Index ¶
- Constants
- type AbnormalEvent
- type AbnormalExperience
- type Client
- func (c *Client) CreatePicture(request *CreatePictureRequest) (response *CreatePictureResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateTroubleInfo(request *CreateTroubleInfoRequest) (response *CreateTroubleInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeletePicture(request *DeletePictureRequest) (response *DeletePictureResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAbnormalEvent(request *DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) (response *DescribeAbnormalEventResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCallDetail(request *DescribeCallDetailRequest) (response *DescribeCallDetailResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDetailEvent(request *DescribeDetailEventRequest) (response *DescribeDetailEventResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeHistoryScale(request *DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) (response *DescribeHistoryScaleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribePicture(request *DescribePictureRequest) (response *DescribePictureResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeNetwork(request *DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeQuality(request *DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeScale(request *DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRoomInformation(request *DescribeRoomInformationRequest) (response *DescribeRoomInformationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeUserInformation(request *DescribeUserInformationRequest) (response *DescribeUserInformationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DismissRoom(request *DismissRoomRequest) (response *DismissRoomResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DismissRoomByStrRoomId(request *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyPicture(request *ModifyPictureRequest) (response *ModifyPictureResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveUser(request *RemoveUserRequest) (response *RemoveUserResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveUserByStrRoomId(request *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StartMCUMixTranscode(request *StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId(request *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopMCUMixTranscode(request *StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId(request *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
- type CreatePictureRequest
- type CreatePictureResponse
- type CreateTroubleInfoRequest
- type CreateTroubleInfoResponse
- type DeletePictureRequest
- type DeletePictureResponse
- type DescribeAbnormalEventRequest
- type DescribeAbnormalEventResponse
- type DescribeCallDetailRequest
- type DescribeCallDetailResponse
- type DescribeDetailEventRequest
- type DescribeDetailEventResponse
- type DescribeHistoryScaleRequest
- type DescribeHistoryScaleResponse
- type DescribePictureRequest
- type DescribePictureResponse
- type DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest
- type DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse
- type DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest
- type DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse
- type DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest
- type DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse
- type DescribeRoomInformationRequest
- type DescribeRoomInformationResponse
- type DescribeUserInformationRequest
- type DescribeUserInformationResponse
- type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest
- type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse
- type DismissRoomRequest
- type DismissRoomResponse
- type EncodeParams
- type EventList
- type EventMessage
- type LayoutParams
- type ModifyPictureRequest
- type ModifyPictureResponse
- type OutputParams
- type PictureInfo
- type PresetLayoutConfig
- type PublishCdnParams
- type QualityData
- type RealtimeData
- type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest
- type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse
- type RemoveUserRequest
- type RemoveUserResponse
- type RoomState
- type ScaleInfomation
- type SmallVideoLayoutParams
- type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest
- type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse
- type StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest
- type StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse
- type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest
- type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse
- type StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest
- type StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse
- type TimeValue
- type UserInformation
- type WaterMarkParams
Constants ¶
const ( // Identity verification has not been completed, so this operation is not allowed. AUTHFAILURE_UNREALNAMEAUTHENTICATED = "AuthFailure.UnRealNameAuthenticated" // No On-Cloud MixTranscoding template is set for this room. FAILEDOPERATION_MIXSESSIONNOTEXIST = "FailedOperation.MixSessionNotExist" // The TencentCloud API On-Cloud MixTranscoding template conflicts with On-Cloud MixTranscoding settings in the SDK. FAILEDOPERATION_REQUESTREJECTION = "FailedOperation.RequestRejection" // The room does not exist. FAILEDOPERATION_ROOMNOTEXIST = "FailedOperation.RoomNotExist" // Application ID does not exist. FAILEDOPERATION_SDKAPPIDNOTEXIST = "FailedOperation.SdkAppIdNotExist" // Internal error. INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" // Failed to access the backend service. INTERNALERROR_BACKENDFAIL = "InternalError.BackendFail" // Backend service access timed out. INTERNALERROR_BACKENDTIMEOUT = "InternalError.BackendTimeOut" // An error occurred while querying the database. INTERNALERROR_DBERROR = "InternalError.DBError" // An error occurred while querying ES. INTERNALERROR_ESQUERYERROR = "InternalError.EsQueryError" // Failed to query the room. INTERNALERROR_GETROOMCACHEIPERROR = "InternalError.GetRoomCacheIpError" // Failed to get room information. INTERNALERROR_GETROOMFROMCACHEERROR = "InternalError.GetRoomFromCacheError" // Failed to parse the HTTP request. INTERNALERROR_HTTPPARASEFALIED = "InternalError.HttpParaseFalied" // API error. INTERNALERROR_INTERFACEERR = "InternalError.InterfaceErr" // Unsupported method. INTERNALERROR_METHODERR = "InternalError.MethodErr" // Failed to query seconds-level monitoring data. INTERNALERROR_MONITORQUERYERR = "InternalError.MonitorQueryErr" // Invalid parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" // Invalid audio codec parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_AUDIOENCODEPARAMS = "InvalidParameter.AudioEncodeParams" // Failed to parse the body parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_BODYPARAMSERROR = "InvalidParameter.BodyParamsError" // The image is too large. INVALIDPARAMETER_CHECKCONTENTFAILED = "InvalidParameter.CheckContentFailed" // Invalid file extension. INVALIDPARAMETER_CHECKSUFFIXFAILED = "InvalidParameter.CheckSuffixFailed" // Invalid `EncodeParams`. INVALIDPARAMETER_ENCODEPARAMS = "InvalidParameter.EncodeParams" // Invalid `EndTs`. INVALIDPARAMETER_ENDTS = "InvalidParameter.EndTs" // Invalid `MainVideoRightAlign` (parameter specifying whether to display the big image on the right). INVALIDPARAMETER_MAINVIDEORIGHTALIGN = "InvalidParameter.MainVideoRightAlign" // Invalid stream type of the big image. INVALIDPARAMETER_MAINVIDEOSTREAMTYPE = "InvalidParameter.MainVideoStreamType" // Incorrect `OutputParams` parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_OUTPUTPARAMS = "InvalidParameter.OutputParams" // Invalid `PageNumber`. INVALIDPARAMETER_PAGENUMBER = "InvalidParameter.PageNumber" // Invalid `PageSize`. INVALIDPARAMETER_PAGESIZE = "InvalidParameter.PageSize" // The value of `PageSize` exceeds 100. INVALIDPARAMETER_PAGESIZEOVERSIZE = "InvalidParameter.PageSizeOversize" // Incorrect parameters for custom layout. INVALIDPARAMETER_PRESETLAYOUTCONFIG = "InvalidParameter.PresetLayoutConfig" // Incorrect parameters for audio-only stream pushing. INVALIDPARAMETER_PUREAUDIOSTREAM = "InvalidParameter.PureAudioStream" // The query time range exceeds 1 hour. INVALIDPARAMETER_QUERYSCALEOVERSIZE = "InvalidParameter.QueryScaleOversize" // Incorrect parameters for audio-only recording. INVALIDPARAMETER_RECORDAUDIOONLY = "InvalidParameter.RecordAudioOnly" // Incorrect `RecordId` parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_RECORDID = "InvalidParameter.RecordId" // `RoomId` is incorrect. INVALIDPARAMETER_ROOMID = "InvalidParameter.RoomId" // `SdkAppId` is incorrect. INVALIDPARAMETER_SDKAPPID = "InvalidParameter.SdkAppId" // Invalid small image layout parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_SMALLVIDEOLAYOUTPARAMS = "InvalidParameter.SmallVideoLayoutParams" // Invalid `StreamType` under `SmallVideoLayoutParams`. INVALIDPARAMETER_SMALLVIDEOSTREAMTYPE = "InvalidParameter.SmallVideoStreamType" // The query start time is more than 24 hours earlier than now. INVALIDPARAMETER_STARTTIMEEXPIRE = "InvalidParameter.StartTimeExpire" // Invalid `StartTs`. INVALIDPARAMETER_STARTTS = "InvalidParameter.StartTs" // The query start time is more than 5 days earlier than now. INVALIDPARAMETER_STARTTSOVERSIZE = "InvalidParameter.StartTsOversize" // Incorrect `StreamId` parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_STREAMID = "InvalidParameter.StreamId" // Failed to parse the URL parameter. INVALIDPARAMETER_URLPARAMSERROR = "InvalidParameter.UrlParamsError" // Invalid `UserId`. INVALIDPARAMETER_USERID = "InvalidParameter.UserId" // `UserIds` is incorrect. INVALIDPARAMETER_USERIDS = "InvalidParameter.UserIds" // The number of users exceeds 6. INVALIDPARAMETER_USERIDSMORETHANSIX = "InvalidParameter.UserIdsMorethanSix" // Invalid video resolution. INVALIDPARAMETER_VIDEORESOLUTION = "InvalidParameter.VideoResolution" // Invalid RoomId. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ROOMID = "InvalidParameterValue.RoomId" // Missing parameter. MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" // `AppId` missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_APPID = "MissingParameter.AppId" // Audio output parameters are missing in `EncodeParams`. MISSINGPARAMETER_AUDIOENCODEPARAMS = "MissingParameter.AudioEncodeParams" // BizId missing in relayed push parameters. MISSINGPARAMETER_BIZID = "MissingParameter.BizId" // `CommId` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_COMMID = "MissingParameter.CommId" // `SdkAppId` or `CommID` missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_COMMIDORSDKAPPID = "MissingParameter.CommIdOrSdkAppId" // Missing `EncodeParams` parameter. MISSINGPARAMETER_ENCODEPARAMS = "MissingParameter.EncodeParams" // `endTS_s` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_ENDTS = "MissingParameter.EndTs" // Missing `OutputParams` parameter. MISSINGPARAMETER_OUTPUTPARAMS = "MissingParameter.OutputParams" // Custom layout parameter missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_PRESETLAYOUTCONFIG = "MissingParameter.PresetLayoutConfig" // Relaying parameter missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_PUBLISHCDNPARAMS = "MissingParameter.PublishCdnParams" // Destination missing in relayed push parameters. MISSINGPARAMETER_PUBLISHCDNURLS = "MissingParameter.PublishCdnUrls" // `RoomId` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_ROOMID = "MissingParameter.RoomId" // `RoomNum` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_ROOMNUM = "MissingParameter.RoomNum" // `SdkAppId` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_SDKAPPID = "MissingParameter.SdkAppId" // `startTS_s` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_STARTTS = "MissingParameter.StartTs" // The `StreamId` parameter is missing in `OutputParams`. MISSINGPARAMETER_STREAMID = "MissingParameter.StreamId" // Missing `UserId` parameter. MISSINGPARAMETER_USERID = "MissingParameter.UserId" // `UserIds` is missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_USERIDS = "MissingParameter.UserIds" // Video output parameters are missing in `EncodeParams`. MISSINGPARAMETER_VIDEOENCODEPARAMS = "MissingParameter.VideoEncodeParams" // No permission to manipulate `SdkAppId`. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_SDKAPPID = "UnauthorizedOperation.SdkAppId" // Unknown parameter error. UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter" )
const APIVersion = "2019-07-22"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbnormalEvent ¶
type AbnormalEvent struct { // Exception event ID. For specific values, please see Appendix. Exceptional Experience ID Mapping Table. AbnormalEventId *uint64 `json:"AbnormalEventId,omitempty" name:"AbnormalEventId"` // Remote user ID. If this parameter is left empty, it indicates that the exception event is not caused by the remote user. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. PeerId *string `json:"PeerId,omitempty" name:"PeerId"` }
type AbnormalExperience ¶
type AbnormalExperience struct { // User ID UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // Exceptional experience ID ExperienceId *uint64 `json:"ExperienceId,omitempty" name:"ExperienceId"` // Room ID in string type RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // Exception event array AbnormalEventList []*AbnormalEvent `json:"AbnormalEventList,omitempty" name:"AbnormalEventList"` // Report time of the exception event EventTime *uint64 `json:"EventTime,omitempty" name:"EventTime"` }
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)
func NewClientWithSecretId ¶
func (*Client) CreatePicture ¶
func (c *Client) CreatePicture(request *CreatePictureRequest) (response *CreatePictureResponse, err error)
CreatePicture This API is no longer used, and an error will occur if you call it. To use the feature provided by this API, please see [Console Guide > Application Management > Material Management](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateTroubleInfo ¶
func (c *Client) CreateTroubleInfo(request *CreateTroubleInfoRequest) (response *CreateTroubleInfoResponse, err error)
CreateTroubleInfo This API is used to create exception information.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeletePicture ¶
func (c *Client) DeletePicture(request *DeletePictureRequest) (response *DeletePictureResponse, err error)
DeletePicture This API is no longer used, and an error will occur if you call it. To use the feature provided by this API, please see [Console Guide > Application Management > Material Management](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_DBERROR = "InternalError.DBError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeAbnormalEvent ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAbnormalEvent(request *DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) (response *DescribeAbnormalEventResponse, err error)
DescribeAbnormalEvent This API is used to query exception occurrences under a specified `SDKAppID` and return the exception IDs and possible causes. It queries data in last 15 days, and the query period is up to 1 hour, which can start and end on different days. For more information about exceptions, please see the exception event ID mapping table:
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeCallDetail ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCallDetail(request *DescribeCallDetailRequest) (response *DescribeCallDetailResponse, err error)
DescribeCallDetail This API is used to query the user list and call quality data of a specified time range in the last 14 days. When `DataType` is not null, data of up to 6 users during a period of up to 1 hour can be queried each time, and the period can start on one day and end on the next. When `DataType` and `UserIds` are null, 6 users are queried by default, and data of up to 100 users can be displayed on each page (`PageSize` set to 100 or lower). This API is used to query call quality and is not recommended for billing.
Note: you are not advised to use the API for the processing of real-time business logic.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDetailEvent ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDetailEvent(request *DescribeDetailEventRequest) (response *DescribeDetailEventResponse, err error)
DescribeDetailEvent This API is used to query a user’s activity details such as room entry/exit and video enablement/disablement during a call. It can query data for the last 14 days.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeHistoryScale ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeHistoryScale(request *DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) (response *DescribeHistoryScaleResponse, err error)
DescribeHistoryScale This API is used to query the daily numbers of rooms and users under a specified `SDKAppID`. It can query data once per minute for the last 14 days. If a day has not ended, the numbers of rooms and users on the day cannot be queried.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribePicture ¶
func (c *Client) DescribePicture(request *DescribePictureRequest) (response *DescribePictureResponse, err error)
DescribePicture This API is no longer used, and an error will occur if you call it. To use the feature provided by this API, please see [Console Guide > Application Management > Material Management](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRealtimeNetwork ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeNetwork(request *DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse, err error)
DescribeRealtimeNetwork This API is used to query the network conditions of an `SDKAppID`, including upstream and downstream packet loss, in the last 24 hours on a per-minute basis. The query period must be 1-60 minutes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRealtimeQuality ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeQuality(request *DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse, err error)
DescribeRealtimeQuality This API is used to query the quality metrics of an `SDKAppID` in the last 24 hours on a per-minute basis, including room entry success rate, instant playback rate of the first frame, and audio/video lag rate. The query period must be 1-60 minutes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRealtimeScale ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRealtimeScale(request *DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) (response *DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse, err error)
This API is used to query the scale of an `SDKAppID` in the last 24 hours on a per-minute basis. The query period must be 1-60 minutes.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRoomInformation ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRoomInformation(request *DescribeRoomInformationRequest) (response *DescribeRoomInformationResponse, err error)
DescribeRoomInformation This API is used to query the room list of an `SDKAppID` in the last 14 days. It returns 10 calls by default and can return up to 100 calls per query.
Note: you are not advised to use the API for the processing of real-time business logic.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeUserInformation ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeUserInformation(request *DescribeUserInformationRequest) (response *DescribeUserInformationResponse, err error)
DescribeUserInformation This API is used to query the user list of a specified time range (up to 4 hours) in the last 14 days. Data of 6 users is displayed on each page by default, and data of up to 100 users can be displayed on each page (`PageSize` set to 100 or lower).
Note: you are not advised to use the API for the processing of real-time business logic.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DismissRoom ¶
func (c *Client) DismissRoom(request *DismissRoomRequest) (response *DismissRoomResponse, err error)
DismissRoom This API is used to remove all users from a room and dismiss the room. It supports all platforms. For Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, the TRTC SDK needs to be upgraded to v6.6 or above.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DismissRoomByStrRoomId ¶
func (c *Client) DismissRoomByStrRoomId(request *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
DismissRoomByStrRoomId This API is used to remove all users from a room and close the room. It works on all platforms. For Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, you need to update the TRTC SDK to version 6.6 or above.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyPicture ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyPicture(request *ModifyPictureRequest) (response *ModifyPictureResponse, err error)
ModifyPicture This API is no longer used, and an error will occur if you call it. To use the feature provided by this API, please see [Console Guide > Application Management > Material Management](
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" INTERNALERROR_DBERROR = "InternalError.DBError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter" UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"
func (*Client) RemoveUser ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveUser(request *RemoveUserRequest) (response *RemoveUserResponse, err error)
RemoveUser This API is used to remove a user from a room. It is applicable to scenarios where the anchor, room owner, or admin wants to kick out a user. It supports all platforms. For Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, the TRTC SDK needs to be upgraded to v6.6 or above.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RemoveUserByStrRoomId ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveUserByStrRoomId(request *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
RemoveUserByStrRoomId This API is used to remove a user from a room. It allows the anchor, room owner, or admin to kick out a user, and works on all platforms. For Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS, you need to update the TRTC SDK to version 6.6 or above.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StartMCUMixTranscode ¶
func (c *Client) StartMCUMixTranscode(request *StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse, err error)
StartMCUMixTranscode This API is used to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding and specify the position of each channel of image in stream mixing.
There may be multiple channels of audio/video streams in a TRTC room. You can call this API to request the Tencent Cloud server to combine multiple channels of video images and audio into one channel and specify the position of each image so as to produce just one channel of audio/video stream for recording and live streaming. The mixing stops automatically after a room is destroyed.
You can use this API to perform the following operations:
- Set image and audio quality parameters of the final live stream, including video resolution, video bitrate, video frame rate, and audio quality.
- Set the layout, i.e., the position of each channel of image. You only need to set it once when enabling On-Cloud MixTranscoding, and the layout engine will automatically arrange images as configured.
- Set the names of recording files for future playback.
- Set the stream ID for CDN live streaming.
Currently, On-Cloud MixTranscoding supports the following layout templates:
- Floating: the entire screen is covered by the video image of the first user who enters the room, and the images of other users are displayed as small images in horizontal rows in the bottom-left corner in room entry sequence. The screen can accommodate up to 4 rows of 4 small images, which float over the big image. Up to 1 big image and 15 small images can be displayed. A user sending audio only will still occupy an image spot.
- Grid: the images of the users split the entire screen evenly. The more the users, the smaller the image dimensions. Up to 16 images can be displayed. A user sending audio only will still occupy an image spot.
- Screen sharing: this is designed for video conferencing and online education. The shared screen (image of the anchor) is always displayed as the big image, which occupies the left half of the screen, and the images of other users occupy the right half in up to 2 columns of up to 8 small images each. Up to 1 big image and 15 small images can be displayed. If the aspect ratio of upstream images do not match that of output images, the big image on the left will be scaled and displayed in whole, while the small images on the right will be cropped.
- Picture-in-picture: this is designed for mixing the dual-channel (small and big) image or big image with the audio of other users. The small images float over the big image. You can specify which users to be displayed as the big/small images as well as the positions of the small images. Up to 2 images are supported.
- Custom: this is designed for cases where you want to specify the image positions of users in the mixed stream or preset image positions. If users are assigned to preset positions, the layout engine will reserve the positions for the users; if not, users will occupy the positions in room entry sequence. Once all preset positions are occupied, TRTC will stop mixing the audio and images of other users. If the placeholding feature is enabled for a custom template (`PlaceHolderMode` in `LayoutParams` set to 1), but a user for whom a place is reserved is not sending video data, the position will show the corresponding placeholder image (`PlaceImageId`).
Note: only applications created on and after January 9, 2020 can call this API directly. Applications created before use the stream mixing service of LVB by default. If you want to switch to MCU On-Cloud MixTranscoding, please [submit a ticket](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId ¶
func (c *Client) StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId(request *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId This API is used to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding and specify the position of each channel of image in stream mixing.
There may be multiple channels of audio/video streams in a TRTC room. You can call this API to request the Tencent Cloud server to mix multiple channels of video images and audio into one channel and specify the position of each image so as to produce only one channel of audio/video stream for recording and live streaming.
You can use this API to perform the following operations:
- Set image and audio quality parameters of the mixed stream, including video resolution, bitrate, frame rate, and audio quality.
- Set the layout, i.e., the position of each channel of image. You only need to set it once when enabling On-Cloud MixTranscoding, and the layout engine will automatically arrange images as configured.
- Set the names of recording files for future playback.
- Set the stream ID for CDN live streaming.
Currently, On-Cloud MixTranscoding supports the following layout templates:
- Floating: the entire screen is covered by the video image of the first user who enters the room, and the images of other users are displayed as small images in horizontal rows in the bottom-left corner in room entry sequence. The screen can accommodate up to 4 rows of 4 small images, which float over the big image. Up to 1 big image and 15 small images can be displayed. A user sending audio only will still occupy an image spot.
- Grid: the images of all users split the screen evenly. The more the users, the smaller the image dimensions. Up to 16 images can be displayed. A user sending audio only will still occupy an image spot.
- Screen sharing: this template is designed for video conferencing and online classes. The shared screen (or camera image of the anchor) is always displayed as the big image, which occupies the left half of the screen, and the images of other users occupy the right half in up to 2 columns of a maximum of 8 small images each. Up to 1 big image and 15 small images can be displayed. If the aspect ratio of upstream images does not match that of output images, the big image on the left will be scaled and displayed in whole, while the small images on the right will be cropped.
- Picture-in-picture: this template mixes the big and small images or big image of a user with the audio of other users. The small image floats over the big image. You can specify the user whose big and small images are displayed and the position of the small image.
- Custom: you can use custom templates to specify the image positions of users in mixed streams or preset image positions. If users are assigned to preset positions, the layout engine will reserve the positions for the users; if not, users will occupy the positions in room entry sequence. Once all preset positions are occupied, TRTC will stop mixing the audio and images of other users. If the placeholding feature is enabled for a custom template (`PlaceHolderMode` in `LayoutParams` is set to 1), but a user for whom a place is reserved is not sending video data, the position will show the corresponding placeholder image (`PlaceImageId`).
Note: only applications created on and after January 9, 2020 can call this API directly. Those created before use the stream mixing service of CSS by default. If you want to switch to MCU On-Cloud MixTranscoding, please [submit a ticket](
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopMCUMixTranscode ¶
func (c *Client) StopMCUMixTranscode(request *StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse, err error)
StopMCUMixTranscode This API is used to end On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId ¶
func (c *Client) StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId(request *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse, err error)
StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomId This API is used to stop On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
error code that may be returned:
type CreatePictureRequest ¶
type CreatePictureRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Base64-encoded image content Content *string `json:"Content,omitempty" name:"Content"` // Image file extension Suffix *string `json:"Suffix,omitempty" name:"Suffix"` // Image height Height *uint64 `json:"Height,omitempty" name:"Height"` // Image width Width *uint64 `json:"Width,omitempty" name:"Width"` // X-axis value of the image’s position XPosition *uint64 `json:"XPosition,omitempty" name:"XPosition"` // Y-axis value of the image’s position YPosition *uint64 `json:"YPosition,omitempty" name:"YPosition"` }
func NewCreatePictureRequest ¶
func NewCreatePictureRequest() (request *CreatePictureRequest)
func (*CreatePictureRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreatePictureRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreatePictureRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreatePictureRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreatePictureResponse ¶
type CreatePictureResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Image ID PictureId *uint64 `json:"PictureId,omitempty" name:"PictureId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreatePictureResponse ¶
func NewCreatePictureResponse() (response *CreatePictureResponse)
func (*CreatePictureResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreatePictureResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreatePictureResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreatePictureResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateTroubleInfoRequest ¶
type CreateTroubleInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // Teacher user ID TeacherUserId *string `json:"TeacherUserId,omitempty" name:"TeacherUserId"` // Student user ID StudentUserId *string `json:"StudentUserId,omitempty" name:"StudentUserId"` // ID of the user (teacher or student) with exception. TroubleUserId *string `json:"TroubleUserId,omitempty" name:"TroubleUserId"` // Exception type. // 1: exceptional video // 2: exceptional audio // 3: exceptional video and audio // 5: exceptional room entry // 4: course switch // 6: help seeking // 7: problem feedback // 8: complaint TroubleType *uint64 `json:"TroubleType,omitempty" name:"TroubleType"` // UNIX timestamp when the exception occurred in seconds. TroubleTime *uint64 `json:"TroubleTime,omitempty" name:"TroubleTime"` // Exception details TroubleMsg *string `json:"TroubleMsg,omitempty" name:"TroubleMsg"` }
func NewCreateTroubleInfoRequest ¶
func NewCreateTroubleInfoRequest() (request *CreateTroubleInfoRequest)
func (*CreateTroubleInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateTroubleInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateTroubleInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateTroubleInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateTroubleInfoResponse ¶
type CreateTroubleInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateTroubleInfoResponse ¶
func NewCreateTroubleInfoResponse() (response *CreateTroubleInfoResponse)
func (*CreateTroubleInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateTroubleInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateTroubleInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateTroubleInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeletePictureRequest ¶
type DeletePictureRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Image ID PictureId *uint64 `json:"PictureId,omitempty" name:"PictureId"` // Application ID SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` }
func NewDeletePictureRequest ¶
func NewDeletePictureRequest() (request *DeletePictureRequest)
func (*DeletePictureRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeletePictureRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeletePictureRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeletePictureRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeletePictureResponse ¶
type DeletePictureResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeletePictureResponse ¶
func NewDeletePictureResponse() (response *DeletePictureResponse)
func (*DeletePictureResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeletePictureResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeletePictureResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeletePictureResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAbnormalEventRequest ¶
type DescribeAbnormalEventRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // User `SDKAppID`, which can be used to query 20 exceptional experience events (in one or more rooms) SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Query start time StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Room ID, which can be used to query up to 20 exceptional experience events in a specific room RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` }
func NewDescribeAbnormalEventRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAbnormalEventRequest() (request *DescribeAbnormalEventRequest)
func (*DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAbnormalEventRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAbnormalEventResponse ¶
type DescribeAbnormalEventResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of returned data entries. Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Exceptional experience list. AbnormalExperienceList []*AbnormalExperience `json:"AbnormalExperienceList,omitempty" name:"AbnormalExperienceList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAbnormalEventResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAbnormalEventResponse() (response *DescribeAbnormalEventResponse)
func (*DescribeAbnormalEventResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAbnormalEventResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAbnormalEventResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAbnormalEventResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCallDetailRequest ¶
type DescribeCallDetailRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of a call: sdkappid_roomgString_createTime. The `roomgString` refers to the room ID, and `createTime` refers to the creation time of a room in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds, such as 1400353843_218695_1590065777. Its value can be obtained from the `DescribeRoomInformation` API (related document: CommId *string `json:"CommId,omitempty" name:"CommId"` // Query start time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 14 days. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User `SDKAppID`, such as 1400188366. SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // User array to query, which contains up to 6 users. If it is left empty, 6 users will be returned by default. UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitempty" name:"UserIds"` // Metric to query. The user list will be returned if it is left empty; all metrics will be returned if its value is `all`. // appCpu: CPU utilization of the application; // sysCpu: CPU utilization of the system; // aBit: upstream/downstream audio bitrate; // aBlock: audio lag duration; // bigvBit: upstream/downstream video bitrate; // bigvCapFps: frame rate for capturing videos; // bigvEncFps: frame rate for sending videos; // bigvDecFps: rendering frame rate; // bigvBlock: video lag duration; // aLoss: upstream/downstream audio packet loss; // bigvLoss: upstream/downstream video packet loss; // bigvWidth: upstream/downstream resolution in width; // bigvHeight: upstream/downstream resolution in height. DataType []*string `json:"DataType,omitempty" name:"DataType"` // Page index starting from 0. If either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 6 data entries will be returned by default. PageNumber *string `json:"PageNumber,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"` // Number of entries per page. If either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 6 data entries will be returned by default. When either `DataType` or `UserId` is not null, `PageSize` is up to 6. When `DataType` and `UserId` are null, `PageSize` is up to 100. PageSize *string `json:"PageSize,omitempty" name:"PageSize"` }
func NewDescribeCallDetailRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCallDetailRequest() (request *DescribeCallDetailRequest)
func (*DescribeCallDetailRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCallDetailRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCallDetailRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCallDetailRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCallDetailResponse ¶
type DescribeCallDetailResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total number of returned users Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // User information list UserList []*UserInformation `json:"UserList,omitempty" name:"UserList"` // Quality data Data []*QualityData `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCallDetailResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCallDetailResponse() (response *DescribeCallDetailResponse)
func (*DescribeCallDetailResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCallDetailResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCallDetailResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCallDetailResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDetailEventRequest ¶
type DescribeDetailEventRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of a call: sdkappid_roomgString_createTime. The `roomgString` refers to the room ID, and `createTime` refers to the creation time of a room in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds. Its value can be obtained from the `DescribeRoomInformation` API (related document: CommId *string `json:"CommId,omitempty" name:"CommId"` // Query start time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 14 days. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User ID UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // Room ID RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` }
func NewDescribeDetailEventRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDetailEventRequest() (request *DescribeDetailEventRequest)
func (*DescribeDetailEventRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDetailEventRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDetailEventRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDetailEventRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDetailEventResponse ¶
type DescribeDetailEventResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // List of returned events Data []*EventList `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDetailEventResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDetailEventResponse() (response *DescribeDetailEventResponse)
func (*DescribeDetailEventResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDetailEventResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDetailEventResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDetailEventResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeHistoryScaleRequest ¶
type DescribeHistoryScaleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // User `sdkappid` SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Query start time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 5 days. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` }
func NewDescribeHistoryScaleRequest ¶
func NewDescribeHistoryScaleRequest() (request *DescribeHistoryScaleRequest)
func (*DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHistoryScaleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeHistoryScaleResponse ¶
type DescribeHistoryScaleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of returned data entries Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Returned data ScaleList []*ScaleInfomation `json:"ScaleList,omitempty" name:"ScaleList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeHistoryScaleResponse ¶
func NewDescribeHistoryScaleResponse() (response *DescribeHistoryScaleResponse)
func (*DescribeHistoryScaleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHistoryScaleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeHistoryScaleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeHistoryScaleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribePictureRequest ¶
type DescribePictureRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Application ID SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Image ID. If it is left empty, the IDs of all images under the application are returned. PictureId *uint64 `json:"PictureId,omitempty" name:"PictureId"` // Number of records per page. `10` is used if it is left empty. PageSize *uint64 `json:"PageSize,omitempty" name:"PageSize"` // Page number. `1` is used if it is left empty. PageNo *uint64 `json:"PageNo,omitempty" name:"PageNo"` }
func NewDescribePictureRequest ¶
func NewDescribePictureRequest() (request *DescribePictureRequest)
func (*DescribePictureRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribePictureRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribePictureRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribePictureRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribePictureResponse ¶
type DescribePictureResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of records returned Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Image information list PictureInfo []*PictureInfo `json:"PictureInfo,omitempty" name:"PictureInfo"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribePictureResponse ¶
func NewDescribePictureResponse() (response *DescribePictureResponse)
func (*DescribePictureResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribePictureResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribePictureResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribePictureResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest ¶
type DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Query start time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 24 hours. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User `sdkappid` SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Type of data to query // sendLossRateRaw: upstream packet loss rate; // recvLossRateRaw: downstream packet loss rate. DataType []*string `json:"DataType,omitempty" name:"DataType"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest() (request *DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest)
func (*DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeNetworkRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse ¶
type DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Data returned by query Data []*RealtimeData `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse() (response *DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse)
func (*DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeNetworkResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest ¶
type DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Query start time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 24 hours. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User `sdkappid` SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Type of data to query // enterTotalSuccPercent: room entry success rate; // fistFreamInSecRate: instant playback rate of the first frame; // blockPercent: video lag rate; // audioBlockPercent: audio lag rate. DataType []*string `json:"DataType,omitempty" name:"DataType"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeQualityRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeQualityRequest() (request *DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest)
func (*DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeQualityRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse ¶
type DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Type of returned data Data []*RealtimeData `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeQualityResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeQualityResponse() (response *DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse)
func (*DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeQualityResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest ¶
type DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Query start time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 24 hours. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User `sdkappid` SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Type of data to query // `UserNum: number of users in call; // RoomNum: number of rooms. DataType []*string `json:"DataType,omitempty" name:"DataType"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeScaleRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeScaleRequest() (request *DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest)
func (*DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeScaleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse ¶
type DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Returned data array Data []*RealtimeData `json:"Data,omitempty" name:"Data"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRealtimeScaleResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRealtimeScaleResponse() (response *DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse)
func (*DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRealtimeScaleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoomInformationRequest ¶
type DescribeRoomInformationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // User `sdkappid` SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Query start time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s, which is a point in time in the last 14 days. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of local UNIX timestamp, such as 1588031999s. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Room ID in string type RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // Page index starting from 0 (if either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 10 data entries will be returned by default) PageNumber *string `json:"PageNumber,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"` // Number of entries per page (if either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 10 data entries will be returned by default. Maximum value: 100) PageSize *string `json:"PageSize,omitempty" name:"PageSize"` }
func NewDescribeRoomInformationRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRoomInformationRequest() (request *DescribeRoomInformationRequest)
func (*DescribeRoomInformationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoomInformationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoomInformationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoomInformationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoomInformationResponse ¶
type DescribeRoomInformationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total number of data entries displayed on the current page Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Room information list RoomList []*RoomState `json:"RoomList,omitempty" name:"RoomList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRoomInformationResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRoomInformationResponse() (response *DescribeRoomInformationResponse)
func (*DescribeRoomInformationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoomInformationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoomInformationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoomInformationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeUserInformationRequest ¶
type DescribeUserInformationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Unique ID of a call: sdkappid_roomgString_createTime. The `roomgString` refers to the room ID, and `createTime` refers to the creation time of a room in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds, such as 1400353843_218695_1590065777. Its value can be obtained from the `DescribeRoomInformation` API (related document: CommId *string `json:"CommId,omitempty" name:"CommId"` // Query start time in the format of UNIX timestamp (e.g. 1588031999s) in the last 5 days. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Query end time in the format of UNIX timestamp (e.g. 1588031999s). EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // User `SDKAppID` (e.g. 1400188366). SdkAppId *string `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // The array of user IDs for query. You can enter up to 6 user IDs. If it is left empty, data of 6 users will be returned. UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitempty" name:"UserIds"` // Page index starting from 0. If either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 6 data entries will be returned. PageNumber *string `json:"PageNumber,omitempty" name:"PageNumber"` // Number of entries per page. If either `PageNumber` or `PageSize` is left empty, 6 data entries will be returned. `PageSize` is up to 100. PageSize *string `json:"PageSize,omitempty" name:"PageSize"` }
func NewDescribeUserInformationRequest ¶
func NewDescribeUserInformationRequest() (request *DescribeUserInformationRequest)
func (*DescribeUserInformationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUserInformationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeUserInformationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUserInformationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeUserInformationResponse ¶
type DescribeUserInformationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total number of users whose information will be returned Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // User information list // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value was found. UserList []*UserInformation `json:"UserList,omitempty" name:"UserList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeUserInformationResponse ¶
func NewDescribeUserInformationResponse() (response *DescribeUserInformationResponse)
func (*DescribeUserInformationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUserInformationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeUserInformationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUserInformationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` }
func NewDismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
func NewDismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest() (request *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest)
func (*DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
type DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
func NewDismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse() (response *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse)
func (*DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DismissRoomRequest ¶
type DismissRoomRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC. SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room number. RoomId *uint64 `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` }
func NewDismissRoomRequest ¶
func NewDismissRoomRequest() (request *DismissRoomRequest)
func (*DismissRoomRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DismissRoomRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DismissRoomResponse ¶
type DismissRoomResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDismissRoomResponse ¶
func NewDismissRoomResponse() (response *DismissRoomResponse)
func (*DismissRoomResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DismissRoomResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DismissRoomResponse) ToJsonString() string
type EncodeParams ¶
type EncodeParams struct { // Output audio sample rate (Hz) for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Valid values: 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 16000, 8000 AudioSampleRate *uint64 `json:"AudioSampleRate,omitempty" name:"AudioSampleRate"` // Output audio bitrate (Kbps) for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Value range: 8-500 AudioBitrate *uint64 `json:"AudioBitrate,omitempty" name:"AudioBitrate"` // Number of sound channels of output stream for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Valid values: 1, 2. 1 represents mono-channel, and 2 represents dual-channel. AudioChannels *uint64 `json:"AudioChannels,omitempty" name:"AudioChannels"` // Output stream width in pixels for On-Cloud MixTranscoding, which is required for audio/video output. Value range: [0, 1920]. VideoWidth *uint64 `json:"VideoWidth,omitempty" name:"VideoWidth"` // Output stream height in pixels for On-Cloud MixTranscoding, which is required for audio/video output. Value range: [0, 1080]. VideoHeight *uint64 `json:"VideoHeight,omitempty" name:"VideoHeight"` // Output bitrate (Kbps) for On-Cloud MixTranscoding, which is required for audio-video output. Value range: 1-10000 VideoBitrate *uint64 `json:"VideoBitrate,omitempty" name:"VideoBitrate"` // Output stream frame rate for On-Cloud MixTranscoding in FPS. This parameter is required for audio/video outputs. Value range: [1, 60]. VideoFramerate *uint64 `json:"VideoFramerate,omitempty" name:"VideoFramerate"` // Output stream GOP in seconds for On-Cloud MixTranscoding, which is required for audio/video output. Value range: [1, 5]. VideoGop *uint64 `json:"VideoGop,omitempty" name:"VideoGop"` // Output background color for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Valid values: decimal integers. Commonly used colors include: // Red: 0xff0000, whose decimal number is 16724736 // Yellow: 0xffff00, whose decimal number is 16776960 // Green: 0x33cc00, whose decimal number is 3394560 // Blue: 0x0066ff, whose decimal number is 26367 // Black: 0x000000, whose decimal number is 0 // White: 0xFFFFFF, whose decimal number is 16777215 // Grey: 0x999999, whose decimal number is 10066329 BackgroundColor *uint64 `json:"BackgroundColor,omitempty" name:"BackgroundColor"` // Output stream background image for stream mix. Its value is the ID of image uploaded through the TRTC Console. BackgroundImageId *uint64 `json:"BackgroundImageId,omitempty" name:"BackgroundImageId"` // Output audio codec for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Valid values: 0, 1, 2. 0 (default): LC-AAC; 1: HE-AAC; 2: HE-AACv2. If this parameter is set to 2 (HE-AACv2), On-Cloud MixTranscoding can produce only dual-channel streams. If it is set to 1 (HE-AAC) or 2 (HE-AACv2), the valid values for the audio sample rate of output streams are 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, and 16000. AudioCodec *uint64 `json:"AudioCodec,omitempty" name:"AudioCodec"` }
type EventList ¶
type EventList struct { // Data content Content []*EventMessage `json:"Content,omitempty" name:"Content"` // Sender `userId` PeerId *string `json:"PeerId,omitempty" name:"PeerId"` }
type EventMessage ¶
type EventMessage struct { // Video stream type: // 0: non-video event; // 2: big image; // 3: small image; // 7: relayed stream image. Type *uint64 `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Event reporting time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1589891188801ms Time *uint64 `json:"Time,omitempty" name:"Time"` // Event ID. Events divide into SDK events and WebRTC events. For more information, please see Appendix - Event ID Mapping Table at EventId *uint64 `json:"EventId,omitempty" name:"EventId"` // First event parameter, such as video resolution width ParamOne *int64 `json:"ParamOne,omitempty" name:"ParamOne"` // Second event parameter, such as video resolution height ParamTwo *int64 `json:"ParamTwo,omitempty" name:"ParamTwo"` }
type LayoutParams ¶
type LayoutParams struct { // On-cloud stream mix layout template ID. 0: floating template (default value); 1: grid template; 2: screen sharing template; 3: picture-in-picture template; 4: custom template. Template *uint64 `json:"Template,omitempty" name:"Template"` // ID of the user in the big image, which takes effect in a screen sharing, floating, or picture-in-picture template. MainVideoUserId *string `json:"MainVideoUserId,omitempty" name:"MainVideoUserId"` // Stream type of the big image, which takes effect in a screen sharing, floating, or picture-in-picture template. 0: camera; 1: screen sharing. If a web user's stream is displayed in the big image on the left, enter 0 for this parameter. MainVideoStreamType *uint64 `json:"MainVideoStreamType,omitempty" name:"MainVideoStreamType"` // Layout parameter of the small image, which takes effect in a picture-in-picture template. SmallVideoLayoutParams *SmallVideoLayoutParams `json:"SmallVideoLayoutParams,omitempty" name:"SmallVideoLayoutParams"` // You can set the layout parameter as 1 or 0 in the screen sharing template. 1: big image on the right and small images on the left, 0: big image on the left and small images on the right. The default value is 0. MainVideoRightAlign *uint64 `json:"MainVideoRightAlign,omitempty" name:"MainVideoRightAlign"` // A user list, which takes effect for floating, grid, or screen sharing templates. When the user list has been set, the stream mix output for users in this user list will include both audio and video; the stream mix output for users not in the list will only include audio. Up to 16 users can be set. MixVideoUids []*string `json:"MixVideoUids,omitempty" name:"MixVideoUids"` // Valid in custom template, used to specify the video image position of a user in mixed streams. PresetLayoutConfig []*PresetLayoutConfig `json:"PresetLayoutConfig,omitempty" name:"PresetLayoutConfig"` // Valid in custom templates. 1: the placeholding feature is enabled; 0 (default): the feature is disabled. When the feature is enabled, but a user for whom a position is reserved is not sending video data, the position will show the corresponding placeholder image. PlaceHolderMode *uint64 `json:"PlaceHolderMode,omitempty" name:"PlaceHolderMode"` // Whether an audio-only stream occupies an image spot, which takes effect in a floating, grid, or screen sharing template. Valid values: 0 (default): when a floating or grid template is used, users sending audio only occupy image spots; when a screen sharing template is used, users (except the user whose screen is shared) sending audio only do not occupy image spots; 1: users sending audio only occupy image spots; 2: users sending audio only do not occupy image spots. PureAudioHoldPlaceMode *uint64 `json:"PureAudioHoldPlaceMode,omitempty" name:"PureAudioHoldPlaceMode"` // Watermark parameters WaterMarkParams *WaterMarkParams `json:"WaterMarkParams,omitempty" name:"WaterMarkParams"` }
type ModifyPictureRequest ¶
type ModifyPictureRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Image ID PictureId *uint64 `json:"PictureId,omitempty" name:"PictureId"` // Application ID SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Image height Height *uint64 `json:"Height,omitempty" name:"Height"` // Image width Width *uint64 `json:"Width,omitempty" name:"Width"` // X-axis value of the image’s position XPosition *uint64 `json:"XPosition,omitempty" name:"XPosition"` // Y-axis value of the image’s position YPosition *uint64 `json:"YPosition,omitempty" name:"YPosition"` }
func NewModifyPictureRequest ¶
func NewModifyPictureRequest() (request *ModifyPictureRequest)
func (*ModifyPictureRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPictureRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyPictureRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPictureRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyPictureResponse ¶
type ModifyPictureResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyPictureResponse ¶
func NewModifyPictureResponse() (response *ModifyPictureResponse)
func (*ModifyPictureResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPictureResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyPictureResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyPictureResponse) ToJsonString() string
type OutputParams ¶
type OutputParams struct { // Custom live stream ID, which must be different from the ID of relayed stream. StreamId *string `json:"StreamId,omitempty" name:"StreamId"` // Value range: [0, 1]. If it is 0, live streams are audio and video; if it is 1, live streams are only audio. Default value: 0. PureAudioStream *uint64 `json:"PureAudioStream,omitempty" name:"PureAudioStream"` // Prefix of custom recording file names. Please enable the recording feature in the TRTC console first. RecordId *string `json:"RecordId,omitempty" name:"RecordId"` // Whether to record audio only. Valid values: 0, 1. `0`: no meaning; `1`: records into MP3 files. This parameter is not recommended. Instead, you are advised to create an audio-only recording template in the TRTC console. RecordAudioOnly *uint64 `json:"RecordAudioOnly,omitempty" name:"RecordAudioOnly"` }
type PictureInfo ¶
type PictureInfo struct { // Image height Height *uint64 `json:"Height,omitempty" name:"Height"` // Image width Width *uint64 `json:"Width,omitempty" name:"Width"` // X-axis value of the image’s position XPosition *uint64 `json:"XPosition,omitempty" name:"XPosition"` // Y-axis value of the image’s position YPosition *uint64 `json:"YPosition,omitempty" name:"YPosition"` // Application ID SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Image ID PictureId *uint64 `json:"PictureId,omitempty" name:"PictureId"` }
type PresetLayoutConfig ¶
type PresetLayoutConfig struct { // Used to assign users to preset positions; if not assigned, users will occupy the positions set in `PresetLayoutConfig` in room entry sequence. UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // Stream type of the user when a specified user is assigned to the image. 0: camera; 1: screen sharing. Set this parameter to 0 when the small image is occupied by a web user. StreamType *uint64 `json:"StreamType,omitempty" name:"StreamType"` // Width of the output image in pixels. If this parameter is not set, 0 is used by default. ImageWidth *uint64 `json:"ImageWidth,omitempty" name:"ImageWidth"` // Height of the output image in pixels. If this parameter is not set, 0 is used by default. ImageHeight *uint64 `json:"ImageHeight,omitempty" name:"ImageHeight"` // X offset of the output image in pixels. The sum of `LocationX` and `ImageWidth` cannot exceed the total width of the mixed stream. If this parameter is not set, 0 is used by default. LocationX *uint64 `json:"LocationX,omitempty" name:"LocationX"` // Y offset of the output image in pixels. The sum of `LocationY` and `ImageHeight` cannot exceed the total height of the mixed stream. If this parameter is not set, 0 is used by default. LocationY *uint64 `json:"LocationY,omitempty" name:"LocationY"` // Output order of the image. `0` is used if it is left empty. ZOrder *uint64 `json:"ZOrder,omitempty" name:"ZOrder"` // Render mode of the output image. 0: cropping; 1: scaling; 2: scaling on a black background. If this parameter is not set, 0 is used by default. RenderMode *uint64 `json:"RenderMode,omitempty" name:"RenderMode"` // Media type of the mixed stream of the user occupying the current position. 0 (default): audio and video; 1: audio; 2: video. You are advised to specify a user ID when using this parameter. MixInputType *uint64 `json:"MixInputType,omitempty" name:"MixInputType"` // ID of the placeholder image. If the placeholding feature is enabled, and a user for whom an image position is reserved is not sending video data, the position will show the placeholder image. The ID is generated after the placeholder image is uploaded in the TRTC console. PlaceImageId *uint64 `json:"PlaceImageId,omitempty" name:"PlaceImageId"` }
type PublishCdnParams ¶
type PublishCdnParams struct { // Tencent Cloud LVB BizId BizId *uint64 `json:"BizId,omitempty" name:"BizId"` // Destination of non-Tencent Cloud CDN relayed push. It is possible to push to only one non-Tencent Cloud CDN address at a time. PublishCdnUrls []*string `json:"PublishCdnUrls,omitempty" name:"PublishCdnUrls"` }
type QualityData ¶
type QualityData struct { // Data content Content []*TimeValue `json:"Content,omitempty" name:"Content"` // User ID UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // Peer ID. An empty value indicates that the returned data is upstream. PeerId *string `json:"PeerId,omitempty" name:"PeerId"` // Data type DataType *string `json:"DataType,omitempty" name:"DataType"` }
type RealtimeData ¶
type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID RoomId *string `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // List of up to 10 users to be removed UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitempty" name:"UserIds"` }
func NewRemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
func NewRemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest() (request *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest)
func (*RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
type RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewRemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
func NewRemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse() (response *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse)
func (*RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RemoveUserRequest ¶
type RemoveUserRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC. SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room number. RoomId *uint64 `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // List of up to 10 users to be removed. UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitempty" name:"UserIds"` }
func NewRemoveUserRequest ¶
func NewRemoveUserRequest() (request *RemoveUserRequest)
func (*RemoveUserRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveUserRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RemoveUserResponse ¶
type RemoveUserResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewRemoveUserResponse ¶
func NewRemoveUserResponse() (response *RemoveUserResponse)
func (*RemoveUserResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RemoveUserResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RemoveUserResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RoomState ¶
type RoomState struct { // Call ID (unique call ID) CommId *string `json:"CommId,omitempty" name:"CommId"` // Room ID of string type RoomString *string `json:"RoomString,omitempty" name:"RoomString"` // Room creation time CreateTime *uint64 `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Room termination time DestroyTime *uint64 `json:"DestroyTime,omitempty" name:"DestroyTime"` // Whether the room is terminated IsFinished *bool `json:"IsFinished,omitempty" name:"IsFinished"` // Room creator ID UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` }
type ScaleInfomation ¶
type ScaleInfomation struct { // Start time for each day Time *uint64 `json:"Time,omitempty" name:"Time"` // Number of users in room. If a user enters the room for multiple times, the user will be counted as one user. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UserNumber *uint64 `json:"UserNumber,omitempty" name:"UserNumber"` // Number of room entries. Every time when a user enters the room, it will be counted as one room entry. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UserCount *uint64 `json:"UserCount,omitempty" name:"UserCount"` // Number of rooms under `sdkappid` on a day // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RoomNumbers *uint64 `json:"RoomNumbers,omitempty" name:"RoomNumbers"` }
type SmallVideoLayoutParams ¶
type SmallVideoLayoutParams struct { // ID of the user in the small image. UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // Stream type of the small image. 0: camera; 1: screen sharing. If a web user's stream is displayed in the small image, enter 0 for this parameter. StreamType *uint64 `json:"StreamType,omitempty" name:"StreamType"` // Output width of the small image in pixels. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. ImageWidth *uint64 `json:"ImageWidth,omitempty" name:"ImageWidth"` // Output height of the small image in pixels. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. ImageHeight *uint64 `json:"ImageHeight,omitempty" name:"ImageHeight"` // Output X-axis offset of the small image in pixels. The sum of `LocationX` and `ImageWidth` cannot exceed the total width of the output mixed stream. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. LocationX *uint64 `json:"LocationX,omitempty" name:"LocationX"` // Output Y-axis offset of the small image in pixels. The sum of `LocationY` and `ImageHeight` cannot exceed the total height of the output mixed stream. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. LocationY *uint64 `json:"LocationY,omitempty" name:"LocationY"` }
type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID in string type StrRoomId *string `json:"StrRoomId,omitempty" name:"StrRoomId"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output parameters OutputParams *OutputParams `json:"OutputParams,omitempty" name:"OutputParams"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output encoding parameters EncodeParams *EncodeParams `json:"EncodeParams,omitempty" name:"EncodeParams"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output layout parameters LayoutParams *LayoutParams `json:"LayoutParams,omitempty" name:"LayoutParams"` // Relayed push parameters of a non-Tencent Cloud CDN PublishCdnParams *PublishCdnParams `json:"PublishCdnParams,omitempty" name:"PublishCdnParams"` }
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest() (request *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest)
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
type StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse() (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse)
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest ¶
type StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC. SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID. RoomId *uint64 `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output control parameters. OutputParams *OutputParams `json:"OutputParams,omitempty" name:"OutputParams"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output encoding parameters. EncodeParams *EncodeParams `json:"EncodeParams,omitempty" name:"EncodeParams"` // On-Cloud MixTranscoding output layout parameters. LayoutParams *LayoutParams `json:"LayoutParams,omitempty" name:"LayoutParams"` // Relayed push parameters of a non-Tencent Cloud CDN PublishCdnParams *PublishCdnParams `json:"PublishCdnParams,omitempty" name:"PublishCdnParams"` }
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeRequest ¶
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeRequest() (request *StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest)
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse ¶
type StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeResponse ¶
func NewStartMCUMixTranscodeResponse() (response *StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse)
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartMCUMixTranscodeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID in string type StrRoomId *string `json:"StrRoomId,omitempty" name:"StrRoomId"` }
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest ¶
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest() (request *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest)
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
type StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse ¶
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse() (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse)
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeByStrRoomIdResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest ¶
type StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // `SDKAppId` of TRTC. SdkAppId *uint64 `json:"SdkAppId,omitempty" name:"SdkAppId"` // Room ID. RoomId *uint64 `json:"RoomId,omitempty" name:"RoomId"` }
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeRequest ¶
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeRequest() (request *StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest)
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse ¶
type StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeResponse ¶
func NewStopMCUMixTranscodeResponse() (response *StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse)
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopMCUMixTranscodeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type TimeValue ¶
type TimeValue struct { // Time in the format of UNIX timestamp, such as 1590065877s. Time *uint64 `json:"Time,omitempty" name:"Time"` // Parameter value returned in the current time. For example, if `bigvCapFps` is set to 0 when the current time is 1590065877s (UNIX timestamp), the value of this parameter is 0. Value *float64 `json:"Value,omitempty" name:"Value"` }
type UserInformation ¶
type UserInformation struct { // Room ID RoomStr *string `json:"RoomStr,omitempty" name:"RoomStr"` // User ID UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitempty" name:"UserId"` // The time when the user enters the room JoinTs *uint64 `json:"JoinTs,omitempty" name:"JoinTs"` // The time when the user exits the room. If the user is still in the room, the current time will be returned LeaveTs *uint64 `json:"LeaveTs,omitempty" name:"LeaveTs"` // Device type DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // SDK version number SdkVersion *string `json:"SdkVersion,omitempty" name:"SdkVersion"` // Client IP ClientIp *string `json:"ClientIp,omitempty" name:"ClientIp"` // Determine whether a user has left the room Finished *bool `json:"Finished,omitempty" name:"Finished"` }
type WaterMarkParams ¶
type WaterMarkParams struct { // Image ID of the watermark, which is generated after the image is uploaded to the TRTC console WaterMarkId *uint64 `json:"WaterMarkId,omitempty" name:"WaterMarkId"` // Width (px) of the watermark for On-Cloud MixTranscoding WaterMarkWidth *uint64 `json:"WaterMarkWidth,omitempty" name:"WaterMarkWidth"` // Height (px) of the watermark for On-Cloud MixTranscoding WaterMarkHeight *uint64 `json:"WaterMarkHeight,omitempty" name:"WaterMarkHeight"` // Horizontal offset (px) of the watermark LocationX *uint64 `json:"LocationX,omitempty" name:"LocationX"` // Vertical offset (px) of the watermark LocationY *uint64 `json:"LocationY,omitempty" name:"LocationY"` }