
v3.0.967+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: May 28, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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const (

	// Error with CAM signature/authentication.
	AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"

	// Access authentication failed.

	// The request is not authorized. For more information on the authentication, see the CAM documentation.
	AUTHFAILURE_UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation"

	// DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
	DRYRUNOPERATION = "DryRunOperation"

	// Operation failed.
	FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

	// Failed to access STS.

	// Failed to access the TKE cluster.

	// Failed to access the tag service.

	// For the agent in this status, the operation is not allowed.

	// The agent version does not support this operation. Upgrade the agent.

	// There are agents running on this instance.

	// Failed to delete the filter rule.

	// Failed to create the alarm policy.

	// Failed to delete the alarm policy.

	// Failed to query the alarm policy.

	// Failed to modify the alarm policy.

	// Failed to delete the trigger condition.

	// The YAML format is incorrect.

	// FailedOperation.ComponentClientCommon

	// FailedOperation.ComponentClientHttp

	// FailedOperation.ComponentClientUnpack

	// Failed to create the instance.
	FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEINSTANCE = "FailedOperation.CreateInstance"

	// This account is not allowed to create instances.

	// The data table field doesn't exist.

	// Failed to query the data.

	// The data table doesn't exist.

	// FailedOperation.Db
	FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"

	// Failed to query the database.

	// Failed to create the database record.

	// Failed to delete the database record.

	// FailedOperation.DbRecordNotFound

	// Failed to update the database record.

	// Failed to start the database transaction.

	// Failed to submit the database transaction.

	// Failed to query the service in the request dimension.

	// The dividend is zero.

	// Backend service timed out.

	// DoTRPCTransferFailed

	// Failed to query analysis data.

	// The druid table does not exist.

	// The name already exists.
	FAILEDOPERATION_DUPLICATENAME = "FailedOperation.DuplicateName"

	// You have not enabled pay-as-you-go billing for API requests.

	// You have overdue payments.
	FAILEDOPERATION_ERROWED = "FailedOperation.ErrOwed"

	// An error occurred while generating the resource ID.

	// The instance does not exist.

	// The instance is not running.

	// Internal service error.
	FAILEDOPERATION_INTERNALERROR = "FailedOperation.InternalError"

	// FailedOperation.KubeClientConf

	// FailedOperation.KubeCommon
	FAILEDOPERATION_KUBECOMMON = "FailedOperation.KubeCommon"

	// The region is unavailable.
	FAILEDOPERATION_REGIONUNAVAILABLE = "FailedOperation.RegionUnavailable"

	// The resource already exists.
	FAILEDOPERATION_RESOURCEEXIST = "FailedOperation.ResourceExist"

	// The resource does not exist.

	// The resource is being manipulated.
	FAILEDOPERATION_RESOURCEOPERATING = "FailedOperation.ResourceOperating"

	// Failed to send the authorization request.
	FAILEDOPERATION_SENDREQUEST = "FailedOperation.SendRequest"

	// The service is not enabled and can be used only after being enabled.

	// There is no access to TKE.

	// The TKE endpoint is inaccessible.

	// A conflict occurred while updating the TKE resource.

	// The AZ is unavailable.
	FAILEDOPERATION_ZONEUNAVAILABLE = "FailedOperation.ZoneUnavailable"

	// Internal error.
	INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

	// Error with the callback.
	INTERNALERROR_CALLBACKFAIL = "InternalError.CallbackFail"

	// InternalError.Db
	INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"

	// InternalError.DbRecordNotFound

	// Error with another dependent API.
	INTERNALERROR_DEPENDSAPI = "InternalError.DependsApi"

	// Error with the dependent db.
	INTERNALERROR_DEPENDSDB = "InternalError.DependsDb"

	// Error with the dependent mq.
	INTERNALERROR_DEPENDSMQ = "InternalError.DependsMq"

	// Execution timed out.
	INTERNALERROR_EXETIMEOUT = "InternalError.ExeTimeout"

	// InternalError.Param
	INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"

	// System error.
	INTERNALERROR_SYSTEM = "InternalError.System"

	// InternalError.TaskNotFound

	// An error occurred while parsing the task result.

	// InternalError.UnexpectedInternal
	INTERNALERROR_UNEXPECTEDINTERNAL = "InternalError.UnexpectedInternal"

	// Invalid parameter.
	INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

	// InvalidParameter.ClusterNotFound

	// The task has already been submitted.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_DUPTASK = "InvalidParameter.DupTask"

	// Invalid parameter.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter.InvalidParameter"

	// Invalid parameter.

	// The platform configuration is missing.

	// InvalidParameter.Param
	INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

	// Incorrect parameter.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAMERROR = "InvalidParameter.ParamError"

	// InvalidParameter.PromClusterNotFound

	// InvalidParameter.PromInstanceNotFound

	// InvalidParameter.ResourceNotFound

	// Error with the platform configuration.

	// This product doesn't support scan.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_UNSUPPORTEDPRODUCT = "InvalidParameter.UnsupportedProduct"

	// The parameter value is incorrect.
	INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"

	// The dashboard name already exists.

	// The version does not match.

	// Quota limit is reached.
	LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"

	// Quota limit on metrics is reached. Requests containing unregistered metrics are prohibited.

	// Missing parameter.
	MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

	// Operation denied.
	OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

	// The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit.
	REQUESTLIMITEXCEEDED = "RequestLimitExceeded"

	// The resource is in use.
	RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse"

	// ResourceInUse.ResourceExistAlready

	// Insufficient resources.
	RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"

	// The resource is not found.
	RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"

	// The task does not exist.

	// The resource is unavailable.
	RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"

	// The resources have been sold out.
	RESOURCESSOLDOUT = "ResourcesSoldOut"

	// Unauthorized operation.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

	// Unknown parameter.
	UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

	// Unsupported operation.
	UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
View Source
const APIVersion = "2018-07-24"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AlarmEvent

type AlarmEvent struct {
	// Event name
	EventName *string `json:"EventName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventName"`

	// Event display name
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Alarm policy type
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

type AlarmHierarchicalNotice

type AlarmHierarchicalNotice struct {
	// Notification template ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

	// The list of alarm notification levels. The values `Remind` and `Serious` indicate that the notification template only sends alarms at the `Remind` and `Serious` levels.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Classification []*string `json:"Classification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Classification"`

type AlarmHierarchicalValue

type AlarmHierarchicalValue struct {
	// Threshold for the `Remind` level
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Remind *string `json:"Remind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remind"`

	// Threshold for the `Warn` level
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Warn *string `json:"Warn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Warn"`

	// Threshold for the `Serious` level
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Serious *string `json:"Serious,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Serious"`

type AlarmHistory

type AlarmHistory struct {
	// Alarm record ID
	AlarmId *string `json:"AlarmId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmId"`

	// Monitor type
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Policy type
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Alarm object
	AlarmObject *string `json:"AlarmObject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmObject"`

	// Alarm content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Timestamp of the first occurrence
	FirstOccurTime *int64 `json:"FirstOccurTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FirstOccurTime"`

	// Timestamp of the last occurrence
	LastOccurTime *int64 `json:"LastOccurTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastOccurTime"`

	// Alarm status. Valid values: ALARM (not resolved), OK (resolved), NO_CONF (expired), NO_DATA (insufficient data)
	AlarmStatus *string `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Policy name
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// VPC of alarm object for basic product alarm
	VPC *string `json:"VPC,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VPC"`

	// Project ID
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Project name
	ProjectName *string `json:"ProjectName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectName"`

	// Instance group of alarm object
	InstanceGroup []*InstanceGroups `json:"InstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroup"`

	// Recipient list
	ReceiverUids []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUids"`

	// Recipient group list
	ReceiverGroups []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Alarm channel list. Valid values: SMS (SMS), EMAIL (email), CALL (phone), WECHAT (WeChat)
	NoticeWays []*string `json:"NoticeWays,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeWays"`

	// Alarm policy ID, which can be used when you call APIs ([BindingPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40421?from_cn_redirect=1), [UnBindingAllPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40568?from_cn_redirect=1), [UnBindingPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40567?from_cn_redirect=1)) to bind/unbind instances or instance groups to/from an alarm policy
	OriginId *string `json:"OriginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OriginId"`

	// Alarm type
	AlarmType *string `json:"AlarmType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmType"`

	// Event ID
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Region
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Whether the policy exists. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
	PolicyExists *int64 `json:"PolicyExists,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyExists"`

	// Metric information
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MetricsInfo []*AlarmHistoryMetric `json:"MetricsInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricsInfo"`

	// Dimension information of an instance that triggered alarms.
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

type AlarmHistoryMetric

type AlarmHistoryMetric struct {
	// Namespace used to query data by Tencent Cloud service monitoring type
	QceNamespace *string `json:"QceNamespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QceNamespace"`

	// Metric name
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Statistical period
	Period *int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Value triggering alarm
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

	// Metric display name
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

type AlarmNotice

type AlarmNotice struct {
	// Alarm notification template ID
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Alarm notification template name
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Last modified time
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

	// Last modified by
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdatedBy *string `json:"UpdatedBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedBy"`

	// Alarm notification type. Valid values: ALARM (for unresolved alarms), OK (for resolved alarms), ALL (for all alarms)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeType *string `json:"NoticeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeType"`

	// User notification list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserNotices []*UserNotice `json:"UserNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNotices"`

	// Callback notification list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// Whether it is the system default notification template. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsPreset *int64 `json:"IsPreset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPreset"`

	// Notification language. Valid values: zh-CN (Chinese), en-US (English)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeLanguage *string `json:"NoticeLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeLanguage"`

	// List of IDs of the alarm policies bound to alarm notification template
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

	// Backend AMP consumer ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AMPConsumerId *string `json:"AMPConsumerId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AMPConsumerId"`

	// Channel to push alarm notifications to CLS.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CLSNotices []*CLSNotice `json:"CLSNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CLSNotices"`

	// Tags bound to a notification template
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

type AlarmPolicy

type AlarmPolicy struct {
	// Alarm policy ID
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Alarm policy name
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Remarks
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Status. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// Number of instances bound to policy group
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UseSum *int64 `json:"UseSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseSum"`

	// Project ID. Valid values: -1 (no project), 0 (default project)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Project name
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProjectName *string `json:"ProjectName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectName"`

	// Alarm policy type
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Trigger condition template ID
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ConditionTemplateId *string `json:"ConditionTemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTemplateId"`

	// Metric trigger condition
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

	// Notification rule ID list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Notification rule list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Notices []*AlarmNotice `json:"Notices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notices"`

	// Triggered task list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

	// Template policy group
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ConditionsTemp *ConditionsTemp `json:"ConditionsTemp,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionsTemp"`

	// `Uin` of the last modifying user
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Update time
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Creation time
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Region
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Region []*string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Namespace display name
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NamespaceShowName *string `json:"NamespaceShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NamespaceShowName"`

	// Whether it is the default policy. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsDefault *int64 `json:"IsDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"`

	// Whether the default policy can be set. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CanSetDefault *int64 `json:"CanSetDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanSetDefault"`

	// Instance group ID
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Total number of instances in instance group
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceSum *int64 `json:"InstanceSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSum"`

	// Instance group name
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceGroupName *string `json:"InstanceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupName"`

	// Trigger condition type. Valid values: STATIC (static threshold), DYNAMIC (dynamic)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleType *string `json:"RuleType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleType"`

	// Policy ID for instance/instance group binding and unbinding APIs (BindingPolicyObject, UnBindingAllPolicyObject, UnBindingPolicyObject)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OriginId *string `json:"OriginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OriginId"`

	// Tag
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagInstances []*TagInstance `json:"TagInstances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagInstances"`

	// Information on the filter dimension associated with a policy.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	FilterDimensionsParam *string `json:"FilterDimensionsParam,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FilterDimensionsParam"`

	// Whether it is a quick alarm policy.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsOneClick *int64 `json:"IsOneClick,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOneClick"`

	// Whether the quick alarm policy is enabled.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OneClickStatus *int64 `json:"OneClickStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OneClickStatus"`

	// The number of advanced metrics.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AdvancedMetricNumber *int64 `json:"AdvancedMetricNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AdvancedMetricNumber"`

	// Whether the policy is associated with all objects
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsBindAll *int64 `json:"IsBindAll,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsBindAll"`

	// Policy tag
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

type AlarmPolicyCondition

type AlarmPolicyCondition struct {
	// Judgment condition of an alarm trigger condition (`0`: Any; `1`: All; `2`: Composite). When the value is set to `2` (i.e., composite trigger conditions), this parameter should be used together with `ComplexExpression`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

	// Alarm trigger condition list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Rules []*AlarmPolicyRule `json:"Rules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Rules"`

	// The judgment expression of composite alarm trigger conditions, which is valid when the value of `IsUnionRule` is `2`. This parameter is used to determine that an alarm condition is met only when the expression values are `True` for multiple trigger conditions.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ComplexExpression *string `json:"ComplexExpression,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ComplexExpression"`

type AlarmPolicyEventCondition

type AlarmPolicyEventCondition struct {
	// Alarm trigger condition list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Rules []*AlarmPolicyRule `json:"Rules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Rules"`

type AlarmPolicyFilter

type AlarmPolicyFilter struct {
	// Filter condition type. Valid values: DIMENSION (uses dimensions for filtering)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// JSON string generated by serializing the `AlarmPolicyDimension` two-dimensional array. The one-dimensional arrays are in OR relationship, and the elements in a one-dimensional array are in AND relationship
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

type AlarmPolicyRule

type AlarmPolicyRule struct {
	// Metric name or event name. The supported metrics can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1) and the supported events via [DescribeAlarmEvents](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51284?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Statistical period in seconds. The valid values can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Period *int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Operator
	// intelligent = intelligent detection without threshold
	// eq = equal to
	// ge = greater than or equal to
	// gt = greater than
	// le = less than or equal to
	// lt = less than
	// ne = not equal to
	// day_increase = day-on-day increase
	// day_decrease = day-on-day decrease
	// day_wave = day-on-day fluctuation
	// week_increase = week-on-week increase
	// week_decrease = week-on-week decrease
	// week_wave = week-on-week fluctuation
	// cycle_increase = cyclical increase
	// cycle_decrease = cyclical decrease
	// cycle_wave = cyclical fluctuation
	// re = regex match
	// The valid values can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Operator *string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// Threshold. The valid value range can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

	// Number of periods. `1`: continue for one period; `2`: continue for two periods; and so on. The valid values can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ContinuePeriod *int64 `json:"ContinuePeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinuePeriod"`

	// Alarm interval in seconds. Valid values: 0 (do not repeat), 300 (alarm once every 5 minutes), 600 (alarm once every 10 minutes), 900 (alarm once every 15 minutes), 1800 (alarm once every 30 minutes), 3600 (alarm once every hour), 7200 (alarm once every 2 hours), 10800 (alarm once every 3 hours), 21600 (alarm once every 6 hours),  43200 (alarm once every 12 hours), 86400 (alarm once every day)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeFrequency *int64 `json:"NoticeFrequency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeFrequency"`

	// Whether the alarm frequency increases exponentially. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsPowerNotice *int64 `json:"IsPowerNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPowerNotice"`

	// Filter condition for one single trigger rule
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Filter *AlarmPolicyFilter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// Metric display name, which is used in the output parameter
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Unit, which is used in the output parameter
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Unit *string `json:"Unit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unit"`

	// Trigger condition type. `STATIC`: static threshold; `dynamic`: dynamic threshold. If you do not specify this parameter when creating or editing a policy, `STATIC` is used by default.
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	RuleType *string `json:"RuleType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleType"`

	// Whether it is an advanced metric. 0: No; 1: Yes.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsAdvanced *int64 `json:"IsAdvanced,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAdvanced"`

	// Whether the advanced metric feature is enabled. 0: No; 1: Yes.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsOpen *int64 `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

	// Integration center product ID.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProductId *string `json:"ProductId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductId"`

	// Maximum value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ValueMax *float64 `json:"ValueMax,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ValueMax"`

	// Minimum value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ValueMin *float64 `json:"ValueMin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ValueMin"`

	// The configuration of alarm level threshold
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	HierarchicalValue *AlarmHierarchicalValue `json:"HierarchicalValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HierarchicalValue"`

type AlarmPolicyTriggerTask

type AlarmPolicyTriggerTask struct {
	// Triggered task type. Valid value: AS (auto scaling)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Configuration information in JSON format, such as {"Key1":"Value1","Key2":"Value2"}
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskConfig *string `json:"TaskConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskConfig"`

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Grafana instance ID
	GrafanaId *string `json:"GrafanaId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaId"`

func NewBindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest

func NewBindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest() (request *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest)

func (*BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) ToJsonString() string

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequestParams

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Grafana instance ID
	GrafanaId *string `json:"GrafanaId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaId"`

Predefined struct for user

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse struct {
	Response *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewBindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse

func NewBindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse() (response *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse)

func (*BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) ToJsonString() string

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams

type BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type BindingPolicyObjectDimension

type BindingPolicyObjectDimension struct {
	// Region name.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Region ID.
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// Instance dimension information in the following format:
	// {"unInstanceId":"ins-00jvv9mo"}. The dimension information varies by Tencent Cloud services. For more information, please see:
	// [Dimension List](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/50397?from_cn_redirect=1)
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Event dimensions.
	EventDimensions *string `json:"EventDimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventDimensions"`

type BindingPolicyObjectRequest

type BindingPolicyObjectRequest struct {

	// Required. The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID, such as `4739573`. This parameter will be disused soon. Another parameter `PolicyId` is recommended.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID, such as `policy-gh892hg0`. At least one of the two parameters, `PolicyId` and `GroupId`, must be specified; otherwise, an error will be reported. `PolicyId` is preferred over `GroupId` when both of them are specified.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Dimensions of an object to be bound.
	Dimensions []*BindingPolicyObjectDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

func NewBindingPolicyObjectRequest

func NewBindingPolicyObjectRequest() (request *BindingPolicyObjectRequest)

func (*BindingPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *BindingPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindingPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *BindingPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString() string

type BindingPolicyObjectRequestParams

type BindingPolicyObjectRequestParams struct {
	// Required. The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID, such as `4739573`. This parameter will be disused soon. Another parameter `PolicyId` is recommended.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID, such as `policy-gh892hg0`. At least one of the two parameters, `PolicyId` and `GroupId`, must be specified; otherwise, an error will be reported. `PolicyId` is preferred over `GroupId` when both of them are specified.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Dimensions of an object to be bound.
	Dimensions []*BindingPolicyObjectDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

Predefined struct for user

type BindingPolicyObjectResponse

type BindingPolicyObjectResponse struct {
	Response *BindingPolicyObjectResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewBindingPolicyObjectResponse

func NewBindingPolicyObjectResponse() (response *BindingPolicyObjectResponse)

func (*BindingPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *BindingPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindingPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *BindingPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString() string

type BindingPolicyObjectResponseParams

type BindingPolicyObjectResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CLSNotice

type CLSNotice struct {
	// Region.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Logset ID.
	LogSetId *string `json:"LogSetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogSetId"`

	// Topic ID.
	TopicId *string `json:"TopicId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TopicId"`

	// Status. Valid values: `0` (disabled), `1` (enabled). Default value: `1` (enabled). This parameter can be left empty.
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest struct {

func NewCheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest

func NewCheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest() (request *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest)

func (*CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequestParams

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse struct {
	Response *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse

func NewCheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse() (response *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse)

func (*CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponseParams

type CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest

type CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewCleanGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewCleanGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CleanGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type CleanGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse

type CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCleanGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewCleanGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CleanGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type CleanGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Client

type Client struct {

func NewClient

func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)

func NewClientWithSecretId

func NewClientWithSecretId(secretId, secretKey, region string) (client *Client, err error)


func (*Client) BindPrometheusManagedGrafana

func (c *Client) BindPrometheusManagedGrafana(request *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) (response *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse, err error)

BindPrometheusManagedGrafana This API is used to bind a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaWithContext

func (c *Client) BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) (response *BindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse, err error)

BindPrometheusManagedGrafana This API is used to bind a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) BindingPolicyObject

func (c *Client) BindingPolicyObject(request *BindingPolicyObjectRequest) (response *BindingPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

BindingPolicyObject This API is used to bind an alarm policy to a specific object.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) BindingPolicyObjectWithContext

func (c *Client) BindingPolicyObjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *BindingPolicyObjectRequest) (response *BindingPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

BindingPolicyObject This API is used to bind an alarm policy to a specific object.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CheckIsPrometheusNewUser

func (c *Client) CheckIsPrometheusNewUser(request *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) (response *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse, err error)

CheckIsPrometheusNewUser This API is used to determine whether the user is new to TMP, that is, whether the user has never created a TMP instance in any region.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CheckIsPrometheusNewUserWithContext

func (c *Client) CheckIsPrometheusNewUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserRequest) (response *CheckIsPrometheusNewUserResponse, err error)

CheckIsPrometheusNewUser This API is used to determine whether the user is new to TMP, that is, whether the user has never created a TMP instance in any region.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CleanGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) CleanGrafanaInstance(request *CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

CleanGrafanaInstance This API is used to forcibly terminate a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CleanGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) CleanGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CleanGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *CleanGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

CleanGrafanaInstance This API is used to forcibly terminate a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateAlarmNotice

func (c *Client) CreateAlarmNotice(request *CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *CreateAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

CreateAlarmNotice This API is used to create a notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateAlarmNoticeWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateAlarmNoticeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *CreateAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

CreateAlarmNotice This API is used to create a notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateAlarmPolicy

func (c *Client) CreateAlarmPolicy(request *CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *CreateAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

CreateAlarmPolicy This API is used to create an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateAlarmPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateAlarmPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *CreateAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

CreateAlarmPolicy This API is used to create an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateAlertRule

func (c *Client) CreateAlertRule(request *CreateAlertRuleRequest) (response *CreateAlertRuleResponse, err error)

CreateAlertRule This API is used to create a Prometheus alerting rule.

Note that alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively. For more information, see [Alerting rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/).

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateAlertRuleWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateAlertRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAlertRuleRequest) (response *CreateAlertRuleResponse, err error)

CreateAlertRule This API is used to create a Prometheus alerting rule.

Note that alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively. For more information, see [Alerting rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/).

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateExporterIntegration

func (c *Client) CreateExporterIntegration(request *CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *CreateExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

CreateExporterIntegration This API is used to create an exporter integration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateExporterIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateExporterIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *CreateExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

CreateExporterIntegration This API is used to create an exporter integration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaInstance(request *CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaInstance This API is used to create a monthly subscribed TCMG instance of the Basic Edition, with auto-renewal enabled and vouchers not allowed by default.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaInstance This API is used to create a monthly subscribed TCMG instance of the Basic Edition, with auto-renewal enabled and vouchers not allowed by default.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaIntegration

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaIntegration(request *CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaIntegration This API is used to create a Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaIntegration This API is used to create a Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaNotificationChannel

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaNotificationChannel(request *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to create a Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

CreateGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to create a Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreatePolicyGroup

func (c *Client) CreatePolicyGroup(request *CreatePolicyGroupRequest) (response *CreatePolicyGroupResponse, err error)

CreatePolicyGroup This API is used to add a policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreatePolicyGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePolicyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePolicyGroupRequest) (response *CreatePolicyGroupResponse, err error)

CreatePolicyGroup This API is used to add a policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusAgent

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusAgent(request *CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusAgentResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusAgent This API is used to create a Prometheus CVM agent.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusAgentWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusAgentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusAgentResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusAgent This API is used to create a Prometheus CVM agent.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusAlertPolicy

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusAlertPolicy(request *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to create an alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to create an alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusClusterAgent

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusClusterAgent(request *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusClusterAgent This API is used to associate a cluster with a Cloud Monitor (CM)-integrated Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) 2.0 instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusClusterAgentWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusClusterAgentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusClusterAgent This API is used to associate a cluster with a Cloud Monitor (CM)-integrated Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) 2.0 instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusConfig

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusConfig(request *CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusConfig This API is used to create Prometheus configurations.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusConfig This API is used to create Prometheus configurations.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusGlobalNotification

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusGlobalNotification(request *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to create a global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to create a global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayMode

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayMode(request *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayMode This API is used to create a pay-as-you-go Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayMode This API is used to create a pay-as-you-go Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYaml

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYaml(request *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to create a recording rule in the YAML way.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to create a recording rule in the YAML way.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusScrapeJob

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusScrapeJob(request *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusScrapeJob This API is used to create a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusScrapeJobWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusScrapeJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusScrapeJob This API is used to create a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusTemp

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusTemp(request *CreatePrometheusTempRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusTemp This API is used to create a TMP template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreatePrometheusTempWithContext

func (c *Client) CreatePrometheusTempWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePrometheusTempRequest) (response *CreatePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

CreatePrometheusTemp This API is used to create a TMP template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) CreateRecordingRule

func (c *Client) CreateRecordingRule(request *CreateRecordingRuleRequest) (response *CreateRecordingRuleResponse, err error)

CreateRecordingRule This API is used to create a Prometheus recording rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateRecordingRuleWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateRecordingRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRecordingRuleRequest) (response *CreateRecordingRuleResponse, err error)

CreateRecordingRule This API is used to create a Prometheus recording rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateSSOAccount

func (c *Client) CreateSSOAccount(request *CreateSSOAccountRequest) (response *CreateSSOAccountResponse, err error)

CreateSSOAccount This API is used to authorize a Grafana instance to another Tencent Cloud user.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateSSOAccountWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateSSOAccountWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSSOAccountRequest) (response *CreateSSOAccountResponse, err error)

CreateSSOAccount This API is used to authorize a Grafana instance to another Tencent Cloud user.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateServiceDiscovery

func (c *Client) CreateServiceDiscovery(request *CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) (response *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse, err error)

CreateServiceDiscovery This API is used to create a Prometheus scrape configuration in TKE.

<p>Note: The prerequisite is that the corresponding TKE service has been integrated through the Prometheus console. For more information, see

<a href="https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48859?from_cn_redirect=1" target="_blank">Agent Management</a>.</p>

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateServiceDiscoveryWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateServiceDiscoveryWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) (response *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse, err error)

CreateServiceDiscovery This API is used to create a Prometheus scrape configuration in TKE.

<p>Note: The prerequisite is that the corresponding TKE service has been integrated through the Prometheus console. For more information, see

<a href="https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48859?from_cn_redirect=1" target="_blank">Agent Management</a>.</p>

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteAlarmNotices

func (c *Client) DeleteAlarmNotices(request *DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) (response *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse, err error)

DeleteAlarmNotices This API is used to delete an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteAlarmNoticesWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteAlarmNoticesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) (response *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse, err error)

DeleteAlarmNotices This API is used to delete an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteAlarmPolicy

func (c *Client) DeleteAlarmPolicy(request *DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

DeleteAlarmPolicy This API is used to delete an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteAlarmPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteAlarmPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

DeleteAlarmPolicy This API is used to delete an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteAlertRules

func (c *Client) DeleteAlertRules(request *DeleteAlertRulesRequest) (response *DeleteAlertRulesResponse, err error)

DeleteAlertRules This API is used to batch delete Prometheus alerting rules.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteAlertRulesWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteAlertRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAlertRulesRequest) (response *DeleteAlertRulesResponse, err error)

DeleteAlertRules This API is used to batch delete Prometheus alerting rules.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteExporterIntegration

func (c *Client) DeleteExporterIntegration(request *DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

DeleteExporterIntegration This API is used to delete an exporter integration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteExporterIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteExporterIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

DeleteExporterIntegration This API is used to delete an exporter integration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaInstance(request *DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaInstance This API is used to refund a monthly subscribed TCMG instance. Once it is called, the instance cannot be used and will be automatically terminated seven days later.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaInstance This API is used to refund a monthly subscribed TCMG instance. Once it is called, the instance cannot be used and will be automatically terminated seven days later.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaIntegration

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaIntegration(request *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaIntegration This API is used to delete a Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaIntegration This API is used to delete a Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannel

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannel(request *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to delete a Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to delete a Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DeletePolicyGroup

func (c *Client) DeletePolicyGroup(request *DeletePolicyGroupRequest) (response *DeletePolicyGroupResponse, err error)

DeletePolicyGroup This API is used to delete an alarm policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeletePolicyGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePolicyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePolicyGroupRequest) (response *DeletePolicyGroupResponse, err error)

DeletePolicyGroup This API is used to delete an alarm policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusAlertPolicy

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusAlertPolicy(request *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to delete a TMP 2.0 instance alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to delete a TMP 2.0 instance alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusClusterAgent

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusClusterAgent(request *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusClusterAgent This API is used to disassociate a TMP instance from a cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusClusterAgentWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusClusterAgentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusClusterAgent This API is used to disassociate a TMP instance from a cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusConfig

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusConfig(request *DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusConfig This API is used to delete Prometheus configurations. If the target cluster does not exist, a result indicating success will be returned.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusConfig This API is used to delete Prometheus configurations. If the target cluster does not exist, a result indicating success will be returned.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYaml

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYaml(request *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to delete a recording instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to delete a recording instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusScrapeJobs

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusScrapeJobs(request *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusScrapeJobs This API is used to delete a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusScrapeJobs This API is used to delete a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusTemp

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusTemp(request *DeletePrometheusTempRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusTemp This API is used to delete a TMP template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusTempSync

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusTempSync(request *DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusTempSync This API is used to unsync a template, which will delete the configuration generated by the template in the target. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusTempSyncWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusTempSyncWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusTempSync This API is used to unsync a template, which will delete the configuration generated by the template in the target. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeletePrometheusTempWithContext

func (c *Client) DeletePrometheusTempWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeletePrometheusTempRequest) (response *DeletePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

DeletePrometheusTemp This API is used to delete a TMP template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DeleteRecordingRules

func (c *Client) DeleteRecordingRules(request *DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) (response *DeleteRecordingRulesResponse, err error)

DeleteRecordingRules This API is used to batch delete Prometheus recording rules.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteRecordingRulesWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteRecordingRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) (response *DeleteRecordingRulesResponse, err error)

DeleteRecordingRules This API is used to batch delete Prometheus recording rules.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteSSOAccount

func (c *Client) DeleteSSOAccount(request *DeleteSSOAccountRequest) (response *DeleteSSOAccountResponse, err error)

DeleteSSOAccount This API is used to delete an authorized TCMG user.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteSSOAccountWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteSSOAccountWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSSOAccountRequest) (response *DeleteSSOAccountResponse, err error)

DeleteSSOAccount This API is used to delete an authorized TCMG user.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeAccidentEventList

func (c *Client) DescribeAccidentEventList(request *DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) (response *DescribeAccidentEventListResponse, err error)

DescribeAccidentEventList This API is used to get the platform event list.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAccidentEventListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAccidentEventListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) (response *DescribeAccidentEventListResponse, err error)

DescribeAccidentEventList This API is used to get the platform event list.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmEvents

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmEvents(request *DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmEventsResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmEvents This API is used to query the list of alarm events.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmEventsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmEventsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmEventsResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmEvents This API is used to query the list of alarm events.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmHistories

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmHistories(request *DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmHistories This API is used to query the alarm records.

Note: **If you use a sub-account, you can only query the alarm records of authorized projects** or uncategorized products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmHistoriesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmHistoriesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmHistories This API is used to query the alarm records.

Note: **If you use a sub-account, you can only query the alarm records of authorized projects** or uncategorized products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmMetrics

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmMetrics(request *DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmMetrics This API is used to query the list of alarm metrics.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmMetricsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmMetricsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmMetrics This API is used to query the list of alarm metrics.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNotice

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNotice(request *DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNotice This API is used to query the details of a single notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacks

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacks(request *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacks This API is used to obtain all the callback URLs of an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacks This API is used to obtain all the callback URLs of an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNoticeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNotice This API is used to query the details of a single notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNotices

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNotices(request *DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNotices This API is used to query the list of notification templates.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmNoticesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmNoticesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmNotices This API is used to query the list of notification templates.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmPolicies

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmPolicies(request *DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmPolicies This API is used to query the list of alarm policies.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmPoliciesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmPolicies This API is used to query the list of alarm policies.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmPolicy

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmPolicy(request *DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmPolicy This API is used to get the details of a single alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlarmPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlarmPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribeAlarmPolicy This API is used to get the details of a single alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAlertRules

func (c *Client) DescribeAlertRules(request *DescribeAlertRulesRequest) (response *DescribeAlertRulesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlertRules This API is used to query a Prometheus alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeAlertRulesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAlertRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAlertRulesRequest) (response *DescribeAlertRulesResponse, err error)

DescribeAlertRules This API is used to query a Prometheus alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeAllNamespaces

func (c *Client) DescribeAllNamespaces(request *DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) (response *DescribeAllNamespacesResponse, err error)

DescribeAllNamespaces This API is used to query all namespaces.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeAllNamespacesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAllNamespacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) (response *DescribeAllNamespacesResponse, err error)

DescribeAllNamespaces This API is used to query all namespaces.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBaseMetrics

func (c *Client) DescribeBaseMetrics(request *DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) (response *DescribeBaseMetricsResponse, err error)

DescribeBaseMetrics This API is used to get the attributes of basic metrics.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBaseMetricsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeBaseMetricsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) (response *DescribeBaseMetricsResponse, err error)

DescribeBaseMetrics This API is used to get the attributes of basic metrics.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBasicAlarmList

func (c *Client) DescribeBasicAlarmList(request *DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) (response *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse, err error)

DescribeBasicAlarmList This API is used to get the basic alarm list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBasicAlarmListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeBasicAlarmListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) (response *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse, err error)

DescribeBasicAlarmList This API is used to get the basic alarm list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList

func (c *Client) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList(request *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest) (response *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse, err error)

DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList This API is used to get the bound object list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest) (response *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse, err error)

DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList This API is used to get the bound object list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgress

func (c *Client) DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgress(request *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest) (response *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse, err error)

DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgress This API is used to u200dobtain the binding status between the TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus instance and the TKE cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest) (response *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse, err error)

DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgress This API is used to u200dobtain the binding status between the TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus instance and the TKE cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribeConditionsTemplateList

func (c *Client) DescribeConditionsTemplateList(request *DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest) (response *DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse, err error)

DescribeConditionsTemplateList This API is used to get the trigger condition template.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeConditionsTemplateListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeConditionsTemplateListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest) (response *DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse, err error)

DescribeConditionsTemplateList This API is used to get the trigger condition template.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDNSConfig

func (c *Client) DescribeDNSConfig(request *DescribeDNSConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDNSConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeDNSConfig This API is used to list Grafana DNS configurations.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDNSConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDNSConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDNSConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDNSConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeDNSConfig This API is used to list Grafana DNS configurations.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeExporterIntegrations

func (c *Client) DescribeExporterIntegrations(request *DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) (response *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse, err error)

DescribeExporterIntegrations This API is used to query the list of exporter integrations.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeExporterIntegrationsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeExporterIntegrationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) (response *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse, err error)

DescribeExporterIntegrations This API is used to query the list of exporter integrations.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaChannels

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaChannels(request *DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaChannels This API is used to list all Grafana alert channels.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaChannelsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaChannelsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaChannels This API is used to list all Grafana alert channels.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaConfig

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaConfig(request *DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaConfig This API is used to list Grafana settings, i.e., the `grafana.ini` file content.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaConfig This API is used to list Grafana settings, i.e., the `grafana.ini` file content.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaEnvironments

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaEnvironments(request *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaEnvironments This API is used to list Grafana environment variables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaEnvironments This API is used to list Grafana environment variables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaInstances

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaInstances(request *DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaInstances This API is used to list all Grafana instances under a user account.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaInstancesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaInstances This API is used to list all Grafana instances under a user account.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaIntegrations

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaIntegrations(request *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaIntegrations This API is used to list installed Grafana integrations.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaIntegrations This API is used to list installed Grafana integrations.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannels

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannels(request *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannels This API is used to list Grafana notification channels.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannels This API is used to list Grafana notification channels.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaWhiteList

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaWhiteList(request *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaWhiteList This API is used to list the Grafana allowlist.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeGrafanaWhiteListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeGrafanaWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse, err error)

DescribeGrafanaWhiteList This API is used to list the Grafana allowlist.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeInstalledPlugins

func (c *Client) DescribeInstalledPlugins(request *DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) (response *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse, err error)

DescribeInstalledPlugins This API is used to list the plugins installed in an instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeInstalledPluginsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeInstalledPluginsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) (response *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse, err error)

DescribeInstalledPlugins This API is used to list the plugins installed in an instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeMonitorTypes

func (c *Client) DescribeMonitorTypes(request *DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) (response *DescribeMonitorTypesResponse, err error)

DescribeMonitorTypes This API is used to list all the monitoring types supported by CM.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeMonitorTypesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeMonitorTypesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) (response *DescribeMonitorTypesResponse, err error)

DescribeMonitorTypes This API is used to list all the monitoring types supported by CM.

error code that may be returned:

UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyConditionList

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyConditionList(request *DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) (response *DescribePolicyConditionListResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyConditionList This API is used to get basic alarm policy conditions.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyConditionListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyConditionListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) (response *DescribePolicyConditionListResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyConditionList This API is used to get basic alarm policy conditions.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyGroupInfo

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyGroupInfo(request *DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) (response *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyGroupInfo This API is used to get details of a basic policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyGroupInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyGroupInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) (response *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyGroupInfo This API is used to get details of a basic policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyGroupList

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyGroupList(request *DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) (response *DescribePolicyGroupListResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyGroupList This API is used to get the list of basic policy alarm groups.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePolicyGroupListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePolicyGroupListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) (response *DescribePolicyGroupListResponse, err error)

DescribePolicyGroupList This API is used to get the list of basic policy alarm groups.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeProductEventList

func (c *Client) DescribeProductEventList(request *DescribeProductEventListRequest) (response *DescribeProductEventListResponse, err error)

DescribeProductEventList This API is used to get the list of product events by page.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeProductEventListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeProductEventListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeProductEventListRequest) (response *DescribeProductEventListResponse, err error)

DescribeProductEventList This API is used to get the list of product events by page.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAgentInstances

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAgentInstances(request *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAgentInstances This API is used to get the list of instances associated with the target cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAgentInstances This API is used to get the list of instances associated with the target cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAgents

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAgents(request *DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAgents This API is used to list Prometheus CVM agents.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAgentsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAgentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAgents This API is used to list Prometheus CVM agents.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAlertPolicy

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAlertPolicy(request *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to get the list of v2.0 instance alerting rules.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to get the list of v2.0 instance alerting rules.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusClusterAgents

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusClusterAgents(request *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusClusterAgents This API is used to get the list of clusters associated with the TMP instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusClusterAgents This API is used to get the list of clusters associated with the TMP instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusConfig

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusConfig(request *DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusConfig This API is used to get the Prometheus configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusConfig This API is used to get the Prometheus configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION_DB = "FailedOperation.Db"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalConfig

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalConfig(request *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusGlobalConfig This API is used to get the instance-level scrape configurations.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusGlobalConfig This API is used to get the instance-level scrape configurations.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalNotification

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalNotification(request *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to query the global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to query the global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceDetail

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceDetail(request *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstanceDetail This API is used to get the details of a TMP instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstanceDetail This API is used to get the details of a TMP instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatus

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatus(request *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatus This API is used to get the initialization task status of a v2.0 instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatus This API is used to get the initialization task status of a v2.0 instance.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceUsage

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceUsage(request *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse, err error)


This API is used to query the usage of a pay-as-you-go Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) instance.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse, err error)


This API is used to query the usage of a pay-as-you-go Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) instance.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstances

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstances(request *DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstances This API is used to query the details of one or multiple instances.


<li>You can query the details of an instance by its ID, name, or status.</li>

<li>If this parameter is empty, the information of a certain number of instances under the current account will be returned. The number is specified by `Limit` and is 20 by default.</li>


error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesOverview

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesOverview(request *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstancesOverview This API is used to obtain the list of Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) instances and the clusters associated with them.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstancesOverview This API is used to obtain the list of Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP) instances and the clusters associated with them.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusInstances This API is used to query the details of one or multiple instances.


<li>You can query the details of an instance by its ID, name, or status.</li>

<li>If this parameter is empty, the information of a certain number of instances under the current account will be returned. The number is specified by `Limit` and is 20 by default.</li>


error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYaml

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYaml(request *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to get the YAML list of Prometheus recording rules.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to get the YAML list of Prometheus recording rules.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRules

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRules(request *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusRecordRules This API is used to get the list of recording rules, including those created by CRD resources in the associated cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRulesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusRecordRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusRecordRules This API is used to get the list of recording rules, including those created by CRD resources in the associated cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusScrapeJobs

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusScrapeJobs(request *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusScrapeJobs This API is used to list Prometheus scrape tasks.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusScrapeJobs This API is used to list Prometheus scrape tasks.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTargetsTMP

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTargetsTMP(request *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTargetsTMP This API is used to get the targets information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTargetsTMP This API is used to get the targets information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTemp

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTemp(request *DescribePrometheusTempRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTemp This API is used to get the list of templates, where the default template is always on top.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTempSync

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTempSync(request *DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTempSync This API is used to get the information of instances associated with a template. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTempSyncWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTempSyncWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTempSync This API is used to get the information of instances associated with a template. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusTempWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusTempWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusTempRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusTempResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusTemp This API is used to get the list of templates, where the default template is always on top.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusZones

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusZones(request *DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusZonesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusZones This API is used to list the AZs of Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP).

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribePrometheusZonesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribePrometheusZonesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) (response *DescribePrometheusZonesResponse, err error)

DescribePrometheusZones This API is used to list the AZs of Tencent Managed Service for Prometheus (TMP).

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeRecordingRules

func (c *Client) DescribeRecordingRules(request *DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) (response *DescribeRecordingRulesResponse, err error)

DescribeRecordingRules This API is used to query Prometheus recording rules by filter.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeRecordingRulesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeRecordingRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) (response *DescribeRecordingRulesResponse, err error)

DescribeRecordingRules This API is used to query Prometheus recording rules by filter.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSSOAccount

func (c *Client) DescribeSSOAccount(request *DescribeSSOAccountRequest) (response *DescribeSSOAccountResponse, err error)

DescribeSSOAccount This API is used to list all authorized accounts of the current Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeSSOAccountWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSSOAccountWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSSOAccountRequest) (response *DescribeSSOAccountResponse, err error)

DescribeSSOAccount This API is used to list all authorized accounts of the current Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeServiceDiscovery

func (c *Client) DescribeServiceDiscovery(request *DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) (response *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse, err error)

DescribeServiceDiscovery This API is used to list Prometheus scrape configurations in TKE.

<p>Note: The prerequisite is that the corresponding TKE service has been integrated through the Prometheus console. For more information, see

<a href="https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48859?from_cn_redirect=1" target="_blank">Agent Management</a>.</p>

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeServiceDiscoveryWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeServiceDiscoveryWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) (response *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse, err error)

DescribeServiceDiscovery This API is used to list Prometheus scrape configurations in TKE.

<p>Note: The prerequisite is that the corresponding TKE service has been integrated through the Prometheus console. For more information, see

<a href="https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48859?from_cn_redirect=1" target="_blank">Agent Management</a>.</p>

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeStatisticData

func (c *Client) DescribeStatisticData(request *DescribeStatisticDataRequest) (response *DescribeStatisticDataResponse, err error)

DescribeStatisticData This API is used to query monitoring data by dimension conditions.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_SYSTEM = "InternalError.System"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeStatisticDataWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeStatisticDataWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeStatisticDataRequest) (response *DescribeStatisticDataResponse, err error)

DescribeStatisticData This API is used to query monitoring data by dimension conditions.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_SYSTEM = "InternalError.System"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) DestroyPrometheusInstance

func (c *Client) DestroyPrometheusInstance(request *DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) (response *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse, err error)

DestroyPrometheusInstance This API is used to delete the data of a Prometheus instance. The specified instance must be terminated first.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DestroyPrometheusInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) DestroyPrometheusInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) (response *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse, err error)

DestroyPrometheusInstance This API is used to delete the data of a Prometheus instance. The specified instance must be terminated first.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) EnableGrafanaInternet

func (c *Client) EnableGrafanaInternet(request *EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) (response *EnableGrafanaInternetResponse, err error)

EnableGrafanaInternet This API is used to set the Grafana public network access.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) EnableGrafanaInternetWithContext

func (c *Client) EnableGrafanaInternetWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) (response *EnableGrafanaInternetResponse, err error)

EnableGrafanaInternet This API is used to set the Grafana public network access.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) EnableGrafanaSSO

func (c *Client) EnableGrafanaSSO(request *EnableGrafanaSSORequest) (response *EnableGrafanaSSOResponse, err error)

EnableGrafanaSSO This API is used to set the Grafana SSO through a Tencent Cloud account.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) EnableGrafanaSSOWithContext

func (c *Client) EnableGrafanaSSOWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableGrafanaSSORequest) (response *EnableGrafanaSSOResponse, err error)

EnableGrafanaSSO This API is used to set the Grafana SSO through a Tencent Cloud account.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) EnableSSOCamCheck

func (c *Client) EnableSSOCamCheck(request *EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) (response *EnableSSOCamCheckResponse, err error)

EnableSSOCamCheck This API is used to set whether to enable CAM authentication during SSO.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) EnableSSOCamCheckWithContext

func (c *Client) EnableSSOCamCheckWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) (response *EnableSSOCamCheckResponse, err error)

EnableSSOCamCheck This API is used to set whether to enable CAM authentication during SSO.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) GetMonitorData

func (c *Client) GetMonitorData(request *GetMonitorDataRequest) (response *GetMonitorDataResponse, err error)

GetMonitorData This API is used to get the monitoring data of Tencent Cloud services except TKE. To pull TKE’s monitoring data, use the [DescribeStatisticData](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/248/39481) API.

You can get the monitoring data of a Tencent Cloud service by passing in its namespace, object dimension description, and monitoring metrics.

API call rate limit: 20 calls/second (1,200 calls/minute). A single request can get the data of up to 10 instances for up to 1,440 data points.

If you need to call a large number of APIs to pull metrics or objects at a time, some APIs may fail to be called due to the rate limit. We suggest you evenly arrange API calls at a time granularity.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) GetMonitorDataWithContext

func (c *Client) GetMonitorDataWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetMonitorDataRequest) (response *GetMonitorDataResponse, err error)

GetMonitorData This API is used to get the monitoring data of Tencent Cloud services except TKE. To pull TKE’s monitoring data, use the [DescribeStatisticData](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/248/39481) API.

You can get the monitoring data of a Tencent Cloud service by passing in its namespace, object dimension description, and monitoring metrics.

API call rate limit: 20 calls/second (1,200 calls/minute). A single request can get the data of up to 10 instances for up to 1,440 data points.

If you need to call a large number of APIs to pull metrics or objects at a time, some APIs may fail to be called due to the rate limit. We suggest you evenly arrange API calls at a time granularity.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommand

func (c *Client) GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommand(request *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest) (response *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse, err error)

GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommand This API is used to get the command line for Prometheus agent management.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandWithContext

func (c *Client) GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest) (response *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse, err error)

GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommand This API is used to get the command line for Prometheus agent management.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) InstallPlugins

func (c *Client) InstallPlugins(request *InstallPluginsRequest) (response *InstallPluginsResponse, err error)

InstallPlugins This API is used to install a Grafana plugin.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) InstallPluginsWithContext

func (c *Client) InstallPluginsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InstallPluginsRequest) (response *InstallPluginsResponse, err error)

InstallPlugins This API is used to install a Grafana plugin.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmNotice

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmNotice(request *ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmNotice This API is used to edit an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmNoticeWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmNoticeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmNotice This API is used to edit an alarm notification template.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyCondition

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyCondition(request *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyCondition This API is used to modify the trigger condition of an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyCondition This API is used to modify the trigger condition of an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyInfo

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyInfo(request *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyInfo This API is used to edit the basic information of a v2.0 alarm policy, including policy name and remarks.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyInfo This API is used to edit the basic information of a v2.0 alarm policy, including policy name and remarks.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyNotice

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyNotice(request *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyNotice This API is used to modify the alarm notification template bound to an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyNotice This API is used to modify the alarm notification template bound to an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyStatus

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyStatus(request *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyStatus This API is used to enable/disable an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyStatus This API is used to enable/disable an alarm policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyTasks

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyTasks(request *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyTasks This API is used to modify the tasks triggered by alarm policy, which are listed by the value of the `TriggerTasks` field. If an empty array is passed in for `TriggerTasks`, it means unbinding all the trigger tasks from the policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmPolicyTasks This API is used to modify the tasks triggered by alarm policy, which are listed by the value of the `TriggerTasks` field. If an empty array is passed in for `TriggerTasks`, it means unbinding all the trigger tasks from the policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmReceivers

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmReceivers(request *ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmReceivers This API is used to modify alarm recipients.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyAlarmReceiversWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAlarmReceiversWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) (response *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse, err error)

ModifyAlarmReceivers This API is used to modify alarm recipients.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) ModifyGrafanaInstance(request *ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

ModifyGrafanaInstance This API is used to modify the attributes of a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) ModifyGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

ModifyGrafanaInstance This API is used to modify the attributes of a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) ModifyPolicyGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyPolicyGroup(request *ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) (response *ModifyPolicyGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyPolicyGroup This API is used to update policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyPolicyGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPolicyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) (response *ModifyPolicyGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyPolicyGroup This API is used to update policy group.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabels

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabels(request *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabels This API is used to modify the external labels of the associated cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabels This API is used to modify the external labels of the associated cluster.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicy

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicy(request *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to modify a TMP 2.0 instance alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicy This API is used to modify a TMP 2.0 instance alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusConfig

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusConfig(request *ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusConfig This API is used to modify the Prometheus configuration. If there are no configuration items, one will be added.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusConfig This API is used to modify the Prometheus configuration. If there are no configuration items, one will be added.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotification

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotification(request *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to modify the global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotification This API is used to modify the global alert notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributes

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributes(request *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributes This API is used to modify the attributes of a Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributes This API is used to modify the attributes of a Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYaml

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYaml(request *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to modify a Prometheus recording instance through YAML.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYaml This API is used to modify a Prometheus recording instance through YAML.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusTemp

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusTemp(request *ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusTempResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusTemp This API is used to modify a template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ModifyPrometheusTempWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyPrometheusTempWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) (response *ModifyPrometheusTempResponse, err error)

ModifyPrometheusTemp This API is used to modify a template.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ResumeGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) ResumeGrafanaInstance(request *ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

ResumeGrafanaInstance This API is used to renew a monthly subscribed TCMG instance for a month without changing the instance edition. It doesn't apply to running instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) ResumeGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) ResumeGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

ResumeGrafanaInstance This API is used to renew a monthly subscribed TCMG instance for a month without changing the instance edition. It doesn't apply to running instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) RunPrometheusInstance

func (c *Client) RunPrometheusInstance(request *RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) (response *RunPrometheusInstanceResponse, err error)

RunPrometheusInstance This API is used to initialize a TMP instance, which is called when the integration center is enabled.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) RunPrometheusInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) RunPrometheusInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) (response *RunPrometheusInstanceResponse, err error)

RunPrometheusInstance This API is used to initialize a TMP instance, which is called when the integration center is enabled.

error code that may be returned:

INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) SendCustomAlarmMsg

func (c *Client) SendCustomAlarmMsg(request *SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) (response *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse, err error)

SendCustomAlarmMsg This API is used to send a custom alarm notification.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) SendCustomAlarmMsgWithContext

func (c *Client) SendCustomAlarmMsgWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) (response *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse, err error)

SendCustomAlarmMsg This API is used to send a custom alarm notification.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) SetDefaultAlarmPolicy

func (c *Client) SetDefaultAlarmPolicy(request *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

SetDefaultAlarmPolicy This API is used to set an alarm policy as the default policy in the current policy type under the current project.

Alarm policies in the same type under the project will be set as non-default.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) SetDefaultAlarmPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) SetDefaultAlarmPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) (response *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse, err error)

SetDefaultAlarmPolicy This API is used to set an alarm policy as the default policy in the current policy type under the current project.

Alarm policies in the same type under the project will be set as non-default.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) SyncPrometheusTemp

func (c *Client) SyncPrometheusTemp(request *SyncPrometheusTempRequest) (response *SyncPrometheusTempResponse, err error)

SyncPrometheusTemp This API is used to sync a template to an instance or cluster. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) SyncPrometheusTempWithContext

func (c *Client) SyncPrometheusTempWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SyncPrometheusTempRequest) (response *SyncPrometheusTempResponse, err error)

SyncPrometheusTemp This API is used to sync a template to an instance or cluster. It takes effect for v2 instances.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR_DB = "InternalError.Db"
INTERNALERROR_PARAM = "InternalError.Param"
INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAM = "InvalidParameter.Param"

func (*Client) TerminatePrometheusInstances

func (c *Client) TerminatePrometheusInstances(request *TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) (response *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse, err error)

TerminatePrometheusInstances This API is used to terminate a pay-as-you-go Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) TerminatePrometheusInstancesWithContext

func (c *Client) TerminatePrometheusInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) (response *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse, err error)

TerminatePrometheusInstances This API is used to terminate a pay-as-you-go Prometheus instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UnBindingAllPolicyObject

func (c *Client) UnBindingAllPolicyObject(request *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) (response *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

UnBindingAllPolicyObject This API is used to delete all bound objects.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) UnBindingAllPolicyObjectWithContext

func (c *Client) UnBindingAllPolicyObjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) (response *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

UnBindingAllPolicyObject This API is used to delete all bound objects.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) UnBindingPolicyObject

func (c *Client) UnBindingPolicyObject(request *UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) (response *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

UnBindingPolicyObject This API is used to delete an object that is bound to a policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) UnBindingPolicyObjectWithContext

func (c *Client) UnBindingPolicyObjectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) (response *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse, err error)

UnBindingPolicyObject This API is used to delete an object that is bound to a policy.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafana

func (c *Client) UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafana(request *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) (response *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse, err error)

UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafana This API is used to unbind a Grafana instance from an instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaWithContext

func (c *Client) UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) (response *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse, err error)

UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafana This API is used to unbind a Grafana instance from an instance.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UninstallGrafanaDashboard

func (c *Client) UninstallGrafanaDashboard(request *UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) (response *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse, err error)

UninstallGrafanaDashboard This API is used to delete a Grafana dashboard.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UninstallGrafanaDashboardWithContext

func (c *Client) UninstallGrafanaDashboardWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) (response *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse, err error)

UninstallGrafanaDashboard This API is used to delete a Grafana dashboard.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UninstallGrafanaPlugins

func (c *Client) UninstallGrafanaPlugins(request *UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) (response *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse, err error)

UninstallGrafanaPlugins This API is used to delete installed plugins.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UninstallGrafanaPluginsWithContext

func (c *Client) UninstallGrafanaPluginsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) (response *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse, err error)

UninstallGrafanaPlugins This API is used to delete installed plugins.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateAlertRule

func (c *Client) UpdateAlertRule(request *UpdateAlertRuleRequest) (response *UpdateAlertRuleResponse, err error)

UpdateAlertRule This API is used to update a Prometheus alerting rule.

Note that alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively. For more information, see [Alerting rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/).

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateAlertRuleState

func (c *Client) UpdateAlertRuleState(request *UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) (response *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse, err error)

UpdateAlertRuleState This API is used to update the status of a Prometheus alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateAlertRuleStateWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateAlertRuleStateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) (response *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse, err error)

UpdateAlertRuleState This API is used to update the status of a Prometheus alerting rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateAlertRuleWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateAlertRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateAlertRuleRequest) (response *UpdateAlertRuleResponse, err error)

UpdateAlertRule This API is used to update a Prometheus alerting rule.

Note that alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively. For more information, see [Alerting rules](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/).

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateDNSConfig

func (c *Client) UpdateDNSConfig(request *UpdateDNSConfigRequest) (response *UpdateDNSConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateDNSConfig This API is used to update the Grafana DNS configuration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateDNSConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateDNSConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateDNSConfigRequest) (response *UpdateDNSConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateDNSConfig This API is used to update the Grafana DNS configuration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateExporterIntegration

func (c *Client) UpdateExporterIntegration(request *UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

UpdateExporterIntegration This API is used to update the exporter integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateExporterIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateExporterIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) (response *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse, err error)

UpdateExporterIntegration This API is used to update the exporter integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaConfig

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaConfig(request *UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaConfig This API is used to update the Grafana configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaConfig This API is used to update the Grafana configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaEnvironments

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaEnvironments(request *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaEnvironments This API is used to update Grafana environment variables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaEnvironments This API is used to update Grafana environment variables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaIntegration

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaIntegration(request *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaIntegration This API is used to update the Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaIntegrationWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaIntegrationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaIntegration This API is used to update the Grafana integration configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannel

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannel(request *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to update the Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannel This API is used to update the Grafana notification channel.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaWhiteList

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaWhiteList(request *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaWhiteList This API is used to update the Grafana allowlist.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdateGrafanaWhiteListWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateGrafanaWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) (response *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse, err error)

UpdateGrafanaWhiteList This API is used to update the Grafana allowlist.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) UpdatePrometheusAgentStatus

func (c *Client) UpdatePrometheusAgentStatus(request *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) (response *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse, err error)

UpdatePrometheusAgentStatus This API is used to update the status of a Prometheus CVM agent.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) (response *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse, err error)

UpdatePrometheusAgentStatus This API is used to update the status of a Prometheus CVM agent.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdatePrometheusScrapeJob

func (c *Client) UpdatePrometheusScrapeJob(request *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) (response *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse, err error)

UpdatePrometheusScrapeJob This API is used to update a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) (response *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse, err error)

UpdatePrometheusScrapeJob This API is used to update a Prometheus scrape task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateRecordingRule

func (c *Client) UpdateRecordingRule(request *UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) (response *UpdateRecordingRuleResponse, err error)

UpdateRecordingRule This API is used to update a Prometheus recording rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateRecordingRuleWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateRecordingRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) (response *UpdateRecordingRuleResponse, err error)

UpdateRecordingRule This API is used to update a Prometheus recording rule.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateSSOAccount

func (c *Client) UpdateSSOAccount(request *UpdateSSOAccountRequest) (response *UpdateSSOAccountResponse, err error)

UpdateSSOAccount This API is used to update the remarks and permission information of an authorized account in an overwriting manner.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) UpdateSSOAccountWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateSSOAccountWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateSSOAccountRequest) (response *UpdateSSOAccountResponse, err error)

UpdateSSOAccount This API is used to update the remarks and permission information of an authorized account in an overwriting manner.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) UpgradeGrafanaDashboard

func (c *Client) UpgradeGrafanaDashboard(request *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) (response *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse, err error)

UpgradeGrafanaDashboard This API is used to update a Grafana dashboard.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) UpgradeGrafanaDashboardWithContext

func (c *Client) UpgradeGrafanaDashboardWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) (response *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse, err error)

UpgradeGrafanaDashboard This API is used to update a Grafana dashboard.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) UpgradeGrafanaInstance

func (c *Client) UpgradeGrafanaInstance(request *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

UpgradeGrafanaInstance This API is used to upgrade a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) UpgradeGrafanaInstanceWithContext

func (c *Client) UpgradeGrafanaInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) (response *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse, err error)

UpgradeGrafanaInstance This API is used to upgrade a Grafana instance.

error code that may be returned:


type CommonNamespace

type CommonNamespace struct {
	// Namespace ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Namespace name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Namespace value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

	// Product name
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Configuration information
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// List of supported regions
	AvailableRegions []*string `json:"AvailableRegions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AvailableRegions"`

	// Sort ID
	SortId *int64 `json:"SortId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortId"`

	// Unique ID in Dashboard
	DashboardId *string `json:"DashboardId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DashboardId"`

type CommonNamespaceNew

type CommonNamespaceNew struct {
	// Namespace ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Namespace name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Monitoring type
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Dimension information
	Dimensions []*DimensionNew `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

type Condition

type Condition struct {
	// Alarm notification frequency.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Predefined repeated notification policy. `0`: One-time alarm; `1`: exponential alarm; `2`: consecutive alarm.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Detection method.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CalcType *string `json:"CalcType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcType"`

	// Detection value.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CalcValue *string `json:"CalcValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcValue"`

	// Duration in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ContinueTime *string `json:"ContinueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinueTime"`

	// Metric ID.
	MetricID *int64 `json:"MetricID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricID"`

	// Displayed metric name.
	MetricDisplayName *string `json:"MetricDisplayName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricDisplayName"`

	// Statistical period.
	Period *int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Rule ID.
	RuleID *int64 `json:"RuleID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleID"`

	// Metric unit.
	Unit *string `json:"Unit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unit"`

	// Whether it is an advanced metric. Valid values: `0` (no), `1` (yes).
	IsAdvanced *int64 `json:"IsAdvanced,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAdvanced"`

	// Whether the advance metric feature is enabled. Valid values: `0` (no), `1` (yes).
	IsOpen *int64 `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

	// Product ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProductId *string `json:"ProductId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductId"`

type ConditionsTemp

type ConditionsTemp struct {
	// Template name
	// Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TemplateName *string `json:"TemplateName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateName"`

	// Metric trigger condition
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

type CreateAlarmNoticeRequest

type CreateAlarmNoticeRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Notification template name, which can contain up to 60 characters
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Notification type. Valid values: ALARM (for unresolved alarms), OK (for resolved alarms), ALL (for all alarms)
	NoticeType *string `json:"NoticeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeType"`

	// Notification language. Valid values: zh-CN (Chinese), en-US (English)
	NoticeLanguage *string `json:"NoticeLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeLanguage"`

	// User notifications (up to 5)
	UserNotices []*UserNotice `json:"UserNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNotices"`

	// Callback notifications (up to 3)
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// The operation of pushing alarm notifications to CLS. Up to one CLS log topic can be configured.
	CLSNotices []*CLSNotice `json:"CLSNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CLSNotices"`

	// Tags bound to a template
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

func NewCreateAlarmNoticeRequest

func NewCreateAlarmNoticeRequest() (request *CreateAlarmNoticeRequest)

func (*CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlarmNoticeRequestParams

type CreateAlarmNoticeRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Notification template name, which can contain up to 60 characters
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Notification type. Valid values: ALARM (for unresolved alarms), OK (for resolved alarms), ALL (for all alarms)
	NoticeType *string `json:"NoticeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeType"`

	// Notification language. Valid values: zh-CN (Chinese), en-US (English)
	NoticeLanguage *string `json:"NoticeLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeLanguage"`

	// User notifications (up to 5)
	UserNotices []*UserNotice `json:"UserNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNotices"`

	// Callback notifications (up to 3)
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// The operation of pushing alarm notifications to CLS. Up to one CLS log topic can be configured.
	CLSNotices []*CLSNotice `json:"CLSNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CLSNotices"`

	// Tags bound to a template
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateAlarmNoticeResponse

type CreateAlarmNoticeResponse struct {
	Response *CreateAlarmNoticeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateAlarmNoticeResponse

func NewCreateAlarmNoticeResponse() (response *CreateAlarmNoticeResponse)

func (*CreateAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlarmNoticeResponseParams

type CreateAlarmNoticeResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateAlarmPolicyRequest

type CreateAlarmPolicyRequest struct {

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy name, which can contain up to 20 characters
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Type of alarm policy, which can be obtained via [DescribeAllNamespaces](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48683?from_cn_redirect=1). For the monitoring of Tencent Cloud services, the value of this parameter is `QceNamespacesNew.N.Id` of the output parameter of `DescribeAllNamespaces`, for example, `cvm_device`.
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Remarks with up to 100 letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Whether to enable. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes). Default value: 1. This parameter can be left empty
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// Project ID. For products with different projects, a value other than `-1` must be passed in. `-1`: no project; `0`: default project. If no value is passed in, `-1` will be used. The supported project IDs can be viewed on the [**Account Center** > **Project Management**](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/project) page of the console.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Trigger condition template ID. Pass in this parameter if the policy is associated with the trigger condition template; otherwise, pass in the `Condition` parameter. The trigger condition template ID can be obtained via [`DescribeConditionsTemplateList`](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/api/248/70250?from_cn_redirect=1).
	ConditionTemplateId *int64 `json:"ConditionTemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTemplateId"`

	// Metric trigger condition. The supported metrics can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition. The supported events can be queried via [DescribeAlarmEvents](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51284?from_cn_redirect=1).
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

	// List of notification rule IDs, which can be obtained via [DescribeAlarmNotices](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51280?from_cn_redirect=1)
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Triggered task list
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

	// Global filter.
	Filter *AlarmPolicyFilter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// Aggregation dimension list, which is used to specify which dimension keys data is grouped by.
	GroupBy []*string `json:"GroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBy"`

	// Tags bound to a template
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Log alarm information
	LogAlarmReqInfo *LogAlarmReq `json:"LogAlarmReqInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogAlarmReqInfo"`

	// Notification rules for different alarm levels
	HierarchicalNotices []*AlarmHierarchicalNotice `json:"HierarchicalNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HierarchicalNotices"`

	// A dedicated field for migration policies. 0: Implement authentication logic; 1: Skip authentication logic.
	MigrateFlag *int64 `json:"MigrateFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MigrateFlag"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

func NewCreateAlarmPolicyRequest

func NewCreateAlarmPolicyRequest() (request *CreateAlarmPolicyRequest)

func (*CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlarmPolicyRequestParams

type CreateAlarmPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy name, which can contain up to 20 characters
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Type of alarm policy, which can be obtained via [DescribeAllNamespaces](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48683?from_cn_redirect=1). For the monitoring of Tencent Cloud services, the value of this parameter is `QceNamespacesNew.N.Id` of the output parameter of `DescribeAllNamespaces`, for example, `cvm_device`.
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Remarks with up to 100 letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Whether to enable. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes). Default value: 1. This parameter can be left empty
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// Project ID. For products with different projects, a value other than `-1` must be passed in. `-1`: no project; `0`: default project. If no value is passed in, `-1` will be used. The supported project IDs can be viewed on the [**Account Center** > **Project Management**](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/project) page of the console.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Trigger condition template ID. Pass in this parameter if the policy is associated with the trigger condition template; otherwise, pass in the `Condition` parameter. The trigger condition template ID can be obtained via [`DescribeConditionsTemplateList`](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/api/248/70250?from_cn_redirect=1).
	ConditionTemplateId *int64 `json:"ConditionTemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTemplateId"`

	// Metric trigger condition. The supported metrics can be queried via [DescribeAlarmMetrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51283?from_cn_redirect=1).
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition. The supported events can be queried via [DescribeAlarmEvents](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51284?from_cn_redirect=1).
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

	// List of notification rule IDs, which can be obtained via [DescribeAlarmNotices](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51280?from_cn_redirect=1)
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Triggered task list
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

	// Global filter.
	Filter *AlarmPolicyFilter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// Aggregation dimension list, which is used to specify which dimension keys data is grouped by.
	GroupBy []*string `json:"GroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBy"`

	// Tags bound to a template
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Log alarm information
	LogAlarmReqInfo *LogAlarmReq `json:"LogAlarmReqInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogAlarmReqInfo"`

	// Notification rules for different alarm levels
	HierarchicalNotices []*AlarmHierarchicalNotice `json:"HierarchicalNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HierarchicalNotices"`

	// A dedicated field for migration policies. 0: Implement authentication logic; 1: Skip authentication logic.
	MigrateFlag *int64 `json:"MigrateFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MigrateFlag"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateAlarmPolicyResponse

type CreateAlarmPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *CreateAlarmPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateAlarmPolicyResponse

func NewCreateAlarmPolicyResponse() (response *CreateAlarmPolicyResponse)

func (*CreateAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlarmPolicyResponseParams

type CreateAlarmPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Alarm policy ID, which can be used when you call APIs ([BindingPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40421?from_cn_redirect=1), [UnBindingAllPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40568?from_cn_redirect=1), [UnBindingPolicyObject](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/40567?from_cn_redirect=1)) to bind/unbind instances or instance groups to/from an alarm policy
	OriginId *string `json:"OriginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OriginId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateAlertRuleRequest

type CreateAlertRuleRequest struct {

	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule expression. For more information, see <a href="https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1116/43192?lang=en&pg=">Alerting Rule Description</a>
	Expr *string `json:"Expr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expr"`

	// List of alert notification template IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule alert duration
	Duration *string `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// List of tags
	Labels []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// List of annotations.
	// Alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively.
	Annotations []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

func NewCreateAlertRuleRequest

func NewCreateAlertRuleRequest() (request *CreateAlertRuleRequest)

func (*CreateAlertRuleRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlertRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlertRuleRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlertRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlertRuleRequestParams

type CreateAlertRuleRequestParams struct {
	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule expression. For more information, see <a href="https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1116/43192?lang=en&pg=">Alerting Rule Description</a>
	Expr *string `json:"Expr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expr"`

	// List of alert notification template IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule alert duration
	Duration *string `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// List of tags
	Labels []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// List of annotations.
	// Alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively.
	Annotations []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateAlertRuleResponse

type CreateAlertRuleResponse struct {
	Response *CreateAlertRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateAlertRuleResponse

func NewCreateAlertRuleResponse() (response *CreateAlertRuleResponse)

func (*CreateAlertRuleResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateAlertRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateAlertRuleResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateAlertRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateAlertRuleResponseParams

type CreateAlertRuleResponseParams struct {
	// Rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateExporterIntegrationRequest

type CreateExporterIntegrationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integrated configuration
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

func NewCreateExporterIntegrationRequest

func NewCreateExporterIntegrationRequest() (request *CreateExporterIntegrationRequest)

func (*CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateExporterIntegrationRequestParams

type CreateExporterIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integrated configuration
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateExporterIntegrationResponse

type CreateExporterIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *CreateExporterIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateExporterIntegrationResponse

func NewCreateExporterIntegrationResponse() (response *CreateExporterIntegrationResponse)

func (*CreateExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateExporterIntegrationResponseParams

type CreateExporterIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// The list of successfully created integrations.
	Names []*string `json:"Names,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Names"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest

type CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Array of subnet IDs
	SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"`

	// Initial Grafana password
	GrafanaInitPassword *string `json:"GrafanaInitPassword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaInitPassword"`

	// Whether to enable public network access
	EnableInternet *bool `json:"EnableInternet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableInternet"`

	// Tag
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

func NewCreateGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewCreateGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type CreateGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Array of subnet IDs
	SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"`

	// Initial Grafana password
	GrafanaInitPassword *string `json:"GrafanaInitPassword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaInitPassword"`

	// Whether to enable public network access
	EnableInternet *bool `json:"EnableInternet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableInternet"`

	// Tag
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse

type CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewCreateGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type CreateGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// Instance name
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration type, such as “tencent-cloud-prometheus”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integration configuration
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

func NewCreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest

func NewCreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest() (request *CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest)

func (*CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration type, such as “tencent-cloud-prometheus”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integration configuration
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse

func NewCreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse() (response *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse)

func (*CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams

type CreateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// Integration ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Default value: `1`. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	OrgId *int64 `json:"OrgId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrgId"`

	// Array of notification channel IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Array of extra organization IDs. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	ExtraOrgIds []*string `json:"ExtraOrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExtraOrgIds"`

	// Array of all valid organization IDs. Default value: `1`.
	OrganizationIds []*string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

func NewCreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

func NewCreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest() (request *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest)

func (*CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) ToJsonString

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Default value: `1`. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	OrgId *int64 `json:"OrgId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrgId"`

	// Array of notification channel IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Array of extra organization IDs. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	ExtraOrgIds []*string `json:"ExtraOrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExtraOrgIds"`

	// Array of all valid organization IDs. Default value: `1`.
	OrganizationIds []*string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse struct {
	Response *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

func NewCreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse() (response *CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse)

func (*CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) ToJsonString

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams

type CreateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams struct {
	// Channel ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ChannelId *string `json:"ChannelId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePolicyGroupCondition

type CreatePolicyGroupCondition struct {
	// Metric ID.
	MetricId *int64 `json:"MetricId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricId"`

	// Alarm sending and converging type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. The value <0 indicates that no alarm will be triggered. The value 0 indicates that an alarm is triggered only once. The value >0 indicates that an alarm is triggered at the interval of triggerTime.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Comparative type. The value 1 indicates greater than. The value 2 indicates greater than or equal to. The value 3 indicates smaller than. The value 4 indicates smaller than or equal to. The value 5 indicates equal to. The value 6 indicates not equal to. This parameter is optional if a default comparative type is configured for the metric.
	CalcType *int64 `json:"CalcType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcType"`

	// Comparative value. This parameter is optional if the metric has no requirement.
	CalcValue *float64 `json:"CalcValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcValue"`

	// Data aggregation period in seconds. This parameter is optional if the metric has a default value.
	CalcPeriod *int64 `json:"CalcPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcPeriod"`

	// Number of consecutive periods after which an alarm will be triggered.
	ContinuePeriod *int64 `json:"ContinuePeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinuePeriod"`

	// If a metric is created based on a template, the `RuleId` of the metric in the template must be passed in.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

type CreatePolicyGroupEventCondition

type CreatePolicyGroupEventCondition struct {
	// Alarm event ID.
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Alarm sending and converging type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. The value <0 indicates that no alarm will be triggered. The value 0 indicates that an alarm is triggered only once. The value >0 indicates that an alarm is triggered at the interval of triggerTime.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// If a metric is created based on a template, the `RuleId` of the metric in the template must be passed in.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

type CreatePolicyGroupRequest

type CreatePolicyGroupRequest struct {

	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Name of the view to which the policy group belongs. If the policy group is created based on a template, this parameter is optional.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// ID of the project to which the policy group belongs, which will be used for authentication.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// ID of a template-based policy group. This parameter is required only when the policy group is created based on a template.
	ConditionTempGroupId *int64 `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

	// Whether the policy group is shielded. The value 0 indicates that the policy group is not shielded. The value 1 indicates that the policy group is shielded. The default value is 0.
	IsShielded *int64 `json:"IsShielded,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsShielded"`

	// Remarks of the policy group.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Insertion time in the format of Unix timestamp. If this parameter is not configured, the backend processing time is used.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Alarm threshold rules in the policy group.
	Conditions []*CreatePolicyGroupCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Event alarm rules in the policy group.
	EventConditions []*CreatePolicyGroupEventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// Whether it is a backend call. Rules pulled from the policy template will be used to fill in the `Conditions` and `EventConditions` fields only when the value of this parameter is `1`.
	BackEndCall *int64 `json:"BackEndCall,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BackEndCall"`

	// The 'AND' and 'OR' rules for alarm metrics. The value 0 indicates 'OR', which means that an alarm will be triggered when any rule is met. The value 1 indicates 'AND', which means that an alarm will be triggered only when all rules are met.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

func NewCreatePolicyGroupRequest

func NewCreatePolicyGroupRequest() (request *CreatePolicyGroupRequest)

func (*CreatePolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePolicyGroupRequestParams

type CreatePolicyGroupRequestParams struct {
	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Name of the view to which the policy group belongs. If the policy group is created based on a template, this parameter is optional.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// ID of the project to which the policy group belongs, which will be used for authentication.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// ID of a template-based policy group. This parameter is required only when the policy group is created based on a template.
	ConditionTempGroupId *int64 `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

	// Whether the policy group is shielded. The value 0 indicates that the policy group is not shielded. The value 1 indicates that the policy group is shielded. The default value is 0.
	IsShielded *int64 `json:"IsShielded,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsShielded"`

	// Remarks of the policy group.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Insertion time in the format of Unix timestamp. If this parameter is not configured, the backend processing time is used.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Alarm threshold rules in the policy group.
	Conditions []*CreatePolicyGroupCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Event alarm rules in the policy group.
	EventConditions []*CreatePolicyGroupEventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// Whether it is a backend call. Rules pulled from the policy template will be used to fill in the `Conditions` and `EventConditions` fields only when the value of this parameter is `1`.
	BackEndCall *int64 `json:"BackEndCall,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BackEndCall"`

	// The 'AND' and 'OR' rules for alarm metrics. The value 0 indicates 'OR', which means that an alarm will be triggered when any rule is met. The value 1 indicates 'AND', which means that an alarm will be triggered only when all rules are met.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePolicyGroupResponse

type CreatePolicyGroupResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePolicyGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePolicyGroupResponse

func NewCreatePolicyGroupResponse() (response *CreatePolicyGroupResponse)

func (*CreatePolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePolicyGroupResponseParams

type CreatePolicyGroupResponseParams struct {
	// ID of the created policy group.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusAgentRequest

type CreatePrometheusAgentRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewCreatePrometheusAgentRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusAgentRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusAgentRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAgentRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusAgentRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusAgentRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusAgentResponse

type CreatePrometheusAgentResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusAgentResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusAgentResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusAgentResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusAgentResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusAgentResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAgentResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusAgentResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAgentResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusAgentResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusAgentResponseParams struct {
	// ID of a successfully created agent.
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert configuration
	AlertRule *PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRule"`

func NewCreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert configuration
	AlertRule *PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRule"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Alerting rule ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent list
	Agents []*PrometheusClusterAgentBasic `json:"Agents,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Agents"`

func NewCreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent list
	Agents []*PrometheusClusterAgentBasic `json:"Agents,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Agents"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusConfigRequest

type CreatePrometheusConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Configuration of service monitors
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// Configuration of pod monitors
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// Configuration of Prometheus raw job
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

func NewCreatePrometheusConfigRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusConfigRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusConfigRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusConfigRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Configuration of service monitors
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// Configuration of pod monitors
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// Configuration of Prometheus raw job
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusConfigResponse

type CreatePrometheusConfigResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusConfigResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusConfigResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusConfigResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusConfigResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert notification channel
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

func NewCreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert notification channel
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams struct {
	// ID of the global alert notification channel
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest struct {

	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet ID
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

	// Data retention period in days. Valid values: 15, 30, 45.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

	// AZ
	Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zone"`

	// Instance tag
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

	// The Grafana instance to be associated
	GrafanaInstanceId *string `json:"GrafanaInstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaInstanceId"`

func NewCreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequest) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeRequestParams struct {
	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet ID
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

	// Data retention period in days. Valid values: 15, 30, 45.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

	// AZ
	Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zone"`

	// Instance tag
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

	// The Grafana instance to be associated
	GrafanaInstanceId *string `json:"GrafanaInstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaInstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponse) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusMultiTenantInstancePostPayModeResponseParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// YAML content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewCreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// YAML content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) ToJsonString

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest struct {

	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID, such as “agent-abcd1234”. It can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console.
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Scrape task ID in the format of “job_name:xx”
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

func NewCreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobRequestParams struct {
	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID, such as “agent-abcd1234”. It can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console.
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Scrape task ID in the format of “job_name:xx”
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams struct {
	// ID of a successfully created scrape task.
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusTempRequest

type CreatePrometheusTempRequest struct {

	// Template settings
	Template *PrometheusTemp `json:"Template,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Template"`

func NewCreatePrometheusTempRequest

func NewCreatePrometheusTempRequest() (request *CreatePrometheusTempRequest)

func (*CreatePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusTempRequestParams

type CreatePrometheusTempRequestParams struct {
	// Template settings
	Template *PrometheusTemp `json:"Template,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Template"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreatePrometheusTempResponse

type CreatePrometheusTempResponse struct {
	Response *CreatePrometheusTempResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreatePrometheusTempResponse

func NewCreatePrometheusTempResponse() (response *CreatePrometheusTempResponse)

func (*CreatePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreatePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreatePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreatePrometheusTempResponseParams

type CreatePrometheusTempResponseParams struct {
	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateRecordingRuleRequest

type CreateRecordingRuleRequest struct {

	// Recording rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Recording rule group content in YAML format
	Group *string `json:"Group,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Group"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

func NewCreateRecordingRuleRequest

func NewCreateRecordingRuleRequest() (request *CreateRecordingRuleRequest)

func (*CreateRecordingRuleRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateRecordingRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateRecordingRuleRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateRecordingRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateRecordingRuleRequestParams

type CreateRecordingRuleRequestParams struct {
	// Recording rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Recording rule group content in YAML format
	Group *string `json:"Group,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Group"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateRecordingRuleResponse

type CreateRecordingRuleResponse struct {
	Response *CreateRecordingRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateRecordingRuleResponse

func NewCreateRecordingRuleResponse() (response *CreateRecordingRuleResponse)

func (*CreateRecordingRuleResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateRecordingRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateRecordingRuleResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateRecordingRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateRecordingRuleResponseParams

type CreateRecordingRuleResponseParams struct {
	// Rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSSOAccountRequest

type CreateSSOAccountRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Permission
	Role []*GrafanaAccountRole `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

	// Remarks
	Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notes"`

func NewCreateSSOAccountRequest

func NewCreateSSOAccountRequest() (request *CreateSSOAccountRequest)

func (*CreateSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSSOAccountRequestParams

type CreateSSOAccountRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Permission
	Role []*GrafanaAccountRole `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

	// Remarks
	Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notes"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSSOAccountResponse

type CreateSSOAccountResponse struct {
	Response *CreateSSOAccountResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateSSOAccountResponse

func NewCreateSSOAccountResponse() (response *CreateSSOAccountResponse)

func (*CreateSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSSOAccountResponseParams

type CreateSSOAccountResponseParams struct {
	// The added user UIN
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest

type CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// <li>TKE: ID of the integrated TKE cluster</li>
	KubeClusterId *string `json:"KubeClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeClusterId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Scrape configuration type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = ServiceMonitor</li>
	// <li> 2 = PodMonitor</li>
	// <li> 3 = JobMonitor</li>
	Type *int64 `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Scrape configuration information
	Yaml *string `json:"Yaml,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Yaml"`

func NewCreateServiceDiscoveryRequest

func NewCreateServiceDiscoveryRequest() (request *CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest)

func (*CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateServiceDiscoveryRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateServiceDiscoveryRequestParams

type CreateServiceDiscoveryRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// <li>TKE: ID of the integrated TKE cluster</li>
	KubeClusterId *string `json:"KubeClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeClusterId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Scrape configuration type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = ServiceMonitor</li>
	// <li> 2 = PodMonitor</li>
	// <li> 3 = JobMonitor</li>
	Type *int64 `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Scrape configuration information
	Yaml *string `json:"Yaml,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Yaml"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse

type CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse struct {
	Response *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateServiceDiscoveryResponse

func NewCreateServiceDiscoveryResponse() (response *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse)

func (*CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateServiceDiscoveryResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateServiceDiscoveryResponseParams

type CreateServiceDiscoveryResponseParams struct {
	// The scrape configuration information returned after successful creation
	ServiceDiscovery *ServiceDiscoveryItem `json:"ServiceDiscovery,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceDiscovery"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DataPoint

type DataPoint struct {
	// Combination of instance object dimensions
	Dimensions []*Dimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// The array of timestamps indicating at which points in time there is data. Missing timestamps have no data points (i.e., missed)
	Timestamps []*float64 `json:"Timestamps,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Timestamps"`

	// The array of monitoring values, which is in one-to-one correspondence to Timestamps
	Values []*float64 `json:"Values,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Values"`

type DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest

type DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification template ID list
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Binding between a notification template and a policy
	NoticeBindPolicys []*NoticeBindPolicys `json:"NoticeBindPolicys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeBindPolicys"`

func NewDeleteAlarmNoticesRequest

func NewDeleteAlarmNoticesRequest() (request *DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest)

func (*DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmNoticesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlarmNoticesRequestParams

type DeleteAlarmNoticesRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification template ID list
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Binding between a notification template and a policy
	NoticeBindPolicys []*NoticeBindPolicys `json:"NoticeBindPolicys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeBindPolicys"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse

type DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteAlarmNoticesResponse

func NewDeleteAlarmNoticesResponse() (response *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse)

func (*DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmNoticesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlarmNoticesResponseParams

type DeleteAlarmNoticesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest

type DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID list
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

func NewDeleteAlarmPolicyRequest

func NewDeleteAlarmPolicyRequest() (request *DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest)

func (*DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlarmPolicyRequestParams

type DeleteAlarmPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID list
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse

type DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteAlarmPolicyResponse

func NewDeleteAlarmPolicyResponse() (response *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse)

func (*DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlarmPolicyResponseParams

type DeleteAlarmPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteAlertRulesRequest

type DeleteAlertRulesRequest struct {

	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDeleteAlertRulesRequest

func NewDeleteAlertRulesRequest() (request *DeleteAlertRulesRequest)

func (*DeleteAlertRulesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlertRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlertRulesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlertRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlertRulesRequestParams

type DeleteAlertRulesRequestParams struct {
	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteAlertRulesResponse

type DeleteAlertRulesResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteAlertRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteAlertRulesResponse

func NewDeleteAlertRulesResponse() (response *DeleteAlertRulesResponse)

func (*DeleteAlertRulesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlertRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteAlertRulesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteAlertRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteAlertRulesResponseParams

type DeleteAlertRulesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest

type DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewDeleteExporterIntegrationRequest

func NewDeleteExporterIntegrationRequest() (request *DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest)

func (*DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteExporterIntegrationRequestParams

type DeleteExporterIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse

type DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteExporterIntegrationResponse

func NewDeleteExporterIntegrationResponse() (response *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse)

func (*DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteExporterIntegrationResponseParams

type DeleteExporterIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// Array of instance names
	InstanceIDs []*string `json:"InstanceIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIDs"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewDeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// Array of instance names
	InstanceIDs []*string `json:"InstanceIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIDs"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewDeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type DeleteGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration ID, such as “integration-abcd1234”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest

func NewDeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest() (request *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest)

func (*DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration ID, such as “integration-abcd1234”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse

func NewDeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse() (response *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse)

func (*DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams

type DeleteGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest struct {

	// Array of channel IDs, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIDs []*string `json:"ChannelIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIDs"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

func NewDeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest() (request *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest)

func (*DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) ToJsonString

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams struct {
	// Array of channel IDs, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIDs []*string `json:"ChannelIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIDs"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

func NewDeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse() (response *DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse)

func (*DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) ToJsonString

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams

type DeleteGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePolicyGroupRequest

type DeletePolicyGroupRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId []*int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

func NewDeletePolicyGroupRequest

func NewDeletePolicyGroupRequest() (request *DeletePolicyGroupRequest)

func (*DeletePolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePolicyGroupRequestParams

type DeletePolicyGroupRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId []*int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePolicyGroupResponse

type DeletePolicyGroupResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePolicyGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePolicyGroupResponse

func NewDeletePolicyGroupResponse() (response *DeletePolicyGroupResponse)

func (*DeletePolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePolicyGroupResponseParams

type DeletePolicyGroupResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of alerting rule IDs
	AlertIds []*string `json:"AlertIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertIds"`

	// Alerting rule name
	Names []*string `json:"Names,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Names"`

func NewDeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of alerting rule IDs
	AlertIds []*string `json:"AlertIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertIds"`

	// Alerting rule name
	Names []*string `json:"Names,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Names"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest struct {

	// Agent list
	Agents []*PrometheusAgentInfo `json:"Agents,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Agents"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentRequestParams struct {
	// Agent list
	Agents []*PrometheusAgentInfo `json:"Agents,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Agents"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusClusterAgentResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusConfigRequest

type DeletePrometheusConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// List of names of the service monitors to be deleted
	ServiceMonitors []*string `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// List of names of the pod monitors to be deleted
	PodMonitors []*string `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// List of names of the raw jobs to be deleted
	RawJobs []*string `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

func NewDeletePrometheusConfigRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusConfigRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusConfigRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusConfigRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// List of names of the service monitors to be deleted
	ServiceMonitors []*string `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// List of names of the pod monitors to be deleted
	PodMonitors []*string `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// List of names of the raw jobs to be deleted
	RawJobs []*string `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusConfigResponse

type DeletePrometheusConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusConfigResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusConfigResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusConfigResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusConfigResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of recording rules
	Names []*string `json:"Names,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Names"`

func NewDeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) ToJsonString

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of recording rules
	Names []*string `json:"Names,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Names"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) ToJsonString

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// List of task IDs
	JobIds []*string `json:"JobIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobIds"`

func NewDeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// List of task IDs
	JobIds []*string `json:"JobIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusTempRequest

type DeletePrometheusTempRequest struct {

	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

func NewDeletePrometheusTempRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusTempRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusTempRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusTempRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusTempRequestParams struct {
	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusTempResponse

type DeletePrometheusTempResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusTempResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusTempResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusTempResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusTempResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusTempResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusTempResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest struct {

	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// List of unsynced objects
	Targets []*PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

func NewDeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest

func NewDeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest() (request *DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest)

func (*DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequestParams

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncRequestParams struct {
	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// List of unsynced objects
	Targets []*PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse struct {
	Response *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse

func NewDeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse() (response *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse)

func (*DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams

type DeletePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteRecordingRulesRequest

type DeleteRecordingRulesRequest struct {

	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDeleteRecordingRulesRequest

func NewDeleteRecordingRulesRequest() (request *DeleteRecordingRulesRequest)

func (*DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteRecordingRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteRecordingRulesRequestParams

type DeleteRecordingRulesRequestParams struct {
	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteRecordingRulesResponse

type DeleteRecordingRulesResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteRecordingRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteRecordingRulesResponse

func NewDeleteRecordingRulesResponse() (response *DeleteRecordingRulesResponse)

func (*DeleteRecordingRulesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteRecordingRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteRecordingRulesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteRecordingRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteRecordingRulesResponseParams

type DeleteRecordingRulesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteSSOAccountRequest

type DeleteSSOAccountRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

func NewDeleteSSOAccountRequest

func NewDeleteSSOAccountRequest() (request *DeleteSSOAccountRequest)

func (*DeleteSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteSSOAccountRequestParams

type DeleteSSOAccountRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteSSOAccountResponse

type DeleteSSOAccountResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteSSOAccountResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteSSOAccountResponse

func NewDeleteSSOAccountResponse() (response *DeleteSSOAccountResponse)

func (*DeleteSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteSSOAccountResponseParams

type DeleteSSOAccountResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAccidentEventListAlarms

type DescribeAccidentEventListAlarms struct {
	// Event type.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	BusinessTypeDesc *string `json:"BusinessTypeDesc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BusinessTypeDesc"`

	// Event type.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	AccidentTypeDesc *string `json:"AccidentTypeDesc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentTypeDesc"`

	// ID of the event type. The value 1 indicates service issues. The value 2 indicates other subscriptions.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	BusinessID *int64 `json:"BusinessID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BusinessID"`

	// Event status ID. The value 0 indicates that the event has been recovered. The value 1 indicates that the event has not been recovered.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventStatus *int64 `json:"EventStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventStatus"`

	// Affected object.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	AffectResource *string `json:"AffectResource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AffectResource"`

	// Region where the event occurs.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Time when the event occurs.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	OccurTime *string `json:"OccurTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OccurTime"`

	// Update time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

type DescribeAccidentEventListRequest

type DescribeAccidentEventListRequest struct {

	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0 and the default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting rule by UpdateTime. Valid values: asc and desc.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Sorting rule by OccurTime. Valid values: asc or desc. Sorting by UpdateTimeOrder takes priority.
	OccurTimeOrder *string `json:"OccurTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OccurTimeOrder"`

	// Filter by event type. The value 1 indicates service issues. The value 2 indicates other subscriptions.
	AccidentType []*int64 `json:"AccidentType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentType"`

	// Filter by event. The value 1 indicates CVM storage issues. The value 2 indicates CVM network connection issues. The value 3 indicates that the CVM has an exception. The value 202 indicates that an ISP network jitter occurs.
	AccidentEvent []*int64 `json:"AccidentEvent,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentEvent"`

	// Filter by event status. The value 0 indicates that the event has been recovered. The value 1 indicates that the event has not been recovered.
	AccidentStatus []*int64 `json:"AccidentStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentStatus"`

	// Filter by region where the event occurs. The value gz indicates Guangzhou. The value sh indicates Shanghai.
	AccidentRegion []*string `json:"AccidentRegion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentRegion"`

	// Filter by affected resource, such as ins-19a06bka.
	AffectResource *string `json:"AffectResource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AffectResource"`

func NewDescribeAccidentEventListRequest

func NewDescribeAccidentEventListRequest() (request *DescribeAccidentEventListRequest)

func (*DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAccidentEventListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAccidentEventListRequestParams

type DescribeAccidentEventListRequestParams struct {
	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0 and the default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting rule by UpdateTime. Valid values: asc and desc.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Sorting rule by OccurTime. Valid values: asc or desc. Sorting by UpdateTimeOrder takes priority.
	OccurTimeOrder *string `json:"OccurTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OccurTimeOrder"`

	// Filter by event type. The value 1 indicates service issues. The value 2 indicates other subscriptions.
	AccidentType []*int64 `json:"AccidentType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentType"`

	// Filter by event. The value 1 indicates CVM storage issues. The value 2 indicates CVM network connection issues. The value 3 indicates that the CVM has an exception. The value 202 indicates that an ISP network jitter occurs.
	AccidentEvent []*int64 `json:"AccidentEvent,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentEvent"`

	// Filter by event status. The value 0 indicates that the event has been recovered. The value 1 indicates that the event has not been recovered.
	AccidentStatus []*int64 `json:"AccidentStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentStatus"`

	// Filter by region where the event occurs. The value gz indicates Guangzhou. The value sh indicates Shanghai.
	AccidentRegion []*string `json:"AccidentRegion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccidentRegion"`

	// Filter by affected resource, such as ins-19a06bka.
	AffectResource *string `json:"AffectResource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AffectResource"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAccidentEventListResponse

type DescribeAccidentEventListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAccidentEventListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAccidentEventListResponse

func NewDescribeAccidentEventListResponse() (response *DescribeAccidentEventListResponse)

func (*DescribeAccidentEventListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAccidentEventListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAccidentEventListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAccidentEventListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAccidentEventListResponseParams

type DescribeAccidentEventListResponseParams struct {
	// Platform event list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Alarms []*DescribeAccidentEventListAlarms `json:"Alarms,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Alarms"`

	// Total number of platform events.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmEventsRequest

type DescribeAlarmEventsRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy type such as cvm_device, which is obtained through the `DescribeAllNamespaces` API
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Monitoring type, such as `MT_QCE`, which is set to default.
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

func NewDescribeAlarmEventsRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmEventsRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmEventsRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmEventsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmEventsRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmEventsRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy type such as cvm_device, which is obtained through the `DescribeAllNamespaces` API
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Monitoring type, such as `MT_QCE`, which is set to default.
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmEventsResponse

type DescribeAlarmEventsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmEventsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmEventsResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmEventsResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmEventsResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmEventsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmEventsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmEventsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmEventsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmEventsResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmEventsResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm event list
	Events []*AlarmEvent `json:"Events,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Events"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest struct {

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number starting from 1. Default value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–100. Default value: 20
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Sort by the first occurrence time in descending order by default. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day ago by default and the time when the alarm `FirstOccurTime` first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its `FirstOccurTime` is later than the `StartTime`.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp and the time when the alarm `FirstOccurTime` first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its `FirstOccurTime` is earlier than the `EndTime`.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: "MT_QCE" (Tencent Cloud service monitoring), "MT_TAW" (application performance monitoring), "MT_RUM" (frontend performance monitoring), "MT_PROBE" (cloud automated testing). If this parameter is left empty, all types will be queried by default.
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by alarm object. Fuzzy search with string is supported
	AlarmObject *string `json:"AlarmObject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmObject"`

	// Filter by alarm status. Valid values: ALARM (not resolved), OK (resolved), NO_CONF (expired), NO_DATA (insufficient data). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	AlarmStatus []*string `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Filter by project ID. Valid values: `-1` (no project), `0` (default project)
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// Filter by instance group ID
	InstanceGroupIds []*int64 `json:"InstanceGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupIds"`

	// Filter by policy type. Monitoring type and policy type are first-level and second-level filters respectively and both need to be passed in. For example, `[{"MonitorType": "MT_QCE", "Namespace": "cvm_device"}]`
	Namespaces []*MonitorTypeNamespace `json:"Namespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespaces"`

	// Filter by metric name
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

	// Fuzzy search by policy name
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Fuzzy search by alarm content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Search by recipient
	ReceiverUids []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUids"`

	// Search by recipient group
	ReceiverGroups []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Search by alarm policy ID list
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

func NewDescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesRequestParams struct {
	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number starting from 1. Default value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–100. Default value: 20
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Sort by the first occurrence time in descending order by default. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day ago by default and the time when the alarm `FirstOccurTime` first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its `FirstOccurTime` is later than the `StartTime`.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp and the time when the alarm `FirstOccurTime` first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its `FirstOccurTime` is earlier than the `EndTime`.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: "MT_QCE" (Tencent Cloud service monitoring), "MT_TAW" (application performance monitoring), "MT_RUM" (frontend performance monitoring), "MT_PROBE" (cloud automated testing). If this parameter is left empty, all types will be queried by default.
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by alarm object. Fuzzy search with string is supported
	AlarmObject *string `json:"AlarmObject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmObject"`

	// Filter by alarm status. Valid values: ALARM (not resolved), OK (resolved), NO_CONF (expired), NO_DATA (insufficient data). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	AlarmStatus []*string `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Filter by project ID. Valid values: `-1` (no project), `0` (default project)
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// Filter by instance group ID
	InstanceGroupIds []*int64 `json:"InstanceGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupIds"`

	// Filter by policy type. Monitoring type and policy type are first-level and second-level filters respectively and both need to be passed in. For example, `[{"MonitorType": "MT_QCE", "Namespace": "cvm_device"}]`
	Namespaces []*MonitorTypeNamespace `json:"Namespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespaces"`

	// Filter by metric name
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

	// Fuzzy search by policy name
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Fuzzy search by alarm content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Search by recipient
	ReceiverUids []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUids"`

	// Search by recipient group
	ReceiverGroups []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Search by alarm policy ID list
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmHistoriesResponseParams struct {
	// Total number
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Alarm record list
	Histories []*AlarmHistory `json:"Histories,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Histories"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest

type DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest struct {

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Monitor type filter. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Alarm policy type such as cvm_device, which is obtained through the `DescribeAllNamespaces` API
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

func NewDescribeAlarmMetricsRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmMetricsRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmMetricsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmMetricsRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmMetricsRequestParams struct {
	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Monitor type filter. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Alarm policy type such as cvm_device, which is obtained through the `DescribeAllNamespaces` API
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse

type DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmMetricsResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmMetricsResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmMetricsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmMetricsResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmMetricsResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm metric list
	Metrics []*Metric `json:"Metrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Metrics"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticeCallbacksResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm callback notification
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest

type DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticeRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticeRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse

type DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticeResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticeResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticeResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm notification template details
	Notice *AlarmNotice `json:"Notice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notice"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest

type DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number. Minimum value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–200
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Sort by update time. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// Root account `uid`, which is used to create preset notifications
	OwnerUid *int64 `json:"OwnerUid,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OwnerUid"`

	// Alarm notification template name, which is used for fuzzy search
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Filter by recipient. The type of notified users should be selected for the alarm notification template. Valid values: USER (user), GROUP (user group). If this parameter is left empty, no filter by recipient will be performed
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Recipient object list
	UserIds []*int64 `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

	// Recipient group list
	GroupIds []*int64 `json:"GroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupIds"`

	// Filter by notification template ID. If an empty array is passed in or if this parameter is left empty, the filter operation will not be performed.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Filter templates by tag
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Schedule list
	OnCallFormIDs []*string `json:"OnCallFormIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OnCallFormIDs"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticesRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticesRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticesRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticesRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number. Minimum value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–200
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Sort by update time. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// Root account `uid`, which is used to create preset notifications
	OwnerUid *int64 `json:"OwnerUid,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OwnerUid"`

	// Alarm notification template name, which is used for fuzzy search
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Filter by recipient. The type of notified users should be selected for the alarm notification template. Valid values: USER (user), GROUP (user group). If this parameter is left empty, no filter by recipient will be performed
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Recipient object list
	UserIds []*int64 `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

	// Recipient group list
	GroupIds []*int64 `json:"GroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupIds"`

	// Filter by notification template ID. If an empty array is passed in or if this parameter is left empty, the filter operation will not be performed.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Filter templates by tag
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Schedule list
	OnCallFormIDs []*string `json:"OnCallFormIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OnCallFormIDs"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse

type DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticesResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmNoticesResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmNoticesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmNoticesResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmNoticesResponseParams struct {
	// Total number of alarm notification templates
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Alarm notification template list
	Notices []*AlarmNotice `json:"Notices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notices"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest struct {

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number starting from 1. Default value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–100. Default value: 20
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Fuzzy search by policy name
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by namespace. For the values of different policy types, please see:
	// [Policy Type List](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/50397?from_cn_redirect=1)
	Namespaces []*string `json:"Namespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespaces"`

	// The alarm object list, which is a JSON string. The outer array corresponds to multiple instances, and the inner array is the dimension of an object. For example, “CVM - Basic Monitor” can be written as:
	// `[ {"Dimensions": {"unInstanceId": "ins-qr8d555g"}}, {"Dimensions": {"unInstanceId": "ins-qr8d555h"}} ]`
	// You can also refer to the “Example 2” below.
	// For more information on the parameter samples of different Tencent Cloud services, see [Product Policy Type and Dimension Information](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/50397?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: If `1` is passed in for `NeedCorrespondence`, the relationship between a policy and an instance needs to be returned. You can pass in up to 20 alarm object dimensions to avoid request timeout.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Search by recipient. You can get the user list with the API [ListUsers](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34587?from_cn_redirect=1) in “Cloud Access Management” or query the sub-user information with the API [GetUser](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34590?from_cn_redirect=1). The `Uid` field in the returned result should be entered here.
	ReceiverUids []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUids"`

	// Search by recipient group. You can get the user group list with the API [ListGroups](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34589?from_cn_redirect=1) in “Cloud Access Management” or query the user group list where a sub-user is in with the API [ListGroupsForUser](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34588?from_cn_redirect=1). The `GroupId` field in the returned result should be entered here.
	ReceiverGroups []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Filter by default policy. Valid values: DEFAULT (display default policy), NOT_DEFAULT (display non-default policies). If this parameter is left empty, all policies will be displayed
	PolicyType []*string `json:"PolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyType"`

	// Sort by field. For example, to sort by the last modification time, use Field: "UpdateTime".
	Field *string `json:"Field,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Field"`

	// Sort order. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// ID array of the policy project, which can be viewed on the following page:
	// [Project Management](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/project)
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// List of the notification template IDs, which can be obtained by querying the notification template list.
	// It can be queried with the API [DescribeAlarmNotices](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51280?from_cn_redirect=1).
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Filter by trigger condition. Valid values: STATIC (display policies with static threshold), DYNAMIC (display policies with dynamic threshold). If this parameter is left empty, all policies will be displayed
	RuleTypes []*string `json:"RuleTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleTypes"`

	// Filter by alarm status. Valid values: [1]: enabled; [0]: disabled; [0, 1]: all
	Enable []*int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// If `1` is passed in, alarm policies with no notification rules configured are queried. If it is left empty or other values are passed in, all alarm policies are queried.
	NotBindingNoticeRule *int64 `json:"NotBindingNoticeRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotBindingNoticeRule"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Whether the relationship between a policy and the input parameter filter dimension is required. `1`: Yes. `0`: No. Default value: `0`.
	NeedCorrespondence *int64 `json:"NeedCorrespondence,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedCorrespondence"`

	// Filter alarm policy by triggered task (such as auto scaling task). Up to 10 tasks can be specified.
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

	// Filter by quick alarm policy. If this parameter is left empty, all policies are displayed. `ONECLICK`: Display quick alarm policies; `NOT_ONECLICK`: Display non-quick alarm policies.
	OneClickPolicyType []*string `json:"OneClickPolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OneClickPolicyType"`

	// Whether the returned result needs to filter policies associated with all objects. Valid values: `1` (Yes), `0` (No).
	NotBindAll *int64 `json:"NotBindAll,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotBindAll"`

	// Whether the returned result needs to filter policies associated with instance groups. Valid values: `1` (Yes), `0` (No).
	NotInstanceGroup *int64 `json:"NotInstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotInstanceGroup"`

	// Filter policies by tag
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// ID of the TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus instance, which is used for customizing a metric policy.
	PromInsId *string `json:"PromInsId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PromInsId"`

	// Search by schedule
	ReceiverOnCallFormIDs []*string `json:"ReceiverOnCallFormIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverOnCallFormIDs"`

func NewDescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesRequestParams struct {
	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Page number starting from 1. Default value: 1
	PageNumber *int64 `json:"PageNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"`

	// Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–100. Default value: 20
	PageSize *int64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

	// Fuzzy search by policy name
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by namespace. For the values of different policy types, please see:
	// [Policy Type List](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/50397?from_cn_redirect=1)
	Namespaces []*string `json:"Namespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespaces"`

	// The alarm object list, which is a JSON string. The outer array corresponds to multiple instances, and the inner array is the dimension of an object. For example, “CVM - Basic Monitor” can be written as:
	// `[ {"Dimensions": {"unInstanceId": "ins-qr8d555g"}}, {"Dimensions": {"unInstanceId": "ins-qr8d555h"}} ]`
	// You can also refer to the “Example 2” below.
	// For more information on the parameter samples of different Tencent Cloud services, see [Product Policy Type and Dimension Information](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/50397?from_cn_redirect=1).
	// Note: If `1` is passed in for `NeedCorrespondence`, the relationship between a policy and an instance needs to be returned. You can pass in up to 20 alarm object dimensions to avoid request timeout.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Search by recipient. You can get the user list with the API [ListUsers](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34587?from_cn_redirect=1) in “Cloud Access Management” or query the sub-user information with the API [GetUser](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34590?from_cn_redirect=1). The `Uid` field in the returned result should be entered here.
	ReceiverUids []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUids"`

	// Search by recipient group. You can get the user group list with the API [ListGroups](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34589?from_cn_redirect=1) in “Cloud Access Management” or query the user group list where a sub-user is in with the API [ListGroupsForUser](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/34588?from_cn_redirect=1). The `GroupId` field in the returned result should be entered here.
	ReceiverGroups []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Filter by default policy. Valid values: DEFAULT (display default policy), NOT_DEFAULT (display non-default policies). If this parameter is left empty, all policies will be displayed
	PolicyType []*string `json:"PolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyType"`

	// Sort by field. For example, to sort by the last modification time, use Field: "UpdateTime".
	Field *string `json:"Field,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Field"`

	// Sort order. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
	Order *string `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

	// ID array of the policy project, which can be viewed on the following page:
	// [Project Management](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/project)
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// List of the notification template IDs, which can be obtained by querying the notification template list.
	// It can be queried with the API [DescribeAlarmNotices](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/51280?from_cn_redirect=1).
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Filter by trigger condition. Valid values: STATIC (display policies with static threshold), DYNAMIC (display policies with dynamic threshold). If this parameter is left empty, all policies will be displayed
	RuleTypes []*string `json:"RuleTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleTypes"`

	// Filter by alarm status. Valid values: [1]: enabled; [0]: disabled; [0, 1]: all
	Enable []*int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// If `1` is passed in, alarm policies with no notification rules configured are queried. If it is left empty or other values are passed in, all alarm policies are queried.
	NotBindingNoticeRule *int64 `json:"NotBindingNoticeRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotBindingNoticeRule"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Whether the relationship between a policy and the input parameter filter dimension is required. `1`: Yes. `0`: No. Default value: `0`.
	NeedCorrespondence *int64 `json:"NeedCorrespondence,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedCorrespondence"`

	// Filter alarm policy by triggered task (such as auto scaling task). Up to 10 tasks can be specified.
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

	// Filter by quick alarm policy. If this parameter is left empty, all policies are displayed. `ONECLICK`: Display quick alarm policies; `NOT_ONECLICK`: Display non-quick alarm policies.
	OneClickPolicyType []*string `json:"OneClickPolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OneClickPolicyType"`

	// Whether the returned result needs to filter policies associated with all objects. Valid values: `1` (Yes), `0` (No).
	NotBindAll *int64 `json:"NotBindAll,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotBindAll"`

	// Whether the returned result needs to filter policies associated with instance groups. Valid values: `1` (Yes), `0` (No).
	NotInstanceGroup *int64 `json:"NotInstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotInstanceGroup"`

	// Filter policies by tag
	Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// ID of the TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus instance, which is used for customizing a metric policy.
	PromInsId *string `json:"PromInsId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PromInsId"`

	// Search by schedule
	ReceiverOnCallFormIDs []*string `json:"ReceiverOnCallFormIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverOnCallFormIDs"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmPoliciesResponseParams struct {
	// Total number of policies
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Policy array
	Policies []*AlarmPolicy `json:"Policies,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Policies"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest

type DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest struct {

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

func NewDescribeAlarmPolicyRequest

func NewDescribeAlarmPolicyRequest() (request *DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest)

func (*DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmPolicyRequestParams

type DescribeAlarmPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse

type DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlarmPolicyResponse

func NewDescribeAlarmPolicyResponse() (response *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse)

func (*DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlarmPolicyResponseParams

type DescribeAlarmPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Policy details
	Policy *AlarmPolicy `json:"Policy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Policy"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlertRulesRequest

type DescribeAlertRulesRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

func NewDescribeAlertRulesRequest

func NewDescribeAlertRulesRequest() (request *DescribeAlertRulesRequest)

func (*DescribeAlertRulesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlertRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlertRulesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlertRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlertRulesRequestParams

type DescribeAlertRulesRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAlertRulesResponse

type DescribeAlertRulesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAlertRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAlertRulesResponse

func NewDescribeAlertRulesResponse() (response *DescribeAlertRulesResponse)

func (*DescribeAlertRulesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlertRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAlertRulesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAlertRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAlertRulesResponseParams

type DescribeAlertRulesResponseParams struct {
	// Number of alerting rules
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Alerting rule details
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertRuleSet []*PrometheusRuleSet `json:"AlertRuleSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRuleSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAllNamespacesRequest

type DescribeAllNamespacesRequest struct {

	// Filter by use case. Currently, the only valid value is `ST_ALARM` (alarm type).
	SceneType *string `json:"SceneType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SceneType"`

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by namespace ID. If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried
	Ids []*string `json:"Ids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Ids"`

func NewDescribeAllNamespacesRequest

func NewDescribeAllNamespacesRequest() (request *DescribeAllNamespacesRequest)

func (*DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAllNamespacesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAllNamespacesRequestParams

type DescribeAllNamespacesRequestParams struct {
	// Filter by use case. Currently, the only valid value is `ST_ALARM` (alarm type).
	SceneType *string `json:"SceneType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SceneType"`

	// Value fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Filter by monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Filter by namespace ID. If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried
	Ids []*string `json:"Ids,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Ids"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAllNamespacesResponse

type DescribeAllNamespacesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAllNamespacesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAllNamespacesResponse

func NewDescribeAllNamespacesResponse() (response *DescribeAllNamespacesResponse)

func (*DescribeAllNamespacesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAllNamespacesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAllNamespacesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAllNamespacesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAllNamespacesResponseParams

type DescribeAllNamespacesResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm policy type of Tencent Cloud service (disused)
	QceNamespaces *CommonNamespace `json:"QceNamespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QceNamespaces"`

	// Other alarm policy type (disused)
	CustomNamespaces *CommonNamespace `json:"CustomNamespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomNamespaces"`

	// Alarm policy type of Tencent Cloud service
	QceNamespacesNew []*CommonNamespace `json:"QceNamespacesNew,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QceNamespacesNew"`

	// Other alarm policy type (not supported currently)
	CustomNamespacesNew []*CommonNamespace `json:"CustomNamespacesNew,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomNamespacesNew"`

	// General alarm policy type, including TAPM, RUM, and CAT.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CommonNamespaces []*CommonNamespaceNew `json:"CommonNamespaces,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CommonNamespaces"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBaseMetricsRequest

type DescribeBaseMetricsRequest struct {

	// Service namespace. Tencent Cloud services have different namespaces. For more information on service namespaces, see the monitoring metric documentation of each service. For example, see [CVM Monitoring Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6843?from_cn_redirect=1) for the namespace of CVM
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name. Tencent Cloud services have different metric names. For more information on metric names, see the monitoring metric documentation of each service. For example, see [CVM Monitoring Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6843?from_cn_redirect=1) for the metric names of CVM
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Filter by dimension. This parameter is optional.
	Dimensions []*string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

func NewDescribeBaseMetricsRequest

func NewDescribeBaseMetricsRequest() (request *DescribeBaseMetricsRequest)

func (*DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeBaseMetricsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeBaseMetricsRequestParams

type DescribeBaseMetricsRequestParams struct {
	// Service namespace. Tencent Cloud services have different namespaces. For more information on service namespaces, see the monitoring metric documentation of each service. For example, see [CVM Monitoring Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6843?from_cn_redirect=1) for the namespace of CVM
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name. Tencent Cloud services have different metric names. For more information on metric names, see the monitoring metric documentation of each service. For example, see [CVM Monitoring Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6843?from_cn_redirect=1) for the metric names of CVM
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Filter by dimension. This parameter is optional.
	Dimensions []*string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBaseMetricsResponse

type DescribeBaseMetricsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeBaseMetricsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeBaseMetricsResponse

func NewDescribeBaseMetricsResponse() (response *DescribeBaseMetricsResponse)

func (*DescribeBaseMetricsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeBaseMetricsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBaseMetricsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeBaseMetricsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeBaseMetricsResponseParams

type DescribeBaseMetricsResponseParams struct {
	// Listed of queried metric descriptions
	MetricSet []*MetricSet `json:"MetricSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBasicAlarmListAlarms

type DescribeBasicAlarmListAlarms struct {
	// Alarm ID.
	Id *uint64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Project ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Project name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProjectName *string `json:"ProjectName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectName"`

	// Alarm status ID. Valid values: 0 (not resolved), 1 (resolved), 2/3/5 (insufficient data), 4 (expired)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Alarm status. Valid values: ALARM (not resolved), OK (resolved), NO_DATA (insufficient data), NO_CONF (expired)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlarmStatus *string `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Policy group ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Policy group name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Occurrence time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	FirstOccurTime *string `json:"FirstOccurTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FirstOccurTime"`

	// Duration in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Duration *int64 `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// End time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	LastOccurTime *string `json:"LastOccurTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastOccurTime"`

	// Alarm content.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Alarm object.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ObjName *string `json:"ObjName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ObjName"`

	// Alarm object ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ObjId *string `json:"ObjId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ObjId"`

	// Policy type.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// VPC, which is unique to CVM.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Vpc"`

	// Metric ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	MetricId *int64 `json:"MetricId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricId"`

	// Metric name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Alarm type. The value 0 indicates metric alarms. The value 2 indicates product event alarms. The value 3 indicates platform event alarms.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	AlarmType *int64 `json:"AlarmType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmType"`

	// Region.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Dimensions of an alarm object.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Notification method.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	NotifyWay []*string `json:"NotifyWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotifyWay"`

	// Instance group information.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceGroup []*InstanceGroup `json:"InstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroup"`

type DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest

type DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest struct {

	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0 and the default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting by occurrence time. Valid values: asc and desc.
	OccurTimeOrder *string `json:"OccurTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OccurTimeOrder"`

	// Filter by project ID.
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// Filter by policy type.
	ViewNames []*string `json:"ViewNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewNames"`

	// Filter by alarm status.
	AlarmStatus []*int64 `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Filter by alarm object.
	ObjLike *string `json:"ObjLike,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ObjLike"`

	// Filter by instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupIds []*int64 `json:"InstanceGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupIds"`

	// Filtering by metric names
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

func NewDescribeBasicAlarmListRequest

func NewDescribeBasicAlarmListRequest() (request *DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest)

func (*DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeBasicAlarmListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeBasicAlarmListRequestParams

type DescribeBasicAlarmListRequestParams struct {
	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0 and the default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting by occurrence time. Valid values: asc and desc.
	OccurTimeOrder *string `json:"OccurTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OccurTimeOrder"`

	// Filter by project ID.
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// Filter by policy type.
	ViewNames []*string `json:"ViewNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewNames"`

	// Filter by alarm status.
	AlarmStatus []*int64 `json:"AlarmStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmStatus"`

	// Filter by alarm object.
	ObjLike *string `json:"ObjLike,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ObjLike"`

	// Filter by instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupIds []*int64 `json:"InstanceGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupIds"`

	// Filtering by metric names
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse

type DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeBasicAlarmListResponse

func NewDescribeBasicAlarmListResponse() (response *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse)

func (*DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeBasicAlarmListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeBasicAlarmListResponseParams

type DescribeBasicAlarmListResponseParams struct {
	// Alarm list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Alarms []*DescribeBasicAlarmListAlarms `json:"Alarms,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Alarms"`

	// Total number.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Remarks
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Warning *string `json:"Warning,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Warning"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListDimension

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListDimension struct {
	// Region ID.
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// Region abbreviation.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Combined JSON string of dimensions.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Combined JSON string of event dimensions.
	EventDimensions *string `json:"EventDimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventDimensions"`

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstance

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstance struct {
	// Unique ID of the object.
	UniqueId *string `json:"UniqueId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UniqueId"`

	// Dimension set of an object instance, which is a jsonObj string.
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Whether the object is shielded. The value 0 indicates that the object is not shielded. The value 1 indicates that the object is shielded.
	IsShielded *int64 `json:"IsShielded,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsShielded"`

	// Region where the object resides.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstanceGroup

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstanceGroup struct {
	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Alarm policy type name.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Uin that was last edited.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Instance group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Number of instances.
	InstanceSum *int64 `json:"InstanceSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSum"`

	// Update time.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Creation time.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Regions where the instances reside.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Regions []*string `json:"Regions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Regions"`

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If the ID is in the format of “policy-xxxx”, please enter it in the `PolicyId` field. Enter 0 in this field.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID in the format of “policy-xxxx”. If a value has been entered in this field, you can enter 0 in the `GroupId` field.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The number of alarm objects returned each time. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which starts from 0 and is set to 0 by default. For example, the parameter `Offset=0&Limit=20` returns the zeroth to 19th alarm objects, and `Offset=20&Limit=20` returns the 20th to 39th alarm objects, and so on.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Dimensions of filtering objects.
	Dimensions []*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

func NewDescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest

func NewDescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest() (request *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest)

func (*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequestParams

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If the ID is in the format of “policy-xxxx”, please enter it in the `PolicyId` field. Enter 0 in this field.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID in the format of “policy-xxxx”. If a value has been entered in this field, you can enter 0 in the `GroupId` field.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The number of alarm objects returned each time. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which starts from 0 and is set to 0 by default. For example, the parameter `Offset=0&Limit=20` returns the zeroth to 19th alarm objects, and `Offset=20&Limit=20` returns the 20th to 39th alarm objects, and so on.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Dimensions of filtering objects.
	Dimensions []*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse

func NewDescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse() (response *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse)

func (*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponseParams

type DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListResponseParams struct {
	// List of bound object instances.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	List []*DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstance `json:"List,omitnil,omitempty" name:"List"`

	// Total number of bound object instances.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Number of object instances that are not shielded.
	NoShieldedSum *int64 `json:"NoShieldedSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoShieldedSum"`

	// Bound instance group information. This parameter is not configured if no instance group is bound.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceGroup *DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstanceGroup `json:"InstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroup"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest struct {

func NewDescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest

func NewDescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest() (request *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest)

func (*DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequestParams

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse

func NewDescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse() (response *DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse)

func (*DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponseParams

type DescribeClusterAgentCreatingProgressResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to `monitor`.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// View name, which can be obtained via [DescribeAllNamespaces](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48683?from_cn_redirect=1). For the monitoring of Tencent Cloud services, the value of this parameter is `QceNamespacesNew.N.Id` of the output parameter of `DescribeAllNamespaces`, for example, `cvm_device`.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Filter by trigger condition template name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Filter by trigger condition template ID.
	GroupID *string `json:"GroupID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupID"`

	// Pagination parameter, which specifies the number of returned results per page. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination offset starting from 0. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting method by update time. `asc`: Ascending order; `desc`: Descending order.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Sorting order based on the number of associated policies. Valid values: `asc` (ascending order), `desc` (descending order).
	PolicyCountOrder *string `json:"PolicyCountOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyCountOrder"`

func NewDescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest

func NewDescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest() (request *DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest)

func (*DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequestParams

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to `monitor`.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// View name, which can be obtained via [DescribeAllNamespaces](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/48683?from_cn_redirect=1). For the monitoring of Tencent Cloud services, the value of this parameter is `QceNamespacesNew.N.Id` of the output parameter of `DescribeAllNamespaces`, for example, `cvm_device`.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Filter by trigger condition template name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Filter by trigger condition template ID.
	GroupID *string `json:"GroupID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupID"`

	// Pagination parameter, which specifies the number of returned results per page. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination offset starting from 0. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting method by update time. `asc`: Ascending order; `desc`: Descending order.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Sorting order based on the number of associated policies. Valid values: `asc` (ascending order), `desc` (descending order).
	PolicyCountOrder *string `json:"PolicyCountOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyCountOrder"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse

func NewDescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse() (response *DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse)

func (*DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponseParams

type DescribeConditionsTemplateListResponseParams struct {
	// Total number of templates.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Template list.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TemplateGroupList []*TemplateGroup `json:"TemplateGroupList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateGroupList"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDNSConfigRequest

type DescribeDNSConfigRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribeDNSConfigRequest

func NewDescribeDNSConfigRequest() (request *DescribeDNSConfigRequest)

func (*DescribeDNSConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDNSConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDNSConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDNSConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDNSConfigRequestParams

type DescribeDNSConfigRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDNSConfigResponse

type DescribeDNSConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDNSConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDNSConfigResponse

func NewDescribeDNSConfigResponse() (response *DescribeDNSConfigResponse)

func (*DescribeDNSConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDNSConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDNSConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDNSConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDNSConfigResponseParams

type DescribeDNSConfigResponseParams struct {
	// Array of DNS servers
	NameServers []*string `json:"NameServers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NameServers"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewDescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest

func NewDescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest() (request *DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest)

func (*DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequestParams

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse

func NewDescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse() (response *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse)

func (*DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponseParams

type DescribeExporterIntegrationsResponseParams struct {
	// List of integration configurations
	IntegrationSet []*IntegrationConfiguration `json:"IntegrationSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Offset.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Alert channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIds []*string `json:"ChannelIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIds"`

	// Alert channel status
	ChannelState *int64 `json:"ChannelState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelState"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Offset.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Alert channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIds []*string `json:"ChannelIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIds"`

	// Alert channel status
	ChannelState *int64 `json:"ChannelState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelState"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaChannelsResponseParams struct {
	// Array of alert channels
	NotificationChannelSet []*GrafanaChannel `json:"NotificationChannelSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotificationChannelSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest

type DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaConfigRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaConfigRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaConfigRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaConfigRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse

type DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaConfigResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaConfigResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaConfigResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaConfigResponseParams struct {
	// JSON-encoded string
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest struct {

	// ID of a TencentCloud Managed Service for Grafana instance, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsRequestParams struct {
	// ID of a TencentCloud Managed Service for Grafana instance, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams struct {
	// Environment variable string
	Envs *string `json:"Envs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Envs"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest struct {

	// Offset for query
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Array of TCMG instance IDs
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// TCMG instance name, which can be fuzzily matched by prefix.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Query status
	InstanceStatus []*int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Array of tag filters
	TagFilters []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagFilters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagFilters"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesRequestParams struct {
	// Offset for query
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Array of TCMG instance IDs
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// TCMG instance name, which can be fuzzily matched by prefix.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Query status
	InstanceStatus []*int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Array of tag filters
	TagFilters []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagFilters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagFilters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaInstancesResponseParams struct {
	// This parameter has been disused. Use `Instances` instead.
	InstanceSet []*GrafanaInstanceInfo `json:"InstanceSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSet"`

	// Number of eligible instances
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// List of instances
	Instances []*GrafanaInstanceInfo `json:"Instances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instances"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration ID
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration ID
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaIntegrationsResponseParams struct {
	// Array of integrations
	IntegrationSet []*GrafanaIntegrationConfig `json:"IntegrationSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Offset
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Alert channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIDs []*string `json:"ChannelIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIDs"`

	// Alert channel status
	ChannelState *int64 `json:"ChannelState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelState"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Offset
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of items to be queried
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Alert channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelIDs []*string `json:"ChannelIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelIDs"`

	// Alert channel status
	ChannelState *int64 `json:"ChannelState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelState"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaNotificationChannelsResponseParams struct {
	// Array of notification channels
	NotificationChannelSet []*GrafanaNotificationChannel `json:"NotificationChannelSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotificationChannelSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest

func NewDescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest() (request *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest)

func (*DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequestParams

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse

func NewDescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse() (response *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse)

func (*DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams

type DescribeGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams struct {
	// Array
	WhiteList []*string `json:"WhiteList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WhiteList"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest

type DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-kleu3gt0”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by plugin ID such as “grafana-piechart-panel”. You can view the IDs of installed plugins through the `DescribeInstalledPlugins` API.
	PluginId *string `json:"PluginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginId"`

func NewDescribeInstalledPluginsRequest

func NewDescribeInstalledPluginsRequest() (request *DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest)

func (*DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeInstalledPluginsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeInstalledPluginsRequestParams

type DescribeInstalledPluginsRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-kleu3gt0”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by plugin ID such as “grafana-piechart-panel”. You can view the IDs of installed plugins through the `DescribeInstalledPlugins` API.
	PluginId *string `json:"PluginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse

type DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeInstalledPluginsResponse

func NewDescribeInstalledPluginsResponse() (response *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse)

func (*DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeInstalledPluginsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeInstalledPluginsResponseParams

type DescribeInstalledPluginsResponseParams struct {
	// List of plugins
	PluginSet []*GrafanaPlugin `json:"PluginSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeMonitorTypesRequest

type DescribeMonitorTypesRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

func NewDescribeMonitorTypesRequest

func NewDescribeMonitorTypesRequest() (request *DescribeMonitorTypesRequest)

func (*DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeMonitorTypesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeMonitorTypesRequestParams

type DescribeMonitorTypesRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeMonitorTypesResponse

type DescribeMonitorTypesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeMonitorTypesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeMonitorTypesResponse

func NewDescribeMonitorTypesResponse() (response *DescribeMonitorTypesResponse)

func (*DescribeMonitorTypesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeMonitorTypesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeMonitorTypesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeMonitorTypesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeMonitorTypesResponseParams

type DescribeMonitorTypesResponseParams struct {
	// Monitor type. Valid values: MT_QCE (Tencent Cloud service monitoring)
	MonitorTypes []*string `json:"MonitorTypes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypes"`

	// Monitoring type details
	MonitorTypeInfos []*MonitorTypeInfo `json:"MonitorTypeInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorTypeInfos"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyConditionListCondition

type DescribePolicyConditionListCondition struct {
	// Policy view name.
	PolicyViewName *string `json:"PolicyViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyViewName"`

	// Event alarm conditions.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventMetrics []*DescribePolicyConditionListEventMetric `json:"EventMetrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventMetrics"`

	// Whether to support multiple regions.
	IsSupportMultiRegion *bool `json:"IsSupportMultiRegion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSupportMultiRegion"`

	// Metric alarm conditions.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Metrics []*DescribePolicyConditionListMetric `json:"Metrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Metrics"`

	// Policy type name.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Sorting ID.
	SortId *int64 `json:"SortId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortId"`

	// Whether to support default policies.
	SupportDefault *bool `json:"SupportDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SupportDefault"`

	// List of regions that support this policy type.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	SupportRegions []*string `json:"SupportRegions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SupportRegions"`

	// Deprecated information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DeprecatingInfo *DescribePolicyConditionListResponseDeprecatingInfo `json:"DeprecatingInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeprecatingInfo"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManual

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManual struct {
	// Check method.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	CalcType *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcType `json:"CalcType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcType"`

	// Threshold.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	CalcValue *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcValue `json:"CalcValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcValue"`

	// Duration.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ContinueTime *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualContinueTime `json:"ContinueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinueTime"`

	// Data period.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Period *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriod `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Number of periods.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	PeriodNum *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriodNum `json:"PeriodNum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PeriodNum"`

	// Statistics method.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	StatType *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualStatType `json:"StatType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatType"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcType

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcType struct {
	// Value of CalcType.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Keys []*int64 `json:"Keys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keys"`

	// Required or not.
	Need *bool `json:"Need,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Need"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcValue

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualCalcValue struct {
	// Default value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Default *string `json:"Default,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Default"`

	// Fixed value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Fixed *string `json:"Fixed,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Fixed"`

	// Maximum value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Max *string `json:"Max,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Max"`

	// Minimum value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Min *string `json:"Min,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Min"`

	// Required or not.
	Need *bool `json:"Need,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Need"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualContinueTime

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualContinueTime struct {
	// Default duration in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Default *int64 `json:"Default,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Default"`

	// Custom durations in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Keys []*int64 `json:"Keys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keys"`

	// Required or not.
	Need *bool `json:"Need,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Need"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriod

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriod struct {
	// Default period in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Default *int64 `json:"Default,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Default"`

	// Custom periods in seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Keys []*int64 `json:"Keys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keys"`

	// Required or not.
	Need *bool `json:"Need,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Need"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriodNum

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualPeriodNum struct {
	// Number of default periods.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Default *int64 `json:"Default,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Default"`

	// Number of custom periods.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Keys []*int64 `json:"Keys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keys"`

	// Required or not.
	Need *bool `json:"Need,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Need"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualStatType

type DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManualStatType struct {
	// Data aggregation method in a period of 5 seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P5 *string `json:"P5,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P5"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 10 seconds.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P10 *string `json:"P10,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P10"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 1 minute.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P60 *string `json:"P60,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P60"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 5 minutes.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P300 *string `json:"P300,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P300"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 10 minutes.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P600 *string `json:"P600,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P600"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 30 minutes.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P1800 *string `json:"P1800,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P1800"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 1 hour.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P3600 *string `json:"P3600,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P3600"`

	// Data aggregation method in a period of 1 day.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	P86400 *string `json:"P86400,omitnil,omitempty" name:"P86400"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListEventMetric

type DescribePolicyConditionListEventMetric struct {
	// Event ID.
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Event name.
	EventShowName *string `json:"EventShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventShowName"`

	// Whether to recover.
	NeedRecovered *bool `json:"NeedRecovered,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedRecovered"`

	// Event type, which is a reserved field. Currently, it is fixed to 2.
	Type *int64 `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListMetric

type DescribePolicyConditionListMetric struct {
	// Metric configuration.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ConfigManual *DescribePolicyConditionListConfigManual `json:"ConfigManual,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConfigManual"`

	// Metric ID.
	MetricId *int64 `json:"MetricId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricId"`

	// Metric name.
	MetricShowName *string `json:"MetricShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricShowName"`

	// Metric unit.
	MetricUnit *string `json:"MetricUnit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricUnit"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListRequest

type DescribePolicyConditionListRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

func NewDescribePolicyConditionListRequest

func NewDescribePolicyConditionListRequest() (request *DescribePolicyConditionListRequest)

func (*DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyConditionListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyConditionListRequestParams

type DescribePolicyConditionListRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponse

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePolicyConditionListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePolicyConditionListResponse

func NewDescribePolicyConditionListResponse() (response *DescribePolicyConditionListResponse)

func (*DescribePolicyConditionListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyConditionListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyConditionListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyConditionListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponseDeprecatingInfo

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponseDeprecatingInfo struct {
	// Whether to hide
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Hidden *bool `json:"Hidden,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Hidden"`

	// Names of new views
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NewViewNames []*string `json:"NewViewNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NewViewNames"`

	// Description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponseParams

type DescribePolicyConditionListResponseParams struct {
	// List of alarm policy conditions.
	Conditions []*DescribePolicyConditionListCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoCallback

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoCallback struct {
	// URL of the user callback API.
	CallbackUrl *string `json:"CallbackUrl,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CallbackUrl"`

	// Status of the user callback API. The value 0 indicates that the API is not verified. The value 1 indicates that the API is verified. The value 2 indicates that a URL exists but the API fails to be verified.
	ValidFlag *int64 `json:"ValidFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ValidFlag"`

	// Verification code of the user callback API.
	VerifyCode *string `json:"VerifyCode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VerifyCode"`

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoCondition

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoCondition struct {
	// Metric name.
	MetricShowName *string `json:"MetricShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricShowName"`

	// Data aggregation period in seconds.
	Period *int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Metric ID.
	MetricId *int64 `json:"MetricId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricId"`

	// Threshold rule ID.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Metric unit.
	Unit *string `json:"Unit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unit"`

	// Alarm sending and converging type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. If the value is less than 0, no alarm will be triggered. If the value is 0, an alarm will be triggered only once. If the value is greater than 0, an alarm will be triggered at the interval of `triggerTime`.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Comparative type. The value 1 indicates greater than. The value 2 indicates greater than or equal to. The value 3 indicates smaller than. The value 4 indicates smaller than or equal to. The value 5 indicates equal to. The value 6 indicates not equal to. The value 7 indicates day-on-day increase. The value 8 indicates day-on-day decrease. The value 9 indicates week-on-week increase. The value 10 indicates week-on-week decrease. The value 11 indicates periodical increase. The value 12 indicates periodical decrease.
	CalcType *int64 `json:"CalcType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcType"`

	// Threshold.
	CalcValue *string `json:"CalcValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcValue"`

	// Duration at which an alarm will be triggered in seconds.
	ContinueTime *int64 `json:"ContinueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinueTime"`

	// Alarm metric name.
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoConditionTpl

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoConditionTpl struct {
	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Policy type.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Policy group remarks.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Uin that was last edited.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Update time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Creation time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Whether the 'AND' rule is used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoEventCondition

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoEventCondition struct {
	// Event ID.
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Event alarm rule ID.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Event name.
	EventShowName *string `json:"EventShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventShowName"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. The value <0 indicates that no alarm will be triggered. The value 0 indicates that an alarm is triggered only once. The value >0 indicates that an alarm is triggered at the interval of triggerTime.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Alarm sending and converging type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoReceiverInfo

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoReceiverInfo struct {
	// List of alarm recipient group IDs.
	ReceiverGroupList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroupList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroupList"`

	// List of alarm recipient IDs.
	ReceiverUserList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUserList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUserList"`

	// Start time of the alarm period. Value range: [0,86400). Convert the Unix timestamp to Beijing time and then remove the date. For example, 7200 indicates “10:0:0”.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time of the alarm period. The meaning is the same as that of StartTime.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Recipient type. Valid values: group and user.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Alarm notification method. Valid values: "SMS", "SITE", "EMAIL", "CALL", and "WECHAT".
	NotifyWay []*string `json:"NotifyWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotifyWay"`

	// Uid of the alarm call recipient.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UidList []*int64 `json:"UidList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UidList"`

	// Number of alarm call rounds.
	RoundNumber *int64 `json:"RoundNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundNumber"`

	// Intervals of alarm call rounds in seconds.
	RoundInterval *int64 `json:"RoundInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundInterval"`

	// Alarm call intervals for individuals in seconds.
	PersonInterval *int64 `json:"PersonInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PersonInterval"`

	// Whether to send an alarm call delivery notice. The value 0 indicates that no notice needs to be sent. The value 1 indicates that a notice needs to be sent.
	NeedSendNotice *int64 `json:"NeedSendNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedSendNotice"`

	// Alarm call notification time. Valid values: OCCUR (indicating that a notice is sent when the alarm is triggered) and RECOVER (indicating that a notice is sent when the alarm is recovered).
	SendFor []*string `json:"SendFor,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SendFor"`

	// Notification method when an alarm is recovered. Valid value: SMS.
	RecoverNotify []*string `json:"RecoverNotify,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecoverNotify"`

	// Alarm language.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ReceiveLanguage *string `json:"ReceiveLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiveLanguage"`

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

func NewDescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest

func NewDescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest() (request *DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest)

func (*DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequestParams

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse

func NewDescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse() (response *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse)

func (*DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponseParams

type DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponseParams struct {
	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// ID of the project to which the policy group belongs.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Whether it is the default policy. The value 0 indicates that it is not the default policy. The value 1 indicates that it is the default policy.
	IsDefault *int64 `json:"IsDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"`

	// Policy type.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Policy description
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Policy type name.
	ShowName *string `json:"ShowName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ShowName"`

	// Uin that was last edited.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Last edited time.
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Regions supported by this policy.
	Region []*string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// List of policy type dimensions.
	DimensionGroup []*string `json:"DimensionGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DimensionGroup"`

	// Threshold rule list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ConditionsConfig []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoCondition `json:"ConditionsConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionsConfig"`

	// Product event rule list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventConfig []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoEventCondition `json:"EventConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConfig"`

	// Recipient list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ReceiverInfos []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoReceiverInfo `json:"ReceiverInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverInfos"`

	// User callback information.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Callback *DescribePolicyGroupInfoCallback `json:"Callback,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Callback"`

	// Template-based policy group.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ConditionsTemp *DescribePolicyGroupInfoConditionTpl `json:"ConditionsTemp,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionsTemp"`

	// Whether the policy can be configured as the default policy.
	CanSetDefault *bool `json:"CanSetDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanSetDefault"`

	// Whether the 'AND' rule is used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyGroupListGroup

type DescribePolicyGroupListGroup struct {
	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Whether it is enabled.
	IsOpen *bool `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

	// Policy view name.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Uin that was last edited.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Last modified time.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Creation time.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Number of instances that are bound to the policy group.
	UseSum *int64 `json:"UseSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseSum"`

	// Number of unshielded instances that are bound to the policy group.
	NoShieldedSum *int64 `json:"NoShieldedSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoShieldedSum"`

	// Whether it is the default policy. The value 0 indicates that it is not the default policy. The value 1 indicates that it is the default policy.
	IsDefault *int64 `json:"IsDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"`

	// Whether the policy can be configured as the default policy.
	CanSetDefault *bool `json:"CanSetDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanSetDefault"`

	// Parent policy group ID.
	ParentGroupId *int64 `json:"ParentGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ParentGroupId"`

	// Remarks of the policy group.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// ID of the project to which the policy group belongs.
	ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Threshold rule list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Conditions []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Product event rule list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventConditions []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoEventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// Recipient list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ReceiverInfos []*DescribePolicyGroupInfoReceiverInfo `json:"ReceiverInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverInfos"`

	// Template-based policy group.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ConditionsTemp *DescribePolicyGroupInfoConditionTpl `json:"ConditionsTemp,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionsTemp"`

	// Instance group that is bound to the policy group.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceGroup *DescribePolicyGroupListGroupInstanceGroup `json:"InstanceGroup,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroup"`

	// The 'AND' or 'OR' rule. The value 0 indicates the 'OR' rule (indicating that an alarm will be triggered if any rule meets the threshold condition). The value 1 indicates the 'AND' rule (indicating that an alarm will be triggered when all rules meet the threshold conditions).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

type DescribePolicyGroupListGroupInstanceGroup

type DescribePolicyGroupListGroupInstanceGroup struct {
	// Instance group name ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Policy type view name.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Uin that was last edited.
	LastEditUin *string `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Instance group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Number of instances.
	InstanceSum *int64 `json:"InstanceSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSum"`

	// Update time.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Creation time.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

type DescribePolicyGroupListRequest

type DescribePolicyGroupListRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Search by policy name.
	Like *string `json:"Like,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Like"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Sort by update time. Valid values: asc and desc.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Project ID list.
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// List of alarm policy types.
	ViewNames []*string `json:"ViewNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewNames"`

	// Whether to filter policy groups without recipients. The value 1 indicates that policy groups without recipients will be filtered. The value 0 indicates that policy groups without recipients will not be filtered.
	FilterUnuseReceiver *int64 `json:"FilterUnuseReceiver,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FilterUnuseReceiver"`

	// Filter by recipient group.
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Filter by recipient.
	ReceiverUserList []*string `json:"ReceiverUserList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUserList"`

	// Dimension set field (json string), for example, [[{"name":"unInstanceId","value":"ins-6e4b2aaa"}]].
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Template-based policy group IDs, which are separated by commas.
	ConditionTempGroupId *string `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

	// Filter by recipient or recipient group. The value 'user' indicates by recipient. The value 'group' indicates by recipient group.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Filter conditions. Whether the alarm policy has been enabled or disabled
	IsOpen *bool `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

func NewDescribePolicyGroupListRequest

func NewDescribePolicyGroupListRequest() (request *DescribePolicyGroupListRequest)

func (*DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyGroupListRequestParams

type DescribePolicyGroupListRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Number of parameters that can be returned on each page. Value range: 1 - 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Parameter offset on each page. The value starts from 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Search by policy name.
	Like *string `json:"Like,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Like"`

	// Instance group ID.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Sort by update time. Valid values: asc and desc.
	UpdateTimeOrder *string `json:"UpdateTimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTimeOrder"`

	// Project ID list.
	ProjectIds []*int64 `json:"ProjectIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectIds"`

	// List of alarm policy types.
	ViewNames []*string `json:"ViewNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewNames"`

	// Whether to filter policy groups without recipients. The value 1 indicates that policy groups without recipients will be filtered. The value 0 indicates that policy groups without recipients will not be filtered.
	FilterUnuseReceiver *int64 `json:"FilterUnuseReceiver,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FilterUnuseReceiver"`

	// Filter by recipient group.
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Filter by recipient.
	ReceiverUserList []*string `json:"ReceiverUserList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUserList"`

	// Dimension set field (json string), for example, [[{"name":"unInstanceId","value":"ins-6e4b2aaa"}]].
	Dimensions *string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Template-based policy group IDs, which are separated by commas.
	ConditionTempGroupId *string `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

	// Filter by recipient or recipient group. The value 'user' indicates by recipient. The value 'group' indicates by recipient group.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Filter conditions. Whether the alarm policy has been enabled or disabled
	IsOpen *bool `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePolicyGroupListResponse

type DescribePolicyGroupListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePolicyGroupListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePolicyGroupListResponse

func NewDescribePolicyGroupListResponse() (response *DescribePolicyGroupListResponse)

func (*DescribePolicyGroupListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePolicyGroupListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePolicyGroupListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePolicyGroupListResponseParams

type DescribePolicyGroupListResponseParams struct {
	// Policy group list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupList []*DescribePolicyGroupListGroup `json:"GroupList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupList"`

	// Total number of policy groups.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Remarks
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Warning *string `json:"Warning,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Warning"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeProductEventListDimensions

type DescribeProductEventListDimensions struct {
	// Dimension name.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Dimension value.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type DescribeProductEventListEvents

type DescribeProductEventListEvents struct {
	// Event ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Event name in Chinese.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventCName *string `json:"EventCName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCName"`

	// Event name in English.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventEName *string `json:"EventEName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventEName"`

	// Event name abbreviation.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	EventName *string `json:"EventName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventName"`

	// Product name in Chinese.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProductCName *string `json:"ProductCName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductCName"`

	// Product name in English.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProductEName *string `json:"ProductEName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductEName"`

	// Product name abbreviation.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Instance ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Instance name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Project ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"`

	// Region.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Status.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Status *string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Whether to support alarms.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	SupportAlarm *int64 `json:"SupportAlarm,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SupportAlarm"`

	// Event type.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Start time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// Update time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Instance object information.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Dimensions []*DescribeProductEventListEventsDimensions `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Additional information of the instance object.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	AdditionMsg []*DescribeProductEventListEventsDimensions `json:"AdditionMsg,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AdditionMsg"`

	// Whether to configure alarms.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	IsAlarmConfig *int64 `json:"IsAlarmConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAlarmConfig"`

	// Policy information.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupInfo []*DescribeProductEventListEventsGroupInfo `json:"GroupInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupInfo"`

	// Display name
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

type DescribeProductEventListEventsDimensions

type DescribeProductEventListEventsDimensions struct {
	// Dimension name in English.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Dimension name in Chinese.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Dimension value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type DescribeProductEventListEventsGroupInfo

type DescribeProductEventListEventsGroupInfo struct {
	// Policy ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Policy name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

type DescribeProductEventListOverView

type DescribeProductEventListOverView struct {
	// Number of events whose statuses have changed.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	StatusChangeAmount *int64 `json:"StatusChangeAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatusChangeAmount"`

	// Number of events whose alarm statuses are not configured.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UnConfigAlarmAmount *int64 `json:"UnConfigAlarmAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UnConfigAlarmAmount"`

	// Number of events with exceptions.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UnNormalEventAmount *int64 `json:"UnNormalEventAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UnNormalEventAmount"`

	// Number of events that have not been recovered.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	UnRecoverAmount *int64 `json:"UnRecoverAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UnRecoverAmount"`

type DescribeProductEventListRequest

type DescribeProductEventListRequest struct {

	// API component name. It is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Filter by product type. For example, "cvm" indicates Cloud Virtual Machine.
	ProductName []*string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Filter by event name. For example, "guest_reboot" indicates instance restart.
	EventName []*string `json:"EventName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventName"`

	// Affected object, such as "ins-19708ino".
	InstanceId []*string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by dimension, such as by public IP:
	Dimensions []*DescribeProductEventListDimensions `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Region filter parameter for service events.
	RegionList []*string `json:"RegionList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionList"`

	// Filter by event type. Valid values: ["status_change","abnormal"], which indicate events whose statuses have changed and events with exceptions respectively.
	Type []*string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter by event status. Valid values: ["recover","alarm","-"], which indicate that an event has been recovered, has not been recovered, and has no status respectively.
	Status []*string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Filter by project ID.
	Project []*string `json:"Project,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Project"`

	// Filter by alarm status configuration. The value 1 indicates that the alarm status has been configured. The value 0 indicates that the alarm status has not been configured.
	IsAlarmConfig *int64 `json:"IsAlarmConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAlarmConfig"`

	// Sorting by update time. The value ASC indicates the ascending order. The value DESC indicates the descending order. The default value is DESC.
	TimeOrder *string `json:"TimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeOrder"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Page offset. The default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// The number of parameters that can be returned on each page. The default value is 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribeProductEventListRequest

func NewDescribeProductEventListRequest() (request *DescribeProductEventListRequest)

func (*DescribeProductEventListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeProductEventListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeProductEventListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeProductEventListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeProductEventListRequestParams

type DescribeProductEventListRequestParams struct {
	// API component name. It is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Filter by product type. For example, "cvm" indicates Cloud Virtual Machine.
	ProductName []*string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Filter by event name. For example, "guest_reboot" indicates instance restart.
	EventName []*string `json:"EventName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventName"`

	// Affected object, such as "ins-19708ino".
	InstanceId []*string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by dimension, such as by public IP:
	Dimensions []*DescribeProductEventListDimensions `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Region filter parameter for service events.
	RegionList []*string `json:"RegionList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionList"`

	// Filter by event type. Valid values: ["status_change","abnormal"], which indicate events whose statuses have changed and events with exceptions respectively.
	Type []*string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter by event status. Valid values: ["recover","alarm","-"], which indicate that an event has been recovered, has not been recovered, and has no status respectively.
	Status []*string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Filter by project ID.
	Project []*string `json:"Project,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Project"`

	// Filter by alarm status configuration. The value 1 indicates that the alarm status has been configured. The value 0 indicates that the alarm status has not been configured.
	IsAlarmConfig *int64 `json:"IsAlarmConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAlarmConfig"`

	// Sorting by update time. The value ASC indicates the ascending order. The value DESC indicates the descending order. The default value is DESC.
	TimeOrder *string `json:"TimeOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeOrder"`

	// Start time, which is the timestamp one day prior by default.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current timestamp by default.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Page offset. The default value is 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// The number of parameters that can be returned on each page. The default value is 20.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeProductEventListResponse

type DescribeProductEventListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeProductEventListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeProductEventListResponse

func NewDescribeProductEventListResponse() (response *DescribeProductEventListResponse)

func (*DescribeProductEventListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeProductEventListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeProductEventListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeProductEventListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeProductEventListResponseParams

type DescribeProductEventListResponseParams struct {
	// Event list
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Events []*DescribeProductEventListEvents `json:"Events,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Events"`

	// Event statistics.
	OverView *DescribeProductEventListOverView `json:"OverView,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OverView"`

	// Total number of events.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest struct {

	// Cluster ID
	// It can be the ID of a TKE, EKS, or edge cluster.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesRequestParams struct {
	// Cluster ID
	// It can be the ID of a TKE, EKS, or edge cluster.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusAgentInstancesResponseParams struct {
	// List of instances associated with the cluster
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Instances []*string `json:"Instances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instances"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest

type DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// List of agent IDs
	AgentIds []*string `json:"AgentIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentIds"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentsRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentsRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAgentsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusAgentsRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusAgentsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// List of agent IDs
	AgentIds []*string `json:"AgentIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentIds"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse

type DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentsResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusAgentsResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAgentsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusAgentsResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusAgentsResponseParams struct {
	// List of agents
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AgentSet []*PrometheusAgent `json:"AgentSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentSet"`

	// Total number of agents
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter
	// Valid values: `ID`, `Name`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter
	// Valid values: `ID`, `Name`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Alert details
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertRules []*PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertRules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRules"`

	// Total number
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Page limit
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Page limit
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusClusterAgentsResponseParams struct {
	// Information of the associated cluster
	Agents []*PrometheusAgentOverview `json:"Agents,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Agents"`

	// The total number of the associated clusters
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Whether the TMP instance is associated with the cluster for the first time. If so, you need to configure recording rules for it. This also applies if it has no default recording rule.
	IsFirstBind *bool `json:"IsFirstBind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsFirstBind"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusConfigRequest

type DescribePrometheusConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

func NewDescribePrometheusConfigRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusConfigRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusConfigRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusConfigRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusConfigResponse

type DescribePrometheusConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusConfigResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusConfigResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusConfigResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusConfigResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusConfigResponseParams struct {
	// Global configuration
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// ServiceMonitor configuration
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// PodMonitor configuration
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// Raw jobs
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

	// Probes
	Probes []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"Probes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Probes"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance-level scrape configuration
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Whether to disable statistics
	DisableStatistics *bool `json:"DisableStatistics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DisableStatistics"`

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance-level scrape configuration
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Whether to disable statistics
	DisableStatistics *bool `json:"DisableStatistics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DisableStatistics"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusGlobalConfigResponseParams struct {
	// Configuration content
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// List of service monitors and the corresponding targets information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// List of pod monitors and the corresponding targets information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// List of raw jobs and the corresponding targets information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

	// List of probes and the corresponding targets information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Probes []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"Probes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Probes"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams struct {
	// Global alert notification channel
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceDetailResponseParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet ID
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

	// Instance status. Valid values:
	// `1`: Creating
	// `2`: Running
	// `3`: Abnormal
	// `4`: Rebooting
	// `5`: Terminating
	// `6`: Service suspended
	// `8`: Suspending service for overdue payment
	// `9`: Service suspended for overdue payment
	InstanceStatus *int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Billing status
	// `1`: Normal
	// `2`: Expired
	// `3`: Terminated
	// `4`: Assigning
	// `5`: Failed to assign
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ChargeStatus *int64 `json:"ChargeStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChargeStatus"`

	// Whether Grafana is enabled
	// `0`: Disabled
	// `1`: Enabled
	EnableGrafana *int64 `json:"EnableGrafana,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableGrafana"`

	// Grafana dashboard URL
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaURL *string `json:"GrafanaURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaURL"`

	// Instance billing mode. Valid values:
	// `2`: Monthly subscription
	// `3`: Pay-as-you-go
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

	// Specification name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SpecName *string `json:"SpecName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SpecName"`

	// Storage period
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

	// Expiration time of the purchased instance
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExpireTime *string `json:"ExpireTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpireTime"`

	// Auto-renewal flag
	// `0`: Auto-renewal not enabled
	// `1`: Auto-renewal enabled
	// `2`: Auto-renewal prohibited
	// `-1`: Invalid
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AutoRenewFlag *int64 `json:"AutoRenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoRenewFlag"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceInitStatusResponseParams struct {
	// Instance initialization status. Valid values:
	// `uninitialized`
	// `initializing`
	// `running`
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Status *string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Initialize task steps
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Steps []*TaskStepInfo `json:"Steps,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Steps"`

	// EKS cluster ID of the instance
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EksClusterId *string `json:"EksClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EksClusterId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest struct {

	// Query by one or more instance IDs. Instance ID is in the format of `prom-xxxxxxxx`. Up to 100 instances can be queried in one request.
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// Start time
	StartCalcDate *string `json:"StartCalcDate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartCalcDate"`

	// End time
	EndCalcDate *string `json:"EndCalcDate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndCalcDate"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageRequestParams struct {
	// Query by one or more instance IDs. Instance ID is in the format of `prom-xxxxxxxx`. Up to 100 instances can be queried in one request.
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// Start time
	StartCalcDate *string `json:"StartCalcDate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartCalcDate"`

	// End time
	EndCalcDate *string `json:"EndCalcDate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndCalcDate"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusInstanceUsageResponseParams struct {
	// Usage list
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UsageSet []*PrometheusInstanceTenantUsage `json:"UsageSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UsageSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest struct {

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Instance filter. Valid values:
	// `ID`: Filter by instance ID
	// `Name`: Filter by instance name
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewRequestParams struct {
	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Instance filter. Valid values:
	// `ID`: Filter by instance ID
	// `Name`: Filter by instance name
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusInstancesOverviewResponseParams struct {
	// List of instances
	Instances []*PrometheusInstancesOverview `json:"Instances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instances"`

	// Total number of instances
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest

type DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest struct {

	// Queries by instance ID or IDs. Instance ID is in the format of `prom-xxxxxxxx`. Up to 100 instances can be queried in one request.
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// Filter by instance status
	// <ul>
	// <li>1: Creating</li>
	// <li>2: Running</li>
	// <li>3: Abnormal</li>
	// <li>4: Rebooting</li>
	// <li>5: Terminating</li>
	// <li>6: Service suspended</li>
	// <li>8: Suspending service for overdue payment</li>
	// <li>9: Service suspended for overdue payment</li>
	// </ul>
	InstanceStatus []*int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Filter by instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Filter by AZ in the format of `ap-guangzhou-1`
	Zones []*string `json:"Zones,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zones"`

	// Filter by tag key-value pair. The `tag-key` should be replaced with a specific tag key.
	TagFilters []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagFilters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagFilters"`

	// Filter by instance IPv4 address
	IPv4Address []*string `json:"IPv4Address,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IPv4Address"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter by billing mode
	// <li>2: Monthly subscription</li>
	// <li>3: Pay-as-you-go</li>
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusInstancesRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusInstancesRequestParams struct {
	// Queries by instance ID or IDs. Instance ID is in the format of `prom-xxxxxxxx`. Up to 100 instances can be queried in one request.
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

	// Filter by instance status
	// <ul>
	// <li>1: Creating</li>
	// <li>2: Running</li>
	// <li>3: Abnormal</li>
	// <li>4: Rebooting</li>
	// <li>5: Terminating</li>
	// <li>6: Service suspended</li>
	// <li>8: Suspending service for overdue payment</li>
	// <li>9: Service suspended for overdue payment</li>
	// </ul>
	InstanceStatus []*int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Filter by instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Filter by AZ in the format of `ap-guangzhou-1`
	Zones []*string `json:"Zones,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zones"`

	// Filter by tag key-value pair. The `tag-key` should be replaced with a specific tag key.
	TagFilters []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagFilters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagFilters"`

	// Filter by instance IPv4 address
	IPv4Address []*string `json:"IPv4Address,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IPv4Address"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter by billing mode
	// <li>2: Monthly subscription</li>
	// <li>3: Pay-as-you-go</li>
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse

type DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusInstancesResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusInstancesResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusInstancesResponseParams struct {
	// List of instance details.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceSet []*PrometheusInstancesItem `json:"InstanceSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSet"`

	// Number of eligible instances.
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter. Valid values:
	// `Name`: Name
	// `Values`: List of target names
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter. Valid values:
	// `Name`: Name
	// `Values`: List of target names
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Filter
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusRecordRulesResponseParams struct {
	// Recording rule
	Records []*PrometheusRecordRuleYamlItem `json:"Records,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Records"`

	// Total number
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Task name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// List of task IDs
	JobIds []*string `json:"JobIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobIds"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Task name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// List of task IDs
	JobIds []*string `json:"JobIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobIds"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusScrapeJobsResponseParams struct {
	// List of tasks
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ScrapeJobSet []*PrometheusScrapeJob `json:"ScrapeJobSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ScrapeJobSet"`

	// Total number of tasks
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Filters.
	// You can filter by `RawJob`, `Job`, `ServiceMonitor`, `PodMonitor`, or `Health`.
	// `Health` contains three values: `up`, `down`, `unknown`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Filters.
	// You can filter by `RawJob`, `Job`, `ServiceMonitor`, `PodMonitor`, or `Health`.
	// `Health` contains three values: `up`, `down`, `unknown`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusTargetsTMPResponseParams struct {
	// Targets information of all jobs
	Jobs []*PrometheusJobTargets `json:"Jobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Jobs"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTempRequest

type DescribePrometheusTempRequest struct {

	// Fuzzy filter. Valid values:
	// `Level`: Filter by template level
	// `Name`: Filter by name
	// `Describe`: Filter by description
	// `ID`: Filter by templateId
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTempRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusTempRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusTempRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTempRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusTempRequestParams struct {
	// Fuzzy filter. Valid values:
	// `Level`: Filter by template level
	// `Name`: Filter by name
	// `Describe`: Filter by description
	// `ID`: Filter by templateId
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Page offset
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Number of results per page
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTempResponse

type DescribePrometheusTempResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusTempResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTempResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusTempResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusTempResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTempResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusTempResponseParams struct {
	// List of templates
	Templates []*PrometheusTemp `json:"Templates,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Templates"`

	// Total number
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest struct {

	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncRequestParams struct {
	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusTempSyncResponseParams struct {
	// Details of the sync target
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Targets []*PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusZonesRequest

type DescribePrometheusZonesRequest struct {

	// Region ID. You only need to specify the value of either `RegionId` or `RegionName`.
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// Region name. You only need to specify the value of either `RegionId` or `RegionName`.
	RegionName *string `json:"RegionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionName"`

func NewDescribePrometheusZonesRequest

func NewDescribePrometheusZonesRequest() (request *DescribePrometheusZonesRequest)

func (*DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusZonesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusZonesRequestParams

type DescribePrometheusZonesRequestParams struct {
	// Region ID. You only need to specify the value of either `RegionId` or `RegionName`.
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// Region name. You only need to specify the value of either `RegionId` or `RegionName`.
	RegionName *string `json:"RegionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribePrometheusZonesResponse

type DescribePrometheusZonesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribePrometheusZonesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribePrometheusZonesResponse

func NewDescribePrometheusZonesResponse() (response *DescribePrometheusZonesResponse)

func (*DescribePrometheusZonesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusZonesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribePrometheusZonesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribePrometheusZonesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribePrometheusZonesResponseParams

type DescribePrometheusZonesResponseParams struct {
	// Region list
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ZoneSet []*PrometheusZoneItem `json:"ZoneSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ZoneSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeRecordingRulesRequest

type DescribeRecordingRulesRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewDescribeRecordingRulesRequest

func NewDescribeRecordingRulesRequest() (request *DescribeRecordingRulesRequest)

func (*DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeRecordingRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeRecordingRulesRequestParams

type DescribeRecordingRulesRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeRecordingRulesResponse

type DescribeRecordingRulesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeRecordingRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeRecordingRulesResponse

func NewDescribeRecordingRulesResponse() (response *DescribeRecordingRulesResponse)

func (*DescribeRecordingRulesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeRecordingRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeRecordingRulesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeRecordingRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeRecordingRulesResponseParams

type DescribeRecordingRulesResponseParams struct {
	// Number of rule groups
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Rule group details
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecordingRuleSet []*RecordingRuleSet `json:"RecordingRuleSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordingRuleSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSSOAccountRequest

type DescribeSSOAccountRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by account ID such as “10000”
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

func NewDescribeSSOAccountRequest

func NewDescribeSSOAccountRequest() (request *DescribeSSOAccountRequest)

func (*DescribeSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSSOAccountRequestParams

type DescribeSSOAccountRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Filter by account ID such as “10000”
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSSOAccountResponse

type DescribeSSOAccountResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSSOAccountResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSSOAccountResponse

func NewDescribeSSOAccountResponse() (response *DescribeSSOAccountResponse)

func (*DescribeSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSSOAccountResponseParams

type DescribeSSOAccountResponseParams struct {
	// List of authorized accounts
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccountSet []*GrafanaAccountInfo `json:"AccountSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccountSet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// <li>TKE: ID of the integrated TKE cluster</li>
	KubeClusterId *string `json:"KubeClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeClusterId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

func NewDescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest

func NewDescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest() (request *DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest)

func (*DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequestParams

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// <li>TKE: ID of the integrated TKE cluster</li>
	KubeClusterId *string `json:"KubeClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeClusterId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse

func NewDescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse() (response *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse)

func (*DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponseParams

type DescribeServiceDiscoveryResponseParams struct {
	// List of returned scrape configurations
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ServiceDiscoverySet []*ServiceDiscoveryItem `json:"ServiceDiscoverySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceDiscoverySet"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeStatisticDataRequest

type DescribeStatisticDataRequest struct {

	// Module, whose value is fixed at `monitor`
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Namespace. Valid values: `QCE`, `TKE2`.
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name list
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

	// Dimension condition. The `=` and `in` operators are supported
	Conditions []*MidQueryCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Statistical period in seconds. Default value: 300. Optional values: 60, 300, 3,600, and 86,400.
	// Due to the storage period limit, the statistical period is subject to the time range of statistics:
	// 60s: The time range is less than 12 hours, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 15 days.
	// 300s: The time range is less than three days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 31 days.
	// 3,600s: The time range is less than 30 days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 93 days.
	// 86,400s: The time range is less than 186 days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 186 days.
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Start time, which is the current time by default, such as 2020-12-08T19:51:23+08:00
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current time by default, such as 2020-12-08T19:51:23+08:00
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// `groupBy` by the specified dimension
	GroupBys []*string `json:"GroupBys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBys"`

func NewDescribeStatisticDataRequest

func NewDescribeStatisticDataRequest() (request *DescribeStatisticDataRequest)

func (*DescribeStatisticDataRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeStatisticDataRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeStatisticDataRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeStatisticDataRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeStatisticDataRequestParams

type DescribeStatisticDataRequestParams struct {
	// Module, whose value is fixed at `monitor`
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Namespace. Valid values: `QCE`, `TKE2`.
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name list
	MetricNames []*string `json:"MetricNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricNames"`

	// Dimension condition. The `=` and `in` operators are supported
	Conditions []*MidQueryCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Statistical period in seconds. Default value: 300. Optional values: 60, 300, 3,600, and 86,400.
	// Due to the storage period limit, the statistical period is subject to the time range of statistics:
	// 60s: The time range is less than 12 hours, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 15 days.
	// 300s: The time range is less than three days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 31 days.
	// 3,600s: The time range is less than 30 days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 93 days.
	// 86,400s: The time range is less than 186 days, and the timespan between `StartTime` and the current time cannot exceed 186 days.
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Start time, which is the current time by default, such as 2020-12-08T19:51:23+08:00
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current time by default, such as 2020-12-08T19:51:23+08:00
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// `groupBy` by the specified dimension
	GroupBys []*string `json:"GroupBys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBys"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeStatisticDataResponse

type DescribeStatisticDataResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeStatisticDataResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeStatisticDataResponse

func NewDescribeStatisticDataResponse() (response *DescribeStatisticDataResponse)

func (*DescribeStatisticDataResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeStatisticDataResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeStatisticDataResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeStatisticDataResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeStatisticDataResponseParams

type DescribeStatisticDataResponseParams struct {
	// Statistical period
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Start time
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Monitoring data
	Data []*MetricData `json:"Data,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Data"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance ID. The instance must be terminated first.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewDestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest

func NewDestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest() (request *DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest)

func (*DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequestParams

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID. The instance must be terminated first.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse

func NewDestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse() (response *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse)

func (*DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponseParams

type DestroyPrometheusInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Dimension

type Dimension struct {
	// Instance dimension name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Instance dimension value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type DimensionNew

type DimensionNew struct {
	// Dimension key ID displayed on the backend
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Dimension key name displayed on the frontend
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether it is required
	IsRequired *bool `json:"IsRequired,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsRequired"`

	// List of supported operators
	Operators []*Operator `json:"Operators,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operators"`

	// Whether multiple items can be selected
	IsMultiple *bool `json:"IsMultiple,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsMultiple"`

	// Whether it can be modified after creation
	IsMutable *bool `json:"IsMutable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsMutable"`

	// Whether it is displayed to users
	IsVisible *bool `json:"IsVisible,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsVisible"`

	// Whether it can be used to filter policies
	CanFilterPolicy *bool `json:"CanFilterPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanFilterPolicy"`

	// Whether it can be used to filter historical alarms
	CanFilterHistory *bool `json:"CanFilterHistory,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanFilterHistory"`

	// Whether it can be used as an aggregate dimension
	CanGroupBy *bool `json:"CanGroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanGroupBy"`

	// Whether it must be used as an aggregate dimension
	MustGroupBy *bool `json:"MustGroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MustGroupBy"`

	// The key to be replaced on the frontend
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ShowValueReplace *string `json:"ShowValueReplace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ShowValueReplace"`

type DimensionsDesc

type DimensionsDesc struct {
	// Array of dimension names
	Dimensions []*string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

type EnableGrafanaInternetRequest

type EnableGrafanaInternetRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-kleu3gt0”.
	InstanceID *string `json:"InstanceID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceID"`

	// Whether to enable public network access (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableInternet *bool `json:"EnableInternet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableInternet"`

func NewEnableGrafanaInternetRequest

func NewEnableGrafanaInternetRequest() (request *EnableGrafanaInternetRequest)

func (*EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaInternetRequest) ToJsonString() string

type EnableGrafanaInternetRequestParams

type EnableGrafanaInternetRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-kleu3gt0”.
	InstanceID *string `json:"InstanceID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceID"`

	// Whether to enable public network access (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableInternet *bool `json:"EnableInternet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableInternet"`

Predefined struct for user

type EnableGrafanaInternetResponse

type EnableGrafanaInternetResponse struct {
	Response *EnableGrafanaInternetResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewEnableGrafanaInternetResponse

func NewEnableGrafanaInternetResponse() (response *EnableGrafanaInternetResponse)

func (*EnableGrafanaInternetResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaInternetResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableGrafanaInternetResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaInternetResponse) ToJsonString() string

type EnableGrafanaInternetResponseParams

type EnableGrafanaInternetResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type EnableGrafanaSSORequest

type EnableGrafanaSSORequest struct {

	// Whether to enable SSO (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableSSO *bool `json:"EnableSSO,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSO"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewEnableGrafanaSSORequest

func NewEnableGrafanaSSORequest() (request *EnableGrafanaSSORequest)

func (*EnableGrafanaSSORequest) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaSSORequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableGrafanaSSORequest) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaSSORequest) ToJsonString() string

type EnableGrafanaSSORequestParams

type EnableGrafanaSSORequestParams struct {
	// Whether to enable SSO (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableSSO *bool `json:"EnableSSO,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSO"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type EnableGrafanaSSOResponse

type EnableGrafanaSSOResponse struct {
	Response *EnableGrafanaSSOResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewEnableGrafanaSSOResponse

func NewEnableGrafanaSSOResponse() (response *EnableGrafanaSSOResponse)

func (*EnableGrafanaSSOResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaSSOResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableGrafanaSSOResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableGrafanaSSOResponse) ToJsonString() string

type EnableGrafanaSSOResponseParams

type EnableGrafanaSSOResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type EnableSSOCamCheckRequest

type EnableSSOCamCheckRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Whether to enable CAM authentication (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableSSOCamCheck *bool `json:"EnableSSOCamCheck,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSOCamCheck"`

func NewEnableSSOCamCheckRequest

func NewEnableSSOCamCheckRequest() (request *EnableSSOCamCheckRequest)

func (*EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableSSOCamCheckRequest) ToJsonString() string

type EnableSSOCamCheckRequestParams

type EnableSSOCamCheckRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Whether to enable CAM authentication (`true`: Yes; `false`: No)
	EnableSSOCamCheck *bool `json:"EnableSSOCamCheck,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSOCamCheck"`

Predefined struct for user

type EnableSSOCamCheckResponse

type EnableSSOCamCheckResponse struct {
	Response *EnableSSOCamCheckResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewEnableSSOCamCheckResponse

func NewEnableSSOCamCheckResponse() (response *EnableSSOCamCheckResponse)

func (*EnableSSOCamCheckResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *EnableSSOCamCheckResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*EnableSSOCamCheckResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *EnableSSOCamCheckResponse) ToJsonString() string

type EnableSSOCamCheckResponseParams

type EnableSSOCamCheckResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type EventCondition

type EventCondition struct {
	// Alarm notification frequency.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *string `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Predefined repeated notification policy. `0`: One-time alarm; `1`: exponential alarm; `2`: consecutive alarm
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlarmNotifyType *string `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Event ID.
	EventID *string `json:"EventID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventID"`

	// Displayed event name.
	EventDisplayName *string `json:"EventDisplayName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventDisplayName"`

	// Rule ID.
	RuleID *string `json:"RuleID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleID"`

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	// Filter method. Valid values: `=`, `!=`, `in`.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter dimension name
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Filter value. For the `in` filter method, separate multiple values by comma.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

	// Filter name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Filter value range
	Values []*string `json:"Values,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Values"`

type GetMonitorDataRequest

type GetMonitorDataRequest struct {

	// Namespace, such as QCE/CVM. For more information on the namespaces of each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1)
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name, such as `CPUUsage`. Only one monitoring metric can be pulled at a time. For more information on the metrics of each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). The corresponding metric name is `MetricName`.
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// The dimension combination for instance objects, which is in the form of a set of key-value pairs. The dimension fields for instances of different Tencent Cloud services are completely different. For example, the field is [{"Name":"InstanceId","Value":"ins-j0hk02zo"}] for CVM instances, [{"Name":"instanceId","Value":"ckafka-l49k54dd"}] for CKafka instances, and [{"Name":"appid","Value":"1258344699"},{"Name":"bucket","Value":"rig-1258344699"}] for COS instances. For more information on the dimensions of various Tencent Cloud services, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). In each document, the dimension column displays a dimension combination’s key, which has a corresponding value. A single request can get the data of up to 10 instances.
	Instances []*Instance `json:"Instances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instances"`

	// Monitoring statistical period in seconds, such as 60. Default value: 300. The statistical period varies by metric. For more information on the statistical periods supported by each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). The values in the statistical period column are the supported statistical periods. A single request can get up to 1,440 data points.
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Start time such as 2018-09-22T19:51:23+08:00
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current time by default, such as 2018-09-22T20:51:23+08:00. `EndTime` cannot be earlier than `StartTime`
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

func NewGetMonitorDataRequest

func NewGetMonitorDataRequest() (request *GetMonitorDataRequest)

func (*GetMonitorDataRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *GetMonitorDataRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetMonitorDataRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *GetMonitorDataRequest) ToJsonString() string

type GetMonitorDataRequestParams

type GetMonitorDataRequestParams struct {
	// Namespace, such as QCE/CVM. For more information on the namespaces of each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1)
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name, such as `CPUUsage`. Only one monitoring metric can be pulled at a time. For more information on the metrics of each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). The corresponding metric name is `MetricName`.
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// The dimension combination for instance objects, which is in the form of a set of key-value pairs. The dimension fields for instances of different Tencent Cloud services are completely different. For example, the field is [{"Name":"InstanceId","Value":"ins-j0hk02zo"}] for CVM instances, [{"Name":"instanceId","Value":"ckafka-l49k54dd"}] for CKafka instances, and [{"Name":"appid","Value":"1258344699"},{"Name":"bucket","Value":"rig-1258344699"}] for COS instances. For more information on the dimensions of various Tencent Cloud services, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). In each document, the dimension column displays a dimension combination’s key, which has a corresponding value. A single request can get the data of up to 10 instances.
	Instances []*Instance `json:"Instances,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instances"`

	// Monitoring statistical period in seconds, such as 60. Default value: 300. The statistical period varies by metric. For more information on the statistical periods supported by each Tencent Cloud service, please see [Tencent Cloud Service Metrics](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/248/6140?from_cn_redirect=1). The values in the statistical period column are the supported statistical periods. A single request can get up to 1,440 data points.
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Start time such as 2018-09-22T19:51:23+08:00
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, which is the current time by default, such as 2018-09-22T20:51:23+08:00. `EndTime` cannot be earlier than `StartTime`
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

Predefined struct for user

type GetMonitorDataResponse

type GetMonitorDataResponse struct {
	Response *GetMonitorDataResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewGetMonitorDataResponse

func NewGetMonitorDataResponse() (response *GetMonitorDataResponse)

func (*GetMonitorDataResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *GetMonitorDataResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetMonitorDataResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *GetMonitorDataResponse) ToJsonString() string

type GetMonitorDataResponseParams

type GetMonitorDataResponseParams struct {
	// Statistical period
	Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Metric name
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Array of data points
	DataPoints []*DataPoint `json:"DataPoints,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataPoints"`

	// Start time
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Returned message
	Msg *string `json:"Msg,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Msg"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

func NewGetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest

func NewGetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest() (request *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest)

func (*GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequest) ToJsonString

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequestParams

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse struct {
	Response *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewGetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse

func NewGetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse() (response *GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse)

func (*GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponse) ToJsonString

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponseParams

type GetPrometheusAgentManagementCommandResponseParams struct {
	// Agent management command
	Command *ManagementCommand `json:"Command,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Command"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GrafanaAccountInfo

type GrafanaAccountInfo struct {
	// User account ID
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User permission
	Role []*GrafanaAccountRole `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

	// Remarks
	Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notes"`

	// Creation time
	CreateAt *string `json:"CreateAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateAt"`

	// Instance ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User’s root account UIN
	Uin *string `json:"Uin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Uin"`

type GrafanaAccountRole

type GrafanaAccountRole struct {
	// Organization
	Organization *string `json:"Organization,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Organization"`

	// Permission
	Role *string `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

type GrafanaChannel

type GrafanaChannel struct {
	// Channel ID
	ChannelId *string `json:"ChannelId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelId"`

	// Channel name
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Array of alert channel template IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Creation time
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Update time
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

	// All valid organizations in an alert channel
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OrganizationIds []*string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

type GrafanaInstanceInfo

type GrafanaInstanceInfo struct {
	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Region
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Array of subnet IDs
	SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"`

	// Grafana private network address
	InternetUrl *string `json:"InternetUrl,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InternetUrl"`

	// Grafana public network address
	InternalUrl *string `json:"InternalUrl,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InternalUrl"`

	// Creation time
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Status. Valid values: `1` (creating), `2` (running), `3` (abnormal), `4` (restarting), `5` (stopping), `6` (stopped), `7` (deleted).
	InstanceStatus *int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Instance tag
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

	// Instance AZ
	Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zone"`

	// Billing mode. Valid value: `1` (monthly subscription).
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

	// VPC name
	VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcName"`

	// Subnet name
	SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"`

	// Region ID
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// The full URL used to access this instance
	RootUrl *string `json:"RootUrl,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RootUrl"`

	// Whether to enable SSO
	EnableSSO *bool `json:"EnableSSO,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSO"`

	// Version number
	Version *string `json:"Version,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Version"`

	// Whether to enable CAM authentication during SSO
	EnableSSOCamCheck *bool `json:"EnableSSOCamCheck,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableSSOCamCheck"`

type GrafanaIntegrationConfig

type GrafanaIntegrationConfig struct {
	// Integration ID
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// Integration type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integration content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Integration description
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Grafana redirection address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaURL *string `json:"GrafanaURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaURL"`

type GrafanaNotificationChannel

type GrafanaNotificationChannel struct {
	// Channel ID
	ChannelId *string `json:"ChannelId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelId"`

	// Channel name
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Array of notification channel template IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Creation time
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Update time
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

	// Default valid organization. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	OrgId *string `json:"OrgId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrgId"`

	// Extra valid organization. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExtraOrgIds []*string `json:"ExtraOrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExtraOrgIds"`

	// Valid organization. This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OrgIds *string `json:"OrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrgIds"`

	// All valid organizations in an alert channel
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OrganizationIds *string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

type GrafanaPlugin

type GrafanaPlugin struct {
	// Grafana plugin ID
	PluginId *string `json:"PluginId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginId"`

	// Grafana plugin version
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Version *string `json:"Version,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Version"`

type InstallPluginsRequest

type InstallPluginsRequest struct {

	// Plugin information
	Plugins []*GrafanaPlugin `json:"Plugins,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Plugins"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewInstallPluginsRequest

func NewInstallPluginsRequest() (request *InstallPluginsRequest)

func (*InstallPluginsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *InstallPluginsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*InstallPluginsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *InstallPluginsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type InstallPluginsRequestParams

type InstallPluginsRequestParams struct {
	// Plugin information
	Plugins []*GrafanaPlugin `json:"Plugins,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Plugins"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type InstallPluginsResponse

type InstallPluginsResponse struct {
	Response *InstallPluginsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewInstallPluginsResponse

func NewInstallPluginsResponse() (response *InstallPluginsResponse)

func (*InstallPluginsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *InstallPluginsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*InstallPluginsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *InstallPluginsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type InstallPluginsResponseParams

type InstallPluginsResponseParams struct {
	// ID of the installed plugin
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PluginIds []*string `json:"PluginIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginIds"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Instance

type Instance struct {
	// Combination of instance dimensions
	Dimensions []*Dimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

type InstanceGroup

type InstanceGroup struct {
	// Instance group ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Instance group name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
	InstanceGroupName *string `json:"InstanceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupName"`

type InstanceGroups

type InstanceGroups struct {
	// Instance group ID
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Instance group name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

type IntegrationConfiguration

type IntegrationConfiguration struct {
	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// Status
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Instance type
	Category *string `json:"Category,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Category"`

	// Instance description
	InstanceDesc *string `json:"InstanceDesc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceDesc"`

	// Dashboard URL
	GrafanaDashboardURL *string `json:"GrafanaDashboardURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaDashboardURL"`

type Label

type Label struct {
	// Label name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Label value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type LogAlarmReq

type LogAlarmReq struct {
	// APM instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Search condition
	Filter []*LogFilterInfo `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// The switch to enable/disable alarm merging
	AlarmMerge *string `json:"AlarmMerge,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmMerge"`

	// Alarm merging time
	AlarmMergeTime *string `json:"AlarmMergeTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmMergeTime"`

type LogFilterInfo

type LogFilterInfo struct {
	// Field name
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Comparison operator
	Operator *string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// Field value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type ManagementCommand

type ManagementCommand struct {
	// Agent installation command
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Install *string `json:"Install,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Install"`

	// Agent restart command
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Restart *string `json:"Restart,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Restart"`

	// Agent stop command
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Stop *string `json:"Stop,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Stop"`

	// Agent status detection command
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StatusCheck *string `json:"StatusCheck,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatusCheck"`

	// Agent log detection command
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LogCheck *string `json:"LogCheck,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogCheck"`

type Metric

type Metric struct {
	// Alarm policy type
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric name
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Metric display name
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Minimum value
	Min *float64 `json:"Min,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Min"`

	// Maximum value
	Max *float64 `json:"Max,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Max"`

	// Dimension list
	Dimensions []*string `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Unit
	Unit *string `json:"Unit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unit"`

	// Metric configuration
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MetricConfig *MetricConfig `json:"MetricConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricConfig"`

	// Whether it is an advanced metric. 1: Yes; 0: No.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsAdvanced *int64 `json:"IsAdvanced,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAdvanced"`

	// Whether the advanced metric feature is enabled. 1: Yes; 0: No.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsOpen *int64 `json:"IsOpen,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOpen"`

	// Integration center product ID.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProductId *int64 `json:"ProductId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductId"`

	// Matching operator
	// Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Operators []*Operator `json:"Operators,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operators"`

	// Metric monitoring granularity
	// Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Periods []*int64 `json:"Periods,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Periods"`

type MetricConfig

type MetricConfig struct {
	// Allowed operator
	Operator []*string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// Allowed data cycle in seconds
	Period []*int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Allowed number of continuous cycles
	ContinuePeriod []*int64 `json:"ContinuePeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinuePeriod"`

type MetricData

type MetricData struct {
	// Metric name
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Monitoring data point
	Points []*MetricDataPoint `json:"Points,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Points"`

type MetricDataPoint

type MetricDataPoint struct {
	// Combination of instance object dimensions
	Dimensions []*Dimension `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Data point list
	Values []*Point `json:"Values,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Values"`

type MetricObjectMeaning

type MetricObjectMeaning struct {
	// Meaning of the metric in English
	En *string `json:"En,omitnil,omitempty" name:"En"`

	// Meaning of the metric in Chinese
	Zh *string `json:"Zh,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zh"`

type MetricSet

type MetricSet struct {
	// Namespace. Each Tencent Cloud product has a namespace
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Metric Name
	MetricName *string `json:"MetricName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricName"`

	// Unit used by the metric
	Unit *string `json:"Unit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unit"`

	// Unit used by the metric
	UnitCname *string `json:"UnitCname,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UnitCname"`

	// Statistical period in seconds supported by the metric, such as 60 and 300
	Period []*int64 `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Metric method during the statistical period
	Periods []*PeriodsSt `json:"Periods,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Periods"`

	// Meaning of the statistical metric
	Meaning *MetricObjectMeaning `json:"Meaning,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Meaning"`

	// Dimension description
	Dimensions []*DimensionsDesc `json:"Dimensions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Dimensions"`

	// Metric name (in Chinese).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MetricCName *string `json:"MetricCName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricCName"`

	// Metric name (in English).
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MetricEName *string `json:"MetricEName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricEName"`

type MidQueryCondition

type MidQueryCondition struct {
	// Dimension
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Operator. Valid values: eq (equal to), ne (not equal to), in
	Operator *string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// Dimension value. If `Operator` is `eq` or `ne`, only the first element will be used
	Value []*string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest

type ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification rule name, which can contain up to 60 characters
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Notification type. Valid values: ALARM (for unresolved alarms), OK (for resolved alarms), ALL (for all alarms)
	NoticeType *string `json:"NoticeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeType"`

	// Notification language. Valid values: zh-CN (Chinese), en-US (English)
	NoticeLanguage *string `json:"NoticeLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeLanguage"`

	// Alarm notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

	// User notifications (up to 5)
	UserNotices []*UserNotice `json:"UserNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNotices"`

	// Callback notifications (up to 3)
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// The operation of pushing alarm notifications to CLS. Up to one CLS log topic can be configured.
	CLSNotices []*CLSNotice `json:"CLSNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CLSNotices"`

	// List of IDs of the alerting rules bound to an alarm notification template
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

func NewModifyAlarmNoticeRequest

func NewModifyAlarmNoticeRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmNoticeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmNoticeRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmNoticeRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm notification rule name, which can contain up to 60 characters
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Notification type. Valid values: ALARM (for unresolved alarms), OK (for resolved alarms), ALL (for all alarms)
	NoticeType *string `json:"NoticeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeType"`

	// Notification language. Valid values: zh-CN (Chinese), en-US (English)
	NoticeLanguage *string `json:"NoticeLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeLanguage"`

	// Alarm notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

	// User notifications (up to 5)
	UserNotices []*UserNotice `json:"UserNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNotices"`

	// Callback notifications (up to 3)
	URLNotices []*URLNotice `json:"URLNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URLNotices"`

	// The operation of pushing alarm notifications to CLS. Up to one CLS log topic can be configured.
	CLSNotices []*CLSNotice `json:"CLSNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CLSNotices"`

	// List of IDs of the alerting rules bound to an alarm notification template
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse

type ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmNoticeResponse

func NewModifyAlarmNoticeResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmNoticeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmNoticeResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmNoticeResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// ID of trigger condition template. This parameter can be left empty.
	ConditionTemplateId *int64 `json:"ConditionTemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTemplateId"`

	// Metric trigger condition
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

	// Global filter.
	Filter *AlarmPolicyFilter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// Aggregation dimension list, which is used to specify which dimension keys data is grouped by.
	GroupBy []*string `json:"GroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBy"`

	// Log alarm creation request parameters
	LogAlarmReqInfo *LogAlarmReq `json:"LogAlarmReqInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogAlarmReqInfo"`

	// Template ID, which is dedicated to TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Status (`0`: Disabled; `1`: Enabled)
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// Name of the policy dedicated to TMP
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// ID of trigger condition template. This parameter can be left empty.
	ConditionTemplateId *int64 `json:"ConditionTemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTemplateId"`

	// Metric trigger condition
	Condition *AlarmPolicyCondition `json:"Condition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Condition"`

	// Event trigger condition
	EventCondition *AlarmPolicyEventCondition `json:"EventCondition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventCondition"`

	// Global filter.
	Filter *AlarmPolicyFilter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

	// Aggregation dimension list, which is used to specify which dimension keys data is grouped by.
	GroupBy []*string `json:"GroupBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupBy"`

	// Log alarm creation request parameters
	LogAlarmReqInfo *LogAlarmReq `json:"LogAlarmReqInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogAlarmReqInfo"`

	// Template ID, which is dedicated to TencentCloud Managed Service for Prometheus.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Status (`0`: Disabled; `1`: Enabled)
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// Name of the policy dedicated to TMP
	PolicyName *string `json:"PolicyName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyName"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyConditionResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Field to be modified. Valid values: NAME (policy name), REMARK (policy remarks)
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Value after modification
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Field to be modified. Valid values: NAME (policy name), REMARK (policy remarks)
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Value after modification
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyInfoResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is specified as `monitor`.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If both `PolicyIds` and this parameter are returned, only `PolicyIds` takes effect.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// List of alarm notification template IDs.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Alarm policy ID array, which can be used to associate notification templates with multiple alarm policies. Max value: 30.
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

	// Notification rules for different alarm levels
	HierarchicalNotices []*AlarmHierarchicalNotice `json:"HierarchicalNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HierarchicalNotices"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is specified as `monitor`.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If both `PolicyIds` and this parameter are returned, only `PolicyIds` takes effect.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// List of alarm notification template IDs.
	NoticeIds []*string `json:"NoticeIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeIds"`

	// Alarm policy ID array, which can be used to associate notification templates with multiple alarm policies. Max value: 30.
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

	// Notification rules for different alarm levels
	HierarchicalNotices []*AlarmHierarchicalNotice `json:"HierarchicalNotices,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HierarchicalNotices"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyNoticeResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Status. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Status. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
	Enable *int64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyStatusResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest struct {

	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// List of tasks triggered by alarm policy. If this parameter is left empty, it indicates to unbind all tasks
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksRequestParams struct {
	// Module name. Enter "monitor" here
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// List of tasks triggered by alarm policy. If this parameter is left empty, it indicates to unbind all tasks
	TriggerTasks []*AlarmPolicyTriggerTask `json:"TriggerTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TriggerTasks"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse

func NewModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmPolicyTasksResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest

type ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest struct {

	// ID of a policy group whose recipient needs to be modified.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Required. The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// New recipient information. If this parameter is not configured, all recipients will be deleted.
	ReceiverInfos []*ReceiverInfo `json:"ReceiverInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverInfos"`

func NewModifyAlarmReceiversRequest

func NewModifyAlarmReceiversRequest() (request *ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest)

func (*ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmReceiversRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmReceiversRequestParams

type ModifyAlarmReceiversRequestParams struct {
	// ID of a policy group whose recipient needs to be modified.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Required. The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// New recipient information. If this parameter is not configured, all recipients will be deleted.
	ReceiverInfos []*ReceiverInfo `json:"ReceiverInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverInfos"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse

type ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAlarmReceiversResponse

func NewModifyAlarmReceiversResponse() (response *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse)

func (*ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAlarmReceiversResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAlarmReceiversResponseParams

type ModifyAlarmReceiversResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// TCMG instance name, such as “test”.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

func NewModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// TCMG instance name, such as “test”.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type ModifyGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPolicyGroupCondition

type ModifyPolicyGroupCondition struct {
	// Metric ID.
	MetricId *int64 `json:"MetricId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MetricId"`

	// Comparative type. The value 1 indicates greater than. The value 2 indicates greater than or equal to. The value 3 indicates smaller than. The value 4 indicates smaller than or equal to. The value 5 indicates equal to. The value 6 indicates not equal to.
	CalcType *int64 `json:"CalcType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcType"`

	// Threshold.
	CalcValue *string `json:"CalcValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcValue"`

	// Data period of the detected metric.
	CalcPeriod *int64 `json:"CalcPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcPeriod"`

	// Number of consecutive periods.
	ContinuePeriod *int64 `json:"ContinuePeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ContinuePeriod"`

	// Alarm sending and convergence type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. If the value is less than 0, no alarm will be triggered. If the value is 0, an alarm will be triggered only once. If the value is greater than 0, an alarm will be triggered at the interval of triggerTime.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Rule ID. No filling means new addition while filling in ruleId means to modify existing rules.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

type ModifyPolicyGroupEventCondition

type ModifyPolicyGroupEventCondition struct {
	// Event ID.
	EventId *int64 `json:"EventId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventId"`

	// Alarm sending and convergence type. The value 0 indicates that alarms are sent consecutively. The value 1 indicates that alarms are sent exponentially.
	AlarmNotifyType *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyType"`

	// Alarm sending period in seconds. If the value is less than 0, no alarm will be triggered. If the value is 0, an alarm will be triggered only once. If the value is greater than 0, an alarm will be triggered at the interval of triggerTime.
	AlarmNotifyPeriod *int64 `json:"AlarmNotifyPeriod,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlarmNotifyPeriod"`

	// Rule ID. No filling means new addition while filling in ruleId means to modify existing rules.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

type ModifyPolicyGroupRequest

type ModifyPolicyGroupRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm type.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// The 'AND' and 'OR' rules for metric alarms. The value 1 indicates 'AND', which means that an alarm will be triggered only when all rules are met. The value 0 indicates 'OR', which means that an alarm will be triggered when any rule is met.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

	// Metric alarm condition rules. No filling indicates that all existing metric alarm condition rules will be deleted.
	Conditions []*ModifyPolicyGroupCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Event alarm conditions. No filling indicates that all existing event alarm conditions will be deleted.
	EventConditions []*ModifyPolicyGroupEventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// Template-based policy group ID.
	ConditionTempGroupId *int64 `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

func NewModifyPolicyGroupRequest

func NewModifyPolicyGroupRequest() (request *ModifyPolicyGroupRequest)

func (*ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPolicyGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPolicyGroupRequestParams

type ModifyPolicyGroupRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm type.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// The 'AND' and 'OR' rules for metric alarms. The value 1 indicates 'AND', which means that an alarm will be triggered only when all rules are met. The value 0 indicates 'OR', which means that an alarm will be triggered when any rule is met.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

	// Metric alarm condition rules. No filling indicates that all existing metric alarm condition rules will be deleted.
	Conditions []*ModifyPolicyGroupCondition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Event alarm conditions. No filling indicates that all existing event alarm conditions will be deleted.
	EventConditions []*ModifyPolicyGroupEventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// Template-based policy group ID.
	ConditionTempGroupId *int64 `json:"ConditionTempGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConditionTempGroupId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPolicyGroupResponse

type ModifyPolicyGroupResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPolicyGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPolicyGroupResponse

func NewModifyPolicyGroupResponse() (response *ModifyPolicyGroupResponse)

func (*ModifyPolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPolicyGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPolicyGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPolicyGroupResponseParams

type ModifyPolicyGroupResponseParams struct {
	// Policy group ID.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// New external labels
	ExternalLabels []*Label `json:"ExternalLabels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalLabels"`

func NewModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequest) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// New external labels
	ExternalLabels []*Label `json:"ExternalLabels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalLabels"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponse) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusAgentExternalLabelsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert configuration
	AlertRule *PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRule"`

func NewModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert configuration
	AlertRule *PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRule"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusAlertPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest

type ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Configuration of service monitors
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// Configuration of pod monitors
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// Configuration of Prometheus raw jobs
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

func NewModifyPrometheusConfigRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusConfigRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusConfigRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Configuration of service monitors
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// Configuration of pod monitors
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// Configuration of Prometheus raw jobs
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse

type ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusConfigResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusConfigResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusConfigResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert notification channel
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

func NewModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequest) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert notification channel
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponse) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusGlobalNotificationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest struct {

	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Storage period. Valid values: 15, 30, 45. This parameter is not applicable to monthly subscribed instances.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

func NewModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequest) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesRequestParams struct {
	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Storage period. Valid values: 15, 30, 45. This parameter is not applicable to monthly subscribed instances.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponse) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusInstanceAttributesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Recording instance name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// New content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

func NewModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequest) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Recording instance name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// New content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponse) ToJsonString

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusRecordRuleYamlResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusTempRequest

type ModifyPrometheusTempRequest struct {

	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Modified content
	Template *PrometheusTempModify `json:"Template,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Template"`

func NewModifyPrometheusTempRequest

func NewModifyPrometheusTempRequest() (request *ModifyPrometheusTempRequest)

func (*ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusTempRequestParams

type ModifyPrometheusTempRequestParams struct {
	// Template ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Modified content
	Template *PrometheusTempModify `json:"Template,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Template"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyPrometheusTempResponse

type ModifyPrometheusTempResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyPrometheusTempResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyPrometheusTempResponse

func NewModifyPrometheusTempResponse() (response *ModifyPrometheusTempResponse)

func (*ModifyPrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyPrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyPrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyPrometheusTempResponseParams

type ModifyPrometheusTempResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type MonitorTypeInfo

type MonitorTypeInfo struct {
	// Monitoring type ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Monitoring type
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Sort order
	SortId *int64 `json:"SortId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortId"`

type MonitorTypeNamespace

type MonitorTypeNamespace struct {
	// Monitor type
	MonitorType *string `json:"MonitorType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MonitorType"`

	// Policy type value
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

type NoticeBindPolicys

type NoticeBindPolicys struct {
	// Alert notification template ID
	NoticeId *string `json:"NoticeId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeId"`

	// List of IDs of the alerting rules bound to an alarm notification template
	PolicyIds []*string `json:"PolicyIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyIds"`

type Operator

type Operator struct {
	// Operator ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Operator name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

type PeriodsSt

type PeriodsSt struct {
	// Period
	Period *string `json:"Period,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Period"`

	// Statistical method
	StatType []*string `json:"StatType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatType"`

type Point

type Point struct {
	// Time point when this monitoring data point is generated
	Timestamp *uint64 `json:"Timestamp,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Timestamp"`

	// Monitoring data point value
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Value *float64 `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type PolicyGroup

type PolicyGroup struct {
	// Whether the alarm policy can be set to default.
	CanSetDefault *bool `json:"CanSetDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanSetDefault"`

	// Alarm policy group ID.
	GroupID *int64 `json:"GroupID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupID"`

	// Alarm policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Creation time.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Whether the alarm policy is set to default.
	IsDefault *int64 `json:"IsDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"`

	// Whether the alarm policy is enabled.
	Enable *bool `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// UIN of the last modifier.
	LastEditUin *int64 `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Number of unshielded instances.
	NoShieldedInstanceCount *int64 `json:"NoShieldedInstanceCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoShieldedInstanceCount"`

	// Parent policy group ID.
	ParentGroupID *int64 `json:"ParentGroupID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ParentGroupID"`

	// Project ID.
	ProjectID *int64 `json:"ProjectID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProjectID"`

	// Alarm recipient information.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReceiverInfos []*PolicyGroupReceiverInfo `json:"ReceiverInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverInfos"`

	// Remarks.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Modification time.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// The total number of associated instances.
	TotalInstanceCount *int64 `json:"TotalInstanceCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalInstanceCount"`

	// View.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Whether the logical relationship between rules is AND.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

type PolicyGroupReceiverInfo

type PolicyGroupReceiverInfo struct {
	// End time of a valid time period.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Whether it is required to send notifications.
	NeedSendNotice *int64 `json:"NeedSendNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedSendNotice"`

	// Alarm receiving channel.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NotifyWay []*string `json:"NotifyWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotifyWay"`

	// Alarm call intervals for individuals in seconds.
	PersonInterval *int64 `json:"PersonInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PersonInterval"`

	// Message recipient group list.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReceiverGroupList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroupList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroupList"`

	// Recipient type.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Recipient list. The list of recipient IDs that is queried by a platform API.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReceiverUserList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUserList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUserList"`

	// Alarm resolution notification method.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecoverNotify []*string `json:"RecoverNotify,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecoverNotify"`

	// Alarm call interval per round in seconds.
	RoundInterval *int64 `json:"RoundInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundInterval"`

	// Number of alarm call rounds.
	RoundNumber *int64 `json:"RoundNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundNumber"`

	// Alarm call notification time. Valid values: `OCCUR` (indicating that a notification is sent when the alarm is triggered) and `RECOVER` (indicating that a notification is sent when the alarm is resolved).
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SendFor []*string `json:"SendFor,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SendFor"`

	// Start time of a valid time period.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// UID of the alarm call recipient.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UIDList []*int64 `json:"UIDList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UIDList"`

type PrometheusAgent

type PrometheusAgent struct {
	// Agent name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent IP
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Ipv4 *string `json:"Ipv4,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Ipv4"`

	// Heartbeat time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	HeartbeatTime *string `json:"HeartbeatTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HeartbeatTime"`

	// Last error
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LastError *string `json:"LastError,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastError"`

	// Agent version
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AgentVersion *string `json:"AgentVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentVersion"`

	// Agent status
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

type PrometheusAgentInfo

type PrometheusAgentInfo struct {
	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Remarks
	Describe *string `json:"Describe,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Describe"`

type PrometheusAgentOverview

type PrometheusAgentOverview struct {
	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Agent status. Valid values:
	// `normal`
	// `abnormal`
	Status *string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// Cluster name
	ClusterName *string `json:"ClusterName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterName"`

	// External labels
	// External labels, which will be attached to all metrics in this cluster
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExternalLabels []*Label `json:"ExternalLabels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalLabels"`

	// Cluster region
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// ID of the VPC where the cluster resides
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Recorded information of failed operations, such as association.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	FailedReason *string `json:"FailedReason,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FailedReason"`

	// Agent name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

type PrometheusAlertManagerConfig

type PrometheusAlertManagerConfig struct {
	// AlertManager URL
	Url *string `json:"Url,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Url"`

	// Type of the cluster where AlertManager is deployed
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// ID of the cluster where AlertManager is deployed
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

type PrometheusAlertPolicyItem

type PrometheusAlertPolicyItem struct {
	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// List of rules
	Rules []*PrometheusAlertRule `json:"Rules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Rules"`

	// Alerting rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// If the alert comes from a template, `TemplateId` is the template ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Alert channel, which may be returned as null if used in a template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Notification *PrometheusNotificationItem `json:"Notification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notification"`

	// Last modification time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

	// If the alerting rule comes from the user cluster CRD resource definition, `ClusterId` is the cluster ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

type PrometheusAlertRule

type PrometheusAlertRule struct {
	// Rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Prometheus statement
	Rule *string `json:"Rule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Rule"`

	// Additional tags
	Labels []*Label `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// Alert sending template
	Template *string `json:"Template,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Template"`

	// Duration
	For *string `json:"For,omitnil,omitempty" name:"For"`

	// Rule description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Describe *string `json:"Describe,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Describe"`

	// See `annotations` in the Prometheus rule
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Annotations []*Label `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Alerting rule status
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

type PrometheusClusterAgentBasic

type PrometheusClusterAgentBasic struct {
	// Cluster ID
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Cluster type
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Whether to enable public network CLB
	EnableExternal *bool `json:"EnableExternal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableExternal"`

	// Pod configurations of components deployed in the cluster
	InClusterPodConfig *PrometheusClusterAgentPodConfig `json:"InClusterPodConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InClusterPodConfig"`

	// External labels, which will be attached to all metrics collected by this cluster
	ExternalLabels []*Label `json:"ExternalLabels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalLabels"`

	// Whether to install the default collection configuration.
	NotInstallBasicScrape *bool `json:"NotInstallBasicScrape,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotInstallBasicScrape"`

	// Whether to collect metrics (`true`: Drop all metrics; `false`: Collect default metrics)
	NotScrape *bool `json:"NotScrape,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotScrape"`

	// Whether to enable the default recording rule
	OpenDefaultRecord *bool `json:"OpenDefaultRecord,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OpenDefaultRecord"`

type PrometheusClusterAgentPodConfig

type PrometheusClusterAgentPodConfig struct {
	// Whether to use HostNetWork
	HostNet *bool `json:"HostNet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HostNet"`

	// A parameter used to specify the running nodes for a pod
	NodeSelector []*Label `json:"NodeSelector,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NodeSelector"`

	// Tolerable taints
	Tolerations []*Toleration `json:"Tolerations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tolerations"`

type PrometheusConfigItem

type PrometheusConfigItem struct {
	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Configuration content
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// If the configuration comes from a template, this parameter is the template ID, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Number of targets
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Targets *Targets `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

type PrometheusInstanceGrantInfo

type PrometheusInstanceGrantInfo struct {
	// Whether there is permission to operate on the billing information. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasChargeOperation *int64 `json:"HasChargeOperation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasChargeOperation"`

	// Whether there is permission to display the VPC information. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasVpcDisplay *int64 `json:"HasVpcDisplay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasVpcDisplay"`

	// Whether there is permission to change the Grafana status. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasGrafanaStatusChange *int64 `json:"HasGrafanaStatusChange,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasGrafanaStatusChange"`

	// Whether there is permission to manage agents. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasAgentManage *int64 `json:"HasAgentManage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasAgentManage"`

	// Whether there is permission to manage TKE integrations. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasTkeManage *int64 `json:"HasTkeManage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasTkeManage"`

	// Whether there is permission to display the API information. Valid values: 1 (yes), 2 (no).
	HasApiOperation *int64 `json:"HasApiOperation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasApiOperation"`

type PrometheusInstanceTenantUsage

type PrometheusInstanceTenantUsage struct {
	// Instance ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Billing cycle
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CalcDate *string `json:"CalcDate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CalcDate"`

	// Total usage
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Total *float64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Usage of basic (free) metrics
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Basic *float64 `json:"Basic,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Basic"`

	// Usage of paid metrics
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Fee *float64 `json:"Fee,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Fee"`

type PrometheusInstancesItem

type PrometheusInstancesItem struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Instance name.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Instance billing mode. Valid values:
	// <ul>
	// <li>2: Monthly subscription</li>
	// <li>3: Pay-as-you-go</li>
	// </ul>
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

	// Region ID
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// AZ
	Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zone"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet ID
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

	// Storage period
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

	// Instance status. Valid values:
	// <ul>
	// <li>1: Creating</li>
	// <li>2: Running</li>
	// <li>3: Abnormal</li>
	// <li>4: Rebooting</li>
	// <li>5: Terminating</li>
	// <li>6: Service suspended</li>
	// <li>8: Suspending service for overdue payment</li>
	// <li>9: Service suspended for overdue payment</li>
	// </ul>
	InstanceStatus *int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Grafana dashboard URL
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaURL *string `json:"GrafanaURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaURL"`

	// Creation time
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Whether Grafana is enabled
	// <li>0: Disabled</li>
	// <li>1: Enabled</li>
	EnableGrafana *int64 `json:"EnableGrafana,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableGrafana"`

	// Instance IPv4 address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IPv4Address *string `json:"IPv4Address,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IPv4Address"`

	// List of tags associated with the instance.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagSpecification []*PrometheusTag `json:"TagSpecification,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagSpecification"`

	// Expiration time of the purchased instance
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExpireTime *string `json:"ExpireTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpireTime"`

	// Billing status
	// <ul>
	// <li>1: Normal</li>
	// <li>2: Expired</li>
	// <li>3: Terminated</li>
	// <li>4: Assigning</li>
	// <li>5: Assignment failed</li>
	// </ul>
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ChargeStatus *int64 `json:"ChargeStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChargeStatus"`

	// Specification name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SpecName *string `json:"SpecName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SpecName"`

	// Auto-renewal flag
	// <ul>
	// <li>0: Auto-renewal not enabled</li>
	// <li>1: Auto-renewal enabled</li>
	// <li>2: Auto-renewal prohibited</li>
	// <li>-1: Invalid</ii>
	// </ul>
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AutoRenewFlag *int64 `json:"AutoRenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoRenewFlag"`

	// Expiring soon
	// <ul>
	// <li>0: No</li>
	// <li>1: Yes</li>
	// </ul>
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsNearExpire *int64 `json:"IsNearExpire,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsNearExpire"`

	// The token required for data writing
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AuthToken *string `json:"AuthToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AuthToken"`

	// Prometheus remote write address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RemoteWrite *string `json:"RemoteWrite,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RemoteWrite"`

	// Prometheus HTTP API root address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ApiRootPath *string `json:"ApiRootPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ApiRootPath"`

	// Proxy address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProxyAddress *string `json:"ProxyAddress,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProxyAddress"`

	// Grafana status
	// <ul>
	// <li>1: Creating</li>
	// <li>2: Running</li>
	// <li>3: Abnormal</li>
	// <li>4: Restarting</li>
	// <li>5: Terminating</li>
	// <li>6: Service suspended</li>
	// <li>7: Deleted</li>
	// </ul>
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaStatus *int64 `json:"GrafanaStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaStatus"`

	// Grafana IP allowlist, where IPs are separated by comma.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaIpWhiteList *string `json:"GrafanaIpWhiteList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaIpWhiteList"`

	// Instance authorization information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Grant *PrometheusInstanceGrantInfo `json:"Grant,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Grant"`

	// ID of the bound Grafana instance
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaInstanceId *string `json:"GrafanaInstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaInstanceId"`

	// The alert rule limit
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertRuleLimit *int64 `json:"AlertRuleLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertRuleLimit"`

	// The recording rule limit
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecordingRuleLimit *int64 `json:"RecordingRuleLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordingRuleLimit"`

	// Migration status. 0: Not migrating; 1: Migrating from source instance; 2: Migrating to target instance.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MigrationType *int64 `json:"MigrationType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MigrationType"`

type PrometheusInstancesOverview

type PrometheusInstancesOverview struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Instance name
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// VPC ID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet ID
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

	// Running status. Valid values: `1` (creating); `2` (running); `3` (abnormal); `4` (restarting); `5` (terminating); `6` (stopped); `7` (deleted).
	InstanceStatus *int64 `json:"InstanceStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatus"`

	// Billing status. Valid values: `1` (normal); `2` (expired); `3` (terminated); `4` (assigning); `5` (failed to assign)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ChargeStatus *int64 `json:"ChargeStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChargeStatus"`

	// Whether Grafana is enabled. Valid values: `0` (no); `1` (yes).
	EnableGrafana *int64 `json:"EnableGrafana,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnableGrafana"`

	// Grafana dashboard URL
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GrafanaURL *string `json:"GrafanaURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaURL"`

	// Instance payment type. Valid values: `1` (trial edition); `2` (prepaid)
	InstanceChargeType *int64 `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"`

	// Specification name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SpecName *string `json:"SpecName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SpecName"`

	// Storage period
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataRetentionTime *int64 `json:"DataRetentionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataRetentionTime"`

	// Expiration time of the purchased instance
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExpireTime *string `json:"ExpireTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpireTime"`

	// Auto-renewal flag. Valid values: `0` (auto-renewal not enabled); `1` (auto-renewal enabled); `2` (auto-renewal prohibited); `-1` (invalid).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AutoRenewFlag *int64 `json:"AutoRenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoRenewFlag"`

	// Total number of bound clusters
	BoundTotal *int64 `json:"BoundTotal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BoundTotal"`

	// Total number of bound clusters in the normal status
	BoundNormal *int64 `json:"BoundNormal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BoundNormal"`

	// Resource pack status (`0`: Unavailable; `1`: Available)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourcePackageStatus *int64 `json:"ResourcePackageStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourcePackageStatus"`

	// Resource pack specification name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourcePackageSpecName *string `json:"ResourcePackageSpecName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourcePackageSpecName"`

type PrometheusJobTargets

type PrometheusJobTargets struct {

type PrometheusNotificationItem

type PrometheusNotificationItem struct {
	// Whether it is enabled
	Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enabled"`

	// Channel type. Default value: `amp`. Valid values:
	// `amp`
	// `webhook`
	// `alertmanager`
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// If `Type` is `webhook`, this field is required.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WebHook *string `json:"WebHook,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WebHook"`

	// If `Type` is `alertmanager`, this field is required.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertManager *PrometheusAlertManagerConfig `json:"AlertManager,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertManager"`

	// Convergence time
	RepeatInterval *string `json:"RepeatInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RepeatInterval"`

	// Effect start time
	TimeRangeStart *string `json:"TimeRangeStart,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeRangeStart"`

	// Effect end time
	TimeRangeEnd *string `json:"TimeRangeEnd,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeRangeEnd"`

	// Alert notification channel. Valid values: `SMS`, `EMAIL`, `CALL`, `WECHAT`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NotifyWay []*string `json:"NotifyWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotifyWay"`

	// Alert recipient group (user group)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReceiverGroups []*string `json:"ReceiverGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroups"`

	// Alert call sequence.
	// Note: If `NotifyWay` is `CALL`, this parameter will be used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneNotifyOrder []*uint64 `json:"PhoneNotifyOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneNotifyOrder"`

	// Number of alert calls.
	// Note: If `NotifyWay` is `CALL`, this parameter will be used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneCircleTimes *int64 `json:"PhoneCircleTimes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneCircleTimes"`

	// Alert call interval within a cycle in seconds.
	// Note: If `NotifyWay` is `CALL`, this parameter will be used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneInnerInterval *int64 `json:"PhoneInnerInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneInnerInterval"`

	// Alert call cycle interval in seconds.
	// Note: If `NotifyWay` is `CALL`, this parameter will be used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneCircleInterval *int64 `json:"PhoneCircleInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneCircleInterval"`

	// Alert call receipt notification
	// Note: If `NotifyWay` is `CALL`, this parameter will be used.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneArriveNotice *bool `json:"PhoneArriveNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneArriveNotice"`

type PrometheusRecordRuleYamlItem

type PrometheusRecordRuleYamlItem struct {
	// Instance name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Last update time
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// YAML content
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// If the recording rule comes from a template, `TemplateId` is the template ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

	// If the recording rule comes from the user cluster CRD resource definition, `ClusterId` is the cluster ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Status
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// id
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Number of rules
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Count *int64 `json:"Count,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Count"`

type PrometheusRuleKV

type PrometheusRuleKV struct {
	// Key
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type PrometheusRuleSet

type PrometheusRuleSet struct {
	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Rule status code
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Rule category
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// List of rule tags
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Labels []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// List of rule annotations
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Annotations []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Rule expression
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Expr *string `json:"Expr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expr"`

	// Rule alert duration
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Duration *string `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// List of alert recipient groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Rule status. Valid values:
	// <li>unknown: Unknown</li>
	// <li>pending: Loading</li>
	// <li>ok: Running</li>
	// <li>err: Error</li>
	Health *string `json:"Health,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Health"`

	// Rule creation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Rule update time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

type PrometheusScrapeJob

type PrometheusScrapeJob struct {
	// Task name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Agent ID
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Task ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Configuration
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

type PrometheusTag

type PrometheusTag struct {
	// Tag key
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Tag value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type PrometheusTemp

type PrometheusTemp struct {
	// Template name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Template dimension. Valid values:
	// `instance`
	// `cluster`
	Level *string `json:"Level,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Level"`

	// Template description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Describe *string `json:"Describe,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Describe"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `instance`.
	// List of recording rules in the template
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecordRules []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RecordRules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordRules"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of ServiceMonitor rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of PodMonitor rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of RawJob rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

	// Template ID, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Last update time, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// The current version, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Version *string `json:"Version,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Version"`

	// Whether it is the default template provided by the system, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsDefault *bool `json:"IsDefault,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `instance`.
	// List of alert configurations in the template
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertDetailRules []*PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertDetailRules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertDetailRules"`

	// Number of associated instances
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TargetsTotal *int64 `json:"TargetsTotal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TargetsTotal"`

type PrometheusTempModify

type PrometheusTempModify struct {
	// Name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Describe *string `json:"Describe,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Describe"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of ServiceMonitor rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ServiceMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"ServiceMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceMonitors"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of PodMonitor rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PodMonitors []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"PodMonitors,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PodMonitors"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `cluster`.
	// List of RawJob rules in the template.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RawJobs []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RawJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RawJobs"`

	// This parameter is valid if `Level` is `instance`.
	// List of recording rules in the template
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecordRules []*PrometheusConfigItem `json:"RecordRules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordRules"`

	// Modification content, which is valid only if template type is `Alert`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AlertDetailRules []*PrometheusAlertPolicyItem `json:"AlertDetailRules,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AlertDetailRules"`

type PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget

type PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget struct {
	// Target region
	Region *string `json:"Region,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Region"`

	// Target instance
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Cluster ID, which is required only if the `Level` of the collection template is `cluster`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Last sync time, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SyncTime *string `json:"SyncTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SyncTime"`

	// The currently used template version, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Version *string `json:"Version,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Version"`

	// Cluster type, which is required only if the `Level` of the collection template is `cluster`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Instance name, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"`

	// Cluster name, which is used as an output parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ClusterName *string `json:"ClusterName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterName"`

type PrometheusZoneItem

type PrometheusZoneItem struct {
	// AZ
	Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Zone"`

	// AZ ID
	ZoneId *int64 `json:"ZoneId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ZoneId"`

	// AZ status. Valid values: `0`(Unavailable), `1` (Available).
	ZoneState *int64 `json:"ZoneState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ZoneState"`

	// Region ID
	RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// AZ name
	ZoneName *string `json:"ZoneName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ZoneName"`

type ReceiverInfo

type ReceiverInfo struct {
	// Start time of the alarm period. Value range: [0,86400). Convert the Unix timestamp to Beijing time and then remove the date. For example, 7200 indicates “10:0:0”.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time of the alarm period. The meaning is the same as that of StartTime.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Alarm notification method. Valid values: "SMS", "SITE", "EMAIL", "CALL", and "WECHAT".
	NotifyWay []*string `json:"NotifyWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotifyWay"`

	// Recipient type. Valid values: group and user.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// ReceiverId
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Alarm call notification time. Valid values: OCCUR (indicating that a notice is sent when the alarm is triggered) and RECOVER (indicating that a notice is sent when the alarm is recovered).
	SendFor []*string `json:"SendFor,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SendFor"`

	// UID of the phone call alarm.
	UidList []*int64 `json:"UidList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UidList"`

	// Number of alarm call rounds.
	RoundNumber *int64 `json:"RoundNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundNumber"`

	// Alarm call intervals for individuals in seconds.
	PersonInterval *int64 `json:"PersonInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PersonInterval"`

	// Intervals of alarm call rounds in seconds.
	RoundInterval *int64 `json:"RoundInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoundInterval"`

	// Notification method when an alarm is recovered. Valid value: SMS.
	RecoverNotify []*string `json:"RecoverNotify,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecoverNotify"`

	// Whether to send an alarm call delivery notice. The value 0 indicates that no notice needs to be sent. The value 1 indicates that a notice needs to be sent.
	NeedSendNotice *int64 `json:"NeedSendNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedSendNotice"`

	// Recipient group list. The list of recipient group IDs that is queried by API.
	ReceiverGroupList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverGroupList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverGroupList"`

	// Recipient list. The list of recipient IDs that is queried by API.
	ReceiverUserList []*int64 `json:"ReceiverUserList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverUserList"`

	// Language of received alarms. Enumerated values: zh-CN and en-US.
	ReceiveLanguage *string `json:"ReceiveLanguage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiveLanguage"`

type RecordingRuleSet

type RecordingRuleSet struct {
	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Group name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Rule group
	Group *string `json:"Group,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Group"`

	// Number of rules
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Rule creation time
	CreatedAt *string `json:"CreatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreatedAt"`

	// Rule update time
	UpdatedAt *string `json:"UpdatedAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdatedAt"`

	// Rule name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type ResumeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RunPrometheusInstanceRequest

type RunPrometheusInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Subnet ID. Initialization is performed with the subnet used by the instance by default and can also be performed with the subnet passed in by this parameter.
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

func NewRunPrometheusInstanceRequest

func NewRunPrometheusInstanceRequest() (request *RunPrometheusInstanceRequest)

func (*RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RunPrometheusInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RunPrometheusInstanceRequestParams

type RunPrometheusInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Subnet ID. Initialization is performed with the subnet used by the instance by default and can also be performed with the subnet passed in by this parameter.
	SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RunPrometheusInstanceResponse

type RunPrometheusInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *RunPrometheusInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRunPrometheusInstanceResponse

func NewRunPrometheusInstanceResponse() (response *RunPrometheusInstanceResponse)

func (*RunPrometheusInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RunPrometheusInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RunPrometheusInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RunPrometheusInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RunPrometheusInstanceResponseParams

type RunPrometheusInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest

type SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest struct {

	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Message policy ID, which is configured on the custom message page.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Custom message content that a user wants to send.
	Msg *string `json:"Msg,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Msg"`

func NewSendCustomAlarmMsgRequest

func NewSendCustomAlarmMsgRequest() (request *SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest)

func (*SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SendCustomAlarmMsgRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SendCustomAlarmMsgRequestParams

type SendCustomAlarmMsgRequestParams struct {
	// API component name. The value for the current API is monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Message policy ID, which is configured on the custom message page.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// Custom message content that a user wants to send.
	Msg *string `json:"Msg,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Msg"`

Predefined struct for user

type SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse

type SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse struct {
	Response *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSendCustomAlarmMsgResponse

func NewSendCustomAlarmMsgResponse() (response *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse)

func (*SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SendCustomAlarmMsgResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SendCustomAlarmMsgResponseParams

type SendCustomAlarmMsgResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ServiceDiscoveryItem

type ServiceDiscoveryItem struct {
	// Scrape configuration name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Namespace of the scrape configuration
	Namespace *string `json:"Namespace,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Namespace"`

	// Scrape configuration type: ServiceMonitor/PodMonitor
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Namespace selection method
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NamespaceSelector *string `json:"NamespaceSelector,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NamespaceSelector"`

	// Label selection method
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Selector *string `json:"Selector,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Selector"`

	// `Endpoints` information (PodMonitor does not have this parameter)
	Endpoints *string `json:"Endpoints,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Endpoints"`

	// Scrape configuration information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Yaml *string `json:"Yaml,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Yaml"`

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest struct {

	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

func NewSetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest

func NewSetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest() (request *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest)

func (*SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequestParams

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Module name, which is fixed at "monitor"
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Alarm policy ID
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse

func NewSetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse() (response *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse)

func (*SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponseParams

type SetDefaultAlarmPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SyncPrometheusTempRequest

type SyncPrometheusTempRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Sync target
	Targets []*PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

func NewSyncPrometheusTempRequest

func NewSyncPrometheusTempRequest() (request *SyncPrometheusTempRequest)

func (*SyncPrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SyncPrometheusTempRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SyncPrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SyncPrometheusTempRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SyncPrometheusTempRequestParams

type SyncPrometheusTempRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	TemplateId *string `json:"TemplateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"`

	// Sync target
	Targets []*PrometheusTemplateSyncTarget `json:"Targets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Targets"`

Predefined struct for user

type SyncPrometheusTempResponse

type SyncPrometheusTempResponse struct {
	Response *SyncPrometheusTempResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSyncPrometheusTempResponse

func NewSyncPrometheusTempResponse() (response *SyncPrometheusTempResponse)

func (*SyncPrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SyncPrometheusTempResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SyncPrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SyncPrometheusTempResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SyncPrometheusTempResponseParams

type SyncPrometheusTempResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	// Tag key
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Tag value
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type TagInstance

type TagInstance struct {
	// Tag key
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Tag value
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

	// Number of instances
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InstanceSum *int64 `json:"InstanceSum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceSum"`

	// Service type, for example, CVM
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ServiceType *string `json:"ServiceType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ServiceType"`

	// Region ID
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RegionId *string `json:"RegionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RegionId"`

	// Binding status. 2: bound; 1: binding
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	BindingStatus *int64 `json:"BindingStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BindingStatus"`

	// Tag status. 2: existent; 1: nonexistent
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagStatus *int64 `json:"TagStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagStatus"`

type Targets

type Targets struct {
	// The total count
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// Number of online targets
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Up *uint64 `json:"Up,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Up"`

	// Number of offline targets
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Down *uint64 `json:"Down,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Down"`

	// Number of unknown status
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Unknown *uint64 `json:"Unknown,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Unknown"`

type TaskStepInfo

type TaskStepInfo struct {
	// Step name
	Step *string `json:"Step,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Step"`

	// Lifecycle
	// `pending`
	// `running`
	// `success`
	// `failed`
	LifeState *string `json:"LifeState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LifeState"`

	// Step start time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StartAt *string `json:"StartAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartAt"`

	// Step end time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EndAt *string `json:"EndAt,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndAt"`

	// If `LifeState` is `failed`, this field displays the error message.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	FailedMsg *string `json:"FailedMsg,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FailedMsg"`

type TemplateGroup

type TemplateGroup struct {
	// Metric alarm rules.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Conditions []*Condition `json:"Conditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Conditions"`

	// Event alarm rules.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EventConditions []*EventCondition `json:"EventConditions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EventConditions"`

	// The associated alarm policy groups.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicyGroups []*PolicyGroup `json:"PolicyGroups,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyGroups"`

	// Template-based policy group ID.
	GroupID *int64 `json:"GroupID,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupID"`

	// Template-based policy group name.
	GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupName"`

	// Creation time.
	InsertTime *int64 `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// UIN of the last modifier.
	LastEditUin *int64 `json:"LastEditUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastEditUin"`

	// Remarks.
	Remark *string `json:"Remark,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Remark"`

	// Update time.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// View.
	ViewName *string `json:"ViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewName"`

	// Whether the logical relationship between rules is AND.
	IsUnionRule *int64 `json:"IsUnionRule,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUnionRule"`

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest struct {

	// List of instance IDs
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

func NewTerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest

func NewTerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest() (request *TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest)

func (*TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequestParams

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesRequestParams struct {
	// List of instance IDs
	InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse struct {
	Response *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewTerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse

func NewTerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse() (response *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse)

func (*TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponseParams

type TerminatePrometheusInstancesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Toleration

type Toleration struct {
	// Key of the taint to which the toleration is applied
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// The key-value relationship
	Operator *string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// The taint effect to be matched
	Effect *string `json:"Effect,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Effect"`

type URLNotice

type URLNotice struct {
	// Callback URL, which can contain up to 256 characters
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	URL *string `json:"URL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"URL"`

	// Whether verification is passed. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsValid *int64 `json:"IsValid,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsValid"`

	// Verification code
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ValidationCode *string `json:"ValidationCode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ValidationCode"`

	// Start time of the notification in seconds, which is calculated from 00:00:00.
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time of the notification in seconds, which is calculated from 00:00:00.
	// Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Notification cycle. The values 1-7 indicate Monday to Sunday.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Weekday []*int64 `json:"Weekday,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Weekday"`

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If `PolicyId` is used, this parameter will be ignored, and any value, e.g., `0`, can be passed in.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If this parameter is used, `GroupId` will be ignored.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

func NewUnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest

func NewUnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest() (request *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest)

func (*UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequestParams

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If `PolicyId` is used, this parameter will be ignored, and any value, e.g., `0`, can be passed in.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If this parameter is used, `GroupId` will be ignored.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse struct {
	Response *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse

func NewUnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse() (response *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse)

func (*UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponseParams

type UnBindingAllPolicyObjectResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest

type UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest struct {

	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If `PolicyId` is used, this parameter will be ignored, and any value, e.g., `0`, can be passed in.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// List of unique IDs of the object instances to be deleted. `UniqueId` can be obtained from the output parameter `List` of the [DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/api/248/40570?from_cn_redirect=1) API
	UniqueId []*string `json:"UniqueId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UniqueId"`

	// Instance group ID. The `UniqueId` parameter is invalid if object instances are deleted by instance group.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If this parameter is used, `GroupId` will be ignored.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

func NewUnBindingPolicyObjectRequest

func NewUnBindingPolicyObjectRequest() (request *UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest)

func (*UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UnBindingPolicyObjectRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UnBindingPolicyObjectRequestParams

type UnBindingPolicyObjectRequestParams struct {
	// The value is fixed to monitor.
	Module *string `json:"Module,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Module"`

	// Policy group ID. If `PolicyId` is used, this parameter will be ignored, and any value, e.g., `0`, can be passed in.
	GroupId *int64 `json:"GroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupId"`

	// List of unique IDs of the object instances to be deleted. `UniqueId` can be obtained from the output parameter `List` of the [DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/api/248/40570?from_cn_redirect=1) API
	UniqueId []*string `json:"UniqueId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UniqueId"`

	// Instance group ID. The `UniqueId` parameter is invalid if object instances are deleted by instance group.
	InstanceGroupId *int64 `json:"InstanceGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceGroupId"`

	// Alarm policy ID. If this parameter is used, `GroupId` will be ignored.
	PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The alert configured for an event
	EbSubject *string `json:"EbSubject,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbSubject"`

	// Whether the event alert has been configured
	EbEventFlag *int64 `json:"EbEventFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EbEventFlag"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse

type UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse struct {
	Response *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUnBindingPolicyObjectResponse

func NewUnBindingPolicyObjectResponse() (response *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse)

func (*UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UnBindingPolicyObjectResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UnBindingPolicyObjectResponseParams

type UnBindingPolicyObjectResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest struct {

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Grafana instance ID
	GrafanaId *string `json:"GrafanaId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaId"`

func NewUnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest

func NewUnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest() (request *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest)

func (*UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequest) ToJsonString

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequestParams

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Grafana instance ID
	GrafanaId *string `json:"GrafanaId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GrafanaId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse struct {
	Response *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse

func NewUnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse() (response *UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse)

func (*UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponse) ToJsonString

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams

type UnbindPrometheusManagedGrafanaResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus integration code, indicating to delete the corresponding dashboard. Valid values:
	// <li>spring_mvc</li>
	// <li>mysql</li>
	// <li>go</li>
	// <li>redis</li>
	// <li>jvm</li>
	// <li>pgsql</li>
	// <li>mongo</li>
	// <li>kafka</li>
	// <li>es</li>
	// <li>flink</li>
	// <li>blackbox</li>
	// <li>consule</li>
	// <li>memcached</li>
	// <li>zk</li>
	// <li>tps</li>
	// <li>istio</li>
	// <li>etcd</li>
	IntegrationCodes []*string `json:"IntegrationCodes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationCodes"`

func NewUninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest

func NewUninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest() (request *UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest)

func (*UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequestParams

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus integration code, indicating to delete the corresponding dashboard. Valid values:
	// <li>spring_mvc</li>
	// <li>mysql</li>
	// <li>go</li>
	// <li>redis</li>
	// <li>jvm</li>
	// <li>pgsql</li>
	// <li>mongo</li>
	// <li>kafka</li>
	// <li>es</li>
	// <li>flink</li>
	// <li>blackbox</li>
	// <li>consule</li>
	// <li>memcached</li>
	// <li>zk</li>
	// <li>tps</li>
	// <li>istio</li>
	// <li>etcd</li>
	IntegrationCodes []*string `json:"IntegrationCodes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationCodes"`

Predefined struct for user

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse struct {
	Response *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse

func NewUninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse() (response *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse)

func (*UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponseParams

type UninstallGrafanaDashboardResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest struct {

	// Array of plugin IDs, such as "PluginIds": [ "grafana-clock-panel" ]. The plugin ID can be obtained through the `DescribePluginOverviews` API.
	PluginIds []*string `json:"PluginIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginIds"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefg”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

func NewUninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest

func NewUninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest() (request *UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest)

func (*UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequestParams

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsRequestParams struct {
	// Array of plugin IDs, such as "PluginIds": [ "grafana-clock-panel" ]. The plugin ID can be obtained through the `DescribePluginOverviews` API.
	PluginIds []*string `json:"PluginIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PluginIds"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefg”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse struct {
	Response *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse

func NewUninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse() (response *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse)

func (*UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponseParams

type UninstallGrafanaPluginsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateAlertRuleRequest

type UpdateAlertRuleRequest struct {

	// Prometheus alerting rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Alerting rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule expression
	Expr *string `json:"Expr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expr"`

	// Alerting rule duration
	Duration *string `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// List of alerting rule recipient groups
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// List of alerting rule tags
	Labels []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// List of alerting rule annotations.
	// Alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively.
	Annotations []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

func NewUpdateAlertRuleRequest

func NewUpdateAlertRuleRequest() (request *UpdateAlertRuleRequest)

func (*UpdateAlertRuleRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateAlertRuleRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateAlertRuleRequestParams

type UpdateAlertRuleRequestParams struct {
	// Prometheus alerting rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

	// Alerting rule name
	RuleName *string `json:"RuleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleName"`

	// Alerting rule expression
	Expr *string `json:"Expr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expr"`

	// Alerting rule duration
	Duration *string `json:"Duration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Duration"`

	// List of alerting rule recipient groups
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// List of alerting rule tags
	Labels []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Labels,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Labels"`

	// List of alerting rule annotations.
	// Alert object and alert message are special fields of Prometheus Rule Annotations, which need to be passed in through `annotations` and correspond to `summary` and `description` keys respectively.
	Annotations []*PrometheusRuleKV `json:"Annotations,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Annotations"`

	// Alerting rule template category
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateAlertRuleResponse

type UpdateAlertRuleResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateAlertRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateAlertRuleResponse

func NewUpdateAlertRuleResponse() (response *UpdateAlertRuleResponse)

func (*UpdateAlertRuleResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateAlertRuleResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateAlertRuleResponseParams

type UpdateAlertRuleResponseParams struct {
	// Rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest

type UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest struct {

	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

func NewUpdateAlertRuleStateRequest

func NewUpdateAlertRuleStateRequest() (request *UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest)

func (*UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleStateRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateAlertRuleStateRequestParams

type UpdateAlertRuleStateRequestParams struct {
	// List of rule IDs
	RuleIds []*string `json:"RuleIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleIds"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse

type UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateAlertRuleStateResponse

func NewUpdateAlertRuleStateResponse() (response *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse)

func (*UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateAlertRuleStateResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateAlertRuleStateResponseParams

type UpdateAlertRuleStateResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDNSConfigRequest

type UpdateDNSConfigRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Array of DNS servers
	NameServers []*string `json:"NameServers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NameServers"`

func NewUpdateDNSConfigRequest

func NewUpdateDNSConfigRequest() (request *UpdateDNSConfigRequest)

func (*UpdateDNSConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDNSConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDNSConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDNSConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDNSConfigRequestParams

type UpdateDNSConfigRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Array of DNS servers
	NameServers []*string `json:"NameServers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NameServers"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDNSConfigResponse

type UpdateDNSConfigResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateDNSConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateDNSConfigResponse

func NewUpdateDNSConfigResponse() (response *UpdateDNSConfigResponse)

func (*UpdateDNSConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDNSConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDNSConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDNSConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDNSConfigResponseParams

type UpdateDNSConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest

type UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Configuration content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

func NewUpdateExporterIntegrationRequest

func NewUpdateExporterIntegrationRequest() (request *UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest)

func (*UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateExporterIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateExporterIntegrationRequestParams

type UpdateExporterIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Kubernetes cluster type. Valid values:
	// <li> 1 = TKE </li>
	// <li> 2 = EKS </li>
	// <li> 3 = MEKS </li>
	KubeType *int64 `json:"KubeType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"KubeType"`

	// Cluster ID
	ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"`

	// Type
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Configuration content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse

type UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateExporterIntegrationResponse

func NewUpdateExporterIntegrationResponse() (response *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse)

func (*UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateExporterIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateExporterIntegrationResponseParams

type UpdateExporterIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest

type UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// JSON-encoded string
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaConfigRequest

func NewUpdateGrafanaConfigRequest() (request *UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest)

func (*UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaConfigRequestParams

type UpdateGrafanaConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// JSON-encoded string
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse

type UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaConfigResponse

func NewUpdateGrafanaConfigResponse() (response *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse)

func (*UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaConfigResponseParams

type UpdateGrafanaConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Environment variable string
	Envs *string `json:"Envs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Envs"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest

func NewUpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest() (request *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest)

func (*UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequestParams

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Environment variable string
	Envs *string `json:"Envs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Envs"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse

func NewUpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse() (response *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse)

func (*UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams

type UpdateGrafanaEnvironmentsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest struct {

	// Integration ID, such as “integration-abcd1234”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration type, such as “tencent-cloud-prometheus”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integration content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest

func NewUpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest() (request *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest)

func (*UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationRequestParams struct {
	// Integration ID, such as “integration-abcd1234”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	IntegrationId *string `json:"IntegrationId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationId"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Integration type, such as “tencent-cloud-prometheus”. You can view it by going to the instance details page and clicking **Tencent Cloud Service Integration** > **Integration List**.
	Kind *string `json:"Kind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Kind"`

	// Integration content
	Content *string `json:"Content,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Content"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse

func NewUpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse() (response *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse)

func (*UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams

type UpdateGrafanaIntegrationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest struct {

	// Channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelId *string `json:"ChannelId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelId"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Array of notification channel IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	ExtraOrgIds []*string `json:"ExtraOrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExtraOrgIds"`

	// Array of valid organization IDs
	OrganizationIds []*string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest

func NewUpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest() (request *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest)

func (*UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequest) ToJsonString

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelRequestParams struct {
	// Channel ID, such as “nchannel-abcd1234”.
	ChannelId *string `json:"ChannelId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelId"`

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Alert channel name, such as “test”.
	ChannelName *string `json:"ChannelName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChannelName"`

	// Array of notification channel IDs
	Receivers []*string `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// This parameter has been deprecated. Please use `OrganizationIds` instead.
	ExtraOrgIds []*string `json:"ExtraOrgIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExtraOrgIds"`

	// Array of valid organization IDs
	OrganizationIds []*string `json:"OrganizationIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OrganizationIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse

func NewUpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse() (response *UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse)

func (*UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponse) ToJsonString

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams

type UpdateGrafanaNotificationChannelResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Array of public IPs (such as “”) in the allowlist, which can be viewed through the `DescribeGrafanaWhiteList` API.
	Whitelist []*string `json:"Whitelist,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Whitelist"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest

func NewUpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest() (request *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest)

func (*UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequestParams

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Array of public IPs (such as “”) in the allowlist, which can be viewed through the `DescribeGrafanaWhiteList` API.
	Whitelist []*string `json:"Whitelist,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Whitelist"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse

func NewUpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse() (response *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse)

func (*UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams

type UpdateGrafanaWhiteListResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest struct {

	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of agent IDs such as “agent-abcd1234”, which can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console.
	AgentIds []*string `json:"AgentIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentIds"`

	// Status to update
	// <li> 1 = enabled </li>
	// <li> 2 = disabled </li>
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

func NewUpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest

func NewUpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest() (request *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest)

func (*UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequestParams

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusRequestParams struct {
	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// List of agent IDs such as “agent-abcd1234”, which can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console.
	AgentIds []*string `json:"AgentIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentIds"`

	// Status to update
	// <li> 1 = enabled </li>
	// <li> 2 = disabled </li>
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse struct {
	Response *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse

func NewUpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse() (response *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse)

func (*UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponseParams

type UpdatePrometheusAgentStatusResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest struct {

	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID such as “agent-abcd1234”, which can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Scrape task ID such as “job-abcd1234”. You can go to the **Agent Management** page and obtain the ID in the pop-up **Create Scrape Task** window.
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Scrape task ID in the format of “job_name:xx”
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

func NewUpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest

func NewUpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest() (request *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest)

func (*UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequestParams

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobRequestParams struct {
	// TMP instance ID, such as “prom-abcd1234”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Agent ID such as “agent-abcd1234”, which can be obtained on the **Agent Management** page in the console
	AgentId *string `json:"AgentId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AgentId"`

	// Scrape task ID such as “job-abcd1234”. You can go to the **Agent Management** page and obtain the ID in the pop-up **Create Scrape Task** window.
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Scrape task ID in the format of “job_name:xx”
	Config *string `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse struct {
	Response *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse

func NewUpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse() (response *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse)

func (*UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams

type UpdatePrometheusScrapeJobResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateRecordingRuleRequest

type UpdateRecordingRuleRequest struct {

	// Recording rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Recording rule group content, which is in YAML format and is Base64-encoded.
	Group *string `json:"Group,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Group"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus recording rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

func NewUpdateRecordingRuleRequest

func NewUpdateRecordingRuleRequest() (request *UpdateRecordingRuleRequest)

func (*UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateRecordingRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateRecordingRuleRequestParams

type UpdateRecordingRuleRequestParams struct {
	// Recording rule name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Recording rule group content, which is in YAML format and is Base64-encoded.
	Group *string `json:"Group,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Group"`

	// Prometheus instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus recording rule ID
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Rule status code. Valid values:
	// <li>1=RuleDeleted</li>
	// <li>2=RuleEnabled</li>
	// <li>3=RuleDisabled</li>
	// Default value: 2 (enabled).
	RuleState *int64 `json:"RuleState,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleState"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateRecordingRuleResponse

type UpdateRecordingRuleResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateRecordingRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateRecordingRuleResponse

func NewUpdateRecordingRuleResponse() (response *UpdateRecordingRuleResponse)

func (*UpdateRecordingRuleResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateRecordingRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateRecordingRuleResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateRecordingRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateRecordingRuleResponseParams

type UpdateRecordingRuleResponseParams struct {
	// Rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateSSOAccountRequest

type UpdateSSOAccountRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Permission
	Role []*GrafanaAccountRole `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

	// Remarks
	Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notes"`

func NewUpdateSSOAccountRequest

func NewUpdateSSOAccountRequest() (request *UpdateSSOAccountRequest)

func (*UpdateSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateSSOAccountRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateSSOAccountRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateSSOAccountRequestParams

type UpdateSSOAccountRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-abcdefgh”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// User account ID, such as “10000000”.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Permission
	Role []*GrafanaAccountRole `json:"Role,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Role"`

	// Remarks
	Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Notes"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateSSOAccountResponse

type UpdateSSOAccountResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateSSOAccountResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateSSOAccountResponse

func NewUpdateSSOAccountResponse() (response *UpdateSSOAccountResponse)

func (*UpdateSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateSSOAccountResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateSSOAccountResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateSSOAccountResponseParams

type UpdateSSOAccountResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest struct {

	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus integration code, indicating to upgrade to the corresponding dashboard. Valid values:
	// <li>spring_mvc</li>
	// <li>mysql</li>
	// <li>go</li>
	// <li>redis</li>
	// <li>jvm</li>
	// <li>pgsql</li>
	// <li>mongo</li>
	// <li>kafka</li>
	// <li>es</li>
	// <li>flink</li>
	// <li>blackbox</li>
	// <li>consule</li>
	// <li>memcached</li>
	// <li>zk</li>
	// <li>tps</li>
	// <li>istio</li>
	// <li>etcd</li>
	IntegrationCodes []*string `json:"IntegrationCodes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationCodes"`

func NewUpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest

func NewUpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest() (request *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest)

func (*UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequestParams

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardRequestParams struct {
	// Instance ID
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Prometheus integration code, indicating to upgrade to the corresponding dashboard. Valid values:
	// <li>spring_mvc</li>
	// <li>mysql</li>
	// <li>go</li>
	// <li>redis</li>
	// <li>jvm</li>
	// <li>pgsql</li>
	// <li>mongo</li>
	// <li>kafka</li>
	// <li>es</li>
	// <li>flink</li>
	// <li>blackbox</li>
	// <li>consule</li>
	// <li>memcached</li>
	// <li>zk</li>
	// <li>tps</li>
	// <li>istio</li>
	// <li>etcd</li>
	IntegrationCodes []*string `json:"IntegrationCodes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IntegrationCodes"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse struct {
	Response *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse

func NewUpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse() (response *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse)

func (*UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponseParams

type UpgradeGrafanaDashboardResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest struct {

	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Version alias, such as v7.4.2.
	Alias *string `json:"Alias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Alias"`

func NewUpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest

func NewUpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest() (request *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest)

func (*UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequestParams

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceRequestParams struct {
	// TCMG instance ID, such as “grafana-12345678”.
	InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"`

	// Version alias, such as v7.4.2.
	Alias *string `json:"Alias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Alias"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse struct {
	Response *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse

func NewUpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse() (response *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse)

func (*UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams

type UpgradeGrafanaInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UserNotice

type UserNotice struct {
	// Recipient type. Valid values: USER (user), GROUP (user group)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReceiverType *string `json:"ReceiverType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReceiverType"`

	// Notification start time, which is expressed by the number of seconds since 00:00:00. Value range: 0–86399
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// Notification end time, which is expressed by the number of seconds since 00:00:00. Value range: 0–86399
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Notification channel list. Valid values: `EMAIL` (email), `SMS` (SMS), `CALL` (phone), `WECHAT` (WeChat), `RTX` (WeCom)
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NoticeWay []*string `json:"NoticeWay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NoticeWay"`

	// User `uid` list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserIds []*int64 `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

	// User group ID list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GroupIds []*int64 `json:"GroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GroupIds"`

	// Phone polling list
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneOrder []*int64 `json:"PhoneOrder,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneOrder"`

	// Number of phone pollings. Value range: 1–5
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneCircleTimes *int64 `json:"PhoneCircleTimes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneCircleTimes"`

	// Call interval in seconds within one polling. Value range: 60–900
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneInnerInterval *int64 `json:"PhoneInnerInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneInnerInterval"`

	// Polling interval in seconds. Value range: 60–900
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneCircleInterval *int64 `json:"PhoneCircleInterval,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneCircleInterval"`

	// Whether receipt notification is required. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
	// Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NeedPhoneArriveNotice *int64 `json:"NeedPhoneArriveNotice,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NeedPhoneArriveNotice"`

	// Dial type. `SYNC` (simultaneous dial), `CIRCLE` (polled dial). Default value: `CIRCLE`.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PhoneCallType *string `json:"PhoneCallType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PhoneCallType"`

	// Notification cycle. The values 1-7 indicate Monday to Sunday.
	// Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Weekday []*int64 `json:"Weekday,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Weekday"`

	// List of schedule IDs
	// Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OnCallFormIDs []*string `json:"OnCallFormIDs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OnCallFormIDs"`

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