Not sure how this will be used yet. Putting instructions here for later use.
Instructions for installing postgres and creating a database.
# Get the pq library
go get
# Install postgres
sudo -i
yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
postgresql-setup initdb
# need to enable password authentication
vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# At the bottom, instead of ending in ident, the following lines should end in md5, like so:
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5
# Start the service and create a symlink
systemctl start postgresql
systemctl enable postgresql
# No longer need to be root.
# Change to the postgres user:
sudo -i -u postgres
# Open a postgres prompt:
# Opens a postgres prompt (confirm it works).
# Quit the prompt
# Create new role:
createuser --interactive
dev (or whatever your preferred non-root linux username is)
y (superuser)
# Create a database with your new username
createdb dev (or whatever the username is)
# No longer need to be the postgres user.
# As your user you just named a new database after (probably dev)
# To connect to a different database, you'd type psql -d (database name)
# Get some user and connection info:
# Update your password
ALTER USER dev PASSWORD 'dev'; # If dev is the username you're working with and you want a bad password.
# Create a table
CREATE TABLE widgets (
widgetid serial PRIMARY KEY,
widgetname varchar(50) NOT NULL,
widgetsomething varchar(50) NOT NULL
# Add some groups and their keys (This is just an example. More to come...)
INSERT INTO widgets (widgetname, widgetsomething) VALUES ('Super Widget', '1234567890');
INSERT INTO widgets (widgetname, widgetsomething) VALUES ('Mighty Fine Widget', 'abcdefghij');
# Confirm the groups and keys were added.
SELECT * FROM widgets;
# Quit the psql prompt