Index ¶
- Variables
- type AccountsDBSyncer
- type ActionHandler
- type EpochEconomicsDataProvider
- type EpochNotifier
- type HeaderValidator
- type HeadersByHashSyncer
- type ImportStartHandler
- type ManualEpochStartNotifier
- type NodesConfigProvider
- type Notifier
- type PendingMiniBlocksSyncHandler
- type RegistrationHandler
- type RequestHandler
- type RewardsCreator
- type RoundHandler
- type StakingDataProvider
- type StartOfEpochMetaSyncer
- type TransactionCacher
- type TriggerHandler
- type ValidatorInfoCreator
- type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorHandler
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ErrCouldNotInitDelegationSystemSC = errors.New("could not init delegation system sc")
ErrCouldNotInitDelegationSystemSC signals that delegation system sc init failed
var ErrEmptyESDTOwnerAddress = errors.New("empty ESDT owner address")
ErrEmptyESDTOwnerAddress signals that an empty ESDT owner address was provided
var ErrEndOfEpochEconomicsDataDoesNotMatch = errors.New("end of epoch economics data does not match")
ErrEndOfEpochEconomicsDataDoesNotMatch signals that end of epoch data does not match
var ErrEpochStartDataForShardNotFound = errors.New("epoch start data for current shard not found")
ErrEpochStartDataForShardNotFound signals that epoch start shard data was not found for current shard id
var ErrExecutingSystemScCode = errors.New("error executing system SC code")
ErrExecutingSystemScCode signals that an error occurred while executing system SC code
var ErrInvalidAccumulatedFees = errors.New("accumulated rewards are invalid")
ErrInvalidAccumulatedFees signals that the accumulated fees are invalid
var ErrInvalidAmountMintedTokens = errors.New("amount of minted tokens is invalid")
ErrInvalidAmountMintedTokens signals that the amount of minted tokens is invalid
var ErrInvalidConsensusThreshold = errors.New("invalid consensus threshold")
ErrInvalidConsensusThreshold signals that an invalid consensus threshold has been provided
var ErrInvalidEstimatedProtocolSustainabilityRewards = errors.New("estimated protocol sustainability rewards are invalid")
ErrInvalidEstimatedProtocolSustainabilityRewards signals that the estimated protocol sustainability rewards are invalid
var ErrInvalidInflationRate = errors.New("inflation rate is invalid")
ErrInvalidInflationRate signals usage of an invalid inflation rate
var ErrInvalidMaxHardCapForMissingNodes = errors.New("invalid max hardcap for missing nodes")
ErrInvalidMaxHardCapForMissingNodes signals that the maximum hardcap value for missing nodes is invalid
var ErrInvalidMaxNumberOfNodes = errors.New("maximum number of nodes invalid")
ErrInvalidMaxNumberOfNodes signals that the maximum number of nodes is invalid
var ErrInvalidMinNodePrice = errors.New("minimum node price is invalid")
ErrInvalidMinNodePrice signals that the minimum node price is invalid (e.g negative, not a number, etc)
var ErrInvalidMinNumberOfNodes = errors.New("minimum number of nodes invalid")
ErrInvalidMinNumberOfNodes signals that the minimum number of nodes is invalid
var ErrInvalidNumConcurrentTrieSyncers = errors.New("invalid num concurrent trie syncers")
ErrInvalidNumConcurrentTrieSyncers signals that the number of concurrent trie syncers is invalid
var ErrInvalidRewardsPerBlock = errors.New("invalid rewards per block")
ErrInvalidRewardsPerBlock signals that the computed rewards per block are invalid
var ErrInvalidRewardsTopUpFactor = errors.New("top-up factor invalid")
ErrInvalidRewardsTopUpFactor signals that the factor for computing the top-up rewards out of the full rewards is invalid
var ErrInvalidRewardsTopUpGradientPoint = errors.New("top-up gradient point invalid")
ErrInvalidRewardsTopUpGradientPoint signals that the given point controlling the top-up gradient is invalid
var ErrInvalidSettingsForEpochStartTrigger = errors.New("invalid start of epoch trigger settings")
ErrInvalidSettingsForEpochStartTrigger signals that settings for start of epoch trigger are invalid
var ErrInvalidSystemSCReturn = errors.New("invalid system sc return")
ErrInvalidSystemSCReturn signals that system sc returned with something unexpected
var ErrInvalidTotalToDistribute = errors.New("invalid total to distribute")
ErrInvalidTotalToDistribute signals that the computed total rewards to be distributed is invalid
var ErrInvalidWorkingDir = errors.New("invalid working directory")
ErrInvalidWorkingDir signals that an invalid working directory has been provided
var ErrMetaHdrNotFound = errors.New("meta header not found")
ErrMetaHdrNotFound signals that metaheader was not found
var ErrMissingHeader = errors.New("missing header")
ErrMissingHeader signals that searched header is missing
var ErrMissingMiniBlock = errors.New("missing miniBlock")
ErrMissingMiniBlock signals that the searched miniBlock is missing
var ErrNilAccountsDB = errors.New("nil accounts DB")
ErrNilAccountsDB signals that nil accounts DB has been provided
var ErrNilArgsNewMetaEpochStartTrigger = errors.New("nil arguments for meta start of epoch trigger")
ErrNilArgsNewMetaEpochStartTrigger signals that nil arguments were provided
var ErrNilArgsNewShardEpochStartTrigger = errors.New("nil arguments for shard start of epoch trigger")
ErrNilArgsNewShardEpochStartTrigger signals that nil arguments for shard epoch trigger has been provided
var ErrNilArgumentsParser = errors.New("nil arguments parsers")
ErrNilArgumentsParser signals that nil arguments parser was provided
var ErrNilBlockKeyGen = errors.New("nil block key generator")
ErrNilBlockKeyGen signals that a nil block key generator has been provided
var ErrNilBlockSingleSigner = errors.New("nil block single signer")
ErrNilBlockSingleSigner signals that a nil block single signer has been provided
var ErrNilChanceComputer = errors.New("nil chance computer")
ErrNilChanceComputer signals that nil chance computer has been provided
var ErrNilCoreComponentsHolder = errors.New("nil core components holder")
ErrNilCoreComponentsHolder signals that a nil core components holder was provided
var ErrNilCryptoComponentsHolder = errors.New("nil crypto components holder")
ErrNilCryptoComponentsHolder signals that a nil crypto components holder was provided
var ErrNilDataPoolsHolder = errors.New("nil data pools holder")
ErrNilDataPoolsHolder signals that nil data pools holder has been provided
var ErrNilDataTrie = errors.New("nil data trie")
ErrNilDataTrie signals that a nil data trie was provided
var ErrNilEconomicsData = errors.New("nil economics data")
ErrNilEconomicsData signals that a nil economics data handler has been provided
var ErrNilEconomicsDataProvider = errors.New("end of epoch economics data provider is nil")
ErrNilEconomicsDataProvider signals that the economics data provider is nil
var ErrNilEndOfEpochCallerAddress = errors.New("nil end of epoch caller address")
ErrNilEndOfEpochCallerAddress signals that nil end of epoch caller address was provided
var ErrNilEpochNotifier = errors.New("nil EpochNotifier")
ErrNilEpochNotifier signals that the provided EpochNotifier is nil
var ErrNilEpochStartNotifier = errors.New("nil epoch start notifier")
ErrNilEpochStartNotifier signals that nil epoch start notifier has been provided
var ErrNilEpochStartSettings = errors.New("nil start of epoch settings")
ErrNilEpochStartSettings signals that nil start of epoch settings has been provided
var ErrNilGenesisNodesConfig = errors.New("nil genesis nodes config")
ErrNilGenesisNodesConfig signals that a nil genesis nodes config has been provided
var ErrNilGenesisTotalSupply = errors.New("nil genesis total supply")
ErrNilGenesisTotalSupply signals that nil genesis total supply has been provided
var ErrNilHasher = errors.New("nil hasher")
ErrNilHasher signals that nil hasher has been provided
var ErrNilHeaderHandler = errors.New("nil header handler")
ErrNilHeaderHandler signals that a nil header handler has been provided
var ErrNilHeaderIntegrityVerifier = errors.New("nil header integrity verifier handler")
ErrNilHeaderIntegrityVerifier signals that a nil header integrity verifier was provided
var ErrNilHeaderValidator = errors.New("nil header validator")
ErrNilHeaderValidator signals that nil header validator has been provided
var ErrNilHeadersSyncer = errors.New("nil headers syncer")
ErrNilHeadersSyncer signals that a nil headers syncer has been provided
var ErrNilKeyGen = errors.New("nil key generator")
ErrNilKeyGen signals that a nil key generator has been provided
var ErrNilLatestStorageDataProvider = errors.New("nil latest storage data provider")
ErrNilLatestStorageDataProvider signals that a nil latest storage data provider was provided
var ErrNilLocalTxCache = errors.New("nil local tx cache")
ErrNilLocalTxCache signals that nil local tx cache has been provided
var ErrNilMarshalizer = errors.New("nil marshalizer")
ErrNilMarshalizer signals that nil marshalizer has been provided
var ErrNilMessenger = errors.New("nil messenger")
ErrNilMessenger signals that a nil messenger has been provided
var ErrNilMetaBlock = errors.New("nil metablock")
ErrNilMetaBlock signals that a nil metablock has been provided
var ErrNilMetaBlockStorage = errors.New("nil metablocks storage")
ErrNilMetaBlockStorage signals that nil metablocks storage has been provided
var ErrNilMetaBlocksPool = errors.New("nil metablocks pool")
ErrNilMetaBlocksPool signals that nil metablock pools holder has been provided
var ErrNilMetaNonceHashStorage = errors.New("nil meta nonce hash storage")
ErrNilMetaNonceHashStorage signals that nil meta header nonce hash storage has been provided
var ErrNilMetablockProcessor = errors.New("nil metablock processor")
ErrNilMetablockProcessor signals that a nil metablock processor was provided
var ErrNilMiniBlockPool = errors.New("nil mini block pool")
ErrNilMiniBlockPool signals that a nil mini blocks pool was used
var ErrNilMiniBlocksSyncer = errors.New("nil miniBlocks syncer")
ErrNilMiniBlocksSyncer signals that a nil miniBlocks syncer has been provided
var ErrNilMiniblock = errors.New("nil miniblock")
ErrNilMiniblock signals that nil miniBlock has been provided
var ErrNilMiniblocks = errors.New("nil arguments for miniblocks object")
ErrNilMiniblocks signals that nil argument was passed
var ErrNilNodesConfigProvider = errors.New("nil nodes config provider")
ErrNilNodesConfigProvider signals that an operation has been attempted to or with a nil nodes config provider
var ErrNilPathManager = errors.New("nil path manager")
ErrNilPathManager signals that a nil path manager has been provided
var ErrNilProtocolSustainabilityAddress = errors.New("nil protocol sustainability address")
ErrNilProtocolSustainabilityAddress signals that a nil protocol sustainability address was provided
var ErrNilPubKey = errors.New("nil public key")
ErrNilPubKey signals that a nil public key has been provided
var ErrNilPubkeyConverter = errors.New("nil pubkey converter")
ErrNilPubkeyConverter signals that nil address converter was provided
var ErrNilRater = errors.New("nil rater")
ErrNilRater signals that a nil rater has been provided
var ErrNilRequestHandler = errors.New("nil request handler")
ErrNilRequestHandler signals that nil request handler has been provided
var ErrNilRewardsHandler = errors.New("rewards handler is nil")
ErrNilRewardsHandler signals that rewards handler is nil
var ErrNilRoundHandler = errors.New("nil RoundHandler")
ErrNilRoundHandler signals that an operation has been attempted to or with a nil RoundHandler implementation
var ErrNilScheduledDataSyncerFactory = errors.New("nil scheduled data syncer factory")
ErrNilScheduledDataSyncerFactory signals that a nil scheduled data syncer factory was provided
var ErrNilScheduledTxsHandler = errors.New("nil scheduled transactions handler")
ErrNilScheduledTxsHandler signals that a nil scheduled transactions handler has been provided
var ErrNilShardCoordinator = errors.New("shard coordinator is nil")
ErrNilShardCoordinator is raised when a valid shard coordinator is expected but nil used
var ErrNilShardHeaderStorage = errors.New("nil shard header storage")
ErrNilShardHeaderStorage signals that shard header storage is nil
var ErrNilShuffler = errors.New("nil nodes shuffler provided")
ErrNilShuffler signals that a nil shuffler was provided
var ErrNilSingleSigner = errors.New("nil single signer")
ErrNilSingleSigner signals that a nil single signer has been provided
var ErrNilStakingDataProvider = errors.New("nil staking data provider")
ErrNilStakingDataProvider signals that a nil staking data provider was used
var ErrNilStakingSCAddress = errors.New("nil staking system smart contract address")
ErrNilStakingSCAddress signals that nil staking system smart contract address was provided
var ErrNilStatusHandler = errors.New("nil app status handler")
ErrNilStatusHandler signals that a nil status handler has been provided
var ErrNilStorage = errors.New("nil storage")
ErrNilStorage signals that nil storage has been provided
var ErrNilStorageService = errors.New("nil storage service")
ErrNilStorageService signals that nil storage service has been provided
var ErrNilStorageUnitOpener = errors.New("nil storage unit opener")
ErrNilStorageUnitOpener signals that a nil storage unit opener was provided
var ErrNilSystemVM = errors.New("nil system VM")
ErrNilSystemVM signals that nil system VM has been provided
var ErrNilSystemVmInstance = errors.New("nil system VM instance")
ErrNilSystemVmInstance signals that a nil system VM instance was provided
var ErrNilTotalAccumulatedFeesInEpoch = errors.New("total accumulated fees in epoch is nil")
ErrNilTotalAccumulatedFeesInEpoch signals that total accumulated fees in epoch is nil
var ErrNilTotalDevFeesInEpoch = errors.New("total developer fees in epoch is nil")
ErrNilTotalDevFeesInEpoch signals that total developer fees in epoch is nil
var ErrNilTransactionsSyncer = errors.New("nil transactions syncer")
ErrNilTransactionsSyncer signals that a nil transactions syncer has been provided
var ErrNilTriggerStorage = errors.New("nil trigger storage")
ErrNilTriggerStorage signals that nil meta header storage has been provided
var ErrNilTxSignMarshalizer = errors.New("nil tx sign marshalizer")
ErrNilTxSignMarshalizer signals that nil tx sign marshalizer has been provided
var ErrNilUint64Converter = errors.New("nil uint64 converter")
ErrNilUint64Converter signals that nil uint64 converter has been provided
var ErrNilValidatorInfo = errors.New("validator info is nil")
ErrNilValidatorInfo signals that a nil value for the validatorInfo has been provided
var ErrNilValidatorInfoProcessor = errors.New("nil validator info processor")
ErrNilValidatorInfoProcessor signals that a nil validator info processor has been provided
var ErrNotEnoughNumConnectedPeers = errors.New("not enough min num of connected peers from config")
ErrNotEnoughNumConnectedPeers signals that config is invalid for num of connected peers
var ErrNotEnoughNumOfPeersToConsiderBlockValid = errors.New("not enough num of peers to consider block valid from config")
ErrNotEnoughNumOfPeersToConsiderBlockValid signals that config is invalid for num of peer to consider block valid
var ErrNotEpochStartBlock = errors.New("not epoch start block")
ErrNotEpochStartBlock signals that block is not of type epoch start
var ErrOwnerDoesntHaveEligibleNodesInEpoch = errors.New("owner has no eligible nodes in epoch")
ErrOwnerDoesntHaveEligibleNodesInEpoch signals that the owner doesn't have any eligible nodes in epoch
var ErrProtocolSustainabilityAddressInMetachain = errors.New("protocol sustainability address in metachain")
ErrProtocolSustainabilityAddressInMetachain signals that protocol sustainability address is in metachain which is not allowed
var ErrResetLastUnJailedFromQueue = errors.New("reset last unjailed from queue failed")
ErrResetLastUnJailedFromQueue signals that reset unjailed from queue failed
var ErrRewardMiniBlockHashDoesNotMatch = errors.New("reward miniblock hash does not match")
ErrRewardMiniBlockHashDoesNotMatch signals that created and received rewards miniblock hash does not match
var ErrRewardMiniBlocksNumDoesNotMatch = errors.New("number of created and received rewards miniblocks missmatch")
ErrRewardMiniBlocksNumDoesNotMatch signals that number of created and received rewards miniblocks is not equal
var ErrStakingSCOutputAccountNotFound = errors.New("staking sc output was not found")
ErrStakingSCOutputAccountNotFound signals that staking sc output account was not found
var ErrSystemDelegationCall = errors.New("delegation system sc call returned with error")
ErrSystemDelegationCall signals that delegation system sc returned with error
var ErrSystemValidatorSCCall = errors.New("system validator sc call failed")
ErrSystemValidatorSCCall signals that system validator sc call failed
var ErrTimeoutWaitingForMetaBlock = errors.New("timeout while waiting for epoch start meta block")
ErrTimeoutWaitingForMetaBlock signals that a timeout event was raised while waiting for the epoch start meta block
var ErrUnStakeExecuteError = errors.New("unstake execution error")
ErrUnStakeExecuteError signals that unstaked returned with error
var ErrValidatorInfoMiniBlocksNumDoesNotMatch = errors.New("number of created and received validatorInfo miniblocks missmatch")
ErrValidatorInfoMiniBlocksNumDoesNotMatch signals that number of created and received validatorInfo miniblocks is not equal
var ErrValidatorMiniBlockHashDoesNotMatch = errors.New("validatorInfo miniblock hash does not match")
ErrValidatorMiniBlockHashDoesNotMatch signals that created and received validatorInfo miniblock hash does not match
var ErrWrongTypeAssertion = errors.New("wrong type assertion")
ErrWrongTypeAssertion signals wrong type assertion
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountsDBSyncer ¶
AccountsDBSyncer defines the methods for the accounts db syncer
type ActionHandler ¶
type ActionHandler interface { EpochStartAction(hdr data.HeaderHandler) EpochStartPrepare(metaHdr data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) NotifyOrder() uint32 }
ActionHandler defines the action taken on epoch start event
type EpochEconomicsDataProvider ¶
type EpochEconomicsDataProvider interface { SetNumberOfBlocks(nbBlocks uint64) SetNumberOfBlocksPerShard(blocksPerShard map[uint32]uint64) SetLeadersFees(fees *big.Int) SetRewardsToBeDistributed(rewards *big.Int) SetRewardsToBeDistributedForBlocks(rewards *big.Int) NumberOfBlocks() uint64 NumberOfBlocksPerShard() map[uint32]uint64 LeaderFees() *big.Int RewardsToBeDistributed() *big.Int RewardsToBeDistributedForBlocks() *big.Int IsInterfaceNil() bool }
EpochEconomicsDataProvider provides end of epoch economics data
type EpochNotifier ¶
type EpochNotifier interface { RegisterNotifyHandler(handler vmcommon.EpochSubscriberHandler) CurrentEpoch() uint32 CheckEpoch(epoch uint32) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
EpochNotifier can notify upon an epoch change and provide the current epoch
type HeaderValidator ¶
type HeaderValidator interface { IsHeaderConstructionValid(currHdr, prevHdr data.HeaderHandler) error IsInterfaceNil() bool }
HeaderValidator defines the actions needed to validate a header
type HeadersByHashSyncer ¶
type HeadersByHashSyncer interface { SyncMissingHeadersByHash(shardIDs []uint32, headersHashes [][]byte, ctx context.Context) error GetHeaders() (map[string]data.HeaderHandler, error) ClearFields() IsInterfaceNil() bool }
HeadersByHashSyncer defines the methods to sync all missing headers by hash
type ImportStartHandler ¶
type ImportStartHandler interface { ShouldStartImport() bool IsAfterExportBeforeImport() bool IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ImportStartHandler can manage the process of starting the import after the hardfork event
type ManualEpochStartNotifier ¶
type ManualEpochStartNotifier interface { RegisterHandler(handler ActionHandler) NewEpoch(epoch uint32) CurrentEpoch() uint32 IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ManualEpochStartNotifier represents a notifier that can be triggered manually for an epoch change event. Useful in storage resolvers (import-db process)
type NodesConfigProvider ¶
NodesConfigProvider will provide the necessary information for start in epoch economics block creation
type Notifier ¶
type Notifier interface { NotifyAll(hdr data.HeaderHandler) NotifyAllPrepare(metaHdr data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) NotifyEpochChangeConfirmed(epoch uint32) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
Notifier defines which actions should be done for handling new epoch's events
type PendingMiniBlocksSyncHandler ¶
type PendingMiniBlocksSyncHandler interface { SyncPendingMiniBlocks(miniBlockHeaders []data.MiniBlockHeaderHandler, ctx context.Context) error GetMiniBlocks() (map[string]*block.MiniBlock, error) ClearFields() IsInterfaceNil() bool }
PendingMiniBlocksSyncHandler defines the methods to sync all pending miniblocks
type RegistrationHandler ¶
type RegistrationHandler interface { RegisterHandler(handler ActionHandler) UnregisterHandler(handler ActionHandler) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
RegistrationHandler provides Register and Unregister functionality for the end of epoch events
type RequestHandler ¶
type RequestHandler interface { RequestShardHeader(shardId uint32, hash []byte) RequestMetaHeader(hash []byte) RequestMetaHeaderByNonce(nonce uint64) RequestShardHeaderByNonce(shardId uint32, nonce uint64) RequestStartOfEpochMetaBlock(epoch uint32) RequestMiniBlocks(destShardID uint32, miniblocksHashes [][]byte) RequestInterval() time.Duration SetNumPeersToQuery(key string, intra int, cross int) error GetNumPeersToQuery(key string) (int, int, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
RequestHandler defines the methods through which request to data can be made
type RewardsCreator ¶
type RewardsCreator interface { CreateRewardsMiniBlocks( metaBlock data.MetaHeaderHandler, validatorsInfo map[uint32][]*state.ValidatorInfo, computedEconomics *block.Economics, ) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error) VerifyRewardsMiniBlocks( metaBlock data.MetaHeaderHandler, validatorsInfo map[uint32][]*state.ValidatorInfo, computedEconomics *block.Economics, ) error GetProtocolSustainabilityRewards() *big.Int GetLocalTxCache() TransactionCacher CreateMarshalizedData(body *block.Body) map[string][][]byte GetRewardsTxs(body *block.Body) map[string]data.TransactionHandler SaveTxBlockToStorage(metaBlock data.MetaHeaderHandler, body *block.Body) DeleteTxsFromStorage(metaBlock data.MetaHeaderHandler, body *block.Body) RemoveBlockDataFromPools(metaBlock data.MetaHeaderHandler, body *block.Body) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
RewardsCreator defines the functionality for the metachain to create rewards at end of epoch
type RoundHandler ¶
type RoundHandler interface { // Index returns the current round Index() int64 // TimeStamp returns the time stamp of the round TimeStamp() time.Time IsInterfaceNil() bool }
RoundHandler defines the actions which should be handled by a round implementation
type StakingDataProvider ¶
type StakingDataProvider interface { GetTotalStakeEligibleNodes() *big.Int GetTotalTopUpStakeEligibleNodes() *big.Int GetNodeStakedTopUp(blsKey []byte) (*big.Int, error) PrepareStakingDataForRewards(keys map[uint32][][]byte) error FillValidatorInfo(blsKey []byte) error ComputeUnQualifiedNodes(validatorInfos map[uint32][]*state.ValidatorInfo) ([][]byte, map[string][][]byte, error) Clean() IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StakingDataProvider is able to provide staking data from the system smart contracts
type StartOfEpochMetaSyncer ¶
type StartOfEpochMetaSyncer interface { SyncEpochStartMeta(waitTime time.Duration) (data.MetaHeaderHandler, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StartOfEpochMetaSyncer defines the methods to synchronize epoch start meta block from the network when nothing is known
type TransactionCacher ¶
type TransactionCacher interface { GetTx(txHash []byte) (data.TransactionHandler, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TransactionCacher defines the methods for the local cacher, info for current round
type TriggerHandler ¶
type TriggerHandler interface { Close() error ForceEpochStart(round uint64) IsEpochStart() bool Epoch() uint32 MetaEpoch() uint32 Update(round uint64, nonce uint64) EpochStartRound() uint64 EpochStartMetaHdrHash() []byte GetSavedStateKey() []byte LoadState(key []byte) error SetProcessed(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) SetFinalityAttestingRound(round uint64) EpochFinalityAttestingRound() uint64 RevertStateToBlock(header data.HeaderHandler) error SetCurrentEpochStartRound(round uint64) RequestEpochStartIfNeeded(interceptedHeader data.HeaderHandler) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TriggerHandler defines the functionalities for an start of epoch trigger
type ValidatorInfoCreator ¶
type ValidatorInfoCreator interface { PeerAccountToValidatorInfo(peerAccount state.PeerAccountHandler) *state.ValidatorInfo IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ValidatorInfoCreator defines the methods to create a validator info
type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorHandler ¶
type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorHandler interface { Process(info data.ShardValidatorInfoHandler) error Commit() ([]byte, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ValidatorStatisticsProcessorHandler defines the actions for processing validator statistics needed in the epoch events