The Podbard is a primitive podcast site generator.
Document site (Japanese)
# Initialize the site
$ podbard init .
✨ Initialized your brand new podcast project under "." directory
# Locate the audio file and create a new episode page
$ podbard episode audio/1.mp3
🔍 The episode file "episode/1.md" corresponding to the "1.mp3" was created.
# Build the site
$ podbard build
🔨 Generating a site under the "public" directrory
🎤 Your podcast site has been generated and is ready to cast.
The podbard is software that generates a minimum podcast sites from a list of audio files.
Template Repository
You can start a new podcast site by using the template repository without installing the podbard
How to install on terminal
# Homebrew
% brew install Songmu/tap/podbard
# Install the latest version. (Install it into ./bin/ by default).
% curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Songmu/podbard/main/install.sh | sh -s
# Specify installation directory ($(go env GOPATH)/bin/) and version.
% curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Songmu/podbard/main/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin [vX.Y.Z]
# In alpine linux (as it does not come with curl by default)
% wget -O - -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Songmu/podbard/main/install.sh | sh -s [vX.Y.Z]
# go install
% go install github.com/Songmu/podbard/cmd/podbard@latest
Directory Structure
- index.md
- podbard.yaml
- episode/
- episode pages in markdown
- audio/
- template/
- template files (tmpl files in Go's text/template syntax)
- static/
Sub Commmands
$ podbard init .
$ podbard episode [-slug=hoge -date=2024-09-01 -title=title] audio/1.mp3
create a new epoisode page with the specified audio file.
$ podbard build
build the site and output to the public