minecraft-bot has the following features.
- notification Bot : notify Minecraft login/logout events to some chat-tool (LINE/Slack/Discord)
- operation of Minecraft whitelist : operate to whitelist of Minecraft Server through ChatBot
- Prometheus exporter : support some Minecraft metrics in Prometheus exporter format
- source is only RCON : minecraft-bot is not required any Mod, not required reading Minecraft world data, only using RCON
- using
- pre-install
Panel Plugin
go get -u github.com/ShotaKitazawa/minecraft-bot/cmd/minecraft-bot
$ minecraft-bot -h
Usage of minecraft-bot:
-f string
TOML configuration filepath
-v show application version
# Minecraft Server Hostname (requirement)
minecraft-hostname = "your_domain"
# basic setting (option)
bind-addr = "" # default: ""
bind-port = 8080 # default: 8080
log-level = "info" # default: "info", support "debug", "info", "warn", or "error"
# bot basic Configuration (option)
notification-mode = "XXX" # default: "all", support "none", or "all"
# LINE Bot Configuration (requirement)
endpoint = "/linebot"
channel-secret = "XXX"
channel-token = "XXX"
# LINE Bot Configuration (option)
group-ids = "XXX" # default: none, cannot push notification without this
# Slack Bot Configuration (requirement)
token = "XXX"
# Slack Bot Configuration (option)
channel-ids = "XXX" # default: none, cannot push notification without this
# Discord Bot Configuration (requirement)
token = "XXX"
# Discord Bot Configuration (option)
channel-ids = "XXX" # default: none, cannot push notification without this
# connect in RCON to Minecraft (option)
host = "" # default: ""
port = 25575 # default: 25575
# RCON password (requirement)
password = "XXX"
# place to store state (support "redis" (recommended), or "local")
mode = "redis" # default: "local"
# Redis info (option if sharedmem.mode == "redis")
host = "" # default: ""
port = 6379 # default: 6379
Execution example
- enable one LINE Bot belong to 2 Groups
- using Redis in sharedmem
- minecraft-bot, Minecraft, Redis exist in the same server
$ cat config.toml
minecraft-hostname = "your_domain"
endpoint = "/linebot"
channel-secret = "XXX"
channel-token = "XXX"
group-ids = "GROUP1,GROUP2"
password = "XXX"
mode = "redis"
- enable two LINE Bot & one Slack Bot, each belong to 1 group
- using Redis in sharedmem
- minecraft-bot, Minecraft, Redis exist in the same server
$ cat config.toml
minecraft-hostname = "your_domain"
endpoint = "/linebot"
channel-secret = "XXX"
channel-token = "XXX"
group-ids = "XXX"
endpoint = "/test"
channel-secret = "XXX"
channel-token = "XXX"
group-ids = "XXX"
token = "XXX"
channel-ids = "XXX"
password = "XXX"
mode = "redis"
Required pre-setup
Minecraft Server Setup
In your Minecraft server.properties
, make sure you have and restart the server.
setup Bot for LINE
setup Bot for Slack
setup Bot for Discord
Bot needs to support HTTPS separately
This bot run HTTP server, but Webhook configuration required HTTPS in most chat-provider.
Please following the below.
- using HTTPS reverse-proxy server (nginx, Caddy, etc..) & run Bot beside Minecraft server
- using PaaS (Heroku, Google App Engine, etc..)
- not recommended (RCON connection is not crypted)