Index ¶
- Constants
- type ApplyLivenessTokenRequest
- type ApplyLivenessTokenRequestParams
- type ApplyLivenessTokenResponse
- type ApplyLivenessTokenResponseParams
- type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest
- type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequestParams
- type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse
- type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponseParams
- type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest
- type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequestParams
- type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse
- type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponseParams
- type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest
- type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequestParams
- type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse
- type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponseParams
- type CardVerifyResult
- type Client
- func (c *Client) ApplyLivenessToken(request *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) (response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplyLivenessTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) (response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplySdkVerificationToken(request *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplySdkVerificationTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl(request *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationToken(request *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateUploadUrl(request *CreateUploadUrlRequest) (response *CreateUploadUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateUploadUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateUploadUrlRequest) (response *CreateUploadUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare(request *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) (response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) (response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateReflectSequence(request *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) (response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateReflectSequenceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) (response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetFaceIdResultIntl(request *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetFaceIdResultIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntl(request *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetLivenessResult(request *GetLivenessResultRequest) (response *GetLivenessResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetLivenessResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLivenessResultRequest) (response *GetLivenessResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSdkVerificationResult(request *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSdkVerificationResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResult(request *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntl(request *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) LivenessCompare(request *LivenessCompareRequest) (response *LivenessCompareResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) LivenessCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *LivenessCompareRequest) (response *LivenessCompareResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) VideoLivenessCompare(request *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) (response *VideoLivenessCompareResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) VideoLivenessCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) (response *VideoLivenessCompareResponse, err error)
- type CompareResult
- type CreateUploadUrlRequest
- type CreateUploadUrlRequestParams
- type CreateUploadUrlResponse
- type CreateUploadUrlResponseParams
- type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest
- type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequestParams
- type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse
- type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponseParams
- type FileInfo
- type GenerateReflectSequenceRequest
- type GenerateReflectSequenceRequestParams
- type GenerateReflectSequenceResponse
- type GenerateReflectSequenceResponseParams
- type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest
- type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequestParams
- type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse
- type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponseParams
- type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest
- type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequestParams
- type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse
- type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponseParams
- type GetLivenessResultRequest
- type GetLivenessResultRequestParams
- type GetLivenessResultResponse
- type GetLivenessResultResponseParams
- type GetSdkVerificationResultRequest
- type GetSdkVerificationResultRequestParams
- type GetSdkVerificationResultResponse
- type GetSdkVerificationResultResponseParams
- type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest
- type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequestParams
- type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse
- type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponseParams
- type GetWebVerificationResultRequest
- type GetWebVerificationResultRequestParams
- type GetWebVerificationResultResponse
- type GetWebVerificationResultResponseParams
- type LivenessCompareRequest
- type LivenessCompareRequestParams
- type LivenessCompareResponse
- type LivenessCompareResponseParams
- type VerificationDetail
- type VideoLivenessCompareRequest
- type VideoLivenessCompareRequestParams
- type VideoLivenessCompareResponse
- type VideoLivenessCompareResponseParams
- type WebVerificationConfigIntl
Constants ¶
const ( // CAM signature/authentication error. AUTHFAILURE_INVALIDAUTHORIZATION = "AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization" // No motions of eye closing are detected. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONCLOSEEYE = "FailedOperation.ActionCloseEye" // The face is too close to the screen. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONFACECLOSE = "FailedOperation.ActionFaceClose" // The face is too far from the screen. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONFACEFAR = "FailedOperation.ActionFaceFar" // The face is too far left from the screen. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONFACELEFT = "FailedOperation.ActionFaceLeft" // The face is too far right from the screen. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONFACERIGHT = "FailedOperation.ActionFaceRight" // No movement is detected. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONFIRSTACTION = "FailedOperation.ActionFirstAction" // The lighting is too dim. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONLIGHTDARK = "FailedOperation.ActionLightDark" // The lighting is too strong. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONLIGHTSTRONG = "FailedOperation.ActionLightStrong" // Failed to detect a full face. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONNODETECTFACE = "FailedOperation.ActionNodetectFace" // No motions of mouth opening are detected. FAILEDOPERATION_ACTIONOPENMOUTH = "FailedOperation.ActionOpenMouth" // Comparison failed. FAILEDOPERATION_COMPAREFAIL = "FailedOperation.CompareFail" // The comparison similarity did not reach the passing standard. FAILEDOPERATION_COMPARELOWSIMILARITY = "FailedOperation.CompareLowSimilarity" // Error calling the comparison engine API. FAILEDOPERATION_COMPARESYSTEMERROR = "FailedOperation.CompareSystemError" // File download failed. FAILEDOPERATION_DOWNLOADERROR = "FailedOperation.DownLoadError" // File download timed out. FAILEDOPERATION_DOWNLOADTIMEOUTERROR = "FailedOperation.DownLoadTimeoutError" // The image is blurry. FAILEDOPERATION_IMAGEBLUR = "FailedOperation.ImageBlur" // Image decoding failed. FAILEDOPERATION_IMAGEDECODEFAILED = "FailedOperation.ImageDecodeFailed" // The image is too large. FAILEDOPERATION_IMAGESIZETOOLARGE = "FailedOperation.ImageSizeTooLarge" // Multiple faces are detected. FAILEDOPERATION_LIFEPHOTODETECTFACES = "FailedOperation.LifePhotoDetectFaces" // Real person comparison failed. FAILEDOPERATION_LIFEPHOTODETECTFAKE = "FailedOperation.LifePhotoDetectFake" // Failed to detect a full face. FAILEDOPERATION_LIFEPHOTODETECTNOFACES = "FailedOperation.LifePhotoDetectNoFaces" // The resolution of the image passed in is too low. Please upload a new one. FAILEDOPERATION_LIFEPHOTOPOORQUALITY = "FailedOperation.LifePhotoPoorQuality" // The image passed in is too large or too small. FAILEDOPERATION_LIFEPHOTOSIZEERROR = "FailedOperation.LifePhotoSizeError" // The face is not fully exposed. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPFACEINCOMPLETE = "FailedOperation.LipFaceIncomplete" // The lip movement range is too small. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPMOVESMALL = "FailedOperation.LipMoveSmall" // Failed to pull the video. Please try again. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPNETFAILED = "FailedOperation.LipNetFailed" // The video is empty or its size is inappropriate. The recording duration should be about 6 seconds. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPSIZEERROR = "FailedOperation.LipSizeError" // The video format is incorrect. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPVIDEOINVALID = "FailedOperation.LipVideoInvalid" // The video definition is too low. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPVIDEOQUAILITY = "FailedOperation.LipVideoQuaility" // No sound is detected. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPVOICEDETECT = "FailedOperation.LipVoiceDetect" // The volume of the video is too low. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPVOICELOW = "FailedOperation.LipVoiceLow" // Speech recognition failed. FAILEDOPERATION_LIPVOICERECOGNIZE = "FailedOperation.LipVoiceRecognize" // Face detection failed. Unable to extract the photo for comparison. FAILEDOPERATION_LIVESSBESTFRAMEERROR = "FailedOperation.LivessBestFrameError" // Liveness detection failed. FAILEDOPERATION_LIVESSDETECTFAIL = "FailedOperation.LivessDetectFail" // Suspected spoofed recording. FAILEDOPERATION_LIVESSDETECTFAKE = "FailedOperation.LivessDetectFake" // Error calling the liveness engine API. FAILEDOPERATION_LIVESSSYSTEMERROR = "FailedOperation.LivessSystemError" // Video-based real person detection failed. FAILEDOPERATION_LIVESSUNKNOWNERROR = "FailedOperation.LivessUnknownError" // Real person detection failed. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTDETECTFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentDetectFail" // Eye detection failed. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTEYELIVEFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentEyeLiveFail" // No face is detected in the video. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTFACEDETECTFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentFaceDetectFail" // Low face quality. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTFACEQUALITYFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentFaceQualityFail" // A face mask is detected. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTFACEWITHMASKFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentFaceWithMaskFail" // Mouth detection failed. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTMOUTHLIVEFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentMouthLiveFail" // Multiple faces are detected in the video. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTMULTIFACEFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentMultiFaceFail" // The video might be spoofed. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTPICTURELIVEFAIL = "FailedOperation.SilentPictureLiveFail" // Real person detection did not reach the passing standard. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTTHRESHOLD = "FailedOperation.SilentThreshold" // The video is too short. Please capture a video longer than 2 seconds. FAILEDOPERATION_SILENTTOOSHORT = "FailedOperation.SilentTooShort" // Unknown internal error. FAILEDOPERATION_UNKNOWN = "FailedOperation.UnKnown" // Internal error. INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" // The lighting is too dim. INTERNALERROR_ACTIONLIGHTDARK = "InternalError.ActionLightDark" // The lighting is too strong. INTERNALERROR_ACTIONLIGHTSTRONG = "InternalError.ActionLightStrong" // Failed to detect a full face. INTERNALERROR_ACTIONNODETECTFACE = "InternalError.ActionNodetectFace" // The similarity did not reach the passing standard. INTERNALERROR_COMPARELOWSIMILARITY = "InternalError.CompareLowSimilarity" // The resolution of the image passed in is too low. Please upload a new one. INTERNALERROR_LIFEPHOTOPOORQUALITY = "InternalError.LifePhotoPoorQuality" // The image passed in is too large or too small. INTERNALERROR_LIFEPHOTOSIZEERROR = "InternalError.LifePhotoSizeError" // Unknown internal error. INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWN = "InternalError.UnKnown" // Invalid parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" // Incorrect parameter value. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" // BizToken expired. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BIZTOKENEXPIRED = "InvalidParameterValue.BizTokenExpired" // Invalid BizToken. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BIZTOKENILLEGAL = "InvalidParameterValue.BizTokenIllegal" // Operation denied. OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" // The resource is unavailable. RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" // Unauthorized operation. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" // Service activation exception. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATEERROR = "UnauthorizedOperation.ActivateError" // Activating the service. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATING = "UnauthorizedOperation.Activating" // The account is in arrears. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ARREARS = "UnauthorizedOperation.Arrears" // Identity verification has not been completed for the account. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONAUTHORIZE = "UnauthorizedOperation.NonAuthorize" // The service has not been activated. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONACTIVATED = "UnauthorizedOperation.Nonactivated" // Unsupported operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" )
const APIVersion = "2018-03-01"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ApplyLivenessTokenRequest ¶
type ApplyLivenessTokenRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Enumerated value. Valid values: `1`, `2`, `3`, and `4`. // Their meanings are as follows: // 1 - silent // 2 - blinking // 3 - light // 4 - blinking + light (default) SecureLevel *string `json:"SecureLevel,omitnil" name:"SecureLevel"` }
func NewApplyLivenessTokenRequest ¶
func NewApplyLivenessTokenRequest() (request *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest)
func (*ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyLivenessTokenRequestParams ¶
type ApplyLivenessTokenRequestParams struct { // Enumerated value. Valid values: `1`, `2`, `3`, and `4`. // Their meanings are as follows: // 1 - silent // 2 - blinking // 3 - light // 4 - blinking + light (default) SecureLevel *string `json:"SecureLevel,omitnil" name:"SecureLevel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplyLivenessTokenResponse ¶
type ApplyLivenessTokenResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewApplyLivenessTokenResponse ¶
func NewApplyLivenessTokenResponse() (response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse)
func (*ApplyLivenessTokenResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyLivenessTokenResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyLivenessTokenResponseParams ¶
type ApplyLivenessTokenResponseParams struct { // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. It is valid for 10 minutes and can be used to get the verification result after the process is completed. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest ¶
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Whether ID card authentication is required. If not, only document OCR will be performed. Currently, authentication is available only when the value of `IdCardType` is `HK`. NeedVerifyIdCard *bool `json:"NeedVerifyIdCard,omitnil" name:"NeedVerifyIdCard"` // The verification mode. Valid values: // 1: OCR + liveness detection + face comparison // 2: Liveness detection + face comparison // 3: Liveness detection // Default value: 1 CheckMode *int64 `json:"CheckMode,omitnil" name:"CheckMode"` // The security level of the verification. Valid values: // 1: Video-based liveness detection // 2: Motion-based liveness detection // 3: Reflection-based liveness detection // 4: Motion- and reflection-based liveness detection // Default value: 4 SecurityLevel *int64 `json:"SecurityLevel,omitnil" name:"SecurityLevel"` // The identity document type. Valid values: // 1. `HK` (default): Identity card of Hong Kong (China) // 2. `ML`: Malaysian identity card // 3. `IndonesiaIDCard`: Indonesian identity card // 4. `PhilippinesVoteID`: Philippine voters ID card // 5. `PhilippinesDrivingLicense`: Philippine driver's license // 6. `PhilippinesTinID`: Philippine TIN ID card // 7. `PhilippinesSSSID`: Philippine SSS ID card // 8. `PhilippinesUMID`: Philippine UMID card // 9. `MLIDPassport`: Passport issued in Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (China) or other countries/regions IdCardType *string `json:"IdCardType,omitnil" name:"IdCardType"` // The Base64-encoded value of the photo to compare, which is required only when `CheckMode` is set to `2`. CompareImage *string `json:"CompareImage,omitnil" name:"CompareImage"` // Whether to forbid the modification of the OCR result by users. Default value: `false` (modification allowed). (Currently, this parameter is not applied.) DisableChangeOcrResult *bool `json:"DisableChangeOcrResult,omitnil" name:"DisableChangeOcrResult"` // Whether to disable the OCR warnings. Default value: `false` (not disable), where OCR warnings are enabled and the OCR result will not be returned if there is a warning. // This feature applies only to Hong Kong (China) identity cards, Malaysian identity cards, and passports. DisableCheckOcrWarnings *bool `json:"DisableCheckOcrWarnings,omitnil" name:"DisableCheckOcrWarnings"` // A passthrough field, which is returned together with the verification result and can contain up to 1,024 bits. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` }
func NewApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest ¶
func NewApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest() (request *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest)
func (*ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequestParams ¶
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequestParams struct { // Whether ID card authentication is required. If not, only document OCR will be performed. Currently, authentication is available only when the value of `IdCardType` is `HK`. NeedVerifyIdCard *bool `json:"NeedVerifyIdCard,omitnil" name:"NeedVerifyIdCard"` // The verification mode. Valid values: // 1: OCR + liveness detection + face comparison // 2: Liveness detection + face comparison // 3: Liveness detection // Default value: 1 CheckMode *int64 `json:"CheckMode,omitnil" name:"CheckMode"` // The security level of the verification. Valid values: // 1: Video-based liveness detection // 2: Motion-based liveness detection // 3: Reflection-based liveness detection // 4: Motion- and reflection-based liveness detection // Default value: 4 SecurityLevel *int64 `json:"SecurityLevel,omitnil" name:"SecurityLevel"` // The identity document type. Valid values: // 1. `HK` (default): Identity card of Hong Kong (China) // 2. `ML`: Malaysian identity card // 3. `IndonesiaIDCard`: Indonesian identity card // 4. `PhilippinesVoteID`: Philippine voters ID card // 5. `PhilippinesDrivingLicense`: Philippine driver's license // 6. `PhilippinesTinID`: Philippine TIN ID card // 7. `PhilippinesSSSID`: Philippine SSS ID card // 8. `PhilippinesUMID`: Philippine UMID card // 9. `MLIDPassport`: Passport issued in Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (China) or other countries/regions IdCardType *string `json:"IdCardType,omitnil" name:"IdCardType"` // The Base64-encoded value of the photo to compare, which is required only when `CheckMode` is set to `2`. CompareImage *string `json:"CompareImage,omitnil" name:"CompareImage"` // Whether to forbid the modification of the OCR result by users. Default value: `false` (modification allowed). (Currently, this parameter is not applied.) DisableChangeOcrResult *bool `json:"DisableChangeOcrResult,omitnil" name:"DisableChangeOcrResult"` // Whether to disable the OCR warnings. Default value: `false` (not disable), where OCR warnings are enabled and the OCR result will not be returned if there is a warning. // This feature applies only to Hong Kong (China) identity cards, Malaysian identity cards, and passports. DisableCheckOcrWarnings *bool `json:"DisableCheckOcrWarnings,omitnil" name:"DisableCheckOcrWarnings"` // A passthrough field, which is returned together with the verification result and can contain up to 1,024 bits. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse ¶
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse ¶
func NewApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse() (response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse)
func (*ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponseParams ¶
type ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponseParams struct { // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. It is valid for 7,200s and can be used to get the verification result after the process is completed. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The Base64-encoded string (max 8 MB in size) of the photo to be compared. CompareImageBase64 *string `json:"CompareImageBase64,omitnil" name:"CompareImageBase64"` // The web callback URL to redirect to after the verification is completed, including the protocol, hostname, and path. Example: ``. // After the verification process is completed, the `BizToken` of this process will be spliced to the callback URL in the format of `{BizToken}` before redirect. RedirectURL *string `json:"RedirectURL,omitnil" name:"RedirectURL"` // The passthrough parameter of the business, max 1,000 characters, which will be returned in `GetWebVerificationResultIntl`. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` // The parameter control the page configuration. Config *WebVerificationConfigIntl `json:"Config,omitnil" name:"Config"` }
func NewApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest ¶
func NewApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest() (request *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest)
func (*ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequestParams ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequestParams struct { // The Base64-encoded string (max 8 MB in size) of the photo to be compared. CompareImageBase64 *string `json:"CompareImageBase64,omitnil" name:"CompareImageBase64"` // The web callback URL to redirect to after the verification is completed, including the protocol, hostname, and path. Example: ``. // After the verification process is completed, the `BizToken` of this process will be spliced to the callback URL in the format of `{BizToken}` before redirect. RedirectURL *string `json:"RedirectURL,omitnil" name:"RedirectURL"` // The passthrough parameter of the business, max 1,000 characters, which will be returned in `GetWebVerificationResultIntl`. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` // The parameter control the page configuration. Config *WebVerificationConfigIntl `json:"Config,omitnil" name:"Config"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse ¶
func NewApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse() (response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse)
func (*ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponseParams ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponseParams struct { // The URL of this verification process, which will be returned to the frontend of the browser for starting the process. // // Deprecated: VerificationUrl is deprecated. VerificationUrl *string `json:"VerificationUrl,omitnil" name:"VerificationUrl"` // The token identifying this web-based verification process, valid for 7,200s after issuance. It is required for getting the result after the verification process is completed. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` VerificationURL *string `json:"VerificationURL,omitnil" name:"VerificationURL"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The web redirect URL after the verification is completed. RedirectUrl *string `json:"RedirectUrl,omitnil" name:"RedirectUrl"` // The COS URL of the image for face comparison, which can be obtained with one of the following methods: // 1. Call the `CreateUploadUrl` API to generate a URL and call it again after the image is successfully uploaded. // 2. Use an existing COS URL. For a private bucket, grant the download permission with a pre-signed URL. The corresponding COS bucket must be in the same region as the input parameter `Region`. CompareImageUrl *string `json:"CompareImageUrl,omitnil" name:"CompareImageUrl"` // The MD5 hash values of the image for face comparison (CompareImageUrl). CompareImageMd5 *string `json:"CompareImageMd5,omitnil" name:"CompareImageMd5"` }
func NewApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest ¶
func NewApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest() (request *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest)
func (*ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequestParams ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequestParams struct { // The web redirect URL after the verification is completed. RedirectUrl *string `json:"RedirectUrl,omitnil" name:"RedirectUrl"` // The COS URL of the image for face comparison, which can be obtained with one of the following methods: // 1. Call the `CreateUploadUrl` API to generate a URL and call it again after the image is successfully uploaded. // 2. Use an existing COS URL. For a private bucket, grant the download permission with a pre-signed URL. The corresponding COS bucket must be in the same region as the input parameter `Region`. CompareImageUrl *string `json:"CompareImageUrl,omitnil" name:"CompareImageUrl"` // The MD5 hash values of the image for face comparison (CompareImageUrl). CompareImageMd5 *string `json:"CompareImageMd5,omitnil" name:"CompareImageMd5"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse ¶
func NewApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse() (response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse)
func (*ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponseParams ¶
type ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponseParams struct { // The verification URL to be opened with a browser to start the verification process. VerificationUrl *string `json:"VerificationUrl,omitnil" name:"VerificationUrl"` // The token used to identify a web-based verification process. It is valid for 7,200s and can be used to get the verification result after the process is completed. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CardVerifyResult ¶
type CardVerifyResult struct { // Whether the authentication or OCR process is successful. IsPass *bool `json:"IsPass,omitnil" name:"IsPass"` // The download URL of the video used for identity document verification, which is valid for 10 minutes. This parameter is returned only if video-based identity document verification is enabled. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained. CardVideo *FileInfo `json:"CardVideo,omitnil" name:"CardVideo"` // The download URL of the identity document image, which is valid for 10 minutes. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained. CardImage *FileInfo `json:"CardImage,omitnil" name:"CardImage"` // The OCR result (in JSON) of the identity document image. If verification or OCR fails, this parameter is left empty. The URL is valid for 10 minutes. // (1) Hong Kong (China) identity card // When the value of `IdCardType` is `HK`: // - CnName (string): Name in Chinese. // - EnName (string): Name in English. // - TelexCode (string): The code corresponding to the name in Chinese. // - Sex (string): Gender. Valid values: `M` (male) and `F` (female). // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - Permanent (int): Whether it is a permanent residence identity card. Valid values: `0` (non-permanent), `1` (permanent), and `-1` (unknown). // - IdNum (string): Identity card number. // - Symbol (string): The ID symbol below the date of birth, such as "***AZ". // - FirstIssueDate (string): Month and year of first registration. // - CurrentIssueDate (string): The date of latest issuance. // // (2) Malaysian identity card // When the value of `IdCardType` is `ML`: // - Sex (string): Gender. Valid values: `LELAKI` (male) and `PEREMPUAN` (female). // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - ID (string): Identity card number. // - Name (string): Name. // - Address (string): Address. // - Type (string): Identity document type. // // (3) Philippine identity document // When the value of `IdCardType` is `PhilippinesVoteID`: // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - Address (string): Address. // - LastName (string): Last name. // - FirstName (string): First name. // - VIN (string): Voter's identification number (VIN). // - CivilStatus (string): Civil status. // - Citizenship (string): Citizenship. // - PrecinctNo (string): Precinct. // // When the value of `IdCardType` is `PhilippinesDrivingLicense`: // - Sex (string): Gender. // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - Name (string): Name. // - Address (string): Address. // - LastName (string): Last name. // - FirstName (string): First name. // - MiddleName (string): Middle name. // - Nationality (string): Nationality. // - LicenseNo (string): License number. // - ExpiresDate (string): Expiration date. // - AgencyCode (string): Agency code. // // When the value of `IdCardType` is `PhilippinesTinID`: // - LicenseNumber (string): Tax identification number (TIN). // - FullName (string): Full name. // - Address (string): Address. // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - IssueDate (string): Issue date. // // When the value of `IdCardType` is `PhilippinesSSSID`: // - LicenseNumber (string): Common reference number (CRN). // - FullName (string): Full name. // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // // When the value of `IdCardType` is `PhilippinesUMID`: // - Surname (string): Surname. // - MiddleName (string):Middle name. // - GivenName (string): Given name. // - Sex (string): Gender. // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - Address (string): Address. // - CRN (string): Common reference number (CRN). // // (4) Indonesian identity card // When the value of `IdCardType` is `IndonesiaIDCard`: // - NIK (string): Single Identity Number. // - Nama (string): Full name. // - TempatTglLahir (string): Place and date of birth. // - JenisKelamin (string): Gender. // - GolDarah (string): Blood type. // - Alamat (string): Address. // - RTRW (string): Street. // - KelDesa (string): Village. // - Kecamatan (string): Region. // - Agama (string): Religion. // - StatusPerkawinan (string): Marital status. // - Perkerjaan (string): Occupation. // - KewargaNegaraan (string): Nationality. // - BerlakuHingga (string): Expiry date. // - IssuedDate (string): Issue date. // // (5) A passport issued in Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (China) or other countries/regions // When the value of `IdCardType` is `MLIDPassport`: // - FullName (string): Full name. // - Surname (string): Surname. // - GivenName (string): Given name. // - Birthday (string): Date of birth. // - Sex (string): Gender. Valid values: `F` (female) and `M` (male). // - DateOfExpiration (string): Expiration date. // - IssuingCountry (string): Issuing country. // - NationalityCode (string): Country/region code. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CardInfoOcrJson *FileInfo `json:"CardInfoOcrJson,omitnil" name:"CardInfoOcrJson"` // The request ID of a single process. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)
func NewClientWithSecretId ¶
func (*Client) ApplyLivenessToken ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyLivenessToken(request *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) (response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse, err error)
ApplyLivenessToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the liveness detection service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWN = "InternalError.UnKnown" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) ApplyLivenessTokenWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyLivenessTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyLivenessTokenRequest) (response *ApplyLivenessTokenResponse, err error)
ApplyLivenessToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the liveness detection service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWN = "InternalError.UnKnown" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) ApplySdkVerificationToken ¶
func (c *Client) ApplySdkVerificationToken(request *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
ApplySdkVerificationToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the Identity Verification SDK service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWN = "InternalError.UnKnown" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) ApplySdkVerificationTokenWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ApplySdkVerificationTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplySdkVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplySdkVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
ApplySdkVerificationToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the Identity Verification SDK service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWN = "InternalError.UnKnown" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl(request *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse, err error)
ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl This API is used to apply for a BizToken before calling the web-based verification service each time. This token is required for initiating a verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATEERROR = "UnauthorizedOperation.ActivateError" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATING = "UnauthorizedOperation.Activating" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ARREARS = "UnauthorizedOperation.Arrears" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONACTIVATED = "UnauthorizedOperation.Nonactivated"
func (*Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntlResponse, err error)
ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl This API is used to apply for a BizToken before calling the web-based verification service each time. This token is required for initiating a verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATEERROR = "UnauthorizedOperation.ActivateError" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATING = "UnauthorizedOperation.Activating" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ARREARS = "UnauthorizedOperation.Arrears" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONACTIVATED = "UnauthorizedOperation.Nonactivated"
func (*Client) ApplyWebVerificationToken ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationToken(request *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
ApplyWebVerificationToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the web-based verification service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATEERROR = "UnauthorizedOperation.ActivateError" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATING = "UnauthorizedOperation.Activating" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ARREARS = "UnauthorizedOperation.Arrears" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONACTIVATED = "UnauthorizedOperation.Nonactivated"
func (*Client) ApplyWebVerificationTokenWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ApplyWebVerificationTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ApplyWebVerificationTokenRequest) (response *ApplyWebVerificationTokenResponse, err error)
ApplyWebVerificationToken This API is used to apply for a token before calling the web-based verification service each time. This token is required for initiating the verification process and getting the result after the verification is completed.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATEERROR = "UnauthorizedOperation.ActivateError" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ACTIVATING = "UnauthorizedOperation.Activating" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ARREARS = "UnauthorizedOperation.Arrears" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NONACTIVATED = "UnauthorizedOperation.Nonactivated"
func (*Client) CreateUploadUrl ¶
func (c *Client) CreateUploadUrl(request *CreateUploadUrlRequest) (response *CreateUploadUrlResponse, err error)
CreateUploadUrl This API is used to generate a temporary `UploadUrl` for uploading resource files (with the `HTTP PUT` method). After resource upload, `ResourceUrl` will be passed to the `TargetAction` API to complete the resource passing (specific fields vary by case).
The data will be stored in a COS bucket in the region specified by the parameter `Region` for two hours.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) CreateUploadUrlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateUploadUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateUploadUrlRequest) (response *CreateUploadUrlResponse, err error)
CreateUploadUrl This API is used to generate a temporary `UploadUrl` for uploading resource files (with the `HTTP PUT` method). After resource upload, `ResourceUrl` will be passed to the `TargetAction` API to complete the resource passing (specific fields vary by case).
The data will be stored in a COS bucket in the region specified by the parameter `Region` for two hours.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare ¶
func (c *Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare(request *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) (response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse, err error)
DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare This API is used to detect liveness with the package generated by the liveness comparison (reflection-based) SDK, and to compare the person detected with that in the image passed in.
The image and the data generated with the SDK must be stored in COS, and the region of the COS bucket must be same as that of requests made with this API. We recommend that you pass resources with upload link APIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) (response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse, err error)
DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare This API is used to detect liveness with the package generated by the liveness comparison (reflection-based) SDK, and to compare the person detected with that in the image passed in.
The image and the data generated with the SDK must be stored in COS, and the region of the COS bucket must be same as that of requests made with this API. We recommend that you pass resources with upload link APIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GenerateReflectSequence ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateReflectSequence(request *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) (response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse, err error)
GenerateReflectSequence This API is used to generate an appropriate light sequence based on the information collected by the liveness comparison (reflection-based) SDK and pass the light sequence into the SDK to start the identity verification process.
The data generated with the SDK must be stored in COS, and the region of the COS bucket must be same as that of requests made with this API. We recommend that you pass resources with upload link APIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GenerateReflectSequenceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateReflectSequenceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) (response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse, err error)
GenerateReflectSequence This API is used to generate an appropriate light sequence based on the information collected by the liveness comparison (reflection-based) SDK and pass the light sequence into the SDK to start the identity verification process.
The data generated with the SDK must be stored in COS, and the region of the COS bucket must be same as that of requests made with this API. We recommend that you pass resources with upload link APIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetFaceIdResultIntl ¶
func (c *Client) GetFaceIdResultIntl(request *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse, err error)
GetFaceIdResultIntl This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding SDK token after the identity verification process is completed. The SDK token is valid for two hours (2*3,600s) after generation and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetFaceIdResultIntlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetFaceIdResultIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse, err error)
GetFaceIdResultIntl This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding SDK token after the identity verification process is completed. The SDK token is valid for two hours (2*3,600s) after generation and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntl ¶
func (c *Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntl(request *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse, err error)
GetFaceIdTokenIntl This API is used to apply for an SDK token before calling the liveness detection and face comparison SDK each time. The SDK token is used throughout the identity verification process and to get the verification result after the verification is completed. A token is valid for one identity verification process only.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetFaceIdTokenIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) (response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse, err error)
GetFaceIdTokenIntl This API is used to apply for an SDK token before calling the liveness detection and face comparison SDK each time. The SDK token is used throughout the identity verification process and to get the verification result after the verification is completed. A token is valid for one identity verification process only.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetLivenessResult ¶
func (c *Client) GetLivenessResult(request *GetLivenessResultRequest) (response *GetLivenessResultResponse, err error)
GetLivenessResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token (SdkToken) after the liveness detection is completed. The token is valid for two hours after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetLivenessResultWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetLivenessResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLivenessResultRequest) (response *GetLivenessResultResponse, err error)
GetLivenessResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token (SdkToken) after the liveness detection is completed. The token is valid for two hours after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetSdkVerificationResult ¶
func (c *Client) GetSdkVerificationResult(request *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse, err error)
GetSdkVerificationResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token after the SDK-based verification is completed. The token is valid for three days after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetSdkVerificationResultWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetSdkVerificationResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse, err error)
GetSdkVerificationResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token after the SDK-based verification is completed. The token is valid for three days after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetWebVerificationResult ¶
func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResult(request *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultResponse, err error)
GetWebVerificationResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token (BizToken) after the web-based verification is completed. The BizToken is valid for three days (3*24*3,600s) after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntl ¶
func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntl(request *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse, err error)
GetWebVerificationResultIntl This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding BizToken after the u200dweb-based verification is completed. The token is valid for three days (259,200s) after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultIntlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse, err error)
GetWebVerificationResultIntl This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding BizToken after the u200dweb-based verification is completed. The token is valid for three days (259,200s) after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GetWebVerificationResultWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetWebVerificationResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) (response *GetWebVerificationResultResponse, err error)
GetWebVerificationResult This API is used to get the verification result with the corresponding token (BizToken) after the web-based verification is completed. The BizToken is valid for three days (3*24*3,600s) after issuance and can be called multiple times.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) LivenessCompare ¶
func (c *Client) LivenessCompare(request *LivenessCompareRequest) (response *LivenessCompareResponse, err error)
LivenessCompare This API is used to pass in a video and a photo, determine whether the person in the video is real, and if yes, then determine whether the person in the video is the same as that in the photo.
This API on the legacy version will continue to serve existing users but will be unavailable to new users. We recommend you use `VideoLivenessCompare` for better service quality.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) LivenessCompareWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) LivenessCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *LivenessCompareRequest) (response *LivenessCompareResponse, err error)
LivenessCompare This API is used to pass in a video and a photo, determine whether the person in the video is real, and if yes, then determine whether the person in the video is the same as that in the photo.
This API on the legacy version will continue to serve existing users but will be unavailable to new users. We recommend you use `VideoLivenessCompare` for better service quality.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) VideoLivenessCompare ¶
func (c *Client) VideoLivenessCompare(request *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) (response *VideoLivenessCompareResponse, err error)
VideoLivenessCompare This API is used to pass in URLs of a video and a photo, determine whether the person in the video is real, and if yes, then determine whether the person in the video is the same as that in the photo.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) VideoLivenessCompareWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) VideoLivenessCompareWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) (response *VideoLivenessCompareResponse, err error)
VideoLivenessCompare This API is used to pass in URLs of a video and a photo, determine whether the person in the video is real, and if yes, then determine whether the person in the video is the same as that in the photo.
error code that may be returned:
type CompareResult ¶
type CompareResult struct { // The final verification result code. // 0: Success. // 1001: Failed to call the liveness detection engine. // 1004: Face detection failed. // 2004: The uploaded face image is too large or too small. // 2012: The face is not fully exposed. // 2013: No face is detected. // 2014: The resolution of the uploaded image is too low . Please upload a new one. // 2015: Face comparison failed. // 2016: The similarity did not reach the passing standard. ErrorCode *string `json:"ErrorCode,omitnil" name:"ErrorCode"` // The description of the final verification result. ErrorMsg *string `json:"ErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"ErrorMsg"` // The liveness algorithm package generated during this SDK-based liveness detection. LiveData *FileInfo `json:"LiveData,omitnil" name:"LiveData"` // The download URL of the video used for verification, which is valid for 10 minutes. LiveVideo *FileInfo `json:"LiveVideo,omitnil" name:"LiveVideo"` // The liveness detection result code. // 0: Success. // 1001: Failed to call the liveness detection engine. // 1004: Face detection failed. LiveErrorCode *string `json:"LiveErrorCode,omitnil" name:"LiveErrorCode"` // The description of the liveness detection result. LiveErrorMsg *string `json:"LiveErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"LiveErrorMsg"` // The download URL of the face screenshot during verification, which is valid for 10 minutes. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained. BestFrame *FileInfo `json:"BestFrame,omitnil" name:"BestFrame"` // The download URL of the profile photo screenshot from the identity document, which is valid for 10 minutes. ProfileImage *FileInfo `json:"ProfileImage,omitnil" name:"ProfileImage"` // The face comparison result code. // 0: Success. // 2004: The uploaded face image is too large or too small. // 2012: The face is not fully exposed. // 2013: No face is detected. // 2014: The resolution of the uploaded image is too low . Please upload a new one. // 2015: Face comparison failed. // 2016: The similarity did not reach the passing standard. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained. CompareErrorCode *string `json:"CompareErrorCode,omitnil" name:"CompareErrorCode"` // The description of the face comparison result. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CompareErrorMsg *string `json:"CompareErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"CompareErrorMsg"` // The similarity score of face comparison. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Sim *float64 `json:"Sim,omitnil" name:"Sim"` // This parameter is disused. IsNeedCharge *bool `json:"IsNeedCharge,omitnil" name:"IsNeedCharge"` // The identity document photo info edited by the user. Currently, this parameter is not applied. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CardInfoInputJson *FileInfo `json:"CardInfoInputJson,omitnil" name:"CardInfoInputJson"` // The request ID of this verification process. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
type CreateUploadUrlRequest ¶
type CreateUploadUrlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Target API TargetAction *string `json:"TargetAction,omitnil" name:"TargetAction"` }
func NewCreateUploadUrlRequest ¶
func NewCreateUploadUrlRequest() (request *CreateUploadUrlRequest)
func (*CreateUploadUrlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateUploadUrlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateUploadUrlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateUploadUrlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateUploadUrlRequestParams ¶
type CreateUploadUrlRequestParams struct { // Target API TargetAction *string `json:"TargetAction,omitnil" name:"TargetAction"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateUploadUrlResponse ¶
type CreateUploadUrlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateUploadUrlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateUploadUrlResponse ¶
func NewCreateUploadUrlResponse() (response *CreateUploadUrlResponse)
func (*CreateUploadUrlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateUploadUrlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateUploadUrlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateUploadUrlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateUploadUrlResponseParams ¶
type CreateUploadUrlResponseParams struct { // The URL for uploading contents with the `HTTP PUT` method. UploadUrl *string `json:"UploadUrl,omitnil" name:"UploadUrl"` // The resource URL obtained after this upload is completed and to be passed in where it is required later. ResourceUrl *string `json:"ResourceUrl,omitnil" name:"ResourceUrl"` // The point in time when the upload/download link expires, which is a 10-bit Unix timestamp. ExpiredTimestamp *int64 `json:"ExpiredTimestamp,omitnil" name:"ExpiredTimestamp"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest ¶
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // URL of the liveness detection data package generated by the SDK LiveDataUrl *string `json:"LiveDataUrl,omitnil" name:"LiveDataUrl"` // MD5 hash value (32-bit) of the liveness detection data package generated by the SDK, which is used to verify the LiveData consistency. LiveDataMd5 *string `json:"LiveDataMd5,omitnil" name:"LiveDataMd5"` // URL of the target image for comparison ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // MD5 hash value (32-bit) of the target image for comparison, which is used to verify the `Image` consistency. ImageMd5 *string `json:"ImageMd5,omitnil" name:"ImageMd5"` }
func NewDetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest ¶
func NewDetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest() (request *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest)
func (*DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequestParams ¶
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareRequestParams struct { // URL of the liveness detection data package generated by the SDK LiveDataUrl *string `json:"LiveDataUrl,omitnil" name:"LiveDataUrl"` // MD5 hash value (32-bit) of the liveness detection data package generated by the SDK, which is used to verify the LiveData consistency. LiveDataMd5 *string `json:"LiveDataMd5,omitnil" name:"LiveDataMd5"` // URL of the target image for comparison ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // MD5 hash value (32-bit) of the target image for comparison, which is used to verify the `Image` consistency. ImageMd5 *string `json:"ImageMd5,omitnil" name:"ImageMd5"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse ¶
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse ¶
func NewDetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse() (response *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse)
func (*DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponseParams ¶
type DetectReflectLivenessAndCompareResponseParams struct { // Temporary URL of the best screenshot (.jpg) of the video after successful verification. Both the screenshot and the URL are valid for two hours only, so you need to download the screenshot within this period. BestFrameUrl *string `json:"BestFrameUrl,omitnil" name:"BestFrameUrl"` // MD5 hash value (32-bit) of the best screenshot of the video after successful verification, which is used to verify the `BestFrame` consistency. BestFrameMd5 *string `json:"BestFrameMd5,omitnil" name:"BestFrameMd5"` // Service error code. `Success` will be returned for success. For error information, see the `FailedOperation` section in the error code list below. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // Service result description Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` // Similarity. Value range: [0.00, 100.00]. As a recommendation, when the similarity is greater than or equal to 70, it can be determined that the two faces are of the same person. You can adjust the threshold according to your specific scenario (the FAR at the threshold of 70 is 0.1%, and FAR at the threshold of 80 is 0.01%). Sim *float64 `json:"Sim,omitnil" name:"Sim"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GenerateReflectSequenceRequest ¶
type GenerateReflectSequenceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The resource URL of the data package generated by the SDK. DeviceDataUrl *string `json:"DeviceDataUrl,omitnil" name:"DeviceDataUrl"` // The MD5 hash value of the data package generated by the SDK. DeviceDataMd5 *string `json:"DeviceDataMd5,omitnil" name:"DeviceDataMd5"` // 1 - silent // 2 - blinking // 3 - light // 4 - blinking + light (default) SecurityLevel *string `json:"SecurityLevel,omitnil" name:"SecurityLevel"` }
func NewGenerateReflectSequenceRequest ¶
func NewGenerateReflectSequenceRequest() (request *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest)
func (*GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateReflectSequenceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GenerateReflectSequenceRequestParams ¶
type GenerateReflectSequenceRequestParams struct { // The resource URL of the data package generated by the SDK. DeviceDataUrl *string `json:"DeviceDataUrl,omitnil" name:"DeviceDataUrl"` // The MD5 hash value of the data package generated by the SDK. DeviceDataMd5 *string `json:"DeviceDataMd5,omitnil" name:"DeviceDataMd5"` // 1 - silent // 2 - blinking // 3 - light // 4 - blinking + light (default) SecurityLevel *string `json:"SecurityLevel,omitnil" name:"SecurityLevel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GenerateReflectSequenceResponse ¶
type GenerateReflectSequenceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGenerateReflectSequenceResponse ¶
func NewGenerateReflectSequenceResponse() (response *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse)
func (*GenerateReflectSequenceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GenerateReflectSequenceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateReflectSequenceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GenerateReflectSequenceResponseParams ¶
type GenerateReflectSequenceResponseParams struct { // The resource URL of the light sequence, which needs to be downloaded and passed through to the SDK to start the identity verification process. ReflectSequenceUrl *string `json:"ReflectSequenceUrl,omitnil" name:"ReflectSequenceUrl"` // The MD5 hash value of the light sequence, which is used to check whether the light sequence is altered. ReflectSequenceMd5 *string `json:"ReflectSequenceMd5,omitnil" name:"ReflectSequenceMd5"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest ¶
type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the SDK-based liveness detection and face comparison process, which is generated when the `GetFaceIdTokenIntl` API is called. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
func NewGetFaceIdResultIntlRequest ¶
func NewGetFaceIdResultIntlRequest() (request *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest)
func (*GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdResultIntlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequestParams ¶
type GetFaceIdResultIntlRequestParams struct { // The ID of the SDK-based liveness detection and face comparison process, which is generated when the `GetFaceIdTokenIntl` API is called. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse ¶
type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetFaceIdResultIntlResponse ¶
func NewGetFaceIdResultIntlResponse() (response *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse)
func (*GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdResultIntlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponseParams ¶
type GetFaceIdResultIntlResponseParams struct { // The return code of the verification result. // 0: Succeeded. // 1001: System error. // 1004: Liveness detection and face comparison failed. // 2004: The image passed in is too large or too small. // 2012: Several faces were detected. // 2013: No face was detected, or the face detected was incomplete. // 2014: The image resolution is too low or the quality does not meet the requirements. // 2015: Face comparison failed. // 2016: The similarity did not reach the standard passing threshold. // -999: The verification process wasn't finished. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // The description of the verification result. Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` // The best frame screenshot (in Base64) obtained during the verification. BestFrame *string `json:"BestFrame,omitnil" name:"BestFrame"` // The video file (Base64) for verification. Video *string `json:"Video,omitnil" name:"Video"` // The similarity, with a value range of 0-100. A greater value indicates higher similarity. This parameter is returned only in the `compare` (liveness detection and face comparison) mode. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Similarity *float64 `json:"Similarity,omitnil" name:"Similarity"` // The pass-through parameter. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest ¶
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The detection mode. Valid values: // `liveness`: Liveness detection only. // `compare`: Liveness detection and face comparison. // Default value: `liveness`. CheckMode *string `json:"CheckMode,omitnil" name:"CheckMode"` // The verification security level. Valid values: // `1`: Video-based liveness detection. // `2`: Motion-based liveness detection. // `3`: Reflection-based liveness detection. // `4`: Motion- and reflection-based liveness detection. // Default value: `4`. SecureLevel *string `json:"SecureLevel,omitnil" name:"SecureLevel"` // The photo (in Base64) to compare. This parameter is required when the value of `CheckMode` is `compare`. Image *string `json:"Image,omitnil" name:"Image"` // The pass-through parameter, which can be omitted if there are no special requirements. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` }
func NewGetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest ¶
func NewGetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest() (request *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest)
func (*GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequestParams ¶
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlRequestParams struct { // The detection mode. Valid values: // `liveness`: Liveness detection only. // `compare`: Liveness detection and face comparison. // Default value: `liveness`. CheckMode *string `json:"CheckMode,omitnil" name:"CheckMode"` // The verification security level. Valid values: // `1`: Video-based liveness detection. // `2`: Motion-based liveness detection. // `3`: Reflection-based liveness detection. // `4`: Motion- and reflection-based liveness detection. // Default value: `4`. SecureLevel *string `json:"SecureLevel,omitnil" name:"SecureLevel"` // The photo (in Base64) to compare. This parameter is required when the value of `CheckMode` is `compare`. Image *string `json:"Image,omitnil" name:"Image"` // The pass-through parameter, which can be omitted if there are no special requirements. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse ¶
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse ¶
func NewGetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse() (response *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse)
func (*GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponseParams ¶
type GetFaceIdTokenIntlResponseParams struct { // The SDK token, which is used throughout the verification process and to get the verification result. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetLivenessResultRequest ¶
type GetLivenessResultRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
func NewGetLivenessResultRequest ¶
func NewGetLivenessResultRequest() (request *GetLivenessResultRequest)
func (*GetLivenessResultRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetLivenessResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetLivenessResultRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetLivenessResultRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetLivenessResultRequestParams ¶
type GetLivenessResultRequestParams struct { // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetLivenessResultResponse ¶
type GetLivenessResultResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetLivenessResultResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetLivenessResultResponse ¶
func NewGetLivenessResultResponse() (response *GetLivenessResultResponse)
func (*GetLivenessResultResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetLivenessResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetLivenessResultResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetLivenessResultResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetLivenessResultResponseParams ¶
type GetLivenessResultResponseParams struct { // The final verification result. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // The description of the final verification result. Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` // The face screenshot. BestFrame *FileInfo `json:"BestFrame,omitnil" name:"BestFrame"` // The video for the detection. Video *FileInfo `json:"Video,omitnil" name:"Video"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetSdkVerificationResultRequest ¶
type GetSdkVerificationResultRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
func NewGetSdkVerificationResultRequest ¶
func NewGetSdkVerificationResultRequest() (request *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest)
func (*GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetSdkVerificationResultRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetSdkVerificationResultRequestParams ¶
type GetSdkVerificationResultRequestParams struct { // The token used to identify an SDK-based verification process. SdkToken *string `json:"SdkToken,omitnil" name:"SdkToken"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetSdkVerificationResultResponse ¶
type GetSdkVerificationResultResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetSdkVerificationResultResponse ¶
func NewGetSdkVerificationResultResponse() (response *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse)
func (*GetSdkVerificationResultResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetSdkVerificationResultResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetSdkVerificationResultResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetSdkVerificationResultResponseParams ¶
type GetSdkVerificationResultResponseParams struct { // The result code of the verification result. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // The verification result description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` // The charge count. ChargeCount *int64 `json:"ChargeCount,omitnil" name:"ChargeCount"` // The results of multiple OCR processes (in order). The result of the final process is used as the valid result. CardVerifyResults []*CardVerifyResult `json:"CardVerifyResults,omitnil" name:"CardVerifyResults"` // The results of multiple liveness detection processes (in order). The result of the final process is used as the valid result. CompareResults []*CompareResult `json:"CompareResults,omitnil" name:"CompareResults"` // Data passed through in the process of getting the token. Extra *string `json:"Extra,omitnil" name:"Extra"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The token for the web-based verification, which is generated using the `ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl` API. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` }
func NewGetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest ¶
func NewGetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest() (request *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest)
func (*GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequestParams ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlRequestParams struct { // The token for the web-based verification, which is generated using the `ApplyWebVerificationBizTokenIntl` API. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse ¶
func NewGetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse() (response *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse)
func (*GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponseParams ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultIntlResponseParams struct { // The final result of this verification. `0` indicates that the person is the same as that in the photo. // For other error codes, see <a href="">Liveness Detection and Face Comparison (Mobile HTML5) Error Codes</a> // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorCode *int64 `json:"ErrorCode,omitnil" name:"ErrorCode"` // The description of the final verification result. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorMsg *string `json:"ErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"ErrorMsg"` // The detailed verification result list of this process. Retries are allowed, so a verification process may have several entries of results. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VerificationDetailList []*VerificationDetail `json:"VerificationDetailList,omitnil" name:"VerificationDetailList"` // The Base64-encoded string of the video collected from the video stream. Retries are allowed, and this field returns only the data collected in the last verification. If no video is collected, null is returned. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VideoBase64 *string `json:"VideoBase64,omitnil" name:"VideoBase64"` // The Base64-encoded string of the best face screenshot u200dcollected from the video stream. Retries are allowed, and this field returns only the data collected in the last verification. If no best face screenshot is collected, null is returned. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. BestFrameBase64 *string `json:"BestFrameBase64,omitnil" name:"BestFrameBase64"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetWebVerificationResultRequest ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The token for the web-based verification, which is generated with the `ApplyWebVerificationToken` API. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` }
func NewGetWebVerificationResultRequest ¶
func NewGetWebVerificationResultRequest() (request *GetWebVerificationResultRequest)
func (*GetWebVerificationResultRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetWebVerificationResultRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetWebVerificationResultRequestParams ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultRequestParams struct { // The token for the web-based verification, which is generated with the `ApplyWebVerificationToken` API. BizToken *string `json:"BizToken,omitnil" name:"BizToken"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetWebVerificationResultResponse ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetWebVerificationResultResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetWebVerificationResultResponse ¶
func NewGetWebVerificationResultResponse() (response *GetWebVerificationResultResponse)
func (*GetWebVerificationResultResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetWebVerificationResultResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetWebVerificationResultResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetWebVerificationResultResponseParams ¶
type GetWebVerificationResultResponseParams struct { // The final result of this verification. `0` indicates that the person is the same as that in the photo. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorCode *int64 `json:"ErrorCode,omitnil" name:"ErrorCode"` // The description of the final verification result. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorMsg *string `json:"ErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"ErrorMsg"` // The temporary URL of the best face screenshot collected from the video stream. It is valid for 10 minutes. Download the image if needed. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VideoBestFrameUrl *string `json:"VideoBestFrameUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoBestFrameUrl"` // The MD5 hash value of the best face screenshot collected from the video stream. It can be used to check whether the image content is consistent with the file content. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VideoBestFrameMd5 *string `json:"VideoBestFrameMd5,omitnil" name:"VideoBestFrameMd5"` // The details list of this verification process. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VerificationDetailList []*VerificationDetail `json:"VerificationDetailList,omitnil" name:"VerificationDetailList"` // The temporary URL of the video collected from the video stream. It is valid for 10 minutes. Download the video if needed. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VideoUrl *string `json:"VideoUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoUrl"` // The MD5 hash value of the video collected from the video stream. It can be used to check whether the video content is consistent with the file content. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VideoMd5 *string `json:"VideoMd5,omitnil" name:"VideoMd5"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type LivenessCompareRequest ¶
type LivenessCompareRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Liveness detection type. Valid values: LIP/ACTION/SILENT. // LIP: numeric mode; ACTION: motion mode; SILENT: silent mode. You need to select a mode to input. LivenessType *string `json:"LivenessType,omitnil" name:"LivenessType"` // Base64 string of the image for face comparison. // The size of the Base64-encoded image data can be up to 3 MB. JPG and PNG formats are supported. // Please use the standard Base64 encoding scheme (with the "=" padding). For the encoding conventions, please see RFC 4648. // // Either the `ImageUrl` or `ImageBase64` of the image must be provided. If both are provided, only `ImageBase64` will be used. ImageBase64 *string `json:"ImageBase64,omitnil" name:"ImageBase64"` // URL of the image for face comparison. The size of the downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 3 MB. JPG and PNG formats are supported. // // Either the `ImageUrl` or `ImageBase64` of the image must be provided. If both are provided, only `ImageBase64` will be used. // // We recommend you store the image in Tencent Cloud, as a Tencent Cloud URL can guarantee higher download speed and stability. The download speed and stability of non-Tencent Cloud URLs may be low. ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // Lip mode: set this parameter to a custom 4-digit verification code. // Action mode: set this parameter to a custom action sequence (e.g., `2,1` or `1,2`). // Silent mode: do not pass in this parameter. ValidateData *string `json:"ValidateData,omitnil" name:"ValidateData"` // Optional configuration (a JSON string) // { // "BestFrameNum": 2 // Return multiple best screenshots. Value range: 2−10 // } Optional *string `json:"Optional,omitnil" name:"Optional"` // Base64 string of the video for liveness detection. // The size of the Base64-encoded video data can be up to 8 MB. MP4, AVI, and FLV formats are supported. // Please use the standard Base64 encoding scheme (with the "=" padding). For the encoding conventions, please see RFC 4648. // // Either the `VideoUrl` or `VideoBase64` of the video must be provided. If both are provided, only `VideoBase64` will be used. VideoBase64 *string `json:"VideoBase64,omitnil" name:"VideoBase64"` // URL of the video for liveness detection. The size of the downloaded video after Base64 encoding can be up to 8 MB. It takes no more than 4 seconds to download. MP4, AVI, and FLV formats are supported. // // Either the `VideoUrl` or `VideoBase64` of the video must be provided. If both are provided, only `VideoBase64` will be used. // // We recommend you store the video in Tencent Cloud, as a Tencent Cloud URL can guarantee higher download speed and stability. The download speed and stability of non-Tencent Cloud URLs may be low. VideoUrl *string `json:"VideoUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoUrl"` }
func NewLivenessCompareRequest ¶
func NewLivenessCompareRequest() (request *LivenessCompareRequest)
func (*LivenessCompareRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *LivenessCompareRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*LivenessCompareRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *LivenessCompareRequest) ToJsonString() string
type LivenessCompareRequestParams ¶
type LivenessCompareRequestParams struct { // Liveness detection type. Valid values: LIP/ACTION/SILENT. // LIP: numeric mode; ACTION: motion mode; SILENT: silent mode. You need to select a mode to input. LivenessType *string `json:"LivenessType,omitnil" name:"LivenessType"` // Base64 string of the image for face comparison. // The size of the Base64-encoded image data can be up to 3 MB. JPG and PNG formats are supported. // Please use the standard Base64 encoding scheme (with the "=" padding). For the encoding conventions, please see RFC 4648. // // Either the `ImageUrl` or `ImageBase64` of the image must be provided. If both are provided, only `ImageBase64` will be used. ImageBase64 *string `json:"ImageBase64,omitnil" name:"ImageBase64"` // URL of the image for face comparison. The size of the downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 3 MB. JPG and PNG formats are supported. // // Either the `ImageUrl` or `ImageBase64` of the image must be provided. If both are provided, only `ImageBase64` will be used. // // We recommend you store the image in Tencent Cloud, as a Tencent Cloud URL can guarantee higher download speed and stability. The download speed and stability of non-Tencent Cloud URLs may be low. ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // Lip mode: set this parameter to a custom 4-digit verification code. // Action mode: set this parameter to a custom action sequence (e.g., `2,1` or `1,2`). // Silent mode: do not pass in this parameter. ValidateData *string `json:"ValidateData,omitnil" name:"ValidateData"` // Optional configuration (a JSON string) // { // "BestFrameNum": 2 // Return multiple best screenshots. Value range: 2−10 // } Optional *string `json:"Optional,omitnil" name:"Optional"` // Base64 string of the video for liveness detection. // The size of the Base64-encoded video data can be up to 8 MB. MP4, AVI, and FLV formats are supported. // Please use the standard Base64 encoding scheme (with the "=" padding). For the encoding conventions, please see RFC 4648. // // Either the `VideoUrl` or `VideoBase64` of the video must be provided. If both are provided, only `VideoBase64` will be used. VideoBase64 *string `json:"VideoBase64,omitnil" name:"VideoBase64"` // URL of the video for liveness detection. The size of the downloaded video after Base64 encoding can be up to 8 MB. It takes no more than 4 seconds to download. MP4, AVI, and FLV formats are supported. // // Either the `VideoUrl` or `VideoBase64` of the video must be provided. If both are provided, only `VideoBase64` will be used. // // We recommend you store the video in Tencent Cloud, as a Tencent Cloud URL can guarantee higher download speed and stability. The download speed and stability of non-Tencent Cloud URLs may be low. VideoUrl *string `json:"VideoUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoUrl"` }
Predefined struct for user
type LivenessCompareResponse ¶
type LivenessCompareResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *LivenessCompareResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewLivenessCompareResponse ¶
func NewLivenessCompareResponse() (response *LivenessCompareResponse)
func (*LivenessCompareResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *LivenessCompareResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*LivenessCompareResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *LivenessCompareResponse) ToJsonString() string
type LivenessCompareResponseParams ¶
type LivenessCompareResponseParams struct { // The best screenshot of the video after successful verification. The photo is Base64-encoded and in JPG format. BestFrameBase64 *string `json:"BestFrameBase64,omitnil" name:"BestFrameBase64"` // Similarity. Value range: [0.00, 100.00]. As a recommendation, when the similarity is greater than or equal to 70, it can be determined that the two faces are of the same person. You can adjust the threshold according to your specific scenario (the FAR at the threshold of 70 is 0.1%, and FAR at the threshold of 80 is 0.01%). Sim *float64 `json:"Sim,omitnil" name:"Sim"` // Service error code. `Success` will be returned for success. For error information, please see the `FailedOperation` section in the error code list below. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // Service result description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` BestFrameList []*string `json:"BestFrameList,omitnil" name:"BestFrameList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type VerificationDetail ¶
type VerificationDetail struct { // The final result of this verification. `0` indicates that the person is the same as that in the photo. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorCode *int64 `json:"ErrorCode,omitnil" name:"ErrorCode"` // The description of the final verification result. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ErrorMsg *string `json:"ErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"ErrorMsg"` // The result of this liveness detection process. `0` indicates success. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LivenessErrorCode *int64 `json:"LivenessErrorCode,omitnil" name:"LivenessErrorCode"` // The result description of this liveness detection process. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LivenessErrorMsg *string `json:"LivenessErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"LivenessErrorMsg"` // The result of this comparison process. `0` indicates that the person in the best face screenshot collected from the video stream is the same as that in the uploaded image for comparison. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CompareErrorCode *int64 `json:"CompareErrorCode,omitnil" name:"CompareErrorCode"` // The result description of this comparison process. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CompareErrorMsg *string `json:"CompareErrorMsg,omitnil" name:"CompareErrorMsg"` // The timestamp (ms) of this verification process. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ReqTimestamp *uint64 `json:"ReqTimestamp,omitnil" name:"ReqTimestamp"` // The similarity of the best face screenshot collected from the video stream and the uploaded image for comparison in this verification process. Value range: [0.00, 100.00]. By default, the person in the screenshot is determined to be the same person in the image if the similarity is greater than or equal to 70. // Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Similarity *float64 `json:"Similarity,omitnil" name:"Similarity"` // Unique ID of this verification process. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Seq *string `json:"Seq,omitnil" name:"Seq"` }
type VideoLivenessCompareRequest ¶
type VideoLivenessCompareRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The URL of the photo for face comparison. The downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 3 MB and must be in JPG or PNG. // // The image must be stored in a COS bucket in the region where the FaceID service resides to ensure a higher download speed and better stability. You can generate an image URL by using `CreateUploadUrl` or purchase the COS service. ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // The 32-bit MD5 checksum of the image for comparison ImageMd5 *string `json:"ImageMd5,omitnil" name:"ImageMd5"` // The URL of the video for liveness detection. The downloaded video after Base64 encoding can be up to 8 MB and must be in MP4, AVI, or FLV. It takes no more than 4s to download the video. // // The video must be stored in a COS bucket in the region where the FaceID service resides to ensure a higher download speed and better stability. You can generate a video URL by using `CreateUploadUrl` or purchase the COS service. VideoUrl *string `json:"VideoUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoUrl"` // The 32-bit MD5 checksum of the video VideoMd5 *string `json:"VideoMd5,omitnil" name:"VideoMd5"` // The liveness detection type. Valid values: `LIP`, `ACTION`, and `SILENT`. // `LIP`: Numeric mode; `ACTION`: Motion mode; `SILENT`: silent mode. Select one of them. LivenessType *string `json:"LivenessType,omitnil" name:"LivenessType"` // LIP parameter: Pass in a custom 4-digit verification code. // ACTION parameter: Pass in a custom action sequence (`2,1` or `1,2`). // SILENT parameter: Null. ValidateData *string `json:"ValidateData,omitnil" name:"ValidateData"` }
func NewVideoLivenessCompareRequest ¶
func NewVideoLivenessCompareRequest() (request *VideoLivenessCompareRequest)
func (*VideoLivenessCompareRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*VideoLivenessCompareRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *VideoLivenessCompareRequest) ToJsonString() string
type VideoLivenessCompareRequestParams ¶
type VideoLivenessCompareRequestParams struct { // The URL of the photo for face comparison. The downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 3 MB and must be in JPG or PNG. // // The image must be stored in a COS bucket in the region where the FaceID service resides to ensure a higher download speed and better stability. You can generate an image URL by using `CreateUploadUrl` or purchase the COS service. ImageUrl *string `json:"ImageUrl,omitnil" name:"ImageUrl"` // The 32-bit MD5 checksum of the image for comparison ImageMd5 *string `json:"ImageMd5,omitnil" name:"ImageMd5"` // The URL of the video for liveness detection. The downloaded video after Base64 encoding can be up to 8 MB and must be in MP4, AVI, or FLV. It takes no more than 4s to download the video. // // The video must be stored in a COS bucket in the region where the FaceID service resides to ensure a higher download speed and better stability. You can generate a video URL by using `CreateUploadUrl` or purchase the COS service. VideoUrl *string `json:"VideoUrl,omitnil" name:"VideoUrl"` // The 32-bit MD5 checksum of the video VideoMd5 *string `json:"VideoMd5,omitnil" name:"VideoMd5"` // The liveness detection type. Valid values: `LIP`, `ACTION`, and `SILENT`. // `LIP`: Numeric mode; `ACTION`: Motion mode; `SILENT`: silent mode. Select one of them. LivenessType *string `json:"LivenessType,omitnil" name:"LivenessType"` // LIP parameter: Pass in a custom 4-digit verification code. // ACTION parameter: Pass in a custom action sequence (`2,1` or `1,2`). // SILENT parameter: Null. ValidateData *string `json:"ValidateData,omitnil" name:"ValidateData"` }
Predefined struct for user
type VideoLivenessCompareResponse ¶
type VideoLivenessCompareResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *VideoLivenessCompareResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewVideoLivenessCompareResponse ¶
func NewVideoLivenessCompareResponse() (response *VideoLivenessCompareResponse)
func (*VideoLivenessCompareResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *VideoLivenessCompareResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*VideoLivenessCompareResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *VideoLivenessCompareResponse) ToJsonString() string
type VideoLivenessCompareResponseParams ¶
type VideoLivenessCompareResponseParams struct { // The similarity. Value range: [0.00, 100.00]. As a recommendation, when the similarity is greater than or equal to 70, it can be determined that the two persons are of the same person. You can adjust the threshold according to your specific scenario (the FARs at the thresholds of 70 and 80 are 0.1% and 0.01%, respectively). Sim *float64 `json:"Sim,omitnil" name:"Sim"` // The service error code. `Success` will be returned for success. For error information, see the `FailedOperation` section in the error code list below. Result *string `json:"Result,omitnil" name:"Result"` // The service result description Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil" name:"Description"` // The best video screenshot after successful verification // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. BestFrame *FileInfo `json:"BestFrame,omitnil" name:"BestFrame"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type WebVerificationConfigIntl ¶
type WebVerificationConfigIntl struct { // Whether to automatically redirect to `RedirectUrl` after successful verification. Default value: `false`. AutoSkip *bool `json:"AutoSkip,omitnil" name:"AutoSkip"` }