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Published: Mar 23, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 2



Package errors for api.

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func AddErrorContext

func AddErrorContext(err error, context object.Error) error

AddErrorContext adds a context to an error

func Cause

func Cause(err error) error

Cause gives the original error

func GetErrorContext

func GetErrorContext(err error) object.Error

GetErrorContext returns the error context

func New

func New(vkErr object.Error) error

New creates a no type error


type ErrorType

type ErrorType int

ErrorType is the type of an error

const (
	NoType ErrorType = 0 // NoType error
	// Unknown error occurred
	// Try again later.
	Unknown ErrorType = 1
	// Application is disabled. Enable your application or use test mode
	// You need to switch on the app in Settings ({Your API_ID}
	// or use the test mode (test_mode=1).
	Disabled ErrorType = 2
	// Unknown method passed
	// Check the method name:
	Method    ErrorType = 3
	Signature ErrorType = 4 // Incorrect signature
	// User authorization failed
	// Make sure that you use a correct authorization type
	Auth ErrorType = 5
	// Too many requests per second
	// Decrease the request frequency or use the execute method.
	// More details on frequency limits here:
	TooMany ErrorType = 6
	// Permission to perform this action is denied
	// Make sure that your have received required permissions during the authorization.
	// You can do it with the account.getAppPermissions method.
	Permission ErrorType = 7

	// Invalid request
	// Check the request syntax and used parameters list (it can be found on a method description page)
	Request ErrorType = 8
	// Flood control
	// You need to decrease the count of identical requests. For more efficient work you may use execute.
	Flood ErrorType = 9
	// Internal server error
	// Try again later.
	Server ErrorType = 10
	// In test mode application should be disabled or user should be authorized
	// Switch the app off in Settings:{Your API_ID}
	EnabledInTest ErrorType = 11
	// Captcha needed
	// See
	Captcha ErrorType = 14
	// Access denied
	// Make sure that you use correct identifiers and the content is available for the user in the full version of the site.
	Access ErrorType = 15
	// HTTP authorization failed
	// To avoid this error check if a user has the 'Use secure connection' option enabled with the account.getInfo method.
	AuthHTTPS ErrorType = 16
	// Validation required
	// Make sure that you don't use a token received with for a request from the server. It's restricted.
	AuthValidation ErrorType = 17
	UserDeleted    ErrorType = 18 // User was deleted or banned
	Blocked        ErrorType = 19 // Content blocked
	// Permission to perform this action is denied for non-standalone applications
	// If you see this error despite your app has the Standalone type, make sure that you use redirect_uri=
	// Details here:
	MethodPermission ErrorType = 20
	MethodAds        ErrorType = 21 // Permission to perform this action is allowed only for standalone and OpenAPI applications
	Upload           ErrorType = 22 // Upload error
	// This method was disabled
	// All the methods available now are listed here:
	MethodDisabled ErrorType = 23
	// Confirmation required
	// In some cases VK requires to request action confirmation from the user (for Standalone apps only).
	// Following parameter is transmitted with the error message as well:
	// confirmation_text – text of the message to be shown in the default confirmation window.
	// The app should display the default confirmation windos
	// with text from confirmation_text and two buttons: "Continue" and "Cancel".
	// If user confirms the action repeat the request with an extra parameter: confirm = 1.
	NeedConfirmation      ErrorType = 24
	NeedTokenConfirmation ErrorType = 25 // Token confirmation required
	GroupAuth             ErrorType = 27 // Group authorization failed
	AppAuth               ErrorType = 28 // Application authorization failed
	// Rate limit reached
	// More details on rate limits here:
	RateLimit      ErrorType = 29
	PrivateProfile ErrorType = 30 // This profile is private
	// One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid
	// Check the reqired parameters list and their format on a method description page.
	Param ErrorType = 100
	// Invalid application API ID
	// Find the app in the administrated list in settings:
	// And set the correct API_ID in the request.
	ParamAPIID   ErrorType = 101
	Limits       ErrorType = 103 // Out of limits
	NotFound     ErrorType = 104 // Not found
	SaveFile     ErrorType = 105 // Couldn't save file
	ActionFailed ErrorType = 106 // Unable to process action
	// Invalid user id
	// Make sure that you use a correct id. You can get an id using a screen
	// name with the utils.resolveScreenName method
	ParamUserID        ErrorType = 113
	ParamAlbumID       ErrorType = 114 // Invalid album id
	ParamServer        ErrorType = 118 // Invalid server
	ParamTitle         ErrorType = 119 // Invalid title
	ParamPhotos        ErrorType = 122 // Invalid photos
	ParamHash          ErrorType = 121 // Invalid hash
	ParamPhoto         ErrorType = 129 // Invalid photo
	ParamGroupID       ErrorType = 125 // Invalid group id
	ParamPageID        ErrorType = 140 // Page not found
	AccessPage         ErrorType = 141 // Access to page denied
	MobileNotActivated ErrorType = 146 // The mobile number of the user is unknown
	InsufficientFunds  ErrorType = 147 // Application has insufficient funds
	AccessMenu         ErrorType = 148 // Access to the menu of the user denied
	// Invalid timestamp
	// You may get a correct value with the utils.getServerTime method
	ParamTimestamp     ErrorType = 150
	FriendsListID      ErrorType = 171 // Invalid list id
	FriendsListLimit   ErrorType = 173 // Reached the maximum number of lists
	FriendsAddYourself ErrorType = 174 // Cannot add user himself as friend
	FriendsAddInEnemy  ErrorType = 175 // Cannot add this user to friends as they have put you on their blacklist
	FriendsAddEnemy    ErrorType = 176 // Cannot add this user to friends as you put him on blacklist
	FriendsAddNotFound ErrorType = 177 // Cannot add this user to friends as user not found
	ParamNoteID        ErrorType = 180 // Note not found
	AccessNote         ErrorType = 181 // Access to note denied
	AccessNoteComment  ErrorType = 182 // You can't comment this note
	AccessComment      ErrorType = 183 // Access to comment denied
	// Access to album denied
	// Make sure you use correct ids (owner_id is always positive for users,
	// negative for communities) and the current user has access to the
	// requested content in the full version of the site.
	AccessAlbum ErrorType = 200
	// Access to audio denied
	// Make sure you use correct ids (owner_id is always positive for users,
	// negative for communities) and the current user has access to the
	// requested content in the full version of the site.
	AccessAudio ErrorType = 201
	// Access to group denied
	// Make sure that the current user is a member or admin of the community (for closed and private groups and events).
	AccessGroup             ErrorType = 203
	AccessVideo             ErrorType = 204 // Access denied
	AccessMarket            ErrorType = 205 // Access denied
	WallAccessPost          ErrorType = 210 // Access to wall's post denied
	WallAccessComment       ErrorType = 211 // Access to wall's comment denied
	WallAccessReplies       ErrorType = 212 // Access to post comments denied
	WallAccessAddReply      ErrorType = 213 // Access to status replies denied
	WallAddPost             ErrorType = 214 // Access to adding post denied
	WallAdsPublished        ErrorType = 219 // Advertisement post was recently added
	WallTooManyRecipients   ErrorType = 220 // Too many recipients
	StatusNoAudio           ErrorType = 221 // User disabled track name broadcast
	WallLinksForbidden      ErrorType = 222 // Hyperlinks are forbidden
	WallReplyOwnerFlood     ErrorType = 223 // Too many replies
	WallAdsPostLimitReached ErrorType = 224 // Too many ads posts
	PollsAccess             ErrorType = 250 // Access to poll denied
	PollsAnswerID           ErrorType = 252 // Invalid answer id
	PollsPollID             ErrorType = 251 // Invalid poll id
	PollsAccessWithoutVote  ErrorType = 253 // Access denied, please vote first
	AccessGroups            ErrorType = 260 // Access to the groups list is denied due to the user's privacy settings
	// This album is full
	// You need to delete the odd objects from the album or use another album.
	AlbumFull   ErrorType = 300
	AlbumsLimit ErrorType = 302 // Albums number limit is reached
	// Permission denied. You must enable votes processing in application settings
	// Check the app settings:{Your API_ID}&section=payments
	VotesPermission                   ErrorType = 500
	Votes                             ErrorType = 503  // Not enough votes
	AdsPermission                     ErrorType = 600  // Permission denied. You have no access to operations specified with given object(s)
	WeightedFlood                     ErrorType = 601  // Permission denied. You have requested too many actions this day. Try later
	AdsPartialSuccess                 ErrorType = 602  // Some part of the request has not been completed
	AdsSpecific                       ErrorType = 603  // Some ads error occurred
	AdsObjectDeleted                  ErrorType = 629  // Object deleted
	GroupChangeCreator                ErrorType = 700  // Cannot edit creator role
	GroupNotInClub                    ErrorType = 701  // User should be in club
	GroupTooManyOfficers              ErrorType = 702  // Too many officers in club
	GroupNeed2fa                      ErrorType = 703  // You need to enable 2FA for this action
	GroupHostNeed2fa                  ErrorType = 704  // User needs to enable 2FA for this action
	GroupTooManyAddresses             ErrorType = 706  // Too many addresses in club
	VideoAlreadyAdded                 ErrorType = 800  // This video is already added
	VideoCommentsClosed               ErrorType = 801  // Comments for this video are closed
	MessagesUserBlocked               ErrorType = 900  // Can't send messages for users from blacklist
	MessagesDenySend                  ErrorType = 901  // Can't send messages for users without permission
	MessagesPrivacy                   ErrorType = 902  // Can't send messages to this user due to their privacy settings
	MessagesTooOldPts                 ErrorType = 907  // Value of ts or pts is too old
	MessagesTooNewPts                 ErrorType = 908  // Value of ts or pts is too new
	MessagesEditExpired               ErrorType = 909  // Can't edit this message, because it's too old
	MessagesTooBig                    ErrorType = 910  // Can't sent this message, because it's too big
	MessagesKeyboardInvalid           ErrorType = 911  // Keyboard format is invalid
	MessagesChatBotFeature            ErrorType = 912  // This is a chat bot feature, change this status in settings
	MessagesTooLongForwards           ErrorType = 913  // Too many forwarded messages
	MessagesTooLongMessage            ErrorType = 914  // Message is too long
	MessagesChatUserNoAccess          ErrorType = 917  // You don't have access to this chat
	MessagesCantSeeInviteLink         ErrorType = 919  // You can't see invite link for this chat
	MessagesEditKindDisallowed        ErrorType = 920  // Can't edit this kind of message
	MessagesCantFwd                   ErrorType = 921  // Can't forward these messages
	MessagesCantDeleteForAll          ErrorType = 924  // Can't delete this message for everybody
	MessagesChatNotAdmin              ErrorType = 925  // You are not admin of this chat
	MessagesChatNotExist              ErrorType = 927  // Chat does not exist
	MessagesCantChangeInviteLink      ErrorType = 931  // You can't change invite link for this chat
	MessagesGroupPeerAccess           ErrorType = 932  // Your community can't interact with this peer
	MessagesChatUserNotInChat         ErrorType = 935  // User not found in chat
	MessagesContactNotFound           ErrorType = 936  // Contact not found
	MessagesMessageRequestAlreadySend ErrorType = 939  // Message request already send
	ParamPhone                        ErrorType = 1000 // Invalid phone number
	PhoneAlreadyUsed                  ErrorType = 1004 // This phone number is used by another user
	AuthFloodError                    ErrorType = 1105 // Too many auth attempts, try again later
	AuthDelay                         ErrorType = 1112 // Processing.. Try later
	ParamDocID                        ErrorType = 1150 // Invalid document id
	ParamDocDeleteAccess              ErrorType = 1151 // Access to document deleting is denied
	ParamDocTitle                     ErrorType = 1152 // Invalid document title
	ParamDocAccess                    ErrorType = 1153 // Access to document is denied
	PhotoChanged                      ErrorType = 1160 // Original photo was changed
	TooManyLists                      ErrorType = 1170 // Too many feed lists
	AppsAlreadyUnlocked               ErrorType = 1251 // This achievement is already unlocked
	AppsSubscriptionNotFound          ErrorType = 1256 // Subscription not found
	AppsSubscriptionInvalidStatus     ErrorType = 1257 // Subscription is in invalid status
	InvalidAddress                    ErrorType = 1260 // Invalid screen name
	CommunitiesCatalogDisabled        ErrorType = 1310 // Catalog is not available for this user
	CommunitiesCategoriesDisabled     ErrorType = 1311 // Catalog categories are not available for this user
	MarketRestoreTooLate              ErrorType = 1400 // Too late for restore
	MarketCommentsClosed              ErrorType = 1401 // Comments for this market are closed
	MarketAlbumNotFound               ErrorType = 1402 // Album not found
	MarketItemNotFound                ErrorType = 1403 // Item not found
	MarketItemAlreadyAdded            ErrorType = 1404 // Item already added to album
	MarketTooManyItems                ErrorType = 1405 // Too many items
	MarketTooManyItemsInAlbum         ErrorType = 1406 // Too many items in album
	MarketTooManyAlbums               ErrorType = 1407 // Too many albums
	MarketItemHasBadLinks             ErrorType = 1408 // Item has bad links in description
	StoryExpired                      ErrorType = 1600 // Story has already expired
	StoryIncorrectReplyPrivacy        ErrorType = 1602 // Incorrect reply privacy
	PrettyCardsCardNotFound           ErrorType = 1900 // Card not found
	PrettyCardsTooManyCards           ErrorType = 1901 // Too many cards
	PrettyCardsCardIsConnectedToPost  ErrorType = 1902 // Card is connected to post
	CallbackServersLimit              ErrorType = 2000 // Servers number limit is reached
	Recaptcha                         ErrorType = 3300 // Recaptcha needed
	PhoneValidation                   ErrorType = 3301 // Phone validation needed
	PasswordValidation                ErrorType = 3302 // Password validation needed
	OtpAppValidation                  ErrorType = 3303 // Otp app validation needed
	EmailConfirmation                 ErrorType = 3304 // Email confirmation needed
	AssertVotes                       ErrorType = 3305 // Assert votes

Error codes. See

func GetType

func GetType(err error) ErrorType

GetType returns the error type

func (ErrorType) New

func (errorType ErrorType) New(msg string) error

New creates a new customError

func (ErrorType) Newf

func (errorType ErrorType) Newf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error

Newf creates a new customError with formatted message

func (ErrorType) Wrap

func (errorType ErrorType) Wrap(err error, msg string) error

Wrap creates a new wrapped error

func (ErrorType) Wrapf

func (errorType ErrorType) Wrapf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error

Wrapf creates a new wrapped error with formatted message

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL