
v0.94.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 26, 2024 License: MIT


Better tests poc

This package contains a quick implementation of helpers that should allow us a quicker, more pleasant, and more readable implementation of tests, mainly the acceptance ones. It contains the following packages:

  • assert - all the assertions reside here. Also, the utilities to build assertions for new objects. All the current assertions are generated. The currently supported assertions are:

    • Snowflake object assertions (generated in subpackage objectassert)
    • Snowflake object parameters assertions (generated in subpackage objectparametersassert)
    • resource assertions (generated in subpackage resourceassert)
    • resource parameters assertions (generated in subpackage resourceparametersassert)
    • show output assertions (generated in subpackage resourceshowoutputassert)
  • config - the new ResourceModel abstraction resides here. It provides models for objects and the builder methods allowing better config preparation in the acceptance tests. It aims to be more readable than using Config: with hardcoded string or ConfigFile: for file that is not directly reachable from the test body. Also, it should be easier to reuse the models and prepare convenience extension methods. The models are already generated.

How it works

Adding new resource assertions

Resource assertions can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allStructs slice in the assert/resourceassert/gen/resource_schema_def.go
  • to add custom (not generated assertions) create file abc_resource_ext.go in the assert/resourceassert package. Example would be:
func (w *WarehouseResourceAssert) HasDefaultMaxConcurrencyLevel() *WarehouseResourceAssert {
    w.AddAssertion(assert.ValueSet("max_concurrency_level", "8"))
    return w
Adding new resource show output assertions

Resource show output assertions can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allResourceSchemaDefs slice in the assert/objectassert/gen/sdk_object_def.go
  • to add custom (not generated assertions) create file abc_show_output_ext.go in the assert/resourceshowoutputassert package. Example would be:
func (u *UserShowOutputAssert) HasNameAndLoginName(expected string) *UserShowOutputAssert {
	return u.
Adding new resource parameters assertions

Resource parameters assertions can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allObjectsParameters slice in the assert/objectparametersassert/gen/object_parameters_def.go
  • to add custom (not generated assertions) create file warehouse_resource_parameters_ext.go in the assert/resourceparametersassert package. Example would be:
func (w *WarehouseResourceParametersAssert) HasDefaultMaxConcurrencyLevel() *WarehouseResourceParametersAssert {
	return w.
Adding new Snowflake object assertions

Snowflake object assertions can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allStructs slice in the assert/objectassert/gen/main/main.go
  • to add custom (not generated assertions) create file abc_snowflake_ext.go in the objectassert package. Example would be:
func (w *WarehouseAssert) HasStateOneOf(expected ...sdk.WarehouseState) *WarehouseAssert {
    w.assertions = append(w.assertions, func(t *testing.T, o *sdk.Warehouse) error {
        if !slices.Contains(expected, o.State) {
            return fmt.Errorf("expected state one of: %v; got: %v", expected, string(o.State))
        return nil
    return w
Adding new Snowflake object parameters assertions

Snowflake object parameters assertions can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allObjectsParameters slice in the assert/objectparametersassert/gen/main/main.go
  • make sure that test helper method acc.TestClient().Parameter.ShowAbcParameters exists in /pkg/acceptance/helpers/parameter_client.go
  • to add custom (not generated) assertions create file abc_parameters_snowflake_ext.go in the objectparametersassert package. Example would be:
func (w *WarehouseParametersAssert) HasDefaultMaxConcurrencyLevel() *WarehouseParametersAssert {
    return w.
Adding new models

Resource config model builders can be generated automatically. For object abc do the following:

  • add object you want to generate to allResourceSchemaDefs slice in the assert/resourceassert/gen/resource_schema_def.go
  • to add custom (not generated) config builder methods create file warehouse_model_ext in the config/model package. Example would be:
func BasicWarehouseModel(
	name string,
	comment string,
) *WarehouseModel {
	return WarehouseWithDefaultMeta(name).WithComment(comment)

func (w *WarehouseModel) WithWarehouseSizeEnum(warehouseSize sdk.WarehouseSize) *WarehouseModel {
	return w.WithWarehouseSize(string(warehouseSize))
Running the generators

Each of the above assertion types/config models has its own generator and cleanup entry in our Makefile. You can generate config models with:

  make clean-resource-model-builder generate-resource-model-builder

You can use cli flags:

  make clean-resource-model-builder generate-resource-model-builder SF_TF_GENERATOR_ARGS='--dry-run --verbose'

To clean/generate all from this package run

  make clean-all-assertions-and-config-models generate-all-assertions-and-config-models
Example usage in practice

You can check the current example usage in TestAcc_Warehouse_BasicFlows and the create: complete inside TestInt_Warehouses. To see the output after invalid assertions:

  • add the following to the first step of TestAcc_Warehouse_BasicFlows
    // bad checks below
    resourceassert.WarehouseResource(t, "snowflake_warehouse.w").
    resourceshowoutputassert.WarehouseShowOutput(t, "snowflake_warehouse.w").
    resourceparametersassert.WarehouseResourceParameters(t, "snowflake_warehouse.w").
    objectassert.Warehouse(t, warehouseId).
        HasName("bad name").
        HasComment("bad comment").
    objectparametersassert.WarehouseParameters(t, warehouseId).
    assert.Check(resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("snowflake_warehouse.w", "warehouse_type", string(sdk.WarehouseTypeSnowparkOptimized))),

it will result in:

    warehouse_acceptance_test.go:51: Step 1/8 error: Check failed: check 7/12 error:
        snowflake_warehouse.w resource assertion [1/2]: failed with error: Attribute 'warehouse_type' not found
        snowflake_warehouse.w resource assertion [2/2]: failed with error: Attribute 'warehouse_size' not found
        check 8/12 error:
        snowflake_warehouse.w show_output assertion [2/2]: failed with error: Attribute 'show_output.0.type' expected "SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED", got "STANDARD"
        check 9/12 error:
        snowflake_warehouse.w parameters assertion [2/3]: failed with error: Attribute 'parameters.0.max_concurrency_level.0.value' expected "16", got "8"
        snowflake_warehouse.w parameters assertion [3/3]: failed with error: Attribute 'parameters.0.max_concurrency_level.0.level' expected "WAREHOUSE", got ""
        check 10/12 error:
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [1/13]: failed with error: expected name: bad name; got: XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [2/13]: failed with error: expected state: SUSPENDED; got: STARTED
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [3/13]: failed with error: expected type: SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED; got: STANDARD
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [4/13]: failed with error: expected size: MEDIUM; got: XSMALL
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [5/13]: failed with error: expected max cluster count: 12; got: 1
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [6/13]: failed with error: expected min cluster count: 13; got: 1
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [7/13]: failed with error: expected scaling policy: ECONOMY; got: STANDARD
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [8/13]: failed with error: expected auto suspend: 123; got: 600
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [9/13]: failed with error: expected auto resume: false; got: true
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [10/13]: failed with error: expected resource monitor: some-id; got: 
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [11/13]: failed with error: expected comment: bad comment; got: Who does encouraging eagerly annoying dream several their scold straightaway.
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [12/13]: failed with error: expected enable query acceleration: true; got: false
        object WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"] assertion [13/13]: failed with error: expected query acceleration max scale factor: 12; got: 8
        check 11/12 error:
        parameter assertion for WAREHOUSE["XHZJCKAT_35D0BCC1_7797_974E_ACAF_C622C56FA2D2"][MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL][1/1] failed: expected value 16, got 8
        check 12/12 error:
        snowflake_warehouse.w: Attribute 'warehouse_type' not found
  • add the following to the second step of TestAcc_Warehouse_BasicFlows
    // bad checks below
    assert.CheckImport(importchecks.TestCheckResourceAttrInstanceState(warehouseId.Name(), "bad name", name)),
    resourceassert.ImportedWarehouseResource(t, warehouseId.Name()).
        HasNameString("bad name").
        HasCommentString("bad comment").
    resourceparametersassert.ImportedWarehouseResourceParameters(t, warehouseId.Name()).
    objectassert.Warehouse(t, warehouseId).
        HasName("bad name").
        HasComment("bad comment").
    objectparametersassert.WarehouseParameters(t, warehouseId).

it will result in:

    warehouse_acceptance_test.go:51: check 7/11 error:
        attribute bad name not found in instance state
        check 8/11 error:
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [1/12]: failed with error: expected: bad name, got: WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [2/12]: failed with error: expected: SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED, got: STANDARD
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [3/12]: failed with error: expected: MEDIUM, got: XSMALL
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [4/12]: failed with error: expected: 2, got: 1
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [5/12]: failed with error: expected: 3, got: 1
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [6/12]: failed with error: expected: ECONOMY, got: STANDARD
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [7/12]: failed with error: expected: 123, got: 600
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [8/12]: failed with error: expected: false, got: true
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [9/12]: failed with error: expected: abc, got: 
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [10/12]: failed with error: expected: bad comment, got: Promise my huh off certain you bravery dynasty with Roman.
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [11/12]: failed with error: expected: true, got: false
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported resource assertion [12/12]: failed with error: expected: 16, got: 8
        check 9/11 error:
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [2/7]: failed with error: expected: 1, got: 8
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [3/7]: failed with error: expected: WAREHOUSE, got: 
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [4/7]: failed with error: expected: 23, got: 0
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [5/7]: failed with error: expected: WAREHOUSE, got: 
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [6/7]: failed with error: expected: 1232, got: 172800
        WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65 imported parameters assertion [7/7]: failed with error: expected: WAREHOUSE, got: 
        check 10/11 error:
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [1/13]: failed with error: expected name: bad name; got: WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [2/13]: failed with error: expected state: SUSPENDED; got: STARTED
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [3/13]: failed with error: expected type: SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED; got: STANDARD
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [4/13]: failed with error: expected size: MEDIUM; got: XSMALL
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [5/13]: failed with error: expected max cluster count: 12; got: 1
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [6/13]: failed with error: expected min cluster count: 13; got: 1
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [7/13]: failed with error: expected scaling policy: ECONOMY; got: STANDARD
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [8/13]: failed with error: expected auto suspend: 123; got: 600
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [9/13]: failed with error: expected auto resume: false; got: true
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [10/13]: failed with error: expected resource monitor: some-id; got: 
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [11/13]: failed with error: expected comment: bad comment; got: Promise my huh off certain you bravery dynasty with Roman.
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [12/13]: failed with error: expected enable query acceleration: true; got: false
        object WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"] assertion [13/13]: failed with error: expected query acceleration max scale factor: 12; got: 8
        check 11/11 error:
        parameter assertion for WAREHOUSE["WBJKHLAT_2E52D1E6_D23D_33A0_F568_4EBDBE083B65"][MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL][1/1] failed: expected value 1, got 8
  • add the following to the create: complete in TestInt_Warehouses:
    // to show errors
    warehouseAssertionsBad := objectassert.Warehouse(t, id).
        HasName("bad name").
        HasComment("bad comment").
    assertions.AssertThatObject(t, warehouseAssertionsBad)

it will result in:

        	Error Trace:	/Users/asawicki/Projects/terraform-provider-snowflake/pkg/sdk/testint/warehouses_integration_test.go:149
        	Error:      	Received unexpected error:
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [1/13]: failed with error: expected name: bad name; got: VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [2/13]: failed with error: expected state: SUSPENDED; got: STARTED
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [3/13]: failed with error: expected type: SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED; got: STANDARD
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [4/13]: failed with error: expected size: MEDIUM; got: SMALL
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [5/13]: failed with error: expected max cluster count: 12; got: 8
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [6/13]: failed with error: expected min cluster count: 13; got: 2
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [7/13]: failed with error: expected type: STANDARD; got: ECONOMY
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [8/13]: failed with error: expected auto suspend: 123; got: 1000
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [9/13]: failed with error: expected auto resume: false; got: true
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [10/13]: failed with error: expected resource monitor: some-id; got: OOUJMDIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [11/13]: failed with error: expected comment: bad comment; got: comment
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [12/13]: failed with error: expected enable query acceleration: false; got: true
        	            	object WAREHOUSE["VKSENEIT_535F314F_6549_348F_370E_AB430EE4BC7B"] assertion [13/13]: failed with error: expected query acceleration max scale factor: 12; got: 90
        	Test:       	TestInt_Warehouses/create:_complete

Known limitations/planned improvements

  • Test all the utilities for assertion/model construction (public interfaces, methods, functions).
  • Verify if all the config types are supported.
  • Consider a better implementation for the model conversion to config (TODO left in config/config.go).
  • Support additional methods for references in models (TODO left in config/config.go).
  • Support depends_on in models (TODO left in config/config.go).
  • Add a convenience function to concatenate multiple models (TODO left in config/config.go).
  • Add function to support using ConfigFile: in the acceptance tests (TODO left in config/config.go).
  • Replace acceptance/snowflakechecks with the new proposed Snowflake objects assertions.
  • Support showOutputValueUnset and add a second function for each show_output attribute.
  • Support resourceAssertionTypeValueNotSet for import checks (panic left currently).
  • Add assertions for the describe_output.
  • Add support for datasource tests (assertions and config builders).
  • Consider overriding the assertions when invoking same check multiple times with different params (e.g. Warehouse(...).HasType(X).HasType(Y); it could use the last-check-wins approach, to more easily reuse complex checks between the test steps).
  • Consider not adding the check for show_output presence on creation (same with parameters). The majority of the use cases need it to be present but there are a few others (like conditional presence in the datasources). Currently, it seems that they should be always present in the resources, so no change is made. Later, with adding the support for the datasource tests, consider simple destructive implementation like:
func (w *WarehouseDatasourceShowOutputAssert) IsEmpty() {
    w.assertions = make([]resourceAssertion, 0)
    w.assertions = append(w.assertions, valueSet("show_output.#", "0"))
  • support other mappings if needed (TODO left in assert/objectassert/gen/model.go)
  • consider extracting preamble model to commons (TODOs left in assert/objectassert/gen/model.go and in assert/objectparametersassert/gen/model.go)
  • get a runtime name for the assertion creator (TODOs left in assert/objectparametersassert/gen/model.go)
  • use a better definition for each objet's snowflake parameters (TODO left in assert/objectparametersassert/gen/main/main.go)
  • add possibility to have enums generated in config builders (TODO left in config/model/warehouse_model_ext.go)
  • handle situations where snowflake default behaves inconsistently (TODO left in assert/objectparametersassert/gen/object_parameters_def.go)
  • handle attribute types in resource assertions (currently strings only; TODO left in assert/resourceassert/gen/model.go)
  • distinguish between different enum types (TODO left in assert/resourceshowoutputassert/gen/templates.go)
  • support the rest of attribute types in config model builders (TODO left in config/model/gen/model.go)

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