
v3.0.1114+incompatible Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jan 5, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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const (

	// CAM signature/authentication error.
	AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"

	// The operation failed.
	FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

	// Order status exception.

	// Another data source is being created.

	// Another operation is in progress. Please try again later.

	// Another request is being processed. Try again later.

	// Insufficient account balance.

	// Billing system exception.

	// The number of tags set reached the limit.

	// Failed to create the engine.

	// The deletion of the data engine failed.

	// Failed to deliver the goods.

	// Duplicate tag keys.

	// Deduction failed.

	// Obtaining the authentication policy failed.

	// Failed to get product information.

	// Obtaining user information failed. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us.

	// Obtaining working group information failed.

	// Authorization failed.

	// The HTTP client request failed.

	// Invalid resources.
	FAILEDOPERATION_ILLEGALRESOURCE = "FailedOperation.IllegalResource"

	// Invalid characters in the tag key.

	// Invalid characters in the tag value.

	// Price query failed.

	// Failed to scale up/down the instance.

	// No permission.
	FAILEDOPERATION_NOPERMISSION = "FailedOperation.NoPermission"

	// The user does not have permission to specify the engine.

	// Unverified account.

	// Reached the allowed limit of engines.

	// Failed to verify parameters.

	// Refunding failed.

	// Canceling authorization failed.

	// Syntax parsing failed. Please verify and try again.

	// A tag key of the same name has been set for the resource.

	// The tag key exceeded the length limit.

	// The tag does not exist.

	// The tag value exceeded the length limit.

	// The number of resources reached the limit.

	// The number of tags reached the limit.

	// An internal error occurred.
	INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

	// A database error occurred.

	// The business system is abnormal. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us.

	// The parameter is incorrect.
	INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

	// The custom primary key of the specified interactive SQL task is not unique.

	// The specified cluster resource type does not match. Currently, only spark_cu (corresponding to Spark cluster) and presto_cu (corresponding to Presto cluster) are supported.

	// The specified cluster parameter already exists

	// The parameter ExecType passing to the specified cluster is invalid. Currently, only SQL or BATCH is supported.

	// The specified cluster image operation does not match. Currently, only InitImage/UpgradeImage/SwitchImage/RollbackImage/ModifyResource is supported.

	// The specified cluster billing mode does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: pay-as-you-go and 2: annual and monthly subscriptions.

	// The current task only supports SQL engine operation.

	// The current task only supports the Spark batch job processing engine.

	// The specified cluster payment type does not match. Currently, it only supports 0: postpaid and 1: prepaid.

	// The specified cluster specifications are not compliant.

	// The specified cluster type does not match. Currently, only spark/presto is supported.

	// Duplicate engine name.

	// The working group name is duplicated.

	// The username is duplicated.

	// The number of specified Filter.Values parameters exceeds the limit. Currently, it should be less than or equal to 50.

	// The specified cluster image Cluster parameter format is not JSON.

	// The specified engine type does not match. Currently, only SparkSQL, PrestoSQL, and SparkBatch are supported.

	// The specified isPublic does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: public and 2: private.

	// The specified cluster image parameter does not exist.

	// The specified cluster image ParameterSubmitMethod does not match. Currently, only User and BackGround are supported.

	// The specified cluster image ParameterType does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: session; 2: common; 3: cluster.

	// The specified cluster image Session parameter format is not JSON.

	// The specified state does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: initializing, 2: online, 3: offline.

	// The specified cluster image UserRecords does not match. Currently, it only supports: 1: parentVersion; 2: childVersion; 3: pySpark.

	// Instances are in other processes.

	// The access policy is invalid.

	// The specified Spark task package file format does not match. Currently, only .jar or .py is supported.

	// The field name is set incorrectly. The field name must be less than or equal to 128 bytes.

	// The number of fields is set incorrectly. The number of fields must be less than or equal to 4096.

	// The specified task parameter Key value does not exist.

	// The length of the specified task parameter Value exceeds the limit.

	// The specified task parameter Value does not conform to the rules.

	// The specified cluster CIDR format does not match, and the reference style is

	// The specified cluster parameters are invalid. Please verify and try again.

	// The engine description information is invalid.

	// Invalid data engine mode.

	// The data engine name is invalid.

	// Invalid data engine spec.

	// The usage duration of the specified cluster resource: Postpaid: Fill in 3,600 as a fixed figure; prepaid: Fill in a figure equal to or bigger than 1 which means purchasing resources for one month. The maximum figure is no more than 120. The default is 3,600.

	// The unit of the usage duration of the specified cluster resource does not match; postpaid: h; prepaid: m. The default is h.

	// The DecimalType setting is invalid. Precision must be greater than or equal to Scale, and Precision must be less than 38.

	// The default data engine parameters are invalid.

	// The description information is invalid.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDDESCRIPTION = "InvalidParameter.InvalidDescription"

	// The current DriverSize specification only supports small/medium/large/xlarge/m.small/m.medium/m.large/m.xlarge.

	// The specified dynamic number of executors must be the current maximum value.

	// The engine execution type is invalid.

	// The engine type is invalid.

	// The current ExecutorSize specification only supports small/medium/large/xlarge/m.small/m.medium/m.large/m.xlarge.

	// The task fault tolerance type is wrong. Currently, only Proceed/Terminate is supported.

	// The specified file compression format is not compliant. Currently, only .tar.gz/.tar/.tgz is supported.

	// The specified file path format is not compliant. Currently, only cosn:// or lakefs:// is supported.

	// The filter condition is not supported.

	// The number of filter conditions is invalid. When filter conditions are specified, the number of filter conditions should be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 5.

	// The working group ID is invalid.

	// The requested message type is invalid.

	// Invalid maximum number of results.

	// The minimum number of clusters is invalid.

	// The Offset value is invalid.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDOFFSET = "InvalidParameter.InvalidOffset"

	// Invalid billing mode.

	// The CAM role arn is invalid.

	// SQL parsing failed.

	// Parameter verification failed. Please adjust the parameters or submit a ticket to contact us.

	// The number of executed SQL statements is incorrect. The number of SQL statements must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 50.

	// The number of SQL task results obtained at a time must be greater than 0 and less than 1,000.

	// Currently, types supported by Session only include spark/pyspark/sparkr/sql.

	// The sorting type is not supported.

	// Invalid Sorting
	INVALIDPARAMETER_INVALIDSORTING = "InvalidParameter.InvalidSorting"

	// The `SparkAppParam` is invalid.

	// The specified Spark job configuration format is abnormal. Please see spark.network.timeout=120s.

	// Currently, Statement only supports the type of sql.

	// The storage location is incorrect.

	// The table name is set incorrectly. The length of the table name must be less than or equal to 128 bytes.

	// The `taskid` is invalid.

	// The TaskType is incorrect. The Spark engine task type is SparkSQLTask, and the Presto engine task type is SQLTask.

	// The specified TCR Spark image format does not match. The example for reference is my-image/ndf/python/latest.

	// The specified time format is not compliant. Currently, only YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS is supported.

	// The date parameters are abnormal. For example, the end time is earlier than the start time.

	// Invalid billing period.

	// Invalid unit of billing period.

	// The username is invalid.

	// The username is invalid.

	// The user type is invalid.

	// There is an error in getting an allowlist. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us.

	// The working group name is invalid.

	// Job not found.

	// You are currently only allowed to view 100 results. If you need to make an adjustment, please contact us.

	// The number of SQL statements submitted is limited to 1~50.

	// Base64 parsing of the specified parameter failed.
	INVALIDPARAMETER_PARAMETERBASE64DECODEFAILED = "InvalidParameter.ParameterBase64DecodeFailed"

	// The parameter is not found or empty.

	// Base64 parsing of the SQL script failed.

	// SQL parameter preprocessing failed.

	// The specified Filter.Key does not match. Currently, only task-id/task-sql-keyword/task-kind/task-operator/batch-id/session-id/task-state is supported.

	// The specified SQL task does not exist.

	// The SortBy type specified in the SQL task does not match. Currently, only create-time/data-amount/used-time/resource-usage is supported.

	// The specified Spark task Filter.Key does not match. Currently, only spark-app-type/user-name/spark-job-name/spark-job-id/key-word is supported.

	// The specified Spark task IsInherit type does not match. Currently, it only supports: 0: Inherit; 1: Do not inherit.

	// The specified Spark task does not exist.

	// The specified Spark task already exists.

	// Spark tasks can only be run using the Spark job engine.

	// The specified Spark task RoleArn does not exist.

	// The specified Spark task sorting type does not match. Currently, only create-time/update-time/user-name/data-engine-name is supported.

	// The task has ended and cannot be canceled.

	// The task does not exist.

	// The specified task status does not match. Currently, it only supports 0: initializing, 1: running, 2: successful, 3: writing data, 4: queuing, -1: failed, and -3: deleted.

	// Invalid VPC CIDR format.

	// The parameter value is incorrect.
	INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = "InvalidParameterValue"

	// The quota limit is reached.
	LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"

	// Missing parameters.
	MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

	// Operation denied.
	OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

	// The resource is occupied.
	RESOURCEINUSE = "ResourceInUse"

	// Some SQL tasks have not yet been completed.

	// The specified spark job resources are insufficient. Please adjust the driver/executor specifications.

	// The resource does not exist.
	RESOURCENOTFOUND = "ResourceNotFound"

	// The specified interactive SQL task does not exist.

	// The specified interactive SQL task is not unique.

	// The specified cluster configuration instance does not exist.

	// The specified cluster configuration instance already exists.

	// The specified cluster is not running.

	// The specified engine does not exist.

	// The specified cluster is not a multi-version type and does not support this operation.

	// The specified engine is not running.

	// The specified engine already exists.

	// The specified cluster is not a Spark batch job type and does not support this operation.

	// The data source connection does not exist. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us.

	// No default engine can be found.

	// The specified cluster image Session configuration does not exist.

	// The specified cluster image Session configuration already exists.

	// The specified cluster image is not activated.

	// The specified cluster image version does not exist.

	// The specified cluster image version already exists.

	// The specified task resources exceed the limit of the remaining resources of the cluster. Please try again after adjustment.

	// The result path was not found.

	// Obtaining the result storage path failed. Please go to the Console -> Data Exploration page for settings.

	// The specified RoleArn does not exist.

	// There are currently no resources to create a session. Please try again later or use an annual or monthly subscription cluster.

	// The session does not exist.

	// The session has expired.

	// The Spark Shuffle storage path cannot be found. Please go to the Console -> Data Exploration page -> Storage Configuration to set it.

	// The task has failed.

	// The task has been completed.

	// The Warehouse storage path cannot be found. Please go to the Console->Data Exploration page->Storage Configuration to set it.

	// The resource is unavailable.
	RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"

	// The account balance is insufficient to run the SQL task.
	RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE_BALANCEINSUFFICIENT = "ResourceUnavailable.BalanceInsufficient"

	// Currently, the allowlist function is available. Please contact us to activate it.

	// The resource is sold out.
	RESOURCESSOLDOUT = "ResourcesSoldOut"

	// There is no permission authorization policy.

	// There is no permission to operate.

	// There is no permission to reclaim permissions.

	// Unauthorized operation.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot add users to working groups.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot bind working groups to users.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot create working groups.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_CREATEWORKGROUP = "UnauthorizedOperation.CreateWorkgroup"

	// Sub-users cannot delete a computing engine.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot delete users.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_DELETEUSER = "UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteUser"

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot unbind users from working groups.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot delete working groups.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_DELETEWORKGROUP = "UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteWorkgroup"

	// Sub-users do not have the authority to grant specific permissions.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_GRANTPOLICY = "UnauthorizedOperation.GrantPolicy"

	// Sub-users cannot modify engine configuration.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify user information.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify user types.

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify working group information.

	// Sub-users do not have the permission to view engine monitoring.

	// No permission to pay.

	// Unauthorized engine operation by a sub-user.

	// Prohibited operation admin

	// Sub-users have no authority to renew the computing engine.

	// Sub-users do not have the authority to revoke specific permissions.
	UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_REVOKEPOLICY = "UnauthorizedOperation.RevokePolicy"

	// Sub-users are not administrators and cannot unbind working groups and users.

	// The sub-user does not have permission to use the compute engine.

	// The sub-user does not exist.

	// Unknown parameter error.
	UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

	// Unsupported operation.
	UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

	// The root account cannot be modified.

	// The current file format is not supported. Currently, it only supports json/csv/avro/orc/parquet.
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const APIVersion = "2021-01-25"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AccessInfo

type AccessInfo struct {
	// Methods to visit the engine
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessType *string `json:"AccessType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessType"`

	// URL that visits the engine and part of internal parameters should be taken place according to the actual situation.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessConnectionInfos []*string `json:"AccessConnectionInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessConnectionInfos"`

type AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest

type AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest struct {

	// Information about working groups and users to be operated
	AddInfo *UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

func NewAddUsersToWorkGroupRequest

func NewAddUsersToWorkGroupRequest() (request *AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest)

func (*AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type AddUsersToWorkGroupRequestParams

type AddUsersToWorkGroupRequestParams struct {
	// Information about working groups and users to be operated
	AddInfo *UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse

type AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse struct {
	Response *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewAddUsersToWorkGroupResponse

func NewAddUsersToWorkGroupResponse() (response *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse)

func (*AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type AddUsersToWorkGroupResponseParams

type AddUsersToWorkGroupResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type AlterDMSDatabaseRequest

type AlterDMSDatabaseRequest struct {

	// Current name
	CurrentName *string `json:"CurrentName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CurrentName"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Path
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Basic object
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

func NewAlterDMSDatabaseRequest

func NewAlterDMSDatabaseRequest() (request *AlterDMSDatabaseRequest)

func (*AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString() string

type AlterDMSDatabaseRequestParams

type AlterDMSDatabaseRequestParams struct {
	// Current name
	CurrentName *string `json:"CurrentName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CurrentName"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Path
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Basic object
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

Predefined struct for user

type AlterDMSDatabaseResponse

type AlterDMSDatabaseResponse struct {
	Response *AlterDMSDatabaseResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewAlterDMSDatabaseResponse

func NewAlterDMSDatabaseResponse() (response *AlterDMSDatabaseResponse)

func (*AlterDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *AlterDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AlterDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *AlterDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString() string

type AlterDMSDatabaseResponseParams

type AlterDMSDatabaseResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Asset

type Asset struct {
	// Primary key
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Object GUID value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Guid *string `json:"Guid,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Guid"`

	// Data directory
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Description information
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Object owner
	Owner *string `json:"Owner,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Owner"`

	// Object owner account
	OwnerAccount *string `json:"OwnerAccount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OwnerAccount"`

	// Permission
	PermValues []*KVPair `json:"PermValues,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PermValues"`

	// Additional attributes
	Params []*KVPair `json:"Params,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Params"`

	// Additional business attributes
	BizParams []*KVPair `json:"BizParams,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BizParams"`

	// Data version
	DataVersion *int64 `json:"DataVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataVersion"`

	// Creation time
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Modification time
	ModifiedTime *string `json:"ModifiedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ModifiedTime"`

	// Data source primary key
	DatasourceId *int64 `json:"DatasourceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceId"`

type AttachUserPolicyRequest

type AttachUserPolicyRequest struct {

	// User ID, which is the same as the sub-user UIN. The CreateUser API is needed to create a user at first. The DescribeUsers API can be used for viewing.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Collection of authentication policies
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

func NewAttachUserPolicyRequest

func NewAttachUserPolicyRequest() (request *AttachUserPolicyRequest)

func (*AttachUserPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *AttachUserPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AttachUserPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *AttachUserPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type AttachUserPolicyRequestParams

type AttachUserPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// User ID, which is the same as the sub-user UIN. The CreateUser API is needed to create a user at first. The DescribeUsers API can be used for viewing.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Collection of authentication policies
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

Predefined struct for user

type AttachUserPolicyResponse

type AttachUserPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *AttachUserPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewAttachUserPolicyResponse

func NewAttachUserPolicyResponse() (response *AttachUserPolicyResponse)

func (*AttachUserPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *AttachUserPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AttachUserPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *AttachUserPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type AttachUserPolicyResponseParams

type AttachUserPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest struct {

	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Collection of policies to be bound
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

func NewAttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest

func NewAttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest() (request *AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest)

func (*AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequestParams

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Collection of policies to be bound
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

Predefined struct for user

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewAttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse

func NewAttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse() (response *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse)

func (*AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams

type AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest

type BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest struct {

	// Information about bound working groups and users
	AddInfo *WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

func NewBindWorkGroupsToUserRequest

func NewBindWorkGroupsToUserRequest() (request *BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest)

func (*BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type BindWorkGroupsToUserRequestParams

type BindWorkGroupsToUserRequestParams struct {
	// Information about bound working groups and users
	AddInfo *WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse

type BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse struct {
	Response *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewBindWorkGroupsToUserResponse

func NewBindWorkGroupsToUserResponse() (response *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse)

func (*BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type BindWorkGroupsToUserResponseParams

type BindWorkGroupsToUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CHDFSProductVpcInfo

type CHDFSProductVpcInfo struct {
	// vpc id
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// VPC name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcName *string `json:"VpcName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcName"`

	// VPC subnet information list
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcCidrBlock []*VpcCidrBlock `json:"VpcCidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcCidrBlock"`

	// Rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Permission group ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessGroupId *string `json:"AccessGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessGroupId"`

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest struct {

	// The unique identifier of a batch task.
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// User-defined primary key. If it is specified, the value should be used for querying.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

func NewCancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest

func NewCancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest() (request *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest)

func (*CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequestParams

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequestParams struct {
	// The unique identifier of a batch task.
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// User-defined primary key. If it is specified, the value should be used for querying.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

Predefined struct for user

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse struct {
	Response *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse

func NewCancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse() (response *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse)

func (*CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams

type CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CancelTaskRequest

type CancelTaskRequest struct {

	// Globally unique task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

func NewCancelTaskRequest

func NewCancelTaskRequest() (request *CancelTaskRequest)

func (*CancelTaskRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CancelTaskRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CancelTaskRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CancelTaskRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CancelTaskRequestParams

type CancelTaskRequestParams struct {
	// Globally unique task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CancelTaskResponse

type CancelTaskResponse struct {
	Response *CancelTaskResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCancelTaskResponse

func NewCancelTaskResponse() (response *CancelTaskResponse)

func (*CancelTaskResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CancelTaskResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CancelTaskResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CancelTaskResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CancelTaskResponseParams

type CancelTaskResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest struct {

	// ID of the minor version of the engine
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

	// User-defined parameters
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// ID of the major version of the engine. If there is the ID of the minor version, only the ID of the minor version needs to be input. If not, the latest ID of the minor version under the major version will be acquired.
	ImageVersionId *string `json:"ImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionId"`

func NewCheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest

func NewCheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest() (request *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest)

func (*CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequestParams

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequestParams struct {
	// ID of the minor version of the engine
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

	// User-defined parameters
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// ID of the major version of the engine. If there is the ID of the minor version, only the ID of the minor version needs to be input. If not, the latest ID of the minor version under the major version will be acquired.
	ImageVersionId *string `json:"ImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse struct {
	Response *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse

func NewCheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse() (response *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse)

func (*CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponseParams

type CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponseParams struct {
	// Validity of parameters. true: valid; false: There is at least one invalid parameter.
	IsAvailable *bool `json:"IsAvailable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsAvailable"`

	// Collection of invalid parameters
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UnavailableConfig []*string `json:"UnavailableConfig,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UnavailableConfig"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest struct {

	// Unique engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest() (request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest)

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequestParams

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequestParams struct {
	// Unique engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse struct {
	Response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse() (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse)

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponseParams

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponseParams struct {
	// Log record ID after rolling back
	ToRecordId *string `json:"ToRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ToRecordId"`

	// Log record ID before rolling back
	FromRecordId *string `json:"FromRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FromRecordId"`

	// Whether it can be rolled back
	IsRollback *bool `json:"IsRollback,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsRollback"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest struct {

	// Cluster ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest() (request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest)

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequestParams

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequestParams struct {
	// Cluster ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse struct {
	Response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse

func NewCheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse() (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse)

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse) ToJsonString

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponseParams

type CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponseParams struct {
	// ID of the minor version of the cluster image that can be updated under the major version
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

	// Whether it can be updated
	IsUpgrade *bool `json:"IsUpgrade,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsUpgrade"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckGrantedPermissionRequest

type CheckGrantedPermissionRequest struct {

	// Permission check
	CheckPermission []*CheckPermission `json:"CheckPermission,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CheckPermission"`

func NewCheckGrantedPermissionRequest

func NewCheckGrantedPermissionRequest() (request *CheckGrantedPermissionRequest)

func (*CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CheckGrantedPermissionRequestParams

type CheckGrantedPermissionRequestParams struct {
	// Permission check
	CheckPermission []*CheckPermission `json:"CheckPermission,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CheckPermission"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckGrantedPermissionResponse

type CheckGrantedPermissionResponse struct {
	Response *CheckGrantedPermissionResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCheckGrantedPermissionResponse

func NewCheckGrantedPermissionResponse() (response *CheckGrantedPermissionResponse)

func (*CheckGrantedPermissionResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CheckGrantedPermissionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CheckGrantedPermissionResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CheckGrantedPermissionResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CheckGrantedPermissionResponseParams

type CheckGrantedPermissionResponseParams struct {
	// Permission status
	PermissionResponses []*PermissionResponseInfo `json:"PermissionResponses,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PermissionResponses"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CheckPermission

type CheckPermission struct {
	// Permission type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessType *string `json:"AccessType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessType"`

	// Resource information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourceBaseInfo *ResourceBaseInfo `json:"ResourceBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceBaseInfo"`

type Client

type Client struct {

func NewClient

func NewClient(credential common.CredentialIface, region string, clientProfile *profile.ClientProfile) (client *Client, err error)

func NewClientWithSecretId

func NewClientWithSecretId(secretId, secretKey, region string) (client *Client, err error)


func (*Client) AddUsersToWorkGroup

func (c *Client) AddUsersToWorkGroup(request *AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) (response *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse, err error)

AddUsersToWorkGroup This API is used to add users to working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) AddUsersToWorkGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) AddUsersToWorkGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddUsersToWorkGroupRequest) (response *AddUsersToWorkGroupResponse, err error)

AddUsersToWorkGroup This API is used to add users to working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) AlterDMSDatabase

func (c *Client) AlterDMSDatabase(request *AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *AlterDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

AlterDMSDatabase This API is used to update databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) AlterDMSDatabaseWithContext

func (c *Client) AlterDMSDatabaseWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AlterDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *AlterDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

AlterDMSDatabase This API is used to update databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) AttachUserPolicy

func (c *Client) AttachUserPolicy(request *AttachUserPolicyRequest) (response *AttachUserPolicyResponse, err error)

AttachUserPolicy This API is used to bind the authentication policy to the user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) AttachUserPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) AttachUserPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachUserPolicyRequest) (response *AttachUserPolicyResponse, err error)

AttachUserPolicy This API is used to bind the authentication policy to the user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) AttachWorkGroupPolicy

func (c *Client) AttachWorkGroupPolicy(request *AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) (response *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse, err error)

AttachWorkGroupPolicy This API is used to bind an authentication policy to a working group.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) AttachWorkGroupPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) AttachWorkGroupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *AttachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) (response *AttachWorkGroupPolicyResponse, err error)

AttachWorkGroupPolicy This API is used to bind an authentication policy to a working group.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) BindWorkGroupsToUser

func (c *Client) BindWorkGroupsToUser(request *BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) (response *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse, err error)

BindWorkGroupsToUser This API is used to bind working groups to users.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) BindWorkGroupsToUserWithContext

func (c *Client) BindWorkGroupsToUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *BindWorkGroupsToUserRequest) (response *BindWorkGroupsToUserResponse, err error)

BindWorkGroupsToUser This API is used to bind working groups to users.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CancelSparkSessionBatchSQL

func (c *Client) CancelSparkSessionBatchSQL(request *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) (response *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse, err error)

CancelSparkSessionBatchSQL This API is used to cancel a Spark SQL batch task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLWithContext

func (c *Client) CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) (response *CancelSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse, err error)

CancelSparkSessionBatchSQL This API is used to cancel a Spark SQL batch task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CancelTask

func (c *Client) CancelTask(request *CancelTaskRequest) (response *CancelTaskResponse, err error)

CancelTask This API is used to cancel a task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CancelTaskWithContext

func (c *Client) CancelTaskWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CancelTaskRequest) (response *CancelTaskResponse, err error)

CancelTask This API is used to cancel a task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidity

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidity(request *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidity This API is used to check the validity of the engine's user-defined parameters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityWithContext

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidityResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidity This API is used to check the validity of the engine's user-defined parameters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollback

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollback(request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollback This API is used to check whether the cluster can be rolled back.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackWithContext

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollbackResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollback This API is used to check whether the cluster can be rolled back.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgrade

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgrade(request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgrade This API is used to check whether the cluster image can be upgraded.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeWithContext

func (c *Client) CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeRequest) (response *CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgradeResponse, err error)

CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgrade This API is used to check whether the cluster image can be upgraded.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckGrantedPermission

func (c *Client) CheckGrantedPermission(request *CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) (response *CheckGrantedPermissionResponse, err error)

CheckGrantedPermission This API is used to check the permission status.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CheckGrantedPermissionWithContext

func (c *Client) CheckGrantedPermissionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CheckGrantedPermissionRequest) (response *CheckGrantedPermissionResponse, err error)

CheckGrantedPermission This API is used to check the permission status.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CopyDLCTable

func (c *Client) CopyDLCTable(request *CopyDLCTableRequest) (response *CopyDLCTableResponse, err error)

CopyDLCTable This API is used to copy a table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CopyDLCTableWithContext

func (c *Client) CopyDLCTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CopyDLCTableRequest) (response *CopyDLCTableResponse, err error)

CopyDLCTable This API is used to copy a table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateCHDFSBindingProduct

func (c *Client) CreateCHDFSBindingProduct(request *CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) (response *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse, err error)

CreateCHDFSBindingProduct This API is used to create metadata acceleration buckets and the binding relationship between products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateCHDFSBindingProductWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateCHDFSBindingProductWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) (response *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse, err error)

CreateCHDFSBindingProduct This API is used to create metadata acceleration buckets and the binding relationship between products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateDLCTable

func (c *Client) CreateDLCTable(request *CreateDLCTableRequest) (response *CreateDLCTableResponse, err error)

CreateDLCTable This API is used to create a table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateDLCTableWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateDLCTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDLCTableRequest) (response *CreateDLCTableResponse, err error)

CreateDLCTable This API is used to create a table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateDMSDatabase

func (c *Client) CreateDMSDatabase(request *CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *CreateDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

CreateDMSDatabase This API is used to create databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateDMSDatabaseWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateDMSDatabaseWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *CreateDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

CreateDMSDatabase This API is used to create databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateDataEngine

func (c *Client) CreateDataEngine(request *CreateDataEngineRequest) (response *CreateDataEngineResponse, err error)

CreateDataEngine This API is used to create a data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDataEngineRequest) (response *CreateDataEngineResponse, err error)

CreateDataEngine This API is used to create a data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateInternalTable

func (c *Client) CreateInternalTable(request *CreateInternalTableRequest) (response *CreateInternalTableResponse, err error)

CreateInternalTable This API is used to create a managed internal table. It has been disused.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateInternalTableWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateInternalTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateInternalTableRequest) (response *CreateInternalTableResponse, err error)

CreateInternalTable This API is used to create a managed internal table. It has been disused.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateResultDownload

func (c *Client) CreateResultDownload(request *CreateResultDownloadRequest) (response *CreateResultDownloadResponse, err error)

CreateResultDownload This API is used to create a query result download task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateResultDownloadWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateResultDownloadWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateResultDownloadRequest) (response *CreateResultDownloadResponse, err error)

CreateResultDownload This API is used to create a query result download task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateSparkApp

func (c *Client) CreateSparkApp(request *CreateSparkAppRequest) (response *CreateSparkAppResponse, err error)

CreateSparkApp This API is used to create a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateSparkAppTask

func (c *Client) CreateSparkAppTask(request *CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) (response *CreateSparkAppTaskResponse, err error)

CreateSparkAppTask This API is used to start a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"

func (*Client) CreateSparkAppTaskWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateSparkAppTaskWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) (response *CreateSparkAppTaskResponse, err error)

CreateSparkAppTask This API is used to start a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"

func (*Client) CreateSparkAppWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateSparkAppWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSparkAppRequest) (response *CreateSparkAppResponse, err error)

CreateSparkApp This API is used to create a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateSparkSessionBatchSQL

func (c *Client) CreateSparkSessionBatchSQL(request *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) (response *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse, err error)

CreateSparkSessionBatchSQL This API is used to submit a Spark SQL batch task to the job engine.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) (response *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse, err error)

CreateSparkSessionBatchSQL This API is used to submit a Spark SQL batch task to the job engine.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateStoreLocation

func (c *Client) CreateStoreLocation(request *CreateStoreLocationRequest) (response *CreateStoreLocationResponse, err error)

CreateStoreLocation This API is used to add or overwrite the storage location of results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateStoreLocationWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateStoreLocationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateStoreLocationRequest) (response *CreateStoreLocationResponse, err error)

CreateStoreLocation This API is used to add or overwrite the storage location of results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateTask

func (c *Client) CreateTask(request *CreateTaskRequest) (response *CreateTaskResponse, err error)

CreateTask This API is used to create and execute a SQL task. (`CreateTasks` is recommended.)

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateTaskWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateTaskWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateTaskRequest) (response *CreateTaskResponse, err error)

CreateTask This API is used to create and execute a SQL task. (`CreateTasks` is recommended.)

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateTasks

func (c *Client) CreateTasks(request *CreateTasksRequest) (response *CreateTasksResponse, err error)

CreateTasks This API is used to create and execute SQL tasks in batches.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateTasksWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateTasksWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateTasksRequest) (response *CreateTasksResponse, err error)

CreateTasks This API is used to create and execute SQL tasks in batches.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) CreateUser

func (c *Client) CreateUser(request *CreateUserRequest) (response *CreateUserResponse, err error)

CreateUser This API is used to create users.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateUserWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateUserRequest) (response *CreateUserResponse, err error)

CreateUser This API is used to create users.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) CreateWorkGroup

func (c *Client) CreateWorkGroup(request *CreateWorkGroupRequest) (response *CreateWorkGroupResponse, err error)

CreateWorkGroup This API is used to create working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) CreateWorkGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) CreateWorkGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateWorkGroupRequest) (response *CreateWorkGroupResponse, err error)

CreateWorkGroup This API is used to create working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DeleteCHDFSBindingProduct

func (c *Client) DeleteCHDFSBindingProduct(request *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) (response *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse, err error)

DeleteCHDFSBindingProduct This API is used to delete the binding relationship between metadata acceleration buckets and products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteCHDFSBindingProductWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteCHDFSBindingProductWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) (response *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse, err error)

DeleteCHDFSBindingProduct This API is used to delete the binding relationship between metadata acceleration buckets and products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteDataEngine

func (c *Client) DeleteDataEngine(request *DeleteDataEngineRequest) (response *DeleteDataEngineResponse, err error)

DeleteDataEngine This API is used to delete the data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDataEngineRequest) (response *DeleteDataEngineResponse, err error)

DeleteDataEngine This API is used to delete the data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteSparkApp

func (c *Client) DeleteSparkApp(request *DeleteSparkAppRequest) (response *DeleteSparkAppResponse, err error)

DeleteSparkApp This API is used to delete a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) DeleteSparkAppWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteSparkAppWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteSparkAppRequest) (response *DeleteSparkAppResponse, err error)

DeleteSparkApp This API is used to delete a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) DeleteThirdPartyAccessUser

func (c *Client) DeleteThirdPartyAccessUser(request *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

DeleteThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to remove visits through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

DeleteThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to remove visits through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DeleteUser

func (c *Client) DeleteUser(request *DeleteUserRequest) (response *DeleteUserResponse, err error)

DeleteUser This API is used to delete users.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteUserWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteUserRequest) (response *DeleteUserResponse, err error)

DeleteUser This API is used to delete users.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteUsersFromWorkGroup

func (c *Client) DeleteUsersFromWorkGroup(request *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) (response *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse, err error)

DeleteUsersFromWorkGroup This API is used to delete users from working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) (response *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse, err error)

DeleteUsersFromWorkGroup This API is used to delete users from working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteWorkGroup

func (c *Client) DeleteWorkGroup(request *DeleteWorkGroupRequest) (response *DeleteWorkGroupResponse, err error)

DeleteWorkGroup This API is used to delete working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DeleteWorkGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) DeleteWorkGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteWorkGroupRequest) (response *DeleteWorkGroupResponse, err error)

DeleteWorkGroup This API is used to delete working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeAdvancedStoreLocation

func (c *Client) DescribeAdvancedStoreLocation(request *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) (response *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse, err error)

DescribeAdvancedStoreLocation This API is used to query the advanced settings of the SQL query interface.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) (response *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse, err error)

DescribeAdvancedStoreLocation This API is used to query the advanced settings of the SQL query interface.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCCatalogAccess

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCCatalogAccess(request *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to query the DLC Catalog authorization list.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCCatalogAccessWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCCatalogAccessWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to query the DLC Catalog authorization list.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCTable

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCTable(request *DescribeDLCTableRequest) (response *DescribeDLCTableResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCTable This API is used to obtain the table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCTableList

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCTableList(request *DescribeDLCTableListRequest) (response *DescribeDLCTableListResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCTableList This API is used to obtain the list of tables.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCTableListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCTableListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDLCTableListRequest) (response *DescribeDLCTableListResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCTableList This API is used to obtain the list of tables.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDLCTableWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDLCTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDLCTableRequest) (response *DescribeDLCTableResponse, err error)

DescribeDLCTable This API is used to obtain the table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDMSDatabase

func (c *Client) DescribeDMSDatabase(request *DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

DescribeDMSDatabase This API is used to obtain databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseList

func (c *Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseList(request *DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse, err error)

DescribeDMSDatabaseList This API is used to obtain the list of databases.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse, err error)

DescribeDMSDatabaseList This API is used to obtain the list of databases.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDMSDatabaseWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

DescribeDMSDatabase This API is used to obtain databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEngine

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEngine(request *DescribeDataEngineRequest) (response *DescribeDataEngineResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEngine This API is used to obtain detailed data engine information based on names.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEngineImageVersions

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEngineImageVersions(request *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest) (response *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEngineImageVersions This API is used to obtain the major version image list of exclusive clusters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest) (response *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEngineImageVersions This API is used to obtain the major version image list of exclusive clusters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImages

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImages(request *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest) (response *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImages This API is used to obtain the PYSPARK image list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest) (response *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImages This API is used to obtain the PYSPARK image list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDataEngineRequest) (response *DescribeDataEngineResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEngine This API is used to obtain detailed data engine information based on names.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetail

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetail(request *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest) (response *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetail This API is used to query engine specification details.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest) (response *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse, err error)

DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetail This API is used to query engine specification details.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) DescribeEngineUsageInfo

func (c *Client) DescribeEngineUsageInfo(request *DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) (response *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeEngineUsageInfo This API is used to query the resource usage of a data engine based on its ID.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeEngineUsageInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeEngineUsageInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) (response *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeEngineUsageInfo This API is used to query the resource usage of a data engine based on its ID.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeForbiddenTablePro

func (c *Client) DescribeForbiddenTablePro(request *DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) (response *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse, err error)

DescribeForbiddenTablePro This API is used to get the list of disabled table attributes (new).

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeForbiddenTableProWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeForbiddenTableProWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) (response *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse, err error)

DescribeForbiddenTablePro This API is used to get the list of disabled table attributes (new).

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeJob

func (c *Client) DescribeJob(request *DescribeJobRequest) (response *DescribeJobResponse, err error)

DescribeJob This API is used to obtain the job information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeJobWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeJobRequest) (response *DescribeJobResponse, err error)

DescribeJob This API is used to obtain the job information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeJobs

func (c *Client) DescribeJobs(request *DescribeJobsRequest) (response *DescribeJobsResponse, err error)

DescribeJobs This API is used to obtain the list of job information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeJobsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeJobsRequest) (response *DescribeJobsResponse, err error)

DescribeJobs This API is used to obtain the list of job information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeLakeFsDirSummary

func (c *Client) DescribeLakeFsDirSummary(request *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) (response *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse, err error)

DescribeLakeFsDirSummary This API is used to query the summary of a specified directory in a managed storage.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

func (*Client) DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) (response *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse, err error)

DescribeLakeFsDirSummary This API is used to query the summary of a specified directory in a managed storage.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

func (*Client) DescribeLakeFsInfo

func (c *Client) DescribeLakeFsInfo(request *DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) (response *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeLakeFsInfo This API is used to query managed storage information.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

func (*Client) DescribeLakeFsInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeLakeFsInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) (response *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeLakeFsInfo This API is used to query managed storage information.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
MISSINGPARAMETER = "MissingParameter"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"

func (*Client) DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingList

func (c *Client) DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingList(request *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) (response *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse, err error)

DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingList This API is used to query the list of metadata acceleration buckets bound to other products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) (response *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse, err error)

DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingList This API is used to query the list of metadata acceleration buckets bound to other products.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeQuery

func (c *Client) DescribeQuery(request *DescribeQueryRequest) (response *DescribeQueryResponse, err error)

DescribeQuery This API is used to obtain the query results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeQueryWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeQueryWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeQueryRequest) (response *DescribeQueryResponse, err error)

DescribeQuery This API is used to obtain the query results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeResultDownload

func (c *Client) DescribeResultDownload(request *DescribeResultDownloadRequest) (response *DescribeResultDownloadResponse, err error)

DescribeResultDownload This API is used to get a query result download task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeResultDownloadWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeResultDownloadWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeResultDownloadRequest) (response *DescribeResultDownloadResponse, err error)

DescribeResultDownload This API is used to get a query result download task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppJob

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppJob(request *DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppJobResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppJob u200cThis API is used to query the information of a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppJobWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppJobResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppJob u200cThis API is used to query the information of a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppJobs

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppJobs(request *DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppJobs This API is used to query the list of Spark jobs.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppJobsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppJobs This API is used to query the list of Spark jobs.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppTasks

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppTasks(request *DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppTasks This API is used to query the list of running task instances of a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkAppTasksWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkAppTasksWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) (response *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkAppTasks This API is used to query the list of running task instances of a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLog

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLog(request *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest) (response *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLog This API is used to query Spark SQL batch task logs.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest) (response *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse, err error)

DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLog This API is used to query Spark SQL batch task logs.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeStoreLocation

func (c *Client) DescribeStoreLocation(request *DescribeStoreLocationRequest) (response *DescribeStoreLocationResponse, err error)

DescribeStoreLocation This API is used to query the storage location of calculation results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeStoreLocationWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeStoreLocationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeStoreLocationRequest) (response *DescribeStoreLocationResponse, err error)

DescribeStoreLocation This API is used to query the storage location of calculation results.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSubUserAccessPolicy

func (c *Client) DescribeSubUserAccessPolicy(request *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) (response *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribeSubUserAccessPolicy This API is used to query the sub-user's visiting policy for users accessing through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) (response *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse, err error)

DescribeSubUserAccessPolicy This API is used to query the sub-user's visiting policy for users accessing through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTablesName

func (c *Client) DescribeTablesName(request *DescribeTablesNameRequest) (response *DescribeTablesNameResponse, err error)

DescribeTablesName This API is used to query the data table name list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTablesNameWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeTablesNameWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTablesNameRequest) (response *DescribeTablesNameResponse, err error)

DescribeTablesName This API is used to query the data table name list.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTaskResult

func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResult(request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)

DescribeTaskResult This API is used to query the result of a task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTaskResultWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeTaskResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTaskResultRequest) (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse, err error)

DescribeTaskResult This API is used to query the result of a task.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTaskStatistics

func (c *Client) DescribeTaskStatistics(request *DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) (response *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse, err error)

DescribeTaskStatistics This API is used to describe the information on task statistics.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeTaskStatisticsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeTaskStatisticsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) (response *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse, err error)

DescribeTaskStatistics This API is used to describe the information on task statistics.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeTasks

func (c *Client) DescribeTasks(request *DescribeTasksRequest) (response *DescribeTasksResponse, err error)

DescribeTasks This API is used to query the list of tasks.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeTasksWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeTasksWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeTasksRequest) (response *DescribeTasksResponse, err error)

DescribeTasks This API is used to query the list of tasks.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeThirdPartyAccessUser

func (c *Client) DescribeThirdPartyAccessUser(request *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

DescribeThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to query the information of users visiting through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

DescribeThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to query the information of users visiting through the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUpdatableDataEngines

func (c *Client) DescribeUpdatableDataEngines(request *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) (response *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse, err error)

DescribeUpdatableDataEngines This API is used to query the list of engines that are able to upgrade their configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) (response *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse, err error)

DescribeUpdatableDataEngines This API is used to query the list of engines that are able to upgrade their configuration.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserDataEngineConfig

func (c *Client) DescribeUserDataEngineConfig(request *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeUserDataEngineConfig This API is used to query user-defined engine parameters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserDataEngineConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUserDataEngineConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

DescribeUserDataEngineConfig This API is used to query user-defined engine parameters.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserInfo

func (c *Client) DescribeUserInfo(request *DescribeUserInfoRequest) (response *DescribeUserInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeUserInfo This API is used to get detailed user information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUserInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUserInfoRequest) (response *DescribeUserInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeUserInfo This API is used to get detailed user information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserRoles

func (c *Client) DescribeUserRoles(request *DescribeUserRolesRequest) (response *DescribeUserRolesResponse, err error)

DescribeUserRoles This API is used to enumerate user roles.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeUserRolesWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUserRolesWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUserRolesRequest) (response *DescribeUserRolesResponse, err error)

DescribeUserRoles This API is used to enumerate user roles.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) DescribeUserType

func (c *Client) DescribeUserType(request *DescribeUserTypeRequest) (response *DescribeUserTypeResponse, err error)

DescribeUserType This API is used to get the types of users.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUserTypeWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUserTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUserTypeRequest) (response *DescribeUserTypeResponse, err error)

DescribeUserType This API is used to get the types of users.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeUsers

func (c *Client) DescribeUsers(request *DescribeUsersRequest) (response *DescribeUsersResponse, err error)

DescribeUsers This API is used to obtain the user list.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeUsersWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeUsersRequest) (response *DescribeUsersResponse, err error)

DescribeUsers This API is used to obtain the user list.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeWorkGroupInfo

func (c *Client) DescribeWorkGroupInfo(request *DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) (response *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeWorkGroupInfo This API is used to get detailed information about working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeWorkGroupInfoWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeWorkGroupInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) (response *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse, err error)

DescribeWorkGroupInfo This API is used to get detailed information about working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) DescribeWorkGroups

func (c *Client) DescribeWorkGroups(request *DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeWorkGroupsResponse, err error)

DescribeWorkGroups This API is used to get a list of working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DescribeWorkGroupsWithContext

func (c *Client) DescribeWorkGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) (response *DescribeWorkGroupsResponse, err error)

DescribeWorkGroups This API is used to get a list of working groups.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DetachUserPolicy

func (c *Client) DetachUserPolicy(request *DetachUserPolicyRequest) (response *DetachUserPolicyResponse, err error)

DetachUserPolicy This API is used to unbind the authentication policy from the user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DetachUserPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DetachUserPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachUserPolicyRequest) (response *DetachUserPolicyResponse, err error)

DetachUserPolicy This API is used to unbind the authentication policy from the user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DetachWorkGroupPolicy

func (c *Client) DetachWorkGroupPolicy(request *DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) (response *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse, err error)

DetachWorkGroupPolicy This API is used to unbind the authentication policy from the working group.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DetachWorkGroupPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) DetachWorkGroupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) (response *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse, err error)

DetachWorkGroupPolicy This API is used to unbind the authentication policy from the working group.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) DropDLCTable

func (c *Client) DropDLCTable(request *DropDLCTableRequest) (response *DropDLCTableResponse, err error)

DropDLCTable This API is used to delete the table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DropDLCTableWithContext

func (c *Client) DropDLCTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DropDLCTableRequest) (response *DropDLCTableResponse, err error)

DropDLCTable This API is used to delete the table.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DropDMSDatabase

func (c *Client) DropDMSDatabase(request *DropDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *DropDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

DropDMSDatabase This API is used to delete databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DropDMSDatabaseWithContext

func (c *Client) DropDMSDatabaseWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DropDMSDatabaseRequest) (response *DropDMSDatabaseResponse, err error)

DropDMSDatabase This API is used to delete databases in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DropDMSTable

func (c *Client) DropDMSTable(request *DropDMSTableRequest) (response *DropDMSTableResponse, err error)

DropDMSTable This API is used to delete tables in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) DropDMSTableWithContext

func (c *Client) DropDMSTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *DropDMSTableRequest) (response *DropDMSTableResponse, err error)

DropDMSTable This API is used to delete tables in the DMS metadata module.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) GenerateCreateMangedTableSql

func (c *Client) GenerateCreateMangedTableSql(request *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) (response *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse, err error)

GenerateCreateMangedTableSql This API is used to generate SQL statements for creating a managed table.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlWithContext

func (c *Client) GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) (response *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse, err error)

GenerateCreateMangedTableSql This API is used to generate SQL statements for creating a managed table.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE = "ResourceUnavailable"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"
UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = "UnsupportedOperation"

func (*Client) GetOptimizerPolicy

func (c *Client) GetOptimizerPolicy(request *GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) (response *GetOptimizerPolicyResponse, err error)

GetOptimizerPolicy GetOptimizerPolicy

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) GetOptimizerPolicyWithContext

func (c *Client) GetOptimizerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) (response *GetOptimizerPolicyResponse, err error)

GetOptimizerPolicy GetOptimizerPolicy

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) GrantDLCCatalogAccess

func (c *Client) GrantDLCCatalogAccess(request *GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

GrantDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to grant permissions for visiting DLC Catalog.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) GrantDLCCatalogAccessWithContext

func (c *Client) GrantDLCCatalogAccessWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

GrantDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to grant permissions for visiting DLC Catalog.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) ModifyAdvancedStoreLocation

func (c *Client) ModifyAdvancedStoreLocation(request *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) (response *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse, err error)

ModifyAdvancedStoreLocation This API is used to modify the advanced settings of the SQL query interface.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) (response *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse, err error)

ModifyAdvancedStoreLocation This API is used to modify the advanced settings of the SQL query interface.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyDataEngineDescription

func (c *Client) ModifyDataEngineDescription(request *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) (response *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse, err error)

ModifyDataEngineDescription This API is used to modify the engine's description.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) ModifyDataEngineDescriptionWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyDataEngineDescriptionWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) (response *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse, err error)

ModifyDataEngineDescription This API is used to modify the engine's description.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) ModifyGovernEventRule

func (c *Client) ModifyGovernEventRule(request *ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) (response *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse, err error)

ModifyGovernEventRule This API is used to change data governance event thresholds.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) ModifyGovernEventRuleWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyGovernEventRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) (response *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse, err error)

ModifyGovernEventRule This API is used to change data governance event thresholds.

error code that may be returned:

AUTHFAILURE = "AuthFailure"
FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
LIMITEXCEEDED = "LimitExceeded"
OPERATIONDENIED = "OperationDenied"
UNKNOWNPARAMETER = "UnknownParameter"

func (*Client) ModifySparkApp

func (c *Client) ModifySparkApp(request *ModifySparkAppRequest) (response *ModifySparkAppResponse, err error)

ModifySparkApp This API is used to update a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifySparkAppBatch

func (c *Client) ModifySparkAppBatch(request *ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) (response *ModifySparkAppBatchResponse, err error)

ModifySparkAppBatch This API is used to modify Spark job parameters in batches.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifySparkAppBatchWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifySparkAppBatchWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) (response *ModifySparkAppBatchResponse, err error)

ModifySparkAppBatch This API is used to modify Spark job parameters in batches.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) ModifySparkAppWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifySparkAppWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifySparkAppRequest) (response *ModifySparkAppResponse, err error)

ModifySparkApp This API is used to update a Spark job.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyUser

func (c *Client) ModifyUser(request *ModifyUserRequest) (response *ModifyUserResponse, err error)

ModifyUser This API is used to modify user information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) ModifyUserType

func (c *Client) ModifyUserType(request *ModifyUserTypeRequest) (response *ModifyUserTypeResponse, err error)

ModifyUserType This API is used to modify the types of users. Only users who are also administrators can call this API to conduct the operation.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyUserTypeWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyUserTypeWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyUserTypeRequest) (response *ModifyUserTypeResponse, err error)

ModifyUserType This API is used to modify the types of users. Only users who are also administrators can call this API to conduct the operation.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"
UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = "UnauthorizedOperation"

func (*Client) ModifyUserWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyUserRequest) (response *ModifyUserResponse, err error)

ModifyUser This API is used to modify user information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) ModifyWorkGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyWorkGroup(request *ModifyWorkGroupRequest) (response *ModifyWorkGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyWorkGroup This API is used to modify working group information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) ModifyWorkGroupWithContext

func (c *Client) ModifyWorkGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *ModifyWorkGroupRequest) (response *ModifyWorkGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyWorkGroup This API is used to modify working group information.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) QueryResult

func (c *Client) QueryResult(request *QueryResultRequest) (response *QueryResultResponse, err error)

QueryResult This API is used to query the result of obtaining tasks.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) QueryResultWithContext

func (c *Client) QueryResultWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryResultRequest) (response *QueryResultResponse, err error)

QueryResult This API is used to query the result of obtaining tasks.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) QueryTaskCostDetail

func (c *Client) QueryTaskCostDetail(request *QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) (response *QueryTaskCostDetailResponse, err error)

QueryTaskCostDetail This API is used to query task consumption details.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) QueryTaskCostDetailWithContext

func (c *Client) QueryTaskCostDetailWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) (response *QueryTaskCostDetailResponse, err error)

QueryTaskCostDetail This API is used to query task consumption details.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) RegisterThirdPartyAccessUser

func (c *Client) RegisterThirdPartyAccessUser(request *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

RegisterThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to enable visits to the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext

func (c *Client) RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) (response *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse, err error)

RegisterThirdPartyAccessUser This API is used to enable visits to the third-party platform.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) RenewDataEngine

func (c *Client) RenewDataEngine(request *RenewDataEngineRequest) (response *RenewDataEngineResponse, err error)

RenewDataEngine This API is used to renew the data engine.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) RenewDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) RenewDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RenewDataEngineRequest) (response *RenewDataEngineResponse, err error)

RenewDataEngine This API is used to renew the data engine.

error code that may be returned:


func (*Client) RestartDataEngine

func (c *Client) RestartDataEngine(request *RestartDataEngineRequest) (response *RestartDataEngineResponse, err error)

RestartDataEngine This API is used to restart engines.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) RestartDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) RestartDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RestartDataEngineRequest) (response *RestartDataEngineResponse, err error)

RestartDataEngine This API is used to restart engines.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) RevokeDLCCatalogAccess

func (c *Client) RevokeDLCCatalogAccess(request *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

RevokeDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to revoke permissions for visiting DLC Catalog.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) RevokeDLCCatalogAccessWithContext

func (c *Client) RevokeDLCCatalogAccessWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) (response *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse, err error)

RevokeDLCCatalogAccess This API is used to revoke permissions for visiting DLC Catalog.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) RollbackDataEngineImage

func (c *Client) RollbackDataEngineImage(request *RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) (response *RollbackDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

RollbackDataEngineImage This API is used to roll back the versions of the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) RollbackDataEngineImageWithContext

func (c *Client) RollbackDataEngineImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) (response *RollbackDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

RollbackDataEngineImage This API is used to roll back the versions of the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) SuspendResumeDataEngine

func (c *Client) SuspendResumeDataEngine(request *SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) (response *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse, err error)

SuspendResumeDataEngine This API is used to suspend or start a data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) SuspendResumeDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) SuspendResumeDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) (response *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse, err error)

SuspendResumeDataEngine This API is used to suspend or start a data engine.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) SwitchDataEngine

func (c *Client) SwitchDataEngine(request *SwitchDataEngineRequest) (response *SwitchDataEngineResponse, err error)

SwitchDataEngine This API is used to switch between the primary and standby clusters.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) SwitchDataEngineImage

func (c *Client) SwitchDataEngineImage(request *SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) (response *SwitchDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

SwitchDataEngineImage This API is used to switch the versions of the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) SwitchDataEngineImageWithContext

func (c *Client) SwitchDataEngineImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) (response *SwitchDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

SwitchDataEngineImage This API is used to switch the versions of the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) SwitchDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) SwitchDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *SwitchDataEngineRequest) (response *SwitchDataEngineResponse, err error)

SwitchDataEngine This API is used to switch between the primary and standby clusters.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UnbindWorkGroupsFromUser

func (c *Client) UnbindWorkGroupsFromUser(request *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) (response *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse, err error)

UnbindWorkGroupsFromUser This API is used to unbind a user group from a user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserWithContext

func (c *Client) UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) (response *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse, err error)

UnbindWorkGroupsFromUser This API is used to unbind a user group from a user.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateDataEngine

func (c *Client) UpdateDataEngine(request *UpdateDataEngineRequest) (response *UpdateDataEngineResponse, err error)

UpdateDataEngine This API is used to upgrade data engine configuration.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateDataEngineConfig

func (c *Client) UpdateDataEngineConfig(request *UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateDataEngineConfig This API is used to trigger the modification of the engine configuration by the user through a certain operation.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateDataEngineConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateDataEngineConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateDataEngineConfig This API is used to trigger the modification of the engine configuration by the user through a certain operation.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateDataEngineWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateDataEngineWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateDataEngineRequest) (response *UpdateDataEngineResponse, err error)

UpdateDataEngine This API is used to upgrade data engine configuration.

error code that may be returned:

INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"
INVALIDPARAMETER = "InvalidParameter"

func (*Client) UpdateRowFilter

func (c *Client) UpdateRowFilter(request *UpdateRowFilterRequest) (response *UpdateRowFilterResponse, err error)

UpdateRowFilter This API is used to update row filters. Please note that it updates filters only but not catalogs, databases, or tables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateRowFilterWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateRowFilterWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateRowFilterRequest) (response *UpdateRowFilterResponse, err error)

UpdateRowFilter This API is used to update row filters. Please note that it updates filters only but not catalogs, databases, or tables.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateUserDataEngineConfig

func (c *Client) UpdateUserDataEngineConfig(request *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateUserDataEngineConfig This API is used to modify the custom configuration of the user's engine.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpdateUserDataEngineConfigWithContext

func (c *Client) UpdateUserDataEngineConfigWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) (response *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse, err error)

UpdateUserDataEngineConfig This API is used to modify the custom configuration of the user's engine.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpgradeDataEngineImage

func (c *Client) UpgradeDataEngineImage(request *UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) (response *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

UpgradeDataEngineImage This API is used to upgrade the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

func (*Client) UpgradeDataEngineImageWithContext

func (c *Client) UpgradeDataEngineImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) (response *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse, err error)

UpgradeDataEngineImage This API is used to upgrade the engine image.

error code that may be returned:

FAILEDOPERATION = "FailedOperation"
INTERNALERROR = "InternalError"

type Column

type Column struct {
	// Column name, which is case-insensitive and can contain up to 25 characters.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Column type. Valid values:
	// string|tinyint|smallint|int|bigint|boolean|float|double|decimal|timestamp|date|binary|array<data_type>|map<primitive_type, data_type>|struct<col_name : data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...>|uniontype<data_type, data_type, ...>.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Class comment.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Comment *string `json:"Comment,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Comment"`

	// Length of the entire numeric value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Precision *int64 `json:"Precision,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Precision"`

	// Length of the decimal part
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Scale *int64 `json:"Scale,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Scale"`

	// Whether the column is null.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Nullable *string `json:"Nullable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Nullable"`

	// Field position
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Position *int64 `json:"Position,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Position"`

	// Field creation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Field modification time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ModifiedTime *string `json:"ModifiedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ModifiedTime"`

	// Whether the column is the partition field.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsPartition *bool `json:"IsPartition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPartition"`

type CommonMetrics

type CommonMetrics struct {
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTaskTime *float64 `json:"CreateTaskTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTaskTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProcessTime *float64 `json:"ProcessTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProcessTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	QueueTime *float64 `json:"QueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QueueTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutionTime *float64 `json:"ExecutionTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutionTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsResultCacheHit *bool `json:"IsResultCacheHit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsResultCacheHit"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MatchedMVBytes *int64 `json:"MatchedMVBytes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MatchedMVBytes"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MatchedMVs *string `json:"MatchedMVs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MatchedMVs"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AffectedBytes *string `json:"AffectedBytes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AffectedBytes"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AffectedRows *int64 `json:"AffectedRows,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AffectedRows"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProcessedBytes *int64 `json:"ProcessedBytes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProcessedBytes"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProcessedRows *int64 `json:"ProcessedRows,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProcessedRows"`

type CopyDLCTableRequest

type CopyDLCTableRequest struct {

	// Description of the source data table name
	SourceData []*DMSSourceDatabaseInfo `json:"SourceData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceData"`

	// Target database name
	DestinationDatabaseName *string `json:"DestinationDatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DestinationDatabaseName"`

	// Target data table name
	DestinationTableName *string `json:"DestinationTableName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DestinationTableName"`

	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Whether to create a new table
	IsCreateTable *bool `json:"IsCreateTable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsCreateTable"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

func NewCopyDLCTableRequest

func NewCopyDLCTableRequest() (request *CopyDLCTableRequest)

func (*CopyDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CopyDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CopyDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CopyDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CopyDLCTableRequestParams

type CopyDLCTableRequestParams struct {
	// Description of the source data table name
	SourceData []*DMSSourceDatabaseInfo `json:"SourceData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceData"`

	// Target database name
	DestinationDatabaseName *string `json:"DestinationDatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DestinationDatabaseName"`

	// Target data table name
	DestinationTableName *string `json:"DestinationTableName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DestinationTableName"`

	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Whether to create a new table
	IsCreateTable *bool `json:"IsCreateTable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsCreateTable"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

Predefined struct for user

type CopyDLCTableResponse

type CopyDLCTableResponse struct {
	Response *CopyDLCTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCopyDLCTableResponse

func NewCopyDLCTableResponse() (response *CopyDLCTableResponse)

func (*CopyDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CopyDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CopyDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CopyDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CopyDLCTableResponseParams

type CopyDLCTableResponseParams struct {
	// Task ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CosPermission

type CosPermission struct {
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CosPath *string `json:"CosPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CosPath"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Permissions []*string `json:"Permissions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Permissions"`

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest struct {

	// Names of metadata acceleration buckets to be bound
	MountPoint *string `json:"MountPoint,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MountPoint"`

	// Types of buckets which are divided into cos and lakefs
	BucketType *string `json:"BucketType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketType"`

	// Product name
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Engine name. When ProductName selects DLC products, this parameter must be specified. When ProductName selects other products, it can be unspecified.
	EngineName *string `json:"EngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineName"`

	// VPC information. When the product name is other, this parameter must be specified.
	VpcInfo []*VpcInfo `json:"VpcInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcInfo"`

func NewCreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest

func NewCreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest() (request *CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest)

func (*CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequestParams

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductRequestParams struct {
	// Names of metadata acceleration buckets to be bound
	MountPoint *string `json:"MountPoint,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MountPoint"`

	// Types of buckets which are divided into cos and lakefs
	BucketType *string `json:"BucketType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketType"`

	// Product name
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Engine name. When ProductName selects DLC products, this parameter must be specified. When ProductName selects other products, it can be unspecified.
	EngineName *string `json:"EngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineName"`

	// VPC information. When the product name is other, this parameter must be specified.
	VpcInfo []*VpcInfo `json:"VpcInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse struct {
	Response *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse

func NewCreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse() (response *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse)

func (*CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams

type CreateCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams struct {
	// Binding information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MountPointAssociates []*MountPointAssociates `json:"MountPointAssociates,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MountPointAssociates"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDLCTableRequest

type CreateDLCTableRequest struct {

	// Data table configuration information
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// Table type
	TableType *string `json:"TableType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableType"`

	// Data table column information
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// Data table partition information
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// Data table attribute information
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

	// External table configuration information
	ExternalDataConfiguration *ExternalDataConfiguration `json:"ExternalDataConfiguration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalDataConfiguration"`

	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupname *string `json:"ResourceGroupname,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupname"`

func NewCreateDLCTableRequest

func NewCreateDLCTableRequest() (request *CreateDLCTableRequest)

func (*CreateDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDLCTableRequestParams

type CreateDLCTableRequestParams struct {
	// Data table configuration information
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// Table type
	TableType *string `json:"TableType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableType"`

	// Data table column information
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// Data table partition information
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// Data table attribute information
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

	// External table configuration information
	ExternalDataConfiguration *ExternalDataConfiguration `json:"ExternalDataConfiguration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalDataConfiguration"`

	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupname *string `json:"ResourceGroupname,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupname"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDLCTableResponse

type CreateDLCTableResponse struct {
	Response *CreateDLCTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateDLCTableResponse

func NewCreateDLCTableResponse() (response *CreateDLCTableResponse)

func (*CreateDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDLCTableResponseParams

type CreateDLCTableResponseParams struct {
	// DLC table information object
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DLCTable *DLCTable `json:"DLCTable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DLCTable"`

	// The SQL statement for creating a managed storage internal table
	Execution *string `json:"Execution,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Execution"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDMSDatabaseRequest

type CreateDMSDatabaseRequest struct {

	// Basic metadata object
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

	// Schema directory
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Db storage path
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

func NewCreateDMSDatabaseRequest

func NewCreateDMSDatabaseRequest() (request *CreateDMSDatabaseRequest)

func (*CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDMSDatabaseRequestParams

type CreateDMSDatabaseRequestParams struct {
	// Basic metadata object
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

	// Schema directory
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Db storage path
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDMSDatabaseResponse

type CreateDMSDatabaseResponse struct {
	Response *CreateDMSDatabaseResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateDMSDatabaseResponse

func NewCreateDMSDatabaseResponse() (response *CreateDMSDatabaseResponse)

func (*CreateDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDMSDatabaseResponseParams

type CreateDMSDatabaseResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDataEngineRequest

type CreateDataEngineRequest struct {

	// The engine type. Valid values: `spark` and `presto`.
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	// The name of the virtual cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// The cluster type. Valid values: `spark_private`, `presto_private`, `presto_cu`, and `spark_cu`.
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// The billing mode. Valid values: `0` (shared engine), `1` (pay-as-you-go), and `2` (monthly subscription).
	Mode *int64 `json:"Mode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Mode"`

	// Whether to automatically start the clusters.
	AutoResume *bool `json:"AutoResume,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoResume"`

	// The minimum number of clusters.
	MinClusters *int64 `json:"MinClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MinClusters"`

	// The maximum number of clusters.
	MaxClusters *int64 `json:"MaxClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxClusters"`

	// Whether the cluster is the default one.
	DefaultDataEngine *bool `json:"DefaultDataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DefaultDataEngine"`

	// The VPC CIDR block.
	CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"`

	// The description.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// The cluster size.
	Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Size"`

	// The pay mode. Valid value: `0` (postpaid, default) and `1` (prepaid) (currently not available).
	PayMode *int64 `json:"PayMode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PayMode"`

	// The usage duration of the resource. Postpaid: Fill in 3,600 as a fixed figure; prepaid: fill in a figure equal to or bigger than 1 which means purchasing resources for one month. The maximum figure is not bigger than 120. The default value is 1.
	TimeSpan *int64 `json:"TimeSpan,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeSpan"`

	// The unit of the resource period. Valid values: `s` (default) for the postpaid mode and `m` for the prepaid mode.
	TimeUnit *string `json:"TimeUnit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeUnit"`

	// The auto-renewal status of the resource. For the postpaid mode, no renewal is required, and the value is fixed to `0`. For the prepaid mode, valid values are `0` (manual), `1` (auto), and `2` (no renewal). If this parameter is set to `0` for a key account in the prepaid mode, auto-renewal applies. It defaults to `0`.
	AutoRenew *int64 `json:"AutoRenew,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoRenew"`

	// The tags to be set for the resource being created.
	Tags []*TagInfo `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Whether to automatically suspend clusters. Valid values: `false` (default, no) and `true` (yes).
	AutoSuspend *bool `json:"AutoSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspend"`

	// Whether to enable scheduled start and suspension of clusters. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable). Note: This policy and the auto-suspension policy are mutually exclusive.
	CrontabResumeSuspend *int64 `json:"CrontabResumeSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspend"`

	// The complex policy for scheduled start and suspension, including the start/suspension time and suspension policy.
	CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy *CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy `json:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy"`

	// The type of tasks to be executed by the engine, which defaults to SQL. Valid values: `SQL` and `BATCH`.
	EngineExecType *string `json:"EngineExecType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineExecType"`

	// The max task concurrency of a cluster, which defaults to 5.
	MaxConcurrency *int64 `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrency"`

	// The task queue time limit, which defaults to 0. When the actual queue time exceeds the value set here, scale-out may be triggered. Setting this parameter to 0 represents that scale-out may be triggered immediately after a task queues up.
	TolerableQueueTime *int64 `json:"TolerableQueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TolerableQueueTime"`

	// The cluster auto-suspension time, which defaults to 10 min.
	AutoSuspendTime *int64 `json:"AutoSuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspendTime"`

	// The resource type. Valid values: `Standard_CU` (standard) and `Memory_CU` (memory).
	ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"`

	// The advanced configurations of clusters.
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// The version name of cluster image, such as SuperSQL-P 1.1 and SuperSQL-S 3.2. If no value is passed in, a cluster is created using the latest image version.
	ImageVersionName *string `json:"ImageVersionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionName"`

	// The primary cluster, which is specified when a failover cluster is created.
	MainClusterName *string `json:"MainClusterName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClusterName"`

	// Whether to enable the scaling feature for a monthly subscribed Spark job cluster.
	ElasticSwitch *bool `json:"ElasticSwitch,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticSwitch"`

	// The upper limit (in CUs) for scaling of the monthly subscribed Spark job cluster.
	ElasticLimit *int64 `json:"ElasticLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticLimit"`

	// The session resource configuration template for a Spark job cluster.
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

	// Automatically grant permissions
	AutoAuthorization *bool `json:"AutoAuthorization,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoAuthorization"`

	// Engine network ID
	EngineNetworkId *string `json:"EngineNetworkId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineNetworkId"`

	// Generation of the engine. SuperSQL means the supersql engine while Native means the standard engine. It is SuperSQL by default.
	EngineGeneration *string `json:"EngineGeneration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineGeneration"`

func NewCreateDataEngineRequest

func NewCreateDataEngineRequest() (request *CreateDataEngineRequest)

func (*CreateDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDataEngineRequestParams

type CreateDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// The engine type. Valid values: `spark` and `presto`.
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	// The name of the virtual cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// The cluster type. Valid values: `spark_private`, `presto_private`, `presto_cu`, and `spark_cu`.
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// The billing mode. Valid values: `0` (shared engine), `1` (pay-as-you-go), and `2` (monthly subscription).
	Mode *int64 `json:"Mode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Mode"`

	// Whether to automatically start the clusters.
	AutoResume *bool `json:"AutoResume,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoResume"`

	// The minimum number of clusters.
	MinClusters *int64 `json:"MinClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MinClusters"`

	// The maximum number of clusters.
	MaxClusters *int64 `json:"MaxClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxClusters"`

	// Whether the cluster is the default one.
	// Deprecated: DefaultDataEngine is deprecated.
	DefaultDataEngine *bool `json:"DefaultDataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DefaultDataEngine"`

	// The VPC CIDR block.
	CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"`

	// The description.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// The cluster size.
	Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Size"`

	// The pay mode. Valid value: `0` (postpaid, default) and `1` (prepaid) (currently not available).
	PayMode *int64 `json:"PayMode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PayMode"`

	// The usage duration of the resource. Postpaid: Fill in 3,600 as a fixed figure; prepaid: fill in a figure equal to or bigger than 1 which means purchasing resources for one month. The maximum figure is not bigger than 120. The default value is 1.
	TimeSpan *int64 `json:"TimeSpan,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeSpan"`

	// The unit of the resource period. Valid values: `s` (default) for the postpaid mode and `m` for the prepaid mode.
	TimeUnit *string `json:"TimeUnit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeUnit"`

	// The auto-renewal status of the resource. For the postpaid mode, no renewal is required, and the value is fixed to `0`. For the prepaid mode, valid values are `0` (manual), `1` (auto), and `2` (no renewal). If this parameter is set to `0` for a key account in the prepaid mode, auto-renewal applies. It defaults to `0`.
	AutoRenew *int64 `json:"AutoRenew,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoRenew"`

	// The tags to be set for the resource being created.
	Tags []*TagInfo `json:"Tags,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tags"`

	// Whether to automatically suspend clusters. Valid values: `false` (default, no) and `true` (yes).
	AutoSuspend *bool `json:"AutoSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspend"`

	// Whether to enable scheduled start and suspension of clusters. Valid values: `0` (disable) and `1` (enable). Note: This policy and the auto-suspension policy are mutually exclusive.
	CrontabResumeSuspend *int64 `json:"CrontabResumeSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspend"`

	// The complex policy for scheduled start and suspension, including the start/suspension time and suspension policy.
	CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy *CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy `json:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy"`

	// The type of tasks to be executed by the engine, which defaults to SQL. Valid values: `SQL` and `BATCH`.
	EngineExecType *string `json:"EngineExecType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineExecType"`

	// The max task concurrency of a cluster, which defaults to 5.
	MaxConcurrency *int64 `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrency"`

	// The task queue time limit, which defaults to 0. When the actual queue time exceeds the value set here, scale-out may be triggered. Setting this parameter to 0 represents that scale-out may be triggered immediately after a task queues up.
	TolerableQueueTime *int64 `json:"TolerableQueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TolerableQueueTime"`

	// The cluster auto-suspension time, which defaults to 10 min.
	AutoSuspendTime *int64 `json:"AutoSuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspendTime"`

	// The resource type. Valid values: `Standard_CU` (standard) and `Memory_CU` (memory).
	ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"`

	// The advanced configurations of clusters.
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// The version name of cluster image, such as SuperSQL-P 1.1 and SuperSQL-S 3.2. If no value is passed in, a cluster is created using the latest image version.
	ImageVersionName *string `json:"ImageVersionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionName"`

	// The primary cluster, which is specified when a failover cluster is created.
	MainClusterName *string `json:"MainClusterName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClusterName"`

	// Whether to enable the scaling feature for a monthly subscribed Spark job cluster.
	ElasticSwitch *bool `json:"ElasticSwitch,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticSwitch"`

	// The upper limit (in CUs) for scaling of the monthly subscribed Spark job cluster.
	ElasticLimit *int64 `json:"ElasticLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticLimit"`

	// The session resource configuration template for a Spark job cluster.
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

	// Automatically grant permissions
	AutoAuthorization *bool `json:"AutoAuthorization,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoAuthorization"`

	// Engine network ID
	EngineNetworkId *string `json:"EngineNetworkId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineNetworkId"`

	// Generation of the engine. SuperSQL means the supersql engine while Native means the standard engine. It is SuperSQL by default.
	EngineGeneration *string `json:"EngineGeneration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineGeneration"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateDataEngineResponse

type CreateDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *CreateDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateDataEngineResponse

func NewCreateDataEngineResponse() (response *CreateDataEngineResponse)

func (*CreateDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateDataEngineResponseParams

type CreateDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The ID of the virtual engine.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateInternalTableRequest

type CreateInternalTableRequest struct {

	// The basic table information.
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// The table fields.
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// The table partitions.
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// The table properties.
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

func NewCreateInternalTableRequest

func NewCreateInternalTableRequest() (request *CreateInternalTableRequest)

func (*CreateInternalTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateInternalTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateInternalTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateInternalTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateInternalTableRequestParams

type CreateInternalTableRequestParams struct {
	// The basic table information.
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// The table fields.
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// The table partitions.
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// The table properties.
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateInternalTableResponse

type CreateInternalTableResponse struct {
	Response *CreateInternalTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateInternalTableResponse

func NewCreateInternalTableResponse() (response *CreateInternalTableResponse)

func (*CreateInternalTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateInternalTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateInternalTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateInternalTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateInternalTableResponseParams

type CreateInternalTableResponseParams struct {
	// The SQL statements for creating the managed internal table.
	Execution *string `json:"Execution,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Execution"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateResultDownloadRequest

type CreateResultDownloadRequest struct {

	// The result query task ID.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The result format.
	Format *string `json:"Format,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Format"`

	// Whether to re-generate a file to download. This parameter applies only when the last task is `timeout` or `error`.
	Force *bool `json:"Force,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Force"`

func NewCreateResultDownloadRequest

func NewCreateResultDownloadRequest() (request *CreateResultDownloadRequest)

func (*CreateResultDownloadRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateResultDownloadRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateResultDownloadRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateResultDownloadRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateResultDownloadRequestParams

type CreateResultDownloadRequestParams struct {
	// The result query task ID.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The result format.
	Format *string `json:"Format,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Format"`

	// Whether to re-generate a file to download. This parameter applies only when the last task is `timeout` or `error`.
	Force *bool `json:"Force,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Force"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateResultDownloadResponse

type CreateResultDownloadResponse struct {
	Response *CreateResultDownloadResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateResultDownloadResponse

func NewCreateResultDownloadResponse() (response *CreateResultDownloadResponse)

func (*CreateResultDownloadResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateResultDownloadResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateResultDownloadResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateResultDownloadResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateResultDownloadResponseParams

type CreateResultDownloadResponseParams struct {
	// The download task ID.
	DownloadId *string `json:"DownloadId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DownloadId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkAppRequest

type CreateSparkAppRequest struct {

	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

	// The Spark job type. Valid values: `1` for Spark JAR job and `2` for Spark streaming job.
	AppType *int64 `json:"AppType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppType"`

	// The data engine executing the Spark job.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The path of the Spark job package.
	AppFile *string `json:"AppFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFile"`

	// Data visiting policy achieved through CAM Role arn; the console can obtain it through Data Job -> Job Configuration; SDK can obtain corresponding values through the DescribeUserRoles API.
	RoleArn *int64 `json:"RoleArn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleArn"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// Number of Spark job executors
	AppExecutorNums *int64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// This field has been disused. Use the `Datasource` field instead.
	Eni *string `json:"Eni,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Eni"`

	// The source of the Spark job package. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocal *string `json:"IsLocal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocal"`

	// The main class of the Spark job.
	MainClass *string `json:"MainClass,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClass"`

	// Spark configurations separated by line break
	AppConf *string `json:"AppConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppConf"`

	// The source of the dependency JAR packages of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalJars *string `json:"IsLocalJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalJars"`

	// The dependency JAR packages of the Spark JAR job (JAR packages), separated by comma.
	AppJars *string `json:"AppJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppJars"`

	// The source of the dependency files of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalFiles *string `json:"IsLocalFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalFiles"`

	// The dependency files of the Spark job (files other than JAR and ZIP packages) separated by comma.
	AppFiles *string `json:"AppFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFiles"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by comma.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// The maximum number of retries, valid for Spark streaming tasks only.
	MaxRetries *int64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxRetries"`

	// The data source name.
	DataSource *string `json:"DataSource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSource"`

	// The source of the PySpark dependencies. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalPythonFiles *string `json:"IsLocalPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalPythonFiles"`

	// The PySpark dependencies (Python files), separated by comma, with .py, .zip, and .egg formats supported.
	AppPythonFiles *string `json:"AppPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppPythonFiles"`

	// The source of the dependency archives of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalArchives *string `json:"IsLocalArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalArchives"`

	// The dependency archives of the Spark job, separated by comma, with tar.gz, .tgz, and .tar formats supported.
	AppArchives *string `json:"AppArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppArchives"`

	// The Spark image version.
	SparkImage *string `json:"SparkImage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImage"`

	// The Spark image version name.
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// The specified executor count (max), which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the executor count is equal to `AppExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *int64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The ID of the associated Data Lake Compute query script.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// Whether to run the task with the session SQLs. Valid values: `false` for no and `true` for yes.
	IsSessionStarted *bool `json:"IsSessionStarted,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSessionStarted"`

func NewCreateSparkAppRequest

func NewCreateSparkAppRequest() (request *CreateSparkAppRequest)

func (*CreateSparkAppRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkAppRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkAppRequestParams

type CreateSparkAppRequestParams struct {
	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

	// The Spark job type. Valid values: `1` for Spark JAR job and `2` for Spark streaming job.
	AppType *int64 `json:"AppType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppType"`

	// The data engine executing the Spark job.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The path of the Spark job package.
	AppFile *string `json:"AppFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFile"`

	// Data visiting policy achieved through CAM Role arn; the console can obtain it through Data Job -> Job Configuration; SDK can obtain corresponding values through the DescribeUserRoles API.
	RoleArn *int64 `json:"RoleArn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleArn"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// Number of Spark job executors
	AppExecutorNums *int64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// This field has been disused. Use the `Datasource` field instead.
	Eni *string `json:"Eni,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Eni"`

	// The source of the Spark job package. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocal *string `json:"IsLocal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocal"`

	// The main class of the Spark job.
	MainClass *string `json:"MainClass,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClass"`

	// Spark configurations separated by line break
	AppConf *string `json:"AppConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppConf"`

	// The source of the dependency JAR packages of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalJars *string `json:"IsLocalJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalJars"`

	// The dependency JAR packages of the Spark JAR job (JAR packages), separated by comma.
	AppJars *string `json:"AppJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppJars"`

	// The source of the dependency files of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalFiles *string `json:"IsLocalFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalFiles"`

	// The dependency files of the Spark job (files other than JAR and ZIP packages) separated by comma.
	AppFiles *string `json:"AppFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFiles"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by comma.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// The maximum number of retries, valid for Spark streaming tasks only.
	MaxRetries *int64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxRetries"`

	// The data source name.
	DataSource *string `json:"DataSource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSource"`

	// The source of the PySpark dependencies. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalPythonFiles *string `json:"IsLocalPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalPythonFiles"`

	// The PySpark dependencies (Python files), separated by comma, with .py, .zip, and .egg formats supported.
	AppPythonFiles *string `json:"AppPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppPythonFiles"`

	// The source of the dependency archives of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalArchives *string `json:"IsLocalArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalArchives"`

	// The dependency archives of the Spark job, separated by comma, with tar.gz, .tgz, and .tar formats supported.
	AppArchives *string `json:"AppArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppArchives"`

	// The Spark image version.
	SparkImage *string `json:"SparkImage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImage"`

	// The Spark image version name.
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// The specified executor count (max), which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the executor count is equal to `AppExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *int64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The ID of the associated Data Lake Compute query script.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// Whether to run the task with the session SQLs. Valid values: `false` for no and `true` for yes.
	IsSessionStarted *bool `json:"IsSessionStarted,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSessionStarted"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkAppResponse

type CreateSparkAppResponse struct {
	Response *CreateSparkAppResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateSparkAppResponse

func NewCreateSparkAppResponse() (response *CreateSparkAppResponse)

func (*CreateSparkAppResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkAppResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkAppResponseParams

type CreateSparkAppResponseParams struct {
	// The unique ID of the application.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkAppId *string `json:"SparkAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkAppTaskRequest

type CreateSparkAppTaskRequest struct {

	// Spark job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by space. They are generally used for periodic calls.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

func NewCreateSparkAppTaskRequest

func NewCreateSparkAppTaskRequest() (request *CreateSparkAppTaskRequest)

func (*CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppTaskRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkAppTaskRequestParams

type CreateSparkAppTaskRequestParams struct {
	// Spark job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by space. They are generally used for periodic calls.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkAppTaskResponse

type CreateSparkAppTaskResponse struct {
	Response *CreateSparkAppTaskResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateSparkAppTaskResponse

func NewCreateSparkAppTaskResponse() (response *CreateSparkAppTaskResponse)

func (*CreateSparkAppTaskResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppTaskResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkAppTaskResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkAppTaskResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkAppTaskResponseParams

type CreateSparkAppTaskResponseParams struct {
	// Batch ID
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest struct {

	// The name of the engine for executing the Spark job.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Run SQL. The base64 encoding is needed.
	ExecuteSQL *string `json:"ExecuteSQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecuteSQL"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	DriverSize *string `json:"DriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	ExecutorSize *string `json:"ExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorSize"`

	// The executor count, which defaults to 1.
	ExecutorNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorNumbers"`

	// The maximum executor count, which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the value of this parameter is the same as that of `ExecutorNumbers`.
	ExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The session timeout period in seconds. Default value: 3600
	TimeoutInSecond *int64 `json:"TimeoutInSecond,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeoutInSecond"`

	// The unique ID of a session. If this parameter is specified, the task will be run using the specified session.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// The name of the session to create.
	SessionName *string `json:"SessionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionName"`

	// The session configurations. Valid values: `1.dlc.eni` for user-defined ENI gateway information;
	// `2.dlc.role.arn` for user-defined roleArn configurations;
	// and `3.dlc.sql.set.config` for user-defined cluster configurations.
	Arguments []*KVPair `json:"Arguments,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Arguments"`

	// Whether to inherit the resource configuration of clusters; 0: not inherit (by default); 1: inherit clusters.
	IsInherit *int64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// User-defined primary key, and it should be unique.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

func NewCreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest

func NewCreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest() (request *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest)

func (*CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequestParams

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLRequestParams struct {
	// The name of the engine for executing the Spark job.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Run SQL. The base64 encoding is needed.
	ExecuteSQL *string `json:"ExecuteSQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecuteSQL"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	DriverSize *string `json:"DriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	ExecutorSize *string `json:"ExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorSize"`

	// The executor count, which defaults to 1.
	ExecutorNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorNumbers"`

	// The maximum executor count, which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the value of this parameter is the same as that of `ExecutorNumbers`.
	ExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The session timeout period in seconds. Default value: 3600
	TimeoutInSecond *int64 `json:"TimeoutInSecond,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeoutInSecond"`

	// The unique ID of a session. If this parameter is specified, the task will be run using the specified session.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// The name of the session to create.
	SessionName *string `json:"SessionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionName"`

	// The session configurations. Valid values: `1.dlc.eni` for user-defined ENI gateway information;
	// `2.dlc.role.arn` for user-defined roleArn configurations;
	// and `3.dlc.sql.set.config` for user-defined cluster configurations.
	Arguments []*KVPair `json:"Arguments,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Arguments"`

	// Whether to inherit the resource configuration of clusters; 0: not inherit (by default); 1: inherit clusters.
	IsInherit *int64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// User-defined primary key, and it should be unique.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse struct {
	Response *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse

func NewCreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse() (response *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse)

func (*CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams

type CreateSparkSessionBatchSQLResponseParams struct {
	// The unique identifier of a batch task.
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// Statement task list information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Statements []*StatementInformation `json:"Statements,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Statements"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateStoreLocationRequest

type CreateStoreLocationRequest struct {

	// COS path for calculation results storage, such as cosn://bucketname/
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

func NewCreateStoreLocationRequest

func NewCreateStoreLocationRequest() (request *CreateStoreLocationRequest)

func (*CreateStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateStoreLocationRequestParams

type CreateStoreLocationRequestParams struct {
	// COS path for calculation results storage, such as cosn://bucketname/
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateStoreLocationResponse

type CreateStoreLocationResponse struct {
	Response *CreateStoreLocationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateStoreLocationResponse

func NewCreateStoreLocationResponse() (response *CreateStoreLocationResponse)

func (*CreateStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateStoreLocationResponseParams

type CreateStoreLocationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateTaskRequest

type CreateTaskRequest struct {

	// Computing task. This parameter contains the task type and related configuration information.
	Task *Task `json:"Task,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Task"`

	// Database name. If there is a database name in the SQL statement, the database in the SQL statement will be used first; otherwise, the database specified by this parameter will be used (note: when submitting the database creation SQL statement, passed in an empty string for this field).
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Name of the default data source
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Data engine name. If this parameter is not specified, the task will be submitted to the default engine.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Standard spark execution task resourceGroupName
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

func NewCreateTaskRequest

func NewCreateTaskRequest() (request *CreateTaskRequest)

func (*CreateTaskRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateTaskRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateTaskRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateTaskRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateTaskRequestParams

type CreateTaskRequestParams struct {
	// Computing task. This parameter contains the task type and related configuration information.
	Task *Task `json:"Task,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Task"`

	// Database name. If there is a database name in the SQL statement, the database in the SQL statement will be used first; otherwise, the database specified by this parameter will be used (note: when submitting the database creation SQL statement, passed in an empty string for this field).
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Name of the default data source
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Data engine name. If this parameter is not specified, the task will be submitted to the default engine.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Standard spark execution task resourceGroupName
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateTaskResponse

type CreateTaskResponse struct {
	Response *CreateTaskResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateTaskResponse

func NewCreateTaskResponse() (response *CreateTaskResponse)

func (*CreateTaskResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateTaskResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateTaskResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateTaskResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateTaskResponseParams

type CreateTaskResponseParams struct {
	// Task ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateTasksRequest

type CreateTasksRequest struct {

	// Database name. If there is a database name in the SQL statement, the database in the SQL statement will be used first; otherwise, the database specified by this parameter will be used (note: when submitting the database creation SQL statement, passed in an empty string for this field).
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// SQL task information
	Tasks *TasksInfo `json:"Tasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tasks"`

	// Data source name. Default value: DataLakeCatalog.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Compute engine name. If this parameter is not specified, the task will be submitted to the default engine.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name of the spark cluster
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

func NewCreateTasksRequest

func NewCreateTasksRequest() (request *CreateTasksRequest)

func (*CreateTasksRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateTasksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateTasksRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateTasksRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateTasksRequestParams

type CreateTasksRequestParams struct {
	// Database name. If there is a database name in the SQL statement, the database in the SQL statement will be used first; otherwise, the database specified by this parameter will be used (note: when submitting the database creation SQL statement, passed in an empty string for this field).
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// SQL task information
	Tasks *TasksInfo `json:"Tasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tasks"`

	// Data source name. Default value: DataLakeCatalog.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Compute engine name. If this parameter is not specified, the task will be submitted to the default engine.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name of the spark cluster
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateTasksResponse

type CreateTasksResponse struct {
	Response *CreateTasksResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateTasksResponse

func NewCreateTasksResponse() (response *CreateTasksResponse)

func (*CreateTasksResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateTasksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateTasksResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateTasksResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateTasksResponseParams

type CreateTasksResponseParams struct {
	// ID of the current batch of submitted tasks
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// Collection of task IDs arranged in order of execution
	TaskIdSet []*string `json:"TaskIdSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskIdSet"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateUserRequest

type CreateUserRequest struct {

	// Sub-user UIN that needs to be granted permissions. It can be checked through the upper right corner of Tencent Cloud Console → Account Information → Account ID.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description, which can make it easy to identify different users.
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

	// Collections of permissions bound to users
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Types of users. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users. When the type of user is administrator, the collections of permissions and bound working groups cannot be set. Administrators own all the permissions by default. If the parameter is not filled in, it will be COMMON by default.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

	// Collection of IDs of working groups bound to users
	WorkGroupIds []*int64 `json:"WorkGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupIds"`

	// User alias, and its characters are less than 50.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

func NewCreateUserRequest

func NewCreateUserRequest() (request *CreateUserRequest)

func (*CreateUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateUserRequestParams

type CreateUserRequestParams struct {
	// Sub-user UIN that needs to be granted permissions. It can be checked through the upper right corner of Tencent Cloud Console → Account Information → Account ID.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description, which can make it easy to identify different users.
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

	// Collections of permissions bound to users
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Types of users. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users. When the type of user is administrator, the collections of permissions and bound working groups cannot be set. Administrators own all the permissions by default. If the parameter is not filled in, it will be COMMON by default.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

	// Collection of IDs of working groups bound to users
	WorkGroupIds []*int64 `json:"WorkGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupIds"`

	// User alias, and its characters are less than 50.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateUserResponse

type CreateUserResponse struct {
	Response *CreateUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateUserResponse

func NewCreateUserResponse() (response *CreateUserResponse)

func (*CreateUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateUserResponseParams

type CreateUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateWorkGroupRequest

type CreateWorkGroupRequest struct {

	// Working group name
	WorkGroupName *string `json:"WorkGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupName"`

	// Working group description
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

	// Collections of authentication policies bound to working groups
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Collection of IDs of users to be bound to working groups
	UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

func NewCreateWorkGroupRequest

func NewCreateWorkGroupRequest() (request *CreateWorkGroupRequest)

func (*CreateWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type CreateWorkGroupRequestParams

type CreateWorkGroupRequestParams struct {
	// Working group name
	WorkGroupName *string `json:"WorkGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupName"`

	// Working group description
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

	// Collections of authentication policies bound to working groups
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Collection of IDs of users to be bound to working groups
	UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type CreateWorkGroupResponse

type CreateWorkGroupResponse struct {
	Response *CreateWorkGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewCreateWorkGroupResponse

func NewCreateWorkGroupResponse() (response *CreateWorkGroupResponse)

func (*CreateWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *CreateWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*CreateWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *CreateWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type CreateWorkGroupResponseParams

type CreateWorkGroupResponseParams struct {
	// Working group ID which is globally unique
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy

type CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy struct {
	// Scheduled starting time, such as 8: 00 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResumeTime *string `json:"ResumeTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResumeTime"`

	// Scheduled suspension time, such as 8: 00 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SuspendTime *string `json:"SuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SuspendTime"`

	// The suspension setting. Valid values: `0` (suspension after task end, default) and `1` (force suspension).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SuspendStrategy *int64 `json:"SuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SuspendStrategy"`

type DLCCatalogAccess

type DLCCatalogAccess struct {
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Product type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Product *string `json:"Product,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Product"`

	// Description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Creation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

type DLCTable

type DLCTable struct {
	// Basic information of the data table
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// Data table column information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// Data table partition information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// Data storage path
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Data table attribute information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

	// Data table update information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ModifiedTime *string `json:"ModifiedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ModifiedTime"`

	// Database creation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Data format
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InputFormat *string `json:"InputFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InputFormat"`

	// Data storage size
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StorageSize *int64 `json:"StorageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StorageSize"`

	// Number of rows in the data table
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RecordCount *int64 `json:"RecordCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordCount"`

	// Materialized view name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	MapMaterializedViewName *string `json:"MapMaterializedViewName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MapMaterializedViewName"`

	// Visit hot spots
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	HeatValue *int64 `json:"HeatValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HeatValue"`

	// External table configuration information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExternalDataConfiguration *ExternalDataConfiguration `json:"ExternalDataConfiguration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExternalDataConfiguration"`

type DMSColumn

type DMSColumn struct {
	// Name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Sort
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Position *int64 `json:"Position,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Position"`

	// Additional Parameters
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Params []*KVPair `json:"Params,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Params"`

	// Business parameters
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	BizParams []*KVPair `json:"BizParams,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BizParams"`

	// Whether partitioned
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsPartition *bool `json:"IsPartition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPartition"`

type DMSColumnOrder

type DMSColumnOrder struct {
	// Column name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Col *string `json:"Col,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Col"`

	// Sort
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Order *int64 `json:"Order,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Order"`

type DMSDatabaseInfo

type DMSDatabaseInfo struct {
	// Database name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Storage address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Basic object information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

type DMSPartition

type DMSPartition struct {
	// Database name
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Data directory name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Table name
	TableName *string `json:"TableName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableName"`

	// Data version
	DataVersion *int64 `json:"DataVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataVersion"`

	// Partition name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Value List
	Values []*string `json:"Values,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Values"`

	// Storage size
	StorageSize *int64 `json:"StorageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StorageSize"`

	// Number of records
	RecordCount *int64 `json:"RecordCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RecordCount"`

	// Creation time
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Modification time
	ModifiedTime *string `json:"ModifiedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ModifiedTime"`

	// Last access time
	LastAccessTime *string `json:"LastAccessTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LastAccessTime"`

	// Additional attribute
	Params []*KVPair `json:"Params,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Params"`

	// Storage object
	Sds *DMSSds `json:"Sds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sds"`

type DMSSds

type DMSSds struct {
	// Storage address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Input format
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InputFormat *string `json:"InputFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InputFormat"`

	// Output format
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OutputFormat *string `json:"OutputFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OutputFormat"`

	// Number of buckets
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NumBuckets *int64 `json:"NumBuckets,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumBuckets"`

	// Whether it is compressed
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Compressed *bool `json:"Compressed,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Compressed"`

	// Whether it has a subdirectory
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StoredAsSubDirectories *bool `json:"StoredAsSubDirectories,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoredAsSubDirectories"`

	// Serialization lib
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SerdeLib *string `json:"SerdeLib,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SerdeLib"`

	// Serialization name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SerdeName *string `json:"SerdeName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SerdeName"`

	// Bucket name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	BucketCols []*string `json:"BucketCols,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketCols"`

	// Serialization parameters
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SerdeParams []*KVPair `json:"SerdeParams,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SerdeParams"`

	// Additional Parameters
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Params []*KVPair `json:"Params,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Params"`

	// Column sorting (Expired)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SortCols *DMSColumnOrder `json:"SortCols,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortCols"`

	// Column
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Cols []*DMSColumn `json:"Cols,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Cols"`

	// Column sorting field
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SortColumns []*DMSColumnOrder `json:"SortColumns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortColumns"`

type DMSSourceDatabaseInfo

type DMSSourceDatabaseInfo struct {
	// Source database name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SourceDatabaseName *string `json:"SourceDatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceDatabaseName"`

	// Array of table names in the source database
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SourceTableNameList []*string `json:"SourceTableNameList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceTableNameList"`

type DataEngineBasicInfo

type DataEngineBasicInfo struct {
	// DataEngine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Data engine status: -2: deleted; -1: failed; 0: initializing; 1: suspended; 2: running; 3: ready to delete; 4: deleting
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Creation time
	CreateTime *int64 `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Update time
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Returned information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Engine types, and the valid values are PrestoSQL, SparkSQL, and SparkBatch.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineType *string `json:"DataEngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineType"`

	// User ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AppId *int64 `json:"AppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppId"`

	// Account ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserUin"`

type DataEngineConfigInstanceInfo

type DataEngineConfigInstanceInfo struct {
	// Engine ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Collection of user-defined configuration items
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// Template of the resource parameter configuration of the job cluster
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

type DataEngineConfigPair

type DataEngineConfigPair struct {
	// Configuration items
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ConfigItem *string `json:"ConfigItem,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConfigItem"`

	// Configuration values
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ConfigValue *string `json:"ConfigValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ConfigValue"`

type DataEngineImageVersion

type DataEngineImageVersion struct {
	// ID of the major version of the image
	ImageVersionId *string `json:"ImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionId"`

	// Name of the major version of the image
	ImageVersion *string `json:"ImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersion"`

	// Description of the major version of the image
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Whether it is a public version: 1: public version; 2: private version
	IsPublic *uint64 `json:"IsPublic,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPublic"`

	// Cluster types: SparkSQL, PrestoSQL, and SparkBatch
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	// Version status. 1: initializing; 2: online; 3: offline
	IsSharedEngine *uint64 `json:"IsSharedEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSharedEngine"`

	// Version status. 1: initializing; 2: online; 3: offline
	State *uint64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Insert time
	InsertTime *string `json:"InsertTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InsertTime"`

	// Update time
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

type DataEngineInfo

type DataEngineInfo struct {
	// DataEngine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Engine type: spark/presto
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	// Cluster resource type spark_private/presto_private/presto_cu/spark_cu
	ClusterType *string `json:"ClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ClusterType"`

	// Quota ID
	QuotaId *string `json:"QuotaId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QuotaId"`

	// Data engine status -2 deleted, -1 failed, 0 initializing, 1 suspended, 2 running, 3 ready to delete, and 4 deleting
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Creation time
	CreateTime *int64 `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Update time
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Cluster specifications
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Size"`

	// Billing mode: 0 shared mode, 1 pay-as-you-go, and 2 monthly subscription
	Mode *int64 `json:"Mode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Mode"`

	// Minimum number of clusters
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	MinClusters *int64 `json:"MinClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MinClusters"`

	// Maximum number of clusters
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	MaxClusters *int64 `json:"MaxClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxClusters"`

	// Whether to recover automatically
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	AutoResume *bool `json:"AutoResume,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoResume"`

	// Automatic recovery time
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	SpendAfter *int64 `json:"SpendAfter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SpendAfter"`

	// Cluster IP range
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	CidrBlock *string `json:"CidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CidrBlock"`

	// Whether it is the default engine
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	DefaultDataEngine *bool `json:"DefaultDataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DefaultDataEngine"`

	// Returned Message
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Operator
	SubAccountUin *string `json:"SubAccountUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubAccountUin"`

	// Expiration time
	ExpireTime *string `json:"ExpireTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpireTime"`

	// Isolation time
	IsolatedTime *string `json:"IsolatedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsolatedTime"`

	// Rectification time
	ReversalTime *string `json:"ReversalTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReversalTime"`

	// Username
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

	// Key-value pair collection
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	TagList []*TagInfo `json:"TagList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagList"`

	// Permissions owned by the engine
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	Permissions []*string `json:"Permissions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Permissions"`

	// Whether to automatically suspend the cluster: False (by default) means that the cluster is not automatically suspended; true means that the cluster is automatically suspended.
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	AutoSuspend *bool `json:"AutoSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspend"`

	// Scheduling policy of starting and ending the cluster: 0 (by default) indicates turning off the scheduling policy; 1 indicates turning on the scheduling policy. (Note: The scheduling policy of starting and ending the cluster and the automatic suspension policy are mutually exclusive.)
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	CrontabResumeSuspend *int64 `json:"CrontabResumeSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspend"`

	// Scheduled start and end policy. Complex type: Include start and end time and the cluster suspension strategy.
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy *CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy `json:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy"`

	// Type of the task executed by the engine. Valid value: SQL/BATCH
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineExecType *string `json:"EngineExecType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineExecType"`

	// Automatic renewal flag: 0 means the initial state and there is no automatic renewal by default. If the user has the privilege to retain services with advanced payment, there will be an automatic renewal. 1 means that there is an automatic renewal. 2 means that there is surely no automatic renewal.
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	RenewFlag *int64 `json:"RenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"`

	// Cluster automatic suspension time
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	AutoSuspendTime *int64 `json:"AutoSuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspendTime"`

	// Network connection configuration
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	NetworkConnectionSet []*NetworkConnection `json:"NetworkConnectionSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NetworkConnectionSet"`

	// Jump address of ui
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	UiURL *string `json:"UiURL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UiURL"`

	// Type of the engine resource
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"`

	// Cluster image version ID
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ImageVersionId *string `json:"ImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionId"`

	// Minor cluster image version ID
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

	// Cluster image version name
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ImageVersionName *string `json:"ImageVersionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersionName"`

	// Whether to enable the standby cluster
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	StartStandbyCluster *bool `json:"StartStandbyCluster,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartStandbyCluster"`

	// Whether the elastic scaling of the spark jar monthly subscription cluster is enabled
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ElasticSwitch *bool `json:"ElasticSwitch,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticSwitch"`

	// Upper limit of the spark jar's monthly subscribed cluster elasticity
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	ElasticLimit *int64 `json:"ElasticLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticLimit"`

	// Whether it is the default engine
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	DefaultHouse *bool `json:"DefaultHouse,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DefaultHouse"`

	// Maximum concurrency number of a single cluster
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	MaxConcurrency *int64 `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrency"`

	// Maximum time for the task to queue
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	TolerableQueueTime *int64 `json:"TolerableQueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TolerableQueueTime"`

	// User AppID
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	UserAppId *int64 `json:"UserAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAppId"`

	// User uin
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	UserUin *string `json:"UserUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserUin"`

	// SessionResourceTemplate
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

	// Automatic authorization switch
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	AutoAuthorization *bool `json:"AutoAuthorization,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoAuthorization"`

	// Engine version, supporting Native/SuperSQL
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineGeneration *string `json:"EngineGeneration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineGeneration"`

	// Detailed engine type, supporting SparkSQL/SparkBatch/PrestoSQL/Kyuubi
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineTypeDetail *string `json:"EngineTypeDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineTypeDetail"`

	// Engine network ID
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineNetworkId *string `json:"EngineNetworkId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineNetworkId"`

	// Number of resource groups associated with the standard engine
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineResourceGroupCount *int64 `json:"EngineResourceGroupCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineResourceGroupCount"`

	// Current usage of the engine (Cu)
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineResourceUsedCU *int64 `json:"EngineResourceUsedCU,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineResourceUsedCU"`

	// Access information of the engine
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	AccessInfos []*AccessInfo `json:"AccessInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessInfos"`

	// Name of the network where the engine is located
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	EngineNetworkName *string `json:"EngineNetworkName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineNetworkName"`

type DataEngineScaleInfo

type DataEngineScaleInfo struct {
	// Engine ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Engine name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Engine specification details
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ScaleDetail []*DataEngineScaleInfoDetail `json:"ScaleDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ScaleDetail"`

type DataEngineScaleInfoDetail

type DataEngineScaleInfoDetail struct {
	// Start time of counting in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time of counting in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Current statistical time period and engine specifications
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CU *int64 `json:"CU,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CU"`

type DataGovernPolicy

type DataGovernPolicy struct {
	// Governance rule type. Valid values: `Customize` (custom) and `Intelligence` (intelligent).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleType *string `json:"RuleType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleType"`

	// The governance engine.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	GovernEngine *string `json:"GovernEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GovernEngine"`

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest struct {

	// Names of metadata acceleration buckets to be unbound
	MountPoint *string `json:"MountPoint,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MountPoint"`

	// Types of buckets which are divided into cos and lakefs
	BucketType *string `json:"BucketType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketType"`

	// Product name
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Engine name. When ProductName selects DLC products, this parameter must be specified. When ProductName selects other products, it can be unspecified.
	EngineName *string `json:"EngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineName"`

	// VPC information. When ProductName is other, this parameter must be specified.
	VpcInfo []*VpcInfo `json:"VpcInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcInfo"`

func NewDeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest

func NewDeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest() (request *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest)

func (*DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequestParams

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductRequestParams struct {
	// Names of metadata acceleration buckets to be unbound
	MountPoint *string `json:"MountPoint,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MountPoint"`

	// Types of buckets which are divided into cos and lakefs
	BucketType *string `json:"BucketType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketType"`

	// Product name
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// Engine name. When ProductName selects DLC products, this parameter must be specified. When ProductName selects other products, it can be unspecified.
	EngineName *string `json:"EngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineName"`

	// VPC information. When ProductName is other, this parameter must be specified.
	VpcInfo []*VpcInfo `json:"VpcInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse

func NewDeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse() (response *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse)

func (*DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams

type DeleteCHDFSBindingProductResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteDataEngineRequest

type DeleteDataEngineRequest struct {

	// Delete the name array of virtual clusters.
	DataEngineNames []*string `json:"DataEngineNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineNames"`

func NewDeleteDataEngineRequest

func NewDeleteDataEngineRequest() (request *DeleteDataEngineRequest)

func (*DeleteDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteDataEngineRequestParams

type DeleteDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// Delete the name array of virtual clusters.
	DataEngineNames []*string `json:"DataEngineNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineNames"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteDataEngineResponse

type DeleteDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteDataEngineResponse

func NewDeleteDataEngineResponse() (response *DeleteDataEngineResponse)

func (*DeleteDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteDataEngineResponseParams

type DeleteDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteSparkAppRequest

type DeleteSparkAppRequest struct {

	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

func NewDeleteSparkAppRequest

func NewDeleteSparkAppRequest() (request *DeleteSparkAppRequest)

func (*DeleteSparkAppRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteSparkAppRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteSparkAppRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteSparkAppRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteSparkAppRequestParams

type DeleteSparkAppRequestParams struct {
	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteSparkAppResponse

type DeleteSparkAppResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteSparkAppResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteSparkAppResponse

func NewDeleteSparkAppResponse() (response *DeleteSparkAppResponse)

func (*DeleteSparkAppResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteSparkAppResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteSparkAppResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteSparkAppResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteSparkAppResponseParams

type DeleteSparkAppResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest struct {

func NewDeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

func NewDeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest() (request *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest)

func (*DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

func NewDeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse() (response *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse)

func (*DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams

type DeleteThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteUserRequest

type DeleteUserRequest struct {

	// ID of the user to be deleted
	UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

func NewDeleteUserRequest

func NewDeleteUserRequest() (request *DeleteUserRequest)

func (*DeleteUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteUserRequestParams

type DeleteUserRequestParams struct {
	// ID of the user to be deleted
	UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteUserResponse

type DeleteUserResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteUserResponse

func NewDeleteUserResponse() (response *DeleteUserResponse)

func (*DeleteUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteUserResponseParams

type DeleteUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest struct {

	// User information to be deleted
	AddInfo *UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

func NewDeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest

func NewDeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest() (request *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest)

func (*DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequestParams

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupRequestParams struct {
	// User information to be deleted
	AddInfo *UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse

func NewDeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse() (response *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse)

func (*DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponseParams

type DeleteUsersFromWorkGroupResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteWorkGroupRequest

type DeleteWorkGroupRequest struct {

	// Collection of IDs of working groups to be deleted
	WorkGroupIds []*int64 `json:"WorkGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupIds"`

func NewDeleteWorkGroupRequest

func NewDeleteWorkGroupRequest() (request *DeleteWorkGroupRequest)

func (*DeleteWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteWorkGroupRequestParams

type DeleteWorkGroupRequestParams struct {
	// Collection of IDs of working groups to be deleted
	WorkGroupIds []*int64 `json:"WorkGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupIds"`

Predefined struct for user

type DeleteWorkGroupResponse

type DeleteWorkGroupResponse struct {
	Response *DeleteWorkGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDeleteWorkGroupResponse

func NewDeleteWorkGroupResponse() (response *DeleteWorkGroupResponse)

func (*DeleteWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DeleteWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DeleteWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DeleteWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DeleteWorkGroupResponseParams

type DeleteWorkGroupResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest struct {

func NewDescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest

func NewDescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest() (request *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest)

func (*DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequestParams

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse

func NewDescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse() (response *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse)

func (*DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams

type DescribeAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams struct {
	// Whether to enable advanced settings. 0 means no while 1 means yes.
	Enable *uint64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

	// COS path of saving querying results
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

	// Whether there is permission for managed storage
	HasLakeFs *bool `json:"HasLakeFs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HasLakeFs"`

	// Managed storage status. The value is meaningful only when HasLakeFs is equal to true.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LakeFsStatus *string `json:"LakeFsStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LakeFsStatus"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest struct {

	// Displayed records
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Number of records
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter criteria
	Filter *Filter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

func NewDescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest

func NewDescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest() (request *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest)

func (*DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams struct {
	// Displayed records
	Limit *uint64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Number of records
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter criteria
	Filter *Filter `json:"Filter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filter"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse

func NewDescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse() (response *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse)

func (*DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams

type DescribeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams struct {
	// Total
	TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// List of the permissions granted by DLCCatalog
	Rows []*DLCCatalogAccess `json:"Rows,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Rows"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCTableListRequest

type DescribeDLCTableListRequest struct {

	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Query the list's filter criteria.
	Filters *Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Table type
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Start time
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting rules: true for ascending order; false for descending order
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

	// Data format type: hive, iceberg, etc.
	TableFormat *string `json:"TableFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableFormat"`

func NewDescribeDLCTableListRequest

func NewDescribeDLCTableListRequest() (request *DescribeDLCTableListRequest)

func (*DescribeDLCTableListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCTableListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCTableListRequestParams

type DescribeDLCTableListRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Query the list's filter criteria.
	Filters *Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Table type
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Start time
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting rules: true for ascending order; false for descending order
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

	// Data format type: hive, iceberg, etc.
	TableFormat *string `json:"TableFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableFormat"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCTableListResponse

type DescribeDLCTableListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDLCTableListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDLCTableListResponse

func NewDescribeDLCTableListResponse() (response *DescribeDLCTableListResponse)

func (*DescribeDLCTableListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCTableListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCTableListResponseParams

type DescribeDLCTableListResponseParams struct {
	// DLC metadata list information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TableList []*DLCTable `json:"TableList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableList"`

	// Statistical value
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCTableRequest

type DescribeDLCTableRequest struct {

	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Data table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Keyword
	Keyword *string `json:"Keyword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keyword"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Table type
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

func NewDescribeDLCTableRequest

func NewDescribeDLCTableRequest() (request *DescribeDLCTableRequest)

func (*DescribeDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCTableRequestParams

type DescribeDLCTableRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Data table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Catalog name
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Keyword
	Keyword *string `json:"Keyword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keyword"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Table type
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDLCTableResponse

type DescribeDLCTableResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDLCTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDLCTableResponse

func NewDescribeDLCTableResponse() (response *DescribeDLCTableResponse)

func (*DescribeDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDLCTableResponseParams

type DescribeDLCTableResponseParams struct {
	// Data table information object
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DLCTable *DLCTable `json:"DLCTable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DLCTable"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest struct {

	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Pagination parameters, indicating the size of a single page.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields: true for ascending order; false for descending order
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest() (request *DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest)

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequestParams

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Pagination parameters, indicating the size of a single page.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields: true for ascending order; false for descending order
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse() (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse)

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponseParams

type DescribeDMSDatabaseListResponseParams struct {
	// List of database objects for the DMS
	DatabaseList []*DMSDatabaseInfo `json:"DatabaseList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseList"`

	// Total number of databases
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest

type DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest struct {

	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseRequest

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseRequest() (request *DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest)

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDMSDatabaseRequestParams

type DescribeDMSDatabaseRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Match rules
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse

type DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseResponse

func NewDescribeDMSDatabaseResponse() (response *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse)

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDMSDatabaseResponseParams

type DescribeDMSDatabaseResponseParams struct {
	// Database name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Schema name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SchemaName *string `json:"SchemaName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SchemaName"`

	// Storage address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Location *string `json:"Location,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Location"`

	// Data object
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Asset *Asset `json:"Asset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asset"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest struct {

	// Types of engines: SQL, SparkBatch, StandardSpark, and StandardPresto
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

func NewDescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest

func NewDescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest() (request *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest)

func (*DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequestParams

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsRequestParams struct {
	// Types of engines: SQL, SparkBatch, StandardSpark, and StandardPresto
	EngineType *string `json:"EngineType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineType"`

	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse

func NewDescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse() (response *DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse)

func (*DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponseParams

type DescribeDataEngineImageVersionsResponseParams struct {
	// Major version of the image information list of clusters
	ImageParentVersions []*DataEngineImageVersion `json:"ImageParentVersions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageParentVersions"`

	// Total
	Total *uint64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest struct {

	// ID of the minor version of the cluster image
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

func NewDescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest

func NewDescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest() (request *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest)

func (*DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequestParams

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesRequestParams struct {
	// ID of the minor version of the cluster image
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse

func NewDescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse() (response *DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse)

func (*DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponseParams

type DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImagesResponseParams struct {
	// PYSPARK image information list
	PythonSparkImages []*PythonSparkImage `json:"PythonSparkImages,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PythonSparkImages"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEngineRequest

type DescribeDataEngineRequest struct {

	// House name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

func NewDescribeDataEngineRequest

func NewDescribeDataEngineRequest() (request *DescribeDataEngineRequest)

func (*DescribeDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDataEngineRequestParams

type DescribeDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// House name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEngineResponse

type DescribeDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDataEngineResponse

func NewDescribeDataEngineResponse() (response *DescribeDataEngineResponse)

func (*DescribeDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeDataEngineResponseParams

type DescribeDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// Data engine details
	DataEngine *DataEngineInfo `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest struct {

	// Engine name list
	DataEngineNames []*string `json:"DataEngineNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineNames"`

	// Start time, and the format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. It can query the records within one month at most.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, and the format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. It can query the records within one month at most.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

func NewDescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest

func NewDescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest() (request *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest)

func (*DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequestParams

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailRequestParams struct {
	// Engine name list
	DataEngineNames []*string `json:"DataEngineNames,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineNames"`

	// Start time, and the format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. It can query the records within one month at most.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, and the format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. It can query the records within one month at most.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse

func NewDescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse() (response *DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse)

func (*DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponseParams

type DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetailResponseParams struct {
	// Details about the statistics of engine specifications
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Scales []*DataEngineScaleInfo `json:"Scales,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Scales"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest struct {

	// The data engine ID.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

func NewDescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest

func NewDescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest() (request *DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest)

func (*DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequestParams

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoRequestParams struct {
	// The data engine ID.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse

func NewDescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse() (response *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse)

func (*DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponseParams

type DescribeEngineUsageInfoResponseParams struct {
	// The total cluster spec.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The used cluster spec.
	Used *int64 `json:"Used,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Used"`

	// The available cluster spec.
	Available *int64 `json:"Available,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Available"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest

type DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest struct {

func NewDescribeForbiddenTableProRequest

func NewDescribeForbiddenTableProRequest() (request *DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest)

func (*DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeForbiddenTableProRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeForbiddenTableProRequestParams

type DescribeForbiddenTableProRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse

type DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeForbiddenTableProResponse

func NewDescribeForbiddenTableProResponse() (response *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse)

func (*DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeForbiddenTableProResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeForbiddenTableProResponseParams

type DescribeForbiddenTableProResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeJobRequest

type DescribeJobRequest struct {

	// Job ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

func NewDescribeJobRequest

func NewDescribeJobRequest() (request *DescribeJobRequest)

func (*DescribeJobRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeJobRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeJobRequestParams

type DescribeJobRequestParams struct {
	// Job ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeJobResponse

type DescribeJobResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeJobResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeJobResponse

func NewDescribeJobResponse() (response *DescribeJobResponse)

func (*DescribeJobResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeJobResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeJobResponseParams

type DescribeJobResponseParams struct {
	// Job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

	// Task statistics information.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StatisticInfo *StatisticInfo `json:"StatisticInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatisticInfo"`

	// Job configuration
	JobConfiguration *string `json:"JobConfiguration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobConfiguration"`

	// Job status:
	JobStatus *int64 `json:"JobStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobStatus"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeJobsRequest

type DescribeJobsRequest struct {

	// Query keywords
	Keyword *string `json:"Keyword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keyword"`

	// Matching mode
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields, and true means the ascending order (by default) while false means the descending order.
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

func NewDescribeJobsRequest

func NewDescribeJobsRequest() (request *DescribeJobsRequest)

func (*DescribeJobsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeJobsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeJobsRequestParams

type DescribeJobsRequestParams struct {
	// Query keywords
	Keyword *string `json:"Keyword,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Keyword"`

	// Matching mode
	Pattern *string `json:"Pattern,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Pattern"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Pagination parameters
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields, and true means the ascending order (by default) while false means the descending order.
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeJobsResponse

type DescribeJobsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeJobsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeJobsResponse

func NewDescribeJobsResponse() (response *DescribeJobsResponse)

func (*DescribeJobsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeJobsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeJobsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeJobsResponseParams

type DescribeJobsResponseParams struct {
	// List of job information
	JobList []*JobResponseInfo `json:"JobList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobList"`

	// Statistics
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest struct {

func NewDescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest

func NewDescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest() (request *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest)

func (*DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequestParams

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse

func NewDescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse() (response *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse)

func (*DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponseParams

type DescribeLakeFsDirSummaryResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest

type DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest struct {

func NewDescribeLakeFsInfoRequest

func NewDescribeLakeFsInfoRequest() (request *DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest)

func (*DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeLakeFsInfoRequestParams

type DescribeLakeFsInfoRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse

type DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeLakeFsInfoResponse

func NewDescribeLakeFsInfoResponse() (response *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse)

func (*DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeLakeFsInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeLakeFsInfoResponseParams

type DescribeLakeFsInfoResponseParams struct {
	// Managed storage information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LakeFsInfos []*LakeFsInfo `json:"LakeFsInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LakeFsInfos"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest struct {

	// Bucket name
	BucketId *string `json:"BucketId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketId"`

func NewDescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest

func NewDescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest() (request *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest)

func (*DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequestParams

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListRequestParams struct {
	// Bucket name
	BucketId *string `json:"BucketId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse

func NewDescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse() (response *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse)

func (*DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponseParams

type DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingListResponseParams struct {
	// List not bound to DLC products
	OtherCHDFSBindingList []*OtherCHDFSBinding `json:"OtherCHDFSBindingList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OtherCHDFSBindingList"`

	// Total records
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeQueryRequest

type DescribeQueryRequest struct {

	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

func NewDescribeQueryRequest

func NewDescribeQueryRequest() (request *DescribeQueryRequest)

func (*DescribeQueryRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeQueryRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeQueryRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeQueryRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeQueryRequestParams

type DescribeQueryRequestParams struct {
	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeQueryResponse

type DescribeQueryResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeQueryResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeQueryResponse

func NewDescribeQueryResponse() (response *DescribeQueryResponse)

func (*DescribeQueryResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeQueryResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeQueryResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeQueryResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeQueryResponseParams

type DescribeQueryResponseParams struct {
	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The SQL being executed currently. A task contains one SQL.
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

	// The currently executed task types are divided into DDL, DML, and DQL.
	SQLType *string `json:"SQLType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQLType"`

	// The current status of the task is 0: initializing; 1: running; 2: executed; 3: writing data; 4: queuing; -1: task execution failed; -3: manually terminated. The task execution result is returned only when the task is successfully executed.
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Default data set of query results
	DataSet *string `json:"DataSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSet"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeResultDownloadRequest

type DescribeResultDownloadRequest struct {

	// The query task ID.
	DownloadId *string `json:"DownloadId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DownloadId"`

func NewDescribeResultDownloadRequest

func NewDescribeResultDownloadRequest() (request *DescribeResultDownloadRequest)

func (*DescribeResultDownloadRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeResultDownloadRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeResultDownloadRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeResultDownloadRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeResultDownloadRequestParams

type DescribeResultDownloadRequestParams struct {
	// The query task ID.
	DownloadId *string `json:"DownloadId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DownloadId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeResultDownloadResponse

type DescribeResultDownloadResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeResultDownloadResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeResultDownloadResponse

func NewDescribeResultDownloadResponse() (response *DescribeResultDownloadResponse)

func (*DescribeResultDownloadResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeResultDownloadResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeResultDownloadResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeResultDownloadResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeResultDownloadResponseParams

type DescribeResultDownloadResponseParams struct {
	// The file save path.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Path *string `json:"Path,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Path"`

	// The task status. Valid values: `init`, `queue`, `format`, `compress`, `success`, `timeout`, and `error`.
	Status *string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

	// The task exception cause.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Reason *string `json:"Reason,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Reason"`

	// The temporary secret ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SecretId *string `json:"SecretId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SecretId"`

	// The temporary secret key.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SecretKey *string `json:"SecretKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SecretKey"`

	// The temporary token.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Token *string `json:"Token,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Token"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppJobRequest

type DescribeSparkAppJobRequest struct {

	// The Spark job ID. If it co-exists with `JobName`, `JobName` is invalid. At least `JobId` or `JobName` must be used.
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Spark job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobRequest

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobRequest() (request *DescribeSparkAppJobRequest)

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppJobRequestParams

type DescribeSparkAppJobRequestParams struct {
	// The Spark job ID. If it co-exists with `JobName`, `JobName` is invalid. At least `JobId` or `JobName` must be used.
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Spark job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppJobResponse

type DescribeSparkAppJobResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSparkAppJobResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobResponse

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobResponse() (response *DescribeSparkAppJobResponse)

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppJobResponseParams

type DescribeSparkAppJobResponseParams struct {
	// Spark job details
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Job *SparkJobInfo `json:"Job,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Job"`

	// Whether the queried Spark job exists
	IsExists *bool `json:"IsExists,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsExists"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest

type DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest struct {

	// The returned results are sorted by this field.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Descending or ascending order, such as `desc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// The filters. The following types are supported, and `Name` of the parameter passed in must be one of them: `spark-job-name` (job name), `spark-job-id` (job ID), `spark-app-type` (job type: `1` for batch, `2` for streaming, and `4` for SQL), `user-name` (creator), and `key-word` (job name or ID keywords for fuzzy search).
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// The update start time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// The update end time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// The query list offset, which defaults to 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// The maximum number of queries allowed in the list, which defaults to 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobsRequest

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobsRequest() (request *DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest)

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppJobsRequestParams

type DescribeSparkAppJobsRequestParams struct {
	// The returned results are sorted by this field.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Descending or ascending order, such as `desc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// The filters. The following types are supported, and `Name` of the parameter passed in must be one of them: `spark-job-name` (job name), `spark-job-id` (job ID), `spark-app-type` (job type: `1` for batch, `2` for streaming, and `4` for SQL), `user-name` (creator), and `key-word` (job name or ID keywords for fuzzy search).
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// The update start time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// The update end time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// The query list offset, which defaults to 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// The maximum number of queries allowed in the list, which defaults to 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse

type DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobsResponse

func NewDescribeSparkAppJobsResponse() (response *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse)

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppJobsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppJobsResponseParams

type DescribeSparkAppJobsResponseParams struct {
	// Detailed list of Spark jobs
	SparkAppJobs []*SparkJobInfo `json:"SparkAppJobs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppJobs"`

	// Total number of Spark jobs
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest

type DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest struct {

	// Spark job ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Paginated query offset
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Paginated query limit
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Execution instance ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The update start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// The update end time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Filter by this parameter, which can be `task-state`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppTasksRequest

func NewDescribeSparkAppTasksRequest() (request *DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest)

func (*DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppTasksRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppTasksRequestParams

type DescribeSparkAppTasksRequestParams struct {
	// Spark job ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Paginated query offset
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Paginated query limit
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Execution instance ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The update start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// The update end time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Filter by this parameter, which can be `task-state`.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse

type DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSparkAppTasksResponse

func NewDescribeSparkAppTasksResponse() (response *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse)

func (*DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSparkAppTasksResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSparkAppTasksResponseParams

type DescribeSparkAppTasksResponseParams struct {
	// Task result (this field has been disused)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Tasks *TaskResponseInfo `json:"Tasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Tasks"`

	// Total number of tasks
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// List of task results
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkAppTasks []*TaskResponseInfo `json:"SparkAppTasks,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppTasks"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest struct {

	// The unique ID of a Spark SQL job.
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// User-defined primary key. If it is specified, the query should be based on the value.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

func NewDescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest

func NewDescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest() (request *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest)

func (*DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequest) ToJsonString

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequestParams

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogRequestParams struct {
	// The unique ID of a Spark SQL job.
	BatchId *string `json:"BatchId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BatchId"`

	// User-defined primary key. If it is specified, the query should be based on the value.
	CustomKey *string `json:"CustomKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomKey"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse

func NewDescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse() (response *DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse)

func (*DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse) FromJsonString

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponse) ToJsonString

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponseParams

type DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLogResponseParams struct {
	// Status: 0: running; 1: successful; 2: failed; 3: cancellation; 4: timeout
	State *uint64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// The log information list.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LogSet []*SparkSessionBatchLog `json:"LogSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LogSet"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeStoreLocationRequest

type DescribeStoreLocationRequest struct {

func NewDescribeStoreLocationRequest

func NewDescribeStoreLocationRequest() (request *DescribeStoreLocationRequest)

func (*DescribeStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeStoreLocationRequestParams

type DescribeStoreLocationRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeStoreLocationResponse

type DescribeStoreLocationResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeStoreLocationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeStoreLocationResponse

func NewDescribeStoreLocationResponse() (response *DescribeStoreLocationResponse)

func (*DescribeStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeStoreLocationResponseParams

type DescribeStoreLocationResponseParams struct {
	// Return the path of the location where results are stored and which was set by the user. If it is not set, the null character string, i.e. "", will be returned.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest struct {

func NewDescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest

func NewDescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest() (request *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest)

func (*DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequestParams

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse

func NewDescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse() (response *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse)

func (*DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponseParams

type DescribeSubUserAccessPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Sub-user's visiting policy
	PolicyDocument *string `json:"PolicyDocument,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyDocument"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTablesNameRequest

type DescribeTablesNameRequest struct {

	// List all the data tables in the database.
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 10 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Data offset. It starts from 0 and is 0 by default.
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The Name should be one of them.
	// Table-name - String - (filter criteria) data table name, such as table-001.
	// table-id - String - (filter criteria) table id, such as 12342.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Specified data source name to be queried, and it is DataLakeCatalog by default.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Start time: It is used to filter the update time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time: It is used to filter the update time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Sorting fields, and they support CreateTime (creation time), UpdateTime (update time), StorageSize (storage space), RecordCount (number of rows), and Name (table name) (The ascending order according to names will be adopted if it is not passed).
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields, and false means the descending order (by default) while true means the ascending order.
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

	// Table type, query of the table type, and the available value is EXTERNAL_TABLE,INDEX_TABLE,MANAGED_TABLE,MATERIALIZED_VIEW,TABLE,VIEW,VIRTUAL_VIEW
	TableType *string `json:"TableType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableType"`

	// Filter fields - table format: If no criteria are specified, all the items will be checked; LAKEFS: managed table; ICEBERG: non-managed iceberg table; HIVE: non-managed hive table; OTHER: other non-managed tables.
	TableFormat *string `json:"TableFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableFormat"`

func NewDescribeTablesNameRequest

func NewDescribeTablesNameRequest() (request *DescribeTablesNameRequest)

func (*DescribeTablesNameRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTablesNameRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTablesNameRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTablesNameRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTablesNameRequestParams

type DescribeTablesNameRequestParams struct {
	// List all the data tables in the database.
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 10 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Data offset. It starts from 0 and is 0 by default.
	Offset *uint64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The Name should be one of them.
	// Table-name - String - (filter criteria) data table name, such as table-001.
	// table-id - String - (filter criteria) table id, such as 12342.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Specified data source name to be queried, and it is DataLakeCatalog by default.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Start time: It is used to filter the update time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time: It is used to filter the update time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Sorting fields, and they support CreateTime (creation time), UpdateTime (update time), StorageSize (storage space), RecordCount (number of rows), and Name (table name) (The ascending order according to names will be adopted if it is not passed).
	Sort *string `json:"Sort,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sort"`

	// Sorting fields, and false means the descending order (by default) while true means the ascending order.
	Asc *bool `json:"Asc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Asc"`

	// Table type, query of the table type, and the available value is EXTERNAL_TABLE,INDEX_TABLE,MANAGED_TABLE,MATERIALIZED_VIEW,TABLE,VIEW,VIRTUAL_VIEW
	TableType *string `json:"TableType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableType"`

	// Filter fields - table format: If no criteria are specified, all the items will be checked; LAKEFS: managed table; ICEBERG: non-managed iceberg table; HIVE: non-managed hive table; OTHER: other non-managed tables.
	TableFormat *string `json:"TableFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableFormat"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTablesNameResponse

type DescribeTablesNameResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeTablesNameResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeTablesNameResponse

func NewDescribeTablesNameResponse() (response *DescribeTablesNameResponse)

func (*DescribeTablesNameResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTablesNameResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTablesNameResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTablesNameResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTablesNameResponseParams

type DescribeTablesNameResponseParams struct {
	// Object list of data table names
	TableNameList []*string `json:"TableNameList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableNameList"`

	// Total instances
	TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTaskResultRequest

type DescribeTaskResultRequest struct {

	// Unique task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The pagination information returned by the last response. This parameter can be omitted for the first response, where the data will be returned from the beginning. The data with a volume set by the `MaxResults` field is returned each time.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

	// Maximum number of returned rows. Value range: 0–1,000. Default value: 1,000.
	MaxResults *int64 `json:"MaxResults,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxResults"`

	// Whether to convert the data type
	IsTransformDataType *bool `json:"IsTransformDataType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsTransformDataType"`

func NewDescribeTaskResultRequest

func NewDescribeTaskResultRequest() (request *DescribeTaskResultRequest)

func (*DescribeTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskResultRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTaskResultRequestParams

type DescribeTaskResultRequestParams struct {
	// Unique task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// The pagination information returned by the last response. This parameter can be omitted for the first response, where the data will be returned from the beginning. The data with a volume set by the `MaxResults` field is returned each time.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

	// Maximum number of returned rows. Value range: 0–1,000. Default value: 1,000.
	MaxResults *int64 `json:"MaxResults,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxResults"`

	// Whether to convert the data type
	IsTransformDataType *bool `json:"IsTransformDataType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsTransformDataType"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTaskResultResponse

type DescribeTaskResultResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeTaskResultResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeTaskResultResponse

func NewDescribeTaskResultResponse() (response *DescribeTaskResultResponse)

func (*DescribeTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskResultResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTaskResultResponseParams

type DescribeTaskResultResponseParams struct {
	// The queried task information. If the returned value is empty, the task with the entered task ID does not exist. The task result will be returned only if the task status is `2` (succeeded).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskInfo *TaskResultInfo `json:"TaskInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskInfo"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest

type DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest struct {

	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

func NewDescribeTaskStatisticsRequest

func NewDescribeTaskStatisticsRequest() (request *DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest)

func (*DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskStatisticsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTaskStatisticsRequestParams

type DescribeTaskStatisticsRequestParams struct {
	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse

type DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeTaskStatisticsResponse

func NewDescribeTaskStatisticsResponse() (response *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse)

func (*DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTaskStatisticsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTaskStatisticsResponseParams

type DescribeTaskStatisticsResponseParams struct {
	// Task statistics information.
	StatisticInfo *StatisticInfo `json:"StatisticInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatisticInfo"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTasksRequest

type DescribeTasksRequest struct {

	// Number of returned results. Default value: 10. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter. The following filters are supported, and the `Name` input parameter must be one of them. Up to 50 `task-id` values can be filtered, while up to 5 other parameters can be filtered in total.
	// task-id - String - (filter by task ID). `task-id` format: e386471f-139a-4e59-877f-50ece8135b99.
	// task-state - String - (filter exactly by task status). Valid values: `0` (initial), `1` (running), `2` (succeeded), `-1` (failed).
	// task-sql-keyword - String - (filter fuzzily by SQL statement keyword, such as `DROP TABLE`).
	// task-operator- string (filter by sub-UIN)
	// task-kind - string (filter by task type)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sorting field. Valid values: `create-time` (default value), `update-time`.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting order. Valid values: `asc` (ascending order), `desc` (descending order). Default value: `asc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Start time in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`, which is the current time seven days ago by default.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`, which is the current time by default. The time span is (0, 30] days. Data in the last 45 days can be queried.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// The data engine name for filtering.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name of the spark engine
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

func NewDescribeTasksRequest

func NewDescribeTasksRequest() (request *DescribeTasksRequest)

func (*DescribeTasksRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTasksRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTasksRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTasksRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTasksRequestParams

type DescribeTasksRequestParams struct {
	// Number of returned results. Default value: 10. Maximum value: 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset. Default value: 0.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Filter. The following filters are supported, and the `Name` input parameter must be one of them. Up to 50 `task-id` values can be filtered, while up to 5 other parameters can be filtered in total.
	// task-id - String - (filter by task ID). `task-id` format: e386471f-139a-4e59-877f-50ece8135b99.
	// task-state - String - (filter exactly by task status). Valid values: `0` (initial), `1` (running), `2` (succeeded), `-1` (failed).
	// task-sql-keyword - String - (filter fuzzily by SQL statement keyword, such as `DROP TABLE`).
	// task-operator- string (filter by sub-UIN)
	// task-kind - string (filter by task type)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sorting field. Valid values: `create-time` (default value), `update-time`.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting order. Valid values: `asc` (ascending order), `desc` (descending order). Default value: `asc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Start time in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`, which is the current time seven days ago by default.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time in the format of `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS`, which is the current time by default. The time span is (0, 30] days. Data in the last 45 days can be queried.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// The data engine name for filtering.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Resource group name of the spark engine
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeTasksResponse

type DescribeTasksResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeTasksResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeTasksResponse

func NewDescribeTasksResponse() (response *DescribeTasksResponse)

func (*DescribeTasksResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeTasksResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeTasksResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeTasksResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeTasksResponseParams

type DescribeTasksResponseParams struct {
	// List of task objects.
	TaskList []*TaskResponseInfo `json:"TaskList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskList"`

	// Total number of instances
	TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The task overview.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TasksOverview *TasksOverview `json:"TasksOverview,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TasksOverview"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest struct {

func NewDescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

func NewDescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest() (request *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest)

func (*DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

func NewDescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse() (response *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse)

func (*DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams

type DescribeThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams struct {
	// User information
	UserInfo *OpendThirdAccessUserInfo `json:"UserInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserInfo"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest struct {

	// Operation commands of engine configuration. UpdateSparkSQLLakefsPath updates the path of managed tables, and UpdateSparkSQLResultPath updates the path of result buckets.
	DataEngineConfigCommand *string `json:"DataEngineConfigCommand,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigCommand"`

	UseLakeFs *bool `json:"UseLakeFs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseLakeFs"`

	CustomResultPath *string `json:"CustomResultPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomResultPath"`

func NewDescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest

func NewDescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest() (request *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest)

func (*DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequestParams

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesRequestParams struct {
	// Operation commands of engine configuration. UpdateSparkSQLLakefsPath updates the path of managed tables, and UpdateSparkSQLResultPath updates the path of result buckets.
	DataEngineConfigCommand *string `json:"DataEngineConfigCommand,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigCommand"`

	UseLakeFs *bool `json:"UseLakeFs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseLakeFs"`

	CustomResultPath *string `json:"CustomResultPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomResultPath"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse

func NewDescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse() (response *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse)

func (*DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponseParams

type DescribeUpdatableDataEnginesResponseParams struct {
	// Basic cluster information
	DataEngineBasicInfos []*DataEngineBasicInfo `json:"DataEngineBasicInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineBasicInfos"`

	// Number of clusters
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest struct {

	// Sorting methods; desc means in reverse order; asc means in order.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 10 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The parameter Name should be one of them. The number of values that can be filtered by each type of parameter should not be bigger than 5.
	// app-id - String - (filtering appid)
	// engine-id - String - (filtering engine ID)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest

func NewDescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest() (request *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest)

func (*DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequestParams

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Sorting methods; desc means in reverse order; asc means in order.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 10 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The parameter Name should be one of them. The number of values that can be filtered by each type of parameter should not be bigger than 5.
	// app-id - String - (filtering appid)
	// engine-id - String - (filtering engine ID)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse

func NewDescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse() (response *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse)

func (*DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams

type DescribeUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams struct {
	// List of custom configuration items of the user's engine
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineConfigInstanceInfos []*DataEngineConfigInstanceInfo `json:"DataEngineConfigInstanceInfos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigInstanceInfos"`

	// Total configuration items
	TotalCount *uint64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserInfoRequest

type DescribeUserInfoRequest struct {

	// User ID
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Type of queried information. Group: working group; DataAuth: data permission; EngineAuth: engine permission
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter criteria that are queried
	// When the type is Group, the fuzzy search is supported as the key is workgroup-name.
	// When the type is DataAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// data-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// engine-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sort fields.
	// When the type is Group, the create-time and group-name are supported.
	// When the type is DataAuth, create-time is supported.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, create-time is supported.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

func NewDescribeUserInfoRequest

func NewDescribeUserInfoRequest() (request *DescribeUserInfoRequest)

func (*DescribeUserInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserInfoRequestParams

type DescribeUserInfoRequestParams struct {
	// User ID
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Type of queried information. Group: working group; DataAuth: data permission; EngineAuth: engine permission
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter criteria that are queried
	// When the type is Group, the fuzzy search is supported as the key is workgroup-name.
	// When the type is DataAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// data-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// engine-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sort fields.
	// When the type is Group, the create-time and group-name are supported.
	// When the type is DataAuth, create-time is supported.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, create-time is supported.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserInfoResponse

type DescribeUserInfoResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUserInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUserInfoResponse

func NewDescribeUserInfoResponse() (response *DescribeUserInfoResponse)

func (*DescribeUserInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserInfoResponseParams

type DescribeUserInfoResponseParams struct {
	// Detailed user information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserInfo *UserDetailInfo `json:"UserInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserInfo"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserRolesRequest

type DescribeUserRolesRequest struct {

	// The number limit of enumerated user roles.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// The offset for starting enumeration.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Fuzzy enumeration by arn.
	Fuzzy *string `json:"Fuzzy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Fuzzy"`

	// The field for sorting the returned results.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// The sorting order, descending or ascending, such as `desc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

func NewDescribeUserRolesRequest

func NewDescribeUserRolesRequest() (request *DescribeUserRolesRequest)

func (*DescribeUserRolesRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserRolesRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserRolesRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserRolesRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserRolesRequestParams

type DescribeUserRolesRequestParams struct {
	// The number limit of enumerated user roles.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// The offset for starting enumeration.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Fuzzy enumeration by arn.
	Fuzzy *string `json:"Fuzzy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Fuzzy"`

	// The field for sorting the returned results.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// The sorting order, descending or ascending, such as `desc`.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserRolesResponse

type DescribeUserRolesResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUserRolesResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUserRolesResponse

func NewDescribeUserRolesResponse() (response *DescribeUserRolesResponse)

func (*DescribeUserRolesResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserRolesResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserRolesResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserRolesResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserRolesResponseParams

type DescribeUserRolesResponseParams struct {
	// The total number of user roles meeting the enumeration conditions.
	Total *int64 `json:"Total,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Total"`

	// The user roles.
	UserRoles []*UserRole `json:"UserRoles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserRoles"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserTypeRequest

type DescribeUserTypeRequest struct {

	// User ID (UIN). If it is not specified, it will be the sub-UIN of the caller by default.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

func NewDescribeUserTypeRequest

func NewDescribeUserTypeRequest() (request *DescribeUserTypeRequest)

func (*DescribeUserTypeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserTypeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserTypeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserTypeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserTypeRequestParams

type DescribeUserTypeRequestParams struct {
	// User ID (UIN). If it is not specified, it will be the sub-UIN of the caller by default.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUserTypeResponse

type DescribeUserTypeResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUserTypeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUserTypeResponse

func NewDescribeUserTypeResponse() (response *DescribeUserTypeResponse)

func (*DescribeUserTypeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserTypeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUserTypeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUserTypeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUserTypeResponseParams

type DescribeUserTypeResponseParams struct {
	// Types of users. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUsersRequest

type DescribeUsersRequest struct {

	// Specify the UIN of the sub-user to be queried. Users need to create it through the CreateUser API.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. User-type means the filtering is based on the types of users, and user-keyword means the filtering is based on the names of users.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

func NewDescribeUsersRequest

func NewDescribeUsersRequest() (request *DescribeUsersRequest)

func (*DescribeUsersRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUsersRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUsersRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUsersRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUsersRequestParams

type DescribeUsersRequestParams struct {
	// Specify the UIN of the sub-user to be queried. Users need to create it through the CreateUser API.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. User-type means the filtering is based on the types of users, and user-keyword means the filtering is based on the names of users.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeUsersResponse

type DescribeUsersResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeUsersResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeUsersResponse

func NewDescribeUsersResponse() (response *DescribeUsersResponse)

func (*DescribeUsersResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeUsersResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeUsersResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeUsersResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeUsersResponseParams

type DescribeUsersResponseParams struct {
	// Total queried number of users queried
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Collection of the queried information of the authorized user
	UserSet []*UserInfo `json:"UserSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserSet"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest struct {

	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Types of queried information. User: user information; DataAuth: data permissions; EngineAuth: engine permissions
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter criteria that are queried
	// When the type is User, the fuzzy search is supported as the key is user-name.
	// When the type is DataAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// data-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// engine-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sort fields.
	// When the type is User, create-time and user-name are supported.
	// When the type is DataAuth, create-time is supported.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, create-time is supported.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

func NewDescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest

func NewDescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest() (request *DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest)

func (*DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequestParams

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoRequestParams struct {
	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Types of queried information. User: user information; DataAuth: data permissions; EngineAuth: engine permissions
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Filter criteria that are queried
	// When the type is User, the fuzzy search is supported as the key is user-name.
	// When the type is DataAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// data-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, the keys supported are:
	// policy-type: types of permissions;
	// policy-source: data sources;
	// engine-name: fuzzy search of the database and table.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Sort fields.
	// When the type is User, create-time and user-name are supported.
	// When the type is DataAuth, create-time is supported.
	// When the type is EngineAuth, create-time is supported.
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods: desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse

func NewDescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse() (response *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse)

func (*DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponseParams

type DescribeWorkGroupInfoResponseParams struct {
	// Details about working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupInfo *WorkGroupDetailInfo `json:"WorkGroupInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupInfo"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeWorkGroupsRequest

type DescribeWorkGroupsRequest struct {

	// IDs of working groups that are queried. If it is not filled in or is 0, this means no need for filtering.
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Filter criteria. Only the fuzzy search according to working group names is supported. The key is workgroup-name.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods; desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

func NewDescribeWorkGroupsRequest

func NewDescribeWorkGroupsRequest() (request *DescribeWorkGroupsRequest)

func (*DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupsRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeWorkGroupsRequestParams

type DescribeWorkGroupsRequestParams struct {
	// IDs of working groups that are queried. If it is not filled in or is 0, this means no need for filtering.
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Filter criteria. Only the fuzzy search according to working group names is supported. The key is workgroup-name.
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Offset, which is 0 by default.
	Offset *int64 `json:"Offset,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Offset"`

	// Quantity of returns. It is 20 by default, and the maximum value is 100.
	Limit *int64 `json:"Limit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Limit"`

	// Sorting fields, which support the following type: create-time
	SortBy *string `json:"SortBy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SortBy"`

	// Sorting methods; desc means in order; asc means in reverse order; it is asc by default.
	Sorting *string `json:"Sorting,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sorting"`

Predefined struct for user

type DescribeWorkGroupsResponse

type DescribeWorkGroupsResponse struct {
	Response *DescribeWorkGroupsResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDescribeWorkGroupsResponse

func NewDescribeWorkGroupsResponse() (response *DescribeWorkGroupsResponse)

func (*DescribeWorkGroupsResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupsResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DescribeWorkGroupsResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DescribeWorkGroupsResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DescribeWorkGroupsResponseParams

type DescribeWorkGroupsResponseParams struct {
	// The total number of working groups
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

	// Collection of working group information
	WorkGroupSet []*WorkGroupInfo `json:"WorkGroupSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupSet"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DetachUserPolicyRequest

type DetachUserPolicyRequest struct {

	// User ID, which matches Uin on the CAM side.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Collection of unbound permissions
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

func NewDetachUserPolicyRequest

func NewDetachUserPolicyRequest() (request *DetachUserPolicyRequest)

func (*DetachUserPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DetachUserPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DetachUserPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DetachUserPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DetachUserPolicyRequestParams

type DetachUserPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// User ID, which matches Uin on the CAM side.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Collection of unbound permissions
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

Predefined struct for user

type DetachUserPolicyResponse

type DetachUserPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DetachUserPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDetachUserPolicyResponse

func NewDetachUserPolicyResponse() (response *DetachUserPolicyResponse)

func (*DetachUserPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DetachUserPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DetachUserPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DetachUserPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DetachUserPolicyResponseParams

type DetachUserPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest struct {

	// Working group ID
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Collection of unbound permissions
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

func NewDetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest

func NewDetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest() (request *DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest)

func (*DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequestParams

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Working group ID
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Collection of unbound permissions
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

Predefined struct for user

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse

func NewDetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse() (response *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse)

func (*DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams

type DetachWorkGroupPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDLCTableRequest

type DropDLCTableRequest struct {

	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Data table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

func NewDropDLCTableRequest

func NewDropDLCTableRequest() (request *DropDLCTableRequest)

func (*DropDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDLCTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDLCTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DropDLCTableRequestParams

type DropDLCTableRequestParams struct {
	// Engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Data table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Resource group name
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDLCTableResponse

type DropDLCTableResponse struct {
	Response *DropDLCTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDropDLCTableResponse

func NewDropDLCTableResponse() (response *DropDLCTableResponse)

func (*DropDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDLCTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDLCTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DropDLCTableResponseParams

type DropDLCTableResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDMSDatabaseRequest

type DropDMSDatabaseRequest struct {

	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data.
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Whether to use cascade delete.
	Cascade *bool `json:"Cascade,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Cascade"`

func NewDropDMSDatabaseRequest

func NewDropDMSDatabaseRequest() (request *DropDMSDatabaseRequest)

func (*DropDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDMSDatabaseRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDMSDatabaseRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DropDMSDatabaseRequestParams

type DropDMSDatabaseRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data.
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Whether to use cascade delete.
	Cascade *bool `json:"Cascade,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Cascade"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDMSDatabaseResponse

type DropDMSDatabaseResponse struct {
	Response *DropDMSDatabaseResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDropDMSDatabaseResponse

func NewDropDMSDatabaseResponse() (response *DropDMSDatabaseResponse)

func (*DropDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDMSDatabaseResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDMSDatabaseResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DropDMSDatabaseResponseParams

type DropDMSDatabaseResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDMSTableRequest

type DropDMSTableRequest struct {

	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Environment properties
	EnvProps *KVPair `json:"EnvProps,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnvProps"`

func NewDropDMSTableRequest

func NewDropDMSTableRequest() (request *DropDMSTableRequest)

func (*DropDMSTableRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDMSTableRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDMSTableRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDMSTableRequest) ToJsonString() string

type DropDMSTableRequestParams

type DropDMSTableRequestParams struct {
	// Database name
	DbName *string `json:"DbName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbName"`

	// Table name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Whether to delete the data
	DeleteData *bool `json:"DeleteData,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DeleteData"`

	// Environment properties
	EnvProps *KVPair `json:"EnvProps,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnvProps"`

Predefined struct for user

type DropDMSTableResponse

type DropDMSTableResponse struct {
	Response *DropDMSTableResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewDropDMSTableResponse

func NewDropDMSTableResponse() (response *DropDMSTableResponse)

func (*DropDMSTableResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *DropDMSTableResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*DropDMSTableResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *DropDMSTableResponse) ToJsonString() string

type DropDMSTableResponseParams

type DropDMSTableResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type Execution

type Execution struct {
	// The automatically generated SQL statements.
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

type ExternalDataConfiguration

type ExternalDataConfiguration struct {
	// Metadata storage object
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Sds *DMSSds `json:"Sds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Sds"`

	// View text
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ViewOriginalText *string `json:"ViewOriginalText,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewOriginalText"`

	// View text
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ViewExpandedText *string `json:"ViewExpandedText,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ViewExpandedText"`

	// Hive maintenance version
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Retention *int64 `json:"Retention,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Retention"`

	// Lifecycle
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LifeTime *int64 `json:"LifeTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LifeTime"`

	// Partition
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Partitions []*DMSPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

type FavorInfo

type FavorInfo struct {
	// Prioritized items
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Priority *int64 `json:"Priority,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Priority"`

	// Catalog name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// DataBase name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataBase *string `json:"DataBase,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataBase"`

	// Table name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Table *string `json:"Table,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Table"`

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	// Attribute name. If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is `OR`.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Attribute value. If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is `OR`.
	Values []*string `json:"Values,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Values"`

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest struct {

	// The basic table information.
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// The table fields.
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// The table partitions.
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// The table properties.
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

	// The Upsert key for a v2 table (in Upsert mode).
	UpsertKeys []*string `json:"UpsertKeys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpsertKeys"`

func NewGenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest

func NewGenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest() (request *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest)

func (*GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequest) ToJsonString() string

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequestParams

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlRequestParams struct {
	// The basic table information.
	TableBaseInfo *TableBaseInfo `json:"TableBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableBaseInfo"`

	// The table fields.
	Columns []*TColumn `json:"Columns,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Columns"`

	// The table partitions.
	Partitions []*TPartition `json:"Partitions,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Partitions"`

	// The table properties.
	Properties []*Property `json:"Properties,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Properties"`

	// The Upsert key for a v2 table (in Upsert mode).
	UpsertKeys []*string `json:"UpsertKeys,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpsertKeys"`

Predefined struct for user

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse struct {
	Response *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewGenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse

func NewGenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse() (response *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse)

func (*GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponse) ToJsonString() string

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponseParams

type GenerateCreateMangedTableSqlResponseParams struct {
	// The SQL statements for creating the managed internal table.
	Execution *Execution `json:"Execution,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Execution"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GetOptimizerPolicyRequest

type GetOptimizerPolicyRequest struct {

	// Policy description
	SmartPolicy *SmartPolicy `json:"SmartPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SmartPolicy"`

func NewGetOptimizerPolicyRequest

func NewGetOptimizerPolicyRequest() (request *GetOptimizerPolicyRequest)

func (*GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *GetOptimizerPolicyRequest) ToJsonString() string

type GetOptimizerPolicyRequestParams

type GetOptimizerPolicyRequestParams struct {
	// Policy description
	SmartPolicy *SmartPolicy `json:"SmartPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SmartPolicy"`

Predefined struct for user

type GetOptimizerPolicyResponse

type GetOptimizerPolicyResponse struct {
	Response *GetOptimizerPolicyResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewGetOptimizerPolicyResponse

func NewGetOptimizerPolicyResponse() (response *GetOptimizerPolicyResponse)

func (*GetOptimizerPolicyResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *GetOptimizerPolicyResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GetOptimizerPolicyResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *GetOptimizerPolicyResponse) ToJsonString() string

type GetOptimizerPolicyResponseParams

type GetOptimizerPolicyResponseParams struct {
	// Smart optimization policy
	SmartOptimizerPolicy *SmartOptimizerPolicy `json:"SmartOptimizerPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SmartOptimizerPolicy"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest struct {

	// Authorized VpcId
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Product (EMR|DLC|Doris|Inlong|Wedata)
	Product *string `json:"Product,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Product"`

	// Description
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// UIN of the account to which VPC belongs
	VpcUin *string `json:"VpcUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcUin"`

	// AppId of the account to which VPC belongs
	VpcAppId *uint64 `json:"VpcAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcAppId"`

func NewGrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest

func NewGrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest() (request *GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest)

func (*GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString() string

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams struct {
	// Authorized VpcId
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Product (EMR|DLC|Doris|Inlong|Wedata)
	Product *string `json:"Product,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Product"`

	// Description
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// UIN of the account to which VPC belongs
	VpcUin *string `json:"VpcUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcUin"`

	// AppId of the account to which VPC belongs
	VpcAppId *uint64 `json:"VpcAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcAppId"`

Predefined struct for user

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse struct {
	Response *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewGrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse

func NewGrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse() (response *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse)

func (*GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString() string

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams

type GrantDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type JobResponseInfo

type JobResponseInfo struct {
	// Job name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

	// Statistics
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StatisticInfo *StatisticInfo `json:"StatisticInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StatisticInfo"`

	// Job configuration
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobConfiguration *string `json:"JobConfiguration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobConfiguration"`

	// The current status of the job: 0: initializing; 1: running; 2: executed; 3: writing data; 4: queuing; -1: execution failed; -3: manually terminated. The job execution result is returned only when the job is successfully executed.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobStatus *int64 `json:"JobStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobStatus"`

type KVPair

type KVPair struct {
	// Configured key
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// Configured value
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type LakeFsInfo

type LakeFsInfo struct {
	// Managed storage name
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Managed storage type
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Capacity
	SpaceUsedSize *float64 `json:"SpaceUsedSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SpaceUsedSize"`

	// Timestamp of the creation time
	CreateTimeStamp *int64 `json:"CreateTimeStamp,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTimeStamp"`

	// Whether it is the user's default bucket: 0: default bucket, 1: non-default bucket
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DefaultBucket *int64 `json:"DefaultBucket,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DefaultBucket"`

	// Managed storage short name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ShortName *string `json:"ShortName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ShortName"`

	// Description information of the bucket
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// The status of the managed bucket. Current values: creating, bind, readOnly, and isolate
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Status *string `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest struct {

	// COS path for saving querying results
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

	// Whether to enable advanced settings. 0 means no while 1 means yes.
	Enable *uint64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

func NewModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest

func NewModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest() (request *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest)

func (*ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequestParams

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationRequestParams struct {
	// COS path for saving querying results
	StoreLocation *string `json:"StoreLocation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StoreLocation"`

	// Whether to enable advanced settings. 0 means no while 1 means yes.
	Enable *uint64 `json:"Enable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Enable"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse

func NewModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse() (response *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse)

func (*ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams

type ModifyAdvancedStoreLocationResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest struct {

	// Name of the engine to be modified
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Engine description and its maximum length is 250 characters.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

func NewModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest

func NewModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest() (request *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest)

func (*ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequestParams

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionRequestParams struct {
	// Name of the engine to be modified
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Engine description and its maximum length is 250 characters.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse

func NewModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse() (response *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse)

func (*ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponseParams

type ModifyDataEngineDescriptionResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest

type ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest struct {

func NewModifyGovernEventRuleRequest

func NewModifyGovernEventRuleRequest() (request *ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest)

func (*ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyGovernEventRuleRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyGovernEventRuleRequestParams

type ModifyGovernEventRuleRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse

type ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyGovernEventRuleResponse

func NewModifyGovernEventRuleResponse() (response *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse)

func (*ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyGovernEventRuleResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyGovernEventRuleResponseParams

type ModifyGovernEventRuleResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifySparkAppBatchRequest

type ModifySparkAppBatchRequest struct {

	// The list of the IDs of the Spark job tasks to be modified in batches.
	SparkAppId []*string `json:"SparkAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppId"`

	// The engine ID.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The driver size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// The executor count. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification.
	AppExecutorNums *uint64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// The maximum executor count (in dynamic configuration scenarios). The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification. If you set `ExecutorMaxNumbers` to a value smaller than that of `ExecutorNums`, the value of `ExecutorMaxNumbers` is automatically changed to that of `ExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

func NewModifySparkAppBatchRequest

func NewModifySparkAppBatchRequest() (request *ModifySparkAppBatchRequest)

func (*ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppBatchRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifySparkAppBatchRequestParams

type ModifySparkAppBatchRequestParams struct {
	// The list of the IDs of the Spark job tasks to be modified in batches.
	SparkAppId []*string `json:"SparkAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppId"`

	// The engine ID.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The driver size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// The executor count. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification.
	AppExecutorNums *uint64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// The maximum executor count (in dynamic configuration scenarios). The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification. If you set `ExecutorMaxNumbers` to a value smaller than that of `ExecutorNums`, the value of `ExecutorMaxNumbers` is automatically changed to that of `ExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifySparkAppBatchResponse

type ModifySparkAppBatchResponse struct {
	Response *ModifySparkAppBatchResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifySparkAppBatchResponse

func NewModifySparkAppBatchResponse() (response *ModifySparkAppBatchResponse)

func (*ModifySparkAppBatchResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppBatchResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifySparkAppBatchResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppBatchResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifySparkAppBatchResponseParams

type ModifySparkAppBatchResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifySparkAppRequest

type ModifySparkAppRequest struct {

	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

	// The Spark job type. Valid values: `1` for Spark JAR job and `2` for Spark streaming job.
	AppType *int64 `json:"AppType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppType"`

	// The data engine executing the Spark job.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The path of the Spark job package.
	AppFile *string `json:"AppFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFile"`

	// The data access policy (CAM role arn).
	RoleArn *int64 `json:"RoleArn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleArn"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// Number of Spark job executors
	AppExecutorNums *int64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// The Spark job ID.
	SparkAppId *string `json:"SparkAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppId"`

	// This field has been disused. Use the `Datasource` field instead.
	Eni *string `json:"Eni,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Eni"`

	// The source of the Spark job package. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocal *string `json:"IsLocal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocal"`

	// The main class of the Spark job.
	MainClass *string `json:"MainClass,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClass"`

	// Spark configurations separated by line break
	AppConf *string `json:"AppConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppConf"`

	// The source of the dependency JAR packages of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalJars *string `json:"IsLocalJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalJars"`

	// The dependency JAR packages of the Spark JAR job (JAR packages), separated by comma.
	AppJars *string `json:"AppJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppJars"`

	// The source of the dependency files of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalFiles *string `json:"IsLocalFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalFiles"`

	// The dependency files of the Spark job (files other than JAR and ZIP packages), separated by comma.
	AppFiles *string `json:"AppFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFiles"`

	// The source of the PySpark dependencies. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalPythonFiles *string `json:"IsLocalPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalPythonFiles"`

	// The PySpark dependencies (Python files), separated by comma, with .py, .zip, and .egg formats supported.
	AppPythonFiles *string `json:"AppPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppPythonFiles"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by comma.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// The maximum number of retries, valid for Spark streaming tasks only.
	MaxRetries *int64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxRetries"`

	// Data source name
	DataSource *string `json:"DataSource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSource"`

	// The source of the dependency archives of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalArchives *string `json:"IsLocalArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalArchives"`

	// The dependency archives of the Spark job, separated by comma, with tar.gz, .tgz, and .tar formats supported.
	AppArchives *string `json:"AppArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppArchives"`

	// The Spark image version.
	SparkImage *string `json:"SparkImage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImage"`

	// The Spark image version name.
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// The specified executor count (max), which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the executor count is equal to `AppExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *int64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The associated Data Lake Compute query script.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster configuration template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// Whether to run the task with the session SQLs. Valid values: `false` for no and `true` for yes.
	IsSessionStarted *bool `json:"IsSessionStarted,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSessionStarted"`

func NewModifySparkAppRequest

func NewModifySparkAppRequest() (request *ModifySparkAppRequest)

func (*ModifySparkAppRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifySparkAppRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifySparkAppRequestParams

type ModifySparkAppRequestParams struct {
	// The Spark job name.
	AppName *string `json:"AppName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppName"`

	// The Spark job type. Valid values: `1` for Spark JAR job and `2` for Spark streaming job.
	AppType *int64 `json:"AppType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppType"`

	// The data engine executing the Spark job.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// The path of the Spark job package.
	AppFile *string `json:"AppFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFile"`

	// The data access policy (CAM role arn).
	RoleArn *int64 `json:"RoleArn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleArn"`

	// The driver size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppDriverSize *string `json:"AppDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppDriverSize"`

	// The executor size. Valid values: `small` (default, 1 CU), `medium` (2 CUs), `large` (4 CUs), and `xlarge` (8 CUs).
	AppExecutorSize *string `json:"AppExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorSize"`

	// Number of Spark job executors
	AppExecutorNums *int64 `json:"AppExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorNums"`

	// The Spark job ID.
	SparkAppId *string `json:"SparkAppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkAppId"`

	// This field has been disused. Use the `Datasource` field instead.
	Eni *string `json:"Eni,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Eni"`

	// The source of the Spark job package. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocal *string `json:"IsLocal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocal"`

	// The main class of the Spark job.
	MainClass *string `json:"MainClass,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClass"`

	// Spark configurations separated by line break
	AppConf *string `json:"AppConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppConf"`

	// The source of the dependency JAR packages of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalJars *string `json:"IsLocalJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalJars"`

	// The dependency JAR packages of the Spark JAR job (JAR packages), separated by comma.
	AppJars *string `json:"AppJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppJars"`

	// The source of the dependency files of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalFiles *string `json:"IsLocalFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalFiles"`

	// The dependency files of the Spark job (files other than JAR and ZIP packages), separated by comma.
	AppFiles *string `json:"AppFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppFiles"`

	// The source of the PySpark dependencies. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalPythonFiles *string `json:"IsLocalPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalPythonFiles"`

	// The PySpark dependencies (Python files), separated by comma, with .py, .zip, and .egg formats supported.
	AppPythonFiles *string `json:"AppPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppPythonFiles"`

	// The input parameters of the Spark job, separated by comma.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// The maximum number of retries, valid for Spark streaming tasks only.
	MaxRetries *int64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxRetries"`

	// Data source name
	DataSource *string `json:"DataSource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSource"`

	// The source of the dependency archives of the Spark job. Valid values: `cos` for COS and `lakefs` for the local system (for use in the console, but this method does not support direct API calls).
	IsLocalArchives *string `json:"IsLocalArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalArchives"`

	// The dependency archives of the Spark job, separated by comma, with tar.gz, .tgz, and .tar formats supported.
	AppArchives *string `json:"AppArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppArchives"`

	// The Spark image version.
	SparkImage *string `json:"SparkImage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImage"`

	// The Spark image version name.
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// The specified executor count (max), which defaults to 1. This parameter applies if the "Dynamic" mode is selected. If the "Dynamic" mode is not selected, the executor count is equal to `AppExecutorNums`.
	AppExecutorMaxNumbers *int64 `json:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// The associated Data Lake Compute query script.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// Whether to inherit the task resource configuration from the cluster configuration template. Valid values: `0` (default): No; `1`: Yes.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// Whether to run the task with the session SQLs. Valid values: `false` for no and `true` for yes.
	IsSessionStarted *bool `json:"IsSessionStarted,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSessionStarted"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifySparkAppResponse

type ModifySparkAppResponse struct {
	Response *ModifySparkAppResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifySparkAppResponse

func NewModifySparkAppResponse() (response *ModifySparkAppResponse)

func (*ModifySparkAppResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifySparkAppResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifySparkAppResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifySparkAppResponseParams

type ModifySparkAppResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyUserRequest

type ModifyUserRequest struct {

	// User ID which matches UIN on the CAM side
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

func NewModifyUserRequest

func NewModifyUserRequest() (request *ModifyUserRequest)

func (*ModifyUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyUserRequestParams

type ModifyUserRequestParams struct {
	// User ID which matches UIN on the CAM side
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyUserResponse

type ModifyUserResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyUserResponse

func NewModifyUserResponse() (response *ModifyUserResponse)

func (*ModifyUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyUserResponseParams

type ModifyUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyUserTypeRequest

type ModifyUserTypeRequest struct {

	// User ID
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Types that users modify. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

func NewModifyUserTypeRequest

func NewModifyUserTypeRequest() (request *ModifyUserTypeRequest)

func (*ModifyUserTypeRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserTypeRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyUserTypeRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserTypeRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyUserTypeRequestParams

type ModifyUserTypeRequestParams struct {
	// User ID
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Types that users modify. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyUserTypeResponse

type ModifyUserTypeResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyUserTypeResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyUserTypeResponse

func NewModifyUserTypeResponse() (response *ModifyUserTypeResponse)

func (*ModifyUserTypeResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserTypeResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyUserTypeResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyUserTypeResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyUserTypeResponseParams

type ModifyUserTypeResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyWorkGroupRequest

type ModifyWorkGroupRequest struct {

	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Working group description, and the upper limit of the number of its characters is 50.
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

func NewModifyWorkGroupRequest

func NewModifyWorkGroupRequest() (request *ModifyWorkGroupRequest)

func (*ModifyWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyWorkGroupRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyWorkGroupRequest) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyWorkGroupRequestParams

type ModifyWorkGroupRequestParams struct {
	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Working group description, and the upper limit of the number of its characters is 50.
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

Predefined struct for user

type ModifyWorkGroupResponse

type ModifyWorkGroupResponse struct {
	Response *ModifyWorkGroupResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewModifyWorkGroupResponse

func NewModifyWorkGroupResponse() (response *ModifyWorkGroupResponse)

func (*ModifyWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *ModifyWorkGroupResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*ModifyWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *ModifyWorkGroupResponse) ToJsonString() string

type ModifyWorkGroupResponseParams

type ModifyWorkGroupResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type MountPointAssociates

type MountPointAssociates struct {
	// Bucket ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	BucketId *string `json:"BucketId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BucketId"`

	// vpcId
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// Subnet address
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcCidrBlock *string `json:"VpcCidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcCidrBlock"`

	// Permission group ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessGroupId *string `json:"AccessGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessGroupId"`

	// Permission rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessRuleId *int64 `json:"AccessRuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessRuleId"`

type NetworkConnection

type NetworkConnection struct {
	// Network configuration ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// Unique identifier of network configuration
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AssociateId *string `json:"AssociateId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AssociateId"`

	// Computing engine ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	HouseId *string `json:"HouseId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HouseId"`

	// Data source ID (discarded)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionId *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionId"`

	// Network configuration status (0 - initializing; 1 - normal)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Creation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *int64 `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Modification time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdateTime *int64 `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Create user Appid.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Appid *int64 `json:"Appid,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Appid"`

	// Computing engine name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	HouseName *string `json:"HouseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"HouseName"`

	// Network configuration name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Network configuration type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NetworkConnectionType *int64 `json:"NetworkConnectionType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NetworkConnectionType"`

	// Create user UIN.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Uin *string `json:"Uin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Uin"`

	// Create user SubAccountUin.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SubAccountUin *string `json:"SubAccountUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SubAccountUin"`

	// Network configuration description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NetworkConnectionDesc *string `json:"NetworkConnectionDesc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NetworkConnectionDesc"`

	// Data source vpcid
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionVpcId *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionVpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionVpcId"`

	// Data source SubnetId
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionSubnetId *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionSubnetId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionSubnetId"`

	// Data source SubnetId
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionCidrBlock *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionCidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionCidrBlock"`

	// Data source SubnetCidrBlock
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionSubnetCidrBlock *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionSubnetCidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionSubnetCidrBlock"`

type OpendThirdAccessUserInfo

type OpendThirdAccessUserInfo struct {
	// ID information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// User primary UIN
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Uin *string `json:"Uin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Uin"`

	// User AppID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AppId *string `json:"AppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppId"`

	// Activation time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

type OtherCHDFSBinding

type OtherCHDFSBinding struct {
	// Product name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProductName *string `json:"ProductName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProductName"`

	// User name (a discarded field)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SuperUser []*string `json:"SuperUser,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SuperUser"`

	// VPC configuration information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcInfo []*CHDFSProductVpcInfo `json:"VpcInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcInfo"`

	// Whether to bind the bucket (a discarded field)
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsBind *bool `json:"IsBind,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsBind"`

type PermissionResponseInfo

type PermissionResponseInfo struct {
	// Permission type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessType *string `json:"AccessType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessType"`

	// Resource information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourceBaseInfo *ResourceBaseInfo `json:"ResourceBaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceBaseInfo"`

	// Authentication result
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Allowed *bool `json:"Allowed,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Allowed"`

type Policy

type Policy struct {
	// The name of the target database. `*` represents all databases in the current catalog. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`; to grant data connection permissions, it must be null; to grant other permissions, it can be any database.
	Database *string `json:"Database,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Database"`

	// The name of the target data source. To grant admin permission, it must be `*` (all resources at this level); to grant data source and database permissions, it must be `COSDataCatalog` or `*`; to grant table permissions, it can be a custom data source; if it is left empty, `DataLakeCatalog` is used. Note: To grant permissions on a custom data source, the permissions that can be managed in the Data Lake Compute console are subsets of the account permissions granted when you connect the data source to the console.
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// The name of the target table. `*` represents all tables in the current database. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`; to grant data connection and database permissions, it must be null; to grant other permissions, it can be any table.
	Table *string `json:"Table,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Table"`

	// The target permissions, which vary by permission level. Admin: `ALL` (default); data connection: `CREATE`; database: `ALL`, `CREATE`, `ALTER`, and `DROP`; table: `ALL`, `SELECT`, `INSERT`, `ALTER`, `DELETE`, `DROP`, and `UPDATE`. Note: For table permissions, if a data source other than `COSDataCatalog` is specified, only the `SELECT` permission can be granted here.
	Operation *string `json:"Operation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operation"`

	// The permission type. Valid values: `ADMIN`, `DATASOURCE`, `DATABASE`, `TABLE`, `VIEW`, `FUNCTION`, `COLUMN`, and `ENGINE`. Note: If it is left empty, `ADMIN` is used.
	PolicyType *string `json:"PolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyType"`

	// The name of the target function. `*` represents all functions in the current catalog. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`; to grant data connection permissions, it must be null; to grant other permissions, it can be any function.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Function *string `json:"Function,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Function"`

	// The name of the target view. `*` represents all views in the current database. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`; to grant data connection and database permissions, it must be null; to grant other permissions, it can be any view.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	View *string `json:"View,omitnil,omitempty" name:"View"`

	// The name of the target column. `*` represents all columns. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Column *string `json:"Column,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Column"`

	// The name of the target data engine. `*` represents all engines. To grant admin permissions, it must be `*`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// Whether the grantee is allowed to further grant the permissions. Valid values: `false` (default) and `true` (the grantee can grant permissions gained here to other sub-users).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ReAuth *bool `json:"ReAuth,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ReAuth"`

	// The permission source, which is not required when input parameters are passed in. Valid values: `USER` (from the user) and `WORKGROUP` (from one or more associated work groups).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Source *string `json:"Source,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Source"`

	// The grant mode, which is not required as an input parameter. Valid values: `COMMON` and `SENIOR`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Mode *string `json:"Mode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Mode"`

	// The operator, which is not required as an input parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Operator *string `json:"Operator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operator"`

	// The permission policy creation time, which is not required as an input parameter.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// The ID of the work group, which applies only when the value of the `Source` field is `WORKGROUP`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SourceId *int64 `json:"SourceId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceId"`

	// The name of the work group, which applies only when the value of the `Source` field is `WORKGROUP`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SourceName *string `json:"SourceName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SourceName"`

	// The policy ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Id *int64 `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

type Policys

type Policys struct {
	// Collection of policies
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Total policies
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

type PrestoMonitorMetrics

type PrestoMonitorMetrics struct {
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LocalCacheHitRate *float64 `json:"LocalCacheHitRate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LocalCacheHitRate"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	FragmentCacheHitRate *float64 `json:"FragmentCacheHitRate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FragmentCacheHitRate"`

type Property

type Property struct {
	// The property key name.
	Key *string `json:"Key,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Key"`

	// The property value.
	Value *string `json:"Value,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Value"`

type PythonSparkImage

type PythonSparkImage struct {
	// Unique ID of the spark image
	SparkImageId *string `json:"SparkImageId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageId"`

	// ID of the cluster image of the minor version
	ChildImageVersionId *string `json:"ChildImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ChildImageVersionId"`

	// Name of the spark image
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// Description of the spark image
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Description *string `json:"Description,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Description"`

	// Creation time
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Update time
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

type QueryResultRequest

type QueryResultRequest struct {

	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// lastReadFile is the file read last time. lastReadOffset is where the read stopped.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

func NewQueryResultRequest

func NewQueryResultRequest() (request *QueryResultRequest)

func (*QueryResultRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *QueryResultRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*QueryResultRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *QueryResultRequest) ToJsonString() string

type QueryResultRequestParams

type QueryResultRequestParams struct {
	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// lastReadFile is the file read last time. lastReadOffset is where the read stopped.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

Predefined struct for user

type QueryResultResponse

type QueryResultResponse struct {
	Response *QueryResultResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewQueryResultResponse

func NewQueryResultResponse() (response *QueryResultResponse)

func (*QueryResultResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *QueryResultResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*QueryResultResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *QueryResultResponse) ToJsonString() string

type QueryResultResponseParams

type QueryResultResponseParams struct {
	// Task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// Result data
	ResultSet *string `json:"ResultSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultSet"`

	// schema
	ResultSchema []*Column `json:"ResultSchema,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultSchema"`

	// Pagination information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type QueryTaskCostDetailRequest

type QueryTaskCostDetailRequest struct {

	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The parameter Name should be one of them. The maximum number of values that can be filtered by task-id is 50. The values that can be filtered by other parameter filters should not be more than 5.
	// task-id - String - (accurate filtering of task IDs). The example of the value of task-id is e386471f-139a-4e59-877f-50ece8135b99.
	// task-state - String - (filtering task status); valid values: 0 (initializing), 1 (running), 2 (successful), and -1 (failed).
	// task-sql-keyword - String - (fuzzy filtering of the keywords of SQL statements); the example of the value is DROP TABLE.
	// task-operator- string (filtering sub-UIN)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Start time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. It is the current moment 45 days ago by default.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time span is longer than 0 day but shorter than or equal to 30 days. Data within the recent 45 days can be queried. It is the current moment by default.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Data engine name, used for selecting
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Identifier on the next page
	SearchAfter *string `json:"SearchAfter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SearchAfter"`

	// Size of each page
	PageSize *uint64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

func NewQueryTaskCostDetailRequest

func NewQueryTaskCostDetailRequest() (request *QueryTaskCostDetailRequest)

func (*QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *QueryTaskCostDetailRequest) ToJsonString() string

type QueryTaskCostDetailRequestParams

type QueryTaskCostDetailRequestParams struct {
	// Filter criteria. The following filter types are supported. The parameter Name should be one of them. The maximum number of values that can be filtered by task-id is 50. The values that can be filtered by other parameter filters should not be more than 5.
	// task-id - String - (accurate filtering of task IDs). The example of the value of task-id is e386471f-139a-4e59-877f-50ece8135b99.
	// task-state - String - (filtering task status); valid values: 0 (initializing), 1 (running), 2 (successful), and -1 (failed).
	// task-sql-keyword - String - (fuzzy filtering of the keywords of SQL statements); the example of the value is DROP TABLE.
	// task-operator- string (filtering sub-UIN)
	Filters []*Filter `json:"Filters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Filters"`

	// Start time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. It is the current moment 45 days ago by default.
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// End time, and the format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. The time span is longer than 0 day but shorter than or equal to 30 days. Data within the recent 45 days can be queried. It is the current moment by default.
	EndTime *string `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Data engine name, used for selecting
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Identifier on the next page
	SearchAfter *string `json:"SearchAfter,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SearchAfter"`

	// Size of each page
	PageSize *uint64 `json:"PageSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PageSize"`

Predefined struct for user

type QueryTaskCostDetailResponse

type QueryTaskCostDetailResponse struct {
	Response *QueryTaskCostDetailResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewQueryTaskCostDetailResponse

func NewQueryTaskCostDetailResponse() (response *QueryTaskCostDetailResponse)

func (*QueryTaskCostDetailResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *QueryTaskCostDetailResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*QueryTaskCostDetailResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *QueryTaskCostDetailResponse) ToJsonString() string

type QueryTaskCostDetailResponseParams

type QueryTaskCostDetailResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest struct {

func NewRegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest

func NewRegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest() (request *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest)

func (*RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserRequestParams struct {

Predefined struct for user

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse struct {
	Response *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse

func NewRegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse() (response *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse)

func (*RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams

type RegisterThirdPartyAccessUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RenewDataEngineRequest

type RenewDataEngineRequest struct {

	// CU queue name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Renewal period in months, which is at least one month.
	TimeSpan *int64 `json:"TimeSpan,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeSpan"`

	// Payment type. It is 1 by default and is prepaid.
	PayMode *int64 `json:"PayMode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PayMode"`

	// Unit. It is m by default, and only m can be filled in.
	TimeUnit *string `json:"TimeUnit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeUnit"`

	// Auto-renewal flag: 0 means the initial status, and there is no automatic renewal by default. If the user has the privilege to retain services with prepayment, there will be an automatic renewal. 1 means that there is an automatic renewal. 2 means that there is surely no automatic renewal. If it is not specified, the parameter is 0 by default.
	RenewFlag *int64 `json:"RenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"`

func NewRenewDataEngineRequest

func NewRenewDataEngineRequest() (request *RenewDataEngineRequest)

func (*RenewDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RenewDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RenewDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RenewDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RenewDataEngineRequestParams

type RenewDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// CU queue name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Renewal period in months, which is at least one month.
	TimeSpan *int64 `json:"TimeSpan,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeSpan"`

	// Payment type. It is 1 by default and is prepaid.
	PayMode *int64 `json:"PayMode,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PayMode"`

	// Unit. It is m by default, and only m can be filled in.
	TimeUnit *string `json:"TimeUnit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TimeUnit"`

	// Auto-renewal flag: 0 means the initial status, and there is no automatic renewal by default. If the user has the privilege to retain services with prepayment, there will be an automatic renewal. 1 means that there is an automatic renewal. 2 means that there is surely no automatic renewal. If it is not specified, the parameter is 0 by default.
	RenewFlag *int64 `json:"RenewFlag,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RenewFlag"`

Predefined struct for user

type RenewDataEngineResponse

type RenewDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *RenewDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRenewDataEngineResponse

func NewRenewDataEngineResponse() (response *RenewDataEngineResponse)

func (*RenewDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RenewDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RenewDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RenewDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RenewDataEngineResponseParams

type RenewDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type ResourceBaseInfo

type ResourceBaseInfo struct {
	// Catalog name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Schema name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Schema *string `json:"Schema,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Schema"`

	// Table name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Table *string `json:"Table,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Table"`

	// View name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	View *string `json:"View,omitnil,omitempty" name:"View"`

	// Database name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Database *string `json:"Database,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Database"`

	// Function name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Function *string `json:"Function,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Function"`

type ResourceInfo

type ResourceInfo struct {
	// Affiliated type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AttributionType *string `json:"AttributionType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AttributionType"`

	// Resource type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourceType *string `json:"ResourceType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceType"`

	// Engine name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// If the resource type is spark-sql, the value is Name; if the resource type is spark-batch, the value is session app_name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Instance *string `json:"Instance,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Instance"`

	// Affinity
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Favor []*FavorInfo `json:"Favor,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Favor"`

	// Status
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Status *int64 `json:"Status,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Status"`

type RestartDataEngineRequest

type RestartDataEngineRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Whether to restart by force and ignore tasks
	ForcedOperation *bool `json:"ForcedOperation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ForcedOperation"`

func NewRestartDataEngineRequest

func NewRestartDataEngineRequest() (request *RestartDataEngineRequest)

func (*RestartDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RestartDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RestartDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RestartDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RestartDataEngineRequestParams

type RestartDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Whether to restart by force and ignore tasks
	ForcedOperation *bool `json:"ForcedOperation,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ForcedOperation"`

Predefined struct for user

type RestartDataEngineResponse

type RestartDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *RestartDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRestartDataEngineResponse

func NewRestartDataEngineResponse() (response *RestartDataEngineResponse)

func (*RestartDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RestartDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RestartDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RestartDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RestartDataEngineResponseParams

type RestartDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest struct {

	// VpcID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

func NewRevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest

func NewRevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest() (request *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest)

func (*RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessRequestParams struct {
	// VpcID
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse struct {
	Response *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse

func NewRevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse() (response *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse)

func (*RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams

type RevokeDLCCatalogAccessResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RollbackDataEngineImageRequest

type RollbackDataEngineImageRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// FromRecordId parameters returned by the API for checking the availability of rolling back
	FromRecordId *string `json:"FromRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FromRecordId"`

	// ToRecordId parameters returned by the API for checking the availability of rolling back
	ToRecordId *string `json:"ToRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ToRecordId"`

func NewRollbackDataEngineImageRequest

func NewRollbackDataEngineImageRequest() (request *RollbackDataEngineImageRequest)

func (*RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *RollbackDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString() string

type RollbackDataEngineImageRequestParams

type RollbackDataEngineImageRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// FromRecordId parameters returned by the API for checking the availability of rolling back
	FromRecordId *string `json:"FromRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FromRecordId"`

	// ToRecordId parameters returned by the API for checking the availability of rolling back
	ToRecordId *string `json:"ToRecordId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ToRecordId"`

Predefined struct for user

type RollbackDataEngineImageResponse

type RollbackDataEngineImageResponse struct {
	Response *RollbackDataEngineImageResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewRollbackDataEngineImageResponse

func NewRollbackDataEngineImageResponse() (response *RollbackDataEngineImageResponse)

func (*RollbackDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *RollbackDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*RollbackDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *RollbackDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString() string

type RollbackDataEngineImageResponseParams

type RollbackDataEngineImageResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SQLTask

type SQLTask struct {
	// Base64-encrypted SQL statement
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

	// Task configuration information
	Config []*KVPair `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

type SessionResourceTemplate

type SessionResourceTemplate struct {
	// The driver size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DriverSize *string `json:"DriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DriverSize"`

	// The executor size.
	// Valid values for the standard resource type: `small`, `medium`, `large`, and `xlarge`.
	// Valid values for the memory resource type: `m.small`, `m.medium`, `m.large`, and `m.xlarge`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorSize *string `json:"ExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorSize"`

	// The executor count. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorNums *uint64 `json:"ExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorNums"`

	// The maximum executor count (in dynamic mode). The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is less than the cluster specification. If you set `ExecutorMaxNumbers` to a value smaller than that of `ExecutorNums`, the value of `ExecutorMaxNumbers` is automatically changed to that of `ExecutorNums`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorMaxNumbers"`

type SmartOptimizerIndexPolicy

type SmartOptimizerIndexPolicy struct {
	// Enable index.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IndexEnable *string `json:"IndexEnable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IndexEnable"`

type SmartOptimizerLifecyclePolicy

type SmartOptimizerLifecyclePolicy struct {
	// Enable the lifecycle
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	LifecycleEnable *string `json:"LifecycleEnable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"LifecycleEnable"`

	// Expiration time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Expiration *int64 `json:"Expiration,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Expiration"`

	// Whether to delete the table
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DropTable *bool `json:"DropTable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DropTable"`

	// Expired fields
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExpiredField *string `json:"ExpiredField,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpiredField"`

	// Expired field format
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExpiredFieldFormat *string `json:"ExpiredFieldFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExpiredFieldFormat"`

type SmartOptimizerPolicy

type SmartOptimizerPolicy struct {
	// Whether to inherit it
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Inherit *string `json:"Inherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Inherit"`

	// ResourceInfo
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Resources []*ResourceInfo `json:"Resources,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Resources"`

	// SmartOptimizerWrittenPolicy
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Written *SmartOptimizerWrittenPolicy `json:"Written,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Written"`

	// SmartOptimizerLifecyclePolicy
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Lifecycle *SmartOptimizerLifecyclePolicy `json:"Lifecycle,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Lifecycle"`

	// SmartOptimizerIndexPolicy
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Index *SmartOptimizerIndexPolicy `json:"Index,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Index"`

type SmartOptimizerWrittenPolicy

type SmartOptimizerWrittenPolicy struct {
	// none/enable/disable/default
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WrittenEnable *string `json:"WrittenEnable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WrittenEnable"`

type SmartPolicy

type SmartPolicy struct {
	// Basic information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	BaseInfo *SmartPolicyBaseInfo `json:"BaseInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"BaseInfo"`

	// Policy description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Policy *SmartOptimizerPolicy `json:"Policy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Policy"`

type SmartPolicyBaseInfo

type SmartPolicyBaseInfo struct {
	// User UIN
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Uin *string `json:"Uin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Uin"`

	// Catalog/Database/Table
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicyType *string `json:"PolicyType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyType"`

	// Catalog name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Catalog *string `json:"Catalog,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Catalog"`

	// Database name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Database *string `json:"Database,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Database"`

	// Table name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Table *string `json:"Table,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Table"`

	// User AppID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AppId *string `json:"AppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppId"`

type SparkJobInfo

type SparkJobInfo struct {
	// Spark job ID
	JobId *string `json:"JobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobId"`

	// Spark job name
	JobName *string `json:"JobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobName"`

	// Spark job type. Valid values: `1` (batch job), `2` (streaming job).
	JobType *int64 `json:"JobType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobType"`

	// Engine name
	DataEngine *string `json:"DataEngine,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngine"`

	// This field has been disused. Use the `Datasource` field instead.
	Eni *string `json:"Eni,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Eni"`

	// Whether the program package is uploaded locally. Valid values: `cos`, `lakefs`.
	IsLocal *string `json:"IsLocal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocal"`

	// Program package path
	JobFile *string `json:"JobFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobFile"`

	// Role ID
	RoleArn *int64 `json:"RoleArn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleArn"`

	// Main class of Spark job execution
	MainClass *string `json:"MainClass,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MainClass"`

	// Command line parameters of the Spark job separated by space
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// Native Spark configurations separated by line break
	JobConf *string `json:"JobConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobConf"`

	// Whether the dependency JAR packages are uploaded locally. Valid values: `cos`, `lakefs`.
	IsLocalJars *string `json:"IsLocalJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalJars"`

	// Dependency JAR packages of the Spark job separated by comma
	JobJars *string `json:"JobJars,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobJars"`

	// Whether the dependency file is uploaded locally. Valid values: `cos`, `lakefs`.
	IsLocalFiles *string `json:"IsLocalFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalFiles"`

	// Dependency files of the Spark job separated by comma
	JobFiles *string `json:"JobFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobFiles"`

	// Driver resource size of the Spark job
	JobDriverSize *string `json:"JobDriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobDriverSize"`

	// Executor resource size of the Spark job
	JobExecutorSize *string `json:"JobExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobExecutorSize"`

	// Number of Spark job executors
	JobExecutorNums *int64 `json:"JobExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobExecutorNums"`

	// Maximum number of retries of the Spark flow task
	JobMaxAttempts *int64 `json:"JobMaxAttempts,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobMaxAttempts"`

	// Spark job creator
	JobCreator *string `json:"JobCreator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobCreator"`

	// Spark job creation time
	JobCreateTime *int64 `json:"JobCreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobCreateTime"`

	// Spark job update time
	JobUpdateTime *uint64 `json:"JobUpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobUpdateTime"`

	// Last task ID of the Spark job
	CurrentTaskId *string `json:"CurrentTaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CurrentTaskId"`

	// Last status of the Spark job
	JobStatus *int64 `json:"JobStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobStatus"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StreamingStat *StreamingStatistics `json:"StreamingStat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StreamingStat"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataSource *string `json:"DataSource,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSource"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsLocalPythonFiles *string `json:"IsLocalPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalPythonFiles"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AppPythonFiles *string `json:"AppPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppPythonFiles"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsLocalArchives *string `json:"IsLocalArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsLocalArchives"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobArchives *string `json:"JobArchives,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobArchives"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkImage *string `json:"SparkImage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImage"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobPythonFiles *string `json:"JobPythonFiles,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobPythonFiles"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskNum *int64 `json:"TaskNum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskNum"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineStatus *int64 `json:"DataEngineStatus,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineStatus"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	JobExecutorMaxNumbers *int64 `json:"JobExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"JobExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkImageVersion *string `json:"SparkImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkImageVersion"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SessionId *string `json:"SessionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionId"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineClusterType *string `json:"DataEngineClusterType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineClusterType"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineImageVersion *string `json:"DataEngineImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineImageVersion"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsInherit *uint64 `json:"IsInherit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsInherit"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsSessionStarted *bool `json:"IsSessionStarted,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsSessionStarted"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EngineTypeDetail *string `json:"EngineTypeDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineTypeDetail"`

type SparkMonitorMetrics

type SparkMonitorMetrics struct {
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ShuffleWriteBytesCos *int64 `json:"ShuffleWriteBytesCos,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ShuffleWriteBytesCos"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ShuffleWriteBytesTotal *int64 `json:"ShuffleWriteBytesTotal,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ShuffleWriteBytesTotal"`

type SparkSessionBatchLog

type SparkSessionBatchLog struct {
	// The log step. Valid values: `BEG`, `CS`, `DS`, `DSS`, `DSF`, `FINF`, `RTO`, `CANCEL`, `CT`, `DT`, `DTS`, `DTF`, `FINT`, and `EXCE`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Step *string `json:"Step,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Step"`

	// Time.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Time *string `json:"Time,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Time"`

	// The log message.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// The operation.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Operate []*SparkSessionBatchLogOperate `json:"Operate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operate"`

type SparkSessionBatchLogOperate

type SparkSessionBatchLogOperate struct {
	// The operation message.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Text *string `json:"Text,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Text"`

	// The operation type. Valid values: `COPY`, `LOG`, `UI`, `RESULT`, `List`, and `TAB`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Operate *string `json:"Operate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operate"`

	// Additional information, such as taskid, sessionid, and sparkui.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Supplement []*KVPair `json:"Supplement,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Supplement"`

type StatementInformation

type StatementInformation struct {
	// Unique ID of the SQL task
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// SQL content
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

type StatisticInfo

type StatisticInfo struct {
	// Task ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// Amount of data scanned
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalProcessedBytes *int64 `json:"TotalProcessedBytes,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalProcessedBytes"`

	// Calculation time: ms
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UsedTime *int64 `json:"UsedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UsedTime"`

	// Creation Time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CreateTime *int64 `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Task end time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EndTime *int64 `json:"EndTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EndTime"`

	// Task start time
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	StartTime *int64 `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// Number of rows affected
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RowsAffect *int64 `json:"RowsAffect,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RowsAffect"`

	// Task duration
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalTime *int64 `json:"TotalTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalTime"`

type StreamingStatistics

type StreamingStatistics struct {
	// Task start time
	StartTime *string `json:"StartTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartTime"`

	// Number of data receivers
	Receivers *int64 `json:"Receivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Receivers"`

	// Number of receivers in service
	NumActiveReceivers *int64 `json:"NumActiveReceivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumActiveReceivers"`

	// Number of inactive receivers
	NumInactiveReceivers *int64 `json:"NumInactiveReceivers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumInactiveReceivers"`

	// Number of running batches
	NumActiveBatches *int64 `json:"NumActiveBatches,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumActiveBatches"`

	// Number of batches to be processed
	NumRetainedCompletedBatches *int64 `json:"NumRetainedCompletedBatches,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumRetainedCompletedBatches"`

	// Number of completed batches
	NumTotalCompletedBatches *int64 `json:"NumTotalCompletedBatches,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NumTotalCompletedBatches"`

	// Average input speed
	AverageInputRate *float64 `json:"AverageInputRate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AverageInputRate"`

	// Average queue time
	AverageSchedulingDelay *float64 `json:"AverageSchedulingDelay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AverageSchedulingDelay"`

	// Average processing time
	AverageProcessingTime *float64 `json:"AverageProcessingTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AverageProcessingTime"`

	// Average latency
	AverageTotalDelay *float64 `json:"AverageTotalDelay,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AverageTotalDelay"`

type SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest

type SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest struct {

	// The name of a virtual cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// The operation type: `suspend` or `resume`.
	Operate *string `json:"Operate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operate"`

func NewSuspendResumeDataEngineRequest

func NewSuspendResumeDataEngineRequest() (request *SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest)

func (*SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SuspendResumeDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SuspendResumeDataEngineRequestParams

type SuspendResumeDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// The name of a virtual cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// The operation type: `suspend` or `resume`.
	Operate *string `json:"Operate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Operate"`

Predefined struct for user

type SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse

type SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSuspendResumeDataEngineResponse

func NewSuspendResumeDataEngineResponse() (response *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse)

func (*SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SuspendResumeDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SuspendResumeDataEngineResponseParams

type SuspendResumeDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The details of the virtual cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SwitchDataEngineImageRequest

type SwitchDataEngineImageRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// New image version ID
	NewImageVersionId *string `json:"NewImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NewImageVersionId"`

func NewSwitchDataEngineImageRequest

func NewSwitchDataEngineImageRequest() (request *SwitchDataEngineImageRequest)

func (*SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SwitchDataEngineImageRequestParams

type SwitchDataEngineImageRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// New image version ID
	NewImageVersionId *string `json:"NewImageVersionId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NewImageVersionId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SwitchDataEngineImageResponse

type SwitchDataEngineImageResponse struct {
	Response *SwitchDataEngineImageResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSwitchDataEngineImageResponse

func NewSwitchDataEngineImageResponse() (response *SwitchDataEngineImageResponse)

func (*SwitchDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SwitchDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SwitchDataEngineImageResponseParams

type SwitchDataEngineImageResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type SwitchDataEngineRequest

type SwitchDataEngineRequest struct {

	// The name of the primary cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Whether to start the standby cluster.
	StartStandbyCluster *bool `json:"StartStandbyCluster,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartStandbyCluster"`

func NewSwitchDataEngineRequest

func NewSwitchDataEngineRequest() (request *SwitchDataEngineRequest)

func (*SwitchDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SwitchDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type SwitchDataEngineRequestParams

type SwitchDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// The name of the primary cluster.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Whether to start the standby cluster.
	StartStandbyCluster *bool `json:"StartStandbyCluster,omitnil,omitempty" name:"StartStandbyCluster"`

Predefined struct for user

type SwitchDataEngineResponse

type SwitchDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *SwitchDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewSwitchDataEngineResponse

func NewSwitchDataEngineResponse() (response *SwitchDataEngineResponse)

func (*SwitchDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*SwitchDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *SwitchDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type SwitchDataEngineResponseParams

type SwitchDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type TColumn

type TColumn struct {
	// Field name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// Field type
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Field description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Comment *string `json:"Comment,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Comment"`

	// Field default values
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Default *string `json:"Default,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Default"`

	// Is the field non-empty?
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	NotNull *bool `json:"NotNull,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NotNull"`

	// Indicate the length of the entire numeric with a value of 1-38
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Precision *int64 `json:"Precision,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Precision"`

	// Indicates the length of the decimal part.
	// Scale is smaller than Precision.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Scale *int64 `json:"Scale,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Scale"`

	// Field position: Fields with smaller values need to be placed first.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Position *int64 `json:"Position,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Position"`

	// Whether it is a partition field
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsPartition *bool `json:"IsPartition,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsPartition"`

type TPartition

type TPartition struct {
	// The field name.
	Name *string `json:"Name,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Name"`

	// The field type.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// The field description.
	Comment *string `json:"Comment,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Comment"`

	// The partition type.
	PartitionType *string `json:"PartitionType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PartitionType"`

	// The partition format.
	PartitionFormat *string `json:"PartitionFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PartitionFormat"`

	// The separator count of the partition conversion policy.
	PartitionDot *int64 `json:"PartitionDot,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PartitionDot"`

	// The partition conversion policy.
	Transform *string `json:"Transform,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Transform"`

	// The policy parameters.
	TransformArgs []*string `json:"TransformArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TransformArgs"`

type TableBaseInfo

type TableBaseInfo struct {
	// The database name.
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// The table name.
	TableName *string `json:"TableName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableName"`

	// The data source name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// The table remarks.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TableComment *string `json:"TableComment,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableComment"`

	// The specific type: `table` or `view`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// The data format type, such as `hive` and `iceberg`.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TableFormat *string `json:"TableFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TableFormat"`

	// The table creator name.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

	// The table creator ID.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserSubUin *string `json:"UserSubUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserSubUin"`

	// The data governance configuration.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	// Deprecated: GovernPolicy is deprecated.
	GovernPolicy *DataGovernPolicy `json:"GovernPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"GovernPolicy"`

	// Whether database data governance is disabled. Valid values: `true` (disabled) and `false` (not disabled).
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	// Deprecated: DbGovernPolicyIsDisable is deprecated.
	DbGovernPolicyIsDisable *string `json:"DbGovernPolicyIsDisable,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DbGovernPolicyIsDisable"`

	// Smart data governance configuration items
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SmartPolicy *SmartPolicy `json:"SmartPolicy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SmartPolicy"`

type TagInfo

type TagInfo struct {
	// The tag key.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagKey *string `json:"TagKey,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagKey"`

	// The tag value.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TagValue *string `json:"TagValue,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TagValue"`

type Task

type Task struct {
	// SQL query task
	SQLTask *SQLTask `json:"SQLTask,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQLTask"`

	// Spark SQL query task
	SparkSQLTask *SQLTask `json:"SparkSQLTask,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkSQLTask"`

type TaskResponseInfo

type TaskResponseInfo struct {
	// Database name of the task
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// Data volume of the task
	DataAmount *int64 `json:"DataAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataAmount"`

	// Task ID
	Id *string `json:"Id,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Id"`

	// The compute time in ms.
	UsedTime *int64 `json:"UsedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UsedTime"`

	// Task output path
	OutputPath *string `json:"OutputPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OutputPath"`

	// Task creation time
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// The task status. Valid values: `0` (initializing), `1` (executing), `2` (executed), `3` (writing data), `4` (queuing), `-1` (failed), and `-3` (canceled).
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// SQL statement type of the task, such as DDL and DML.
	SQLType *string `json:"SQLType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQLType"`

	// SQL statement of the task
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

	// Whether the result has expired
	ResultExpired *bool `json:"ResultExpired,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultExpired"`

	// Number of affected data rows
	RowAffectInfo *string `json:"RowAffectInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RowAffectInfo"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataSet *string `json:"DataSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataSet"`

	// Failure information, such as `errorMessage`. This field has been disused.
	Error *string `json:"Error,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Error"`

	// Task progress (%)
	Percentage *int64 `json:"Percentage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Percentage"`

	// Output information of task execution
	OutputMessage *string `json:"OutputMessage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OutputMessage"`

	// Type of the engine executing the SQL statement
	TaskType *string `json:"TaskType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskType"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ProgressDetail *string `json:"ProgressDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProgressDetail"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UpdateTime *string `json:"UpdateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UpdateTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	OperateUin *string `json:"OperateUin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OperateUin"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InputType *string `json:"InputType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InputType"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	InputConf *string `json:"InputConf,omitnil,omitempty" name:"InputConf"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataNumber *int64 `json:"DataNumber,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataNumber"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CanDownload *bool `json:"CanDownload,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CanDownload"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkJobName *string `json:"SparkJobName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkJobName"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkJobId *string `json:"SparkJobId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkJobId"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkJobFile *string `json:"SparkJobFile,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkJobFile"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UiUrl *string `json:"UiUrl,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UiUrl"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalTime *int64 `json:"TotalTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalTime"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CmdArgs *string `json:"CmdArgs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CmdArgs"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ImageVersion *string `json:"ImageVersion,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ImageVersion"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DriverSize *string `json:"DriverSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DriverSize"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorSize *string `json:"ExecutorSize,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorSize"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorNums *uint64 `json:"ExecutorNums,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorNums"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ExecutorMaxNumbers *uint64 `json:"ExecutorMaxNumbers,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ExecutorMaxNumbers"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CommonMetrics *CommonMetrics `json:"CommonMetrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CommonMetrics"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	SparkMonitorMetrics *SparkMonitorMetrics `json:"SparkMonitorMetrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SparkMonitorMetrics"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PrestoMonitorMetrics *PrestoMonitorMetrics `json:"PrestoMonitorMetrics,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PrestoMonitorMetrics"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResultFormat *string `json:"ResultFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultFormat"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EngineTypeDetail *string `json:"EngineTypeDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EngineTypeDetail"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResourceGroupName *string `json:"ResourceGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResourceGroupName"`

type TaskResultInfo

type TaskResultInfo struct {
	// Unique task ID
	TaskId *string `json:"TaskId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskId"`

	// Name of the default selected data source when the current job is executed
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatasourceConnectionName *string `json:"DatasourceConnectionName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatasourceConnectionName"`

	// Name of the default selected database when the current job is executed
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DatabaseName *string `json:"DatabaseName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DatabaseName"`

	// The currently executed SQL statement. Each task contains one SQL statement.
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

	// Type of the executed task. Valid values: `DDL`, `DML`, `DQL`.
	SQLType *string `json:"SQLType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQLType"`

	// u200cThe current task status. Valid values: `0` (initializing), `1` (executing), `2` (executed), `3` (writing data), `4` (queuing), u200c`-1` (failed), and `-3` (canceled). Only when the task is successfully executed, a task execution result will be returned.
	State *int64 `json:"State,omitnil,omitempty" name:"State"`

	// Amount of the data scanned in bytes
	DataAmount *int64 `json:"DataAmount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataAmount"`

	// The compute time in ms.
	UsedTime *int64 `json:"UsedTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UsedTime"`

	// Address of the COS bucket for storing the task result
	OutputPath *string `json:"OutputPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OutputPath"`

	// Task creation timestamp
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Task execution information. `success` will be returned if the task succeeds; otherwise, the failure cause will be returned.
	OutputMessage *string `json:"OutputMessage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"OutputMessage"`

	// Number of affected rows
	RowAffectInfo *string `json:"RowAffectInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RowAffectInfo"`

	// Schema information of the result
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResultSchema []*Column `json:"ResultSchema,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultSchema"`

	// Result information. After it is unescaped, each element of the outer array is a data row.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	ResultSet *string `json:"ResultSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ResultSet"`

	// Pagination information. If there is no more result data, `nextToken` will be empty.
	NextToken *string `json:"NextToken,omitnil,omitempty" name:"NextToken"`

	// Task progress (%)
	Percentage *int64 `json:"Percentage,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Percentage"`

	// Task progress details
	ProgressDetail *string `json:"ProgressDetail,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ProgressDetail"`

	// Console display format. Valid values: `table`, `text`.
	DisplayFormat *string `json:"DisplayFormat,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DisplayFormat"`

	// The task time in ms.
	TotalTime *int64 `json:"TotalTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalTime"`

	// Time consumed to get results
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	QueryResultTime *float64 `json:"QueryResultTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"QueryResultTime"`

type TasksInfo

type TasksInfo struct {
	// Task type. Valid values: `SQLTask` (SQL query task), `SparkSQLTask` (Spark SQL query task).
	TaskType *string `json:"TaskType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskType"`

	// Fault tolerance policy. `Proceed`: continues to execute subsequent tasks after the current task fails or is canceled. `Terminate`: terminates the execution of subsequent tasks after the current task fails or is canceled, and marks all subsequent tasks as canceled.
	FailureTolerance *string `json:"FailureTolerance,omitnil,omitempty" name:"FailureTolerance"`

	// Base64-encrypted SQL statements separated by ";". Up to 50 tasks can be submitted at a time, and they will be executed strictly in sequence.
	SQL *string `json:"SQL,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SQL"`

	// Configuration information of the task. Currently, only `SparkSQLTask` tasks are supported.
	Config []*KVPair `json:"Config,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Config"`

	// User-defined parameters of the task
	Params []*KVPair `json:"Params,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Params"`

type TasksOverview

type TasksOverview struct {
	// The number of tasks in queue.
	TaskQueuedCount *int64 `json:"TaskQueuedCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskQueuedCount"`

	// The number of initialized tasks.
	TaskInitCount *int64 `json:"TaskInitCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskInitCount"`

	// The number of tasks in progress.
	TaskRunningCount *int64 `json:"TaskRunningCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TaskRunningCount"`

	// The total number of tasks in this time range.
	TotalTaskCount *int64 `json:"TotalTaskCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalTaskCount"`

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest struct {

	// Association between the IDs of unbound working groups and user IDs
	AddInfo *WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

func NewUnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest

func NewUnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest() (request *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest)

func (*UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequestParams

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserRequestParams struct {
	// Association between the IDs of unbound working groups and user IDs
	AddInfo *WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId `json:"AddInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AddInfo"`

Predefined struct for user

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse struct {
	Response *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse

func NewUnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse() (response *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse)

func (*UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponseParams

type UnbindWorkGroupsFromUserResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest

type UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineIds []*string `json:"DataEngineIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineIds"`

	// Commands of engine configuration. UpdateSparkSQLLakefsPath (updates the configuration of the native table) and UpdateSparkSQLResultPath (updates the configuration of the result path) are supported.
	DataEngineConfigCommand *string `json:"DataEngineConfigCommand,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigCommand"`

	// Whether to use lakeFS as result storage
	UseLakeFs *bool `json:"UseLakeFs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseLakeFs"`

	// User-defined result path
	CustomResultPath *string `json:"CustomResultPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomResultPath"`

func NewUpdateDataEngineConfigRequest

func NewUpdateDataEngineConfigRequest() (request *UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest)

func (*UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDataEngineConfigRequestParams

type UpdateDataEngineConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineIds []*string `json:"DataEngineIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineIds"`

	// Commands of engine configuration. UpdateSparkSQLLakefsPath (updates the configuration of the native table) and UpdateSparkSQLResultPath (updates the configuration of the result path) are supported.
	DataEngineConfigCommand *string `json:"DataEngineConfigCommand,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigCommand"`

	// Whether to use lakeFS as result storage
	UseLakeFs *bool `json:"UseLakeFs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UseLakeFs"`

	// User-defined result path
	CustomResultPath *string `json:"CustomResultPath,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CustomResultPath"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse

type UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateDataEngineConfigResponse

func NewUpdateDataEngineConfigResponse() (response *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse)

func (*UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDataEngineConfigResponseParams

type UpdateDataEngineConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDataEngineRequest

type UpdateDataEngineRequest struct {

	// Resource size
	Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Size"`

	// Minimum CU resource
	MinClusters *int64 `json:"MinClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MinClusters"`

	// Maximum CU resource
	MaxClusters *int64 `json:"MaxClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxClusters"`

	// Enable the auto-refresh. True means that it is enabled while false means that it is disabled (by default).
	AutoResume *bool `json:"AutoResume,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoResume"`

	// Data engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Related information
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// Whether to automatically suspend the cluster. False means no (by default) while true means yes.
	AutoSuspend *bool `json:"AutoSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspend"`

	// Scheduling policy of starting and ending the cluster: 0 (by default) indicates disabling the scheduling policy; 1 indicates enabling the scheduling policy. (Note: The scheduling policy and the automatic suspension policy are mutually exclusive.)
	CrontabResumeSuspend *int64 `json:"CrontabResumeSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspend"`

	// Scheduling policy for the start and end; the complex type includes start and end time and the cluster suspension policy.
	CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy *CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy `json:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy"`

	// The maximum number of concurrent tasks for a single cluster, which is 5 by default.
	MaxConcurrency *int64 `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrency"`

	// Tolerable queuing time, and it is 0 by default. When the queuing time for tasks exceeds the tolerable time, it may trigger scale-out. If this parameter is 0, it means that scale-out may be triggered immediately once tasks start queuing.
	TolerableQueueTime *int64 `json:"TolerableQueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TolerableQueueTime"`

	// Cluster automatic suspension time
	AutoSuspendTime *int64 `json:"AutoSuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspendTime"`

	// Whether the AS of the spark jar monthly subscription cluster is enabled
	ElasticSwitch *bool `json:"ElasticSwitch,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticSwitch"`

	// Upper limit of the spark jar monthly subscription cluster elastic scaling
	ElasticLimit *int64 `json:"ElasticLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticLimit"`

	// Session resource configuration template of Spark batch job clusters
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

func NewUpdateDataEngineRequest

func NewUpdateDataEngineRequest() (request *UpdateDataEngineRequest)

func (*UpdateDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDataEngineRequestParams

type UpdateDataEngineRequestParams struct {
	// Resource size
	Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Size"`

	// Minimum CU resource
	MinClusters *int64 `json:"MinClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MinClusters"`

	// Maximum CU resource
	MaxClusters *int64 `json:"MaxClusters,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxClusters"`

	// Enable the auto-refresh. True means that it is enabled while false means that it is disabled (by default).
	AutoResume *bool `json:"AutoResume,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoResume"`

	// Data engine name
	DataEngineName *string `json:"DataEngineName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineName"`

	// Related information
	Message *string `json:"Message,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Message"`

	// Whether to automatically suspend the cluster. False means no (by default) while true means yes.
	AutoSuspend *bool `json:"AutoSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspend"`

	// Scheduling policy of starting and ending the cluster: 0 (by default) indicates disabling the scheduling policy; 1 indicates enabling the scheduling policy. (Note: The scheduling policy and the automatic suspension policy are mutually exclusive.)
	CrontabResumeSuspend *int64 `json:"CrontabResumeSuspend,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspend"`

	// Scheduling policy for the start and end; the complex type includes start and end time and the cluster suspension policy.
	CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy *CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy `json:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CrontabResumeSuspendStrategy"`

	// The maximum number of concurrent tasks for a single cluster, which is 5 by default.
	MaxConcurrency *int64 `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitnil,omitempty" name:"MaxConcurrency"`

	// Tolerable queuing time, and it is 0 by default. When the queuing time for tasks exceeds the tolerable time, it may trigger scale-out. If this parameter is 0, it means that scale-out may be triggered immediately once tasks start queuing.
	TolerableQueueTime *int64 `json:"TolerableQueueTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TolerableQueueTime"`

	// Cluster automatic suspension time
	AutoSuspendTime *int64 `json:"AutoSuspendTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AutoSuspendTime"`

	// Whether the AS of the spark jar monthly subscription cluster is enabled
	ElasticSwitch *bool `json:"ElasticSwitch,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticSwitch"`

	// Upper limit of the spark jar monthly subscription cluster elastic scaling
	ElasticLimit *int64 `json:"ElasticLimit,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ElasticLimit"`

	// Session resource configuration template of Spark batch job clusters
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateDataEngineResponse

type UpdateDataEngineResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateDataEngineResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateDataEngineResponse

func NewUpdateDataEngineResponse() (response *UpdateDataEngineResponse)

func (*UpdateDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateDataEngineResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateDataEngineResponseParams

type UpdateDataEngineResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateRowFilterRequest

type UpdateRowFilterRequest struct {

	// The ID of the row filter policy, which can be obtained using the `DescribeUserInfo` or `DescribeWorkGroupInfo` API.
	PolicyId *int64 `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The new filter policy.
	Policy *Policy `json:"Policy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Policy"`

func NewUpdateRowFilterRequest

func NewUpdateRowFilterRequest() (request *UpdateRowFilterRequest)

func (*UpdateRowFilterRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateRowFilterRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateRowFilterRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateRowFilterRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateRowFilterRequestParams

type UpdateRowFilterRequestParams struct {
	// The ID of the row filter policy, which can be obtained using the `DescribeUserInfo` or `DescribeWorkGroupInfo` API.
	PolicyId *int64 `json:"PolicyId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicyId"`

	// The new filter policy.
	Policy *Policy `json:"Policy,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Policy"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateRowFilterResponse

type UpdateRowFilterResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateRowFilterResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateRowFilterResponse

func NewUpdateRowFilterResponse() (response *UpdateRowFilterResponse)

func (*UpdateRowFilterResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateRowFilterResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateRowFilterResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateRowFilterResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateRowFilterResponseParams

type UpdateRowFilterResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Collection of user-defined engine configuration items. This parameter needs to input all the configuration items users should add. For example, if there is a configuration item named k1:v1 while k2:v2 needs to be added, [k1:v1,k2:v2] should be passed.
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// Template of the resource configuration of the job engine
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

func NewUpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest

func NewUpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest() (request *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest)

func (*UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequestParams

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

	// Collection of user-defined engine configuration items. This parameter needs to input all the configuration items users should add. For example, if there is a configuration item named k1:v1 while k2:v2 needs to be added, [k1:v1,k2:v2] should be passed.
	DataEngineConfigPairs []*DataEngineConfigPair `json:"DataEngineConfigPairs,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineConfigPairs"`

	// Template of the resource configuration of the job engine
	SessionResourceTemplate *SessionResourceTemplate `json:"SessionResourceTemplate,omitnil,omitempty" name:"SessionResourceTemplate"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse struct {
	Response *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse

func NewUpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse() (response *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse)

func (*UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams

type UpdateUserDataEngineConfigResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest

type UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest struct {

	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

func NewUpgradeDataEngineImageRequest

func NewUpgradeDataEngineImageRequest() (request *UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest)

func (*UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeDataEngineImageRequest) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeDataEngineImageRequestParams

type UpgradeDataEngineImageRequestParams struct {
	// Engine ID
	DataEngineId *string `json:"DataEngineId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataEngineId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse

type UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse struct {
	Response *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponseParams `json:"Response"`

func NewUpgradeDataEngineImageResponse

func NewUpgradeDataEngineImageResponse() (response *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse)

func (*UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString

func (r *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse) FromJsonString(s string) error

FromJsonString It is highly **NOT** recommended to use this function because it has no param check, nor strict type check

func (*UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString

func (r *UpgradeDataEngineImageResponse) ToJsonString() string

type UpgradeDataEngineImageResponseParams

type UpgradeDataEngineImageResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"RequestId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RequestId"`

Predefined struct for user

type UserDetailInfo

type UserDetailInfo struct {
	// User ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Types of returned information. Group: returned information about the working group where the current user is; DataAuth: returned information about the current user's data permission; EngineAuth: returned information about the current user's engine permission
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Types of users. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

	// User description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

	// Collection of data permission information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataPolicyInfo *Policys `json:"DataPolicyInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataPolicyInfo"`

	// Collection of engine permissions
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EnginePolicyInfo *Policys `json:"EnginePolicyInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnginePolicyInfo"`

	// Information about collections of working groups bound to the user
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupInfo *WorkGroups `json:"WorkGroupInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupInfo"`

	// User alias
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

	// Collection of filtered rows
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RowFilterInfo *Policys `json:"RowFilterInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RowFilterInfo"`

type UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId

type UserIdSetOfWorkGroupId struct {
	// Working group IDs
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// User ID which matches the Uin on the CAM side
	UserIds []*string `json:"UserIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserIds"`

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	// User ID, which is the same as the sub-user UIN
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description, which can make it easy to identify different users.
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

	// Collection of permissions solely bound to users
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Creator of the current user
	Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Creator"`

	// Creation time, and the example of the format is at 16:19:32 on Jul 28, 2021.
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// Collection of associated working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupSet []*WorkGroupMessage `json:"WorkGroupSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupSet"`

	// Whether it is the root account
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	IsOwner *bool `json:"IsOwner,omitnil,omitempty" name:"IsOwner"`

	// Types of users. ADMIN: administrators; COMMON: general users
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserType *string `json:"UserType,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserType"`

	// User alias
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

type UserMessage

type UserMessage struct {
	// User Id which matches the sub-user UIN on the CAM side
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// User description
	// Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
	UserDescription *string `json:"UserDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserDescription"`

	// The creator of the current user
	Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Creator"`

	// The creation time of the current user, e.g. 16:19:32, July 28, 2021
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

	// User alias
	UserAlias *string `json:"UserAlias,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserAlias"`

type UserRole

type UserRole struct {
	// The role ID.
	RoleId *int64 `json:"RoleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleId"`

	// The user's app ID.
	AppId *string `json:"AppId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AppId"`

	// The user ID.
	Uin *string `json:"Uin,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Uin"`

	// The role permission.
	Arn *string `json:"Arn,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Arn"`

	// The last modified timestamp.
	ModifyTime *int64 `json:"ModifyTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"ModifyTime"`

	// The role description.
	Desc *string `json:"Desc,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Desc"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RoleName *string `json:"RoleName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RoleName"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Creator"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CosPermissionList []*CosPermission `json:"CosPermissionList,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CosPermissionList"`

	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PermissionJson *string `json:"PermissionJson,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PermissionJson"`

type Users

type Users struct {
	// Collection of user information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserSet []*UserMessage `json:"UserSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserSet"`

	// Total users
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

type VpcCidrBlock

type VpcCidrBlock struct {
	// Subnet ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CidrId *string `json:"CidrId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CidrId"`

	// Subnet IP range
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	CidrAddr *string `json:"CidrAddr,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CidrAddr"`

type VpcInfo

type VpcInfo struct {
	// vpc Id
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcId *string `json:"VpcId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcId"`

	// VPC subnet
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	VpcCidrBlock *string `json:"VpcCidrBlock,omitnil,omitempty" name:"VpcCidrBlock"`

	// Rule ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RuleId *int64 `json:"RuleId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RuleId"`

	// Permission group ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	AccessGroupId *string `json:"AccessGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"AccessGroupId"`

type WorkGroupDetailInfo

type WorkGroupDetailInfo struct {
	// Working group ID
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Working group name
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupName *string `json:"WorkGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupName"`

	// Types of information included. User: user information; DataAuth: data permissions; EngineAuth: engine permissions
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	Type *string `json:"Type,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Type"`

	// Collection of users bound to working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserInfo *Users `json:"UserInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserInfo"`

	// Collection of data permissions
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	DataPolicyInfo *Policys `json:"DataPolicyInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"DataPolicyInfo"`

	// Collection of engine permissions
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	EnginePolicyInfo *Policys `json:"EnginePolicyInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"EnginePolicyInfo"`

	// Working group description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

	// Collection of information about filtered rows
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	RowFilterInfo *Policys `json:"RowFilterInfo,omitnil,omitempty" name:"RowFilterInfo"`

type WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId

type WorkGroupIdSetOfUserId struct {
	// User ID, which matches Uin on the CAM side.
	UserId *string `json:"UserId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserId"`

	// Collections of IDs of working groups
	WorkGroupIds []*int64 `json:"WorkGroupIds,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupIds"`

type WorkGroupInfo

type WorkGroupInfo struct {
	// Unique ID of the working group that have been queried
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Working group name
	WorkGroupName *string `json:"WorkGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupName"`

	// Working group description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

	// Number of users associated with working groups
	UserNum *int64 `json:"UserNum,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserNum"`

	// Collection of users associated with working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	UserSet []*UserMessage `json:"UserSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"UserSet"`

	// Collections of permissions bound to working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	PolicySet []*Policy `json:"PolicySet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"PolicySet"`

	// Creators of working groups
	Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Creator"`

	// The creation time of the working group, e.g. at 16:19:32 on Jul 28, 2021
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

type WorkGroupMessage

type WorkGroupMessage struct {
	// Unique ID of the working group
	WorkGroupId *int64 `json:"WorkGroupId,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupId"`

	// Working group name
	WorkGroupName *string `json:"WorkGroupName,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupName"`

	// Working group description
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupDescription *string `json:"WorkGroupDescription,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupDescription"`

	// Creator
	Creator *string `json:"Creator,omitnil,omitempty" name:"Creator"`

	// The creation time of the working group, e.g. at 16:19:32 on Jul 28, 2021
	CreateTime *string `json:"CreateTime,omitnil,omitempty" name:"CreateTime"`

type WorkGroups

type WorkGroups struct {
	// Collection of working group information
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	WorkGroupSet []*WorkGroupMessage `json:"WorkGroupSet,omitnil,omitempty" name:"WorkGroupSet"`

	// Total working groups
	// Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
	TotalCount *int64 `json:"TotalCount,omitnil,omitempty" name:"TotalCount"`

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