Index ¶
- Constants
- type Account
- type AccountInfo
- type AddTimeWindowRequest
- type AddTimeWindowResponse
- type AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest
- type AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse
- type BackupConfig
- type BackupInfo
- type BackupItem
- type BackupSummaryItem
- type BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest
- type BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse
- type BinlogInfo
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddTimeWindow(request *AddTimeWindowRequest) (response *AddTimeWindowResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) AssociateSecurityGroups(request *AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) BalanceRoGroupLoad(request *BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) (response *BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CloseWanService(request *CloseWanServiceRequest) (response *CloseWanServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAccounts(request *CreateAccountsRequest) (response *CreateAccountsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateAuditPolicy(request *CreateAuditPolicyRequest) (response *CreateAuditPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBackup(request *CreateBackupRequest) (response *CreateBackupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCloneInstance(request *CreateCloneInstanceRequest) (response *CreateCloneInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDBImportJob(request *CreateDBImportJobRequest) (response *CreateDBImportJobResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDBInstanceHour(request *CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) (response *CreateDBInstanceHourResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDeployGroup(request *CreateDeployGroupRequest) (response *CreateDeployGroupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateParamTemplate(request *CreateParamTemplateRequest) (response *CreateParamTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRoInstanceIp(request *CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) (response *CreateRoInstanceIpResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteAccounts(request *DeleteAccountsRequest) (response *DeleteAccountsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteBackup(request *DeleteBackupRequest) (response *DeleteBackupResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDeployGroups(request *DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) (response *DeleteDeployGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteParamTemplate(request *DeleteParamTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteParamTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteTimeWindow(request *DeleteTimeWindowRequest) (response *DeleteTimeWindowResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAccountPrivileges(request *DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAccounts(request *DescribeAccountsRequest) (response *DescribeAccountsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo(request *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) (response *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackupConfig(request *DescribeBackupConfigRequest) (response *DescribeBackupConfigResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackupDatabases(request *DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackupOverview(request *DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackupSummaries(request *DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupSummariesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackupTables(request *DescribeBackupTablesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupTablesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBackups(request *DescribeBackupsRequest) (response *DescribeBackupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBinlogBackupOverview(request *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeBinlogs(request *DescribeBinlogsRequest) (response *DescribeBinlogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeCloneList(request *DescribeCloneListRequest) (response *DescribeCloneListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBImportRecords(request *DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceCharset(request *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceConfig(request *DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceGTID(request *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceInfo(request *DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime(request *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstances(request *DescribeDBInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(request *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBSwitchRecords(request *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDBZoneConfig(request *DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDataBackupOverview(request *DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDatabases(request *DescribeDatabasesRequest) (response *DescribeDatabasesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDefaultParams(request *DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) (response *DescribeDefaultParamsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDeployGroupList(request *DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) (response *DescribeDeployGroupListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo(request *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) (response *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeErrorLogData(request *DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) (response *DescribeErrorLogDataResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceParamRecords(request *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceParams(request *DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceParamsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeParamTemplateInfo(request *DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) (response *DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeParamTemplates(request *DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeParamTemplatesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeProjectSecurityGroups(request *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRoGroups(request *DescribeRoGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeRoGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRoMinScale(request *DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) (response *DescribeRoMinScaleResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRollbackRangeTime(request *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) (response *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeRollbackTaskDetail(request *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) (response *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSlowLogData(request *DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) (response *DescribeSlowLogDataResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSlowLogs(request *DescribeSlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeSlowLogsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeSupportedPrivileges(request *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) (response *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTables(request *DescribeTablesRequest) (response *DescribeTablesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds(request *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) (response *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTasks(request *DescribeTasksRequest) (response *DescribeTasksResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeTimeWindow(request *DescribeTimeWindowRequest) (response *DescribeTimeWindowResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DescribeUploadedFiles(request *DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) (response *DescribeUploadedFilesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) DisassociateSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) InitDBInstances(request *InitDBInstancesRequest) (response *InitDBInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) IsolateDBInstance(request *IsolateDBInstanceRequest) (response *IsolateDBInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAccountDescription(request *ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) (response *ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections(request *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) (response *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAccountPassword(request *ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) (response *ModifyAccountPasswordResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAccountPrivileges(request *ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) (response *ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyAutoRenewFlag(request *ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) (response *ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyBackupConfig(request *ModifyBackupConfigRequest) (response *ModifyBackupConfigResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceName(request *ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceProject(request *ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups(request *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceVipVport(request *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceParam(request *ModifyInstanceParamRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceParamResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceTag(request *ModifyInstanceTagRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceTagResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyNameOrDescByDpId(request *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) (response *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyParamTemplate(request *ModifyParamTemplateRequest) (response *ModifyParamTemplateResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyRoGroupInfo(request *ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) (response *ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyRoReplicationDelay(request *ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) (response *ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyRoType(request *ModifyRoTypeRequest) (response *ModifyRoTypeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ModifyTimeWindow(request *ModifyTimeWindowRequest) (response *ModifyTimeWindowResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) OfflineIsolatedInstances(request *OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) (response *OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) OpenDBInstanceGTID(request *OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) (response *OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) OpenWanService(request *OpenWanServiceRequest) (response *OpenWanServiceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances(request *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) (response *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) RestartDBInstances(request *RestartDBInstancesRequest) (response *RestartDBInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StartBatchRollback(request *StartBatchRollbackRequest) (response *StartBatchRollbackResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StartDelayReplication(request *StartDelayReplicationRequest) (response *StartDelayReplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopDBImportJob(request *StopDBImportJobRequest) (response *StopDBImportJobResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopDelayReplication(request *StopDelayReplicationRequest) (response *StopDelayReplicationResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopRollback(request *StopRollbackRequest) (response *StopRollbackResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave(request *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) (response *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) SwitchDrInstanceToMaster(request *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) (response *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) SwitchForUpgrade(request *SwitchForUpgradeRequest) (response *SwitchForUpgradeResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpgradeDBInstance(request *UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) (response *UpgradeDBInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion(request *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) (response *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse, err error)
- type CloneItem
- type CloseWanServiceRequest
- type CloseWanServiceResponse
- type ColumnPrivilege
- type CommonTimeWindow
- type CreateAccountsRequest
- type CreateAccountsResponse
- type CreateAuditPolicyRequest
- type CreateAuditPolicyResponse
- type CreateBackupRequest
- type CreateBackupResponse
- type CreateCloneInstanceRequest
- type CreateCloneInstanceResponse
- type CreateDBImportJobRequest
- type CreateDBImportJobResponse
- type CreateDBInstanceHourRequest
- type CreateDBInstanceHourResponse
- type CreateDeployGroupRequest
- type CreateDeployGroupResponse
- type CreateParamTemplateRequest
- type CreateParamTemplateResponse
- type CreateRoInstanceIpRequest
- type CreateRoInstanceIpResponse
- type DBSwitchInfo
- type DatabaseName
- type DatabasePrivilege
- type DatabasesWithCharacterLists
- type DeleteAccountsRequest
- type DeleteAccountsResponse
- type DeleteBackupRequest
- type DeleteBackupResponse
- type DeleteDeployGroupsRequest
- type DeleteDeployGroupsResponse
- type DeleteParamTemplateRequest
- type DeleteParamTemplateResponse
- type DeleteTimeWindowRequest
- type DeleteTimeWindowResponse
- type DeployGroupInfo
- type DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest
- type DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse
- type DescribeAccountsRequest
- type DescribeAccountsResponse
- type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest
- type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse
- type DescribeBackupConfigRequest
- type DescribeBackupConfigResponse
- type DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest
- type DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse
- type DescribeBackupOverviewRequest
- type DescribeBackupOverviewResponse
- type DescribeBackupSummariesRequest
- type DescribeBackupSummariesResponse
- type DescribeBackupTablesRequest
- type DescribeBackupTablesResponse
- type DescribeBackupsRequest
- type DescribeBackupsResponse
- type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest
- type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse
- type DescribeBinlogsRequest
- type DescribeBinlogsResponse
- type DescribeCloneListRequest
- type DescribeCloneListResponse
- type DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest
- type DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse
- type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest
- type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse
- type DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest
- type DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse
- type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest
- type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse
- type DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest
- type DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse
- type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest
- type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse
- type DescribeDBInstancesRequest
- type DescribeDBInstancesResponse
- type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest
- type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse
- type DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest
- type DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse
- type DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest
- type DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse
- type DescribeDatabasesRequest
- type DescribeDatabasesResponse
- type DescribeDefaultParamsRequest
- type DescribeDefaultParamsResponse
- type DescribeDeployGroupListRequest
- type DescribeDeployGroupListResponse
- type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest
- type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse
- type DescribeErrorLogDataRequest
- type DescribeErrorLogDataResponse
- type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest
- type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse
- type DescribeInstanceParamsRequest
- type DescribeInstanceParamsResponse
- type DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest
- type DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse
- type DescribeParamTemplatesRequest
- type DescribeParamTemplatesResponse
- type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DescribeRoGroupsRequest
- type DescribeRoGroupsResponse
- type DescribeRoMinScaleRequest
- type DescribeRoMinScaleResponse
- type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest
- type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse
- type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest
- type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse
- type DescribeSlowLogDataRequest
- type DescribeSlowLogDataResponse
- type DescribeSlowLogsRequest
- type DescribeSlowLogsResponse
- type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest
- type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse
- type DescribeTablesRequest
- type DescribeTablesResponse
- type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest
- type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse
- type DescribeTasksRequest
- type DescribeTasksResponse
- type DescribeTimeWindowRequest
- type DescribeTimeWindowResponse
- type DescribeUploadedFilesRequest
- type DescribeUploadedFilesResponse
- type DeviceCpuInfo
- type DeviceCpuRateInfo
- type DeviceDiskInfo
- type DeviceMemInfo
- type DeviceNetInfo
- type DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest
- type DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse
- type DrInfo
- type ErrlogItem
- type ImportRecord
- type Inbound
- type InitDBInstancesRequest
- type InitDBInstancesResponse
- type InstanceInfo
- type InstanceRebootTime
- type InstanceRollbackRangeTime
- type IsolateDBInstanceRequest
- type IsolateDBInstanceResponse
- type MasterInfo
- type ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest
- type ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse
- type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest
- type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse
- type ModifyAccountPasswordRequest
- type ModifyAccountPasswordResponse
- type ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest
- type ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse
- type ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest
- type ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse
- type ModifyBackupConfigRequest
- type ModifyBackupConfigResponse
- type ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest
- type ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse
- type ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest
- type ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse
- type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest
- type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse
- type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest
- type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse
- type ModifyInstanceParamRequest
- type ModifyInstanceParamResponse
- type ModifyInstanceTagRequest
- type ModifyInstanceTagResponse
- type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest
- type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse
- type ModifyParamTemplateRequest
- type ModifyParamTemplateResponse
- type ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest
- type ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse
- type ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest
- type ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse
- type ModifyRoTypeRequest
- type ModifyRoTypeResponse
- type ModifyTimeWindowRequest
- type ModifyTimeWindowResponse
- type OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest
- type OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse
- type OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest
- type OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse
- type OpenWanServiceRequest
- type OpenWanServiceResponse
- type Outbound
- type ParamInfo
- type ParamRecord
- type ParamTemplateInfo
- type Parameter
- type ParameterDetail
- type RegionSellConf
- type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest
- type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse
- type ReleaseResult
- type RestartDBInstancesRequest
- type RestartDBInstancesResponse
- type RoGroup
- type RoGroupAttr
- type RoInstanceInfo
- type RoVipInfo
- type RoWeightValue
- type RollbackDBName
- type RollbackInstancesInfo
- type RollbackTableName
- type RollbackTables
- type RollbackTask
- type RollbackTimeRange
- type SecurityGroup
- type SellConfig
- type SellType
- type SlaveConfig
- type SlaveInfo
- type SlaveInstanceInfo
- type SlowLogInfo
- type SlowLogItem
- type SqlFileInfo
- type StartBatchRollbackRequest
- type StartBatchRollbackResponse
- type StartDelayReplicationRequest
- type StartDelayReplicationResponse
- type StopDBImportJobRequest
- type StopDBImportJobResponse
- type StopDelayReplicationRequest
- type StopDelayReplicationResponse
- type StopRollbackRequest
- type StopRollbackResponse
- type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest
- type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse
- type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest
- type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse
- type SwitchForUpgradeRequest
- type SwitchForUpgradeResponse
- type TableName
- type TablePrivilege
- type TagInfo
- type TagInfoItem
- type TagInfoUnit
- type TagsInfoOfInstance
- type TaskDetail
- type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest
- type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse
- type UpgradeDBInstanceRequest
- type UpgradeDBInstanceResponse
- type UploadInfo
- type ZoneConf
- type ZoneSellConf
Constants ¶
const ( // CAM signature/authentication error. AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" // Backend or process error. CDBERROR = "CdbError" // Backup error. CDBERROR_BACKUPERROR = "CdbError.BackupError" // Backend database error. CDBERROR_DATABASEERROR = "CdbError.DatabaseError" // Import task error. CDBERROR_IMPORTERROR = "CdbError.ImportError" // Backend task error. CDBERROR_TASKERROR = "CdbError.TaskError" // Async task exception. FAILEDOPERATION_ASYNCTASKSTATUSERROR = "FailedOperation.AsyncTaskStatusError" // Failed to lock the instance while performing exclusive operations. Please try again later. FAILEDOPERATION_CDBINSTANCELOCKFAILERROR = "FailedOperation.CdbInstanceLockFailError" // Creation failed. Please check whether the user already exists. FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEACCOUNTERROR = "FailedOperation.CreateAccountError" // Failed to create the audit rule. FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEAUDITFAILERROR = "FailedOperation.CreateAuditFailError" // Failed to assign an exclusive VIP to the read-only replica. FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEROVIPERROR = "FailedOperation.CreateRoVipError" // Database operation failed. FAILEDOPERATION_DBOPERATIONACTIONERROR = "FailedOperation.DBOperationActionError" // An error occurred while obtaining permissions. FAILEDOPERATION_GETPRIVILEGEERROR = "FailedOperation.GetPrivilegeError" // Query failed. FAILEDOPERATION_INSTANCEQUERYERROR = "FailedOperation.InstanceQueryError" // Failed to deserialize JSON. FAILEDOPERATION_JSONUNMARSHALERROR = "FailedOperation.JsonUnmarshalError" // The instance is not a delayed RO replica. FAILEDOPERATION_NOTDELAYRO = "FailedOperation.NotDelayRo" // Failed to call the backend API to enable delayed replication. FAILEDOPERATION_OPERATIONREPLICATIONERROR = "FailedOperation.OperationReplicationError" // The executed operation to modify permissions is invalid. You can refer to product documentation for more information about permissions that can be modified for this instance. If you have any questions, please contact customer service. FAILEDOPERATION_PRIVILEGEDATAILLEGAL = "FailedOperation.PrivilegeDataIllegal" // Log query failed. FAILEDOPERATION_QUERYLOGERROR = "FailedOperation.QueryLogError" // Exception with the backend request for the service. Please contact customer service. FAILEDOPERATION_RESPONSEVALUEERROR = "FailedOperation.ResponseValueError" // Failed to initiate the operation. Please try again later. If the operation remains unsuccessful, please contact customer service. FAILEDOPERATION_STARTFLOWERROR = "FailedOperation.StartFlowError" // Task status conflict. FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" // Failed to submit the task. Please try again later. If the submission remains unsuccessful, please contact customer service. FAILEDOPERATION_SUBMITASYNCTASKERROR = "FailedOperation.SubmitAsyncTaskError" // This type of operations cannot be performed. FAILEDOPERATION_TYPEINCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.TypeInConflict" // An internal error occurred. INTERNALERROR = "InternalError" // An error occurred while querying async tasks. INTERNALERROR_ASYNCREQUESTERROR = "InternalError.AsyncRequestError" // An error occurred in the internal service of the audit service. INTERNALERROR_AUDITERROR = "InternalError.AuditError" // Internal exception of the audit service. INTERNALERROR_AUDITOSSLOGICERROR = "InternalError.AuditOssLogicError" // Authentication failed. INTERNALERROR_AUTHERROR = "InternalError.AuthError" // Authentication failed. INTERNALERROR_CAUTHERROR = "InternalError.CauthError" // Internal system error. INTERNALERROR_CDBCGWERROR = "InternalError.CdbCgwError" // System error. INTERNALERROR_CDBERROR = "InternalError.CdbError" // Failed to obtain file information. INTERNALERROR_COSERROR = "InternalError.CosError" // Database exception INTERNALERROR_DBERROR = "InternalError.DBError" // Database operation failed. INTERNALERROR_DBOPERATIONERROR = "InternalError.DBOperationError" // The database record does not exist. INTERNALERROR_DBRECORDNOTEXISTERROR = "InternalError.DBRecordNotExistError" // Internal database error. INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" // Internal system error. INTERNALERROR_DESERROR = "InternalError.DesError" // Security group operation error. INTERNALERROR_DFWERROR = "InternalError.DfwError" // SQL statement error INTERNALERROR_EXESQLERROR = "InternalError.ExeSqlError" // File transfer exception INTERNALERROR_FTPERROR = "InternalError.FtpError" // Exceptional HTTP request INTERNALERROR_HTTPERROR = "InternalError.HttpError" // Internal service error. Please contact customer service. INTERNALERROR_INTERNALASSERTERROR = "InternalError.InternalAssertError" // An exception occurred while executing the request. INTERNALERROR_INTERNALHTTPSERVERERROR = "InternalError.InternalHttpServerError" // The backend failed to request the service. Please contact customer service. INTERNALERROR_INTERNALREQUESTERROR = "InternalError.InternalRequestError" // An error occurred while accessing internal service. INTERNALERROR_INTERNALSERVICEERRORERR = "InternalError.InternalServiceErrorErr" // Failed to parse JSON. INTERNALERROR_JSONERROR = "InternalError.JSONError" // Network error INTERNALERROR_NETWORKERROR = "InternalError.NetworkError" // An error occurred in TencentDB for MySQL High-Availability Edition database service. INTERNALERROR_OSSERROR = "InternalError.OssError" // Parameter error INTERNALERROR_PARAMERROR = "InternalError.ParamError" // Regular expression compilation error. INTERNALERROR_REGEXPCOMPILEERROR = "InternalError.RegexpCompileError" // The resource does not match. INTERNALERROR_RESOURCENOTMATCH = "InternalError.ResourceNotMatch" // The resource is not unique. INTERNALERROR_RESOURCENOTUNIQUE = "InternalError.ResourceNotUnique" // Security group error INTERNALERROR_SECURITYGROUPERROR = "InternalError.SecurityGroupError" // Internal error of the system. INTERNALERROR_SERVERERROR = "InternalError.ServerError" // An exception occurred in the internal service. INTERNALERROR_SERVICEERROR = "InternalError.ServiceError" // Failed to modify the tag. Please try again later. INTERNALERROR_TAGERROR = "InternalError.TagError" // Task exception INTERNALERROR_TASKERROR = "InternalError.TaskError" // Async task error. INTERNALERROR_TASKFRAMEERROR = "InternalError.TaskFrameError" // Time window error INTERNALERROR_TIMEWINDOWERROR = "InternalError.TimeWindowError" // Transaction system error. INTERNALERROR_TRADEERROR = "InternalError.TradeError" // Unknown error INTERNALERROR_UNDEFINEDERROR = "InternalError.UndefinedError" // Unknown error INTERNALERROR_UNKNOWNERROR = "InternalError.UnknownError" // VPC or subnet error. INTERNALERROR_VPCERROR = "InternalError.VpcError" // Parameter error. INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" // This API was not found. INVALIDPARAMETER_CONTROLLERNOTFOUNDERROR = "InvalidParameter.ControllerNotFoundError" // There are resources in the placement group. INVALIDPARAMETER_DEPLOYGROUPNOTEMPTY = "InvalidParameter.DeployGroupNotEmpty" // Parameter exception. INVALIDPARAMETER_EXCEPTIONPARAM = "InvalidParameter.ExceptionParam" // The instance is not found. INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENAMENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNameNotFound" // The instance does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" // The async task does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDASYNCREQUESTID = "InvalidParameter.InvalidAsyncRequestId" // Invalid name. INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDNAME = "InvalidParameter.InvalidName" // Invalid parameter value INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDPARAMETERERROR = "InvalidParameter.InvalidParameterError" // Failed to deserialize JSON. INVALIDPARAMETER_JSONUNMARSHALERROR = "InvalidParameter.JsonUnmarshalError" // The quota of placement group resources has been exceeded. INVALIDPARAMETER_OVERDEPLOYGROUPQUOTA = "InvalidParameter.OverDeployGroupQuota" // The resource already exists. INVALIDPARAMETER_RESOURCEEXISTS = "InvalidParameter.ResourceExists" // The resource does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETER_RESOURCENOTEXISTS = "InvalidParameter.ResourceNotExists" // The resource is not found. INVALIDPARAMETER_RESOURCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.ResourceNotFound" // The account description contains special characters. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTDESCRIPTIONCHARACTERERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountDescriptionCharacterError" // The account description should not exceed 255 characters. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTDESCRIPTIONLENGTHERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountDescriptionLengthError" // Incorrect format of the `host` parameter in the account. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTHOSTRULEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountHostRuleError" // The account password contains invalid characters. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTPASSWORDCHARACTERERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountPasswordCharacterError" // The account password is too long or too short. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTPASSWORDLENGTHERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountPasswordLengthError" // The password format is incorrect. It should contain 8 to 64 characters and must contain at least two character sets of the following: letters, digits, and special symbols (_+-&=!@#$%^*()). INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACCOUNTPASSWORDRULEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.AccountPasswordRuleError" // Data conversion failed. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DATACONVERTERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.DataConvertError" // The specified point in time should not be later than the current time. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DUETIMEWRONG = "InvalidParameterValue.DueTimeWrong" // Invalid parameter value INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVALIDPARAMETERVALUEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidParameterValueError" // The original type should not be the same as the target type. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SRCTYPEEQUALDSTTYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.SrcTypeEqualDstType" // The RO replica is not the type of instance allowed by the operation. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SRCTYPENOTEQUALDSTTYPE = "InvalidParameterValue.SrcTypeNotEqualDstType" // Incorrect format of the account username. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_USERNAMERULEERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.UserNameRuleError" // The account does not exist. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_USERNOTEXISTERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.UserNotExistError" // No root account found. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VERIFYACCOUNTNOROOTERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.VerifyAccountNoRootError" // Invalid account password. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VERIFYACCOUNTPASSWORDERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.VerifyAccountPasswordError" // The account does not have the GRANT permission. INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VERIFYACCOUNTPRIVERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.VerifyAccountPrivError" // The quota limit has been reached. LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded" // Account-related parameters are missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_ACCOUNTMISSINGPARAMETERERROR = "MissingParameter.AccountMissingParameterError" // Required parameters are missing. MISSINGPARAMETER_MISSINGPARAMERROR = "MissingParameter.MissingParamError" // Operation denied. OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" // The instance is performing another task. OPERATIONDENIED_ACTIONINPROCESS = "OperationDenied.ActionInProcess" // Unsupported operation. OPERATIONDENIED_ACTIONNOTSUPPORT = "OperationDenied.ActionNotSupport" // The audit policies conflict. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITPOLICYCONFLICTERROR = "OperationDenied.AuditPolicyConflictError" // The audit policy already exists. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITPOLICYEXISTERROR = "OperationDenied.AuditPolicyExistError" // The audit rule has been associated. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITRULEHASBIND = "OperationDenied.AuditRuleHasBind" // The audit rule does not exist. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITRULENOTEXISTERROR = "OperationDenied.AuditRuleNotExistError" // Exceptional audit status. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITSTATUSERROR = "OperationDenied.AuditStatusError" // The audit tasks conflict. OPERATIONDENIED_AUDITTASKCONFLICTERROR = "OperationDenied.AuditTaskConflictError" // You have enabled the compliance audit feature of DBbrain, so you cannot enable the rule-based audit. OPERATIONDENIED_DBBRAINPOLICYCONFLICT = "OperationDenied.DBBrainPolicyConflict" // The operation is not allowed during the delayed replication. OPERATIONDENIED_DELAYREPLICATIONRUNNING = "OperationDenied.DelayReplicationRunning" // The root account cannot be deleted. OPERATIONDENIED_DELETEROOTACCOUNTERROR = "OperationDenied.DeleteRootAccountError" // This instance needs permissions to use this feature. OPERATIONDENIED_FUNCTIONDENIED = "OperationDenied.FunctionDenied" // Instance locks are in conflict. Please try again later. OPERATIONDENIED_INSTANCELOCKERCONFLICT = "OperationDenied.InstanceLockerConflict" // Exceptional instance status OPERATIONDENIED_INSTANCESTATUSERROR = "OperationDenied.InstanceStatusError" // Delayed replication is not allowed because the instance is executing another task. OPERATIONDENIED_INSTANCETASKRUNNING = "OperationDenied.InstanceTaskRunning" // The instance does not support this operation. OPERATIONDENIED_INSTANCEUNSUPPORTEDOPERATEERROR = "OperationDenied.InstanceUnsupportedOperateError" // Basic instances do not support this operation (feature). OPERATIONDENIED_NOTSUPPORTBASIC = "OperationDenied.NotSupportBasic" // The host information of the local root account cannot be modified. OPERATIONDENIED_NOTSUPPORTMODIFYLOCALROOTHOSTERROR = "OperationDenied.NotSupportModifyLocalRootHostError" // There are other orders being submitted. Please try again later. OPERATIONDENIED_OTHERODERINPROCESS = "OperationDenied.OtherOderInProcess" // The maximum number of results has been reached. Please narrow down your query. OPERATIONDENIED_RESULTOVERLIMIT = "OperationDenied.ResultOverLimit" // The Tencent Cloud sub-account is not allowed to perform the operation due to insufficient permissions. OPERATIONDENIED_SUBACCOUNTOPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied.SubAccountOperationDenied" // This instance is not refundable. OPERATIONDENIED_UNSUPPORTREFUNDERROR = "OperationDenied.UnSupportRefundError" // The audit feature cannot be enabled. OPERATIONDENIED_UNSUPPORTOPENAUDITERROR = "OperationDenied.UnsupportOpenAuditError" // This account is not authorized to access the requested resource. OPERATIONDENIED_USERHASNOSTRATEGY = "OperationDenied.UserHasNoStrategy" // Incorrect password or verification failed. OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGPASSWORD = "OperationDenied.WrongPassword" // The backend task status is invalid. OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGSTATUS = "OperationDenied.WrongStatus" // Limit exceeded. OVERQUOTA = "OverQuota" // The resource is occupied. RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse" // Insufficient resource. RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceInsufficient" // The resource does not exist. RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound" // The instance cannot be found. Please check whether your instance status is normal. RESOURCENOTFOUND_CDBINSTANCENOTFOUNDERROR = "ResourceNotFound.CdbInstanceNotFoundError" // The instance does not exist. RESOURCENOTFOUND_INSTANCENOTFUNDERROR = "ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotFundError" // The resource is unavailable. RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable" // Verification failed. Insufficient permissions. UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NOTENOUGHPRIVILEGES = "UnauthorizedOperation.NotEnoughPrivileges" // Unsupported operation. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation" // Unsupported permission. UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_PRIVILEGESUNSUPPORTEDERROR = "UnsupportedOperation.PrivilegesUnsupportedError" )
const APIVersion = "2017-03-20"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountInfo ¶
type AccountInfo struct { // Account remarks Notes *string `json:"Notes,omitempty" name:"Notes"` // Account domain name Host *string `json:"Host,omitempty" name:"Host"` // Account name User *string `json:"User,omitempty" name:"User"` // Account information modification time ModifyTime *string `json:"ModifyTime,omitempty" name:"ModifyTime"` // Password modification time ModifyPasswordTime *string `json:"ModifyPasswordTime,omitempty" name:"ModifyPasswordTime"` // This parameter is no longer supported. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // The maximum number of instance connections supported by an account MaxUserConnections *int64 `json:"MaxUserConnections,omitempty" name:"MaxUserConnections"` }
type AddTimeWindowRequest ¶
type AddTimeWindowRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Maintenance window on Monday. The format should be 10:00-12:00. You can set multiple time windows on a day. Each time window lasts from half an hour to three hours, and must start and end on the hour or half hour. At least one time window is required in a week. The same rule applies to the following parameters. Monday []*string `json:"Monday,omitempty" name:"Monday"` // Maintenance window on Tuesday. At least one time window is required in a week. Tuesday []*string `json:"Tuesday,omitempty" name:"Tuesday"` // Maintenance window on Wednesday. At least one time window is required in a week. Wednesday []*string `json:"Wednesday,omitempty" name:"Wednesday"` // Maintenance window on Thursday. At least one time window is required in a week. Thursday []*string `json:"Thursday,omitempty" name:"Thursday"` // Maintenance window on Friday. At least one time window is required in a week. Friday []*string `json:"Friday,omitempty" name:"Friday"` // Maintenance window on Saturday. At least one time window is required in a week. Saturday []*string `json:"Saturday,omitempty" name:"Saturday"` // Maintenance window on Sunday. At least one time window is required in a week. Sunday []*string `json:"Sunday,omitempty" name:"Sunday"` }
func NewAddTimeWindowRequest ¶
func NewAddTimeWindowRequest() (request *AddTimeWindowRequest)
func (*AddTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AddTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AddTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AddTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AddTimeWindowResponse ¶
type AddTimeWindowResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewAddTimeWindowResponse ¶
func NewAddTimeWindowResponse() (response *AddTimeWindowResponse)
func (*AddTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AddTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AddTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AddTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Security group ID. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // List of instance IDs, which is an array of one or more instance IDs. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // This parameter takes effect only when the IDs of read-only replicas are passed in. If this parameter is set to `False` or left empty, the security group will be bound to the RO groups of these read-only replicas. If this parameter is set to `True`, the security group will be bound to the read-only replicas themselves. ForReadonlyInstance *bool `json:"ForReadonlyInstance,omitempty" name:"ForReadonlyInstance"` }
func NewAssociateSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewAssociateSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewAssociateSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewAssociateSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type BackupConfig ¶
type BackupConfig struct { // Replication mode of secondary database 2. Value range: async, semi-sync ReplicationMode *string `json:"ReplicationMode,omitempty" name:"ReplicationMode"` // Name of the AZ of secondary database 2, such as ap-shanghai-1 Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Private IP address of secondary database 2 Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // Access port of secondary database 2 Vport *uint64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` }
type BackupInfo ¶
type BackupInfo struct { // Backup filename Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Backup file size in bytes Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty" name:"Size"` // Backup snapshot time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-03-17 02:10:37 Date *string `json:"Date,omitempty" name:"Date"` // Download address IntranetUrl *string `json:"IntranetUrl,omitempty" name:"IntranetUrl"` // Download address InternetUrl *string `json:"InternetUrl,omitempty" name:"InternetUrl"` // Log type. Valid values: `logical` (logical cold backup), `physical` (physical cold backup). Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Backup subtask ID, which is used when backup files are deleted BackupId *int64 `json:"BackupId,omitempty" name:"BackupId"` // Backup task status. Valid values: `SUCCESS` (backup succeeded), `FAILED` (backup failed), `RUNNING` (backup is in progress). Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Backup task completion time FinishTime *string `json:"FinishTime,omitempty" name:"FinishTime"` // (This field will be disused and is thus not recommended) backup creator. Valid values: `SYSTEM` (created by system), `Uin` (initiator's `Uin` value). Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitempty" name:"Creator"` // Backup task start time StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Backup method. Valid values: `full` (full backup), `partial` (partial backup). Method *string `json:"Method,omitempty" name:"Method"` // Backup mode. Valid values: `manual` (manual backup), `automatic` (automatic backup). Way *string `json:"Way,omitempty" name:"Way"` }
type BackupItem ¶
type BackupItem struct { // Name of the database to be backed up Db *string `json:"Db,omitempty" name:"Db"` // Name of the table to be backed up. If this parameter is passed in, the specified table in the database will be backed up; otherwise, the database will be backed up. Table *string `json:"Table,omitempty" name:"Table"` }
type BackupSummaryItem ¶
type BackupSummaryItem struct { // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Number of automatic data backups of an instance. AutoBackupCount *int64 `json:"AutoBackupCount,omitempty" name:"AutoBackupCount"` // Capacity of automatic data backups of an instance. AutoBackupVolume *int64 `json:"AutoBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"AutoBackupVolume"` // Number of manual data backups of an instance. ManualBackupCount *int64 `json:"ManualBackupCount,omitempty" name:"ManualBackupCount"` // Capacity of manual data backups of an instance. ManualBackupVolume *int64 `json:"ManualBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"ManualBackupVolume"` // Total number of data backups of an instance (including automatic backups and manual backups). DataBackupCount *int64 `json:"DataBackupCount,omitempty" name:"DataBackupCount"` // Total capacity of data backups of an instance. DataBackupVolume *int64 `json:"DataBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"DataBackupVolume"` // Number of log backups of an instance. BinlogBackupCount *int64 `json:"BinlogBackupCount,omitempty" name:"BinlogBackupCount"` // Capacity of log backups of an instance. BinlogBackupVolume *int64 `json:"BinlogBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"BinlogBackupVolume"` // Total capacity of backups of an instance (including data backups and log backups). BackupVolume *int64 `json:"BackupVolume,omitempty" name:"BackupVolume"` }
type BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest ¶
type BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // RO group ID in the format of `cdbrg-c1nl9rpv`. RoGroupId *string `json:"RoGroupId,omitempty" name:"RoGroupId"` }
func NewBalanceRoGroupLoadRequest ¶
func NewBalanceRoGroupLoadRequest() (request *BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest)
func (*BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) ToJsonString() string
type BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse ¶
type BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewBalanceRoGroupLoadResponse ¶
func NewBalanceRoGroupLoadResponse() (response *BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse)
func (*BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse) ToJsonString() string
type BinlogInfo ¶
type BinlogInfo struct { // Binlog backup filename Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Backup file size in bytes Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty" name:"Size"` // File stored time in the format of 2016-03-17 02:10:37 Date *string `json:"Date,omitempty" name:"Date"` // Download address IntranetUrl *string `json:"IntranetUrl,omitempty" name:"IntranetUrl"` // Download address InternetUrl *string `json:"InternetUrl,omitempty" name:"InternetUrl"` // Log type. Value range: binlog Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // Binlog file start file BinlogStartTime *string `json:"BinlogStartTime,omitempty" name:"BinlogStartTime"` // Binlog file end time BinlogFinishTime *string `json:"BinlogFinishTime,omitempty" name:"BinlogFinishTime"` }
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)
func NewClientWithSecretId ¶
func (*Client) AddTimeWindow ¶
func (c *Client) AddTimeWindow(request *AddTimeWindowRequest) (response *AddTimeWindowResponse, err error)
AddTimeWindow This API (AddTimeWindow) is used to add a maintenance time window for a TencentDB instance, so as to specify when the instance can automatically perform access switch operations.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) AssociateSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) AssociateSecurityGroups(request *AssociateSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *AssociateSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
AssociateSecurityGroups This API (AssociateSecurityGroups) is used to bind security groups to instances in batches.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) BalanceRoGroupLoad ¶
func (c *Client) BalanceRoGroupLoad(request *BalanceRoGroupLoadRequest) (response *BalanceRoGroupLoadResponse, err error)
BalanceRoGroupLoad This API is used to rebalance the loads of instances in an RO group. Please note that the database connections to those instances will be interrupted transiently; therefore, you should ensure that your application can reconnect to the databases. This operation should be performed with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CloseWanService ¶
func (c *Client) CloseWanService(request *CloseWanServiceRequest) (response *CloseWanServiceResponse, err error)
CloseWanService This API (CloseWanService) is used to disable public network access for TencentDB instance, which will make public IP addresses inaccessible.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGSTATUS = "OperationDenied.WrongStatus"
func (*Client) CreateAccounts ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAccounts(request *CreateAccountsRequest) (response *CreateAccountsResponse, err error)
CreateAccounts This API is used to create one or more TencentDB instance accounts. The account names, host addresses, and passwords are required, and account remarks and the maximum connections are optional.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateAuditPolicy ¶
func (c *Client) CreateAuditPolicy(request *CreateAuditPolicyRequest) (response *CreateAuditPolicyResponse, err error)
CreateAuditPolicy This API is used to create an audit policy for a TencentDB instance by associating an audit rule with the TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateBackup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateBackup(request *CreateBackupRequest) (response *CreateBackupResponse, err error)
CreateBackup This API (CreateBackup) is used to create a TencentDB instance backup.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateCloneInstance ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCloneInstance(request *CreateCloneInstanceRequest) (response *CreateCloneInstanceResponse, err error)
CreateCloneInstance This API is used to create a clone of a specific instance, and roll back the clone by using a physical backup file of the instance or roll back the clone to a point in time.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDBImportJob ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDBImportJob(request *CreateDBImportJobRequest) (response *CreateDBImportJobResponse, err error)
CreateDBImportJob This API (CreateDBImportJob) is used to create a data import task for a TencentDB instance.
Note that the files for a data import task must be uploaded to Tencent Cloud in advance. You need to do so in the console.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" CDBERROR_IMPORTERROR = "CdbError.ImportError" FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" OPERATIONDENIED_ACTIONNOTSUPPORT = "OperationDenied.ActionNotSupport" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGPASSWORD = "OperationDenied.WrongPassword" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGSTATUS = "OperationDenied.WrongStatus"
func (*Client) CreateDBInstanceHour ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDBInstanceHour(request *CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) (response *CreateDBInstanceHourResponse, err error)
CreateDBInstanceHour This API is used to create pay-as-you-go TencentDB instances (which can be source instances, disaster recovery instances, or read-only replicas) by passing in information such as instance specifications, MySQL version number, and instance quantity.
This is an asynchronous API. You can also use the [DescribeDBInstances]( API to query instance details. If the output parameter `Status` is `1` and the output parameter `TaskStatus` is `0`, the instances have been successfully delivered.
1. Use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the purchasable instance specifications, and then use the [DescribeDBPrice]( API to query the prices of the purchasable instances;
2. You can create up to 100 instances at a time, with an instance validity period of up to 36 months;
3. MySQL v5.5, v5.6, v5.7, and v8.0 are supported;
4. Source instances, disaster recovery instances, and read-only replicas can be created;
5. If `Port`, `ParamList`, or `Password` is specified in the input parameters, the instance (excluding basic instances) will be initialized.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateDeployGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateDeployGroup(request *CreateDeployGroupRequest) (response *CreateDeployGroupResponse, err error)
CreateDeployGroup This API is used to create a placement group for placing instances.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateParamTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CreateParamTemplate(request *CreateParamTemplateRequest) (response *CreateParamTemplateResponse, err error)
CreateParamTemplate This API is used to create a parameter template. The common request parameter `Region` can only be set to `ap-guangzhou`.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) CreateRoInstanceIp ¶
func (c *Client) CreateRoInstanceIp(request *CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) (response *CreateRoInstanceIpResponse, err error)
CreateRoInstanceIp This API is used to create a VIP exclusive to a TencentDB read-only instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteAccounts ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteAccounts(request *DeleteAccountsRequest) (response *DeleteAccountsResponse, err error)
DeleteAccounts This API (DeleteAccounts) is used to delete TencentDB accounts.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteBackup ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteBackup(request *DeleteBackupRequest) (response *DeleteBackupResponse, err error)
DeleteBackup This API is used to delete a database backup. It can only delete manually initiated backups.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteDeployGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteDeployGroups(request *DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) (response *DeleteDeployGroupsResponse, err error)
DeleteDeployGroups This API is used to delete placement groups by placement group ID (a placement group cannot be deleted if it contains resources).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteParamTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteParamTemplate(request *DeleteParamTemplateRequest) (response *DeleteParamTemplateResponse, err error)
DeleteParamTemplate This API is used to delete a parameter template. The common request parameter `Region` can only be set to `ap-guangzhou`.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DeleteTimeWindow ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteTimeWindow(request *DeleteTimeWindowRequest) (response *DeleteTimeWindowResponse, err error)
DeleteTimeWindow This API (DeleteTimeWindow) is used to delete a maintenance time window for a TencentDB instance. After it is deleted, the default maintenance time window will be 03:00-04:00, i.e., switch to a new instance will be performed during 03:00-04:00 by default.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAccountPrivileges ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAccountPrivileges(request *DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) (response *DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse, err error)
DescribeAccountPrivileges This API (DescribeAccountPrivileges) is used to query the information of TencentDB account permissions.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAccounts ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAccounts(request *DescribeAccountsRequest) (response *DescribeAccountsResponse, err error)
DescribeAccounts This API (DescribeAccounts) is used to query information of all TencentDB accounts.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo(request *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) (response *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse, err error)
DescribeAsyncRequestInfo This API (DescribeAsyncRequestInfo) is used to query the async task execution result of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackupConfig ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackupConfig(request *DescribeBackupConfigRequest) (response *DescribeBackupConfigResponse, err error)
DescribeBackupConfig This API (DescribeBackupConfig) is used to query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance backup.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackupDatabases ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackupDatabases(request *DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse, err error)
DescribeBackupDatabases This API is used to query the databases contained in a backup file. It has been disused.
After the legacy version becomes capable of full backup, if you want to download logical backup files by table, you need to use this API.
The new API (CreateBackup) can specify the table to be backed up when a logical backup file is created, which can be downloaded directly.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackupOverview ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackupOverview(request *DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
DescribeBackupOverview This API is used to query the backup overview of a user. It will return the user's current total number of backups, total capacity used by backups, capacity in the free tier, and paid capacity (all capacity values are in bytes).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackupSummaries ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackupSummaries(request *DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupSummariesResponse, err error)
DescribeBackupSummaries This API is used to query the statistics of backups. It will return the capacity used by backups at the instance level and the number and used capacity of data backups and log backups of each instance (all capacity values are in bytes).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackupTables ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackupTables(request *DescribeBackupTablesRequest) (response *DescribeBackupTablesResponse, err error)
DescribeBackupTables This API is used to query the backup tables of the specified database. It has been disused.
After the legacy version becomes capable of full backup, if you want to download logical backup files by table, you need to use this API.
The new API (CreateBackup) can specify the table to be backed up when a logical backup file is created, which can be downloaded directly.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBackups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBackups(request *DescribeBackupsRequest) (response *DescribeBackupsResponse, err error)
DescribeBackups This API (DescribeBackups) is used to query the backups of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBinlogBackupOverview ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBinlogBackupOverview(request *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
DescribeBinlogBackupOverview This API is used to query the log backup overview of a user in the current region.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeBinlogs ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeBinlogs(request *DescribeBinlogsRequest) (response *DescribeBinlogsResponse, err error)
DescribeBinlogs This API is used to query the list of binlog files of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) DescribeCloneList ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeCloneList(request *DescribeCloneListRequest) (response *DescribeCloneListResponse, err error)
DescribeCloneList This API is used to query the clone task list of an instance.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" CDBERROR_DATABASEERROR = "CdbError.DatabaseError"
func (*Client) DescribeDBImportRecords ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBImportRecords(request *DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse, err error)
DescribeDBImportRecords This API (DescribeDBImportRecords) is used to query the records of import tasks in a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstanceCharset ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceCharset(request *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstanceCharset This API (DescribeDBInstanceCharset) is used to query the character set and its name of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstanceConfig ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceConfig(request *DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstanceConfig This API (DescribeDBInstanceConfig) is used to query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance, such as its synchronization mode and deployment mode.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstanceGTID ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceGTID(request *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstanceGTID This API (DescribeDBInstanceGTID) is used to query whether GTID is activated for a TencentDB instance. Instances on or below version 5.5 are not supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstanceInfo ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceInfo(request *DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstanceInfo This API is used to query the basic information of an instance (instance ID, instance name, and whether encryption is enabled).
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime(request *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime This API (DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime) is used to query the estimated time needed for a TencentDB instance to restart.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeDBInstances ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBInstances(request *DescribeDBInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeDBInstancesResponse, err error)
DescribeDBInstances This API (DescribeDBInstances) is used to query the list of TencentDB instances (which can be primary, disaster recovery, or read-only instances). It supports filtering instances by project ID, instance ID, access address, and instance status.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(request *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeDBSecurityGroups This API (DescribeDBSecurityGroups) is used to query the security group details of an instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDBSwitchRecords ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBSwitchRecords(request *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse, err error)
DescribeDBSwitchRecords This API (DescribeDBSwitchRecords) is used to query the instance switch records.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeDBZoneConfig ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDBZoneConfig(request *DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) (response *DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse, err error)
DescribeDBZoneConfig This API (DescribeDBZoneConfig) is used to query the specifications of TencentDB instances purchasable in a region.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_CAUTHERROR = "InternalError.CauthError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeDataBackupOverview ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDataBackupOverview(request *DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) (response *DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse, err error)
DescribeDataBackupOverview This API is used to query the data backup overview of a user in the current region.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDatabases ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDatabases(request *DescribeDatabasesRequest) (response *DescribeDatabasesResponse, err error)
DescribeDatabases This API is used to query the information of databases in a TencentDB instance which must be a source or disaster recovery instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDefaultParams ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDefaultParams(request *DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) (response *DescribeDefaultParamsResponse, err error)
DescribeDefaultParams This API (DescribeDefaultParams) is used to query the list of default configurable parameters.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INTERNALERROR_PARAMERROR = "InternalError.ParamError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeDeployGroupList ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDeployGroupList(request *DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) (response *DescribeDeployGroupListResponse, err error)
DescribeDeployGroupList This API is used to query the list of placement groups of a user. You can specify the placement group ID or name.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo(request *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) (response *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse, err error)
DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo This API (DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo) is used to query the monitoring information of a TencentDB physical machine on the day. Currently, it only supports instances with 488 GB memory and 6 TB disk.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeErrorLogData ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeErrorLogData(request *DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) (response *DescribeErrorLogDataResponse, err error)
DescribeErrorLogData This API is used to query the details of instance error logs by search criteria. You can only query error logs within a month.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeInstanceParamRecords ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceParamRecords(request *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse, err error)
DescribeInstanceParamRecords This API (DescribeInstanceParamRecords) is used to query the parameter modification records of an instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeInstanceParams ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceParams(request *DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceParamsResponse, err error)
DescribeInstanceParams This API (DescribeInstanceParams) is used to query the list of parameters for an instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeParamTemplateInfo ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeParamTemplateInfo(request *DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) (response *DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse, err error)
DescribeParamTemplateInfo This API is used to query parameter template details. The common request parameter `Region` can only be set to `ap-guangzhou`.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INTERNALERROR_PARAMERROR = "InternalError.ParamError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeParamTemplates ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeParamTemplates(request *DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) (response *DescribeParamTemplatesResponse, err error)
DescribeParamTemplates This API (DescribeParamTemplates) is used to query the list of parameter templates
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" CDBERROR_DATABASEERROR = "CdbError.DatabaseError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DescribeProjectSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeProjectSecurityGroups(request *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeProjectSecurityGroups This API (DescribeProjectSecurityGroups) is used to query the security group details of a project.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRoGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRoGroups(request *DescribeRoGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeRoGroupsResponse, err error)
DescribeRoGroups This API is used to query the information of all RO groups of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRoMinScale ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRoMinScale(request *DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) (response *DescribeRoMinScaleResponse, err error)
DescribeRoMinScale This API is used to query the minimum specification of a read-only instance that can be purchased or upgraded to.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRollbackRangeTime ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRollbackRangeTime(request *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) (response *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse, err error)
DescribeRollbackRangeTime This API (DescribeRollbackRangeTime) is used to query the time range available for instance rollback.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeRollbackTaskDetail ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeRollbackTaskDetail(request *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) (response *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse, err error)
DescribeRollbackTaskDetail This API is used to query the details of a TencentDB instance rollback task.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSlowLogData ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSlowLogData(request *DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) (response *DescribeSlowLogDataResponse, err error)
DescribeSlowLogData This API is used to search for slow logs of an instance by criteria. You can only view slow logs within a month.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSlowLogs ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSlowLogs(request *DescribeSlowLogsRequest) (response *DescribeSlowLogsResponse, err error)
DescribeSlowLogs This API (DescribeSlowLogs) is used to query the slow logs of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeSupportedPrivileges ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeSupportedPrivileges(request *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) (response *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse, err error)
DescribeSupportedPrivileges This API (DescribeSupportedPrivileges) is used to query the information of TencentDB account permissions, including global permissions, database permissions, table permissions, and column permissions.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeTables ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTables(request *DescribeTablesRequest) (response *DescribeTablesResponse, err error)
DescribeTables This API is used to query the information of database tables in a TencentDB instance. It only supports source or disaster recovery instances.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds(request *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) (response *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse, err error)
DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds This API (DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds) is used to query the tag information of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_AUTHERROR = "InternalError.AuthError" INTERNALERROR_CDBCGWERROR = "InternalError.CdbCgwError" INTERNALERROR_COSERROR = "InternalError.CosError" INTERNALERROR_TASKERROR = "InternalError.TaskError" INTERNALERROR_TIMEWINDOWERROR = "InternalError.TimeWindowError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) DescribeTasks ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTasks(request *DescribeTasksRequest) (response *DescribeTasksResponse, err error)
DescribeTasks This API (DescribeTasks) is used to query the list of tasks for a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeTimeWindow ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeTimeWindow(request *DescribeTimeWindowRequest) (response *DescribeTimeWindowResponse, err error)
DescribeTimeWindow This API (DescribeTimeWindow) is used to query the maintenance time window of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) DescribeUploadedFiles ¶
func (c *Client) DescribeUploadedFiles(request *DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) (response *DescribeUploadedFilesResponse, err error)
DescribeUploadedFiles This API is used to query the list of user-imported SQL files.
error code that may be returned:
INTERNALERROR_COSERROR = "InternalError.CosError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
func (*Client) DisassociateSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) DisassociateSecurityGroups(request *DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
DisassociateSecurityGroups This API (DisassociateSecurityGroups) is used to unbind security groups from instances in batches.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) InitDBInstances ¶
func (c *Client) InitDBInstances(request *InitDBInstancesRequest) (response *InitDBInstancesResponse, err error)
InitDBInstances This API (InitDBInstances) is used to initialize instances, including their password, default character set, and instance port number.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGPASSWORD = "OperationDenied.WrongPassword"
func (*Client) IsolateDBInstance ¶
func (c *Client) IsolateDBInstance(request *IsolateDBInstanceRequest) (response *IsolateDBInstanceResponse, err error)
IsolateDBInstance This API is used to isolate a TencentDB instance, which will no longer be accessible via IP and port. The isolated instance can be started up in the recycle bin. If it is isolated due to arrears, please top up your account as soon as possible.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAccountDescription ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAccountDescription(request *ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) (response *ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse, err error)
ModifyAccountDescription This API (ModifyAccountDescription) is used to modify the remarks of a TencentDB instance account.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections(request *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) (response *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse, err error)
ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections This API is used to modify the maximum connections of one or more TencentDB instance accounts.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAccountPassword ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAccountPassword(request *ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) (response *ModifyAccountPasswordResponse, err error)
ModifyAccountPassword This API (ModifyAccountPassword) is used to modify the password of a TencentDB instance account.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAccountPrivileges ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAccountPrivileges(request *ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) (response *ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse, err error)
ModifyAccountPrivileges This API is used to modify the permissions of a TencentDB instance account.
Note that when modifying account permissions, you need to pass in the full permission information of the account. You can [query the account permission information
]( first before modifying permissions.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyAutoRenewFlag ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyAutoRenewFlag(request *ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) (response *ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse, err error)
ModifyAutoRenewFlag This API is used to modify the auto-renewal flag of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) ModifyBackupConfig ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyBackupConfig(request *ModifyBackupConfigRequest) (response *ModifyBackupConfigResponse, err error)
ModifyBackupConfig This API (ModifyBackupConfig) is used to modify the database backup configuration.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDBInstanceName ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceName(request *ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse, err error)
ModifyDBInstanceName This API (ModifyDBInstanceName) is used to rename a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDBInstanceProject ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceProject(request *ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse, err error)
ModifyDBInstanceProject This API (ModifyDBInstanceProject) is used to modify the project to which a TencentDB instance belongs.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups(request *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups This API (ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups) is used to modify the security groups bound to a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyDBInstanceVipVport ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyDBInstanceVipVport(request *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) (response *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse, err error)
ModifyDBInstanceVipVport This API (ModifyDBInstanceVipVport) is used to modify the IP and port number of a TencentDB instance, switch from the basic network to VPC, or change VPC subnets.
error code that may be returned:
FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INTERNALERROR_VPCERROR = "InternalError.VpcError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) ModifyInstanceParam ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceParam(request *ModifyInstanceParamRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceParamResponse, err error)
ModifyInstanceParam This API (ModifyInstanceParam) is used to modify instance parameters.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyInstanceTag ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceTag(request *ModifyInstanceTagRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceTagResponse, err error)
ModifyInstanceTag This API (ModifyInstanceTag) is used to add, modify, or delete an instance tag.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyNameOrDescByDpId ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyNameOrDescByDpId(request *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) (response *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse, err error)
ModifyNameOrDescByDpId This API is used to modify the name or description of a placement group.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyParamTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyParamTemplate(request *ModifyParamTemplateRequest) (response *ModifyParamTemplateResponse, err error)
ModifyParamTemplate This API is used to modify a parameter template. The common request parameter `Region` can only be set to `ap-guangzhou`.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyRoGroupInfo ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyRoGroupInfo(request *ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) (response *ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse, err error)
ModifyRoGroupInfo This API is used to update the information of a TencentDB RO group, such as configuring an instance removal policy in case of excessive delay and setting read weights of RO instances.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyRoReplicationDelay ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyRoReplicationDelay(request *ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) (response *ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse, err error)
ModifyRoReplicationDelay This API is used to modify the replication delay of a delayed RO replica.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyRoType ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyRoType(request *ModifyRoTypeRequest) (response *ModifyRoTypeResponse, err error)
ModifyRoType This API is used to change a general RO replica to delayed RO replica.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) ModifyTimeWindow ¶
func (c *Client) ModifyTimeWindow(request *ModifyTimeWindowRequest) (response *ModifyTimeWindowResponse, err error)
ModifyTimeWindow This API (ModifyTimeWindow) is used to update the maintenance time window of a TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) OfflineIsolatedInstances ¶
func (c *Client) OfflineIsolatedInstances(request *OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) (response *OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse, err error)
OfflineIsolatedInstances This API (OfflineIsolatedInstances) is used to deactivate isolated TencentDB instances immediately. The instances must be in isolated status, i.e., their `Status` value is 5 in the return of the [instance list querying API](
This is an asynchronous API. There may be a delay in repossessing some resources. You can query the details by using the [instance list querying API]( and specifying the InstanceId and the `Status` value as [5, 6, 7]. If the returned instance is empty, then all its resources have been released.
Note that once an instance is deactivated, its resources and data will not be recoverable. Please do so with caution.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) OpenDBInstanceGTID ¶
func (c *Client) OpenDBInstanceGTID(request *OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) (response *OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse, err error)
OpenDBInstanceGTID This API (OpenDBInstanceGTID) is used to enable GTID for a TencentDB instance. Only instances on or above version 5.6 are supported.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) OpenWanService ¶
func (c *Client) OpenWanService(request *OpenWanServiceRequest) (response *OpenWanServiceResponse, err error)
OpenWanService This API (OpenWanService) is used to enable public network access for an instance.
Note that before enabling public network access, you need to first [initialize the instance](
error code that may be returned:
AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure" FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" OPERATIONDENIED_ACTIONNOTSUPPORT = "OperationDenied.ActionNotSupport" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGSTATUS = "OperationDenied.WrongStatus"
func (*Client) ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances ¶
func (c *Client) ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances(request *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) (response *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse, err error)
ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances This API is used to deisolate an isolated TencentDB instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) RestartDBInstances ¶
func (c *Client) RestartDBInstances(request *RestartDBInstancesRequest) (response *RestartDBInstancesResponse, err error)
RestartDBInstances This API (RestartDBInstances) is used to restart TencentDB instances.
1. This API only supports restarting primary instances.
2. The instance status must be normal, and no other async tasks are in progress.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StartBatchRollback ¶
func (c *Client) StartBatchRollback(request *StartBatchRollbackRequest) (response *StartBatchRollbackResponse, err error)
StartBatchRollback This API (StartBatchRollback) is used to roll back the tables of a TencentDB instance in batches.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR_TASKERROR = "CdbError.TaskError" FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" INVALIDPARAMETER_INSTANCENOTFOUND = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied" OPERATIONDENIED_WRONGSTATUS = "OperationDenied.WrongStatus" OVERQUOTA = "OverQuota"
func (*Client) StartDelayReplication ¶
func (c *Client) StartDelayReplication(request *StartDelayReplicationRequest) (response *StartDelayReplicationResponse, err error)
StartDelayReplication This API is used to start delayed replication on a delayed RO replica.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopDBImportJob ¶
func (c *Client) StopDBImportJob(request *StopDBImportJobRequest) (response *StopDBImportJobResponse, err error)
StopDBImportJob This API (StopDBImportJob) is used to stop a data import task.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopDelayReplication ¶
func (c *Client) StopDelayReplication(request *StopDelayReplicationRequest) (response *StopDelayReplicationResponse, err error)
StopDelayReplication This API is used to stop delayed replication on a delayed RO replica.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) StopRollback ¶
func (c *Client) StopRollback(request *StopRollbackRequest) (response *StopRollbackResponse, err error)
StopRollback This API is used to cancel a rollback task in progress, and returns an async task ID. You can use the `DescribeAsyncRequestInfo` API to query the result of cancellation.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" CDBERROR_DATABASEERROR = "CdbError.DatabaseError" CDBERROR_TASKERROR = "CdbError.TaskError" INTERNALERROR_ASYNCREQUESTERROR = "InternalError.AsyncRequestError" INTERNALERROR_CDBERROR = "InternalError.CdbError" INTERNALERROR_DESERROR = "InternalError.DesError" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave ¶
func (c *Client) SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave(request *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) (response *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse, err error)
SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave This API is used for source-to-replica switch.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) SwitchDrInstanceToMaster ¶
func (c *Client) SwitchDrInstanceToMaster(request *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) (response *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse, err error)
SwitchDrInstanceToMaster This API is used to promote a disaster recovery instance to source instance. The request parameter `Region` must be the region of the disaster recovery instance.
error code that may be returned:
func (*Client) SwitchForUpgrade ¶
func (c *Client) SwitchForUpgrade(request *SwitchForUpgradeRequest) (response *SwitchForUpgradeResponse, err error)
SwitchForUpgrade This API (SwitchForUpgrade) is used to switch to a new instance. You can initiate this process when the primary instance being upgraded is pending switch.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) UpgradeDBInstance ¶
func (c *Client) UpgradeDBInstance(request *UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) (response *UpgradeDBInstanceResponse, err error)
UpgradeDBInstance This API is used to upgrade or downgrade a TencentDB instance, which can be a primary instance, disaster recovery instance, or read-only instance.
error code that may be returned:
CDBERROR = "CdbError" FAILEDOPERATION_STATUSCONFLICT = "FailedOperation.StatusConflict" INTERNALERROR_DATABASEACCESSERROR = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError" INTERNALERROR_TRADEERROR = "InternalError.TradeError" INTERNALERROR_UNDEFINEDERROR = "InternalError.UndefinedError" INTERNALERROR_VPCERROR = "InternalError.VpcError" INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter" OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
func (*Client) UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion ¶
func (c *Client) UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion(request *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) (response *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse, err error)
UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion This API (UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion) is used to upgrade the version of a TencentDB instance, which can be a primary instance, disaster recovery instance, or read-only instance.
error code that may be returned:
type CloneItem ¶
type CloneItem struct { // ID of the original instance in a clone task SrcInstanceId *string `json:"SrcInstanceId,omitempty" name:"SrcInstanceId"` // ID of the cloned instance in a clone task DstInstanceId *string `json:"DstInstanceId,omitempty" name:"DstInstanceId"` // Clone task ID CloneJobId *int64 `json:"CloneJobId,omitempty" name:"CloneJobId"` // The policy used in a clone task. Valid values: `timepoint` (roll back to a specific point in time), `backupset` (roll back by using a specific backup file). RollbackStrategy *string `json:"RollbackStrategy,omitempty" name:"RollbackStrategy"` // The point in time to which the cloned instance will be rolled back RollbackTargetTime *string `json:"RollbackTargetTime,omitempty" name:"RollbackTargetTime"` // Task start time StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Task end time EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Task status. Valid values: `initial`, `running`, `wait_complete`, `success`, `failed`. TaskStatus *string `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` }
type CloseWanServiceRequest ¶
type CloseWanServiceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewCloseWanServiceRequest ¶
func NewCloseWanServiceRequest() (request *CloseWanServiceRequest)
func (*CloseWanServiceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CloseWanServiceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CloseWanServiceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CloseWanServiceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CloseWanServiceResponse ¶
type CloseWanServiceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCloseWanServiceResponse ¶
func NewCloseWanServiceResponse() (response *CloseWanServiceResponse)
func (*CloseWanServiceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CloseWanServiceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CloseWanServiceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CloseWanServiceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ColumnPrivilege ¶
type ColumnPrivilege struct { // Database name Database *string `json:"Database,omitempty" name:"Database"` // Table name Table *string `json:"Table,omitempty" name:"Table"` // Column name Column *string `json:"Column,omitempty" name:"Column"` // Permission information Privileges []*string `json:"Privileges,omitempty" name:"Privileges"` }
type CommonTimeWindow ¶
type CommonTimeWindow struct { // Time window on Monday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Monday *string `json:"Monday,omitempty" name:"Monday"` // Time window on Tuesday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Tuesday *string `json:"Tuesday,omitempty" name:"Tuesday"` // Time window on Wednesday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Wednesday *string `json:"Wednesday,omitempty" name:"Wednesday"` // Time window on Thursday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Thursday *string `json:"Thursday,omitempty" name:"Thursday"` // Time window on Friday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Friday *string `json:"Friday,omitempty" name:"Friday"` // Time window on Saturday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Saturday *string `json:"Saturday,omitempty" name:"Saturday"` // Time window on Sunday in the format of 02:00-06:00 Sunday *string `json:"Sunday,omitempty" name:"Sunday"` }
type CreateAccountsRequest ¶
type CreateAccountsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // TencentDB account. Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` // Password of the new account Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty" name:"Password"` // Remarks Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Maximum connections of the new account. Default value: `10240`. Maximum value: `10240`. MaxUserConnections *int64 `json:"MaxUserConnections,omitempty" name:"MaxUserConnections"` }
func NewCreateAccountsRequest ¶
func NewCreateAccountsRequest() (request *CreateAccountsRequest)
func (*CreateAccountsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAccountsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAccountsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAccountsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAccountsResponse ¶
type CreateAccountsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAccountsResponse ¶
func NewCreateAccountsResponse() (response *CreateAccountsResponse)
func (*CreateAccountsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAccountsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAccountsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAccountsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAuditPolicyRequest ¶
type CreateAuditPolicyRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Audit policy name. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Audit rule ID. RuleId *string `json:"RuleId,omitempty" name:"RuleId"` // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed in the TencentDB console. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Retention period of audit logs. Valid values: // 7: seven days (a week); // 30: 30 days (a month); // 180: 180 days (six months); // 365: 365 days (a year); // 1095: 1095 days (three years); // 1825: 1825 days (five years). // This parameter specifies the retention period (30 days by default) of audit logs, which is valid when you create the first audit policy for an instance. If the instance already has audit policies, this parameter is invalid, but you can use the `ModifyAuditConfig` API to modify the retention period. LogExpireDay *int64 `json:"LogExpireDay,omitempty" name:"LogExpireDay"` }
func NewCreateAuditPolicyRequest ¶
func NewCreateAuditPolicyRequest() (request *CreateAuditPolicyRequest)
func (*CreateAuditPolicyRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAuditPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAuditPolicyRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAuditPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateAuditPolicyResponse ¶
type CreateAuditPolicyResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Audit policy ID. PolicyId *string `json:"PolicyId,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateAuditPolicyResponse ¶
func NewCreateAuditPolicyResponse() (response *CreateAuditPolicyResponse)
func (*CreateAuditPolicyResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAuditPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateAuditPolicyResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateAuditPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateBackupRequest ¶
type CreateBackupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Backup method of target instance. Value range: logical (logical cold backup), physical (physical cold backup). BackupMethod *string `json:"BackupMethod,omitempty" name:"BackupMethod"` // Information of the table to be backed up. If this parameter is not set, the entire instance will be backed up by default. It can be set only in logical backup (i.e., BackupMethod = logical). The specified table must exist; otherwise, backup may fail. // For example, if you want to backup tb1 and tb2 in db1 and the entire db2, you should set the parameter as [{"Db": "db1", "Table": "tb1"}, {"Db": "db1", "Table": "tb2"}, {"Db": "db2"} ]. BackupDBTableList []*BackupItem `json:"BackupDBTableList,omitempty" name:"BackupDBTableList"` }
func NewCreateBackupRequest ¶
func NewCreateBackupRequest() (request *CreateBackupRequest)
func (*CreateBackupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBackupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateBackupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBackupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateBackupResponse ¶
type CreateBackupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Backup task ID BackupId *uint64 `json:"BackupId,omitempty" name:"BackupId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateBackupResponse ¶
func NewCreateBackupResponse() (response *CreateBackupResponse)
func (*CreateBackupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBackupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateBackupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateBackupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCloneInstanceRequest ¶
type CreateCloneInstanceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the instance to be cloned from InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // To roll back the cloned instance to a specific point in time, set this parameter to a value in the format of "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". SpecifiedRollbackTime *string `json:"SpecifiedRollbackTime,omitempty" name:"SpecifiedRollbackTime"` // To roll back the cloned instance to a specific physical backup file, set this parameter to the ID of the physical backup file. The ID can be obtained by the [DescribeBackups]( API. SpecifiedBackupId *int64 `json:"SpecifiedBackupId,omitempty" name:"SpecifiedBackupId"` // VPC ID, which can be obtained by the [DescribeVpcs]( API. If this parameter is left empty, the classic network will be used by default. UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` // VPC subnet ID, which can be obtained by the [DescribeSubnets]( API. If `UniqVpcId` is set, `UniqSubnetId` will be required. UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // Memory of the cloned instance in MB, which should be equal to (by default) or larger than that of the original instance Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Disk capacity of the cloned instance in GB, which should be equal to (by default) or larger than that of the original instance Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // Name of the cloned instance InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Security group parameter, which can be obtained by the [DescribeProjectSecurityGroups]( API SecurityGroup []*string `json:"SecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroup"` // Information of the cloned instance tag ResourceTags []*TagInfo `json:"ResourceTags,omitempty" name:"ResourceTags"` // The number of CPU cores of the cloned instance. It should be equal to (by default) or larger than that of the original instance. Cpu *int64 `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Data replication mode. Valid values: 0 (async), 1 (semi-sync), 2 (strong sync). Default value: 0. ProtectMode *int64 `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // Multi-AZ or single-AZ. Valid values: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ). Default value: 0. DeployMode *int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // Availability zone information of replica 1 of the cloned instance, which is the same as the value of `Zone` of the original instance by default SlaveZone *string `json:"SlaveZone,omitempty" name:"SlaveZone"` // Availability zone information of replica 2 of the cloned instance, // which is left empty by default. Specify this parameter when cloning a strong sync source instance. BackupZone *string `json:"BackupZone,omitempty" name:"BackupZone"` // Resource isolation type of the clone. Valid values: `UNIVERSAL` (general instance), `EXCLUSIVE` (dedicated instance). Default value: `UNIVERSAL`. DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // The number of nodes of the clone. If this parameter is set to `3` or the `BackupZone` parameter is specified, the clone will have three nodes. If this parameter is set to `2` or left empty, the clone will have two nodes. InstanceNodes *int64 `json:"InstanceNodes,omitempty" name:"InstanceNodes"` }
func NewCreateCloneInstanceRequest ¶
func NewCreateCloneInstanceRequest() (request *CreateCloneInstanceRequest)
func (*CreateCloneInstanceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCloneInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCloneInstanceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCloneInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateCloneInstanceResponse ¶
type CreateCloneInstanceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // LimitAsync task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateCloneInstanceResponse ¶
func NewCreateCloneInstanceResponse() (response *CreateCloneInstanceResponse)
func (*CreateCloneInstanceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCloneInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateCloneInstanceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateCloneInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDBImportJobRequest ¶
type CreateDBImportJobRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Filename. The file should have already been uploaded to Tencent Cloud. FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty" name:"FileName"` // TencentDB username User *string `json:"User,omitempty" name:"User"` // Password of a TencentDB instance user account Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty" name:"Password"` // Name of the target database. If this parameter is not passed in, no database is specified. DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitempty" name:"DbName"` }
func NewCreateDBImportJobRequest ¶
func NewCreateDBImportJobRequest() (request *CreateDBImportJobRequest)
func (*CreateDBImportJobRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBImportJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDBImportJobRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBImportJobRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDBImportJobResponse ¶
type CreateDBImportJobResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDBImportJobResponse ¶
func NewCreateDBImportJobResponse() (response *CreateDBImportJobResponse)
func (*CreateDBImportJobResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBImportJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDBImportJobResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBImportJobResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDBInstanceHourRequest ¶
type CreateDBInstanceHourRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Number of instances. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 1. GoodsNum *int64 `json:"GoodsNum,omitempty" name:"GoodsNum"` // Instance memory size in MB. Please use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the supported memory specifications. Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Instance disk size in GB. Please use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the supported disk specifications. Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // MySQL version. Valid values: `5.5`, `5.6`, `5.7`, `8.0`. You can use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the supported versions. EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // VPC ID. If this parameter is not passed in, the basic network will be selected by default. Please use the [DescribeVpcs]( API to query the VPCs. UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` // VPC subnet ID. If `UniqVpcId` is set, then `UniqSubnetId` will be required. Please use the [DescribeSubnets]( API to query the subnet lists. UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // Project ID. If this is left empty, the default project will be used. Please use the [DescribeProject]( API to get the project ID. ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // AZ information. By default, the system will automatically select an AZ. Please use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the supported AZs. Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Instance ID, which is required and the same as the primary instance ID when purchasing read-only or disaster recovery instances. Please use the [DescribeDBInstances]( API to query the instance IDs. MasterInstanceId *string `json:"MasterInstanceId,omitempty" name:"MasterInstanceId"` // Instance type. Valid values: master (primary instance), dr (disaster recovery instance), ro (read-only instance). Default value: master. InstanceRole *string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty" name:"InstanceRole"` // AZ information of the primary instance, which is required for purchasing disaster recovery instances. MasterRegion *string `json:"MasterRegion,omitempty" name:"MasterRegion"` // Custom port. Value range: [1024-65535]. Port *int64 `json:"Port,omitempty" name:"Port"` // Sets the root account password. Rule: the password can contain 8-64 characters and must contain at least two of the following types of characters: letters, digits, and special symbols (_+-&=!@#$%^*()). This parameter can be specified when purchasing primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. Password *string `json:"Password,omitempty" name:"Password"` // List of parameters in the format of `ParamList.0.Name=auto_increment&ParamList.0.Value=1`. You can use the [DescribeDefaultParams]( API to query the configurable parameters. ParamList []*ParamInfo `json:"ParamList,omitempty" name:"ParamList"` // Data replication mode. Valid values: 0 (async), 1 (semi-sync), 2 (strong sync). Default value: 0. This parameter can be specified when purchasing primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. ProtectMode *int64 `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // Multi-AZ. Valid value: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ). Default value: 0. This parameter can be specified when purchasing primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. DeployMode *int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // AZ information of secondary database 1, which is the `Zone` value by default. This parameter can be specified when purchasing primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. SlaveZone *string `json:"SlaveZone,omitempty" name:"SlaveZone"` // The availability zone information of Replica 2, which is left empty by default. Specify this parameter when purchasing a source instance in the one-source-two-replica architecture. BackupZone *string `json:"BackupZone,omitempty" name:"BackupZone"` // Security group parameter. You can use the [DescribeProjectSecurityGroups]( API to query the security group details of a project. SecurityGroup []*string `json:"SecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroup"` // Read-only instance information. This parameter must be passed in when purchasing read-only instances. RoGroup *RoGroup `json:"RoGroup,omitempty" name:"RoGroup"` // This field is meaningless when purchasing pay-as-you-go instances. AutoRenewFlag *int64 `json:"AutoRenewFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoRenewFlag"` // Instance name. InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Instance tag information. ResourceTags []*TagInfo `json:"ResourceTags,omitempty" name:"ResourceTags"` // Placement group ID. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // A string that is used to guarantee the idempotency of the request, which is generated by the user and must be unique in each request on the same day. The maximum length is 64 ASCII characters. If this parameter is not specified, the idempotency of the request cannot be guaranteed. ClientToken *string `json:"ClientToken,omitempty" name:"ClientToken"` // Instance resource isolation type. Valid values: `UNIVERSAL` (general instance), `EXCLUSIVE` (dedicated instance), `BASIC` (basic instance). Default value: `UNIVERSAL`. DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // Parameter template ID. ParamTemplateId *int64 `json:"ParamTemplateId,omitempty" name:"ParamTemplateId"` // The array of alarm policy IDs. AlarmPolicyList []*int64 `json:"AlarmPolicyList,omitempty" name:"AlarmPolicyList"` // The number of nodes of the instance. To purchase a read-only replica or a basic instance, set this parameter to `1` or leave it empty. To purchase a three-node instance, set this parameter to `3` or specify the `BackupZone` parameter. If the instance to be purchased is a source instance and both `BackupZone` and this parameter are left empty, the value `2` will be used, which indicates the source instance will have two nodes. InstanceNodes *int64 `json:"InstanceNodes,omitempty" name:"InstanceNodes"` // The number of CPU cores of the instance. If this parameter is left empty, the number of CPU cores depends on the `Memory` value. Cpu *int64 `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Whether to automatically start disaster recovery synchronization. This parameter takes effect only for disaster recovery instances. Valid values: `0` (no), `1` (yes). AutoSyncFlag *int64 `json:"AutoSyncFlag,omitempty" name:"AutoSyncFlag"` // Financial cage ID. CageId *string `json:"CageId,omitempty" name:"CageId"` }
func NewCreateDBInstanceHourRequest ¶
func NewCreateDBInstanceHourRequest() (request *CreateDBInstanceHourRequest)
func (*CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBInstanceHourRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDBInstanceHourResponse ¶
type CreateDBInstanceHourResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Short order ID. DealIds []*string `json:"DealIds,omitempty" name:"DealIds"` // Instance ID list InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDBInstanceHourResponse ¶
func NewCreateDBInstanceHourResponse() (response *CreateDBInstanceHourResponse)
func (*CreateDBInstanceHourResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBInstanceHourResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDBInstanceHourResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDBInstanceHourResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDeployGroupRequest ¶
type CreateDeployGroupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Name of a placement group, which can contain up to 60 characters. DeployGroupName *string `json:"DeployGroupName,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupName"` // Description of a placement group, which can contain up to 200 characters. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Affinity policy of placement group. Currently, the value of this parameter can only be 1. Policy 1 indicates the upper limit of instances on one physical machine. Affinity []*int64 `json:"Affinity,omitempty" name:"Affinity"` // Upper limit of instances on one physical machine as defined in affinity policy 1 of placement group. LimitNum *int64 `json:"LimitNum,omitempty" name:"LimitNum"` // Model attribute of placement group. Valid values: SH12+SH02, TS85. DevClass []*string `json:"DevClass,omitempty" name:"DevClass"` }
func NewCreateDeployGroupRequest ¶
func NewCreateDeployGroupRequest() (request *CreateDeployGroupRequest)
func (*CreateDeployGroupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDeployGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDeployGroupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDeployGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateDeployGroupResponse ¶
type CreateDeployGroupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Placement group ID. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateDeployGroupResponse ¶
func NewCreateDeployGroupResponse() (response *CreateDeployGroupResponse)
func (*CreateDeployGroupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDeployGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateDeployGroupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateDeployGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateParamTemplateRequest ¶
type CreateParamTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Parameter template name. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Parameter template description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // MySQL version number. EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Source parameter template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // List of parameters. ParamList []*Parameter `json:"ParamList,omitempty" name:"ParamList"` }
func NewCreateParamTemplateRequest ¶
func NewCreateParamTemplateRequest() (request *CreateParamTemplateRequest)
func (*CreateParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateParamTemplateResponse ¶
type CreateParamTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Parameter template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateParamTemplateResponse ¶
func NewCreateParamTemplateResponse() (response *CreateParamTemplateResponse)
func (*CreateParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRoInstanceIpRequest ¶
type CreateRoInstanceIpRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Read-only instance ID in the format of "cdbro-3i70uj0k". Its value is the same as the read-only instance ID in the TencentDB Console. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Subnet descriptor, such as "subnet-1typ0s7d". UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // VPC descriptor, such as "vpc-a23yt67j". If this field is passed in, `UniqSubnetId` will be required. UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` }
func NewCreateRoInstanceIpRequest ¶
func NewCreateRoInstanceIpRequest() (request *CreateRoInstanceIpRequest)
func (*CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoInstanceIpRequest) ToJsonString() string
type CreateRoInstanceIpResponse ¶
type CreateRoInstanceIpResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // VPC ID of the read-only instance. RoVpcId *int64 `json:"RoVpcId,omitempty" name:"RoVpcId"` // Subnet ID of the read-only instance. RoSubnetId *int64 `json:"RoSubnetId,omitempty" name:"RoSubnetId"` // Private IP address of the read-only instance. RoVip *string `json:"RoVip,omitempty" name:"RoVip"` // Private port number of the read-only instance. RoVport *int64 `json:"RoVport,omitempty" name:"RoVport"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewCreateRoInstanceIpResponse ¶
func NewCreateRoInstanceIpResponse() (response *CreateRoInstanceIpResponse)
func (*CreateRoInstanceIpResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoInstanceIpResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*CreateRoInstanceIpResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *CreateRoInstanceIpResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DBSwitchInfo ¶
type DBSwitchInfo struct { // Switch time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2017-09-03 01:34:31 SwitchTime *string `json:"SwitchTime,omitempty" name:"SwitchTime"` // Switch type. Value range: TRANSFER (data migration), MASTER2SLAVE (primary/secondary switch), RECOVERY (primary/secondary recovery) SwitchType *string `json:"SwitchType,omitempty" name:"SwitchType"` }
type DatabaseName ¶
type DatabaseName struct { // Name of a database DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"` }
type DatabasePrivilege ¶
type DeleteAccountsRequest ¶
type DeleteAccountsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // TencentDB account. Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` }
func NewDeleteAccountsRequest ¶
func NewDeleteAccountsRequest() (request *DeleteAccountsRequest)
func (*DeleteAccountsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAccountsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAccountsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAccountsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteAccountsResponse ¶
type DeleteAccountsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteAccountsResponse ¶
func NewDeleteAccountsResponse() (response *DeleteAccountsResponse)
func (*DeleteAccountsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAccountsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteAccountsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteAccountsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteBackupRequest ¶
type DeleteBackupRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Backup task ID, which is the task ID returned by the [TencentDB instance backup creating API]( BackupId *int64 `json:"BackupId,omitempty" name:"BackupId"` }
func NewDeleteBackupRequest ¶
func NewDeleteBackupRequest() (request *DeleteBackupRequest)
func (*DeleteBackupRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBackupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteBackupRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBackupRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteBackupResponse ¶
type DeleteBackupResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteBackupResponse ¶
func NewDeleteBackupResponse() (response *DeleteBackupResponse)
func (*DeleteBackupResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBackupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteBackupResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteBackupResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDeployGroupsRequest ¶
type DeleteDeployGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // List of IDs of placement groups to be deleted. DeployGroupIds []*string `json:"DeployGroupIds,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupIds"` }
func NewDeleteDeployGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDeleteDeployGroupsRequest() (request *DeleteDeployGroupsRequest)
func (*DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDeployGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteDeployGroupsResponse ¶
type DeleteDeployGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteDeployGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDeleteDeployGroupsResponse() (response *DeleteDeployGroupsResponse)
func (*DeleteDeployGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDeployGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteDeployGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteDeployGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteParamTemplateRequest ¶
type DeleteParamTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Parameter template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` }
func NewDeleteParamTemplateRequest ¶
func NewDeleteParamTemplateRequest() (request *DeleteParamTemplateRequest)
func (*DeleteParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteParamTemplateResponse ¶
type DeleteParamTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteParamTemplateResponse ¶
func NewDeleteParamTemplateResponse() (response *DeleteParamTemplateResponse)
func (*DeleteParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteTimeWindowRequest ¶
type DeleteTimeWindowRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDeleteTimeWindowRequest ¶
func NewDeleteTimeWindowRequest() (request *DeleteTimeWindowRequest)
func (*DeleteTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DeleteTimeWindowResponse ¶
type DeleteTimeWindowResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDeleteTimeWindowResponse ¶
func NewDeleteTimeWindowResponse() (response *DeleteTimeWindowResponse)
func (*DeleteTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DeleteTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DeleteTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeployGroupInfo ¶
type DeployGroupInfo struct { // ID of a placement group. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // Name of a placement group. DeployGroupName *string `json:"DeployGroupName,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupName"` // Creation time. CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Instance quota of placement group, indicating the maximum number of instances that can be placed in one placement group. Quota *int64 `json:"Quota,omitempty" name:"Quota"` // Affinity policy of placement group. Currently, only policy 1 is supported, indicating to distribute instances across physical machines. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Affinity *string `json:"Affinity,omitempty" name:"Affinity"` // Upper limit of instances in one placement group on one physical machine as defined in affinity policy 1 of placement group. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LimitNum *int64 `json:"LimitNum,omitempty" name:"LimitNum"` // Placement group details. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Physical model attribute of placement group. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DevClass *string `json:"DevClass,omitempty" name:"DevClass"` }
type DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest ¶
type DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Database user account. User *string `json:"User,omitempty" name:"User"` // Database account domain name. Host *string `json:"Host,omitempty" name:"Host"` }
func NewDescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest() (request *DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest)
func (*DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse ¶
type DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Array of global permissions. GlobalPrivileges []*string `json:"GlobalPrivileges,omitempty" name:"GlobalPrivileges"` // Array of database permissions. DatabasePrivileges []*DatabasePrivilege `json:"DatabasePrivileges,omitempty" name:"DatabasePrivileges"` // Array of table permissions in the database. TablePrivileges []*TablePrivilege `json:"TablePrivileges,omitempty" name:"TablePrivileges"` // Array of column permissions in the table. ColumnPrivileges []*ColumnPrivilege `json:"ColumnPrivileges,omitempty" name:"ColumnPrivileges"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse() (response *DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse)
func (*DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAccountsRequest ¶
type DescribeAccountsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Record offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Regular expression for matching account names, which complies with the rules at MySQL official website. AccountRegexp *string `json:"AccountRegexp,omitempty" name:"AccountRegexp"` }
func NewDescribeAccountsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAccountsRequest() (request *DescribeAccountsRequest)
func (*DescribeAccountsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAccountsResponse ¶
type DescribeAccountsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible accounts. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Details of eligible accounts. Items []*AccountInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The maximum number of instance connections (set by the MySQL parameter `max_connections`) MaxUserConnections *int64 `json:"MaxUserConnections,omitempty" name:"MaxUserConnections"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAccountsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAccountsResponse() (response *DescribeAccountsResponse)
func (*DescribeAccountsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAccountsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAccountsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest ¶
type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Async task request ID. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` }
func NewDescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest ¶
func NewDescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest() (request *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest)
func (*DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse ¶
type DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Task execution result. Valid values: INITIAL, RUNNING, SUCCESS, FAILED, KILLED, REMOVED, PAUSED. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Task execution information. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Info *string `json:"Info,omitempty" name:"Info"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse ¶
func NewDescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse() (response *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse)
func (*DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeAsyncRequestInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupConfigRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupConfigRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeBackupConfigRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupConfigRequest() (request *DescribeBackupConfigRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupConfigRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupConfigRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupConfigResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupConfigResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Earliest start time point of automatic backup, such as 2 (for 2:00 AM). (This field has been disused. You are recommended to use the `BackupTimeWindow` field) StartTimeMin *int64 `json:"StartTimeMin,omitempty" name:"StartTimeMin"` // Latest start time point of automatic backup, such as 6 (for 6:00 AM). (This field has been disused. You are recommended to use the `BackupTimeWindow` field) StartTimeMax *int64 `json:"StartTimeMax,omitempty" name:"StartTimeMax"` // Backup file retention period in days. BackupExpireDays *int64 `json:"BackupExpireDays,omitempty" name:"BackupExpireDays"` // Backup mode. Value range: physical, logical BackupMethod *string `json:"BackupMethod,omitempty" name:"BackupMethod"` // Binlog file retention period in days. BinlogExpireDays *int64 `json:"BinlogExpireDays,omitempty" name:"BinlogExpireDays"` // Time window for automatic instance backup. BackupTimeWindow *CommonTimeWindow `json:"BackupTimeWindow,omitempty" name:"BackupTimeWindow"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupConfigResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupConfigResponse() (response *DescribeBackupConfigResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupConfigResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupConfigResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2017-07-12 10:29:20. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Prefix of the database to be queried. SearchDatabase *string `json:"SearchDatabase,omitempty" name:"SearchDatabase"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-2,000. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBackupDatabasesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupDatabasesRequest() (request *DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupDatabasesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of the returned data entries. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Array of eligible databases. Items []*DatabaseName `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupDatabasesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupDatabasesResponse() (response *DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupDatabasesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupOverviewRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupOverviewRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // TencentDB product type to be queried. Currently, only `mysql` is supported. Product *string `json:"Product,omitempty" name:"Product"` }
func NewDescribeBackupOverviewRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupOverviewRequest() (request *DescribeBackupOverviewRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupOverviewResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupOverviewResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total number of backups of a user in the current region (including data backups and log backups). BackupCount *int64 `json:"BackupCount,omitempty" name:"BackupCount"` // Total capacity of backups of a user in the current region. BackupVolume *int64 `json:"BackupVolume,omitempty" name:"BackupVolume"` // Paid capacity of backups of a user in the current region, i.e., capacity that exceeds the free tier. BillingVolume *int64 `json:"BillingVolume,omitempty" name:"BillingVolume"` // Backup capacity in the free tier of a user in the current region. FreeVolume *int64 `json:"FreeVolume,omitempty" name:"FreeVolume"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupOverviewResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupOverviewResponse() (response *DescribeBackupOverviewResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupSummariesRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupSummariesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // TencentDB product type to be queried. Currently, only `mysql` is supported. Product *string `json:"Product,omitempty" name:"Product"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Paginated query limit. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Sorting criterion. Valid values: BackupVolume (backup capacity), DataBackupVolume (data backup capacity), BinlogBackupVolume (log backup capacity), AutoBackupVolume (automatic backup capacity), ManualBackupVolume (manual backup capacity). OrderBy *string `json:"OrderBy,omitempty" name:"OrderBy"` // Sorting order. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending). OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` }
func NewDescribeBackupSummariesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupSummariesRequest() (request *DescribeBackupSummariesRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupSummariesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupSummariesResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupSummariesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Statistical items of instance backup. Items []*BackupSummaryItem `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // Total number of instance backups. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupSummariesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupSummariesResponse() (response *DescribeBackupSummariesResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupSummariesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupSummariesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupSummariesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupSummariesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupTablesRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupTablesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2017-07-12 10:29:20. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Specified database name. DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"` // Prefix of the table to be queried. SearchTable *string `json:"SearchTable,omitempty" name:"SearchTable"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-2,000. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBackupTablesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupTablesRequest() (request *DescribeBackupTablesRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupTablesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupTablesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupTablesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupTablesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupTablesResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupTablesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of the returned data entries. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Array of eligible tables. Items []*TableName `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupTablesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupTablesResponse() (response *DescribeBackupTablesResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupTablesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupTablesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupTablesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupTablesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupsRequest ¶
type DescribeBackupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Offset. Minimum value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBackupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBackupsRequest() (request *DescribeBackupsRequest)
func (*DescribeBackupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBackupsResponse ¶
type DescribeBackupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Details of eligible backups. Items []*BackupInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBackupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBackupsResponse() (response *DescribeBackupsResponse)
func (*DescribeBackupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBackupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBackupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest ¶
type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // TencentDB product type to be queried. Currently, only `mysql` is supported. Product *string `json:"Product,omitempty" name:"Product"` }
func NewDescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest() (request *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest)
func (*DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse ¶
type DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total capacity of log backups in bytes. BinlogBackupVolume *int64 `json:"BinlogBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"BinlogBackupVolume"` // Total number of log backups. BinlogBackupCount *int64 `json:"BinlogBackupCount,omitempty" name:"BinlogBackupCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse() (response *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse)
func (*DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBinlogsRequest ¶
type DescribeBinlogsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Offset. Minimum value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeBinlogsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeBinlogsRequest() (request *DescribeBinlogsRequest)
func (*DescribeBinlogsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBinlogsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeBinlogsResponse ¶
type DescribeBinlogsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible log files. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Number of eligible binlog files. Items []*BinlogInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeBinlogsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeBinlogsResponse() (response *DescribeBinlogsResponse)
func (*DescribeBinlogsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeBinlogsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeBinlogsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCloneListRequest ¶
type DescribeCloneListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the original instance. This parameter is used to query the clone task list of a specific original instance. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Paginated query offset. Default value: `0`. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results per page. Default value: `20`. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeCloneListRequest ¶
func NewDescribeCloneListRequest() (request *DescribeCloneListRequest)
func (*DescribeCloneListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCloneListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCloneListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCloneListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeCloneListResponse ¶
type DescribeCloneListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The number of results which meet the conditions TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Clone task list Items []*CloneItem `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeCloneListResponse ¶
func NewDescribeCloneListResponse() (response *DescribeCloneListResponse)
func (*DescribeCloneListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCloneListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeCloneListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeCloneListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest ¶
type DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-01-01 00:00:01. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // End time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-01-01 23:59:59. EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Pagination parameter indicating the offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Pagination parameter indicating the number of results to be returned for a single request. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeDBImportRecordsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBImportRecordsRequest() (request *DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest)
func (*DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBImportRecordsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse ¶
type DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible import task operation logs. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // List of import operation records. Items []*ImportRecord `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBImportRecordsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBImportRecordsResponse() (response *DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse)
func (*DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBImportRecordsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Default character set of the instance, such as "latin1" and "utf8". Charset *string `json:"Charset,omitempty" name:"Charset"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceCharsetResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Data protection mode of the primary instance. Value range: 0 (async replication), 1 (semi-sync replication), 2 (strong sync replication). ProtectMode *int64 `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // Master instance deployment mode. Value range: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ) DeployMode *int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // Instance AZ information in the format of "ap-shanghai-1". Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Configurations of the replica node // Note: `null` may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SlaveConfig *SlaveConfig `json:"SlaveConfig,omitempty" name:"SlaveConfig"` // Configurations of the second replica node of a strong-sync instance // Note: `null` may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. BackupConfig *BackupConfig `json:"BackupConfig,omitempty" name:"BackupConfig"` // This parameter is only available for multi-AZ instances. It indicates whether the source AZ is the same as the one specified upon purchase. `true`: not the same, `false`: the same. Switched *bool `json:"Switched,omitempty" name:"Switched"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // GTID enablement flag. Value range: 0 (not enabled), 1 (enabled). IsGTIDOpen *int64 `json:"IsGTIDOpen,omitempty" name:"IsGTIDOpen"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceGTIDResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Instance name. InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Whether encryption is enabled. YES: enabled, NO: not enabled. Encryption *string `json:"Encryption,omitempty" name:"Encryption"` // Encryption key ID. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. KeyId *string `json:"KeyId,omitempty" name:"KeyId"` // Key region. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. KeyRegion *string `json:"KeyRegion,omitempty" name:"KeyRegion"` // The default region of the KMS service currently used by the TencentDB backend service. // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid value can be found. DefaultKmsRegion *string `json:"DefaultKmsRegion,omitempty" name:"DefaultKmsRegion"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Returned parameter information. Items []*InstanceRebootTime `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstanceRebootTimeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstancesRequest ¶
type DescribeDBInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Project ID. You can use the [project list querying API]( to query the project ID. ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Instance type. Value range: 1 (primary), 2 (disaster recovery), 3 (read-only). InstanceTypes []*uint64 `json:"InstanceTypes,omitempty" name:"InstanceTypes"` // Private IP address of the instance. Vips []*string `json:"Vips,omitempty" name:"Vips"` // Instance status. Value range: <br>0 - creating <br>1 - running <br>4 - isolating <br>5 - isolated (the instance can be restored and started in the recycle bin) Status []*uint64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 2,000. Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Security group ID. When it is used as a filter, the `WithSecurityGroup` parameter should be set to 1. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Billing method. Value range: 0 (monthly subscribed), 1 (hourly). PayTypes []*uint64 `json:"PayTypes,omitempty" name:"PayTypes"` // Instance name. InstanceNames []*string `json:"InstanceNames,omitempty" name:"InstanceNames"` // Instance task status. Valid values: <br>0 - no task <br>1 - upgrading <br>2 - importing data <br>3 - enabling secondary instance access <br>4 - enabling public network access <br>5 - batch operation in progress <br>6 - rolling back <br>7 - disabling public network access <br>8 - modifying password <br>9 - renaming instance <br>10 - restarting <br>12 - migrating self-built database <br>13 - dropping tables <br>14 - Disaster recovery instance creating sync task <br>15 - waiting for switch <br>16 - switching <br>17 - upgrade and switch completed <br>19 - parameter settings to be executed TaskStatus []*uint64 `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // Version of the instance database engine. Value range: 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7. EngineVersions []*string `json:"EngineVersions,omitempty" name:"EngineVersions"` // VPC ID. VpcIds []*uint64 `json:"VpcIds,omitempty" name:"VpcIds"` // AZ ID. ZoneIds []*uint64 `json:"ZoneIds,omitempty" name:"ZoneIds"` // Subnet ID. SubnetIds []*uint64 `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty" name:"SubnetIds"` // Lock flag. CdbErrors []*int64 `json:"CdbErrors,omitempty" name:"CdbErrors"` // Sort by field of the returned result set. Currently, supported values include "InstanceId", "InstanceName", "CreateTime", and "DeadlineTime". OrderBy *string `json:"OrderBy,omitempty" name:"OrderBy"` // Sorting method of the returned result set. Currently, "ASC" or "DESC" is supported. OrderDirection *string `json:"OrderDirection,omitempty" name:"OrderDirection"` // Whether security group ID is used as a filter WithSecurityGroup *int64 `json:"WithSecurityGroup,omitempty" name:"WithSecurityGroup"` // Whether dedicated cluster details are included. Value range: 0 (not included), 1 (included) WithExCluster *int64 `json:"WithExCluster,omitempty" name:"WithExCluster"` // Exclusive cluster ID. ExClusterId *string `json:"ExClusterId,omitempty" name:"ExClusterId"` // Instance ID. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // Initialization flag. Value range: 0 (not initialized), 1 (initialized). InitFlag *int64 `json:"InitFlag,omitempty" name:"InitFlag"` // Whether instances corresponding to the disaster recovery relationship are included. Valid values: 0 (not included), 1 (included). Default value: 1. If a primary instance is pulled, the data of the disaster recovery relationship will be in the `DrInfo` field. If a disaster recovery instance is pulled, the data of the disaster recovery relationship will be in the `MasterInfo` field. The disaster recovery relationship contains only partial basic data. To get the detailed data, you need to call an API to pull it. WithDr *int64 `json:"WithDr,omitempty" name:"WithDr"` // Whether read-only instances are included. Valid values: 0 (not included), 1 (included). Default value: 1. WithRo *int64 `json:"WithRo,omitempty" name:"WithRo"` // Whether primary instances are included. Valid values: 0 (not included), 1 (included). Default value: 1. WithMaster *int64 `json:"WithMaster,omitempty" name:"WithMaster"` // Placement group ID list. DeployGroupIds []*string `json:"DeployGroupIds,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupIds"` // Whether to use the tag key as a filter condition TagKeysForSearch []*string `json:"TagKeysForSearch,omitempty" name:"TagKeysForSearch"` // Financial cage IDs. CageIds []*string `json:"CageIds,omitempty" name:"CageIds"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstancesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeDBInstancesRequest)
func (*DescribeDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBInstancesResponse ¶
type DescribeDBInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Instance details. Items []*InstanceInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBInstancesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeDBInstancesResponse)
func (*DescribeDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // This parameter takes effect only when the ID of read-only replica is passed in. If this parameter is set to `False` or left empty, the security groups bound with the RO group of the read-only replica will be queried. If this parameter is set to `True`, the security groups bound with the read-only replica itself will be queried. ForReadonlyInstance *bool `json:"ForReadonlyInstance,omitempty" name:"ForReadonlyInstance"` }
func NewDescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Security group details. Groups []*SecurityGroup `json:"Groups,omitempty" name:"Groups"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest ¶
type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-2,000. Default value: 50. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest() (request *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest)
func (*DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse ¶
type DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of instance switches. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Details of instance switches. Items []*DBSwitchInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse() (response *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse)
func (*DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBSwitchRecordsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest ¶
type DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest struct {
func NewDescribeDBZoneConfigRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDBZoneConfigRequest() (request *DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest)
func (*DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBZoneConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse ¶
type DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of configurations in purchasable regions TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Details of configurations in purchasable regions Items []*RegionSellConf `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDBZoneConfigResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDBZoneConfigResponse() (response *DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse)
func (*DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDBZoneConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest ¶
type DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // TencentDB product type to be queried. Currently, only `mysql` is supported. Product *string `json:"Product,omitempty" name:"Product"` }
func NewDescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest() (request *DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest)
func (*DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDataBackupOverviewRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse ¶
type DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Total capacity of data backups in bytes in the current region (including automatic backups and manual backups). DataBackupVolume *int64 `json:"DataBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"DataBackupVolume"` // Total number of data backups in the current region. DataBackupCount *int64 `json:"DataBackupCount,omitempty" name:"DataBackupCount"` // Total capacity of automatic backups in the current region. AutoBackupVolume *int64 `json:"AutoBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"AutoBackupVolume"` // Total number of automatic backups in the current region. AutoBackupCount *int64 `json:"AutoBackupCount,omitempty" name:"AutoBackupCount"` // Total capacity of manual backups in the current region. ManualBackupVolume *int64 `json:"ManualBackupVolume,omitempty" name:"ManualBackupVolume"` // Total number of manual backups in the current region. ManualBackupCount *int64 `json:"ManualBackupCount,omitempty" name:"ManualBackupCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse() (response *DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse)
func (*DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDataBackupOverviewResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDatabasesRequest ¶
type DescribeDatabasesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Offset. Minimum value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Value range: 1-100. Maximum value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Regular expression for matching database names. DatabaseRegexp *string `json:"DatabaseRegexp,omitempty" name:"DatabaseRegexp"` }
func NewDescribeDatabasesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDatabasesRequest() (request *DescribeDatabasesRequest)
func (*DescribeDatabasesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDatabasesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDatabasesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDatabasesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDatabasesResponse ¶
type DescribeDatabasesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Information of an instance. Items []*string `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // Database name and character set DatabaseList []*DatabasesWithCharacterLists `json:"DatabaseList,omitempty" name:"DatabaseList"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDatabasesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDatabasesResponse() (response *DescribeDatabasesResponse)
func (*DescribeDatabasesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDatabasesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDatabasesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDatabasesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDefaultParamsRequest ¶
type DescribeDefaultParamsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // MySQL version. Currently, the supported versions are ["5.1", "5.5", "5.6", "5.7"]. EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` }
func NewDescribeDefaultParamsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDefaultParamsRequest() (request *DescribeDefaultParamsRequest)
func (*DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDefaultParamsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDefaultParamsResponse ¶
type DescribeDefaultParamsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of parameters TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Parameter details. Items []*ParameterDetail `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDefaultParamsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDefaultParamsResponse() (response *DescribeDefaultParamsResponse)
func (*DescribeDefaultParamsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDefaultParamsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDefaultParamsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDefaultParamsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDeployGroupListRequest ¶
type DescribeDeployGroupListRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of a placement group. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // Name of a placement group. DeployGroupName *string `json:"DeployGroupName,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupName"` // Number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` }
func NewDescribeDeployGroupListRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDeployGroupListRequest() (request *DescribeDeployGroupListRequest)
func (*DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeployGroupListRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDeployGroupListResponse ¶
type DescribeDeployGroupListResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible entries. Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // List of returned results. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Items []*DeployGroupInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDeployGroupListResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDeployGroupListResponse() (response *DescribeDeployGroupListResponse)
func (*DescribeDeployGroupListResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeployGroupListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDeployGroupListResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeployGroupListResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest ¶
type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // This parameter is used to return the monitoring data of Count 5-minute time periods on the day. Value range: 1-288. If this parameter is not passed in, all monitoring data in a 5-minute granularity on the day will be returned by default. Count *uint64 `json:"Count,omitempty" name:"Count"` }
func NewDescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest ¶
func NewDescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest() (request *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest)
func (*DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse ¶
type DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // CPU monitoring data of the instance Cpu *DeviceCpuInfo `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Memory monitoring data of the instance Mem *DeviceMemInfo `json:"Mem,omitempty" name:"Mem"` // Network monitoring data of the instance Net *DeviceNetInfo `json:"Net,omitempty" name:"Net"` // Disk monitoring data of the instance Disk *DeviceDiskInfo `json:"Disk,omitempty" name:"Disk"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse ¶
func NewDescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse() (response *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse)
func (*DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeDeviceMonitorInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeErrorLogDataRequest ¶
type DescribeErrorLogDataRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Start timestamp. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // End timestamp. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // List of keywords to match. Up to 15 keywords are supported. KeyWords []*string `json:"KeyWords,omitempty" name:"KeyWords"` // The number of results per page in paginated queries. Default value: 100. Maximum value: 400. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // This parameter is valid only for source or disaster recovery instances. Valid value: `slave`, which indicates pulling logs from the replica. InstType *string `json:"InstType,omitempty" name:"InstType"` }
func NewDescribeErrorLogDataRequest ¶
func NewDescribeErrorLogDataRequest() (request *DescribeErrorLogDataRequest)
func (*DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeErrorLogDataRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeErrorLogDataResponse ¶
type DescribeErrorLogDataResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible entries. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Returned result. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Items []*ErrlogItem `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeErrorLogDataResponse ¶
func NewDescribeErrorLogDataResponse() (response *DescribeErrorLogDataResponse)
func (*DescribeErrorLogDataResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeErrorLogDataResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeErrorLogDataResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeErrorLogDataResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest ¶
type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest)
func (*DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse ¶
type DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible records. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Parameter modification records. Items []*ParamRecord `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse)
func (*DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamRecordsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeInstanceParamsRequest ¶
type DescribeInstanceParamsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeInstanceParamsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeInstanceParamsRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceParamsRequest)
func (*DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeInstanceParamsResponse ¶
type DescribeInstanceParamsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of instance parameters. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Parameter details. Items []*ParameterDetail `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeInstanceParamsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeInstanceParamsResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceParamsResponse)
func (*DescribeInstanceParamsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeInstanceParamsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeInstanceParamsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest ¶
type DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Parameter template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` }
func NewDescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest ¶
func NewDescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest() (request *DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest)
func (*DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplateInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse ¶
type DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Parameter template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // Parameter template name. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Database engine version specified in the parameter template EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Number of parameters in the parameter template TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Parameter details Items []*ParameterDetail `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // Parameter template description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse ¶
func NewDescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse() (response *DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse)
func (*DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplateInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeParamTemplatesRequest ¶
type DescribeParamTemplatesRequest struct {
func NewDescribeParamTemplatesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeParamTemplatesRequest() (request *DescribeParamTemplatesRequest)
func (*DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplatesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeParamTemplatesResponse ¶
type DescribeParamTemplatesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of parameter templates of the user. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Parameter template details. Items []*ParamTemplateInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeParamTemplatesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeParamTemplatesResponse() (response *DescribeParamTemplatesResponse)
func (*DescribeParamTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplatesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeParamTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeParamTemplatesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Project ID. ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` }
func NewDescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Security group details. Groups []*SecurityGroup `json:"Groups,omitempty" name:"Groups"` // Number of security group rules TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeProjectSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoGroupsRequest ¶
type DescribeRoGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of `cdb-c1nl9rpv` or `cdb-c1nl9rpv`. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeRoGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRoGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeRoGroupsRequest)
func (*DescribeRoGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoGroupsResponse ¶
type DescribeRoGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // RO group information array. An instance can be associated with multiple RO groups. RoGroups []*RoGroup `json:"RoGroups,omitempty" name:"RoGroups"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRoGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRoGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeRoGroupsResponse)
func (*DescribeRoGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoMinScaleRequest ¶
type DescribeRoMinScaleRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Read-only instance ID in the format of "cdbro-c1nl9rpv". Its value is the same as the instance ID in the TencentDB Console. This parameter and the `MasterInstanceId` parameter cannot both be empty. RoInstanceId *string `json:"RoInstanceId,omitempty" name:"RoInstanceId"` // Primary instance ID in the format of "cdbro-c1nl9rpv". Its value is the same as the instance ID in the TencentDB Console. This parameter and the `RoInstanceId` parameter cannot both be empty. Note: when the parameters are passed in with `RoInstanceId`, the return value refers to the minimum specification to which a read-only instance can be upgraded; when the parameters are passed in with `MasterInstanceId` but without `RoInstanceId`, the return value refers to the minimum purchasable specification for a read-only instance. MasterInstanceId *string `json:"MasterInstanceId,omitempty" name:"MasterInstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeRoMinScaleRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRoMinScaleRequest() (request *DescribeRoMinScaleRequest)
func (*DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoMinScaleRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRoMinScaleResponse ¶
type DescribeRoMinScaleResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Memory size in MB. Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Disk size in GB. Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRoMinScaleResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRoMinScaleResponse() (response *DescribeRoMinScaleResponse)
func (*DescribeRoMinScaleResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoMinScaleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRoMinScaleResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRoMinScaleResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest ¶
type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID list. An instance ID is in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv, which is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewDescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest() (request *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest)
func (*DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse ¶
type DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Returned parameter information. Items []*InstanceRollbackRangeTime `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse() (response *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse)
func (*DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackRangeTimeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest ¶
type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID, which is the same as the instance ID displayed in the TencentDB Console. You can use the [DescribeDBInstances API]( to query the ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Async task ID. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // Pagination parameter, i.e., the number of entries to be returned for a single request. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Pagination offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` }
func NewDescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest ¶
func NewDescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest() (request *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest)
func (*DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse ¶
type DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible entries. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Rollback task details. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Items []*RollbackTask `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse ¶
func NewDescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse() (response *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse)
func (*DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeRollbackTaskDetailResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSlowLogDataRequest ¶
type DescribeSlowLogDataRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Start timestamp. StartTime *uint64 `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // End timestamp. EndTime *uint64 `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Client `Host` list. UserHosts []*string `json:"UserHosts,omitempty" name:"UserHosts"` // Client username list. UserNames []*string `json:"UserNames,omitempty" name:"UserNames"` // Accessed database list. DataBases []*string `json:"DataBases,omitempty" name:"DataBases"` // Sort by field. Valid values: Timestamp, QueryTime, LockTime, RowsExamined, RowsSent. SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitempty" name:"SortBy"` // Sorting order. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending). OrderBy *string `json:"OrderBy,omitempty" name:"OrderBy"` // Offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // The number of results per page in paginated queries. Default value: 100. Maximum value: 400. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // This parameter is valid only for source or disaster recovery instances. Valid value: `slave`, which indicates pulling logs from the replica. InstType *string `json:"InstType,omitempty" name:"InstType"` }
func NewDescribeSlowLogDataRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSlowLogDataRequest() (request *DescribeSlowLogDataRequest)
func (*DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogDataRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSlowLogDataResponse ¶
type DescribeSlowLogDataResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible entries. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Queried results. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Items []*SlowLogItem `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSlowLogDataResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSlowLogDataResponse() (response *DescribeSlowLogDataResponse)
func (*DescribeSlowLogDataResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogDataResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSlowLogDataResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogDataResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSlowLogsRequest ¶
type DescribeSlowLogsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Offset. Minimum value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Value range: 1-100. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeSlowLogsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSlowLogsRequest() (request *DescribeSlowLogsRequest)
func (*DescribeSlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSlowLogsResponse ¶
type DescribeSlowLogsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible slow logs. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Details of eligible slow logs. Items []*SlowLogInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSlowLogsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSlowLogsResponse() (response *DescribeSlowLogsResponse)
func (*DescribeSlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSlowLogsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest ¶
type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest() (request *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest)
func (*DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse ¶
type DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Global permissions supported by the instance GlobalSupportedPrivileges []*string `json:"GlobalSupportedPrivileges,omitempty" name:"GlobalSupportedPrivileges"` // Database permissions supported by the instance. DatabaseSupportedPrivileges []*string `json:"DatabaseSupportedPrivileges,omitempty" name:"DatabaseSupportedPrivileges"` // Table permissions supported by the instance. TableSupportedPrivileges []*string `json:"TableSupportedPrivileges,omitempty" name:"TableSupportedPrivileges"` // Column permissions supported by the instance. ColumnSupportedPrivileges []*string `json:"ColumnSupportedPrivileges,omitempty" name:"ColumnSupportedPrivileges"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse() (response *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse)
func (*DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeSupportedPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTablesRequest ¶
type DescribeTablesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Database name. Database *string `json:"Database,omitempty" name:"Database"` // Record offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 2,000. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Regular expression for matching table names, which complies with the rules at MySQL's official website TableRegexp *string `json:"TableRegexp,omitempty" name:"TableRegexp"` }
func NewDescribeTablesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeTablesRequest() (request *DescribeTablesRequest)
func (*DescribeTablesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTablesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTablesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTablesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTablesResponse ¶
type DescribeTablesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible tables. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Information of a table. Items []*string `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeTablesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeTablesResponse() (response *DescribeTablesResponse)
func (*DescribeTablesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTablesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTablesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTablesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest ¶
type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // List of instances. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest ¶
func NewDescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest() (request *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest)
func (*DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse ¶
type DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Pagination offset. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of entries per page. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` // Instance tag information. Rows []*TagsInfoOfInstance `json:"Rows,omitempty" name:"Rows"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse ¶
func NewDescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse() (response *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse)
func (*DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTagsOfInstanceIdsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTasksRequest ¶
type DescribeTasksRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // ID of an async task request, i.e., `AsyncRequestId` returned by relevant TencentDB operations. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // Task type. If no value is passed in, all task types will be queried. Valid values: // 1 - rolling back a database; // 2 - performing an SQL operation; // 3 - importing data; // 5 - setting a parameter; // 6 - initializing a TencentDB instance; // 7 - restarting a TencentDB instance; // 8 - enabling GTID of a TencentDB instance; // 9 - upgrading a read-only instance; // 10 - rolling back databases in batches; // 11 - upgrading a primary instance; // 12 - deleting a TencentDB table; // 13 - promoting a disaster recovery instance. TaskTypes []*int64 `json:"TaskTypes,omitempty" name:"TaskTypes"` // Task status. If no value is passed in, all task statuses will be queried. Valid values: // -1 - undefined; // 0 - initializing; // 1 - running; // 2 - succeeded; // 3 - failed; // 4 - terminated; // 5 - deleted; // 6 - paused. TaskStatus []*int64 `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // Start time of the first task in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2017-12-31 10:40:01. It is used for queries by time range. StartTimeBegin *string `json:"StartTimeBegin,omitempty" name:"StartTimeBegin"` // End time of the last task in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2017-12-31 10:40:01. It is used for queries by time range. StartTimeEnd *string `json:"StartTimeEnd,omitempty" name:"StartTimeEnd"` // Record offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeTasksRequest ¶
func NewDescribeTasksRequest() (request *DescribeTasksRequest)
func (*DescribeTasksRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTasksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTasksRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTasksRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTasksResponse ¶
type DescribeTasksResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible instances. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // Information of an instance task. Items []*TaskDetail `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeTasksResponse ¶
func NewDescribeTasksResponse() (response *DescribeTasksResponse)
func (*DescribeTasksResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTasksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTasksResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTasksResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTimeWindowRequest ¶
type DescribeTimeWindowRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewDescribeTimeWindowRequest ¶
func NewDescribeTimeWindowRequest() (request *DescribeTimeWindowRequest)
func (*DescribeTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeTimeWindowResponse ¶
type DescribeTimeWindowResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // List of maintenance time windows on Monday. Monday []*string `json:"Monday,omitempty" name:"Monday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Tuesday. Tuesday []*string `json:"Tuesday,omitempty" name:"Tuesday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Wednesday. Wednesday []*string `json:"Wednesday,omitempty" name:"Wednesday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Thursday. Thursday []*string `json:"Thursday,omitempty" name:"Thursday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Friday. Friday []*string `json:"Friday,omitempty" name:"Friday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Saturday. Saturday []*string `json:"Saturday,omitempty" name:"Saturday"` // List of maintenance time windows on Sunday. Sunday []*string `json:"Sunday,omitempty" name:"Sunday"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeTimeWindowResponse ¶
func NewDescribeTimeWindowResponse() (response *DescribeTimeWindowResponse)
func (*DescribeTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeUploadedFilesRequest ¶
type DescribeUploadedFilesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // File path. `OwnerUin` information of the root account should be entered in this field. Path *string `json:"Path,omitempty" name:"Path"` // Record offset. Default value: 0. Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitempty" name:"Offset"` // Number of results to be returned for a single request. Default value: 20. Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitempty" name:"Limit"` }
func NewDescribeUploadedFilesRequest ¶
func NewDescribeUploadedFilesRequest() (request *DescribeUploadedFilesRequest)
func (*DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUploadedFilesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DescribeUploadedFilesResponse ¶
type DescribeUploadedFilesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Number of eligible SQL files. TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"` // List of returned SQL files. Items []*SqlFileInfo `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDescribeUploadedFilesResponse ¶
func NewDescribeUploadedFilesResponse() (response *DescribeUploadedFilesResponse)
func (*DescribeUploadedFilesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUploadedFilesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DescribeUploadedFilesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DescribeUploadedFilesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DeviceCpuInfo ¶
type DeviceCpuInfo struct { // Average instance CPU utilization Rate []*DeviceCpuRateInfo `json:"Rate,omitempty" name:"Rate"` // CPU monitoring data of the instance Load []*int64 `json:"Load,omitempty" name:"Load"` }
type DeviceCpuRateInfo ¶
type DeviceDiskInfo ¶
type DeviceDiskInfo struct { // Time percentage of IO operations per second IoRatioPerSec []*int64 `json:"IoRatioPerSec,omitempty" name:"IoRatioPerSec"` // Average wait time of device I/O operations * 100 in milliseconds. For example, if the value is 201, the average wait time of I/O operations is 201/100 = 2.1 milliseconds. IoWaitTime []*int64 `json:"IoWaitTime,omitempty" name:"IoWaitTime"` // Average number of read operations completed by the disk per second * 100. For example, if the value is 2,002, the average number of read operations completed by the disk per second is 2,002/100=20.2. Read []*int64 `json:"Read,omitempty" name:"Read"` // Average number of write operations completed by the disk per second * 100. For example, if the value is 30,001, the average number of write operations completed by the disk per second is 30,001/100=300.01. Write []*int64 `json:"Write,omitempty" name:"Write"` // Disk capacity. Each value is comprised of two data, with the first data representing the used capacity and the second one representing the total disk capacity. CapacityRatio []*int64 `json:"CapacityRatio,omitempty" name:"CapacityRatio"` }
type DeviceMemInfo ¶
type DeviceMemInfo struct { // Total memory size in KB, which is the value of `total` in the `Mem:` in the `free` command Total []*int64 `json:"Total,omitempty" name:"Total"` // Used memory size in KB, which is the value of `used` in the `Mem:` row in the `free` command Used []*int64 `json:"Used,omitempty" name:"Used"` }
type DeviceNetInfo ¶
type DeviceNetInfo struct { // Number of TCP connections Conn []*int64 `json:"Conn,omitempty" name:"Conn"` // ENI inbound packets per second PackageIn []*int64 `json:"PackageIn,omitempty" name:"PackageIn"` // ENI outbound packets per second PackageOut []*int64 `json:"PackageOut,omitempty" name:"PackageOut"` // Inbound traffic in Kbps FlowIn []*int64 `json:"FlowIn,omitempty" name:"FlowIn"` // Outbound traffic in Kbps FlowOut []*int64 `json:"FlowOut,omitempty" name:"FlowOut"` }
type DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Security group ID. SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // List of instance IDs, which is an array of one or more instance IDs. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // This parameter takes effect only when the IDs of read-only replicas are passed in. If this parameter is set to `False` or left empty, the security group will be unbound from the RO groups of these read-only replicas. If this parameter is set to `True`, the security group will be unbound from the read-only replicas themselves. ForReadonlyInstance *bool `json:"ForReadonlyInstance,omitempty" name:"ForReadonlyInstance"` }
func NewDisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewDisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewDisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewDisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *DisassociateSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type DrInfo ¶
type DrInfo struct { // Disaster recovery instance status Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // AZ information Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Region information Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Instance sync status. Possible returned values include: // 0 - disaster recovery not synced; // 1 - disaster recovery syncing; // 2 - disaster recovery synced successfully; // 3 - disaster recovery sync failed; // 4 - repairing disaster recovery sync; SyncStatus *int64 `json:"SyncStatus,omitempty" name:"SyncStatus"` // Instance name InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Instance type InstanceType *int64 `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` }
type ErrlogItem ¶
type ErrlogItem struct { // Error occurrence time. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Timestamp *uint64 `json:"Timestamp,omitempty" name:"Timestamp"` // Error details // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Content *string `json:"Content,omitempty" name:"Content"` }
type ImportRecord ¶
type ImportRecord struct { // Status value Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Status value Code *int64 `json:"Code,omitempty" name:"Code"` // Execution duration CostTime *int64 `json:"CostTime,omitempty" name:"CostTime"` // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Backend task ID WorkId *string `json:"WorkId,omitempty" name:"WorkId"` // Name of the file to be imported FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty" name:"FileName"` // Execution progress Process *int64 `json:"Process,omitempty" name:"Process"` // Task creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // File size FileSize *string `json:"FileSize,omitempty" name:"FileSize"` // Task execution information Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty" name:"Message"` // Task ID JobId *int64 `json:"JobId,omitempty" name:"JobId"` // Name of the table to be imported DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitempty" name:"DbName"` // Async task request ID AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` }
type Inbound ¶
type Inbound struct { // Policy, which can be ACCEPT or DROP Action *string `json:"Action,omitempty" name:"Action"` // Source IP or IP range, such as CidrIp *string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty" name:"CidrIp"` // Port PortRange *string `json:"PortRange,omitempty" name:"PortRange"` // Network protocol. UDP and TCP are supported. IpProtocol *string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty" name:"IpProtocol"` // The direction of the rule, which is INPUT for inbound rules Dir *string `json:"Dir,omitempty" name:"Dir"` // Rule description Desc *string `json:"Desc,omitempty" name:"Desc"` }
type InitDBInstancesRequest ¶
type InitDBInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // New password of the instance. Rule: It can only contain 8-64 characters and must contain at least two of the following types of characters: letters, digits, and special characters (!@#$%^*()). NewPassword *string `json:"NewPassword,omitempty" name:"NewPassword"` // List of instance parameters. Currently, "character_set_server" and "lower_case_table_names" are supported, whose value ranges are ["utf8","latin1","gbk","utf8mb4"] and ["0","1"], respectively. Parameters []*ParamInfo `json:"Parameters,omitempty" name:"Parameters"` // Instance port. Value range: [1024, 65535]. Vport *int64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` }
func NewInitDBInstancesRequest ¶
func NewInitDBInstancesRequest() (request *InitDBInstancesRequest)
func (*InitDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InitDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InitDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InitDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type InitDBInstancesResponse ¶
type InitDBInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Array of async task request IDs, which can be used to query the execution results of async tasks. AsyncRequestIds []*string `json:"AsyncRequestIds,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestIds"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewInitDBInstancesResponse ¶
func NewInitDBInstancesResponse() (response *InitDBInstancesResponse)
func (*InitDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *InitDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*InitDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *InitDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type InstanceInfo ¶
type InstanceInfo struct { // Public network access status. Value range: 0 (not enabled), 1 (enabled), 2 (disabled) WanStatus *int64 `json:"WanStatus,omitempty" name:"WanStatus"` // AZ information Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Initialization flag. Value range: 0 (not initialized), 1 (initialized) InitFlag *int64 `json:"InitFlag,omitempty" name:"InitFlag"` // VIP information of a read-only instance. This field is exclusive to read-only instances where read-only access is enabled separately // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RoVipInfo *RoVipInfo `json:"RoVipInfo,omitempty" name:"RoVipInfo"` // Memory capacity in MB Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Instance status. Value range: 0 (creating), 1 (running), 4 (isolating), 5 (isolated) Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // VPC ID, such as 51102 VpcId *int64 `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Information of a secondary server // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SlaveInfo *SlaveInfo `json:"SlaveInfo,omitempty" name:"SlaveInfo"` // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Disk capacity in GB Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // Auto-renewal flag. Value range: 0 (auto-renewal not enabled), 1 (auto-renewal enabled), 2 (auto-renewal disabled) AutoRenew *int64 `json:"AutoRenew,omitempty" name:"AutoRenew"` // Data replication mode. Valid values: 0 (async), 1 (semi-sync), 2 (strong sync) ProtectMode *int64 `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // Details of a read-only group // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RoGroups []*RoGroup `json:"RoGroups,omitempty" name:"RoGroups"` // Subnet ID, such as 2333 SubnetId *int64 `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Instance type. Value range: 1 (primary), 2 (disaster recovery), 3 (read-only) InstanceType *int64 `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // Project ID ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Region information Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Instance expiration time DeadlineTime *string `json:"DeadlineTime,omitempty" name:"DeadlineTime"` // AZ deployment mode. Valid values: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ) DeployMode *int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // Instance task status. 0 - no task; 1 - upgrading; 2 - importing data; 3 - activating secondary; 4 - enabling public network access; 5 - batch operation in progress; 6 - rolling back; 7 - disabling public network access; 8 - changing password; 9 - renaming instance; 10 - restarting; 12 - migrating self-built instance; 13 - dropping table; 14 - creating and syncing disaster recovery instance; 15 - pending upgrade and switch; 16 - upgrade and switch in progress; 17 - upgrade and switch completed TaskStatus *int64 `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // Details of a primary instance // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. MasterInfo *MasterInfo `json:"MasterInfo,omitempty" name:"MasterInfo"` // Instance type DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // Kernel version EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Instance name InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Details of a disaster recovery instance // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DrInfo []*DrInfo `json:"DrInfo,omitempty" name:"DrInfo"` // Public domain name WanDomain *string `json:"WanDomain,omitempty" name:"WanDomain"` // Public network port number WanPort *int64 `json:"WanPort,omitempty" name:"WanPort"` // Billing type PayType *int64 `json:"PayType,omitempty" name:"PayType"` // Instance creation time CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Instance IP Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // Port number Vport *int64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` // Lock flag CdbError *int64 `json:"CdbError,omitempty" name:"CdbError"` // VPC descriptor, such as "vpc-5v8wn9mg" UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` // Subnet descriptor, such as "subnet-1typ0s7d" UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // Physical ID PhysicalId *string `json:"PhysicalId,omitempty" name:"PhysicalId"` // Number of cores Cpu *int64 `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Queries per second Qps *int64 `json:"Qps,omitempty" name:"Qps"` // AZ name ZoneName *string `json:"ZoneName,omitempty" name:"ZoneName"` // Physical machine model // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DeviceClass *string `json:"DeviceClass,omitempty" name:"DeviceClass"` // Placement group ID // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // AZ ID // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. ZoneId *int64 `json:"ZoneId,omitempty" name:"ZoneId"` // Number of nodes InstanceNodes *int64 `json:"InstanceNodes,omitempty" name:"InstanceNodes"` // List of tags // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TagList []*TagInfoItem `json:"TagList,omitempty" name:"TagList"` }
type InstanceRebootTime ¶
type InstanceRebootTime struct { // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Estimated restart time TimeInSeconds *int64 `json:"TimeInSeconds,omitempty" name:"TimeInSeconds"` }
type InstanceRollbackRangeTime ¶
type InstanceRollbackRangeTime struct { // Queries database error code Code *int64 `json:"Code,omitempty" name:"Code"` // Queries database error message Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty" name:"Message"` // List of instance IDs. An instance ID is in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv, which is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Time range available for rollback Times []*RollbackTimeRange `json:"Times,omitempty" name:"Times"` }
type IsolateDBInstanceRequest ¶
type IsolateDBInstanceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewIsolateDBInstanceRequest ¶
func NewIsolateDBInstanceRequest() (request *IsolateDBInstanceRequest)
func (*IsolateDBInstanceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *IsolateDBInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*IsolateDBInstanceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *IsolateDBInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type IsolateDBInstanceResponse ¶
type IsolateDBInstanceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. (This returned field has been disused. You can query the isolation status of an instance through the `DescribeDBInstances` API.) // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewIsolateDBInstanceResponse ¶
func NewIsolateDBInstanceResponse() (response *IsolateDBInstanceResponse)
func (*IsolateDBInstanceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *IsolateDBInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*IsolateDBInstanceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *IsolateDBInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type MasterInfo ¶
type MasterInfo struct { // Region information Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Region ID RegionId *int64 `json:"RegionId,omitempty" name:"RegionId"` // AZ ID ZoneId *int64 `json:"ZoneId,omitempty" name:"ZoneId"` // AZ information Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Long instance ID ResourceId *string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty" name:"ResourceId"` // Instance status Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Instance name InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Instance type InstanceType *int64 `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // Task status TaskStatus *int64 `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // Memory capacity Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Disk capacity Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // Instance model DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // Queries per second Qps *int64 `json:"Qps,omitempty" name:"Qps"` // VPC ID VpcId *int64 `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // Subnet ID SubnetId *int64 `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // Dedicated cluster ID ExClusterId *string `json:"ExClusterId,omitempty" name:"ExClusterId"` // Dedicated cluster name ExClusterName *string `json:"ExClusterName,omitempty" name:"ExClusterName"` }
type ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest ¶
type ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // TencentDB account Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` // Database account remarks Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
func NewModifyAccountDescriptionRequest ¶
func NewModifyAccountDescriptionRequest() (request *ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest)
func (*ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountDescriptionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse ¶
type ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAccountDescriptionResponse ¶
func NewModifyAccountDescriptionResponse() (response *ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse)
func (*ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountDescriptionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest ¶
type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // List of TencentDB accounts Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed in the TencentDB console. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Maximum connections of the account. Maximum value: `10240`. MaxUserConnections *int64 `json:"MaxUserConnections,omitempty" name:"MaxUserConnections"` }
func NewModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest ¶
func NewModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest() (request *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest)
func (*ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse ¶
type ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse ¶
func NewModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse() (response *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse)
func (*ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountMaxUserConnectionsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountPasswordRequest ¶
type ModifyAccountPasswordRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // New password of the database account. It can only contain 8-64 characters and must contain at least two of the following types of characters: letters, digits, and special characters (_+-&=!@#$%^*()). NewPassword *string `json:"NewPassword,omitempty" name:"NewPassword"` // TencentDB account Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` }
func NewModifyAccountPasswordRequest ¶
func NewModifyAccountPasswordRequest() (request *ModifyAccountPasswordRequest)
func (*ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPasswordRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountPasswordResponse ¶
type ModifyAccountPasswordResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAccountPasswordResponse ¶
func NewModifyAccountPasswordResponse() (response *ModifyAccountPasswordResponse)
func (*ModifyAccountPasswordResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPasswordResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountPasswordResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPasswordResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest ¶
type ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Database account, including username and domain name. Accounts []*Account `json:"Accounts,omitempty" name:"Accounts"` // Global permission. Valid values: "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "CREATE", "PROCESS", "DROP", "REFERENCES", "INDEX", "ALTER", "SHOW DATABASES", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES", "LOCK TABLES", "EXECUTE", "CREATE VIEW", "SHOW VIEW", "CREATE ROUTINE", "ALTER ROUTINE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER". // Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. GlobalPrivileges []*string `json:"GlobalPrivileges,omitempty" name:"GlobalPrivileges"` // Database permission. Valid values: "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "CREATE", "DROP", "REFERENCES", "INDEX", "ALTER", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES", "LOCK TABLES", "EXECUTE", "CREATE VIEW", "SHOW VIEW", "CREATE ROUTINE", "ALTER ROUTINE", "EVENT", "TRIGGER". // Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. DatabasePrivileges []*DatabasePrivilege `json:"DatabasePrivileges,omitempty" name:"DatabasePrivileges"` // Table permission in the database. Valid values: "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "CREATE", "DROP", "REFERENCES", "INDEX", "ALTER", "CREATE VIEW", "SHOW VIEW", "TRIGGER". // Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. TablePrivileges []*TablePrivilege `json:"TablePrivileges,omitempty" name:"TablePrivileges"` // Column permission in table. Valid values: "SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "REFERENCES". // Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. ColumnPrivileges []*ColumnPrivilege `json:"ColumnPrivileges,omitempty" name:"ColumnPrivileges"` // If this parameter is specified, permissions are modified in batches. Valid values: `grant`, `revoke`. ModifyAction *string `json:"ModifyAction,omitempty" name:"ModifyAction"` }
func NewModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest ¶
func NewModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest() (request *ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest)
func (*ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPrivilegesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse ¶
type ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse ¶
func NewModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse() (response *ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse)
func (*ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAccountPrivilegesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest ¶
type ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // Auto-renewal flag. Value range: 0 (auto-renewal not enabled), 1 (auto-renewal enabled). AutoRenew *int64 `json:"AutoRenew,omitempty" name:"AutoRenew"` }
func NewModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest ¶
func NewModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest() (request *ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest)
func (*ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAutoRenewFlagRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse ¶
type ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse ¶
func NewModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse() (response *ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse)
func (*ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyAutoRenewFlagResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyBackupConfigRequest ¶
type ModifyBackupConfigRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Backup file retention period in days. Value range: 7-732. ExpireDays *int64 `json:"ExpireDays,omitempty" name:"ExpireDays"` // (This parameter will be disused. The `BackupTimeWindow` parameter is recommended.) Backup time range in the format of 02:00-06:00, with the start time and end time on the hour. Valid values: 00:00-12:00, 02:00-06:00, 06:00-10:00, 10:00-14:00, 14:00-18:00, 18:00-22:00, 22:00-02:00. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Automatic backup mode. Only `physical` (physical cold backup) is supported BackupMethod *string `json:"BackupMethod,omitempty" name:"BackupMethod"` // Binlog retention period in days. Value range: 7-732. It cannot be greater than the retention period of backup files. BinlogExpireDays *int64 `json:"BinlogExpireDays,omitempty" name:"BinlogExpireDays"` // Backup time window; for example, to set up backup between 10:00 and 14:00 on every Tuesday and Sunday, you should set this parameter as follows: {"Monday": "", "Tuesday": "10:00-14:00", "Wednesday": "", "Thursday": "", "Friday": "", "Saturday": "", "Sunday": "10:00-14:00"} (Note: You can set up backup on different days, but the backup time windows need to be the same. If this field is set, the `StartTime` field will be ignored) BackupTimeWindow *CommonTimeWindow `json:"BackupTimeWindow,omitempty" name:"BackupTimeWindow"` }
func NewModifyBackupConfigRequest ¶
func NewModifyBackupConfigRequest() (request *ModifyBackupConfigRequest)
func (*ModifyBackupConfigRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBackupConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyBackupConfigRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBackupConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyBackupConfigResponse ¶
type ModifyBackupConfigResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyBackupConfigResponse ¶
func NewModifyBackupConfigResponse() (response *ModifyBackupConfigResponse)
func (*ModifyBackupConfigResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBackupConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyBackupConfigResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyBackupConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Instance name. InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceNameRequest ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceNameRequest() (request *ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceNameRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceNameResponse ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceNameResponse() (response *ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceNameResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of instance IDs in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // Project ID. NewProjectId *int64 `json:"NewProjectId,omitempty" name:"NewProjectId"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest() (request *ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceProjectRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse() (response *ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceProjectResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // List of IDs of security groups to be modified, which is an array of one or more security group IDs. SecurityGroupIds []*string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupIds"` // This parameter takes effect only when the ID of read-only replica is passed in. If this parameter is set to `False` or left empty, the security groups bound with the RO group of the read-only replicas will be modified. If this parameter is set to `True`, the security groups bound with the read-only replica itself will be modified. ForReadonlyInstance *bool `json:"ForReadonlyInstance,omitempty" name:"ForReadonlyInstance"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest() (request *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse() (response *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Destination IP. Either this parameter or `DstPort` must be passed in. DstIp *string `json:"DstIp,omitempty" name:"DstIp"` // Destination port number. Value range: [1024-65535]. Either this parameter or `DstIp` must be passed in. DstPort *int64 `json:"DstPort,omitempty" name:"DstPort"` // Unified VPC ID UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` // Unified subnet ID. UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // Repossession duration in hours for old IP in the original network when changing from the basic network to VPC or changing the VPC subnet. Value range: 0-168 hours. Default value: 24 hours. ReleaseDuration *int64 `json:"ReleaseDuration,omitempty" name:"ReleaseDuration"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest() (request *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse ¶
type ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task ID. (This returned field has been disused) // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse ¶
func NewModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse() (response *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse)
func (*ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyDBInstanceVipVportResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyInstanceParamRequest ¶
type ModifyInstanceParamRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // List of short instance IDs. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // List of parameters to be modified. Every element is a combination of `Name` (parameter name) and `CurrentValue` (new value). ParamList []*Parameter `json:"ParamList,omitempty" name:"ParamList"` // Template ID. At least one of `ParamList` and `TemplateId` must be passed in. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // When to perform the parameter adjustment task. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 - execute immediately, 1 - execute during window. When its value is 1, only one instance ID can be passed in (i.e., only one `InstanceIds` can be passed in). WaitSwitch *int64 `json:"WaitSwitch,omitempty" name:"WaitSwitch"` }
func NewModifyInstanceParamRequest ¶
func NewModifyInstanceParamRequest() (request *ModifyInstanceParamRequest)
func (*ModifyInstanceParamRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceParamRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyInstanceParamRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceParamRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyInstanceParamResponse ¶
type ModifyInstanceParamResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task ID, which can be used to query task progress. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyInstanceParamResponse ¶
func NewModifyInstanceParamResponse() (response *ModifyInstanceParamResponse)
func (*ModifyInstanceParamResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceParamResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyInstanceParamResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceParamResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyInstanceTagRequest ¶
type ModifyInstanceTagRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Tag to be added or modified. ReplaceTags []*TagInfo `json:"ReplaceTags,omitempty" name:"ReplaceTags"` // Tag to be deleted. DeleteTags []*TagInfo `json:"DeleteTags,omitempty" name:"DeleteTags"` }
func NewModifyInstanceTagRequest ¶
func NewModifyInstanceTagRequest() (request *ModifyInstanceTagRequest)
func (*ModifyInstanceTagRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceTagRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyInstanceTagRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceTagRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyInstanceTagResponse ¶
type ModifyInstanceTagResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyInstanceTagResponse ¶
func NewModifyInstanceTagResponse() (response *ModifyInstanceTagResponse)
func (*ModifyInstanceTagResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceTagResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyInstanceTagResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyInstanceTagResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest ¶
type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of a placement group. DeployGroupId *string `json:"DeployGroupId,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupId"` // Name of a placement group, which can contain up to 60 characters. The placement group name and description cannot both be empty. DeployGroupName *string `json:"DeployGroupName,omitempty" name:"DeployGroupName"` // Description of a placement group, which can contain up to 200 characters. The placement group name and description cannot both be empty. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` }
func NewModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest ¶
func NewModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest() (request *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest)
func (*ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse ¶
type ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse ¶
func NewModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse() (response *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse)
func (*ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyNameOrDescByDpIdResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyParamTemplateRequest ¶
type ModifyParamTemplateRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Template ID. TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // Template name. Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Template description. Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // List of parameters. ParamList []*Parameter `json:"ParamList,omitempty" name:"ParamList"` }
func NewModifyParamTemplateRequest ¶
func NewModifyParamTemplateRequest() (request *ModifyParamTemplateRequest)
func (*ModifyParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyParamTemplateRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyParamTemplateRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyParamTemplateResponse ¶
type ModifyParamTemplateResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyParamTemplateResponse ¶
func NewModifyParamTemplateResponse() (response *ModifyParamTemplateResponse)
func (*ModifyParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyParamTemplateResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyParamTemplateResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest ¶
type ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // RO group ID. RoGroupId *string `json:"RoGroupId,omitempty" name:"RoGroupId"` // RO group details. RoGroupInfo *RoGroupAttr `json:"RoGroupInfo,omitempty" name:"RoGroupInfo"` // Weights of instances in RO group. If the weighting mode of an RO group is changed to custom mode, this parameter must be set, and a weight value needs to be set for each RO instance. RoWeightValues []*RoWeightValue `json:"RoWeightValues,omitempty" name:"RoWeightValues"` // Whether to rebalance the loads of read-only replicas in the RO group. Valid values: `1` (yes), `0` (no). Default value: `0`. If this parameter is set to `1`, connections to the read-only replicas in the RO group will be interrupted transiently. Please ensure that your application has a reconnection mechanism. IsBalanceRoLoad *int64 `json:"IsBalanceRoLoad,omitempty" name:"IsBalanceRoLoad"` }
func NewModifyRoGroupInfoRequest ¶
func NewModifyRoGroupInfoRequest() (request *ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest)
func (*ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse ¶
type ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyRoGroupInfoResponse ¶
func NewModifyRoGroupInfoResponse() (response *ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse)
func (*ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest ¶
type ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Replication delay in seconds. Value range: 1 to 259200. ReplicationDelay *int64 `json:"ReplicationDelay,omitempty" name:"ReplicationDelay"` }
func NewModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest ¶
func NewModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest() (request *ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest)
func (*ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoReplicationDelayRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse ¶
type ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse ¶
func NewModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse() (response *ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse)
func (*ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoReplicationDelayResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoTypeRequest ¶
type ModifyRoTypeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // The original type of an RO replica. Valid values: `NORMAL` (do not support delayed replication), `DELAY_REPLICATION` (support delayed replication). SrcRoInstType *string `json:"SrcRoInstType,omitempty" name:"SrcRoInstType"` // The target type of an RO replica. Valid values: `NORMAL` (do not support delayed replication), `DELAY_REPLICATION` (support delayed replication). DstRoInstType *string `json:"DstRoInstType,omitempty" name:"DstRoInstType"` // Replication delay in seconds. This parameter is required when a regular RO replica is switched to a delayed one. Value range: 1 to 259200. ReplicationDelay *int64 `json:"ReplicationDelay,omitempty" name:"ReplicationDelay"` }
func NewModifyRoTypeRequest ¶
func NewModifyRoTypeRequest() (request *ModifyRoTypeRequest)
func (*ModifyRoTypeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoTypeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoTypeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoTypeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyRoTypeResponse ¶
type ModifyRoTypeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyRoTypeResponse ¶
func NewModifyRoTypeResponse() (response *ModifyRoTypeResponse)
func (*ModifyRoTypeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoTypeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyRoTypeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyRoTypeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyTimeWindowRequest ¶
type ModifyTimeWindowRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Time period available for maintenance after modification in the format of 10:00-12:00. Each period lasts from half an hour to three hours, with the start time and end time aligned by half-hour. Up to two time periods can be set. Start and end time range: [00:00, 24:00]. TimeRanges []*string `json:"TimeRanges,omitempty" name:"TimeRanges"` // Specifies for which day to modify the time period. Value range: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. If it is not specified or is left blank, the time period will be modified for every day by default. Weekdays []*string `json:"Weekdays,omitempty" name:"Weekdays"` }
func NewModifyTimeWindowRequest ¶
func NewModifyTimeWindowRequest() (request *ModifyTimeWindowRequest)
func (*ModifyTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyTimeWindowRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyTimeWindowRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ModifyTimeWindowResponse ¶
type ModifyTimeWindowResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewModifyTimeWindowResponse ¶
func NewModifyTimeWindowResponse() (response *ModifyTimeWindowResponse)
func (*ModifyTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyTimeWindowResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ModifyTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ModifyTimeWindowResponse) ToJsonString() string
type OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest ¶
type OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewOfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest ¶
func NewOfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest() (request *OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest)
func (*OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OfflineIsolatedInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse ¶
type OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewOfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse ¶
func NewOfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse() (response *OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse)
func (*OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OfflineIsolatedInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest ¶
type OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewOpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest ¶
func NewOpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest() (request *OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest)
func (*OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenDBInstanceGTIDRequest) ToJsonString() string
type OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse ¶
type OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewOpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse ¶
func NewOpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse() (response *OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse)
func (*OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenDBInstanceGTIDResponse) ToJsonString() string
type OpenWanServiceRequest ¶
type OpenWanServiceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewOpenWanServiceRequest ¶
func NewOpenWanServiceRequest() (request *OpenWanServiceRequest)
func (*OpenWanServiceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenWanServiceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OpenWanServiceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenWanServiceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type OpenWanServiceResponse ¶
type OpenWanServiceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewOpenWanServiceResponse ¶
func NewOpenWanServiceResponse() (response *OpenWanServiceResponse)
func (*OpenWanServiceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenWanServiceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*OpenWanServiceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *OpenWanServiceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type Outbound ¶
type Outbound struct { // Policy, which can be ACCEPT or DROP Action *string `json:"Action,omitempty" name:"Action"` // Destination IP or IP range, such as CidrIp *string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty" name:"CidrIp"` // Port or port range PortRange *string `json:"PortRange,omitempty" name:"PortRange"` // Network protocol. UDP and TCP are supported IpProtocol *string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty" name:"IpProtocol"` // The direction of the rule, which is OUTPUT for inbound rules Dir *string `json:"Dir,omitempty" name:"Dir"` // Rule description Desc *string `json:"Desc,omitempty" name:"Desc"` }
type ParamRecord ¶
type ParamRecord struct { // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Parameter name ParamName *string `json:"ParamName,omitempty" name:"ParamName"` // Parameter value before modification OldValue *string `json:"OldValue,omitempty" name:"OldValue"` // Parameter value after modification NewValue *string `json:"NewValue,omitempty" name:"NewValue"` // Whether the parameter is modified successfully IsSucess *bool `json:"IsSucess,omitempty" name:"IsSucess"` // Modification time ModifyTime *string `json:"ModifyTime,omitempty" name:"ModifyTime"` }
type ParamTemplateInfo ¶
type ParamTemplateInfo struct { // Parameter template ID TemplateId *int64 `json:"TemplateId,omitempty" name:"TemplateId"` // Parameter template name Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Parameter template description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Instance engine version EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` }
type ParameterDetail ¶
type ParameterDetail struct { // Parameter name Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Parameter type ParamType *string `json:"ParamType,omitempty" name:"ParamType"` // Default value of the parameter Default *string `json:"Default,omitempty" name:"Default"` // Parameter description Description *string `json:"Description,omitempty" name:"Description"` // Current value of the parameter CurrentValue *string `json:"CurrentValue,omitempty" name:"CurrentValue"` // Whether the database needs to be restarted for the modified parameter to take effect. Value range: 0 (no); 1 (yes) NeedReboot *int64 `json:"NeedReboot,omitempty" name:"NeedReboot"` // Maximum value of the parameter Max *int64 `json:"Max,omitempty" name:"Max"` // Minimum value of the parameter Min *int64 `json:"Min,omitempty" name:"Min"` // Enumerated values of the parameter. It is null if the parameter is non-enumerated EnumValue []*string `json:"EnumValue,omitempty" name:"EnumValue"` }
type RegionSellConf ¶
type RegionSellConf struct { // Region name RegionName *string `json:"RegionName,omitempty" name:"RegionName"` // Area Area *string `json:"Area,omitempty" name:"Area"` // Whether it is a default region IsDefaultRegion *int64 `json:"IsDefaultRegion,omitempty" name:"IsDefaultRegion"` // Region name Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Sale configuration of the AZ ZonesConf []*ZoneSellConf `json:"ZonesConf,omitempty" name:"ZonesConf"` }
type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest ¶
type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of instance IDs in the format of `cdb-c1nl9rpv`. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [DescribeDBInstances]( API to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in the output parameters. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest ¶
func NewReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest() (request *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest)
func (*ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse ¶
type ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Deisolation result set. Items []*ReleaseResult `json:"Items,omitempty" name:"Items"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse ¶
func NewReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse() (response *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse)
func (*ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *ReleaseIsolatedDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type ReleaseResult ¶
type ReleaseResult struct { // Instance ID. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Result value of instance deisolation. A returned value of 0 indicates success. Code *int64 `json:"Code,omitempty" name:"Code"` // Error message for instance deisolation. Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty" name:"Message"` }
type RestartDBInstancesRequest ¶
type RestartDBInstancesRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Array of instance IDs in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` }
func NewRestartDBInstancesRequest ¶
func NewRestartDBInstancesRequest() (request *RestartDBInstancesRequest)
func (*RestartDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartDBInstancesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartDBInstancesRequest) ToJsonString() string
type RestartDBInstancesResponse ¶
type RestartDBInstancesResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewRestartDBInstancesResponse ¶
func NewRestartDBInstancesResponse() (response *RestartDBInstancesResponse)
func (*RestartDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartDBInstancesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*RestartDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *RestartDBInstancesResponse) ToJsonString() string
type RoGroup ¶
type RoGroup struct { // Read-only group mode. Valid values: `alone` (the system assigns a read-only group automatically), `allinone` (a new read-only group will be created), `join` (an existing read-only group will be used). RoGroupMode *string `json:"RoGroupMode,omitempty" name:"RoGroupMode"` // Read-only group ID. RoGroupId *string `json:"RoGroupId,omitempty" name:"RoGroupId"` // Read-only group name. RoGroupName *string `json:"RoGroupName,omitempty" name:"RoGroupName"` // Whether to enable the function of isolating an instance that exceeds the latency threshold. If it is enabled, when the latency between the read-only instance and the primary instance exceeds the latency threshold, the read-only instance will be isolated. Valid values: 1 (enabled), 0 (not enabled) RoOfflineDelay *int64 `json:"RoOfflineDelay,omitempty" name:"RoOfflineDelay"` // Latency threshold RoMaxDelayTime *int64 `json:"RoMaxDelayTime,omitempty" name:"RoMaxDelayTime"` // Minimum number of instances to be retained. If the number of the purchased read-only instances is smaller than the set value, they will not be removed. MinRoInGroup *int64 `json:"MinRoInGroup,omitempty" name:"MinRoInGroup"` // Read/write weight distribution mode. Valid values: `system` (weights are assigned by the system automatically), `custom` (weights are customized) WeightMode *string `json:"WeightMode,omitempty" name:"WeightMode"` // Weight value. Weight *int64 `json:"Weight,omitempty" name:"Weight"` // Details of read-only instances in read-only group RoInstances []*RoInstanceInfo `json:"RoInstances,omitempty" name:"RoInstances"` // Private IP of read-only group. Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // Private network port number of read-only group. Vport *int64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` // VPC ID. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UniqVpcId *string `json:"UniqVpcId,omitempty" name:"UniqVpcId"` // Subnet ID. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UniqSubnetId *string `json:"UniqSubnetId,omitempty" name:"UniqSubnetId"` // Read-only group region. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RoGroupRegion *string `json:"RoGroupRegion,omitempty" name:"RoGroupRegion"` // Read-only group AZ. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RoGroupZone *string `json:"RoGroupZone,omitempty" name:"RoGroupZone"` }
type RoGroupAttr ¶
type RoGroupAttr struct { // RO group name. RoGroupName *string `json:"RoGroupName,omitempty" name:"RoGroupName"` // Maximum delay threshold for RO instances in seconds. Minimum value: 1. Please note that this value will take effect only if an instance removal policy is enabled in the RO group. RoMaxDelayTime *int64 `json:"RoMaxDelayTime,omitempty" name:"RoMaxDelayTime"` // Whether to enable instance removal. Valid values: 1 (enabled), 0 (not enabled). Please note that if instance removal is enabled, the delay threshold parameter (`RoMaxDelayTime`) must be set. RoOfflineDelay *int64 `json:"RoOfflineDelay,omitempty" name:"RoOfflineDelay"` // Minimum number of instances to be retained, which can be set to any value less than or equal to the number of RO instances in the RO group. Please note that if this value is set to be greater than the number of RO instances, no removal will be performed, and if it is set to 0, all instances with an excessive delay will be removed. MinRoInGroup *int64 `json:"MinRoInGroup,omitempty" name:"MinRoInGroup"` // Weighting mode. Supported values include `system` (automatically assigned by the system) and `custom` (defined by user). Please note that if the `custom` mode is selected, the RO instance weight configuration parameter (RoWeightValues) must be set. WeightMode *string `json:"WeightMode,omitempty" name:"WeightMode"` }
type RoInstanceInfo ¶
type RoInstanceInfo struct { // Master instance ID corresponding to the RO group MasterInstanceId *string `json:"MasterInstanceId,omitempty" name:"MasterInstanceId"` // RO instance status in the RO group. Value range: online, offline RoStatus *string `json:"RoStatus,omitempty" name:"RoStatus"` // Last deactivation time of a RO instance in the RO group OfflineTime *string `json:"OfflineTime,omitempty" name:"OfflineTime"` // RO instance weight in the RO group Weight *int64 `json:"Weight,omitempty" name:"Weight"` // RO instance region name, such as ap-shanghai Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Name of RO AZ, such as ap-shanghai-1 Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // RO instance ID in the format of cdbro-c1nl9rpv InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // RO instance status. Value range: 0 (creating), 1 (running), 4 (deleting) Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Instance type. Value range: 1 (primary), 2 (disaster recovery), 3 (read-only) InstanceType *int64 `json:"InstanceType,omitempty" name:"InstanceType"` // RO instance name InstanceName *string `json:"InstanceName,omitempty" name:"InstanceName"` // Pay-as-you-go billing status. Value range: 1 (normal), 2 (in arrears) HourFeeStatus *int64 `json:"HourFeeStatus,omitempty" name:"HourFeeStatus"` // RO instance task status. Value range: <br>0 - no task <br>1 - upgrading <br>2 - importing data <br>3 - activating secondary <br>4 - public network access enabled <br>5 - batch operation in progress <br>6 - rolling back <br>7 - public network access not enabled <br>8 - modifying password <br>9 - renaming instance <br>10 - restarting <br>12 - migrating self-built instance <br>13 - dropping table <br>14 - creating and syncing disaster recovery instance TaskStatus *int64 `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // RO instance memory size in MB Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // RO instance disk size in GB Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // Queries per second Qps *int64 `json:"Qps,omitempty" name:"Qps"` // Private IP address of the RO instance Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // Access port of the RO instance Vport *int64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` // VPC ID of the RO instance VpcId *int64 `json:"VpcId,omitempty" name:"VpcId"` // VPC subnet ID of the RO instance SubnetId *int64 `json:"SubnetId,omitempty" name:"SubnetId"` // RO instance specification description. Value range: CUSTOM DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // Database engine version of the read-only replica. Valid values: `5.1`, `5.5`, `5.6`, `5.7`, `8.0` EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // RO instance expiration time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. If it is a pay-as-you-go instance, the value of this field is 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DeadlineTime *string `json:"DeadlineTime,omitempty" name:"DeadlineTime"` // RO instance billing method. Value range: 0 (monthly subscribed), 1 (pay-as-you-go), 2 (monthly postpaid) PayType *int64 `json:"PayType,omitempty" name:"PayType"` }
type RoVipInfo ¶
type RoVipInfo struct { // VIP status of the read-only instance RoVipStatus *int64 `json:"RoVipStatus,omitempty" name:"RoVipStatus"` // VPC subnet of the read-only instance RoSubnetId *int64 `json:"RoSubnetId,omitempty" name:"RoSubnetId"` // VPC of the read-only instance RoVpcId *int64 `json:"RoVpcId,omitempty" name:"RoVpcId"` // VIP port number of the read-only instance RoVport *int64 `json:"RoVport,omitempty" name:"RoVport"` // VIP of the read-only instance RoVip *string `json:"RoVip,omitempty" name:"RoVip"` }
type RoWeightValue ¶
type RollbackDBName ¶
type RollbackDBName struct { // Original database name before rollback // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"` // New database name after rollback // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NewDatabaseName *string `json:"NewDatabaseName,omitempty" name:"NewDatabaseName"` }
type RollbackInstancesInfo ¶
type RollbackInstancesInfo struct { // TencentDB instance ID // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Rollback policy. Valid values: `table` (ultrafast mode), `db` (faster mode), and `full` (fast mode). Default value: `full`. In the ultrafast mode, only backups and binlogs of the tables specified by the `Tables` parameter are imported; if `Tables` does not include all of the tables involved in cross-table operations, the rollback may fail; and the `Database` parameter must be left empty. In the faster mode, only backups and binlogs of the databases specified by the `Databases` parameter are imported, and if `Databases` does not include all of the databases involved in cross-database operations, the rollback may fail. In the fast mode, backups and binlogs of the entire instance will be imported in a speed slower than the other modes. Strategy *string `json:"Strategy,omitempty" name:"Strategy"` // Database rollback time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RollbackTime *string `json:"RollbackTime,omitempty" name:"RollbackTime"` // Information of the databases to be rolled back, which means rollback at the database level // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Databases []*RollbackDBName `json:"Databases,omitempty" name:"Databases"` // Information of the tables to be rolled back, which means rollback at the table level // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Tables []*RollbackTables `json:"Tables,omitempty" name:"Tables"` }
type RollbackTableName ¶
type RollbackTableName struct { // Original table name before rollback // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TableName *string `json:"TableName,omitempty" name:"TableName"` // New table name after rollback // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. NewTableName *string `json:"NewTableName,omitempty" name:"NewTableName"` }
type RollbackTables ¶
type RollbackTables struct { // Database name // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Database *string `json:"Database,omitempty" name:"Database"` // Table details // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Table []*RollbackTableName `json:"Table,omitempty" name:"Table"` }
type RollbackTask ¶
type RollbackTask struct { // Task execution information. Info *string `json:"Info,omitempty" name:"Info"` // Task execution result. Valid values: INITIAL: initializing, RUNNING: running, SUCCESS: succeeded, FAILED: failed, KILLED: terminated, REMOVED: deleted, PAUSED: paused. Status *string `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // Task execution progress. Value range: [0,100]. Progress *int64 `json:"Progress,omitempty" name:"Progress"` // Task start time. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Task end time. EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // Rollback task details. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Detail []*RollbackInstancesInfo `json:"Detail,omitempty" name:"Detail"` }
type RollbackTimeRange ¶
type RollbackTimeRange struct { // Start time available for rollback in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-10-29 01:06:04 Begin *string `json:"Begin,omitempty" name:"Begin"` // End time available for rollback in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-11-02 11:44:47 End *string `json:"End,omitempty" name:"End"` }
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { // Project ID ProjectId *int64 `json:"ProjectId,omitempty" name:"ProjectId"` // Creation time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"` // Inbound rule Inbound []*Inbound `json:"Inbound,omitempty" name:"Inbound"` // Outbound rule Outbound []*Outbound `json:"Outbound,omitempty" name:"Outbound"` // Security group ID SecurityGroupId *string `json:"SecurityGroupId,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupId"` // Security group name SecurityGroupName *string `json:"SecurityGroupName,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupName"` // Security group remarks SecurityGroupRemark *string `json:"SecurityGroupRemark,omitempty" name:"SecurityGroupRemark"` }
type SellConfig ¶
type SellConfig struct { // (Disused) Device type Device *string `json:"Device,omitempty" name:"Device"` // (Disused) Purchasable specification description Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` // (Disused) Instance type CdbType *string `json:"CdbType,omitempty" name:"CdbType"` // Memory size in MB Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // CPU core count Cpu *int64 `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Minimum disk size in GB VolumeMin *int64 `json:"VolumeMin,omitempty" name:"VolumeMin"` // Maximum disk size in GB VolumeMax *int64 `json:"VolumeMax,omitempty" name:"VolumeMax"` // Disk increment in GB VolumeStep *int64 `json:"VolumeStep,omitempty" name:"VolumeStep"` // Number of connections Connection *int64 `json:"Connection,omitempty" name:"Connection"` // Queries per second Qps *int64 `json:"Qps,omitempty" name:"Qps"` // IOs per second Iops *int64 `json:"Iops,omitempty" name:"Iops"` // Application scenario description Info *string `json:"Info,omitempty" name:"Info"` // Status. Value `0` indicates that this specification is purchasable. Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // (Disused) Tag value Tag *int64 `json:"Tag,omitempty" name:"Tag"` // Instance resource isolation type. Valid values: `UNIVERSAL` (general instance), `EXCLUSIVE` (dedicated instance), `BASIC` (basic instance). // Note: `null` may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // Instance resource isolation type. Valid values: `UNIVERSAL` (general instance), `EXCLUSIVE` (dedicated instance), `BASIC` (basic instance). // Note: `null` may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. DeviceTypeName *string `json:"DeviceTypeName,omitempty" name:"DeviceTypeName"` }
type SellType ¶
type SellType struct { // Name of the purchasable instance TypeName *string `json:"TypeName,omitempty" name:"TypeName"` // Kernel version number EngineVersion []*string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Configuration details of a purchasable specification Configs []*SellConfig `json:"Configs,omitempty" name:"Configs"` }
type SlaveConfig ¶
type SlaveInfo ¶
type SlaveInfo struct { // Information of secondary server 1 First *SlaveInstanceInfo `json:"First,omitempty" name:"First"` // Information of secondary server 2 // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Second *SlaveInstanceInfo `json:"Second,omitempty" name:"Second"` }
type SlaveInstanceInfo ¶
type SlaveInstanceInfo struct { // Port number Vport *int64 `json:"Vport,omitempty" name:"Vport"` // Region information Region *string `json:"Region,omitempty" name:"Region"` // Virtual IP information Vip *string `json:"Vip,omitempty" name:"Vip"` // AZ information Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` }
type SlowLogInfo ¶
type SlowLogInfo struct { // Backup filename Name *string `json:"Name,omitempty" name:"Name"` // Backup file size in bytes Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty" name:"Size"` // Backup snapshot time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, such as 2016-03-17 02:10:37 Date *string `json:"Date,omitempty" name:"Date"` // Download address on the private network IntranetUrl *string `json:"IntranetUrl,omitempty" name:"IntranetUrl"` // Download address on the public network InternetUrl *string `json:"InternetUrl,omitempty" name:"InternetUrl"` // Log type. Value range: slowlog (slow log) Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty" name:"Type"` }
type SlowLogItem ¶
type SlowLogItem struct { // SQL execution time. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Timestamp *uint64 `json:"Timestamp,omitempty" name:"Timestamp"` // SQL execution duration. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. QueryTime *float64 `json:"QueryTime,omitempty" name:"QueryTime"` // SQL statement. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SqlText *string `json:"SqlText,omitempty" name:"SqlText"` // Client address. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UserHost *string `json:"UserHost,omitempty" name:"UserHost"` // Username. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. UserName *string `json:"UserName,omitempty" name:"UserName"` // Database name. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Database *string `json:"Database,omitempty" name:"Database"` // Lock duration. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. LockTime *float64 `json:"LockTime,omitempty" name:"LockTime"` // Number of scanned rows. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RowsExamined *int64 `json:"RowsExamined,omitempty" name:"RowsExamined"` // Number of rows in result set. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RowsSent *int64 `json:"RowsSent,omitempty" name:"RowsSent"` // SQL template. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. SqlTemplate *string `json:"SqlTemplate,omitempty" name:"SqlTemplate"` // SQL statement MD5. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. Md5 *string `json:"Md5,omitempty" name:"Md5"` }
type SqlFileInfo ¶
type SqlFileInfo struct { // Upload time UploadTime *string `json:"UploadTime,omitempty" name:"UploadTime"` // Upload progress UploadInfo *UploadInfo `json:"UploadInfo,omitempty" name:"UploadInfo"` // Filename FileName *string `json:"FileName,omitempty" name:"FileName"` // File size in bytes FileSize *int64 `json:"FileSize,omitempty" name:"FileSize"` // Whether upload is finished. Valid values: 0 (not completed), 1 (completed) IsUploadFinished *int64 `json:"IsUploadFinished,omitempty" name:"IsUploadFinished"` // File ID FileId *string `json:"FileId,omitempty" name:"FileId"` }
type StartBatchRollbackRequest ¶
type StartBatchRollbackRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Details of the instance for rollback Instances []*RollbackInstancesInfo `json:"Instances,omitempty" name:"Instances"` }
func NewStartBatchRollbackRequest ¶
func NewStartBatchRollbackRequest() (request *StartBatchRollbackRequest)
func (*StartBatchRollbackRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartBatchRollbackRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartBatchRollbackRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartBatchRollbackRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StartBatchRollbackResponse ¶
type StartBatchRollbackResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStartBatchRollbackResponse ¶
func NewStartBatchRollbackResponse() (response *StartBatchRollbackResponse)
func (*StartBatchRollbackResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartBatchRollbackResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartBatchRollbackResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartBatchRollbackResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StartDelayReplicationRequest ¶
type StartDelayReplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Delayed replication mode. Valid values: `DEFAULT` (replicate according to the specified replication delay), `GTID` (replicate according to the specified GTID), `DUE_TIME` (replicate according to the specified point in time). DelayReplicationType *string `json:"DelayReplicationType,omitempty" name:"DelayReplicationType"` // Specified point in time. Default value: 0. The maximum value cannot be later than the current time. DueTime *int64 `json:"DueTime,omitempty" name:"DueTime"` // Specified GITD. This parameter is required when the delayed replication mode is `GTID`. Gtid *string `json:"Gtid,omitempty" name:"Gtid"` }
func NewStartDelayReplicationRequest ¶
func NewStartDelayReplicationRequest() (request *StartDelayReplicationRequest)
func (*StartDelayReplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartDelayReplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartDelayReplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartDelayReplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StartDelayReplicationResponse ¶
type StartDelayReplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Delayed replication task ID. This parameter will be returned if `DelayReplicationType` is not `DEFAULT`. It can be used to view the status of the delayed replication task. // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStartDelayReplicationResponse ¶
func NewStartDelayReplicationResponse() (response *StartDelayReplicationResponse)
func (*StartDelayReplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StartDelayReplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StartDelayReplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StartDelayReplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopDBImportJobRequest ¶
type StopDBImportJobRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Async task request ID. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` }
func NewStopDBImportJobRequest ¶
func NewStopDBImportJobRequest() (request *StopDBImportJobRequest)
func (*StopDBImportJobRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDBImportJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopDBImportJobRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDBImportJobRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopDBImportJobResponse ¶
type StopDBImportJobResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopDBImportJobResponse ¶
func NewStopDBImportJobResponse() (response *StopDBImportJobResponse)
func (*StopDBImportJobResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDBImportJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopDBImportJobResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDBImportJobResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopDelayReplicationRequest ¶
type StopDelayReplicationRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewStopDelayReplicationRequest ¶
func NewStopDelayReplicationRequest() (request *StopDelayReplicationRequest)
func (*StopDelayReplicationRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDelayReplicationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopDelayReplicationRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDelayReplicationRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopDelayReplicationResponse ¶
type StopDelayReplicationResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopDelayReplicationResponse ¶
func NewStopDelayReplicationResponse() (response *StopDelayReplicationResponse)
func (*StopDelayReplicationResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDelayReplicationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopDelayReplicationResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopDelayReplicationResponse) ToJsonString() string
type StopRollbackRequest ¶
type StopRollbackRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // ID of the instance whose rollback task is canceled InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewStopRollbackRequest ¶
func NewStopRollbackRequest() (request *StopRollbackRequest)
func (*StopRollbackRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopRollbackRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopRollbackRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopRollbackRequest) ToJsonString() string
type StopRollbackResponse ¶
type StopRollbackResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewStopRollbackResponse ¶
func NewStopRollbackResponse() (response *StopRollbackResponse)
func (*StopRollbackResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *StopRollbackResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*StopRollbackResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *StopRollbackResponse) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest ¶
type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Specifies the replica server to switched to. Valid values: `first` (the first replica server), `second` (the second replica server). Default value: `first`. `second` is valid only for a multi-AZ instance. DstSlave *string `json:"DstSlave,omitempty" name:"DstSlave"` // Whether to force the switch. Valid values: `True`, `False` (default). If this parameter is set to `True`, instance data may be lost during the switch. ForceSwitch *bool `json:"ForceSwitch,omitempty" name:"ForceSwitch"` // Whether to perform the switch during a time window. Valid values: `True`, `False` (default). If `ForceSwitch` is set to `True`, this parameter is invalid. WaitSwitch *bool `json:"WaitSwitch,omitempty" name:"WaitSwitch"` }
func NewSwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest ¶
func NewSwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest() (request *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest)
func (*SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveRequest) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse ¶
type SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task ID AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewSwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse ¶
func NewSwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse() (response *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse)
func (*SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlaveResponse) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest ¶
type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Disaster recovery instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed in the TencentDB console. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewSwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest ¶
func NewSwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest() (request *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest)
func (*SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterRequest) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse ¶
type SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewSwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse ¶
func NewSwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse() (response *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse)
func (*SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchDrInstanceToMasterResponse) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchForUpgradeRequest ¶
type SwitchForUpgradeRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` }
func NewSwitchForUpgradeRequest ¶
func NewSwitchForUpgradeRequest() (request *SwitchForUpgradeRequest)
func (*SwitchForUpgradeRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchForUpgradeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchForUpgradeRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchForUpgradeRequest) ToJsonString() string
type SwitchForUpgradeResponse ¶
type SwitchForUpgradeResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewSwitchForUpgradeResponse ¶
func NewSwitchForUpgradeResponse() (response *SwitchForUpgradeResponse)
func (*SwitchForUpgradeResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchForUpgradeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*SwitchForUpgradeResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *SwitchForUpgradeResponse) ToJsonString() string
type TableName ¶
type TableName struct { // Table name TableName *string `json:"TableName,omitempty" name:"TableName"` }
type TablePrivilege ¶
type TagInfoItem ¶
type TagInfoItem struct { // Tag key // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TagKey *string `json:"TagKey,omitempty" name:"TagKey"` // Tag value // Note: this field may return `null`, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. TagValue *string `json:"TagValue,omitempty" name:"TagValue"` }
type TagInfoUnit ¶
type TagsInfoOfInstance ¶
type TagsInfoOfInstance struct { // Instance ID InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Tag information Tags []*TagInfoUnit `json:"Tags,omitempty" name:"Tags"` }
type TaskDetail ¶
type TaskDetail struct { // Error code. Code *int64 `json:"Code,omitempty" name:"Code"` // Error message. Message *string `json:"Message,omitempty" name:"Message"` // ID of an instance task. JobId *int64 `json:"JobId,omitempty" name:"JobId"` // Instance task progress. Progress *int64 `json:"Progress,omitempty" name:"Progress"` // Instance task status. Valid values: // "UNDEFINED" - undefined; // "INITIAL" - initializing; // "RUNNING" - running; // "SUCCEED" - succeeded; // "FAILED" - failed; // "KILLED" - terminated; // "REMOVED" - deleted; // "PAUSED" - paused. // "WAITING" - waiting (which can be canceled) TaskStatus *string `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty" name:"TaskStatus"` // Instance task type. Valid values: // "ROLLBACK" - rolling back a database; // "SQL OPERATION" - performing an SQL operation; // "IMPORT DATA" - importing data; // "MODIFY PARAM" - setting a parameter; // "INITIAL" - initializing a TencentDB instance; // "REBOOT" - restarting a TencentDB instance; // "OPEN GTID" - enabling GTID of a TencentDB instance; // "UPGRADE RO" - upgrading a read-only instance; // "BATCH ROLLBACK" - rolling back databases in batches; // "UPGRADE MASTER" - upgrading a primary instance; // "DROP TABLES" - dropping a TencentDB table; // "SWITCH DR TO MASTER" - promoting a disaster recovery instance. TaskType *string `json:"TaskType,omitempty" name:"TaskType"` // Instance task start time. StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitempty" name:"StartTime"` // Instance task end time. EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitempty" name:"EndTime"` // ID of an instance associated with a task. // Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. InstanceIds []*string `json:"InstanceIds,omitempty" name:"InstanceIds"` // Async task request ID. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` }
type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest ¶
type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of cdb-c1nl9rpv or cdbro-c1nl9rpv. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [instance list querying API]( to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Version of primary instance database engine. Value range: 5.6, 5.7 EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Mode of switch to a new instance. Value range: 0 (switch immediately), 1 (switch within a time window). Default value: 0. If the value is 1, the switch process will be performed within a time window. Or, you can call the [switching to new instance API]( to trigger the process. WaitSwitch *int64 `json:"WaitSwitch,omitempty" name:"WaitSwitch"` // Whether to upgrade kernel minor version. Valid values: 1 (upgrade kernel minor version), 0 (upgrade database engine). UpgradeSubversion *int64 `json:"UpgradeSubversion,omitempty" name:"UpgradeSubversion"` }
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest ¶
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest() (request *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest)
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse ¶
type UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Async task ID. The task execution result can be queried using the [async task execution result querying API]( AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse ¶
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse() (response *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse)
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UpgradeDBInstanceRequest ¶
type UpgradeDBInstanceRequest struct { *tchttp.BaseRequest // Instance ID in the format of `cdb-c1nl9rpv` or `cdbro-c1nl9rpv`. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the TencentDB Console page. You can use the [DescribeDBInstances]( API to query the ID, whose value is the `InstanceId` value in output parameters. InstanceId *string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty" name:"InstanceId"` // Memory size in MB after upgrade. To ensure that the `Memory` value to be passed in is valid, please use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the specifications of the memory that can be upgraded to. Memory *int64 `json:"Memory,omitempty" name:"Memory"` // Disk size in GB after upgrade. To ensure that the `Volume` value to be passed in is valid, please use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the specifications of the disk that can be upgraded to. Volume *int64 `json:"Volume,omitempty" name:"Volume"` // Data replication mode. Valid values: 0 (async), 1 (semi-sync), 2 (strong sync). This parameter can be specified when upgrading primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. ProtectMode *int64 `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // Deployment mode. Valid values: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ). Default value: 0. This parameter can be specified when upgrading primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. DeployMode *int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // AZ information of secondary database 1, which is the `Zone` value of the instance by default. This parameter can be specified when upgrading primary instances in multi-AZ mode and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. You can use the [DescribeDBZoneConfig]( API to query the supported AZs. SlaveZone *string `json:"SlaveZone,omitempty" name:"SlaveZone"` // Version of primary instance database engine. Valid values: 5.5, 5.6, 5.7. EngineVersion *string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty" name:"EngineVersion"` // Mode of switch to new instance. Valid values: 0 (switch immediately), 1 (switch within a time window). Default value: 0. If the value is 1, the switch process will be performed within a time window. Or, you can call the [SwitchForUpgrade]( API to trigger the process. WaitSwitch *int64 `json:"WaitSwitch,omitempty" name:"WaitSwitch"` // AZ information of secondary database 2, which is empty by default. This parameter can be specified when upgrading primary instances and is meaningless for read-only or disaster recovery instances. BackupZone *string `json:"BackupZone,omitempty" name:"BackupZone"` // Instance type. Valid values: master (primary instance), dr (disaster recovery instance), ro (read-only instance). Default value: master. InstanceRole *string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty" name:"InstanceRole"` // The resource isolation type after the instance is upgraded. Valid values: `UNIVERSAL` (general instance), `EXCLUSIVE` (dedicated instance), `BASIC` (basic instance). If this parameter is left empty, the resource isolation type will be the same as the original one. DeviceType *string `json:"DeviceType,omitempty" name:"DeviceType"` // The number of CPU cores after the instance is upgraded. If this parameter is left empty, the number of CPU cores will be automatically filled in according to the `Memory` value. Cpu *int64 `json:"Cpu,omitempty" name:"Cpu"` // Whether to enable QuickChange. Valid values: `0` (no), `1` (yes). After QuickChange is enabled, the required resources will be checked. QuickChange is performed only when the required resources support the feature; otherwise, an error message will be returned. FastUpgrade *int64 `json:"FastUpgrade,omitempty" name:"FastUpgrade"` }
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceRequest ¶
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceRequest() (request *UpgradeDBInstanceRequest)
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceRequest) ToJsonString() string
type UpgradeDBInstanceResponse ¶
type UpgradeDBInstanceResponse struct { *tchttp.BaseResponse Response *struct { // Order ID. DealIds []*string `json:"DealIds,omitempty" name:"DealIds"` // Async task request ID, which can be used to query the execution result of an async task. AsyncRequestId *string `json:"AsyncRequestId,omitempty" name:"AsyncRequestId"` // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitempty" name:"RequestId"` } `json:"Response"` }
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceResponse ¶
func NewUpgradeDBInstanceResponse() (response *UpgradeDBInstanceResponse)
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceResponse) FromJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error
FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check
func (*UpgradeDBInstanceResponse) ToJsonString ¶
func (r *UpgradeDBInstanceResponse) ToJsonString() string
type UploadInfo ¶
type ZoneConf ¶
type ZoneConf struct { // AZ deployment mode. Value range: 0 (single-AZ), 1 (multi-AZ) DeployMode []*int64 `json:"DeployMode,omitempty" name:"DeployMode"` // AZ where the primary instance is located MasterZone []*string `json:"MasterZone,omitempty" name:"MasterZone"` // AZ where salve database 1 is located when the instance is deployed in multi-AZ mode SlaveZone []*string `json:"SlaveZone,omitempty" name:"SlaveZone"` // AZ where salve database 2 is located when the instance is deployed in multi-AZ mode BackupZone []*string `json:"BackupZone,omitempty" name:"BackupZone"` }
type ZoneSellConf ¶
type ZoneSellConf struct { // AZ status. Value range: 0 (not available), 1 (available), 2 (purchasable), 3 (not purchasable), 4 (not displayed) Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitempty" name:"Status"` // AZ name ZoneName *string `json:"ZoneName,omitempty" name:"ZoneName"` // Whether it is a custom instance type IsCustom *bool `json:"IsCustom,omitempty" name:"IsCustom"` // Whether disaster recovery is supported IsSupportDr *bool `json:"IsSupportDr,omitempty" name:"IsSupportDr"` // Whether VPC is supported IsSupportVpc *bool `json:"IsSupportVpc,omitempty" name:"IsSupportVpc"` // Maximum purchasable quantity of hourly billed instances HourInstanceSaleMaxNum *int64 `json:"HourInstanceSaleMaxNum,omitempty" name:"HourInstanceSaleMaxNum"` // Whether it is a default AZ IsDefaultZone *bool `json:"IsDefaultZone,omitempty" name:"IsDefaultZone"` // Whether it is a BM zone IsBm *bool `json:"IsBm,omitempty" name:"IsBm"` // Supported billing method. Value range: 0 (monthly subscribed), 1 (hourly), 2 (postpaid) PayType []*string `json:"PayType,omitempty" name:"PayType"` // Data replication type. Value range: 0 (async), 1 (semi-sync), 2 (strong sync) ProtectMode []*string `json:"ProtectMode,omitempty" name:"ProtectMode"` // AZ name Zone *string `json:"Zone,omitempty" name:"Zone"` // Array of purchasable instance types SellType []*SellType `json:"SellType,omitempty" name:"SellType"` // Multi-AZ information ZoneConf *ZoneConf `json:"ZoneConf,omitempty" name:"ZoneConf"` // Information of the supported disaster recovery AZ DrZone []*string `json:"DrZone,omitempty" name:"DrZone"` // Whether cross-AZ read-only access is supported IsSupportRemoteRo *bool `json:"IsSupportRemoteRo,omitempty" name:"IsSupportRemoteRo"` // Information of supported cross-AZ read-only zone // Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. RemoteRoZone []*string `json:"RemoteRoZone,omitempty" name:"RemoteRoZone"` }