Mentor-Me is a simple mentor matchmaking app. Users can sign up as a mentor and/or mentee. Mentors can list a skill they'd like to mentor in along with their level of expertise in said skill. Mentees can search for mentors by skill and level. A mentee can submit a request for mentorship upon finding a desired mentor. The mentor can then accept or reject the request. Upon acceptance, the mentor and mentee will receive each other's contact information.
This is the API for the Mentor Me project, this time using Beego. You can find the front-end here.
Set environment variables for dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, and dbdatabase. If you're on Mac or Linux, you can run source after changing the values within
Create the database user
Mac/Linux: psql --username=postgres --password -c "CREATE USER ${dbuser} PASSWORD '${dbpass}'"
Windows: psql --username=postgres --password -c "CREATE USER %dbuser% PASSWORD '%dbpass%'"
@APIVersion 1.0.0 @Title MentorMe API @Description Do stuff! Make things! @Contact @TermsOfServiceUrl @License MIT License @LicenseUrl
@APIVersion 1.0.0 @Title MentorMe API @Description Do stuff! Make things! @Contact @TermsOfServiceUrl @License MIT License @LicenseUrl
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