
v0.7.10 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 14, 2016 License: Apache-2.0


CoreOS over macOS made simple

read this first

  • You must be running macOS Yosemite, 10.10.3, or later on a 2010, or later, Macintosh (i.e. one with a CPU that supports EPT) for everything to work.
  • if you are still using any version of VirtualBox older than 4.3.30 then corectl will crash your system either if VirtualBox is running, or had been run previously after the last reboot (see xhyve's issues #5 and #9 for the full context). So, if for some reason, you are unable to update VirtualBox to the latest, either of the 4.x or 5.x streams, and were using it in your current session please make sure to restart your Mac before attempting to run corectl.

step by step instructions

install corectl

installing a release build (prefered for end users)
via homebrew's
❯❯❯ brew install corectl
downloading from GitHub

just go to our releases page and download the tarball with the binaries to your system, and then unpack its' contents placing them somewhere in some directory in your ${PATH} (/usr/local/bin/ is usually a good choice)

build it locally (for power users)
❯❯❯ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
❯❯❯ cd ${GOPATH}/src/
❯❯❯ git clone
❯❯❯ cd corectl
❯❯❯ make

the built binaries will then appear inside ${GOPATH}/src/

start the corectl server daemon (corectld)

this is a required step starting with corectl's 0.7.0 release

❯❯❯ /usr/local/bin/corectld

kickstart a CoreOS VM

the following command will fetch the latest CoreOS Alpha image available, if not already available locally, verify its integrity, and then boot it.

❯❯❯ corectl run

In your terminal you will shortly after something along...

❯❯❯  corectl run
---> 'B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203' started successfully with address and PID 76202
---> 'B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203' boot logs can be found at '/Users/am/.coreos/running/B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203/log'
---> 'B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203' console can be found at '/Users/am/.coreos/running/B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203/tty'

Accessing the newly created CoreOS instance is just a few more clicks away...

❯❯❯  corectl ssh B4AF19D1-DDEE-4A16-8058-1A7C3579F203

usage (straight from the online help)

CoreOS over macOS made simple. <>
Copyright (c) 2015-2016, António Meireles

    corectld [flags]
    corectld [command]

Available Commands:
    start       Starts corectld
    status      Shows corectld status
    stop        Stops corectld
    version     Shows version information

  -d, --debug   adds additional verbosity, and options, directed at debugging purposes and power users

Use "corectld [command] --help" for more information about a command.

All flags can also be set via upper-case environment variables prefixed with "COREOS_"
For example, "--debug" => "COREOS_DEBUG"
CoreOS over macOS made simple. <>
Copyright (c) 2015-2016, António Meireles

    corectl [flags]
    corectl [command]

Available Commands:
    kill        Halts one or more running CoreOS instances
    load        Loads CoreOS instances defined in an instrumentation file.
    ls          Lists the CoreOS images available locally
    ps          Lists running CoreOS instances
    pull        Pulls a CoreOS image from upstream
    put         copy file to inside VM
    query       Display information about the running CoreOS instances
    rm          Remove(s) CoreOS image(s) from the local filesystem
    run         Boots a new CoreOS instance
    ssh         Attach to or run commands inside a running CoreOS instance
    version     Shows version information

  -d, --debug   adds additional verbosity, and options, directed at debugging purposes and power users

Use "corectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

All flags can also be set via upper-case environment variables prefixed with "COREOS_"
For example, "--debug" => "COREOS_DEBUG"

here you can find the full auto-generated documentation.

simple usage recipe: a docker and rkt playground

create a volume to store your persistent data
❯❯❯ dd if=/dev/zero of=var_lib_docker.img  bs=1G count=16

will become /var/lib/{docker|rkt}. in this example case we created a volume with 16GB.

format it
❯❯❯ /usr/local/Cellar/e2fsprogs/1.42.12/sbin/mke2fs -b 1024 -i 1024 -t ext4 -m0 -F var_lib_docker.img

requires homebrew's e2fsprogs package installed.

❯❯❯ brew install e2fsprogs

label it
❯❯❯ /usr/local/Cellar/e2fsprogs/1.42.12/sbin/e2label var_lib_docker.img rkthdd

here, we labeled our volume rkthdd which is the signature that our recipe expects.

by relying in labels for volume identification we get around the issues we'd have otherwise if we were depending on the actual volume name (/dev/vd...) as those would have to be hardcoded (an issue, if one is mix and matching multiple recipes all dealing with different volumes...)

start your docker and rkt playground.
❯❯❯ UUID=deadbeef-dead-dead-dead-deaddeafbeef \
  corectl run --volume absolute_or_relative_path/to/persistent.img \
  --cloud_config cloud-init/docker-only-with-persistent-storage.txt \
  --cpus 2 --memory 2048 --name containerland

this will start a VM named containerland with the volume we created previously attached, 2 virtual cores and 2GB of RAM. The provided cloud-config will format the given volume (if it wasn't yet) and bind mount both ``/var/lib/rktand/var/lib/docker` on top of it. docker will also become available through socket activation.

above we passed arguments to the VM both via environment variables and command flags. both ways are fully supported, just use whatever suits your needs better.

❯❯❯ corectl ps
  Version:      0.7.0
  Go Version:   go1.6.2
  Built:        Mon Jul 04 10:05:51 WEST 2016
  OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64

  Pid:          76155
  Uptime:       37 minutes ago

Active VMs:     1
Total Memory:   2048
Total vCores:   2

UUID:           A163767A-78DC-41F9-AA66-E57B6C6CAB1A
  Name:         containerland
  Version:      1097.0.0
  Channel:      alpha
  vCPUs:        3
  Memory (MB):  2048
  Pid:          76807
  Uptime:       25 minutes ago
  Sees World:   true
  cloud-config: /Users/am/code/corectl/src/
  /dev/vda      /Users/am/code/corectl/persistentData/var_lib_docker.img
❯❯❯ docker -H $(corectl q containerland --ip):2375 images -a
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
centos              latest              05188b417f30        2 days ago          196.8 MB
busybox             latest              2b8fd9751c4c        10 days ago         1.093 MB
fedora              latest              f9873d530588        13 days ago         204.4 MB

or ...

  ❯❯❯ corectl ssh containerland
  CoreOS stable (1097.0.0)
  Last login: Mon Jul  4 09:17:26 2016 from
  Update Strategy: No Reboots

or ...

❯❯❯ corectl ssh containerland "sudo rkt list"
have fun!


Thanks to hyperkit (that we consume as corectld.runner) there are available a number of static DTrace probes to simplify investigation of performance problems. To list the probes supported by your version of corectl, type the following command while corectld is running:

$ sudo dtrace -l -P 'hyperkit$target' -p $(pgrep corectld.runner)

Refer to scripts in examples/dtrace/ directory for examples of possible usage and available probes.

projects using corectl



corectl is an open source project release under the Apache License, Version 2.0, ence contributions and sugestions are gladly welcomed!


Path Synopsis
Package uuid2ip is a simple interface to interact with xhyve's networking
Package uuid2ip is a simple interface to interact with xhyve's networking

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