A simple MQTT (broker) benchmarking tool that is supposed to be used with
The goal is to measure inflight latency using published/sending & subscription/received timestamps.
go install
The tool supports multiple concurrent clients, configurable message size, etc:
$ ./mqtt-benchmark-subscriber --help
Usage of ./mqtt-benchmark-subscriber:
-broker string
MQTT broker endpoint as scheme://host:port (default "tcp://localhost:1883")
-client-cert string
Path to client certificate in PEM format
-client-key string
Path to private clientKey in PEM format
-client-prefix string
MQTT client id prefix (suffixed with '-<client-num>' (default "mqtt-benchmark")
-clients int
Number of clients to start (default 10)
-count int
Number of messages to receive per client (default 100)
-format string
Output format: text|json (default "text")
-password string
MQTT client password (empty if auth disabled)
-qos int
QoS for published messages (default 1)
Suppress logs while running
-topic string
MQTT topic for outgoing messages (default "/test")
-username string
MQTT client username (empty if auth disabled)
NOTE: if count=1
or clients=1
, the sample standard deviation will be returned as 0
(convention due to the lack of NaN support in JSON)
Two output formats supported: human-readable plain text and JSON.
Example use and output:
> mqtt-benchmark --broker tcp://broker.local:1883 --count 100 --size 100 --clients 100 --qos 2 --format text
With payload specified:
> mqtt-benchmark --broker tcp://broker.local:1883 --count 100 --clients 10 --qos 1 --topic house/bedroom/temperature --payload {\"temperature\":20,\"timeStamp\":1597314150}
Similarly, in JSON:
> mqtt-benchmark --broker tcp://broker.local:1883 --count 100 --size 100 --clients 100 --qos 2 --format json --quiet