apify mysql database. based on Echo, goqu, cli and go-mysql-driver
go get -u -v https://github.com/Soontao/go-mysql-api
or download binary from release page !
command args
you could run go-mysql-api from cli directly
go-mysql-api --help
-h, --help display help information
-c, --*conn[=$API_CONN_STR] *mysql connection str
-l, --*listen[=$API_HOST_LS] *listen host and port
you could start will cli args, but env var also works
go-mysql-api -c "user:pass@tcp(domain:port)/db" -l ""
[INFO] 2017-07-07T10:28:42.431074+08:00 server start at
more information about connection str, you could see here
if you have any web dev experience, apis will easy to understand
server.e.GET("/api/metadata", server.endpointMetadata) // metadata
server.e.POST("/api/echo", server.endpointEcho) // echo api
server.e.GET("/api/:table", server.endpointTableGet) // Retrive
server.e.PUT("/api/:table", server.endpointTableCreate) // Create
server.e.DELETE("/api/:table", server.endpointTableDelete) // Remove
server.e.GET("/api/:table/:id", server.endpointTableGetSpecific) // Retrive
server.e.DELETE("/api/:table/:id", server.endpointTableDeleteSpecific) // Delete
server.e.POST("/api/:table/:id", server.endpointTableUpdateSpecific) // Update
pls use application/json
MIME and json format in client request.
pls use json object in Create, Update, Delete method (if need payload), and there is no support for batch process now.
follow api could use _limit, _skip and _field query param
- GET /api/:table
- GET /api/:table/:id
follow is an example
http :1323/api/monitor_log _limit==10 _field==lid _field==mid _field==success _skip==10 -v
# GET /api/monitor_log?_limit=10&_field=lid&_field=mid&_field=success&_skip=10 HTTP/1.1
# SELECT `lid`, `mid`, `success` FROM `monitor_log` LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10
any tests ?
yeah, there are some in-package tests, but not work for out-package, and based on env var
i test this project by my existed mysql schema, and it works correctly