
v0.362.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 13, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AcquireAsyncCallRow

type AcquireAsyncCallRow struct {
	AsyncCallID         int64
	LeaseIdempotencyKey uuid.UUID
	LeaseKey            leases.Key
	QueueDepth          int64
	Origin              string
	Verb                schema.RefKey
	CatchVerb           optional.Option[schema.RefKey]
	Request             encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	ScheduledAt         time.Time
	RemainingAttempts   int32
	Error               optional.Option[string]
	Backoff             sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff          sqltypes.Duration
	ParentRequestKey    optional.Option[string]
	TraceContext        pqtype.NullRawMessage
	Catching            bool

type Artefact

type Artefact struct {
	ID        int64
	CreatedAt time.Time
	Digest    []byte
	Content   []byte

type AssociateArtefactWithDeploymentParams

type AssociateArtefactWithDeploymentParams struct {
	Key        model.DeploymentKey
	ArtefactID int64
	Executable bool
	Path       string

type AsyncCall

type AsyncCall struct {
	ID                int64
	CreatedAt         time.Time
	LeaseID           optional.Option[int64]
	Verb              schema.RefKey
	State             AsyncCallState
	Origin            string
	ScheduledAt       time.Time
	Request           encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	Response          encryption.OptionalEncryptedAsyncColumn
	Error             optional.Option[string]
	RemainingAttempts int32
	Backoff           sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff        sqltypes.Duration
	CatchVerb         optional.Option[schema.RefKey]
	Catching          bool
	ParentRequestKey  optional.Option[string]
	TraceContext      pqtype.NullRawMessage

type AsyncCallState

type AsyncCallState string
const (
	AsyncCallStatePending   AsyncCallState = "pending"
	AsyncCallStateExecuting AsyncCallState = "executing"
	AsyncCallStateSuccess   AsyncCallState = "success"
	AsyncCallStateError     AsyncCallState = "error"

func (*AsyncCallState) Scan

func (e *AsyncCallState) Scan(src interface{}) error

type Controller

type Controller struct {
	ID       int64
	Key      model.ControllerKey
	Created  time.Time
	LastSeen time.Time
	State    ControllerState
	Endpoint string

type ControllerState

type ControllerState string
const (
	ControllerStateLive ControllerState = "live"
	ControllerStateDead ControllerState = "dead"

func (*ControllerState) Scan

func (e *ControllerState) Scan(src interface{}) error

type CreateAsyncCallParams

type CreateAsyncCallParams struct {
	ScheduledAt       time.Time
	Verb              schema.RefKey
	Origin            string
	Request           encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	RemainingAttempts int32
	Backoff           sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff        sqltypes.Duration
	CatchVerb         optional.Option[schema.RefKey]
	ParentRequestKey  optional.Option[string]
	TraceContext      json.RawMessage

type CreateCronJobParams

type CreateCronJobParams struct {
	Key           model.CronJobKey
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	ModuleName    string
	Verb          string
	Schedule      string
	StartTime     time.Time
	NextExecution time.Time

type CreateIngressRouteParams

type CreateIngressRouteParams struct {
	Key    model.DeploymentKey
	Module string
	Verb   string
	Method string
	Path   string

type CronJob

type CronJob struct {
	ID              int64
	Key             model.CronJobKey
	DeploymentID    int64
	Verb            string
	Schedule        string
	StartTime       time.Time
	NextExecution   time.Time
	ModuleName      string
	LastExecution   optional.Option[time.Time]
	LastAsyncCallID optional.Option[int64]

type DBTX

type DBTX interface {
	ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
	PrepareContext(context.Context, string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
	QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
	QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row

type Deployment

type Deployment struct {
	ID          int64
	CreatedAt   time.Time
	ModuleID    int64
	Key         model.DeploymentKey
	Schema      *schema.Module
	Labels      json.RawMessage
	MinReplicas int32

type DeploymentArtefact

type DeploymentArtefact struct {
	ArtefactID   int64
	DeploymentID int64
	CreatedAt    time.Time
	Executable   bool
	Path         string

type EncryptionKey

type EncryptionKey struct {
	ID             int64
	Key            []byte
	CreatedAt      time.Time
	VerifyTimeline encryption.OptionalEncryptedTimelineColumn
	VerifyAsync    encryption.OptionalEncryptedAsyncColumn

type EventType

type EventType string
const (
	EventTypeCall              EventType = "call"
	EventTypeLog               EventType = "log"
	EventTypeDeploymentCreated EventType = "deployment_created"
	EventTypeDeploymentUpdated EventType = "deployment_updated"

func (*EventType) Scan

func (e *EventType) Scan(src interface{}) error

type FailAsyncCallWithRetryParams

type FailAsyncCallWithRetryParams struct {
	RemainingAttempts int32
	Backoff           sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff        sqltypes.Duration
	ScheduledAt       time.Time
	Catching          bool
	OriginalError     optional.Option[string]
	Error             string
	ID                int64

type FsmInstance

type FsmInstance struct {
	ID               int64
	CreatedAt        time.Time
	Fsm              schema.RefKey
	Key              string
	Status           FsmStatus
	CurrentState     optional.Option[schema.RefKey]
	DestinationState optional.Option[schema.RefKey]
	AsyncCallID      optional.Option[int64]
	UpdatedAt        time.Time

type FsmNextEvent

type FsmNextEvent struct {
	ID            int64
	CreatedAt     time.Time
	FsmInstanceID int64
	NextState     schema.RefKey
	Request       encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	RequestType   sqltypes.Type

type FsmStatus

type FsmStatus string
const (
	FsmStatusRunning   FsmStatus = "running"
	FsmStatusCompleted FsmStatus = "completed"
	FsmStatusFailed    FsmStatus = "failed"

func (*FsmStatus) Scan

func (e *FsmStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error

type GetActiveDeploymentSchemasRow

type GetActiveDeploymentSchemasRow struct {
	Key    model.DeploymentKey
	Schema *schema.Module

type GetActiveDeploymentsRow

type GetActiveDeploymentsRow struct {
	Deployment Deployment
	ModuleName string
	Language   string
	Replicas   int64

type GetActiveIngressRoutesRow

type GetActiveIngressRoutesRow struct {
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	Module        string
	Verb          string
	Method        string
	Path          string

type GetActiveRunnersRow

type GetActiveRunnersRow struct {
	RunnerKey     model.RunnerKey
	Endpoint      string
	State         RunnerState
	Labels        json.RawMessage
	LastSeen      time.Time
	ModuleName    optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey

type GetArtefactDigestsRow

type GetArtefactDigestsRow struct {
	ID     int64
	Digest []byte

type GetCronJobByKeyRow

type GetCronJobByKeyRow struct {
	CronJob    CronJob
	Deployment Deployment

type GetDeploymentArtefactsRow

type GetDeploymentArtefactsRow struct {
	CreatedAt    time.Time
	ID           int64
	Executable   bool
	Path         string
	Digest       []byte
	Executable_2 bool

type GetDeploymentRow

type GetDeploymentRow struct {
	Deployment  Deployment
	Language    string
	ModuleName  string
	MinReplicas int32

type GetDeploymentsWithArtefactsRow

type GetDeploymentsWithArtefactsRow struct {
	ID            int64
	CreatedAt     time.Time
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	Schema        *schema.Module
	ModuleName    string

type GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicasRow

type GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicasRow struct {
	Deployment Deployment
	ModuleName string
	Language   string

type GetExistingDeploymentForModuleRow

type GetExistingDeploymentForModuleRow struct {
	ID          int64
	CreatedAt   time.Time
	ModuleID    int64
	Key         model.DeploymentKey
	Schema      *schema.Module
	Labels      json.RawMessage
	MinReplicas int32
	ID_2        int64
	Language    string
	Name        string

type GetIngressRoutesRow

type GetIngressRoutesRow struct {
	RunnerKey     model.RunnerKey
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	Endpoint      string
	Path          string
	Module        string
	Verb          string

type GetNextEventForSubscriptionRow

type GetNextEventForSubscriptionRow struct {
	Event        optional.Option[model.TopicEventKey]
	Payload      encryption.OptionalEncryptedAsyncColumn
	CreatedAt    optional.Option[time.Time]
	Caller       optional.Option[string]
	RequestKey   optional.Option[string]
	TraceContext pqtype.NullRawMessage
	Ready        bool

type GetProcessListRow

type GetProcessListRow struct {
	MinReplicas      int32
	DeploymentKey    model.DeploymentKey
	DeploymentLabels json.RawMessage
	RunnerKey        optional.Option[model.RunnerKey]
	Endpoint         optional.Option[string]
	RunnerLabels     pqtype.NullRawMessage

type GetRandomSubscriberRow

type GetRandomSubscriberRow struct {
	Sink          schema.RefKey
	RetryAttempts int32
	Backoff       sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff    sqltypes.Duration
	CatchVerb     optional.Option[schema.RefKey]

type GetRouteForRunnerRow

type GetRouteForRunnerRow struct {
	Endpoint      string
	RunnerKey     model.RunnerKey
	ModuleName    optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentKey optional.Option[model.DeploymentKey]
	State         RunnerState

type GetRoutingTableRow

type GetRoutingTableRow struct {
	Endpoint      string
	RunnerKey     model.RunnerKey
	ModuleName    optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentKey optional.Option[model.DeploymentKey]

type GetRunnerRow

type GetRunnerRow struct {
	RunnerKey     model.RunnerKey
	Endpoint      string
	State         RunnerState
	Labels        json.RawMessage
	LastSeen      time.Time
	ModuleName    optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey

type GetRunnersForDeploymentRow

type GetRunnersForDeploymentRow struct {
	ID           int64
	Key          model.RunnerKey
	Created      time.Time
	LastSeen     time.Time
	State        RunnerState
	Endpoint     string
	ModuleName   optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentID int64
	Labels       json.RawMessage
	ID_2         int64
	CreatedAt    time.Time
	ModuleID     int64
	Key_2        model.DeploymentKey
	Schema       *schema.Module
	Labels_2     json.RawMessage
	MinReplicas  int32

type GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdateRow

type GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdateRow struct {
	Key    model.SubscriptionKey
	Cursor optional.Option[model.TopicEventKey]
	Topic  model.TopicKey
	Name   string

type GetUnscheduledCronJobsRow

type GetUnscheduledCronJobsRow struct {
	CronJob    CronJob
	Deployment Deployment

type IngressRoute

type IngressRoute struct {
	Method       string
	Path         string
	DeploymentID int64
	Module       string
	Verb         string

type InsertSubscriberParams

type InsertSubscriberParams struct {
	Key              model.SubscriberKey
	Module           string
	SubscriptionName string
	Deployment       model.DeploymentKey
	Sink             schema.RefKey
	RetryAttempts    int32
	Backoff          sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff       sqltypes.Duration
	CatchVerb        optional.Option[schema.RefKey]

type InsertTimelineCallEventParams

type InsertTimelineCallEventParams struct {
	DeploymentKey    model.DeploymentKey
	RequestKey       optional.Option[string]
	ParentRequestKey optional.Option[string]
	TimeStamp        time.Time
	SourceModule     optional.Option[string]
	SourceVerb       optional.Option[string]
	DestModule       string
	DestVerb         string
	Payload          encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn

type InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEventParams

type InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEventParams struct {
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	Language      string
	ModuleName    string
	Payload       encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn

type InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEventParams

type InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEventParams struct {
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	Language      string
	ModuleName    string
	Payload       encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn

type InsertTimelineEventParams

type InsertTimelineEventParams struct {
	DeploymentID    int64
	RequestID       optional.Option[int64]
	ParentRequestID optional.Option[string]
	Type            EventType
	CustomKey1      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey2      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey3      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey4      optional.Option[string]
	Payload         encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn

type InsertTimelineLogEventParams

type InsertTimelineLogEventParams struct {
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey
	RequestKey    optional.Option[string]
	TimeStamp     time.Time
	Level         int32
	Payload       encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn

type Lease

type Lease struct {
	ID             int64
	IdempotencyKey uuid.UUID
	Key            leases.Key
	CreatedAt      time.Time
	ExpiresAt      time.Time
	Metadata       pqtype.NullRawMessage

type Module

type Module struct {
	ID       int64
	Language string
	Name     string

type ModuleConfiguration

type ModuleConfiguration struct {
	ID        int64
	CreatedAt time.Time
	Module    optional.Option[string]
	Name      string
	Value     json.RawMessage

type ModuleSecret

type ModuleSecret struct {
	ID        int64
	CreatedAt time.Time
	Module    optional.Option[string]
	Name      string
	Url       string

type NullAsyncCallState

type NullAsyncCallState struct {
	AsyncCallState AsyncCallState
	Valid          bool // Valid is true if AsyncCallState is not NULL

func (*NullAsyncCallState) Scan

func (ns *NullAsyncCallState) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullAsyncCallState) Value

func (ns NullAsyncCallState) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullControllerState

type NullControllerState struct {
	ControllerState ControllerState
	Valid           bool // Valid is true if ControllerState is not NULL

func (*NullControllerState) Scan

func (ns *NullControllerState) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullControllerState) Value

func (ns NullControllerState) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullEventType

type NullEventType struct {
	EventType EventType
	Valid     bool // Valid is true if EventType is not NULL

func (*NullEventType) Scan

func (ns *NullEventType) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullEventType) Value

func (ns NullEventType) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullFsmStatus

type NullFsmStatus struct {
	FsmStatus FsmStatus
	Valid     bool // Valid is true if FsmStatus is not NULL

func (*NullFsmStatus) Scan

func (ns *NullFsmStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullFsmStatus) Value

func (ns NullFsmStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullOrigin

type NullOrigin struct {
	Origin Origin
	Valid  bool // Valid is true if Origin is not NULL

func (*NullOrigin) Scan

func (ns *NullOrigin) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullOrigin) Value

func (ns NullOrigin) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullRunnerState

type NullRunnerState struct {
	RunnerState RunnerState
	Valid       bool // Valid is true if RunnerState is not NULL

func (*NullRunnerState) Scan

func (ns *NullRunnerState) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullRunnerState) Value

func (ns NullRunnerState) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type NullTopicSubscriptionState

type NullTopicSubscriptionState struct {
	TopicSubscriptionState TopicSubscriptionState
	Valid                  bool // Valid is true if TopicSubscriptionState is not NULL

func (*NullTopicSubscriptionState) Scan

func (ns *NullTopicSubscriptionState) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the Scanner interface.

func (NullTopicSubscriptionState) Value

Value implements the driver Valuer interface.

type Origin

type Origin string
const (
	OriginIngress Origin = "ingress"
	OriginCron    Origin = "cron"
	OriginPubsub  Origin = "pubsub"

func (*Origin) Scan

func (e *Origin) Scan(src interface{}) error

type PublishEventForTopicParams

type PublishEventForTopicParams struct {
	Key          model.TopicEventKey
	Module       string
	Topic        string
	Caller       string
	Payload      encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	RequestKey   string
	TraceContext json.RawMessage

type Querier

type Querier interface {
	// Reserve a pending async call for execution, returning the associated lease
	// reservation key and accompanying metadata.
	AcquireAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, ttl sqltypes.Duration) (AcquireAsyncCallRow, error)
	AssociateArtefactWithDeployment(ctx context.Context, arg AssociateArtefactWithDeploymentParams) error
	AsyncCallQueueDepth(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
	BeginConsumingTopicEvent(ctx context.Context, subscription model.SubscriptionKey, event model.TopicEventKey) error
	CompleteEventForSubscription(ctx context.Context, name string, module string) error
	// Create a new artefact and return the artefact ID.
	CreateArtefact(ctx context.Context, digest []byte, content []byte) (int64, error)
	CreateAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAsyncCallParams) (int64, error)
	CreateCronJob(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCronJobParams) error
	CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, schema []byte, key model.DeploymentKey) error
	CreateIngressRoute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateIngressRouteParams) error
	CreateRequest(ctx context.Context, origin Origin, key model.RequestKey, sourceAddr string) error
	DeleteOldTimelineEvents(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration, type_ EventType) (int64, error)
	DeleteSubscribers(ctx context.Context, deployment model.DeploymentKey) ([]model.SubscriberKey, error)
	DeleteSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, deployment model.DeploymentKey) ([]model.SubscriptionKey, error)
	DeregisterRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (int64, error)
	FailAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, error string, iD int64) (bool, error)
	FailAsyncCallWithRetry(ctx context.Context, arg FailAsyncCallWithRetryParams) (bool, error)
	FailFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)
	// Mark an FSM transition as completed, updating the current state and clearing the async call ID.
	FinishFSMTransition(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)
	GetActiveControllers(ctx context.Context) ([]Controller, error)
	GetActiveDeploymentSchemas(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveDeploymentSchemasRow, error)
	GetActiveDeployments(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveDeploymentsRow, error)
	GetActiveIngressRoutes(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveIngressRoutesRow, error)
	GetActiveRunners(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveRunnersRow, error)
	GetArtefactContentRange(ctx context.Context, start int32, count int32, iD int64) ([]byte, error)
	// Return the digests that exist in the database.
	GetArtefactDigests(ctx context.Context, digests [][]byte) ([]GetArtefactDigestsRow, error)
	GetCronJobByKey(ctx context.Context, key model.CronJobKey) (GetCronJobByKeyRow, error)
	GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) (GetDeploymentRow, error)
	// Get all artefacts matching the given digests.
	GetDeploymentArtefacts(ctx context.Context, deploymentID int64) ([]GetDeploymentArtefactsRow, error)
	GetDeploymentsByID(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]Deployment, error)
	// Get all deployments that have artefacts matching the given digests.
	GetDeploymentsWithArtefacts(ctx context.Context, digests [][]byte, schema []byte, count int64) ([]GetDeploymentsWithArtefactsRow, error)
	GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicas(ctx context.Context) ([]GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicasRow, error)
	GetExistingDeploymentForModule(ctx context.Context, name string) (GetExistingDeploymentForModuleRow, error)
	GetFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (FsmInstance, error)
	// Get the runner endpoints corresponding to the given ingress route.
	GetIngressRoutes(ctx context.Context, method string) ([]GetIngressRoutesRow, error)
	GetModulesByID(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]Module, error)
	GetNextEventForSubscription(ctx context.Context, consumptionDelay sqltypes.Duration, topic model.TopicKey, cursor optional.Option[model.TopicEventKey]) (GetNextEventForSubscriptionRow, error)
	GetProcessList(ctx context.Context) ([]GetProcessListRow, error)
	GetRandomSubscriber(ctx context.Context, key model.SubscriptionKey) (GetRandomSubscriberRow, error)
	// Retrieve routing information for a runner.
	GetRouteForRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (GetRouteForRunnerRow, error)
	GetRoutingTable(ctx context.Context, modules []string) ([]GetRoutingTableRow, error)
	GetRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (GetRunnerRow, error)
	GetRunnerState(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (RunnerState, error)
	GetRunnersForDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) ([]GetRunnersForDeploymentRow, error)
	GetSchemaForDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) (*schema.Module, error)
	GetSubscription(ctx context.Context, column1 string, column2 string) (TopicSubscription, error)
	// Results may not be ready to be scheduled yet due to event consumption delay
	// Sorting ensures that brand new events (that may not be ready for consumption)
	// don't prevent older events from being consumed
	// We also make sure that the subscription belongs to a deployment that has at least one runner
	GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdate(ctx context.Context) ([]GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdateRow, error)
	GetTopic(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 int64) (Topic, error)
	GetTopicEvent(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 int64) (TopicEvent, error)
	GetUnscheduledCronJobs(ctx context.Context, startTime time.Time) ([]GetUnscheduledCronJobsRow, error)
	GetZombieAsyncCalls(ctx context.Context, limit int32) ([]AsyncCall, error)
	InsertSubscriber(ctx context.Context, arg InsertSubscriberParams) error
	InsertTimelineCallEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineCallEventParams) error
	InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEventParams) error
	InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEventParams) error
	InsertTimelineEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineEventParams) error
	InsertTimelineLogEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineLogEventParams) error
	IsCronJobPending(ctx context.Context, key model.CronJobKey, startTime time.Time) (bool, error)
	// Mark any controller entries that haven't been updated recently as dead.
	KillStaleControllers(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration) (int64, error)
	KillStaleRunners(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration) (int64, error)
	LoadAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, id int64) (AsyncCall, error)
	PopNextFSMEvent(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, instanceKey string) (FsmNextEvent, error)
	PublishEventForTopic(ctx context.Context, arg PublishEventForTopicParams) error
	SetDeploymentDesiredReplicas(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey, minReplicas int32) error
	SetNextFSMEvent(ctx context.Context, arg SetNextFSMEventParams) (int64, error)
	SetSubscriptionCursor(ctx context.Context, column1 model.SubscriptionKey, column2 model.TopicEventKey) error
	// Start a new FSM transition, populating the destination state and async call ID.
	// "key" is the unique identifier for the FSM execution.
	StartFSMTransition(ctx context.Context, arg StartFSMTransitionParams) (FsmInstance, error)
	SucceedAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, response encryption.OptionalEncryptedAsyncColumn, iD int64) (bool, error)
	SucceedFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)
	UpdateCronJobExecution(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCronJobExecutionParams) error
	UpsertController(ctx context.Context, key model.ControllerKey, endpoint string) (int64, error)
	UpsertModule(ctx context.Context, language string, name string) (int64, error)
	// Upsert a runner and return the deployment ID that it is assigned to, if any.
	UpsertRunner(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertRunnerParams) (int64, error)
	UpsertSubscription(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertSubscriptionParams) (UpsertSubscriptionRow, error)
	UpsertTopic(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertTopicParams) error

type Queries

type Queries struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(db DBTX) *Queries

func (*Queries) AcquireAsyncCall

func (q *Queries) AcquireAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, ttl sqltypes.Duration) (AcquireAsyncCallRow, error)

Reserve a pending async call for execution, returning the associated lease reservation key and accompanying metadata.

func (*Queries) AssociateArtefactWithDeployment

func (q *Queries) AssociateArtefactWithDeployment(ctx context.Context, arg AssociateArtefactWithDeploymentParams) error

func (*Queries) AsyncCallQueueDepth

func (q *Queries) AsyncCallQueueDepth(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) BeginConsumingTopicEvent

func (q *Queries) BeginConsumingTopicEvent(ctx context.Context, subscription model.SubscriptionKey, event model.TopicEventKey) error

func (*Queries) CompleteEventForSubscription

func (q *Queries) CompleteEventForSubscription(ctx context.Context, name string, module string) error

func (*Queries) CreateArtefact

func (q *Queries) CreateArtefact(ctx context.Context, digest []byte, content []byte) (int64, error)

Create a new artefact and return the artefact ID.

func (*Queries) CreateAsyncCall

func (q *Queries) CreateAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAsyncCallParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreateCronJob

func (q *Queries) CreateCronJob(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCronJobParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateDeployment

func (q *Queries) CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, schema []byte, key model.DeploymentKey) error

func (*Queries) CreateIngressRoute

func (q *Queries) CreateIngressRoute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateIngressRouteParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRequest

func (q *Queries) CreateRequest(ctx context.Context, origin Origin, key model.RequestKey, sourceAddr string) error

func (*Queries) DeleteOldTimelineEvents

func (q *Queries) DeleteOldTimelineEvents(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration, type_ EventType) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) DeleteSubscribers

func (q *Queries) DeleteSubscribers(ctx context.Context, deployment model.DeploymentKey) ([]model.SubscriberKey, error)

func (*Queries) DeleteSubscriptions

func (q *Queries) DeleteSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, deployment model.DeploymentKey) ([]model.SubscriptionKey, error)

func (*Queries) DeregisterRunner

func (q *Queries) DeregisterRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) FailAsyncCall

func (q *Queries) FailAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, error string, iD int64) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) FailAsyncCallWithRetry

func (q *Queries) FailAsyncCallWithRetry(ctx context.Context, arg FailAsyncCallWithRetryParams) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) FailFSMInstance

func (q *Queries) FailFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) FinishFSMTransition

func (q *Queries) FinishFSMTransition(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)

Mark an FSM transition as completed, updating the current state and clearing the async call ID.

func (*Queries) GetActiveControllers

func (q *Queries) GetActiveControllers(ctx context.Context) ([]Controller, error)

func (*Queries) GetActiveDeploymentSchemas

func (q *Queries) GetActiveDeploymentSchemas(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveDeploymentSchemasRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetActiveDeployments

func (q *Queries) GetActiveDeployments(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveDeploymentsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetActiveIngressRoutes

func (q *Queries) GetActiveIngressRoutes(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveIngressRoutesRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetActiveRunners

func (q *Queries) GetActiveRunners(ctx context.Context) ([]GetActiveRunnersRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetArtefactContentRange

func (q *Queries) GetArtefactContentRange(ctx context.Context, start int32, count int32, iD int64) ([]byte, error)

func (*Queries) GetArtefactDigests

func (q *Queries) GetArtefactDigests(ctx context.Context, digests [][]byte) ([]GetArtefactDigestsRow, error)

Return the digests that exist in the database.

func (*Queries) GetCronJobByKey

func (q *Queries) GetCronJobByKey(ctx context.Context, key model.CronJobKey) (GetCronJobByKeyRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetDeployment

func (q *Queries) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) (GetDeploymentRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetDeploymentArtefacts

func (q *Queries) GetDeploymentArtefacts(ctx context.Context, deploymentID int64) ([]GetDeploymentArtefactsRow, error)

Get all artefacts matching the given digests.

func (*Queries) GetDeploymentsByID

func (q *Queries) GetDeploymentsByID(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]Deployment, error)

func (*Queries) GetDeploymentsWithArtefacts

func (q *Queries) GetDeploymentsWithArtefacts(ctx context.Context, digests [][]byte, schema []byte, count int64) ([]GetDeploymentsWithArtefactsRow, error)

Get all deployments that have artefacts matching the given digests.

func (*Queries) GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicas

func (q *Queries) GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicas(ctx context.Context) ([]GetDeploymentsWithMinReplicasRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetExistingDeploymentForModule

func (q *Queries) GetExistingDeploymentForModule(ctx context.Context, name string) (GetExistingDeploymentForModuleRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetFSMInstance

func (q *Queries) GetFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (FsmInstance, error)

func (*Queries) GetIngressRoutes

func (q *Queries) GetIngressRoutes(ctx context.Context, method string) ([]GetIngressRoutesRow, error)

Get the runner endpoints corresponding to the given ingress route.

func (*Queries) GetModulesByID

func (q *Queries) GetModulesByID(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]Module, error)

func (*Queries) GetNextEventForSubscription

func (q *Queries) GetNextEventForSubscription(ctx context.Context, consumptionDelay sqltypes.Duration, topic model.TopicKey, cursor optional.Option[model.TopicEventKey]) (GetNextEventForSubscriptionRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetProcessList

func (q *Queries) GetProcessList(ctx context.Context) ([]GetProcessListRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRandomSubscriber

func (q *Queries) GetRandomSubscriber(ctx context.Context, key model.SubscriptionKey) (GetRandomSubscriberRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRouteForRunner

func (q *Queries) GetRouteForRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (GetRouteForRunnerRow, error)

Retrieve routing information for a runner.

func (*Queries) GetRoutingTable

func (q *Queries) GetRoutingTable(ctx context.Context, modules []string) ([]GetRoutingTableRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRunner

func (q *Queries) GetRunner(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (GetRunnerRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRunnerState

func (q *Queries) GetRunnerState(ctx context.Context, key model.RunnerKey) (RunnerState, error)

func (*Queries) GetRunnersForDeployment

func (q *Queries) GetRunnersForDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) ([]GetRunnersForDeploymentRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetSchemaForDeployment

func (q *Queries) GetSchemaForDeployment(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey) (*schema.Module, error)

func (*Queries) GetSubscription

func (q *Queries) GetSubscription(ctx context.Context, column1 string, column2 string) (TopicSubscription, error)

func (*Queries) GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdate

func (q *Queries) GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdate(ctx context.Context) ([]GetSubscriptionsNeedingUpdateRow, error)

Results may not be ready to be scheduled yet due to event consumption delay Sorting ensures that brand new events (that may not be ready for consumption) don't prevent older events from being consumed We also make sure that the subscription belongs to a deployment that has at least one runner

func (*Queries) GetTopic

func (q *Queries) GetTopic(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 int64) (Topic, error)

func (*Queries) GetTopicEvent

func (q *Queries) GetTopicEvent(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 int64) (TopicEvent, error)

func (*Queries) GetUnscheduledCronJobs

func (q *Queries) GetUnscheduledCronJobs(ctx context.Context, startTime time.Time) ([]GetUnscheduledCronJobsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetZombieAsyncCalls

func (q *Queries) GetZombieAsyncCalls(ctx context.Context, limit int32) ([]AsyncCall, error)

func (*Queries) InsertSubscriber

func (q *Queries) InsertSubscriber(ctx context.Context, arg InsertSubscriberParams) error

func (*Queries) InsertTimelineCallEvent

func (q *Queries) InsertTimelineCallEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineCallEventParams) error

func (*Queries) InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEvent

func (q *Queries) InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineDeploymentCreatedEventParams) error

func (*Queries) InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEvent

func (q *Queries) InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineDeploymentUpdatedEventParams) error

func (*Queries) InsertTimelineEvent

func (q *Queries) InsertTimelineEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineEventParams) error

func (*Queries) InsertTimelineLogEvent

func (q *Queries) InsertTimelineLogEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertTimelineLogEventParams) error

func (*Queries) IsCronJobPending

func (q *Queries) IsCronJobPending(ctx context.Context, key model.CronJobKey, startTime time.Time) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) KillStaleControllers

func (q *Queries) KillStaleControllers(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration) (int64, error)

Mark any controller entries that haven't been updated recently as dead.

func (*Queries) KillStaleRunners

func (q *Queries) KillStaleRunners(ctx context.Context, timeout sqltypes.Duration) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) LoadAsyncCall

func (q *Queries) LoadAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, id int64) (AsyncCall, error)

func (*Queries) PopNextFSMEvent

func (q *Queries) PopNextFSMEvent(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, instanceKey string) (FsmNextEvent, error)

func (*Queries) PublishEventForTopic

func (q *Queries) PublishEventForTopic(ctx context.Context, arg PublishEventForTopicParams) error

func (*Queries) SetDeploymentDesiredReplicas

func (q *Queries) SetDeploymentDesiredReplicas(ctx context.Context, key model.DeploymentKey, minReplicas int32) error

func (*Queries) SetNextFSMEvent

func (q *Queries) SetNextFSMEvent(ctx context.Context, arg SetNextFSMEventParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) SetSubscriptionCursor

func (q *Queries) SetSubscriptionCursor(ctx context.Context, column1 model.SubscriptionKey, column2 model.TopicEventKey) error

func (*Queries) StartFSMTransition

func (q *Queries) StartFSMTransition(ctx context.Context, arg StartFSMTransitionParams) (FsmInstance, error)

Start a new FSM transition, populating the destination state and async call ID.

"key" is the unique identifier for the FSM execution.

func (*Queries) SucceedAsyncCall

func (q *Queries) SucceedAsyncCall(ctx context.Context, response encryption.OptionalEncryptedAsyncColumn, iD int64) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) SucceedFSMInstance

func (q *Queries) SucceedFSMInstance(ctx context.Context, fsm schema.RefKey, key string) (bool, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateCronJobExecution

func (q *Queries) UpdateCronJobExecution(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCronJobExecutionParams) error

func (*Queries) UpsertController

func (q *Queries) UpsertController(ctx context.Context, key model.ControllerKey, endpoint string) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) UpsertModule

func (q *Queries) UpsertModule(ctx context.Context, language string, name string) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) UpsertRunner

func (q *Queries) UpsertRunner(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertRunnerParams) (int64, error)

Upsert a runner and return the deployment ID that it is assigned to, if any.

func (*Queries) UpsertSubscription

func (q *Queries) UpsertSubscription(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertSubscriptionParams) (UpsertSubscriptionRow, error)

func (*Queries) UpsertTopic

func (q *Queries) UpsertTopic(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertTopicParams) error

func (*Queries) WithTx

func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx *sql.Tx) *Queries

type Request

type Request struct {
	ID         int64
	Origin     Origin
	Key        model.RequestKey
	SourceAddr string

type Runner

type Runner struct {
	ID           int64
	Key          model.RunnerKey
	Created      time.Time
	LastSeen     time.Time
	State        RunnerState
	Endpoint     string
	ModuleName   optional.Option[string]
	DeploymentID int64
	Labels       json.RawMessage

type RunnerState

type RunnerState string
const (
	RunnerStateNew      RunnerState = "new"
	RunnerStateReserved RunnerState = "reserved"
	RunnerStateAssigned RunnerState = "assigned"
	RunnerStateDead     RunnerState = "dead"

func (*RunnerState) Scan

func (e *RunnerState) Scan(src interface{}) error

type SetNextFSMEventParams

type SetNextFSMEventParams struct {
	Fsm         schema.RefKey
	InstanceKey string
	Event       schema.RefKey
	Request     encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	RequestType sqltypes.Type

type StartFSMTransitionParams

type StartFSMTransitionParams struct {
	Fsm              schema.RefKey
	Key              string
	DestinationState schema.RefKey
	AsyncCallID      int64

type Timeline

type Timeline struct {
	ID              int64
	TimeStamp       time.Time
	DeploymentID    int64
	RequestID       optional.Option[int64]
	Type            EventType
	CustomKey1      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey2      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey3      optional.Option[string]
	CustomKey4      optional.Option[string]
	Payload         encryption.EncryptedTimelineColumn
	ParentRequestID optional.Option[string]

type Topic

type Topic struct {
	ID        int64
	Key       model.TopicKey
	CreatedAt time.Time
	ModuleID  int64
	Name      string
	Type      string
	Head      optional.Option[int64]

type TopicEvent

type TopicEvent struct {
	ID           int64
	CreatedAt    time.Time
	Key          model.TopicEventKey
	TopicID      int64
	Payload      encryption.EncryptedAsyncColumn
	Caller       optional.Option[string]
	RequestKey   optional.Option[string]
	TraceContext pqtype.NullRawMessage

type TopicSubscriber

type TopicSubscriber struct {
	ID                   int64
	Key                  model.SubscriberKey
	CreatedAt            time.Time
	TopicSubscriptionsID int64
	DeploymentID         int64
	Sink                 schema.RefKey
	RetryAttempts        int32
	Backoff              sqltypes.Duration
	MaxBackoff           sqltypes.Duration
	CatchVerb            optional.Option[schema.RefKey]

type TopicSubscription

type TopicSubscription struct {
	ID           int64
	Key          model.SubscriptionKey
	CreatedAt    time.Time
	TopicID      int64
	ModuleID     int64
	DeploymentID int64
	Name         string
	Cursor       optional.Option[int64]
	State        TopicSubscriptionState

type TopicSubscriptionState

type TopicSubscriptionState string
const (
	TopicSubscriptionStateIdle      TopicSubscriptionState = "idle"
	TopicSubscriptionStateExecuting TopicSubscriptionState = "executing"

func (*TopicSubscriptionState) Scan

func (e *TopicSubscriptionState) Scan(src interface{}) error

type UpdateCronJobExecutionParams

type UpdateCronJobExecutionParams struct {
	LastAsyncCallID int64
	LastExecution   time.Time
	NextExecution   time.Time
	Key             model.CronJobKey

type UpsertRunnerParams

type UpsertRunnerParams struct {
	Key           model.RunnerKey
	Endpoint      string
	State         RunnerState
	Labels        json.RawMessage
	DeploymentKey model.DeploymentKey

type UpsertSubscriptionParams

type UpsertSubscriptionParams struct {
	Key         model.SubscriptionKey
	TopicModule string
	TopicName   string
	Module      string
	Deployment  model.DeploymentKey
	Name        string

type UpsertSubscriptionRow

type UpsertSubscriptionRow struct {
	ID       int64
	Inserted bool

type UpsertTopicParams

type UpsertTopicParams struct {
	Topic     model.TopicKey
	Module    string
	Name      string
	EventType string

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