []byte
- func SingleSHA1(b []byte) []byte
- func SingleSHA1Rev(b []byte) []byte
- func SingleSHARev(b []byte) []byte
- func SortStringList(list []string)
- func SplitStrings(str, separator string) []string
- func StandardAddressToRippleAddress(address string) string
- func Str2Base64(s string) string
- func Str2Big(s string) *big.Int
- func Str2BigBase(s string, base int) *big.Int
- func Str2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
- func Str2Float(s string) float64
- func Str2Float64(s string) float64
- func Str2Hex(s string) []byte
- func Str2HexRev(s string) []byte
- func Str2Int(s string) int
- func Str2Int64(s string) int64
- func Str2Uint32(s string) uint32
- func String2Big(s string) *big.Int
- func String2BigBase(s string, base int) *big.Int
- func String2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
- func String2Float(s string) float64
- func String2Hex(s string) []byte
- func String2Hex32(s string) [32]byte
- func String2HexRev(s string) []byte
- func String2Int(s string) int
- func String2Int64(s string) int64
- func StringToPrivateKey(key string) []byte
- func Target2Bits(target *big.Int) uint32
- func Target2Difficulty(target *big.Int) (float64, error)
- func TestBase58()
- func TestBitAddress()
- func TestBitsTargetDifficultyConversions() bool
- func TestCanPatternBeSolvedInNet() bool
- func TestCompile() bool
- func TestEverything() bool
- func TestEverythingBitmath() bool
- func TestGenerateMerkleTree() bool
- func TestLen() bool
- func TestUnmarshall() string
- func TestVarInt() bool
- func TestVarInt2Hex() bool
- func TestVarInt2HexRev() bool
- func TestVarStr() bool
- func TestWillNetworkByteGivePrefix() bool
- func ToLower(s string) string
- func ToUpper(s string) string
- func TrimFloatToXDecimalDigits(f float64, digits int) float64
- func TrimFloatToXSignificantDigits(f float64, digits int) float64
- func TrimISO10126Padding(b []byte) []byte
- func Uint162Hex(ui uint16) []byte
- func Uint162HexRev(ui uint16) []byte
- func Uint2Hex(ui uint) []byte
- func Uint322Hex(ui uint32) []byte
- func Uint322HexRev(ui uint32) []byte
- func Uint642Hex(ui uint64) []byte
- func Uint642HexRev(ui uint64) []byte
- func UncompressedKeyToCompressedKey(key string) string
- func UnpadCBC(b []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func VanityAddressComplexity(pattern string) float64
- func VanityAddressLavishness(pattern string, bounty float64) float64
- func VarInt2Hex(vi VarInt) []byte
- func VarInt2HexRev(vi VarInt) []byte
- func WillNetworkByteGivePrefix(b byte, prefix string) bool
- type Alphabetic
- type Base58
- type BitAddress
- func NewAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey []byte) (*BitAddress, error)
- func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyOtherNets(netByte byte, privateKey []byte) (*BitAddress, error)
- func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurve(privateKey []byte, curve *bitelliptic.BitCurve) (*BitAddress, error)
- func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurveOtherNets(netByte byte, privateKey []byte, curve *bitelliptic.BitCurve) (*BitAddress, error)
- func NewFromBase(b Base58) *BitAddress
- func NewFromBaseString(s string) *BitAddress
- func NewFromPublicKey(netbyte byte, key []byte) *BitAddress
- func NewFromPublicKeyString(netByte byte, s string) *BitAddress
- func NewRandomAddress() (*BitAddress, error)
- func NewRandomAddressOtherNets(netByte byte) (*BitAddress, error)
- type CoinAddress
- func GenerateCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
- func GenerateCompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
- func GenerateNewCoinAddress(netByte string) CoinAddress
- func GenerateUncompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
- type RippleAddress
- type VarInt
- type VarStr
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var BitcoinAlphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
alphabet used by Bitcoins
var BitcoinRevAlp = map[string]int{
"1": 0, "2": 1, "3": 2, "4": 3, "5": 4, "6": 5, "7": 6, "8": 7, "9": 8, "A": 9,
"B": 10, "C": 11, "D": 12, "E": 13, "F": 14, "G": 15, "H": 16, "J": 17, "K": 18, "L": 19,
"M": 20, "N": 21, "P": 22, "Q": 23, "R": 24, "S": 25, "T": 26, "U": 27, "V": 28, "W": 29,
"X": 30, "Y": 31, "Z": 32, "a": 33, "b": 34, "c": 35, "d": 36, "e": 37, "f": 38, "g": 39,
"h": 40, "i": 41, "j": 42, "k": 43, "m": 44, "n": 45, "o": 46, "p": 47, "q": 48, "r": 49,
"s": 50, "t": 51, "u": 52, "v": 53, "w": 54, "x": 55, "y": 56, "z": 57,
reverse alphabet used for quckly converting base58 strings into numbers
var RippleAlphabet = "rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz"
var RippleRevAlp = map[string]int{
"r": 0, "p": 1, "s": 2, "h": 3, "n": 4, "a": 5, "f": 6, "3": 7, "9": 8, "w": 9,
"B": 10, "U": 11, "D": 12, "N": 13, "E": 14, "G": 15, "H": 16, "J": 17, "K": 18, "L": 19,
"M": 20, "4": 21, "P": 22, "Q": 23, "R": 24, "S": 25, "T": 26, "7": 27, "V": 28, "W": 29,
"X": 30, "Y": 31, "Z": 32, "2": 33, "b": 34, "c": 35, "d": 36, "e": 37, "C": 38, "g": 39,
"6": 40, "5": 41, "j": 42, "k": 43, "m": 44, "8": 45, "o": 46, "F": 47, "q": 48, "i": 49,
"1": 50, "t": 51, "u": 52, "v": 53, "A": 54, "x": 55, "y": 56, "z": 57,
Functions ¶
func ASCII2HexRev ¶
func AddPrivateKeys ¶
func AreHexesEqual ¶
func AreStringsEqual ¶
func Base58LetterToInt ¶
func Base642Hex ¶
func Base64URLDecode ¶
func Base64URLEncode ¶
func Bits2Difficulty ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func BitsRev2TargetHexRev ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func BitsString2TargetHexRev ¶
func Byte2String ¶
func CalculateBitMidstate ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func CalculateLavishness ¶
func CanPatternBeSolvedInNet ¶
func CheckAddressValidity ¶
func Coin2Satoshi ¶
func ComparePrivateKeys ¶
func ConcatBytes ¶
func DecodeJSON ¶
func DecodeJSONString ¶
func DoesStringContain ¶
func DoesStringStartWith ¶
func DoubleDoubleSHA ¶
TODO: test and add to tests double hash input bytes, double hash their concatanation
func DoubleSHAPair ¶
TODO: test and add to tests double SHA-256 hash of a concatenation of the two inputs
func DoubleSHAPairRev ¶
TODO: test and add to tests double SHA-256 hash of a concatenation of the reverse of two inputs
func DoubleSHARev ¶
TODO: test and add to tests reverse double SHA-256 hashing of a single byte array
func EncodeJSON ¶
func EncodeJSONString ¶
func FactorToPercentageString ¶
func FactorToPercentageString(factor *inf.Dec) string
func Float2CurrencyStr ¶
func Float2CurrencyString ¶
func Float2String ¶
func Float642Int64 ¶
func Float642Str ¶
func Float642String ¶
func Float64ToDec ¶
func Float64ToDec(f float64) *inf.Dec
func GenerateMerkleRoot ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func GenerateMerkleTree ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func GenerateMerkleTreeFromString ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func HMACSHA512 ¶
func Hex2Base58Str ¶
func Hex2Base58String ¶
func Hex2Base64 ¶
func Hex2String ¶
func Hex2Uint32 ¶
func Hex2Uint64 ¶
func HexIntStr2Dec ¶
func HexIntStr2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
func HexIntString2Dec ¶
func HexIntString2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
func HexRev2Big ¶
func HexRev2Str ¶
func HexRev2String ¶
func HexRev2Uint32 ¶
func HexRev2Uint64 ¶
func HexString2Int64 ¶
func Int2String ¶
func Int642Float64 ¶
func Int642HexString ¶
func Int642String ¶
func IsBase58StringValid ¶
func IsPrivateKeyOnCurve ¶
func IsPublicKeyValid ¶
func MapStringInt64ToString ¶
func MaxAddressForNetByte ¶
func MinAddressForNetByte ¶
func MultiplyPrivateKeys ¶
func NewRandomPrivateKey ¶
func NewRandomPrivateKey() string
func OneByte2String ¶
func PadHexToLength ¶
func PrivateKeyToWIF ¶
func PublicKeyToAddress ¶
func RandFloat64 ¶
func RandFloat64() float64
func RandFloat64Between ¶
func RandInt64Between ¶
func RandInt64Positive ¶
func RandInt64Positive() int64
func RandIntBetween ¶
func RandIntPositive ¶
func RandIntPositive() int
func RandomAlphabetString ¶
func RandomHexString ¶
func Randuint64 ¶
func Randuint64() []byte
func Randuint64Rev ¶
func Randuint64Rev() []byte
func RevWords2Str ¶
func RevWordsStr ¶
func SHA256ASCIIString ¶
func SHA256HexString ¶
func SHA512Half ¶
func SHA512HalfString ¶
func SHA512String ¶
func SHARipemd ¶
TODO: test and add to tests SHA-256 RIPEMD-160 operation for bitcoin address hashing
func SHARipemdRev ¶
TODO: test and add to tests reverse SHA-256 RIPEMD-160 hash
func Satoshi2Coin ¶
func SeedHexToSeed ¶
func SeedToSeedHex ¶
func SeedToSeedHexString ¶
func SingleSHA1 ¶
TODO: test and add to tests Single SHA-1 hashing of a single byte array
func SingleSHA1Rev ¶
Reversed SHA-1 hashing of a single byte array TODO: test and add to tests
func SingleSHARev ¶
TODO: test and add to tests Reversed single SHA-256 hashing of a single byte array
func SortStringList ¶
func SortStringList(list []string)
func SplitStrings ¶
func Str2Base64 ¶
func Str2Float64 ¶
func Str2HexRev ¶
func Str2Uint32 ¶
func String2Dec ¶
func String2Dec(s string) *inf.Dec
func String2Float ¶
func String2Hex ¶
func String2Hex32 ¶
func String2HexRev ¶
func String2Int ¶
func String2Int64 ¶
func StringToPrivateKey ¶
func Target2Difficulty ¶
TODO: test and add to tests
func TestBitAddress ¶
func TestBitAddress()
func TestBitsTargetDifficultyConversions ¶
func TestBitsTargetDifficultyConversions() bool
TODO: expand and add to tests
func TestCanPatternBeSolvedInNet ¶
func TestCanPatternBeSolvedInNet() bool
func TestCompile ¶
func TestCompile() bool
func TestEverythingBitmath ¶
func TestEverythingBitmath() bool
func TestGenerateMerkleTree ¶
func TestGenerateMerkleTree() bool
func TestUnmarshall ¶
func TestUnmarshall() string
func TestVarInt ¶
func TestVarInt() bool
func TestVarInt2Hex ¶
func TestVarInt2Hex() bool
func TestVarInt2HexRev ¶
func TestVarInt2HexRev() bool
func TestVarStr ¶
func TestVarStr() bool
func TestWillNetworkByteGivePrefix ¶
func TestWillNetworkByteGivePrefix() bool
func TrimISO10126Padding ¶
func Uint162Hex ¶
func Uint162HexRev ¶
func Uint322Hex ¶
func Uint322HexRev ¶
func Uint642Hex ¶
func Uint642HexRev ¶
func VanityAddressComplexity ¶
func VanityAddressLavishness ¶
func VarInt2Hex ¶
variable-length hex result
func VarInt2HexRev ¶
variable-length hex result
Types ¶
type Alphabetic ¶
type Alphabetic []string
func (Alphabetic) Len ¶
func (a Alphabetic) Len() int
func (Alphabetic) Less ¶
func (a Alphabetic) Less(i, j int) bool
func (Alphabetic) Swap ¶
func (a Alphabetic) Swap(i, j int)
type Base58 ¶
type Base58 string
type to hold the Base58 string
func StrHex2Base58 ¶
func String2Base58 ¶
func StringHex2Base58 ¶
encodes string stored hex bytes into base58
func (Base58) Base582Big ¶
type BitAddress ¶
type BitAddress struct { PrivateKey []byte //private key, can be encrypted Encrypted bool //checked if the private key is encrypted PublicKey []byte //public key Hash160 []byte //RIPEMD hash Hash []byte //RIPEMD with network bit and checksum Base Base58 //base58 encoded address }
structure to keep different encodings of the bitcoin adress
func NewAddressFromPrivateKey ¶
func NewAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey []byte) (*BitAddress, error)
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyOtherNets ¶
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyOtherNets(netByte byte, privateKey []byte) (*BitAddress, error)
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurve ¶
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurve(privateKey []byte, curve *bitelliptic.BitCurve) (*BitAddress, error)
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurveOtherNets ¶
func NewAddressFromPrivateKeyWithCurveOtherNets(netByte byte, privateKey []byte, curve *bitelliptic.BitCurve) (*BitAddress, error)
func NewFromBase ¶
func NewFromBase(b Base58) *BitAddress
creates the structure to hold the base58 address
func NewFromBaseString ¶
func NewFromBaseString(s string) *BitAddress
func NewFromPublicKey ¶
func NewFromPublicKey(netbyte byte, key []byte) *BitAddress
TODO: do something for TESTnet? TODO: update and revise creates a bitcoin address from the public key
func NewFromPublicKeyString ¶
func NewFromPublicKeyString(netByte byte, s string) *BitAddress
creates a new bitcoin address from a string representing a public key
func NewRandomAddress ¶
func NewRandomAddress() (*BitAddress, error)
func NewRandomAddressOtherNets ¶
func NewRandomAddressOtherNets(netByte byte) (*BitAddress, error)
func (BitAddress) CheckValidity ¶
func (ba BitAddress) CheckValidity() bool
TODO: do check validity of bitcoin address
func (BitAddress) CheckValidityWithNetByte ¶
func (ba BitAddress) CheckValidityWithNetByte(netByte byte) bool
type CoinAddress ¶
type CoinAddress struct { NetByte string PrivateKey string PublicKeyCompressed string PublicKeyUncompressed string AddressCompressed string AddressUncompressed string }
func GenerateCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte ¶
func GenerateCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
func GenerateCompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte ¶
func GenerateCompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
func GenerateNewCoinAddress ¶
func GenerateNewCoinAddress(netByte string) CoinAddress
func GenerateUncompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte ¶
func GenerateUncompressedCoinVanityAddressWithNetbyte(c context.Context, pattern string, netbyte string) CoinAddress
func (*CoinAddress) GetWIFCompressed ¶
func (ca *CoinAddress) GetWIFCompressed(prefixByte string) string
func (*CoinAddress) GetWIFUncompressed ¶
func (ca *CoinAddress) GetWIFUncompressed(prefixByte string) string
type RippleAddress ¶
type RippleAddress struct { AccountID string MasterSeed string MasterSeedHex string PrivateGenerator string PublicGenerator string PublicGeneratorHex string PrivateKey string PublicKey string PublicKeyHex string }
func GenerateNewRippleAddress ¶
func GenerateNewRippleAddress() RippleAddress
func GenerateRippleVanityAddress ¶
func GenerateRippleVanityAddress(c context.Context, pattern string) RippleAddress
Source Files ¶
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package hash provides interfaces for hash functions.
Package hash provides interfaces for hash functions. |
Package ecdsa implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS 186-3.
Package ecdsa implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS 186-3. |
Package ripemd160 implements the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm.
Package ripemd160 implements the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm. |