Index ¶
- Constants
- type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest
- type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams
- type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse
- type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams
- type AccountAttribute
- type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest
- type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams
- type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse
- type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams
- type Address
- type AddressChargePrepaid
- type AddressInfo
- type AddressTemplate
- type AddressTemplateGroup
- type AddressTemplateItem
- type AddressTemplateSpecification
- type AlgType
- type AllocateAddressesRequest
- type AllocateAddressesRequestParams
- type AllocateAddressesResponse
- type AllocateAddressesResponseParams
- type AssignIpv6AddressesRequest
- type AssignIpv6AddressesRequestParams
- type AssignIpv6AddressesResponse
- type AssignIpv6AddressesResponseParams
- type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest
- type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams
- type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse
- type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams
- type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest
- type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams
- type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse
- type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams
- type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest
- type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams
- type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse
- type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams
- type AssistantCidr
- type AssociateAddressRequest
- type AssociateAddressRequestParams
- type AssociateAddressResponse
- type AssociateAddressResponseParams
- type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest
- type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams
- type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse
- type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams
- type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest
- type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams
- type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse
- type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams
- type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest
- type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams
- type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse
- type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams
- type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest
- type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams
- type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse
- type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams
- type AttachCcnInstancesRequest
- type AttachCcnInstancesRequestParams
- type AttachCcnInstancesResponse
- type AttachCcnInstancesResponseParams
- type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest
- type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams
- type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse
- type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams
- type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest
- type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams
- type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse
- type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams
- type BandwidthPackage
- type BandwidthPackageBillBandwidth
- type CCN
- type CcnAttachedInstance
- type CcnBandwidthInfo
- type CcnInstance
- type CcnRegionBandwidthLimit
- type CcnRoute
- type CheckAssistantCidrRequest
- type CheckAssistantCidrRequestParams
- type CheckAssistantCidrResponse
- type CheckAssistantCidrResponseParams
- type CheckNetDetectStateRequest
- type CheckNetDetectStateRequestParams
- type CheckNetDetectStateResponse
- type CheckNetDetectStateResponseParams
- type CidrForCcn
- type ClassicLinkInstance
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstances(request *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AddBandwidthPackageResources(request *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AddBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AllocateAddresses(request *AllocateAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AllocateAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AllocateAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6Addresses(request *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlock(request *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock(request *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignPrivateIpAddresses(request *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateAddress(request *AssociateAddressRequest) (response *AssociateAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateAddressRequest) (response *AssociateAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway(request *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddress(request *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnets(request *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups(request *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachCcnInstances(request *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachClassicLinkVpc(request *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachClassicLinkVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachNetworkInterface(request *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AuditCrossBorderCompliance(request *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AuditCrossBorderComplianceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CheckAssistantCidr(request *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CheckAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CheckAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CheckAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CheckNetDetectState(request *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) (response *CheckNetDetectStateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CheckNetDetectStateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) (response *CheckNetDetectStateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CloneSecurityGroup(request *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CloneSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CloneSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CloneSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplate(request *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroup(request *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface(request *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAssistantCidr(request *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CreateAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CreateAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBandwidthPackage(request *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBandwidthPackageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCcn(request *CreateCcnRequest) (response *CreateCcnResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCcnWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCcnRequest) (response *CreateCcnResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCustomerGateway(request *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCustomerGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDefaultVpc(request *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) (response *CreateDefaultVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDefaultVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) (response *CreateDefaultVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGateway(request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateFlowLog(request *CreateFlowLogRequest) (response *CreateFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateFlowLogRequest) (response *CreateFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateHaVip(request *CreateHaVipRequest) (response *CreateHaVipResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateHaVipWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateHaVipRequest) (response *CreateHaVipResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateLocalGateway(request *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) (response *CreateLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) (response *CreateLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGateway(request *CreateNatGatewayRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNatGatewayRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetDetect(request *CreateNetDetectRequest) (response *CreateNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetDetectRequest) (response *CreateNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetworkAcl(request *CreateNetworkAclRequest) (response *CreateNetworkAclResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetworkAclWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetworkAclRequest) (response *CreateNetworkAclResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetworkInterface(request *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRouteTable(request *CreateRouteTableRequest) (response *CreateRouteTableResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRouteTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRouteTableRequest) (response *CreateRouteTableResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRoutes(request *CreateRoutesRequest) (response *CreateRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRoutesRequest) (response *CreateRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroup(request *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupPolicies(request *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies(request *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplate(request *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroup(request *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubnet(request *CreateSubnetRequest) (response *CreateSubnetResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSubnetRequest) (response *CreateSubnetResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubnets(request *CreateSubnetsRequest) (response *CreateSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSubnetsRequest) (response *CreateSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpc(request *CreateVpcRequest) (response *CreateVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPoint(request *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointService(request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcRequest) (response *CreateVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnConnection(request *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) (response *CreateVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) (response *CreateVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnGateway(request *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutes(request *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplate(request *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroup(request *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAssistantCidr(request *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteBandwidthPackage(request *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteBandwidthPackageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCcn(request *DeleteCcnRequest) (response *DeleteCcnResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCcnWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCcnRequest) (response *DeleteCcnResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCustomerGateway(request *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCustomerGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGateway(request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteFlowLog(request *DeleteFlowLogRequest) (response *DeleteFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteFlowLogRequest) (response *DeleteFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteHaVip(request *DeleteHaVipRequest) (response *DeleteHaVipResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteHaVipWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteHaVipRequest) (response *DeleteHaVipResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteLocalGateway(request *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGateway(request *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetDetect(request *DeleteNetDetectRequest) (response *DeleteNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetDetectRequest) (response *DeleteNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkAcl(request *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkAclResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkAclWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkAclResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkInterface(request *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteRouteTable(request *DeleteRouteTableRequest) (response *DeleteRouteTableResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteRouteTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteRouteTableRequest) (response *DeleteRouteTableResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteRoutes(request *DeleteRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroup(request *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies(request *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplate(request *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroup(request *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSubnet(request *DeleteSubnetRequest) (response *DeleteSubnetResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSubnetRequest) (response *DeleteSubnetResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpc(request *DeleteVpcRequest) (response *DeleteVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPoint(request *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointService(request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcRequest) (response *DeleteVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnConnection(request *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) (response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) (response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGateway(request *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes(request *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAccountAttributes(request *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressQuota(request *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroups(request *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplates(request *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddresses(request *DescribeAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAssistantCidr(request *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResources(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages(request *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstances(request *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRoutes(request *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcns(request *DescribeCcnsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCcnsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstances(request *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCrossBorderCompliance(request *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCrossBorderComplianceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors(request *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGateways(request *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGateways(request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLog(request *DescribeFlowLogRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeFlowLogRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogs(request *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail(request *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQos(request *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeHaVips(request *DescribeHaVipsRequest) (response *DescribeHaVipsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeHaVipsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeHaVipsRequest) (response *DescribeHaVipsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl(request *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfos(request *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeLocalGateway(request *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules(request *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute(request *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules(request *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGateways(request *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectStates(request *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectStatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetects(request *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkAcls(request *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkAclsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit(request *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaces(request *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRouteTables(request *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) (response *DescribeRouteTablesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRouteTablesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) (response *DescribeRouteTablesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics(request *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies(request *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferences(request *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroups(request *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplates(request *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSubnets(request *DescribeSubnetsRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSubnetsRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResult(request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPoint(request *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointService(request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcInstances(request *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses(request *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses(request *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboard(request *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) (response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboardWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) (response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcTaskResult(request *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcTaskResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcs(request *DescribeVpcsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpcsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnConnections(request *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) (response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) (response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes(request *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGateways(request *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachCcnInstances(request *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *DetachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *DetachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachClassicLinkVpc(request *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachClassicLinkVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachNetworkInterface(request *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DetachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableCcnRoutes(request *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DisableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DisableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableFlowLogs(request *DisableFlowLogsRequest) (response *DisableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableFlowLogsRequest) (response *DisableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitor(request *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateAddress(request *DisassociateAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway(request *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddress(request *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets(request *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration(request *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) (response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) (response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableCcnRoutes(request *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *EnableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *EnableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableFlowLogs(request *EnableFlowLogsRequest) (response *EnableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableFlowLogsRequest) (response *EnableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitor(request *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnect(request *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) (response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) (response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIp(request *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIpWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIp(request *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIpWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway(request *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway(request *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth(request *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateNetworkInterface(request *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) MigratePrivateIpAddress(request *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) (response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) MigratePrivateIpAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) (response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressAttribute(request *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeType(request *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute(request *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute(request *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidth(request *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) (response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) (response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAssistantCidr(request *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) (response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) (response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute(request *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute(request *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttribute(request *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType(request *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyFlowLogAttribute(request *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyFlowLogAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQos(request *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyHaVipAttribute(request *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyHaVipAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute(request *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyLocalGateway(request *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) (response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) (response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, ...)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetDetect(request *ModifyNetDetectRequest) (response *ModifyNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetDetectRequest) (response *ModifyNetDetectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttribute(request *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntries(request *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntriesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(request *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute(request *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyRouteTableAttribute(request *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyRouteTableAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttribute(request *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupPolicies(request *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute(request *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute(request *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySubnetAttribute(request *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifySubnetAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcAttribute(request *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute(request *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute(request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute(request *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes(request *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes(request *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) NotifyRoutes(request *NotifyRoutesRequest) (response *NotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) NotifyRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *NotifyRoutesRequest) (response *NotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway(request *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) (response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RejectAttachCcnInstances(request *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RejectAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseAddresses(request *ReleaseAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReleaseAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResources(request *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RenewVpnGateway(request *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *RenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RenewVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *RenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(request *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) (response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) (response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceRoutes(request *ReplaceRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy(request *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) (response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) (response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetAttachCcnInstances(request *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetNatGatewayConnection(request *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) (response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetNatGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) (response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetRoutes(request *ResetRoutesRequest) (response *ResetRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetRoutesRequest) (response *ResetRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetVpnConnection(request *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) (response *ResetVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) (response *ResetVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth(request *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) TransformAddress(request *TransformAddressRequest) (response *TransformAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) TransformAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *TransformAddressRequest) (response *TransformAddressResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6Addresses(request *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlock(request *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock(request *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(request *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutes(request *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) (response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) (response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
- type CloneSecurityGroupRequest
- type CloneSecurityGroupRequestParams
- type CloneSecurityGroupResponse
- type CloneSecurityGroupResponseParams
- type ConflictItem
- type ConflictSource
- type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest
- type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams
- type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse
- type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams
- type CreateAddressTemplateRequest
- type CreateAddressTemplateRequestParams
- type CreateAddressTemplateResponse
- type CreateAddressTemplateResponseParams
- type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type CreateAssistantCidrRequest
- type CreateAssistantCidrRequestParams
- type CreateAssistantCidrResponse
- type CreateAssistantCidrResponseParams
- type CreateBandwidthPackageRequest
- type CreateBandwidthPackageRequestParams
- type CreateBandwidthPackageResponse
- type CreateBandwidthPackageResponseParams
- type CreateCcnRequest
- type CreateCcnRequestParams
- type CreateCcnResponse
- type CreateCcnResponseParams
- type CreateCustomerGatewayRequest
- type CreateCustomerGatewayRequestParams
- type CreateCustomerGatewayResponse
- type CreateCustomerGatewayResponseParams
- type CreateDefaultVpcRequest
- type CreateDefaultVpcRequestParams
- type CreateDefaultVpcResponse
- type CreateDefaultVpcResponseParams
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse
- type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams
- type CreateFlowLogRequest
- type CreateFlowLogRequestParams
- type CreateFlowLogResponse
- type CreateFlowLogResponseParams
- type CreateHaVipRequest
- type CreateHaVipRequestParams
- type CreateHaVipResponse
- type CreateHaVipResponseParams
- type CreateLocalGatewayRequest
- type CreateLocalGatewayRequestParams
- type CreateLocalGatewayResponse
- type CreateLocalGatewayResponseParams
- type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type CreateNatGatewayRequest
- type CreateNatGatewayRequestParams
- type CreateNatGatewayResponse
- type CreateNatGatewayResponseParams
- type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type CreateNetDetectRequest
- type CreateNetDetectRequestParams
- type CreateNetDetectResponse
- type CreateNetDetectResponseParams
- type CreateNetworkAclRequest
- type CreateNetworkAclRequestParams
- type CreateNetworkAclResponse
- type CreateNetworkAclResponseParams
- type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type CreateRouteTableRequest
- type CreateRouteTableRequestParams
- type CreateRouteTableResponse
- type CreateRouteTableResponseParams
- type CreateRoutesRequest
- type CreateRoutesRequestParams
- type CreateRoutesResponse
- type CreateRoutesResponseParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest
- type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse
- type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupRequest
- type CreateSecurityGroupRequestParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupResponse
- type CreateSecurityGroupResponseParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest
- type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequestParams
- type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse
- type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponseParams
- type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest
- type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams
- type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse
- type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams
- type CreateServiceTemplateRequest
- type CreateServiceTemplateRequestParams
- type CreateServiceTemplateResponse
- type CreateServiceTemplateResponseParams
- type CreateSubnetRequest
- type CreateSubnetRequestParams
- type CreateSubnetResponse
- type CreateSubnetResponseParams
- type CreateSubnetsRequest
- type CreateSubnetsRequestParams
- type CreateSubnetsResponse
- type CreateSubnetsResponseParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointRequest
- type CreateVpcEndPointRequestParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointResponse
- type CreateVpcEndPointResponseParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse
- type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams
- type CreateVpcRequest
- type CreateVpcRequestParams
- type CreateVpcResponse
- type CreateVpcResponseParams
- type CreateVpnConnectionRequest
- type CreateVpnConnectionRequestParams
- type CreateVpnConnectionResponse
- type CreateVpnConnectionResponseParams
- type CreateVpnGatewayRequest
- type CreateVpnGatewayRequestParams
- type CreateVpnGatewayResponse
- type CreateVpnGatewayResponseParams
- type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest
- type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams
- type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse
- type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams
- type CrossBorderCompliance
- type CustomerGateway
- type CustomerGatewayVendor
- type CvmInstance
- type DefaultVpcSubnet
- type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest
- type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams
- type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse
- type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams
- type DeleteAddressTemplateRequest
- type DeleteAddressTemplateRequestParams
- type DeleteAddressTemplateResponse
- type DeleteAddressTemplateResponseParams
- type DeleteAssistantCidrRequest
- type DeleteAssistantCidrRequestParams
- type DeleteAssistantCidrResponse
- type DeleteAssistantCidrResponseParams
- type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest
- type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequestParams
- type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse
- type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponseParams
- type DeleteCcnRequest
- type DeleteCcnRequestParams
- type DeleteCcnResponse
- type DeleteCcnResponseParams
- type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest
- type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequestParams
- type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse
- type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponseParams
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse
- type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams
- type DeleteFlowLogRequest
- type DeleteFlowLogRequestParams
- type DeleteFlowLogResponse
- type DeleteFlowLogResponseParams
- type DeleteHaVipRequest
- type DeleteHaVipRequestParams
- type DeleteHaVipResponse
- type DeleteHaVipResponseParams
- type DeleteLocalGatewayRequest
- type DeleteLocalGatewayRequestParams
- type DeleteLocalGatewayResponse
- type DeleteLocalGatewayResponseParams
- type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type DeleteNatGatewayRequest
- type DeleteNatGatewayRequestParams
- type DeleteNatGatewayResponse
- type DeleteNatGatewayResponseParams
- type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type DeleteNetDetectRequest
- type DeleteNetDetectRequestParams
- type DeleteNetDetectResponse
- type DeleteNetDetectResponseParams
- type DeleteNetworkAclRequest
- type DeleteNetworkAclRequestParams
- type DeleteNetworkAclResponse
- type DeleteNetworkAclResponseParams
- type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type DeleteRouteTableRequest
- type DeleteRouteTableRequestParams
- type DeleteRouteTableResponse
- type DeleteRouteTableResponseParams
- type DeleteRoutesRequest
- type DeleteRoutesRequestParams
- type DeleteRoutesResponse
- type DeleteRoutesResponseParams
- type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest
- type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams
- type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse
- type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams
- type DeleteSecurityGroupRequest
- type DeleteSecurityGroupRequestParams
- type DeleteSecurityGroupResponse
- type DeleteSecurityGroupResponseParams
- type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest
- type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams
- type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse
- type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams
- type DeleteServiceTemplateRequest
- type DeleteServiceTemplateRequestParams
- type DeleteServiceTemplateResponse
- type DeleteServiceTemplateResponseParams
- type DeleteSubnetRequest
- type DeleteSubnetRequestParams
- type DeleteSubnetResponse
- type DeleteSubnetResponseParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointRequest
- type DeleteVpcEndPointRequestParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointResponse
- type DeleteVpcEndPointResponseParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse
- type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams
- type DeleteVpcRequest
- type DeleteVpcRequestParams
- type DeleteVpcResponse
- type DeleteVpcResponseParams
- type DeleteVpnConnectionRequest
- type DeleteVpnConnectionRequestParams
- type DeleteVpnConnectionResponse
- type DeleteVpnConnectionResponseParams
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRequest
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRequestParams
- type DeleteVpnGatewayResponse
- type DeleteVpnGatewayResponseParams
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse
- type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams
- type DescribeAccountAttributesRequest
- type DescribeAccountAttributesRequestParams
- type DescribeAccountAttributesResponse
- type DescribeAccountAttributesResponseParams
- type DescribeAddressQuotaRequest
- type DescribeAddressQuotaRequestParams
- type DescribeAddressQuotaResponse
- type DescribeAddressQuotaResponseParams
- type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest
- type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequestParams
- type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse
- type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponseParams
- type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest
- type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequestParams
- type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse
- type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponseParams
- type DescribeAddressesRequest
- type DescribeAddressesRequestParams
- type DescribeAddressesResponse
- type DescribeAddressesResponseParams
- type DescribeAssistantCidrRequest
- type DescribeAssistantCidrRequestParams
- type DescribeAssistantCidrResponse
- type DescribeAssistantCidrResponseParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequestParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponseParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequestParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponseParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse
- type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest
- type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequestParams
- type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse
- type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponseParams
- type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest
- type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequestParams
- type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse
- type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponseParams
- type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest
- type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams
- type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse
- type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams
- type DescribeCcnRoutesRequest
- type DescribeCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type DescribeCcnRoutesResponse
- type DescribeCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type DescribeCcnsRequest
- type DescribeCcnsRequestParams
- type DescribeCcnsResponse
- type DescribeCcnsResponseParams
- type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest
- type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequestParams
- type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse
- type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponseParams
- type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest
- type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams
- type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse
- type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams
- type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest
- type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequestParams
- type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse
- type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponseParams
- type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest
- type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequestParams
- type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse
- type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponseParams
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequestParams
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse
- type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponseParams
- type DescribeFlowLogRequest
- type DescribeFlowLogRequestParams
- type DescribeFlowLogResponse
- type DescribeFlowLogResponseParams
- type DescribeFlowLogsRequest
- type DescribeFlowLogsRequestParams
- type DescribeFlowLogsResponse
- type DescribeFlowLogsResponseParams
- type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest
- type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequestParams
- type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse
- type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponseParams
- type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest
- type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequestParams
- type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse
- type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponseParams
- type DescribeHaVipsRequest
- type DescribeHaVipsRequestParams
- type DescribeHaVipsResponse
- type DescribeHaVipsResponseParams
- type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest
- type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequestParams
- type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse
- type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponseParams
- type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest
- type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequestParams
- type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse
- type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponseParams
- type DescribeLocalGatewayRequest
- type DescribeLocalGatewayRequestParams
- type DescribeLocalGatewayResponse
- type DescribeLocalGatewayResponseParams
- type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest
- type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequestParams
- type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse
- type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponseParams
- type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest
- type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequestParams
- type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse
- type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponseParams
- type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest
- type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequestParams
- type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse
- type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponseParams
- type DescribeNatGatewaysRequest
- type DescribeNatGatewaysRequestParams
- type DescribeNatGatewaysResponse
- type DescribeNatGatewaysResponseParams
- type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest
- type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequestParams
- type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse
- type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponseParams
- type DescribeNetDetectsRequest
- type DescribeNetDetectsRequestParams
- type DescribeNetDetectsResponse
- type DescribeNetDetectsResponseParams
- type DescribeNetworkAclsRequest
- type DescribeNetworkAclsRequestParams
- type DescribeNetworkAclsResponse
- type DescribeNetworkAclsResponseParams
- type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest
- type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequestParams
- type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse
- type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponseParams
- type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest
- type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequestParams
- type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse
- type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponseParams
- type DescribeRouteTablesRequest
- type DescribeRouteTablesRequestParams
- type DescribeRouteTablesResponse
- type DescribeRouteTablesResponseParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest
- type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequestParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse
- type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponseParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest
- type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse
- type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest
- type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequestParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse
- type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponseParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequestParams
- type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseParams
- type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest
- type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequestParams
- type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse
- type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponseParams
- type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest
- type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequestParams
- type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse
- type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponseParams
- type DescribeSubnetsRequest
- type DescribeSubnetsRequestParams
- type DescribeSubnetsResponse
- type DescribeSubnetsResponseParams
- type DescribeTaskResultRequest
- type DescribeTaskResultRequestParams
- type DescribeTaskResultResponse
- type DescribeTaskResultResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointRequest
- type DescribeVpcEndPointRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointResponse
- type DescribeVpcEndPointResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse
- type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcInstancesRequest
- type DescribeVpcInstancesRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcInstancesResponse
- type DescribeVpcInstancesResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest
- type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse
- type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest
- type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse
- type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest
- type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse
- type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest
- type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse
- type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponseParams
- type DescribeVpcsRequest
- type DescribeVpcsRequestParams
- type DescribeVpcsResponse
- type DescribeVpcsResponseParams
- type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest
- type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequestParams
- type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse
- type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponseParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest
- type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse
- type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest
- type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequestParams
- type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse
- type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponseParams
- type DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule
- type DetachCcnInstancesRequest
- type DetachCcnInstancesRequestParams
- type DetachCcnInstancesResponse
- type DetachCcnInstancesResponseParams
- type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest
- type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams
- type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse
- type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams
- type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type DirectConnectGateway
- type DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute
- type DirectConnectSubnet
- type DisableCcnRoutesRequest
- type DisableCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type DisableCcnRoutesResponse
- type DisableCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type DisableFlowLogsRequest
- type DisableFlowLogsRequestParams
- type DisableFlowLogsResponse
- type DisableFlowLogsResponseParams
- type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest
- type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams
- type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse
- type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams
- type DisassociateAddressRequest
- type DisassociateAddressRequestParams
- type DisassociateAddressResponse
- type DisassociateAddressResponseParams
- type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest
- type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams
- type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse
- type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams
- type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest
- type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams
- type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse
- type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams
- type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest
- type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams
- type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse
- type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams
- type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams
- type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams
- type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequestParams
- type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponseParams
- type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest
- type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequestParams
- type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse
- type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponseParams
- type EnableCcnRoutesRequest
- type EnableCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type EnableCcnRoutesResponse
- type EnableCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type EnableFlowLogsRequest
- type EnableFlowLogsRequestParams
- type EnableFlowLogsResponse
- type EnableFlowLogsResponseParams
- type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest
- type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams
- type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse
- type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams
- type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest
- type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequestParams
- type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse
- type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponseParams
- type EndPoint
- type EndPointService
- type Filter
- type FilterObject
- type FlowLog
- type FlowLogStorage
- type GatewayFlowMonitorDetail
- type GatewayQos
- type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest
- type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams
- type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse
- type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams
- type HaVip
- type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest
- type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequestParams
- type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse
- type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponseParams
- type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest
- type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequestParams
- type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse
- type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponseParams
- type IKEOptionsSpecification
- type IPSECOptionsSpecification
- type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest
- type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams
- type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse
- type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams
- type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest
- type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequestParams
- type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse
- type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponseParams
- type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest
- type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams
- type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse
- type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams
- type InstanceChargePrepaid
- type InstanceStatistic
- type IpField
- type IpGeolocationInfo
- type Ipv6Address
- type Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock
- type ItemPrice
- type LocalGateway
- type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest
- type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams
- type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse
- type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams
- type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest
- type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequestParams
- type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse
- type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponseParams
- type ModifyAddressAttributeRequest
- type ModifyAddressAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyAddressAttributeResponse
- type ModifyAddressAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest
- type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequestParams
- type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse
- type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponseParams
- type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest
- type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse
- type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest
- type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse
- type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest
- type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequestParams
- type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse
- type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponseParams
- type ModifyAssistantCidrRequest
- type ModifyAssistantCidrRequestParams
- type ModifyAssistantCidrResponse
- type ModifyAssistantCidrResponseParams
- type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest
- type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse
- type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest
- type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse
- type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyCcnAttributeRequest
- type ModifyCcnAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyCcnAttributeResponse
- type ModifyCcnAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest
- type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequestParams
- type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse
- type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponseParams
- type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest
- type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse
- type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest
- type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse
- type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest
- type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse
- type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest
- type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequestParams
- type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse
- type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponseParams
- type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest
- type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse
- type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest
- type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse
- type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyLocalGatewayRequest
- type ModifyLocalGatewayRequestParams
- type ModifyLocalGatewayResponse
- type ModifyLocalGatewayResponseParams
- type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest
- type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse
- type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest
- type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams
- type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse
- type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams
- type ModifyNetDetectRequest
- type ModifyNetDetectRequestParams
- type ModifyNetDetectResponse
- type ModifyNetDetectResponseParams
- type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest
- type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse
- type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest
- type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequestParams
- type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse
- type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponseParams
- type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest
- type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse
- type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest
- type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse
- type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest
- type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse
- type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest
- type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse
- type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest
- type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams
- type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse
- type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams
- type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest
- type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse
- type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest
- type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse
- type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifySubnetAttributeRequest
- type ModifySubnetAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifySubnetAttributeResponse
- type ModifySubnetAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpcAttributeRequest
- type ModifyVpcAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyVpcAttributeResponse
- type ModifyVpcAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest
- type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse
- type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse
- type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams
- type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest
- type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse
- type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest
- type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequestParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse
- type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponseParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest
- type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams
- type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse
- type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams
- type NatDirectConnectGatewayRoute
- type NatGateway
- type NatGatewayAddress
- type NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule
- type NetDetect
- type NetDetectIpState
- type NetDetectState
- type NetworkAcl
- type NetworkAclEntry
- type NetworkAclEntrySet
- type NetworkInterface
- type NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- type NotifyRoutesRequest
- type NotifyRoutesRequestParams
- type NotifyRoutesResponse
- type NotifyRoutesResponseParams
- type Price
- type PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type Quota
- type ReferredSecurityGroup
- type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest
- type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequestParams
- type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse
- type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponseParams
- type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest
- type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams
- type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse
- type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams
- type ReleaseAddressesRequest
- type ReleaseAddressesRequestParams
- type ReleaseAddressesResponse
- type ReleaseAddressesResponseParams
- type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest
- type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams
- type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse
- type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams
- type RenewVpnGatewayRequest
- type RenewVpnGatewayRequestParams
- type RenewVpnGatewayResponse
- type RenewVpnGatewayResponseParams
- type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest
- type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams
- type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse
- type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams
- type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest
- type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequestParams
- type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse
- type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponseParams
- type ReplaceRoutesRequest
- type ReplaceRoutesRequestParams
- type ReplaceRoutesResponse
- type ReplaceRoutesResponseParams
- type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest
- type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequestParams
- type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse
- type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponseParams
- type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest
- type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams
- type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse
- type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams
- type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest
- type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequestParams
- type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse
- type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponseParams
- type ResetRoutesRequest
- type ResetRoutesRequestParams
- type ResetRoutesResponse
- type ResetRoutesResponseParams
- type ResetVpnConnectionRequest
- type ResetVpnConnectionRequestParams
- type ResetVpnConnectionResponse
- type ResetVpnConnectionResponseParams
- type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest
- type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams
- type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse
- type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams
- type Resource
- type ResourceDashboard
- type Route
- type RouteTable
- type RouteTableAssociation
- type SecurityGroup
- type SecurityGroupAssociationStatistics
- type SecurityGroupPolicy
- type SecurityGroupPolicySet
- type SecurityPolicyDatabase
- type ServiceTemplate
- type ServiceTemplateGroup
- type ServiceTemplateSpecification
- type ServicesInfo
- type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest
- type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams
- type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse
- type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams
- type SourceIpTranslationNatRule
- type Subnet
- type SubnetInput
- type Tag
- type TransformAddressRequest
- type TransformAddressRequestParams
- type TransformAddressResponse
- type TransformAddressResponseParams
- type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest
- type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequestParams
- type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse
- type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponseParams
- type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest
- type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams
- type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse
- type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams
- type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest
- type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams
- type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse
- type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams
- type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest
- type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams
- type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse
- type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams
- type Vpc
- type VpcEndPointServiceUser
- type VpcIpv6Address
- type VpcPrivateIpAddress
- type VpnConnection
- type VpnGateway
- type VpnGatewayQuota
- type VpnGatewayRoute
- type VpnGatewayRouteModify
- type VpngwCcnRoutes
- type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest
- type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequestParams
- type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse
- type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponseParams
Constants ¶
const ( // The account quota is reached. Each Tencent Cloud account can create up to 20 EIPs in each region. ADDRESSQUOTALIMITEXCEEDED = "AddressQuotaLimitExceeded" // The maximum number of requests is reached. The maximum number of requests made by a Tencent Cloud account per day in each region equals to two times the quota. ADDRESSQUOTALIMITEXCEEDED_DAILYALLOCATE = "AddressQuotaLimitExceeded.DailyAllocate" // CAM signature or authentication error. AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" // The ENI information is not available in this address. FAILEDOPERATION_ADDRESSENIINFONOTFOUND = "FailedOperation.AddressEniInfoNotFound" // Unsupported region. FAILEDOPERATION_INVALIDREGION = "FailedOperation.InvalidRegion" // Network probe timed out. Please retry later. FAILEDOPERATION_NETDETECTTIMEOUT = "FailedOperation.NetDetectTimeOut" // An internal error occurred. INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" // Failed to create the Ckafka route. Please retry later. INTERNALERROR_CREATECKAFKAROUTEERROR = "InternalError.CreateCkafkaRouteError" // Internal error. INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" // This account is not supported. INVALIDACCOUNT_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidAccount.NotSupported" // The specified EIP is in blocked status. When the EIP is in blocked status, it cannot be bound. You must first unblock it. INVALIDADDRESSID_BLOCKED = "InvalidAddressId.Blocked" // The specified EIP does not exist. INVALIDADDRESSID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidAddressId.NotFound" // The specified EIP is in arrears. INVALIDADDRESSIDSTATE_INARREARS = "InvalidAddressIdState.InArrears" // The specified EIP cannot be bound in current status. It can only be bound in UNBIND status. INVALIDADDRESSIDSTATUS_NOTPERMIT = "InvalidAddressIdStatus.NotPermit" // The operation cannot be performed on the specified EIP in current status. INVALIDADDRESSSTATE = "InvalidAddressState" // This instance is not supported. INVALIDINSTANCE_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidInstance.NotSupported" // The specified instance has already been bound to an EIP. You must unbind the current EIP first before binding another EIP. INVALIDINSTANCEID_ALREADYBINDEIP = "InvalidInstanceId.AlreadyBindEip" // Invalid instance ID. The specified instance ID does not exist. INVALIDINSTANCEID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" // The specified NetworkInterfaceId does not exist or the specified PrivateIpAddress is not on the NetworkInterfaceId. INVALIDNETWORKINTERFACEID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidNetworkInterfaceId.NotFound" // A parameter error occurred. INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" // The parameters cannot be specified at the same time. INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" // The specified filter condition does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETER_FILTERINVALIDKEY = "InvalidParameter.FilterInvalidKey" // The specified filter condition should be a key-value pair. INVALIDPARAMETER_FILTERNOTDICT = "InvalidParameter.FilterNotDict" // The specified filter value should be a list. INVALIDPARAMETER_FILTERVALUESNOTLIST = "InvalidParameter.FilterValuesNotList" // The filter rule is invalid. INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDFILTER = "InvalidParameter.InvalidFilter" // The next hop type does not match with the next hop gateway. INVALIDPARAMETER_NEXTHOPMISMATCH = "InvalidParameter.NextHopMismatch" // The cross-AZ placement group of the DC gateway doesn't exist. INVALIDPARAMETER_VPGHAGROUPNOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.VpgHaGroupNotFound" // The two parameters cannot be specified at the same time, nor exist concurrently. EIP can only be bound to the instances or the specified private IPs of the specified ENIs. INVALIDPARAMETERCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterConflict" // Incorrect parameter value. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" // Attacked IP address. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSATTACKED = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressAttacked" // This IP address ID is invalid. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSIDMALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressIdMalformed" // �The billing mode of this IP address conflicts with that of other IP addresses. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSINTERNETCHARGETYPECONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressInternetChargeTypeConflict" // The IP address is not available now. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSIPNOTAVAILABLE = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressIpNotAvailable" // An EIP cannot be bound with this type of instance. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSNOTAPPLICABLE = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressNotApplicable" // This IP address is not a CalcIP (device IP). INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSNOTCALCIP = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressNotCalcIP" // This IP is not an EIP. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSNOTEIP = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressNotEIP" // Unable to find the address. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDRESSNOTFOUND = "InvalidParameterValue.AddressNotFound" // The bandwidth exceeds the limit. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BANDWIDTHOUTOFRANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthOutOfRange" // Incorrect bandwidth package ID. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BANDWIDTHPACKAGEIDMALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageIdMalformed" // The bandwidth package is in use. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BANDWIDTHPACKAGEINUSE = "InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageInUse" // Failed to query the bandwidth package INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BANDWIDTHPACKAGENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthPackageNotFound" // The selected bandwidth is smaller than the minimum permissible range. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_BANDWIDTHTOOSMALL = "InvalidParameterValue.BandwidthTooSmall" // The number of BM VPCs associated with the specified CCN has reached the upper limit. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CCNATTACHBMVPCLIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.CcnAttachBmvpcLimitExceeded" // The destination IP address range is not within the CIDR range of the the customer VPC. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CIDRNOTINPEERVPC = "InvalidParameterValue.CidrNotInPeerVpc" // Invalid input parameters INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COMBINATION = "InvalidParameterValue.Combination" // The input parameter already exists. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" // The parameter value already exists. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATEPARA = "InvalidParameterValue.DuplicatePara" // Exceeded the upper limit. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EIPBRANDWIDTHOUTINVALID = "InvalidParameterValue.EIPBrandWidthOutInvalid" // Missing parameters. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" // The billing mode of this instance is different from that of others. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INCONSISTENTINSTANCEINTERNETCHARGETYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.InconsistentInstanceInternetChargeType" // This instance does not support an Anycast EIP. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCEDOESNOTSUPPORTANYCAST = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceDoesNotSupportAnycast" // This instance already has a WanIP (public IP). INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCEHASWANIP = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceHasWanIP" // Incorrect instance ID. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCEIDMALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceIdMalformed" // Request failed: this instance does not have a CalcIP (device IP). INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCENOCALCIP = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNoCalcIP" // Request failed: this instance does not have a WanIP (public IP). INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCENOWANIP = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNoWanIP" // Failed to bind: this IP is restricted INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCENORMALPUBLICIPBLOCKED = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNormalPublicIpBlocked" // The ENI and the IP are bound with different instances. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INSTANCENOTMATCHASSOCIATEENI = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNotMatchAssociateEni" // The network billing mode has not been changed. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INTERNETCHARGETYPENOTCHANGED = "InvalidParameterValue.InternetChargeTypeNotChanged" // Invalid billing mode of bandwidth package INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDBANDWIDTHPACKAGECHARGETYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidBandwidthPackageChargeType" // The parameter value does not exist or is not supported. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDBUSINESS = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidBusiness" // Invalid DedicatedClusterId. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDDEDICATEDCLUSTERID = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDedicatedClusterId" // This IP is applicable only for pay-as-you-go instances that billed by hourly traffic and instances with bandwidth package. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDINSTANCEINTERNETCHARGETYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceInternetChargeType" // Operation failed: the status of the instance does not allow this operation. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDINSTANCESTATE = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceState" // This Tag is invalid. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDTAG = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTag" // This CLB instance is already bound with an EIP. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LBALREADYBINDEIP = "InvalidParameterValue.LBAlreadyBindEip" // The parameter value exceeds the limit. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" // Invalid input parameter format. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" // The bound instance is missing. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MISSINGASSOCIATEENTITY = "InvalidParameterValue.MissingAssociateEntity" // A request cannot contain IP addresses with different cluster types. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MIXEDADDRESSIPSETTYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.MixedAddressIpSetType" // The SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT gateway does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NATGATEWAYSNATRULENOTEXISTS = "InvalidParameterValue.NatGatewaySnatRuleNotExists" // The NAT Gateway already has an identical SNAT rule. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NATSNATRULEEXISTS = "InvalidParameterValue.NatSnatRuleExists" // The probe destination IP and network probe are in the same VPC. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NETDETECTINVPC = "InvalidParameterValue.NetDetectInVpc" // Unable to find the matched next hop in the CCN route table for the destination IP. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NETDETECTNOTFOUNDIP = "InvalidParameterValue.NetDetectNotFoundIp" // The detection destination IP address is the same as that of another network detection instance under the same subnet in the same VPC. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NETDETECTSAMEIP = "InvalidParameterValue.NetDetectSameIp" // The network interface ID was not found. The private IP address may not be configured on the network interface. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NETWORKINTERFACENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameterValue.NetworkInterfaceNotFound" // This operation is only available for primary ENIs. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ONLYSUPPORTEDFORMASTERNETWORKCARD = "InvalidParameterValue.OnlySupportedForMasterNetworkCard" // The parameter value is not in the specified range. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" // The parameter value is retained by the system. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESERVED = "InvalidParameterValue.Reserved" // The resource has already added to another bandwidth package. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCEALREADYEXISTED = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceAlreadyExisted" // The resource has expired. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCEEXPIRED = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceExpired" // The resource ID is incorrect. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCEIDMALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceIdMalformed" // The resource is not associated with this bandwidth package. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCENOTEXISTED = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceNotExisted" // This resource is not found. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceNotFound" // The resource does not support this operation. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESOURCENOTSUPPORT = "InvalidParameterValue.ResourceNotSupport" // Subnet CIDR conflict. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SUBNETCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.SubnetConflict" // The subnet IP range overlaps with the the secondary CIDR block. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SUBNETOVERLAPASSISTCIDR = "InvalidParameterValue.SubnetOverlapAssistCidr" // Invalid subnet CIDR. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SUBNETRANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.SubnetRange" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGDUPLICATEKEY = "InvalidParameterValue.TagDuplicateKey" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGDUPLICATERESOURCETYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.TagDuplicateResourceType" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGINVALIDKEY = "InvalidParameterValue.TagInvalidKey" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGINVALIDKEYLEN = "InvalidParameterValue.TagInvalidKeyLen" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGINVALIDVAL = "InvalidParameterValue.TagInvalidVal" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGKEYNOTEXISTS = "InvalidParameterValue.TagKeyNotExists" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGNOTALLOCATEDQUOTA = "InvalidParameterValue.TagNotAllocatedQuota" // The tag and value do not exist. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGNOTEXISTED = "InvalidParameterValue.TagNotExisted" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGNOTSUPPORTTAG = "InvalidParameterValue.TagNotSupportTag" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGRESOURCEFORMATERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.TagResourceFormatError" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGTIMESTAMPEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.TagTimestampExceeded" // INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TAGVALNOTEXISTS = "InvalidParameterValue.TagValNotExists" // Invalid parameter value. The parameter value is too long. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" // This availability zone is unavailable. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_UNAVAILABLEZONE = "InvalidParameterValue.UnavailableZone" // Destination IP address range conflicts with CIDR of the current VPC. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VPCCIDRCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.VpcCidrConflict" // This feature is not available for this direct connect gateway. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VPGTYPENOTMATCH = "InvalidParameterValue.VpgTypeNotMatch" // Destination IP address range conflicts with CIDR block of the current VPC tunnel. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VPNCONNCIDRCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.VpnConnCidrConflict" // The destination IP of the probe cannot be within the IP range of the VPC. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VPNCONNHEALTHCHECKIPCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.VpnConnHealthCheckIpConflict" // The `Zone` parameter value should be the zone where CDC resides. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ZONECONFLICT = "InvalidParameterValue.ZoneConflict" // The specified private IP of the specified ENI has already been bound to an EIP. A private IP cannot be bound to more than one EIP. INVALIDPRIVATEIPADDRESS_ALREADYBINDEIP = "InvalidPrivateIpAddress.AlreadyBindEip" // Invalid routing policy ID (RouteId). INVALIDROUTEID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidRouteId.NotFound" // Invalid route table. The route table ID is invalid. INVALIDROUTETABLEID_MALFORMED = "InvalidRouteTableId.Malformed" // Invalid route table. The VPC resource does not exist. Please check and enter the correct resource information. INVALIDROUTETABLEID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidRouteTableId.NotFound" // Invalid security group. The security group instance ID is invalid. INVALIDSECURITYGROUPID_MALFORMED = "InvalidSecurityGroupID.Malformed" // Invalid security group. The security group instance ID does not exist. INVALIDSECURITYGROUPID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidSecurityGroupID.NotFound" // Invalid VPC. The VPC instance ID is invalid. INVALIDVPCID_MALFORMED = "InvalidVpcId.Malformed" // Invalid VPC. The VPC resource does not exist. INVALIDVPCID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidVpcId.NotFound" // Invalid VPN gateway. The VPN instance ID is invalid. INVALIDVPNGATEWAYID_MALFORMED = "InvalidVpnGatewayId.Malformed" // Invalid VPN gateway. The VPN instance does not exist. Verify if you have entered the correct resource information. INVALIDVPNGATEWAYID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidVpnGatewayId.NotFound" // Quota limit is reached. LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" // Ran out of the quota for returning under this account. LIMITEXCEEDED_ACCOUNTRETURNQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.AccountReturnQuota" // The number of assigned IP addresses has reached the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_ADDRESS = "LimitExceeded.Address" // The number of EIPs applied for exceeds the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_ADDRESSQUOTALIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.AddressQuotaLimitExceeded" // Exceeded the upper limit of the bandwidth package quota. LIMITEXCEEDED_BANDWIDTHPACKAGEQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.BandwidthPackageQuota" // The number of assigned IP ranges of the VPC has reached the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_CIDRBLOCK = "LimitExceeded.CidrBlock" // The number of EIPs applied for per day exceeds the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_DAILYALLOCATEADDRESSQUOTALIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.DailyAllocateAddressQuotaLimitExceeded" // Exceeded the upper limit of the EIPs bound to the instance. LIMITEXCEEDED_INSTANCEADDRESSQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.InstanceAddressQuota" // Ran out of the quota of chances to change the IP billing mode. LIMITEXCEEDED_MODIFYADDRESSINTERNETCHARGETYPEQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeQuota" // Ran out of the monthly quota of chances to retrieve IPs. LIMITEXCEEDED_MONTHLYADDRESSRECOVERYQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.MonthlyAddressRecoveryQuota" // Reached the upper limit of NAT gateways. LIMITEXCEEDED_NATGATEWAYLIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.NatGatewayLimitExceeded" // The number of NAT gateways created by the VPC has reached the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_NATGATEWAYPERVPCLIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.NatGatewayPerVpcLimitExceeded" // Exceeded the character limit of a filter name. LIMITEXCEEDED_NUMBEROFFILTERS = "LimitExceeded.NumberOfFilters" // The number of EIPs bound to the NAT gateway has reached the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_PUBLICIPADDRESSPERNATGATEWAYLIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.PublicIpAddressPerNatGatewayLimitExceeded" // The number of security group rules exceeds the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_SECURITYGROUPPOLICYSET = "LimitExceeded.SecurityGroupPolicySet" // The number of subnet IP ranges assigned in the subnet has reached the upper limit. LIMITEXCEEDED_SUBNETCIDRBLOCK = "LimitExceeded.SubnetCidrBlock" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGKEYEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.TagKeyExceeded" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGKEYPERRESOURCEEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.TagKeyPerResourceExceeded" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGNOTENOUGHQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.TagNotEnoughQuota" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGQUOTA = "LimitExceeded.TagQuota" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGQUOTAEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.TagQuotaExceeded" // LIMITEXCEEDED_TAGTAGSEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded.TagTagsExceeded" // Missing parameter. MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" // The resource is occupied. RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" // The specified IP address is already in use. RESOURCEINUSE_ADDRESS = "ResourceInUse.Address" // Insufficient resources. RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" // The IP range resources are insufficient. RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_CIDRBLOCK = "ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock" // The resource does not exist. RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" // The Svc doesn't exist. RESOURCENOTFOUND_SVCNOTEXIST = "ResourceNotFound.SvcNotExist" // The resource is unavailable. RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" // The current user is not in the allowlist of the specified endpoint service. RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE_SERVICEWHITELISTNOTADDED = "ResourceUnavailable.ServiceWhiteListNotAdded" // Unauthorized operation. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" // The binding relationship does not exist. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ATTACHMENTNOTFOUND = "UnauthorizedOperation.AttachmentNotFound" // Unauthorized user. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_INVALIDACCOUNT = "UnauthorizedOperation.InvalidAccount" // Identity verification has not been completed for the account. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NOREALNAMEAUTHENTICATION = "UnauthorizedOperation.NoRealNameAuthentication" // The operation is not allowed for a primary IP. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_PRIMARYIP = "UnauthorizedOperation.PrimaryIp" // Unknown parameter error. UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" // Unknown parameter. Try similar parameters. UNKNOWNPARAMETER_WITHGUESS = "UnknownParameter.WithGuess" // Unsupported operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" // The port does not exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ACTIONNOTFOUND = "UnsupportedOperation.ActionNotFound" // This operation is not supported by the IP address status. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ADDRESSSTATUSNOTPERMIT = "UnsupportedOperation.AddressStatusNotPermit" // The resource is not under the specified AppId. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_APPIDMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.AppIdMismatch" // The APPId doesn't exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_APPIDNOTFOUND = "UnsupportedOperation.AppIdNotFound" // The EIP is already bound to a CVM. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ATTACHMENTALREADYEXISTS = "UnsupportedOperation.AttachmentAlreadyExists" // The binding relationship does not exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ATTACHMENTNOTFOUND = "UnsupportedOperation.AttachmentNotFound" // Unable to delete the current CCN instance: its monthly-subscribed bandwidth does not expire. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_BANDWIDTHNOTEXPIRED = "UnsupportedOperation.BandwidthNotExpired" // This bandwidth package does not support this operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_BANDWIDTHPACKAGEIDNOTSUPPORTED = "UnsupportedOperation.BandwidthPackageIdNotSupported" // EIP has already been bound. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_BINDEIP = "UnsupportedOperation.BindEIP" // The specified VPC CIDR range does not support Classiclink. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CIDRUNSUPPORTEDCLASSICLINK = "UnsupportedOperation.CIDRUnSupportedClassicLink" // The instance is already associated with a CCN. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CCNATTACHED = "UnsupportedOperation.CcnAttached" // This CCN instance cannot be deleted as it has flow logs. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CCNHASFLOWLOG = "UnsupportedOperation.CcnHasFlowLog" // The instance is not associated with a CCN. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CCNNOTATTACHED = "UnsupportedOperation.CcnNotAttached" // In cross-account association, instances under an Auto-Driving Cloud account cannot be associated with CCNs created under an ordinary account. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CCNORDINARYACCOUNTREFUSEATTACH = "UnsupportedOperation.CcnOrdinaryAccountRefuseAttach" // The specified route table does not exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CCNROUTETABLENOTEXIST = "UnsupportedOperation.CcnRouteTableNotExist" // CDC subnet can only create a route to the local gateway. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CDCSUBNETNOTSUPPORTUNLOCALGATEWAY = "UnsupportedOperation.CdcSubnetNotSupportUnLocalGateway" // The instance has already been bound to the VPC. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CLASSICINSTANCEIDALREADYEXISTS = "UnsupportedOperation.ClassicInstanceIdAlreadyExists" // Public network CLB does not support this policy. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CLBPOLICYLIMIT = "UnsupportedOperation.ClbPolicyLimit" // The IP range overlaps with that of the TKE container under the VPC. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CONFLICTWITHDOCKERROUTE = "UnsupportedOperation.ConflictWithDockerRoute" // No direct connect gateway exists in the specified VPC. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DCGATEWAYSNOTFOUNDINVPC = "UnsupportedOperation.DcGatewaysNotFoundInVpc" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DELDEFAULTROUTE = "UnsupportedOperation.DelDefaultRoute" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DELROUTEWITHSUBNET = "UnsupportedOperation.DelRouteWithSubnet" // Direct connect gateway is updating the BGP Community attribute. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DIRECTCONNECTGATEWAYISUPDATINGCOMMUNITY = "UnsupportedOperation.DirectConnectGatewayIsUpdatingCommunity" // The specified routing policy cannot be re-published to CCN. Please first withdraw it from CCN. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DISABLEDNOTIFYCCN = "UnsupportedOperation.DisabledNotifyCcn" // The security group policies are repeated. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_DUPLICATEPOLICY = "UnsupportedOperation.DuplicatePolicy" // ECMP is not supported. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ECMP = "UnsupportedOperation.Ecmp" // Form an ECMP with the CCN route. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ECMPWITHCCNROUTE = "UnsupportedOperation.EcmpWithCcnRoute" // Form an ECMP with the user’s custom routes. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ECMPWITHUSERROUTE = "UnsupportedOperation.EcmpWithUserRoute" // The endpoint service itself cannot be set as the endpoint. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ENDPOINTSERVICE = "UnsupportedOperation.EndPointService" // Unable to create a flow log: the current ENI is bound with a KO model. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_FLOWLOGSNOTSUPPORTKOINSTANCEENI = "UnsupportedOperation.FlowLogsNotSupportKoInstanceEni" // Unable to create a flow log: the current ENI is not bound to an instance. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_FLOWLOGSNOTSUPPORTNULLINSTANCEENI = "UnsupportedOperation.FlowLogsNotSupportNullInstanceEni" // This type of address does not support this operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INCORRECTADDRESSRESOURCETYPE = "UnsupportedOperation.IncorrectAddressResourceType" // The configured instance does not match with the route table. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INSTANCEANDRTBNOTMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.InstanceAndRtbNotMatch" // In cross-account association, instances under an ordinary account cannot be associated with CCNs created under an Auto-Driving Cloud account. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INSTANCEORDINARYACCOUNTREFUSEATTACH = "UnsupportedOperation.InstanceOrdinaryAccountRefuseAttach" // This operation is not supported by the status of the instance bound with the IP address. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INSTANCESTATENOTSUPPORTED = "UnsupportedOperation.InstanceStateNotSupported" // Insufficient account balance. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INSUFFICIENTFUNDS = "UnsupportedOperation.InsufficientFunds" // Unsupported operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDACTION = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidAction" // This operation is not allowed under the network billing mode of the IP address. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDADDRESSINTERNETCHARGETYPE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidAddressInternetChargeType" // This operation is not supported by the IP address status. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDADDRESSSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidAddressState" // Invalid instance status. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDINSTANCESTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidInstanceState" // This operation is not allowed under this billing mode. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDRESOURCEINTERNETCHARGETYPE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidResourceInternetChargeType" // Bandwidth packages inapplicable to this protocol UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDRESOURCEPROTOCOL = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidResourceProtocol" // Invalid resource status. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState" // The route in the current status cannot be published to CCN. Please retry later. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATUSNOTIFYCCN = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidStatusNotifyCcn" // The account of the instance associated with the current CCN is not a Financial Cloud account. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ISNOTFINANCEACCOUNT = "UnsupportedOperation.IsNotFinanceAccount" // This ISP does not support this operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ISPNOTSUPPORTED = "UnsupportedOperation.IspNotSupported" // The specified CDC instance already has a local gateway. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_LOCALGATEWAYALREADYEXISTS = "UnsupportedOperation.LocalGatewayAlreadyExists" // The resource mutual exclusion operation is being executed. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_MUTEXOPERATIONTASKRUNNING = "UnsupportedOperation.MutexOperationTaskRunning" // The private IP specified in the SNAT/DNAT forwarding rule has been bound with another rule. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NATGATEWAYRULEPIPEXISTS = "UnsupportedOperation.NatGatewayRulePipExists" // The specified NAT Gateway type does not support configuring a SNAT rule. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NATGATEWAYTYPENOTSUPPORTSNAT = "UnsupportedOperation.NatGatewayTypeNotSupportSNAT" // The NAT instance does not support this operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NATNOTSUPPORTED = "UnsupportedOperation.NatNotSupported" // The specified subnet does not support creating a route to the local gateway. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NORMALSUBNETNOTSUPPORTLOCALGATEWAY = "UnsupportedOperation.NormalSubnetNotSupportLocalGateway" // This operation is not allowed because the current instance is blocked. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTLOCKEDINSTANCEOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation.NotLockedInstanceOperation" // Unsupported operation: the current CCN instance is not in “Applying” status. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTPENDINGCCNINSTANCE = "UnsupportedOperation.NotPendingCcnInstance" // Unsupported operation: the current CCN instance is not billed on a pay-as-you-go basis. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTPOSTPAIDCCNOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation.NotPostpaidCcnOperation" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTSUPPORTDELETEDEFAULTROUTETABLE = "UnsupportedOperation.NotSupportDeleteDefaultRouteTable" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTSUPPORTEDUPDATECCNROUTEPUBLISH = "UnsupportedOperation.NotSupportedUpdateCcnRoutePublish" // The specified routing policy cannot be published to or withdrawn from CCN. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_NOTIFYCCN = "UnsupportedOperation.NotifyCcn" // Only the Ckafka Pro Edition is supported. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ONLYSUPPORTPROFESSIONKAFKA = "UnsupportedOperation.OnlySupportProfessionKafka" // The monthly subscription CCN instance only supports the inter-region bandwidth limit. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PREPAIDCCNONLYSUPPORTINTERREGIONLIMIT = "UnsupportedOperation.PrepaidCcnOnlySupportInterRegionLimit" // The specified value is a primary IP. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PRIMARYIP = "UnsupportedOperation.PrimaryIp" // At least one EIP exists on the NAT gateway, and the EIP cannot be unbound. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PUBLICIPADDRESSDISASSOCIATE = "UnsupportedOperation.PublicIpAddressDisassociate" // The EIP bound to the NAT gateway is not a BGP IP. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PUBLICIPADDRESSISNOTBGPIP = "UnsupportedOperation.PublicIpAddressIsNotBGPIp" // The EIP bound to the NAT gateway does not exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PUBLICIPADDRESSISNOTEXISTED = "UnsupportedOperation.PublicIpAddressIsNotExisted" // The EIP bound to the NAT gateway is not bill-by-traffic. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PUBLICIPADDRESSNOTBILLEDBYTRAFFIC = "UnsupportedOperation.PublicIpAddressNotBilledByTraffic" // The current account can not use this service in the current region. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PURCHASELIMIT = "UnsupportedOperation.PurchaseLimit" // The resource ID entered does not match with any resource bound with the IP. Check and try again. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_RESOURCEMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.ResourceMismatch" // The endpoint created by the specified endpoint service cannot be bound to a security group. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_SPECIALENDPOINTSERVICE = "UnsupportedOperation.SpecialEndPointService" // The relayed ENI does not support this operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_SUBENINOTSUPPORTTRUNKING = "UnsupportedOperation.SubEniNotSupportTrunking" // System route. Operation is prohibited. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_SYSTEMROUTE = "UnsupportedOperation.SystemRoute" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_TAGALLOCATE = "UnsupportedOperation.TagAllocate" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_TAGFREE = "UnsupportedOperation.TagFree" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_TAGNOTPERMIT = "UnsupportedOperation.TagNotPermit" // UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_TAGSYSTEMRESERVEDTAGKEY = "UnsupportedOperation.TagSystemReservedTagKey" // The account ID does not exist. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UINNOTFOUND = "UnsupportedOperation.UinNotFound" // Cross border is not supported. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNABLECROSSBORDER = "UnsupportedOperation.UnableCrossBorder" // The current CCN cannot be associated with a Financial Cloud instance. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNABLECROSSFINANCE = "UnsupportedOperation.UnableCrossFinance" // IPv6 IP range is not assigned. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNASSIGNCIDRBLOCK = "UnsupportedOperation.UnassignCidrBlock" // EIP is not bound. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNBINDEIP = "UnsupportedOperation.UnbindEIP" // Overdue payments are found under this account. Please complete the payment first. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNPAIDORDERALREADYEXISTS = "UnsupportedOperation.UnpaidOrderAlreadyExists" // The specified instance type does not support ENIs. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNSUPPORTEDINSTANCEFAMILY = "UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInstanceFamily" // The service is not available in this country/region. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNSUPPORTEDREGION = "UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedRegion" // The selected CCN instance cannot be created because the payment type is not supported. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_USERANDCCNCHARGETYPENOTMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.UserAndCcnChargeTypeNotMatch" // The specified version number of the security group policy is inconsistent with the latest version. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VERSIONMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VersionMismatch" // The resources are not in the same VPC. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch" // The specified resources are not in the same availability zone. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ZONEMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.ZoneMismatch" // The maximum number of VPC resource requests for the specified region has been reached. VPCLIMITEXCEEDED = "VpcLimitExceeded" )
const APIVersion = "2017-03-12"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated instances. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewAcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
func NewAcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest() (request *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest)
func (*AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams ¶
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated instances. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
func NewAcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse() (response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse)
func (*AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams ¶
type AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AccountAttribute ¶
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the source, such as 'eip-xxxx' and 'lb-xxxx'. EIP and LB resources are currently supported. ResourceIds []*string `json:"ResourceIds,omitempty" name:"ResourceIds"` // The unique ID of the bandwidth package, such as 'bwp-xxxx'. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The network type of the bandwidth package. Valid value: `BGP`, indicating that the internal resource is a BGP IP. NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The resource type, including `Address` and `LoadBalance`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The protocol type of the bandwidth package. Valid values: `ipv4` and `ipv6`. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` }
func NewAddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
func NewAddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest() (request *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest)
func (*AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams ¶
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the source, such as 'eip-xxxx' and 'lb-xxxx'. EIP and LB resources are currently supported. ResourceIds []*string `json:"ResourceIds,omitempty" name:"ResourceIds"` // The unique ID of the bandwidth package, such as 'bwp-xxxx'. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The network type of the bandwidth package. Valid value: `BGP`, indicating that the internal resource is a BGP IP. NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The resource type, including `Address` and `LoadBalance`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The protocol type of the bandwidth package. Valid values: `ipv4` and `ipv6`. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
func NewAddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse() (response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse)
func (*AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams ¶
type AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type Address ¶
type Address struct { // `EIP` `ID`, the unique ID of the `EIP`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The `EIP` name. AddressName *string `json:"AddressName,omitempty" name:"AddressName"` // Possible `EIP` states are 'CREATING', 'BINDING', 'BIND', 'UNBINDING', 'UNBIND', 'OFFLINING', and 'BIND_ENI'. AddressStatus *string `json:"AddressStatus,omitempty" name:"AddressStatus"` // The public IP address AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` // The ID of the bound resource instance. This can be a `CVM` or `NAT`. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The creation time, which follows the `ISO8601` standard and uses `UTC` time in the format of `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The ID of the bound ENI NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The private IP of the bound resources PrivateAddressIp *string `json:"PrivateAddressIp,omitempty" name:"PrivateAddressIp"` // The isolation status of the resource. `True` indicates the EIP is isolated. `False` indicates that the resource is not isolated. IsArrears *bool `json:"IsArrears,omitempty" name:"IsArrears"` // The block status of the resource. `True` indicates the EIP is blocked. `False` indicates that the EIP is not blocked. IsBlocked *bool `json:"IsBlocked,omitempty" name:"IsBlocked"` // Whether the EIP supports direct connection mode. `True` indicates the EIP supports direct connection. `False` indicates that the resource does not support direct connection. IsEipDirectConnection *bool `json:"IsEipDirectConnection,omitempty" name:"IsEipDirectConnection"` // EIP resource type. Valid values: `CalcIP` (device IP), `WanIP` (public network IP), `EIP` (elastic IP) and `AnycastEIP` (accelerated EIP). AddressType *string `json:"AddressType,omitempty" name:"AddressType"` // Whether the EIP is automatically released after being unbound. `True` indicates the EIP will be automatically released after being unbound. `False` indicates the EIP will not be automatically released after being unbound. CascadeRelease *bool `json:"CascadeRelease,omitempty" name:"CascadeRelease"` // Type of the protocol used in EIP ALG EipAlgType *AlgType `json:"EipAlgType,omitempty" name:"EipAlgType"` // The ISP of an EIP/Elastic IP, with possible return values currently including "CMCC", "CTCC", "CUCC" and "BGP" InternetServiceProvider *string `json:"InternetServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"InternetServiceProvider"` // Whether the EIP is in a local BGP. LocalBgp *bool `json:"LocalBgp,omitempty" name:"LocalBgp"` // Bandwidth value of EIP. The EIP for the bill-by-CVM account will return `null`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. Bandwidth *uint64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` // Network billing mode of EIP. The EIP for the bill-by-CVM account will return `null`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. // Including: // <li><strong>BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH</strong></li> // <p style="padding-left: 30px;">Prepaid by monthly-subscribed bandwidth.</p> // <li><strong>TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR</strong></li> // <p style="padding-left: 30px;">Pay-as-you-go billing by hourly traffic.</p> // <li><strong>BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR</strong></li> // <p style="padding-left: 30px;">Pay-as-you-go billing by hourly bandwidth.</p> // <li><strong>BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE</strong></li> // <p style="padding-left: 30px;">Bandwidth package.</p> // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. InternetChargeType *string `json:"InternetChargeType,omitempty" name:"InternetChargeType"` // List of tags associated with the EIP // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` }
type AddressChargePrepaid ¶
type AddressChargePrepaid struct { // Purchased usage period, in month. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36 Period *int64 `json:"Period,omitempty" name:"Period"` // Setting of renewal. Valid values: 0: manual renewal; 1: auto-renewal; 2: no renewal after expiration. Default value: 0 AutoRenewFlag *int64 `json:"AutoRenewFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoRenewFlag"` }
type AddressInfo ¶
type AddressTemplate ¶
type AddressTemplate struct { // IP address template name. AddressTemplateName *string `json:"AddressTemplateName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateName"` // The unique ID of the IP address template instance. AddressTemplateId *string `json:"AddressTemplateId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateId"` // IP address information. AddressSet []*string `json:"AddressSet,omitempty" name:"AddressSet"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // IP address information with remarks AddressExtraSet []*AddressInfo `json:"AddressExtraSet,omitempty" name:"AddressExtraSet"` }
type AddressTemplateGroup ¶
type AddressTemplateGroup struct { // IP address template group name. AddressTemplateGroupName *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupName"` // IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-dih8xdbq`. AddressTemplateGroupId *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupId"` // IP address template ID. AddressTemplateIdSet []*string `json:"AddressTemplateIdSet,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateIdSet"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // IP address template instance AddressTemplateSet []*AddressTemplateItem `json:"AddressTemplateSet,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateSet"` }
type AddressTemplateItem ¶
type AddressTemplateSpecification ¶
type AddressTemplateSpecification struct { // The ID of the IP address, such as `ipm-2uw6ujo6`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The ID of the IP address group, such as `ipmg-2uw6ujo6`. AddressGroupId *string `json:"AddressGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressGroupId"` }
type AllocateAddressesRequest ¶
type AllocateAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The number of EIPs. Default: 1. AddressCount *int64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // The EIP line type. Default: BGP. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For a user who has activated the static single-line IP allowlist, possible values are:<ul><li>CMCC: China Mobile</li> // <li>CTCC: China Telecom</li> // <li>CUCC: China Unicom</li></ul>Note: Only certain regions support static single-line IP addresses.</li></ul> InternetServiceProvider *string `json:"InternetServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"InternetServiceProvider"` // The EIP billing method. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For bill-by-IP account beta users, valid values: <ul><li>BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE: paid by the [bandwidth package]( must also be bandwidth package beta users)</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: billed by hourly bandwidth on a pay-as-you-go basis</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH: monthly bandwidth subscription</li> // <li>TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: billed by hourly traffic on a pay-as-you-go basis</li></ul>Default value: TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR</li> // <li>If you are not a bill-by-IP account beta user, the EIP billing is the same as that for the instance bound to the EIP. Therefore, you do not need to pass in this parameter.</li></ul> InternetChargeType *string `json:"InternetChargeType,omitempty" name:"InternetChargeType"` // The EIP outbound bandwidth cap, in Mbps. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For bill-by-IP account beta users, valid values:<ul><li>BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE: 1 Mbps to 1000 Mbps</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH: 1 Mbps to 200 Mbps</li> // <li>TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps</li></ul>Default value: 1 Mbps</li> // <li>If you are not a bill-by-IP account beta user, the EIP outbound bandwidth cap is subject to that of the instance bound to the EIP. Therefore, you do not need to pass in this parameter.</li></ul> InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // A required billing parameter for an EIP billed by monthly bandwidth subscription. For EIPs using other billing modes, it can be ignored. AddressChargePrepaid *AddressChargePrepaid `json:"AddressChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"AddressChargePrepaid"` // The EIP type. Default: `EIP`. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For AIA beta users, the value should be:<ul><li>`AnycastEIP`: an AIA IP address. For more information, see [Anycast Internet Acceleration](</li></ul>Note: Anycast EIPs are only supported in some of the regions.</li></ul> // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For high-quality IP beta users, the value should be: <ul><li>`HighQualityEIP`: high-quality IP</li></ul>Note: High-quality IPs are only supported in some of the regions.</li></ul> AddressType *string `json:"AddressType,omitempty" name:"AddressType"` // Anycast publishing region // <ul style="margin:0"><li>Valid for users who have activated AIA. Values:<ul><li>ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL: global publishing region </li><li>ANYCAST_ZONE_OVERSEAS: overseas publishing region</li><li><b>**[Disused]**</b> ANYCAST_ZONE_A: publishing region A (updated to ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL)</li><li><b>**[Disused]**</b> ANYCAST_ZONE_B: publishing region B (updated to ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL)</li></ul>Default: ANYCAST_ZONE_OVERSEAS.</li></ul> AnycastZone *string `json:"AnycastZone,omitempty" name:"AnycastZone"` // <b>**[Disused]**</b> // Whether the Anycast EIP can be bound to CLB instances. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>Valid for users who have activated the AIA. Values:<ul><li>TRUE: the Anycast EIP can be bound to CLB instances.</li> // <li>FALSE: the Anycast EIP can be bound to CVMs, NAT gateways, and HAVIPs.</li></ul>Default: FALSE.</li></ul> ApplicableForCLB *bool `json:"ApplicableForCLB,omitempty" name:"ApplicableForCLB"` // List of tags to be bound. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // The unique ID of a BGP bandwidth package. If you configure this parameter and set InternetChargeType as BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE, the new EIP is added to this package and billed by the bandwidth package mode. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // EIP name, which is the custom EIP name given by the user when applying for the EIP. Default: not named AddressName *string `json:"AddressName,omitempty" name:"AddressName"` }
func NewAllocateAddressesRequest ¶
func NewAllocateAddressesRequest() (request *AllocateAddressesRequest)
func (*AllocateAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AllocateAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AllocateAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AllocateAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AllocateAddressesRequestParams ¶
type AllocateAddressesRequestParams struct { // The number of EIPs. Default: 1. AddressCount *int64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // The EIP line type. Default: BGP. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For a user who has activated the static single-line IP allowlist, possible values are:<ul><li>CMCC: China Mobile</li> // <li>CTCC: China Telecom</li> // <li>CUCC: China Unicom</li></ul>Note: Only certain regions support static single-line IP addresses.</li></ul> InternetServiceProvider *string `json:"InternetServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"InternetServiceProvider"` // The EIP billing method. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For bill-by-IP account beta users, valid values: <ul><li>BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE: paid by the [bandwidth package]( must also be bandwidth package beta users)</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: billed by hourly bandwidth on a pay-as-you-go basis</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH: monthly bandwidth subscription</li> // <li>TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: billed by hourly traffic on a pay-as-you-go basis</li></ul>Default value: TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR</li> // <li>If you are not a bill-by-IP account beta user, the EIP billing is the same as that for the instance bound to the EIP. Therefore, you do not need to pass in this parameter.</li></ul> InternetChargeType *string `json:"InternetChargeType,omitempty" name:"InternetChargeType"` // The EIP outbound bandwidth cap, in Mbps. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For bill-by-IP account beta users, valid values:<ul><li>BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE: 1 Mbps to 1000 Mbps</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps</li> // <li>BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH: 1 Mbps to 200 Mbps</li> // <li>TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps</li></ul>Default value: 1 Mbps</li> // <li>If you are not a bill-by-IP account beta user, the EIP outbound bandwidth cap is subject to that of the instance bound to the EIP. Therefore, you do not need to pass in this parameter.</li></ul> InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // A required billing parameter for an EIP billed by monthly bandwidth subscription. For EIPs using other billing modes, it can be ignored. AddressChargePrepaid *AddressChargePrepaid `json:"AddressChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"AddressChargePrepaid"` // The EIP type. Default: `EIP`. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For AIA beta users, the value should be:<ul><li>`AnycastEIP`: an AIA IP address. For more information, see [Anycast Internet Acceleration](</li></ul>Note: Anycast EIPs are only supported in some of the regions.</li></ul> // <ul style="margin:0"><li>For high-quality IP beta users, the value should be: <ul><li>`HighQualityEIP`: high-quality IP</li></ul>Note: High-quality IPs are only supported in some of the regions.</li></ul> AddressType *string `json:"AddressType,omitempty" name:"AddressType"` // Anycast publishing region // <ul style="margin:0"><li>Valid for users who have activated AIA. Values:<ul><li>ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL: global publishing region </li><li>ANYCAST_ZONE_OVERSEAS: overseas publishing region</li><li><b>**[Disused]**</b> ANYCAST_ZONE_A: publishing region A (updated to ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL)</li><li><b>**[Disused]**</b> ANYCAST_ZONE_B: publishing region B (updated to ANYCAST_ZONE_GLOBAL)</li></ul>Default: ANYCAST_ZONE_OVERSEAS.</li></ul> AnycastZone *string `json:"AnycastZone,omitempty" name:"AnycastZone"` // <b>**[Disused]**</b> // Whether the Anycast EIP can be bound to CLB instances. // <ul style="margin:0"><li>Valid for users who have activated the AIA. Values:<ul><li>TRUE: the Anycast EIP can be bound to CLB instances.</li> // <li>FALSE: the Anycast EIP can be bound to CVMs, NAT gateways, and HAVIPs.</li></ul>Default: FALSE.</li></ul> ApplicableForCLB *bool `json:"ApplicableForCLB,omitempty" name:"ApplicableForCLB"` // List of tags to be bound. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // The unique ID of a BGP bandwidth package. If you configure this parameter and set InternetChargeType as BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE, the new EIP is added to this package and billed by the bandwidth package mode. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // EIP name, which is the custom EIP name given by the user when applying for the EIP. Default: not named AddressName *string `json:"AddressName,omitempty" name:"AddressName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AllocateAddressesResponse ¶
type AllocateAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AllocateAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAllocateAddressesResponse ¶
func NewAllocateAddressesResponse() (response *AllocateAddressesResponse)
func (*AllocateAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AllocateAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AllocateAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AllocateAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AllocateAddressesResponseParams ¶
type AllocateAddressesResponseParams struct { // List of the unique IDs of the requested EIPs. AddressSet []*string `json:"AddressSet,omitempty" name:"AddressSet"` // The Async task ID. You can use the [DescribeTaskResult]( API to query the task status. TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
type AssignIpv6AddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // A list of `IPv6` addresses. You can specify a maximum of 10 at one time. The quota is calculated together with that of `Ipv6AddressCount`, a required input parameter alternative to this one. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` // The number of automatically assigned `IPv6` addresses. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. The quota is calculated together with that of `Ipv6Addresses`, a required input parameter alternative to this one. Ipv6AddressCount *uint64 `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressCount"` }
func NewAssignIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
func NewAssignIpv6AddressesRequest() (request *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest)
func (*AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6AddressesRequestParams ¶
type AssignIpv6AddressesRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // A list of `IPv6` addresses. You can specify a maximum of 10 at one time. The quota is calculated together with that of `Ipv6AddressCount`, a required input parameter alternative to this one. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` // The number of automatically assigned `IPv6` addresses. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. The quota is calculated together with that of `Ipv6Addresses`, a required input parameter alternative to this one. Ipv6AddressCount *uint64 `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressCount"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
type AssignIpv6AddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssignIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
func NewAssignIpv6AddressesResponse() (response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse)
func (*AssignIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6AddressesResponseParams ¶
type AssignIpv6AddressesResponseParams struct { // The list of `IPv6` addresses assigned to ENIs. Ipv6AddressSet []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6AddressSet,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest ¶
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
func NewAssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest ¶
func NewAssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest() (request *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest)
func (*AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams ¶
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse ¶
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse ¶
func NewAssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse() (response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse)
func (*AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams ¶
type AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams struct { // The assigned `IPv6` IP range, such as `3402:4e00:20:1000::/56` Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest ¶
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the VPC where the subnet is located, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The assigned `IPv6` subnet IP range list. Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks []*Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock `json:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks"` }
func NewAssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest ¶
func NewAssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest() (request *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest)
func (*AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams ¶
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the VPC where the subnet is located, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The assigned `IPv6` subnet IP range list. Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks []*Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock `json:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse ¶
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse ¶
func NewAssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse() (response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse)
func (*AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams ¶
type AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams struct { // The assigned `IPv6` subnet IP range list. Ipv6SubnetCidrBlockSet []*Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock `json:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlockSet,omitempty" name:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlockSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information on private IP addresses, of which you can specify a maximum of 10 at a time. You should provide either this parameter or SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount, or both. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // The number of newly-applied private IP addresses. You should provide either this parameter or PrivateIpAddresses, or both. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. For more information, see<a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` }
func NewAssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
func NewAssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest() (request *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest)
func (*AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams ¶
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information on private IP addresses, of which you can specify a maximum of 10 at a time. You should provide either this parameter or SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount, or both. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // The number of newly-applied private IP addresses. You should provide either this parameter or PrivateIpAddresses, or both. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. For more information, see<a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
func NewAssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse() (response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse)
func (*AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams ¶
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams struct { // The detailed information of the Private IP. PrivateIpAddressSet []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddressSet,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddressSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssistantCidr ¶
type AssistantCidr struct { // The `ID` of a `VPC` instance, such as `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The secondary CIDR, such as ``. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // The secondary CIDR block type. 0: common secondary CIDR block. 1: container secondary CIDR block. Default: 0. AssistantType *int64 `json:"AssistantType,omitempty" name:"AssistantType"` // Subnets divided by the secondary CIDR. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SubnetSet []*Subnet `json:"SubnetSet,omitempty" name:"SubnetSet"` }
type AssociateAddressRequest ¶
type AssociateAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The ID of the instance to be bound, such as `ins-11112222`. You can query the instance ID by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `InstanceId` field in the returned result of [DescribeInstances]( API. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The ID of the ENI to be bonud, such as `eni-11112222`. `NetworkInterfaceId` and `InstanceId` cannot be specified at the same time. You can query the ENI ID by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `networkInterfaceId` field in the returned result of [DescribeNetworkInterfaces]( API. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The private IP to be bound. If you specify `NetworkInterfaceId`, then you must also specify `PrivateIpAddress`, indicating the EIP is bound to the specified private IP of the specified ENI. At the same time, you must ensure the specified `PrivateIpAddress` is a private IP on the `NetworkInterfaceId`. You can query the private IP of the specified ENI by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `privateIpAddress` field in the returned result of [DescribeNetworkInterfaces]( API. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Specify whether to configure direct access when binding EIPs. For details, see [EIP Direct Access]( Valid values: `True` and `False` (default). This parameter can be set to `True` when binding EIPs to a CVM instance or EKS cluster. It is in a beta test. To try it out, please [submit a ticket]( EipDirectConnection *bool `json:"EipDirectConnection,omitempty" name:"EipDirectConnection"` }
func NewAssociateAddressRequest ¶
func NewAssociateAddressRequest() (request *AssociateAddressRequest)
func (*AssociateAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateAddressRequestParams ¶
type AssociateAddressRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The ID of the instance to be bound, such as `ins-11112222`. You can query the instance ID by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `InstanceId` field in the returned result of [DescribeInstances]( API. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The ID of the ENI to be bonud, such as `eni-11112222`. `NetworkInterfaceId` and `InstanceId` cannot be specified at the same time. You can query the ENI ID by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `networkInterfaceId` field in the returned result of [DescribeNetworkInterfaces]( API. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The private IP to be bound. If you specify `NetworkInterfaceId`, then you must also specify `PrivateIpAddress`, indicating the EIP is bound to the specified private IP of the specified ENI. At the same time, you must ensure the specified `PrivateIpAddress` is a private IP on the `NetworkInterfaceId`. You can query the private IP of the specified ENI by logging into the [Console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `privateIpAddress` field in the returned result of [DescribeNetworkInterfaces]( API. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Specify whether to configure direct access when binding EIPs. For details, see [EIP Direct Access]( Valid values: `True` and `False` (default). This parameter can be set to `True` when binding EIPs to a CVM instance or EKS cluster. It is in a beta test. To try it out, please [submit a ticket]( EipDirectConnection *bool `json:"EipDirectConnection,omitempty" name:"EipDirectConnection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateAddressResponse ¶
type AssociateAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssociateAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateAddressResponse ¶
func NewAssociateAddressResponse() (response *AssociateAddressResponse)
func (*AssociateAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateAddressResponseParams ¶
type AssociateAddressResponseParams struct { // The async task ID. You can use the [DescribeTaskResult]( API to query the task status. TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest ¶
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The direct connect gateway ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT Gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
func NewAssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest ¶
func NewAssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest() (request *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest)
func (*AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams ¶
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams struct { // The direct connect gateway ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT Gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse ¶
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse ¶
func NewAssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse() (response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse)
func (*AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams ¶
type AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest ¶
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The number of EIPs you want to apply for. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicAddresses` must be passed in. AddressCount *uint64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // Array of the EIPs bound to the NAT gateway. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicAddresses` must be passed in. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` // The availability zone of the EIP, which is passed in when the EIP is automatically assigned. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // The bandwidth size (in Mbps) of the EIP bound to the NAT gateway, which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // The size of the public network IP bandwidth to be applied for (in Mbps), which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // Whether the public IP and the NAT gateway must be in the same availability zone. Valid values: `true` and `false`. This parameter is valid only when `Zone` is specified. PublicIpFromSameZone *bool `json:"PublicIpFromSameZone,omitempty" name:"PublicIpFromSameZone"` }
func NewAssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest ¶
func NewAssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest() (request *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest)
func (*AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams ¶
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The number of EIPs you want to apply for. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicAddresses` must be passed in. AddressCount *uint64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // Array of the EIPs bound to the NAT gateway. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicAddresses` must be passed in. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` // The availability zone of the EIP, which is passed in when the EIP is automatically assigned. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // The bandwidth size (in Mbps) of the EIP bound to the NAT gateway, which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // The size of the public network IP bandwidth to be applied for (in Mbps), which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // Whether the public IP and the NAT gateway must be in the same availability zone. Valid values: `true` and `false`. This parameter is valid only when `Zone` is specified. PublicIpFromSameZone *bool `json:"PublicIpFromSameZone,omitempty" name:"PublicIpFromSameZone"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse ¶
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse ¶
func NewAssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse() (response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse)
func (*AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams ¶
type AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest ¶
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Array of subnet instance IDs. Example: [subnet-12345678] SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` }
func NewAssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest ¶
func NewAssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest() (request *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest)
func (*AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams ¶
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams struct { // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Array of subnet instance IDs. Example: [subnet-12345678] SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse ¶
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse ¶
func NewAssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse() (response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse)
func (*AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams ¶
type AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ENI instance ID, e.g. eni-pxir56ns. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewAssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewAssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams ¶
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams struct { // ENI instance ID, e.g. eni-pxir56ns. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewAssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams ¶
type AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
type AttachCcnInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated network instances Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` // The UIN (root account) of the CCN. By default, the current account belongs to the UIN CcnUin *string `json:"CcnUin,omitempty" name:"CcnUin"` }
func NewAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
func NewAttachCcnInstancesRequest() (request *AttachCcnInstancesRequest)
func (*AttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AttachCcnInstancesRequestParams ¶
type AttachCcnInstancesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated network instances Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` // The UIN (root account) of the CCN. By default, the current account belongs to the UIN CcnUin *string `json:"CcnUin,omitempty" name:"CcnUin"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
type AttachCcnInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AttachCcnInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
func NewAttachCcnInstancesResponse() (response *AttachCcnInstancesResponse)
func (*AttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AttachCcnInstancesResponseParams ¶
type AttachCcnInstancesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest ¶
type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CVM Instance ID InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewAttachClassicLinkVpcRequest ¶
func NewAttachClassicLinkVpcRequest() (request *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest)
func (*AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams ¶
type AttachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams struct { // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CVM Instance ID InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse ¶
type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAttachClassicLinkVpcResponse ¶
func NewAttachClassicLinkVpcResponse() (response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse)
func (*AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams ¶
type AttachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // ENI mounting type. Valid values: `0` (standard); `1` (extension); default value: `0` AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
func NewAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type AttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // ENI mounting type. Valid values: `0` (standard); `1` (extension); default value: `0` AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest ¶
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Service provider. Valid values: `UNICOM`. ServiceProvider *string `json:"ServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"ServiceProvider"` // Unique ID of compliance review request. ComplianceId *uint64 `json:"ComplianceId,omitempty" name:"ComplianceId"` // Audit behavior. Valid values: `APPROVED` and `DENY`. AuditBehavior *string `json:"AuditBehavior,omitempty" name:"AuditBehavior"` }
func NewAuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest ¶
func NewAuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest() (request *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest)
func (*AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams ¶
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams struct { // Service provider. Valid values: `UNICOM`. ServiceProvider *string `json:"ServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"ServiceProvider"` // Unique ID of compliance review request. ComplianceId *uint64 `json:"ComplianceId,omitempty" name:"ComplianceId"` // Audit behavior. Valid values: `APPROVED` and `DENY`. AuditBehavior *string `json:"AuditBehavior,omitempty" name:"AuditBehavior"` }
Predefined struct for user
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse ¶
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewAuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse ¶
func NewAuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse() (response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse)
func (*AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams ¶
type AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type BandwidthPackage ¶
type BandwidthPackage struct { // The unique ID of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The bandwidth package type. Valid values: 'BGP', 'SINGLEISP', and 'ANYCAST' NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The bandwidth package billing mode. Valid values: 'TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH' and 'PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH' ChargeType *string `json:"ChargeType,omitempty" name:"ChargeType"` // The name of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageName *string `json:"BandwidthPackageName,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageName"` // The creation time of the bandwidth package, which follows the `ISO8601` standard and uses `UTC` time in the format of `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The status of the bandwidth package. Valid values: 'CREATING', 'CREATED', 'DELETING', and 'DELETED'. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // The resource information of the bandwidth package. ResourceSet []*Resource `json:"ResourceSet,omitempty" name:"ResourceSet"` // The limit of the bandwidth package in Mbps. The value '-1' indicates there is no limit. Bandwidth *int64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` }
type BandwidthPackageBillBandwidth ¶
type BandwidthPackageBillBandwidth struct { // Current billable usage, in Mbps BandwidthUsage *uint64 `json:"BandwidthUsage,omitempty" name:"BandwidthUsage"` }
type CCN ¶
type CCN struct { // The unique ID of the CCN CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The name of the CCN CcnName *string `json:"CcnName,omitempty" name:"CcnName"` // The detailed information of the CCN CcnDescription *string `json:"CcnDescription,omitempty" name:"CcnDescription"` // The number of associated instances InstanceCount *uint64 `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty" name:"InstanceCount"` // The creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // The instance status. 'ISOLATED': Being isolated (instance is in arrears and service is suspended). 'AVAILABLE': Operating. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // The instance service quality. ’PT’: Platinum , 'AU': Gold, 'AG': Silver. QosLevel *string `json:"QosLevel,omitempty" name:"QosLevel"` // The billing method. POSTPAID indicates postpaid. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // The limit type. INTER_REGION_LIMIT is the limit between regions. OUTER_REGION_LIMIT is a region egress limit. // Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. BandwidthLimitType *string `json:"BandwidthLimitType,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimitType"` // Tag key-value pairs. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // Whether the CCN route priority feature is supported. Valid values: False: do not support; True: support. RoutePriorityFlag *bool `json:"RoutePriorityFlag,omitempty" name:"RoutePriorityFlag"` // Number of route tables associated with the instance. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RouteTableCount *uint64 `json:"RouteTableCount,omitempty" name:"RouteTableCount"` // Whether the multiple route tables feature is enabled for the CCN instance. Valid values: `False`: no; `True`: yes. Default value: `False`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RouteTableFlag *bool `json:"RouteTableFlag,omitempty" name:"RouteTableFlag"` }
type CcnAttachedInstance ¶
type CcnAttachedInstance struct { // The ID of a CCN instance. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The type of associated instances: // <li>`VPC`: VPC</li> // <li>`DIRECTCONNECT`: Direct Connect</li> // <li>`BMVPC`: BM VPC</li> InstanceType *string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // The ID of the associated instance. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The name of the associated instance. InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // The region to which the associated instance belongs, such as `ap-guangzhou`. InstanceRegion *string `json:"InstanceRegion,omitempty" name:"InstanceRegion"` // The UIN (root account) to which the associated instance belongs. InstanceUin *string `json:"InstanceUin,omitempty" name:"InstanceUin"` // The CIDR of the associated instance. CidrBlock []*string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // The status of the associated instance: // <li>`PENDING`: In application</li> // <li>`ACTIVE`: Connected</li> // <li>`EXPIRED`: Expired</li> // <li>`REJECTED`: Rejected</li> // <li>`DELETED`: Deleted</li> // <li>`FAILED`: Failed (it will be asynchronously unbound after 2 hours)</li> // <li>`ATTACHING`: binding</li> // <li>`DETACHING`: Unbinding</li> // <li>`DETACHFAILED`: The unbinding failed (it will be asynchronously unbound after 2 hours)</li> State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Association Time. AttachedTime *string `json:"AttachedTime,omitempty" name:"AttachedTime"` // The UIN (root account) to which the CCN belongs. CcnUin *string `json:"CcnUin,omitempty" name:"CcnUin"` // General location of the associated instance, such as CHINA_MAINLAND. InstanceArea *string `json:"InstanceArea,omitempty" name:"InstanceArea"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Route table ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Route table name // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` }
type CcnBandwidthInfo ¶
type CcnBandwidthInfo struct { // The CCN ID that the bandwidth belongs to. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The creation time of the instance. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The expiration time of the instance. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. ExpiredTime *string `json:"ExpiredTime,omitempty" name:"ExpiredTime"` // The unique ID of the bandwidth instance. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. RegionFlowControlId *string `json:"RegionFlowControlId,omitempty" name:"RegionFlowControlId"` // The billing flag. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. RenewFlag *string `json:"RenewFlag,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"` // The information of the bandwidth regions and bandwidth caps. The parameter is only returned for the cross-region limit mode, but not for egress limit. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. CcnRegionBandwidthLimit *CcnRegionBandwidthLimit `json:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimit,omitempty" name:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimit"` // Cloud marketplace instance ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. MarketId *string `json:"MarketId,omitempty" name:"MarketId"` }
type CcnInstance ¶
type CcnInstance struct { // The ID of the associated instance. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The region to which the associated instance ID belongs, such as `ap-guangzhou`. InstanceRegion *string `json:"InstanceRegion,omitempty" name:"InstanceRegion"` // The type of the associated instance. Available values are: // <li>`VPC`: VPC</li> // <li>`DIRECTCONNECT`: Direct Connect</li> // <li>`BMVPC`: BM VPC</li> InstanceType *string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // The ID of the route table associated with the instance // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
type CcnRegionBandwidthLimit ¶
type CcnRegionBandwidthLimit struct { // Region, such as `ap-guangzhou` Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // The outbound bandwidth cap. Units: Mbps BandwidthLimit *uint64 `json:"BandwidthLimit,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimit"` // Whether it is a BM region. The default is `false`. IsBm *bool `json:"IsBm,omitempty" name:"IsBm"` // The target region, such as `ap-shanghai` // Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. DstRegion *string `json:"DstRegion,omitempty" name:"DstRegion"` // Whether the target region is a BM region. The default is `false`. DstIsBm *bool `json:"DstIsBm,omitempty" name:"DstIsBm"` }
type CcnRoute ¶
type CcnRoute struct { // The ID of the routing policy RouteId *string `json:"RouteId,omitempty" name:"RouteId"` // Destination DestinationCidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationCidrBlock"` // The type of the next hop (associated instance type). Available types: VPC, DIRECTCONNECT InstanceType *string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // The next hop (associated instance) InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The name of the next hop (associated instance name) InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // The region of the next hop (the region of the associated instance) InstanceRegion *string `json:"InstanceRegion,omitempty" name:"InstanceRegion"` // Update Time UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"` // Whether the route is enabled Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty" name:"Enabled"` // The UIN (root account) to which the associated instance belongs InstanceUin *string `json:"InstanceUin,omitempty" name:"InstanceUin"` // Additional status of the route ExtraState *string `json:"ExtraState,omitempty" name:"ExtraState"` // Whether it is a dynamic route IsBgp *bool `json:"IsBgp,omitempty" name:"IsBgp"` // Route priority RoutePriority *uint64 `json:"RoutePriority,omitempty" name:"RoutePriority"` // Next hop port name (associated instance’s port name) InstanceExtraName *string `json:"InstanceExtraName,omitempty" name:"InstanceExtraName"` }
type CheckAssistantCidrRequest ¶
type CheckAssistantCidrRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Load CIDR blocks to add. CIDR block set; format: e.g. ["", ""] NewCidrBlocks []*string `json:"NewCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"NewCidrBlocks"` // Load CIDR blocks to delete. CIDR block set; Format: e.g. ["", ""] OldCidrBlocks []*string `json:"OldCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"OldCidrBlocks"` }
func NewCheckAssistantCidrRequest ¶
func NewCheckAssistantCidrRequest() (request *CheckAssistantCidrRequest)
func (*CheckAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CheckAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CheckAssistantCidrRequestParams ¶
type CheckAssistantCidrRequestParams struct { // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Load CIDR blocks to add. CIDR block set; format: e.g. ["", ""] NewCidrBlocks []*string `json:"NewCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"NewCidrBlocks"` // Load CIDR blocks to delete. CIDR block set; Format: e.g. ["", ""] OldCidrBlocks []*string `json:"OldCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"OldCidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CheckAssistantCidrResponse ¶
type CheckAssistantCidrResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CheckAssistantCidrResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCheckAssistantCidrResponse ¶
func NewCheckAssistantCidrResponse() (response *CheckAssistantCidrResponse)
func (*CheckAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CheckAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CheckAssistantCidrResponseParams ¶
type CheckAssistantCidrResponseParams struct { // Array of conflict resources. ConflictSourceSet []*ConflictSource `json:"ConflictSourceSet,omitempty" name:"ConflictSourceSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CheckNetDetectStateRequest ¶
type CheckNetDetectStateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // The type of the next hop. Currently supported types are: // VPN: VPN gateway; // DIRECTCONNECT: direct connect gateway; // PEERCONNECTION: peering connection; // NAT: NAT gateway; // NORMAL_CVM: normal CVM. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // The next-hop destination gateway. The value is related to NextHopType. // If NextHopType is set to VPN, the value of this parameter is the VPN gateway ID, such as vpngw-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to DIRECTCONNECT, the value of this parameter is the direct connect gateway ID, such as dcg-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to PEERCONNECTION, the value of this parameter is the peering connection ID, such as pcx-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to NAT, the value of this parameter is the NAT gateway ID, such as nat-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to NORMAL_CVM, the value of this parameter is the IPv4 address of the CVM, such as NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // ID of a network inspector instance, e.g. netd-12345678. Enter at least one of this parameter, VpcId, SubnetId, and NetDetectName. Use NetDetectId if it is present. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // ID of a `VPC` instance, e.g. `vpc-12345678`, which is used together with SubnetId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // ID of a subnet instance, e.g. `subnet-12345678`, which is used together with VpcId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of a network inspector, up to 60 bytes in length. It is used together with VpcId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` }
func NewCheckNetDetectStateRequest ¶
func NewCheckNetDetectStateRequest() (request *CheckNetDetectStateRequest)
func (*CheckNetDetectStateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CheckNetDetectStateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CheckNetDetectStateRequestParams ¶
type CheckNetDetectStateRequestParams struct { // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // The type of the next hop. Currently supported types are: // VPN: VPN gateway; // DIRECTCONNECT: direct connect gateway; // PEERCONNECTION: peering connection; // NAT: NAT gateway; // NORMAL_CVM: normal CVM. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // The next-hop destination gateway. The value is related to NextHopType. // If NextHopType is set to VPN, the value of this parameter is the VPN gateway ID, such as vpngw-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to DIRECTCONNECT, the value of this parameter is the direct connect gateway ID, such as dcg-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to PEERCONNECTION, the value of this parameter is the peering connection ID, such as pcx-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to NAT, the value of this parameter is the NAT gateway ID, such as nat-12345678. // If NextHopType is set to NORMAL_CVM, the value of this parameter is the IPv4 address of the CVM, such as NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // ID of a network inspector instance, e.g. netd-12345678. Enter at least one of this parameter, VpcId, SubnetId, and NetDetectName. Use NetDetectId if it is present. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // ID of a `VPC` instance, e.g. `vpc-12345678`, which is used together with SubnetId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // ID of a subnet instance, e.g. `subnet-12345678`, which is used together with VpcId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of a network inspector, up to 60 bytes in length. It is used together with VpcId and NetDetectName. You should enter either this parameter or NetDetectId, or both. Use NetDetectId if it is present. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CheckNetDetectStateResponse ¶
type CheckNetDetectStateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CheckNetDetectStateResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCheckNetDetectStateResponse ¶
func NewCheckNetDetectStateResponse() (response *CheckNetDetectStateResponse)
func (*CheckNetDetectStateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckNetDetectStateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CheckNetDetectStateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CheckNetDetectStateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CheckNetDetectStateResponseParams ¶
type CheckNetDetectStateResponseParams struct { // The array of network detection verification results. NetDetectIpStateSet []*NetDetectIpState `json:"NetDetectIpStateSet,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIpStateSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CidrForCcn ¶
type CidrForCcn struct { // Local CIDR block, including subnet CIDR block and secondary CIDR block // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Cidr *string `json:"Cidr,omitempty" name:"Cidr"` // Whether the routing policy of the VPC subnet is published to CCN. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. PublishedToVbc *bool `json:"PublishedToVbc,omitempty" name:"PublishedToVbc"` }
type ClassicLinkInstance ¶
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)
func NewClientWithSecretId ¶
func (*Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstances ¶
func (c *Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstances(request *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
AcceptAttachCcnInstances This API (AcceptAttachCcnInstances) is used to associate instances across accounts. Cloud Connect Network (CCN) owners accept and agree to the operations.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AcceptAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AcceptAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
AcceptAttachCcnInstances This API (AcceptAttachCcnInstances) is used to associate instances across accounts. Cloud Connect Network (CCN) owners accept and agree to the operations.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AddBandwidthPackageResources ¶
func (c *Client) AddBandwidthPackageResources(request *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
AddBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to add resources to a bandwidth package, including [Elastic IP](, [Cloud Load Balancer](, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AddBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AddBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *AddBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
AddBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to add resources to a bandwidth package, including [Elastic IP](, [Cloud Load Balancer](, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AllocateAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) AllocateAddresses(request *AllocateAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateAddressesResponse, err error)
AllocateAddresses This API is used to apply for one or more [Elastic IP Addresses]( (EIPs for short).
* An EIP is a static IP address that is dedicated for dynamic cloud computing. You can quickly re-map an EIP to another instance under your account to protect against instance failures.
* Your EIP is associated with your Tencent Cloud account rather than an instance. It remains associated with your Tencent Cloud account until you choose to explicitly release it or your account is in arrears for more than 24 hours.
* The maximum number of EIPs that can be applied for a Tencent Cloud account in each region is restricted. For more information, see [EIP Product Introduction]( You can get the quota information through the DescribeAddressQuota API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AllocateAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AllocateAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AllocateAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateAddressesResponse, err error)
AllocateAddresses This API is used to apply for one or more [Elastic IP Addresses]( (EIPs for short).
* An EIP is a static IP address that is dedicated for dynamic cloud computing. You can quickly re-map an EIP to another instance under your account to protect against instance failures.
* Your EIP is associated with your Tencent Cloud account rather than an instance. It remains associated with your Tencent Cloud account until you choose to explicitly release it or your account is in arrears for more than 24 hours.
* The maximum number of EIPs that can be applied for a Tencent Cloud account in each region is restricted. For more information, see [EIP Product Introduction]( You can get the quota information through the DescribeAddressQuota API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignIpv6Addresses ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6Addresses(request *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6Addresses This API is used to apply for an IPv6 address for the ENI. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
* The number of IPs bound with an ENI is limited. For more information, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can apply for a specified IPv6 address. Currently, the IPv6 address can only be used as a secondary IP, instead of the primary IP.
* The address must be an idle IP in the subnet to which the ENI belongs.
* When applying for one or more secondary IPv6 addresses for an ENI, the API will return the specified number of secondary IPv6 addresses in the subnet range where the ENI is located.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignIpv6AddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *AssignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6Addresses This API is used to apply for an IPv6 address for the ENI. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
* The number of IPs bound with an ENI is limited. For more information, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can apply for a specified IPv6 address. Currently, the IPv6 address can only be used as a secondary IP, instead of the primary IP.
* The address must be an idle IP in the subnet to which the ENI belongs.
* When applying for one or more secondary IPv6 addresses for an ENI, the API will return the specified number of secondary IPv6 addresses in the subnet range where the ENI is located.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlock ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlock(request *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6CidrBlock This API is used to assign IPv6 ranges.
* To use this API, you must already have a VPC instance. If you do not have a VPC instance yet, use the <a href="" title="CreateVpc" target="_blank">CreateVpc</a> API to create one.
* Each VPC can apply for only one IPv6 range.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED_CIDRBLOCK = "LimitExceeded.CidrBlock" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_CIDRBLOCK = "ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6CidrBlock This API is used to assign IPv6 ranges.
* To use this API, you must already have a VPC instance. If you do not have a VPC instance yet, use the <a href="" title="CreateVpc" target="_blank">CreateVpc</a> API to create one.
* Each VPC can apply for only one IPv6 range.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED_CIDRBLOCK = "LimitExceeded.CidrBlock" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_CIDRBLOCK = "ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock(request *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock This API (AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock) is used to assign IPv6 subnet IP ranges.
* To assign an `IPv6` IP range to a subnet, the `VPC` that the subnet belongs to should have obtained the `IPv6` IP range. If this has not been assigned, use the `AssignIpv6CidrBlock` API to assign an `IPv6` IP range to the `VPC` to which the subnet belongs. Otherwise, the `IPv6` subnet IP range cannot be assigned.
* Each subnet can only be assigned one IPv6 IP range.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock This API (AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock) is used to assign IPv6 subnet IP ranges.
* To assign an `IPv6` IP range to a subnet, the `VPC` that the subnet belongs to should have obtained the `IPv6` IP range. If this has not been assigned, use the `AssignIpv6CidrBlock` API to assign an `IPv6` IP range to the `VPC` to which the subnet belongs. Otherwise, the `IPv6` subnet IP range cannot be assigned.
* Each subnet can only be assigned one IPv6 IP range.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignPrivateIpAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) AssignPrivateIpAddresses(request *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
AssignPrivateIpAddresses This API is used to apply for private IPs for an ENI.
* An ENI can only be bound with a limited number of IP addresses. For more information about resource limits, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can apply for a specified private IP. It cannot be a primary IP because the primary IP already exists and cannot be modified. The private IP address must be an idle IP in the subnet to which the ENI belongs.
* You can apply for more than one secondary private IP on the ENI. The API will return the specified number of secondary private IPs in the subnet IP range.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
AssignPrivateIpAddresses This API is used to apply for private IPs for an ENI.
* An ENI can only be bound with a limited number of IP addresses. For more information about resource limits, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can apply for a specified private IP. It cannot be a primary IP because the primary IP already exists and cannot be modified. The private IP address must be an idle IP in the subnet to which the ENI belongs.
* You can apply for more than one secondary private IP on the ENI. The API will return the specified number of secondary private IPs in the subnet IP range.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateAddress ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateAddress(request *AssociateAddressRequest) (response *AssociateAddressResponse, err error)
AssociateAddress This API is used to bind an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short) to the specified private IP of an instance or ENI.
* Binding an EIP to a CVM instance is actually binding the EIP to the primary private IP of the primary ENI on the CVM instance.
* When an EIP is bound, the public IP previously bound to the CVM instance will be unbound and released automatically.
* To bind another EIP to the private IP of the specified ENI, you must first unbind the EIP.
* To bind an EIP to a NAT Gateway, use the API [AssociateNatGatewayAddress](
* An EIP cannot be bound if it’s overdue or blocked
* Only EIP in the `UNBIND` status can be bound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateAddressRequest) (response *AssociateAddressResponse, err error)
AssociateAddress This API is used to bind an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short) to the specified private IP of an instance or ENI.
* Binding an EIP to a CVM instance is actually binding the EIP to the primary private IP of the primary ENI on the CVM instance.
* When an EIP is bound, the public IP previously bound to the CVM instance will be unbound and released automatically.
* To bind another EIP to the private IP of the specified ENI, you must first unbind the EIP.
* To bind an EIP to a NAT Gateway, use the API [AssociateNatGatewayAddress](
* An EIP cannot be bound if it’s overdue or blocked
* Only EIP in the `UNBIND` status can be bound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway(request *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway This API is used to bind a direct connect gateway with a NAT gateway, and direct its default route to the NAT Gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway This API is used to bind a direct connect gateway with a NAT gateway, and direct its default route to the NAT Gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddress ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddress(request *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
AssociateNatGatewayAddress This API is used to bind an EIP to a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *AssociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
AssociateNatGatewayAddress This API is used to bind an EIP to a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnets ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnets(request *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
AssociateNetworkAclSubnets This API is used to associate a network ACL with subnets in a VPC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
AssociateNetworkAclSubnets This API is used to associate a network ACL with subnets in a VPC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups(request *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups This API (AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups) is used to attach a security group to an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups This API (AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups) is used to attach a security group to an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) AttachCcnInstances ¶
func (c *Client) AttachCcnInstances(request *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
AttachCcnInstances This API (AttachCcnInstances) is used to load a network instance to a CCN instance. Network instances include VPCs and Direct Connect gateways.<br />
The number of network instances that each CCN can be associated with is limited. For more information, see the product documentation. If you need to associate more instances, please contact online customer service.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AttachCcnInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *AttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
AttachCcnInstances This API (AttachCcnInstances) is used to load a network instance to a CCN instance. Network instances include VPCs and Direct Connect gateways.<br />
The number of network instances that each CCN can be associated with is limited. For more information, see the product documentation. If you need to associate more instances, please contact online customer service.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AttachClassicLinkVpc ¶
func (c *Client) AttachClassicLinkVpc(request *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
AttachClassicLinkVpc This API is used to create a Classiclink between a VPC instance and a classic network device.
* The VPC instance and the classic network device must be in the same region.
* For differences between VPC and the classic network, see <a href="">VPC and Classic Network</a>.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AttachClassicLinkVpcWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AttachClassicLinkVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *AttachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
AttachClassicLinkVpc This API is used to create a Classiclink between a VPC instance and a classic network device.
* The VPC instance and the classic network device must be in the same region.
* For differences between VPC and the classic network, see <a href="">VPC and Classic Network</a>.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AttachNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) AttachNetworkInterface(request *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
AttachNetworkInterface This API is used to bind an ENI to a CVM.
* An ENI must be bound with one security group at least. To bind it, see <a href="">AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups</a>.
* One CVM can be bound with multiple ENIs, but only one can be the primary ENI. For more information about the limits, see <a href="">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* An ENI can only be bound to one CVM.
* Only the running or shutdown CVMs can be bound with ENIs. For more information about the CVM status, see <a href="">InstanceStatus</a> in the Data Types.
* An ENI can only be bound to a VPC-based CVM under the same availability zone as the ENI subnet.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
AttachNetworkInterface This API is used to bind an ENI to a CVM.
* An ENI must be bound with one security group at least. To bind it, see <a href="">AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups</a>.
* One CVM can be bound with multiple ENIs, but only one can be the primary ENI. For more information about the limits, see <a href="">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* An ENI can only be bound to one CVM.
* Only the running or shutdown CVMs can be bound with ENIs. For more information about the CVM status, see <a href="">InstanceStatus</a> in the Data Types.
* An ENI can only be bound to a VPC-based CVM under the same availability zone as the ENI subnet.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AuditCrossBorderCompliance ¶
func (c *Client) AuditCrossBorderCompliance(request *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
AuditCrossBorderCompliance This API is used by the service provider to perform a compliance audit.
* This API is only provided for service providers to audit compliance review requests received. Tencent Cloud will verify the identity of the service provider by the `APPID`.
* The status of the review request can be changed between `APPROVED` and `DENY`.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) AuditCrossBorderComplianceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) AuditCrossBorderComplianceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AuditCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *AuditCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
AuditCrossBorderCompliance This API is used by the service provider to perform a compliance audit.
* This API is only provided for service providers to audit compliance review requests received. Tencent Cloud will verify the identity of the service provider by the `APPID`.
* The status of the review request can be changed between `APPROVED` and `DENY`.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) CheckAssistantCidr ¶
func (c *Client) CheckAssistantCidr(request *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CheckAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
CheckAssistantCidr This API (CheckAssistantCidr) is used to check overlapping of a secondary CIDR block with inventory routing, peering connection (opposite VPC CIDR block), and any other resources. If an overlap is present, the overlapped resources are returned. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block overlaps with a primary or secondary CIDR block of the current VPC.
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block overlaps with the routing destination of the current VPC.
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block is peer-connected to the current VPC, and whether it overlaps with a main or secondary CIDR block of the opposite VPC.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CheckAssistantCidrWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CheckAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CheckAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
CheckAssistantCidr This API (CheckAssistantCidr) is used to check overlapping of a secondary CIDR block with inventory routing, peering connection (opposite VPC CIDR block), and any other resources. If an overlap is present, the overlapped resources are returned. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block overlaps with a primary or secondary CIDR block of the current VPC.
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block overlaps with the routing destination of the current VPC.
* Check whether the secondary CIDR block is peer-connected to the current VPC, and whether it overlaps with a main or secondary CIDR block of the opposite VPC.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CheckNetDetectState ¶
func (c *Client) CheckNetDetectState(request *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) (response *CheckNetDetectStateResponse, err error)
CheckNetDetectState This API is used to verify the network detection status.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CheckNetDetectStateWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CheckNetDetectStateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckNetDetectStateRequest) (response *CheckNetDetectStateResponse, err error)
CheckNetDetectState This API is used to verify the network detection status.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CloneSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CloneSecurityGroup(request *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CloneSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
CloneSecurityGroup This API is used to create a security group with the same rule configurations as an existing security group. The cloning only copies the security group and its rules, but not the security group tags.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CloneSecurityGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CloneSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CloneSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
CloneSecurityGroup This API is used to create a security group with the same rule configurations as an existing security group. The cloning only copies the security group and its rules, but not the security group tags.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAddressTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplate(request *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
CreateAddressTemplate This API is used to create an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroup(request *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
CreateAddressTemplateGroup This API is used to create an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
CreateAddressTemplateGroup This API is used to create an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAddressTemplateWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAddressTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) (response *CreateAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
CreateAddressTemplate This API is used to create an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface(request *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface This API is used to create an ENI and bind it to a CVM.
* You can specify private IP addresses and a primary IP when creating an ENI. The specified private IP must be idle and in the same subnet as the ENI.
* When creating an ENI, you can specify the number of private IPs that you want to apply for. The system will randomly generate private IP addresses.
* The number of IPs bound with an ENI is limited. For more information, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can bind an existing security group when creating an ENI.
* You can bind a tag when creating an ENI. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESERVED = "InvalidParameterValue.Reserved" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNSUPPORTEDINSTANCEFAMILY = "UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInstanceFamily"
func (*Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface This API is used to create an ENI and bind it to a CVM.
* You can specify private IP addresses and a primary IP when creating an ENI. The specified private IP must be idle and in the same subnet as the ENI.
* When creating an ENI, you can specify the number of private IPs that you want to apply for. The system will randomly generate private IP addresses.
* The number of IPs bound with an ENI is limited. For more information, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can bind an existing security group when creating an ENI.
* You can bind a tag when creating an ENI. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RESERVED = "InvalidParameterValue.Reserved" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UNSUPPORTEDINSTANCEFAMILY = "UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInstanceFamily"
func (*Client) CreateAssistantCidr ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAssistantCidr(request *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CreateAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
CreateAssistantCidr This API (CreateAssistantCidr) is used to batch create secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAssistantCidrWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) (response *CreateAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
CreateAssistantCidr This API (CreateAssistantCidr) is used to batch create secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateBandwidthPackage ¶
func (c *Client) CreateBandwidthPackage(request *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
CreateBandwidthPackage This API is used to create a [device bandwidth package]( or an [IP bandwidth package](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateBandwidthPackageWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateBandwidthPackageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
CreateBandwidthPackage This API is used to create a [device bandwidth package]( or an [IP bandwidth package](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCcn ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCcn(request *CreateCcnRequest) (response *CreateCcnResponse, err error)
CreateCcn This API is used to create a Cloud Connect Network (CCN).<br />
* You can bind a tag when creating a CCN instance. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
Each account can only create a limited number of CCN instances. For more information, see product documentation. To create more instances, contact the online customer service.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCcnWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCcnWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCcnRequest) (response *CreateCcnResponse, err error)
CreateCcn This API is used to create a Cloud Connect Network (CCN).<br />
* You can bind a tag when creating a CCN instance. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
Each account can only create a limited number of CCN instances. For more information, see product documentation. To create more instances, contact the online customer service.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCustomerGateway ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCustomerGateway(request *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateCustomerGateway This API (CreateCustomerGateway) is used to create customer gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCustomerGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCustomerGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateCustomerGateway This API (CreateCustomerGateway) is used to create customer gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDefaultVpc ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDefaultVpc(request *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) (response *CreateDefaultVpcResponse, err error)
CreateDefaultVpc This API is used to create a default VPC.
The default VPC is suitable for getting started with and launching public instances, and it can be used like any other VPCs. To create a standard VPC, for which you need to specify a VPC name, VPC IP range, subnet IP range, and subnet availability zone, use the regular CreateVpc API.
Under normal circumstances, this API may not create a default VPC. It depends on the network attributes (DescribeAccountAttributes) of your account.
* If both basic network and VPC are supported, the returned VpcId is 0.
* If only VPC is supported, the default VPC information is returned.
You can also use the Force parameter to forcibly return a default VPC.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_CIDRBLOCK = "ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateDefaultVpcWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDefaultVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) (response *CreateDefaultVpcResponse, err error)
CreateDefaultVpc This API is used to create a default VPC.
The default VPC is suitable for getting started with and launching public instances, and it can be used like any other VPCs. To create a standard VPC, for which you need to specify a VPC name, VPC IP range, subnet IP range, and subnet availability zone, use the regular CreateVpc API.
Under normal circumstances, this API may not create a default VPC. It depends on the network attributes (DescribeAccountAttributes) of your account.
* If both basic network and VPC are supported, the returned VpcId is 0.
* If only VPC is supported, the default VPC information is returned.
You can also use the Force parameter to forcibly return a default VPC.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_CIDRBLOCK = "ResourceInsufficient.CidrBlock" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateDirectConnectGateway ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGateway(request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateDirectConnectGateway This API is used to create a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to create the CCN route (IDC IP range) of a Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to create the CCN route (IDC IP range) of a Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateDirectConnectGateway This API is used to create a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateFlowLog ¶
func (c *Client) CreateFlowLog(request *CreateFlowLogRequest) (response *CreateFlowLogResponse, err error)
CreateFlowLog This API is used to create a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateFlowLogWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateFlowLogRequest) (response *CreateFlowLogResponse, err error)
CreateFlowLog This API is used to create a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateHaVip ¶
func (c *Client) CreateHaVip(request *CreateHaVipRequest) (response *CreateHaVipResponse, err error)
CreateHaVip This API (CreateHaVip) is used to create a highly available virtual IP (HAVIP)
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDBUSINESS = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidBusiness" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateHaVipWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateHaVipWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateHaVipRequest) (response *CreateHaVipResponse, err error)
CreateHaVip This API (CreateHaVip) is used to create a highly available virtual IP (HAVIP)
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDBUSINESS = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidBusiness" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateLocalGateway ¶
func (c *Client) CreateLocalGateway(request *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) (response *CreateLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateLocalGateway This API is used to create a local gateway for a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateLocalGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) (response *CreateLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateLocalGateway This API is used to create a local gateway for a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGateway ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGateway(request *CreateNatGatewayRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateNatGateway This API is used to create a NAT Gateway.
Before taking actions on a NAT gateway, ensure that it has been successfully created, namely, the `State` field in the response of the `DescribeNatGateway` API is `AVAILABLE`.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to create the port forwarding rules of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to create the port forwarding rules of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to create SNAT rules for a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to create SNAT rules for a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNatGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNatGatewayRequest) (response *CreateNatGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateNatGateway This API is used to create a NAT Gateway.
Before taking actions on a NAT gateway, ensure that it has been successfully created, namely, the `State` field in the response of the `DescribeNatGateway` API is `AVAILABLE`.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetDetect ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetDetect(request *CreateNetDetectRequest) (response *CreateNetDetectResponse, err error)
CreateNetDetect This API is used to create a network detection instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetDetectWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetDetectRequest) (response *CreateNetDetectResponse, err error)
CreateNetDetect This API is used to create a network detection instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetworkAcl ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetworkAcl(request *CreateNetworkAclRequest) (response *CreateNetworkAclResponse, err error)
CreateNetworkAcl This API is used to create a <a href="">network ACL</a>.
* The inbound and outbound rules for a new network ACL are "Deny All" by default. You need to call `ModifyNetworkAclEntries` after creation to set rules for the network ACL as needed.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetworkAclWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetworkAclWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetworkAclRequest) (response *CreateNetworkAclResponse, err error)
CreateNetworkAcl This API is used to create a <a href="">network ACL</a>.
* The inbound and outbound rules for a new network ACL are "Deny All" by default. You need to call `ModifyNetworkAclEntries` after creation to set rules for the network ACL as needed.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetworkInterface(request *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
CreateNetworkInterface This API is used to create an ENI.
* You can specify private IP addresses and a primary IP when creating an ENI. The specified private IP must be in the same subnet as the ENI and is not occupied.
* When creating an ENI, you can specify the number of private IP addresses that you want to apply for. The system will randomly generate private IP addresses.
* An ENI can only be bound with a limited number of IP addresses. For more information about resource limits, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can bind an existing security group when creating an ENI.
* You can bind a tag when creating an ENI. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
CreateNetworkInterface This API is used to create an ENI.
* You can specify private IP addresses and a primary IP when creating an ENI. The specified private IP must be in the same subnet as the ENI and is not occupied.
* When creating an ENI, you can specify the number of private IP addresses that you want to apply for. The system will randomly generate private IP addresses.
* An ENI can only be bound with a limited number of IP addresses. For more information about resource limits, see <a href="/document/product/576/18527">ENI Use Limits</a>.
* You can bind an existing security group when creating an ENI.
* You can bind a tag when creating an ENI. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateRouteTable ¶
func (c *Client) CreateRouteTable(request *CreateRouteTableRequest) (response *CreateRouteTableResponse, err error)
CreateRouteTable This API is used to create a route table.
* After the VPC instance has been created, the system creates a default route table with which all newly created subnets will be associated. By default, you can use this route table to manage your routing policies. If you have multiple routing policies, you can call the API for creating route tables to create more route tables to manage these routing policies.
* You can bind a tag when creating a route table. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateRouteTableWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateRouteTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRouteTableRequest) (response *CreateRouteTableResponse, err error)
CreateRouteTable This API is used to create a route table.
* After the VPC instance has been created, the system creates a default route table with which all newly created subnets will be associated. By default, you can use this route table to manage your routing policies. If you have multiple routing policies, you can call the API for creating route tables to create more route tables to manage these routing policies.
* You can bind a tag when creating a route table. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) CreateRoutes(request *CreateRoutesRequest) (response *CreateRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateRoutes This API (CreateRoutes) is used to create a routing policy.
* You can create routing policies in batch for a specified route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRoutesRequest) (response *CreateRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateRoutes This API (CreateRoutes) is used to create a routing policy.
* You can create routing policies in batch for a specified route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroup(request *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroup This API is used to create a security group (SecurityGroup).
* Note the <a href="">maximum number of security groups</a> per project in each region under each account.
* Both the inbound and outbound rules for a newly created security group are "Deny All" by default. You need to call CreateSecurityGroupPolicies to set security group rules based on your needs.
* You can bind a tag when creating a security group. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroupPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupPolicies(request *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroupPolicies This API is used to create security group policies.
For parameters of SecurityGroupPolicySet,
<li>`Version`: The version number of a security group policy, which automatically increases by one each time you update the security policy, to prevent expiration of the updated routing policies. If it is left empty, any conflicts will be ignored.</li>
<li>When creating the `Egress` and `Ingress` polices,<ul>
<li>`Protocol`: `TCP`, `UDP`, `ICMP`, `ICMPV6`, `GRE`, or `ALL`.</li>
<li>`CidrBlock`: A CIDR block in the correct format. </li>For
<li>`Ipv6CidrBlock`: An IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In a classic network, if an `Ipv6CidrBlock` contains private IPv6 addresses on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.</li>
<li>`SecurityGroupId`: ID of the security group. It can be the ID of security group to be modified, or the ID of other security group in the same project. All private IPs of all CVMs under the security group will be covered. If this field is used, the policy will automatically change according to the CVM associated with the group ID while being used to match network messages. You don’t need to change it manually.</li>
<li>`Port`: A single port number such as 80, or a port range in the format of "8000-8010". This parameter is only available when the `Protocol` is `TCP` or `UDP`. Otherwise, `Protocol` and `Port` are mutually exclusive.</li>
<li>`Action`: `ACCEPT` or `DROP`.</li>
<li>`CidrBlock`, `Ipv6CidrBlock`, `SecurityGroupId`, and `AddressTemplate` are mutually exclusive. `Protocol` + `Port` and `ServiceTemplate` are mutually exclusive.</li>
<li>You can only create policies in one direction in each request. To specify the `PolicyIndex` parameter, use the same index number in policies. If you want to insert a rule before the first rule, enter 0; if you want to add a rule after the last rule, leave it empty.</li>
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroupPolicies This API is used to create security group policies.
For parameters of SecurityGroupPolicySet,
<li>`Version`: The version number of a security group policy, which automatically increases by one each time you update the security policy, to prevent expiration of the updated routing policies. If it is left empty, any conflicts will be ignored.</li>
<li>When creating the `Egress` and `Ingress` polices,<ul>
<li>`Protocol`: `TCP`, `UDP`, `ICMP`, `ICMPV6`, `GRE`, or `ALL`.</li>
<li>`CidrBlock`: A CIDR block in the correct format. </li>For
<li>`Ipv6CidrBlock`: An IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In a classic network, if an `Ipv6CidrBlock` contains private IPv6 addresses on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.</li>
<li>`SecurityGroupId`: ID of the security group. It can be the ID of security group to be modified, or the ID of other security group in the same project. All private IPs of all CVMs under the security group will be covered. If this field is used, the policy will automatically change according to the CVM associated with the group ID while being used to match network messages. You don’t need to change it manually.</li>
<li>`Port`: A single port number such as 80, or a port range in the format of "8000-8010". This parameter is only available when the `Protocol` is `TCP` or `UDP`. Otherwise, `Protocol` and `Port` are mutually exclusive.</li>
<li>`Action`: `ACCEPT` or `DROP`.</li>
<li>`CidrBlock`, `Ipv6CidrBlock`, `SecurityGroupId`, and `AddressTemplate` are mutually exclusive. `Protocol` + `Port` and `ServiceTemplate` are mutually exclusive.</li>
<li>You can only create policies in one direction in each request. To specify the `PolicyIndex` parameter, use the same index number in policies. If you want to insert a rule before the first rule, enter 0; if you want to add a rule after the last rule, leave it empty.</li>
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroup This API is used to create a security group (SecurityGroup).
* Note the <a href="">maximum number of security groups</a> per project in each region under each account.
* Both the inbound and outbound rules for a newly created security group are "Deny All" by default. You need to call CreateSecurityGroupPolicies to set security group rules based on your needs.
* You can bind a tag when creating a security group. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies(request *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies This API (CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies) is used to create security groups, and add security group policies.
* Note the<a href="">maximum number of security groups</a>per project in each region under each account.
* Both the inbound and outbound policies for a newly created security group are Deny All by default. You need to call CreateSecurityGroupPolicies to set security group policies according to your needs.
* `Version`: Indicates the version number of a security group policy, which will automatically increment by 1 every time you update the security policy, to prevent the expiration of the updated policies. If this field is left empty, any conflicts will be ignored.
* `Protocol`: Values can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPV6, GRE, or ALL.
* `CidrBlock`: A CIDR block in the correct format. In a basic network, if a CidrBlock contains private IPs on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.
* `Ipv6CidrBlock`: An IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In a basic network, if an Ipv6CidrBlock contains private IPv6 addresses on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.
* `SecurityGroupId`: ID of the security group. It can be in the same project as the security group to be modified, including the ID of the security group itself, to represent private IP addresses of all CVMs under the security group. If this field is used, the policy will change without manual modification according to the CVM associated with the policy ID while being used to match network messages.
* `Port`: A single port number, or a port range in the format of “8000-8010”. The Port field is accepted only if the value of the `Protocol` field is `TCP` or `UDP`. Otherwise Protocol and Port are mutually exclusive.
* `Action`: Values can be `ACCEPT` or `DROP`.
* CidrBlock, Ipv6CidrBlock, SecurityGroupId, and AddressTemplate are exclusive and cannot be entered at the same time. “Protocol + Port” and ServiceTemplate are mutually exclusive and cannot be entered at the same time.
* Only policies in one direction can be created in each request. If you need to specify the `PolicyIndex` parameter, the indexes of policies must be consistent.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) (response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse, err error)
CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies This API (CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies) is used to create security groups, and add security group policies.
* Note the<a href="">maximum number of security groups</a>per project in each region under each account.
* Both the inbound and outbound policies for a newly created security group are Deny All by default. You need to call CreateSecurityGroupPolicies to set security group policies according to your needs.
* `Version`: Indicates the version number of a security group policy, which will automatically increment by 1 every time you update the security policy, to prevent the expiration of the updated policies. If this field is left empty, any conflicts will be ignored.
* `Protocol`: Values can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPV6, GRE, or ALL.
* `CidrBlock`: A CIDR block in the correct format. In a basic network, if a CidrBlock contains private IPs on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.
* `Ipv6CidrBlock`: An IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In a basic network, if an Ipv6CidrBlock contains private IPv6 addresses on Tencent Cloud for devices under your account other than CVMs, it does not mean this policy allows you to access these devices. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups.
* `SecurityGroupId`: ID of the security group. It can be in the same project as the security group to be modified, including the ID of the security group itself, to represent private IP addresses of all CVMs under the security group. If this field is used, the policy will change without manual modification according to the CVM associated with the policy ID while being used to match network messages.
* `Port`: A single port number, or a port range in the format of “8000-8010”. The Port field is accepted only if the value of the `Protocol` field is `TCP` or `UDP`. Otherwise Protocol and Port are mutually exclusive.
* `Action`: Values can be `ACCEPT` or `DROP`.
* CidrBlock, Ipv6CidrBlock, SecurityGroupId, and AddressTemplate are exclusive and cannot be entered at the same time. “Protocol + Port” and ServiceTemplate are mutually exclusive and cannot be entered at the same time.
* Only policies in one direction can be created in each request. If you need to specify the `PolicyIndex` parameter, the indexes of policies must be consistent.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) CreateServiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplate(request *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
CreateServiceTemplate This API (CreateServiceTemplate) is used to create a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
func (*Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroup(request *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
CreateServiceTemplateGroup This API (CreateServiceTemplateGroup) is used to create a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
CreateServiceTemplateGroup This API (CreateServiceTemplateGroup) is used to create a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateServiceTemplateWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateServiceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) (response *CreateServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
CreateServiceTemplate This API (CreateServiceTemplate) is used to create a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
func (*Client) CreateSubnet ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSubnet(request *CreateSubnetRequest) (response *CreateSubnetResponse, err error)
CreateSubnet This API is used to create a subnet.
* You must create a VPC instance before creating a subnet.
* After the subnet is successfully created, its IP address range cannot be modified. The subnet IP address range must fall within the VPC IP address range. They can be the same if the VPC instance has only one subnet. We recommend that you keep the subnet IP address range within the VPC IP address range to reserve IP address ranges for other subnets.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses).
* IP address ranges of different subnets cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC instance.
* A subnet is automatically associated with the default route table once created.
* You can bind a tag when creating a subnet. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSubnetWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSubnetRequest) (response *CreateSubnetResponse, err error)
CreateSubnet This API is used to create a subnet.
* You must create a VPC instance before creating a subnet.
* After the subnet is successfully created, its IP address range cannot be modified. The subnet IP address range must fall within the VPC IP address range. They can be the same if the VPC instance has only one subnet. We recommend that you keep the subnet IP address range within the VPC IP address range to reserve IP address ranges for other subnets.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses).
* IP address ranges of different subnets cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC instance.
* A subnet is automatically associated with the default route table once created.
* You can bind a tag when creating a subnet. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSubnets ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSubnets(request *CreateSubnetsRequest) (response *CreateSubnetsResponse, err error)
CreateSubnets This API is used to create subnets in batches.
* You must create a VPC instance before creating a subnet.
* After the subnet is successfully created, its IP address range cannot be modified. The subnet IP address range must fall within the VPC IP address range. They can be the same if the VPC has only one subnet. We recommend that you keep the subnet IP address range within the VPC IP address range to reserve IP address ranges for other subnets.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses).
* IP address ranges of different subnets cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC instance.
* A subnet is automatically associated with the default route table once created.
* You can bind a tag when creating a subnet. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateSubnetsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSubnetsRequest) (response *CreateSubnetsResponse, err error)
CreateSubnets This API is used to create subnets in batches.
* You must create a VPC instance before creating a subnet.
* After the subnet is successfully created, its IP address range cannot be modified. The subnet IP address range must fall within the VPC IP address range. They can be the same if the VPC has only one subnet. We recommend that you keep the subnet IP address range within the VPC IP address range to reserve IP address ranges for other subnets.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses).
* IP address ranges of different subnets cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC instance.
* A subnet is automatically associated with the default route table once created.
* You can bind a tag when creating a subnet. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpc ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpc(request *CreateVpcRequest) (response *CreateVpcResponse, err error)
CreateVpc This API is used to create a VPC instance.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses). For more information on how to plan VPC IP ranges, see [Network Planning](
* The number of VPC instances that can be created in a region is limited. For more information, see <a href="" title="VPC Use Limits">VPC Use Limits</a>. To request more resources, please [submit a ticket](
* You can bind tags when creating a VPC instance. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPoint ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPoint(request *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPoint This API is used to create an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPointService ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointService(request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPointService This API is used to create an endpoint service.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to create the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to create the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPointService This API is used to create an endpoint service.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) CreateVpcEndPointWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) (response *CreateVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
CreateVpcEndPoint This API is used to create an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpcWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpcRequest) (response *CreateVpcResponse, err error)
CreateVpc This API is used to create a VPC instance.
* The subnet mask of the smallest IP address range that can be created is 28 (16 IP addresses), and that of the largest IP address range is 16 (65,536 IP addresses). For more information on how to plan VPC IP ranges, see [Network Planning](
* The number of VPC instances that can be created in a region is limited. For more information, see <a href="" title="VPC Use Limits">VPC Use Limits</a>. To request more resources, please [submit a ticket](
* You can bind tags when creating a VPC instance. The tag list in the response indicates the tags that have been successfully added.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpnConnection ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnConnection(request *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) (response *CreateVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
CreateVpnConnection This API is used to create a VPN tunnel.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpnConnectionWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) (response *CreateVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
CreateVpnConnection This API is used to create a VPN tunnel.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpnGateway ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnGateway(request *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateVpnGateway This API (CreateVpnGateway) is used to create a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutes(request *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to create destination routes of a route-based VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
CreateVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to create destination routes of a route-based VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) CreateVpnGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) CreateVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) (response *CreateVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
CreateVpnGateway This API (CreateVpnGateway) is used to create a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAddressTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplate(request *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
DeleteAddressTemplate This API (DeleteAddressTemplate) is used to delete an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroup(request *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteAddressTemplateGroup This API (DeleteAddressTemplateGroup) is used to delete an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteAddressTemplateGroup This API (DeleteAddressTemplateGroup) is used to delete an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAddressTemplateWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAddressTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse, err error)
DeleteAddressTemplate This API (DeleteAddressTemplate) is used to delete an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAssistantCidr ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAssistantCidr(request *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
DeleteAssistantCidr This API (DeleteAssistantCidr) is used to delete secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAssistantCidrWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
DeleteAssistantCidr This API (DeleteAssistantCidr) is used to delete secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteBandwidthPackage ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteBandwidthPackage(request *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
DeleteBandwidthPackage This API is used to delete bandwidth packages, including [device bandwidth packages]( and [IP bandwidth packages](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteBandwidthPackageWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteBandwidthPackageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) (response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse, err error)
DeleteBandwidthPackage This API is used to delete bandwidth packages, including [device bandwidth packages]( and [IP bandwidth packages](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteCcn ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCcn(request *DeleteCcnRequest) (response *DeleteCcnResponse, err error)
DeleteCcn This API (DeleteCcn) is used to delete CCNs.
* After deletion, the routes between all instances associated with the CCN will be deleted, and the network will be interrupted. Please confirm this operation in advance.
* CCN deletion is an irreversible operation. Please proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteCcnWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCcnWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCcnRequest) (response *DeleteCcnResponse, err error)
DeleteCcn This API (DeleteCcn) is used to delete CCNs.
* After deletion, the routes between all instances associated with the CCN will be deleted, and the network will be interrupted. Please confirm this operation in advance.
* CCN deletion is an irreversible operation. Please proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteCustomerGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCustomerGateway(request *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteCustomerGateway This API (DeleteCustomerGateway) is used to delete customer gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteCustomerGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteCustomerGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteCustomerGateway This API (DeleteCustomerGateway) is used to delete customer gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteDirectConnectGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGateway(request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteDirectConnectGateway This API is used to delete a direct connect gateway.
<li>For a NAT gateway, NAT and ACL rules will be cleared upon the deletion of a direct connect gateway.
<li>After the deletion of a direct connect gateway, the routing policy associated with the gateway in the route table will also be deleted.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the async job execution results, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `QueryTask` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to delete the CCN routes (IDC IP range) of a Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to delete the CCN routes (IDC IP range) of a Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteDirectConnectGateway This API is used to delete a direct connect gateway.
<li>For a NAT gateway, NAT and ACL rules will be cleared upon the deletion of a direct connect gateway.
<li>After the deletion of a direct connect gateway, the routing policy associated with the gateway in the route table will also be deleted.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the async job execution results, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `QueryTask` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DeleteFlowLog ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteFlowLog(request *DeleteFlowLogRequest) (response *DeleteFlowLogResponse, err error)
DeleteFlowLog This API is used to delete a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteFlowLogWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteFlowLogRequest) (response *DeleteFlowLogResponse, err error)
DeleteFlowLog This API is used to delete a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteHaVip ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteHaVip(request *DeleteHaVipRequest) (response *DeleteHaVipResponse, err error)
DeleteHaVip This API is used to delete an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DeleteHaVipWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteHaVipWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteHaVipRequest) (response *DeleteHaVipResponse, err error)
DeleteHaVip This API is used to delete an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DeleteLocalGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteLocalGateway(request *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteLocalGateway This API is used to delete the local gateway of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteLocalGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteLocalGateway This API is used to delete the local gateway of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteNatGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGateway(request *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGateway This API is used to delete a NAT gateway.
When a NAT gateway is deleted, all routes containing this gateway are deleted automatically, and the elastic IP is unbound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to delete the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to delete the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to delete a SNAT forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to delete a SNAT forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNatGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteNatGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteNatGateway This API is used to delete a NAT gateway.
When a NAT gateway is deleted, all routes containing this gateway are deleted automatically, and the elastic IP is unbound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNetDetect ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetDetect(request *DeleteNetDetectRequest) (response *DeleteNetDetectResponse, err error)
DeleteNetDetect This API (DeleteNetDetect) is used to delete a network detection instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNetDetectWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetDetectRequest) (response *DeleteNetDetectResponse, err error)
DeleteNetDetect This API (DeleteNetDetect) is used to delete a network detection instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNetworkAcl ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkAcl(request *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkAclResponse, err error)
DeleteNetworkAcl This API is used to delete a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNetworkAclWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkAclWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkAclResponse, err error)
DeleteNetworkAcl This API is used to delete a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkInterface(request *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
DeleteNetworkInterface This API is used to delete an ENI.
* An ENI cannot be deleted when it’s bound to a CVM.
- After the deletion, all of its private IP addresses will be released.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) DeleteNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
DeleteNetworkInterface This API is used to delete an ENI.
* An ENI cannot be deleted when it’s bound to a CVM.
- After the deletion, all of its private IP addresses will be released.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) DeleteRouteTable ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteRouteTable(request *DeleteRouteTableRequest) (response *DeleteRouteTableResponse, err error)
DeleteRouteTable This API is used to delete a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteRouteTableWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteRouteTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteRouteTableRequest) (response *DeleteRouteTableResponse, err error)
DeleteRouteTable This API is used to delete a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteRoutes(request *DeleteRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteRoutes This API (DeleteRoutes) is used to delete routing policies in batches from a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteRoutes This API (DeleteRoutes) is used to delete routing policies in batches from a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroup(request *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteSecurityGroup This API (DeleteSecurityGroup) is used to delete security groups (SecurityGroup).
* Only security groups under the current account can be deleted.
* A security group cannot be deleted directly if its instance ID is used in the policy of another security group. You need to modify the policy first and then delete the security group.
* A security group cannot be recovered after deletion, please proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies(request *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies This API (DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies) is used to delete security group policies (SecurityGroupPolicy).
* SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version is used to specify the version of the security group you are operating. If the specified Version number differs from the latest version of the current security group, a failure will be returned. If Version is not specified, the policy of the specified PolicyIndex will be deleted directly.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VERSIONMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VersionMismatch"
func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies This API (DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies) is used to delete security group policies (SecurityGroupPolicy).
* SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version is used to specify the version of the security group you are operating. If the specified Version number differs from the latest version of the current security group, a failure will be returned. If Version is not specified, the policy of the specified PolicyIndex will be deleted directly.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VERSIONMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VersionMismatch"
func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) (response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteSecurityGroup This API (DeleteSecurityGroup) is used to delete security groups (SecurityGroup).
* Only security groups under the current account can be deleted.
* A security group cannot be deleted directly if its instance ID is used in the policy of another security group. You need to modify the policy first and then delete the security group.
* A security group cannot be recovered after deletion, please proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteServiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplate(request *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
DeleteServiceTemplate This API (DeleteServiceTemplate) is used to delete a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroup(request *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteServiceTemplateGroup This API (DeleteServiceTemplateGroup) is used to delete a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroupWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse, err error)
DeleteServiceTemplateGroup This API (DeleteServiceTemplateGroup) is used to delete a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteServiceTemplateWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteServiceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse, err error)
DeleteServiceTemplate This API (DeleteServiceTemplate) is used to delete a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteSubnet ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSubnet(request *DeleteSubnetRequest) (response *DeleteSubnetResponse, err error)
DeleteSubnet This API (DeleteSubnet) is used to delete subnets.
Before deleting a subnet, you need to remove all resources in the subnet, including CVMs, load balancers, cloud data, NoSQL databases, and ENIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteSubnetWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSubnetRequest) (response *DeleteSubnetResponse, err error)
DeleteSubnet This API (DeleteSubnet) is used to delete subnets.
Before deleting a subnet, you need to remove all resources in the subnet, including CVMs, load balancers, cloud data, NoSQL databases, and ENIs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpc ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpc(request *DeleteVpcRequest) (response *DeleteVpcResponse, err error)
DeleteVpc This API (DeleteVpc) is used to delete VPCs.
* Before deleting a VPC, ensure that the VPC contains no resources, including CVMs, cloud databases, NoSQL databases, VPN gateways, direct connect gateways, load balancers, peering connections, and basic network devices that are linked to the VPC.
* The deletion of VPCs is irreversible. Proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPoint ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPoint(request *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPoint This API is used to delete an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPointService ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointService(request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPointService This API is used to delete an endpoint service.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to delete the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to delete the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPointService This API is used to delete an endpoint service.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpcEndPointWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
DeleteVpcEndPoint This API is used to delete an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpcWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpcRequest) (response *DeleteVpcResponse, err error)
DeleteVpc This API (DeleteVpc) is used to delete VPCs.
* Before deleting a VPC, ensure that the VPC contains no resources, including CVMs, cloud databases, NoSQL databases, VPN gateways, direct connect gateways, load balancers, peering connections, and basic network devices that are linked to the VPC.
* The deletion of VPCs is irreversible. Proceed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpnConnection ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnConnection(request *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) (response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnConnection This API (DeleteVpnConnection) is used to delete VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpnConnectionWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) (response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnConnection This API (DeleteVpnConnection) is used to delete VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpnGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGateway(request *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnGateway This API (DeleteVpnGateway) is used to delete a VPN gateway. Currently, only deletion of pay-as-you-go IPSEC gateway instances in running status is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes(request *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to delete routes of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to delete routes of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DeleteVpnGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) (response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
DeleteVpnGateway This API (DeleteVpnGateway) is used to delete a VPN gateway. Currently, only deletion of pay-as-you-go IPSEC gateway instances in running status is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAccountAttributes ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAccountAttributes(request *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse, err error)
DescribeAccountAttributes This API (DescribeAccountAttributes) is used to query your account attributes.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse, err error)
DescribeAccountAttributes This API (DescribeAccountAttributes) is used to query your account attributes.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeAddressQuota ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressQuota(request *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressQuota This API (DescribeAddressQuota) is used to query the quota information of your [Elastic IP]( (EIP) in the current region. For more information, see [EIP product introduction](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeAddressQuotaWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressQuota This API (DescribeAddressQuota) is used to query the quota information of your [Elastic IP]( (EIP) in the current region. For more information, see [EIP product introduction](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroups(request *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressTemplateGroups This API (DescribeAddressTemplateGroups) is used to query an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressTemplateGroups This API (DescribeAddressTemplateGroups) is used to query an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAddressTemplates ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplates(request *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressTemplates This API (DescribeAddressTemplates) is used to query an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAddressTemplatesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse, err error)
DescribeAddressTemplates This API (DescribeAddressTemplates) is used to query an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddresses(request *DescribeAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeAddresses This API (DescribeAddresses) is used to query the information of one or multiple [Elastic IPs](
* If the parameter is empty, a number (as specified by the `Limit`, the default value is 20) of EIPs will be returned.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeAddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeAddresses This API (DescribeAddresses) is used to query the information of one or multiple [Elastic IPs](
* If the parameter is empty, a number (as specified by the `Limit`, the default value is 20) of EIPs will be returned.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAssistantCidr ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAssistantCidr(request *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
DescribeAssistantCidr This API (DescribeAssistantCidr) is used to query a list of secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeAssistantCidrWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) (response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
DescribeAssistantCidr This API (DescribeAssistantCidr) is used to query a list of secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage This API is used to query the current billable usage of a pay-as-you-go bandwidth package.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage This API is used to query the current billable usage of a pay-as-you-go bandwidth package.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota This API is used to query the maximum and used number of bandwidth packages under the account in the current region.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota This API is used to query the maximum and used number of bandwidth packages under the account in the current region.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResources ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResources(request *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to query resources in a bandwidth package based on the unique package ID. You can filter the result by specifying conditions and paginate the query results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to query resources in a bandwidth package based on the unique package ID. You can filter the result by specifying conditions and paginate the query results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages(request *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackages This API is used to query bandwidth package information, including the unique ID of the bandwidth package, the type, the billing mode, the name, and the resource information.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBandwidthPackagesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) (response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse, err error)
DescribeBandwidthPackages This API is used to query bandwidth package information, including the unique ID of the bandwidth package, the type, the billing mode, the name, and the resource information.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstances ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstances(request *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnAttachedInstances This API (DescribeCcnAttachedInstances) is used to query the network instances associated with the CCN instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnAttachedInstances This API (DescribeCcnAttachedInstances) is used to query the network instances associated with the CCN instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API is used to query the outbound bandwidth caps of all regions connected with a CCN instance. The API only returns regions included in the associated network instances.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API is used to query the outbound bandwidth caps of all regions connected with a CCN instance. The API only returns regions included in the associated network instances.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRoutes(request *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnRoutes This API (DescribeCcnRoutes) is used to query routes that have been added to a CCN.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeCcnRoutes This API (DescribeCcnRoutes) is used to query routes that have been added to a CCN.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeCcns ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcns(request *DescribeCcnsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnsResponse, err error)
DescribeCcns This API (DescribeCcns) is used to query the CCN list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCcnsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCcnsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCcnsRequest) (response *DescribeCcnsResponse, err error)
DescribeCcns This API (DescribeCcns) is used to query the CCN list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstances ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstances(request *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse, err error)
DescribeClassicLinkInstances This API (DescribeClassicLinkInstances) is used to query the Classiclink instances list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeClassicLinkInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse, err error)
DescribeClassicLinkInstances This API (DescribeClassicLinkInstances) is used to query the Classiclink instances list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCrossBorderCompliance ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCrossBorderCompliance(request *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
DescribeCrossBorderCompliance This API is used to query the compliance review requests created by the user.
A service provider can query all review requests created by any `APPID` under its account. Other users can only query their own review requests.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeCrossBorderComplianceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCrossBorderComplianceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) (response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse, err error)
DescribeCrossBorderCompliance This API is used to query the compliance review requests created by the user.
A service provider can query all review requests created by any `APPID` under its account. Other users can only query their own review requests.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors(request *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse, err error)
DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors This API (DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors) is used to query the information of supported customer gateway vendors.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse, err error)
DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors This API (DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors) is used to query the information of supported customer gateway vendors.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EMPTY = "InvalidParameterValue.Empty" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range"
func (*Client) DescribeCustomerGateways ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGateways(request *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeCustomerGateways This API (DescribeCustomerGateways) is used to query the customer gateway list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCustomerGatewaysWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCustomerGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeCustomerGateways This API (DescribeCustomerGateways) is used to query the customer gateway list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to query the CCN routes (IDC IP range) of the Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to query the CCN routes (IDC IP range) of the Direct Connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDirectConnectGateways ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGateways(request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeDirectConnectGateways This API is used to query direct connect gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeDirectConnectGateways This API is used to query direct connect gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeFlowLog ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLog(request *DescribeFlowLogRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogResponse, err error)
DescribeFlowLog This API is used to query the information of a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeFlowLogWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeFlowLogRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogResponse, err error)
DescribeFlowLog This API is used to query the information of a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeFlowLogs ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogs(request *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogsResponse, err error)
DescribeFlowLogs This API is used to query all the flow logs of the current account.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeFlowLogsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeFlowLogsResponse, err error)
DescribeFlowLogs This API is used to query all the flow logs of the current account.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail(request *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse, err error)
DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail This API is used to query the traffic monitoring details of the gateway.
* You can only use this API to query a single gateway instance, which means you must pass in only one of `VpnId`, `DirectConnectGatewayId`, `PeeringConnectionId`, or `NatId`.
* If the gateway has traffic, but no data is returned when this API is called, please check whether gateway traffic monitoring has been enabled in the corresponding gateway details page in the console.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse, err error)
DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail This API is used to query the traffic monitoring details of the gateway.
* You can only use this API to query a single gateway instance, which means you must pass in only one of `VpnId`, `DirectConnectGatewayId`, `PeeringConnectionId`, or `NatId`.
* If the gateway has traffic, but no data is returned when this API is called, please check whether gateway traffic monitoring has been enabled in the corresponding gateway details page in the console.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQos ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQos(request *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
DescribeGatewayFlowQos This API (DescribeGatewayFlowQos) is used to query the QoS bandwidth limit of inbound IP flow in a gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQosWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeGatewayFlowQosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
DescribeGatewayFlowQos This API (DescribeGatewayFlowQos) is used to query the QoS bandwidth limit of inbound IP flow in a gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeHaVips ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeHaVips(request *DescribeHaVipsRequest) (response *DescribeHaVipsResponse, err error)
DescribeHaVips This API (DescribeHaVips) is used to query the list of highly available virtual IPs (HAVIP).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeHaVipsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeHaVipsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeHaVipsRequest) (response *DescribeHaVipsResponse, err error)
DescribeHaVips This API (DescribeHaVips) is used to query the list of highly available virtual IPs (HAVIP).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl(request *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse, err error)
DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl This API is used to obtain the download link of an IP location database.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDACCOUNT_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidAccount.NotSupported" INVALIDPARAMETERCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterConflict" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse, err error)
DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl This API is used to obtain the download link of an IP location database.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDACCOUNT_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidAccount.NotSupported" INVALIDPARAMETERCONFLICT = "InvalidParameterConflict" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"
func (*Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfos ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfos(request *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse, err error)
DescribeIpGeolocationInfos This API is used to query the location and network information of one or more IP addresses.
This API is currently in beta test. To use it, please [submit a ticket](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDACCOUNT_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidAccount.NotSupported" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COMBINATION = "InvalidParameterValue.Combination" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfosWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeIpGeolocationInfosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) (response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse, err error)
DescribeIpGeolocationInfos This API is used to query the location and network information of one or more IP addresses.
This API is currently in beta test. To use it, please [submit a ticket](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDACCOUNT_NOTSUPPORTED = "InvalidAccount.NotSupported" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COMBINATION = "InvalidParameterValue.Combination" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeLocalGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeLocalGateway(request *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
DescribeLocalGateway This API is used to query local gateways of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeLocalGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) (response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
DescribeLocalGateway This API is used to query local gateways of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules(request *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules This API is used to query the array of objects of a NAT gateway's port forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDADDRESSID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidAddressId.NotFound" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules This API is used to query the array of objects of a NAT gateway's port forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDADDRESSID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidAddressId.NotFound" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUPLICATE = "InvalidParameterValue.Duplicate" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = "InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute(request *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute This API is used to query the routes between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute This API is used to query the routes between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules(request *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules This API is used to query the NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDADDRESSID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidAddressId.NotFound" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules This API is used to query the NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDADDRESSID_NOTFOUND = "InvalidAddressId.NotFound" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeNatGateways ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGateways(request *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGateways This API is used to query NAT gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNatGatewaysWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNatGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeNatGateways This API is used to query NAT gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetDetectStates ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectStates(request *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse, err error)
DescribeNetDetectStates This API (DescribeNetDetectStates) is used to query the list of network detection verification results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetDetectStatesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectStatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse, err error)
DescribeNetDetectStates This API (DescribeNetDetectStates) is used to query the list of network detection verification results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetDetects ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetects(request *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectsResponse, err error)
DescribeNetDetects This API (DescribeNetDetects) is used to query the list of network detection instances.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeNetDetectsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetDetectsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) (response *DescribeNetDetectsResponse, err error)
DescribeNetDetects This API (DescribeNetDetects) is used to query the list of network detection instances.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkAcls ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkAcls(request *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkAcls This API is used to query a list of network ACLs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkAclsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkAclsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkAcls This API is used to query a list of network ACLs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit(request *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit This API (DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit) is used to query the ENI quota based on the ID of CVM instance or ENI. It returns the ENI quota to which the CVM instance can be bound and the IP address quota that can be allocated to the ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit This API (DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit) is used to query the ENI quota based on the ID of CVM instance or ENI. It returns the ENI quota to which the CVM instance can be bound and the IP address quota that can be allocated to the ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaces ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaces(request *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkInterfaces This API (DescribeNetworkInterfaces) is used to query the ENI list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeNetworkInterfacesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) (response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse, err error)
DescribeNetworkInterfaces This API (DescribeNetworkInterfaces) is used to query the ENI list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRouteTables ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRouteTables(request *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) (response *DescribeRouteTablesResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeRouteTables) is used to query route tables.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRouteTablesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRouteTablesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) (response *DescribeRouteTablesResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeRouteTables) is used to query route tables.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics(request *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics This API (DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics) is used to query statistics on the instances associated with a security group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics This API (DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics) is used to query statistics on the instances associated with a security group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies(request *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies This API (DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies) is used to query security group policies.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies This API (DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies) is used to query security group policies.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferences ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferences(request *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences This API (DescribeSecurityGroupReferences) is used to query referred security groups.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences This API (DescribeSecurityGroupReferences) is used to query referred security groups.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroups This API (DescribeSecurityGroups) is used to query security groups.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSecurityGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeSecurityGroups This API (DescribeSecurityGroups) is used to query security groups.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroups(request *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeServiceTemplateGroups This API (DescribeServiceTemplateGroups) is used to query a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeServiceTemplateGroups This API (DescribeServiceTemplateGroups) is used to query a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeServiceTemplates ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplates(request *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse, err error)
DescribeServiceTemplates This API (DescribeServiceTemplates) is used to query protocol port templates.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeServiceTemplatesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeServiceTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse, err error)
DescribeServiceTemplates This API (DescribeServiceTemplates) is used to query protocol port templates.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSubnets ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSubnets(request *DescribeSubnetsRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse, err error)
DescribeSubnets This API (DescribeSubnets) is used to query the list of subnets.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSubnetsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSubnetsRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse, err error)
DescribeSubnets This API (DescribeSubnets) is used to query the list of subnets.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeTaskResult ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResult(request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)
DescribeTaskResult This API is used to query the EIP async job execution results.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeTaskResultWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)
DescribeTaskResult This API is used to query the EIP async job execution results.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALSERVERERROR = "InternalServerError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPoint ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPoint(request *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPoint This API is used to query the endpoint list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPointService ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointService(request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPointService This API is used to query the endpoint service list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to query the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to query the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPointService This API is used to query the endpoint service list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcEndPointWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcEndPointWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) (response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcEndPoint This API is used to query the endpoint list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcInstances ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcInstances(request *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeVpcInstances) is used to query a list of VCM instances on VPC.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeVpcInstances) is used to query a list of VCM instances on VPC.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses(request *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses This API (DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses) is used to query `VPC` `IPv6` information.
This API is used to query only the information of `IPv6` addresses that are already in use. When querying IPs that have not yet been used, this API will not report an error, but the IPs will not appear in the returned results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses This API (DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses) is used to query `VPC` `IPv6` information.
This API is used to query only the information of `IPv6` addresses that are already in use. When querying IPs that have not yet been used, this API will not report an error, but the IPs will not appear in the returned results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses(request *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses This API (DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses) is used to query the private IP information of a VPC.<br />
This API is used to query only the information of IP addresses that are already in use. When querying IPs that have not yet been used, this API will not report an error, but the IPs will not appear in the returned results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses This API (DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses) is used to query the private IP information of a VPC.<br />
This API is used to query only the information of IP addresses that are already in use. When querying IPs that have not yet been used, this API will not report an error, but the IPs will not appear in the returned results.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboard ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboard(request *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) (response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcResourceDashboard View VPC resources.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboardWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcResourceDashboardWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) (response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcResourceDashboard View VPC resources.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcTaskResult ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcTaskResult(request *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcTaskResult This API is used to query the execution result of a VPC task.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeVpcTaskResultWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcTaskResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcTaskResult This API is used to query the execution result of a VPC task.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeVpcs ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcs(request *DescribeVpcsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcs This API (DescribeVpcs) is used to query the VPC list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpcsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpcsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpcsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error)
DescribeVpcs This API (DescribeVpcs) is used to query the VPC list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnConnections ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnConnections(request *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) (response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeVpnConnections) is used to query the VPN tunnel list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnConnectionsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) (response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse, err error)
This API (DescribeVpnConnections) is used to query the VPN tunnel list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes(request *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to query VPN gateway-based CCN routes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes This API (DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to query VPN gateway-based CCN routes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes(request *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to query destination routes of a route-based VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to query destination routes of a route-based VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RANGE = "InvalidParameterValue.Range" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGateways ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGateways(request *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGateways This API (DescribeVpnGateways) is used to query the VPN gateway list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeVpnGatewaysWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeVpnGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) (response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse, err error)
DescribeVpnGateways This API (DescribeVpnGateways) is used to query the VPN gateway list.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetachCcnInstances ¶
func (c *Client) DetachCcnInstances(request *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *DetachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
DetachCcnInstances This API (DetachCcnInstances) is used to unbind a specified network instance from a CCN instance.<br />
After unbinding the network instance, the corresponding routing policy will also be deleted.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetachCcnInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DetachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *DetachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
DetachCcnInstances This API (DetachCcnInstances) is used to unbind a specified network instance from a CCN instance.<br />
After unbinding the network instance, the corresponding routing policy will also be deleted.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetachClassicLinkVpc ¶
func (c *Client) DetachClassicLinkVpc(request *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
DetachClassicLinkVpc This API is used to delete a Classiclink.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetachClassicLinkVpcWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DetachClassicLinkVpcWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) (response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse, err error)
DetachClassicLinkVpc This API is used to delete a Classiclink.
>?This API is async. You can call the [`DescribeVpcTaskResult`]( API to query the task result. When the task is completed, you can continue other tasks.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DetachNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) DetachNetworkInterface(request *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
DetachNetworkInterface This API is used to unbind an ENI from a CVM.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) DetachNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DetachNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
DetachNetworkInterface This API is used to unbind an ENI from a CVM.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) DisableCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) DisableCcnRoutes(request *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DisableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DisableCcnRoutes This API (DisableCcnRoutes) is used to disable CCN routes that are already enabled.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisableCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisableCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *DisableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
DisableCcnRoutes This API (DisableCcnRoutes) is used to disable CCN routes that are already enabled.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisableFlowLogs ¶
func (c *Client) DisableFlowLogs(request *DisableFlowLogsRequest) (response *DisableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
DisableFlowLogs This API is used to disable flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisableFlowLogsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisableFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableFlowLogsRequest) (response *DisableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
DisableFlowLogs This API is used to disable flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitor ¶
func (c *Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitor(request *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
DisableGatewayFlowMonitor This API (DisableGatewayFlowMonitor) is used to disable gateway flow monitor.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
DisableGatewayFlowMonitor This API (DisableGatewayFlowMonitor) is used to disable gateway flow monitor.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateAddress ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateAddress(request *DisassociateAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateAddressResponse, err error)
DisassociateAddress This API is used to unbind an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short).
* This API supports unbinding an EIP from CVM instances and ENIs.
* This API does not support unbinding an EIP from a NAT Gateway. To unbind an EIP from a NAT Gateway, use the [`DisassociateNatGatewayAddress`]( API.
* Only EIPs in BIND or BIND_ENI status can be unbound.
* Blocked EIPs cannot be unbound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateAddressResponse, err error)
DisassociateAddress This API is used to unbind an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short).
* This API supports unbinding an EIP from CVM instances and ENIs.
* This API does not support unbinding an EIP from a NAT Gateway. To unbind an EIP from a NAT Gateway, use the [`DisassociateNatGatewayAddress`]( API.
* Only EIPs in BIND or BIND_ENI status can be unbound.
* Blocked EIPs cannot be unbound.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway(request *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway This API is used to unbind a direct connect gateway from a NAT Gateway. After unbinding, the direct connect gateway cannot access internet through the NAT Gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) (response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse, err error)
DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway This API is used to unbind a direct connect gateway from a NAT Gateway. After unbinding, the direct connect gateway cannot access internet through the NAT Gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddress ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddress(request *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
DisassociateNatGatewayAddress This API is used to unbind an EIP from a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNatGatewayAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) (response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse, err error)
DisassociateNatGatewayAddress This API is used to unbind an EIP from a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets(request *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets This API is used to disassociate a network ACL from subnets in a VPC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse, err error)
DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets This API is used to disassociate a network ACL from subnets in a VPC instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups This API (DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups) is used to detach (or fully detach if possible) a security group from an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups This API (DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups) is used to detach (or fully detach if possible) a security group from an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups This API is used to unbind an endpoint from a security group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups This API is used to unbind an endpoint from a security group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration ¶
func (c *Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration(request *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) (response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse, err error)
DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration This API (DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration) is used to download a VPN tunnel configuration.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) (response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse, err error)
DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration This API (DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration) is used to download a VPN tunnel configuration.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) EnableCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) EnableCcnRoutes(request *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *EnableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
EnableCcnRoutes This API (EnableCcnRoutes) is used to enable CCN routes that are already added.<br />
This API is used to verify whether there will be conflict with an existing route after a CCN route is enabled. If there is a conflict, the route will not be enabled, and the process will fail. When a conflict occurs, you must disable the conflicting route before you can enable the desired route.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ECMP = "UnsupportedOperation.Ecmp"
func (*Client) EnableCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) EnableCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) (response *EnableCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
EnableCcnRoutes This API (EnableCcnRoutes) is used to enable CCN routes that are already added.<br />
This API is used to verify whether there will be conflict with an existing route after a CCN route is enabled. If there is a conflict, the route will not be enabled, and the process will fail. When a conflict occurs, you must disable the conflicting route before you can enable the desired route.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ECMP = "UnsupportedOperation.Ecmp"
func (*Client) EnableFlowLogs ¶
func (c *Client) EnableFlowLogs(request *EnableFlowLogsRequest) (response *EnableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
EnableFlowLogs This API is used to enable flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) EnableFlowLogsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) EnableFlowLogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableFlowLogsRequest) (response *EnableFlowLogsResponse, err error)
EnableFlowLogs This API is used to enable flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitor ¶
func (c *Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitor(request *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
EnableGatewayFlowMonitor This API (EnableGatewayFlowMonitor) is used to enable gateway flow monitor.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) EnableGatewayFlowMonitorWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) (response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse, err error)
EnableGatewayFlowMonitor This API (EnableGatewayFlowMonitor) is used to enable gateway flow monitor.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnect ¶
func (c *Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnect(request *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) (response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse, err error)
EnableVpcEndPointConnect This API is used to determine whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnectWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) EnableVpcEndPointConnectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) (response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse, err error)
EnableVpcEndPointConnect This API is used to determine whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits ¶
func (c *Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API is used to query the bandwidth limits of a CCN instance. Monthly-subscribed CCNs only support Inter-region Bandwidth Limits, while the pay-as-you-go CCNs support both the Inter-region Bandwidth Limits and Region Outbound Bandwidth Limits.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_FILTERINVALIDKEY = "InvalidParameter.FilterInvalidKey" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API is used to query the bandwidth limits of a CCN instance. Monthly-subscribed CCNs only support Inter-region Bandwidth Limits, while the pay-as-you-go CCNs support both the Inter-region Bandwidth Limits and Region Outbound Bandwidth Limits.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_FILTERINVALIDKEY = "InvalidParameter.FilterInvalidKey" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIp ¶
func (c *Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIp(request *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
HaVipAssociateAddressIp This API is used to bind an EIP to an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIpWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) HaVipAssociateAddressIpWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
HaVipAssociateAddressIp This API is used to bind an EIP to an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIp ¶
func (c *Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIp(request *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
HaVipDisassociateAddressIp This API is used to unbind an EIP from an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIpWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) HaVipDisassociateAddressIpWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) (response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse, err error)
HaVipDisassociateAddressIp This API is used to unbind an EIP from an HAVIP. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway ¶
func (c *Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway(request *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway This API is used to query the price of creating a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) (response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse, err error)
InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway This API is used to query the price of creating a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway ¶
func (c *Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway(request *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway This API (InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway) is used to query the price for VPN gateway renewal. Currently, only querying prices for IPSEC-type gateways is supported.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway This API (InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway) is used to query the price for VPN gateway renewal. Currently, only querying prices for IPSEC-type gateways is supported.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth ¶
func (c *Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth(request *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth This API (InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth) is used to query the price for adjusting the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth This API (InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth) is used to query the price for adjusting the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) MigrateNetworkInterface ¶
func (c *Client) MigrateNetworkInterface(request *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
MigrateNetworkInterface This API is used to migrate ENIs.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) MigrateNetworkInterfaceWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) MigrateNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) (response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error)
MigrateNetworkInterface This API is used to migrate ENIs.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) MigratePrivateIpAddress ¶
func (c *Client) MigratePrivateIpAddress(request *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) (response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse, err error)
This API is used to migrate the private IPs between ENIs.
* This API is used to migrate a private IP from one ENI to another. Primary IPs cannot be migrated.
* The source and destination ENIs must be in the same subnet.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) MigratePrivateIpAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) MigratePrivateIpAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) (response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse, err error)
This API is used to migrate the private IPs between ENIs.
* This API is used to migrate a private IP from one ENI to another. Primary IPs cannot be migrated.
* The source and destination ENIs must be in the same subnet.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressAttribute(request *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressAttribute This API (ModifyAddressAttribute) is used to modify the name of an [Elastic IP](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressAttribute This API (ModifyAddressAttribute) is used to modify the name of an [Elastic IP](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeType ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeType(request *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressInternetChargeType This API is used to adjust the network billing mode of an EIP. Please note that it's available to users whose network fees are billed on IPs but not CVMs.
* The network billing mode can be switched between `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH` and `TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR`.
* The network billing mode for each EIP be changed for up to twice.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressInternetChargeType This API is used to adjust the network billing mode of an EIP. Please note that it's available to users whose network fees are billed on IPs but not CVMs.
* The network billing mode can be switched between `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH` and `TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR`.
* The network billing mode for each EIP be changed for up to twice.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute(request *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute This API (ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute) is used to modify an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute This API (ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute) is used to modify an IP address template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute(request *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute This API (ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute) is used to modify an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute This API (ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute) is used to modify an IP address template group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidth ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidth(request *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) (response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressesBandwidth This API is used to adjust the bandwidth of [Elastic IP](, including EIP billed on a pay-as-you-go, monthly subscription, and bandwidth package basis.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidthWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAddressesBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) (response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse, err error)
ModifyAddressesBandwidth This API is used to adjust the bandwidth of [Elastic IP](, including EIP billed on a pay-as-you-go, monthly subscription, and bandwidth package basis.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAssistantCidr ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAssistantCidr(request *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) (response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
ModifyAssistantCidr This API (ModifyAssistantCidr) is used to batch modify (e.g. add and delete) secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAssistantCidrWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAssistantCidrWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) (response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse, err error)
ModifyAssistantCidr This API (ModifyAssistantCidr) is used to batch modify (e.g. add and delete) secondary CIDR blocks. (To use this API that is in Beta, please submit a ticket.)
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute(request *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a bandwidth package, including the bandwidth package name, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a bandwidth package, including the bandwidth package name, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute(request *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute This API is used to modify CCN-associated instance attributes. Currently, only the `description` can be modified.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute This API is used to modify CCN-associated instance attributes. Currently, only the `description` can be modified.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttribute(request *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnAttribute This API (ModifyCcnAttribute) is used to modify CCN attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnAttribute This API (ModifyCcnAttribute) is used to modify CCN attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType(request *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType This API is used to modify the bandwidth limit policy of a postpaid CCN instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) (response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse, err error)
ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType This API is used to modify the bandwidth limit policy of a postpaid CCN instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute This API (ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute) is used to modify the customer gateway information.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute This API (ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute) is used to modify the customer gateway information.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a direct connect gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyFlowLogAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyFlowLogAttribute(request *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyFlowLogAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyFlowLogAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyFlowLogAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyFlowLogAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a flow log.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQos ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQos(request *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
ModifyGatewayFlowQos This API (ModifyGatewayFlowQos) is used to adjust the QoS bandwidth limit in a gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQosWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyGatewayFlowQosWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) (response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse, err error)
ModifyGatewayFlowQos This API (ModifyGatewayFlowQos) is used to adjust the QoS bandwidth limit in a gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyHaVipAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyHaVipAttribute(request *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyHaVipAttribute This API (ModifyHaVipAttribute) is used to modify HAVIP attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyHaVipAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyHaVipAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyHaVipAttribute This API (ModifyHaVipAttribute) is used to modify HAVIP attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute(request *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute This API (ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute) is used to modify the private IPv6 address attributes of an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute This API (ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute) is used to modify the private IPv6 address attributes of an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyLocalGateway ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyLocalGateway(request *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) (response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
ModifyLocalGateway This API is used to modify the local gateway of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) ModifyLocalGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyLocalGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) (response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse, err error)
ModifyLocalGateway This API is used to modify the local gateway of a CDC instance.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule(request *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to modify the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule This API is used to modify the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule(request *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to modify a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) (response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse, err error)
ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule This API is used to modify a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetDetect ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetDetect(request *ModifyNetDetectRequest) (response *ModifyNetDetectResponse, err error)
ModifyNetDetect This API (ModifyNetDetect) is used to modify network detection parameters.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetDetectWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetDetectWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetDetectRequest) (response *ModifyNetDetectResponse, err error)
ModifyNetDetect This API (ModifyNetDetect) is used to modify network detection parameters.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttribute(request *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkAclAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkAclAttribute This API is used to modify the attributes of a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntries ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntries(request *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkAclEntries This API is used to modify (add or delete) the inbound and outbound rules of a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_APPIDMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.AppIdMismatch"
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntriesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkAclEntriesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkAclEntries This API is used to modify (add or delete) the inbound and outbound rules of a network ACL.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER_COEXIST = "InvalidParameter.Coexist" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TOOLONG = "InvalidParameterValue.TooLong" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_APPIDMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.AppIdMismatch"
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(request *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute This API (ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute) is used to modify ENI attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute This API (ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute) is used to modify ENI attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute(request *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute This API (ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute) is used to modify the private IP attributes of an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute This API (ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute) is used to modify the private IP attributes of an ENI.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyRouteTableAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyRouteTableAttribute(request *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyRouteTableAttribute This API (ModifyRouteTableAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyRouteTableAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyRouteTableAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyRouteTableAttribute This API (ModifyRouteTableAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of a route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttribute(request *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute This API (ModifySecurityGroupAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of a security group (SecurityGroupPolicy).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute This API (ModifySecurityGroupAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of a security group (SecurityGroupPolicy).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifySecurityGroupPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupPolicies(request *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
ModifySecurityGroupPolicies This API is used to reset the `Egress` and `Ingress` rules (SecurityGroupPolicy) of a security group.
<li>This API does not support custom indexes <code>PolicyIndex</code>. </li>
<li>For <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet</code> parameter,<ul> <ul>
<li>If <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version</code> is set to `0`, all policies will be cleared, and <code>Egress</code> and <code>Ingress</code> will be ignored. </li> <li>If <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version</code> is not set to `0`, add <code>Egress</code> and <code>Ingress</code> policies: <ul> <li><code>Protocol</code>: <code>TCP</code>, <code>UDP</code>, <code>ICMP</code>, <code>ICMPV6</code>, <code>GRE</code>, or <code>ALL</code>. </li> <li><code>CidrBlock</code>: a CIDR block in the correct format. In the classic network, even if the CIDR block specified in <code>CidrBlock</code> contains the Tencent Cloud private IPs that are not using for CVMs under your Tencent Cloud account, it does not mean this policy allows you to access those resources. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups. </li> <li><code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code>: an IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In the classic network, even if the CIDR block specified in <code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code> contains the Tencent Cloud private IPv6 addresses that are not using for CVMs under your Tencent Cloud account, it does not mean this policy allows you to access those resources. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups. </li> <li><code>SecurityGroupId</code>: ID of the security group. It can be the ID of a security group to be modified, or the ID of another security group in the same project. All private IPs of all CVMs under the security group will be covered. If this field is used, the policy will automatically change according to the CVM associated with the group ID while being used to match network messages. You don't need to change it manually. </li> <li><code>Port</code>: a single port number such as 80, or a port range in the format of '8000-8010'. You may use this field only if the <code>Protocol</code> field takes the value <code>TCP</code> or <code>UDP</code>. </li> <li><code>Action</code>: only allows <code>ACCEPT</code> or <code>DROP</code>. </li> <li><code>CidrBlock</code>, <code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code>, <code>SecurityGroupId</code>, and <code>AddressTemplate</code> are mutually exclusive. <code>Protocol</code> + <code>Port</code> and <code>ServiceTemplate</code> are mutually exclusive.</li> </li>
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) (response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse, err error)
ModifySecurityGroupPolicies This API is used to reset the `Egress` and `Ingress` rules (SecurityGroupPolicy) of a security group.
<li>This API does not support custom indexes <code>PolicyIndex</code>. </li>
<li>For <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet</code> parameter,<ul> <ul>
<li>If <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version</code> is set to `0`, all policies will be cleared, and <code>Egress</code> and <code>Ingress</code> will be ignored. </li> <li>If <code>SecurityGroupPolicySet.Version</code> is not set to `0`, add <code>Egress</code> and <code>Ingress</code> policies: <ul> <li><code>Protocol</code>: <code>TCP</code>, <code>UDP</code>, <code>ICMP</code>, <code>ICMPV6</code>, <code>GRE</code>, or <code>ALL</code>. </li> <li><code>CidrBlock</code>: a CIDR block in the correct format. In the classic network, even if the CIDR block specified in <code>CidrBlock</code> contains the Tencent Cloud private IPs that are not using for CVMs under your Tencent Cloud account, it does not mean this policy allows you to access those resources. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups. </li> <li><code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code>: an IPv6 CIDR block in the correct format. In the classic network, even if the CIDR block specified in <code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code> contains the Tencent Cloud private IPv6 addresses that are not using for CVMs under your Tencent Cloud account, it does not mean this policy allows you to access those resources. The network isolation policies between tenants take priority over the private network policies in security groups. </li> <li><code>SecurityGroupId</code>: ID of the security group. It can be the ID of a security group to be modified, or the ID of another security group in the same project. All private IPs of all CVMs under the security group will be covered. If this field is used, the policy will automatically change according to the CVM associated with the group ID while being used to match network messages. You don't need to change it manually. </li> <li><code>Port</code>: a single port number such as 80, or a port range in the format of '8000-8010'. You may use this field only if the <code>Protocol</code> field takes the value <code>TCP</code> or <code>UDP</code>. </li> <li><code>Action</code>: only allows <code>ACCEPT</code> or <code>DROP</code>. </li> <li><code>CidrBlock</code>, <code>Ipv6CidrBlock</code>, <code>SecurityGroupId</code>, and <code>AddressTemplate</code> are mutually exclusive. <code>Protocol</code> + <code>Port</code> and <code>ServiceTemplate</code> are mutually exclusive.</li> </li>
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute(request *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute This API (ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute) is used to modify a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute This API (ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute) is used to modify a protocol port template.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute(request *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute This API (ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute) is used to modify a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute This API (ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute) is used to modify a protocol port template group.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"
func (*Client) ModifySubnetAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySubnetAttribute(request *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifySubnetAttribute This API (ModifySubnetAttribute) is used to modify subnet attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifySubnetAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifySubnetAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifySubnetAttribute This API (ModifySubnetAttribute) is used to modify subnet attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcAttribute(request *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcAttribute This API (ModifyVpcAttribute) is used to modify VPC attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcAttribute This API (ModifyVpcAttribute) is used to modify VPC attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute(request *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute This API is used to modify endpoint attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute This API is used to modify endpoint attributes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute(request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute This API is used to modify the VPC endpoint service attributes.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute This API is used to modify the VPC endpoint service attributes.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCMISMATCH = "UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch"
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList(request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to modify the attributes of the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse, err error)
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList This API is used to modify the attributes of the endpoint service allowlist.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute(request *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute This API (ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute) is used to modify VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute This API (ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute) is used to modify VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute(request *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute This API (ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of VPN gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute This API (ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute) is used to modify the attributes of VPN gateways.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes(request *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes This API (ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to modify VPN gateway-based CCN routes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes This API (ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to modify VPN gateway-based CCN routes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes(request *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to modify the route status of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) (response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse, err error)
ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes This API is used to modify the route status of a VPN gateway.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) NotifyRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) NotifyRoutes(request *NotifyRoutesRequest) (response *NotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
NotifyRoutes This API is used to publish a route to CCN. This can also be done by clicking the **Publish to CCN** button on the route table page.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) NotifyRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) NotifyRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *NotifyRoutesRequest) (response *NotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
NotifyRoutes This API is used to publish a route to CCN. This can also be done by clicking the **Publish to CCN** button on the route table page.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway ¶
func (c *Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway(request *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) (response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse, err error)
RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway This API is used to refresh the route between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect and update the associated route table.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) (response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse, err error)
RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway This API is used to refresh the route between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect and update the associated route table.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
func (*Client) RejectAttachCcnInstances ¶
func (c *Client) RejectAttachCcnInstances(request *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
RejectAttachCcnInstances This API (RejectAttachCcnInstances) is used to reject association operations when instances are associated across accounts for the CCN owner.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RejectAttachCcnInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RejectAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
RejectAttachCcnInstances This API (RejectAttachCcnInstances) is used to reject association operations when instances are associated across accounts for the CCN owner.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReleaseAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseAddresses(request *ReleaseAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseAddressesResponse, err error)
ReleaseAddresses This API (ReleaseAddresses) is used to release one or multiple [Elastic IPs](
* This operation is irreversible. Once you release an EIP, the IP address associated with the EIP no longer belongs to you.
* Only EIPs in UNBIND status can be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReleaseAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReleaseAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseAddressesResponse, err error)
ReleaseAddresses This API (ReleaseAddresses) is used to release one or multiple [Elastic IPs](
* This operation is irreversible. Once you release an EIP, the IP address associated with the EIP no longer belongs to you.
* Only EIPs in UNBIND status can be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResources ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResources(request *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
RemoveBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to delete a bandwidth package resource, including [Elastic IP](, [Cloud Load Balancer](, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) (response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse, err error)
RemoveBandwidthPackageResources This API is used to delete a bandwidth package resource, including [Elastic IP](, [Cloud Load Balancer](, and so on.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RenewVpnGateway ¶
func (c *Client) RenewVpnGateway(request *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *RenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
RenewVpnGateway This API (RenewVpnGateway) is used to renew prepaid (monthly subscription) VPN gateways. Currently, only IPSEC gateways are supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RenewVpnGatewayWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) RenewVpnGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) (response *RenewVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
RenewVpnGateway This API (RenewVpnGateway) is used to renew prepaid (monthly subscription) VPN gateways. Currently, only IPSEC gateways are supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(request *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to modify the specified route according to the route ID. Batch modification is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse, err error)
ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes This API (ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes) is used to modify the specified route according to the route ID. Batch modification is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(request *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) (response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse, err error)
ReplaceRouteTableAssociation This API (ReplaceRouteTableAssociation) is used to modify the route table associated with a subnet.
* A subnet can only be associated with one route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociationWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceRouteTableAssociationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) (response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse, err error)
ReplaceRouteTableAssociation This API (ReplaceRouteTableAssociation) is used to modify the route table associated with a subnet.
* A subnet can only be associated with one route table.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceRoutes(request *ReplaceRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceRoutesResponse, err error)
ReplaceRoutes This API (ReplaceRoutes) is used to modify a specified routing policy by its ID (RouteId). Batch modification is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceRoutesRequest) (response *ReplaceRoutesResponse, err error)
ReplaceRoutes This API (ReplaceRoutes) is used to modify a specified routing policy by its ID (RouteId). Batch modification is supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy(request *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) (response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse, err error)
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy This API (ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy) is used to replace a single security group policy (SecurityGroupPolicy).
Only one policy in a single direction can be replaced in each request, and the PolicyIndex parameter must be specified.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) (response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse, err error)
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy This API (ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy) is used to replace a single security group policy (SecurityGroupPolicy).
Only one policy in a single direction can be replaced in each request, and the PolicyIndex parameter must be specified.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetAttachCcnInstances ¶
func (c *Client) ResetAttachCcnInstances(request *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
ResetAttachCcnInstances This API (ResetAttachCcnInstances) is used to re-apply for the association operation when the application for cross-account instance association expires.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) ResetAttachCcnInstancesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ResetAttachCcnInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) (response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse, err error)
ResetAttachCcnInstances This API (ResetAttachCcnInstances) is used to re-apply for the association operation when the application for cross-account instance association expires.
error code that may be returned:
RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"
func (*Client) ResetNatGatewayConnection ¶
func (c *Client) ResetNatGatewayConnection(request *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) (response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse, err error)
ResetNatGatewayConnection This API is used to adjust concurrent connection cap for the NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetNatGatewayConnectionWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ResetNatGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) (response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse, err error)
ResetNatGatewayConnection This API is used to adjust concurrent connection cap for the NAT gateway.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) ResetRoutes(request *ResetRoutesRequest) (response *ResetRoutesResponse, err error)
ResetRoutes This API (ResetRoutes) is used to reset the name of a route table and all its routing policies.<br />
Note: When this API is called, all routing policies in the current route table are deleted before new routing policies are saved, which may incur network interruption.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ResetRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetRoutesRequest) (response *ResetRoutesResponse, err error)
ResetRoutes This API (ResetRoutes) is used to reset the name of a route table and all its routing policies.<br />
Note: When this API is called, all routing policies in the current route table are deleted before new routing policies are saved, which may incur network interruption.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetVpnConnection ¶
func (c *Client) ResetVpnConnection(request *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) (response *ResetVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
ResetVpnConnection The API (ResetVpnConnection) is used to reset VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetVpnConnectionWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ResetVpnConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) (response *ResetVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
ResetVpnConnection The API (ResetVpnConnection) is used to reset VPN tunnels.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth ¶
func (c *Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth(request *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth This API (ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth) is used to adjust the bandwidth cap of VPN gateways. Currently, only configuration upgrade is supported. VPN gateways with monthly subscription must be within the validity period.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) (response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse, err error)
ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth This API (ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth) is used to adjust the bandwidth cap of VPN gateways. Currently, only configuration upgrade is supported. VPN gateways with monthly subscription must be within the validity period.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MALFORMED = "InvalidParameterValue.Malformed" RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_INVALIDSTATE = "UnsupportedOperation.InvalidState"
func (*Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits ¶
func (c *Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(request *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API (SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits) is used to set the outbound bandwidth cap for CCNs in each region. This API can only set the outbound bandwidth cap for regions in the network instances that have already been associated.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) (response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse, err error)
SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits This API (SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits) is used to set the outbound bandwidth cap for CCNs in each region. This API can only set the outbound bandwidth cap for regions in the network instances that have already been associated.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) TransformAddress ¶
func (c *Client) TransformAddress(request *TransformAddressRequest) (response *TransformAddressResponse, err error)
TransformAddress This API is used to convert a common public IP into an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short).
* Tencent Cloud limits the number of times that a user can unbind EIPs and reassign public IPs in each region per day. For more information, see product introduction of [Elastic IP]( The preceding quota can be obtained through the API [DescribeAddressQuota](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) TransformAddressWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) TransformAddressWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *TransformAddressRequest) (response *TransformAddressResponse, err error)
TransformAddress This API is used to convert a common public IP into an [Elastic IP]( (EIP for short).
* Tencent Cloud limits the number of times that a user can unbind EIPs and reassign public IPs in each region per day. For more information, see product introduction of [Elastic IP]( The preceding quota can be obtained through the API [DescribeAddressQuota](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6Addresses ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6Addresses(request *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6Addresses This API is used to release the IPv6 addresses of an ENI. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6AddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6AddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6Addresses This API is used to release the IPv6 addresses of an ENI. <br />
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlock ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlock(request *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6CidrBlock This API (UnassignIpv6CidrBlock) is used to release IPv6 IP ranges.
If the IP range still has occupied IPs that are not yet repossessed, the IP range cannot be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6CidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6CidrBlock This API (UnassignIpv6CidrBlock) is used to release IPv6 IP ranges.
If the IP range still has occupied IPs that are not yet repossessed, the IP range cannot be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock(request *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock This API (UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock) is used to release IPv6 subnet IP ranges.
If the subnet IP range still has occupied IPs that are not yet repossessed, the subnet IP range cannot be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) (response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse, err error)
UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock This API (UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock) is used to release IPv6 subnet IP ranges.
If the subnet IP range still has occupied IPs that are not yet repossessed, the subnet IP range cannot be released.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddresses ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(request *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses This API is used to return the private IP addresses of an ENI.
* If a secondary private IP of an ENI is returned, the EIP will be automatically unassociated as well. The primary private IP of the ENI cannot be returned.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddressesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) (response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error)
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses This API is used to return the private IP addresses of an ENI.
* If a secondary private IP of an ENI is returned, the EIP will be automatically unassociated as well. The primary private IP of the ENI cannot be returned.
This API is completed asynchronously. If you need to query the execution result of an async task, please use the `RequestId` returned by this API to poll the `DescribeVpcTaskResult` API.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutes ¶
func (c *Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutes(request *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) (response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
WithdrawNotifyRoutes This API is used to withdraw a route from CCN. This can also be done by clicking the **Withdraw from CCN** button on the route table page.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutesWithContext ¶
func (c *Client) WithdrawNotifyRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) (response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse, err error)
WithdrawNotifyRoutes This API is used to withdraw a route from CCN. This can also be done by clicking the **Withdraw from CCN** button on the route table page.
error code that may be returned:
type CloneSecurityGroupRequest ¶
type CloneSecurityGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the security group to be cloned, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through the `DescribeSecurityGroups` API. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The name of security group clone. You can enter any name within 60 characters. If this parameter is left empty, the security group clone will use the name of the source security group. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // Description of the security group clone. You can enter up to 100 characters. If this parameter is left empty, the security group clone will use the description of the source security group. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // Project ID of the security group clone. The default is 0. You can query it on the project management page of the Tencent Cloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // The region of the source security group for a cross-region clone. For example, to clone the security group in Guangzhou to Shanghai, set it to `ap-guangzhou`. RemoteRegion *string `json:"RemoteRegion,omitempty" name:"RemoteRegion"` }
func NewCloneSecurityGroupRequest ¶
func NewCloneSecurityGroupRequest() (request *CloneSecurityGroupRequest)
func (*CloneSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CloneSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CloneSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CloneSecurityGroupRequestParams ¶
type CloneSecurityGroupRequestParams struct { // ID of the security group to be cloned, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through the `DescribeSecurityGroups` API. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The name of security group clone. You can enter any name within 60 characters. If this parameter is left empty, the security group clone will use the name of the source security group. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // Description of the security group clone. You can enter up to 100 characters. If this parameter is left empty, the security group clone will use the description of the source security group. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // Project ID of the security group clone. The default is 0. You can query it on the project management page of the Tencent Cloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // The region of the source security group for a cross-region clone. For example, to clone the security group in Guangzhou to Shanghai, set it to `ap-guangzhou`. RemoteRegion *string `json:"RemoteRegion,omitempty" name:"RemoteRegion"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CloneSecurityGroupResponse ¶
type CloneSecurityGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CloneSecurityGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCloneSecurityGroupResponse ¶
func NewCloneSecurityGroupResponse() (response *CloneSecurityGroupResponse)
func (*CloneSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CloneSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CloneSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CloneSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CloneSecurityGroupResponseParams ¶
type CloneSecurityGroupResponseParams struct { // Security group object // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"SecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroup"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ConflictItem ¶
type ConflictSource ¶
type ConflictSource struct { // Conflict resource ID ConflictSourceId *string `json:"ConflictSourceId,omitempty" name:"ConflictSourceId"` // Conflict resource SourceItem *string `json:"SourceItem,omitempty" name:"SourceItem"` // Conflict resource items ConflictItemSet []*ConflictItem `json:"ConflictItemSet,omitempty" name:"ConflictItemSet"` }
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Name of the IP address template group AddressTemplateGroupName *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupName"` // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateIds []*string `json:"AddressTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateIds"` }
func NewCreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest ¶
func NewCreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest() (request *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest)
func (*CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams struct { // Name of the IP address template group AddressTemplateGroupName *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupName"` // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateIds []*string `json:"AddressTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse ¶
func NewCreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse() (response *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse)
func (*CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams struct { // Group object of the IP address template. AddressTemplateGroup *AddressTemplateGroup `json:"AddressTemplateGroup,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroup"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAddressTemplateRequest ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // IP address template name. AddressTemplateName *string `json:"AddressTemplateName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateName"` // The address information can be presented by the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. Either Addresses or AddressesExtra is required. Addresses []*string `json:"Addresses,omitempty" name:"Addresses"` // The address information can contain remarks and be presented by the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. Either Addresses or AddressesExtra is required. AddressesExtra []*AddressInfo `json:"AddressesExtra,omitempty" name:"AddressesExtra"` }
func NewCreateAddressTemplateRequest ¶
func NewCreateAddressTemplateRequest() (request *CreateAddressTemplateRequest)
func (*CreateAddressTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAddressTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAddressTemplateRequestParams ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateRequestParams struct { // IP address template name. AddressTemplateName *string `json:"AddressTemplateName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateName"` // The address information can be presented by the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. Either Addresses or AddressesExtra is required. Addresses []*string `json:"Addresses,omitempty" name:"Addresses"` // The address information can contain remarks and be presented by the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. Either Addresses or AddressesExtra is required. AddressesExtra []*AddressInfo `json:"AddressesExtra,omitempty" name:"AddressesExtra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAddressTemplateResponse ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateAddressTemplateResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAddressTemplateResponse ¶
func NewCreateAddressTemplateResponse() (response *CreateAddressTemplateResponse)
func (*CreateAddressTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAddressTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAddressTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAddressTemplateResponseParams ¶
type CreateAddressTemplateResponseParams struct { // The template object of the IP address. AddressTemplate *AddressTemplate `json:"AddressTemplate,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplate"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the `VpcId` field in the returned result of the `DescribeVpcs` API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // The subnet instance ID of the ENI, such as 'subnet-0ap8nwca'. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // CVM instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 IPs each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // The number of private IP addresses you can apply for. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` // The security group to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // The ENI description. You can enter any information within 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // ENI mounting type. Valid values: `0` (standard); `1` (extension); default value: `0` AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
func NewCreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewCreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the `VpcId` field in the returned result of the `DescribeVpcs` API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // The subnet instance ID of the ENI, such as 'subnet-0ap8nwca'. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // CVM instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 IPs each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // The number of private IP addresses you can apply for. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` // The security group to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // The ENI description. You can enter any information within 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // ENI mounting type. Valid values: `0` (standard); `1` (extension); default value: `0` AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewCreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type CreateAndAttachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // The ENI instance. NetworkInterface *NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterface,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterface"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAssistantCidrRequest ¶
type CreateAssistantCidrRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CIDR set, e.g. ["", ""] CidrBlocks []*string `json:"CidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"CidrBlocks"` }
func NewCreateAssistantCidrRequest ¶
func NewCreateAssistantCidrRequest() (request *CreateAssistantCidrRequest)
func (*CreateAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAssistantCidrRequestParams ¶
type CreateAssistantCidrRequestParams struct { // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CIDR set, e.g. ["", ""] CidrBlocks []*string `json:"CidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"CidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateAssistantCidrResponse ¶
type CreateAssistantCidrResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateAssistantCidrResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAssistantCidrResponse ¶
func NewCreateAssistantCidrResponse() (response *CreateAssistantCidrResponse)
func (*CreateAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAssistantCidrResponseParams ¶
type CreateAssistantCidrResponseParams struct { // A set of secondary CIDR blocks. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. AssistantCidrSet []*AssistantCidr `json:"AssistantCidrSet,omitempty" name:"AssistantCidrSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateBandwidthPackageRequest ¶
type CreateBandwidthPackageRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The network type of the bandwidth package. Default value: `BGP`. Valid values: // `BGP` // `HIGH_QUALITY_BGP` NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The billing mode of the bandwidth package. Default value: `TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`. Valid values: // <li>`TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly top 5 </li> // <li>`PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly 95th percentile</li> // <li>`FIXED_PREPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly subscription</li> ChargeType *string `json:"ChargeType,omitempty" name:"ChargeType"` // The name of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageName *string `json:"BandwidthPackageName,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageName"` // The number of bandwidth packages to create. Valid range: 1-20. It can only be “1” for bill-by-CVM accounts. BandwidthPackageCount *uint64 `json:"BandwidthPackageCount,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageCount"` // The limit of the bandwidth package in Mbps. The value '-1' indicates there is no limit. This feature is currently in beta. InternetMaxBandwidth *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidth,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidth"` // The list of tags to be bound. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // The protocol type of the bandwidth package. Valid values: 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'. Default value: 'ipv4'. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` }
func NewCreateBandwidthPackageRequest ¶
func NewCreateBandwidthPackageRequest() (request *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest)
func (*CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateBandwidthPackageRequestParams ¶
type CreateBandwidthPackageRequestParams struct { // The network type of the bandwidth package. Default value: `BGP`. Valid values: // `BGP` // `HIGH_QUALITY_BGP` NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The billing mode of the bandwidth package. Default value: `TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`. Valid values: // <li>`TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly top 5 </li> // <li>`PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly 95th percentile</li> // <li>`FIXED_PREPAID_BY_MONTH`: monthly subscription</li> ChargeType *string `json:"ChargeType,omitempty" name:"ChargeType"` // The name of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageName *string `json:"BandwidthPackageName,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageName"` // The number of bandwidth packages to create. Valid range: 1-20. It can only be “1” for bill-by-CVM accounts. BandwidthPackageCount *uint64 `json:"BandwidthPackageCount,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageCount"` // The limit of the bandwidth package in Mbps. The value '-1' indicates there is no limit. This feature is currently in beta. InternetMaxBandwidth *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidth,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidth"` // The list of tags to be bound. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // The protocol type of the bandwidth package. Valid values: 'ipv4' and 'ipv6'. Default value: 'ipv4'. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateBandwidthPackageResponse ¶
type CreateBandwidthPackageResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateBandwidthPackageResponse ¶
func NewCreateBandwidthPackageResponse() (response *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse)
func (*CreateBandwidthPackageResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateBandwidthPackageResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBandwidthPackageResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateBandwidthPackageResponseParams ¶
type CreateBandwidthPackageResponseParams struct { // The unique ID of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The unique ID list of the bandwidth package (effective only when you apply for more than 1 bandwidth packages). BandwidthPackageIds []*string `json:"BandwidthPackageIds,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageIds"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCcnRequest ¶
type CreateCcnRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The name of the CCN. The maximum length is 60 characters. CcnName *string `json:"CcnName,omitempty" name:"CcnName"` // The description of the CCN. The maximum length is 100 characters. CcnDescription *string `json:"CcnDescription,omitempty" name:"CcnDescription"` // CCN service quality, 'PT': Platinum, 'AU': Gold, 'AG': Silver. The default is 'AU'. QosLevel *string `json:"QosLevel,omitempty" name:"QosLevel"` // The billing method. POSTPAID: postpaid by traffic. Default: POSTPAID. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // The bandwidth limit type. Valid values: OUTER_REGION_LIMIT: region outbound bandwidth limit; INTER_REGION_LIMIT: inter-region bandwidth limit. Default value: OUTER_REGION_LIMIT. Monthly-subscribed CCN instances only support inter-region bandwidth limit, while pay-as-you-go CCN instances support the both bandwidth limit types. BandwidthLimitType *string `json:"BandwidthLimitType,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimitType"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
func NewCreateCcnRequest ¶
func NewCreateCcnRequest() (request *CreateCcnRequest)
func (*CreateCcnRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCcnRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCcnRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCcnRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCcnRequestParams ¶
type CreateCcnRequestParams struct { // The name of the CCN. The maximum length is 60 characters. CcnName *string `json:"CcnName,omitempty" name:"CcnName"` // The description of the CCN. The maximum length is 100 characters. CcnDescription *string `json:"CcnDescription,omitempty" name:"CcnDescription"` // CCN service quality, 'PT': Platinum, 'AU': Gold, 'AG': Silver. The default is 'AU'. QosLevel *string `json:"QosLevel,omitempty" name:"QosLevel"` // The billing method. POSTPAID: postpaid by traffic. Default: POSTPAID. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // The bandwidth limit type. Valid values: OUTER_REGION_LIMIT: region outbound bandwidth limit; INTER_REGION_LIMIT: inter-region bandwidth limit. Default value: OUTER_REGION_LIMIT. Monthly-subscribed CCN instances only support inter-region bandwidth limit, while pay-as-you-go CCN instances support the both bandwidth limit types. BandwidthLimitType *string `json:"BandwidthLimitType,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimitType"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCcnResponse ¶
type CreateCcnResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateCcnResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateCcnResponse ¶
func NewCreateCcnResponse() (response *CreateCcnResponse)
func (*CreateCcnResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCcnResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCcnResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCcnResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCcnResponseParams ¶
type CreateCcnResponseParams struct { // The CCN object. Ccn *CCN `json:"Ccn,omitempty" name:"Ccn"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCustomerGatewayRequest ¶
type CreateCustomerGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Customer gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. CustomerGatewayName *string `json:"CustomerGatewayName,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayName"` // Customer gateway public IP. IpAddress *string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty" name:"IpAddress"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
func NewCreateCustomerGatewayRequest ¶
func NewCreateCustomerGatewayRequest() (request *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest)
func (*CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCustomerGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCustomerGatewayRequestParams ¶
type CreateCustomerGatewayRequestParams struct { // Customer gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. CustomerGatewayName *string `json:"CustomerGatewayName,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayName"` // Customer gateway public IP. IpAddress *string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty" name:"IpAddress"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateCustomerGatewayResponse ¶
type CreateCustomerGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateCustomerGatewayResponse ¶
func NewCreateCustomerGatewayResponse() (response *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse)
func (*CreateCustomerGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCustomerGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCustomerGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCustomerGatewayResponseParams ¶
type CreateCustomerGatewayResponseParams struct { // Customer gateway object CustomerGateway *CustomerGateway `json:"CustomerGateway,omitempty" name:"CustomerGateway"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDefaultVpcRequest ¶
type CreateDefaultVpcRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the availability zone in which the subnet resides. This parameter can be obtained through the [`DescribeZones`]( API, such as `ap-guangzhou-1`. If it’s not specified, a random availability zone will be used. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Whether to forcibly return a default VPC Force *bool `json:"Force,omitempty" name:"Force"` }
func NewCreateDefaultVpcRequest ¶
func NewCreateDefaultVpcRequest() (request *CreateDefaultVpcRequest)
func (*CreateDefaultVpcRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDefaultVpcRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDefaultVpcRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDefaultVpcRequestParams ¶
type CreateDefaultVpcRequestParams struct { // The ID of the availability zone in which the subnet resides. This parameter can be obtained through the [`DescribeZones`]( API, such as `ap-guangzhou-1`. If it’s not specified, a random availability zone will be used. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Whether to forcibly return a default VPC Force *bool `json:"Force,omitempty" name:"Force"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDefaultVpcResponse ¶
type CreateDefaultVpcResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateDefaultVpcResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDefaultVpcResponse ¶
func NewCreateDefaultVpcResponse() (response *CreateDefaultVpcResponse)
func (*CreateDefaultVpcResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDefaultVpcResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDefaultVpcResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDefaultVpcResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDefaultVpcResponseParams ¶
type CreateDefaultVpcResponseParams struct { // Default VPC and subnet IDs Vpc *DefaultVpcSubnet `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The list of IDC IP range that must be connected Routes []*DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The list of IDC IP range that must be connected Routes []*DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The name of the direct connect gateway. DirectConnectGatewayName *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayName,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayName"` // The type of the associated network. Valid values: // <li>VPC</li> // <li>CCN</li> NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // <li>When the NetworkType is VPC, this value is the VPC instance ID</li> // <li>When the NetworkType is CCN, this value is the CCN instance ID</li> NetworkInstanceId *string `json:"NetworkInstanceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInstanceId"` // The type of the gateway. Valid values: // <li>NORMAL - (Default) Standard type. Note: CCN only supports the standard type</li> // <li>NAT - NAT type</li>NAT gateway supports network address translation. The specified type cannot be modified. A VPC can create one NAT direct connect gateway and one non-NAT direct connect gateway GatewayType *string `json:"GatewayType,omitempty" name:"GatewayType"` // CCN route publishing method. Valid values: `standard` and `exquisite`. This parameter is only valid for the CCN direct connect gateway. ModeType *string `json:"ModeType,omitempty" name:"ModeType"` // Availability zone where the direct connect gateway resides. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // ID of DC highly available placement group HaZoneGroupId *string `json:"HaZoneGroupId,omitempty" name:"HaZoneGroupId"` }
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest() (request *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest)
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams struct { // The name of the direct connect gateway. DirectConnectGatewayName *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayName,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayName"` // The type of the associated network. Valid values: // <li>VPC</li> // <li>CCN</li> NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // <li>When the NetworkType is VPC, this value is the VPC instance ID</li> // <li>When the NetworkType is CCN, this value is the CCN instance ID</li> NetworkInstanceId *string `json:"NetworkInstanceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInstanceId"` // The type of the gateway. Valid values: // <li>NORMAL - (Default) Standard type. Note: CCN only supports the standard type</li> // <li>NAT - NAT type</li>NAT gateway supports network address translation. The specified type cannot be modified. A VPC can create one NAT direct connect gateway and one non-NAT direct connect gateway GatewayType *string `json:"GatewayType,omitempty" name:"GatewayType"` // CCN route publishing method. Valid values: `standard` and `exquisite`. This parameter is only valid for the CCN direct connect gateway. ModeType *string `json:"ModeType,omitempty" name:"ModeType"` // Availability zone where the direct connect gateway resides. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // ID of DC highly available placement group HaZoneGroupId *string `json:"HaZoneGroupId,omitempty" name:"HaZoneGroupId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
func NewCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse() (response *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse)
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams ¶
type CreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams struct { // The object of the direct connect gateway. DirectConnectGateway *DirectConnectGateway `json:"DirectConnectGateway,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGateway"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateFlowLogRequest ¶
type CreateFlowLogRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The name of the flow log instance. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The type of resource associated with the flow log. Valid values: `VPC`, `SUBNET`, `NETWORKINTERFACE`, `CCN`, `NAT`, and `DCG`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The unique ID of the resource. ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Type of the flow logs to be collected. Valid values: `ACCEPT`, `REJECT` and `ALL`. TrafficType *string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty" name:"TrafficType"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless the `ResourceType` is set to `CCN`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The description of the flow log instance FlowLogDescription *string `json:"FlowLogDescription,omitempty" name:"FlowLogDescription"` // The storage ID of the flow log. CloudLogId *string `json:"CloudLogId,omitempty" name:"CloudLogId"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Consumer types: `cls` and `ckafka` StorageType *string `json:"StorageType,omitempty" name:"StorageType"` // Information of the flow log consumer, which is required when the consumer type is `ckafka`. FlowLogStorage *FlowLogStorage `json:"FlowLogStorage,omitempty" name:"FlowLogStorage"` }
func NewCreateFlowLogRequest ¶
func NewCreateFlowLogRequest() (request *CreateFlowLogRequest)
func (*CreateFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateFlowLogRequestParams ¶
type CreateFlowLogRequestParams struct { // The name of the flow log instance. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The type of resource associated with the flow log. Valid values: `VPC`, `SUBNET`, `NETWORKINTERFACE`, `CCN`, `NAT`, and `DCG`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The unique ID of the resource. ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Type of the flow logs to be collected. Valid values: `ACCEPT`, `REJECT` and `ALL`. TrafficType *string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty" name:"TrafficType"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless the `ResourceType` is set to `CCN`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The description of the flow log instance FlowLogDescription *string `json:"FlowLogDescription,omitempty" name:"FlowLogDescription"` // The storage ID of the flow log. CloudLogId *string `json:"CloudLogId,omitempty" name:"CloudLogId"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Consumer types: `cls` and `ckafka` StorageType *string `json:"StorageType,omitempty" name:"StorageType"` // Information of the flow log consumer, which is required when the consumer type is `ckafka`. FlowLogStorage *FlowLogStorage `json:"FlowLogStorage,omitempty" name:"FlowLogStorage"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateFlowLogResponse ¶
type CreateFlowLogResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateFlowLogResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateFlowLogResponse ¶
func NewCreateFlowLogResponse() (response *CreateFlowLogResponse)
func (*CreateFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateFlowLogResponseParams ¶
type CreateFlowLogResponseParams struct { // The information of the flow log created. FlowLog []*FlowLog `json:"FlowLog,omitempty" name:"FlowLog"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateHaVipRequest ¶
type CreateHaVipRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the VPC to which the `HAVIP` belongs. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `ID` of the subnet to which the `HAVIP` belongs. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of the `HAVIP`. HaVipName *string `json:"HaVipName,omitempty" name:"HaVipName"` // The specified virtual IP address, which must be within the IP range of the `VPC` and not in use. It will be automatically assigned if not specified. Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` }
func NewCreateHaVipRequest ¶
func NewCreateHaVipRequest() (request *CreateHaVipRequest)
func (*CreateHaVipRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateHaVipRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateHaVipRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateHaVipRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateHaVipRequestParams ¶
type CreateHaVipRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the VPC to which the `HAVIP` belongs. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `ID` of the subnet to which the `HAVIP` belongs. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of the `HAVIP`. HaVipName *string `json:"HaVipName,omitempty" name:"HaVipName"` // The specified virtual IP address, which must be within the IP range of the `VPC` and not in use. It will be automatically assigned if not specified. Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateHaVipResponse ¶
type CreateHaVipResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateHaVipResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateHaVipResponse ¶
func NewCreateHaVipResponse() (response *CreateHaVipResponse)
func (*CreateHaVipResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateHaVipResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateHaVipResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateHaVipResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateHaVipResponseParams ¶
type CreateHaVipResponseParams struct { // `HAVIP` object. HaVip *HaVip `json:"HaVip,omitempty" name:"HaVip"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateLocalGatewayRequest ¶
type CreateLocalGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Local gateway name LocalGatewayName *string `json:"LocalGatewayName,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayName"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
func NewCreateLocalGatewayRequest ¶
func NewCreateLocalGatewayRequest() (request *CreateLocalGatewayRequest)
func (*CreateLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateLocalGatewayRequestParams ¶
type CreateLocalGatewayRequestParams struct { // Local gateway name LocalGatewayName *string `json:"LocalGatewayName,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayName"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateLocalGatewayResponse ¶
type CreateLocalGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateLocalGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateLocalGatewayResponse ¶
func NewCreateLocalGatewayResponse() (response *CreateLocalGatewayResponse)
func (*CreateLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateLocalGatewayResponseParams ¶
type CreateLocalGatewayResponseParams struct { // Local gateway information LocalGateway *LocalGateway `json:"LocalGateway,omitempty" name:"LocalGateway"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules []*DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules []*DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewayRequest ¶
type CreateNatGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // NAT gateway name NatGatewayName *string `json:"NatGatewayName,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayName"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The maximum outbound bandwidth of the NAT gateway (unit: Mbps). Supported parameter values: `20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000`. Default: `100`. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // The concurrent connection cap of the NAT gateway. Values: `1000000, 3000000, 10000000`. The default value is `1000000`. MaxConcurrentConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConcurrentConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrentConnection"` // The number of EIPs that you want to apply for. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicIpAddresses` must be passed in. AddressCount *uint64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // The EIP array bound to the NAT gateway. Either AddressCount or PublicIpAddresses must be passed in. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-1`. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Subnet of the NAT gateway SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The bandwidth size (in Mbps) of the EIP bound to the NAT gateway, which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // The size of the public network IP bandwidth to be applied for (in Mbps), which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // Whether the public IP and the NAT gateway must be in the same availability zone. Valid values: `true` and `false`. This parameter is valid only when `Zone` is specified. PublicIpFromSameZone *bool `json:"PublicIpFromSameZone,omitempty" name:"PublicIpFromSameZone"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewayRequest ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewayRequest() (request *CreateNatGatewayRequest)
func (*CreateNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewayRequestParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewayRequestParams struct { // NAT gateway name NatGatewayName *string `json:"NatGatewayName,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayName"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The maximum outbound bandwidth of the NAT gateway (unit: Mbps). Supported parameter values: `20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000`. Default: `100`. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // The concurrent connection cap of the NAT gateway. Values: `1000000, 3000000, 10000000`. The default value is `1000000`. MaxConcurrentConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConcurrentConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrentConnection"` // The number of EIPs that you want to apply for. Either `AddressCount` or `PublicIpAddresses` must be passed in. AddressCount *uint64 `json:"AddressCount,omitempty" name:"AddressCount"` // The EIP array bound to the NAT gateway. Either AddressCount or PublicIpAddresses must be passed in. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-1`. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Subnet of the NAT gateway SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The bandwidth size (in Mbps) of the EIP bound to the NAT gateway, which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"StockPublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // The size of the public network IP bandwidth to be applied for (in Mbps), which defaults to the maximum value applicable for the current user type. PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddressesBandwidthOut"` // Whether the public IP and the NAT gateway must be in the same availability zone. Valid values: `true` and `false`. This parameter is valid only when `Zone` is specified. PublicIpFromSameZone *bool `json:"PublicIpFromSameZone,omitempty" name:"PublicIpFromSameZone"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewayResponse ¶
type CreateNatGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNatGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewayResponse ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewayResponse() (response *CreateNatGatewayResponse)
func (*CreateNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewayResponseParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewayResponseParams struct { // NAT gateway object array. NatGatewaySet []*NatGateway `json:"NatGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"NatGatewaySet"` // The number of eligible NAT gateway objects. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df45454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT Gateway SourceIpTranslationNatRules []*SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRules"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df45454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT Gateway SourceIpTranslationNatRules []*SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRules"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewCreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetDetectRequest ¶
type CreateNetDetectRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of a `VPC` instance, such as `vpc-12345678`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The ID of a subnet instance, such as subnet-12345678. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // `VPN`: VPN gateway; // `DIRECTCONNECT`: direct connect gateway; // `PEERCONNECTION`: peering connection; // `NAT`: NAT gateway; // `NORMAL_CVM`: normal CVM; // `CCN`: CCN gateway. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // Next-hop destination gateway. Its value is determined by `NextHopType`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `VPN`, the parameter value is the VPN gateway ID, such as `vpngw-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `DIRECTCONNECT`, the parameter value is the direct connect gateway ID, such as `dcg-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `PEERCONNECTION`, the parameter value is the peering connection ID, such as `pcx-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NAT`, the parameter value is the NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NORMAL_CVM`, the parameter value is the IPv4 address of the CVM instance, such as ``. // If `NextHopType` is set to `CCN`, the parameter value is the CCN ID, such as `ccn-12345678`. NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // Network detection description. NetDetectDescription *string `json:"NetDetectDescription,omitempty" name:"NetDetectDescription"` }
func NewCreateNetDetectRequest ¶
func NewCreateNetDetectRequest() (request *CreateNetDetectRequest)
func (*CreateNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetDetectRequestParams ¶
type CreateNetDetectRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of a `VPC` instance, such as `vpc-12345678`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The ID of a subnet instance, such as subnet-12345678. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // `VPN`: VPN gateway; // `DIRECTCONNECT`: direct connect gateway; // `PEERCONNECTION`: peering connection; // `NAT`: NAT gateway; // `NORMAL_CVM`: normal CVM; // `CCN`: CCN gateway. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // Next-hop destination gateway. Its value is determined by `NextHopType`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `VPN`, the parameter value is the VPN gateway ID, such as `vpngw-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `DIRECTCONNECT`, the parameter value is the direct connect gateway ID, such as `dcg-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `PEERCONNECTION`, the parameter value is the peering connection ID, such as `pcx-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NAT`, the parameter value is the NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NORMAL_CVM`, the parameter value is the IPv4 address of the CVM instance, such as ``. // If `NextHopType` is set to `CCN`, the parameter value is the CCN ID, such as `ccn-12345678`. NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // Network detection description. NetDetectDescription *string `json:"NetDetectDescription,omitempty" name:"NetDetectDescription"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetDetectResponse ¶
type CreateNetDetectResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNetDetectResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNetDetectResponse ¶
func NewCreateNetDetectResponse() (response *CreateNetDetectResponse)
func (*CreateNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetDetectResponseParams ¶
type CreateNetDetectResponseParams struct { // The network detection (NetDetect) object. NetDetect *NetDetect `json:"NetDetect,omitempty" name:"NetDetect"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetworkAclRequest ¶
type CreateNetworkAclRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of the DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkAclName *string `json:"NetworkAclName,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclName"` }
func NewCreateNetworkAclRequest ¶
func NewCreateNetworkAclRequest() (request *CreateNetworkAclRequest)
func (*CreateNetworkAclRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkAclRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetworkAclRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkAclRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetworkAclRequestParams ¶
type CreateNetworkAclRequestParams struct { // ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of the DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkAclName *string `json:"NetworkAclName,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetworkAclResponse ¶
type CreateNetworkAclResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNetworkAclResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNetworkAclResponse ¶
func NewCreateNetworkAclResponse() (response *CreateNetworkAclResponse)
func (*CreateNetworkAclResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkAclResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetworkAclResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkAclResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetworkAclResponseParams ¶
type CreateNetworkAclResponseParams struct { // Network ACL instance NetworkAcl *NetworkAcl `json:"NetworkAcl,omitempty" name:"NetworkAcl"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // The subnet instance ID of the ENI, such as `subnet-0ap8nwca`. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // ENI description can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // The number of private IP addresses that is newly applied for. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` // Specifies the security group to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Configuration of the ENI trunking mode. Valid values: `Enable` and `Disable`. Default value: `Disable`. TrunkingFlag *string `json:"TrunkingFlag,omitempty" name:"TrunkingFlag"` }
func NewCreateNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewCreateNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type CreateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // The subnet instance ID of the ENI, such as `subnet-0ap8nwca`. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // ENI description can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // The number of private IP addresses that is newly applied for. The total number of private IP addresses cannot exceed the quota. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount"` // Specifies the security group to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Configuration of the ENI trunking mode. Valid values: `Enable` and `Disable`. Default value: `Disable`. TrunkingFlag *string `json:"TrunkingFlag,omitempty" name:"TrunkingFlag"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewCreateNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // ENI instance. NetworkInterface *NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterface,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterface"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateRouteTableRequest ¶
type CreateRouteTableRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance to be operated on. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The route table name. The maximum length is 60 characters. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
func NewCreateRouteTableRequest ¶
func NewCreateRouteTableRequest() (request *CreateRouteTableRequest)
func (*CreateRouteTableRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRouteTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRouteTableRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRouteTableRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRouteTableRequestParams ¶
type CreateRouteTableRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance to be operated on. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The route table name. The maximum length is 60 characters. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateRouteTableResponse ¶
type CreateRouteTableResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateRouteTableResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateRouteTableResponse ¶
func NewCreateRouteTableResponse() (response *CreateRouteTableResponse)
func (*CreateRouteTableResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRouteTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRouteTableResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRouteTableResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRouteTableResponseParams ¶
type CreateRouteTableResponseParams struct { // Route table object. RouteTable *RouteTable `json:"RouteTable,omitempty" name:"RouteTable"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateRoutesRequest ¶
type CreateRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Route table instance ID. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewCreateRoutesRequest ¶
func NewCreateRoutesRequest() (request *CreateRoutesRequest)
func (*CreateRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRoutesRequestParams ¶
type CreateRoutesRequestParams struct { // Route table instance ID. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateRoutesResponse ¶
type CreateRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateRoutesResponse ¶
func NewCreateRoutesResponse() (response *CreateRoutesResponse)
func (*CreateRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRoutesResponseParams ¶
type CreateRoutesResponseParams struct { // The number of newly added instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Route table object. RouteTableSet []*RouteTable `json:"RouteTableSet,omitempty" name:"RouteTableSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest() (request *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse() (response *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupRequest ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // Project ID. The default is 0. You can query it on the project management page of the Qcloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupRequest ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupRequest() (request *CreateSecurityGroupRequest)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupRequestParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupRequestParams struct { // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // Project ID. The default is 0. You can query it on the project management page of the Qcloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupResponse ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateSecurityGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupResponse ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupResponse() (response *CreateSecurityGroupResponse)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupResponseParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupResponseParams struct { // Security group object. SecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"SecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroup"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // The project id is 0 by default. You can query this in the project management page of the Qcloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest() (request *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequestParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesRequestParams struct { // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` // The project id is 0 by default. You can query this in the project management page of the Qcloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse ¶
func NewCreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse() (response *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse)
func (*CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponseParams ¶
type CreateSecurityGroupWithPoliciesResponseParams struct { // Security group object. SecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"SecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroup"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Group name of the protocol port template. ServiceTemplateGroupName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupName"` // Instance ID of the protocol port template, such as `ppm-4dw6agho`. ServiceTemplateIds []*string `json:"ServiceTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateIds"` }
func NewCreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest ¶
func NewCreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest() (request *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest)
func (*CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams struct { // Group name of the protocol port template. ServiceTemplateGroupName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupName"` // Instance ID of the protocol port template, such as `ppm-4dw6agho`. ServiceTemplateIds []*string `json:"ServiceTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse ¶
func NewCreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse() (response *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse)
func (*CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams struct { // Group object of the protocol port template. ServiceTemplateGroup *ServiceTemplateGroup `json:"ServiceTemplateGroup,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroup"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateServiceTemplateRequest ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Template name of the protocol port ServiceTemplateName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateName"` // Supported ports inlcude single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP and GRE. Either Services or ServicesExtra is required. Services []*string `json:"Services,omitempty" name:"Services"` // You can add remarks. Supported ports include single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP and GRE. Either Services or ServicesExtra is required. ServicesExtra []*ServicesInfo `json:"ServicesExtra,omitempty" name:"ServicesExtra"` }
func NewCreateServiceTemplateRequest ¶
func NewCreateServiceTemplateRequest() (request *CreateServiceTemplateRequest)
func (*CreateServiceTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateServiceTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateServiceTemplateRequestParams ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateRequestParams struct { // Template name of the protocol port ServiceTemplateName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateName"` // Supported ports inlcude single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP and GRE. Either Services or ServicesExtra is required. Services []*string `json:"Services,omitempty" name:"Services"` // You can add remarks. Supported ports include single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP and GRE. Either Services or ServicesExtra is required. ServicesExtra []*ServicesInfo `json:"ServicesExtra,omitempty" name:"ServicesExtra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateServiceTemplateResponse ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateServiceTemplateResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateServiceTemplateResponse ¶
func NewCreateServiceTemplateResponse() (response *CreateServiceTemplateResponse)
func (*CreateServiceTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateServiceTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateServiceTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateServiceTemplateResponseParams ¶
type CreateServiceTemplateResponseParams struct { // Protocol port template object. ServiceTemplate *ServiceTemplate `json:"ServiceTemplate,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplate"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSubnetRequest ¶
type CreateSubnetRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance to be operated on. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The subnet name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // The subnet IP address range. It must be within the VPC IP address range. Subnet IP address ranges cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // The ID of the availability zone in which the subnet resides. You can set up disaster recovery across availability zones by choosing different availability zones for different subnets. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
func NewCreateSubnetRequest ¶
func NewCreateSubnetRequest() (request *CreateSubnetRequest)
func (*CreateSubnetRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSubnetRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSubnetRequestParams ¶
type CreateSubnetRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance to be operated on. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The subnet name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // The subnet IP address range. It must be within the VPC IP address range. Subnet IP address ranges cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // The ID of the availability zone in which the subnet resides. You can set up disaster recovery across availability zones by choosing different availability zones for different subnets. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSubnetResponse ¶
type CreateSubnetResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateSubnetResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateSubnetResponse ¶
func NewCreateSubnetResponse() (response *CreateSubnetResponse)
func (*CreateSubnetResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSubnetResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSubnetResponseParams ¶
type CreateSubnetResponseParams struct { // Subnet object. Subnet *Subnet `json:"Subnet,omitempty" name:"Subnet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSubnetsRequest ¶
type CreateSubnetsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the `VPC` instance, such as `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The subnet object list. Subnets []*SubnetInput `json:"Subnets,omitempty" name:"Subnets"` // Bound tags. Note that the collection of tags here is shared by all subnet objects in the list. You cannot specify tags for each subnet. Example: [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // ID of the CDC instance to which the subnets will be created CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
func NewCreateSubnetsRequest ¶
func NewCreateSubnetsRequest() (request *CreateSubnetsRequest)
func (*CreateSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSubnetsRequestParams ¶
type CreateSubnetsRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC` instance, such as `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The subnet object list. Subnets []*SubnetInput `json:"Subnets,omitempty" name:"Subnets"` // Bound tags. Note that the collection of tags here is shared by all subnet objects in the list. You cannot specify tags for each subnet. Example: [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // ID of the CDC instance to which the subnets will be created CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateSubnetsResponse ¶
type CreateSubnetsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateSubnetsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateSubnetsResponse ¶
func NewCreateSubnetsResponse() (response *CreateSubnetsResponse)
func (*CreateSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateSubnetsResponseParams ¶
type CreateSubnetsResponseParams struct { // The list of newly created subnets. SubnetSet []*Subnet `json:"SubnetSet,omitempty" name:"SubnetSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointRequest ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet instance ID SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Endpoint name EndPointName *string `json:"EndPointName,omitempty" name:"EndPointName"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Endpoint VIP. You can apply for a specified IP. EndPointVip *string `json:"EndPointVip,omitempty" name:"EndPointVip"` // Security group ID SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointRequest() (request *CreateVpcEndPointRequest)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointRequestParams struct { // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet instance ID SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Endpoint name EndPointName *string `json:"EndPointName,omitempty" name:"EndPointName"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Endpoint VIP. You can apply for a specified IP. EndPointVip *string `json:"EndPointVip,omitempty" name:"EndPointVip"` // Security group ID SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointResponse ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpcEndPointResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointResponse() (response *CreateVpcEndPointResponse)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointResponseParams struct { // Endpoint details EndPoint *EndPoint `json:"EndPoint,omitempty" name:"EndPoint"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Endpoint service name EndPointServiceName *string `json:"EndPointServiceName,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceName"` // Whether to automatically accept AutoAcceptFlag *bool `json:"AutoAcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoAcceptFlag"` // Real server ID, such as `lb-xxx`. ServiceInstanceId *string `json:"ServiceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"ServiceInstanceId"` // Whether it is of the type `PassService`. Valid values: true: yes; false: no. Default value: false IsPassService *bool `json:"IsPassService,omitempty" name:"IsPassService"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest() (request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams struct { // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Endpoint service name EndPointServiceName *string `json:"EndPointServiceName,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceName"` // Whether to automatically accept AutoAcceptFlag *bool `json:"AutoAcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoAcceptFlag"` // Real server ID, such as `lb-xxx`. ServiceInstanceId *string `json:"ServiceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"ServiceInstanceId"` // Whether it is of the type `PassService`. Valid values: true: yes; false: no. Default value: false IsPassService *bool `json:"IsPassService,omitempty" name:"IsPassService"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse() (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams struct { // Endpoint service details EndPointService *EndPointService `json:"EndPointService,omitempty" name:"EndPointService"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // UIN UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Allowlist description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest() (request *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams struct { // UIN UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Allowlist description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse() (response *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse)
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcRequest ¶
type CreateVpcRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The VPC name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // VPC CIDR blocks, which must fall within the following three private network IP ranges:, and CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Whether multicast is enabled. `true`: Enabled. `false`: Not enabled. EnableMulticast *string `json:"EnableMulticast,omitempty" name:"EnableMulticast"` // DNS address. A maximum of 4 addresses is supported. DnsServers []*string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty" name:"DnsServers"` // Domain name of DHCP DomainName *string `json:"DomainName,omitempty" name:"DomainName"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
func NewCreateVpcRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpcRequest() (request *CreateVpcRequest)
func (*CreateVpcRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpcRequestParams struct { // The VPC name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // VPC CIDR blocks, which must fall within the following three private network IP ranges:, and CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Whether multicast is enabled. `true`: Enabled. `false`: Not enabled. EnableMulticast *string `json:"EnableMulticast,omitempty" name:"EnableMulticast"` // DNS address. A maximum of 4 addresses is supported. DnsServers []*string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty" name:"DnsServers"` // Domain name of DHCP DomainName *string `json:"DomainName,omitempty" name:"DomainName"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}] Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpcResponse ¶
type CreateVpcResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpcResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpcResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpcResponse() (response *CreateVpcResponse)
func (*CreateVpcResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpcResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpcResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpcResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpcResponseParams struct { // The VPC object. Vpc *Vpc `json:"Vpc,omitempty" name:"Vpc"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnConnectionRequest ¶
type CreateVpnConnectionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` // Gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpnConnectionName *string `json:"VpnConnectionName,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionName"` PreShareKey *string `json:"PreShareKey,omitempty" name:"PreShareKey"` // VPC instance ID, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in the response of the [`DescribeVpcs`]( API. // This parameter is optional for a CCN-based VPN tunnel. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The SPD policy group, for example: {"":[""]}. is the VPC internal IP range, and is the IDC IP range. The user specifies the IP range in the VPC that can communicate with the IP range in the IDC. SecurityPolicyDatabases []*SecurityPolicyDatabase `json:"SecurityPolicyDatabases,omitempty" name:"SecurityPolicyDatabases"` // Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration. IKE has a self-protection mechanism. The network security protocol is configured by the user. IKEOptionsSpecification *IKEOptionsSpecification `json:"IKEOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IKEOptionsSpecification"` // IPSec configuration. The IPSec secure session configuration is provided by Tencent Cloud. IPSECOptionsSpecification *IPSECOptionsSpecification `json:"IPSECOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IPSECOptionsSpecification"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Whether the tunnel health check is supported. EnableHealthCheck *bool `json:"EnableHealthCheck,omitempty" name:"EnableHealthCheck"` // Local IP address for the health check HealthCheckLocalIp *string `json:"HealthCheckLocalIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckLocalIp"` // Peer IP address for the health check HealthCheckRemoteIp *string `json:"HealthCheckRemoteIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckRemoteIp"` // Tunnel type. Valid values: `STATIC`, `StaticRoute`, and `Policy`. RouteType *string `json:"RouteType,omitempty" name:"RouteType"` // Negotiation type. Valid values: `active` (default value), `passive` and `flowTrigger`. NegotiationType *string `json:"NegotiationType,omitempty" name:"NegotiationType"` // Specifies whether to enable DPD. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable) DpdEnable *int64 `json:"DpdEnable,omitempty" name:"DpdEnable"` // DPD timeout period. Default: 30; unit: second. If the request is not responded within this period, the peer end is considered not exists. This parameter is valid when the value of `DpdEnable` is 1. DpdTimeout *string `json:"DpdTimeout,omitempty" name:"DpdTimeout"` // The action after DPD timeout. Valid values: `clear` (disconnect) and `restart` (try again). It’s valid when `DpdEnable` is `1`. DpdAction *string `json:"DpdAction,omitempty" name:"DpdAction"` }
func NewCreateVpnConnectionRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpnConnectionRequest() (request *CreateVpnConnectionRequest)
func (*CreateVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnConnectionRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpnConnectionRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` // Gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpnConnectionName *string `json:"VpnConnectionName,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionName"` PreShareKey *string `json:"PreShareKey,omitempty" name:"PreShareKey"` // VPC instance ID, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in the response of the [`DescribeVpcs`]( API. // This parameter is optional for a CCN-based VPN tunnel. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The SPD policy group, for example: {"":[""]}. is the VPC internal IP range, and is the IDC IP range. The user specifies the IP range in the VPC that can communicate with the IP range in the IDC. SecurityPolicyDatabases []*SecurityPolicyDatabase `json:"SecurityPolicyDatabases,omitempty" name:"SecurityPolicyDatabases"` // Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration. IKE has a self-protection mechanism. The network security protocol is configured by the user. IKEOptionsSpecification *IKEOptionsSpecification `json:"IKEOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IKEOptionsSpecification"` // IPSec configuration. The IPSec secure session configuration is provided by Tencent Cloud. IPSECOptionsSpecification *IPSECOptionsSpecification `json:"IPSECOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IPSECOptionsSpecification"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // Whether the tunnel health check is supported. EnableHealthCheck *bool `json:"EnableHealthCheck,omitempty" name:"EnableHealthCheck"` // Local IP address for the health check HealthCheckLocalIp *string `json:"HealthCheckLocalIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckLocalIp"` // Peer IP address for the health check HealthCheckRemoteIp *string `json:"HealthCheckRemoteIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckRemoteIp"` // Tunnel type. Valid values: `STATIC`, `StaticRoute`, and `Policy`. RouteType *string `json:"RouteType,omitempty" name:"RouteType"` // Negotiation type. Valid values: `active` (default value), `passive` and `flowTrigger`. NegotiationType *string `json:"NegotiationType,omitempty" name:"NegotiationType"` // Specifies whether to enable DPD. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable) DpdEnable *int64 `json:"DpdEnable,omitempty" name:"DpdEnable"` // DPD timeout period. Default: 30; unit: second. If the request is not responded within this period, the peer end is considered not exists. This parameter is valid when the value of `DpdEnable` is 1. DpdTimeout *string `json:"DpdTimeout,omitempty" name:"DpdTimeout"` // The action after DPD timeout. Valid values: `clear` (disconnect) and `restart` (try again). It’s valid when `DpdEnable` is `1`. DpdAction *string `json:"DpdAction,omitempty" name:"DpdAction"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnConnectionResponse ¶
type CreateVpnConnectionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpnConnectionResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpnConnectionResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpnConnectionResponse() (response *CreateVpnConnectionResponse)
func (*CreateVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnConnectionResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpnConnectionResponseParams struct { // Tunnel instance object. VpnConnection *VpnConnection `json:"VpnConnection,omitempty" name:"VpnConnection"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnGatewayRequest ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPC instance ID, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in the response of the [`DescribeVpcs`]( API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The VPN gateway name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpnGatewayName *string `json:"VpnGatewayName,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayName"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // The VPN gateway billing mode. PREPAID: prepaid means monthly subscription. POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: postpaid means pay-as-you-go. Default: POSTPAID_BY_HOUR. If prepaid mode is specified, the `InstanceChargePrepaid` parameter must be entered. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // Parameter settings for prepaid billing mode, also known as monthly subscription. This parameter can specify the purchase period and other attributes such as auto-renewal. This parameter is mandatory for prepaid instances. InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-2`. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // VPN gateway type. Values: `CCN` (CCN VPN gateway), `SSL` (SSL VPN gateway) Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Maximum number of connected clients allowed for the SSL VPN gateway. Valid values: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]. This parameter is only required for SSL VPN gateways. MaxConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConnection"` }
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRequest() (request *CreateVpnGatewayRequest)
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnGatewayRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRequestParams struct { // VPC instance ID, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in the response of the [`DescribeVpcs`]( API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The VPN gateway name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpnGatewayName *string `json:"VpnGatewayName,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayName"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // The VPN gateway billing mode. PREPAID: prepaid means monthly subscription. POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: postpaid means pay-as-you-go. Default: POSTPAID_BY_HOUR. If prepaid mode is specified, the `InstanceChargePrepaid` parameter must be entered. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // Parameter settings for prepaid billing mode, also known as monthly subscription. This parameter can specify the purchase period and other attributes such as auto-renewal. This parameter is mandatory for prepaid instances. InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-2`. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // VPN gateway type. Values: `CCN` (CCN VPN gateway), `SSL` (SSL VPN gateway) Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. Tags []*Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Maximum number of connected clients allowed for the SSL VPN gateway. Valid values: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100]. This parameter is only required for SSL VPN gateways. MaxConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConnection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnGatewayResponse ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpnGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpnGatewayResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpnGatewayResponse() (response *CreateVpnGatewayResponse)
func (*CreateVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnGatewayResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayResponseParams struct { // VPN gateway object. VpnGateway *VpnGateway `json:"VpnGateway,omitempty" name:"VpnGateway"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Destination route list of a VPN gateway Routes []*VpnGatewayRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest() (request *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest)
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams struct { // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Destination route list of a VPN gateway Routes []*VpnGatewayRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
func NewCreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse() (response *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse)
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams ¶
type CreateVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams struct { // Destination routes of a VPN gateway Routes []*VpnGatewayRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type CrossBorderCompliance ¶
type CrossBorderCompliance struct { // Service provider. Valid values: `UNICOM`. ServiceProvider *string `json:"ServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"ServiceProvider"` // ID of compliance review request. ComplianceId *uint64 `json:"ComplianceId,omitempty" name:"ComplianceId"` // Full company name. Company *string `json:"Company,omitempty" name:"Company"` // Unified Social Credit Code. UniformSocialCreditCode *string `json:"UniformSocialCreditCode,omitempty" name:"UniformSocialCreditCode"` // Legal person. LegalPerson *string `json:"LegalPerson,omitempty" name:"LegalPerson"` // Issuing authority. IssuingAuthority *string `json:"IssuingAuthority,omitempty" name:"IssuingAuthority"` // Business license. BusinessLicense *string `json:"BusinessLicense,omitempty" name:"BusinessLicense"` // Business address. BusinessAddress *string `json:"BusinessAddress,omitempty" name:"BusinessAddress"` // Zip code. PostCode *uint64 `json:"PostCode,omitempty" name:"PostCode"` // Operator. Manager *string `json:"Manager,omitempty" name:"Manager"` // Operator ID card number. ManagerId *string `json:"ManagerId,omitempty" name:"ManagerId"` // Operator ID card. ManagerIdCard *string `json:"ManagerIdCard,omitempty" name:"ManagerIdCard"` // Operator address. ManagerAddress *string `json:"ManagerAddress,omitempty" name:"ManagerAddress"` // Operator phone number. ManagerTelephone *string `json:"ManagerTelephone,omitempty" name:"ManagerTelephone"` // Email. Email *string `json:"Email,omitempty" name:"Email"` // Service handling form. ServiceHandlingForm *string `json:"ServiceHandlingForm,omitempty" name:"ServiceHandlingForm"` // Authorization letter. AuthorizationLetter *string `json:"AuthorizationLetter,omitempty" name:"AuthorizationLetter"` // Information security commitment. SafetyCommitment *string `json:"SafetyCommitment,omitempty" name:"SafetyCommitment"` // Service start date. ServiceStartDate *string `json:"ServiceStartDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceStartDate"` // Service end date. ServiceEndDate *string `json:"ServiceEndDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceEndDate"` // Status. Valid values: `PENDING`, `APPROVED`, and `DENY`. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Creation time of the review form. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type CustomerGateway ¶
type CustomerGateway struct { // The unique ID of the customer gateway CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` // Gateway Name CustomerGatewayName *string `json:"CustomerGatewayName,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayName"` // Public network address IpAddress *string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty" name:"IpAddress"` // The creation time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type CustomerGatewayVendor ¶
type CvmInstance ¶
type CvmInstance struct { // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet instance ID. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // CVM instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // CVM Name InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // CVM status. InstanceState *string `json:"InstanceState,omitempty" name:"InstanceState"` // Number of CPU cores in an instance (in core). CPU *uint64 `json:"CPU,omitempty" name:"CPU"` // Instance’s memory capacity. Unit: GB. Memory *uint64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // The creation time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Instance type. InstanceType *string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // Instance ENI quota (including primary ENIs). EniLimit *uint64 `json:"EniLimit,omitempty" name:"EniLimit"` // Private IP quoata for instance ENIs (including primary ENIs). EniIpLimit *uint64 `json:"EniIpLimit,omitempty" name:"EniIpLimit"` // The number of ENIs (including primary ENIs) bound to a instance. InstanceEniCount *uint64 `json:"InstanceEniCount,omitempty" name:"InstanceEniCount"` }
type DefaultVpcSubnet ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-90cex8mq`. AddressTemplateGroupId *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupId"` }
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest ¶
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest() (request *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest)
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupRequestParams struct { // The IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-90cex8mq`. AddressTemplateGroupId *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse ¶
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse() (response *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse)
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateGroupResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteAddressTemplateRequest ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-09o5m8kc`. AddressTemplateId *string `json:"AddressTemplateId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateId"` }
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateRequest ¶
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateRequest() (request *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest)
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAddressTemplateRequestParams ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateRequestParams struct { // The IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-09o5m8kc`. AddressTemplateId *string `json:"AddressTemplateId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteAddressTemplateResponse ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateResponse ¶
func NewDeleteAddressTemplateResponse() (response *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse)
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAddressTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAddressTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAddressTemplateResponseParams ¶
type DeleteAddressTemplateResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteAssistantCidrRequest ¶
type DeleteAssistantCidrRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CIDR set, e.g. ["", ""] CidrBlocks []*string `json:"CidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"CidrBlocks"` }
func NewDeleteAssistantCidrRequest ¶
func NewDeleteAssistantCidrRequest() (request *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest)
func (*DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAssistantCidrRequestParams ¶
type DeleteAssistantCidrRequestParams struct { // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CIDR set, e.g. ["", ""] CidrBlocks []*string `json:"CidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"CidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteAssistantCidrResponse ¶
type DeleteAssistantCidrResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteAssistantCidrResponse ¶
func NewDeleteAssistantCidrResponse() (response *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse)
func (*DeleteAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAssistantCidrResponseParams ¶
type DeleteAssistantCidrResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest ¶
type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the bandwidth package to be deleted. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` }
func NewDeleteBandwidthPackageRequest ¶
func NewDeleteBandwidthPackageRequest() (request *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest)
func (*DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequestParams ¶
type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the bandwidth package to be deleted. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse ¶
type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteBandwidthPackageResponse ¶
func NewDeleteBandwidthPackageResponse() (response *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse)
func (*DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponseParams ¶
type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteCcnRequest ¶
type DeleteCcnRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` }
func NewDeleteCcnRequest ¶
func NewDeleteCcnRequest() (request *DeleteCcnRequest)
func (*DeleteCcnRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCcnRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteCcnRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCcnRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteCcnRequestParams ¶
type DeleteCcnRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteCcnResponse ¶
type DeleteCcnResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteCcnResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteCcnResponse ¶
func NewDeleteCcnResponse() (response *DeleteCcnResponse)
func (*DeleteCcnResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCcnResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteCcnResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCcnResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteCcnResponseParams ¶
type DeleteCcnResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` }
func NewDeleteCustomerGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDeleteCustomerGatewayRequest() (request *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest)
func (*DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCustomerGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DeleteCustomerGatewayRequestParams struct { // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse ¶
type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteCustomerGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDeleteCustomerGatewayResponse() (response *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse)
func (*DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteCustomerGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DeleteCustomerGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The route ID, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The route ID, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest() (request *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest)
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse() (response *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse)
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DeleteDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteFlowLogRequest ¶
type DeleteFlowLogRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless a CCN flow log is deleted. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
func NewDeleteFlowLogRequest ¶
func NewDeleteFlowLogRequest() (request *DeleteFlowLogRequest)
func (*DeleteFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteFlowLogRequestParams ¶
type DeleteFlowLogRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless a CCN flow log is deleted. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteFlowLogResponse ¶
type DeleteFlowLogResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteFlowLogResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteFlowLogResponse ¶
func NewDeleteFlowLogResponse() (response *DeleteFlowLogResponse)
func (*DeleteFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteFlowLogResponseParams ¶
type DeleteFlowLogResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteHaVipRequest ¶
type DeleteHaVipRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` }
func NewDeleteHaVipRequest ¶
func NewDeleteHaVipRequest() (request *DeleteHaVipRequest)
func (*DeleteHaVipRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteHaVipRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteHaVipRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteHaVipRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteHaVipRequestParams ¶
type DeleteHaVipRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteHaVipResponse ¶
type DeleteHaVipResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteHaVipResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteHaVipResponse ¶
func NewDeleteHaVipResponse() (response *DeleteHaVipResponse)
func (*DeleteHaVipResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteHaVipResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteHaVipResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteHaVipResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteHaVipResponseParams ¶
type DeleteHaVipResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteLocalGatewayRequest ¶
type DeleteLocalGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Local gateway instance ID LocalGatewayId *string `json:"LocalGatewayId,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayId"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
func NewDeleteLocalGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDeleteLocalGatewayRequest() (request *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest)
func (*DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteLocalGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DeleteLocalGatewayRequestParams struct { // Local gateway instance ID LocalGatewayId *string `json:"LocalGatewayId,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayId"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteLocalGatewayResponse ¶
type DeleteLocalGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteLocalGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDeleteLocalGatewayResponse() (response *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse)
func (*DeleteLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteLocalGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DeleteLocalGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules []*DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules []*DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewayRequest ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewayRequest() (request *DeleteNatGatewayRequest)
func (*DeleteNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewayResponse ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNatGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewayResponse() (response *DeleteNatGatewayResponse)
func (*DeleteNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df45454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The list of SNAT rule IDs of a NAT Gateway, such as `snat-df43254` NatGatewaySnatIds []*string `json:"NatGatewaySnatIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewaySnatIds"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df45454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The list of SNAT rule IDs of a NAT Gateway, such as `snat-df43254` NatGatewaySnatIds []*string `json:"NatGatewaySnatIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewaySnatIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetDetectRequest ¶
type DeleteNetDetectRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of a network detection instance, such as `netd-12345678`. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` }
func NewDeleteNetDetectRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNetDetectRequest() (request *DeleteNetDetectRequest)
func (*DeleteNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetDetectRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNetDetectRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of a network detection instance, such as `netd-12345678`. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetDetectResponse ¶
type DeleteNetDetectResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNetDetectResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNetDetectResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNetDetectResponse() (response *DeleteNetDetectResponse)
func (*DeleteNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetDetectResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNetDetectResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetworkAclRequest ¶
type DeleteNetworkAclRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` }
func NewDeleteNetworkAclRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkAclRequest() (request *DeleteNetworkAclRequest)
func (*DeleteNetworkAclRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetworkAclRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkAclRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetworkAclRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNetworkAclRequestParams struct { // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetworkAclResponse ¶
type DeleteNetworkAclResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNetworkAclResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNetworkAclResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkAclResponse() (response *DeleteNetworkAclResponse)
func (*DeleteNetworkAclResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkAclResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetworkAclResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkAclResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetworkAclResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNetworkAclResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` }
func NewDeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewDeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteRouteTableRequest ¶
type DeleteRouteTableRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
func NewDeleteRouteTableRequest ¶
func NewDeleteRouteTableRequest() (request *DeleteRouteTableRequest)
func (*DeleteRouteTableRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRouteTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteRouteTableRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRouteTableRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteRouteTableRequestParams ¶
type DeleteRouteTableRequestParams struct { // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteRouteTableResponse ¶
type DeleteRouteTableResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteRouteTableResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteRouteTableResponse ¶
func NewDeleteRouteTableResponse() (response *DeleteRouteTableResponse)
func (*DeleteRouteTableResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRouteTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteRouteTableResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRouteTableResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteRouteTableResponseParams ¶
type DeleteRouteTableResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteRoutesRequest ¶
type DeleteRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Route table instance ID. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. Only the `RouteId` field is required when deleting a routing policy. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewDeleteRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDeleteRoutesRequest() (request *DeleteRoutesRequest)
func (*DeleteRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DeleteRoutesRequestParams struct { // Route table instance ID. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. Only the `RouteId` field is required when deleting a routing policy. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteRoutesResponse ¶
type DeleteRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDeleteRoutesResponse() (response *DeleteRoutesResponse)
func (*DeleteRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DeleteRoutesResponseParams struct { // Details of the routing policy that has been deleted. RouteSet []*Route `json:"RouteSet,omitempty" name:"RouteSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The policy set of the security group. One request can only delete one or more policies in one direction. Both PolicyIndex-matching deletion and security group policy-matching deletion methods are supported. Each request can use only one matching method. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest() (request *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest)
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The policy set of the security group. One request can only delete one or more policies in one direction. Both PolicyIndex-matching deletion and security group policy-matching deletion methods are supported. Each request can use only one matching method. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse() (response *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse)
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSecurityGroupRequest ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` }
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupRequest ¶
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupRequest() (request *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest)
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSecurityGroupRequestParams ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSecurityGroupResponse ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupResponse ¶
func NewDeleteSecurityGroupResponse() (response *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse)
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSecurityGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSecurityGroupResponseParams ¶
type DeleteSecurityGroupResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-n17uxvve`. ServiceTemplateGroupId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupId"` }
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest ¶
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest() (request *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest)
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupRequestParams struct { // The protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-n17uxvve`. ServiceTemplateGroupId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse ¶
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse() (response *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse)
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateGroupResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteServiceTemplateRequest ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Protocol port template instance ID, such as `ppm-e6dy460g`. ServiceTemplateId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateId"` }
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateRequest ¶
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateRequest() (request *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest)
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteServiceTemplateRequestParams ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateRequestParams struct { // Protocol port template instance ID, such as `ppm-e6dy460g`. ServiceTemplateId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteServiceTemplateResponse ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateResponse ¶
func NewDeleteServiceTemplateResponse() (response *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse)
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteServiceTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteServiceTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteServiceTemplateResponseParams ¶
type DeleteServiceTemplateResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSubnetRequest ¶
type DeleteSubnetRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the subnet instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the SubnetId field in the returned result of DescribeSubnets API. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` }
func NewDeleteSubnetRequest ¶
func NewDeleteSubnetRequest() (request *DeleteSubnetRequest)
func (*DeleteSubnetRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSubnetRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSubnetRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSubnetRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSubnetRequestParams ¶
type DeleteSubnetRequestParams struct { // The ID of the subnet instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the SubnetId field in the returned result of DescribeSubnets API. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteSubnetResponse ¶
type DeleteSubnetResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteSubnetResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteSubnetResponse ¶
func NewDeleteSubnetResponse() (response *DeleteSubnetResponse)
func (*DeleteSubnetResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSubnetResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteSubnetResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteSubnetResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteSubnetResponseParams ¶
type DeleteSubnetResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointRequest ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointRequest() (request *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointRequestParams struct { // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointResponse ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointResponse() (response *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Endpoint ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest() (request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams struct { // Endpoint ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse() (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of user UINs UserUin []*string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest() (request *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams struct { // Array of user UINs UserUin []*string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse() (response *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse)
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcRequest ¶
type DeleteVpcRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
func NewDeleteVpcRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpcRequest() (request *DeleteVpcRequest)
func (*DeleteVpcRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpcRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpcResponse ¶
type DeleteVpcResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpcResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpcResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpcResponse() (response *DeleteVpcResponse)
func (*DeleteVpcResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpcResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpcResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpcResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpcResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnConnectionRequest ¶
type DeleteVpnConnectionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` }
func NewDeleteVpnConnectionRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpnConnectionRequest() (request *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest)
func (*DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnConnectionRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpnConnectionRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnConnectionResponse ¶
type DeleteVpnConnectionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpnConnectionResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpnConnectionResponse() (response *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse)
func (*DeleteVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnConnectionResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpnConnectionResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnGatewayRequest ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` }
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRequest() (request *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest)
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnGatewayResponse ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayResponse() (response *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse)
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID of the VPN gateway VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // List of route IDs RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest() (request *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest)
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams struct { // Instance ID of the VPN gateway VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // List of route IDs RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse() (response *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse)
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DeleteVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAccountAttributesRequest ¶
type DescribeAccountAttributesRequest struct {
func NewDescribeAccountAttributesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAccountAttributesRequest() (request *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest)
func (*DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountAttributesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAccountAttributesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAccountAttributesRequestParams struct { }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAccountAttributesResponse ¶
type DescribeAccountAttributesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAccountAttributesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAccountAttributesResponse() (response *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse)
func (*DescribeAccountAttributesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountAttributesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountAttributesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAccountAttributesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAccountAttributesResponseParams struct { // User account attribute object AccountAttributeSet []*AccountAttribute `json:"AccountAttributeSet,omitempty" name:"AccountAttributeSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressQuotaRequest ¶
type DescribeAddressQuotaRequest struct {
func NewDescribeAddressQuotaRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAddressQuotaRequest() (request *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest)
func (*DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressQuotaRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressQuotaRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAddressQuotaRequestParams struct { }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressQuotaResponse ¶
type DescribeAddressQuotaResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAddressQuotaResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAddressQuotaResponse() (response *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse)
func (*DescribeAddressQuotaResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressQuotaResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressQuotaResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressQuotaResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAddressQuotaResponseParams struct { // The quota information of EIPs in an account. QuotaSet []*Quota `json:"QuotaSet,omitempty" name:"QuotaSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter conditions. // <li>address-template-group-name - String - (Filter condition) IP address template group name.</li> // <li>address-template-group-id - String - (Filter condition) IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-mdunqeb6`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsRequestParams struct { // Filter conditions. // <li>address-template-group-name - String - (Filter condition) IP address template group name.</li> // <li>address-template-group-id - String - (Filter condition) IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-mdunqeb6`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplateGroupsResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // IP address template. AddressTemplateGroupSet []*AddressTemplateGroup `json:"AddressTemplateGroupSet,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filters // <li>address-template-name - IP address template name.</li> // <li>address-template-id - IP address template ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`.</li> // <li>address-ip - IP address.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeAddressTemplatesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAddressTemplatesRequest() (request *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest)
func (*DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplatesRequestParams struct { // Filters // <li>address-template-name - IP address template name.</li> // <li>address-template-id - IP address template ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`.</li> // <li>address-ip - IP address.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAddressTemplatesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAddressTemplatesResponse() (response *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse)
func (*DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAddressTemplatesResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // IP address template. AddressTemplateSet []*AddressTemplate `json:"AddressTemplateSet,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressesRequest ¶
type DescribeAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The list of unique IDs of EIPs in the format of `eip-11112222`. `AddressIds` and `Filters.address-id` cannot be specified at the same time. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters` and 100 `Filter.Values`. Detailed filter conditions: // <li> address-id - String - Optional - Filter by unique EIP ID, such as `eip-11112222`.</li> // <li> address-name - String - Optional - Filter by EIP name. Fuzzy filtering is not supported.</li> // <li> address-ip - String - Optional - Filter by EIP address.</li> // <li> address-status - String - Optional - Filter by EIP status. Valid values: `CREATING`, `BINDING`, `BIND`, `UNBINDING`, `UNBIND`, `OFFLINING`, and `BIND_ENI`.</li> // <li> instance-id - String - Optional - Filter by the ID of the instance bound to the EIP, such as `ins-11112222`.</li> // <li> private-ip-address - String - Optional - Filter by the private IP address bound to the EIP.</li> // <li> network-interface-id - String - Optional - Filter by ID of the ENI bound to the EIP, such as `eni-11112222`.</li> // <li> is-arrears - String - Optional - Filter by the fact whether the EIP is overdue (TRUE: the EIP is overdue | FALSE: the billing status of the EIP is normal).</li> // <li> address-type - String - Optional - Filter by IP type. Valid values: `WanIP`, `EIP`, `AnycastEIP`, and `HighQualityEIP`. Default value: `EIP`.</li> // <li> address-isp - String - Optional - Filter by ISP type. Valid values: `BGP`, `CMCC`, `CUCC`, and `CTCC`.</li> // <li> dedicated-cluster-id - String - Optional - Filter by unique CDC ID, such as `cluster-11112222`.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag-value - String - Optional - Filter by tag value.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Overview]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. The default value is 20. The maximum is 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Overview]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeAddressesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAddressesRequest() (request *DescribeAddressesRequest)
func (*DescribeAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAddressesRequestParams struct { // The list of unique IDs of EIPs in the format of `eip-11112222`. `AddressIds` and `Filters.address-id` cannot be specified at the same time. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters` and 100 `Filter.Values`. Detailed filter conditions: // <li> address-id - String - Optional - Filter by unique EIP ID, such as `eip-11112222`.</li> // <li> address-name - String - Optional - Filter by EIP name. Fuzzy filtering is not supported.</li> // <li> address-ip - String - Optional - Filter by EIP address.</li> // <li> address-status - String - Optional - Filter by EIP status. Valid values: `CREATING`, `BINDING`, `BIND`, `UNBINDING`, `UNBIND`, `OFFLINING`, and `BIND_ENI`.</li> // <li> instance-id - String - Optional - Filter by the ID of the instance bound to the EIP, such as `ins-11112222`.</li> // <li> private-ip-address - String - Optional - Filter by the private IP address bound to the EIP.</li> // <li> network-interface-id - String - Optional - Filter by ID of the ENI bound to the EIP, such as `eni-11112222`.</li> // <li> is-arrears - String - Optional - Filter by the fact whether the EIP is overdue (TRUE: the EIP is overdue | FALSE: the billing status of the EIP is normal).</li> // <li> address-type - String - Optional - Filter by IP type. Valid values: `WanIP`, `EIP`, `AnycastEIP`, and `HighQualityEIP`. Default value: `EIP`.</li> // <li> address-isp - String - Optional - Filter by ISP type. Valid values: `BGP`, `CMCC`, `CUCC`, and `CTCC`.</li> // <li> dedicated-cluster-id - String - Optional - Filter by unique CDC ID, such as `cluster-11112222`.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag-value - String - Optional - Filter by tag value.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Overview]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. The default value is 20. The maximum is 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Overview]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAddressesResponse ¶
type DescribeAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAddressesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAddressesResponse() (response *DescribeAddressesResponse)
func (*DescribeAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAddressesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAddressesResponseParams struct { // Number of EIPs meeting the condition. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // List of EIPs details. AddressSet []*Address `json:"AddressSet,omitempty" name:"AddressSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAssistantCidrRequest ¶
type DescribeAssistantCidrRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of a VPC instance set, such as `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` // Filter condition. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeAssistantCidrRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAssistantCidrRequest() (request *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest)
func (*DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAssistantCidrRequestParams ¶
type DescribeAssistantCidrRequestParams struct { // The ID of a VPC instance set, such as `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` // Filter condition. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeAssistantCidrResponse ¶
type DescribeAssistantCidrResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAssistantCidrResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAssistantCidrResponse() (response *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse)
func (*DescribeAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAssistantCidrResponseParams ¶
type DescribeAssistantCidrResponseParams struct { // A set of eligible secondary CIDR blocks // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. AssistantCidrSet []*AssistantCidr `json:"AssistantCidrSet,omitempty" name:"AssistantCidrSet"` // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of the pay-as-you-go bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest() (request *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequestParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageRequestParams struct { // Unique ID of the pay-as-you-go bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse() (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponseParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsageResponseParams struct { // Current billable usage. BandwidthPackageBillBandwidthSet []*BandwidthPackageBillBandwidth `json:"BandwidthPackageBillBandwidthSet,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageBillBandwidthSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest struct {
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest() (request *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequestParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaRequestParams struct { }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse() (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponseParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageQuotaResponseParams struct { // The quota of the bandwidth package. QuotaSet []*Quota `json:"QuotaSet,omitempty" name:"QuotaSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of the bandwidth package in the form of `bwp-11112222`. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters` and 5 `Filter.Values`. `AddressIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. The specific filter conditions are as follows: // <li>resource-id - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by the unique ID of resources in a bandwidth package, such as `eip-11112222`.</li> // <li>resource-type - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by the type of resources in a bandwidth package. It now supports only EIP (`Address`) and load balancer (`LoadBalance`).</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default value: 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams struct { // Unique ID of the bandwidth package in the form of `bwp-11112222`. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters` and 5 `Filter.Values`. `AddressIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. The specific filter conditions are as follows: // <li>resource-id - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by the unique ID of resources in a bandwidth package, such as `eip-11112222`.</li> // <li>resource-type - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by the type of resources in a bandwidth package. It now supports only EIP (`Address`) and load balancer (`LoadBalance`).</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default value: 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams struct { // The number of eligible resources in the bandwidth package. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The list of resources in the bandwidth package. ResourceSet []*Resource `json:"ResourceSet,omitempty" name:"ResourceSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID list of bandwidth packages. BandwidthPackageIds []*string `json:"BandwidthPackageIds,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageIds"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters`. `BandwidthPackageIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. The specific filter conditions are as follows: // <li> bandwidth-package_id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the unique ID of the bandwidth package.</li> // <li> bandwidth-package-name - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package name. Fuzzy filtering is not supported.</li> // <li> network-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package type. Valid values: `HIGH_QUALITY_BGP`, `BGP`, `SINGLEISP`, and `ANYCAST`.</li> // <li> charge-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package billing mode. Valid values: `TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH` and `PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`.</li> // <li> resource.resource-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource type. Valid values: `Address` and `LoadBalance`.</li> // <li> resource.resource-id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource ID, such as `eip-xxxx` and `lb-xxxx`.</li> // <li> resource.address-ip - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource IP.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag-value - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag value.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset of the query results Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Max number of the bandwidth packages to be returned. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest() (request *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID list of bandwidth packages. BandwidthPackageIds []*string `json:"BandwidthPackageIds,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageIds"` // Each request can have up to 10 `Filters`. `BandwidthPackageIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. The specific filter conditions are as follows: // <li> bandwidth-package_id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the unique ID of the bandwidth package.</li> // <li> bandwidth-package-name - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package name. Fuzzy filtering is not supported.</li> // <li> network-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package type. Valid values: `HIGH_QUALITY_BGP`, `BGP`, `SINGLEISP`, and `ANYCAST`.</li> // <li> charge-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package billing mode. Valid values: `TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH` and `PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH`.</li> // <li> resource.resource-type - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource type. Valid values: `Address` and `LoadBalance`.</li> // <li> resource.resource-id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource ID, such as `eip-xxxx` and `lb-xxxx`.</li> // <li> resource.address-ip - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by the bandwidth package resource IP.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag-value - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag value.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset of the query results Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Max number of the bandwidth packages to be returned. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse() (response *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse)
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponseParams struct { // The number of eligible bandwidth packages. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Detail information of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageSet []*BandwidthPackage `json:"BandwidthPackageSet,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest ¶
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter conditions: // <li>ccn-id - String - (Filter condition) The CCN instance ID.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The associated instance type.</li> // <li>instance-region - String - (Filter condition) The associated instance region.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The instance ID of the associated instance.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The ID of the CCN instance CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The order field supports `CcnId`, `InstanceType`, `InstanceId`, `InstanceName`, `InstanceRegion`, `AttachedTime`, and `State`. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
func NewDescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest)
func (*DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesRequestParams struct { // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter conditions: // <li>ccn-id - String - (Filter condition) The CCN instance ID.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The associated instance type.</li> // <li>instance-region - String - (Filter condition) The associated instance region.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The instance ID of the associated instance.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The ID of the CCN instance CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The order field supports `CcnId`, `InstanceType`, `InstanceId`, `InstanceName`, `InstanceRegion`, `AttachedTime`, and `State`. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse ¶
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse)
func (*DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCcnAttachedInstancesResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The list of associated instances. InstanceSet []*CcnAttachedInstance `json:"InstanceSet,omitempty" name:"InstanceSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID in the format of `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` }
func NewDescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest() (request *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest)
func (*DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID in the format of `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse() (response *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse)
func (*DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams struct { // The outbound bandwidth caps of all regions connected with the specified CCN instance CcnRegionBandwidthLimitSet []*CcnRegionBandwidthLimit `json:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimitSet,omitempty" name:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimitSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type DescribeCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-gree226l`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` // Filter condition. `RouteIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>route-id - String - (Filter condition) Routing policy ID.</li> // <li>cidr-block - String - (Filter condition) Destination.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The next hop type.</li> // <li>instance-region - String - (Filter condition) The next hop region.</li> // <li>instance-id - String - (Filter condition) The instance ID of the next hop.</li> // <li>route-table-id - String - (Filter condition) The list of route table IDs in the format of `ccntr-1234edfr`. Filters by the route table ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCcnRoutesRequest() (request *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-gree226l`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` // Filter condition. `RouteIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>route-id - String - (Filter condition) Routing policy ID.</li> // <li>cidr-block - String - (Filter condition) Destination.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) The next hop type.</li> // <li>instance-region - String - (Filter condition) The next hop region.</li> // <li>instance-id - String - (Filter condition) The instance ID of the next hop.</li> // <li>route-table-id - String - (Filter condition) The list of route table IDs in the format of `ccntr-1234edfr`. Filters by the route table ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type DescribeCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCcnRoutesResponse() (response *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*DescribeCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The CCN routing policy object. RouteSet []*CcnRoute `json:"RouteSet,omitempty" name:"RouteSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnsRequest ¶
type DescribeCcnsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `CcnIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time CcnIds []*string `json:"CcnIds,omitempty" name:"CcnIds"` // Filter conditions. `CcnIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>ccn-id - String - (Filter condition) The unique ID of the CCN, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>ccn-name - String - (Filter condition) The CCN name.</li> // <li>ccn-description - String - (Filter condition) CCN description.</li> // <li>state - String - (Filter condition) The instance status. 'ISOLATED': Isolated (the account is in arrears and the service is suspended.) 'AVAILABLE': Running.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key.</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key` - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key pair. For this parameter, `tag-key` will be replaced with a specific tag key. For more information, see this example: **Querying the list of CCNs bound to tags**.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Order fields support `CcnId`, `CcnName`, `CreateTime`, `State`, and `QosLevel` OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
func NewDescribeCcnsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCcnsRequest() (request *DescribeCcnsRequest)
func (*DescribeCcnsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCcnsRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `CcnIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time CcnIds []*string `json:"CcnIds,omitempty" name:"CcnIds"` // Filter conditions. `CcnIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>ccn-id - String - (Filter condition) The unique ID of the CCN, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>ccn-name - String - (Filter condition) The CCN name.</li> // <li>ccn-description - String - (Filter condition) CCN description.</li> // <li>state - String - (Filter condition) The instance status. 'ISOLATED': Isolated (the account is in arrears and the service is suspended.) 'AVAILABLE': Running.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key.</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key` - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key pair. For this parameter, `tag-key` will be replaced with a specific tag key. For more information, see this example: **Querying the list of CCNs bound to tags**.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Order fields support `CcnId`, `CcnName`, `CreateTime`, `State`, and `QosLevel` OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCcnsResponse ¶
type DescribeCcnsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCcnsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCcnsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCcnsResponse() (response *DescribeCcnsResponse)
func (*DescribeCcnsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCcnsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCcnsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCcnsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCcnsResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // CCN object. CcnSet []*CCN `json:"CcnSet,omitempty" name:"CcnSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest ¶
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter conditions. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) The VPC instance ID.</li> // <li>vm-ip - String - (Filter condition) The IP address of the CVM on the basic network.</li> Filters []*FilterObject `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest)
func (*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequestParams struct { // Filter conditions. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) The VPC instance ID.</li> // <li>vm-ip - String - (Filter condition) The IP address of the CVM on the basic network.</li> Filters []*FilterObject `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse ¶
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse)
func (*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeClassicLinkInstancesResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Classiclink instance. ClassicLinkInstanceSet []*ClassicLinkInstance `json:"ClassicLinkInstanceSet,omitempty" name:"ClassicLinkInstanceSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest ¶
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // (Exact match) Service provider. Valid values: `UNICOM`. ServiceProvider *string `json:"ServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"ServiceProvider"` // (Exact match) ID of compliance review request. ComplianceId *uint64 `json:"ComplianceId,omitempty" name:"ComplianceId"` // (Fuzzy match) Company name. Company *string `json:"Company,omitempty" name:"Company"` // (Fuzzy match) Unified Social Credit Code. UniformSocialCreditCode *string `json:"UniformSocialCreditCode,omitempty" name:"UniformSocialCreditCode"` // (Fuzzy match) Legal person. LegalPerson *string `json:"LegalPerson,omitempty" name:"LegalPerson"` // (Fuzzy match) Issuing authority. IssuingAuthority *string `json:"IssuingAuthority,omitempty" name:"IssuingAuthority"` // (Fuzzy match) Business address. BusinessAddress *string `json:"BusinessAddress,omitempty" name:"BusinessAddress"` // (Exact match) Zip code. PostCode *uint64 `json:"PostCode,omitempty" name:"PostCode"` // (Fuzzy match) Operator. Manager *string `json:"Manager,omitempty" name:"Manager"` // (Exact match) Operator ID card number. ManagerId *string `json:"ManagerId,omitempty" name:"ManagerId"` // (Fuzzy match) Operator address. ManagerAddress *string `json:"ManagerAddress,omitempty" name:"ManagerAddress"` // (Exact match) Operator phone number. ManagerTelephone *string `json:"ManagerTelephone,omitempty" name:"ManagerTelephone"` // (Exact match) Email. Email *string `json:"Email,omitempty" name:"Email"` // (Exact match) Service start date, such as `2020-07-28`. ServiceStartDate *string `json:"ServiceStartDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceStartDate"` // (Exact match) Service end date, such as `2020-07-28`. ServiceEndDate *string `json:"ServiceEndDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceEndDate"` // (Exact match) Status. Valid values: `PENDING`, `APPROVED`, and `DENY`. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // The offset value Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Quantity of returned items Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest() (request *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest)
func (*DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceRequestParams struct { // (Exact match) Service provider. Valid values: `UNICOM`. ServiceProvider *string `json:"ServiceProvider,omitempty" name:"ServiceProvider"` // (Exact match) ID of compliance review request. ComplianceId *uint64 `json:"ComplianceId,omitempty" name:"ComplianceId"` // (Fuzzy match) Company name. Company *string `json:"Company,omitempty" name:"Company"` // (Fuzzy match) Unified Social Credit Code. UniformSocialCreditCode *string `json:"UniformSocialCreditCode,omitempty" name:"UniformSocialCreditCode"` // (Fuzzy match) Legal person. LegalPerson *string `json:"LegalPerson,omitempty" name:"LegalPerson"` // (Fuzzy match) Issuing authority. IssuingAuthority *string `json:"IssuingAuthority,omitempty" name:"IssuingAuthority"` // (Fuzzy match) Business address. BusinessAddress *string `json:"BusinessAddress,omitempty" name:"BusinessAddress"` // (Exact match) Zip code. PostCode *uint64 `json:"PostCode,omitempty" name:"PostCode"` // (Fuzzy match) Operator. Manager *string `json:"Manager,omitempty" name:"Manager"` // (Exact match) Operator ID card number. ManagerId *string `json:"ManagerId,omitempty" name:"ManagerId"` // (Fuzzy match) Operator address. ManagerAddress *string `json:"ManagerAddress,omitempty" name:"ManagerAddress"` // (Exact match) Operator phone number. ManagerTelephone *string `json:"ManagerTelephone,omitempty" name:"ManagerTelephone"` // (Exact match) Email. Email *string `json:"Email,omitempty" name:"Email"` // (Exact match) Service start date, such as `2020-07-28`. ServiceStartDate *string `json:"ServiceStartDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceStartDate"` // (Exact match) Service end date, such as `2020-07-28`. ServiceEndDate *string `json:"ServiceEndDate,omitempty" name:"ServiceEndDate"` // (Exact match) Status. Valid values: `PENDING`, `APPROVED`, and `DENY`. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // The offset value Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Quantity of returned items Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse ¶
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse() (response *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse)
func (*DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCrossBorderComplianceResponseParams struct { // List of compliance review requests. CrossBorderComplianceSet []*CrossBorderCompliance `json:"CrossBorderComplianceSet,omitempty" name:"CrossBorderComplianceSet"` // Total number of compliance review requests. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest struct {
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest() (request *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest)
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsRequestParams struct { }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse() (response *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse)
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewayVendorsResponseParams struct { // Customer gateway vendor information object. CustomerGatewayVendorSet []*CustomerGatewayVendor `json:"CustomerGatewayVendorSet,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayVendorSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Customer gateway ID, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `CustomerGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. CustomerGatewayIds []*string `json:"CustomerGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayIds"` // The filter condition. For details, see the Instance Filter Conditions Table. The upper limit for `Filters` in each request is 10 and 5 for `Filter.Values`. `CustomerGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>customer-gateway-id - String - (Filter condition) The unique ID of the user gateway, such as `cgw-mgp33pll`.</li> // <li>customer-gateway-name - String - (Filter condition) The name of the user gateway, such as `test-cgw`.</li> // <li>ip-address - String - (Filter condition) The public IP address, such as ``.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information about Offset, see the relevant section in the API Introduction. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest() (request *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest)
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequestParams ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysRequestParams struct { // Customer gateway ID, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `CustomerGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. CustomerGatewayIds []*string `json:"CustomerGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayIds"` // The filter condition. For details, see the Instance Filter Conditions Table. The upper limit for `Filters` in each request is 10 and 5 for `Filter.Values`. `CustomerGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>customer-gateway-id - String - (Filter condition) The unique ID of the user gateway, such as `cgw-mgp33pll`.</li> // <li>customer-gateway-name - String - (Filter condition) The name of the user gateway, such as `test-cgw`.</li> // <li>ip-address - String - (Filter condition) The public IP address, such as ``.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information about Offset, see the relevant section in the API Introduction. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse() (response *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse)
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponseParams ¶
type DescribeCustomerGatewaysResponseParams struct { // Customer gateway object list CustomerGatewaySet []*CustomerGateway `json:"CustomerGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewaySet"` // Number of eligible instances TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The route learning type of the CCN. Available values: // <li>`BGP` - Automatic learning.</li> // <li>`STATIC` - Static means user-configured. This is the default value.</li> CcnRouteType *string `json:"CcnRouteType,omitempty" name:"CcnRouteType"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The route learning type of the CCN. Available values: // <li>`BGP` - Automatic learning.</li> // <li>`STATIC` - Static means user-configured. This is the default value.</li> CcnRouteType *string `json:"CcnRouteType,omitempty" name:"CcnRouteType"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The CCN route (IDC IP range) list. RouteSet []*DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute `json:"RouteSet,omitempty" name:"RouteSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayIds []*string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayIds"` // Filter condition. `DirectConnectGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>direct-connect-gateway-id - String - The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`.</li> // <li>direct-connect-gateway-name - String - The name of the direct connect gateway. The default is fuzzy query.</li> // <li>direct-connect-gateway-ip - String - The IP of the direct connect gateway.</li> // <li>gateway-type - String - The gateway type. Valid values: `NORMAL` (Standard type), `NAT` (NAT type).</li> // <li>network-type- String - The network type. Valid values: `VPC` (VPC type), `CCN` (CCN type).</li> // <li>ccn-id - String - The ID of the CCN where the direct connect gateway resides.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - The ID of the VPC where the direct connect gateway resides.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Max number of results returned Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest() (request *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest)
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequestParams ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayIds []*string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayIds"` // Filter condition. `DirectConnectGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>direct-connect-gateway-id - String - The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`.</li> // <li>direct-connect-gateway-name - String - The name of the direct connect gateway. The default is fuzzy query.</li> // <li>direct-connect-gateway-ip - String - The IP of the direct connect gateway.</li> // <li>gateway-type - String - The gateway type. Valid values: `NORMAL` (Standard type), `NAT` (NAT type).</li> // <li>network-type- String - The network type. Valid values: `VPC` (VPC type), `CCN` (CCN type).</li> // <li>ccn-id - String - The ID of the CCN where the direct connect gateway resides.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - The ID of the VPC where the direct connect gateway resides.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Max number of results returned Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse() (response *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse)
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponseParams ¶
type DescribeDirectConnectGatewaysResponseParams struct { // The number of eligible objects. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The object array of the direct connect gateway. DirectConnectGatewaySet []*DirectConnectGateway `json:"DirectConnectGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewaySet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeFlowLogRequest ¶
type DescribeFlowLogRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the VPC instance VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` }
func NewDescribeFlowLogRequest ¶
func NewDescribeFlowLogRequest() (request *DescribeFlowLogRequest)
func (*DescribeFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeFlowLogRequestParams ¶
type DescribeFlowLogRequestParams struct { // ID of the VPC instance VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeFlowLogResponse ¶
type DescribeFlowLogResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeFlowLogResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeFlowLogResponse ¶
func NewDescribeFlowLogResponse() (response *DescribeFlowLogResponse)
func (*DescribeFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeFlowLogResponseParams ¶
type DescribeFlowLogResponseParams struct { // The flow log information. FlowLog []*FlowLog `json:"FlowLog,omitempty" name:"FlowLog"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeFlowLogsRequest ¶
type DescribeFlowLogsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the VPC instance VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The name of the flow log instance. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The resource type of the flow log. Valid values: 'VPC', 'SUBNET', and 'NETWORKINTERFACE'. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The unique ID of the resource. ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Type of flow logs to be collected. Valid values: 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT' and 'ALL'. TrafficType *string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty" name:"TrafficType"` // The storage ID of the flow log. CloudLogId *string `json:"CloudLogId,omitempty" name:"CloudLogId"` // The storage ID status of the flow log. CloudLogState *string `json:"CloudLogState,omitempty" name:"CloudLogState"` // Order by field. Valid values: 'flowLogName' and 'createTime'. Default value: 'createTime'. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // In ascending (`asc`) or descending (`desc`) order. Default value: 'desc'. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` // The offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of rows per page. Default value: 10. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter condition. `FlowLogIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. The tag-key should be replaced with a specified tag key.</li> Filters *Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
func NewDescribeFlowLogsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeFlowLogsRequest() (request *DescribeFlowLogsRequest)
func (*DescribeFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeFlowLogsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeFlowLogsRequestParams struct { // ID of the VPC instance VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The name of the flow log instance. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The resource type of the flow log. Valid values: 'VPC', 'SUBNET', and 'NETWORKINTERFACE'. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The unique ID of the resource. ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Type of flow logs to be collected. Valid values: 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT' and 'ALL'. TrafficType *string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty" name:"TrafficType"` // The storage ID of the flow log. CloudLogId *string `json:"CloudLogId,omitempty" name:"CloudLogId"` // The storage ID status of the flow log. CloudLogState *string `json:"CloudLogState,omitempty" name:"CloudLogState"` // Order by field. Valid values: 'flowLogName' and 'createTime'. Default value: 'createTime'. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // In ascending (`asc`) or descending (`desc`) order. Default value: 'desc'. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` // The offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of rows per page. Default value: 10. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter condition. `FlowLogIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li> tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. The tag-key should be replaced with a specified tag key.</li> Filters *Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeFlowLogsResponse ¶
type DescribeFlowLogsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeFlowLogsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeFlowLogsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeFlowLogsResponse() (response *DescribeFlowLogsResponse)
func (*DescribeFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeFlowLogsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeFlowLogsResponseParams struct { // The instance set of flow logs. FlowLog []*FlowLog `json:"FlowLog,omitempty" name:"FlowLog"` // The total number of flow logs. TotalNum *uint64 `json:"TotalNum,omitempty" name:"TotalNum"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The point in time. This indicates details of this minute will be queried. For example, in `2019-02-28 18:15:20`, details at `18:15` will be queried. TimePoint *string `json:"TimePoint,omitempty" name:"TimePoint"` // The instance ID of the VPN gateway, such as `vpn-ltjahce6`. VpnId *string `json:"VpnId,omitempty" name:"VpnId"` // The instance ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-ltjahce6`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The instance ID of the peering connection, such as `pcx-ltjahce6`. PeeringConnectionId *string `json:"PeeringConnectionId,omitempty" name:"PeeringConnectionId"` // The instance ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-ltjahce6`. NatId *string `json:"NatId,omitempty" name:"NatId"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // The order field supports `InPkg`, `OutPkg`, `InTraffic`, and `OutTraffic`. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest ¶
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest() (request *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest)
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequestParams ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailRequestParams struct { // The point in time. This indicates details of this minute will be queried. For example, in `2019-02-28 18:15:20`, details at `18:15` will be queried. TimePoint *string `json:"TimePoint,omitempty" name:"TimePoint"` // The instance ID of the VPN gateway, such as `vpn-ltjahce6`. VpnId *string `json:"VpnId,omitempty" name:"VpnId"` // The instance ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-ltjahce6`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The instance ID of the peering connection, such as `pcx-ltjahce6`. PeeringConnectionId *string `json:"PeeringConnectionId,omitempty" name:"PeeringConnectionId"` // The instance ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-ltjahce6`. NatId *string `json:"NatId,omitempty" name:"NatId"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // The order field supports `InPkg`, `OutPkg`, `InTraffic`, and `OutTraffic`. OrderField *string `json:"OrderField,omitempty" name:"OrderField"` // Order methods. Ascending: `ASC`, Descending: `DESC`. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse ¶
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse() (response *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse)
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponseParams ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetailResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The gateway traffic monitoring details. GatewayFlowMonitorDetailSet []*GatewayFlowMonitorDetail `json:"GatewayFlowMonitorDetailSet,omitempty" name:"GatewayFlowMonitorDetailSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // CVM private IP addresses with limited bandwidth. IpAddresses []*string `json:"IpAddresses,omitempty" name:"IpAddresses"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest ¶
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest() (request *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest)
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequestParams ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosRequestParams struct { // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // CVM private IP addresses with limited bandwidth. IpAddresses []*string `json:"IpAddresses,omitempty" name:"IpAddresses"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse ¶
func NewDescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse() (response *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse)
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponseParams ¶
type DescribeGatewayFlowQosResponseParams struct { // List of instance details. GatewayQosSet []*GatewayQos `json:"GatewayQosSet,omitempty" name:"GatewayQosSet"` // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeHaVipsRequest ¶
type DescribeHaVipsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipIds []*string `json:"HaVipIds,omitempty" name:"HaVipIds"` // Filter condition. `HaVipIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // li>havip-id - String - The unique ID of the HAVIP, such as `havip-9o233uri`.</li> // <li>havip-name - String - HAVIP name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - VPC ID of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>subnet-id - String - Subnet ID of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>vip - String - Virtual IP address of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>address-ip - String - Bound EIP.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeHaVipsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeHaVipsRequest() (request *DescribeHaVipsRequest)
func (*DescribeHaVipsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHaVipsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeHaVipsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHaVipsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeHaVipsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeHaVipsRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipIds []*string `json:"HaVipIds,omitempty" name:"HaVipIds"` // Filter condition. `HaVipIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // li>havip-id - String - The unique ID of the HAVIP, such as `havip-9o233uri`.</li> // <li>havip-name - String - HAVIP name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - VPC ID of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>subnet-id - String - Subnet ID of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>vip - String - Virtual IP address of the HAVIP.</li> // <li>address-ip - String - Bound EIP.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeHaVipsResponse ¶
type DescribeHaVipsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeHaVipsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeHaVipsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeHaVipsResponse() (response *DescribeHaVipsResponse)
func (*DescribeHaVipsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHaVipsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeHaVipsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHaVipsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeHaVipsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeHaVipsResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // `HAVIP` object array. HaVipSet []*HaVip `json:"HaVipSet,omitempty" name:"HaVipSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Protocol type for an IP location database. Valid value: `ipv4`. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` }
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest ¶
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest() (request *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest)
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequestParams ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlRequestParams struct { // Protocol type for an IP location database. Valid value: `ipv4`. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse ¶
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse() (response *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse)
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponseParams ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrlResponseParams struct { // Download link of an IP location database DownLoadUrl *string `json:"DownLoadUrl,omitempty" name:"DownLoadUrl"` // Link expiration time in UTC format following the ISO8601 standard. ExpiredAt *string `json:"ExpiredAt,omitempty" name:"ExpiredAt"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The list of IP addresses (only IPv4 addresses are available currently) to be queried; upper limit: 100 AddressIps []*string `json:"AddressIps,omitempty" name:"AddressIps"` // Fields of the IP addresses to be queried. Fields *IpField `json:"Fields,omitempty" name:"Fields"` }
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest ¶
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest() (request *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest)
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequestParams ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosRequestParams struct { // The list of IP addresses (only IPv4 addresses are available currently) to be queried; upper limit: 100 AddressIps []*string `json:"AddressIps,omitempty" name:"AddressIps"` // Fields of the IP addresses to be queried. Fields *IpField `json:"Fields,omitempty" name:"Fields"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse ¶
func NewDescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse() (response *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse)
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponseParams ¶
type DescribeIpGeolocationInfosResponseParams struct { // IP address details AddressInfo []*IpGeolocationInfo `json:"AddressInfo,omitempty" name:"AddressInfo"` // Number of IP addresses Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeLocalGatewayRequest ¶
type DescribeLocalGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Query criteria: // vpc-id: filter by VPC ID; local-gateway-name: filter by local gateway name (fuzzy search is supported); local-gateway-id: filter by local gateway instance ID; cdc-id: filter by CDC instance ID. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default value: 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeLocalGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDescribeLocalGatewayRequest() (request *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest)
func (*DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeLocalGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DescribeLocalGatewayRequestParams struct { // Query criteria: // vpc-id: filter by VPC ID; local-gateway-name: filter by local gateway name (fuzzy search is supported); local-gateway-id: filter by local gateway instance ID; cdc-id: filter by CDC instance ID. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default value: 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction]( Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeLocalGatewayResponse ¶
type DescribeLocalGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeLocalGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDescribeLocalGatewayResponse() (response *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse)
func (*DescribeLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeLocalGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DescribeLocalGatewayResponseParams struct { // Information set of local gateways LocalGatewaySet []*LocalGateway `json:"LocalGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewaySet"` // Total number of local gateways TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayIds []*string `json:"NatGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayIds"` // Filters: // `NatGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li> `nat-gateway-id`: The NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-0yi4hekt`.</li> // <li> `vpc-id`: The VPC ID, such as `vpc-0yi4hekt`.</li> // <li> `public-ip-address`: The EIP, such as ``.</li> // <li>`public-port`: The public network port.</li> // <li>`private-ip-address`: The private IP, such as ``.</li> // <li>`private-port`. The private network port.</li> // <li>`description`. The rule description.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest() (request *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest)
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesRequestParams struct { // NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayIds []*string `json:"NatGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayIds"` // Filters: // `NatGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li> `nat-gateway-id`: The NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-0yi4hekt`.</li> // <li> `vpc-id`: The VPC ID, such as `vpc-0yi4hekt`.</li> // <li> `public-ip-address`: The EIP, such as ``.</li> // <li>`public-port`: The public network port.</li> // <li>`private-ip-address`: The private IP, such as ``.</li> // <li>`private-port`. The private network port.</li> // <li>`description`. The rule description.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse() (response *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse)
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRulesResponseParams struct { // The object array of port forwarding rules for the NAT gateway. NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet []*NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet"` // The number of eligible object arrays of NAT port forwarding rules. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of the NAT gateway NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Unique ID of VPC VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Valid range: 0-200 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Greater than 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest() (request *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest)
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteRequestParams struct { // Unique ID of the NAT gateway NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Unique ID of VPC VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Valid range: 0-200 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Greater than 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse() (response *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse)
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRouteResponseParams struct { // Route data NatDirectConnectGatewayRouteSet []*NatDirectConnectGatewayRoute `json:"NatDirectConnectGatewayRouteSet,omitempty" name:"NatDirectConnectGatewayRouteSet"` // Total number of routes Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-123xx454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Filter: // <li>`resource-id`: The subnet ID (such as `subnet-0yi4hekt`) or CVM ID</li> // <li>`public-ip-address`: The EIP, such as ``</li> // <li>`description` The rule description</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest() (request *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest)
func (*DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-123xx454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Filter: // <li>`resource-id`: The subnet ID (such as `subnet-0yi4hekt`) or CVM ID</li> // <li>`public-ip-address`: The EIP, such as ``</li> // <li>`description` The rule description</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse() (response *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse)
func (*DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRulesResponseParams struct { // Array of objects of a NAT gateway's SNAT rules. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet []*SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet"` // The number of eligible object arrays of a NAT gateway's forwarding rules. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewaysRequest ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaysRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unified ID of the NAT gateways, such as `nat-123xx454`. NatGatewayIds []*string `json:"NatGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayIds"` // Filters. `NatGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>nat-gateway-id - String - (Filter) The ID of the protocol port template instance, such as `nat-123xx454`.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter) The unique ID of the VPC, such as `vpc-123xx454`.</li> // <li>nat-gateway-name - String - (Filter) The ID of the protocol port template instance, such as `test_nat`.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - (Filter) The tag key, such as `test-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewaysRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewaysRequest() (request *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest)
func (*DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewaysRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaysRequestParams struct { // The unified ID of the NAT gateways, such as `nat-123xx454`. NatGatewayIds []*string `json:"NatGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayIds"` // Filters. `NatGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>nat-gateway-id - String - (Filter) The ID of the protocol port template instance, such as `nat-123xx454`.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter) The unique ID of the VPC, such as `vpc-123xx454`.</li> // <li>nat-gateway-name - String - (Filter) The ID of the protocol port template instance, such as `test_nat`.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - (Filter) The tag key, such as `test-key`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNatGatewaysResponse ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaysResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNatGatewaysResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNatGatewaysResponse() (response *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse)
func (*DescribeNatGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNatGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNatGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNatGatewaysResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNatGatewaysResponseParams struct { // NAT gateway object array. NatGatewaySet []*NatGateway `json:"NatGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"NatGatewaySet"` // The number of eligible NAT gateway objects. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest ¶
type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The array of network detection instance `IDs`, such as [`netd-12345678`]. NetDetectIds []*string `json:"NetDetectIds,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIds"` // Filter conditions. `NetDetectIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>net-detect-id - String - (Filter condition) The network detection instance ID, such as netd-12345678.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned values. Default: 20. Maximum: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNetDetectStatesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNetDetectStatesRequest() (request *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest)
func (*DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectStatesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNetDetectStatesRequestParams struct { // The array of network detection instance `IDs`, such as [`netd-12345678`]. NetDetectIds []*string `json:"NetDetectIds,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIds"` // Filter conditions. `NetDetectIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>net-detect-id - String - (Filter condition) The network detection instance ID, such as netd-12345678.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned values. Default: 20. Maximum: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse ¶
type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNetDetectStatesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNetDetectStatesResponse() (response *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse)
func (*DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectStatesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNetDetectStatesResponseParams struct { // The array of network detection verification results that meet requirements. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NetDetectStateSet []*NetDetectState `json:"NetDetectStateSet,omitempty" name:"NetDetectStateSet"` // The number of network detection verification results that meet requirements. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetDetectsRequest ¶
type DescribeNetDetectsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The array of network detection instance `IDs`, such as [`netd-12345678`]. NetDetectIds []*string `json:"NetDetectIds,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIds"` // Filter conditions. `NetDetectIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) The VPC instance ID, such as vpc-12345678.</li> // <li>net-detect-id - String - (Filter condition) The network detection instance ID, such as netd-12345678.</li> // <li>subnet-id - String - (Filter condition) The subnet instance ID, such as subnet-12345678.</li> // <li>net-detect-name - String - (Filter condition) The network detection name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned values. Default: 20. Maximum: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNetDetectsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNetDetectsRequest() (request *DescribeNetDetectsRequest)
func (*DescribeNetDetectsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetDetectsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetDetectsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNetDetectsRequestParams struct { // The array of network detection instance `IDs`, such as [`netd-12345678`]. NetDetectIds []*string `json:"NetDetectIds,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIds"` // Filter conditions. `NetDetectIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) The VPC instance ID, such as vpc-12345678.</li> // <li>net-detect-id - String - (Filter condition) The network detection instance ID, such as netd-12345678.</li> // <li>subnet-id - String - (Filter condition) The subnet instance ID, such as subnet-12345678.</li> // <li>net-detect-name - String - (Filter condition) The network detection name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of returned values. Default: 20. Maximum: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetDetectsResponse ¶
type DescribeNetDetectsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNetDetectsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNetDetectsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNetDetectsResponse() (response *DescribeNetDetectsResponse)
func (*DescribeNetDetectsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetDetectsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetDetectsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetDetectsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNetDetectsResponseParams struct { // The array of network detection objects that meet requirements. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NetDetectSet []*NetDetect `json:"NetDetectSet,omitempty" name:"NetDetectSet"` // The number of network detection objects that meet requirements. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkAclsRequest ¶
type DescribeNetworkAclsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of network ACL instance IDs, such as [acl-12345678]. Up to 100 instances are allowed for each request. This parameter does not support specifying `NetworkAclIds` and `Filters` at the same time. NetworkAclIds []*string `json:"NetworkAclIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclIds"` // Filter condition. `NetworkAclIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as vpc-12345678.</li> // <li>network-acl-id - String - (Filter condition) Network ACL instance ID, such as acl-12345678.</li> // <li>network-acl-name - String - (Filter condition) Network ACL instance name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Returned quantity. Default: 20. Value range: 1-100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkAclsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkAclsRequest() (request *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest)
func (*DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkAclsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkAclsRequestParams struct { // Array of network ACL instance IDs, such as [acl-12345678]. Up to 100 instances are allowed for each request. This parameter does not support specifying `NetworkAclIds` and `Filters` at the same time. NetworkAclIds []*string `json:"NetworkAclIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclIds"` // Filter condition. `NetworkAclIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as vpc-12345678.</li> // <li>network-acl-id - String - (Filter condition) Network ACL instance ID, such as acl-12345678.</li> // <li>network-acl-name - String - (Filter condition) Network ACL instance name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Returned quantity. Default: 20. Value range: 1-100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkAclsResponse ¶
type DescribeNetworkAclsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkAclsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkAclsResponse() (response *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse)
func (*DescribeNetworkAclsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkAclsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkAclsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkAclsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkAclsResponseParams struct { // List of instance details. NetworkAclSet []*NetworkAcl `json:"NetworkAclSet,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclSet"` // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of a CVM instance or ENI to query InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest() (request *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest)
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitRequestParams struct { // ID of a CVM instance or ENI to query InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse() (response *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse)
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimitResponseParams struct { // Quota of ENIs mounted to a CVM instance in a standard way EniQuantity *int64 `json:"EniQuantity,omitempty" name:"EniQuantity"` // Quota of IP addresses that can be allocated to each standard-mounted ENI EniPrivateIpAddressQuantity *int64 `json:"EniPrivateIpAddressQuantity,omitempty" name:"EniPrivateIpAddressQuantity"` // Quota of ENIs mounted to a CVM instance as an extension // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ExtendEniQuantity *int64 `json:"ExtendEniQuantity,omitempty" name:"ExtendEniQuantity"` // Quota of IP addresses that can be allocated to each extension-mounted ENI. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ExtendEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity *int64 `json:"ExtendEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity,omitempty" name:"ExtendEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity"` // The quota of relayed ENIs // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SubEniQuantity *int64 `json:"SubEniQuantity,omitempty" name:"SubEniQuantity"` // The quota of IPs that can be assigned to each relayed ENI. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SubEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity *int64 `json:"SubEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity,omitempty" name:"SubEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Queries the ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-pxir56ns`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `NetworkInterfaceIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // Filter. `NetworkInterfaceIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>`vpc-id` - String - VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>`subnet-id` - String - Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>`network-interface-id` - String - ENI instance ID, such as `eni-5k56k7k7`.</li> // <li>`attachment.instance-id` - String - ID of the bound CVM instance, such as `ins-3nqpdn3i`.</li> // <li>`` - String - ID of the bound security group, such as `sg-f9ekbxeq`.</li> // <li>`network-interface-name` - String - ENI instance name.</li> // <li>`network-interface-description` - String - ENI instance description.</li> // <li>`address-ip` - String - Private IPv4 address. A single IP will be fuzzily matched with the suffix, while multiple IPs will be exactly matched. It can be used with `ip-exact-match` to query and exactly match a single IP.</li> // <li>`ip-exact-match` - Boolean - Exact match by private IPv4 address. The first value will be returned if multiple values are found.</li> // <li>`tag-key` - String - Optional - Filter by tag key. See Example 2 for the detailed usage.</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key` - String - Optional - Filter by tag key pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. See Example 3 for the detailed usage.</li> // <li>`is-primary` - Boolean - Optional - Filter based on whether it is a primary ENI. If the value is `true`, filter only the primary ENI. If the value is `false`, filter only the secondary ENI. If this parameter is not specified, filter the both.</li> // <li>`eni-type` - String - Optional - Filter by ENI type. "0" - secondary ENI, "1" - primary ENI, "2": relayed ENI</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest() (request *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest)
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequestParams struct { // Queries the ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-pxir56ns`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `NetworkInterfaceIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // Filter. `NetworkInterfaceIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>`vpc-id` - String - VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>`subnet-id` - String - Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>`network-interface-id` - String - ENI instance ID, such as `eni-5k56k7k7`.</li> // <li>`attachment.instance-id` - String - ID of the bound CVM instance, such as `ins-3nqpdn3i`.</li> // <li>`` - String - ID of the bound security group, such as `sg-f9ekbxeq`.</li> // <li>`network-interface-name` - String - ENI instance name.</li> // <li>`network-interface-description` - String - ENI instance description.</li> // <li>`address-ip` - String - Private IPv4 address. A single IP will be fuzzily matched with the suffix, while multiple IPs will be exactly matched. It can be used with `ip-exact-match` to query and exactly match a single IP.</li> // <li>`ip-exact-match` - Boolean - Exact match by private IPv4 address. The first value will be returned if multiple values are found.</li> // <li>`tag-key` - String - Optional - Filter by tag key. See Example 2 for the detailed usage.</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key` - String - Optional - Filter by tag key pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. See Example 3 for the detailed usage.</li> // <li>`is-primary` - Boolean - Optional - Filter based on whether it is a primary ENI. If the value is `true`, filter only the primary ENI. If the value is `false`, filter only the secondary ENI. If this parameter is not specified, filter the both.</li> // <li>`eni-type` - String - Optional - Filter by ENI type. "0" - secondary ENI, "1" - primary ENI, "2": relayed ENI</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse() (response *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse)
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponseParams struct { // List of instance details. NetworkInterfaceSet []*NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterfaceSet,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceSet"` // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeRouteTablesRequest ¶
type DescribeRouteTablesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter condition. `RouteTableIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>route-table-id - String - (Filter condition) Route table instance ID.</li> // <li>route-table-name - String - (Filter condition) Route table name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>association.main - String - (Filter condition) Whether it is the main route table.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li>tag:tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. See Example 2 for the detailed usage.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableIds []*string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty" name:"RouteTableIds"` // Offset. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of request objects. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeRouteTablesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRouteTablesRequest() (request *DescribeRouteTablesRequest)
func (*DescribeRouteTablesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRouteTablesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRouteTablesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRouteTablesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeRouteTablesRequestParams struct { // Filter condition. `RouteTableIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>route-table-id - String - (Filter condition) Route table instance ID.</li> // <li>route-table-name - String - (Filter condition) Route table name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>association.main - String - (Filter condition) Whether it is the main route table.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li>tag:tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. See Example 2 for the detailed usage.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableIds []*string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty" name:"RouteTableIds"` // Offset. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of request objects. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeRouteTablesResponse ¶
type DescribeRouteTablesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeRouteTablesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRouteTablesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRouteTablesResponse() (response *DescribeRouteTablesResponse)
func (*DescribeRouteTablesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRouteTablesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRouteTablesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRouteTablesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRouteTablesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeRouteTablesResponseParams struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Route table object. RouteTableSet []*RouteTable `json:"RouteTableSet,omitempty" name:"RouteTableSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The Security instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest() (request *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsRequestParams struct { // The Security instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse() (response *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsResponseParams struct { // Statistics on the instances associated with a security group. SecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsSet []*SecurityGroupAssociationStatistics `json:"SecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsSet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupAssociationStatisticsSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Filter conditions. `SecurityGroupId` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>security-group-id - String - Security group ID.</li> // <li>ip - String - IP. IPV4 and IPV6 fuzzy matching is supported.</li> // <li>address-module - String - IP address or address group template ID.</li> // <li>service-module - String - Protocol port or port group template ID.</li> // <li>protocol-type - String - Protocol supported by the security group policy. Valid values: `TCP`, `UDP`, `ICMP`, `ICMPV6`, `GRE`, `ALL`.</li> // <li>port - String - Optional - Protocol port. Fuzzy matching is supported. Query all ports when the protocol value is `ALL`.</li> // <li>poly - String - Protocol policy. Valid values: `ALL` (means "all policies"), `ACCEPT` (means "allow") and `DROP` (means "reject").</li> // <li>direction - String - Protocol rule. Valid values: `ALL` (means "all rules"), `INBOUND`(means "inbound rules") and `OUTBOUND` (means "outbound rules").</li> // <li>description - String - Protocol description. Fuzzy matching is supported in this filter condition.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest() (request *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Filter conditions. `SecurityGroupId` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>security-group-id - String - Security group ID.</li> // <li>ip - String - IP. IPV4 and IPV6 fuzzy matching is supported.</li> // <li>address-module - String - IP address or address group template ID.</li> // <li>service-module - String - Protocol port or port group template ID.</li> // <li>protocol-type - String - Protocol supported by the security group policy. Valid values: `TCP`, `UDP`, `ICMP`, `ICMPV6`, `GRE`, `ALL`.</li> // <li>port - String - Optional - Protocol port. Fuzzy matching is supported. Query all ports when the protocol value is `ALL`.</li> // <li>poly - String - Protocol policy. Valid values: `ALL` (means "all policies"), `ACCEPT` (means "allow") and `DROP` (means "reject").</li> // <li>direction - String - Protocol rule. Valid values: `ALL` (means "all rules"), `INBOUND`(means "inbound rules") and `OUTBOUND` (means "outbound rules").</li> // <li>description - String - Protocol description. Fuzzy matching is supported in this filter condition.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse() (response *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams struct { // Security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // A set of security group instance IDs, e.g. ['sg-12345678'] SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest() (request *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesRequestParams struct { // A set of security group instance IDs, e.g. ['sg-12345678'] SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse() (response *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupReferencesResponseParams struct { // Referred security groups. ReferredSecurityGroupSet []*ReferredSecurityGroup `json:"ReferredSecurityGroupSet,omitempty" name:"ReferredSecurityGroupSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through `DescribeSecurityGroups`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `SecurityGroupIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Filter conditions. `SecurityGroupIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>security-group-id - String - (Filter condition) The security group ID.</li> // <li>project-id - Integer - (Filter condition) The project ID.</li> // <li>security-group-name - String - (Filter condition) The security group name.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key. For more information, see Example 2.</li> // <li> `tag:tag-key` - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key pair. For this parameter, `tag-key` will be replaced with a specific tag key. For more information, see Example 3.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupsRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through `DescribeSecurityGroups`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `SecurityGroupIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Filter conditions. `SecurityGroupIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>security-group-id - String - (Filter condition) The security group ID.</li> // <li>project-id - Integer - (Filter condition) The project ID.</li> // <li>security-group-name - String - (Filter condition) The security group name.</li> // <li>tag-key - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key. For more information, see Example 2.</li> // <li> `tag:tag-key` - String - Required: no - (Filter condition) Filters by tag key pair. For this parameter, `tag-key` will be replaced with a specific tag key. For more information, see Example 3.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseParams struct { // Security group object. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SecurityGroupSet []*SecurityGroup `json:"SecurityGroupSet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupSet"` // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter conditions. // <li>service-template-group-name - String - (Filter condition) Protocol port template group name.</li> // <li>service-template-group-id - String - (Filter condition) Protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-e6dy460g`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsRequestParams struct { // Filter conditions. // <li>service-template-group-name - String - (Filter condition) Protocol port template group name.</li> // <li>service-template-group-id - String - (Filter condition) Protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-e6dy460g`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplateGroupsResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Protocol port template group. ServiceTemplateGroupSet []*ServiceTemplateGroup `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filters // <li>service-template-name - Protocol port template name.</li> // <li>service-template-id - Protocol port template ID, such as `ppm-e6dy460g`.</li> // <li>service-port-Protocol port.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeServiceTemplatesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeServiceTemplatesRequest() (request *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest)
func (*DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplatesRequestParams struct { // Filters // <li>service-template-name - Protocol port template name.</li> // <li>service-template-id - Protocol port template ID, such as `ppm-e6dy460g`.</li> // <li>service-port-Protocol port.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. The default value is 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeServiceTemplatesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeServiceTemplatesResponse() (response *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse)
func (*DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeServiceTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeServiceTemplatesResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Protocol port template object. ServiceTemplateSet []*ServiceTemplate `json:"ServiceTemplateSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSubnetsRequest ¶
type DescribeSubnetsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Queries the ID of the subnet instance, such as `subnet-pxir56ns`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `SubnetIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Filter condition. `SubnetIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>subnet-id - String - (Filter condition) Subnet instance name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>cidr-block - String - (Filter condition) Subnet IP range, such as ``.</li> // <li>is-default - Boolean - (Filter condition) Whether it is the default subnet.</li> // <li>is-remote-vpc-snat - Boolean - (Filter condition) Whether it is a VPC SNAT address pool subnet.</li> // <li>subnet-name - String - (Filter condition) Subnet name.</li> // <li>zone - String - (Filter condition) Availability zone.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li>tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. For its usage, see example 2.</li> // <li>cdc-id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by CDC ID to obtain subnets in the specified CDC.</li> // <li>is-cdc-subnet - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Whether it is a CDC subnet. Valid values: `0` (no); `1` (yes).</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeSubnetsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSubnetsRequest() (request *DescribeSubnetsRequest)
func (*DescribeSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSubnetsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeSubnetsRequestParams struct { // Queries the ID of the subnet instance, such as `subnet-pxir56ns`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `SubnetIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Filter condition. `SubnetIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>subnet-id - String - (Filter condition) Subnet instance name.</li> // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>cidr-block - String - (Filter condition) Subnet IP range, such as ``.</li> // <li>is-default - Boolean - (Filter condition) Whether it is the default subnet.</li> // <li>is-remote-vpc-snat - Boolean - (Filter condition) Whether it is a VPC SNAT address pool subnet.</li> // <li>subnet-name - String - (Filter condition) Subnet name.</li> // <li>zone - String - (Filter condition) Availability zone.</li> // <li> tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key.</li> // <li>tag:tag-key - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by tag key-value pair. Use a specific tag key to replace `tag-key`. For its usage, see example 2.</li> // <li>cdc-id - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Filter by CDC ID to obtain subnets in the specified CDC.</li> // <li>is-cdc-subnet - String - Required: No - (Filter condition) Whether it is a CDC subnet. Valid values: `0` (no); `1` (yes).</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeSubnetsResponse ¶
type DescribeSubnetsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeSubnetsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSubnetsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSubnetsResponse() (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse)
func (*DescribeSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSubnetsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeSubnetsResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Subnet object. SubnetSet []*Subnet `json:"SubnetSet,omitempty" name:"SubnetSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeTaskResultRequest ¶
type DescribeTaskResultRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Async task ID. Either TaskId or DealName must be entered. TaskId *uint64 `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // Billing order No. Either TaskId or DealName must be entered. DealName *string `json:"DealName,omitempty" name:"DealName"` }
func NewDescribeTaskResultRequest ¶
func NewDescribeTaskResultRequest() (request *DescribeTaskResultRequest)
func (*DescribeTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTaskResultRequestParams ¶
type DescribeTaskResultRequestParams struct { // Async task ID. Either TaskId or DealName must be entered. TaskId *uint64 `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // Billing order No. Either TaskId or DealName must be entered. DealName *string `json:"DealName,omitempty" name:"DealName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeTaskResultResponse ¶
type DescribeTaskResultResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeTaskResultResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeTaskResultResponse ¶
func NewDescribeTaskResultResponse() (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse)
func (*DescribeTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTaskResultResponseParams ¶
type DescribeTaskResultResponseParams struct { // Job ID TaskId *uint64 `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The execution results, including `SUCCESS`, `FAILED`, and `RUNNING` Result *string `json:"Result,omitempty" name:"Result"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter condition // <li> end-point-service-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service ID.</li> // <li>end-point-name - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint instance name.</li> // <li> end-point-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint instance ID.</li> // <li> vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Endpoint ID list EndPointId []*string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointRequest() (request *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointRequestParams struct { // Filter condition // <li> end-point-service-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service ID.</li> // <li>end-point-name - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint instance name.</li> // <li> end-point-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint instance ID.</li> // <li> vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Endpoint ID list EndPointId []*string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointResponse() (response *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointResponseParams struct { // Endpoint EndPointSet []*EndPoint `json:"EndPointSet,omitempty" name:"EndPointSet"` // Number of matched endpoints TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter condition // <li> service-id - String - (Filter condition) Unique endpoint service ID.</li> // <li>service-name - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service instance name.</li> // <li>service-instance-id - String - (Filter condition) Unique real server ID in the format of `lb-xxx`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceIds []*string `json:"EndPointServiceIds,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceIds"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest() (request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceRequestParams struct { // Filter condition // <li> service-id - String - (Filter condition) Unique endpoint service ID.</li> // <li>service-name - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service instance name.</li> // <li>service-instance-id - String - (Filter condition) Unique real server ID in the format of `lb-xxx`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceIds []*string `json:"EndPointServiceIds,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse() (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceResponseParams struct { // Array of endpoint services EndPointServiceSet []*EndPointService `json:"EndPointServiceSet,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceSet"` // Number of matched results TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter condition // <li> user-uin - String - (Filter condition) UIN.</li> // <li> end-point-service-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest() (request *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams struct { // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page; default value: 20; maximum value: 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Filter condition // <li> user-uin - String - (Filter condition) UIN.</li> // <li> end-point-service-id - String - (Filter condition) Endpoint service ID.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse() (response *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams struct { // Array of allowed endpoint services VpcEndpointServiceUserSet []*VpcEndPointServiceUser `json:"VpcEndpointServiceUserSet,omitempty" name:"VpcEndpointServiceUserSet"` // Number of matched allowlists TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcInstancesRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Filter condition. `RouteTableIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) CVM instance ID.</li> // <li>instance-name - String - (Filter condition) CVM name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of requested objects. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpcInstancesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcInstancesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcInstancesRequestParams struct { // Filter condition. `RouteTableIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>instance-type - String - (Filter condition) CVM instance ID.</li> // <li>instance-name - String - (Filter condition) CVM name.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of requested objects. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcInstancesResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcInstancesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcInstancesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcInstancesResponseParams struct { // List of CVM instances. InstanceSet []*CvmInstance `json:"InstanceSet,omitempty" name:"InstanceSet"` // The number of eligible CVM instances. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IP` address list. Each request supports a maximum of `10` batch querying. Ipv6Addresses []*string `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest() (request *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IP` address list. Each request supports a maximum of `10` batch querying. Ipv6Addresses []*string `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse() (response *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcIpv6AddressesResponseParams struct { // The `IPv6` address list. Ipv6AddressSet []*VpcIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6AddressSet,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressSet"` // The total number of `IPv6` addresses. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The private `IP` address list. Each request supports a maximum of `10` batch querying. PrivateIpAddresses []*string `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` }
func NewDescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest() (request *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The private `IP` address list. Each request supports a maximum of `10` batch querying. PrivateIpAddresses []*string `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse() (response *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams struct { // The list of private `IP` address information. VpcPrivateIpAddressSet []*VpcPrivateIpAddress `json:"VpcPrivateIpAddressSet,omitempty" name:"VpcPrivateIpAddressSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Vpc instance ID, e.g. vpc-f1xjkw1b. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` }
func NewDescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest() (request *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardRequestParams struct { // Vpc instance ID, e.g. vpc-f1xjkw1b. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse() (response *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcResourceDashboardResponseParams struct { // List of resource objects. ResourceDashboardSet []*ResourceDashboard `json:"ResourceDashboardSet,omitempty" name:"ResourceDashboardSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `RequestId` returned by an async task TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` }
func NewDescribeVpcTaskResultRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcTaskResultRequest() (request *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcTaskResultRequestParams struct { // `RequestId` returned by an async task TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcTaskResultResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcTaskResultResponse() (response *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcTaskResultResponseParams struct { // Execution result of an async task Valid values: `SUCCESS`: the task has been successfully executed; `FAILED`: the job execution failed; `RUNNING`: the job is executing. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Output of the async task execution result Output *string `json:"Output,omitempty" name:"Output"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcsRequest ¶
type DescribeVpcsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. Each request supports a maximum of 100 instances. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` // Filter condition. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // Valid filters include: // <li>`vpc-name`: VPC instance name</li> // <li>`is-default`: indicates whether it is the default VPC</li> // <li>`vpc-id`: VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`</li> // <li>`cidr-block`: VPC CIDR block</li> // <li>`tag-key`: (optional) tag key</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key`: (optional) tag key-value pair. Replace the `tag-key` with a specified tag value. For its usage, refer to the Example 2.</li> // **Note:** if one filter has multiple values, the logical relationship between these values is `OR`. The logical relationship between filters is `AND`. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpcsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpcsRequest() (request *DescribeVpcsRequest)
func (*DescribeVpcsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpcsRequestParams struct { // The VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. Each request supports a maximum of 100 instances. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpcIds []*string `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` // Filter condition. `VpcIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // Valid filters include: // <li>`vpc-name`: VPC instance name</li> // <li>`is-default`: indicates whether it is the default VPC</li> // <li>`vpc-id`: VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`</li> // <li>`cidr-block`: VPC CIDR block</li> // <li>`tag-key`: (optional) tag key</li> // <li>`tag:tag-key`: (optional) tag key-value pair. Replace the `tag-key` with a specified tag value. For its usage, refer to the Example 2.</li> // **Note:** if one filter has multiple values, the logical relationship between these values is `OR`. The logical relationship between filters is `AND`. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *string `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *string `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpcsResponse ¶
type DescribeVpcsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpcsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpcsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpcsResponse() (response *DescribeVpcsResponse)
func (*DescribeVpcsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpcsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpcsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpcsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpcsResponseParams struct { // The number of objects meeting the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The VPC object. VpcSet []*Vpc `json:"VpcSet,omitempty" name:"VpcSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest ¶
type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The instance ID of the VPN tunnel, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `VpnConnectionIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpnConnectionIds []*string `json:"VpnConnectionIds,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionIds"` // Filter condition. In each request, the upper limit for `Filters` is 10 and 5 for `Filter.Values`. `VpnConnectionIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-0a36uwkr`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-id - String - VPN gateway instance ID, such as `vpngw-p4lmqawn`.</li> // <li>customer-gateway-id - String - Customer gateway instance ID, such as `cgw-l4rblw63`.</li> // <li>vpn-connection-name - String - Connection name, such as `test-vpn`.</li> // <li>vpn-connection-id - String - Connection instance ID, such as `vpnx-5p7vkch8"`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information about Offset, see the relevant section in the API Introduction. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpnConnectionsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpnConnectionsRequest() (request *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest)
func (*DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnConnectionsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpnConnectionsRequestParams struct { // The instance ID of the VPN tunnel, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `VpnConnectionIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpnConnectionIds []*string `json:"VpnConnectionIds,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionIds"` // Filter condition. In each request, the upper limit for `Filters` is 10 and 5 for `Filter.Values`. `VpnConnectionIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-0a36uwkr`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-id - String - VPN gateway instance ID, such as `vpngw-p4lmqawn`.</li> // <li>customer-gateway-id - String - Customer gateway instance ID, such as `cgw-l4rblw63`.</li> // <li>vpn-connection-name - String - Connection name, such as `test-vpn`.</li> // <li>vpn-connection-id - String - Connection instance ID, such as `vpnx-5p7vkch8"`.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The Offset. The default value is 0. For more information about Offset, see the relevant section in the API Introduction. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of values to be returned. The default value is 20. Maximum is 100. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse ¶
type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpnConnectionsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpnConnectionsResponse() (response *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse)
func (*DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnConnectionsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpnConnectionsResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // VPN tunnel instance. VpnConnectionSet []*VpnConnection `json:"VpnConnectionSet,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The CCN route (IDC IP range) list. RouteSet []*VpngwCcnRoutes `json:"RouteSet,omitempty" name:"RouteSet"` // Number of objects that meet the condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Filter condition. Valid values: `DestinationCidr`, `InstanceId`, and `InstanceType`. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results per page. Default value: 20; maximum value: 100 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest() (request *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams struct { // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Filter condition. Valid values: `DestinationCidr`, `InstanceId`, and `InstanceType`. Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset. Default value: 0 Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of returned results per page. Default value: 20; maximum value: 100 Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse() (response *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams struct { // Destination routes of the VPN gateway Routes []*VpnGatewayRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The VPN gateway instance ID, such as `vpngw-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `VpnGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpnGatewayIds []*string `json:"VpnGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayIds"` // Filter condition. `VpnGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-id - String - (Filter condition) VPN instance ID, such as `vpngw-5aluhh9t`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-name - String - (Filter condition) VPN instance name.</li> // <li>type - String - (Filter condition) VPN gateway type: 'IPSEC', 'SSL'.</li> // <li>public-ip-address- String - (Filter condition) Public IP.</li> // <li>renew-flag - String - (Filter condition) Gateway renewal type. Manual renewal: `NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW`, Automatic renewal: `NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW`.</li> // <li>zone - String - (Filter condition) The availability zone where the VPN is located, such as `ap-guangzhou-2`.</li> Filters []*FilterObject `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of request objects. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewaysRequest ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewaysRequest() (request *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequestParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewaysRequestParams struct { // The VPN gateway instance ID, such as `vpngw-f49l6u0z`. Each request can have a maximum of 100 instances. `VpnGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. VpnGatewayIds []*string `json:"VpnGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayIds"` // Filter condition. `VpnGatewayIds` and `Filters` cannot be specified at the same time. // <li>vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-id - String - (Filter condition) VPN instance ID, such as `vpngw-5aluhh9t`.</li> // <li>vpn-gateway-name - String - (Filter condition) VPN instance name.</li> // <li>type - String - (Filter condition) VPN gateway type: 'IPSEC', 'SSL'.</li> // <li>public-ip-address- String - (Filter condition) Public IP.</li> // <li>renew-flag - String - (Filter condition) Gateway renewal type. Manual renewal: `NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW`, Automatic renewal: `NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW`.</li> // <li>zone - String - (Filter condition) The availability zone where the VPN is located, such as `ap-guangzhou-2`.</li> Filters []*FilterObject `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // Offset Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of request objects. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeVpnGatewaysResponse ¶
func NewDescribeVpnGatewaysResponse() (response *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse)
func (*DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeVpnGatewaysResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponseParams ¶
type DescribeVpnGatewaysResponseParams struct { // The number of instances meeting the filter condition. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The list of details of VPN gateway instances. VpnGatewaySet []*VpnGateway `json:"VpnGatewaySet,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewaySet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ¶
type DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule struct { // Network protocol. Valid values: `TCP`, `UDP`. IpProtocol *string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty" name:"IpProtocol"` // EIP. PublicIpAddress *string `json:"PublicIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddress"` // Public network port. PublicPort *uint64 `json:"PublicPort,omitempty" name:"PublicPort"` // Private network address. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Private network port. PrivatePort *uint64 `json:"PrivatePort,omitempty" name:"PrivatePort"` // Description of NAT gateway forwarding rules. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
type DetachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
type DetachCcnInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The list of network instances to be unbound Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewDetachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
func NewDetachCcnInstancesRequest() (request *DetachCcnInstancesRequest)
func (*DetachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DetachCcnInstancesRequestParams ¶
type DetachCcnInstancesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The list of network instances to be unbound Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
type DetachCcnInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DetachCcnInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDetachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
func NewDetachCcnInstancesResponse() (response *DetachCcnInstancesResponse)
func (*DetachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DetachCcnInstancesResponseParams ¶
type DetachCcnInstancesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest ¶
type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Queries the ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewDetachClassicLinkVpcRequest ¶
func NewDetachClassicLinkVpcRequest() (request *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest)
func (*DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachClassicLinkVpcRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams ¶
type DetachClassicLinkVpcRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPC instance. You can obtain the parameter value from the VpcId field in the returned result of DescribeVpcs API. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Queries the ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse ¶
type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDetachClassicLinkVpcResponse ¶
func NewDetachClassicLinkVpcResponse() (response *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse)
func (*DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachClassicLinkVpcResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams ¶
type DetachClassicLinkVpcResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDetachNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewDetachNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type DetachNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM instance, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDetachNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewDetachNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DirectConnectGateway ¶
type DirectConnectGateway struct { // Direct Connect `ID`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // Direct Connect gateway name. DirectConnectGatewayName *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayName,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayName"` // The `ID` of the `VPC` instance associated with the Direct Connect gateway. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The associated network type: // <li>`VPC` - VPC</li> // <li>`CCN` - CCN</li> NetworkType *string `json:"NetworkType,omitempty" name:"NetworkType"` // The `ID` of the associated network instance: // <li>When the NetworkType is `VPC`, this value is the VPC instance `ID`</li> // <li>When the NetworkType is `CCN`, this value is the CCN instance `ID`</li> NetworkInstanceId *string `json:"NetworkInstanceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInstanceId"` // Gateway type: // <li>NORMAL - Standard type. Note: CCN only supports the standard type</li> // <li>NAT - NAT type</li> // NAT type supports network address switch configuration. After the type is confirmed, it cannot be modified. A VPC can create one NAT-type Direct Connect gateway and one non-NAT-type Direct Connect gateway GatewayType *string `json:"GatewayType,omitempty" name:"GatewayType"` // Creation Time. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Direct Connect gateway IP. DirectConnectGatewayIp *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayIp,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayIp"` // The `ID` of the `CCN` instance associated with the Direct Connect gateway. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The route-learning type of the CCN: // <li>`BGP` - Automatic learning.</li> // <li>`STATIC` - Static, that is, user-configured.</li> CcnRouteType *string `json:"CcnRouteType,omitempty" name:"CcnRouteType"` // Whether BGP is enabled. EnableBGP *bool `json:"EnableBGP,omitempty" name:"EnableBGP"` // Whether to enable BGP's `community` attribute. Valid values: enable, disable EnableBGPCommunity *bool `json:"EnableBGPCommunity,omitempty" name:"EnableBGPCommunity"` // ID of the NAT gateway bound. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Whether the direct connect gateway supports the VXLAN architecture. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VXLANSupport []*bool `json:"VXLANSupport,omitempty" name:"VXLANSupport"` // CCN route publishing mode. Valid values: `standard` and `exquisite`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ModeType *string `json:"ModeType,omitempty" name:"ModeType"` // Whether the direct connect gateway is for an edge zone. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LocalZone *bool `json:"LocalZone,omitempty" name:"LocalZone"` // Availability zone where the direct connect gateway resides. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // The status of gateway traffic monitoring // 0: disable // 1: enable // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. EnableFlowDetails *uint64 `json:"EnableFlowDetails,omitempty" name:"EnableFlowDetails"` // The last time when the gateway traffic monitoring is enabled/disabled // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. FlowDetailsUpdateTime *string `json:"FlowDetailsUpdateTime,omitempty" name:"FlowDetailsUpdateTime"` // Whether gateway traffic monitoring is supported // 0: No // 1: Yes // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be found. NewAfc *uint64 `json:"NewAfc,omitempty" name:"NewAfc"` // Direct connect gateway access network types: // <li>`VXLAN` - VXLAN type.</li> // <li>`MPLS` - MPLS type.</li> // <li>`Hybrid` - Hybrid type.</li> // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be found. AccessNetworkType *string `json:"AccessNetworkType,omitempty" name:"AccessNetworkType"` // AZ list of direct connect gateway with cross-AZ placement groups // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be found. HaZoneList []*string `json:"HaZoneList,omitempty" name:"HaZoneList"` }
type DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute ¶
type DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute struct { // Route ID. RouteId *string `json:"RouteId,omitempty" name:"RouteId"` // IDC IP range. DestinationCidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationCidrBlock"` // The `AS-Path` attribute of `BGP`. ASPath []*string `json:"ASPath,omitempty" name:"ASPath"` // Remarks Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Last updated time UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"` }
type DirectConnectSubnet ¶
type DisableCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type DisableCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
func NewDisableCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewDisableCcnRoutesRequest() (request *DisableCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*DisableCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisableCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type DisableCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisableCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type DisableCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisableCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisableCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewDisableCcnRoutesResponse() (response *DisableCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*DisableCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisableCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type DisableCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisableFlowLogsRequest ¶
type DisableFlowLogsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Flow log ID. FlowLogIds []*string `json:"FlowLogIds,omitempty" name:"FlowLogIds"` }
func NewDisableFlowLogsRequest ¶
func NewDisableFlowLogsRequest() (request *DisableFlowLogsRequest)
func (*DisableFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisableFlowLogsRequestParams ¶
type DisableFlowLogsRequestParams struct { // Flow log ID. FlowLogIds []*string `json:"FlowLogIds,omitempty" name:"FlowLogIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisableFlowLogsResponse ¶
type DisableFlowLogsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisableFlowLogsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisableFlowLogsResponse ¶
func NewDisableFlowLogsResponse() (response *DisableFlowLogsResponse)
func (*DisableFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisableFlowLogsResponseParams ¶
type DisableFlowLogsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest ¶
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` }
func NewDisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest ¶
func NewDisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest() (request *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest)
func (*DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams ¶
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams struct { // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse ¶
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse ¶
func NewDisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse() (response *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse)
func (*DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams ¶
type DisableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateAddressRequest ¶
type DisassociateAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // Whether a common public IP is assigned after the EIP is unbound. Value range:<br><li>TRUE: Indicates that after the EIP is unbound, a common public IP is assigned.<br><li>FALSE: Indicates that after the EIP is unbound, a common public IP is not assigned.<br>Default value: FALSE.<br><br>The parameter can be specified only under the following conditions:<br><li>It can only be specified when you unbind an EIP from the primary private IP of the primary ENI.<br><li>After an EIP is unbound, you can assign public IPs to an account up to 10 times per day. For more information, use the [DescribeAddressQuota] ( API. ReallocateNormalPublicIp *bool `json:"ReallocateNormalPublicIp,omitempty" name:"ReallocateNormalPublicIp"` }
func NewDisassociateAddressRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateAddressRequest() (request *DisassociateAddressRequest)
func (*DisassociateAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateAddressRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateAddressRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // Whether a common public IP is assigned after the EIP is unbound. Value range:<br><li>TRUE: Indicates that after the EIP is unbound, a common public IP is assigned.<br><li>FALSE: Indicates that after the EIP is unbound, a common public IP is not assigned.<br>Default value: FALSE.<br><br>The parameter can be specified only under the following conditions:<br><li>It can only be specified when you unbind an EIP from the primary private IP of the primary ENI.<br><li>After an EIP is unbound, you can assign public IPs to an account up to 10 times per day. For more information, use the [DescribeAddressQuota] ( API. ReallocateNormalPublicIp *bool `json:"ReallocateNormalPublicIp,omitempty" name:"ReallocateNormalPublicIp"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateAddressResponse ¶
type DisassociateAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateAddressResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateAddressResponse() (response *DisassociateAddressResponse)
func (*DisassociateAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateAddressResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateAddressResponseParams struct { // The async task ID. You can use the [DescribeTaskResult]( API to query the task status. TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest ¶
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The direct connect gateway ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT Gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
func NewDisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest() (request *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest)
func (*DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayRequestParams struct { // The direct connect gateway ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT Gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPC instance, which can be obtained from the `VpcId` field in response of the `DescribeVpcs` API. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse ¶
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse() (response *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse)
func (*DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest ¶
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Array of the EIPs to be unbound from the NAT gateway. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` }
func NewDisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest() (request *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest)
func (*DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Array of the EIPs to be unbound from the NAT gateway. PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse ¶
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse() (response *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse)
func (*DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateNatGatewayAddressResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest ¶
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Array of subnet instance IDs. Example: [subnet-12345678]. SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` }
func NewDisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest() (request *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest)
func (*DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsRequestParams struct { // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Array of subnet instance IDs. Example: [subnet-12345678]. SubnetIds []*string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse ¶
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse() (response *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse)
func (*DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateNetworkAclSubnetsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ENI instance ID, e.g. eni-pxir56ns. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewDisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsRequestParams struct { // ENI instance ID, e.g. eni-pxir56ns. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. NetworkInterfaceIds []*string `json:"NetworkInterfaceIds,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceIds"` // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. It can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. You can enter up to 100 instances for each request. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
func NewDisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequestParams ¶
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsRequestParams struct { // Array of security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponseParams ¶
type DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroupsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest ¶
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` // Customer gateway vendor information object, which can be obtained through DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors. CustomerGatewayVendor *CustomerGatewayVendor `json:"CustomerGatewayVendor,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayVendor"` // Name of the physical API for tunnel access device. InterfaceName *string `json:"InterfaceName,omitempty" name:"InterfaceName"` }
func NewDownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest ¶
func NewDownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest() (request *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest)
func (*DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequestParams ¶
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` // Customer gateway vendor information object, which can be obtained through DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors. CustomerGatewayVendor *CustomerGatewayVendor `json:"CustomerGatewayVendor,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayVendor"` // Name of the physical API for tunnel access device. InterfaceName *string `json:"InterfaceName,omitempty" name:"InterfaceName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse ¶
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewDownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse ¶
func NewDownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse() (response *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse)
func (*DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponseParams ¶
type DownloadCustomerGatewayConfigurationResponseParams struct { // Configuration information in XML format. CustomerGatewayConfiguration *string `json:"CustomerGatewayConfiguration,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayConfiguration"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type EnableCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
func NewEnableCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewEnableCcnRoutesRequest() (request *EnableCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*EnableCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type EnableCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type EnableCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The unique ID of the CCN routing policy, such as `ccnr-f49l6u0z`. RouteIds []*string `json:"RouteIds,omitempty" name:"RouteIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type EnableCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *EnableCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewEnableCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewEnableCcnRoutesResponse() (response *EnableCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*EnableCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type EnableCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type EnableCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableFlowLogsRequest ¶
type EnableFlowLogsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Flow log ID. FlowLogIds []*string `json:"FlowLogIds,omitempty" name:"FlowLogIds"` }
func NewEnableFlowLogsRequest ¶
func NewEnableFlowLogsRequest() (request *EnableFlowLogsRequest)
func (*EnableFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableFlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableFlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type EnableFlowLogsRequestParams ¶
type EnableFlowLogsRequestParams struct { // Flow log ID. FlowLogIds []*string `json:"FlowLogIds,omitempty" name:"FlowLogIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableFlowLogsResponse ¶
type EnableFlowLogsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *EnableFlowLogsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewEnableFlowLogsResponse ¶
func NewEnableFlowLogsResponse() (response *EnableFlowLogsResponse)
func (*EnableFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableFlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableFlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type EnableFlowLogsResponseParams ¶
type EnableFlowLogsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest ¶
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` }
func NewEnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest ¶
func NewEnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest() (request *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest)
func (*EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequest) ToJsonString() string
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams ¶
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorRequestParams struct { // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse ¶
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewEnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse ¶
func NewEnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse() (response *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse)
func (*EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponse) ToJsonString() string
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams ¶
type EnableGatewayFlowMonitorResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest ¶
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Endpoint ID EndPointId []*string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` // Whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint AcceptFlag *bool `json:"AcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AcceptFlag"` }
func NewEnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest ¶
func NewEnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest() (request *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest)
func (*EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequest) ToJsonString() string
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequestParams ¶
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectRequestParams struct { // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Endpoint ID EndPointId []*string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` // Whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint AcceptFlag *bool `json:"AcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AcceptFlag"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse ¶
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewEnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse ¶
func NewEnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse() (response *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse)
func (*EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponse) ToJsonString() string
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponseParams ¶
type EnableVpcEndPointConnectResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type EndPoint ¶
type EndPoint struct { // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet ID SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // APP ID EndPointOwner *string `json:"EndPointOwner,omitempty" name:"EndPointOwner"` // Endpoint name EndPointName *string `json:"EndPointName,omitempty" name:"EndPointName"` // Endpoint service VPC ID ServiceVpcId *string `json:"ServiceVpcId,omitempty" name:"ServiceVpcId"` // Endpoint service VIP ServiceVip *string `json:"ServiceVip,omitempty" name:"ServiceVip"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Endpoint VIP EndPointVip *string `json:"EndPointVip,omitempty" name:"EndPointVip"` // Endpoint status. Valid values: `ACTIVE` (available), `PENDING` (to be accepted), `ACCEPTING` (being accepted), `REJECTED` (rejected), and `FAILED` (failed). State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // ID list of security group instances bound with endpoints GroupSet []*string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty" name:"GroupSet"` // Endpoint service name // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ServiceName *string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty" name:"ServiceName"` }
type EndPointService ¶
type EndPointService struct { // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // APP ID ServiceOwner *string `json:"ServiceOwner,omitempty" name:"ServiceOwner"` // Endpoint service name ServiceName *string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty" name:"ServiceName"` // Real server VIP ServiceVip *string `json:"ServiceVip,omitempty" name:"ServiceVip"` // Real server ID in the format of `lb-xxx`. ServiceInstanceId *string `json:"ServiceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"ServiceInstanceId"` // Whether to automatically accept AutoAcceptFlag *bool `json:"AutoAcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoAcceptFlag"` // Number of associated endpoints // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. EndPointCount *uint64 `json:"EndPointCount,omitempty" name:"EndPointCount"` // Array of endpoints // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. EndPointSet []*EndPoint `json:"EndPointSet,omitempty" name:"EndPointSet"` // Creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` }
type Filter ¶
type Filter struct { // The attribute name. If more than one Filter exists, the logical relation between these Filters is `AND`. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // The attribute value. If there are multiple Values for one Filter, the logical relation between these Values under the same Filter is `OR`. Values []*string `json:"Values,omitempty" name:"Values"` }
type FilterObject ¶
type FilterObject struct { // The attribute name. If more than one Filter exists, the logical relation between these Filters is `AND`. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // The attribute value. If there are multiple Values for one Filter, the logical relation between these Values under the same Filter is `OR`. Values []*string `json:"Values,omitempty" name:"Values"` }
type FlowLog ¶
type FlowLog struct { // ID of the VPC instance. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The name of the flow log instance. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The type of resource associated with the flow log. Valid values: `VPC`, `SUBNET`, `NETWORKINTERFACE`, `CCN`, `NAT`, and `DCG`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The unique ID of the resource ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Type of flow logs to be collected. Valid values: `ACCEPT`, `REJECT` and `ALL`. TrafficType *string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty" name:"TrafficType"` // The storage ID of the flow log CloudLogId *string `json:"CloudLogId,omitempty" name:"CloudLogId"` // Flow log storage ID status. CloudLogState *string `json:"CloudLogState,omitempty" name:"CloudLogState"` // The flow log description. FlowLogDescription *string `json:"FlowLogDescription,omitempty" name:"FlowLogDescription"` // The creation time of the flow log. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Tag list, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // Whether to enable. `true`: yes; `false`: no. Enable *bool `json:"Enable,omitempty" name:"Enable"` // Consumer end types: cls and ckafka // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. StorageType *string `json:"StorageType,omitempty" name:"StorageType"` // Information of the consumer, which is returned when the consumer type is `ckafka`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. FlowLogStorage *FlowLogStorage `json:"FlowLogStorage,omitempty" name:"FlowLogStorage"` }
type FlowLogStorage ¶
type FlowLogStorage struct { // Storage instance ID, which is required when `StorageType` is `ckafka`. StorageId *string `json:"StorageId,omitempty" name:"StorageId"` // Topic ID, which is required when `StorageType` is `ckafka`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. StorageTopic *string `json:"StorageTopic,omitempty" name:"StorageTopic"` }
type GatewayFlowMonitorDetail ¶
type GatewayFlowMonitorDetail struct { // Origin `IP`. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Inbound packets. InPkg *uint64 `json:"InPkg,omitempty" name:"InPkg"` // Outbound packets. OutPkg *uint64 `json:"OutPkg,omitempty" name:"OutPkg"` // Inbound traffic, in Byte. InTraffic *uint64 `json:"InTraffic,omitempty" name:"InTraffic"` // Outbound traffic, in Byte. OutTraffic *uint64 `json:"OutTraffic,omitempty" name:"OutTraffic"` }
type GatewayQos ¶
type GatewayQos struct { // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // CVM Private IP. IpAddress *string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty" name:"IpAddress"` // Bandwidth limit value. Bandwidth *int64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` // The creation time. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` }
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The filter condition. // <li>sregion - String - (Filter condition) Filter by the source region, such as 'ap-guangzhou'.</li> // <li>dregion - String - (Filter condition) Filter by the destination region, such as 'ap-shanghai-bm'.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The sorting condition. Valid values: `BandwidthLimit` and `ExpireTime`. SortedBy *string `json:"SortedBy,omitempty" name:"SortedBy"` // The offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // In ascending or descending order. Valid values: 'ASC' and 'DESC'. OrderBy *string `json:"OrderBy,omitempty" name:"OrderBy"` }
func NewGetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
func NewGetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest() (request *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest)
func (*GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams ¶
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The filter condition. // <li>sregion - String - (Filter condition) Filter by the source region, such as 'ap-guangzhou'.</li> // <li>dregion - String - (Filter condition) Filter by the destination region, such as 'ap-shanghai-bm'.</li> Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitempty" name:"Filters"` // The sorting condition. Valid values: `BandwidthLimit` and `ExpireTime`. SortedBy *string `json:"SortedBy,omitempty" name:"SortedBy"` // The offset. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The returned quantity. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // In ascending or descending order. Valid values: 'ASC' and 'DESC'. OrderBy *string `json:"OrderBy,omitempty" name:"OrderBy"` }
Predefined struct for user
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewGetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
func NewGetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse() (response *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse)
func (*GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams ¶
type GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams struct { // The outbound bandwidth limits of regions in a CCN instance. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. CcnBandwidthSet []*CcnBandwidthInfo `json:"CcnBandwidthSet,omitempty" name:"CcnBandwidthSet"` // The number of eligible objects. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type HaVip ¶
type HaVip struct { // The `ID` of the `HAVIP`. This is the unique identifier of the `HAVIP`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` // The name of the `HAVIP`. HaVipName *string `json:"HaVipName,omitempty" name:"HaVipName"` // The virtual IP address. Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // The `ID` of the VPC to which the `HAVIP` belongs. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `ID` of the subnet to which the `HAVIP` belongs. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The `ID` of the ENI associated with the `HAVIP`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The `ID` of the bound instance. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Bound `EIP`. AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` // Status: // <li>`AVAILABLE`: Operating</li> // <li>`UNBIND`: Not bound</li> State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Identifier for businesses that use HAVIP. Business *string `json:"Business,omitempty" name:"Business"` }
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest ¶
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. This must be a `HAVIP` that has not been bound to an `EIP` HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` // The Elastic `IP`. This must be an `EIP` that has not been bound to a `HAVIP` AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` }
func NewHaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest ¶
func NewHaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest() (request *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest)
func (*HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequest) ToJsonString() string
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequestParams ¶
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. This must be a `HAVIP` that has not been bound to an `EIP` HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` // The Elastic `IP`. This must be an `EIP` that has not been bound to a `HAVIP` AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` }
Predefined struct for user
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse ¶
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewHaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse ¶
func NewHaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse() (response *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse)
func (*HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponse) ToJsonString() string
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponseParams ¶
type HaVipAssociateAddressIpResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest ¶
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. This must be an `HAVIP` that has been bound to an `EIP`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` }
func NewHaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest ¶
func NewHaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest() (request *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest)
func (*HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequest) ToJsonString() string
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequestParams ¶
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. This must be an `HAVIP` that has been bound to an `EIP`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse ¶
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewHaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse ¶
func NewHaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse() (response *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse)
func (*HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponse) ToJsonString() string
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponseParams ¶
type HaVipDisassociateAddressIpResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type IKEOptionsSpecification ¶
type IKEOptionsSpecification struct { // Encryption algorithm. Valid values: `3DES-CBC`, `AES-CBC-128`, `AES-CBS-192`, `AES-CBC-256`, `DES-CBC`, and `SM4`; default value: `3DES-CBC`. PropoEncryAlgorithm *string `json:"PropoEncryAlgorithm,omitempty" name:"PropoEncryAlgorithm"` // Authentication algorithm. Valid values: `MD5`, `SHA1` and `SHA-256`; default value: `MD5`. PropoAuthenAlgorithm *string `json:"PropoAuthenAlgorithm,omitempty" name:"PropoAuthenAlgorithm"` // Negotiation mode. Available values: 'AGGRESSIVE' and 'MAIN'. Default is MAIN. ExchangeMode *string `json:"ExchangeMode,omitempty" name:"ExchangeMode"` // Type of local identity. Available values: 'ADDRESS' and 'FQDN'. Default is ADDRESS. LocalIdentity *string `json:"LocalIdentity,omitempty" name:"LocalIdentity"` // Type of remote identity. Available values: 'ADDRESS' and 'FQDN'. Default is ADDRESS. RemoteIdentity *string `json:"RemoteIdentity,omitempty" name:"RemoteIdentity"` // Local identity. When ADDRESS is selected for LocalIdentity, LocalAddress is required. The default LocalAddress is the public IP of the VPN gateway. LocalAddress *string `json:"LocalAddress,omitempty" name:"LocalAddress"` // Remote identity. When ADDRESS is selected for RemoteIdentity, RemoteAddress is required. RemoteAddress *string `json:"RemoteAddress,omitempty" name:"RemoteAddress"` // Local identity. When FQDN is selected for LocalIdentity, LocalFqdnName is required. LocalFqdnName *string `json:"LocalFqdnName,omitempty" name:"LocalFqdnName"` // Remote identity. When FQDN is selected for RemoteIdentity, RemoteFqdnName is required. RemoteFqdnName *string `json:"RemoteFqdnName,omitempty" name:"RemoteFqdnName"` // DH group. Specify the DH group used for exchanging the key via IKE. Available values: 'GROUP1', 'GROUP2', 'GROUP5', 'GROUP14', and 'GROUP24'. DhGroupName *string `json:"DhGroupName,omitempty" name:"DhGroupName"` // IKE SA lifetime (in sec). Value range: 60-604800 IKESaLifetimeSeconds *uint64 `json:"IKESaLifetimeSeconds,omitempty" name:"IKESaLifetimeSeconds"` // IKE version IKEVersion *string `json:"IKEVersion,omitempty" name:"IKEVersion"` }
type IPSECOptionsSpecification ¶
type IPSECOptionsSpecification struct { // Encryption algorithm. Valid values: `3DES-CBC`, `AES-CBC-128`, `AES-CBC-192`, `AES-CBC-256`, `DES-CBC`, `SM4`, and `NULL`; default value: `AES-CBC-128`. EncryptAlgorithm *string `json:"EncryptAlgorithm,omitempty" name:"EncryptAlgorithm"` // Authentication algorithm. Valid values: `MD5`, `SHA1` and `SHA-256`; default value: `SHA1`. IntegrityAlgorith *string `json:"IntegrityAlgorith,omitempty" name:"IntegrityAlgorith"` // IPsec SA lifetime (in sec). Value range: 180-604800 IPSECSaLifetimeSeconds *uint64 `json:"IPSECSaLifetimeSeconds,omitempty" name:"IPSECSaLifetimeSeconds"` // PFS. Available value: 'NULL', 'DH-GROUP1', 'DH-GROUP2', 'DH-GROUP5', 'DH-GROUP14', and 'DH-GROUP24'. Default is NULL. PfsDhGroup *string `json:"PfsDhGroup,omitempty" name:"PfsDhGroup"` // IPsec SA lifetime (in KB). Value range: 2560-604800 IPSECSaLifetimeTraffic *uint64 `json:"IPSECSaLifetimeTraffic,omitempty" name:"IPSECSaLifetimeTraffic"` }
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest struct {
func NewInquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest ¶
func NewInquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest() (request *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest)
func (*InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams ¶
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayRequestParams struct { }
Predefined struct for user
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewInquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse ¶
func NewInquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse() (response *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse)
func (*InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams ¶
type InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGatewayResponseParams struct { // Standard access fee for a direct connect gateway // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TotalCost *int64 `json:"TotalCost,omitempty" name:"TotalCost"` // Actual access fee for a direct connect gateway // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RealTotalCost *int64 `json:"RealTotalCost,omitempty" name:"RealTotalCost"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest ¶
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Specifies the purchased validity period, whether to enable auto-renewal. This parameter is required for monthly-subscription instances. InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` }
func NewInquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest ¶
func NewInquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest() (request *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest)
func (*InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequestParams ¶
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Specifies the purchased validity period, whether to enable auto-renewal. This parameter is required for monthly-subscription instances. InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` }
Predefined struct for user
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse ¶
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewInquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse ¶
func NewInquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse() (response *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse)
func (*InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponseParams ¶
type InquiryPriceRenewVpnGatewayResponseParams struct { // Product price. Price *Price `json:"Price,omitempty" name:"Price"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest ¶
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` }
func NewInquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest ¶
func NewInquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest() (request *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest)
func (*InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString() string
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams ¶
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` }
Predefined struct for user
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse ¶
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewInquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse ¶
func NewInquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse() (response *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse)
func (*InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString() string
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams ¶
type InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams struct { // Product price. Price *Price `json:"Price,omitempty" name:"Price"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type InstanceChargePrepaid ¶
type InstanceChargePrepaid struct { // Purchased usage period (in month). Value range: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, 36]. Period *uint64 `json:"Period,omitempty" name:"Period"` // Auto-renewal ID. Value range: NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW: notify expiry and renew automatically, NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: notify expiry but do not renew automatically. The default is NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW RenewFlag *string `json:"RenewFlag,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"` }
type InstanceStatistic ¶
type IpField ¶
type IpField struct { // Country/region of the IP Country *bool `json:"Country,omitempty" name:"Country"` // Province/municipality/state of the IP Province *bool `json:"Province,omitempty" name:"Province"` // City of the IP City *bool `json:"City,omitempty" name:"City"` // City district of the IP Region *bool `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Access ISP field Isp *bool `json:"Isp,omitempty" name:"Isp"` // ISP backbone network’s AS field AsName *bool `json:"AsName,omitempty" name:"AsName"` // Backbone AS ID AsId *bool `json:"AsId,omitempty" name:"AsId"` // Comment Comment *bool `json:"Comment,omitempty" name:"Comment"` }
type IpGeolocationInfo ¶
type IpGeolocationInfo struct { // Country/region // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Country *string `json:"Country,omitempty" name:"Country"` // Province- or municipality-level administrative region // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Province *string `json:"Province,omitempty" name:"Province"` // Municipal administrative region // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. City *string `json:"City,omitempty" name:"City"` // Urban area // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Access ISP // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Isp *string `json:"Isp,omitempty" name:"Isp"` // ISP backbone network’s AS name // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AsName *string `json:"AsName,omitempty" name:"AsName"` // ISP backbone network’s AS ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AsId *string `json:"AsId,omitempty" name:"AsId"` // Comment. The APN value of mobile users is entered currently. If there is no APN attribute, this is `null`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Comment *string `json:"Comment,omitempty" name:"Comment"` // IP address // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` }
type Ipv6Address ¶
type Ipv6Address struct { // `IPv6` address, such as `3402:4e00:20:100:0:8cd9:2a67:71f3` Address *string `json:"Address,omitempty" name:"Address"` // Whether it is a primary `IP`. Primary *bool `json:"Primary,omitempty" name:"Primary"` // The `ID` of the `EIP` instance, such as `eip-hxlqja90`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // Message description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Whether the public IP is blocked. IsWanIpBlocked *bool `json:"IsWanIpBlocked,omitempty" name:"IsWanIpBlocked"` // `IPv6` address status: // <li>`PENDING`: Creating</li> // <li>`MIGRATING`: Migrating</li> // <li>`DELETING`: Deleting</li> // <li>`AVAILABLE`: Available</li> State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` }
type Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock ¶
type ItemPrice ¶
type ItemPrice struct { // The pay-as-you-go billing method. Unit: CNY. UnitPrice *float64 `json:"UnitPrice,omitempty" name:"UnitPrice"` // Pay-as-you-go billing method. Value Range: HOUR: Indicates billing by the hour. Scenarios using this hourly billing unit include: Instances postpaid on an hourly basis (POSTPAID_BY_HOUR), and bandwidth postpaid on an hourly basis (BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR). GB: Indicates billing on a per-GB basis. Scenarios using this billing unit include: Traffic postpaid on an hourly basis (TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR). ChargeUnit *string `json:"ChargeUnit,omitempty" name:"ChargeUnit"` // Original price of the prepaid product. Unit: CNY. OriginalPrice *float64 `json:"OriginalPrice,omitempty" name:"OriginalPrice"` // Discount price of the prepaid product. Unit: CNY. DiscountPrice *float64 `json:"DiscountPrice,omitempty" name:"DiscountPrice"` }
type LocalGateway ¶
type LocalGateway struct { // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Local gateway instance ID UniqLocalGwId *string `json:"UniqLocalGwId,omitempty" name:"UniqLocalGwId"` // Local gateway name LocalGatewayName *string `json:"LocalGatewayName,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayName"` // Local gateway IP LocalGwIp *string `json:"LocalGwIp,omitempty" name:"LocalGwIp"` // Creation time of the local gateway CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` }
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM bound to the ENI, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. SourceInstanceId *string `json:"SourceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"SourceInstanceId"` // ID of the destination CVM instance to be migrated. DestinationInstanceId *string `json:"DestinationInstanceId,omitempty" name:"DestinationInstanceId"` // ENI mount method. Valid values: 0: standard; 1: extension; default value: 0 AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
func NewMigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest ¶
func NewMigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest() (request *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest)
func (*MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams ¶
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The ID of the CVM bound to the ENI, such as `ins-r8hr2upy`. SourceInstanceId *string `json:"SourceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"SourceInstanceId"` // ID of the destination CVM instance to be migrated. DestinationInstanceId *string `json:"DestinationInstanceId,omitempty" name:"DestinationInstanceId"` // ENI mount method. Valid values: 0: standard; 1: extension; default value: 0 AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewMigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse ¶
func NewMigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse() (response *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse)
func (*MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams ¶
type MigrateNetworkInterfaceResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest ¶
type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the ENI instance bound with the private IP, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. SourceNetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"SourceNetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"SourceNetworkInterfaceId"` // ID of the destination ENI instance to be migrated. DestinationNetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"DestinationNetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"DestinationNetworkInterfaceId"` // The private IP to be migrated, such as PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` }
func NewMigratePrivateIpAddressRequest ¶
func NewMigratePrivateIpAddressRequest() (request *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest)
func (*MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *MigratePrivateIpAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequestParams ¶
type MigratePrivateIpAddressRequestParams struct { // ID of the ENI instance bound with the private IP, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. SourceNetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"SourceNetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"SourceNetworkInterfaceId"` // ID of the destination ENI instance to be migrated. DestinationNetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"DestinationNetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"DestinationNetworkInterfaceId"` // The private IP to be migrated, such as PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` }
Predefined struct for user
type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse ¶
type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewMigratePrivateIpAddressResponse ¶
func NewMigratePrivateIpAddressResponse() (response *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse)
func (*MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *MigratePrivateIpAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponseParams ¶
type MigratePrivateIpAddressResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyAddressAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The EIP name after modification. The maximum length is 20 characters. AddressName *string `json:"AddressName,omitempty" name:"AddressName"` // Whether the set EIP is a direct connection EIP. TRUE: yes. FALSE: no. Note that this parameter is available only to users who have activated the EIP direct connection function. EipDirectConnection *string `json:"EipDirectConnection,omitempty" name:"EipDirectConnection"` }
func NewModifyAddressAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyAddressAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAddressAttributeRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the EIP, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The EIP name after modification. The maximum length is 20 characters. AddressName *string `json:"AddressName,omitempty" name:"AddressName"` // Whether the set EIP is a direct connection EIP. TRUE: yes. FALSE: no. Note that this parameter is available only to users who have activated the EIP direct connection function. EipDirectConnection *string `json:"EipDirectConnection,omitempty" name:"EipDirectConnection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyAddressAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAddressAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyAddressAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyAddressAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAddressAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest ¶
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique EIP ID, such as "eip-xxxx" AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The target billing method. It can be `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH` or `TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR` InternetChargeType *string `json:"InternetChargeType,omitempty" name:"InternetChargeType"` // The target bandwidth value InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // Billing details of monthly-subscribed network bandwidth. This parameter is required if the target billing method is `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH`. AddressChargePrepaid *AddressChargePrepaid `json:"AddressChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"AddressChargePrepaid"` }
func NewModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest ¶
func NewModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest() (request *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest)
func (*ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeRequestParams struct { // Unique EIP ID, such as "eip-xxxx" AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The target billing method. It can be `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH` or `TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR` InternetChargeType *string `json:"InternetChargeType,omitempty" name:"InternetChargeType"` // The target bandwidth value InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // Billing details of monthly-subscribed network bandwidth. This parameter is required if the target billing method is `BANDWIDTH_PREPAID_BY_MONTH`. AddressChargePrepaid *AddressChargePrepaid `json:"AddressChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"AddressChargePrepaid"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse ¶
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse ¶
func NewModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse() (response *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse)
func (*ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAddressInternetChargeTypeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateId *string `json:"AddressTemplateId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateId"` // IP address template name. AddressTemplateName *string `json:"AddressTemplateName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateName"` // Address information, including IP, CIDR and IP address range. Addresses []*string `json:"Addresses,omitempty" name:"Addresses"` // Address information with remarks, including the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. AddressesExtra []*AddressInfo `json:"AddressesExtra,omitempty" name:"AddressesExtra"` }
func NewModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeRequestParams struct { // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateId *string `json:"AddressTemplateId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateId"` // IP address template name. AddressTemplateName *string `json:"AddressTemplateName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateName"` // Address information, including IP, CIDR and IP address range. Addresses []*string `json:"Addresses,omitempty" name:"Addresses"` // Address information with remarks, including the IP, CIDR block or IP address range. AddressesExtra []*AddressInfo `json:"AddressesExtra,omitempty" name:"AddressesExtra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-2uw6ujo6`. AddressTemplateGroupId *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupId"` // IP address template group name. AddressTemplateGroupName *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupName"` // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateIds []*string `json:"AddressTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateIds"` }
func NewModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams struct { // IP address template group instance ID, such as `ipmg-2uw6ujo6`. AddressTemplateGroupId *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupId"` // IP address template group name. AddressTemplateGroupName *string `json:"AddressTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateGroupName"` // IP address template instance ID, such as `ipm-mdunqeb6`. AddressTemplateIds []*string `json:"AddressTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplateIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest ¶
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // List of EIP IDs, such as “eip-xxxx”. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` // Target bandwidth value adjustment InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // (Disused) The start time of the monthly bandwidth subscription StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // (Disused) The end time of the monthly bandwidth subscription EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` }
func NewModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest ¶
func NewModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest() (request *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest)
func (*ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthRequestParams struct { // List of EIP IDs, such as “eip-xxxx”. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` // Target bandwidth value adjustment InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // (Disused) The start time of the monthly bandwidth subscription StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // (Disused) The end time of the monthly bandwidth subscription EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse ¶
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse ¶
func NewModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse() (response *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse)
func (*ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAddressesBandwidthResponseParams struct { // The async task ID. You can use the [DescribeTaskResult]( API to query the task status. TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAssistantCidrRequest ¶
type ModifyAssistantCidrRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Array of the secondary CIDR blocks to be added, such as ["", ""]. Either or both of `NewCidrBlocks` and `OldCidrBlocks` must be specified. NewCidrBlocks []*string `json:"NewCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"NewCidrBlocks"` // Array of the secondary CIDR blocks to be deleted, such as ["", ""]. Either or both of `NewCidrBlocks` and `OldCidrBlocks` must be specified. OldCidrBlocks []*string `json:"OldCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"OldCidrBlocks"` }
func NewModifyAssistantCidrRequest ¶
func NewModifyAssistantCidrRequest() (request *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest)
func (*ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAssistantCidrRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAssistantCidrRequestParams ¶
type ModifyAssistantCidrRequestParams struct { // `VPC` instance `ID`, e.g. `vpc-6v2ht8q5`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Array of the secondary CIDR blocks to be added, such as ["", ""]. Either or both of `NewCidrBlocks` and `OldCidrBlocks` must be specified. NewCidrBlocks []*string `json:"NewCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"NewCidrBlocks"` // Array of the secondary CIDR blocks to be deleted, such as ["", ""]. Either or both of `NewCidrBlocks` and `OldCidrBlocks` must be specified. OldCidrBlocks []*string `json:"OldCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"OldCidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyAssistantCidrResponse ¶
type ModifyAssistantCidrResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAssistantCidrResponse ¶
func NewModifyAssistantCidrResponse() (response *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse)
func (*ModifyAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAssistantCidrResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAssistantCidrResponseParams ¶
type ModifyAssistantCidrResponseParams struct { // A set of secondary CIDR blocks. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. AssistantCidrSet []*AssistantCidr `json:"AssistantCidrSet,omitempty" name:"AssistantCidrSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The name of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageName *string `json:"BandwidthPackageName,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageName"` // The billing mode of the bandwidth package. ChargeType *string `json:"ChargeType,omitempty" name:"ChargeType"` // When a monthly-subscribed bandwidth package is returned, whether to convert it to a pay-as-you-go bandwidth packages. Default value: `No` MigrateOnRefund *bool `json:"MigrateOnRefund,omitempty" name:"MigrateOnRefund"` }
func NewModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The name of the bandwidth package. BandwidthPackageName *string `json:"BandwidthPackageName,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageName"` // The billing mode of the bandwidth package. ChargeType *string `json:"ChargeType,omitempty" name:"ChargeType"` // When a monthly-subscribed bandwidth package is returned, whether to convert it to a pay-as-you-go bandwidth packages. Default value: `No` MigrateOnRefund *bool `json:"MigrateOnRefund,omitempty" name:"MigrateOnRefund"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyBandwidthPackageAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // CCN instance ID in the format of `ccn-f49l6u0z` CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated network instances Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeRequestParams struct { // CCN instance ID in the format of `ccn-f49l6u0z` CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // List of associated network instances Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyCcnAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The name of CCN instance. Up to 60 characters allowed. It can contain up to 60 bytes. Either `CcnName` or `CcnDescription` must be specified. CcnName *string `json:"CcnName,omitempty" name:"CcnName"` // The description of CCN instance. Up to 100 characters allowed. It can contain up to 60 bytes. Either `CcnName` or `CcnDescription` must be specified. CcnDescription *string `json:"CcnDescription,omitempty" name:"CcnDescription"` }
func NewModifyCcnAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyCcnAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyCcnAttributeRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The name of CCN instance. Up to 60 characters allowed. It can contain up to 60 bytes. Either `CcnName` or `CcnDescription` must be specified. CcnName *string `json:"CcnName,omitempty" name:"CcnName"` // The description of CCN instance. Up to 100 characters allowed. It can contain up to 60 bytes. Either `CcnName` or `CcnDescription` must be specified. CcnDescription *string `json:"CcnDescription,omitempty" name:"CcnDescription"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyCcnAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyCcnAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyCcnAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyCcnAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyCcnAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest ¶
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // CCN instance ID. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // CCN bandwidth limit type. INTER_REGION_LIMIT: limit between regions. OUTER_REGION_LIMIT: region egress limit. BandwidthLimitType *string `json:"BandwidthLimitType,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimitType"` }
func NewModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest ¶
func NewModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest() (request *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest)
func (*ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeRequestParams struct { // CCN instance ID. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // CCN bandwidth limit type. INTER_REGION_LIMIT: limit between regions. OUTER_REGION_LIMIT: region egress limit. BandwidthLimitType *string `json:"BandwidthLimitType,omitempty" name:"BandwidthLimitType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse ¶
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse ¶
func NewModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse() (response *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse)
func (*ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsTypeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` // Customer gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. CustomerGatewayName *string `json:"CustomerGatewayName,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayName"` }
func NewModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the customer gateway, such as `cgw-2wqq41m9`. You can query the customer gateway by using the `DescribeCustomerGateways` API. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` // Customer gateway can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. CustomerGatewayName *string `json:"CustomerGatewayName,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyCustomerGatewayAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The direct connect gateway name. You can enter any name within 60 characters. DirectConnectGatewayName *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayName,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayName"` // The CCN route-learning type. Valid values: `BGP` (Automatic learning), `STATIC` (Static, that is, user-configured). You can only modify `CcnRouteType` for a CCN direct connect gateway with BGP enabled. CcnRouteType *string `json:"CcnRouteType,omitempty" name:"CcnRouteType"` // CCN route publishing method. Valid values: `standard` and `exquisite`. You can only modify `ModeType` for a CCN direct connect gateway. ModeType *string `json:"ModeType,omitempty" name:"ModeType"` }
func NewModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the direct connect gateway, such as `dcg-9o233uri`. DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The direct connect gateway name. You can enter any name within 60 characters. DirectConnectGatewayName *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayName,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayName"` // The CCN route-learning type. Valid values: `BGP` (Automatic learning), `STATIC` (Static, that is, user-configured). You can only modify `CcnRouteType` for a CCN direct connect gateway with BGP enabled. CcnRouteType *string `json:"CcnRouteType,omitempty" name:"CcnRouteType"` // CCN route publishing method. Valid values: `standard` and `exquisite`. You can only modify `ModeType` for a CCN direct connect gateway. ModeType *string `json:"ModeType,omitempty" name:"ModeType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless the attributes of a CCN flow log is modified. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the flow log. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The description of the flow log. FlowLogDescription *string `json:"FlowLogDescription,omitempty" name:"FlowLogDescription"` }
func NewModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the flow log. FlowLogId *string `json:"FlowLogId,omitempty" name:"FlowLogId"` // The VPC ID or unique ID of the resource. We recommend using the unique ID. This parameter is required unless the attributes of a CCN flow log is modified. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of the flow log. FlowLogName *string `json:"FlowLogName,omitempty" name:"FlowLogName"` // The description of the flow log. FlowLogDescription *string `json:"FlowLogDescription,omitempty" name:"FlowLogDescription"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyFlowLogAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest ¶
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // Bandwidth limit value. Bandwidth *int64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` // CVM private IP addresses with limited bandwidth. IpAddresses []*string `json:"IpAddresses,omitempty" name:"IpAddresses"` }
func NewModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest ¶
func NewModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest() (request *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest)
func (*ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequestParams ¶
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosRequestParams struct { // Gateway instance ID, which currently supports these types: // ID of Direct Connect gateway instance, e.g. `dcg-ltjahce6`; // ID of NAT gateway instance, e.g. `nat-ltjahce6`; // ID of VPN gateway instance, e.g. `vpn-ltjahce6`. GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // Bandwidth limit value. Bandwidth *int64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` // CVM private IP addresses with limited bandwidth. IpAddresses []*string `json:"IpAddresses,omitempty" name:"IpAddresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse ¶
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse ¶
func NewModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse() (response *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse)
func (*ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponseParams ¶
type ModifyGatewayFlowQosResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` // `HAVIP` can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. HaVipName *string `json:"HaVipName,omitempty" name:"HaVipName"` }
func NewModifyHaVipAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyHaVipAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyHaVipAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyHaVipAttributeRequestParams struct { // The unique `ID` of the `HAVIP`, such as `havip-9o233uri`. HaVipId *string `json:"HaVipId,omitempty" name:"HaVipId"` // `HAVIP` can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. HaVipName *string `json:"HaVipName,omitempty" name:"HaVipName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyHaVipAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyHaVipAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyHaVipAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyHaVipAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information of the specified private `IPv6` addresses. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` }
func NewModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information of the specified private `IPv6` addresses. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyIpv6AddressesAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyLocalGatewayRequest ¶
type ModifyLocalGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Local gateway name LocalGatewayName *string `json:"LocalGatewayName,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayName"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Local gateway instance ID LocalGatewayId *string `json:"LocalGatewayId,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayId"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
func NewModifyLocalGatewayRequest ¶
func NewModifyLocalGatewayRequest() (request *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest)
func (*ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyLocalGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyLocalGatewayRequestParams ¶
type ModifyLocalGatewayRequestParams struct { // Local gateway name LocalGatewayName *string `json:"LocalGatewayName,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayName"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Local gateway instance ID LocalGatewayId *string `json:"LocalGatewayId,omitempty" name:"LocalGatewayId"` // VPC instance ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyLocalGatewayResponse ¶
type ModifyLocalGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyLocalGatewayResponse ¶
func NewModifyLocalGatewayResponse() (response *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse)
func (*ModifyLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyLocalGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyLocalGatewayResponseParams ¶
type ModifyLocalGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The NAT gateway name, such as `test_nat`. NatGatewayName *string `json:"NatGatewayName,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayName"` // The maximum outbound bandwidth of the NAT gateway. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // Whether to modify the security group bound to the NAT gateway ModifySecurityGroup *bool `json:"ModifySecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"ModifySecurityGroup"` // The final security groups bound to the NAT Gateway, such as `['sg-1n232323', 'sg-o4242424']`. An empty list indicates that all the security groups have been deleted. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The NAT gateway name, such as `test_nat`. NatGatewayName *string `json:"NatGatewayName,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayName"` // The maximum outbound bandwidth of the NAT gateway. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // Whether to modify the security group bound to the NAT gateway ModifySecurityGroup *bool `json:"ModifySecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"ModifySecurityGroup"` // The final security groups bound to the NAT Gateway, such as `['sg-1n232323', 'sg-o4242424']`. An empty list indicates that all the security groups have been deleted. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rule of the source NAT gateway. SourceNatRule *DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceNatRule,omitempty" name:"SourceNatRule"` // The port forwarding rule of the destination NAT gateway. DestinationNatRule *DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationNatRule,omitempty" name:"DestinationNatRule"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT gateway, such as `nat-df45454`. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The port forwarding rule of the source NAT gateway. SourceNatRule *DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceNatRule,omitempty" name:"SourceNatRule"` // The port forwarding rule of the destination NAT gateway. DestinationNatRule *DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationNatRule,omitempty" name:"DestinationNatRule"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df453454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT Gateway SourceIpTranslationNatRule *SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRule,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRule"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest() (request *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest)
func (*ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleRequestParams struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway, such as `nat-df453454` NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // The SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT Gateway SourceIpTranslationNatRule *SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRule,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRule"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse ¶
func NewModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse() (response *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse)
func (*ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRuleResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetDetectRequest ¶
type ModifyNetDetectRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of a network detection instance, such as `netd-12345678`. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // `VPN`: VPN gateway; // `DIRECTCONNECT`: Direct connect gateway; // `PEERCONNECTION`: Peering connection; // `NAT`: NAT gateway; // `NORMAL_CVM`: normal CVM; // `CCN`: CCN gateway. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // Next-hop destination gateway. Its value is determined by `NextHopType`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `VPN`, the parameter value is the VPN gateway ID, such as `vpngw-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `DIRECTCONNECT`, the parameter value is the direct connect gateway ID, such as `dcg-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `PEERCONNECTION`, the parameter value is the peering connection ID, such as `pcx-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NAT`, the parameter value is the NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NORMAL_CVM`, the parameter value is the IPv4 address of the CVM instance, such as ``. // If `NextHopType` is set to `CCN`, the parameter value is the CCN ID, such as `ccn-12345678`. NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // Network detection description. NetDetectDescription *string `json:"NetDetectDescription,omitempty" name:"NetDetectDescription"` }
func NewModifyNetDetectRequest ¶
func NewModifyNetDetectRequest() (request *ModifyNetDetectRequest)
func (*ModifyNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetDetectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetDetectRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetDetectRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNetDetectRequestParams struct { // The ID of a network detection instance, such as `netd-12345678`. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // `VPN`: VPN gateway; // `DIRECTCONNECT`: Direct connect gateway; // `PEERCONNECTION`: Peering connection; // `NAT`: NAT gateway; // `NORMAL_CVM`: normal CVM; // `CCN`: CCN gateway. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // Next-hop destination gateway. Its value is determined by `NextHopType`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `VPN`, the parameter value is the VPN gateway ID, such as `vpngw-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `DIRECTCONNECT`, the parameter value is the direct connect gateway ID, such as `dcg-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `PEERCONNECTION`, the parameter value is the peering connection ID, such as `pcx-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NAT`, the parameter value is the NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NORMAL_CVM`, the parameter value is the IPv4 address of the CVM instance, such as ``. // If `NextHopType` is set to `CCN`, the parameter value is the CCN ID, such as `ccn-12345678`. NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // Network detection description. NetDetectDescription *string `json:"NetDetectDescription,omitempty" name:"NetDetectDescription"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetDetectResponse ¶
type ModifyNetDetectResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNetDetectResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNetDetectResponse ¶
func NewModifyNetDetectResponse() (response *ModifyNetDetectResponse)
func (*ModifyNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetDetectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetDetectResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetDetectResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNetDetectResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkAclName *string `json:"NetworkAclName,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclName"` }
func NewModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeRequestParams struct { // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkAclName *string `json:"NetworkAclName,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Network ACL rule set. NetworkAclEntrySet *NetworkAclEntrySet `json:"NetworkAclEntrySet,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclEntrySet"` }
func NewModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest ¶
func NewModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest() (request *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest)
func (*ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesRequestParams struct { // Network ACL instance ID. Example: acl-12345678. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Network ACL rule set. NetworkAclEntrySet *NetworkAclEntrySet `json:"NetworkAclEntrySet,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclEntrySet"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse ¶
func NewModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse() (response *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse)
func (*ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkAclEntriesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-pxir56ns`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // ENI description can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // The specified security groups to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Configuration of the ENI trunking mode. Valid values: `Enable` and `Disable`. Default value: `Disable`. TrunkingFlag *string `json:"TrunkingFlag,omitempty" name:"TrunkingFlag"` }
func NewModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-pxir56ns`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The name of the ENI. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // ENI description can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // The specified security groups to be bound with, such as ['sg-1dd51d']. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // Configuration of the ENI trunking mode. Valid values: `Enable` and `Disable`. Default value: `Disable`. TrunkingFlag *string `json:"TrunkingFlag,omitempty" name:"TrunkingFlag"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The specified private IP information. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` }
func NewModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The specified private IP information. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Route table name. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` }
func NewModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeRequestParams struct { // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Route table name. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyRouteTableAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` }
func NewModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest() (request *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. GroupName *string `json:"GroupName,omitempty" name:"GroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. GroupDescription *string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty" name:"GroupDescription"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse() (response *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet object must specify new egress and ingress policies at the same time. SecurityGroupPolicy object does not support custom index (PolicyIndex). SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` // Whether the security group rule is sorted. Default value: False. If it is set to `True`, security group rules will be strictly sorted according to the sequence specified in the `SecurityGroupPolicySet` parameter. Manual entry may cause omission, so we recommend sorting security group rules in the console. SortPolicys *bool `json:"SortPolicys,omitempty" name:"SortPolicys"` }
func NewModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest ¶
func NewModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest() (request *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest)
func (*ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // The security group policy set. SecurityGroupPolicySet object must specify new egress and ingress policies at the same time. SecurityGroupPolicy object does not support custom index (PolicyIndex). SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` // Whether the security group rule is sorted. Default value: False. If it is set to `True`, security group rules will be strictly sorted according to the sequence specified in the `SecurityGroupPolicySet` parameter. Manual entry may cause omission, so we recommend sorting security group rules in the console. SortPolicys *bool `json:"SortPolicys,omitempty" name:"SortPolicys"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse ¶
func NewModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse() (response *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse)
func (*ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams ¶
type ModifySecurityGroupPoliciesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Protocol port template instance ID, such as `ppm-529nwwj8`. ServiceTemplateId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateId"` // Protocol port template name. ServiceTemplateName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateName"` // It supports single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP, and GRE. Services []*string `json:"Services,omitempty" name:"Services"` // Protocol port information with remarks. Supported ports include single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and other ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP, and GRE. ServicesExtra []*ServicesInfo `json:"ServicesExtra,omitempty" name:"ServicesExtra"` }
func NewModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeRequestParams struct { // Protocol port template instance ID, such as `ppm-529nwwj8`. ServiceTemplateId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateId"` // Protocol port template name. ServiceTemplateName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateName"` // It supports single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and all ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP, and GRE. Services []*string `json:"Services,omitempty" name:"Services"` // Protocol port information with remarks. Supported ports include single port, multiple ports, consecutive ports and other ports. Supported protocols include TCP, UDP, ICMP, and GRE. ServicesExtra []*ServicesInfo `json:"ServicesExtra,omitempty" name:"ServicesExtra"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-ei8hfd9a`. ServiceTemplateGroupId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupId"` // Protocol port template group name. ServiceTemplateGroupName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupName"` // Instance ID of the protocol port template, such as `ppm-4dw6agho`. ServiceTemplateIds []*string `json:"ServiceTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateIds"` }
func NewModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeRequestParams struct { // The protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-ei8hfd9a`. ServiceTemplateGroupId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupId"` // Protocol port template group name. ServiceTemplateGroupName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupName"` // Instance ID of the protocol port template, such as `ppm-4dw6agho`. ServiceTemplateIds []*string `json:"ServiceTemplateIds,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySubnetAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifySubnetAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-pxir56ns`. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The subnet name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // Whether the subnet has broadcast enabled. EnableBroadcast *string `json:"EnableBroadcast,omitempty" name:"EnableBroadcast"` }
func NewModifySubnetAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifySubnetAttributeRequest() (request *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySubnetAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySubnetAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifySubnetAttributeRequestParams struct { // Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-pxir56ns`. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The subnet name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // Whether the subnet has broadcast enabled. EnableBroadcast *string `json:"EnableBroadcast,omitempty" name:"EnableBroadcast"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifySubnetAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifySubnetAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifySubnetAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifySubnetAttributeResponse() (response *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifySubnetAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifySubnetAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifySubnetAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifySubnetAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifySubnetAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyVpcAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // VPC can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // Whether multicast is enabled. `true`: Enabled. `false`: Off. EnableMulticast *string `json:"EnableMulticast,omitempty" name:"EnableMulticast"` // DNS address. A maximum of 4 addresses is supported. The first one is primary server by default, and the rest are secondary servers. DnsServers []*string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty" name:"DnsServers"` // Domain name DomainName *string `json:"DomainName,omitempty" name:"DomainName"` }
func NewModifyVpcAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpcAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpcAttributeRequestParams struct { // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // VPC can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // Whether multicast is enabled. `true`: Enabled. `false`: Off. EnableMulticast *string `json:"EnableMulticast,omitempty" name:"EnableMulticast"` // DNS address. A maximum of 4 addresses is supported. The first one is primary server by default, and the rest are secondary servers. DnsServers []*string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty" name:"DnsServers"` // Domain name DomainName *string `json:"DomainName,omitempty" name:"DomainName"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyVpcAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpcAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpcAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyVpcAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpcAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` // Endpoint name EndPointName *string `json:"EndPointName,omitempty" name:"EndPointName"` // List of security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeRequestParams struct { // Endpoint ID EndPointId *string `json:"EndPointId,omitempty" name:"EndPointId"` // Endpoint name EndPointName *string `json:"EndPointName,omitempty" name:"EndPointName"` // List of security group IDs SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Endpoint service name EndPointServiceName *string `json:"EndPointServiceName,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceName"` // Whether to automatically accept VPC endpoint connection requests. Valid values: <ui><li>`true`: yes<li>`false`: no</ul> AutoAcceptFlag *bool `json:"AutoAcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoAcceptFlag"` // Real server ID in the format of `lb-xxx`. ServiceInstanceId *string `json:"ServiceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"ServiceInstanceId"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeRequestParams struct { // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Endpoint service name EndPointServiceName *string `json:"EndPointServiceName,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceName"` // Whether to automatically accept VPC endpoint connection requests. Valid values: <ui><li>`true`: yes<li>`false`: no</ul> AutoAcceptFlag *bool `json:"AutoAcceptFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoAcceptFlag"` // Real server ID in the format of `lb-xxx`. ServiceInstanceId *string `json:"ServiceInstanceId,omitempty" name:"ServiceInstanceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // User UIN UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Allowlist description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest() (request *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListRequestParams struct { // User UIN UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` // Allowlist description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse() (response *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse)
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteListResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` // VPN tunnel can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpnConnectionName *string `json:"VpnConnectionName,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionName"` PreShareKey *string `json:"PreShareKey,omitempty" name:"PreShareKey"` // The SPD policy group, for example: {"":[""]}. is the VPC internal IP range, and is the IDC IP range. The user specifies the IP range in the VPC that can communicate with the IP range in the IDC. SecurityPolicyDatabases []*SecurityPolicyDatabase `json:"SecurityPolicyDatabases,omitempty" name:"SecurityPolicyDatabases"` // IKE (Internet Key Exchange) configuration. IKE comes with a self-protection mechanism. The network security protocol is configured by the user. IKEOptionsSpecification *IKEOptionsSpecification `json:"IKEOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IKEOptionsSpecification"` // IPSec configuration. The IPSec secure session configuration is provided by Tencent Cloud. IPSECOptionsSpecification *IPSECOptionsSpecification `json:"IPSECOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IPSECOptionsSpecification"` // Whether to enable the tunnel health check. EnableHealthCheck *bool `json:"EnableHealthCheck,omitempty" name:"EnableHealthCheck"` // Local IP address for the tunnel health check HealthCheckLocalIp *string `json:"HealthCheckLocalIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckLocalIp"` // Peer IP address for the tunnel health check HealthCheckRemoteIp *string `json:"HealthCheckRemoteIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckRemoteIp"` // Negotiation type. Valid values: `active` (default value), `passive` and `flowTrigger`. NegotiationType *string `json:"NegotiationType,omitempty" name:"NegotiationType"` // Specifies whether to enable DPD. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable) DpdEnable *int64 `json:"DpdEnable,omitempty" name:"DpdEnable"` // DPD timeout period. Default: 30; unit: second. If the request is not responded within this period, the peer end is considered not exists. This parameter is valid when the value of `DpdEnable` is 1. DpdTimeout *string `json:"DpdTimeout,omitempty" name:"DpdTimeout"` // The action after DPD timeout. Valid values: `clear` (disconnect) and `restart` (try again). It’s valid when `DpdEnable` is `1`. DpdAction *string `json:"DpdAction,omitempty" name:"DpdAction"` }
func NewModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` // VPN tunnel can be named freely, but the maximum length is 60 characters. VpnConnectionName *string `json:"VpnConnectionName,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionName"` PreShareKey *string `json:"PreShareKey,omitempty" name:"PreShareKey"` // The SPD policy group, for example: {"":[""]}. is the VPC internal IP range, and is the IDC IP range. The user specifies the IP range in the VPC that can communicate with the IP range in the IDC. SecurityPolicyDatabases []*SecurityPolicyDatabase `json:"SecurityPolicyDatabases,omitempty" name:"SecurityPolicyDatabases"` // IKE (Internet Key Exchange) configuration. IKE comes with a self-protection mechanism. The network security protocol is configured by the user. IKEOptionsSpecification *IKEOptionsSpecification `json:"IKEOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IKEOptionsSpecification"` // IPSec configuration. The IPSec secure session configuration is provided by Tencent Cloud. IPSECOptionsSpecification *IPSECOptionsSpecification `json:"IPSECOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IPSECOptionsSpecification"` // Whether to enable the tunnel health check. EnableHealthCheck *bool `json:"EnableHealthCheck,omitempty" name:"EnableHealthCheck"` // Local IP address for the tunnel health check HealthCheckLocalIp *string `json:"HealthCheckLocalIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckLocalIp"` // Peer IP address for the tunnel health check HealthCheckRemoteIp *string `json:"HealthCheckRemoteIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckRemoteIp"` // Negotiation type. Valid values: `active` (default value), `passive` and `flowTrigger`. NegotiationType *string `json:"NegotiationType,omitempty" name:"NegotiationType"` // Specifies whether to enable DPD. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable) DpdEnable *int64 `json:"DpdEnable,omitempty" name:"DpdEnable"` // DPD timeout period. Default: 30; unit: second. If the request is not responded within this period, the peer end is considered not exists. This parameter is valid when the value of `DpdEnable` is 1. DpdTimeout *string `json:"DpdTimeout,omitempty" name:"DpdTimeout"` // The action after DPD timeout. Valid values: `clear` (disconnect) and `restart` (try again). It’s valid when `DpdEnable` is `1`. DpdAction *string `json:"DpdAction,omitempty" name:"DpdAction"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpnConnectionAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The VPN gateway name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpnGatewayName *string `json:"VpnGatewayName,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayName"` // VPN gateway billing mode. Currently, only the conversion of prepaid (monthly subscription) to postpaid (that is, pay-as-you-go) is supported. That is, the parameters only supports POSTPAID_BY_HOUR. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The VPN gateway name. The maximum length is 60 bytes. VpnGatewayName *string `json:"VpnGatewayName,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayName"` // VPN gateway billing mode. Currently, only the conversion of prepaid (monthly subscription) to postpaid (that is, pay-as-you-go) is supported. That is, the parameters only supports POSTPAID_BY_HOUR. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayAttributeResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The CCN route (IDC IP range) list. Routes []*VpngwCcnRoutes `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The CCN route (IDC IP range) list. Routes []*VpngwCcnRoutes `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Route parameters to modify Routes []*VpnGatewayRouteModify `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest() (request *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesRequestParams struct { // VPN gateway ID VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Route parameters to modify Routes []*VpnGatewayRouteModify `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse ¶
func NewModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse() (response *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse)
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams ¶
type ModifyVpnGatewayRoutesResponseParams struct { // Route information of the VPN gateway // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value is obtained. Routes []*VpnGatewayRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type NatDirectConnectGatewayRoute ¶
type NatDirectConnectGatewayRoute struct { // The `IPv4` `CIDR` of the subnet. DestinationCidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationCidrBlock"` // The type of the next-hop gateway. Supported types: // `DIRECTCONNECT`: Direct connect gateway GatewayType *string `json:"GatewayType,omitempty" name:"GatewayType"` // ID of the next-hop gateway GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // The creation time of the route CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // The update time of the route UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"` }
type NatGateway ¶
type NatGateway struct { // NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // NAT gateway name. NatGatewayName *string `json:"NatGatewayName,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayName"` // NAT gateway creation time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The status of the NAT gateway. // `PENDING`: Being created, `DELETING`: Being deleted, `AVAILABLE`: Running, `UPDATING`: Being upgraded, // `FAILED`: Failed. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // The maximum outbound bandwidth of the gateway. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // The concurrent connections cap of the gateway. MaxConcurrentConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConcurrentConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrentConnection"` // The public IP object array of the bound NAT gateway. PublicIpAddressSet []*NatGatewayAddress `json:"PublicIpAddressSet,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddressSet"` // The NAT gateway status. `AVAILABLE`: Operating, `UNAVAILABLE`: Unavailable, `INSUFFICIENT`: Service suspended due to account overdue. NetworkState *string `json:"NetworkState,omitempty" name:"NetworkState"` // The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet []*DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule `json:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet"` // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The availability zone in which the NAT gateway is located. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // ID of the direct connect gateway bound. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DirectConnectGatewayIds []*string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayIds,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayIds"` // Subnet ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Tag key-value pairs. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // The list of the security groups bound to the NAT Gateway // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SecurityGroupSet []*string `json:"SecurityGroupSet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupSet"` // SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT gateway. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet []*SourceIpTranslationNatRule `json:"SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet,omitempty" name:"SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet"` // Whether the NAT gateway is dedicated. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. IsExclusive *bool `json:"IsExclusive,omitempty" name:"IsExclusive"` // Bandwidth of the gateway cluster where the dedicated NAT Gateway resides. Unit: Mbps. This field does not exist when the `IsExclusive` field is set to `false`. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ExclusiveGatewayBandwidth *uint64 `json:"ExclusiveGatewayBandwidth,omitempty" name:"ExclusiveGatewayBandwidth"` }
type NatGatewayAddress ¶
type NatGatewayAddress struct { // The unique ID of the Elastic IP (EIP), such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // The public IP address, such as ``. PublicIpAddress *string `json:"PublicIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddress"` // The block status of the resource. `true` indicates the EIP is blocked. `false` indicates that the EIP is not blocked. IsBlocked *bool `json:"IsBlocked,omitempty" name:"IsBlocked"` }
type NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ¶
type NatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule struct { // Network protocol. Available choices: `TCP`, `UDP`. IpProtocol *string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty" name:"IpProtocol"` // EIP. PublicIpAddress *string `json:"PublicIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddress"` // Public port. PublicPort *uint64 `json:"PublicPort,omitempty" name:"PublicPort"` // Private IP. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Private port. PrivatePort *uint64 `json:"PrivatePort,omitempty" name:"PrivatePort"` // NAT gateway forwarding rule description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // NAT gateway ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // VPC ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The creation time of the NAT gateway forwarding rule. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type NetDetect ¶
type NetDetect struct { // The ID of a VPC instance, such as `vpc-12345678`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The name of a VPC instance. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // The ID of a subnet instance, such as subnet-12345678. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The name of a subnet instance. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // The ID of a network detection instance, such as netd-12345678. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. NetDetectName *string `json:"NetDetectName,omitempty" name:"NetDetectName"` // The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. DetectDestinationIp []*string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // The array of detection source IPv4 addresses automatically allocated by the system. The length is 2. DetectSourceIp []*string `json:"DetectSourceIp,omitempty" name:"DetectSourceIp"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // VPN: VPN gateway; // DIRECTCONNECT: direct connect gateway; // PEERCONNECTION: peering connection; // NAT: NAT gateway; // NORMAL_CVM: normal CVM. // CCN: CCN gateway. NextHopType *string `json:"NextHopType,omitempty" name:"NextHopType"` // Next-hop destination gateway. Its value is determined by `NextHopType`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `VPN`, the parameter value is the VPN gateway ID, such as `vpngw-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `DIRECTCONNECT`, the parameter value is the direct connect gateway ID, such as `dcg-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `PEERCONNECTION`, the parameter value is the peering connection ID, such as `pcx-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NAT`, the parameter value is the NAT gateway ID, such as `nat-12345678`. // If `NextHopType` is set to `NORMAL_CVM`, the parameter value is the IPv4 address of the CVM instance, such as ``. // If `NextHopType` is set to `CCN`, the parameter value is the CCN ID, such as `ccn-12345678`. NextHopDestination *string `json:"NextHopDestination,omitempty" name:"NextHopDestination"` // The name of the next-hop gateway. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NextHopName *string `json:"NextHopName,omitempty" name:"NextHopName"` // Network detection description. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NetDetectDescription *string `json:"NetDetectDescription,omitempty" name:"NetDetectDescription"` // The creation time. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` }
type NetDetectIpState ¶
type NetDetectIpState struct { // The destination IPv4 address of network detection. DetectDestinationIp *string `json:"DetectDestinationIp,omitempty" name:"DetectDestinationIp"` // The detection result. // 0: successful; // -1: no packet loss occurred during routing; // -2: packet loss occurred when outbound traffic is blocked by the ACL; // -3: packet loss occurred when inbound traffic is blocked by the ACL; // -4: other errors. State *int64 `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // The latency. Unit: ms. Delay *uint64 `json:"Delay,omitempty" name:"Delay"` // The packet loss rate. PacketLossRate *uint64 `json:"PacketLossRate,omitempty" name:"PacketLossRate"` }
type NetDetectState ¶
type NetDetectState struct { // The ID of a network detection instance, such as netd-12345678. NetDetectId *string `json:"NetDetectId,omitempty" name:"NetDetectId"` // The array of network detection destination IP verification results. NetDetectIpStateSet []*NetDetectIpState `json:"NetDetectIpStateSet,omitempty" name:"NetDetectIpStateSet"` }
type NetworkAcl ¶
type NetworkAcl struct { // `ID` of the `VPC` instance. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // `ID` of the network ACL instance. NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. NetworkAclName *string `json:"NetworkAclName,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclName"` // Creation time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Array of subnets associated with the network ACL. SubnetSet []*Subnet `json:"SubnetSet,omitempty" name:"SubnetSet"` // Inbound rules of the network ACL. IngressEntries []*NetworkAclEntry `json:"IngressEntries,omitempty" name:"IngressEntries"` // Outbound rules of the network ACL. EgressEntries []*NetworkAclEntry `json:"EgressEntries,omitempty" name:"EgressEntries"` }
type NetworkAclEntry ¶
type NetworkAclEntry struct { // Modification time. ModifyTime *string `json:"ModifyTime,omitempty" name:"ModifyTime"` // Protocol. Valid values: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ALL. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` // Port. Valid values: all, single port, range. When Protocol takes the value `ALL` or `ICMP`, Port cannot be specified. Port *string `json:"Port,omitempty" name:"Port"` // IP range or IP address (mutually exclusive). CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // CIDR block or IPv6 address (mutually exclusive). Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` // ACCEPT or DROP. Action *string `json:"Action,omitempty" name:"Action"` // Rule description, which is up to 100 bytes. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
type NetworkAclEntrySet ¶
type NetworkAclEntrySet struct { // Inbound rules. Ingress []*NetworkAclEntry `json:"Ingress,omitempty" name:"Ingress"` // Outbound rules. Egress []*NetworkAclEntry `json:"Egress,omitempty" name:"Egress"` }
type NetworkInterface ¶
type NetworkInterface struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-f1xjkw1b`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // ENI Name NetworkInterfaceName *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceName,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceName"` // ENI description. NetworkInterfaceDescription *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceDescription,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceDescription"` // Subnet instance ID. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Bound security group. GroupSet []*string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty" name:"GroupSet"` // Whether it is the primary ENI. Primary *bool `json:"Primary,omitempty" name:"Primary"` // MAC address MacAddress *string `json:"MacAddress,omitempty" name:"MacAddress"` // ENI status: // <li>`PENDING`: Creating</li> // <li>`AVAILABLE`: Available</li> // <li>`ATTACHING`: Binding</li> // <li>`DETACHING`: Unbinding</li> // <li>`DELETING`: Deleting</li> State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Private IP information. PrivateIpAddressSet []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddressSet,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddressSet"` // Bound CVM object. // Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. Attachment *NetworkInterfaceAttachment `json:"Attachment,omitempty" name:"Attachment"` // Availability Zone. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The `IPv6` address list. Ipv6AddressSet []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6AddressSet,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressSet"` // Tag key-value pair. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // The ENI type. 0: ENI. 1: EVM ENI. EniType *uint64 `json:"EniType,omitempty" name:"EniType"` // Type of the resource bound with an ENI. Valid values: cvm, eks. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Business *string `json:"Business,omitempty" name:"Business"` // ID of the CDC instance associated with the ENI // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // ENI type. Valid values: `0` (standard); `1` (extension). Default value: `0`. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AttachType *uint64 `json:"AttachType,omitempty" name:"AttachType"` }
type NetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶
type NetworkInterfaceAttachment struct { // CVM instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The serial number of ENI in the CVM instance. DeviceIndex *uint64 `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty" name:"DeviceIndex"` // The account information of the CVM owner. InstanceAccountId *string `json:"InstanceAccountId,omitempty" name:"InstanceAccountId"` // Binding time AttachTime *string `json:"AttachTime,omitempty" name:"AttachTime"` }
type NotifyRoutesRequest ¶
type NotifyRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the route table RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The unique ID of the routing policy RouteItemIds []*string `json:"RouteItemIds,omitempty" name:"RouteItemIds"` }
func NewNotifyRoutesRequest ¶
func NewNotifyRoutesRequest() (request *NotifyRoutesRequest)
func (*NotifyRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *NotifyRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*NotifyRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *NotifyRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type NotifyRoutesRequestParams ¶
type NotifyRoutesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the route table RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The unique ID of the routing policy RouteItemIds []*string `json:"RouteItemIds,omitempty" name:"RouteItemIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type NotifyRoutesResponse ¶
type NotifyRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *NotifyRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewNotifyRoutesResponse ¶
func NewNotifyRoutesResponse() (response *NotifyRoutesResponse)
func (*NotifyRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *NotifyRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*NotifyRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *NotifyRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type NotifyRoutesResponseParams ¶
type NotifyRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Private IP address. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Whether it is a primary IP. Primary *bool `json:"Primary,omitempty" name:"Primary"` // Public IP address. PublicIpAddress *string `json:"PublicIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddress"` // EIP instance ID, such as `eip-11112222`. AddressId *string `json:"AddressId,omitempty" name:"AddressId"` // Private IP description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Whether the public IP is blocked. IsWanIpBlocked *bool `json:"IsWanIpBlocked,omitempty" name:"IsWanIpBlocked"` // IP status: // PENDING: Creating // MIGRATING: Migrating // DELETING: Deleting // AVAILABLE: Available State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` }
type Quota ¶
type Quota struct { // Quota name. Value range:<br><li>`TOTAL_EIP_QUOTA`:EIP quota under the user's current region<br><li>`DAILY_EIP_APPLY`: Number of EIP applications submitted daily under the user's current region<br><li>`DAILY_PUBLIC_IP_ASSIGN`: Number of public IP reassignments under the user's current region. QuotaId *string `json:"QuotaId,omitempty" name:"QuotaId"` // Current count QuotaCurrent *int64 `json:"QuotaCurrent,omitempty" name:"QuotaCurrent"` // Quota QuotaLimit *int64 `json:"QuotaLimit,omitempty" name:"QuotaLimit"` }
type ReferredSecurityGroup ¶
type ReferredSecurityGroup struct { // Security group instance ID. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // IDs of all referred security group instances. ReferredSecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"ReferredSecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"ReferredSecurityGroupIds"` }
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest ¶
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Whether it is pre-refresh. Valid values: `True` (yes) and `False` (no) DryRun *bool `json:"DryRun,omitempty" name:"DryRun"` }
func NewRefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest ¶
func NewRefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest() (request *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest)
func (*RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequestParams ¶
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayRequestParams struct { // VPC ID VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Whether it is pre-refresh. Valid values: `True` (yes) and `False` (no) DryRun *bool `json:"DryRun,omitempty" name:"DryRun"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse ¶
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse ¶
func NewRefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse() (response *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse)
func (*RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponseParams ¶
type RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGatewayResponseParams struct { // IDC subnet information DirectConnectSubnetSet []*DirectConnectSubnet `json:"DirectConnectSubnetSet,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectSubnetSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The list of instances whose association is rejected. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewRejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
func NewRejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest() (request *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest)
func (*RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams ¶
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The list of instances whose association is rejected. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
func NewRejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse() (response *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse)
func (*RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams ¶
type RejectAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReleaseAddressesRequest ¶
type ReleaseAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID list of the EIP. The unique ID of an EIP is as follows: `eip-11112222`. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` }
func NewReleaseAddressesRequest ¶
func NewReleaseAddressesRequest() (request *ReleaseAddressesRequest)
func (*ReleaseAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReleaseAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReleaseAddressesRequestParams ¶
type ReleaseAddressesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID list of the EIP. The unique ID of an EIP is as follows: `eip-11112222`. AddressIds []*string `json:"AddressIds,omitempty" name:"AddressIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReleaseAddressesResponse ¶
type ReleaseAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ReleaseAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewReleaseAddressesResponse ¶
func NewReleaseAddressesResponse() (response *ReleaseAddressesResponse)
func (*ReleaseAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReleaseAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReleaseAddressesResponseParams ¶
type ReleaseAddressesResponseParams struct { // The async task ID. You can use the [DescribeTaskResult]( API to query the task status. TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitempty" name:"TaskId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the bandwidth package, such as `bwp-xxxx`. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The resource type. Valid values: `Address` and `LoadBalance`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The resource IP, such as `eip-xxxx` and `lb-xxxx`. ResourceIds []*string `json:"ResourceIds,omitempty" name:"ResourceIds"` }
func NewRemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest ¶
func NewRemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest() (request *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest)
func (*RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams ¶
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the bandwidth package, such as `bwp-xxxx`. BandwidthPackageId *string `json:"BandwidthPackageId,omitempty" name:"BandwidthPackageId"` // The resource type. Valid values: `Address` and `LoadBalance`. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The resource IP, such as `eip-xxxx` and `lb-xxxx`. ResourceIds []*string `json:"ResourceIds,omitempty" name:"ResourceIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse ¶
func NewRemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse() (response *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse)
func (*RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams ¶
type RemoveBandwidthPackageResourcesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RenewVpnGatewayRequest ¶
type RenewVpnGatewayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Billing Methods InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` }
func NewRenewVpnGatewayRequest ¶
func NewRenewVpnGatewayRequest() (request *RenewVpnGatewayRequest)
func (*RenewVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RenewVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RenewVpnGatewayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RenewVpnGatewayRequestParams ¶
type RenewVpnGatewayRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Billing Methods InstanceChargePrepaid *InstanceChargePrepaid `json:"InstanceChargePrepaid,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargePrepaid"` }
Predefined struct for user
type RenewVpnGatewayResponse ¶
type RenewVpnGatewayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *RenewVpnGatewayResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewRenewVpnGatewayResponse ¶
func NewRenewVpnGatewayResponse() (response *RenewVpnGatewayResponse)
func (*RenewVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RenewVpnGatewayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RenewVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RenewVpnGatewayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RenewVpnGatewayResponseParams ¶
type RenewVpnGatewayResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The list of IDC IP range that must be connected Routes []*DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest ¶
func NewReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest() (request *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest)
func (*ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams ¶
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the Direct Connect gateway, such as `dcg-prpqlmg1` DirectConnectGatewayId *string `json:"DirectConnectGatewayId,omitempty" name:"DirectConnectGatewayId"` // The list of IDC IP range that must be connected Routes []*DirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse ¶
func NewReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse() (response *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse)
func (*ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams ¶
type ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest ¶
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-3x5lf5q0`. This can be queried using the DescribeSubnets API. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
func NewReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest ¶
func NewReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest() (request *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest)
func (*ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequestParams ¶
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequestParams struct { // Subnet instance ID, such as `subnet-3x5lf5q0`. This can be queried using the DescribeSubnets API. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse ¶
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse ¶
func NewReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse() (response *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse)
func (*ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponseParams ¶
type ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceRoutesRequest ¶
type ReplaceRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. The routing policy ID (RouteId) must be specified. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewReplaceRoutesRequest ¶
func NewReplaceRoutesRequest() (request *ReplaceRoutesRequest)
func (*ReplaceRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceRoutesRequestParams ¶
type ReplaceRoutesRequestParams struct { // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Routing policy object. The routing policy ID (RouteId) must be specified. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceRoutesResponse ¶
type ReplaceRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ReplaceRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewReplaceRoutesResponse ¶
func NewReplaceRoutesResponse() (response *ReplaceRoutesResponse)
func (*ReplaceRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceRoutesResponseParams ¶
type ReplaceRoutesResponseParams struct { // Old routing policy OldRouteSet []*Route `json:"OldRouteSet,omitempty" name:"OldRouteSet"` // New routing policy NewRouteSet []*Route `json:"NewRouteSet,omitempty" name:"NewRouteSet"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest ¶
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group policy set object. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` // (Optional) The old policy set of the security group, which is used for log records. OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
func NewReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest ¶
func NewReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest() (request *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest)
func (*ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequestParams ¶
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyRequestParams struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-33ocnj9n`. This can be obtained through DescribeSecurityGroups. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group policy set object. SecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"SecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupPolicySet"` // (Optional) The old policy set of the security group, which is used for log records. OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet *SecurityGroupPolicySet `json:"OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet,omitempty" name:"OriginalSecurityGroupPolicySet"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse ¶
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse ¶
func NewReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse() (response *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse)
func (*ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponseParams ¶
type ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicyResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The UIN (root account) to which the CCN belongs. CcnUin *string `json:"CcnUin,omitempty" name:"CcnUin"` // The list of network instances that re-apply for association. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest ¶
func NewResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest() (request *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest)
func (*ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams ¶
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The UIN (root account) to which the CCN belongs. CcnUin *string `json:"CcnUin,omitempty" name:"CcnUin"` // The list of network instances that re-apply for association. Instances []*CcnInstance `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse ¶
func NewResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse() (response *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse)
func (*ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams ¶
type ResetAttachCcnInstancesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest ¶
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Concurrent connections cap of the NAT gateway, such as 1000000, 3000000, 10000000. MaxConcurrentConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConcurrentConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrentConnection"` }
func NewResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest ¶
func NewResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest() (request *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest)
func (*ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequestParams ¶
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionRequestParams struct { // The NAT gateway ID. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // Concurrent connections cap of the NAT gateway, such as 1000000, 3000000, 10000000. MaxConcurrentConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConcurrentConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrentConnection"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse ¶
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse ¶
func NewResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse() (response *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse)
func (*ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponseParams ¶
type ResetNatGatewayConnectionResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetRoutesRequest ¶
type ResetRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The route table name. The maximum length is 60 characters. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` // Routing policy. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
func NewResetRoutesRequest ¶
func NewResetRoutesRequest() (request *ResetRoutesRequest)
func (*ResetRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ResetRoutesRequestParams ¶
type ResetRoutesRequestParams struct { // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The route table name. The maximum length is 60 characters. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` // Routing policy. Routes []*Route `json:"Routes,omitempty" name:"Routes"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetRoutesResponse ¶
type ResetRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ResetRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewResetRoutesResponse ¶
func NewResetRoutesResponse() (response *ResetRoutesResponse)
func (*ResetRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ResetRoutesResponseParams ¶
type ResetRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetVpnConnectionRequest ¶
type ResetVpnConnectionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` }
func NewResetVpnConnectionRequest ¶
func NewResetVpnConnectionRequest() (request *ResetVpnConnectionRequest)
func (*ResetVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnConnectionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ResetVpnConnectionRequestParams ¶
type ResetVpnConnectionRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The ID of the VPN tunnel instance, such as `vpnx-f49l6u0z`. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetVpnConnectionResponse ¶
type ResetVpnConnectionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ResetVpnConnectionResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewResetVpnConnectionResponse ¶
func NewResetVpnConnectionResponse() (response *ResetVpnConnectionResponse)
func (*ResetVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnConnectionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnConnectionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ResetVpnConnectionResponseParams ¶
type ResetVpnConnectionResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest ¶
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` }
func NewResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest ¶
func NewResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest() (request *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest)
func (*ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams ¶
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthRequestParams struct { // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // The public network bandwidth configuration. Available bandwidth specifications: 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Unit: Mbps. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` }
Predefined struct for user
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse ¶
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse ¶
func NewResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse() (response *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse)
func (*ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams ¶
type ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidthResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { // The bandwidth package resource type, including `Address`, and `LoadBalance` ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // The bandwidth package ID, such as `eip-xxxx` and `lb-xxxx`. ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // The bandwidth package resource IP. AddressIp *string `json:"AddressIp,omitempty" name:"AddressIp"` }
type ResourceDashboard ¶
type ResourceDashboard struct { // VPC instance ID, such as `vpc-bq4bzxpj`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet instance ID, such as subnet-bthucmmy. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Classiclink. Classiclink *uint64 `json:"Classiclink,omitempty" name:"Classiclink"` // Direct Connect gateway. Dcg *uint64 `json:"Dcg,omitempty" name:"Dcg"` // Peering connection. Pcx *uint64 `json:"Pcx,omitempty" name:"Pcx"` // Total number of used IPs except for CVM IP, EIP and network probe IP. The three IP types will be independently counted. Ip *uint64 `json:"Ip,omitempty" name:"Ip"` // NAT gateway. Nat *uint64 `json:"Nat,omitempty" name:"Nat"` // VPN gateway. Vpngw *uint64 `json:"Vpngw,omitempty" name:"Vpngw"` // Flow log. FlowLog *uint64 `json:"FlowLog,omitempty" name:"FlowLog"` // Network probing. NetworkDetect *uint64 `json:"NetworkDetect,omitempty" name:"NetworkDetect"` // Network ACL. NetworkACL *uint64 `json:"NetworkACL,omitempty" name:"NetworkACL"` // Cloud Virtual Machine. CVM *uint64 `json:"CVM,omitempty" name:"CVM"` // Load balancer. LB *uint64 `json:"LB,omitempty" name:"LB"` // Relational database. CDB *uint64 `json:"CDB,omitempty" name:"CDB"` // TencentDB for Memcached. Cmem *uint64 `json:"Cmem,omitempty" name:"Cmem"` // Cloud time series database. CTSDB *uint64 `json:"CTSDB,omitempty" name:"CTSDB"` // TencentDB for MariaDB (TDSQL). MariaDB *uint64 `json:"MariaDB,omitempty" name:"MariaDB"` // TencentDB for SQL Server. SQLServer *uint64 `json:"SQLServer,omitempty" name:"SQLServer"` // TencentDB for PostgreSQL. Postgres *uint64 `json:"Postgres,omitempty" name:"Postgres"` // Network attached storage. NAS *uint64 `json:"NAS,omitempty" name:"NAS"` // Snova data warehouse. Greenplumn *uint64 `json:"Greenplumn,omitempty" name:"Greenplumn"` // Cloud Kafka (CKafka). Ckafka *uint64 `json:"Ckafka,omitempty" name:"Ckafka"` // Grocery. Grocery *uint64 `json:"Grocery,omitempty" name:"Grocery"` // Data encryption service. HSM *uint64 `json:"HSM,omitempty" name:"HSM"` // Game storage - Tcaplus. Tcaplus *uint64 `json:"Tcaplus,omitempty" name:"Tcaplus"` // Cnas. Cnas *uint64 `json:"Cnas,omitempty" name:"Cnas"` // HTAP database - TiDB. TiDB *uint64 `json:"TiDB,omitempty" name:"TiDB"` // EMR cluster. Emr *uint64 `json:"Emr,omitempty" name:"Emr"` // SEAL. SEAL *uint64 `json:"SEAL,omitempty" name:"SEAL"` // Cloud file storage - CFS. CFS *uint64 `json:"CFS,omitempty" name:"CFS"` // Oracle. Oracle *uint64 `json:"Oracle,omitempty" name:"Oracle"` // ElasticSearch Service. ElasticSearch *uint64 `json:"ElasticSearch,omitempty" name:"ElasticSearch"` // Blockchain service. TBaaS *uint64 `json:"TBaaS,omitempty" name:"TBaaS"` // Itop. Itop *uint64 `json:"Itop,omitempty" name:"Itop"` // Cloud database audit. DBAudit *uint64 `json:"DBAudit,omitempty" name:"DBAudit"` // Enterprise TencentDB - CynosDB for Postgres. CynosDBPostgres *uint64 `json:"CynosDBPostgres,omitempty" name:"CynosDBPostgres"` // TencentDB for Redis. Redis *uint64 `json:"Redis,omitempty" name:"Redis"` // TencentDB for MongoDB. MongoDB *uint64 `json:"MongoDB,omitempty" name:"MongoDB"` // A distributed cloud database - TencentDB for TDSQL. DCDB *uint64 `json:"DCDB,omitempty" name:"DCDB"` // An enterprise-grade TencentDB - CynosDB for MySQL. CynosDBMySQL *uint64 `json:"CynosDBMySQL,omitempty" name:"CynosDBMySQL"` // Subnets. Subnet *uint64 `json:"Subnet,omitempty" name:"Subnet"` // Route table. RouteTable *uint64 `json:"RouteTable,omitempty" name:"RouteTable"` }
type Route ¶
type Route struct { // Destination IP range, such as Values cannot be in the VPC IP range. DestinationCidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationCidrBlock"` // Type of the next hop. Valid values: // `CVM`: public gateway CVM; // `VPN`: VPN gateway; // `DIRECTCONNECT`: direct connect gateway; // `PEERCONNECTION`: peering connection; // `HAVIP`: HAVIP; // `NAT`: NAT Gateway; // `NORMAL_CVM`: normal CVM; // `EIP`: public IP address of the CVM; // `LOCAL_GATEWAY`: local gateway. GatewayType *string `json:"GatewayType,omitempty" name:"GatewayType"` // Next hop address. You simply need to specify the gateway ID of a different next hop type, and the system will automatically match the next hop address. // Important note: When the GatewayType is EIP, the GatewayId has a fixed value `0` GatewayId *string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty" name:"GatewayId"` // Routing policy ID. The IPv4 routing policy will have a meaningful value, while the IPv6 routing policy is always 0. We recommend using the unique ID `RouteItemId` for the routing policy. // This field is required when you want to delete a routing policy. RouteId *uint64 `json:"RouteId,omitempty" name:"RouteId"` // The description of the routing policy. RouteDescription *string `json:"RouteDescription,omitempty" name:"RouteDescription"` // Whether it is enabled Enabled *bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty" name:"Enabled"` // The route type. Currently, the following types are supported: // USER: User route; // NETD: Network probe route. When creating a network probe route, the system delivers by default. It cannot be edited or deleted; // CCN: CCN route. The system delivers by default. It cannot be edited or deleted. // Users can only add and operate USER-type routes. RouteType *string `json:"RouteType,omitempty" name:"RouteType"` // Route table instance ID, such as rtb-azd4dt1c. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Destination IPv6 IP range, which cannot be included in VPC IP range, such as 2402:4e00:1000:810b::/64. DestinationIpv6CidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock"` // Unique routing policy ID. RouteItemId *string `json:"RouteItemId,omitempty" name:"RouteItemId"` // Whether the routing policy is published to CCN. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. PublishedToVbc *bool `json:"PublishedToVbc,omitempty" name:"PublishedToVbc"` // Creation time of the routing policy CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type RouteTable ¶
type RouteTable struct { // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-azd4dt1c`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Route table name. RouteTableName *string `json:"RouteTableName,omitempty" name:"RouteTableName"` // The association relationships of the route table. AssociationSet []*RouteTableAssociation `json:"AssociationSet,omitempty" name:"AssociationSet"` // IPv4 routing policy set. RouteSet []*Route `json:"RouteSet,omitempty" name:"RouteSet"` // Whether it is the default route table. Main *bool `json:"Main,omitempty" name:"Main"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Tag key-value pairs. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // Whether the local route is published to CCN. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LocalCidrForCcn []*CidrForCcn `json:"LocalCidrForCcn,omitempty" name:"LocalCidrForCcn"` }
type RouteTableAssociation ¶
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-ohuuioma`. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. SecurityGroupName *string `json:"SecurityGroupName,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupName"` // The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. SecurityGroupDesc *string `json:"SecurityGroupDesc,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupDesc"` // The project id is 0 by default. You can query this in the project management page of the Qcloud console. ProjectId *string `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Whether it is the default security group (which cannot be deleted). IsDefault *bool `json:"IsDefault,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"` // Security group creation time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Tag key-value pairs. TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // Security group update time. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"` }
type SecurityGroupAssociationStatistics ¶
type SecurityGroupAssociationStatistics struct { // Security group instance ID. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Number of CVM instances. CVM *uint64 `json:"CVM,omitempty" name:"CVM"` // Number of TencentDB for MySQL instances CDB *uint64 `json:"CDB,omitempty" name:"CDB"` // Number of ENI instances. ENI *uint64 `json:"ENI,omitempty" name:"ENI"` // Number of times a security group is referenced by other security groups SG *uint64 `json:"SG,omitempty" name:"SG"` // Number of load balancer instances. CLB *uint64 `json:"CLB,omitempty" name:"CLB"` // The binding statistics for all instances. InstanceStatistics []*InstanceStatistic `json:"InstanceStatistics,omitempty" name:"InstanceStatistics"` // Total count of all resources (excluding resources referenced by security groups). TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` }
type SecurityGroupPolicy ¶
type SecurityGroupPolicy struct { // The index number of security group rules, which dynamically changes with the rules. This parameter can be obtained via the `DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies` API and used with the `Version` field in the returned value of the API. PolicyIndex *int64 `json:"PolicyIndex,omitempty" name:"PolicyIndex"` // Protocol. Valid values: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, ALL. Protocol *string `json:"Protocol,omitempty" name:"Protocol"` // Port (`all`, a single port, or a port range). // Note: If the `Protocol` value is set to `ALL`, the `Port` value also needs to be set to `all`. Port *string `json:"Port,omitempty" name:"Port"` // Protocol port ID or protocol port group ID. ServiceTemplate and Protocol+Port are mutually exclusive. ServiceTemplate *ServiceTemplateSpecification `json:"ServiceTemplate,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplate"` // IP range or IP (mutually exclusive). CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // The CIDR block or IPv6 (mutually exclusive). Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` // The security group instance ID, such as `sg-ohuuioma`. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // IP address ID or IP address group ID. AddressTemplate *AddressTemplateSpecification `json:"AddressTemplate,omitempty" name:"AddressTemplate"` // ACCEPT or DROP. Action *string `json:"Action,omitempty" name:"Action"` // Security group policy description. PolicyDescription *string `json:"PolicyDescription,omitempty" name:"PolicyDescription"` // The last modification time of the security group. ModifyTime *string `json:"ModifyTime,omitempty" name:"ModifyTime"` }
type SecurityGroupPolicySet ¶
type SecurityGroupPolicySet struct { // The version of the security group policy. The version number is automatically increased by one each time users update the security policy, to prevent the expiration of updated routing policies. Conflict is ignored if it is left empty. Version *string `json:"Version,omitempty" name:"Version"` // Outbound policy. Egress []*SecurityGroupPolicy `json:"Egress,omitempty" name:"Egress"` // Inbound policy. Ingress []*SecurityGroupPolicy `json:"Ingress,omitempty" name:"Ingress"` }
type SecurityPolicyDatabase ¶
type ServiceTemplate ¶
type ServiceTemplate struct { // Protocol port instance ID, such as `ppm-f5n1f8da`. ServiceTemplateId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateId"` // Template name. ServiceTemplateName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateName"` // Protocol port information. ServiceSet []*string `json:"ServiceSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceSet"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Protocol port template information with remarks ServiceExtraSet []*ServicesInfo `json:"ServiceExtraSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceExtraSet"` }
type ServiceTemplateGroup ¶
type ServiceTemplateGroup struct { // Protocol port template group instance ID, such as `ppmg-2klmrefu`. ServiceTemplateGroupId *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupId,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupId"` // Protocol port template group name. ServiceTemplateGroupName *string `json:"ServiceTemplateGroupName,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateGroupName"` // Protocol port template instance ID. ServiceTemplateIdSet []*string `json:"ServiceTemplateIdSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateIdSet"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Protocol port template instance information. ServiceTemplateSet []*ServiceTemplate `json:"ServiceTemplateSet,omitempty" name:"ServiceTemplateSet"` }
type ServicesInfo ¶
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The outbound bandwidth cap of each CCN region. CcnRegionBandwidthLimits []*CcnRegionBandwidthLimit `json:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimits,omitempty" name:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimits"` // Whether to restore the region outbound bandwidth limit or inter-region bandwidth limit to default 1 Gbps. Valid values: `false` (no); `true` (yes). Default value: `false`. When the parameter is set to `true`, the CCN instance created will not be displayed in the console. SetDefaultLimitFlag *bool `json:"SetDefaultLimitFlag,omitempty" name:"SetDefaultLimitFlag"` }
func NewSetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest ¶
func NewSetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest() (request *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest)
func (*SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams ¶
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsRequestParams struct { // The CCN instance ID, such as `ccn-f49l6u0z`. CcnId *string `json:"CcnId,omitempty" name:"CcnId"` // The outbound bandwidth cap of each CCN region. CcnRegionBandwidthLimits []*CcnRegionBandwidthLimit `json:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimits,omitempty" name:"CcnRegionBandwidthLimits"` // Whether to restore the region outbound bandwidth limit or inter-region bandwidth limit to default 1 Gbps. Valid values: `false` (no); `true` (yes). Default value: `false`. When the parameter is set to `true`, the CCN instance created will not be displayed in the console. SetDefaultLimitFlag *bool `json:"SetDefaultLimitFlag,omitempty" name:"SetDefaultLimitFlag"` }
Predefined struct for user
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewSetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse ¶
func NewSetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse() (response *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse)
func (*SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams ¶
type SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type SourceIpTranslationNatRule ¶
type SourceIpTranslationNatRule struct { // Resource ID ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Resource type. Valid values: SUBNET, NETWORKINTERFACE // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"` // Source IP/IP range PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // Elastic IP address pool PublicIpAddresses []*string `json:"PublicIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddresses"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // SNAT rule ID NatGatewaySnatId *string `json:"NatGatewaySnatId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewaySnatId"` // NAT gateway ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NatGatewayId *string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty" name:"NatGatewayId"` // VPC ID. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The creation time of a NAT gateway's SNAT rule. // Note: This field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type Subnet ¶
type Subnet struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC` instance. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet instance `ID`, such as `subnet-bthucmmy`. SubnetId *string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Subnet name. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // The `IPv4` `CIDR` of the subnet. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Whether it is the default subnet. IsDefault *bool `json:"IsDefault,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"` // Whether to enable broadcast. EnableBroadcast *bool `json:"EnableBroadcast,omitempty" name:"EnableBroadcast"` // Availability Zone. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // The route table instance ID, such as `rtb-l2h8d7c2`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // The number of available IPv4 addresses AvailableIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"AvailableIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"AvailableIpAddressCount"` // The `IPv6` `CIDR` of the subnet. Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` // The associated `ACL`ID NetworkAclId *string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty" name:"NetworkAclId"` // Whether it is a `SNAT` address pool subnet. IsRemoteVpcSnat *bool `json:"IsRemoteVpcSnat,omitempty" name:"IsRemoteVpcSnat"` // The total number of IPv4 addresses in the subnet. TotalIpAddressCount *uint64 `json:"TotalIpAddressCount,omitempty" name:"TotalIpAddressCount"` // Tag key-value pairs TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // CDC instance ID // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Whether it is a CDC subnet. Valid values: 0: no; 1: yes // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. IsCdcSubnet *int64 `json:"IsCdcSubnet,omitempty" name:"IsCdcSubnet"` }
type SubnetInput ¶
type SubnetInput struct { // The `CIDR` of the subnet. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Subnet name. SubnetName *string `json:"SubnetName,omitempty" name:"SubnetName"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-2`. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // The specified associated route table, such as `rtb-3ryrwzuu`. RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` }
type TransformAddressRequest ¶
type TransformAddressRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the instance with a common public IP to be operated on, such as `ins-11112222`. You can query the instance ID by logging into the [CVM console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `InstanceId` field in the returned result of the API [DescribeInstances]( InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewTransformAddressRequest ¶
func NewTransformAddressRequest() (request *TransformAddressRequest)
func (*TransformAddressRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *TransformAddressRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*TransformAddressRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *TransformAddressRequest) ToJsonString() string
type TransformAddressRequestParams ¶
type TransformAddressRequestParams struct { // The ID of the instance with a common public IP to be operated on, such as `ins-11112222`. You can query the instance ID by logging into the [CVM console]( You can also obtain the parameter value from the `InstanceId` field in the returned result of the API [DescribeInstances]( InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type TransformAddressResponse ¶
type TransformAddressResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *TransformAddressResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewTransformAddressResponse ¶
func NewTransformAddressResponse() (response *TransformAddressResponse)
func (*TransformAddressResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *TransformAddressResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*TransformAddressResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *TransformAddressResponse) ToJsonString() string
type TransformAddressResponseParams ¶
type TransformAddressResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The list of specified `IPv6` addresses. A maximum of 10 can be specified each time. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6AddressesRequest ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6AddressesRequest() (request *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest)
func (*UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6AddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequestParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6AddressesRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The list of specified `IPv6` addresses. A maximum of 10 can be specified each time. Ipv6Addresses []*Ipv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Addresses"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6AddressesResponse ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6AddressesResponse() (response *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse)
func (*UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6AddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponseParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6AddressesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest ¶
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IPv6` IP range, such as `3402:4e00:20:1000::/56` Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest() (request *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest)
func (*UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the `VPC`, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IPv6` IP range, such as `3402:4e00:20:1000::/56` Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse ¶
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse() (response *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse)
func (*UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6CidrBlockResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest ¶
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The `ID` of the VPC where the subnet is located, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IPv6` subnet IP range list. Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks []*Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock `json:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest() (request *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest)
func (*UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockRequestParams struct { // The `ID` of the VPC where the subnet is located, such as `vpc-f49l6u0z`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IPv6` subnet IP range list. Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks []*Ipv6SubnetCidrBlock `json:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks,omitempty" name:"Ipv6SubnetCidrBlocks"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse ¶
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewUnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse ¶
func NewUnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse() (response *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse)
func (*UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams ¶
type UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlockResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // Instance ID of the server bound with this IP. This parameter is only applicable when you need to return an IP and unbind the related servers. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewUnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest ¶
func NewUnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest() (request *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest)
func (*UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams ¶
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequestParams struct { // The ID of the ENI instance, such as `eni-m6dyj72l`. NetworkInterfaceId *string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInterfaceId"` // The information of the specified private IPs. You can specify a maximum of 10 each time. PrivateIpAddresses []*PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddresses"` // Instance ID of the server bound with this IP. This parameter is only applicable when you need to return an IP and unbind the related servers. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewUnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse ¶
func NewUnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse() (response *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse)
func (*UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams ¶
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user
type Vpc ¶
type Vpc struct { // `VPC` name. VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitempty" name:"VpcName"` // `VPC` instance `ID`, such as `vpc-azd4dt1c`. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The `IPv4` `CIDR` of the `VPC`. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Whether it is the default `VPC`. IsDefault *bool `json:"IsDefault,omitempty" name:"IsDefault"` // Whether multicast is enabled. EnableMulticast *bool `json:"EnableMulticast,omitempty" name:"EnableMulticast"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // `DNS` list. DnsServerSet []*string `json:"DnsServerSet,omitempty" name:"DnsServerSet"` // DHCP domain name option value. DomainName *string `json:"DomainName,omitempty" name:"DomainName"` // `DHCP` option set `ID`. DhcpOptionsId *string `json:"DhcpOptionsId,omitempty" name:"DhcpOptionsId"` // Whether `DHCP` is enabled. EnableDhcp *bool `json:"EnableDhcp,omitempty" name:"EnableDhcp"` // The `IPv6` `CIDR` of the `VPC`. Ipv6CidrBlock *string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"Ipv6CidrBlock"` // Tag key-value pair TagSet []*Tag `json:"TagSet,omitempty" name:"TagSet"` // The secondary CIDR block. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AssistantCidrSet []*AssistantCidr `json:"AssistantCidrSet,omitempty" name:"AssistantCidrSet"` }
type VpcEndPointServiceUser ¶
type VpcEndPointServiceUser struct { // APP ID Owner *uint64 `json:"Owner,omitempty" name:"Owner"` // User UIN UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitempty" name:"UserUin"` // Description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Endpoint service ID EndPointServiceId *string `json:"EndPointServiceId,omitempty" name:"EndPointServiceId"` }
type VpcIpv6Address ¶
type VpcIpv6Address struct { // `VPC` private `IPv6` address Ipv6Address *string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty" name:"Ipv6Address"` // The `IPv6` `CIDR` belonging to the subnet. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // `IPv6` type. Ipv6AddressType *string `json:"Ipv6AddressType,omitempty" name:"Ipv6AddressType"` // `IPv6` application time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type VpcPrivateIpAddress ¶
type VpcPrivateIpAddress struct { // `VPC` private `IP`. PrivateIpAddress *string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddress"` // The `CIDR` belonging to the subnet. CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"` // Private `IP` type. PrivateIpAddressType *string `json:"PrivateIpAddressType,omitempty" name:"PrivateIpAddressType"` // `IP` application time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` }
type VpnConnection ¶
type VpnConnection struct { // Tunnel instance ID. VpnConnectionId *string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionId"` // Tunnel name. VpnConnectionName *string `json:"VpnConnectionName,omitempty" name:"VpnConnectionName"` // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // The ID of the VPN gateway instance. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // Customer gateway instance ID. CustomerGatewayId *string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty" name:"CustomerGatewayId"` PreShareKey *string `json:"PreShareKey,omitempty" name:"PreShareKey"` // Tunnel transmission protocol. VpnProto *string `json:"VpnProto,omitempty" name:"VpnProto"` // Tunnel encryption protocol. EncryptProto *string `json:"EncryptProto,omitempty" name:"EncryptProto"` // Route Type. RouteType *string `json:"RouteType,omitempty" name:"RouteType"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Production status of the tunnel. PENDING: Creating; AVAILABLE: Running; DELETING: Deleting. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Connection status of the tunnel. AVAILABLE: Connected. NetStatus *string `json:"NetStatus,omitempty" name:"NetStatus"` // SPD. SecurityPolicyDatabaseSet []*SecurityPolicyDatabase `json:"SecurityPolicyDatabaseSet,omitempty" name:"SecurityPolicyDatabaseSet"` // IKE options. IKEOptionsSpecification *IKEOptionsSpecification `json:"IKEOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IKEOptionsSpecification"` // IPSEC options. IPSECOptionsSpecification *IPSECOptionsSpecification `json:"IPSECOptionsSpecification,omitempty" name:"IPSECOptionsSpecification"` // Whether the health check is supported. EnableHealthCheck *bool `json:"EnableHealthCheck,omitempty" name:"EnableHealthCheck"` // Local IP address for the health check HealthCheckLocalIp *string `json:"HealthCheckLocalIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckLocalIp"` // Peer IP address for the health check HealthCheckRemoteIp *string `json:"HealthCheckRemoteIp,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckRemoteIp"` // Tunnel health check status. Valid values: AVAILABLE: healthy; UNAVAILABLE: unhealthy. This parameter will be returned only after health check is enabled. HealthCheckStatus *string `json:"HealthCheckStatus,omitempty" name:"HealthCheckStatus"` }
type VpnGateway ¶
type VpnGateway struct { // Gateway instance ID. VpnGatewayId *string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayId"` // VPC instance ID. VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Gateway instance name. VpnGatewayName *string `json:"VpnGatewayName,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayName"` // Gateway instance type. Valid values: 'IPSEC', 'SSL', and 'CCN'. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Gateway instance status. 'PENDING': Creating; 'DELETING': Deleting; 'AVAILABLE': Running. State *string `json:"State,omitempty" name:"State"` // Gateway public IP. PublicIpAddress *string `json:"PublicIpAddress,omitempty" name:"PublicIpAddress"` // Gateway renewal type: 'NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW': Manual renewal. 'NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW': Automatic renewal. 'NOT_NOTIFY_AND_NOT_RENEW': No renewal after expiration. RenewFlag *string `json:"RenewFlag,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"` // Gateway billing type: POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: Postpaid by hour; PREPAID: Prepaid. InstanceChargeType *string `json:"InstanceChargeType,omitempty" name:"InstanceChargeType"` // Outbound bandwidth of gateway. InternetMaxBandwidthOut *uint64 `json:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty" name:"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"` // Creation Time. CreatedTime *string `json:"CreatedTime,omitempty" name:"CreatedTime"` // Expiration time of the prepaid gateway. ExpiredTime *string `json:"ExpiredTime,omitempty" name:"ExpiredTime"` // Whether the public IP is blocked. IsAddressBlocked *bool `json:"IsAddressBlocked,omitempty" name:"IsAddressBlocked"` // Change of billing method. PREPAID_TO_POSTPAID: Monthly subscription prepaid to postpaid by hour. NewPurchasePlan *string `json:"NewPurchasePlan,omitempty" name:"NewPurchasePlan"` // Gateway billing status. PROTECTIVELY_ISOLATED: Instance is isolated; NORMAL: Normal. RestrictState *string `json:"RestrictState,omitempty" name:"RestrictState"` // The availability zone, such as `ap-guangzhou-2` Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Gateway bandwidth quota information. VpnGatewayQuotaSet []*VpnGatewayQuota `json:"VpnGatewayQuotaSet,omitempty" name:"VpnGatewayQuotaSet"` // Gateway instance version. Version *string `json:"Version,omitempty" name:"Version"` // CCN instance ID when the value of Type is CCN. NetworkInstanceId *string `json:"NetworkInstanceId,omitempty" name:"NetworkInstanceId"` // CDC instance ID CdcId *string `json:"CdcId,omitempty" name:"CdcId"` // Maximum number of connected clients allowed for the SSL VPN gateway. MaxConnection *uint64 `json:"MaxConnection,omitempty" name:"MaxConnection"` }
type VpnGatewayQuota ¶
type VpnGatewayQuota struct { // The bandwidth quota. Bandwidth *uint64 `json:"Bandwidth,omitempty" name:"Bandwidth"` // The bandwidth quota name in Chinese. Cname *string `json:"Cname,omitempty" name:"Cname"` // The bandwidth quota name in English. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` }
type VpnGatewayRoute ¶
type VpnGatewayRoute struct { // Destination IDC IP range DestinationCidrBlock *string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty" name:"DestinationCidrBlock"` // Next hop type (type of the associated instance). Valid values: `VPNCONN` (VPN tunnel) and `CCN` (CCN instance) InstanceType *string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // Instance ID of the next hop InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Priority. Valid values: `0` and `100` Priority *int64 `json:"Priority,omitempty" name:"Priority"` // Status. Valid values: `ENABLE` and `DISABLE` Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Route ID RouteId *string `json:"RouteId,omitempty" name:"RouteId"` // Route type. Valid values: `VPC`, `CCN` (CCN-propagated route), `Static`, and `BGP`. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Update time UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"` }
type VpnGatewayRouteModify ¶
type VpngwCcnRoutes ¶
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest ¶
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // The unique ID of the route table RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The unique ID of the routing policy RouteItemIds []*string `json:"RouteItemIds,omitempty" name:"RouteItemIds"` }
func NewWithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest ¶
func NewWithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest() (request *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest)
func (*WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequestParams ¶
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesRequestParams struct { // The unique ID of the route table RouteTableId *string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty" name:"RouteTableId"` // The unique ID of the routing policy RouteItemIds []*string `json:"RouteItemIds,omitempty" name:"RouteItemIds"` }
Predefined struct for user
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse ¶
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponseParams `json:"Response"` }
func NewWithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse ¶
func NewWithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse() (response *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse)
func (*WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponseParams ¶
type WithdrawNotifyRoutesResponseParams struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` }
Predefined struct for user