Index ¶
- Constants
- type Client
- func (c *Client) CreateApplication(request *CreateApplicationRequest) (response *CreateApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateApplicationRequest) (response *CreateApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCosToken(request *CreateCosTokenRequest) (response *CreateCosTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCosTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCosTokenRequest) (response *CreateCosTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateEnvironment(request *CreateEnvironmentRequest) (response *CreateEnvironmentResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateEnvironmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateEnvironmentRequest) (response *CreateEnvironmentResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateResource(request *CreateResourceRequest) (response *CreateResourceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateResourceRequest) (response *CreateResourceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteApplication(request *DeleteApplicationRequest) (response *DeleteApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteApplicationRequest) (response *DeleteApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteIngress(request *DeleteIngressRequest) (response *DeleteIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteIngressRequest) (response *DeleteIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeployApplication(request *DeployApplicationRequest) (response *DeployApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeployApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeployApplicationRequest) (response *DeployApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeApplicationPods(request *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) (response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeApplicationPodsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) (response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeEnvironments(request *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeEnvironmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIngress(request *DescribeIngressRequest) (response *DescribeIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIngressRequest) (response *DescribeIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIngresses(request *DescribeIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeIngressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIngressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeIngressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRelatedIngresses(request *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRelatedIngressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrl(request *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) (response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) (response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyApplicationInfo(request *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) (response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyApplicationInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) (response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyEnvironment(request *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) (response *ModifyEnvironmentResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyEnvironmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) (response *ModifyEnvironmentResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyIngress(request *ModifyIngressRequest) (response *ModifyIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyIngressRequest) (response *ModifyIngressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RestartApplication(request *RestartApplicationRequest) (response *RestartApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RestartApplicationPod(request *RestartApplicationPodRequest) (response *RestartApplicationPodResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RestartApplicationPodWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RestartApplicationPodRequest) (response *RestartApplicationPodResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RestartApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RestartApplicationRequest) (response *RestartApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersion(request *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) (response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) (response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopApplication(request *StopApplicationRequest) (response *StopApplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *StopApplicationRequest) (response *StopApplicationResponse, err error)
- type CosToken
- type CreateApplicationRequest
- type CreateApplicationRequestParams
- type CreateApplicationResponse
- type CreateApplicationResponseParams
- type CreateCosTokenRequest
- type CreateCosTokenRequestParams
- type CreateCosTokenResponse
- type CreateCosTokenResponseParams
- type CreateEnvironmentRequest
- type CreateEnvironmentRequestParams
- type CreateEnvironmentResponse
- type CreateEnvironmentResponseParams
- type CreateResourceRequest
- type CreateResourceRequestParams
- type CreateResourceResponse
- type CreateResourceResponseParams
- type CronHorizontalAutoscaler
- type CronHorizontalAutoscalerSchedule
- type DeleteApplicationRequest
- type DeleteApplicationRequestParams
- type DeleteApplicationResponse
- type DeleteApplicationResponseParams
- type DeleteIngressRequest
- type DeleteIngressRequestParams
- type DeleteIngressResponse
- type DeleteIngressResponseParams
- type DeployApplicationRequest
- type DeployApplicationRequestParams
- type DeployApplicationResponse
- type DeployApplicationResponseParams
- type DeployStrategyConf
- type DescribeApplicationPodsRequest
- type DescribeApplicationPodsRequestParams
- type DescribeApplicationPodsResponse
- type DescribeApplicationPodsResponseParams
- type DescribeEnvironmentsRequest
- type DescribeEnvironmentsRequestParams
- type DescribeEnvironmentsResponse
- type DescribeEnvironmentsResponseParams
- type DescribeIngressRequest
- type DescribeIngressRequestParams
- type DescribeIngressResponse
- type DescribeIngressResponseParams
- type DescribeIngressesRequest
- type DescribeIngressesRequestParams
- type DescribeIngressesResponse
- type DescribeIngressesResponseParams
- type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest
- type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequestParams
- type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse
- type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponseParams
- type DescribeRunPodPage
- type EksService
- type EnablePrometheusConf
- type EsInfo
- type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest
- type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequestParams
- type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse
- type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponseParams
- type HealthCheckConfig
- type HorizontalAutoscaler
- type IngressInfo
- type IngressRule
- type IngressRuleBackend
- type IngressRulePath
- type IngressRuleValue
- type IngressTls
- type LogOutputConf
- type ModifyApplicationInfoRequest
- type ModifyApplicationInfoRequestParams
- type ModifyApplicationInfoResponse
- type ModifyApplicationInfoResponseParams
- type ModifyEnvironmentRequest
- type ModifyEnvironmentRequestParams
- type ModifyEnvironmentResponse
- type ModifyEnvironmentResponseParams
- type ModifyIngressRequest
- type ModifyIngressRequestParams
- type ModifyIngressResponse
- type ModifyIngressResponseParams
- type MountedSettingConf
- type NamespacePage
- type Pair
- type PortMapping
- type RestartApplicationPodRequest
- type RestartApplicationPodRequestParams
- type RestartApplicationPodResponse
- type RestartApplicationPodResponseParams
- type RestartApplicationRequest
- type RestartApplicationRequestParams
- type RestartApplicationResponse
- type RestartApplicationResponseParams
- type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest
- type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequestParams
- type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse
- type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponseParams
- type RunVersionPod
- type StopApplicationRequest
- type StopApplicationRequestParams
- type StopApplicationResponse
- type StopApplicationResponseParams
- type StorageConf
- type StorageMountConf
- type TemNamespaceInfo
Constants ¶
const ( // Request timed out INTERNALERROR_ACTIONREADTIMEOUT = "InternalError.ActionReadTimeout" // Exception occurs while adding the subnet/virtual node INTERNALERROR_ADDNEWNODEERROR = "InternalError.AddNewNodeError" // Failed to create the APM resource INTERNALERROR_CREATEAPMRESOURCEERROR = "InternalError.CreateApmResourceError" // Failed to create the underlayer cluster INTERNALERROR_CREATEEKSCLUSTERERROR = "InternalError.CreateEksClusterError" // Failed to create the service. INTERNALERROR_CREATESERVICEERROR = "InternalError.CreateServiceError" // The server is busy. Retry later. INTERNALERROR_DEFAULTINTERNALERROR = "InternalError.DefaultInternalError" // Failed to delete the ingress INTERNALERROR_DELETEINGRESSERROR = "InternalError.DeleteIngressError" // Failed to delete the application INTERNALERROR_DELETESERVICEERROR = "InternalError.DeleteServiceError" // Failed to invoke the version deployment INTERNALERROR_DEPLOYVERSIONERROR = "InternalError.DeployVersionError" // Failed to query the instance information INTERNALERROR_DESCRIBERUNPODLISTERROR = "InternalError.DescribeRunPodListError" // Failed to query the list of ingress associated with the service. INTERNALERROR_DESCRIBESERVICEINGRESSERROR = "InternalError.DescribeServiceIngressError" // Failed to query the service list INTERNALERROR_DESCRIBESERVICELISTERROR = "InternalError.DescribeServiceListError" // Failed to restart INTERNALERROR_RESTARTAPPLICATIONERROR = "InternalError.RestartApplicationError" // INTERNALERROR_STOPAPPLICATIONERROR = "InternalError.StopApplicationError" // Failed to update the ingress INTERNALERROR_UPDATEINGRESSERROR = "InternalError.UpdateIngressError" // Only one auto scaler can be specified. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_AUTOSCALERLARGERTHANONE = "InvalidParameterValue.AutoScalerLargerThanOne" // The version number is invalid. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDDEPLOYVERSION = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDeployVersion" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDSERVICENAME = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidServiceName" // The environment already exists. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACEDUPLICATEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceDuplicateError" // The namespace does not belong to the current account. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACENOTBELONGTOAPPID = "InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceNotBelongToAppid" // Failed to create the environment. The upper limit of environment is reached. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACEREACHMAXIMUM = "InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceReachMaximum" // Failed to create the environment. The upper limit of environment is reached. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACERESOURCEREACHMAXIMUM = "InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceResourceReachMaximum" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PUBLICREPOTYPEPARAMETERERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.PublicRepoTypeParameterError" // There are running pods in this application. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICEFOUNDRUNNINGVERSION = "InvalidParameterValue.ServiceFoundRunningVersion" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICELOWERCASE = "InvalidParameterValue.ServiceLowerCase" // This application name already exists. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICENAMEDUPLICATEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.ServiceNameDuplicateError" // Failed to create the instance. The upper limit is reached. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICEPODREACHMAXIMUM = "InvalidParameterValue.ServicePodReachMaximum" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICEREACHMAXIMUM = "InvalidParameterValue.ServiceReachMaximum" // Linkage tracing is not available for non-JAVA applications. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRAITSTRACINGNOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidParameterValue.TraitsTracingNotSupported" // The version must be in lower case. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VERSIONLOWERCASE = "InvalidParameterValue.VersionLowerCase" // There is still traffic routed to this version. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VERSIONROUTERATENOTZERO = "InvalidParameterValue.VersionRouteRateNotZero" // The deployment version cannot be empty. MISSINGPARAMETER_DEPLOYVERSIONNULL = "MissingParameter.DeployVersionNull" // The environment ID can not be left empty. MISSINGPARAMETER_NAMESPACEIDNULL = "MissingParameter.NamespaceIdNull" // The package name cannot be left empty. MISSINGPARAMETER_PKGNAMENULL = "MissingParameter.PkgNameNull" // The service ID cannot be empty. MISSINGPARAMETER_SERVICEIDNULL = "MissingParameter.ServiceIdNull" // The image repository is not ready. MISSINGPARAMETER_SVCREPONOTREADY = "MissingParameter.SvcRepoNotReady" // RESOURCEINUSE_RESOURCEALREADYLOCKED = "ResourceInUse.ResourceAlreadyLocked" // This resource is already bound. RESOURCEINUSE_RESOURCEALREADYUSED = "ResourceInUse.ResourceAlreadyUsed" // The target microservice is offline. RESOURCENOTFOUND_MICROSERVICEOFFLINE = "ResourceNotFound.MicroserviceOffline" // The environment does not exist. RESOURCENOTFOUND_NAMESPACENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound.NamespaceNotFound" // The application is not found. RESOURCENOTFOUND_SERVICENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound.ServiceNotFound" // No running pod is found. RESOURCENOTFOUND_SERVICERUNNINGVERSIONNOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound.ServiceRunningVersionNotFound" // The environment corresponding to this version is not found. RESOURCENOTFOUND_VERSIONNAMESPACENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound.VersionNamespaceNotFound" // The environment corresponding to this version is not found. RESOURCENOTFOUND_VERSIONSERVICENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound.VersionServiceNotFound" // Waiting for the installation of addon RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE_WAITFORKRUISE = "ResourceUnavailable.WaitForKruise" // Unauthorized UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation.UnauthorizedOperation" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNSUPPORTACTION = "UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportAction" )
const APIVersion = "2021-07-01"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)
func NewClientWithSecretId ¶
func (*Client) CreateApplication ¶
func (c *Client) CreateApplication(request *CreateApplicationRequest) (response *CreateApplicationResponse, err error)
CreateApplication This API is used to create an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateApplicationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateApplicationRequest) (response *CreateApplicationResponse, err error)
CreateApplication This API is used to create an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCosToken ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCosToken(request *CreateCosTokenRequest) (response *CreateCosTokenResponse, err error)
CreateCosToken This API is used to generate a COS temporary key.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCosTokenWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCosTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCosTokenRequest) (response *CreateCosTokenResponse, err error)
CreateCosToken This API is used to generate a COS temporary key.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateEnvironment ¶
func (c *Client) CreateEnvironment(request *CreateEnvironmentRequest) (response *CreateEnvironmentResponse, err error)
CreateEnvironment This API is used to create an environment.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateEnvironmentWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateEnvironmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateEnvironmentRequest) (response *CreateEnvironmentResponse, err error)
CreateEnvironment This API is used to create an environment.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateResource ¶
func (c *Client) CreateResource(request *CreateResourceRequest) (response *CreateResourceResponse, err error)
CreateResource This API is used to bind a cloud resource.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateResourceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateResourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateResourceRequest) (response *CreateResourceResponse, err error)
CreateResource This API is used to bind a cloud resource.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteApplication ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteApplication(request *DeleteApplicationRequest) (response *DeleteApplicationResponse, err error)
DeleteApplication This API is used to delete an application.
Stop the application if it’s running
Delete resources associated with this application
Delele the application
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteApplicationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteApplicationRequest) (response *DeleteApplicationResponse, err error)
DeleteApplication This API is used to delete an application.
Stop the application if it’s running
Delete resources associated with this application
Delele the application
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteIngress ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteIngress(request *DeleteIngressRequest) (response *DeleteIngressResponse, err error)
DeleteIngress This API is used to delete an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteIngressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteIngressRequest) (response *DeleteIngressResponse, err error)
DeleteIngress This API is used to delete an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeployApplication ¶
func (c *Client) DeployApplication(request *DeployApplicationRequest) (response *DeployApplicationResponse, err error)
DeployApplication This API is used to deploy an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeployApplicationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeployApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeployApplicationRequest) (response *DeployApplicationResponse, err error)
DeployApplication This API is used to deploy an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeApplicationPods ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeApplicationPods(request *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) (response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse, err error)
DescribeApplicationPods This API is used to get the list of application pods.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeApplicationPodsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeApplicationPodsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) (response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse, err error)
DescribeApplicationPods This API is used to get the list of application pods.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeEnvironments ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeEnvironments(request *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse, err error)
DescribeEnvironments This API is used to get the list of tenant environments.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeEnvironmentsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeEnvironmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) (response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse, err error)
DescribeEnvironments This API is used to get the list of tenant environments.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeIngress ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIngress(request *DescribeIngressRequest) (response *DescribeIngressResponse, err error)
DescribeIngress This API is used to query an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeIngressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIngressRequest) (response *DescribeIngressResponse, err error)
DescribeIngress This API is used to query an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeIngresses ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIngresses(request *DescribeIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeIngressesResponse, err error)
DescribeIngresses This API is used to query the list of ingress rules.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeIngressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIngressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeIngressesResponse, err error)
DescribeIngresses This API is used to query the list of ingress rules.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRelatedIngresses ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRelatedIngresses(request *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse, err error)
DescribeRelatedIngresses This API is used to query the list of ingress rules associated with the application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRelatedIngressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRelatedIngressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) (response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse, err error)
DescribeRelatedIngresses This API is used to query the list of ingress rules associated with the application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrl ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrl(request *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) (response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse, err error)
GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrl This API is used to generate the pre-signed download URL for the specified application package.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) (response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse, err error)
GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrl This API is used to generate the pre-signed download URL for the specified application package.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyApplicationInfo ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyApplicationInfo(request *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) (response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse, err error)
ModifyApplicationInfo This API is used to modify the basic information of an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyApplicationInfoWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyApplicationInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) (response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse, err error)
ModifyApplicationInfo This API is used to modify the basic information of an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyEnvironment ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyEnvironment(request *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) (response *ModifyEnvironmentResponse, err error)
ModifyEnvironment This API is used to edit an environment.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyEnvironmentWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyEnvironmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) (response *ModifyEnvironmentResponse, err error)
ModifyEnvironment This API is used to edit an environment.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyIngress ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyIngress(request *ModifyIngressRequest) (response *ModifyIngressResponse, err error)
ModifyIngress This API is used to create or update an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyIngressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyIngressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyIngressRequest) (response *ModifyIngressResponse, err error)
ModifyIngress This API is used to create or update an ingress rule.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RestartApplication ¶
func (c *Client) RestartApplication(request *RestartApplicationRequest) (response *RestartApplicationResponse, err error)
RestartApplication This API is used to restart an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RestartApplicationPod ¶
func (c *Client) RestartApplicationPod(request *RestartApplicationPodRequest) (response *RestartApplicationPodResponse, err error)
RestartApplicationPod This API is used to restart an application pod.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RestartApplicationPodWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RestartApplicationPodWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RestartApplicationPodRequest) (response *RestartApplicationPodResponse, err error)
RestartApplicationPod This API is used to restart an application pod.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RestartApplicationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RestartApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RestartApplicationRequest) (response *RestartApplicationResponse, err error)
RestartApplication This API is used to restart an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersion ¶
func (c *Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersion(request *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) (response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse, err error)
RollingUpdateApplicationByVersion This API is used to configure the rolling update policy for an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) (response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse, err error)
RollingUpdateApplicationByVersion This API is used to configure the rolling update policy for an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopApplication ¶
func (c *Client) StopApplication(request *StopApplicationRequest) (response *StopApplicationResponse, err error)
StopApplication This API is used to stop an application.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopApplicationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) StopApplicationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *StopApplicationRequest) (response *StopApplicationResponse, err error)
StopApplication This API is used to stop an application.
error code that may be returned:
type CosToken ¶
type CosToken struct { // Unique request ID RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` // Bucket name Bucket *string `json:"Bucket,omitempty" name:"Bucket"` // Bucket region Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Temporary key SecretId TmpSecretId *string `json:"TmpSecretId,omitempty" name:"TmpSecretId"` // Temporary key SecretKey TmpSecretKey *string `json:"TmpSecretKey,omitempty" name:"TmpSecretKey"` // `sessionToken` of temporary key SessionToken *string `json:"SessionToken,omitempty" name:"SessionToken"` // Start time of temporary key acquisition StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // `ExpiredTime` of temporary key ExpiredTime *string `json:"ExpiredTime,omitempty" name:"ExpiredTime"` // Full package path FullPath *string `json:"FullPath,omitempty" name:"FullPath"` }
type CreateApplicationRequest ¶
type CreateApplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application name ApplicationName *string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty" name:"ApplicationName"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Whether to use the default image service. 1: yes; 0: no UseDefaultImageService *int64 `json:"UseDefaultImageService,omitempty" name:"UseDefaultImageService"` // Type of the bound repository. 0: Personal Edition; 1: Enterprise Edition RepoType *int64 `json:"RepoType,omitempty" name:"RepoType"` // Instance ID of Enterprise Edition image service InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Address of the bound image server RepoServer *string `json:"RepoServer,omitempty" name:"RepoServer"` // Name of the bound image repository RepoName *string `json:"RepoName,omitempty" name:"RepoName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Application subnet SubnetList []*string `json:"SubnetList,omitempty" name:"SubnetList"` // Programming language // - JAVA // - OTHER CodingLanguage *string `json:"CodingLanguage,omitempty" name:"CodingLanguage"` // Deployment mode // - IMAGE // - JAR // - WAR DeployMode *string `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // Whether to enable the call chain feature EnableTracing *int64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
func NewCreateApplicationRequest ¶
func NewCreateApplicationRequest() (request *CreateApplicationRequest)
func (*CreateApplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateApplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateApplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateApplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateApplicationRequestParams ¶
type CreateApplicationRequestParams struct { // Application name ApplicationName *string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty" name:"ApplicationName"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Whether to use the default image service. 1: yes; 0: no UseDefaultImageService *int64 `json:"UseDefaultImageService,omitempty" name:"UseDefaultImageService"` // Type of the bound repository. 0: Personal Edition; 1: Enterprise Edition RepoType *int64 `json:"RepoType,omitempty" name:"RepoType"` // Instance ID of Enterprise Edition image service InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Address of the bound image server RepoServer *string `json:"RepoServer,omitempty" name:"RepoServer"` // Name of the bound image repository RepoName *string `json:"RepoName,omitempty" name:"RepoName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Application subnet SubnetList []*string `json:"SubnetList,omitempty" name:"SubnetList"` // Programming language // - JAVA // - OTHER CodingLanguage *string `json:"CodingLanguage,omitempty" name:"CodingLanguage"` // Deployment mode // - IMAGE // - JAR // - WAR DeployMode *string `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // Whether to enable the call chain feature EnableTracing *int64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateApplicationResponse ¶
type CreateApplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateApplicationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateApplicationResponse ¶
func NewCreateApplicationResponse() (response *CreateApplicationResponse)
func (*CreateApplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateApplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateApplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateApplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateApplicationResponseParams ¶
type CreateApplicationResponseParams struct { // Service code Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCosTokenRequest ¶
type CreateCosTokenRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Package name PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // Operation type. 1: upload; 2: query OptType *int64 `json:"OptType,omitempty" name:"OptType"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Input parameter of `deployVersion` TimeVersion *string `json:"TimeVersion,omitempty" name:"TimeVersion"` }
func NewCreateCosTokenRequest ¶
func NewCreateCosTokenRequest() (request *CreateCosTokenRequest)
func (*CreateCosTokenRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCosTokenRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCosTokenRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCosTokenRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCosTokenRequestParams ¶
type CreateCosTokenRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Package name PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // Operation type. 1: upload; 2: query OptType *int64 `json:"OptType,omitempty" name:"OptType"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Input parameter of `deployVersion` TimeVersion *string `json:"TimeVersion,omitempty" name:"TimeVersion"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCosTokenResponse ¶
type CreateCosTokenResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateCosTokenResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateCosTokenResponse ¶
func NewCreateCosTokenResponse() (response *CreateCosTokenResponse)
func (*CreateCosTokenResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCosTokenResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCosTokenResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCosTokenResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCosTokenResponseParams ¶
type CreateCosTokenResponseParams struct { // `CosToken` object in case of success and `null` in case of failure // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *CosToken `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateEnvironmentRequest ¶
type CreateEnvironmentRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment name EnvironmentName *string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentName"` // VPC name Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // List of subnets SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Environment description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Kubernetes version K8sVersion *string `json:"K8sVersion,omitempty" name:"K8sVersion"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to enable the TSW service EnableTswTraceService *bool `json:"EnableTswTraceService,omitempty" name:"EnableTswTraceService"` }
func NewCreateEnvironmentRequest ¶
func NewCreateEnvironmentRequest() (request *CreateEnvironmentRequest)
func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateEnvironmentRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateEnvironmentRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateEnvironmentRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateEnvironmentRequestParams ¶
type CreateEnvironmentRequestParams struct { // Environment name EnvironmentName *string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentName"` // VPC name Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // List of subnets SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Environment description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Kubernetes version K8sVersion *string `json:"K8sVersion,omitempty" name:"K8sVersion"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to enable the TSW service EnableTswTraceService *bool `json:"EnableTswTraceService,omitempty" name:"EnableTswTraceService"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateEnvironmentResponse ¶
type CreateEnvironmentResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateEnvironmentResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateEnvironmentResponse ¶
func NewCreateEnvironmentResponse() (response *CreateEnvironmentResponse)
func (*CreateEnvironmentResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateEnvironmentResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateEnvironmentResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateEnvironmentResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateEnvironmentResponseParams ¶
type CreateEnvironmentResponseParams struct { // Environment ID in case of success and `null` in case of failure // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateResourceRequest ¶
type CreateResourceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Resource type. Valid values: `CFS` (file system), `CLS` (log service), `TSE_SRE` (registry) ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // Resource ID ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Source of the resource. Values: `existing` (choose an existing resource), `creating` (create a new resource) ResourceFrom *string `json:"ResourceFrom,omitempty" name:"ResourceFrom"` // Resource extra configuration ResourceConfig *string `json:"ResourceConfig,omitempty" name:"ResourceConfig"` }
func NewCreateResourceRequest ¶
func NewCreateResourceRequest() (request *CreateResourceRequest)
func (*CreateResourceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateResourceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateResourceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateResourceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateResourceRequestParams ¶
type CreateResourceRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Resource type. Valid values: `CFS` (file system), `CLS` (log service), `TSE_SRE` (registry) ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // Resource ID ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Source of the resource. Values: `existing` (choose an existing resource), `creating` (create a new resource) ResourceFrom *string `json:"ResourceFrom,omitempty" name:"ResourceFrom"` // Resource extra configuration ResourceConfig *string `json:"ResourceConfig,omitempty" name:"ResourceConfig"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateResourceResponse ¶
type CreateResourceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateResourceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateResourceResponse ¶
func NewCreateResourceResponse() (response *CreateResourceResponse)
func (*CreateResourceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateResourceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateResourceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateResourceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateResourceResponseParams ¶
type CreateResourceResponseParams struct { // Result // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CronHorizontalAutoscaler ¶
type CronHorizontalAutoscaler struct { // Name of a scheduled scaling policy Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Policy period // "* * *" indicates three ranges. The first is day, the second month, and the third week. The three parts are separated by spaces. // Examples: // * * * (every day) // * * 0-3 (every Sunday through Wednesday) // 1,11,21 * * (1st, 11th, and 21st of every month) Period *string `json:"Period,omitempty" name:"Period"` // Details of a scheduled scaling policy Schedules []*CronHorizontalAutoscalerSchedule `json:"Schedules,omitempty" name:"Schedules"` // Enabled or not Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty" name:"Enabled"` // Policy priority. The higher the value, the higher the priority. The minimum value is 0. Priority *int64 `json:"Priority,omitempty" name:"Priority"` }
type CronHorizontalAutoscalerSchedule ¶
type CronHorizontalAutoscalerSchedule struct { // Triggering time, in the format of HH:MM // Example: // 00:00 (Trigger at midnight) StartAt *string `json:"StartAt,omitempty" name:"StartAt"` // Number of target pods (less than 50) // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TargetReplicas *int64 `json:"TargetReplicas,omitempty" name:"TargetReplicas"` }
type DeleteApplicationRequest ¶
type DeleteApplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Service ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to delete this application automatically when there is no running version. DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion *bool `json:"DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion,omitempty" name:"DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion"` }
func NewDeleteApplicationRequest ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationRequest() (request *DeleteApplicationRequest)
func (*DeleteApplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteApplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteApplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteApplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteApplicationRequestParams ¶
type DeleteApplicationRequestParams struct { // Service ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to delete this application automatically when there is no running version. DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion *bool `json:"DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion,omitempty" name:"DeleteApplicationIfNoRunningVersion"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteApplicationResponse ¶
type DeleteApplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteApplicationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteApplicationResponse ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationResponse() (response *DeleteApplicationResponse)
func (*DeleteApplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteApplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteApplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteApplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteApplicationResponseParams ¶
type DeleteApplicationResponseParams struct { // Returned result Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteIngressRequest ¶
type DeleteIngressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Ingress rule name IngressName *string `json:"IngressName,omitempty" name:"IngressName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewDeleteIngressRequest ¶
func NewDeleteIngressRequest() (request *DeleteIngressRequest)
func (*DeleteIngressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteIngressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteIngressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteIngressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteIngressRequestParams ¶
type DeleteIngressRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Ingress rule name IngressName *string `json:"IngressName,omitempty" name:"IngressName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteIngressResponse ¶
type DeleteIngressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteIngressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteIngressResponse ¶
func NewDeleteIngressResponse() (response *DeleteIngressResponse)
func (*DeleteIngressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteIngressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteIngressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteIngressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteIngressResponseParams ¶
type DeleteIngressResponseParams struct { // Whether deletion is successful Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeployApplicationRequest ¶
type DeployApplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Number of initialized pods InitPodNum *uint64 `json:"InitPodNum,omitempty" name:"InitPodNum"` // CPU specification CpuSpec *float64 `json:"CpuSpec,omitempty" name:"CpuSpec"` // Memory specification MemorySpec *float64 `json:"MemorySpec,omitempty" name:"MemorySpec"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Image repository ImgRepo *string `json:"ImgRepo,omitempty" name:"ImgRepo"` // Version description VersionDesc *string `json:"VersionDesc,omitempty" name:"VersionDesc"` // Launch parameters JvmOpts *string `json:"JvmOpts,omitempty" name:"JvmOpts"` // Auto scaling configuration (This field is disused. Please use `HorizontalAutoscaler` to set the auto scaling policy.) EsInfo *EsInfo `json:"EsInfo,omitempty" name:"EsInfo"` // Environment variable configuration EnvConf []*Pair `json:"EnvConf,omitempty" name:"EnvConf"` // Log configuration LogConfs []*string `json:"LogConfs,omitempty" name:"LogConfs"` // Data volume configuration StorageConfs []*StorageConf `json:"StorageConfs,omitempty" name:"StorageConfs"` // Data volume mount configuration StorageMountConfs []*StorageMountConf `json:"StorageMountConfs,omitempty" name:"StorageMountConfs"` // Deployment type // - JAR: deployment through JAR package // - WAR: deployment through WAR package // - IMAGE: deployment through image DeployMode *string `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // When the deployment type is `IMAGE`, this parameter indicates the image tag // When the deployment type is `JAR` or `WAR`, this parameter indicates the package version number DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // Package name, which is required when using JAR or WAR packages for deployment PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // JDK version // - KONA: use KONA JDK // - OPEN: use open JDK // - KONA: use KONA JDK // - OPEN: use open JDK JdkVersion *string `json:"JdkVersion,omitempty" name:"JdkVersion"` // Security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Log output configuration LogOutputConf *LogOutputConf `json:"LogOutputConf,omitempty" name:"LogOutputConf"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Version description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Image command ImageCommand *string `json:"ImageCommand,omitempty" name:"ImageCommand"` // Image command parameters ImageArgs []*string `json:"ImageArgs,omitempty" name:"ImageArgs"` // Whether to add the registry's default configurations UseRegistryDefaultConfig *bool `json:"UseRegistryDefaultConfig,omitempty" name:"UseRegistryDefaultConfig"` // Mounting configurations SettingConfs []*MountedSettingConf `json:"SettingConfs,omitempty" name:"SettingConfs"` // Application access configuration Service *EksService `json:"Service,omitempty" name:"Service"` // ID of the version that you want to roll back to VersionId *string `json:"VersionId,omitempty" name:"VersionId"` // The script to run after startup PostStart *string `json:"PostStart,omitempty" name:"PostStart"` // The script to run before stop PreStop *string `json:"PreStop,omitempty" name:"PreStop"` // Configuration of aliveness probe Liveness *HealthCheckConfig `json:"Liveness,omitempty" name:"Liveness"` // Configuration of readiness probe Readiness *HealthCheckConfig `json:"Readiness,omitempty" name:"Readiness"` // Configuration of batch release policies DeployStrategyConf *DeployStrategyConf `json:"DeployStrategyConf,omitempty" name:"DeployStrategyConf"` // Auto scaling policy. (Disused. Please use APIs for auto scaling policy combinations) HorizontalAutoscaler []*HorizontalAutoscaler `json:"HorizontalAutoscaler,omitempty" name:"HorizontalAutoscaler"` // Scheduled scaling policy (Disused. Please use APIs for auto scaling policy combinations) CronHorizontalAutoscaler []*CronHorizontalAutoscaler `json:"CronHorizontalAutoscaler,omitempty" name:"CronHorizontalAutoscaler"` // Specifies whether to enable logging. `1`: enable; `0`: do not enable LogEnable *int64 `json:"LogEnable,omitempty" name:"LogEnable"` // Whether the configuration is modified (except for the image configuration) ConfEdited *bool `json:"ConfEdited,omitempty" name:"ConfEdited"` // Whether the application acceleration is enabled SpeedUp *bool `json:"SpeedUp,omitempty" name:"SpeedUp"` // Whether to enable probing StartupProbe *HealthCheckConfig `json:"StartupProbe,omitempty" name:"StartupProbe"` // The version of the operating system // If `openjdk` is selected, the value can be: // - ALPINE // - CENTOS // If `konajdk` is selected, the value can be: // - ALPINE // - TENCENTOS OsFlavour *string `json:"OsFlavour,omitempty" name:"OsFlavour"` // Specifies whether to enable Prometheus metric EnablePrometheusConf *EnablePrometheusConf `json:"EnablePrometheusConf,omitempty" name:"EnablePrometheusConf"` // `1`: Enable APM collection; `0`: Disable APM collection EnableTracing *int64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
func NewDeployApplicationRequest ¶
func NewDeployApplicationRequest() (request *DeployApplicationRequest)
func (*DeployApplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeployApplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeployApplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeployApplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeployApplicationRequestParams ¶
type DeployApplicationRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Number of initialized pods InitPodNum *uint64 `json:"InitPodNum,omitempty" name:"InitPodNum"` // CPU specification CpuSpec *float64 `json:"CpuSpec,omitempty" name:"CpuSpec"` // Memory specification MemorySpec *float64 `json:"MemorySpec,omitempty" name:"MemorySpec"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Image repository ImgRepo *string `json:"ImgRepo,omitempty" name:"ImgRepo"` // Version description VersionDesc *string `json:"VersionDesc,omitempty" name:"VersionDesc"` // Launch parameters JvmOpts *string `json:"JvmOpts,omitempty" name:"JvmOpts"` // Auto scaling configuration (This field is disused. Please use `HorizontalAutoscaler` to set the auto scaling policy.) EsInfo *EsInfo `json:"EsInfo,omitempty" name:"EsInfo"` // Environment variable configuration EnvConf []*Pair `json:"EnvConf,omitempty" name:"EnvConf"` // Log configuration LogConfs []*string `json:"LogConfs,omitempty" name:"LogConfs"` // Data volume configuration StorageConfs []*StorageConf `json:"StorageConfs,omitempty" name:"StorageConfs"` // Data volume mount configuration StorageMountConfs []*StorageMountConf `json:"StorageMountConfs,omitempty" name:"StorageMountConfs"` // Deployment type // - JAR: deployment through JAR package // - WAR: deployment through WAR package // - IMAGE: deployment through image DeployMode *string `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // When the deployment type is `IMAGE`, this parameter indicates the image tag // When the deployment type is `JAR` or `WAR`, this parameter indicates the package version number DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // Package name, which is required when using JAR or WAR packages for deployment PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // JDK version // - KONA: use KONA JDK // - OPEN: use open JDK // - KONA: use KONA JDK // - OPEN: use open JDK JdkVersion *string `json:"JdkVersion,omitempty" name:"JdkVersion"` // Security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Log output configuration LogOutputConf *LogOutputConf `json:"LogOutputConf,omitempty" name:"LogOutputConf"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Version description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Image command ImageCommand *string `json:"ImageCommand,omitempty" name:"ImageCommand"` // Image command parameters ImageArgs []*string `json:"ImageArgs,omitempty" name:"ImageArgs"` // Whether to add the registry's default configurations UseRegistryDefaultConfig *bool `json:"UseRegistryDefaultConfig,omitempty" name:"UseRegistryDefaultConfig"` // Mounting configurations SettingConfs []*MountedSettingConf `json:"SettingConfs,omitempty" name:"SettingConfs"` // Application access configuration Service *EksService `json:"Service,omitempty" name:"Service"` // ID of the version that you want to roll back to VersionId *string `json:"VersionId,omitempty" name:"VersionId"` // The script to run after startup PostStart *string `json:"PostStart,omitempty" name:"PostStart"` // The script to run before stop PreStop *string `json:"PreStop,omitempty" name:"PreStop"` // Configuration of aliveness probe Liveness *HealthCheckConfig `json:"Liveness,omitempty" name:"Liveness"` // Configuration of readiness probe Readiness *HealthCheckConfig `json:"Readiness,omitempty" name:"Readiness"` // Configuration of batch release policies DeployStrategyConf *DeployStrategyConf `json:"DeployStrategyConf,omitempty" name:"DeployStrategyConf"` // Auto scaling policy. (Disused. Please use APIs for auto scaling policy combinations) HorizontalAutoscaler []*HorizontalAutoscaler `json:"HorizontalAutoscaler,omitempty" name:"HorizontalAutoscaler"` // Scheduled scaling policy (Disused. Please use APIs for auto scaling policy combinations) CronHorizontalAutoscaler []*CronHorizontalAutoscaler `json:"CronHorizontalAutoscaler,omitempty" name:"CronHorizontalAutoscaler"` // Specifies whether to enable logging. `1`: enable; `0`: do not enable LogEnable *int64 `json:"LogEnable,omitempty" name:"LogEnable"` // Whether the configuration is modified (except for the image configuration) ConfEdited *bool `json:"ConfEdited,omitempty" name:"ConfEdited"` // Whether the application acceleration is enabled SpeedUp *bool `json:"SpeedUp,omitempty" name:"SpeedUp"` // Whether to enable probing StartupProbe *HealthCheckConfig `json:"StartupProbe,omitempty" name:"StartupProbe"` // The version of the operating system // If `openjdk` is selected, the value can be: // - ALPINE // - CENTOS // If `konajdk` is selected, the value can be: // - ALPINE // - TENCENTOS OsFlavour *string `json:"OsFlavour,omitempty" name:"OsFlavour"` // Specifies whether to enable Prometheus metric EnablePrometheusConf *EnablePrometheusConf `json:"EnablePrometheusConf,omitempty" name:"EnablePrometheusConf"` // `1`: Enable APM collection; `0`: Disable APM collection EnableTracing *int64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeployApplicationResponse ¶
type DeployApplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeployApplicationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeployApplicationResponse ¶
func NewDeployApplicationResponse() (response *DeployApplicationResponse)
func (*DeployApplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeployApplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeployApplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeployApplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeployApplicationResponseParams ¶
type DeployApplicationResponseParams struct { // Version ID (which can be ignored for the frontend) Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeployStrategyConf ¶
type DeployStrategyConf struct { // Total batches TotalBatchCount *int64 `json:"TotalBatchCount,omitempty" name:"TotalBatchCount"` // Number of pods for the beta batch BetaBatchNum *int64 `json:"BetaBatchNum,omitempty" name:"BetaBatchNum"` // Batch deployment policy. `0`: automatically; `1`: manually; `2`: beta batch (manual), `3`: initial release DeployStrategyType *int64 `json:"DeployStrategyType,omitempty" name:"DeployStrategyType"` // Interval between batches BatchInterval *int64 `json:"BatchInterval,omitempty" name:"BatchInterval"` // The minimum number of available pods MinAvailable *int64 `json:"MinAvailable,omitempty" name:"MinAvailable"` // Whether to enable force release Force *bool `json:"Force,omitempty" name:"Force"` }
type DescribeApplicationPodsRequest ¶
type DescribeApplicationPodsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Number of items per page. Default value: 20 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page number. Default value: 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Pod status // - Running // - Pending // - Error Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Pod name PodName *string `json:"PodName,omitempty" name:"PodName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewDescribeApplicationPodsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeApplicationPodsRequest() (request *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest)
func (*DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeApplicationPodsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeApplicationPodsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeApplicationPodsRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Number of items per page. Default value: 20 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page number. Default value: 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Pod status // - Running // - Pending // - Error Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Pod name PodName *string `json:"PodName,omitempty" name:"PodName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeApplicationPodsResponse ¶
type DescribeApplicationPodsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeApplicationPodsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeApplicationPodsResponse() (response *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse)
func (*DescribeApplicationPodsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeApplicationPodsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeApplicationPodsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeApplicationPodsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeApplicationPodsResponseParams struct { // Returned result Result *DescribeRunPodPage `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeEnvironmentsRequest ¶
type DescribeEnvironmentsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Pagination limit Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page offset Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Source SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewDescribeEnvironmentsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeEnvironmentsRequest() (request *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest)
func (*DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeEnvironmentsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeEnvironmentsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeEnvironmentsRequestParams struct { // Pagination limit Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page offset Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Source SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeEnvironmentsResponse ¶
type DescribeEnvironmentsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeEnvironmentsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeEnvironmentsResponse() (response *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse)
func (*DescribeEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeEnvironmentsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeEnvironmentsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeEnvironmentsResponseParams struct { // Returned result Result *NamespacePage `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIngressRequest ¶
type DescribeIngressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Ingress rule name IngressName *string `json:"IngressName,omitempty" name:"IngressName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewDescribeIngressRequest ¶
func NewDescribeIngressRequest() (request *DescribeIngressRequest)
func (*DescribeIngressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIngressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIngressRequestParams ¶
type DescribeIngressRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Ingress rule name IngressName *string `json:"IngressName,omitempty" name:"IngressName"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIngressResponse ¶
type DescribeIngressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeIngressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeIngressResponse ¶
func NewDescribeIngressResponse() (response *DescribeIngressResponse)
func (*DescribeIngressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIngressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIngressResponseParams ¶
type DescribeIngressResponseParams struct { // Ingress rule configuration Result *IngressInfo `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIngressesRequest ¶
type DescribeIngressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Ingress rule name list IngressNames []*string `json:"IngressNames,omitempty" name:"IngressNames"` }
func NewDescribeIngressesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeIngressesRequest() (request *DescribeIngressesRequest)
func (*DescribeIngressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIngressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIngressesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeIngressesRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Ingress rule name list IngressNames []*string `json:"IngressNames,omitempty" name:"IngressNames"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIngressesResponse ¶
type DescribeIngressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeIngressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeIngressesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeIngressesResponse() (response *DescribeIngressesResponse)
func (*DescribeIngressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIngressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIngressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIngressesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeIngressesResponseParams struct { // Ingress array // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result []*IngressInfo `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest ¶
type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` }
func NewDescribeRelatedIngressesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRelatedIngressesRequest() (request *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest)
func (*DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRelatedIngressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeRelatedIngressesRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse ¶
type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRelatedIngressesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRelatedIngressesResponse() (response *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse)
func (*DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRelatedIngressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeRelatedIngressesResponseParams struct { // Ingress array // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result []*IngressInfo `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeRunPodPage ¶
type DescribeRunPodPage struct { // Page offset Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of records per page Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Total number of returned records TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Request ID RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` // List of pods PodList []*RunVersionPod `json:"PodList,omitempty" name:"PodList"` }
type EksService ¶
type EksService struct { // Service name Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Available ports Ports []*int64 `json:"Ports,omitempty" name:"Ports"` // Yaml contents Yaml *string `json:"Yaml,omitempty" name:"Yaml"` // Service name // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ApplicationName *string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty" name:"ApplicationName"` // Version name // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VersionName *string `json:"VersionName,omitempty" name:"VersionName"` // Private IP // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ClusterIp []*string `json:"ClusterIp,omitempty" name:"ClusterIp"` // Public IP // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ExternalIp *string `json:"ExternalIp,omitempty" name:"ExternalIp"` // The access type. Valid values: // - EXTERNAL (internet access) // - VPC (Intra-VPC access) // - CLUSTER (Intra-cluster access) // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Subnet ID. It is filled when the access type is `VPC`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Load balancer ID. It is filled when the access type is `EXTERNAL` or `CLUSTER`. It’s created automatically by default. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LoadBalanceId *string `json:"LoadBalanceId,omitempty" name:"LoadBalanceId"` // Port mapping // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. PortMappings []*PortMapping `json:"PortMappings,omitempty" name:"PortMappings"` }
type EnablePrometheusConf ¶
type EsInfo ¶
type EsInfo struct { // Minimum number of instances MinAliveInstances *int64 `json:"MinAliveInstances,omitempty" name:"MinAliveInstances"` // Maximum number of instances MaxAliveInstances *int64 `json:"MaxAliveInstances,omitempty" name:"MaxAliveInstances"` // Auto scaling policy. 1: CPU; 2: memory EsStrategy *int64 `json:"EsStrategy,omitempty" name:"EsStrategy"` // Auto scaling condition value Threshold *uint64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty" name:"Threshold"` // Version ID VersionId *string `json:"VersionId,omitempty" name:"VersionId"` }
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest ¶
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Package name PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // Version of the package to download DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewGenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest ¶
func NewGenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest() (request *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest)
func (*GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequestParams ¶
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Package name PkgName *string `json:"PkgName,omitempty" name:"PkgName"` // Version of the package to download DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse ¶
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse ¶
func NewGenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse() (response *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse)
func (*GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponseParams ¶
type GenerateApplicationPackageDownloadUrlResponseParams struct { // Temp download URL for the package // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type HealthCheckConfig ¶
type HealthCheckConfig struct { // Health check type. Valid values: `HttpGet`, `TcpSocket`, `Exec` Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // The protocol type. It’s only valid when the health check type is `HttpGet`. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` // The request path. It’s only valid when the health check type is `HttpGet`. Path *string `json:"Path,omitempty" name:"Path"` // The script to be executed. It’s only valid when the health check type is `Exec`. Exec *string `json:"Exec,omitempty" name:"Exec"` // The request port. It’s only valid when the health check type is `HttpGet` or `TcpSocket `. Port *int64 `json:"Port,omitempty" name:"Port"` // The initial delay for health check in seconds. Default: `0` InitialDelaySeconds *int64 `json:"InitialDelaySeconds,omitempty" name:"InitialDelaySeconds"` // Timeout period in seconds. Default: `1` TimeoutSeconds *int64 `json:"TimeoutSeconds,omitempty" name:"TimeoutSeconds"` // Interval period in seconds. Default: `10` PeriodSeconds *int64 `json:"PeriodSeconds,omitempty" name:"PeriodSeconds"` }
type HorizontalAutoscaler ¶
type HorizontalAutoscaler struct { // (Optional) Minimum number of instances MinReplicas *int64 `json:"MinReplicas,omitempty" name:"MinReplicas"` // (Optional) Maximum number of instances MaxReplicas *int64 `json:"MaxReplicas,omitempty" name:"MaxReplicas"` // Metrics (CPU or memory) Metrics *string `json:"Metrics,omitempty" name:"Metrics"` // Threshold (percentage) Threshold *int64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty" name:"Threshold"` // Whether it is enabled Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty" name:"Enabled"` }
type IngressInfo ¶
type IngressInfo struct { // Environment ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment namespace ClusterNamespace *string `json:"ClusterNamespace,omitempty" name:"ClusterNamespace"` // ip version AddressIPVersion *string `json:"AddressIPVersion,omitempty" name:"AddressIPVersion"` // ingress name IngressName *string `json:"IngressName,omitempty" name:"IngressName"` // Rules configuration Rules []*IngressRule `json:"Rules,omitempty" name:"Rules"` // clb ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ClbId *string `json:"ClbId,omitempty" name:"ClbId"` // TLS configuration // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Tls []*IngressTls `json:"Tls,omitempty" name:"Tls"` // Environment cluster ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ClusterId *string `json:"ClusterId,omitempty" name:"ClusterId"` // clb ip // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // Creation time // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Whether to listen on both the HTTP 80 port and HTTPS 443 port. The default value is `false`. The optional value `true` means listening on both the HTTP 80 port and HTTPS 443 port. Mixed *bool `json:"Mixed,omitempty" name:"Mixed"` // Redirection mode. Values: // - `AUTO` (automatically redirect HTTP to HTTPS) // - `NONE` (no redirection) // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be obtained. RewriteType *string `json:"RewriteType,omitempty" name:"RewriteType"` }
type IngressRule ¶
type IngressRule struct { // ingress rule value Http *IngressRuleValue `json:"Http,omitempty" name:"Http"` // Host address // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Host *string `json:"Host,omitempty" name:"Host"` // Protocol. Options include HTTP and HTTPS. The default option is HTTP. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` }
type IngressRuleBackend ¶
type IngressRulePath ¶
type IngressRulePath struct { // Path information Path *string `json:"Path,omitempty" name:"Path"` // Backend configuration Backend *IngressRuleBackend `json:"Backend,omitempty" name:"Backend"` }
type IngressRuleValue ¶
type IngressRuleValue struct { // Overall rule configuration Paths []*IngressRulePath `json:"Paths,omitempty" name:"Paths"` }
type IngressTls ¶
type IngressTls struct { // Host array. An empty array indicates the default certificate for all domain names. Hosts []*string `json:"Hosts,omitempty" name:"Hosts"` // Secret name. If a certificate is used, this field is left empty. SecretName *string `json:"SecretName,omitempty" name:"SecretName"` // SSL Certificate Id CertificateId *string `json:"CertificateId,omitempty" name:"CertificateId"` }
type LogOutputConf ¶
type LogOutputConf struct { // Log consumer type OutputType *string `json:"OutputType,omitempty" name:"OutputType"` // CLS logset ClsLogsetName *string `json:"ClsLogsetName,omitempty" name:"ClsLogsetName"` // CLS log topic ClsLogTopicId *string `json:"ClsLogTopicId,omitempty" name:"ClsLogTopicId"` // CLS logset ID ClsLogsetId *string `json:"ClsLogsetId,omitempty" name:"ClsLogsetId"` // CLS log topic name ClsLogTopicName *string `json:"ClsLogTopicName,omitempty" name:"ClsLogTopicName"` }
type ModifyApplicationInfoRequest ¶
type ModifyApplicationInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to enable the call chain. Valid values: `0`: disable; `1`: enable EnableTracing *uint64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
func NewModifyApplicationInfoRequest ¶
func NewModifyApplicationInfoRequest() (request *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest)
func (*ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyApplicationInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyApplicationInfoRequestParams ¶
type ModifyApplicationInfoRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Whether to enable the call chain. Valid values: `0`: disable; `1`: enable EnableTracing *uint64 `json:"EnableTracing,omitempty" name:"EnableTracing"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyApplicationInfoResponse ¶
type ModifyApplicationInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyApplicationInfoResponse ¶
func NewModifyApplicationInfoResponse() (response *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse)
func (*ModifyApplicationInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyApplicationInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyApplicationInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyApplicationInfoResponseParams ¶
type ModifyApplicationInfoResponseParams struct { // Success or not // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyEnvironmentRequest ¶
type ModifyEnvironmentRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment name EnvironmentName *string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentName"` // Environment description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // VPC name Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // Subnets SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewModifyEnvironmentRequest ¶
func NewModifyEnvironmentRequest() (request *ModifyEnvironmentRequest)
func (*ModifyEnvironmentRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyEnvironmentRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyEnvironmentRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyEnvironmentRequestParams ¶
type ModifyEnvironmentRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Environment name EnvironmentName *string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentName"` // Environment description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // VPC name Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // Subnets SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyEnvironmentResponse ¶
type ModifyEnvironmentResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyEnvironmentResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyEnvironmentResponse ¶
func NewModifyEnvironmentResponse() (response *ModifyEnvironmentResponse)
func (*ModifyEnvironmentResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyEnvironmentResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyEnvironmentResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyEnvironmentResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyEnvironmentResponseParams ¶
type ModifyEnvironmentResponseParams struct { // Environment ID in case of success and `null` in case of failure // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyIngressRequest ¶
type ModifyIngressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Ingress rule configuration Ingress *IngressInfo `json:"Ingress,omitempty" name:"Ingress"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewModifyIngressRequest ¶
func NewModifyIngressRequest() (request *ModifyIngressRequest)
func (*ModifyIngressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIngressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyIngressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIngressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyIngressRequestParams ¶
type ModifyIngressRequestParams struct { // Ingress rule configuration Ingress *IngressInfo `json:"Ingress,omitempty" name:"Ingress"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyIngressResponse ¶
type ModifyIngressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyIngressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyIngressResponse ¶
func NewModifyIngressResponse() (response *ModifyIngressResponse)
func (*ModifyIngressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIngressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyIngressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIngressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyIngressResponseParams ¶
type ModifyIngressResponseParams struct { // Created successfully. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type MountedSettingConf ¶
type MountedSettingConf struct { // Configuration name ConfigDataName *string `json:"ConfigDataName,omitempty" name:"ConfigDataName"` // Mount point path MountedPath *string `json:"MountedPath,omitempty" name:"MountedPath"` // Configuration content Data []*Pair `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // Encrypt configuration name SecretDataName *string `json:"SecretDataName,omitempty" name:"SecretDataName"` }
type NamespacePage ¶
type NamespacePage struct { // Details of the returned records Records []*TemNamespaceInfo `json:"Records,omitempty" name:"Records"` // Total number of returned records Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Number of records per page Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty" name:"Size"` // Total number of pages Pages *int64 `json:"Pages,omitempty" name:"Pages"` }
type Pair ¶
type Pair struct { // Key Key *string `json:"Key,omitempty" name:"Key"` // Value Value *string `json:"Value,omitempty" name:"Value"` // `default“: Custom. `reserved`: System variable. `referenced`: Referenced configuration item. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Configuration name // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. Config *string `json:"Config,omitempty" name:"Config"` // Encrypt configuration name // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. Secret *string `json:"Secret,omitempty" name:"Secret"` }
type PortMapping ¶
type RestartApplicationPodRequest ¶
type RestartApplicationPodRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Name PodName *string `json:"PodName,omitempty" name:"PodName"` // Number of items per page Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page offset Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Pod status Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
func NewRestartApplicationPodRequest ¶
func NewRestartApplicationPodRequest() (request *RestartApplicationPodRequest)
func (*RestartApplicationPodRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationPodRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartApplicationPodRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationPodRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RestartApplicationPodRequestParams ¶
type RestartApplicationPodRequestParams struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Name PodName *string `json:"PodName,omitempty" name:"PodName"` // Number of items per page Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Page offset Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Pod status Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Source channel SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RestartApplicationPodResponse ¶
type RestartApplicationPodResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RestartApplicationPodResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRestartApplicationPodResponse ¶
func NewRestartApplicationPodResponse() (response *RestartApplicationPodResponse)
func (*RestartApplicationPodResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationPodResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartApplicationPodResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationPodResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RestartApplicationPodResponseParams ¶
type RestartApplicationPodResponseParams struct { // Returned result // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RestartApplicationRequest ¶
type RestartApplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` }
func NewRestartApplicationRequest ¶
func NewRestartApplicationRequest() (request *RestartApplicationRequest)
func (*RestartApplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartApplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RestartApplicationRequestParams ¶
type RestartApplicationRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RestartApplicationResponse ¶
type RestartApplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RestartApplicationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRestartApplicationResponse ¶
func NewRestartApplicationResponse() (response *RestartApplicationResponse)
func (*RestartApplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartApplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartApplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RestartApplicationResponseParams ¶
type RestartApplicationResponseParams struct { // Returned result Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest ¶
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Update version. For image-based deployment, it is the value. For deployment with JAR/WAR files, it is `Version`. DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // JAR/WAR package name. It’s only required for deployment with JAR/WAR files. PackageName *string `json:"PackageName,omitempty" name:"PackageName"` // Request source. Options: `IntelliJ`, `Coding` From *string `json:"From,omitempty" name:"From"` // The deployment policy. Values: `AUTO` (automatically deploy), `BETA` (deploy a small batch first to test the result, and deploy the rest automatically) and `MANUAL` (manually deploy) DeployStrategyType *string `json:"DeployStrategyType,omitempty" name:"DeployStrategyType"` // Total number of batches TotalBatchCount *int64 `json:"TotalBatchCount,omitempty" name:"TotalBatchCount"` // Interval between the batches BatchInterval *int64 `json:"BatchInterval,omitempty" name:"BatchInterval"` // Number of instances in a beta batch BetaBatchNum *int64 `json:"BetaBatchNum,omitempty" name:"BetaBatchNum"` // Minimum number of available instances during the deployment MinAvailable *int64 `json:"MinAvailable,omitempty" name:"MinAvailable"` }
func NewRollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest ¶
func NewRollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest() (request *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest)
func (*RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequestParams ¶
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Update version. For image-based deployment, it is the value. For deployment with JAR/WAR files, it is `Version`. DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // JAR/WAR package name. It’s only required for deployment with JAR/WAR files. PackageName *string `json:"PackageName,omitempty" name:"PackageName"` // Request source. Options: `IntelliJ`, `Coding` From *string `json:"From,omitempty" name:"From"` // The deployment policy. Values: `AUTO` (automatically deploy), `BETA` (deploy a small batch first to test the result, and deploy the rest automatically) and `MANUAL` (manually deploy) DeployStrategyType *string `json:"DeployStrategyType,omitempty" name:"DeployStrategyType"` // Total number of batches TotalBatchCount *int64 `json:"TotalBatchCount,omitempty" name:"TotalBatchCount"` // Interval between the batches BatchInterval *int64 `json:"BatchInterval,omitempty" name:"BatchInterval"` // Number of instances in a beta batch BetaBatchNum *int64 `json:"BetaBatchNum,omitempty" name:"BetaBatchNum"` // Minimum number of available instances during the deployment MinAvailable *int64 `json:"MinAvailable,omitempty" name:"MinAvailable"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse ¶
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse ¶
func NewRollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse() (response *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse)
func (*RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponseParams ¶
type RollingUpdateApplicationByVersionResponseParams struct { // Version ID Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RunVersionPod ¶
type RunVersionPod struct { // Shell address Webshell *string `json:"Webshell,omitempty" name:"Webshell"` // Pod ID PodId *string `json:"PodId,omitempty" name:"PodId"` // Status Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Pod IP PodIp *string `json:"PodIp,omitempty" name:"PodIp"` // Availability zone // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Deployed version // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DeployVersion *string `json:"DeployVersion,omitempty" name:"DeployVersion"` // Number of restarts // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RestartCount *int64 `json:"RestartCount,omitempty" name:"RestartCount"` // Whether the pod is ready // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Ready *bool `json:"Ready,omitempty" name:"Ready"` // Container status // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ContainerState *string `json:"ContainerState,omitempty" name:"ContainerState"` }
type StopApplicationRequest ¶
type StopApplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` }
func NewStopApplicationRequest ¶
func NewStopApplicationRequest() (request *StopApplicationRequest)
func (*StopApplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopApplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopApplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopApplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopApplicationRequestParams ¶
type StopApplicationRequestParams struct { // Application ID ApplicationId *string `json:"ApplicationId,omitempty" name:"ApplicationId"` // Retain as default SourceChannel *int64 `json:"SourceChannel,omitempty" name:"SourceChannel"` // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type StopApplicationResponse ¶
type StopApplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *StopApplicationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopApplicationResponse ¶
func NewStopApplicationResponse() (response *StopApplicationResponse)
func (*StopApplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopApplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopApplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopApplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopApplicationResponseParams ¶
type StopApplicationResponseParams struct { // Returned result Result *bool `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type StorageConf ¶
type StorageConf struct { // Storage volume name StorageVolName *string `json:"StorageVolName,omitempty" name:"StorageVolName"` // Storage volume path StorageVolPath *string `json:"StorageVolPath,omitempty" name:"StorageVolPath"` // Storage volume IP // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. StorageVolIp *string `json:"StorageVolIp,omitempty" name:"StorageVolIp"` }
type StorageMountConf ¶
type TemNamespaceInfo ¶
type TemNamespaceInfo struct { // Environment ID EnvironmentId *string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentId"` // Channel Channel *string `json:"Channel,omitempty" name:"Channel"` // Environment name EnvironmentName *string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty" name:"EnvironmentName"` // Region name Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Environment description // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Status. `1`: terminated; `0`: normal Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // VPC network Vpc *string `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // Creation time CreateDate *string `json:"CreateDate,omitempty" name:"CreateDate"` // Modification time ModifyDate *string `json:"ModifyDate,omitempty" name:"ModifyDate"` // Modifier Modifier *string `json:"Modifier,omitempty" name:"Modifier"` // Creator Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitempty" name:"Creator"` // Number of applications ApplicationNum *int64 `json:"ApplicationNum,omitempty" name:"ApplicationNum"` // Number of running instances RunInstancesNum *int64 `json:"RunInstancesNum,omitempty" name:"RunInstancesNum"` // Subnet SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Environment cluster status ClusterStatus *string `json:"ClusterStatus,omitempty" name:"ClusterStatus"` // Whether to enable TSW EnableTswTraceService *bool `json:"EnableTswTraceService,omitempty" name:"EnableTswTraceService"` // Whether the environment is locked. `1`: locked; `0`: not locked Locked *int64 `json:"Locked,omitempty" name:"Locked"` }